how are you John okay we're set all right we're going to start with the open Board of Health meeting great thank you we only had three calls we had two for sanitary conditions one was unfounded and one was abated with treatment and then we had a standing water call uh that was unfounded as well in a pool that uh that actually wasn't a pool it was a pool with no water and no cover so it that was the end of the uh the reports for July awesome this is a public meeting is there anyone that would like to make comments and reference to the Board of Health meeting J hearing none can I get a motion to close move second any comments all in favor I and can I get a motion to adjourn the Board of Health meeting moved second all in favor I all right ordinances second reading and public hearing ordinance number 20 24-12 an ordinance of the township of Maple Shade in the county of Burlington New Jersey amending the municipal code to revise chapter 174 governing stormw control this is an open public meeting is there anyone from the public that would like to make a comment and reference to that seeing n done can I get a motion to close so move second comments all in favor I I I can I get a motion to adopt move second comments roll call please Terry Mr Kaufman yes Miss NES yes Mrs VY yes Mr Weis approved mayor Schmid approved ordinance number 2024 D13 an ordinance authorizing the purchase of real property known as 6567 D6 7A Old Kings Highway and designated as block 173.04 lot 8.03 in the township of Maple Shade County of Brownington state of New Jersey this is an open public meeting does anyone from the public have anything they'd like to ask or say about that seeing none can I get a motion to close so so move second any comments all in favor I I and I'm going to get a motion to close excuse me motion to table this um ordinance because we believe we have a small advertising conflict and we just want to confirm our dates so we're going to table this to August 15th so made second any comments roll call please T Mr Kaufman yes M no yes Mrs vulpi yes Mr whis approved mayor Schmid approved this is the public portion for the consent agenda items does anyone from the public wish to speak in reference to our consent agenda items hearing and seeing none can I get a motion to close so made second all in favor I consent agenda resolution 2024 r-122 to amend non-fair and open contract for Professional Services resolution 2024 r-123 authorize renewal of 2024 and 2025 liquor licenses resolution 2024 D r-124 resolution releasing performance guarantee for home and Automotive Group Incorporated block 189 lot one resolution 2024 d-125 resolution to declare block 1.02 lot 11 as tax exempt and to cancel taxes from July 8 through December 31 2024 resolution 2024 d-126 Award of contract to think pavers hardscaping LLC for improvements the various roadways as part of the 2024 roadway pavement restoration project in the amount of $17,250 resolution 224 D excuse me R-1 127 authorizing the appointment of Nicholas worstall to the Mapleshade police department and attendance at the Gloucester County Police Academy resolution 2024 d-128 authorizing the appointment of Charles zimac to the state oh excuse me to the Maple Shade police department and attend the Gloucester County Police Academy resolution 2024 d-1129 amend contract with Booth mechanical ink for the hydrant replacement program approve final change order number one finally resolution 2024 d-130 Township of the excuse me resolution of the township Council for the town of Maple Shade in support of the state cannabis retail application of high-profile Maple Shade LLC can I get a motion to approve appr the consent agenda so move second comments roll call please Mr cman yes Miss n yes Mrs WBY yes Mr W approved mayor Smith approved approval of expenditure list Susan Frank current fund bill is 3,137 45222 Utility Fund 34439 a48 Capital fund is $282 utility Capital $56,950 trust fund $432,500 fund bill is $ 22,38 769 I have reviewed the above bill is as submitted and recommend payment when funds are available and just as a reminder this bill L represents almost six and a half weeks of bills the way that our meeting is so we make sure that we have the four weeks that we just had and then an additional two two and a half weeks before we have to go into our next meeting so perfect thank you for that make a motion to approve the expenditure list second comments roll call please sorry Mr cman yes m n yes Mrs Wy yes Mr whis approve mayor Schmid approved approval of June 202 24 minutes can I get a motion to approve so move second comments Terry Roll call Mr cman yes Miss NES yes Mrs Wy yes Mr W approved mayor Smith approved this is the public portion of our meeting is there anyone from the public has anything they'd like to bring up to council hi all right seeing none can I get a motion to close made second oh my God I just lost my all in favor hi it's not good I apologize uh staff and professional comments uh I'm going to change things up and start with Mr caufman started with I I'm changing it that I'm staying with it but I'll get the same thing I get last time thank you mayor I have no comments perfect thank you uh councilwoman noons well I just wanted to mention the Burlington County Farm Fair uh for the public to go down and check it out and uh see what the county has to offer it's a great event for the family and thank God the heat has broken so uh that'll be um 18th 19th 20th I believe it's 4 4 to 10:30 at night I believe correct and County Fairgrounds County Fairgrounds in Springfield where you get in at that juncture and again as I mentioned uh last time last meeting was uh we have of course the heat has broken but still uh be diligent with your pets make sure you check on your elderly um be careful with the kids in the car and things like that it's just uh just a reminder but have a great summer and uh that's all I have thank you I have nothing thank you I sure um thought we talk about the Fourth of July parade on Main Street um it was a great one weather was good it was a little warm as it has been for the month of July the VFW was the lead off the floats the string bands everyone else who attended made it an excellent event for Maple Shade special Thanks goes out to Lauren and all that helped put that together and make it a successful event for the town the bubble Fest at the high school on July 10th was an unbelievable event the estimate of approximately a thousand people attending was fantastic the kids and the the adults had a great time and it seems as though the heat and humidity was not a deterrent uh I don't know if they had bubbles with the last rain or not was enough of that on the ground uh coming up Tuesday August the 6 6th is the annual National Night Out event it'll be held at the aces field as it was last year from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. there are plenty of new events planned so bring the kids and enjoy an even of fun and games there will be a ribbon cutting at the new Tony Ronnie's on August 8th at 4M rumor has it the food and beverage is very good Tony ronnes is located where the old Unos was located that's it more I just want to give a quick update on the initiative ordinance the council rejected on June 12th uh the matter was pursued by the committee of petitioners up to the brington county courts and judge fckery heard the matter on July 5th the judge declared the ordinance to be invalid and that it violated New Jersey Law he terminated the initiative process he also denied the peti excuse me the petitioners application for a special election in August of this year so the provisions in Prior orders that were not modified by this are altering remain in effect uh I hope that everyone understands that but that was the outcome of that uh rolling by judge fery and I have nothing else Su or Terry have anything they'd like to throw in here no sir nothing thank you you you gotta she's like I'm ready all right Annie Let's uh on here we'll go on to Old business Susan operations thank you so just a brief update on the remediation process at the former Baron building uh the initial chemical injections have been completed so that has all been demobilized they've also uh started to prep for excavation including the testing of the concrete uh at the same time their their excavation team is now mobilizing and preparing to dig and stockpile they said that should take about 3 to four days once that is completed they have a Hilltop team responsible for what is called the teit system that's where they heat the soil um and that will begin their process in what were required are uh they said there to about 4 to S days taking them into the first week of August once they've confirmed that the slabs are clean and clear to remove which they are strongly anticipating is going to be the case they're going to then dispose safely uh of all of the material via a sanctioned recycling company that will come out and take it so overall it's about a four to six week process to excavate remove the soil and ultimately back fill with clean soil and they anticipate that that will all be completed in early September which is good um they're also confident that the disturbances to the neighbors are going to be minimal if at all I know we had we received just a couple calls from a couple of the neighboring Pro properties over the last uh neighbors over the last couple weeks when they were doing things and there they were just injecting things but I guess maybe they heard the equipment and whatnot but here they're saying it really should not be there should not be any disturbances so we'll see but we'll stay on it with our you know with the engineers and our own staff too going out there and checking over on a daily basis somebody's out there so so you said that the clean up and should be done by early September early September and then what's the next process that I don't know okay yeah so that's they're given we're discussing just in like phases so this is this pH this I can find out this is like phase one 1.5 is where we are but I will find out and ask what the next phase is I would think once the site is clean then it would probably be site construction that start with construction and everything so yeah footings and stuff yeah uh so our boom party resolution from last meeting uh was sent over to the mayor of Philadelphia Geral Parker uh it was also sent to members of her Philadelphia Council we also sent copies to uh about 13 South Jersey towns um and lo and behold we do that and the boom party show up in pens talkin the other night so yeah uh but in speaking with uh with pens Ain and their police department and whatnot uh we have a lot lot stricter laws here in New Jersey it's my understanding that pensan impounded a handful of vehicles and issued a bunch of fines so um there is there is some movement it's the resolution definitely got some traction other neighboring towns here down in South Jersey are going to be passing a similar resolution to what you guys did um so we'll uh we'll see what happens with it but the hope is is that they don't make it much further but it's loud it's very very loud the one in pensak I think it rattled everybody's windows in you know in know square mile radius it was it was unbelievable so so do they are they stationary or do they move around they move and that's what was the biggest problem too is what would happen so they're driving while the music no oh no no they stay there at the lot yeah they've they've been over at the deathro lot they've been over at the T tone Bridge ramp really have been their two main areas okay is where they've been um the police are still saying too and not just our Police Department you know residents do go over and you know they go and they like try to find them it's probably not a good um still call in numbers are still there they are going Philadelphia departments have been receptive on some nights and not so receptive on others obviously our South Jersey towns are you know those departments are really doing what they can so um so we'll see what happens but we're you know we're going to definitely monitor the situation and you know see what happens with it there was a bill written that believe last year that we put into place the state Yeah by Senator uh Senator TR Singleton right yeah I thought so and uh they may strengthen that who knows they may change a little bit and make it a little bit uh Stronger Yeah so they very well could if it continues to move you know move into New Jersey but again you know Pennsylvania Philadelphia doesn't have the impound law that New Jersey did so I mean it'll be helpful and they don't want to lose those Vehicles they got $7,500,000 and something hell yeah oh yeah yeah just in styo equipment not in the vehicle just in sty yeah they had it on the news that it was unbel they're unreal if you've never seen one it really is a shocking it really is so uh yesterday Corporal Misty Weiss and I sat on a panel at the Maple Shade school district and uh for the Maple Shade school district and the Burlington County Association of school administrators School administrators women in leadership event that's what it was called the event was held at Maple Shade high school and it featured a keynote speaker Dr Cheryl Logan who is currently the director of the McGraw Center for educational leadership at the University of Pennsylvania as well as panelist representing the FBI Perry World house Our Lady of L's hospital as well so that was a very it was a well attended event very nice uh it was great to sit on there on that event on that uh panel and be asked questions and put on the hot seat but uh yeah it was it was a nice time and there were teachers from All Over Burlington County teachers and administrators so the school district did a really good job with that uh over the next few weeks residents May notice some young employees around our parks and playgrounds these employees are part of our summer cleanup program there's four young men that we've hired from town that will be working on cleaning up our community removing signage from right of ways on public property as well as minor uh Grounds Maintenance that they're going to be doing trash collections cleaning of dirty and hardto read signs throughout town uh they will be easily identified because they're going to be the ones in the bright orange t-shirts so you'll see them so they started this week this evening after Sunset Burlington County Mosquito Control is going to be spraying in Maple Shade information regarding the area can be found on the mosquito controls page as well as on our Facebook page this evening Council as you know you just awarded the 2024 miscellaneous Road restoration project that is for Alex uh that is for North Cedar Avenue and the 500 block of Alexander so we'll be scheduling a pre-construction meeting hopefully within the next week week and a half with the contractor to discuss timelines and the notification requirements to the residents in those areas uh the bedc has been planning their Market off Maine on Saturday August 24th from 9:00 a. to 1 p.m. we've got a fabulous lineup of 30 vendors for the day it's going to feature everything from suncatchers to Clay Art to cutting boards and jewelry just to name some of the vendors who have already committed to the event so that should be a great what was the date again August 24th okay 9:00 a.m to 1: p.m. and keeping with the theme of Market off Main it will be directly behind uh gybo park right there on Wallace um and obviously too as it's already been mentioned that National Night Out is August 6th however wanted to also make mention that our Recreation director has put together a tremendous amount of Summer Fun events for the whole family we have painting with Main Street Art that's up here cooking classes we have a movie night that's scheduled we also have another concert in the park um so definitely check out our Facebook page and our newsletter and our web page for all that information that's all I've got for the summer excuse me that market off Main did you is that going to be in a gazebo or in the it'll be on Wallace W okay thank you so thank you to the uh our Jen Dixon and to Lauren Lauren thank you I just defitely thrw a blank uh doing a fantastic job for us switch over to uh our engineer report welcome by the way yes okay so I'm just going to go over the three or four that have like actual I guess updates since last time it's the Main Street Pump Station Force main Rehabilitation or replacement phase one and uh Remington and Vernick has completed the drawings for replacement of a section of the Main Street Pump Station Force M this is the section from a pump station along Route 73 basically the news is it's advertising for bids in August um and then County Avenue waterm a contract was awarded to Booth mechanical ink for the total amount of $291,000 830 $291,200 the contract documents are being processed and it is going to be in construction end of July into August and then the screw pump reconditioning um the contract was awarded to e ioka water Technologies LLC for the water wastewater treatment plant screw pump Factor service reconditioning in the amount of $389,962 [Music] and then wwtp chlorine contact tank concrete repairs is work to start after the uh screw pump reconditioning so the timing will be dictated by that and those are really um the main engineering projects in progress I would say change from last time unless there's other onle the Main Street Force meain that's going to be what that's August 1 I think we changed that too so that's the you said Main Street yeah the Main Street Force main that's the one that the drawings were just completed along Route 73 isn't that one I believe August I believe so yes okay and then do you have an update on um the storm water is there anything on the storm water what we're doing our ms4 storm water that so um today we talked to um Lind with the tax assessor Linda and Linda yes um we have a contract written on Remington Vernick side we just have to look through that and then we should be able to process it I Know Rich already went through and updated some of the store water ordinance which was which we did tonight yeah so we're definitely moving forward with it we're working for sure so councel as you know that ms4 we have that's our storm water we have a lot of updating that needed to be done with that so while we had started the process through Burlington County Soil Conservation District in that shared service where we were getting everything mapped out we were knowing like where our inlets were and where um our basins were um the actual documentation and the reporting of it we found that we were very far behind so we're working closely with the DP and then again with rmvs office through the storm water um to make sure that we get all of our Maps up to date we have more things that we need to have on the web page they've really upped their requirements um so you'll see a bunch of ordinances over the next couple meetings things that we have to get done in order to be in compliance so it's something that fell off the radar years if this isn't this isn't like you know mon this is years in the I remember talking about yeah so um so that's what we've been working on which is that's that's high priority yes so and then we do have other we have a bunch of road projects too that are coming out that we're that Dennis will be working on that he'll be uh right I know yeah so that's do you want to hear them yep okay so we were able to close out almost close out 2019 2020 um the dot project and then we have 2023 which is e front East Front in Alexander which we mentioned today 2024 Road program is North Kohl's and Roland and we sent in the uh dot um Grant application for 2025 which is North Terrace right and we started uh the engineering plans for North Co of Roland um we are just pending some of the final survey um before we can really you know continue our design so there's that um cdbg has been advertised the food bank um I do not know about that one it has been okay yeah I was not that's our food bank project so that's all done design is all done for that so uh cdbg signed off on all of the um on the bid speec and all of the requirements so we were able to put that out when do we think that'll get started uh well the bid will go out uh bid goes out so probably I'm going to say mid August P early September yeah let's not say mid August early September awesome thanks Annie Annie thank you good job um site plan yes we had a site plan meeting on July 2nd the first applicant was Stone core as we all know is we know it as stonard corporation uh their plan is to do an approximately 7700 foot addition to one of their existing buildings that will actually use up parking spaces but they explain that they have enough parking uh additional parking because of all the people that work remotely now another application was Eden son's glass on Main Street a national company has purchased it purchased it Glass America Midwest LLC they intend to continue to do what has been done here for all the time uh Ed and sons has been in Maple shap no expansion of their business uh just glass repair and um roof leaks and uh things of that nature another application was 50 South Fellowship Road uh it's currently being used as a qu Lex they had come in uh last year to see about getting getting it approved as a quadplex um but they came back and said they wanted to reduce it to approve it as a Triplex because of the limited yard and parking we suggested they make application to the appropriate board and no one is sure yet and not that we're sure but their attorneys are not sure whether it goes to plan planning or zoning um and we said that they should make an application to either of those boards to make it a duplex that's the only way they can accommodate the off street parking and the or space um they left a little disappointed and said they would take it under advisement so he does not seem to be in a big rush to get it done and I think enforcement will maybe give him a little Spark is it it's actively now a quad Flex uh well they said they right now it's made they've made it into a Triplex um but they still don't have yard space or off street parking enough um and is it zone for that could be it could be for duplex it it could yeah duplex Trix Tri I think anything other than duplex yep uh that's all we had awesome thank you uh switch over to new business can just ask a question did There's I noticed that there's another uh glass place on Lenola Road by BJs have they come in with any application that was uh that was the old mechanic probably the old mechanic that would have been back in 2020 early 23 maybe that was February yeah it was just a transmission to just a mechanic in that was signed off on uh just right through but it's but it's now it's a glass place it's not the transmission place anymore right it's just glass yeah it's just glass they've cleaned it all up it looks really nice but I don't switch to because they went from transmission it was originally a mechanic like yeah now he's not there it's the mechanic thing so no we can put that I'll put that note in and just have somebody go and check have check because I mean they've cleaned it up very nicely and I don't see any business there yet and I didn't see it come before planning or hear about it from so I just wonder okay transission which would transmission to mean meic to to Glass now it's just a glass shop now it's just a glass shop okay yep it does have a name one it has a something I'll take a right remember problem new business Solid Waste for 2025 something we probably not have a lot of fun Disc so um so if you remember I had said I guess might have been the last meeting or maybe did the meeting before that I had attended one of our uh conferences here in the state of New Jersey and the they were talking about Solid Waste and Recycling services now obviously our recycling is picked up by the county so we don't have to worry about that um but our contract for solid waste is um coming due it will be due next year um and if you remember when we had gone out back in 2020 there was the big discussion about how we're not getting biders we're you know we're not seeing costs even stay stable we were seeing rise rise in cost um we were very fortunate that with our bits back we had Garner we had five biders which was like an anomaly um but then we did a three-year contract because we knew that prices were going to change we were coming out of covid and sure is sure enough when our three-year contract ended we had to go back to them and say okay we'd like to extend your contract but how much is it going to cost and there was that back and forth where you know other towns were seeing 75% increases 53% increases um it has continued so we got very very lucky the kind the hauler has been very good to us knock on wood um we were able to negotiate a 12% increase and it didn't have that much of an impact totally on our budget and considering that you know we do you know we collect everything in Maple Shade Maple Shade I will tell you is an anomaly there are not many towns that do curbside collection of everything bulk collection every day of the week you know so um it's different so I found that this was very interesting and they were saying that you know you need a good six to n months to really put this package like to put your bid spec together and get everything out there because it's just there's nobody's bidding there's nobody bidding um so I put this package together for you and it just shows you um things that we're going to need to consider going forward what's going to be the right level of service for us for the for what we're going to get how much more are we willing to pay can I just interrupt you aren't we a part of a Consortium so no that's the Max and the max program is just for your multi- dwelling home your apartment complexes and your condominium and that one is where we share where the lead agency and we handle you know we do eam malar all of that but that's the okay that's a different bit we did that and I guess we did that back I think that was end of 22 23 is where we had we had rebid that one um so this is strictly for our residential homes and our our commercial properties on Main Street that we select that we pick up currently um if you look through this package again you know it it's what level of service what is right you know do we want to do commercial still along Main Street do we want to do bulk pickup on you know every single day do we want to switch to Containers you know the 96 containers the 96 gallon containers and go to an automated system um you the next one is you know options for considering and attempting to contain costs um the big one really is it's a reduci of bulk collection um one time per week now that was put in there because a lot of towns were still doing two times per week so many of them have dropped back to just the one time per week um fuel adjustment Provisions that's that's not really happening too much more again the establishment of a cart collection system with strict size limits uh reduce or eliminate commercial collection if it's provided uh today and then we don't have to worry about the recycling um or and then eliminate Electronics curbside which we don't do either we do the electronics down at DPW does talk a little bit about the automated and semi-automated collection again it's it's just that service is a little more efficient because you're not you don't have the J the guys on the back of the trucks you're not worried about the workers's comp costs as much so there's a lot there's a lot less claims which helps these companies to reduce their bids but you know their bids and their uh proposals to us um the attached cartilage reduce litter contamination and animal issues uh for of work worker injury is reduced and cost control is possible because of reduced staff needs and injury reduction next page is the solid waste and recycling bid train bid Trends and you'll see the price increases of between 33% and 150% the average rate in the past 12 months has been been between 54 and 80% and that was as of June so it is and it's that's not adjusted for the rate of inflation either so that's extremely important to realize um again it's Market adjustments it's limited competitors due to the bid structure so that's something that you know we all have to take into consideration too the general cost of businesses are rising the difficulty in St in securing Staffing um difficulty in time lag and obtaining equipment that's another thing you know most of these bid specs and it is a requirement that when you that your equipment from your um contractors has to be within a certain time frame of age so it's 5 years is typically what you can get away with so that's that's anything from what 2019 truck to to now next year when we bid you know at the beginning of the year that'll be from 20120 till them it's tough like a lot of them aren't doing that so uh you know and those costs we know what happened in 2020 um with Co and then of course the cost of fuel so can I go back to the semi-automatic collection yeah and you see the truck there with the container picking up M when people put out outside of the container that just stays yeah you and that would be something that we would have to that you're going to have to consider if that's going to be something we really want to reduce costs are we going to you know put that into our ordinance that says no more you're in your container and Town's put in you know just not one 196 gallon they allow 2 96 gallon containers but that's it and then you're limited with the trash and that helps keep on your piing fees and you know how much waste they really are picking up so all the bulk stuff what would the so that's something that Pat I have been working on actually we've been looking at places where the town currently owns land that the town currently owns and we've been discussing the possibility of you know if it can work of a of a um like a drop State like a it's not a recycling center but it's a a dump station a dump station basically is what it is and you put your dumpsters there residents can come they can dispose you know they can dispose of their things it's open all the time would be open on Saturdays just like um you know just like Public Works is but those would be the dumpsters and then that's where where you would have um Everyday Collection but then you do have where we do like the household where we do that once a year that would be you know either once a month we would do a curbside collection or you do it once a quarter again you can you can vary that to you know to help that push and then you can put that in the contract we could put that in the bid spec that says okay once a month on this week we're going to do curbside bulk collection and that's where the residents can put that bulk collection out as you know we we've also you know we've changed a little bit like with with the curbside and complete cleanouts of homes we found that a lot of these flippers that were coming in and buying homes they're flipping and they're putting everything out there so that doesn't Happ you know we're knocking on doors and we're putting notices out there code enforcement is out telling Hey listen you know because that shouldn't be something that every taxpayer has to pay for when they have a tenant that's coming out you know leaving the home so um yeah like that's something we're going to have to consider Pat again Pat I are actively looking we have a site in mind uh we plan in August to be able to you know say hey this is where we're thinking let start it let's see especially while we're still in this contract see how it takes off see how you know see if this is something convenient that the residents are willing to you know to do um some can some can't but again Now's the Time to start doing this while we still have some time in between where the contract ends if it's you know just to kind of get acquainted with it I guess if we got into the automated that would make a division between the residential and the commercial because I see so many of our commercial businesses put up five six eight trash cans a week a week collection a lot of them that get collected on Monday put them out on Friday they're all so they're out all weekend and I'm talking on Main Street um and the third The Collection comes between 7:30 and 8:00 so they could do that Monday morning and they they they have to be controlled right for that so those are those and those are going to be some of the things that we have to we have to consider going forward because it is it's a big portion of our um you know of our costs so I'm in the process again you know just breaking down trying to be able to break down what we're getting from our you know what it's costing commercial and I'm not saying that that's the way to go either especially right there along Main Street because you do have the apartments up there but the other thing you know with doing with doing the curbside um through an automated collection you don't always have to you don't have to do just the 96 gallon can there's also a 32 gallon can and there's also a 64 gallon can so those would be things that we could put in there um the initial cost would be to to provide the to purchase those cans that it's big nut I can tell you right now for that would be our responsibility it typically is it goes into the contract you can grant money out there any grant money there is money there's grant money that you can use um you know you can use it through your recycling trust you can use it uh not really through clean communities but there is grant money for it that you know the the government puts through um I I'll tell you when I did this I look back in 2020 when we were originally I just wanted to see what the cost was and we got it it was was between $400 and $500,000 to the contract the first year it's a very big number um you know for the containers just for the containers for a town this size that's a onetime cost one time cost yep one time cost forever though they're not no but then there's a cost that we have too but similar like what we've done with the recycling carts right now you know that when you want a second recycling cart you know it costs the township right now $72 we're charging I think it's $55 but so you offset that cost a little bit um you know the first the first container would be free to your residents but I have a lot of seniors or single people that live and they're like I don't need a 96 gallon recycle can you know I I I need a 32 or a 64 it's just too big so we would be able to control costs that way as well on just contract up current contract uh this one ends end of June 2025 okay so we still got two years no one a year and year and month yeah 10 months I think 10 months right we're in July so 11 months yeah um yep so that's that's how would that would that force uh commercial people to get a dumpster or we wouldn't be collecting commercial at all so you could do one or two things these are just throwing things you could say okay no more collection of commercial in which case you know those on Main Street or whatever that are there you'd want them to consolidate and do a dumpster we did that recently with a couple of the businesses down further on the further end of Main Street uh towards the pens and sign we talked to them they were willing they now split the cost of a dumpster so one company was paying for it the whole time new company came in next to them we worked it out we were able to get them a good rate on a dumpster they're splitting it and now it's half the cost so that was good um the other thing is you can say no okay we'll continue the way it is but you're getting a cart just like everybody if we went to automated you're getting a cart just like everybody else um or yeah you know you got to get your own dumpster or we're not picking it up find another way that causes us to where to put all these STS yeah that it's right and that that would be something I mean my off the cuff just right now saying you know my opinion would be maybe let's look more towards the carts giving them a 96 gallon cart and anything that's excess then they will have to figure out something but a lot of them already have dumpsters there's yeah we have to we'd have to take a new uh survey and a new count of exactly what's up there um you know some of the smaller shops but again and it could be on it could be on location and size and where they are and it just so happens that just you fall in a place where you can't put a dumpster and you're making out and you wind up you get you get the cart right if you are someplace it gets a dumpster or you know has the ability to have a dumpster there then okay you have to so or they'll just go use somebody else's dump or they'll use somebody else's dumpster too so um and just to you know the effect of what no competition has been so a recent event a city had to bid it three times um which you know again that goes in and remember on a solid waste bid it has to be 60 days so it's 60 days each time that bid goes out um again you know it's the price they had a price increase of 43% then the second time it was 37% then 95% because the third time the biders were like well they're they're stuck yeah you know um so they you know they got the increase and uh the existing contractor chooses to leave the new companies submitted a bid and then does the city achieve the negotiated bid result typically not like you know you wind up getting higher anyway um so there's just again this is just some other information that's in there but it is very important that we nail this down and we start thinking about this because if we wind up in a position where a lot of these other towns have been where they're not getting a bidder or two I mean you know the contracts law you're supposed to have at least two bids to be able to you know to compare the state doesn't like when you only have the one and they wonder why you only have one it does put a red flag up um so we're going to need to decide you know what we want to do and what we're willing to do and change and how just how much this is going to cost so so just some things to think about I'm going to like I said I'm going to do some uh some more research I'll get the information about the uh the Main Street and just what we are and I'll start doing some pricing on carts and whatnot and um we'll go from there but definitely please start thinking about it because I don't want to be in a position well you there's this thing on the one page about collect uh recyclables we're still this is just I just took this right from um the presentation it was actually it was a 46 page presentation I figured I would spare you the boring details of crashing so um but it is something that we're going to have to seriously consider because uh I think you know we kind of skated right underneath in between the co and then we were in a good contract with the new hauler um again who was very willing to work with us I don't know if it's going to I don't know if we're going to get that lucky this time so we hope but do any towns do like our recycle those every two weeks some do but those are going to be your smaller towns and you know it's this I mean I when I say that I've driven around and like looked at the trash and like really research it there's no way no way I mean there's I mean I would never recommend twice a week I mean I even I'm almost a little bit um hesitant to even recommend the carts just seeing what is put out on a daily you know on a daily weekly basis from everybody that would be a huge education process that we would have to do but yeah you know if it's something that it's decided to go that way we have the time now we don't have a lot of time but we have the time now to say let's start getting ready for it and that would be even more reason to have the dumpsters you know in a place where residents could go and dump you always would still have a trash dumpster you know you have a construction dumpster you have your white goods dumpster if if you know if they didn't want to leave it out um this town's very good with white goods the you know the minute you put them out somebody drives byy and picks it up I mean so you really don't have that problem the biggest problem that we have here in town are going to be your bulkier items your construction debris your beds your furniture that kind of stuff that's just I can't tell you how many sofas we pick up a week and again like we're picking up those are it's not automated it's curbside colle curbside manual collection those guys are are working and it shows in the costs that we're that we're paying and then it this doesn't even cover this is just collection this doesn't cover the Tipping fees the disposal fees that we're paying that have all gone up I mean you know those are every bit as um you know in in line with with what the uh the haulers are yeah so I got a phone call from a resident who put their flat screen TV out M and it wasn't picked up so she thought maybe the truck was too full and she put it out again the next week and I said that they they will not take it you have to take it over the Department of Public Works she said well how am I supposed to get it there I said did you replace that TV she said oh yeah we got a bigger one I said probably the same way you got that one you need to get rid of this one yeah and that's it and I understand you know the the furniture companies like when you get a new sofa you know the furniture companies they're now charging to dispose because it costs money to get rid of it you know it's not like it used to so what they're charging it's the same thing for us we're getting charged too you go to the dwn I can't tell you how many loads we've had rejected like that's the other thing you get a contaminated load that's be thankful I'm than not go wood because I will tomorrow but those contaminated loads come they will make you dump that truck they make you take it back to the DPW Yard or the yard where the hauler from and you dump it and you have to go through it I've been through that how do they know it's contaminated so when it goes through at down at the dump it goes through a detector basically and the detector knows it it's the same thing I had in my last town I had it where we had unfortunately we had a resident that had a medical condition and they were putting their medical waste in there and it went through and it was Christmas Eve and that's when the hul got contaminated we got the call and we sat there and I had to get a decontamination company to come down we had to go and they had to rate it they had to oh my God wand all it was it's a mess it's not fun um but we get it doesn't sound cheap see you know people don't realize no 15 it was 15 grand that night just one night came out did it and then we had to reload everything into the truck and then the truck went out had to sit it it's a mess so right and that's it you don't know unless you're doing it you don't know and I don't I would never expect residents to know but that's why we need to educate people not cheap we need to educate them about that we need to educate them about the sewer plant what not to F down their toilet wipes you know there's wipes that say flushable wipes they not flushable they not no they're not so just again just some things to think about um this will be a discussion topic that we have over the next couple meetings Okay um just so that we can you know make a decision and we can begin to go forward and you know see what's out there I'd much rather put out a bid spec you know this year and be Deni and have to reject it than have to do it twice in 2025 not old business yeah we to do it under old business all right thank you and then next topic is shortterm rental yeah we just another doozy another doozy come on SO in front of you you all have been given a packet of um short-term rentals and uh you know short-term rentals and then just uh two maybe three yeah three ordinances from other towns when I talk about short-term rentals I'm not talking about the rental registration program that we have I'm talking about Airbnb verbo uh what else Trulia has it Google Zillow hot pads turbo tenant all of that um the short-term rental business has you an unprecedented growth over the past 5 years definitely no signs of it slowing down today as it stands there are over 23,000 vacational rental rental companies across the United States and there's 115,000 globally that's just the companies themselves it's uh an $87 billion industry with over 448 million users worldwide we've all used them yeah it's it's easy uh it's also a common thought that these properties are located predominantly in resort areas Lakefront Mountain areas however statistics are now showing that just about 34 35% of Real Estate Investors have purchased these properties in suburban small town or Urban and Central City areas and the reason I'm making this to your bringing this to your attention tonight is because they have in Maple Shade as well um we have in front of you like I said in front of you I just took five that are currently available um they're in towns everywhere in New Jersey see uh a lot up in North Jersey Edgewater bur Bayon Union Milburn Asbury Park Red Bank Eaton Town but Cherry Hill clementin Collingswood those towns as well have all done uh short-term rental ordinances many of these communities were setting regulatory standards for this business and which have become very controversial in New Jersey um the city of Jersey City is still in current litigation about their ordinance that they put in place um because it's the ability for the investors to rent out the property on sites like I said Airbnb verbo Tru a Zillow hot pets and there's even now a site called Swim plea oh yeah and you rent a pool pool yep we have those in Maple shet too so you rent the pool by the hour um so these to be like the motels on 73 you paid $5 and you can go swim all day oh yourself player dating yourself um listen it's a lucrative business we get it but what's happening is the town's staff Police Department are getting complaints about noise about trash uh steady stream of people in and out of the properties um so it's it's having a negative impact on these communities 2018 New Jersey did enact a law that imposes state sales tax and use tax on transient space marketplaces so that's your Airbnb or that's your those kind of marketplaces um and it also allowed municipalities to impose certain fees and taxes on trans accommodations that law has since been changed to apply only to rentals of professionally managed units and rentals obtained through a transient space Marketplace so municipalities can still issue they can still put a tax on there but it has to be someone that's running it on an Airbnb a Zillow Vero that sort of thing um have we seen any money come in from that yet so no we don't because we don't technically we didn't know that we had them until formally until just a couple weeks ago so for us it's right now we're not concerned and that's not our concern it's not about taxing the owners and getting that revenue for us it's more of the safety the noise and and the trash that's trash collection the sanitation those sorts of things that we're doing so it's a much larger Public Safety concern um considering the number of multile dwelling properties that we have through town we may want to consider adding a short-term rental portion to our ordinance um to regulate this like I said these are just some and again you know some are getting $104 a night 235 a night 95 a night 306 a night I mean they're here these are current this was as of this morning these you know these were picked uh picked up off off the sites um my opinion is we should we also you know we don't know a lot of a lot of these are flippers we know that there are a lot a lot of flippers that have done it um we don't some don't have inspections some have no inspections so you know that's something that we've been working on too that that's a scary thought to think that you're putting families in there you know from from out of town and there's been no inspections we don't know what they've done in electrical we don't know what they've done on Plumbing um pool pools alone I you know again I can't tell you how many pools get installed and they're not grounded and you know exactly that's huge so it is huge and hot tub you put a hot tub that's one of the things you know they're R in the house they has a hot tub well it still needs a ground yeah absolutely yeah um so again it's something that I believe that we should consider now knowing that we have them here in town um and uh again I've given you two ordinances uh three ordinances just with the one the last one is uh colinwood that's the one that's just the one page they just inserted it into their uh their current ordinance but we do have them it is a concern our First Responders have been out there that's how we found out that they were definitely a short-term rentals and that we have them um so I I believe it's something that we're going to want to consider and especially in today's market um and they're rented like it's not like they're they're rented I the short-term rental like they're booked so it's uh something that we need to consider like I said if we're putting the same restrictions on a long-term rental property for these owners I I really think that there should be similar not restrictions but similar requirements for the short terminal yeah checks and balance we need checks and balances oh something happens you know it's it's going to be on it definitely you didn't where's the inspection were they inspected where you know well now that we know the choice yeah so that's my uh wonderful let's do our project fun good clean fun so if you're okay with and I know you have to read through some of the things if you are okay with moving forward with some sort of addition to our ordinance for the short-term rentals I can work with e absolutely have absolutely all right um Council no reason to go back and Clos correct that said five of eight motion to adjourn until the next C council meeting scheduled for August 15th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. second all in favor I all right have a great evening thanks everybody