uh mayor we probably want to turn the fans off because it's tough to hear can we see how the sound goes if anybody's having trouble then we can uh CU it feels good right now yeah it's hot out there GNA get hotter M looksy yeah all right so we ready Mari you good okay great pursuing to section five chapter 231 Public Law 1975 this is to State for the record that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided to the public by posting and maintaining the annual notice of regular meetings on the bulletin board of the municipal building by mailing in the annual notice of regular meetings for 2024 to the news record and Star Ledger in December 2023 and by filing said notice in the office of the township cler m c here Mr daff here LCA here ble here Adams here where is chapter 231 public laws of 1975 com knows the open public meetings as all meetings of public bodies be open to the public and whereas section 7A provides that the governing body has a discretion to permit prohibit or regulate the active participation of the public in any meeting and where is desire the governing body to comply with the provision of this act same time to conduct its business in an orderly and expeditious manner now therefore be it resolved by the township committee Township mwood does hereby prohibit except to set forth in the formal agenda active participation and deliberations of the governing body by the public except as otherwise described by law does limit the public to the does limit the public to the observations of the actions and discussions of the governing body at all its regular and special meetings moved yes daff yes Luca yes zle yes mayor Adams yes that it that's it I always forget please rise for a salute to the flag IED to the flag the United States of America to The Republic stands na God indivisible with liy and justice for all how cool is that that you had the flag yeah yeah you know in Newark city hall they actually have a fan that makes the oh is that right it's wild I believe Council meetings thing nice all right welcome to members of the public and those those on zoom and those in person start it and shut it we can get stop talking that be welcome to the May 21st meeting of the township committee on tonight we have uh a few proclamations one for mental health month uh that'll be read by Deputy Mayor kripe Emergency Medical Services week is being read by Mr Duca uh the Jewish Heritage Month will be read by committee woman angle then we have an appointment to boards and committees Lisa Cohen and then we have public comment for agenda items only we have one ordinance on Final passage that the code of conduct ordinance that we've been talking about for a couple meetings then we have a few introduction ordinances for introduction uh the first one is uh salary establishing salary ranges for employees the second is enhancing um enacting an amendment to Springfield Avenue Redevelopment plan for areas one and three and the third ordinance is to amend the chapter the code to um put in a demolition ordinance into effect then we have reports from departments administrative reports we have Township administrator weer Township attorney cedido and Township Clerk fritzen elected officials were will first hear from Committee Member Engle then Committee Member daffis Committee Member Duca Deputy Mayor kpe and then I go last discussion items we have three on for tonight bylaws revisions for the youth youth Advisory Board Deputy Mayor KP will lead that discussion uh Raymond Terrace instituting two-hour parking on Raymond Terrace Mr Duca will uh run that discussion and then we have a discussion on swim lessons with regard to the pool and committee woman angle then we have the consent agenda then we will have public comment for any subject matter and then we will adjourn so with that I will ask Deputy Mayor K to go ahead and read the proclamation for mental health month whereas thank you thank you mayor whereas mental health is an essential part of overall health and well-being and affects one's physical health relationships and ability to thrive and whereas activities such as exercise mindfulness activities social connections unplugging from the news and social media pursuing a hobby spending time in nature and self-care can help support mental health and whereas one in five adults in the US will experience a Al illness and one in five children either currently or at some point during their ad lives will have or have had seriously debilitating me mental illnesses according to the CDC and whereas rates of anxiety depression and other mental illness conditions have risen since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic which has significantly increased the need for holistic and specific Mental Health Services according to the National Institutes of mental health a greater understanding from emergency science and search research on toxic stress and adverse childhood experiences has informed an understanding of the worsening mental health and suicides rates of our youth affirming that a multifaceted and Swift response is needed to address the growing Public Health crisis and because of the stigma and in misinformation individuals with mental illness are often over represented in the criminal justice system reside in substandard housing or institutions and are underemployed and are lacking access to basic needs experience severe social economic inequality and disadvantages and are impacted by Co co-occurring substance use and Co morbid health conditions and whereas Maplewood promotes 988 the national three-digit dialing code for anyone having thoughts of suicide and experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis adding it to the other life saving hotlines also available 24 hours a day seven days a week such as 911 the dialing code for emergency's First Response the poison control number 800 2221 222 and the state Social Services by dialing code 211 and whereas Maplewood supports Community programming and Municipal services that Aid with promoting positive mental health including substance use prevention mental health counseling treatment and recovering referrals and promoting Wellness throughout our community's health education promotion and Healthcare referrals inclusion in exercise and Recreation affordable housing mitigating food insecurity voter registration Library access Fair access to Legal representation and the Assurance of safe and open space for all and whereas Maplewood sees the importance and value of Crisis Intervention social workers in conjunction with law enforcement as a co-response Maplewood is piloting a new homeless Outreach and engagement program to help those who are experiencing homelessness as well as provide social service support to divert individuals and families from homelessness now therefore be it resolv on behalf of Nancy Adams mayor of the township of Maplewood and on behalf of the Maplewood town ship committee we do do hereby Proclaim may as mental health awareness month and encourage citizens to check in with yourself while we all advocate for Community volunteerism and equality there's only so much you can do if you don't first help yourself so please advocate for yourself if you have the ability to see a therapist take the opportunity and remember remember that your value is not based on your output thank you mayor thank you and uh Mr Duca would you like to go down yes the podium since we have some members of our Emergency Services team here to be recognized tonight you guys want to join Mr DeLuca up at the podium get some camera time yeah yeah can you yeah Green that's good to go okay and uh can we get our Township Clerk Elizabeth fritzen the to come up here yes 50 year 50e volunteer Emergency Medical Services started when you were five years old dude sorry deputy chief you're not coming up all right come on so this is a proclamation to designate the week of May 19 to 25th 2024 as Emergency Medical Services week honoring our past forging our future whereas Emergency Medical Services is a vital public service and whereas the members of Emergency Medical Services teams are ready to provide life-saving care to those in need 24 hours a day 7 days a week whereas access to Quality Emergency Care dramatically Improv improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury and whereas the members of Emergency Medical Services teams whether career or volunteer engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their life safy life-saving skills and whereas our Township relies upon the members of our South eics Fire Department who are trained emergency medical technicians to provide life-saving care to the residents of Maplewood and those passing through our borders and I might just add that we get assistance from the South Orange Rescue Squad also V that their volunteers and together were able to provide those services and whereas it is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of the Emergency Medical Services System by designating Emergency Medical Services week now therefore I Victor Duca on behalf of Nancy Adams mayor of the township of Maplewood and my Township committee colleagues to hereby proclaim the week of May 19 through 25 2024 as Emergency Medical Services week in the township of Maplewood with the theme honoring our past forging our future and we encourage the community to honor the trained emergency medical technicians of the South Essex fire department that TV in the background gonna be a problem yeah just do that like walk like there you go Mar Tyler Mo's last show you know that's nice nice yeah before Miss friton gets up and says something I just want to say you know we we uh for a number of years we were negotiating the consolidation of the Maplewood and the South Orange fire department and throughout all of our negotiations on the Maplewood side we wanted to retain EMS Services as part of scfd for Maplewood because of the quality of service commitment of you firefighters and so um this is very special because we really depend on you and we want to see that to continue going forward because we think that's the best way to provide services to our community and now I'm going to have Miss fritzen come up thank you Mr DeLuca these guys are my friends they're special I've done a lot of training with them uh for EMT recertifications and you know the public doesn't really understand the countless hours that go into being an emergency medical technician and recertifying every three years and I happen to be a volunteer I've done it my whole life it's been a blank of an eye but it's a huge commitment and uh firefighter EMT fod got his start on my squad oo I know him well as well as um the rest of the crew but I will say that uh one of the highlights and bright spots for me is on a Thursday night when I'm up at overlooker St barnabus at 3:00 a.m. and I see the sefd fire uh ambulance pull in and I know to my buddies and I'm not the Township Clerk anymore I'm Liz FR in the and I look just like them and I have the same uniform on and we Embrace and people are like holy mael they must know one another well in the EMS world we do know one another you do so um thank you and you know you guys I think you're Aces keep up the awesome work hey now go protect us you don't want to stay here anyway do Chris thank you all right with that we'll move on to our third Proclamation Committee Member angle would you please read Jewish heritage month thank you thank you whereas Jewish immigrants to America ever since their first arrival to our Shores in the 16th century have played a Central role in the creation growth Freedom prosperity and strength of the United States of America and whereas the biblical and contemporary history of the Jewish people and the enduring values of the Jewish faith were vital sources of inspiration for the founding of the United States the Civil Rights Movement America's Global Leadership in the cause of freedom and many of our country's most Central tenants and whereas Jewish American heritage month is a month to celebrate the contributions Jewish Americans have made to America's history society and culture for over 350 years and how the 7.6 million strong who live in this country continue the legacy of their ancestors and whereas for 42 years every president of the United States has declared a period of time for celebrating the contributions to the United States of the Jewish community's history Heritage and culture and whereas since 2006 the month of May has been has been declared by the president to be Jewish American heritage month pursuant to partisan resolutions of Congress and whereas we were reminded that as a faith identity and culture the Jewish people have not always been embraced despite our country's commitment to diversity and have faced hostility hatred and continued misconceptions and whereas even when not embraced Jewish communities have impacted the cultural economic and advancement of all people through entertainment figures like Samy Davis Jr advocates for human rights like the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg and literature that made people feel seen like the books of New Jersey's own Judy Bloom now therefore be resolve that I Deborah angle on behalf of Nancy Adams mayor of the township of Maplewood and the entire Maplewood Township committee do hereby Proclaim May 2024 as Jewish American heritage month and ask of our population to remember our community is built on the Assumption none of us are a monolith and that we all contain vast complexities and therefore be it further resolved in your interactions remember you don't know what person is going through or has gone through at any given time so when in doubt create a dialogue rather than build a wall if we are to debate and pursue conversations it should be to find Common Grounds not build barriers between one another yeah thank you Committee Member angle it's very important at this time right now so I really appreciate you reading uh boards and committees Arts Council we have an appointment Mr dafis we do thank you mayor uh Mr word do we have Miss Cohen With Us online she's oh she's right here welcome I'm sorry I didn't even see you there welcome um we we're delighted to have you and we welcome you to come up to the podium and tell us a little bit about yourself and why you're interested in being appointed to the Arts advisory Council good evening having me me this is such a nice meeting okay um well um I'll just read a little statement that I have written I don't know if you've seen it so I don't want to be redundant but I'll just read it um I'm seeking membership of the Maplewood Arts Council because I'm a longtime resident of Maplewood with deep connections to the Arts Community a lover and supporter of the Arts and I'm ready and able to serve I have a master's degree in digital media from Tish School of the Arts at New York University and 20 plus years experience working in a variety of creative roles I'm a digital first designer with expertise in video production motion graphic design currently I'm the creative director at McGraw Hill where I support Marketing sales and events my work can be seen on big and small screens around the world as a proud Maple woodan for nearly 16 years I'm involved with several organizations that enrich our community Through the Arts I serve on the board of the Columbia High School music parents associ assciation or chis mppa chisa y chis mppa raises funds to support CHS music programs providing extra support to meet our District's reputation is having a strong dedication to the Arts among other things we are the organization behind Som rocks and beat Fest to very successful concerts that take place annually at the Woodland we also support the CHS musical Productions the marching band choir orchestra and band concerts I'm also a member of the South Orange Elks Club where I help to coordinate the first all ages concert I secured the Elks Club as the venue and my child a junior a CHS musician en listed more than 10 acts made up of Columbia High School students to perform it was a smashing success raising funds for charity while introducing the Elks to new audiences I have also coordinated other concerts at the El Club featuring local Maplewood bands I also love screening films in my backyard recently I partnered with a few members of my book club which I founded more than 15 years ago to build a community of Maplewood film lovers to support gaining access to in-person film screenings in Maplewood before moving to Maplewood I volunteered at wcbn 88.3 FM and Ann Arbor for a decade as a DJ Chief announcer and member of the board of directors I was able to bring music and culture to the city also I worked as a projectionist at the University of Michigan's film school I'll never forget the thrill of being in the projection room of the Michigan Theater when of the best theaters in our country I want to continue sharing my love for the Arts with my community and I believe being part of the Arts Council will allow me to do that in a way that furthers the mission of the Arts Council engaging and enriching our community thank you for your consideration thank you thank you very much for stepping up to serve after everything you've already done for our community uh in arts it's absolutely exceptional thank you are there any questions for Miss Cohen from the committee I just want to note for the record that I was also a DJ in college oh cool what what uh station uh the qsu wqsu which which which college University oh oh it's cool my kid is looking in colleges now and we were just but then it was like records so I got to do that oh I was doing records yeah we had moved a mini disc by the time I was DJing at wucf well miss Coman thank you for stepping up to serve the community even more in this official capacity I think you're going to bring Great Value to our Arts Council we're all excited to have you join us thank you and I move your appointment to the Maplewood Arts Council do I have a second second thank you all of us I think everybody second yes roll call right yes welcome daff yes congratulations yes ble yes B Adams yes thank you for thank you and I will connect you to the two Co chairs and about our next meeting interested to more absolutely we'll connect by email and we need to talk about this whole film thing because uh yeah I still have my DGA membership and I get my screeners I do the same thing during the summer yes all right next on the agenda is public comment for agenda items only is there anyone member of the public who wants to come up and speak to the township committee on agenda items only no one in in the room oh it's not on it's on oh you need it closer to me with the fans it's hard to hear oh okay is there anyone in the room I don't think so so Mr weary anybody on Zoom if any members of the public joining us on Zoom would like to speak in public portion on agenda items please raise your hand now I see no hands mayor all right then we'll move on to ordinances on Final p passage mayor uh item8 item 8A ordinance on Final passage ordinance number 312-2401 code of conduct in the mwood municipal code for all youth activities and events sponsored by the township of mwood this ordinance creates a code of conduct for all youth activities events sponsored by Township of can we get a motion on this Mr Deus yes mayor I move this ordinance to be adopted as a whole and the clerk be directed to publish the same as a past ordinance in the Maplewood South Orange News Record according to law I second that any um now we open this for a hearing is there anyone in the public either on Zoom or in the room who would like to comment on this ordinance Mr Ry if any members of the public joining us on Zoom would like to speak on this ordinance please raise your hand now I see no hands mayor okay uh this ordinance has been published copies posted on the bulletin board and the municipal building copies made available to the general public in accordance with the law is there anyone on the township committee would like to discuss I went a little out of order but I think we can handle it Miss Fritz and call a roll please m right yes baffis yes yes Engle yes mayor Adams yes thank you next ordinance is on introduction Miss priton uh yes mayor item 9A ordinance on introduction ordinance number 3121 d24 is an ordinance to amend classification of employment positions within the township of Maplewood and to establish salary ranges for employees this ordinance will revise classification of employment positions and salaries within the township of Maplewood consistent with a revision of the table of organization established within the township of Maplewood okay I will move this ordinance the passage of this ordinance on first reading its publication according to law in the Maplewood South Orange News Record and the hearing to be held on June 5th I second the motion yes a yesca yes yes mayor Adams yes thank you we have another ordinance on for introduction mayor it's item 9B also an introduction introduction of ordinance 3122 d24 enacting Amendment to the Springfield Avenue Redevelopment plan areas one and three this ordinance will Revis the Springfield Avenue Redevelopment plan for areas one and three to reflect the incl in usion of eight Vermont Street in area three modify the permitted uses for area three change the maximum for both areas and make certain other changes Madame mayor before we move on um with this particular ordinance um over the past few days on further conversation with our affordable housing consultant and uh the township planner there are two changes that have been recommended to be made to the text of the amendment you have before you the first is to insert a minimum uh square footage for three bedroom units we have now permitted three bedroom units um under the ordinance only for affordable housing purposes um so we had a pre-existing square footage for other types of units uh it's recommended that we amend the text before you to add a 950q foot minimum for three bedroom units the other recommended changes uh are in section 8.3 with respect to Loft style units uh the text you have in front of you permits Loft style units but had additional language um with respect to uh calculations of square footage it's been recommended by the planners to leave the authorization of Loft style units but to delete the further language discussing how the square footage of those units would be calculated okay then I will move the passage of this ordinance as amended on first reading its publication according to law the neighborhood South Orange News Record and a hearing to be held on mayor I'm sorry I think you have to move first to amending I thought we were doing that no introduce it so mayor can we construe the motion you just made as a motion to amend yes I second yes I was gonna do that yes Luca she said anything yes single yes mayor Adams yes that's what I was going to do before you started talking so now I will move it as amended this ordinance on first reading it's publication according to law on Maplewood South Orange News Record and the hearing to be held on June 5th June 18 Jun 18th 18 18th so this got to go to the planning board this ordinance and the next ordinance will be referred to the planning board I want to screw up more things all night long second yes Davis yes Luca yes SLE yes may Adams yes thank you so it'll go to the planning board does it go automatically or do we have to do anything no I also already spoke with Mr pido about sending a memo to planning board secretary and that will be done so miss fritsen next ordinance okay uh next we have ordinance number 3123 d24 which is also an ordinance on introduction ordinance to amend chapter 271 of the code of the township of mwood entitled zoning and development regulations this ordinance will amend article 8 historic preservation and chapter 271 of the township code to modify the procedures by which applic applications for demolition permits for principle structures located in Resident residential zones are reviewed and approved mayor I move the passage of this ordinance on first reading its publication according to law on the maple South Orange News Record and a hearing to be held on June 18th 2024 I'll second it kerell m spr yes Mr daffis yes DeLuca yes angle yes mayor Adams and Miss Lewis will also send a memo or ask for a memo from Mr Cru absolutely we have reports from departments the budget report was sent do we need to discuss that at all Mr wary uh we don't okay unless you have any questions anybody has any questions on it no no okay administrative reports Mr worry I have no report tonight mayor I'm sorry what I have no report tonight mayor okay any questions for Mr wary M I have a question as well after Mr Mr I have two things one at last night's uh Springfield Avenue partnership board meeting it was a concern brought up about Yale Corner the condition of it um it's not cleaned up on a regular basis there's still uh the remnants from the removal of the tanks there's a depression there there's there's safety concerns people are walking through there people are driving through there that place needs to be cleaned and it needs to be secured by the owner noted okay the second is from the historic preservation commission um they requested that the bulletin board that we had in Maplewood Village be put back at a appropriate location in the ice cream corner on Baker Maplewood Avenue and they understand that it's up to the the working with the village Alliance but the township took the bu bulletin boards down and they feel that that's part of the character of The Village so it should go back up yes I'll make sure it's reinstalled it they should put some cornhole or something in that big space there it's a little too big and empty in my opinion but any other questions for Mr I have one mayor if I may um Mr wary I want to um draw your attention to item 14i in the consent agenda that's resolution number 192 d24 author in purchase of streetery Planters this of course is about um purchasing some additional Planters um for the street Aries which look amazing by the way uh all of our work in that regard was well worth it how many Planters are we um ordering additional Planters I believe it it's uh six and six so six of the smaller ones and and six of the uh large Planters yep six and six wonderful 12 total and am I uh do I remember correctly that those will be used in lie of once we get them the concrete barriers that we're seeing in some places yes with the exception of uh one establishment who had a preference for the smaller concrete barrier they they have a unique setup where they're actually in a parking lot and they have a preference for the smaller barrier as opposed to the larger one so we placed it there at their request um otherwise yes all of those smaller so why would we allow a concrete barrier just be these are our barriers we bought them the whole reason we're paying for them is to beautify The Village so why would we have any concrete ones if we have them it it fit better in that in the space and it was at it fit better in the space and it was at their request but we can certainly deny that request if you think it's appropriate yeah I I would rather use the Planters that's the whole point as it is I had asked DPW to go paint the concrete ones to at least be the same color as the new ones until and they did get those new ones in because I think that was done in one establishment but not the other one not at all of them yeah could you follow up with um Mr kitner about painting all of the concrete ones apparently not all of them were painted okay I'll find out which ones were not painted I know the one on Maplewood Avenue was but okay and we don't have a timeline on receiving those do we I mean it's hard to tell yeah we do uh we think that there'll be a June 17th delivery oh great okay it's way better than I thought great yeah that's a nice surprise cool that's my only question thank you okay yeah anyone else have anything for Mr worry all right you're up Township attorney you're talking a lot at this meeting I know um as you may be aware um s 2930 which is the Oprah Amendment uh bill passed both houses on May 13 the governor's got 45 days to decide what he would like to do with it um you know there's there's uh some pending curiosity about what role he will take whether he'll do any kind of conditional veto the um a lot of the items that we were concerned about when we've previously discussed it here were modified in the final bill um I'd say one that uh people were concerned about which remained was that um payment of attorney's fees is no longer automatic to someone who appeals to the government records Council and prevails the government records Council can award attorney's fees but it's not a an automatic mandatory item there are also some Provisions in the bill with respect to what they consider commercial requests for example I have a dog ing business so I want a list of everyone in town that has a dog license so I can send you know marketing materials to them there is a different time frame for those requests although they can pay to have them expedited um to the extent that the governor does signed the bill uh it will not take effect for 90 days um until after his signature so we're looking at at least you know three to four months before we see any of these changes enacted uh the other thing I did want to mention I'm sure miss fritzen will mention it as well uh just to remind everyone because of the timing of our meeting on June 4th our um our usual meeting would have the election on June 4th our usual meeting would have been that day it'll be Wednesday June 5th any questions for Miss cidia no okay thank you Township Clerk fritsen thank you m so uh a couple events that are coming up that uh I know I can't better yes a couple events that are coming up uh is uh obviously uh Memorial Day we have our parade and ceremony and uh everybody uh got the program and we've been working really hard on acting groups and we have a a large number of uh participant Marchers and I will say here tonight that if you still have a group uh that would like to participate in the parade uh up on the website is the information and how to contact uh my office and me in particular and tell me that you're interested in marching and um we have the program uh set with the participant and uh yeah it's going to be a great day so again if you are interested and you have a youth group or um whatever uh activity that you're sponsoring we would love to include you in our parade and it's not too late we would uh take uh submissions until probably Friday Saturday so um the other thing I want to mention is uh we have a primary election coming up and um been posted up on uh the website all the dates the informations the um voting for early voting the locations the dates uh we had the voter registration up till 9:00 pm last Tuesday uh we have um information on vote by mail this has been up on the website but I think it's a a good document it gives all the information and uh yeah I just want to report that seems like I do this every Township committee meeting but we've had several event planning meetings uh like 8 to 10 uh go on and in particular uh this past week I've conducted two large ones uh the pride event and also uh Maplewood stock and um we have several more to finish up the week with and and uh have next week but we're right on target with all the many events um that we have and just make sure everything goes smooth that is my report any questions for Miss priten thank you no early voting did you mention that yes uh early voting it's on the uh flyer it's up on the website it gives the locations it gives the dates we do not have an early voting location in Maplewood however but um everything is um start put on on the flyer think for the public certification when does early voting start next week early voting W 29 Wednesday the 29th May 29th Yeah March is yes and of course primary election day is Tuesday June 4th yep and our Township committee meeting will be Wednesday the 5th correct Township committee Wednesday June 5th okay got it any questions for Miss britson no great thank you okay thank you uh Committee Member angle thank you I have a few things um the first is that the greenway paperwork has been signed by both Maplewood and the South Orange Maplewood School District so it's very exciting um so next steps is that our Administration is coordinating a meeting with the developer so that we can um work on our two areas of the improvements on School District property together in coordination um and we're going to go back and look at the concepts and just get rolling find the money and make the plans and we're very excited so and I'm going to be working with Mr zca and the engineering and Public Works um committee to move that forward um second is um as part of the municipal Alliance our crisis intervention social worker um Miss Dina Pressel um alerted me to uh Grant opportunity to attend the New Jersey prevention Network annual conference last Friday in Atlantic City and it was really um kind of amazing we learned a lot about I went to a lot of sessions about addiction prevention and peer-to-peer help and spoke to someone at the DEA about um curriculum they have for the schools and just a lot of information so um more to come on that but it was really um worthy use of my time and I'm really grateful for Miss presel to find me this free um opportunity um next with the environmental advisory committee they're putting together ruing cleanups on June 1st there is the rain dates June 8th there is a um form that Mr wary is going to put into the comments so that you can sign up if you'd like to participate in our rain Garden cleanup and then the last thing is um the pool everybody's asking about when our pool is going to be open um we had announced that it was going to be open Father's Day weekends hopefully um sooner than that so I'm happy to announce that our last inspections are this week so you can um follow our pool on Instagram to be the first to know if we are going to be able to open this weekend but fingers crossed yeah the expectation is yes right so I mean that's a a heavy lift it's been a heavy lift for Melissa manuso and Nick and her team and the engineering overseeing the project to finish the pool so um kudos to everybody for their hard work and getting it open hopefully in advance of Father's day but like even if it doesn't open Memorial Day weekend it'll be open sooner than Father's Day yes and you can follow on um Instagram Maplewood Community poool um for the announcements or you can sign up for the email newsletters um on our website um and Miss manuso also wanted me to alert the public that um they are still accepting applications for lifeguards so if you are interested um you can apply there's a packet also available on our site great where you can call the um Community Services Department find out more info that's my report thank you great thank you any questions for M angle no no okay uh Committee Member daffis thank you mayor I have a few items I'll start with where we are in our Municipal equality index rating with tonight's passage of our new code of conduct ordinance we're at 95 points we're so close to a perfect 100 um we can get over 100 we can get six points and and reach over 100 with if we could find a way Miss cdio to make the um the thirdparty vendor uh employment non-discrimination thing happened but we know that that's been a heavier lift and a little more complicated that we anticipated at first so there could be some smaller measures that we could take to give us a few points to get us to 100 is that the threshold you have to get to 100 yes yes I mean that would be a perfect rating for the municipality would be great um the uh applications are rolling applications but we do know that they publish the ratings in November of every year so we need to make some decisions and take some actions soon so that we could um dive in there and apply and I just want to note that um Deputy clerk Allah has done a lot of work here uh as have uh both members of Township Administration Mr warry and and Miss Jones and we want to thank them for their work and we'll report back uh more about that another Economic Development update the Maplewood Village Alliance had its interview with Main Street on uh this past Friday um Main Street did say that um it was very competitive process they received a lot of applications um they granted nine interviews were one of the nine and they did uh tell us that they're going to designate probably three maybe four special Improvement districts and we should know either way sometime in July are they all special Improvement districts that are applying yes um I do want to note for the record because these are things that we've talked about as a governing body that has direct oversight over the budget of the of the alliance there were three areas of uh conversation I should say um the budget of the alliance and the special assessment you know the the members of Main Street really dug in and asked many pointed questions about you know how could you have such a small budget what's going on with your special assessment so we had to talk about how it was flat historically and why and give all that context you know and all that good stuff board membership unlike most uh special Improvement districts we were told that our board membership is very heavy uh on in terms of having residential members and low in having the actual Merchants represented by the alliance so we need to work on that and last but not least wayfinding we've got to improve our wayf finding in the village this is not a surprise I'm sure to Committee Member to uh we remember the um the Strategic revisioning that local planning services from DCA did for us back in 2018 where they identified wayfinding as an issue in the village and uh Mr Duca remembers that we worked we were trying to make some wayfinding happen but we couldn't get the alliance and the historic preservation commission and everybody on board with new signs but we need to make that happen um separately the MVA also had their meeting with our Planner on the Redevelopment in the village the new Redevelopment Zone they provided their feedback and Mr GLE took those as he prepares a draft for us to look at pride is gonna be great this this month coming up in June like it always is we're going to start things off on Saturday night June 1st at 5:00 p.m. with a very special Art Exhibit at 1978 it's called fluid forms and you may have seen us disseminate some information about that already and we're calling out to queer artists to um apply for that exhibit and uh then we will be officially kicking off Pride for the town on Sunday June 2nd with our now traditional equality March we ask people to join us at rickleton Square at around 10:30 in the morning we'll make signs people can decorate their bikes we're inviting kids to come with their bikes and parents and everyone to join us for the equality March we want it to be a little more festive and well attended this year uh and we will step off at 11: a.m. and we will make it back to town hall for flag raising a few speeches uh and then the kids will get to go over to the Gazebo uh by the Hilton branch of the library for the Youth Pride picnic 12:30 to 3:30 and you can find all of the events most of the events that we know of in our calendar out in mapso which is now up and current in the Maplewood artsand culture. org website that's Maplewood artsand cure.org lastly I want to recognize our employees that make Pride but also juneth and and you know all of the events that are coming up this summer uh in particular of worthy note our um assistant administrator Jones who has not missed a beat in uh keeping on top of all the different members of our amazing uh Team here at Town Hall that make these events happen and our new arts and culture manager zakiya Williams and her team including facilities manager Stacy Ross but I'd be remiss in not highlighting uh Liz fritsen our Township Clerk who uh is incredible in uh event planning meetings and the massive coordination that's required to bring everybody together to make these things happen so I really want to salute them and thank them that's my report thank you any questions for Mr Deus no I just one uh at last night's um Springfield Avenue partnership meeting they uh the partnership is working with Express Yourself Studio they're going to be doing something on the second also in the afternoon for children six to eight years old oh that's great so um are we funneling stuff to arts and culture is okay so that's what they're going to get it on the schedule yep yep okay anything else thank you mayor yep okay Committee Member DeLuca thank you mayor I have 18 items oh good I saw you taking notes yes you saw me the whole time right yes uh first on Saturday June 8th from 2: p.m. to 7:00 p.m. there's going to be the Maplewood Ukrainian day here uh it's celebrating everything Ukrainian it'll be at Holy Ascension Ukrainian Orthodox Church which is on Irvington Avenue 650652 Irvington Avenue uh the program is at 3M and they'd like a proclamation mayor uh if hopefully you'll be able to attend uh I will not um but I will work with with Miss fritson on getting the proclamation done did you say 3 p.m. 3 p.m. yes and the event goes like 2: to 4: 2 to 7: two to s yes okay okay uh number two farmers market starts Monday June 3 2 P.M to 7 PM it seems like the time and it is being moved this year to the corner of Tuscan Road in Vermont Street and if you want a away finding number it's 1662 Springfield Avenue that's the Gazebo and um you plug in 1662 Springfield Avenue it'll take you over to huskin Road and Vermont the streets will be closed we've worked it out there's a sign up already uh flashing sign can we get this in the email blast and all that can I ask a question about that or you want me to wait till the end no no I um is the uh parking lot by um inspirational dance going to be open is that g to be accessible from just coming from the east or will it also be accessible no it'll just be accessible you can make a left there by inspiration dance into that parking lot a left from Springfield Avenue right but I'm saying oh I see so you can go around that way but you can't access it from like Oakland no okay Tusc and Tusk it'll be closed closed at Oakland and tusin people have to go around the library and come can I ask a question about that um there's a lot of games still being played in June so what's going to happen with like traffic or letting the sports parking I didn't know it was moving the swarmers Market I'm sad that it's leaving the other part of Springfield Avenue I'll just note for the record it's still on Springfield AV yeah but still it's it's going to be on Vermont so it's going to be right off Springfield Avenue no I know but I'm more concerned about the traffic flow with all the fields and the they're going to have get I mean Oakland Road's going to be open for parking um the only spot that there might be a conflict the parking lot is open for traffic for parking um there may have been people who parked Along tusin by the library there that will not be so is there a way that we can when we send out information just let the sports teams know so that they can let their people know about change in parking or traffic flow so that there's not pass on just worri there's a lot of kids around yeah well it is Mondays so maybe yeah just on Mondays but they have practices Mondays oh okay and hopefully they'll come over to the farmers market afterwards uh little disappointing news we had submitted a proposal to sustainable Jersey for $20,000 to do the natural resources inventory and we were decline why do we know yeah why we don't know why I mean it was very competitive and uh you know we'll try to find out but we were we got a letter saying thanks for applying but sorry that's too bad it's unfortunate it's a bummer yeah uh number four our home sharing program this is where people who have space in their home who might be interested in having someone come and live with them to get some income maybe trade off some services and stuff we are going to have the community meeting on Thursday June 20th it'll be here in this room and it'll be a hybrid meeting and I believe you're working with uh Mr we's working to get all that worked out what time is that that's going to be at 700 p.m. thank you and we're we're mailing out a postcard to everyone in town 60 and over great how do you know who's 60 and we have ways yeah we have ways we have ways um number five in on April 1 we issued a request for expression of interest in developing affordable housing in Maplewood and I'm happy to re to tell you all that we received seven responses which I'm you very surprised get that many and looking through um them they're very thoughtful and I think um we're going to have some really tough decisions to who to work with uh but in any event the affordable housing board it will be meeting tomorrow night and we'll beginning talk about the process of review and recommendations to the township committee awesome that's a good problem to have it is a good problem to have more than and you know just one or two and then lastly the library I just want to give everyone uh an update so we anticipate uh construction to be completed by September 1st this is about six months past the date that we had hoped for um you know we ran into uh asbest and underground storage tank and there were a lot of um issues of getting supplies but we're on track we're moving we're we're pressing the contractor and the subs to get things done um after the construction is done and the certificate of occupancy is issued there is two there are two months that are necessary to do a flush out this is uh you run the whole systems for two complete weeks without anybody in the building get rid of all the toxins yeah uh from either the construction or the furniture that's brought in and then there's about six weeks of U moving stuff back in the books Y and putting all those books back on shelves so we're hoping um to get the public and the you know the community in there in sometime in November of this year and that concludes my report thank you that was an 18 good stuff honestly that was a relief that's why you know you make it sound like it's gonna be longer and then you go shorter and everybody's happy Mr Dela are they seeking any volunteers to assist with that move in no they're not no and there actually it's it's was talked about um it's there's two issues one um when the library closed the everything was put into the boxes real quick because and it was all dark and and because remember Sandy had hit it so there needs to be some qualitative analysis of the books whether they're still in good shape where they going things like that and that really has to be done by the professionals there may be an opportunity to do some of the carrying and stuff but we'll have to work that out right now we're just the two libraries are going to close for some time and all the staff is going to be assigned there to do this uh restocking awesome thank you any other questions for Mr Duca how long are the libraries going to be closed for possibly two weeks okay Deputy Mayor K thank you ah so wanted to say congratulations to the Maple Garden Club for successful annual uh plant sale it went for three days even in the rain and there were plenty of folks that came out so I'm so happy that they were continuing that successful program also for the Mayfest folks who were there on Sunday thank you for coming out it was a beautiful day I don't know what happened after the horrible week of rain that we had gotten but we got on Sunday and everyone was able to be out and be a part of that and it was just a wonderful Community event so thank you for all the vendors Springfield Avenue partnership and everyone who was involved in it um um mayor I'm sorry I'm sorry uh Community Miss man dafis had mentioned juneth as a part of one of the activities coming out we've had our meetings and discussed the um fact there going to be a two-part celebration first part is going to be un actual June the 19th of June um there'll be a day honoring kickoff so we are actually in honor we're looking for volunteers particularly those who are former Boy Scouts Girl Scouts and active service Duty members or formal duty service members who happen to be African-Americans to be a part of the honor ceremony we'd like to raise a flag we'd like to place a wreath we'd like to do something to honor that so if anyone is interested in being a part of that please reach out to just Zakia Williams or to Melissa Manzo in our Rex and arts and culture departments um and then on the 21st we will have a full some program over at our Memorial Park with a 4M kickoff uh children's programming crafts uh music entertainment and culminating with a wonderful fireworks display which we will have submitted the permit for to make sure that happen glad everybody got my email we did not get that memo but yes we will make sure that happens on time so that will be fireworks on the the 19th of June um M's department is still hiring for summer employees lot of our camps and arts as well as our kids camp over at uh Dart are looking for employees so for our high school students who are looking for employment it's a wonderful place to work as well as the community pool is still seeking employees um and then finally I wanted to say a special thank you to the EMTs particularly South ethics fire department for the professionalism and all the good work that they do one of the biggest um concerns for a lot of the seniors that I end up dealing with on a regular basis is that having the support they need when they have an emergency and knowing that 911 is picked up quickly and the response times are amazing um so thank you for your professionalism and for excellent training and and mentorship Liz for the work that you do with uh the the EMTs themselves um we're looking at additional um efforts towards our bike and pedestrian safety and Public Safety in particular we're looking to have our Rex Department do a bit of an audit of the crosswalk situation at all of the parks particularly during our game times and the more popular um weekends so that we make sure that we have um adequate coverage that the folks are paying attention to the speed limits that are walking in the crosswalks properly we want to do an audit just to make sure that people are utilizing them in the most safe possible way so you'll probably hear from some of the folks um on the committee who are planning on going out into the parks and possibly just randomly quaring people about their experiences and being a a utilizer of our parks and so we hope that they will uh get back to us about any additions and changes we may need to make and that is my report mayor any questions for Deputy Mayor CRA who's doing the audit community members volunteering members of the rec advisory committee we're looking to as we are in the Parks ourselves just kind of do General like hey how is your experience um did you use the crosswork where did you park how are you finding parking adequate that type of thing and then coming back for our next meeting to discuss some findings okay any other questions no yes oh you look like you were getting ready to talk okay so um briefly from my report um I attended the conference of Mayors down Atlantic City apparently Miss Angel and I overlap down in AC but we didn't know it um but excellent sessions on storm water management and other relevant Municipal issues um I moderated a panel on cannabis and what was yours of Pilots Miss cidia was on a panel for pilots and Redevelopment so we enjoyed that the um Conference of Mayors also honored our congresswoman Mikey Cheryl with the US representative of the Year award so that was fun um and it was basically a lot of information and a lot of um good connections that were made so that was good um we held our Maple Woodstock planning meeting this past week and everything is we won't have the issue with one vendor that was there last year um but we also have um lined up everything uh I believe the one thing that's going to be followed up on by police is to see if the light towers that were left over from the county last year could be left over again this year because they were really helpful for the vendors on the East field so um and then I just wanted to First the statement that we made um we're still getting people um being mean to each other with regard to uh their positions on the Middle East crisis um so I just want everybody to remember this again this is on our website it's going to be back on our homepage but I hate to have to do this but it's like you know I've raised some kids and I need it feels like they need to be told again and again in Maplewood we stand for inclusivity respect and understanding recently some protesters who are exercising their First Amendment right to free speech have used language that is hurtful and unnerving to many of our neighbors we urge all participants in public protests to refrain from engaging in hate speech or discriminatory Behavior targeting any group including our Jewish and Muslim community nebor members we must remember that freedom of expression does not justify the spread of harmful rhetoric nor can it be used to incite violence against any individual or group we are mindful of the close connections community members of many faiths have with Israel and with Palestine we can publicly protest against the war and express our anger or support for one side or another but we must not use phrases or words that will hurt or frighten those on the other side of the issue causing them to feel unsafe in their own town Maplewood needs to be a safe space to disagree we do not and will never accept bullying harassment discrimination and bias of any kind in our community local residents and outside actors in citing vitriol amongst neighbors has been documented here and across the country let's not buy into the social Discord narrative that is gripping our nation we are Maplewood Home to all we must be a safe space in these turbulent times the Maplewood Township committee strongly condemns the behavior and the use of language that tears the community apart rather than bring us together in our desire for peace in the world let's please start with peace here at home nice thank you you thank you mayor thank you mayor and that's going to be put back on our landing page say again it's it's still on it was on our homepage it it dropped off so it needs to go back on um okay I feel like my mom I don't have to tell you again so with that we'll move on to discussion items uh Deputy Mayor C you have the first item on B yes thank you mayor I've got to pull it up real fast my iPad died so I'm doing this for myself cell phone my apologies if I have to squint um as a part of section 72.3 of our current bylaws about the youth advisory committee something that committee woman Engle and I have been discussing back and forth is the fact that we would like to create a better Legacy kind of a training almost for our youth advisory members and the curring wordage of the the ordinance is actually limiting only to one year for terms when we're hoping that we could extend it to two years so that these children will have an opportunity to learn about governance and then maybe enact a little bit more of it versus being gone in a year um and a part of that also deals with the ages because the children that are coming in they're listed for 13 or age or grade eight we've got seventh graders we have some sixth graders too but seventh graders I'm thinking would be a good starting point for that twoyear so that they could spend their seventh grade year and their eighth grade year on the youth advisory committee take that additional year off and then come back maybe for their sophomore junior year or whenever they've started just to give them more time so I'm hoping that the committee will be interested in extending and change adjusting the um bylaws to give that extended time push from 8th grade to seventh grade as the starting age being 12 um or 11 I believe beginning of seven of seventh grade is 12 11 12 depending on your 11 12 so might be 11 and also for it to go for two years with a one your break in between for consecutive terms M angle do you have anything you wanted to add no I think Miss crepe said that very eloquently I agree about lowering the age and extending the term I'm fine with that as as the co-author of that Charter I'm I'm fine with it too great yeah so miss CIO if we could have an opport a chance to write that up and we can present it at our next meeting that would be wonderful thank you great thank you very much uh Mr Duca Raymond terce yes thank you mayor so a year well almost a year ago September 2023 not a year ago some time ago uh a resident of Raymond Terrace came before us to talk about speed and parking and the need for traffic caling Raymond Terrace is a small stretch off of Milburn Avenue that um connects Villa Terrace and we're all very familiar with the issues of villa terrce over the years with parking and and what have you so uh I met with the folks there and the first thing we did if you remember we changed the 3-hour parking limit on Milburn Avenue to be all day right and that has actually helped a lot because the the clients of those businesses on Milburn Avenue and you have a lot of doctor's offices you got the Valerie fund you got Wilbur's painting painting um they're Now parking on Milburn Avenue and that's fine uh but we're still getting a lot of parking on Raymond Terrace and um some are all it's all day parking and the houses there are uh they have narrow driveways some of them on the east side have very steep driveways and so they really need to have access to their be able to park their second car or move their car they have people come over and things like that so what we've talked about is doing the same thing we have for Villa Terrace and that would be 2hour parking uh Monday through Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m and we would change the the ordinance that we have um to that effect that makes sense and if we're okay with it then I would ask uh Mr weary if you would get the engineer he has to go out and put down the markers where to where uh because we share that road with Union and then get that to M cedido so that she could amend um the section in the code do we need to Coop collaborate with Union for that or no just do no Union actually has two hour parking well then what are we waiting for I'll send it to you 7 AM to it's it's whatever the code is now I will send that to you okay Monday to Sunday right seven days a week sounds yeah cool very cool all right any more discussion on that well all good you're all good Mr Duca thank you thank you swim lessons Miss angle swim lessons um so there's a big Community conversation about expanding affordable swim lessons to all who want to learn the critical life skill of swimming and this has been a conversation at the pool advisory committee for a very long time even before I was on Township committee and covering it as a reporter and now since I've been the Le on for pool advisory committee for about 18 months and so um we tasked the pool advisory committee with just doing some research and figuring out how we might ble to expand swim lessons and I forwarded you guys some of their recommendations um and I've since sat down with um Mr warry and Miss manuso to really drill down like what can we actually do what makes sense what can we afford Etc so um while we have big plans to expand swim lessons Al together for this season what we're proposing is to add additional weekend classes swim classes specifically for ages four to nine year olds currently there are no weekend swim lessons for them so we're going to keep the threes and fours on the weekend and we're going to add um beginner 1 and two um for Kids 4 to9 on the weekends as well um and we're going to keep also the adult swim lessons that we started out last year um we also looked into training one of the recommendations from pool advisory committee is to look more towards have using the American Red Cross um curriculum have water safety instructor certified water safety instructors um teaching our lessons and so we started looking at Baby Steps how can we get there and when we started talking about okay what if we just train 12 of our lifeguards this summer to be WSI safety instruct instructors what does it look like from a budgetary perspective and we realize that just that alone would cost $20,000 so I suggest that we do not go forward with training WSI instructors but we do move forward with adding the swim lessons on the weekends and I just wanted to bring that here to the township committee to discuss um in Open session so I would just ask the question of how much does that cost us for adding swim lessons on the weekend and do we have the money less than $2,500 can hear you less than $2500 we expect but we're talking about adding two lifeguards for two hours two days a week for eight weeks so okay so it be around 2500 and yeah I think it's less but I want to make sure we have you know findable we give our sub uh yeah that's findable that's small amount and considering the impact that it has for the cost that it will have it's findable I say that knowing that the margins on the pool budget are extremely slim and that's after uh the township supports it and we have American Rescue plan money in it this year that we won't have next year um and even that is SL last year as our result of operations um we had $6,000 remaining that's after a $1.5 million budget we've got an extra $66,000 so not much money at all U to be found but I think we can um responsibly find 2500 for the weekend lessons and we're also going to be shifting some of the ones that we currently running on the weekday that were not didn't have high enrollment so we're going to be shifting things around so it's possible that some of the classes we might add a class but it might be even because we're taking one away so it's not we're just shifting around to Ure that currently if you're older than four there are no lessons available unless you don't go to camp and so we're working parents they can't enroll their kids to learn how to swim because we didn't have anything available so I think this will be a good first step in order to be able to teach more children how to swim okay is that any questions I I I have it I'm sorry this wondering being that you've got the Red Cross um curriculum already set have were you able to make the deadline for the Grant application or so we are not using them so in order to to adopt the American Red Cross curriculum we need to have water safety instructors training them and so that's a $20,000 cost but we do have a curriculum Miss manuso um since 2022 has been working on a curriculum that's kind of modeled after the American Red Cross um so we're hoping that that will now that that's going we will be able to possibly open up for grant funding and there's grant funding when you're doing youth lessons um subsidies for youth but there's also now adult lesson Grant opportunity you need I believe three adult classes swimming on the weekend and last year we had one and so that um and that period open I think it's October to December but it's definitely something we're eyeing where can we get some grant funding in order to help subsidize some of these costs next summer awesome thank you it's great news I'm pass you forgot or you don't no no no I'm not gonna raise it nice okay it's not gonna ra it so it sounds like we're all okay um Mr were you and I talked about getting the pool advisory committee getting our getting the numbers from our Chief Financial Officer for how the pool management works so that going in next year like before the end of this year it would be have a meeting get all the numbers have the CFO explained so that there's a understand better understanding of the pool advisory committee of the funding that's available and so it'll be helpful in discussing ideas yeah that would be great I believe the last time the CFO was able to attends with them was in 2022 so I know that they are eager to understand especially now that we've moved away from a sustainable utility to you know adding money to the budget so it is a very important conversation to have and like where they can help us raise money I mean we need to find Revenue just so they know like what the parameters are too I think it's important and I recommend we do that after we have our 2023 AIT complete so that'll be done in July we expect yeah then that's a good time anytime after you know August September the fall is a good time for uh them to meet with our CFO uh to review the budget yeah that way you can prepare for the following year and have some knowledge great anybody else have anything for great all right we will move then to the consent agenda can I get a motion for all of these resolutions mayor I move the consent agenda items 14a through 14 q q second it spitson is there a second yes yes Baff yes Luca yes ble yes mayor Adams yes thank you it's now time for public comment on any subject matter um is there anyone in the committee room here who would like to speak to the township committee we were counting on you we were counting on you miss anybody on Zoom if any member M of the public joining us on Zoom would like to speak in public portion please raise your hand now I am moving over Jamie Hastings to public portion Jamie why do I know that name what happened to the just went out might have gone to sleep did your screen go out it goes off when nobody touches it Miss Hastings welcome to public portion you may unmute yourself and have three minutes to address the committee okay first of all I would like to say good evening um I'm only at this meeting it's been a long meeting but I really wanted to talk to you guys in regards to two matters so the very first matter is I want to say that I have been a resident of Maplewood for nine years and I love Maplewood um it's a very welcoming Town um I love the camaraderie here um I've built a amazing relationships with my neighbors um however there is a concern that I have uh with deart Park um the other day I went there and I saw teenagers um just hanging outside smoking weed and so I did make a a Citizens report in regards to that um and I was basically told that they couldn't do anything about it now the science is out right we know that teenagers brains don't fully develop until they're about you know until they're really adults around 26 and the science says that we currently can okay decrease brain cells so I am curious as a resident number one why is that happening at our parks and why are not our police policing and I don't mean being violent but I think that what needs to happen is our police force needs to establish some type of positive rapport with our with our with our community because it does take a village to raise a child now as a parent I should not have to go to a park and see six or seven teenagers smoking weed in front of young people number one they're violating an ordinance number two is a public space and number three as adults we need to guide them and this um relaxed attitude about using drugs in public areas is a concern of mine and I'm holding you guys accountable I need to know what are you going to do as a Township to make sure that this public space is accessible for everyone now that's the first concern that I have um the second concern that I have is the planting of the trees now um I know that we need trees right because you know trees sustain our environment and we need oxygen in order to breathe however what is happening is that the tree trees that are planted are not being upca okay they are currently right now the trees on my block they are intertwining with Electrical uh uh wiring um they are uprooted and no one is coming um in this on this block I can't speak for any other block but no one is coming and pruning the trees and it presents a very dangerous situation if there is a storm that knocks down the wire so that needs to be consistently done the trees are beautiful but they also need to be kept and when you have these planning boards on which block gets trees um I'm hoping that you are considering the type of tree that you guys plant how big that tree is the position of the tree if this tree is going to uh fall back and hit someone's home all of these things need to be taken into consideration thank you um just to your first point we do have an ordinance of no smoking in our public parks and that includes marijuana so um our administrator will discuss that with the chief of police and make sure that um the police are in fact enforcing the law that we have in place um as far as the planting of trees can you tell us what street you live on so that I can have DPW go take a look I am on jacobe Street jacobe okay yes which part be on the which side of voy I'm Miss Crips neighbor I'm right on her side I'm sorry on the corner of Schaefer oh okay great all right thank you so much for for calling in thank you so much and I really want to say one more thing if I can um I really want to shout out the fire department here in Maplewood um they actually do an amazing job um when my mother passed away from covid um the level of um concern and care that they gave her was amazing and so I want to say that they do an amazing job and I'm very glad that you guys are honoring them tonight thank you so much that's nice to hear thank you I'm sorry for your loss okay Mr rary if any other members of the public would like to speak in public portion please raise your hand now if any members of the public joining us on Zoom would like to speak please raise your hand now I see no hands mayor okay thank you very much mayor I move we adjourn second everybody yes yes yes yes mayor Adams yes thank you we'll see you on June and