e e e hey Nancy welcome good to see you good to be seen on Chief Sally and I think that's it I just texted them so hopefully we'll hear from him in a moment yep e e he chief hello looking Dapper thank you for dressing up for us I know this like the second time we've seen him problem is I didn't dress up for you guys I love but it was that's what you said last time you gota you gotta butter it you know we had we had a um a Police recruitment at Kan University so it was uh all the different counties and different police so we went there and your answer is thank you not I didn't do it for you but I appreciate the honesty right all right so let's get this started Mr wary if everyone's gotten the agenda it's already recording yeah y we're all recording we're set we're going all right let's do this um thank you all for being here um I sent out an agenda earlier today in regards to the things that we'll be covering tonight or some of the things we will be covering tonight may not actually deal with all of them but first off we will have our office of emergency manag update by our businessman administrator Mr warry followed by our essics South essics Fire Department operations report by committee M DeLuca uh police chief report and narrative from Chief Sally a few discussion items on board one about traffic another one about regulating electric scooters and bikes and a resolution regarding public speech and behavior we may not end up with tonight PR prior because uh we actually didn't get it so that may be crossed off however there may be a new discussion item that ends up being brought up um then we'll have our open public comment and then we'll move into executive session for a couple of items that we need to discuss um offline before we return to our public session and adjourn to our our meeting until next April to April 10th 2024 for our next meeting so uh starting off with our first update with our OEM update Mr wary take it away thank you committee woman kpe uh first we received a reimbursement uh recently from FEMA for a an old application from Ida that um Committee Member DeLuca had worked on so that is a welcome reimbursement we had training last week on the Emma Grant which is an annual Grant uh distributed from the state so we'll be preparing to submit that and we have a training next week for All County coordinators up with the Essex County Sheriff's Department I will be attending that as will deputy chief D Martini from SCF and that is my report thank you very much does anyone have any questions for Mr wey all right I see none so let us move on to to welome Inca take it away for our fire report do you want me to pull the uh document up from um Bob or do you w to no um so I just wanted to share the uh calls for 2023 uh in total we've had we had about 4,800 calls um for the year and then I took out the EMS which by far are the you know majority of calls over almost 2600 calls uh of uh of uh I'm sorry um about 2,000 of those calls are are ems so it leaves us with about 2500 calls and you can see that other than EMS what our firefighters are responding to are fairly um I say on a good on a good side of it they're fairly tame responses lockouts uh smoke detectors uh unintentional uh alarms um some good intent calls gas leaks uh what's good about this is our cooking fires here only about 4% of the runs are cooking fir and actually building fires is even less 3% and and often um those are outside of Maplewood this includes uh um our shared services with other towns our mutual Aid so it's a it's a fairly you know good spread across a lot of these we are a little bit concerned about the number of uh here's like a smoke detector activation due to malfunction smoke detector activation fire unintentional um you know you have uh carbon monoxide detector activation malfunction so we are going to try to do um some Community Education on false alarms uh and try to get them down because you know when we get an alarm in our engines run and you know that's lights and Sirens often and you know there's there's potential safety issues with the firefighters you know being on the road and of course other cars and you know and people um so we're going to do some work uh we've asked our fire uh officials to do some work on trying to uh do some Community Education see what's worked in other towns to try to do that but otherwise I going back to the EMS I think in 2024 it would uh a good thing for the township committee to have a serious conversation about how we want to continue to deliver service EMS services in Maplewood uh we do it now through a contract with scfd of course we did it as part of the fire department before scfd but it is a very costly proposition um you know it's and and Maplewood has to pick that up 100% so if we did not have EMS uh our fire department could look a lot different um and would look a lot different but I think that you know you balance that against the service that we are providing to the residents we want to make sure that if we had a third party which would generally be a hospital uh whether it be Atlantic and and the Overlook group or St Barnabas and and and you know that that uh um Health Care System you know we would want to make sure that there's sufficient coverage uh because unlike South orange which has a private they rely heavily on South Orange Rescue Squad we do also but there's just not enough South Orange Rescue Squad time at this point to serve both towns in a secondary capacity so it is a it is a conversation I don't think we should make any decision now but certainly through the rest of the year we ought to have a serious conversation about how we want to provide EMS services in 2025 all right thank you um do we have does anyone have any questions for comma yes mayor Adams just B could you go into a little bit of uh what our EMS service was before we had the rescue squad building and kind of because there's a lot of people who weren't here then um and just for even Patrick's edification what um what happened to that like why that no longer exist so I you know for those of us who have been around for a while it used to be that EMS was provided solely by the Maplewood first aid Squad and they were located in the pool parking lot there which is the temporary location of the library um there was a problem I want to say about 20 years ago or so of the Maplewood first aid Squad being able to recruit sufficient icient volunteers sufficient number of volunteers to provide the service so often times they were not able to do the run so we relied on the hospital mostly UMD andj at the time um and then when Wayne crra was the chief there was a big push to uh actually in the in the um late 90s there was a push by the township committee to get uh the fire department to pick up Ems at that point they were doing no EMS and the unions fought it it was a big big issue in campaigns and what have you but eventually it it you know they took over more EMS uh and then at some point there was a little bit of competition between the fire department and the first aid Squad and the first aid Squad we designated them as the primary with the first I'm sorry the the fire department was the primary and the first St Squad was the secondary but even at that level they couldn't keep up the membership and then they had some difficulties uh in sustaining their operation they had some leadership issues um they had a a very sad death of one of their very strong leaders so uh it it eventually disbanded it wasn't able to to to keep going so we then relied solely on the the Maplewood fire department for EMS and uh we always had a backup we still have a backup during the day if our fire department is out on a call and we get a secondary call if South Orange Rescue Squad cannot pick it up then we do have backups with hospitals around um and we used to have a private service that did a backup but they're not even Monarch but they're not even in business anymore so it's been very difficult to get EMS workers and certain very difficult to get EMS volunteers South Orange Rescue Squad runs a very good operation and they've been able consistently to to get volunteers they have a a network in Sean Hall University so they get college students to volunteer so that's a a good pipeline for them uh and they're very interested in working with us and we with them um but there's a question again of capability if we were to rely solely on them and not have our fire department do it you know would we be able to deliver the service we are on you know we are at the scene in minutes and you know because we're running it and when you're relying on the hospital they're generally coming from maybe a an adjacent town or even if they're in the town here um if they're pulled out who's going to do the second so there's a lot of logistics we'd have to think about yeah appreciate it it's um whether we would be able to start another rescue Squad I mean that's a big lift be a years long lift yeah yeah I don't think I don't think that's even in the cards yeah um and you know it's it's it's generally in bedroom communities it's difficult to get folks you a lot of you know successful first aid squads have they rely on people who work in the community business people in the community uh who are there every day you know most of our folks are gone so well maybe now we have hybrid you know working maybe they're not as gone as they used to be yeah but still that's still a lot of hours it's a lot a lot I just yeah thank you for that yeah I look forward to that conversation too um in quick question in regards to the um the the messaging regards to the um fire alarms I know that when we moved into our home we had a fire system and it didn't come with instructions and I'm wondering if that's something also that could be considered by the fire department when they go in there for the number of people who move into places and have no idea how to use their system at all that's a good point I mean we might even be able to offer a service that if you're if you need assistance call us be proactive if you move in and you want to go you know go through your alarm system give us a call we can go over there and and talk to them so that's a good suggestion yeah all right all right anyone else all right let's keep it moving Chief Sally you're on do you want me to pull F the things on the screen or you got it o lost Chief S I think we just lost the chief yeah just off this call yeah P You're monitoring see if he pops back in he is there he is in the r of the system yeah got move it's coming over now he got booted I was asking did you want me to put the it uh the I can I could just read I could just read it off that's okay okay all right that's fine so um comparison from 2023 to 2024 uh you know our stats go back to January so um our uh our robbery has robberies have gone down we have uh one in 2023 we have zero uh in January and uh thefts thefts uh went down 17 2023 15 in 2024 um Auto thefts continue to go down 9 in 2023 5 in 2024 and uh the thing that we are still see steady Rising is uh burglaries so in 2023 in January we had zero in 2024 we had four um and that and that continues into um our UCR report for the year so from January to now um our burglaries um we had one in 2023 and we still stay at four in 2024 so that's um the rise and crime we're having uh the LS these uh thefts uh still still continue to go down year to date 35 in 2023 2024 29 uh motor vehicles um from 2022 to 2023 our Motor Vehicles went down uh 2023 2024 we uh they stayed the same so 2023 at this time we had 10 2024 at this time we have 10 um let me see what else assaults have gone down uh 2023 we had 12 202 2024 so far we had nine uh eight clears so it's still like last year the domestic violence it seems to be the um the reason for the domestic uh for the assaults we're having um and that pretty much is it for our uh crime okay as far as the messaging goes I remember when the um we pushed a early summer I think it was folks to make sure that they keep their Windows went closed especially if they have like a key Bowl where they keep their key fobs and stuff like that it does seem like from reading the details on the report that almost all of them are appreciated with in the early morning hours of that people breaking into houses um because doors are maybe unsecured windows are open and things are still are being put back on the counter again um I wonder if we could put that messaging back out again maybe in the weekly update Mr warry letting people know hey prevent these things from happening by putting your keys elsewhere um have your windows open but maybe open from the top instead of the bottom um right yeah def definitely with um homes um it seems like the messaging is working for um Vehicles though so because we've been trending down a lot so it seems like whatever we're putting out there or whatever is happening out there we're uh you know that's been uh uh decreased and I think you know because we you know when it was when it was cold um and this winter hasn't been that cold but uh that's when we usually get those thefts is when people are just running their cars in the morning and they H jump in or they come to the Wawa and they run in for something but now we have the officer there so um the officer has told um people you know might want to think about turning your car off that kind of thing so I think that's help I'm good U one credit to the police department I want to mention on my block there was proactive police work we had a neighbor who left their their um Teenage uh child left the front door open when she came in late at night and so at 3:00 in the morning while the officers were making their rounds they identified the door being open and uh rang and got the homeowners to secure the door so the department got credit on an email chain I have with my block Chief so uh but I you know just thank you for that proactive uh police work because when we talk about burglaries and things that are unsecured you know it's evident that your officers are keeping an eye out for this right thank you yeah I haven't seen that those three guys that leave their car running hit the 7-Eleven when I get my coffee in the morning so I haven't been around in a while so I'm hoping that it's because they've kept their car in good shape and it's not getting stolen not got stolen all right does any have any other questions or comments for chief Sally nope all right let's keep up M all right our discussion items this week this month um there were some emails that had gone out last month and didn't get actually put on last month's safety committee meeting so I apologize for that there were additional traffic complaints um regarding the school zones in particular bodn between Harvard and Prospect um a lot of parents who live on that block who Park their cars in their driveway and actually encourage their friends who drop their kids off to park in their driveways and walk around the corner have found that they are are um dodging cars who are catting down bwind trying to avoid School traffic um so in hopes to having another um patrol possibly there even the officers who are working that corner if they'd be willing to park their cars maybe a little closer to bwind to discourage that behavior yeah I get um I received a few emails from uh parents of students regarding the uh parking around the school um we did send um officers over there and they did Issue um I believe that particular day they re issued five tickets or five summonses um of course we we didn't catch them all then the email came back that we missed one or two but uh when we do have the officers available we do send them to the uh different school areas Clinton School is a complaint um tuskon school and uh and um you know SE and for some reason we don't get a lot of complaints but the traffic is kind of rough over there too so yeah you gota work hard to cause some trouble at yeah so we um we do deploy officers there when we have when they're available um I do have a few stats for uh so um B uh we did seven details there um we we had two motor vehicle stops just specifically on M uh none issue but again it goes to uh maybe they stopped on the side street or area near it so Prospect Street uh uh four were uh issued on in the area of prospect in the Crescent seven were issued on Prospect in Harvard and uh two were issued on uh Prospect and tusin so um there there were sues issued there um we'll continue that um again it goes back to what we're talking about with the crossing guard situation if we had um you know again our officers are often on um you know details of crossing the children when we do have extra officers we do go to those locations well good it's working um Committee of women Engle had mentioned a couple days ago that um in her delivering her kids to and from school at Tuscan and everything she's noticed a significant in Improvement um of behavior of cars it's not perfect yet but it's getting better so it's working so thank you for that Chief Sally does anyone else have any questions in regards to parking I don't believe we need to do a a full-on traffic study that's just me I we we we know what it is people trying to avoid the the the school zone right but um if there's any messaging we can possibly put out um for folks to leave five minutes early 10 minutes early or whatever and if they're aware they're going to be passing a school just keep that in consideration that your kids or their other people's kids are are walking here and need a safe way to get back and forth right yeah Mr war on that on that add that to like um you know our month our Weekly Newsletter um just information maybe even utilize the SMS just to get it out there remind people everybody's always in a hurry it is it's true and in some mornings you just can't get out on time but right yeah but still make it a practice to leave early it doesn't happen often I mean I've I live right by here so some of them I've seen cars parked within like 2 feet of the stop signs you know even though there's a little sign on it says 50 feet back you know which is a lot but so yeah there's some sloppiness going on okay thank you all right so the next item was uh something commit M Luca brought up in regulating electric scooters and electric bicycles U Mr Luca thank you so we've we've talked a little bit about this in the past um we have you know a growing problem I think in Chief you can weigh in here on people on electric bikes and electric scooters um they're kind of like are out there and there's no we're not sure what the laws are um I've seen both of these you know going down Springfield Avenue in the middle and uh and on the sidewalks which I don't think they're and on the sidewalks too yeah so and then of course um some have helmets some don't so I wanted to I saw saw that Coldwell just put up a a new oh I don't have it what happened here here it is okay um so Coldwell put up a new uh ordinance and let me see if I can get it up some okay so basically what we're talking of course you know defining what these things are but just talking about that you know anybody using an electric scooter electric bike has to obey the traffic control so if there's a red light doesn't mean you go through it means you stop um and all the other things that you can't be on sidewalks uh if there's a bike path you can be in the bike path if you're under 17 you have to wear a helmet um speed restrictions they talk about 20 miles an hour here's one you know um right away to pedestrians uh right away to other traffic um again riding on sidewalks not doing that uh you you can't be carrying stuff you have to have two hands on the handlebars lights at night things like that so this is a local ordinance there are no state to my knowledge and and chief you can tell me if I'm wrong or right I don't think the state has really caught up with the with the new stuff here um so really I think that it's up to the municipalities to do something with it and I think we we ought to consider adopting a similar ordinance Chief it's your thought on this yeah the the only thing the state says is that they're they're allowed to riding on the street um the sidewalk they can park it on the sidewalk but they're not supposed to riding it on the sidewalk um also it says um low um I don't know low electric bike or or that's how they describe it um they have to have some kind of sticker on it saying that it is that you know that is not modified speed or anything like that on right um also the um yeah and then everything else pretty much falls under um a person riding a bicycle like a helmet um obeying the traffic laws stop you know you know all that stuff um that goes with uh riding a a bicycle um but but the ordinance um could restrict um it driving you know riding a bike in the in the park or you know on Town property or that kind of that kind of thing but um yeah that that ordinance looks pretty good um what so we I tried to look up reports that we have with those type of bikes um we did we did a quick um search for it we didn't see too many things uh we saw um one was stolen and then uh another one was um I think we stopped it for some reason but it wasn't um it was hasn't issued anything um so what I told um uh my officers is that we're going to uh set up a new code for this it's going to be a um electric bike code so if we do stop it we are able to collect the data for it um so we'll we'll give it to dispatch let the officers know and then U look for these violations and then we can we can set up a detail specifically for these type type of um these type of bikes do you think would be helpful to you definitely yeah because I even when I pull out the headquarters like uh probably once a week I see one you know uh flying by me um and even the helmet the helmet thing is you know is easy enough I think a lot of times they're not even wearing a helmet so no and most of them they're younger guys they're I think and they're Invincible um two questions one would does it address that single wheel type electric vehicle as well or does it only address bikes and scooters because we're seeing more or those Single wheels out there as well I'm looking at the ordinance um what are those call seg no I can't remember my daughter wanted one I think she got it wasn't for her no no it's the a giant wheel with like two like a platform on the other something way I don't think it I don't think it takes that I don't think it covers that all right and then my second will be perit these things two or three wheeled vehicle I'm sorry yeah but maybe we should because those what are they called I keep thinking Segway yeah it's something like that s sway oh Segway Segway like the yeah the cops right well that's the single I'm the one that has a handle is called a segue there's a single one however that has no handle you just balance your body on it two platforms on side that's not a segue that's something else okay whatever it is any wheel vehicle maybe I don't know yeah the the definitions here talk about a scooter with a floorboard that could be stood upon by the operator with handlebars so if it doesn't have handlebars and then electric bike is defined as a two or three- wheel vehicle with p with fully operable pedals an electric motor of less than 750 watts that's what we were talking about okay class one basically no wheels on the sidewalks for walking so um maybe we ought to start with what's because I I don't we have to find language for that so we we have language here which is beautiful we can always steal from another municipality just add if we need to so what I what I'll do if it's okay I'll put this on for discussion I'll have I'll circulate the draft so people could look at it before Tuesday that' be awesome thank you comfortable we can move forward and also would we be considering permitting for bikes because I know that we've been trying to encourage people to get their bikes registered at the PD um would this be something also that we would push to have them permitted as well I don't know if you can mandate that you can I think can encourage people to do it that's what we do with the bikes we kind of you know it's kind like you volunteer to do it right but at the same time if you're starting to see some of these get stolen it might be the the impetus to do that say hey we'll have it on file y okay all right thank you Mr the next item is yours as well unless anyone has any other questions regarding this ordinance we'll just one all right and so our next uh discussion item is a resolution regarding the public speech and behavior unfortunately um the draft has not been fully looked at by our our Council um to be brought back to us so we expect to have it sometime this week so I'm going to table this until our next discussion or basically Tuesday I think it's going to be used in talked about in code and possibly the TC meeting so um I guess we'll hold off on that until then if everyone is okay with that yeah it's in code I think um yeah yeah are there any discussion items that I missed or that anyone would like to bring up at this point can I Chief again just on Parker you know we continue to get emails about safe bike routes to schools um you know you're doing some of that but just want to make sure are we still focusing on Parker there yeah we're F we yeah we're focusing on Parker uh Parker Avenue between Irvington Avenue and Prospect Street Al so we um in all streets in between we have um year to date we have issued uh 57 summonses on Parker alone okay we've conducted 70 traffic details um 322 inspections because we have the U religious uh building there um 97 speed radar details and um over 100 U uh just like Prime details in that area so we've been there a lot um so that's that's been our uh our Focus over there thank you yeah uh committee women Engle you just arrived we just talked a little bit before you got here about um the traffic calming and and control over by tuskin I didn't know if you had any input that you wanted to share with Chief Sally and anyone in the committee yeah I saw that on the agenda so I was hopping on but I guess I just missed it because I live on bden um I've noticed an increased presence especially in the morning but like today at pickup there was nobody there and there were cars parked Al I really don't understand parents because like there's been so many emails even when there were like four Poli three police cars and like four officers people were still like doing illegal stuff um I did chat with one of the crossing guards who was grateful for the cones that she has now there so I don't know the PTA is really trying I just don't know what is going on with parents so if they listening parents please just like use the drop off Z they're clearly more right uh Ju Just so you know if if if we're not there it's because we're detail something else for something going on but uh if we're not doing that we're there or we're you know we'll be covering it yeah there's got to be some responsibility on human beings to like follow rules so I've been trying to tell Tuscan that a lot of it's been through digital Communications that maybe they need to go back to paper or something but I don't know flyer do they sell backpacks flyers in the backpacks I don't think those will work like older grades you don't really check it and it's the older kids who are really the ones that are getting dropped off through the car clue that link because the younger kids have to stay sorry teachers I'm guilty of not checking the backpack we can we can put a piece of paper under the windshield they wouldn't like that no they would not the neighborhood wouldn't either because they end up on the ground so no I'm talking about tickets oh that one oh well fly not a flyer a ticket I was thinking K Vic is like go for the throat no it was really I mean I've been here a long time so when my kids were going to Tusk and it was No Nonsense cops were get out of the get out of the yellow zone get out of the emergency Zone and just you know people knew so I think the presence will help a lot Chief like if it's consistent and then they're not there they're going to be thinking uhoh you know somebody's going to come be behind me with their lights so how many presents yeah exactly I honestly think a lot of it is also Pro it could be people rushing to get the train because the school times that changed the drop off is now at 8:53 and there's a 90 something train and that's been a huge issue for um the huskin community because you can't bike so you can't even have your kids bike and bikes to train so that's like why we've been pushing that on the school district side it's an issue so I think people are just in a rush it gets really trafficking and people come flying down Harvard mean it's like a mess and then you have that ice patch on the corner of B and Harvard when I don't know why that just freees over I always scared I'm going to like go into the intersection yeah we got have any of the have any of the commuter parents tried to meet with school to talk about the issue of the closeness to the train and maybe do start time the issue was that the school announced it really late and people did complain to the school but it's like well you wanted busing this is how it work that's why it's because of the tiered busing so they had to separate out so some school so originally they were going to start some the earlier schools earlier and leave the later schools at the same time but I guess there was concern that why is only one group three of the schools getting the earlier start everybody should be affected so they pushed it only a little bit earlier and the other ones later and they didn't think about the repercussion I mean we had it the same with the PD at our Crossing CS they just didn't think about anything I think besides the the busting cost which is a big issue to think about yeah well maybe those assignments are happening so I keep as mentioning to the school board to be in touch with the PD about what those crossing guards or what those schedules are going to be or what the side placements are going to be so you guys know traffic patterns and know crossing guards and I don't know if they've reached out they have a lot going on but um Chief Sally you might want to have somebody check in or just ask timing or get a meeting on the book so that we could figure that out Administration yeah yeah because this is not new this is School Board stuff and the school district's been around for a very long time they've done this before it shouldn't be a problem for them to get times out early enough to uh make sure that crossing guard coverage is there Co police officers coverage is there and that parents have the ability to know okay I can't take this train I got to take this one right well it was the it was the integration plan that's why was I know but they had that information the school district needs to stop relying on the townships to suddenly have to respond to car their and police improvements you know like is this something you can bring up at the liaison meetings I bring them up we only have one so far I bring it up at every time I talk anybody yeah but we haven't even had one since I've been on it we've had one we had one I maybe but I feel like February we had one in February um but do you have like a contact in the transportation office that you deal with or something I mean I I don't think it would hurt for the police department to reach out and be like hey just a reminder let us know as you do placements because we're looking at our traffic patterns we're looking at bike Lanes we're looking at crossing guards we're doing our budgeting and now it's like a good time for us to have some idea is placement going to be kind of roughly the same neighborhoods because I know there was a lot of talk about how all of tusin except for one student last year got F to MMS and there was criticism over that so there might be people now from the Tusc area going to asss who knows like no one knows um yeah yeah definitely um we got to get it to them early because we we were trying we're kind of like changing our our um scheduling of crossing guards and officers like during the school year because the times Chang the then the domino effect of uh tusin closes later than a middle school but our guards are leaving the middle school because Middle School's Out there's 10 kids walking the route past the middle school and we have nobody there so you know so we have to um yeah make that adjustment early yeah they got to communicate better they period they just got to communicate better and earlier we we also we also have rece received um complaints from people who live on beach between Academy and Prospect um because the parking there there's no parking in the afternoon from 1: to 3: and I believe there's no parking in the morning from 9: to 11: I was there today at two and the street is full of cars okay yeah and people make u-turns there I remember that from last year when they don't want to drive down academy they just bang a U-turn and go back up the other way they just came down so it like totally throws off the whole pattern and it's a it's a real problem there cuz when they Park on both sides there's no way to get two cars an eery vehicle would have a difficult time yeah okay so and it's signed there plenty of signs on that block saying no part yeah there are got it all right all right so this brings us to our public comment period uh Mr wary if you could manage that that would be great if any members of the public would like to speak in public portion please raise your hand now I'm moving over Rachel fiser to panelist miss fiser welcome to public portion you can unmute yourself and address the committee thank you and thank you all so much for your dedicated work to our Public Safety um my name is Rachel Fischer as you heard and I'm a longtime resident of Maplewood I was involved with the gun violence prevention volunteers who advocated against the Alice program being part of our schools overall through the Democratic process our community has chosen to keep police out of our schools except when needed to protect from outside threats through the policy of the democratically elected Board of Education we have chosen not to overp students I don't think it crossed anyone's mind that we needed a policy about not overp policing Educators but maybe we do I'm here because of what is happening to Frank Sanchez I do not understand how our local police could intervene in a matter that was appropriately being handled by the school district which followed the law and board policy in referring the case to Child Protective Services which declined to pursue it we as a community have made policy through the Democratic process stating that Educators should deescalate conflict situations so that they do not rise to the level of calling armed police into our schools Mr Sanchez has supported deescalation and the restorative process which is District policy whenever possible perhaps that was the intention in this incident we've been told that after someone leaked an unauthorized faulty report about this incident to the police our Police Department chose to investigate the high school principal even though the Department of Child Protection chose not to Frank Sanchez is in a Kafkaesque nightmare right now and our Police Department seems to have played a significant role in bringing this nightmare about and I don't understand why I asked the township committee to look into how this happened and whether the police department has the kind of relationship with the school district that it should because it seems to me that something has gone very wrong thank you so much for listening thank you Miss fer if any other members of the public would like to speak in public portion please raise your hand now I see no other hands Miss crate okay um well if there are no further comments and discussions regarding the agenda items from before I would move that we move into our executive session to discuss the items that we have in our closed agenda I second it is I have no seconds I was on mute all in favor I I very good