i' like to call the meeting to order Johanna will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirement of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Atlantic City Press Star Ledger posted on the bulleon board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all electronic devices please stand for the Allegiance i al to flag of the United States of America stands indivisible andice Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumber I am here commissioner horn here all right we will kick off our commission meeting with some positive news and accolades so I will hand it over to Chief Hinson and commissioner horn it's actually to house I said to the commissioner earlier today it's nice when I could recognize some of my officers for a liaving moment there's been a lot of press over the few weeks it's the city's opportunity to recognize our own Officer Jim Costa standing in the back you would come forward and sometimes it's the people behind the scenes you don't see all the time Communications officer Kelly don't know who it is Kelly employes dep andar and on June 15 off CPR instruction while City Police Department depart and police offy en City dep [Applause] thank you and I say it all the time I think our police and fire have the fastest response times uh you know anywhere around and we're very lucky to have them so we will now uh move forward with the fire department swearing in yeah thank you mayor uh I'm just going to give a little background uh we try to give a little background information on our newes for Department as he actually started department may4 where he was Inwood schols grated scho St started his in aste Department graduating the ATA to re ctif and I have to tell you very stressful timebody is this is part of my spech but I watch in the back of the department in he had a he was putting his time and effort to stud and he putss this and did very well St served in United States marp January 2010 January afan C fire department early of dep [Applause] everybody what do you call St oh boy thank you I'll call you next week if I'll call you next week think he said oh thank you didn't all right we will now continue with the rest of our regular agenda is there a motion for the approval of the June 20th 2024 regular and workshop Capital minutes motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right we will now open up to public comment anyone has any comment please step forward to the microphone state your name and address now um my name is Sheri Feld dratfield I'm here with my husband Simon dratfield we live at 104 South exitor Avenue in Margate we moved in three years ago and we're permanent residents and we voted um we're here to comment and I'm standing up doing this um on ordinance number 11 24 which is the an ordinance of amending chapter 203 outdoor dining of the code of the city of Margate City County of Atlantic and state of New Jersey outdoor dining and sidewalk dining um and I must say that for the past three years we have we moved from ventner um and we've been suffering a lot from the noise and the ES escalating um hours of um a restaurant bar that's near us Robert's place on Essex Avenue um they have sidewalk dining and they have an area that may have been a parking lot at some point and they have very loud music um until well after 10 o'clock at night and I must say that our grandchildren when they visit on Friday and Saturday nights can't sleep even with the white noise machine and our grand nieces and nephews um we cannot sit outside on our decks to talk with our friends when they come to visit um it is really a problem for us as it is and I understand from reading this and I may not understand everything but I understand that the idea is to amend it to enable um restaurants and bars such as um Robert's place to extend their purview in terms of serving diners or alcohol even um to people outside their private area and the adjacent area um which would mean that they might be able to and it also seems that they've eliminated although I'm not sure because I just read it quickly um to eliminate the requirement for um off-site parking um and if that um 203 um six um that was eliminated in this amendment um and also I'm not sure if outdoor dining is the same as sidewalk dining I believe it's not synonymous because I see some interaction and if so the current restrictions for sidewalk dining do not necessarily under this amendment um reflect the same restrictions for outdoor dining so for example in the public areas you might have a longer time uh to be there and uh there might be able to be outside cooking or which would bring Vermin and smells and um I think this is clearly a commercial Amendment so that the restaurants can expand their purview but this is a residential area and I know I'm not the only one affected I'm I'm the only one here because I just found out about it but I know our neighbors can't watch their television downstairs until after 10:30 at night um on Fridays and Saturdays during the season and I know that someone else sold their condominium because they couldn't stand the noise so the idea of increasing the purview of Roberts place in particular for us but other people residential areas uh to me is an anathema so I vehemently oppose the amendment my husband thank you evening um I don't know if it's appropriate time for me to speak now it's again about 11:24 of the ordinance that was just discussed my name is Mike sovich from the law firm of liberman bler and sovich I represent the 7811 Atlantic Condominium Association and since 2020 during covid and the covid um exemption that permitted or encouraged outdoor dining uh my client residents have suffered uh from that experience with loud noise with the inability to use and enjoy their property um but I'm not here to talk about one specific business and you know we encourage outdoor dining with limitations um we believe in our major point and purpose is we believe that all residents of Margate and anywhere should be able to use and enjoy their properties we also note as stated in the city's noise ordinance that noise and disturbance isn't of itself a public health issue so by this or ordinance Amendment appears to be remove or is removing the term uh private property from the outdoor dining ordinance so that now only applies two properties outside a property line of a restaurant establishment but the ordinance is currently written at least has reasonable standards limitations um and those limitations are set forth for the purpose of the ordinance as written now which reads the purpose of this chapter is to permit daytime and early evening outdoor dining on private property and sidewalks adjacent to local food establishments restaurants and bars for the enjoyment of patrons and this is the important part without disturbing the immediate neighborhood or pedestrian traffic and those standards as as the commission knows are you know limiting hours of service from 7: am to 10 p.m which is a significant amount of time um it uh limits lighting prohibits music and public address systems and prohibits uh outdoor cooking these limitations when they're followed uh provide the safeguards for the you know peace and enjoyment of the neighborhood um Within These mixed commercial and residential uh neighborhoods similar to where my client Association um exists so the real question is well the real comment is with this amendment now these restrictions are being lifted from private property and a few hypothetical questions that we have are what's the basis like what's the rationale for this amendment what's the purpose of removing private property from um from the currently existing ordinance can we expect limitations on outdoor dining for private locks for private property is that something that's coming up and what will it be and to the extent that is something that's going to happen in the future we believe this should all happen at the same time not you know amending one or this ordinance now and then dealing with private property later um section 2031 goes on to state that it's the intentions of the commissioners of the city of Margate to Monitor and review the use of these facilities after the adoption of the chapter to determine its full impact on the city and the enjoyment of its citizens and again another hypothetical question that we respectfully ask is what monitoring and what review has occurred if any um we do believe as the the prior uh comment or made comment to and it's not just um dealing with one business but there's multiple businesses throughout the city that you know the residents near buyer having and feeling these impacts we recognize that the city has a noise ordinance um and the noise ordinance um if apply could or if enforced could help solve some of these problems but you know respectfully we don't we don't see a adequate enforcement of that ordinance and you know we recognize that times have changed particularly after Co we recognize that outdoor dining is something that maybe not only is just common but it's almost expected particularly in a beautiful place like this but the reality is is that we're not against outdoor dining as I said before it's that we believe there need to be certain limitations those limitations already exist in this ordinance and again these reasonable limitations exist are reasonable uh these businesses are allowed to operate all the way to 10 p.m. um this is not you know something that's totally harming these businesses I I believe and I my client believes and I believe most of us in this room would believe that there needs to be like a symbiotic relationship uh a relationship in which the businesses get to thrive the residents get to live and enjoy their property and everyone works together and you know we believe and respectfully submit that with this amendment that goes against that goal or that purpose um and for those reasons um well I I guess I do want to note one other thing um we did submit earlier today a uh a letter short letter report from a professional planner um I know it was only a few hours ago I'm not sure if uh the commission had an opportunity to review it um I have a couple of copies if I don't know Mr Abbott if it's appropriate for me to hand out but I abely we were we were given copies from the clerk uh right before the meeting yes so thank but thank you you're welcome thank you mayor um and and I won't obviously read the whole letter into the record um all I wanted to make note is you know Mr Rodriguez who's a professional planner in the state of New Jersey reviewed the ordinance and his review Echoes a lot of what I just said which is with the a plain reading of this amendment leads to two conclusions either outoor dining on private property is no longer allowed or we're totally deregulating outdoor dining on private property and by doing that you are removing the restrictions or the limitations is a better way of putting it that I had already referenced the timing the music the lighting things that are meant you know in place now to protect the residence so um Mr um Rodriguez you know concluded that essentially and respectfully it's bad L use to be removing private property from these restrictions particularly without at least looking at where each of these establishments are and looking at the context of you know whether there's residential next to it versus whether there's just Office Buildings next to it in which everyone's gone by 6 PM um and he believes and he concludes similar to um what I said a moment ago that we think that the ordinance as is should stay the the the currently existing one the limitations should exist for uh dining on private property and there shouldn't be this situation in which they're totally deregulated um and uh and to the I guess to the um detriment of not only my client but other residences in the area near those um businesses so with that um thank you for the time and we we respectfully request that uh this ordinance uh not be passed immediate either thank you Michael oh I should have mentioned one thing um one of my residences would like to speak I know I usually speak for them I don't know if I should called them as a witness or if it's okay that he get up um when he wants I know being a little formal Mr rabbit what do you too formal it's all open for the public okay thank you my name is Mike L 781 at Landing Avenue and um we just heard from our lawyers representing us but uh from the residence uh of this building I just to say that we we already uh presented here before we also I think in in some of the the meetings with with the city and with u city solicitor and the Chiefs here we stated our opinions on um how it's impacting our building and the residents in the building uh from safety issues to obviously noise issues to constant consumption of the alcohol on the sidewalks to um you know late at night somebody said that till 10:00 it's actually goes way past 11: um at 10:00 the light music stops but now after 10 they pipe the music from the speakers and um at 10:00 that all the service should stop as well based on at least the current regulation but the service of of alcohol and food continues late into the night even on a private property not on and on the sidewalk which regulation States it should stop none of that is controlled n of that regulated no one is there to police that and it becomes our responsibility somehow to uh to ask people to leave or to stop making the noise and it's just um you know unbearable uh in fact not knowing I bought the property in uh just in the middle of Co in 2020 um and the previous owner sold the property because of the noise and all the problems that uh this outoor regulation was causing I no idea at the time but being there now for years I see that firstand and I have a 5-year-old that same thing cannot sleep the noise is unbearable inside the house the vibration from the speakers from the base when the bands are playing is unbearable and uh just you know we have to find a way to coexist and regulate this uh one more comment on uh the latest proposal is that the play of WS outdoor and sidewalk right is very nicely done there but for sure right you know intereted properly it removes all regulation on the outside dining and it only applies to sidewalk so basically it stops at 10 o00 on the sidewalk which it never did anyway before and now outside is allowed to continue as we were told up until 4 o'clock in the morning and another thing we were told by you know members of this board is to say that if you don't like it you are in the party town I had no idea that Margate is a party town but you in a party town and you in the commercial area if you don't like it leave I don't think this is a right message to deliver to Residents to say that leave if you don't like it I think we need to find a way to resolve this problem and not force people to leave because we like it there we enjoy the city we enjoy the the beach we enjoy everything about it except the excessive noise that needs to be regulated thank you Sher lilan Feld 7809 Wellington Avenue morgate um actually I had no idea about this ordinance to I sat here I would like I don't know if everybody knows about this and I'm just the only one like what is this ordinance and what was the reasoning behind this amendment like where did it come from so can you explain the amendment and the justification behind it sure Roger I don't know if you want to assist here but uh in basically covid the governor signed regulations that extended outdoor dining during Co and that he has passed for the past several years extensions on that deadline and there's reason to believe he will continue to pass them or make those uh changes permanent um in the I guess in the interim as we were reviewing the ordinance we realized that it you know was not really uh not really up to speed as far as um what what we were allowing and again kind of tying into this to the covid situation and need at revision and that's what kind of sparked the desire to to take a look at it so what is the exact revision how is it currently reading and what is the amendment so Roger I don't know if you want to add a summary they're actually be two amendments one will deal the litigation that was referenced brought this to a head which I understand we've settled that now with about seven conditions imposed what we're doing now is we're amending the ordinance Provisions that govern out dining on sidewalk and there will be another ordinance provision governing dining outside on private property what we're doing now right now we're under the governor's order till till November it's actually a state law that will expire so we're prepping for next year and it's your your input is welcome and yes we all have to try to live together we try to resolve this dispute with Roberts people who you know live right next door to Roberts have a problem with the noise and so there will be a a revision to the sidewalk ordinance and there will be a revision to the restaurant ordinance what is that exact revision well you'd have to read it it's pretty L well there you go see you shall find um on the but there will be more divisions to this and your input and everybody's input's very welcome so trying to work on a problem to solve it to everybody's I mean but what I'm hearing is you're just kind of and maybe I'm wrong and I haven't read you're hearing it wrong that you so there will be restrictions on the time there are absolutely restrictions yes okay I'm curious if if it's allowed Can the police music stops at 10: we've made it very clear that they have to call the police chief Hinson actually attended a meeting with some of the owners say guys it doesn't help us if all you do is complain at a meeting with us you have to have our police there police will they on top yeah I'm o okay well I can I can from a from a from a records check perspective when we check the records I check I did check the records and that was last year that was last year last phone call we got about no at Roberts and I believe the gentleman who just spoke before you I told him at the last meeting we had with uh but in any event working Chief's on it and his police officers are on it everybody's aware of this problem there will be other ordinance amendments and of course the input from their planner will certainly be considered comments that's why you introduce an ordinance to generate comments in public input so is it we're working on resolving the problem so does it make sense to table it until you get some of the other details I think it' be a good idea to to move forward and introduce it and then work on amendments and and push to see how this so Sherry the way the way ordinance the way ordinance adoption works is we introduce the ordinance there's two readings okay in that time frame so this is the first reading of the adoption part in that in that time frame we take feedback and it can be this it can be edited and changed so we can we can take feedback and and do that and I what I think what we ask of everybody businesses residents always is to be good neighbors and I think in this case uh that Condo Association and Roberts got together with our solicitor and police chief and they came to an agreement to work this out and say Here's here's what will make our life uh a little easier and they work together and and as Scott said I think there were seven different conditions that Roberts agreed to to alleviate the problem so um you know that's kind of what we're asking for for everybody to to do we want to support the businesses and also our residents yeah sure we want the businesses to thrive but you know because our community there's not a very clear distinction between commercial and residential they're really really close obviously what's the distinguishment between like a private property versus what other kind of property is there I don't know how far you go well private property is different from the public Side Oh okay that's why I didn't understand right away yeah and and the lot that they're referring to Interior okay so the private property cor physical improvements putting up walls with sound proofing batting they're going to have security guard person busy weekends to try to control the ground try to control the noise U we've emphasized how important it is to have the music turned off so we can't shut These Bars down and people choose to live near bars but there has to be a happy medium and that's happy medium yes hopefully we'll get okay well thank you for explaining thank you thank you Sher good afternoon my name is Sam lashman 119 North Han uh I'd like to comment on two of the ordinances 11 which I believe is on for adoption uh which I'm just hearing comments for the first time I know in other cities there's a problem with noise uh it's a bad idea there no real decibel meters that can be enforced the constant problem I don't think it's limited to just Roberts I've heard uh rumors about other places in the city I don't want to name them but uh I think there should just be a flat uh ban on music for speakers outside after 10 o'clock maybe that would help the neighbors just conversation while people are dining I think is fine that's my opinion uh on ordinance 15 I believe the parking lot I'd like to know what uh the rationale is maybe how many spots are anticipated I I just don't understand the rationale and hopefully you can uh explain that I understand that one is the first reading and the noise is the second reading so thank you for your time thank you Sam yeah I believe uh Ed is no longer here but I believe the parking lot was 30 spots with an additional six on the street with curbing up ventner Avenue is that sound right I believe that's accurate okay thank you speaking of quiet use and peaceful enjoyment of one's home um it's not an ordinance it's just reality yes I am GRE lequier I own but no longer live at three Dolphin Drive recent which I will explain I remember recently you became very involved and excited and and apologetic about some minor foot Sports celebrity had an altercation in a restaurant where some I guess Karen sashed him and we thought everybody should have the right to a nice date night in marade doesn't live here was visiting and he gave him free meals everything does that extend to the citizens who actually lived here with their families for almost 70 years since 1955 or 62 or 65 I'm just going to read this because because I fought with the police this is the second round after two and a half three years ago when I was first told I did not live in a good homosexual area I should not be here there were no homosexuals in this area one way or another you're going to be gone we are gone I moved my my 95y old mother out of her home because the police did nothing about enforcing stopping these people from harassing and calling all night and stopping on the flowers and packing house anyway that went on for a while um got to the Municipal Court here called me a queer in front of the judge the judge reprimanded him recused himself in at it took two and a half years to get to Hamilton he finally plad guilty to two charges of harassment everything else got thrown out um first time I saw again was the last week I now rent the place out to try to meet the taxes while we try to sell it because can't live anymore uh here I'm going to read through the police report because I've heard nothing back from it after a week I've called I followed up I've emailed I've heard nothing back on July 9th 2024 approximately 3:20 p.m. Kenneth a wrote of 509 North Union Avenue Margate was standing on the street peering into the windows of my property at fre Dolphin Drive as I was vacuuming inside on the Second Story giving me the middle finger when I saw when he saw me notice him he yelled up that you're a piece of then he said you go yourself he has already pled guilty to two counts of harassment against me from two to three years ago this is the first Contact I've had with him since his conviction Rose then said I hope I'm the reason you're finally getting your queer ass out of this neighborhood I responded that he is and civil action is coming Rose then pointed to the for sale sign on my front lawn and said it's a wonder your house hasn't flown off the market already it's probably because nobody wants to buy a house from a homosexual they're probably afraid they'll get AIDS ifor him I was going to the police and he got into his Clos the sliding door the balcony he got back in his car and drove away um this is my second round with the these people sister has been harassing my tenants um trashing me through the neighborhood we don't live there anymore again we're trying to sell it we been lovely homosexual in Lynwood I have two nice lesbians next door gay guy cross J his father died this's got a gay and gay I didn't want I have to go to a gay ghetto to get out of marget I thought you know after living here since 1962 it wasn't an issue apparently it's an issue the city sucks now I'm sorry it's just not great nobody cares I had when I first reported this I had a recording of it with him identified himself I am the brother of the one Les store I got it to Jessica Bane the one lesbian on the police for she was very nice very kind she heard said I think this is a hate crime I said I do too she went to follow a such she came back supervisor won't let me follow of crime presly because there's no crime in Margate there's crime in Margate I know you don't want to hear it it's not a great City anymore it's turned into this so she's talking to the court she suggested I come and tell you that this meeting actually she said I should come here last night at four o'clock I did you weren't here so I looked online and apparently it's now I don't this is the right time to address it I'm addressing with you now if the sports figures are oh my God we have to make it nice for them how about the people who actually live or lived here because this city has become just [Applause] crap Hi I live at 1:30 North Adams Avenue my name is Joanie forc I run a Facebook group that I start in 2015 because locals me off the Margate New Jersey back in the day one saying why is a shie posting sunset pictures if you can imagine and was couple two women in particular but I'm not going to name their names because they're locals and I know y'all would know them but I'm here for something more serious there are rat and rodent boxes outside Betty's outside my condominium and I just um a mother and a grandmother who doesn't want to see any child accidentally eat this this poison that's inside they're mostly Hoffman's Exterminating and when I posted it on my Facebook group to my almost 8,000 followers that are P primarily shoes Benny's whatever the locals refer to us as because I still am one even though I'm 64 years old I'm still classified as a shuie I was verbally attacked by a police officer's wife in Sophia's with Witnesses but I didn't post it cuz I felt sorry for the police officer cuz he had to grab his wife from almost attacking me I have witnesses I wanted all to stop I don't care about Jason Kelce I care about the alcohol that was served to the woman who attacked him that woman could have drove down the street and killed me walking my little dog because I'm always in Winter mode de de de just walking around saying hi to everybody because it's not really the friendliest town in the winter but if you try some locals will welcome you some I'm from brwal PA we don't treat people like this they're building all over my city where I'm from we're like hey why do you want to live here and spend a million dollars like it's a crap town we don't even get it probably just like you people why do somebody want to build a 10 million who cares who cares what you drive what you wear you know what I care about who broke into Christina I live on the first floor oh but it was an in side job who who says all this stuff about people everybody needs to grow up help the police 28 police officers I'm completely blown away by that fact tonight it's impossible with what what I saw on Fourth of July and I go out first thing in the morning at 6 I do a live video of how great it is because whatever that man just said where are you the man who this is not a shitty it is not and if you want to argue arguing this is not a shitty town you all should be proud that you live here and I'm proud that I'm a shuie my dad had 26 houses he worked his ass off I hardly saw him people got to stop judging and just be nice he wants to buy Jason a dinner so what he didn't even accept because he could buy this town you know what the whole thing is just such a joke but we have to do something about the rat traps for the poisoning you got to stop the residents from Poison the rabbits they killed all the wild rabbits they even send me private message and joke about it that I care about a wild rabbit yeah I care I don't care about your tomato plants put them up on a box it's so easily solved if you tell these shoes and second home owners just go to Home Depot and buy the boxes that are up high I never saw a rabbit climb one yet duh and we have to stop the chemicals on The Lawns because we flood bed back there we have to stop the chemicals they're all gone going mulch everything it's going right in my bay it's my bay ask anybody I'm there like seven times a week con seven days a week I mean all day long but it's not a crappy town it's a beautiful town I love it here I mean I could have stayed I could live anywhere in the world and I picked here so if you could just maybe make it a little less chemically and put some Mr Yuck stickers on so no because those rats and mice go in those boxes they eat that poison and they might go to your yard your yard and your yard your kid drops a lollipop that's how it works anyway thanks for listening thank but you can follow my Facebook group and hear some more great thank you thanks for all your input all the locals who send me priv hello how you doing my name is Sergio poov um I live on 954 Amherst Avenue I'm here with my neighbors I like to talk about memories so memories is is basically a memory what it used to be they're catering to a whole different demographics um let me tell you how the night usually begins the night usually starts off with an ambulance in front of the place a police car and that's to start off at 12 o00 by 1 o'clock we have all the Uber drivers blocking our our street you can't even get in get out it's all chaos there's drug dealers in front of our property selling drugs doing drugs people are thrown up urinating on our property all night long this does not end until 4:30 in the morning we come here to get some peace you're not sleeping until 4:30 in the morning I'm chasing people off the property all night long I'm exhausted by by 5:00 in the morning I'm exhausted I've asked police officers offers to stand at the corner of Jefferson and Amherst Avenue at the corner they don't they don't stand there they're standing eight police officers in front of memories why do we need eight police officers there they need to be spread out on Amherst Avenue and they need to pay attention to what's going on at there people are walking around with cocktails all night long back and forth they're exiting memories and they're going back to to Maynards with cocktails why isn't anybody stopping them I have slices of oranges leaving the bars you could tell it's leaving the bars there's cocktails uh cocktail glasses all over our property in the morning we get up we clean for a half an hour on our property why do we have to do this we come there for some peace I'm not I haven't slept in over a month it's ridiculous any any one of my neighbors would contest and tell you that it's nothing but a nightmare for the past month why why is this one nuisance business going to devalue our entire properties people want to sell I'm thinking about selling thank you hi good evening my name is Jody singer 9510 Amhurst Avenue I live at the Margate Mariner I'm also the HOA president so I have a lot invested in the property and the people who stand behind me a couple things I want to cover trash there's a very simple solution to the trash that we're dealing with every morning every one of us has to get up not just from the Mariner but from the other people that are standing behind me we have to pick up all the tin cans the trash the slices of oranges I've picked up more trash than you can imagine simple solution is getting trash cans along the side of Amhurst Avenue not on the boardwalk side on the amher side I don't blame the kids for just dropping the trash along the way there literally is nowhere to put trash literally nowhere to put trash the Margate Manor has a wall that stretches from um from memories down to the beginning of the gentleman that just spoke literally lined up lined up with hon cans or whatever the the product is Simple Solution so let's kind of just at least take one small step and work through the trash situation I think that is a totally easy thing to do the noise there's no way to explain what the people on especially the Madison side which are all present in the room and I'm going to tell you an incident that happened to me personally because I care about my property I was is doing a walk around at approximately 1:30 in the morning two weeks ago or maybe three weeks ago it's so out of control there the police are outnumber the security are outnumbered and it has become almost unbearable especially for the people on the Madison side one night there were four SUVs literally parked in front of memories I know how to read a room I also know how to speak to authori I walked up to one of the SUVs and I said excuse me is there any way possible to get one of these three SUVs just to be posted on Madison Avenue it'll be a little intimidating for the people that are walking that street they're fighting they're screaming they're cursing they're throwing up they're having sex in between cars uh it's unbearable here's the response that I got from the police and I quote and I am not exaggerating do not tell tell me how to do my job you're irritating me that I literally just walked away I was not going to take my life in my hands and end up in jail because I was ready to go battle with that REM that remark that was said to me from a police officer all I ask was simply can one of four cars be situated in the most dense trouble spot on Madison Avenue another easy solution as that gentleman said spread the cops out it's not enough just to have them right in front what is going on along the streets Amhurst Madison Amhurst Jefferson it is it is unbearable what these people are dealing with the decb of noise somehow has to be monitored I do talk to the owner of memories once a week we have a conversation he keeps trying to figure out how to bring the decimals down they put in a super sonic sound system with 10 speakers outside and a sound system inside that is so intense is there any way to know what the decimals are so there can be some kind of control because we it's it's becoming almost out of control the thought that that music can go on till 4:00 in the morning with this new ordinance is there's no words so we're just asking for some simple things somewhere to put trash somehow to get the police to monitor not just in the front but the perer and to work on the decimals of what is happening within the within the um the club I know there's other people that do want to speak and I hope they do but I'm here to represent the Mariner hi my name Jennifer TECO I also live at the Mariner um I was out there one night counting we sit up top and I count it from 9:00 p.m. to 1 a.m. 78 people peed either in the parking lot out in front of us across the street people's homes it's a disgrace it's 78 I stopped at 1:00 am and they're open till 4 I was tired I went to bed 78 terrible hi my name is Jan gerada I also live at the Mariner I am one unit away from being next door to them it is completely out of control and obnoxious these people are urinating Madison Avenue has become a public toilet it is a disgrace listen I live in South Philly I'll show you a disgrace my neighborhood's actually good but I'll show you a disgree I'll show you some areas morgate is becoming that you tell people you live or get you're like that's so nice no it's not it's really not it used to be nice it's not it is just out of control we have three cars that come down here every weekend with my daughter's cars and mine do you know where I park my car in Longport do you know why because these people I don't know what they're going to do with it they're throwing up next to it they'll they'll pay right on your tire it no big deal they'll just do it no no I have a brand new car there's no way my car is getting parked in Margate I go four or five blocks every morning when I need to get my car to the store that's ridiculous I have a I have a parking space I literally put a cone in my parking space because these people have the audacity the workers they'll pull right in your spot I'm sorry do you live there I live there what are you doing in my parking space I have a ring camera I watch a guy every night every night this week he parked in my neighbor's parking space you're not my neighbor you don't live there you're not that far we know everybody's cars we all take care of each other it is a disgrace something needs to be done about memories it's just not right hi Kristen gasman also the Mariner uh my husband walked our dog at the last time at night at 10 o'clock 10:30 last Saturday how many three at one time three girls and then three guys within five minutes paying all over the place you have to get up in the morning you have to use Clorox ble Clorox bleach there's vomit there's your listen I'm a nurse vomit UR all over the place I mean all over the place the I was out there we were out there till 2: 3 in the morning with the police and I would say we were literally playing whack-a-mole I I was pointing them out the girls were coming just lifting their skirts they weren't even they it was it was the lights were out I mean you could see you could literally watch them the lights across the street in the condos they're going under these people's garage and just lifting their skirts Pang I'm pointing it out to the cop to the cop to the cop well if you don't see them you can't give them these kids don't care they do not care if you give them a ticket um they don't and the other thing is I think the owner of memories needs to if he's not going to supply bathrooms enough for these kids it is a revolving door they come out they pee and they you literally watch them they come out pee and walk right back in the front door so if he charges them another cover instead of 20 then make it 40 stamp their other hand trust me they won't be paying because they're young and they will not spend 40 plus drinks they'll spend 20 so uh he needs to do something he should be here by the way he should be here if he wants to do something for the community he should be here that's it thank you thank you Fredy 9400 am I wanted to talk about the 11 2024 ordinance after listening to the comments what it looks like is frating private area outside dining from public area correct I think from the public standpoint the way to address it is both ordinances at the same time when everyone is down here which means in the summer because it affects the summer nobody's dining outside in the winter it's only the summer so hold the ordinance for now come up with the other ords for the private so the public can evaluate both thank you thank you hi Simon dfield 104 South exitor I was unclear whether the uh 1124 20 2024 was in its first reading or it second that one so it is second so I'd respectfully ask you to table it rather than you know pass it and then amended Kathy Height's been 22 South Adams Avenue but I've been living in wargate over 15 years as you hear all these people for memories think about Tequila Sunrise no parking the it's going to be unsafe when I drive past there on my way to Summers point there is a house literally where Mike Collins is the mayor there's a house right there where the music is going to be they're claiming they're claiming that they will have special special walls so that the music will not bother anybody there are two houses if you go down go down Monroe if you can walk because of all the debris there's a condominium that's about a a driveway away and the same thing on veter Avenue this town is a beautiful town as we said I totally agree but it's turning into a kids crazy town that we don't need I came here because of the beauty of it I left Long Beach Island because of that and I don't want to leave again but uh Sher could be my real may my name is Katherine Daly I live at 9504 am Hurst Avenue Unit 6 we live next to the Mariner so we are one of the ones that have our cars are right as these kids young kids which I have a question for the chief of police are they permitted to walk out of the bar with the cocktails yeah I'm just telling I I understand that and I get that they should be monitoring when patients are leaving their business okay we across the street may I interrupt the a lot of these liquor licenses are extended to the edge of the sidewalk so yes they technically can walk they are I think we counted the way someone mentioned counting and we had counted and there had to be between the high noes the kids were carrying them and many of them do not even look 21 but apparently maybe they are I don't know what they do I don't know if there fake ideas or what's going on there but they come they sit on our cars they sat on my husband car last week they leave their cocktails there the urinating is insane I mean you can't and I I literally grew up here I've had my we've had our own house here this is our 12th summer and my grandma and my nana had a house behind Marvin Gardens in that little section over there and it was a beautiful place I mean I don't even think but now and it's scary because we love our place just like everyone over here said but these kids are out of control and God bless the police officers but they do not move off of that we have walked up there and asked them there are a few that are very snotty and say very nasty remark to us and we are the residents and we are right and no one I mean we have six units in our building and no one's sleeping and 10 o'clock at night I would be thrilled with 10 o'clock at night two three 3:15 last week last week at 4 in the morning a kid across the street and a bunch of other kids were screaming they wanted cigarettes for a good half an hour with the f word being in every other word it's just it's getting crazy and everybody's really upset and the Ubers they're blocking our cars in constantly um they're parking in our spots last we a guy left his car in one I walked across the street I talked to everyone at the water park which we have learned you know they're nice people the water park people um I walked up and down we asked we waited called a toe company called a toe we don't usually do that couple of the residents came up the toe car the toe company he didn't park enough to block this guy in he must have been at the water park came running over pulled out missed the kid by about this much and that's another thing the bike Lane Drive their fast cars up and down the bike lane all night all you hear are these loud and I don't understand I mean I would think the police hear it I don't understand what their position is anymore but anyway we get as many people as we appreciate being appreciate it thank you hi I'm Carrie I live at 7804 M I'm sorry your name again car jevic 7804 M hi thank you I I can't follow that act that's a good one this is I don't I'm in the other end side of town um I'm questioning ordinance uh number 15 the parking L this is sort of the first I'm hearing about it I I know part of it's you know shame on me but I don't really understand a little more framework around that is this going to be metered parking overnight parking because I come up that I really think when you put 30 spots there as it is crossing there is completely dangerous we get killed almost every day even walking in the crosswalk so putting 30 cars I understand that there's restaurants just like Roberts and now Taco cat's not in existence anymore but bokeh is a big push for more parking and I I I can respect that but is it that's the intention of it or is that just to become 4our parking where people are you know littering parking going to bars wherever they're doing so I guess I wanted to understand is it like a 2 hour metered parking or is it just a freefor all going to be on the end of that street so the the desire of the parking in general was to to try to alleviate the parking problems in our business districts that being one of our downtown business districts um we have not finalized specifics but I know the chief had spoken about limiting that to maybe one hour or two hour that came up at our last department head meeting okay have has not been finalized but it is the design is to uh to meter it so that we have turnover so that people aren't parking there going to the beach for eight hours and and filling a lot the idea is to support the businesses have have high turnover I mean the whole reason behind the metered parking is that so that so that there is turnover in spots so that we are helping people that are trying to find parking which we all know is a challenge at in every as part of the Town that's kind of what I was most concerned about is I understand you got to have parking but I didn't want it to be eight hours you know come something like that because then it would work against the businesses because people are illegally parking I'm like I walk up exitor you can't even cross people at yoga you can't move and people are speeding as she mentioned down exor and it's a tight little Street and we have little kids always you know there so that I appreciate the one hour turnover thank you thank you I appreciate it thank you Steve r F 203 North Jefferson uh I think we the am of people that are here uh that everybody wants to get involved in the in all these meetings has there been any further consideration on uh setting up Zoom for the meetings so we do broadcast the meetings live on Zoom um they are uh the a they're recorded the audio they are recorded so there's no video but there is audio uh no there is no comment there's no there's no reply so you're listening but you're not participating in the meeting you're listening that's it it's not particip yeah and I think uh you know this has come up a few times in the past you know I would encourage anyone um call City Hall I will happily meet with your entire group sit down uh we can uh it happened I get emails all the time people asking to meet meet at City Hall we discuss issues resolve them more than more than happy to to work with everybody and that's great but not all of us can get here not all of us can call you some of us winners down in Florida but we'd still like to be involved in the community so it just makes it difficult like you to consider it okay thank you all right appreciate it sorry um I just ask one thing I just ask Sergio poov 954 Amhurst Avenue I just ask one thing for the commissioner for the mayor you guys to get together at 4:30 in the morning and see the chaos that we deal with for you to witness it we could tell you we could tell you a hundred times but for you to get the entire picture in your head for to witness what we're dealing with as neighbors as owners on this property we're we're beat up we we've had enough I mean we it seems like this business is more important than us this business will devalue that neighborhood people will be selling in mass quantities I promise you nobody's there's PE properties are going to be a lot cheaper there nobody's going to want to buy a property around memories it's going to be a conversation I ask the two of you please drive down there 4:30 in the morning I know it's a lot to ask 4:30 in the morning come down there and take a look what the hell's going on you're not going to believe it 4:30 that's when they all get released that that's when they all get out at 4:30 it's absolute chaos I have lights on I installed lights two weeks ago outside to get rid of them they're still doing they're still dropping their pants in the middle of the lights I can't believe it I'll it's absolute chaos please go take a look at it together 4:30 in the morning thank you Jody singer 9510 Amur Avenue I just have a quick question about the four o' how does the community um actually request a change in that eventually one day I I mean four o'clock in the morning seems almost unreasonable for bars to be open to especially thinking about this new ordinance that if they were allowed so is there any way that us as a community can bring forth a change what can we do because 4:00 nothing good happens past 2 seriously it used to be 12 we'll give it two 4:00 it's just it's insanity is there anything as a community that we can do to change that so I I can't speak to when the 4:00 uh time frame was put in um right I mean I grew up here been it's been in for for as long as I've you know I grew up and and I think just to clarify the outdoor dining ordinance with the 10: p.m. that's that's not extending to 4 a.m. that is that is being held to 10 p.m thank you taken that off the table four o'clock is still there's nothing but trouble in that yeah so I think you know I certainly respect everybody that's here today all of the complaints uh it's you know enlightening you know to hear you know what everybody's experiencing and you know we will certainly you know all things on the table to be considered and uh you know as we look forward so is there something that we as a community can do to change the four o'clock roll I how who made the roll up how does it get changed that I can't tell you I mean that was back in the 70s it was voted upon voted by an ordinance at four okay the argument actually the better the recommendation to not have all the people hit the street at one time was just go 24 hours oh my dear lord well think about it you're complaining because all these people leave the bar at these nightclubs at one time whereas if it's 24 hours they fill around if you make it 12 or 2 o' okay so if you make it 12:00 please everybody let the solicitor talk it's a lot more people hit the street at one time so it was voted upon way it was voted upon in the 70s to stay open to 4:00 how could there be a new how could there be new vote to change that uh yeah I guess you could yeah so I'm asking as a community how do we bring that to a vote but miss singer I think the bigger picture is whether it's two or four let's get some but it gets worse and worse and worse it gets I think and the music like it's the better solution really would be to get more of a handle on these places this is brand new owner memories that what it is yeah because I guess when Jerry was there was probably quiet yeah it was once a week really but it's also what I was saying about the police you know that they need we need to have a little bit more you know the fact that I was Friday Saturday night and the trash so but and the trash yeah so thank you excuse me before the next person speaks as commissioner of Public Safety I do want to speak a little bit to our police officers I hear everything you're saying I do want to speak a little bit to Chief Hinson because I see his face getting redder and redder as everyone's speaking there has been a tremendous amount of tickets written this summer for go ahead for public urination like I said there are more than you can there is an effort to write the people for public urination we are not going to get everybody but I can tell you over the last 10 years we've probably never written as many suenes for public urination as we have this year so again it is something we are working on but like I said it's not a perfect we're not going to get everybody it say we've dealt with this with Malone years ago when Malone used to do the same thing on the uniblock South Washington Avenue this is the new reiteration almost of Malone that we're all you know feeling our way through right now right and chief Hinson has met with the owner and I spoken with the owner said I know who from the home owners I know I suggested to the owner at the time to reach out and tell him to bring more people on I said you know I told him directly be a good neighbor clean up the flower beds they said there are going to be lines the I don't think anybody realized it was going to be the hot new place you know in the summer of 2024 they said so we've all been working you know with he's very receptive the owner to all of our phone calls he's never denied a phone call and this is just another call that we will be I will be having with him tomorrow regarding the operation depends all goes to MP can be anywhere $100 to150 depending on judr thank you Maryann Murphy I'm at 9711 ventner um thank you commissioner hor for asking that that was one of the questions I was going to ask what else besides the summons is your ATT to keep the safety of the citizens in mind and the peace that they are entitled to well like I said that's like I said I mean talk I understand talking to the but like I said at the same time you said you have to realize that most of the resources for a midnight shift are there because of these issues like I said again it's one of those things where we have to do the quality of life for the area that we totally understand I will have a I will meet with my my staff tomorrow regarding this meeting and you have myuran on that having some training on better better uh well I said I I I I have a very high opinion of my Police Department a lot of people don't hear right now but again I think overall it's a very good police department and absolutely and the level of service and the level of service we provide absolutely on a yearly basis daily basis summer basis I think is Bor none but again I realize there are problems with this new building this new facility it's not the gater anymore and this was the first summer that it's not the gater so again I will say will always be a learning curve with everything there was only probably one or two nights a year that anybody I hate to say it really went to memories and we even had complaints about those one or two nights so I knew this was coming they said the kind of music they play isn't very popular when the door opens to the building all night long whatever's loud inside becomes exponential outside again these are conversations with you know with the owners and the who run the business thank you um I also am in favor of number was it number 11 that but I also want to talk about the four bonds that are on here I'd like some more information on The Debt Service when I looked at the information it looked like we were going to incur over a million dollars in interest over the time period can we talk about why now um with bonds paying so well to the to the person who you know buys them why we feel that the the issuing these bonds this time the right move so if you want to speak on the the rates that would be helpful these ordinances right now are authorizing the debt so we're not actually issuing the bonds right now we are and actually I was speaking to our uh financial advisor and auditor earlier this week and we're supposed to have a a a discussion within the next couple weeks because it's been our plan to issue bonds in the upcoming months um historically the city goes out and issues bonds like approximately every five to six years to keep our debt service level so that to mitigate the impact on the taxpayers what's the average interest on our outstanding bonds overall well up until a couple years ago it was like below it was around 1% or below so right now looking at the recent Bond sales that occur throughout the state of New Jersey uh they're about 3% or slightly over so they'd be paying 3% or we would that's what the city would pay yeah that's what we pay I don't I don't know what they would pay look at the four that I saw obviously the infrastructure ones are are timely looking at the parking lot one is it possible to to defer that till the bond market is more favorable in our in our in our favor so that we don't have that type of added Debt Service well I can tell you that most likely any of the ordinances that are authorized in 2024 would not be included in the bond sale basically we have um several million dollars in unfunded debt that's been authorized over the last few years so I'm sorry say that again I said we have several uh ordinances that were authorized over the last few years that have to be permanently funded for the last few years we've taken up on anticipation noes to temporarily Finance how much is that total goodby why don't you call me tomorrow okay and I'll go over that because in the essence of time here um but that's interest that we have to pay later right yes so shouldn't we understand what our debt service is we do okay what is it no one's it's very complicated she'll go over with you tomorrow there's there's a lot can't tell me how much debt service we have on an annual basis our net debt right now is over $40 million okay if you look at our Municipal budget which is posted on um our website you can see what we're funding this year all right apprting this year debt on on 1% so that's four million a year thank you thank you I'm my name is Scott seagull I live at 29 North dear I I heard Jody ask four times and get no answer how do the residents get an ordinance I don't know suggested to get started what's the process I I conversations like this where you talk to to the commission so we can consider things as how how that would so basically like an email to well public forum so this is the only way to get no I mean you can email call you can you know you can engage with any one of your elected officials as far as I I just didn't know the process absolutely and you know but I again I think again feedback from the community is exactly what we're what we're here for and what we want to hear I I would second that four o'clock is a little too late to keep any place open there's no real there's no need for it thank you I just want to ask one one question so I think your name and address again please mof 7811 ofing Avenue I think you've heard uh on on the outside dining ordinance quite a lot today right so from a lot of residents it's clearly that this change this amendment to this ordinance benefits a handful of people but it makes the life of hundreds of people miserable so can't we just proposed to dismiss this uh Amendment and done with this Michael again I was I was going to ask that we table that for today and address further at the next meeting so that was that is my intention but we've just been trying to go through public comments so we have not been able to move forward uh with our ordinance what does table it mean meaning that we just postpone that and we meet again on this table it means we will postpone it analyze it make sure you know uh we're all in agreement that we should move forward with it my name is salur Cali I um represent Ivory Beach condominium and if you're going to tabled ordinance 11 I just like to give you my statement and drop it off to you or do you w to is that easier for you it's fine yeah the only the only problem I have is um really decibal levels and over the past 20 years that we lived at Ivory Beach um we have a lot of noise coming from Lucy or probably Greenhouse so we registered 85 debes in our house using our phones or devices whereas the cops or police won't uh recognize our devices and need some kind of engineering so at some at some point you guys should figure out how to control the level so what we usually do is uh wait till 10 p.m. music still going going going on or during the time we register a level we'll call it into the police they say you're not legally obligated to uh give us their readings and they can't also the police cannot get recordings of decb is my understanding not D I'm I'm the same understand yeah then I heard and I just heard the county though could actually yeah yeah what we just I just heard this today so I mean all this is great conversation but there should be some kind of way to level the meters of the Sal okay great thank you very thank you appreciate it 9400 I just want to say about the decimal levels the people probably don't know this but I mean it's a commercial building New Jersey Department of protection is govern governance in New Jersey you have local ordinances that usually are either same level or more restrictive um the County Board of Health Atlanta County Board of Health is responsible so if you have a problem you can call them and then put a meter out um if it's you know a serious problem there's a whole process that you know that they'll go through obviously if it's at night in the weekends they got to get somebody there and it's scheduling issue and then they get you know they'll serve a notice they may find them may not depending on if the person address or the entity addresses it um but I would suggest that probably makees sense to get training get a device get training and get someone to you know for the local because it also the local uh ordinances apply residential residential primarily so thanks thank you good evening again uh Sam lash from the 19 North Handover uh I'm hearing the comments again I do think we have a good police department and uh I've lived here for a while but uh I have a question if they're tracking the source of uh the complaints let's say if somebody gets a ticket and people are asked uh where did you come from memories whatever other place I don't know if that's being tracked okay that and that that would be my suggestion if if people that are getting tickets are asked where they're coming from and that maybe get they could have been at both they could have started at Maynard's and then it the bottom line is you shouldn't be peeing and someone's lawn I know but I I I think uh some of some of the people might understand what I'm getting at uh as to the number of complaints generated by certain establishments they they can be uh spoken to and I think that might be the solution when the people are getting tickets if they're just asked maybe they I'm not saying they always tell the truth either about where they've been but uh I think uh it might be good to track them and then uh one or uh scoffs something can be done about that thank you thank you Sam uh yes my name is Perry Frank I live at the beach house I'm also the president of the Condominium Association and I live down here all year now okay um Margate instituted an ordinance to eliminate teenagers that are not allowed on the street now after 10 o'clock and you did that for a reason and my discussion is not an attack on the First Responders or the police but we've got the same problems in our neighborhood all right we have people out at 3 in the morning there's trash all over Douglas Avenue um I don't see your depart trash department coming to pick up the trash every day that's left all over the place right um this whole thing is going to allow more drunks more drunk driving more problems for the police more problems for the fire department all right are you going to hire more people because you're GNA have more drunks driving on the street now um we've got people at 4:00 in the morning on their cars on Douglas Avenue that don't belong there all right having sex in the back of their car that was last week's goings on all right and you know this thing is going to open up a can of worms and again you did you did I I commend you what you did about the 10 o'clock ordinance all right he did it for a reason okay because you had all kinds of problems we have kids last summer jumping jumping the fence going up on the second level and diving into the pool okay not once but many weekends all right it's not the police fault but the point is it's not happening this summer okay because maybe there's a lot less kids running around loose after 10 o'clock but the people that are doing this are adults they're not the 18y olds so you've got got to consider what's going to happen here if you just let them run loose we're going to have a real problem here I mean prepare yourself the poor police are going to need more help all right and the drunks that drive all over the place here I can't imagine when they put a sobriety uh checkpoint up how many people they pulled over to last couple Summers inv ventner all right maybe you should do it Margate and find out what's really going on so you know I represent these people they're really upset and um I hope that you take this into consideration thank you Steve Alman 9003 Amhurst Avenue Margie a thought occurred to me while listening to all this I wondered if we publish the names of people uh in the media uh I know some other towns actually have police reports that are published if that might be a deterrent over time thank you thank you Steve all right is there a motion to close public comment hi ban Alexander 9704 ventner Avenue just going on with Steve um mentioned about uh the zoom there's so much going on in Margate as we all spoke about tonight and moving forward a lot of us do go as Steve mentioned to Florida for the winters going back to the zoom is there any way that we can really try and really try and get us onto a zoom I know you said like going into your office and doing whatever but a lot of us do leave for the winter um Atlantic City has Zoom I mean all their meetings are in Zoom that everybody can coordinate I mean we can all discuss what's going on I mean our meetings yes we can listen to it tomorrow and or tonight or whatever it may be but I think that we should really you should open up all the meetings onto Zoom that everybody can have the conversation and be able to discuss and not just listen to it the next day why why can't we do that why is why is that not happening here Florida we we listen you know we we have open conversations atantic city does why does it Margate hello yeah I mean I yeah well but when we were you saw what happen when we or Live cast when Jesse can speak to that there's a definitely we can talk about this we did how do I say it nicely Jesse what happened when you were we got hacked a number of times pornography was put on I mean broke into our system more than once there was an unfortunate incident when what Happ when we used to stream when we used to stream there still wasn't a question and answer for but we did actually you want the answer so pay attention over the winter when we were live streaming the meeting via video somebody did hack into the system very bad pornographic images came up for all the attendees it was never it happened in other places it's called Zoom and it actually happened to us so then the video portion decided at the time it's probably not the best at that time and then we went to the audio portion only via Zoom because of that issue with the video being Zoom there has to be some kind of way to override that I don't know I'm not ACH either am I I just I'm not I mean we we're in Florida and we I mean we all do it we do it everybody does it I mean meetings are all on Zoom I actually I actually was on a zoom today with a tenant of mine um she's not paying rent or whatever I was on a zoom actually this is really funny I was on a zoom today with a court with a with an attorney and there was like 40 cases swear to God 40 cases and there everybody went here there they put you in different rooms and here I am with my tenant and and then I went to my room and my attorney went with me to it's really funny I'm talking about and then I went to my room with my attorney and my tenant and everybody went to their room it's it's all over I mean this is what about Margie I mean there's no way that this can't be done and there's so many people Margie that leave for the winter this is an excuse that it can be done it can be I was on a case with 40 people from all over in Margate all 40 cases of like people that didn't pay rent and whatever it happened there was no there it can happen you can make this work for all of your people that live in Margate we all want this done we're not here and we need to know what is going on when we're not here we have the privil we should have the privilege to know what's going on you sit there with a smirk and I I mean I don't know what that smir is you are you asked for a reason then you turned your back and no I didn't turn my back I'm just listening to everybody we got Zoom bombed a couple times we probably can come up with this system for a couple hundred thousand for a couple hundred thousand come on it's not no you have I'm telling you I was just on to zoom this morning I was on to zoom this morning cases I will you think so again we will speak with our it team I know in that incident uh again we had no choice but to just shut the TVs off and and kill the the plug understand that obviously yes we will we will we will look into it for you can you please yeah Absol I really really appreciate that that's sure that's a right answer I appreciate that thank you thank you and in the meantime you could always reach out to one of us email phone call if you I mean we get easy I could tell you get 30 requests for stop signs probably in a weekend and I do return emails phone calls so even in the winter we're available to you if there's something you hear or you see or you even have a question the three of us are very available thank you Stacy seagull 29 North Decor um Katherine horn I'm really glad you brought up the stop sign so we have new home I've been sitting outside for the last several months enjoying the weather watching the kids cross at the playground watching bicycles go I know a stop sign has been requested there before for um the issue is that people are flying down Winchester to try and make the light at Washington Avenue and last week we literally almost saw a girl's life get taken so I'm not sure what myself and the rest of the neighbors need to do but we're witnessing it almost on a daily basis there's also the cars are parked so close to the curb that no one can see a bike coming no one can see someone walking across with the stroller or even young kids that are going to the playground alone so I'm not sure what we need to do to get the stop sign there but it's an issue I'll let Chief Hinson talk about there is a process you can talk to her afterwards if you want first stop sign engineer studies speed bumps something but again I appreciate it thank you thank you sorry I know it's getting late I'm Grace Paris Navaro 7701 Atlantic Avenue of the Beach House condominiums I just uh since I came here I wanted to put on record that I Echo everything Perry uh Frank said the president of our board uh expressing concerns about ordinance number 11 I know that you have tabled it um but I think it's really important to reconsider it and the risks that it poses um to the citizens of Margate this is Margate not Wildwood thank you all right do we have a motion to close public comment motion have a second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes so we now go into public comment on resolutions and ordinance adoption I know uh most of the things we just addressed were related to that but I will open uh or is there a motion to open public comment for Resolutions and ordinance adoption motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes all right is there a motion to close public comment on resolutions and ordinance ad option motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes uh Mike if uh before we move on uh I would like to uh speak to ordinance number 15 uh on the parking lot uh respectfully I would request that we pull and advertise this uh for a public hearing uh it's a for me for me it's a huge amount of money and a significant tax impact um in the neighborhood of over $450 a year to the average homeowner um I I want to say that I think nine out of 10 people don't know that we're planning to spend this money um and seven out of 10 are against spending the money and the design in its current form um many and me included would agree that we have parking issues um in the throughout the city in the summertime and we've had those for my entire life 64 and 3/4 years um but 30 spots and what I view as an asphalt jungle for three weekends three weekends out of the year um it again is is a significant amount of money to spend and I want to remind you and or I'm going to tell you that some 10 to 12 years ago we we had the opportunity um and I pushed for the purchase of the parcel which is now the Burger Bus and we had a beautiful design there we were going to have like 10 spots we were going to have a park we were going to have trees we were going to have a streetcape we were going to have picnic tables so that people could really um enjoy that as open space and yes we would have gained some 10 spots in a lot and you know six spots on the walkway mayor Becker and commissioner Toby at the time um rejected that idea because they felt the $650,000 that would have costed us was way too much of a burden on the taxpayers $650,000 we could have had that for um and and so if uh again I respectfully uh request that it be pulled if it's not if if you and Kathy don't agree to pull it um I strongly feel Mike that that you need to recuse yourself from um from commenting and we voting on this ordinance because it's um it's known that the hardware store is less than a quarter of a block away and that you will you and your family will stand to personally benefit from the sale and the current design um of this property so um in in that regard i i i in I respectfully request that this be pulled and that we advertise for a public hearing and let the voters in November decide just like we asked them to decide if we should build a new Firehouse um do do you want to do you want to see a new Firehouse in Margate and we we we couldn't agree so we went we asked the voters and we we we we got the feel from the voters I don't feel like I'm qualified to speak for a $3 million investment with with again other um other things that concern me you know tanks that might need to be remediated um the idea of how we're going to regulate this parking lot who we're going to allow park there will the business owners be parking there will their employees be parking there um um again I'm Pro business and I know we have parking problems in the summer but this is a lot of money again not to be repetitive uh for you know three major weekends of the year and okay 10 weeks uh in the Summer where we have increased volume but certainly I see that as currently designed empty for nine months out of the year it'll be vacant and that's $3 million is a lot of money and we're already asking the average homeowner for probably another four or500 in in in tax increase this year that's without the county increase um so we're g to saddle the you know we're going to saddle the average taxpayer on a half a million dollar home for you know years to come and uh I I think we should ask them whether or not they want to uh you know they want to invest in this so that's all I have thank you okay so just to a few clarifications um number one this is for ordinance introduction um I think and again Lisa left but I believe uh the timeliness of this in respect to the Grant application we have pending for this requires this to be introduced today we can certainly when it comes up for adoption in future meetings we can have further discussions on that uh so I would like to see that remain on the agenda uh secondly uh the $3 million price tag so for all of you that are unfamiliar with how government uh funding Works in bonding we are appropriating funds up to a $3 million amount the purchase of this property uh the negotiated price with our letter of intent is $2.3 million uh we have a grand application with the NG njeda uh in hopes of uh being awarded up to a million dollars towards this towards this project and um but when you in Government funding you have to allocate for the full amount and then uh again as Lisa spoke in regards to the other bonds we don't uh we don't issue the bonds until we have those to Total dollar amounts and and that that price comes in so the the ex the three million includes the the purchase price plus the the funding that would get the the property uh up to the parking lot as it was designed by our engineer um as far as any allegation that my uh business will benefit from this I think if anybody who's a resident of Margate thinks that uh I think that's that makes no sense uh we have the largest parking lot uh in town as far as a business uh that is with the way our customer shop that is no customers going to walk that distance the design the idea behind this and this was again a discussion uh going back probably to uh after the election uh was to improve parking in our downtown district so from bokeh to castles that ventner Avenue Strip there uh is a desire from the residents reaching out to us the three of us walked the neighborhoods of Margate together and I'd say maybe the second most talked about complaint was parking in these these areas so we are listening to the residents trying to address it the the bigger plan which again it's uh we intend to put forth a a plan and a vision for the future in the upcoming year but at this point there's you know it's I will say when I took office the first thing I said when I met with our department heads was I want to take a step back and observe and see how things how things work and see what we have to address we have a uh police headquarters that does not have proper facilities for our male and female officers we have lifeguard headquarters that does not have a property facility for male and and female lifeguards we have a um our senior Pavilion uh which gets used by by many residents all year long uh we have a failing deck and a lot of issues there so there are a lot of things in town that need to be addressed and and that we need to look at I thought it would be foolish of us to put uh Band-Aids on certain parts of of these buildings until we knew what our long-term Vision was so it is a process um it does certainly um government moves a little slower than the private sector uh but it is a process and we are trying to look at things and have a long-term vision for the future it's not about you know we have an issue that's a safety issue today we need to address it we have a a need uh that is more of a mid to long-term need I want to make sure it fits in with our with our plan for the future and next year we are up our master plan is up for Renewal so Roger is working on um I guess within the next six months or so we will have bids out for the master plan and this vision and the master plan are all going to tie in tie into one another and again the parking situation uh both ends of town is is part of that plan and we've heard often uh I spoke with her this week RZ from Jamaica me crazy she wants a a trolley in in Margate she speaks frequently about it um to be honest I think it's a great idea I think any way to move people and transport people is great having parking lots on both ends of towns where people can park jump on a some sort of shuttle Trolley system again is great uh Sher would appreciate it if we do any sort of trolley it will be an electric vehicle and uh you know so again it's all part of a a plan uh one of the things and I think this is why um I will say a Eur ago that uh Kathy and I were successful in in the election and adding some some new blood to the administration is bring a younger perspective I want I want the plan to be looking 20 years out I don't want to look at the next five years and say what what does this look like you know commissioner blumberg just said he wishes they bought the parking lot a few years ago uh there was discussion about buying the lot across from Johnny a few years ago for parking those were missed opportunities by the city if you ask me and I don't want to have another one in 5 years where we're saying we should have done that so um so I will say the decisions we're making they're not they're not made on a whim we're trying to address the needs of the the Greater Community and I think I think we're going to accomplish that and I think uh Again part of the master plan part of this Vision that that we look forward um final thing on on the gas station is and probably the um one of the best parts of this situation is that uh Exxon Mobile is on the hook for the remediation of the site so the city will have no cost for any of the uh of the site clean up and again the benefit to this is that we take a contaminated site and we're cleaning it up and you know I I think that helps again the overall uh the overall community so I have one comment to make um I don't want to interrupt where you I don't want to go for it you to lose your train of thought um just in reference with pulling it every time we disagree on something we can't pull it like and put it to the public to vote you elected us to make decisions and we didn't put the 1.5 million for Lucy to a vote not all of us you know may have felt that was the best use of money but we did what we thought was appropriate so along with that I we can't pull everything we don't all agree on we just vote and see how it goes yeah and I think again here's where where I encourage um you know so so we talk about a lot of things at these meetings are I really encourage everybody to come to that 5:00 Workshop meeting where the department heads speak I know today was pretty brief um we were missing a few department heads uh but I really encourage everybody because that's really where you get to know what what is going on in the city what future projects what what we're dealing with on an everyday basis and and again I encourage you to to reach out to us if you have an opinion on any one of these matters I encourage you to to come to call me talk to me and you know I'm happy to hear it and I do reach out and talk to our residents on a daily basis regarding uh City issues and it's it's their feedback which helps provide us guidance in in our decisions so so with that I would ask that we table ordinance 11 uh the adoption of the outdoor dining for further discussion um and uh move forward with with everything else please may I have a motion for the introduction of ordinance number 1224 an ordinance amending chapter 257 vehicles and traffic of the code of the city of Margate City County of Atlantic state of New Jersey motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for the introduction of ordinance number 13 2024 an ordinance amending chapter 257 tra vehicles and traffic of the code of the city of Margate City County of Atlantic state of New Jersey motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for the introduction of ordinance number 14 2024 an ordinance amending and supplementing the mark City Municipal Code chapter 223 Property Maintenance of ordinance number 15 2024 Bond ordinance appropriating $3 million and authorizing the issuance of $3 million in bonds and notes of the city of Margate City for the purpose and development of real property located at 7901 ventner Avenue known as block 2007.01 Lot 1 and three Margate City New Jersey as a municipal parking lot motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg no commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for the adoption of ordinance number 9 2024 Bond ordinance appropriating $600,000 and authorizing the issuance of $570,000 in bonds and notes of the city of Margate City for various Capital Improvements or purposed purposed authorized to be undertaken by the city of Margate City in the county of Atlantic New Jersey motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes may have a motion for the adoption of ordinance number 10 2024 Bond ordinance providing for various water and sewers utility Capital Improvements in and by the city of Margate City in the county of Atlantic New Jersey appropriating $900,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $900,000 bond or notes of the city for financing the cost thereof motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes yes the adoption of ordinance number 11 2024 has been tabled at this point may I have a motion for the approval of resolution number 168 2024 authorizing bill payments and claims motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have the motion for the authorizing of or the approval of resolution number 1 69 2024 authorizing payments to colore Home Center motion second mayor Collins I abstain commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes I have a motion for the adoption of resolution number 170 2024 governing body certification of the annual audit motion second mayor Collins yes Miss blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for the adoption of resolution number 171 2024 res uh resolution to exceed third quarter 2024 tax grace period to 4 P.M August 23rd 2024 motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may have a motion for the consent agenda which cons consist of resolution number 172 2024 through resolution number 185 2024 motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes I would also like to have a motion to adopt resolution number 186 2024 declaring closed session motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes at this time we will be going into Clos session we will ask that everyone leave you will be welcome back when Clos session is completed no motion to be taken correct when we come back no action to be no action will be taken thank you everybody well you basically have you you want toip it [Music] got's go we're gonna cancel the session we don't Steve enjoy your weekend okay at this point in time time we are resending resolution number 186 declaring 2024 declaring closed session hold on hold on mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right is there a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes Matt did you give that paper to joh says bring back the clock thank you everybody your bring back --------- like to call the meeting to order please Johanna will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Press of Atlantic City Star Ledger posted on the bulleon board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all cell phones please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance attention I Al of the United States of America to the stands indivisible andice Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumberg I am here commissioner horn here welcome everybody we we will begin as always with our engineering report Ed thank you mayor uh good afternoon everyone good evening I should say and we will begin as always with our dredging update uh we actually have a good update for this meeting we did finally submit our revised dragging plans with the updated survey information to the njd at the end of June so that's great um the other part of that good news is that um after all said and done the topography or the Petry of the the Bay hasn't changed that much since we originally surveyed it which um will work in our favor as far as getting the permit process completed so the balls and air Court will follow up see if they have any questions uh but we that's a big milestone for us to finally get our Citywide dredging permit I don't have an update on the shelder island um salt marsh restoration which of course is related to the dredging as an alternate uh disposal site we are working with the Stockton Coastal Research Center to do some additional work uh to address some D comments that we got um regarding that project on item C the 2023 Road program which would be a fall project we uh added some work to that project on the 600 block of Fredericksburg Avenue so that survey work is complete we'll just get those plans put together and get that project ready for bidding a number of the projects on the list here um are fall construction projects so you're going to hear a lot of that in this report as we get through the summer item D is the Washington Avenue street skate project with some uh work on Venter Avenue as well um this is a do funded project we had a steering committee meeting that I reported on at the last meeting in the middle part of June and we were just about wrapping up some of the revisions that came out of that steering committee meeting and then we'll share those updated plans with the group uh just to get some additional feedback so that project is moving along the Adams Avenue storm Pump Station which I got to I'll revise this to the Amherst Avenue storm sewer pump station uh the update on that project is and I believe I've mentioned this at previous meetings we have been looking at an old sewer Vault old storm sewer vault on Adams Avenue to potentially repurpose that as part of this project um the the the way that we would have to do that is we would have to confirm that it's structurally sound and physically able to be used in that fashion we're uh having some issues getting there so we want to start to explore an alternate site for this Pump Station I've spoken with Roger about it and we were looking at the Amherst Avenue Waterfront Park site there's some available space there in the parking area or perhaps Elsewhere on the site which would be a good location for again this is an under ground uh storm sewer pump station so in order to explore that as an alternative site we would need to set up a pre-application meeting with d Green Acres because that is a Green Acres funded site and to just see what their requirements would be to locate the facility there so we're going to take that first step and see what they have to say um and then we will decide how to proceed based on their input item f is thow Avenue 300 400 block again a fall construction project with design in progress same for the Redevelopment of well 9 Winchester Avenue and Benson Avenue waterm configuration same status we're working on the plans to get that project out to bid the 2024 KB and gutter program um this project we will actually be doing the survey work in early September uh reason for that is there's a lot of cars parked on the street and the survey needs to go along the gutter line uh so we typically wait for some of the street space to open up before we do that survey since this is a project where we try to go in and pinpoint very tight areas along curb and gutter to make some improvements so we will work on that uh in early September after Labor Day turning the page the item J is the next phase of the renovations at the municipal building uh so we are working on that project we have our team they may I believe they may have been there today um to do some existing conditions work item K is the next phase of Winchester Avenue um which was a 2024 state aid grant we're getting that survey work in progress same for the 2024 row program so those two rows will be surveyed around the same time and we'll get those moving in our Capital program item m is new to this list we've talked about it at previous meetings it'll be our phase one of a Leed service line replacement project uh the funding for that is through the ibank and it's a bit of a fluid situation but we've uh taken a step to proceed with at least preparing the plans for phase one so that we're in position to capitalize on favorable financing so that project has kicked off and the first part of that project is we are working with the construction office to refine our lead service line inventory to take any locations off the list that may have been uh renovated in the recent past since those lead lines if they exist would have been replaced so that uh will be an ongoing project no update on item n which is just our ongoing CRS efforts item O is just the funding component of the lead service line project under storm water ordinance and mapping assistance this is compliance with the DP no update here other than uh we just sent some information to D and we're waiting to hear back on the pending Grant application list we did submit our uh 2025 NJ do Municipal Aid Grant application and that was for Atlantic Avenue from Huntington Avenue to Mansfield we typically hear back on these towards the end of the year so uh we would take that into consideration in our next round of capital um no update on pending Capital other than a number of these projects will move into active capital uh once we get some of these projects out to bid jumping down to our construction projects no update on the first two items flipping over to page three the wi uh Winchester Avenue project is substantially complete this is from Douglas to exiter uh and the contractors just working on the punch list so we can get that project moved into the closeout phase Winchester Avenue from Claremont to Douglas we've had our preconstruction meeting we've awarded our contract and we just held that contractor off until September um after the season the suar Avenue and Benson Avenue beach ball cat access is substantially complete so we got that done I know there's some concrete work uh I think that remains but uh the majority of the work is complete there and then our Municipal Building uh office improvements also in progress um and that completes my report great thank you Ed we will now move to our department head reports Scott would you like to begin pretty brief tonight mayor say we had the packed house so any anybody has any questions on me I'm here thank you Roger did yes uh nothing new thank you great Chief hington I won't be as brief as the other two but I think over the last month I think we've seen a l a lot of large events that have been very successful in town between Beach stock Fourth of July fireworks I think we can all attest to the amount of people that were in town in the last six weeks it's actually been a very successful seon season so far just looking over some numbers for even the 4th of July weekend the police department had over 600 calls for service just between Thursday and Sunday ran the gamut of calls from fights to motor vehicle stops to parking complaints to ordinance violations it's a credit I'd like to say it's a credit to the police department and to the support we get that with a 28 person Police Department we are able to keep the city safe when we see crowds like we like we see so I'd like to thank the public for the support and the mayor and the commissioner for the support thank you thank you Chief Lisa good afternoon just a couple quick things uh just want to let you know tax collector's office um has been uh preparing all the tax bills about 50% of them have been mailed out so everyone in town should start receiving their bills within the next several days to next week um and just to remind everyone the due date was extended to August 23rd and that is the final date there will not be an additional grace period after that so if you do pay your bill after the 23rd then interest will start to ur um and lastly I just want to mention something that I emailed to the Commissioners and department heads state health benefits you know it made the right decision Commissioners and changing um from the state health benefits to the coastal hip because um they're and are projecting 16% increase next year and so far this year now that uh I have two months of bills with the hiff we'll save approximately 120,000 just over the next six months this year um by moving to the hip the first meeting is Monday Dave Elliott will be attending and if there's anything to report after that I will at the next meeting that's all I have thank you great thank you Lisa Chief Adams thank you mayor Commissioners uh just to Echo Chief Henkin comments Beach stock and fireworks what a spectacular show the fireworks were and what a great event Beach stocks I want to say thank you to our partners especially Margate mothers Association for their fundraising efforts to have the show and to all of our businesses and residents that made a donation without their help and support we wouldn't be able to put on such a spectacular show that we do um last Thursday July 11th the Margate City Fire Department was requested to assist the Atlantic City Fire Department for a five alarm fire fire that they had uh just after 9:00 a.m. prior to that we sent an EMS crew up to the scene um they provided transport for two separate EMS calls in Atlantic City but our fire Crews operated on scene for over five hours and then went and covered their station for an additional three hours of coverage at uh fire station 4 so it doesn't happen often but to see the partnership and to see the crews work together um they had total I think it was 12 different Mutual Aid fire apparatus that came into the city of Atlantic City to assist during that fire and it was the biggest fire as far as alarms that we've seen in that City in a long time so we're happy to be there to be able to help and provide that service and that's all I have for now thank you thank you Chief Johanna I have nothing to report all right uh I'll now ask Rich Tolson our chair of citizens Advisory Board to uh step forward and give a report thank you Mr Mayor Commissioners good evening everyone um as addressed I am rich Tolson the chairman of the Commissioners citizens Advisory board at our last meeting of July 15th or 18th excuse me we have been meeting since we were commissioned last October um we have I brought some with me our advertising piece on the C Advisory Board there's some up here and if mayor we discuss putting some at the municipal building as people come in hopefully to pay their taxes um we put them out at other uh different Community functions we're putting them at the churches at The JCC and different places throughout town to let people know how they can contact us how they can um air their suggestions complaints concerns and we can um pass them on to you as has been promoted the bike racks out uh I personally and our uh committee want to thank the sustainable Margate team especially Steve jaeki um for their support and obtaining grant money um to put more of those out than we started with two that the city had I think there's 12 out now there 10 or 12 um and we're trying to promote their usage um in fewer cars on the street uh our current involvement is with the after for mentioned Washington Avenue streetscape the May attended our meeting on uh the 11th uh I have the 11th here and the 18th at the top because today's the 18th and presented his vision for morgate um having served in a previous capacity as the director for the Brick Layers Union for the state of New Jersey and having dealt with Mayors and commissions um from Newark to Hoboken Camden Trenton and as far south as Kate May and everywhere in between having a mayor and a uh Commissioners um that sit with advisory committee that you picked um is a blessing for this town to be able to have that form uh to exchange ideas and hopeing to come up with Solutions I have often said the issues in Margate um are typically first world issues U but they're issues nonetheless and they're important to the people that they affect um in your willingness and participation in our meetings um to keep us informed and to listen to what we've found out through the res to the town um is very helpful some of those issues that have been brought to our attention um have happened mainly on the two big weekends that the chief addressed um or alluded to in his report parking at the corners the speed limits these are all issues that the police department have been dealing with I'm sure the the chief has at least shared with you but for the community to know the amount of tickets that were written and trying to address these issues um the time that the chief took to meet with me personally um I and our committee are very grateful for the time and and the U input that he has had with us and we will continue to have and look forward to supporting the efforts um to hopefully resolve some of these issues all these congestion issues point back to too many bedrooms um and having said that I look forward to U the recommendation of the mayor that we participate in the upcoming master plan uh we look forward to doing that um and that's all I have for now great thank you rich thank you oh Mr Mayon me I must recognize some of our secretaries here Sim pittz is here and of course you guys I don't have to introduce Steve Alman everybody knows Steve Alman at these meetings but he's on our committee to I don't know Brian Duffy is here in the hand you were noticed We spelled his name wrong intentionally um just because he may be the longest uh serving person here in town but um thank you for being here I appreciate all their help thank you thank you Rich so I think it's important especially with a packed house here uh that the community know and uh understand that rich and the board welcome engagement uh these pamphlets are great so you again as rich said you can contact them uh you know they have direct line of communication with us you know we are certainly willing as as we've shown to meet with with residents if there's any concerns but this is a good way to get involved and you know Express concerns and again we're trying to get a wide range of opinions and and uh concerns from a big group of people so that uh we can move forward in the city in a positive direction so thank you for all that you guys are doing we will now move forward with public comment if anyone has any comment on anything discussed in this meeting you can step forward to the microphone state your name and address please Sher lilenfeld 7809 Wellington Avenue morgate I'm sorry I know you have a packed house but you know I always have some questions about the engineering report this for you aded um Shelter Island salt marsh I've lived here full-time over 20 years I have no idea what that is what that means what what what is this project and what does this mean and also there are biological studies that need to be addressed like what does that mean too where is Shelter Island sure so I I'll I could just give an overview of what it what it relates as far as engineering and then I don't know I see I saw Scott sit up in his seat um where is it um is bner West what behind ventner West where the old sewer plant used to be U if you ever out there in a boat it would be off fredicksburg Avenue okay it's an island Margate owns half of that island with vent inside the island there's a very deep hole 28 foot deep four and a half acres we're trying to get a permit to take dredge material to put it in that hole rather than have to truck it away or something be a lot cheaper to put dredge material there okay so what other biological studies that need to be addressed so Stockton um stockt and completed so this has been done before so this is technically known as dredge hole 90 um um and as Scott mentioned we want to take our dredge material and fill the hole in which was previously dredged out there's another dredge hole called dredge hole 86 um that is owned by the NJ doot I believe um and they went through the process obtaining approvals to um Place dredge material at that location and in order to do that they had to complete a number of studies related to fish habitat and you know biologic um activity and we've gone through that entire process in all four seasons and we sent the results to the DP and the D just came back with some comments wanted some additional information and we're in the process of gathering that information of course they want addition ofation yeah well obviously you can't be putting stuff out there that's going to affect the ecosystem and they want to be sure yeah okay and then one other item are um the pending capital projects and I know we've talked about this before I believe item 44 the complex walkway is going to be done with pervious pervious pavement y perious pavement yep what about item 45 the basketball court that will not be pervious pavement no and any particular reason why it's a it's a play surface so there's there's standards you have to follow for it to be a proper play surface okay and then item 48 the roof replacement with morgate there um is anything being looked at to like take uh rain water and use it for irrigation system you know any other green infrastructure items being looked at with with that that's big big thing is like taking the water and using it for irrigation things like that and a lot of municipalities are doing that so that is a that's actually a hold over on this list that's a a roof replacement at the library I don't know if that's currently on our Capital list um so that's a library question I would think I think it's their project okay thank you very much thank you Sher yeah good answer hi hello is this uh the appropriate time to talk about an ordinance you're going to be discussing uh that would be at the next meeting which is immediately following it says public um public com comments on ordinances next meeting yep okay thank you which should be should be momentarily thank you any other comment on items discussed in Workshop is there a motion to close public comment motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes commissioner blumberg anything to add nothing down commissioner horn nothing is there a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes all all right thank you and we will just roll right into the next meeting in the interest of time with our uh Crowded House