so we can we can start do the VFW thing while you're doing that or yeah I'll be two seconds I'm just going get okay all right I need a motion to come out of closed session so make second all in favor I all right and just we're just trying to get we need our councel who is away on zoom and we're having some technical difficulties um the first thing we are going to do is have a presentation from the VFW Post 2445 if these guys could just give us one more minute please see if we can get this up and running you go with me okay gentlemen from the VF W would you like to come up and make a presentation we appreciate you coming here this evening good evening my name is my name is Jay Renwick and the commander sh BFW post 2445 I have our Quarter Master here John gunkle he's so say it doesn't for anyone that doesn't know what a Quarter Master is it's like our Treasurer or CFO he's our wizard he's the money man huh he's the money man he's the money man so we wanted to come up you know give Council presentation of what what we do you know our our national commander-in Chief U is from New Jersey believe it or not and he's been to our post um and he has a saying he says you know we're not just a ginger one we we actually do stuff yeah um and I'm proud of our membership and what we've been able to accomplish over the 2023 year so I asked John to come up we prepared a list of some of our accomplishments and I want him to read them all all this is what we've done in the past year I it's Mage that we take out the take it out of what we call the assistance Fund in January we distributed $548 assistance to the vet veteran and donation to The Relief Fund in February we donated 00 to Maple shet baseball and March $100 American Cancer Society 500 to the maple shet Township Easter hunt in April $250 for the Shriners and 500 for riton high school in May we donated $100 in e a n g NJ $250 to Maple Shade band parents Association $1,000 the Maple Shade high school scholarship $1,820 to Endeavor school as space bow jackets from theu Air Base as the kids school for Fort Dixon Maguire 500 for toys for THS 2,500 for mo fo met families fire victims in June we have $432 for Patriot pen plets $600 for patri pen winess that's the essay's contest of BFW s for sixth grade all the way through to uh 12th grade at eth from 6th to 8th it's Patriots pen from 9th to 12th it's called voice of democracy uh we didn't get any participate the participation from the high school for the voice of democracy last school year that changed this year I want you guys to know for the district Maple Shade one and a Patriots pen for the voice of democracy Maple Shade one for the teacher award Maple Shade war and I do believe I don't have clarification yet that we're going to win the officer of the year award also for the district fantastic great fantastic we have 500 Maple Shade street hockey in July 1,75 veter assistance 1,000 for the PPA local 7 $500 for St June in August $500 for maple stade soccer $119 for scout pla $100 for mssc $500 for the Eagle Scout and October $300 for the nclf $200 for Masonic L 261 36 for minutes matter that is a CPR they' be coming to our post probably for the last three years and this past year it means a lot more to me was in June 11th I died at the gym somebody was walking by new CPR and that's why I'm here God Bless you that's awesome uh $250 for Maple Shade ban November $1,170 for minutes matter 4 ,750 Thanksgiving gift cards for needy families from the school district $450 for the veterans Thanksgiving in December 434 hours girl got breakfast $1,246 for the minutes matter $270 for a veteran plaque that is a the last P that came out of Vietnam and we held a thing down in mortown for particularly for that person uh $1,000 for breast cancer awareness $2,500 for Toys for Tots CB Scout hobell $300 Masonic large hobell another 150 uh these are canteen and Hall events this is stuff that we do at the hall that we invent the community to come to Memorial Day $220 July 4th 320 cop night 250 Thanksgiving breakfast 386 po Harvey day 2557 with Harvey for the end the kids Christmas party I want to say something about po har day usually we get a participation from Stein how School this year was some kind of a conflict uh principal had did it in the past this year was just wasn't the case it's past past year and uh he asked me if I could change today change right so if you guys can communicate to him day December 7th use of facilities through the year was as the whole facilities was $14,700 breakdown is physical money we gave to was 31,725 horn events 3,733 the use of the hall and what I mean by that is like an organization comes and needs to use the hall and it's a community organization we let them have it so I only estimated the price not the full hold rank but a third of it that came out to 14,700 Grant total was 5,27 impressive wonderful thank you fantastic how do you raise you guys for us you guys do a lot for us too how do you go about raising all that money that's an awesome amount of money you have to give away how did you go about raising all the money that's awesome we have some fundraisers uh we have two fundraisers a year one is actually next month our St Patty day party um we have social Affairs permit we're doing everything cor she keeps me in line um and then our other major event is the clam that we have in September which is you know a big fundraiser but you know we it's just from our our regular clientele so for every draft beer that we sell we donate a quarter to a charity something started the beginning of 2023 wow fantastic and you just you just had an a activity this Sunday about the the uh guide not the guide dog but the um service dogs correct can9 chanion we gave them $1,000 and there was a fire victim this past week and a half ago and we gave them $1,000 yeah we were just talking about 2023 right right right but what I'm saying is you constantly do that we get the money for our fundraisers and F the C well thank you for all you do that is uh that is very support you any way we can yes thank you thank you so much thank you thank you for your service mayor if I could just to let you know that um we are still having Zoom difficulties here so uh solic fee is on Zoom to this laptop so okay okay fantastic thank you all right ordinances um introduction and first reading ordinance number 20 24-02 an ordinance of the township of aaple shade in the county of Burlington New Jersey amending chapter one excuse me 194 of the Township Code entitled vehicles and traffic at sub chapter 19423 to identify a new turn prohibition um motion for an induction so moved second any comments roll call please there Mr Kaufman yes Miss noon yes Mrs vpy yes Mr whis approved mayor Schmid approved publication date will be February 29 2024 with a public hearing on March 28th 2024 ordinance number 20 24-3 an ordinance of the township of Maple Shade County of Burlington New Jersey to amend the Maple Shade Township Code at chapter 36 police to create new article 3 extra Duty Police Services uh motion for introduction second second any comments a roll call please sorry Mr Kaufman yes Miss NES yes Mrs Wy yes Mr wh approved mayor schi approved again publication date February 29 2024 with a public hearing on March 28 2024 uh this is a public meeting so this is the public portion for the consent agenda items does anyone have any questions or comments in reference to the consent agenda seeing none can I get a motion to close the public portion second all in favor I I all right consent agenda resolution 2024 r-47 resolution authorizing establishment of lean for property maintenance for Block 189.1 lot 3.05 resolution 2024 r- 48 approving a temporary various street closure and authorized use of John F Kennedy or Aces field for 2024 Maple Shade youth football Association Carnival and beer garden resolution 2024 r49 appoint Daniel mcdonal as planning board member alternate number one with a term to expire December 31st of 2024 resolution 2024 r-50 amend amend contract with Earl asphalt company for the resurfacing of Maran Lane and approved final change order number one final payment and release of retaining resolution 2024 r- 51 except 2-year maintenance bond in the amount of $174,200 and release performance guarantee for Earl asphalt company with respect to the surfacing to excuse me to resurfacing of Marian Lane resolution 2024 d-52 authorize road closings from Municipal events resolution 2024 r- 53 amend resolution number number 2024 r-38 authorizing the use of the municipal lot and temporary street closure for the 2024 food truck festival hosted by Main Street Maple Shade Incorporated on June 10th of 2024 resolution 2024 d-54 authorize appointment of amber k as an interim Municipal Court Administrator of the Maple Shade Municipal Court can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda second second any comments roll call please T Mr coffin yes Miss noon yes Mrs vby yes Mr whis approved mayor Schmid approved uh approval of expenditure lists Susan thank you our current fund bill is 3,249 63666 Utility Fund bill is $661,000 trust fund $450,500 Grant fund $1,232 73 I have reviewed the above Bill list as submitted and recommend payment when funds are available make a motion to approve thank you so made uh any comments okay roll call please sorry Mr Kaufman yes Miss NES yes Mrs Wy yes Mr W approved mayor Schmid approved uh approval of the 202 four minutes as done by Terry did this did you right always y uh can I get a motion to approve the minutes motion to approve second any comments besides are great thank you uh roll call please Mr Kaufman yes Miss n yes Mrs Wy yes Mr whis approved mayor schi approved all right just a public portion of the meeting any members of the public wishing to speak the council please uh step to the mic hello hello Rico 53 C Avenue uh back in the fall I came up here to get a for adopted drain to paint adopted drains and I had the submissions I didn't know if you wanted them see them them so I brought them I think we like the GL that's appreciate it so they submit at six even though we five I don't know we can make excep schol big building which we were going to give the pizza party for we haven't voted on which one we're going yet for that okay so these are all just those were the six that were submitted to us aw so there's going to be one and they'll all be the same there will be four we're going to do at the high school that'll be different that'll be the each one of pictures the best one one that we all vot on to be at the municipal building and then get a pizza for are these all the same pictures so I can one for each um I was going through don't we need to wait on that no you're okay on these these are all right okay so we'll just upate you guys we doing that we're going to announce probably is May so we have a little bit okay question you're good thank you did you get the um the people that were going to supply the who was going to supply the paint we're out of the P Community okay and you have the contract with this you know who you chose yes I'm going to send it over to Karen once we have I'm working on the coding because um did it and they do some kind of over yes because you were saying had to be safe yeah yeah okay okay thanks all right thank you anyone else all oh I'm sorry she she was walking right behind you but you're you guys want to argue that out good evening I'm s Ki 41 North Clinton um I just wanted to come up this evening to talk about our women's day Expo that we're planning um I wanted to invite everyone to join us on March 7th for a transformative experience at our women's empowerment Expo it's being held at Fox Meadow Community Center from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. at our event you will discover inspiration connect with likeminded individuals and explore avenues for personal and professional growth the empowerment event is designed to uplift educate and celebrate the strength of women men who celebrate women are also welcome to join us don't miss out on an evening filled with insightful speakers interactive workshops and a supportive community that will leave you motivated and empowered mark your calendars for an evening of empowerment like no other if you have any questions please let me know thank you awes thank you and also so uh the lady just standing in front of you is our the the new president of the Maple Shade Business Association so congratulations congratulations thank you address Sor her address how you good e Bill 540 eastlon just curious about curbing um our section right there doesn't have the curve so people come over visit Tak up the Cur know who would be best to talk to to figure out I'm assuming Township doesn't do Cur it's only the homeowners for Cur typically yes so unless we're doing a road project in that area and it's part of it but yes so if you needed to do it in front of your have you come up to Planning and Zoning um and probably will be able to help you um he's not in on Fridays he works but he's here Monday to Thursday okay all right tell me your name once again I could U Bill SS okay a y r s thank you yeah and the other thing I been to the planning me the um just curious to know like the lot that's up next to the forain street F off it was the oldhouse actually on Main Street acrossing the gas station the gas yeah the it was a furniture store yeah back in the day was there something before I thought was yeah they're coming before we're working on it it's a long drawn out process unfortunately board agenda so they're coming they are on the agenda for this month so there's just a lot going on behind it just trying to figure out all the all the technical things yeah between funding and and you know making sure the ground's clean we have to make sure apparatus can get in and turn around and there's been a lot of uh a lot of back and forth with that for the four years hone councel so my dad's retired New Jersey Transit I know that the old bus lock down there was a lot oh yes thanks all right thank you anyone else all right seeing no one like to make a motion to close the public p so me all in favor I I all right we'll start with staff and professional comments as usual Sandy I am going to pick on you I want to say uh I'm very sorry to hear about Jose lowski uh he's been with uh the township for so many years he did retire but what a man he was a fantastic and loved person in every way and uh we're going to miss him and just condolences to his wife Dawn and his family thank you awesome thank you I'd also like to send condolences out to the saski family uh I would run into Joe besides coming up here but at a car shows and I'm going to miss hearing his name being called for his truck he had a beautiful Ford truck and I'd also like to send condolences to the mulena family I'm sure there's a lot of you out there that know at least one of them um very sorry to hear Rocko passing and that's it thank you Mr caufman thank you m um also condolences to the Sadowski family Not only was Joe a employee here in the township but I don't know if Mrs BBY remembers but he was an employee of the mle shade school board at one time also uh and he served dual purposes there so U he will be sadly missed uh regardless of of where he was the only other thing I want to mention is that Maple Shade Rotary will have its annual pancake breakfast on Palm Sunday it'll be at uh Steiner School um and everything will be the same from from 8 to noon basket raffle since Easter Bunny will be there for the kids and uh the uh cost Remains the Same uh tickets any rotary member has tickets that you can get and um all money raise goes to scholarships for the high school kids that's all mayor awesome thank you that mayor Le um our condolences go out to the fire victims of Cedar Avenue we've reached out to them uh to give them some direction and tell them whatever their needs are if they reach out to us we'll do whatever we can to help them um again our thoughts condolences go out the saski family family Joe was a longtime part-time employee of the township um on Saturday February 10th our Township manager Susan Danson spoke at a leg of municipality sponsored event at the Weston Hotel a Fellowship Road right next to us in Mount Laurel she certainly represented Maple Shade well and got an outstanding Round of Applause when when she finished uh change the subject a little bit I'm sure uh the Super Bowl is out of most people's minds but I think it was one of the best competitive Super Bowls that I've ever seen no matter who the winner was and who your favorite was I thought it was a really good game last week's Daytona 500 got rained out on Sunday and around at 4:00 on Monday uh started in the daylight finished Under The Lights and the next thing was the maple Shay Business Association had its first breakfast meeting of the Year this past Tuesday it was very well attended the new president was announced and she just made her appearance here Sarah kii uh some new members were announced uh and it looks like Maple Shade business station Business Association is off to a good start for 2024 uh that's all I have May thank you very much um I would obviously like to uh put my condolences out to to the saski family I think at every car show Joe took come a trophy uh he did have a beautiful truck um speaking of car shows the msba is working on bringing back the Maple Shade car show um details are still being worked out uh we're trying for the 7th of dece excuse me of September a cold car show 7th of September oh nice um the exact location's not confirmed yet we have a couple options we're trying to figure out um we'll keep you up to date as the information becomes available so um and that is all I have uh old business Susan operations sure um just to piggyback a little bit off of what uh Deputy Mayor we said on the 10th I did speak with new at the New Jersey League of municipalities I was asked to speak on the um relationships between Township managers and council members committee members and what to expect when you're coming in so that was a great honor for for myself to be able to speak and front was about a room of about 100 people uh newly elected officials so um also I just wanted to make mention that our project on North Kohl's and Collins Lane the NJ doot project that has been seems to be have going on forever and ever finally is going to be closed out I transferred that over to our present engineer as the um hired engineer for that project did not close out and we are now seriously at risk at losing the grant money for that project um so R&V will be taking over we'll be doing all the final closeout paperwork um and walk doing our final walk through and everything we have gotten confirmation that the punch list was completed um but definitely want someone to go out there and and look at it so that will be done in the um probably in the next two weeks and we're very thankful that R&V has stepped up to uh to help us out who was the original engineering company Aloo so um on February 14th mayor Schmidt and I had a conference call with our special Council Ron mandelo who is helping us draft our cannabis ordinance uh Mr Mr mandelo had indicated that he should have a draft for us hopefully within the next week and if all in place and acceptable to council the ordinance could be introduced at the March 7th Township meeting so we'll have that and I will get that out to you um this ordinance obviously so you know and so that our residents know it said the township can opt in um to allowing cannabis in town we did have that referendum a couple years ago and it did pass overwhelmingly um so but this ordinance will also put the parameters uh in place as we discussed at our last meeting so I think it was a very good meeting I think you would agree as well mayor it was uh he's quite a character too so it was enlightening and yeah it's a it's going to be very positive I'm very much looking forward to that um our food bank project is uh the grant that we got the $125,000 demolition starts on Monday the 26th so that's exciting I had talked with Terry zarnik earlier in the week and let her know so they're very excited to see everything that's going to be happening our DPW will handle the um the Demolition and then from there we will get the contract contactor in we've already started with the specs to be able to get somebody to come in and start the construction for it I expect that to take anywhere between four and 6 weeks and then our food bank will be hopping and up and running and modern day and um we were able to as part of that Grant connecting with Virtua the mobile um Wellness truck that comes the Mobile Food Truck that comes so the goal is to use some of the grant money where people utilizing the uh the food bank will then also get a gift card to be able to buy fruit fresh fruit and vegetables as well um so it really is a full community effort and uh we're we're excited it should be it should be a good a good thing see a m of the gr again I'm sorry 125,000 yeah and then the food bank also had received $96,000 from um the Lutheran Church right the Lutheran Church when they had closed so we're using some of that money too uh there were some things that when I sat down with the food bank they had some ideas that they wanted to do and uh it was great so it's really a collaborative effort and they're looking forward to it they'll have a full system of being able to track all you know inventory and all their food and everything be good right um next I had a meeting with r R&V as well and we discussed the following projects that are going on um they're prepared they we've kept them very busy the last uh you know eight weeks of the year but where we are uh they have taken over the Front Street Road Project which is another njd grant that we received I believe that was 250,000 or 275,000 that we got there um so they have started that that work and putting the specs together and and putting that project together also part of that was Alexander and ruo um that was part of that Grant as well so they're starting to work on that we've received $174,000 grant for the work to be completed at North Kohl's and Roland so that will finish that last part of that NJ do project and just bring it around do some curbing work there and how much was that that one's 174,000 thank you um we went out and we looked at Broadway and there's going to be some Patchwork done there we're kind of time time that because that will also be an infrastructure project with water and sewer so we will be doing some Patchwork there just to clean up what some of the issues that we're having um we are storm water they're helping us with our storm water and and our ms4 requirements uh we are still in our shared service with Burlington County Soil if you recall I guess it was it might have been last year towards or maybe the end of 2022 I was all excited we had that map and it mapped out all those inlets and our basins and everything I'm just excited because 2023 finished um and they identified another 33 private basins um these are things that even though they're not our basins the municipality is still responsible for we are not to maintain we're responsible to make sure that they are being maintained Through The Years our recordkeeping has not been all that great having have put this project in place we've been able to identify some of them and now we are going back to the business owners and telling the business owners hey you have a requirement you have a a responsibility to maintain these um and that will help us with our permitting as well and so far too they have identified 200 inlets um and again now we have a spreadsheet of these things we have locations we have maps that are all pinpointed that tell us exactly where they are um code enforcement has been working closely with us to make sure that they are today we found another two that we didn't know that we had um so it's it's really a project that's going along very well and again it's a shared service that comes through pretty much uh you know Burlington County right Burlington County Soil Conservation right lastly our Safe Streets to school's Grant uh we were awarded for uh right in front of Yokum school where we're going to be doing some pedestrian upgrades new crosswalks uh working on the curb line there uh trying to do a little bit of some bump outs to just make it so that it's not as confined um you know when you're driving by and know when I come in or do my my rounds in the morning know it's tight when there's another car passing by there so BS or yeah well I've been in that position too so the bus as well um follow up from the last meeting regarding our parking along Main Street I did reach out to the County chief fletched and I had gone back and forth a little bit as well um just with some ideas knowing that this is a much larger project than than Council or just you know the chief and I sitting down with our team saying that yep let's pop some signs up and make it a 15minute parking or a 20 minute parking or so we are going through a plan there did speak with the engineer as well so we can begin those discussions and really find out what works best on Main Street um we have to get the county involved we do because it's a that's a County Road it a County Road um also want to get the planner involved because they'll have ideas especially as we have these I know if uh when RPM and the baren building gets developed and then of course when the um volcano Steakhouse and sushi that gets developed that's all going to add to our parking issues on Main Street so those are things that need to be discussed and and need to be thought of prior to again to us just going out and saying yep we're going to put up a sign and now everything's good uh you know in the short term that's that's an okay idea in the long term it's not so we're looking at long-term planning for that lastly uh Maple Shade we have been invited to participate in the 30 Mayors and 30 developers Network event um if youve ever heard of that basically that's exactly what it is 30 Mayors and 30 developers um but it is an invitation only event and that brings together Mayors and developers and key players from our municipalities um that were able to go and we can foster development we can talk about Redevelopment in our town it gives us the opportunity to showcase and highlight our community so again Maple Shade was chosen this year um as one so myself uh I'll be asking members of council if they want to go it's June 5th our director our business and economic devel development director and I will be there but we're going to put together a full program and a full plan I was fortunate enough to have been asked in my last Community I went probably now I guess it's almost 10 years ago um when we had gone it's an amazing event you get connected with a ton of developers business owners you get to hear from other communities and well as well and really see what's going on and what other towns are doing um obviously here in Maple Shade you know we're we're 96 97% build out so we are more of a Redevelopment but this will connect us and put us in front of those people that that we would need to talk to um you know and would come in and have ideas as well so and this is a state program I'm sorry State no it's a private it's the Dare business Network okay so but that isn't uh it's a national network and they go around but again Maple Shade was chosen for this area um to go on June 5th that's the end of my report thank goad please one question is there any look at Front Street as far as Milling repaving yes that's part of the NJ do grant that I talked about that's the first one where I said that it was front and uh what did I say front and what was that my first one front yeah Front Street that's that that's that road project that we're talking that's from Fork Landing to Styles Avenue St yeah yeah so we've done some patching there we did go out I know that we had a couple residents that had come up I think a meeting or two ago and had mentioned about it we did go out DPW went and immediately it's bad I mean there's only so many times they've been put in patch in the same place one of the guys said they've been doing it for like seven or eight years and so it it needs to be addressed but that is the dot grant that we went for great yeah thank you do we have a chance to go out I know you and I had spoken a resident asked me about County I'm sorry about about County ad yes do anyone I did send an Eng send and send the engineers a message um and also had DPW go out so perfect yeah all right cool all right uh the last site plan was February 6th and I um talked about that at the meeting right after that the next site plan is March 5th if there is business I haven't heard anything yet but there usually is fantastic now last thing we have listed is the Cannabis ordinance I think it kind of thought I was on there sorry and I put no that's good it's on anything in new business um I have something you um appointed Dan McDonald this tonight for planning board uh we have two more applications in happy to say oh that's great yeah so um one I believe it was uh Matthew ree re is interested in planning and his wife Beth is interested in zoning cool so Beth Reeves Reeves yeah so if we do these at the next meeting the planning board will be complete and we'll only need one more for zoning great okay all right good the one that we appointed toight yes we were short we very short very short absolutely thank thankful people are stepping up well we we also just need to reach out to people that we know and ask them rather than wait until when we need somebody and then Panic you know but just expecting people to voluntarily come up and say yeah I'd like to be on that it doesn't happen so we all know enough people and just mention it to those that might be good partip yes absolutely all right anything else anyone else have any new business all right with that then we do not need to go back in close correct all right so I would uh make a motion to adjourn until uh the next schedule meeting is March 14th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. show moveed second all in favor I thank you everyone for coming all righty yes yes talk that young lady right there sing's fun I like I always enjoyed that I'm sure planning uh interesting when I get home tonight I will email you a citizen leadership tomorrow I'll send you um the form tomorrow there's an online form so you can just go online or I can all email you want and then okay you'll get three or four unless you back on the 30 mayor