I'll call you tomorrow Matt okay like to call the meeting to order please um the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to Atlantic City Press Star Ledger posted on the bulletin board in the municipal bill building the municipal website and field in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all electronic devices please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance flag United States of Mayor Collins here commissioner blumber I am here commissioner horn here is there a motion for the approval of the regular meeting and workshop Capital minutes from April 4th 20124 motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner plumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right we will now open it up to public comment if anyone has any comment please step forward to the microphone state your name and address Jeff Hoffner 5 South Monroe what's going on with the bar they tore the place down and what's the process I you have to go to front of zoning again yeah Scott do you want yes we met again with them several times they had full approvals full architectural plans they shut down the uh food place they shut down the liquor store they emptied their two apartments they're renovating it in the course of inovation they determined that the walls that were in a place should be replaced once they removed all the walls at one time the city came in and said wait you you can't do that well we allowed them to move forward with the walls so that it was structurally Secure right now we have not given the city has not given a permit to continue work they can secure the building that's it we've asked them and they have applied to go back back to the planning board to be allowed to keep those walls where they have always been they've been that way for I guess 70 years and uh they'll be in fromont the planning board I don't know what the meeting date is should be within next month doesn't everybody get notified again oh yeah it'll have to all be notified but they're still working over there doing Plumbing putting underground no they're not doing Plumbing but they were doing other work they're not doing Plumbing they think you better stop over there and look okay well I think they've stopped that as of today we're still working Jeff I know believe it I I just look at it every day but we just had I don't care that they're doing it and and we're making them come back to the planet put a dumpster enclosure in there I'm not doubting your word I'm just telling you it's a mess okay well it's going to be that way all summer because now they're stopped is a mess too I'm used to it it's unless the neighborhood said please let them keep going maybe we could find a way but we have to have they got to get back to planing board yeah here's what happened the wall once they got open believe me if these F there was nothing if an engineer would walk through there was gutted before they even came to the Z and that's what happened the engineer came in and said look these walls have to be replaced once they repl once they T down all the walls at one time ironically if they' done a peace meal perhaps would nobody would even know but they didn't they roll down one time no no to come down one time me well all I can tell you is we determined that we didn't want the day you tell me go ahead you tell me I'll listen you tell me they T it down piece by piece okay section by section they to it down they did that's right you're right replace wall by wall they're coming back to the planning we're making no register girl on there saying hey you can't work anymore I believe we're letting them secure Jimmy's here but I don't think they're going to be doing much more work for weeks what that they've been working for months in there they haven't Stu we did allow them to put the walls you know see we try to help people when we can let me let me explain it to you they shut down one two four two businesses two apartments I believe I'm fact is I'm sure they didn't intend to take all those walls down the first place they thought they could leave them up they thought they were going to have what's it called Tony balone they thought they were going to keep them have them open in three weeks didn't work out that way so now they're in a pickle what would she have done if we had said okay you have your walls half down do we we just leave it half up half down had to have it go for months we felt that would be a very unsafe condition to do that so we let them build their walls and make it structurally sound but we're not letting them move forward pluming or the electric now they're doing some kind of Plumbing it's a part of securing the wall or going into concrete that's possible it's all you can Jeff I'm just telling you that they have to come back to you guys tell just drive by offic Let Go by all I can tell you is I come back to planing I don't have no problem with anybody doing anything but do it right that's it I I agree and I I I think they situation would have to do things right je I TR believe there was not an intent to do anything wrong nobody would intentionally do it this way not their right mind what would the intent they lose their summer season Sumer season anyway you know that they weren't to get that done huh they were going to get that done in three months that I can't tell you sometimes get the right contractor you can but and right now the city's not going to let him go and finish they'll be there again tomorrow so thanks a lot okay anyone else with public comment like going on um something that wasn't mentioned except for oh Steve Jai 12 Lancaster Avenue um wanted to mention to talk about the Cherry Blossom Festival and um I think we did a fabulous job with that I mean it was a great event and uh Public Works was there I mean they were there with sandbags which we desperately needed because the wind picked up it was a little Breezy thanks for that um uh we had 14 environmental vendors over there that was really nice we had a great educational display for the kids uh part of that was Marine mamal stranding Center uh more did um uh battery operated U equipment uh this we had the sustainable down beach tent we had the terap and Turtle release which they're going to be doing the Margate Causeway in a couple weeks or maybe next month uh Jac kusto estan research reserve the Watershed ambassadors uh Earth First Jersey natives who did sea planning demonstrations um acua Master composters Native Plant Society action buy bees had a beehive there and South Jersey Surf Rider did um had a rain barrels out there to show about uh rainwater harvesting uh the police were great um blocking everything off everything went with uh Clockwork and um my hats off to sustainable I mean um us yeah uh but the uh Business Association for the F you know fantastic organizations that they did so um sometimes I come forward with the this environmental stuff and it doesn't feel significant because of all the stuff that's going on but it is important it's important that we know and that we're aware of it and we care thank you do we have any other public comment is there a motion to close public comment motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner plumberg yes commissioner horn yes right we will now open up public comment on resolutions and ordinance adoption if anyone has any comment on the resolutions on today's agenda or the ordinance adoption please step forward is there a motion to close public comment on resolutions and ordinance adoption motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for the introduction of ordinance number 6 20124 an ordinance amending ordinance number 1 d224 fixing the salaries and compensation of certain officers and employees of the city of morgate City Atlanta County New Jersey motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for number 7 2024 an ordinance amending chapter 270 or 27- 11a parking meters parking meter zones of the code of the city of Margate City County of Atlantic and state of New Jersey motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have an ordinance for the public adoption of ordinance number five of 2024 an ordinance creating chapter 24.1 privately owned salt storage motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for resol for the adoption of resolution number 109 2024 authorizing bill payment and claims motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner Lumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for resolution number 110 2024 resolution terminating all participation under the state health benefits program motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for the consent agenda which consists of resolution number 111 2024 through resolution number 119 2024 motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg commissioner horn yes all right uh just to make note on the agenda there was a motion to declare closed session we will not be doing that tonight um anything else commissioner all good all right thank you everybody do we have a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right have a good evening everybody --------- like to call the meeting to order please I'm GNA start from the beginning the notice of requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting has been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Press of Atlantic City Star Ledger posted on the bulletin board and in the mun municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn said sou please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Al States mayor Collins here commissioner blumberg here commissioner War here welcome everybody uh we will begin with our engineering report thank you mayor good afternoon everyone starting off as always with our dredging projects item a which is our Citywide dredging permit um we have completed our updated survey which I reported at the last meeting we're now meeting it we're now in the process of just updating the plans and getting them ready for submission for a final permit there's no update on The Shelter Island salt marsh restoration permit that is in Stockton's hands and I believe they're working on the studies some of those may be seasonal uh 202 three Road program we're finishing up the engineering we're actually going to be adding in the 600 block of Fredericksburg Avenue to that project and we discussed that at our last Capital meeting um so that is going to be added to the scope of work this uh survey for the Washington Avenue streets gate is scheduled for next week the Adams Avenue Pump Station we actually had some activity out there today uh they went out there to look at this Vault on Adams Avenue and they actually found that it was completely filled with sand weren't able to go in and do any kind of structural inspection so I think Pat you're going to have the The Vault cleaned out y um and then we'll have our guys come back and take a look inside the Vault so we're looking to see if we can repurpose that Vault for this Pump Station um thow Avenue 300 400 block the survey is complete and we're working on the base plans Redevelopment of well 9 no update that's a fall project item H is the rebid of our renovation work over at the municipal building that's out to bid now the bid opening will be on April 25th the flood warning response plan uh we have a meeting tentatively scheduled for April 25th um with City staff just to try to wrap up that uh document based on the FEMA input turning the page uh item J at the top of the page is our ibank application for the lead service line replacement program which we have discussed as part of uh the upcoming capital budget um and we'll be looking at how we want to phase this project based on the funding that's available through d um so we will be hearing more about that uh at the coming meetings as we move into the design and Engineering phase for that project item K is an alternate traffic signal timing plan uh that we obtained pricing on um we sent that over for consideration for approval this would allow uh the city to put the lights on Atlantic Avenue into an alternate timing pattern during the winter times that there would be a longer green time on Atlantic Avenue so that would be for next offseason item L is our ongoing compliance with the storm water uh regulation program we've done a couple ordinances so far uh there is one I think maybe on for adoption today and there's um one more item that we just need to check off from an ordinance standpoint uh that I'm working with Roger on and we'll move forward with that soon we may not need to take any action to be in compliance item m is just a running list of our grant applications I do have one item on this list that I just wanted to discuss with the governing body uh briefly which is for the next round of cdbg funding we've been historically using this funding for the bulkhead cut throughs on the um Beach blocks they they changed their program a little bit this year typically um for years now it's been essentially a formula gram every participating municipality would get x amount of dollars based on a formula they it's still the same pot of money but they're now making it a more competitive process where you essentially almost like other Grant applications where you put in a project and not everyone gets the funds so the downside is is that you're not quote unquote guaranteed the money the upside is you could do a bigger project so it actually works out timing wise for us because the street ends that are left are the ones that we kicked to the end of the list because they're more complicated they're concrete seaw walls things like that we've done all the quote unquote easy ones so the most natural thing to do would be I think I think be to just roll into a bigger project that would involve one of those more complex Street ends same type of work we've been doing and maybe this larger pot of money would work in our favor to cover those additional costs so unless you have another project in mind um that project has always been eligible because it provides ADA compliance and accessibility at the at the beach Street BLX so yeah I think that makes sense okay all right then we will move forward with that are we still good with the one we were starting and trying to get done by this summer yep it should be done by mid June we just had our preconstruction meeting yep thank all right so we'll move forward with that Grant application um as noted uh the item end is our list of pending capital projects some of these um are being considered for the next capital budget so there will be some movement there um as we move into those um projects jumping down to our construction projects you can see our open maintenance Bond there only a couple left for the rest of the year um our projects in close out we continue to chip away at those just to get the paperwork in and um reimbursements processed through outside funding agencies item R is the 2022 Winchester Avenue project the utility work is done the concrete work is done so the paving work will uh follow that so we're moving along on that project and the next phase of Winchester Avenue from Claremont to Douglas we are scheduling our preconstruction meeting that project was just awarded at the end of March and I think that'll be a fall project just schedule wise but we'll get everything lined up for them to begin um early in the fall and then the last item on my list here we just talked about it is the uh bulkhead cut throughs at suar Avenue and Benson Avenue we had our preconstruction meeting I guess it was yesterday and um we're going to get that work scheduled and completed uh before the peak summer season great thank you Ed we will now move forward with our department head report Scott mayor we had several U meetings today uh let let's go over the one that we've had a citizen upset about with the bag Leo project at bent and Co Javin if you would I have Mr Eric Goldstein here Roger Jimmy and I met with the developers of that project and I think we have a resolution we're trying to make I know there's a lot of misinformation out there on the internet and I think uh if if we could maybe we can get Mr Goldstein to talk to us for a minute of this Workshop session I think it's appropriate we'll get let let everybody know what's going on and how we're uh straightening out some of these issues sure thanks Mr Goldstein if you would as as per our conversation he did meet with us and met with the developer we read all the plans let him thank Mr abin thank you for allowing me to show up tonight I know there's been some dispute between perhaps a neighbor or neighbors and Mr Bago as the developer of the property Mr Bago as a responsible corporate citizen was desirous to meet wanted to discuss with the neighbor whatever he could do to hopefully leviate those concerns I do believe Mr Abbott perhaps I'm wrong that this is really not a matter for the city it's more between two private property owners unless the city feels otherwise but well there were allegations made that we wanted to address I said you I would investigate it and I have investigated I've seen the leases I've seen the licensing uh certificates that we have we met with our zoning officer and our building inspector as well also inspected the property it's six residential it's not 12 um they are all occupied correct they're all occupied the intent of the developer is to condo those there will be six residential condos and I think he's going to go with what one the commercial five five commercial which are currently all store were approved for five separate commercials the parking spaces from what I've seen there is no restriction that prohibits residents from parking in those parking spes the developer has represented to me and I take him at his word that he's not prohibiting the people from parking in the parking l so I think a lot of the fears and a lot of things and we all see the internet and stuff that goes on there not don't believe everything you read so as far as I'm concern I think we're on the path of having this fully resolved uh I don't know where there's some remedial actions you were contemplating or no perhaps designating spes for parking Point MRT you know we' reviewed our appeal I mean our our approvals gotten approval from City of Margate one thing that's fairly important as well I'm sure everyone's aware of this this entire project was initiated started construction and finished all during Co so there was a little bit of a disconnect between what could be inspected what could have been uh approved it was all done City inspected City approved County inspected County approved because remember venor Avenue is a county road so we do have an approval of the traffic pattern the in andout on V Avenue as you recall the county is not real fond of backing out on the vendor so they did have Mr Bag Leo submit a plan which was approved and property's been built and inspected construction end zoning whatever issues exist between a private property owner Mr Bag Leo we would like to talk to that individual or individuals and hopefully that's the end of it and if it's not they have recourse of course with Mr Bag Leo but he's never not wanted to address these issues as you know we've addressed them several times but you know the internet and people have a little bit of an idea of what is actually going on compared to the true facts and that's kind of where we are now I don't know why this has become such a big deal but we'll deal with it as the city would like us to deal with it or the private property owners would like to deal with it now not to put anybody on the spot but if the gentleman who's been in our last several meetings to complain is here here's Mr Goldstein here I am Mr gtis he's here there he is there he is why don't we deal with it now let's let's hear what he has to say Patrick 976 Avenue hi I have spoken with people well I spoke with one person that actually told me that he has his not allow my wife I heard if you look at the building you can see 201a 201b I see a gentleman that has the kitchen for he's got a white pickup truck does kitch in MA he's got two dogs they're very well trained he doesn't have even have out of one of the and that's always out always go somebody's not telling the truth I think I'm telling the truth why don't you go back and look at this I the sign there I don't know that that's accurate what you're saying what was that you're saying there was an A and A B in I I didn't see those look at the do might Chang I didn't look today I got the other thing is the parking lot is empty Mona lives right next door I asked her to check I wanted maybe I thought maybe he might have resolved it I thought I might be able to save myself well he knows the spotlights on him and we've said to him you got to let your residents use this parking lot he said I'm not restricting them from using that's what he told us if if it's in their lease they're the leases that I from our uh licensing department I didn't see that is there names on there is and it says there two bedroom two bathroom unit I don't know the lease says it's two two bedrooms two beds typically they don't because does it say square footage of the unit I don't think it say square footage but the licensing does the license ceri does there's six units that that's at least the paperwork we're seeing dis agree I I I'm and I'm sure you have good basis to I'm just telling you from what I can find so far anyone in the last six weeks has anyone gone into any of those units to inspect they were inspected initially when the co for the building was given so are they now going into private residences where people live no I guess what I'm asking is when they were inspected they were inspected before anyone moved into them is that correct from the answer is yes yeah so what I'm saying is since then have they when the kitchens had when the six kitchens had to get ripped out just noted in theet article that there was six extra stoves I don't think kitchens were ripped out it was washer and dryer no was cooking facility cooking um they were ripped out reinspect it after they were ripped down and were the CE given then or was it was it assumed that he was going to take them out and he just got an unconditional Co that's what I have feel can you speak into a microphone pleas we did inspect the units after the stoves were taken out and there's photos of the proof yes I I don't know what else to say to you sir I we don't have the ability just to run over there and say let us in we're going to inspect your unit again tonight has anyone gone to the parking lot and look at the doors you looked at the doors and you don't see any A or B anymore they were approved that's how they were approved initially with two doors to each unit that is true right what I'm saying is there's one door on the second and third floor as of yesterday and today the doors have names of the individuals that own that rent those units and there's no more A and B so just changed correct now for instance the one I just have to say it fellow lives there and his mom lives with him and his son so most of them are occupied by one or two people total I guess going to have to get proove I think he's lying to you I think he's he's trying to run this city more than you you folks are unfort you know that big of money I understand sir I understand I will get you I will get you proof you're not well listen I think we are helping ourselves um I think this is this is a situation where I understand you parked your car there for years well he doesn't let you park there no I never parked you never park there far the people in your building don't have any parking at all never parked in that vacant lot that's not what I'm hearing but okay that's all we can do at this point okay and our commissioners and everyone in the room Mr B weo remains available to discuss this matter he's not been evasive he's gone to meetings he's submitted whatever paperwork needs to be submitted so the concept of maybe someone saw something somewhere I get it and it always takes a little bit more momentum when people put stuff on the internet but it's when ultimately the city does its inspections I mean Mr rabbit you were there I was there um the concept of you're potentially doing something wrong so we want the city to enforce something private citizens might believe is going one way which is in fact going another way I don't know if the city has really any jurisdiction or ability to enforce something based upon a rumor but Mr biva remains available to discuss and I'll certainly make myself available to discuss whatever issues people believe are happening Eric you said he's going to condo to 12 or six residential there's going to be a plan prepared six residential and five commercial and the six residential units are be condo that will be all the units correct some of them won't be left as Apartments be the whole building that's right now they could be rented as apartments right because they'll have a common ownership so they will be condo out each individual unit having a different qualifier probably in the next couple weeks may maybe a month or so I think Mr ad's correct might have to go to DCA just so we're all clear the six residential units each of two bedrooms total that's it I think there was one that had three there was a bigger correct there is one that has the others all have two that's what I have to report so far and uh somebody wanted to say something else yeah sure I'm sorry could U my name is morissa ktis I live at T South kage Avenue so when I open up my front door I face all of the apartments so I do see a lot of um I guess you would say just observations so I just want to clarify so the top unit and the bottom unit are part of the same unit because I see residents only particular residents only coming in and out of just say the top unit and never coming in and out of the bottom doors so are you saying it's the same unit so if they're if you're just looking they're not two levels they're not two levels right everybody they're not two levels all the units are one level so there's how many top level units and how many bottom level units and I know okay I believe that's correct three and just clarifying because I've never seen people from just say opening a top door but there's no stairway or opening you know it's not a two level C okay each floor has three approved residential units okay because I know that there's concerns with the A and the B uh I think that's all eliminated okay and um obviously I think was up the sunrise um meeting I brought up the the parking situation how I never saw any tenants parking in that LW before um and um how we heard of there were being restrictions I'm glad if that's not the case that that was able to be um that question being able to be answered and I'm glad that uh we're flashing out some of these issues because obviously um there were a lot going on and um I know that a lot of neighbors just have questions when it comes to the amount of people in there and as opposed to what was approved so I'm glad that uh we're all you know addressing this issue and asking questions and obviously I know that that uh the construction food officials are empowered to have search warrant issued um if they wanted to should have problem well I mean prob caes you know you have police going right exactly so we look we we've looked at it we'll continue to look at it we'll continue to monitor that we will do um whatever was going on there in the past we're told it's six units and the best thing now if he does conduit and he sells out six separate residential units that's the best could okay and I also just want to confirm that there's not going to be any commercial uh on the second level of where the Margate Granite used to be not thank you thank you Eric Scott do you want to sure you can confir this will be the last one and then Scott can continue with his report this is just an adjunct thing I live right next door and right next door I need your name and address please Mona Marcus 3 South poage Avenue Margate City New Jersey um I live right next door and right next door I have every day parked the Statewide demolition mold specialist cleanout dump truck a par it Street no it's not on the street it's like I think is a driveway there's my house oh that's mr's truck on mr's so that can park over there there's a barrier in front of it yellow yeah right but the only way you can get in there is to back out I haven't seen go but is not that is the only way he could thank you all right Scott you Mr Mayor my phone number at the office is 92711 77 anyone has a question be happy to answer it um Mr beg Leo has been Cooperative from the beginning it's just perhaps people think he's doing something that he's not but we're available to meet with Mr Abbott or the city and come to a meeting and explain what's going on as the solicitor sees fit great thank you Eric thank you for your cooperation thank all no nothing further Scott um we're going to talk about the beach front s but not here next session okay no that's it pat thank you mayor Commissioners uh we're just getting ready for the summer season cleaning up properties turning the water back on buildings and uh mulching we also got the two relief caban new ones built for the summer season also the big stage is built and uh when we were talking about that uh the uh cut throughs on the beach we might want to take a look at the CER Avenue at because we did had to rip that ramp down last year for the insurance I think insurance reasons but we might want to put uh access through there correctly great thank you Pat Jim I have nothing to report this guy has reported for me thank thank you Jim Roger uh plan more meeting next week and that's pretty much all I have thank you Chief Hinson I'll be brief as you can see on the agenda it's the start of the summer resolutions we'll see the farmers markets on there something we do every year it's actually a really good event on cool Wood Avenue there also another uh ordinance that's for additional paid parking at two areas in Margate like I said it's kind of worked out well it turns over traffic pretty good and like I said it's just a it's a step in that direction also I wanted to take the opportunity that we have another retirement in the police department effective July 1st Officer Jennifer Pullman will be retiring after 20 years of service July 1st actually June 30th will be here last day after 20 years or so I wish her well in her future endeavors that's all I have thank you thank you please Lisa good afternoon uh just a few things thank you um to dovetail off of the engineers report I spent most of the day compiling and uh looking for funding as a followup to yesterday's Capital meeting um there's going to be an ordinance on the May 2nd agenda Johan if you can note that I would appreciate it to amend ordinance 12-2 23 of last year um whereby we're going to reallocate funds and utilize them for other projects one of which was the addition of Fredericksburg Avenue to the 2023 road project um the funds that I'm using because we're not ready to fund the construction of the new DPW facility there's about 1.2 million in there so about almost half of it is going for the road project the remainder of that um there's a couple ways that we can go depending upon what your preference is um time wise it would be enough to cover the funding for the three projects at the St brim complex the walkway um the B restrooms and the basketball resurfacing so that's one option to include or um I one other thing that Ed had mentioned yesterday was to begin the engineering on the lead pipe project so I'm not sure and a need your direction which would be needed first I know the Sig complex has you know been designed for some time now so I don't know if you prefer to move on that and then fund the engineering in any event in addition to the amending ordinance um um probably the soonest we would introduce the next Capital ordinance would be on May 18th depending upon when I receive all the cost estimates for what was discussed um so there's a couple things to consider there so I just need a little bit of direction for that um so if I could have that sooner rather than later because um speaking to Bon counsel tomorrow giv him instruction and I'm out most of the week next week which will is when I'll need to have everything put together um as you know our ongoing water meter replacement project a portion of that was funded with the co funds the local fiscal recovery funds we received about 63,000 for that the annual report is due to be filed April 30th I had Dave in my office uh begin to prepare that report and it will be submitted in time all of the grant funds have been and utilized the remainder is funded from additional sources um the 2023 payroll audit for workers comp was submitted and complete and verified I signed off on that the other day and see lastly as you see there's a resolution on the agenda to terminate participation in the state health benefits plan so a resolution is required to go on the May 2 agenda and it's my understanding the commission prefers to join the southern Coastal hiff with that being said a resolution is required to join the hiff but another resolution is also needed to appoint a fund commissioner and an alternate fund commissioner so the commission uh would need to make a decision as to whom you would like to appoint um in an email I indicated I'd be willing to to um become the fund commissioner for the hiff for the mere fact that I've been administering the health insurance for almost 20 years and I was previously the fund commissioner for the Gip so I feel like I'm the most familiar to do that at least in the initial stages um so that's just another decision that will need to be made so that we could prepare the resolution for May 2nd um I think I covered everything great you Thank you Lisa Chief Adams thank you mayor and Commissioners uh it's actually an honor and a privilege last night the Margate City Fire Department was the host of the annual Atlanta County Fire feder Association uh Valor Awards and 50-year Service Awards um they gave out numerous Valor Awards last night to different recipients of Atlanta County and there was seven members of fire departments within Atlanta County that received 50e service Awards um but it's been uh we we've been hosting that meeting now probably for about 12 or 15 years and it's just an honor for the fire department to be able to be a part of that and the Atlanta County Firefighter Association just started its 101st year of being an organization so it's been around a long time um two the fire department is in the process of doing an in-house firefighter 2 program what that'll do is it'll get all of our Personnel certified to firefighter to level within the division of fire safety in the state of New Jersey and this will also assist us with certain Grand opportunities in the future by having the higher level of training for our people um lastly uh I met today with Brian mauy of cisk um this was for the city of Margate property appraisals through the Atlanta County municial Joint Insurance Fund we visited and documented over three and a half hours 80 sites for the city of Margate so that was a real fun morning um for this appraisal they said that this will be updated within the gift in the next three months and it'll be put on the origami so it'll be all updated and everything should be good uh we had a few Corrections you know buildings that were destroyed or removed considering the old Public Work storage building and a couple of sheds that were added that we had to add to the the list but it went very well last thing is the beach resolutions we will prepare that for the May meeting and that will include the beach season which includes our barbecue our thrilling Thursdays and um I'll work with Chief Hinson to verify the dates for the start of the beach season where we can enforce Beach Badges and then the other will be two other resolutions one will be the opening and closing of protected bathing beaches for the season and the last is the kayak surfing and catamaran beaches the designation of so we'll have them prepared for the May 2nd agenda thank you thank you Chief Johanna I have nothing to report thank you all right we will now open up to May can I Le it just brought my attention we are just so we are all aware we are working with the our insurance carrier for the water main break uh we did file an insurance claim for that it has gone to the process where they're reviewing it as we speak uh based I don't want to be over excited about it but it sounds like they may be accepting the claim but you know I won't know for until I get positive feedback but I wanted to make you guys aware that we did file a claim for the same based on the circumstances and what happened with that break so that would be a big you know inclusion for us to get that money back right so thank you great thanks Chief all right we will now open up to public comment if anyone has any comment on anything discussed in this meeting you may step forward to the microphone to state your name and address seeing that there is none is there a motion oh Noe all right is there a motion to close public comment motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes anything to add commissioner uh just one thing I want to uh take a minute to thank the MBA and all the Departments for the great job that they did with the cherry blossom Festival it was uh the event was really well attended the weather cooperated uh we got a lot of positive feedback on it and uh I know it's a it's a lot of work so I want to thank everybody that participated and helped to make it a great day that's all I got your I second Mor's comments it was fabulous it was nice to see everyone in the community out and just puts us a little bit closer to Summer it was very nice right is there a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes all right we will just take a brief 30 second break and then we will begin