still a few wow I one more minute really so John what do you think of the uh free agencies I just I just don't want just Justin Fields just leave him alone he's he's a quarterback right yeah they're not going after him are they yeah that's what they're saying talking about y I didn't like him when he was in Ohio State he's a backup yeah but I just think he's going to put mess with Jason with hurts his head right that's what I'm afraid of well Jaylen Herz is a stronger person than coron Wentz I believe so I believe you're right but Jaylen has to start communicating with his bench yeah that's true Bingo that's not his personality unfortunately looks like he's in a doctor's waiting office just you look lonely down there Lou he need a where's everyone I don't know you don't have your mask on I don't Custard Stand feel yeah maybe that's pizza and card there you go have you heard from Miriam or Laura or Ken I was okay with the resolution a little bit too much money but I'm okay with that move well they they let they Barkley they let Swift go so they knew he was coming yeah I'm okay with that he's a good pass blocker they and he's definitely a threat yeah make it while you can right they only got I guess they only got 10 years or so I'm glad they bought that safety back I Mr three names I Gardner uh Gardner Shuster something johy Garder Shuster yeah something like that yeah yeah I'm glad he's back too I'm glad they brought him back we needed that yeah what do you think about Barkley I'm okay with that I'm okay with that a little too much money but I think he's only going to be here for two years and then that's good just go away the life his I was surprised running back how young he is still is yeah he's only like 27 e Township Zoning Board of adjustment March 13 2024 meeting will now come to order please rise for the pledge of flag States this meeting has been advertised in accordance with the open public meetings act roll call please German Williams Laura Kiri Bill Jara pres Joan Mortimer president Mariam babit Z zerik president Lou Valentino pres Ken John Z Pres okay we have no new business we have no old business Robert okay you're on we have two resolutions from last meeting on February 14 first one is for Jamie story she was seeking a front yard setback variance to construct a front T addition and the addition um would have a dimensions of uh let's see what would I she has an existing front yard setback of 30 .7 ft and she was seeking a variance uh to construct a front porch Edition with 23.11 ft the the requirement is 30 ft and she demonstrated that the typical setback in the area would be consistent with what she wants to do uh it's in keeping with the average setback alignment of the buildings within 100 ft on either side uh the public heard testimony from Mark Cordes who was the next door neighbor he had no objection and it would not interfere with his views of the house uh the board determined that she should be granted a variance there would not be a a substantial detriment to the neighborhood if she received this variance and the standard con terms and conditions appla the eligible voters on this Rady Valentino biit Mortimer zurga karach and D is there a motion I'll make a motion to approve motion by Lou Valentino is there a second I'll second itan Mor roll call please J approve join Marty approved L Valentino approved Z approved okay the [Music] other matter that was heard was the Mazar application and this was a uh they were in a downtown business Zone this property was in 301 East Main Street uh and they were seeking a variance to allow residential use on the first floor and reduce the uh area of the business office on the first floor um Mr Mazar testified that he uses the first floor as a residential unit when he is in town it was originally constructed for that purpose uh it was constructed originally in the 1940s apparently as a dwelling uh the engineer submitted a report uh establishing the criteria that the applicant would have to meet um there were some participants in the public uh two gentlemen from the Masonic Lodge they were opposed uh due to on street parking impact and they believed that the parking spaces long Fellowship Avenue were not available for public parking however they did not have any documentation that supported that uh there was also Rita mfi who is an real estate agent active in Maple Shade she stated that the property is an attractive residential unit and the building was originally constructed 100% as residential and she is in favor of granting a variance for the first four levels uh the board determined that this is appropriate use of property since it was in essentially a residential neighborhood and the board granted a variant uh to allow uh a residential apartment and reduced size office space on the first floor uh the off street parking conditions were uh there would be off street parking two vehicles in the garage and two in the driveway uh the uh there would be an agreement among the residents as to responsibility for uh taking the garbage cans out uh for collection and the standard termic conditions applied uh there was a motion to Grant the use variance and a site plan waiver the eligible voters are ready valun bage Mortimer zurga karach and G is there a motion I'll make a motion Bill zura second second I Lou Valentino roll call please Bill JGA approved Joan marimer approved Lou Valentino approved Zoni approved the other res solution is for adoption of the annual annual report which the board does is required to do once a year okay other than uh review what prip has provided us all we need is a motion this evening is that correct that's correct okay has everybody had a chance to review our lengthy work if so we need a motion I'll make that motion motion Mr zadnik seconded by second Lou Valentino all call pleas Bill jera approve Jo marimer approve Z Zar approved Lou Valentino approved zon approved we are not going to uh enter a motion with regard to the minutes because they're being corrected um so we're near a German this quickly Fred do you have anything to share with us with regard to engineering I guess I always do um but uh predip and I were talking about some things that really need to be addressed the one that we were talking about was Corner lots and a front yard setback fencing I don't know where that went if anywhere uh but it's important that we get a standard that gentleman that's on wood law and Kohl's Avenue um don't know where we are with front yard definitions on Corner Lots but we definitely need Clarity on that right next one is Billboards um I'm getting phone calls from my engineering friends they're looking to come to Maple Shade with their Billboards uh I find personally as a resident that one on 38 to be offensive I'm almost finding as I'm coming around the bend I'm looking and I'm trying to read it because it's so low uh so large it's so low and so bright I think it doesn't conform to some dot standards and so forth but I think we should if we do anything to revisit with these Billboards they're coming we're going to look like Las Vegas U I fear um so you're saying that we should look at the ordinances we have with regard to Billboards I I really do okay I think we're going to get loaded up soon are you and prip going to do that for us sure okay and then you'll present something to the board which billboard are you talking about Fred the wanted to self storage on 38 John it's that rectangular long one the one that lights up the one right by PJ wheel hands right behind PJ is right that self right there have you seen that at night yes when you're driving into Maple sheade and you're kind of it's you know don't be bored by reading or something you know just something to grab your attention and I'm going in many towns what these sign companies do is they'll tell you we're going to put your high school on there and Girl Scout cookies and we're going to do they I was at that's a scam that is the biggest scam going in the state of New Jersey or in the east coast so don't ever hear that again tell them to go shove their Girl Scout cookies wherever that doesn't help us that doesn't help the high school football team that it's a scam and and everyone goes oh and I'm not saying you know that you've done anything wrong but they do that same thing in every town and they give you a few seconds it needs to be on Main Street about the Girls Scout cook and you know that can we enforce that that they put our things on there oh that that would be for Mr Kingsbury uh but we don't want I don't know that we want people driving down 38 coming into Maple Shade I I don't know what the function is but you know Christmas parade we want to advertise that I don't think it's for the local businesses and so forth we have uh put them off with regard to 73 because of the sign Wars that are out there just one more sign I don't even know if you could see it because of the other signs this one it's just at night uh again the pixels or whatever I think we have to have them reduce if they're our standards and we should put them in our ordinance but I think dot could probably help us too with that but they try to sell you on oh it's going to look yeah if I recall at that meeting there was something mentioned about the way the lights were set up in the display correct that it was like less distracting than uh other types of billboard displays I don't I don't remember the exact technology or the wording but part of the sales pitch was that the lighting in that display is uh supposedly uh less invasive than normal lighting and other display I'm is that correct do you remember adjusted properly the the dimmers are set Billboards are technology unto themselves if you actually go Google it and just read about it something there's a whole issue don't all Billboards but I think this one is not compliant and many ways prip you would have to check that out to see if what the resolution re restricted them to with regard to lighting right they said it was going to reduce at night well but it probably hasn't yeah said it was going to go below the standard at night so it wouldn't be so obtrusive and distracting I just ask if everyone you know 7 o'clock go by I've gone by it does pop it's horrific and you're you're kind of I know turn but you're on a Bend you know you got three lanes people come PJs people are stopping it's lot going on there yeah and uh it's it is distracting that's all my personal opinion but from an engineering standpoint there are standards I think that we could maybe impose bring in yeah that other you know it's not recreating the wheel other towns have these standards that the whole idea of a billboard is to get notice and to get people to read it that's the psychology behind and you're saying that the dot could help us with these standards I think so yeah okay especially if they're not comping I think the biggest scam is against the people who advertise on it because you take a quick look and then you see something you want to read it's gone don't even have time to write down the phone number right it's gone they make millions of dollars off each one of them it's great great if anyone wants to go into it we'll go I don't know what the refresh rate is 7 seconds or three seconds eight eight seconds eight seconds yeah yeah by the time you kind of see it it's half one it's yeah and we're driving and I remember when they were here I asked them oh it'll be great for the town they can advertise for free I said Can anyone advertise well no it's just the big giant Corporation I said well how many seconds does the town get and it was like 10 seconds every 3 hours or something I'm like what I wasn't for it no no it's they do that in all the towns you know they they've always done that but I'm getting the phone calls I'm going everyone sees the one by PJs and they're going oh do that open market it's it concerned me when I got you know uh Colliers is calling they're the biggest engineering company in there oh we're going to be coming we wanted to talk to you about oh boy I call for deep I always just call for deep but I'm getting concerned that I'm getting I got two phone calls in the last month over that kind of oh boy but it's uh just we can tax them I guess yeah well we'll have to wait for them to come in Joan you have anything one more oh one more thing impervious cover yeah I know we have some impervious restrictions but very few zones I think we need to look at that where currently and again I'm not against land use rights and but you can have 50 sheds in your yard I believe right there's no standard on imperious cover I think we're limited to two we we included that item into the next audiance change oh okay Susan is going to take uh into the council's meeting this month end meeting okay so it will be first hearing or maybe first and final then we will update our code ordinance okay we have covered the corner property losss to Frontiers and other information what we previously discussed in previous coverage I have prepared a table so it will be a chart with all zoning District that what is a building coverage and what is the imperious coverage to be we also included the seat to give the information about the property coverage information for what is the footprint of the building what is a walk path size what is a s size any additional roof structures everything they have to produce with each zoning application now onwards and John one more if I could this is my shot right so that's right landscaping and buffering Maple Shade as a kid I walked down streets I never had sun on me um trees are gone uh but with buffering for sights I think we need to it's soft's a town I'll tell the quick story I worked at R&V for 10 years driving down Grove Street we had a big storm I went by the next day the tree was down what a house that is really really crappy looking house but the town looked nice because of the trees and and there is a significant change about trees and it's not just about being green and but there's a visual Aesthetics like all that and and if everyone did have trees the global warming issue that everyone talks about could kind of be Muk but the trees are not around anymore if I walk at night and I you know John down your street and Street trees and I know they raise the sidewalks and the street I used to live on is Oakland Avenue is gone well lywood was the one was nothing but trees you know now there's well unfortunately trees grow and they get into the wires then the utility companies come and cut them back and make them look ugly by that point then you cut them down again and now you got to plant a Seedling by the time the seeding gets to a decent size so it's it's a it's a vicious cycle in New new new Township or anything new that comes in in Maple shap if we were to get a subdivision Board of Public Utilities requires all utilities to be underground so every street in that new project would have utilities underground so that I understand in an older community but if something new comes in it's a mandate by the Board of Public Utilities everything has to go underneath ground in older developments Yes trees are our maintenance for a toship and it's a again to me if you drive through haddenfield you'll see why those homes the small home is worth $900,000 and it's not the house if you look at the house it's Treeline streets and so forth but what we're doing now in some of the older communities is we're doing trying to get easements sidewalks you know curb the devil strip the planter strip sidewalk and then the trees go up essentially in the front yard we try to get easements and gives it six or eight feet that this tree can go for 50 years 60 years and not become a problem um if if I was on committee or counsel I would say we ask people if they want to put them in their yards we do a real quick easement and and we have the Next Generation coming down the line at least you get a little bit there if you don't start it's never going to happen and excuse me not to interrupt there's certain trees that we can plant that are deep rooted trees that aren't going to there aren't the silver Maples and the that aren't going to Buck sidewalk shaved Leaf is a nor Way Maple I think yes oh my God it's just it's a very shallow rooted tree it's a wet right so all the roots are up top y but there are trees that there's a list all those landscape things absolutely there are many list and with the wires you have trees that grow like a a spade you know they grow like this instead of like that so there's different things you can do and I know on Main Street they made attempts for many years and I won't go there but yeah I go there fruit trees yeah trees actually Main Street had a horticulturalist design that I think they need an engineer to do that yeah and it went so bad he moved out of town y be beautiful no but what I think about it that's like a big picture item it's a big picture item and I don't know every time the somebody comes in I know this you don't want to force things plant a tree there go to Home Depot and buy a something and plant a tree you know I don't know we usually depend on Karen for that she's good with the trees and the plants oh there there's a young lady on the uh planning board she just joined Emily I don't know Emily's last she's very into the environment I so I came up to her the other day I said can you help me with buffering yeah tell me what you want me to do I said just support like let's go back and forth so again when somebody comes in box met uh or somebody that has no no Landscaping we need to kind of say hey standard we need standard we used to have something called the Maple Shade shade tree commission yeah you don't need that anymore we need that see if we are very serious about the pl landscaping and the planting at trees we need the land uh shary commission sh and we need to allocate the certain funds every year that where town can spend money right but what John said most towns enact an ordinance it has seven Tre Tre these types not the Norway maple or a silver maple or you know 1970s White Pine and a silver maple everything you could possibly go we needed the Deep rooted trees that aren't going to buckle the sidewalks and stuff yeah and slow GL growing there was a time in this town yes when somebody would introduce something like you just did with regard to trees and have it something that's adopted for the boards for the township committee for having a committee discussion for discussion yeah yeah Township we would have a conversation about what that meant and then the people that had that conversation would go back to council give them the format of an ordinance right and if Council was in favor of it that would be passed and now that gave you the license to go and do something and it has to go that way there has to be a group that just doesn't get together they have to come up with a scheme and that has to be professional it has to go before counsel and they have to approve an ordinance to give you the license to do it and then you have to have people interested enough to join that committee and get it done that's my idea just to it's not going to happen in 10 years but good idea putting those little trees in make they make a difference yeah about 10 12 years ago what it is is the value of your home uh what Maple Shade has more than any other Town location location location so if we can make it a better place I mean do it's on the map more aesthetic of course well maybe the conversation started tonight thank you sure that's all you have one more thing I can always yeah talk about more no no I'm G to go to Jo no I don't have anything this evening Bill I'm good thank you very quick meeting sorry I missed last meeting but it was Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday so we were to blame prette for that I knew you weren't coming cuz you said that you better make that sure yeah yeah and Ash Wednesday my wife said nope you're out so sorry for missing the last meeting hopefully it doesn't happen again we don't want you commit any sins oh that that ship sailed long ago however John you made the minutes yep I see that I don't know how you did that I don't know either uh Robert no com okay no Lou just happy St paty's day and whoever celebrates Easter happy Easter two holidays in a month that's unusual really early that's it there reason not to be sober I think it's a great idea forp anything no not this time and we are going to adjourn we need a motion to adjourn it's by Mr GE seconded by Mr zadnik all in favor signify by saying I those oppos and stay stay all night and listen to bre he got one more idea got one more wait one more oh yeah