all right we're now live all right we get started yep okay your uh your microphone went off some can you hear me now yeah but not as good as before okay um so jamain is coming uh just put up the agenda she put she sent us so uh Patrick you want to do the OEM report anything yeah well we had uh obviously two OEM meetings recently one for the rain last night and one for for the the snow we had over the weekend and both went well you know it's good fortunately you know both storms were relatively uh minor in total impact uh but you know a real good opportunity for us all to get around the table with department heads and the OEM team especially with me just taking over as coordinator um and you know talking about what the process is for everything because a lot of it stays the same regardless of incident especially in terms of uh reporting and you know when we open the shelters how people contact the police department so uh you know those are good exercises and fortunately we had again limited impact from those storms so that's the OEM update okay anybody have anything about that okay um and here comes our chair Hey Okay so to get in here Patrick uh is is the new OEM coordinator coordinator and he gave the OEM report everything's fine everything's good our emergencies are fine so take it away Madam chair thank you very much ran deuca oh thank you all for being so flexible with today because this is chaosville right now with all the meetings and various things and I'm going camping this weekend in the snow with half my congregations so I'm up to my armpits and preparation but um so yes if we've done the OEM um uh report um let's pass it on to you committee DeLuca to move on to fire um Mr Conlin sent us his report and I can pull those up on the screen unless you want to share screen and do that no there's nothing I was going to report about that I mean that really uh just deals with the inspection side and I think code has really been looking at that more um on the fire side there's nothing I have nothing new uh we'll get we have our meeting on the 16th so we'll get our year end report and be able to talk next month about it awesome trying to figure out one note and something that came out of yesterday's storm so in our OEM meeting uh we had we talked about obviously Swift water rescue considering there was a chance of severe flooding and they have scfd has two inflatable boats that they had ready and they had 11 uh firefighters who are Swift water rescue techs who were working last night so those are uh you know two great Assets in terms of equipment and Personnel um that we have so I uh know scfd deserves some acknowledgement for being prepared in that respect yeah it was really nice to see all that come out and that there were so many people on hand because with threee branches falling down left and right and um uh Chief Sally will get into his details uh in regards to the the notice he sent out this afternoon um we had power go out in a couple places and some flooding but everything was resolved so knowing that that crew of folks were ready to go is such an asset so thank you so much for for for keeping that watch on that and also for the fire chief and entire Crews for being on on top of all of that um Chief Sally did you want to move right into your report sure um we can go to the monthly report uh the first page all right I'm horrible as your Vana just so you know I'm the worst but I'm trying to get better okay so uh if you look at this monthly report um it brings us up to the end of uh 20123 with the comparison uh well let me see no this is November I'm going toe myself okay so um uh November uh the uh stats um are are looked pretty pretty well uh we got the uh robbery uh year to date to November was 20 and we had uh nine in 2023 so we had that big decrease in robberies um aggravated assaults are up a little bit but again um those mostly um were cleared a lot of um most of them were domestic violence incidents um burglaries were up slightly um and there was uh the style of burglary that I talked about before where they uh would enter the home and take the take the keys um thefts are down uh package thefts uh shopliftings and such are down um Auto thefts are also down uh um as you see uh 92 up to November 2022 and 53 in 2023 uh let me just find my UCR report so um before we get to the next page um my UCR report for the year ending um 2023 um again we had uh 19 robberies in 2022 in 2023 we had 10 uh assaults in 2022 we had six we ended up with uh 69 in 2023 we had 64 and we cleared 62 of those assaults um and motor vehicle uh theft in 2022 was 93 and in 20 in 2023 we had 58 so we had uh a large significant uh decrease in Auto thefts and robberies so um you know I think I think the reason for that is one um you know uh here when we discussed the Wawa in the beginning of the year we're having a lot of problems in that area and we were able to get the officer there um that helped out a lot also um uh the salary detail we put out where officers would go to uh uh locations where we identified uh these robberies and crimes help to reduce it and we meet uh uh once a month to discuss where these incidents are taking place and our watch commanders are uh directing our patrols to be in those areas so that helped us uh reduce those uh type of crimes and also our detective Bureau solving a lot of these cases so um the uh that beginning of the year of 2023 the end of 2022 we did have have um a lot of robberies during that time but our detective Bureau were able to make um arrests pretty fast and uh that helped reduce the uh robberies for 2023 so that's that's it um now we we we are seeing though uh catalic converter thefts from uh Vehicles we had a few um last week where they would go underneath the vehicle and still the cataly converter so that's uh definitely on our radar as far as the the crime going on is there anything our our residents can do to kind to defer people are try to discourage that type of theft I mean parking their cars a certain direction maybe or yeah I would say I'm just the messaging that you gave out in regards to package theft and um auto theft has has resonated so people are listening is there something we can share yeah I would say the uh the lights um on the driveway uh motion motion lights um you know and cameras help us a lot um it's a pretty quick crime though they they go underneath and take it pretty fast but I think if it's lit um you know that might be a deterrent also we so we so and also the um you know if people have it to have the cameras uh the doorbell cameras or cameras that show that area okay thank you so lighting up your outside of your house and and keeping the cameras operational great thank you um I did not get the December stats so I'm glad you walked through those I only had November did you want to go through um overtime or say that for later uh yeah we can do that so um overtime went up uh a little bit here because end of the year with uh vacations vacation and uh you know we had to fill the slots for a second time but also we were doing um we have we have a we do details uh during the time of the holidays that's when we see the most um historically we we see the most crime uptick so we did have uh certain details out there and as you see um with the the crime stats that our crime U pretty much stayed uh lower so it's it's it worked out for us yeah I'm liking this the fact the increases are like less than 10% except for in like 911 but we were expecting that since there had to be and also we have you know everybody you know um of course we we full our shifts but um if everybody if anybody can they take off you know most people want to take off for the holidays so we have a lot of vacations that we got toh fulfill right and they weren't excessive I mean from going through the entire list and everything it did seem to be like three days here two days there um there weren't the person taking like the whole week of Christmas off and not allowing anyone else to have that time with their family so it was really nice to see that officers were we're we being a little strategic for Staffing and how they asked for time off so thank you for managing that all right um next agenda item were actually I'm going to add a little something to it based off of an email um that I received from someone in regards to our unhoused residents um I know um Mr deis you had been working as well as with M Davenport on having a organization come in and work directly with the housing of of our our our our residents um what's the status on it currently especially for and how do we deal with folks who maybe don't want to take advantage of uh the the resources out there yeah so I think uh admin administrator wary can opine a bit here too uh as you're aware uh Deputy Mayor KP we did put out an RFP for the township so that we can get our own dedicated Street Outreach and support homelessness uh intervention provider uh and not rely on the county only and uh our RFP was very narrowly tailored for Street Outreach and support which is exactly what we need we received two awesome uh responses and uh Township Administration and Department of Health are reviewing them they uh I reviewed them myself and we would be we're going to make a decision before the end of the month about who we're going to go with and I would say that either organization we would be well served very well served by either organization uh each organization has uh very uh long experience in Street out reach and support so um the bigger question that you asked is how do we deal with uh a situation where someone doesn't want the support So for people who have been chronically unhoused uh and the unhoused population falls into two categories uh there are those who are uh truly unsheltered living on the streets uh and there are those who are sheltered meaning they are in the shelter system uh but sometimes they don't stay in there right and during better weather they go to the parks they find places to hang out be outside and not be in shelter um for the chronically truly homeless the people who are unsheltered uh as some of as a couple of individuals that we recently um know about in our town you know it's a work in progress in terms of getting them the support that they need it takes a lot of contact peer-to-peer contact to establish a relationship to establish uh trust and to get them the support that they need uh the bureaucracy is also huge in terms of them getting access to IDs and uh other things that you and I take for granted every day in order to function in our daily Liv lives um and many of the folks that we know about in Maplewood are maple woodan uh these are folks who have a long connection to the community but they uh lost their housing for one reason or another and have remained that way uh for a very long time the number one reason of homelessness in New Jersey as Per a recent report that we put out Statewide is not what you think it would be uh it's not not addiction it's not mental health um it isn't because someone spent all their money gambling uh it isn't because people made bad choices and because they're druggies uh the number one reason the number one reason that causes homelessness in New Jersey is the loss of a shared residence so think about people who break up people who live together families living together like they used to back in the days like my IM family we all lived like 20 people together in the same Little House divorces separations um and certainly the pandemic and economic uncertainties and pressures added to that the second leading cause of homelessness is eviction and we're seeing eviction go up uh across the state and here in Maplewood too we don't talk about it because we focus on our homeowners and not on renters but eviction is happening here in Maplewood as well and we'll be talking about that throughout the year as a focus for us and how we could uh what we could do there but basically the there isn't an answer the answer is it takes time it requires peer-to-peer contact uh it requires a regular connection to get people uh to to get them to trust you to get them to the services that they need and that's why we need a dedicated provider to provide that level of intimate peer-to-peer intervention and support thank you um Mr wary did you have anything you wanted to add or so committe M daf has covered all of it the only things I could think of that may be worth noting is you know what we requested in our RFP are a housing first model so there are no prerequisites to housing other than we want to get you housing and that doesn't exist in all of the program in every program that is available for people who are experiencing homelessness so I think that's important and it's because it's important is why we included that in our RFP and the other piece is you know we'll meet you where where you are and and that means uh one physically going to you and and it it takes a lot of contact so the uh both respondents are well aware of the statistics in this area where it's creating a dozen or it's requiring a dozen or more contacts with a single individual before they feel comfortable enough to accept your help and so as a Township we have to be committed to that and we are through this not just putting out this this RP but having it be a year-long contract you know making sure that we have enough time for this to be effective because we know that it takes some time so that that's uh otherwise you know everything's been said by commitment dafis thank you I'm I'm just grateful that we're putting so much energy and time into this because as you said commit mapas there's it's just going to get worse as folks are coming out of the covid evictions they're going to go up again and now we're rolling into the colder months that's the last thing we need to see is more and more of our our neighbors being out in the elements when they could be home someplace safe and warm um so please keep us posted and thank you for that work um the next topic I was talking a bit about um followup regarding some of the anti-Semitism and the anti- um the anti-islamophobia islamophobia out there but um I think most of you were copied on an email that we got this afternoon um from a concerned Citizen and they raised some some considerable questions that I'm interested in hearing the answers to as well um at least on the parts that we can handle um as you may or may not be aware that there is there is a a a a student L walk out for C fire scheduled for this coming Friday at the high school and although the um The Temper of the email was was was very was very concerned about not only the students who were there that are going to participa in the the ceasefire rally but also for the ones who would not be participating in the rally and this resident raised some considerable concerns that I would love to make sure that we at least on our end of the township have gotten prepared so um I know you were copied on that email uh Chief Sally uh what are the what is the police department's plans for supporting not only those who participate in the ceasefire rally but for those who decide to stay in the school um and and then folks that are possibly attending the rally that maybe aren't members of the CHS Community right so we um discussed a plan uh today in my com staff meeting with my supervisors and um so we have uh officers that are dedicated for that um event and also um we have reached out to the school and we spoke to school officials about it um I don't want to get into the weeds of what exactly we're doing but um we are um we'll be there and uh make sure everybody's safe for that event will we be blocking streets or no no because I I don't think it's U I think it's just in the uh rear of the building Okay so field right okay all right um yeah a lot of the other follow-up questions that this president asks really have the school board to answer for I I can't go into the details of those things but I just wanted to make sure on arand as far as a police presence if required we we're we're there and uh the obviously the the resource officers and the crossing guards will be there because approximate the time that they're planning on doing this is one of the lunch periods right one of yeah we we'll be there but we won't be overbearing we'll be uh but we're in area all right did anyone else have questions regarding that okay um do we have any followup on the um investigation around the vandalism or at the at the high school um in library as well as the bathrooms yeah just that um the school has been reporting to us and timely manner so as soon as they get the information we do receive it um the more serious um uh graffiti uh goes to the prosecutor's office where they um where they um assess the situation and see if there's anything similar in different areas and we we investigated with the school to see if we can identify a person that's doing it as of now we do not have a um suspect on the graffiti okay I know the school district mentioned um that they're looking at a a program for [Music] um trying to encourage people to not react in such a negative way like your default shouldn't be writing something anti-semitic on the wall because you're upset at somebody um but I wonder if there's something that we could do um on the township level um to encourage folks to be less reactionary I guess is the question I know that there was one time like a the idea of a student court or even a student like Senate something that they could put together that would be utilized and used for a way of of airing of the Grievances for a lack of a better descriptor so that that doesn't become graffiti on the walls and threats um I don't know if that's something that maybe the the youth the juvenile Bureau maybe has some resources um to help with that but I think they could use all the help they could get yeah uh um I I I believe the school is doing something in the school that's what I hear from my um my my youth a bureau that the school has set something up similar to that um but I'm I'm to uh speak with the school administration at a later date so I'll find out okay and I I guess if any messages I could push through from our end and everything I like the restorative justice model so the idea of punishing somebody for this is is not the intent it's really education and and change um getting the the students to because they're young and they make bad choices haven't we all um I don't want to punish somebody or ruin someone's future over something that they just didn't think about before they did um were there is there any followup on the Beth epim um we do not have we do not have a suspect of that okay I'll keep this PO po hopefully something comes out soon um or at least we figure it out um so pedestrian safety although last last month we actually had some follow-up items that didn't quite get done um I know that um this coming in Del Luca had mentioned that the Brown Street barrier um since it wasn't being used anymore was there an idea to take it down but I it's near my house so I drive past it and it's still there um what is the plan of having that removed or at least so think uh I think Patrick uh the chief just to confirm Chief you said the school doesn't want it anymore you don't want it there anymore right that's correct so Patrick can you get DPW just to pick those barriers up at the corner of they they did they removed it okay okay there you go y it was there a couple days ago all right good they grabbed it um Parker Avenue in the speeding um the the striping is done I did drive that a couple days ago so that striping is done has there been a noticeable change have you seen any as far as the possibly ticketing from your officers so so we uh we we continue to uh do our uh speeding our speeding details in the area we have um our parking enforcement has been in the area the parking enforcement has not seen um any parking violations since they've been over there checking um but uh so I I did check our um our our last quarter for 2023 um so from October to December in 2023 um this is not just Parker but our speeding tickets have picked up so we have issued uh 33 speeding tickets um in that quarter that's compared to seven in that quarter in 2022 so um the last quarter for us as far as tickets has uh gone up um the the beginning of the year was slow and sluggish as far as um ticket production but if you if our last quarter numers um and almost every category has uh really gone up since we've been uh um stressing the fact that um enforcement needs to be done um so um we continue our details on on Parker Avenue um and um uh tickets have been issued great can I add another list another item record and Burnet um so I'm sorry can we just go back to Parker just to fill you in we we talked about it this morning at engineering public works so we have uh We've engaged the um our our firm Dynamic traffic to uh do a study and they're going to be they're giving us a proposal as to what it would cost to do the study and then once we get that we'll determine uh you know if we have the money so when we do the budget we will allocate you know so much money into traffic cing and this will be one of the first projects that uh gets taken up additionally DPW went out there and um they Trimm trees around some of the signage and they have on order some of the uh little signs that we're going to put on the push buttons so that people know that they should push those we're going to put um a couple of inroad signs pedestrian signs there so um that should be that stuff should be going on this month but enforcement still has to happen yes definitely has to happen um My Little lightning Brook area uh email group and everything has gone back through it and I wanted to add I don't know if the traffic studies are only one for one specific area or is it for the town no specific area you have to you know they'll look at the at the area to determine how to what's what measures we should take to slow down traffic on on Parker okay well if I could make a request that the next one be Bernett that would be brette and ruter we talked we so so well we've already done I mean we we did a study of Bernette we've made a number of changes but we also have um we've instructed them to have Dynamic do a a traffic light analysis at Bernett and ruers so that there seems to be some drop off that that that didn't get communicated to Dynamic but now I think they made we made it clear this morning that's got to be another priority so we'll get that back and and we'll see you know whether or not a a full traffic light is warranted for that area I do know you know there was a recent accident there uh a couple Sundays ago I was stopped at the stop sign and some car went flying through uh the other way hey chief I want to ask you a question if I want to do a citizen ticket and I just have the plate and the model of the car I can do that right yes I don't have the driver though do we oh my goodness yes because I almost got Monday and Tuesday yeah give us a ticket and then we'll do the follow up on the investigation of of uh okay who owns it and everything else we just can't give it to you but we we can get the information all right so if I go on right and pick it up you'll get that and you can uh do the investigation okay awesome because it does seem to be the traffic that coming down from Springfield Avenue heading towards Union um that's where I see the that stop it that stop sign gets run mostly that Direction that's what happened Pat I me mentioned today at engineering in public works to um make sure before or during a warrant analysis for a traffic signal there that uh the township of Union is engaged because it's so close and um and for the engineering firm to look at what's leading up to that intersection as well to see if there's something you know in Union that might be able to be done to mitigate sort of like what we did on uh Jefferson where we you know before the troubled intersection at map Wood Avenue we did some work you know before people got to it so I think um any analysis of that intersection should include um analysis of what's going on over the border and if there's possibility there because as we all know a signalized intersection is you know about $600,000 so just to make it you know thorough so if you pass it on one good thing is um and we did convey this to Union it used to be 40 miles an hour from VX Hall to the Maplewood line but now it's 25 so there could be no confusion that you know oh it was 40 miles and was 25 so it's been it's 25 the whole way and they've been giving out tickets on their side so um that'll help with that too right all right good well it's good to know about the whole citizens ticket because we'll be issuing a few of my own um yesterday the storm um thank you so much again from earlier report and everything having scfd ready and to go out there um and chief your report stating that the the three um floods and and the power outages were resolved um it's great that we did so well on this first one um but this weekend is supposed to be another one um are we in the same position are we prepared for that one as well we went over uh we went over the we asked the DPW to give us their analysis of how they address the snowstorm um so for the snowstorms uh we have a lot of new drivers and Patrick was out there for an hour and a half himself or a little more maybe three hours sorry um working out of title as a as a snow removal he just like driving the truck yeah and um one of the things that Paul told us was what's a what has been a big help this year is all the drivers all the workers have radios now where they didn't have them before so they're able to talk to each other uh if they if something comes up they're able to respond quickly uh and then of course the supervisors are monitoring all that and making decisions about deployment so we do have a lot of new drivers and they're learning the the the streets um and so we you know we should be prepared we have plenty of salt uh and we're going to put some communication out you know we can anytime there's a storm we do put communication out about if wires come down don't touch the wires if you need shelter call the police and all that kind of stuff so so I think we've we've gotten it as Patrick said earlier maybe just before you got here you know we're we're we have a pretty well-run operation now we've been doing it a long time good and since we are down with the leaves um for the most part cleared out and I saw the trucks out today picking up trees so it does look like they're trying to get a lot of the potential debris out of the way before this weekend so thank you for that all right um are there any other discussion items maybe I didn't have listed on here anyone would like to bring up we're going to go into closed right uh we public comment and then closed all right well Mr warry are there any folks on the outside who wants to raise oh I see one already yes I will move over Katherine Klein welcome Miss Klein you can unmute yourself and uh you're in public portion thank you hi everyone um so I wanted to first of all thank you for the the floor to speak about this um wanted to bring up an incident that occurred last week at Clinton Elementary School we live a block away and my 8-year-old um has been going there for several years she's in the third grade um she was at the Aftercare program and an unauthorized man enter the school grounds and seemed to be potentially taking pictures of the children um it was obviously very upsetting um and while the YMCA staff seemed to handle it very well in terms of getting the children inside quickly um you know doing a headcount ensuring that the grounds were cleared in the way that they were able to and also contacting the police um unfortunately we did not receive uh kind of widespread communication after that so we've given that feedback uh both to the Wi and to principal Butler and there are ongoing conversations about it I've also received the um report details and had contacted the the non-emergency number so uh as a parent whose child was involved in the incident I am following up on my end um the reason that I wanted to raise this aside from it being an issue of uh safety for our children in the community is that this is I believe the third time that this has happened in the past year and I just wanted to raise this as an issue that I'm very concerned about in the community so um to my understanding a very similar incident happened about a year ago on school property where someone entered the grounds and was seemingly also taking pictures of children uh and then there was also a man who was um walking around the neighborhood at both School drop off and pick up uh speaking with children not you know speaking to parents um encouraging them to to interact with his dog asking unusual questions so you know fortunately I don't believe any of these things have um you know caused uh you know harm to the kids that have been involved and uh there are obviously a lot of concerned parents who are looking out for the kids but you know my primary concern is the access that people have to the school grounds um like I said I've reached out to both the Y because this is part of the after school program and then also uh to principal Butler but um I do know that they have a school security officer but that she leaves for the today at 2:45 so you know there are just uh some open questions that I have that I'm looking forward to getting from the school administration also from the um uh also from the the Aftercare program and then um you know planning to to give some comments and maybe ask some questions about the police report in the way that I'm able to but you know I just I wanted to raise this I I am obviously a concerned parent but you know the ability for us to potentially follow up on this just in terms of being vigilant and understanding who these uh people are that are in close proximity to our children in a way that is not authorized and not condoned by the school um just wanted to make sure that that um you were aware in terms of this being what I would consider a public safety issue so I hope to get more information soon but just wanted to have an opportunity to bring that to all of your attention and um you know see if you have any additional steps that you would advise that I take in order to be able to follow up the this because there are also a number of parents who are uh looking for additional information on how best to you know ensure their kids safety thank you for bringing this up Miss Klein and I apologize for that happening I'm so sorry that that happened St Sally is there any way we could add a patrol at that time period since we already know that this resource officer is gone or the the security guard is is leaving at that time period would a drive by a park by whatever be to deter yeah so um actually we um right before the uh the break the holiday break um we had uh Miss we have we we have a great relationship with Miss Butler at the school and she actually she put out a note regarding um uh enforcement there after school at Clinton School um so we actually started picking up enforcement there for for the traffic but now that we have this yeah we that could be part of it um I got to do some follow follow up on this incident I don't I don't I I wasn't up to speed to it so I'll um I'll follow with our youth a bureau and once I get that information I'll contact you and uh we make sure we'll have um extra officers there we have them there for the traffic but also this is also concerning can be there for the for the same yeah I appreciate that and also I'll just say like we're very happy to see that the officers are there for the traffic while we live a little bit further away from the school I know that it has been you know a constant conversation for our neighbors who are much closer to school and also a safety consideration in terms of kids crossing the street and blocking driveways and things like that so we're very happy to see them there I think the the primary concern for us is obviously during the Aftercare program when there seems to be uh potentially more access and people are you know less concerned I know that there's also kids you know high school kids who are crossing through the property and things like that so it's just it's a tricky time I understand we don't necessarily want to just lock everything down because we enjoy our community spaces too I just obviously um want to be able to prioritize the safety of our kids and just make sure that I'm able to you know enable my child to enjoy her childhood but also make sure that she's safe uh you know in our in our area and at our school so I appreciate that thank you m Klein can I just ask is there um I'm assuming but I don't like to assume because you know where that goes so uh just making sure that the after CARE program and you know those in charge and the parent are giving the very basic tips to the kids with regard to you know if a car pulls up next to you you go the opposite way because they have to turn around you know all those basic things we all told our kids just to make sure they're being reinforced so that nothing happens and you know while the police are are keeping an eye out and all that stuff just so the kids not to scare them just you know it's what you tell your kids when they're little like somebody pulls up next to you you got like there was an incident when my kids were little at tuskin where somebody was you know creeping around and you just had to make sure because you can't be with them all the time right so just want to make sure that that education is getting out there to the students so I know that um the Y is generally very good I actually have another daughter who's in the early childhood Learning Center and then my oldest we've been a y family for for many years now and um you know they generally have a very good program around educating parents and uh caregivers around you know potentially dangerous situations for early childhood and being aware of you know the types of situations that can come up so I think that's been um good and consistent from what I've seen I'm not aware of the like genuine protocol around how this is handled from a school-aged perspective this was definitely um one of the main considerations because I want to be able to have that conversation with my child and she and I have very open but um age appropriate conversations around things things like um you know tricky adults a bit of stranger danger um making sure that she understands you know a consent and autonomy and all of the things that go along with that but I I am sure that not every parent um either uh is equipped to do that or comfortable doing that and so I'm I personally would welcome a a more community-based conversation around recommendations for how to have those difficult conversations that can also you often s it can be tricky for um or difficult for parents to have those conversations with their kids so I would say you know I am confident that that we have communicated the um ways that the kids need to be aware of their surroundings and the things that they need to do um I do have a call scheduled with Leah Green tomorrow morning where we're going to discuss things I also wanted to better understand the protocol around you know what if somebody's on the property but also what happens if someone enters the school during the um you know after school hour so you know these are just things that I want to make sure that I'm speaking from a place of education and also not speaking for other people in the community unless they're they're asking me to do so but um these are obviously topics that are um super important to me and I think super important to others so I would some of it is known but not necessarily um it's it's probably worth revisiting and hopefully at a at a program and Community level yeah and chief I don't know if the um I mean I know once upon a time uh the police did you know come and educate whether it was at um PTA or or just in school assemblies you know to the kids to just as a big General like here's an assembly and here's what you do if some somebody you don't know is trying to get you to do something or you know you always have those safe things like that safe word where you know if somebody comes and says that your parent is in trouble and they don't know the sa you know all those things that all of us us who've raised kids you know go through but I don't know maybe it's something that the police want to consider doing with in conjunction with the schools to do sort of that safety thing sort of like the Dare only more about just personal safety just a thought yep definitely we have the uh officers trained to do that and we will contact Administration to see how that will work out how we get in there educate might give some level to everybody and some knowledge that some parents might not be um right they're not comforable having those conversations right yeah yeah Miss clein thank you for for coming tonight and making us aware of this it's very concerning there's no question um uh the other thing that we can do is uh we have monthly meetings with school admin uh they're called Municipal partnership meetings in recent years we've strengthened our partnership uh to you know when we have to talk about issues that intersect Township and School administration uh and this is one of those things so we will reinforce all of this at our next Municipal partnership meeting yeah I really appreciate that thank you so much engagement Mr would you make sure you get Miss Klein's information so we can follow up with her thank you yeah I appreciate it thank you all so much are there any other folks I think it's just us all right so I move that we um go into executive session second make sure we go off recording make sure we're not recorded oh you're muted Miss CL you should see my email address in the chat box if you can email me your contact information I'll be sure to connect you with the police department