like to call the meeting to order please Lisa will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Press of Atlantic City Star Ledger posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal worker please turn off all cell phones please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of alleg Lisa please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumber I am here commissioner horn here welcome every everybody thanks for coming out in this terrible weather um we will begin as always with our engineering report Ed thank you mayor good evening everyone and starting off as always with our dredging project there's really no update on items A and B which is our Citywide dredging permit and The Shelter Island salt marsh restoration permit um we are just updating the plans for final submission to D and uh Stockton is doing their studies and their followup based on the comments we got back from the state on the reports that they prepared now admc is the 2023 Road program which is part of the upcoming capital budget which I think will be part of the upcoming fond is that correct 2023 the the additional work for Frederick bir that's F it's already accounted for yes it's already sure um item D is the Washington Avenue street skate project along with some work on ventner Avenue in the parkway this was a DOT Grant we have completed the field survey work on this project um there's a steering committee that has been put together that we will be meeting with um and then we will proceed um with the Engineering Process we're also taking a look at the utilities on that roadway so that when we do the work on there we would repair any of the utilities that need to be repaired before we repaid the street uh so that project is moving along so Ed we you say uh base plans are being drafted do we want to wait for them to be complete before we have our kickoff meeting probably makees sense that way any idea when that will be within the next couple weeks okay yep all right so you just let me know and then we'll we'll get that we do um item e is the Adams Avenue Pump Station project uh which is in the design phase and permitting phase we're also working with some outside vendors to investigate the Vault that I've spoke about uh repurposing on Adams Avenue for the pump station um structure uh so as soon as we have some results on that we'll kind of know uh which direction we're heading and as far as reusing that Vault or building new item f is the uh reconstruction of thow Avenue uh which will be a fall construction project we've got the survey base plans complete there and we're in the engineering phase uh to get those plans ready for bidding item G's is a fall project the Redevelopment of well n so that will be out to bid and ready to go in the fall item H is our ongoing work as far as the CRS program uh this is the flood warning and response plan so we're in the process of wrapping that up based on some uh feedback we got from staff flipping the page to item I the DP I Bank application for lead service line replacement um we're working with Jim Mell on this there was some comments we got back from D which we we provided him some answers and there was also some additional comments that came in um that he is now addressing so we're getting closer to a point where we can begin the engineering on that project um to start putting the plans together for that for that work item J is the alternate traffic signal timing on Atlantic Avenue this would be uh the idea here is that this would be in place for the next offseason item K is related to our ongoing compliance work under the state storm water management program so we've essentially addressed um almost all the items that we need to at this point uh we did send off some of our existing ordinances to DP just to um check those boxes for tree removal and replacement we had an ordinance on the books uh so we are um we're making progress there and we should be in compliance with that program item L is just a running list of pending Grant applications the one new item on here is the state did Issue their announcement that the 2025 Municipal Aid applications are available for submission this is our annual grant that we apply for every year typically for road work um so we'll work with Pat and others to make a recommendation on what we should apply for this year and then we'll prepare those documents sometimes Mr Rella also works on some other grants and if if that's the case we assist him as well so we'll have an update at the next meeting on what we're met recommending under that Municipal aid application uh pending capital projects as I mentioned at previous meetings some of these are under consideration for the next Capital uh Bond and we'll update the list um once we have a final uh uh list on that those projects jumping down to the construction projects uh no real update under maintenance bonds we did have a project at Firehouse 2 where we did a maintenance Bond inspection the contractor is aware of some remedial work that needs to be done there no update under our projects and closeout item Q is Winchester Avenue which was our 2022 State a project that project is substantially complete so we'll just work on punch list and getting that work uh closed out and reimbursed by the state the next item is the next phase of Winchester Avenue from Claremont to Douglas and there was a preconstruction meeting um yesterday I believe and that work will be put off until the fall that way we don't have a active construction site over the summer season item s is the uh bulkhead access at suar in Benson which I mentioned at the last meeting is scheduled to be completed by the end of June and then the last item on the list here uh which is moved under into our construction phase is the municipal uh building office improvements um and we did award a contract at the last meeting to pareta builders and we're just working on setting up that construction meeting and getting that work scheduled that's my report great thank you Ed we will now move to our department head reports start with you Scott we should have the ordinance ready uh for our next introdu uh next meeting's introduction for the sale of Osborne Avenue beach in that's where the homeowner is willing to reconstruct bulkhead for the entire Osborne Avenue street and handicapped access stairway plus bulkhead along the parcel has 1700 square ft between the existing bulad and his property line plus a cash consideration uh I'll have that ordinance Eddie you're going to help me with the final figures on that and I think we have to give him the design too because the city of Margate shows him what it is and how we want the bulkhead built the specifications as we we've done this before and it's a it's a good thing for us that land now becomes taxable um other than not I just want to comment we had the meeting last night in the planning board packed house for several the applications I I just want to comment I haven't seen the planning board in action for a while and I do sit on some boards myself they did an excellent job this that was a high tension uh lot of lot of pressure these are volunteers as you know these are volunteer people sit on our planning board and our staff was I thought excellent the way they handled themselves and the way they handled some of the Witnesses were a little bit hostile but I thought they really handled them well so from my perspective I thought our our planning board really did a nice job last it was impressive so that's that's all I have I think that's all I have for now that's it great thank you Scott Pat mayor commissioner thank you uh just busy getting ready for the summer season most of the flowers are done around town um surf break on the beach they've been cleaning every day uh the mats the relief Cabanas trash cans will be on the beach by next weekend all and the bathrooms of the Pavilion will also be open so we'll be ready to go thank you great thank you Pat Jim I want to thank Lisa for getting the alar buo on the um resolution to be adopted as the plumbing subcode he's been here since 2016 but we're just formalizing the state requirement to that effect um thank you again and thanks Scott for the planning board accurately thank you thank you Jim Chief Hinson thank you mayor I have a few things first of all with Memorial Day coming just want to remind everybody that will we will start paid parking again in some of areas in Margate we have two new zones those two new zones are the municipal lot at 200 North Benson Avenue there's 18 spots there we also have the municipal lot at 15 North Washington and there's 18 spots there along with what we already have along Amhurst Avenue from Jefferson to coage the fees stay the same for 2024 uh hour an hour it's uh not very high as it comes to paid parking but as we move into more we we'll see that in effect starting Friday you also start seeing the no par on the beach block signs going up so again we're all kind of rolling into the summer season and just like Pat said we're just preparing starting Memorial Day uh two more things I just wanted to recognize and that is first I received an email from the regional chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving it was actually very nice that they are recognizing Sergeant Dustin weedus with the recognition of Excellence award their regional meeting for his dedication to drunk driving enforcement Sergeant wedus has been one of the outstanding enforcers of driving ww intoxicated it's nice to see him recognized so I'll be going to the state meeting with him that uh June 24th to be recognized so it's I just wanted to mention it here and then also I received a phone call yesterday from Rachel Waldman the executive director of the Jewish Federation she wanted to let myself and the police department know that we were selected to receive the one Jewish Community award at their annual meeting for being such a strong supporter and reliable supporter of the Jewish community so we're really honored that they recognized us so I'll be attending that at the end of June also at their uh annual meeting so it was a very it was very nice to be recognized that's all I have great thank you Chief Lisa thank you good afternoon just a few things um I apologize I printed out my uh investment status through April 30th and I left my office with it on my desk so I will email that to each of you tomorrow but from what I recall we had approximately just over12 million um invested there was one fixed investment that matured during the month of April for the Lifeguard Pension Plan approximately $330,000 and our year-to-date interest earned was approximately $260,000 uh I think that's pretty accurate give or take a few dollars um I was in touch with each of our health Brokers earlier today I I'm trying to schedule a meeting to get everyone involved uh to make sure that everything is set for the health insurance roll over to the hiff effective July 1st I've been um reviewing some notifications to send to employees which I will be sending out as soon as possible um so that is in the works and on today's agenda are the resolutions that are required which I'll be submitting over to the hip with other forms that are that are needed so everything is moving along as far as that's concerned um other thing I had sent out a draft uh for the next upcoming C Capal Bond and I had indicated it was going to be introduced June 6th but I forgot our meeting was changed to June 3rd so it'll be June 3 so um the sooner everyone could give me feedback I would appreciate it as of right now there's just under a million dollars and it's mostly uh for design costs um for projects that need to be out to bid in the fall and will be funded in the fall and a future ordinance um spoke with Jim Mangan the other day just to give you an update as you know the city has to go through a Ral for next year so sometime you know later in the summer we'll need to do an ordinance for the revaluation that will take place next year um and that's all I have for right now thank you thank you Lisa Pat thank you mayor Commissioners um the Margate fire department is proud to announce that that we have uh raised over $155,000 in donations with the mothers uh Association for the 4th of July fireworks show all fire safety permits uh have been pulled and we're excited to uh get on with it um last couple weeks we teamed up with the police and conducted uh pre-summer water rescue drills to hone in our uh our skills we want to thank the JCC for letting us use their pool and it was a great success um lastly our beach Patrol is ready to go with limited prote Ed beaches of Claremont Huntington thur and Washington for the Memorial Day weekend and uh let's always swim swim near lifeguard and hopefully the rain will stop soon and we'll be able to get down there that's all I have thank thank you Pat Lisa anything to add nothing to happen in Park's office thank you so I just wanted to um reiterate what Lisa said so everybody's aware the June 6th meeting uh will be moved to Monday June 3r so if if everybody can make sure they Mark that on their calend ERS and also uh the Margate mothers are putting on their annual Memorial Day Parade on Monday the 27th it's a great event so hope hope all of you can make it out for that um we will now open up the floor to public comment if anyone has any comment on anything discussed in this meeting please step forward to the microphone state your name and address seeing that there is none is there a motion to close public comment motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes Mari anything to add no Kath I do chief Hinson the recognitions that you um mentioned it would be nice if we can post them some so the public can um maybe on your Facebook page or I've seen you posting some stuff and actually taking a more active role I think that's a great idea we'll do great thank you is there a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right we will take a one minute break and then move forward with our commission meeting --------- yes thank you like to call the meeting to order please Lisa will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Atlantic City Press Star Ledger post on the bulletin board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all electronic devices please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance salute to United States Lisa please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumber I am here commissioner War here is there a motion for the approval of the May 2nd 2024 regular and workshop Capital minutes motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right we will now open it up to public comment if anyone has any public comment please step forward to the microphone state your name and address seeing that there is none is there a motion to close public comment motion second mayor Collins yes M blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right we will now have public comment on resolutions and ordinance adoption so if anyone has any comment for anything on tonight's agenda please step forward state your name and address hi Margie reel 6 North Mansfield Avenue so thank you mayor Collins and Commissioners blumberg and Horn um I know I was just here a couple weeks ago I'm not going to come to every meeting I promise you um but I did see the resolution on the agenda for tonight's meeting um regarding um opposing offshore wind projects um and I'm here once again to urge you to support the re the resolution to unequivocally oppose offshore wind um I believe Longport and Northfield both intend to um adopt the resolution that was set forth I guess by mayor Sarah um and is that he's recommending um and I'm also going to urge you to take it one step further and join the lawsuits um again there are eight municipalities up and down the Coast that have um joined the lawsuits um these projects are not green they're not clean um if you look at this over here it describes the fossil fuels that are used in each and every wind turbine 187 gallons of Grease 40 gallons of hydraulic Fu fluid 106 gallons of gear oil 1585 gallons of dialectric fluid 793 gallons of diesel fuel 243 gallons of sulfur hexafluoride sf6 350 that's pounds I'm sorry 357 gallons of propylene glycol and 48 gallons of ethylene glycol and these are just to operate the turbines it doesn't account for the fossil F fuels that are used to build the turbine or to repair them um and I just want to draw your attention to the third one from the bottom here the sulfur hexafluoride sf6 um it's the most potent greenhouse gas known to dat um it's 23,500 times more effective at uh trapping infrared radiation than an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide it has an atmospheric lifetime of 32 200 years that could possibly wind up in our ocean um it accumulates in the atmosphere in an essentially undegraded state for many many centuries thus a relatively small amount of f sf6 can have a significant impact on global climate change set another way it's a very high it has very high global warming potentials relative to other greenhouse gases so so small atmospheric concentrations can nevertheless have large effects on global temperatures um not to mention that um there is something called scour and they have scour protection each turbine um scour protection is dumping of large quantities of crust rock or in our case it will be concrete around the mono monopiles that's used to stabilize them in the ocean bed um each of them will use the scour is going to be 8.2 feet deep and 61 yards in diameter for each and every one of the hundreds of monopiles and wind turbines that are going to be in our ocean it's uh 1500 cubic feet of concrete also you thought of as 225,000 pounds of concrete per wind turbine um so Atlantic Shores are going to be taller than the 96 feet um that I've used in what I was describing that they're each turbine's going to use so ours are going to be uh over a th000 feet so they're going to be bigger the scour this is permanent in our ocean floor permanent um so in addition I you know I've I've gone over you know a bunch of the negative impacts of the winter VES it's going to impact property values loss of Tourism um our marine ecosystems taxes jobs National Security Coast Guard search and rescue mission um I just want you to think close Humor Me Close Your Eyes for a second thank you Scott close your eyes and imagine coming up over our bulkhead and just looking at a giant oil refinery in our ocean you can open your eyes now is that what you want to see I you know I just really I urge you to adopt the resolution um if you want to turn them around for the audience to see I also have copies of these two for each of you guys so that you can it over ande I appreciate your time and thank you for your consideration thank you Margie all right is there any further comment on ordinances ordinance adoption and resolutions my name's rich barely and uh I'm wearing this hat to get a point across uh with the amount of whales uh and dolphins that have been killed so far they tell us that rich sorry to interrupt we need your address as well oh I'm sorry um I guess I'm I'm from I live in Northfield I have a boat on 423 uh just your Northfield address is okay yeah thurow if that if that counts uh 2207 Grove Road in Northfield so um I've spoken at a number of events and uh all up and down the coast and I've heard numerous experts on this issue Margie uh summed it up very uh effectively I'm wearing this hat to bring to the attention of the amount of whales and dolphins that have been kill killed the only variable that has changed I've been down the shore for over 50 years I went to Ocean C High School Stockton University the only only variable uh that has changed is the sonar for uh the placement or the surveys for the windmills and Vince Sarah from Brigantine defend Brigantine there protect uh uh our coast and save LBI these PE the people who are involved with each of each one of those organizations have been fighting tooth and nail to stop this as Margie said that that it's just going to destroy fish every weekend out there in in the ocean our commercial fishing our tourism it's in the report from Atlantic Shores that it will affect they say 15% uh could affect uh our uh tourism can we jeopardize that for and they don't even know that how much it's going to cost when when energy was never projected to be a primary source of energy it's a supplemental source and we're going to put 357 windmills from LBI to Kate May and jeopardize what we why do people come to Marg why did they come to Brigantine they come down for the beauty of our Jersey Shore and and if we all don't get involved and fight this tooth and nail because that's our shore they say it's not there's a judge I don't know the judge's name uh recently and he said we don't have standing against this what have what's being shoved down our throats we do have standing we are the residents of marget Venter all up and down the shore that's our beach do you want to see it's a th000 feet it's the size of the uh the Eiffel T Tower they say so the negative effects of killing our marine life they say there's going to be 9,000 uh miles of cable going back and forth the emissions that that will that will come off of that under the SE how that's going to affect the sea life it's never going to be the same and if we and if all of a sudden we find out we're right what we're saying right now and we don't fight it too and now and we have to look at our grandchildren and children 10 to 20 years down the line and these are out there rusting and and just unsightly and we say oh man we should have fought that battle well we have the chance right now to fight it and and I love morgate I'm here every weekend several times a week I love Brigantine all up and down the shore and it's our opportunity right now your opportunity to not only join the alliance but be active in it there because that's what we need but I'm I'm the shame of the commissioners of this County that they haven't even uh adopted a resolution for a moratorium to study it we don't need to study it anymore because they're going gung-ho against us our communities uh local there so by virtue of everything that I said at the end of the day if people don't even care of the detrimental or let's say potential detrimental effects it's estimated to uh increase our uh and numerous studies to increase our electric rates by three to four times so why are we doing it there's a effective means of green energy there there's um adopted for um uh for um the uh I'm sorry the uh not the solar the uh nuclear energy nule I'm sorry nuclear energy limited uh capacity too so as an alternative a viable alternative there the security risk the department of uh of Defense came out and own report for the security risk of our country if we're our primary source of electric is off offshore like that uh that could be uh blown up from an enemy coming in there um there's no due process uh that we were permitted when uh when this was again being shoved down our throat we have a we have a chance to stop it now so what I uh and that uh I'm in real estate the potential for the home values uh is is real uh that to negatively affect the home values who wants to look at a thousand foot uh windmills right off of our Coast so what I like I said what I plead that you join Brigantine defend Brigantine and the various organizations and what Margie and other people in your town right here are effectively trying to fight this we need you invol too not just to adopt the ordinance but join the fight and really try to stop this and uh join the lawsuits it was affected down in Kate May County with Michael domu Lenny deser areio and so forth they jumped up and they stepped up and and they were effective to back or St down on that so let's back Atlantic Shores down and win this fight that we should do and preserve the values of Mor and all up and down the coast thanks thank you hi Michelle backra 24 North Delan Avenue so I moved to morgate five years ago with my family it's always been a dream of ours to live at the shore and it just pains me to know that there's a possibility of our beautiful beach and front um to be riddled with the potential of these windmills but more importantly you know I'm I'm I've never been political I've never really gotten involved with projects and and things of this nature but to me I don't have to be an environmental scientist to understand the environmental impact that the windmills are going to do to you know our environment to the oceans you know to us in general here in morate I mean to me this is common sense it's common sense to understand that if you're drilling things into the ocean floor that are not organic and don't need that shouldn't be there that there's going to be a problem you know one of the things that really struck me with the information that you know I got from a couple neighbors who are by the way retired federal government Engineers who were vly opposed to this project um you know when I read through all this is that the turbines actually use the ocean water to cool down the turbines and then they dump that hot water back into the ocean so we're already concerned with the oceans getting warmer and warmer and fueling even bigger and more stronger hurricanes so why are we putting turbines out in the water that are going to make those the water in our area even warmer and if there is a hurricane coming up the coast making a hurricane even stronger and making it making the environmental impact of a hurricane even worse for our residents here you know that that's to me is is common sense you know we hear about the oceans warming I don't understand why that is not discussed further but I do urge you Commissioners to join the fight you know you know and and help us residents protect our values and protect our environment and protect our children you know I'm 56 years old my generation I have not heard of I am hearing more and more of women in my graduating class dying of cancer having repeat occurrences of cancer at a young age and dying I've already buried two dear friends of mine of cancer um and it's it's from the environment I never heard of this my mom would be 86 if she were alive today she did not have a single friend or sister or family member or any of her uh friends that are in the same age group die of cancer of 56 years old but yet this is this is all I'm hearing now of my generation and why is that it's because of the environment and now we want to do the same thing offshore to our oceans and we live here I mean I guess that's all I have to say I I don't want to be thank you but you know and the fish that are going to be contaminated we're going to be eating that at a higher cost too it it ju it just it's Insanity it's complete Insanity please join the fight please help us residents protect our healths and our property values and our way of living down here at the shore thank you [Applause] hi I'm Jackie delario I'm at 8905 momth Avenue and I agree with the before speakers um we should fight this resolution one of the things that uh everything that you read in the reports indicates that there is no redeeming qualities to these to these windows to this project one of the things that's happening already is that is already negatively impacting our commercial commercial fishing industry I work in Kate May County the scallop industry in particular is being hard hit and it'll just RI have Ripple effects it'll start with scallops um there aren't as many people working in the industry now scallop fishermen because there's not enough work for them because there's not enough scallops and this is happening now when they're just doing the the soundings so as these as this if this as project develops and it has it grows to completion it's just going to get worse uh the other thing is last fall put about 2,000 miles on my car I went out west midwest and there's windmills all over there nobody likes them and the people that live around these windmills they complain that they have a lot of health concerns a lot of them are concerns with their nervous system um they can feel the vibrations from them I'm not sure the ripple effect with the oceans they're that far out but they do negatively impact people on land they don't obviously they don't negatively impact whales but they do help kill the vers because like whales they have an echo navig echo I can't think of the right word their navigation system their sonar the whales the birds can't uh detect the spinning the spinning uh blades so right now we're seeing the whales and the Dolphins and the the the uh the marine life being being killed if these things are uh are um these things are are installed we're going to have a problem with our Birds too so it's just um we should join this fight because there's nothing good about them they're not saving money they're not impacting glob they're not positively impacting global warming um they're just putting money in the politicians pockets thank you thank youno than for having us my name is Ronnie delandra I live at 553 Arlington Lane in gallway um I implore you to listen to the people here today and do the right thing and say no to this whole nightmare coming to our shore um I have a friend in the Netherlands she's been watching What's Happening Here on our Coast she told me three years ago to fight with everything that you've got their Coastal communities are VI are blighted vibrant tourist spots are empty havens of poverty and blight no one wants to live there let alone vacation the environmental impact to marine life the ecosystem Wildlife has been disastrous she lives there Fisheries are ruined jobs are lost Health impacts have occur to those living in these communities some people are very sensitive to the noise to they are sensitive to something that's called infrasound look it up it travels it goes through walls you feel it in your bed you feel the vibrations in life we are sometimes called to make very important decisions that will impact others no different than a jurry today you are the jury and we are the citizens we are the plaintiffs and the defendant is the politicians pushing an agenda that does nothing to solve climate change I it only benefits their pockets and those of greedy offshore wind developers often donating to environmental groups universities and municipalities to keep quiet in a court of law the jury is to vote Beyond Reasonable Doubt and not one of you has reasonable doubt that this is going to cause a problem to our environment to our communities even bone says we don't know regarding countless issues including National Security threats Health impacts increased energy costs food supply issues dangerous emfs impacts on endangered marine mammals birds and so much more and that we they are uncertain of let's face it the whales started dying when the preconstruction started and Bone even says in their environmental impact studies that it will cause host of issues including mortality to marine mammals it's right in there they're GNA They're laughing at us it's all in there and none of us are reading it read it it's a couple thousand Pages pick it up and read it before you make some decisions um I implore you to stand on the right side of history today and be the heroes that help save our precious Jersey Shore versus being pressured into a narrative that will destroy us thank you very much thank you Dennis corosi 7702 Amherst Avenue I do agree with my neighbors of what they're saying but Margate also is if they're going to fight this proposal needs to be a green zoning area in other words if you're GNA have not wind power then you need something like solar but in Margate there are no zoning laws or anything to restrict someone building a house next door to you and blocking your solar panels so if we're going to fight this then you need an alternative when you go to fight it to say yes use solar solar is clean not dangerous I don't want a nuclear reactor near me to you know maintain something I don't need Three Mile Island here in Margate but you need Alternatives that are clean if you're going to fight this we went to fight the dunes many years ago and we put out hundreds of thousands of dollars and what do we have on the beach today the dunes so if you're going to get to fight it then you need to have some sort of alternative energy Source because they're going to come back to you and say I my electric bills are high they're going to go higher if you don't have it that's all I have to say thank you thank you Dennis my name is a I live in 15 Gold Cove in Bri and yes everything they have said all the folks before me um there's so much negative we done this for a year couple years now not one positive but if you read the brochure which from the wind people and the Noah and Bone which is 4,000 Pages it tells you what this woman said every environmental problem we're going to have it tells us and yet nobody reads it because when it happens they'll say we told you this is the page that says they can take arine they it means they or and sorry Virginia we need you to speak into the mic sorry I beg your pardon I just want I'm sorry that's okay the humpback whale there's 1,396 left they're allowed to kill or remain 745 the endangered right whale there's only 338 left they're not protected they can kill 328 they we're going to have species of whales that are completely wiped out for our children I'm a teacher by the way I went to the Margate Library I gu it's VOR they have a whale tail on the floor and the kids sit and talk about all the the the love of the ocean every every animal here is listen the whales the Dolphins uh theic we sided Dolphins they're allowed to kill 691 of them the Bottle Nose they're allowed to kill 6,100 or harm 109 let's go down to to the seals the harbor seals of the gray seals they're allowed to kill 15, 838 this is such a horrifying it's so rag tag because I carry this everywhere I go because I'm a teacher and I've always been a science teacher and told K children how to love nature and cherish art the Lorac is Lorax remember remember that old book I'm dating myself this is people laughed at it but it's this is true now we're damaging the one of the biggest resources we have and if we kill the ocean guess who's next we are and I say that's very to all of you I say it from my heart I was born in land City I won't tell you when I have lived here all my life I have loved the ocean my dad is a Purple Heart veteran who I'm glad is not around the sea he had a captain lense on this old wooden fish fishing boat and we went out the ocean hundreds of times and turned the motor off and just drifted to see the schools of dolphins and the whales and the sunfish just can't believe that this could happen and by the way the people out there are all foreigners they're not our people for the jobs are not for us I thank you for your attention please join our thank you Virginia I'm Eileen balker 101 South Plaza place in Atlantic City and I work at Kell Williams maret so first I want to acknowledge all my fellow dedicated people who have done the science and researched everything perfectly that's giving you the information for today so my interest was like how did this all start actually it started 20 years ago when the inter the International Industrial group of the wind turbine company started to infiltrate the United States and the actually it was with May um Governor Christie who first said it was a good idea and then it was governor Murphy that took it over um so this industrial complex is um they definitely would not be they're only ined to make money they are um they oh the owners of Atlantic Shore is EFT which I guess it's called Alias is another a French name and actually the owner of EFT is the French government it's not even a business it's a French government half of it own half of Atlantic Shores is owned by the French government and the other half is owned by sh so um their only interest is I I listened to this on bomberg to make the money and actually um so it would they say that they make the money mostly by getting the um tax credits Warren Buffett said it's it's no reason to invest in this in wind turbines for the way it is it's only to get invested because they get the tax credit and the tax credits come out of the New Jersey taxpayers um so then I also wanted to say that the one way we can't stop it is that it has been stopped in in New York a few weeks ago the New Jersey governor stopped three projects the win turban projects because of um citizen protesting and the way that we could stop it is by you by agreeing to this resolution then the um County would agree to enforce the resolution and one of the ways that it would I guess Scott would know we have to the Atlantic shows has to have zoning to build their substation in AA Township and right now that's that hasn't been approved yet so I hope that you will agree to this resolution and this would be a good way to stop it thank you thank you my name is Louise roano and I live in Atlantic City New Jersey at the ocean condomini and everything they saying I'm with them okay so I grew up down here too my grandparents they bought the house of Margate 206 North Vendome Avenue after World War II and and I grew up down here and I I would can't imagine what they would be thinking turning their gra think would this would come to marate and just destroy everything and um and and I I came down all my life and I I think of like when I sit on the beach and like the just picture if they would industrialize and put all this in the ocean and just kill everything it it's just it's just unbelievable and I and I live in Atlantic City and I have a beach a beautiful beach F property and do you think I want to you know hear that spin and the all day long and for the INF infrasound it's going to cause problems neurological problems health problems with with everybody please just do the resolution and and you have to help us we have to stop it it can't and it's from The Foreigner companies and and and these these um the tur all the the equip they're made in they China it's all it's coming from China so it's nothing to do with with with us in our country it's just total it's going to be a total dis we won't have it won't be like the apoc won't be nothing left to this to the coast the whole Coast New Jersey does it just affect the shes it does but everywhere for the for the tax you know taxes the electric bills all all through the whole state of New Jersey it's just going to be a whole disaster which it already is and we don't want to make it any worse destruction that's going on that's all I have to say it's making me a nervous W to even think about this or talk about this that my grandparents they work like and my uncle bought the house for the one he he was in World War II and he had the you know got the Purple Heart and he he he was a medic and he carried someone his his back and injured and and now we worked all our lives for for this for to be destroyed I don't think so so please you know you got to join this thank you thank you any further comment on resolutions stepen Alman 9003 Amhurst Avenue marate uh I don't have a a horse in this race uh talking about this I I just realize that a there's so much passion so much real concern and I sympathize however I would like to see a debate with other people who have knowledge being able to offer their opinions before resolution is adopted uh I've heard a lot of uh forgive me hear said not evidence I I have not heard any evidence only only the person at the microphone can speak uh when when these uh gentlemen and ladies offer their debates here they offer their statistics their information it's easy to follow it and to agree or disagree with what's being presented we're hearing a lot of passion and I I appreciate the passion the only uh exposure that I've had to windmills please we will ask you to leave if you are not at the microphone and speaking are the uh windmills that uh are in uh Atlantic City off and I haven't heard of any problems with those windmills I do know that the uh the cooling system is oil not water but that's about all I know about the whole subject uh I do know that the Coast Guard has said that whale and ppus populations dolphin populations uh have been damaged by uh container shipping uh particularly during uh covid when there were restrictions on their movements uh in the Atlantic and they were coming closer to shore so I've heard a lot of passion but I haven't heard a lot of science and it would be great if before you decide uh perhaps an invitation could be extended to some of the people who are involved in uh these wind farms to get their insights and we can balance it with the passion that we've heard tonight thank you thank you Steve just please you have to come forward and state your name and address again please 3114 of at The Ocean Club Atlantic City when are people going to realize it when it's too late when they're $2 million home $5 million home or whatever it is is done not going to be worth a cent when it's all going it's going to be a total Wasteland you have to do your own research and look it up you won't have a house you won't have a please address the commission and speak into the microphone that's why I got to there won't be nothing left to be sure you won't have Mar it'll be when my grandparents the house it it was swamp there was nothing there you could see the Fe from Vendome Avenue and MTH Avenue that's where the house is a carpenter Bo and he you know he fixed the house now it's worth a lot of money so no one's going to have anything left if this this does come which I believe I have hope it's not going to come because nobody wants this it's it's total insanity so we'll just see what happens you know when when you have nothing left no one when you have nothing left you won't have fire station police station you won't have no Community left just think about that there won't be nothing left good afternoon my name is Tom Jones I live at 208 uh Fifth Street North in Brigantine New Jersey I would just like to give a rebuttal to the gentleman here I just found out today that Atlantic Shores and orad and other turbine windmill whatever you want to call them developers have stated that they will no longer come out to the public and state their benefits because number one they know there aren't any and number two they're sick of us thank you how you doing s um apologize for being late to this and everything like that but uh getting the general gist of this meeting is about that please state your name and address oh I'm sorry uh James dils I actually don't live in this area I down towards Cape May we just still need your address please 613 Toto Bill New Jersey um actually for what you were talking about if you want some evidentiary information on how these things actually operate there's going to be a lot of issues with the substations with their cooling systems they do use the water and everything like that and one of that I've been told or that I've read about from the people pushing this stuff is that we're having issues with water surface temperatures rising and everything of that sort well the substations will through their conversion of DC from the wind generators to AC to feed the grid takes um a lot of cooling for the uh inverters and everything like that it's actually going to contribute to in just exasperate the uh water temperatures going up it's going to affect our local Wildlife it's going to affect a lot of things uh like I've heard a few people and many times I've heard before the the eyesore itself nobody wants it you know what I mean it is going to drop property values it is going to hurt tourism it's going to hurt a lot of the things that keep these Coastal communities alive the cables themselves the EMF from them the fact that they will not stay buried because the Atlantic is a vicious vicious ocean it's going to cause issues with our food chain in the area Brown crabs blue claws everything like that they become attracted to the electromag excuse me electromagnetic frequencies that come off of these things they go into a kind of like a like a fug State when they come in contact with these things they stay there they don't eat they don't reproduce and everything north of that particular you know the organisms spot in the food chain will also die off um the offshore wind companies have admitted without saying it in their incident reports the fact that they need uh takes being issued to them to harass which includes everything from disorientation all the way up to mortality their own words and their own reports that that is ruting a great deal to the uh whale dolphin deaths that we've been seeing uh down by me we've actually seen one or two seals wash up in areas where they've been coming in and out of the Delaware and everything like that because apparently their uh Supply stations are along the Delaware so we've been having issues with that as well um as far as these things operating they're going to spill oil everywhere they're going to leak sf6 there's going to be a lot of issues with that as well U being mechanic my whole life all seals leak anything that contains oil it'll get out larger the surface area the larger the potential for leaks these things are gigantic the seals are going to be huge on them and they are going to leak also I would take ask you to take into consideration all the uh European wind farms that are being decommissioned and taken down because of issues with infrasound because of issues with them being outright unreliable uh only working in certain conditions like you see the ones in Atlantic City they work yeah know once in a while once in a while you see them spinning and even half that time they probably aren't doing much and when they aren't operating they do more to draw from the grid than they do to contribute to it uh a lot of these operations have diesel generators to keep them going and things like that they're completely counter to what they boasted they're going to do as far as environmental impact so you know if you're looking to pass a resolution to keep this stuff off of our Coast lines it would be greatly appreciated by everybody Ferman residents everybody that lives along these coasts to you know just tell them to Sho orst that already flopped Atlantic Shores has already had to pull a couple of their leases all these companies come in oh and uh our lovely Grandpa and chief just exasperated uh their issues which I'm kind of getting a good giggle out of by putting a tariff on Chinese Goods uh was a 25% on steel little bit 45% on um aluminum couple other ones that are going to basically just make this stuff cost almost twice as much so these companies are going to end up going bankrupt for whatever construction or construction or development that they have caused for whatever damage that they have caused it's going to be all or not you know what I mean we aren't even going to they aren't going to be able to do anything so this is failing you know bad this is Antiquated technology that is not reliable uh we saw it in Texas over a couple Winters ago where you know people basically died or were damaged things like that when they actually had that snowstorm down there and all the windmills shut down and whole communities were left without power so I mean you know it's it's really the common sense thing just to chase them off like tell them to get out of here you know uh we're coming close so close to nuclear fusion we have uh many reactors that are extremely reliable extremely safe those are the things that we should be looking into for our energy needs not this Antiquated stuff that doesn't work and it's funny because in Europe bad ideas go under they get you know taken down they get decommissioned and then they try and push it on us because they think we're all a bunch of burger swelling idiots we're not we're not dumb people I mean Americans are we're goofy we're rednecks you know we're gun tote and lunatics sometimes but we're not stupid so if you can please do the common sense thing and try and help Chase these people off you know despite the property values and everything else the environmental destruction is going to be horrible the destruction to our fisheries and living in cap may we have a lot of a lot of docks a lot of restaurants a lot of that's that's our life's blood down there and they fish up here so if you destroy our fishing grounds it's going to completely ruin you know the economy where I live as well so I mean that that's all I'm asking is if you could please do the common sense help help everybody and just help you get rid of this it just it doesn't work right thank you thank you hi Jeff nrose 104 North Delan I had no no no intention to be speaking tonight but I really think that you we need to be on the right side of History here and the arguments that we've heard is they're passionate they believe it you believe that we need more uh research and getting a better handle on the data I'm more more more of a finance guy so when I was looking around if you go to the Holsted uh Financial reports the G tur reports they're the ones who are telling us that right now the technology is not there sadly enough they're they're frightened that things are going to fail GE turbines are are making reserves because they're frightened it's not going to work it might work initially but we're looking at a time frame that these will be out there for hopefully longer than my life okay in yours what they're going to be out there so then what's going to replace them okay right now I mean morate I just saw tonight on the news I don't know if you've seen it yet but the number one Highway attraction in the US was whatc Lucy okay so let's get people coming to morate to see Lucy not to see in 10 20 years these rust a derel out there and again do I have a dog and a dog in the fight sure I do because I'm a human being here so let's be on the right side of History let's approve something Lake windmills when it can be done safely thanks thank you I agree with please we need your address please 137 South Kingston Avenue city um I agree with what everyone has said but what I'd like you to know is that when I look out at the ocean right now they're already out there they're already out there digging look out look out at the ocean every morning if nothing else if people who don't agree with what everybody else is saying in the negative what we do need is a moratorium and a moratorium that will look at the pros and cons of what's Happening whether or not putting 300 windmills out there will really save us any money which I think it will not because when you have I live on the ocean anything on the ocean gets corroded windmills especially because people have discussed what opponents are what happens to them how do they get repaired what happens when we have to decommission them how many boats will we need to get out there to decommission them and when orad and Atlantic Shores and everybody else who's involved for the money decides it's no longer worth their while who's going to clean it up and who's going to pay for it so if nothing else if people don't agree that it's essential now because it is it's happening now you look out my house looks out at the beach it's out there already if nothing else we need to come together I have no hopes of having Atlantic City come together on anything so at least if I come here and I could talk to rational people maybe I can get you to agree that we need a moratorium that we need to stop them from being out there the washed up on shore that was from their sonar diggings I believe it said that for every windmill you need a mile of underground concrete I mean what we're killing our oceans we have national parks so that we can have pristine environments we have a pristine Shoreline and we're going to make them into a commercial Zone we're going to have 300 I don't know how many miles it's going to be commercial it's not going to be a pristine environment what everybody has said it will destroy the pristine environment if nothing else please join and I wish Atlantic City would please join the group that will at least give us some time to pause look at it and do due diligence on it somebody wants to due diligence I think there's a lot of static already out there as to the negative effects I don't know that positive effects I don't think that the windmills will replace um the energy I believe that it's said that our electric bills will go up by three to four times across New Jersey um we don't have our governor on our side because I think he's more interested in money than anything else but at least we as Shore communities should try to come together to instill a Mor and the only way you can do that is by the court system to put a moratorium on what's going on before we destroy everything that we all love thank you thank you just like to rra 3 Arlington Lane we're talking about oil people think that these are going in they're clean they already have their draft o still response PL it's over 100 pages from Atlantic Shores because they know these things are filthy this is a filthy industrial power plant there is nothing clean there's nothing green and to anybody who says well you know you all came up here this is not scientific everything that I spoke about except telling you what my friend said in the Netherlands I got that from Ocean in one's environmental draft it is thousands of pages and anybody in here that has not read it iore you to pick it up and read it because that is where we are getting our information we're not getting our information on Facebook har say if you're not getting it out of the environmental draft impact statements but then I could say well how do you really know but that's where most of us just today have spoken that is where we got our information most people most councils Mayors um president pro they don't even pick up the papers they did not look at the research they're listening to who said what on CNN or fox or NBC read it for yourselves it's all in there when you see it it says it's not going to do much for climate change it uses the words mortality there will be significant mortality to marine mammals it says it and they're all going to they're all laughing like well it's all in there in like you know 20 years they're going to go you know we told you but you're all too stupid to pick it up and read it so I say to everybody if you don't read it you're stupid thank you thank you sorry just briefly while we're considering date your name Richard barley at 2207 Grove Road uh North while we're considering uh these windmills that are being shoved down our throat at the same time China who's making all this is developing Cal Fire plants at at the rate of one or two a month there so while we're trying to uh uh while we're trying to uh protect so-called our environment and it's I use those terms Loosely of all these good people that uh have quoted uh out of the environmental impact statements of that they're creating cold fire plans just please please not only adopt this resolution uh to join the alliance but get active get involved with this we have one chance one chance to save our ocean and it's right here right now please thank you rich quick question something that just came to mind um James D 613 Toto villis New Jersey uh do can I ask you a question directly sure uh do you have contact with Governor Murphy's office I do not well I mean obviously you're able to get in touch with his office either way as we all are I'm sure yeah well you know if one of us schlubs gets a hold of them he just yeah he won't answer my phone calls either so great Governor um well one thing uh if you could look into it our home rule he took away from us our ability to vote our ability our ability to directly interact with our state legislature and everything like that to basically have a voice and say in whether or not we're able to do these things has been taken from us by him and he is personally invested in it I've seen articles on this so you know I'm pretty sure he uh he's giggling all the way to his Villa in Italy about it but um what I wanted to ask you directly was there's any way you can get in contact with people there bring up the issue of our home rule being returned to us and you know basically that we're all fed up with this oligarchy style governance that we've been dealing with for the past I don't know three and a half years now because it's getting old fast it really is so and thank you being here thank you for listening to you know the people that essentially you know not not not to sound arrogant or anything but people that essentially have given you your positions thank you for listening to us thank you for being here to hear us thank you my name is Darlene Holden I live at 520 Burton Avenue in Northfield um I just wanted to out that there is a documentary on YouTube it's called downwind and it's from Ontario Canada they've had the windmills for since 2009 and it shows all the effects that they're having there um and how they had didn't have home rule and all that too so their Town Hall meetings are now packed people are praying and you know people have abandoned their houses because of the sound they're unable to sleep um you know one of them became suicidal so you know it's very interesting I'm also interested because I'm exmilitary I worked on Fighters for four years and I've seen what can happen when they lose navigation for seconds and I'm I'm fearful that that's what will happen thank you thank you all right do we have a motion to close public comment on resolutions and ordinance adoption motion I will second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner B yes I might before we go on um so I'm used to I and I appreciate you all coming out uh and I thank you I thank whoever uh put the notice out for you all to come out that we had this resolution on the agenda I appreciate your time I'm used to being the good guy uh tonight I'm not going to be the good guy but I'm not going to be the bad guy I'm gonna uh ask my fellow Commissioners to do what uh has been suggested uh I don't see that there's any great rush in us uh voting on this resolution tonight it would be my uh my request that we pull it so that we can as a couple of members in the audience have suggested entertain more open public discussion and debate so that we do have an opportunity to hear uh both sides uh understanding that um the audience today is packed against those that are for wind um I I suggest that what a lot of people here don't know what I don't don't know what I don't think my fellow Commissioners know is that uh we and and again this resolution hit kind of hit me by surprise when it was placed on the agenda two days ago the um we we've only had just uh backstory we've only had over the past year perhaps two people come into commission Chambers to talk about the wind um and and that's over uh a a long period of time so this is absolutely the first real opportunity that we've had to listen to our cons constituents we are here in Margate supposed to be nonpartisan and represent the voice and the ideas and the concerns of the people of Margate we haven't had the opportunity because we haven't publicly announced that we were going to be entertaining this resolution um so I I believe that uh we should table it I also further want to tell you that what you what you don't know is that we have in hand a grant for $446,000 for an infrastructure upgrade which we're targeting to um improve the flooding that we get along the Amhurst Avenue Adams Avenue Venter Avenue Carter um that Grant comes from Ocean Wind Trust the 440 46,000 please let the commissioner speak I do have it on good authority that uh should we rush to pass this resolution we may be in Jeopardy of losing that money this is not this is not a debate people please let the commissioner speak I would further like to add that um I'm not the expert here but I do want to read I do want to read from uh the commissioner of the New Jersey DP and and somebody did uh accurately come up and say hey we fought the New Jersey D and the state uh when they wanted to build Dunes on our beaches uh we spent a lot of money and we ended up losing we've already not us because we opted out of the lawsuit that was put forth uh several months ago to fight this that the judge ruled that the towns had no standing but I to read from the commissioner of the D from rising seas that threaten our Coastline to higher temperatures that endanger the health of our most vulnerable residents climate change is already impacting New Jersey and we must act to reduce its adverse effects through the responsible development of offshore wind facilities we can protect our Aquatic and Coastal resources and communities who reply who rely upon that while taking bold action to address the climate crisis by reducing emissions from fossil fuel dependent on energy sources alongside our inter agency colleagues and stakeholders Department of enironment Environmental Protection will play an important role in advancing this critical work in the years ahead further I'd like to read from the president of theard Board of Public Utilities who writes regarding the proposed current projects the alternative the energy project site is located 47 and a half miles off the New Jersey coast and the leading light site is also more than 40 miles off the shore the distance of the new projects will leave only the tips of the nearest turbines visible from the coast and only only if visibility conditions are good this investment in clean energy is really about the future of New Jersey and our fight against climate change and the impacts that clean energy can bring to the state and to the planet we do this for our children and our grandchildren not not my words thank you uh please um indulge me a little a little more from the USA Today whale deaths exploited in cynical disinformation campaign against offshore wind power from Yahoo news claims about offshore wind farms killing whales are un unsubstantiated from the New Jersey monitor Wales wind and whales excuse me if the commentary continues we will clear the room when we take the vote so if you'd like to stay and listen just please be respectful to our commissioner thank you thank you Mike from the New Jersey monitor wind and whales no evidence links projects to Deaths further in the in the press in the Atlantic City Press today naysayers May mock the movement but the times have changed and the warning the warming trend is apolitical the green economy is flourishing Nationwide affecting the American mindset reversing course is untenable and uneconomic even the most obstinate political leaders will heal once they realize this is where the votes are from a businessman in Rhode Island where they have uh windmills uh and successfully it's even more frust frustrating to hear these falsehoods Amplified by uals with public platforms and unfair to those who are working hard to establish an industry that is one of the most ethically and environmentally responsibly operating in the offshore sector offshore wind is feeding many families and providing them with the means to plan brighter futures for generations to come as a business owner I want to ensure that my employees share in the opportunities and promise that industry offers it would be truly inexcusable if short-term political goals misinformation and disingenuous actors were the reasons we failed to achieve the industry's full potential to positively affect New Jersey's econom economy and lives of those who contribute to it so in in in conclusion and that's again that's just a small you know couple of hours worth of research that I was able to do um in conjunction with my real job to present the the idea that we shouldn't rush we should continue to encourage open debate amongst both sides and then if we determine that this is wrong for Margate we can pass a resolution and what one uh one woman said hey maybe we should re write this resolution and call for some type of moratorium until we have all the facts this resolution as it's written is full of hysterical language that is going to be in my opinion will be ignored because only because of the way it's written and in that in that regard why not take the time rewrite it so that it makes sense that it has some teeth and that somebody will read it we can we cannot I cannot as a commissioner say that my constituents who haven't had an opportunity to tell me how they feel about it hey my my brother next door he might want the windmills my neighbor across the street she might not want them so but I don't know because I haven't heard from them because they didn't know we were discussing this so the idea is that we should not we I cannot in good conscience un equally oppose something that I don't know how my people that I represent that voted for me feel and and so in that regard again I ask my fellow Commissioners to um consider the the idea that we postpone this and I could go into DET you know I I read the resolution I read it in in in depth and I read it three times the resolution one that Vince wrot the one that Vince wrote the one that Vince wrote was tailored we we took out Brigantine and we put in Margate well Margate has done none of this we we haven't talked to any of our neighbors we haven't the the we don't specifically know any of the things that are listed here as facts because we haven't had the time you know we it's just not it's it it's this resolution in my opinion needs to be tabled because it's rushed uh and so for that I say so commissioner I just like to say I um for all the reasons you just stated I believe it should stay on the agenda and um I I respect the passion in the room I respect Mr alman's comments as well um while it's great to hear public support in you know this small setting my decision was not made tonight on how I'm going to vote for this this is something that we've been researching for many years um I was part of a small group that brought uh save LBI defend bringing teen and uh these groups to Margate uh to speak at the pack Center last year um I've been speaking to our neighbors and our residents and friends for a long time and my vote will be based on what I hear from the public and what I think is best for Margate in our future so I'd like to see it remain on the agenda can can I ask you Mike one of the wees here says the city has Grave concerns about the potential negative impact of our tourism economy and the result of installation of scores of offshore winds visible from the shore so what what are those grave concerns so that that the city has and H have they been expressed anywhere anybody uh yes that I mean the director of Lucy has uh mentioned you know that these will be in the sight line of Lucy and that that's a concern as well and so the original ones that were orad or the ones that are now 47 miles off the coast up in North Jersey so so this excuse me um so just so well this resolution is is opposing the offshore wind in general we are the leases still exist companies could change there's a lot that could go on uh my belief is that we need to protect our Shores I agree with Michael um we have talked about this for a while I could tell you the one res and I don't have the best memory for names Joe Doyle that was the one resident that came out and spoke um in favor of the windmills and this isn't anything new I was at the pack Center I saw how many Margate residents were there this has been tossed around since our last meeting so I'd say a good two weeks we've had time to read this discuss it if we agree with it if we not if not we could have pulled it we could have sent emails um this isn't um I Wasing side it I guess a little bit um but that's okay I think this is a good thing I don't want to pull it I'm with you guys mik before we go on um regarding resolution 138-10 24 we we need to move that from the consent agenda uh to a regular vote if I I have some concerns about that resolution as well uh I don't know if you want to uh consider tabling that to hear my concerns in executive session or if you just want to move it and then and I can express my concerns now um I'd like to vote on vote on it tonight so we can at least if we could move that from the consent agenda 138 okay so then I will uh take this opportunity to express my concerns um and the the idea again this uh this consent agenda uh item caught me by surprise when I saw it I was not aware of the fact that we were soliciting uh requests for this service um I got I had two calls from uh people that would have liked to have been involved had they known that we were looking to uh award a contract to for $118,000 to create uh to enhance our Facebook page and uh create an Instagram page the idea that um we're supposed to you know good government is supposed to be open honest and transparent uh as commissioner I had no idea that we were uh we were looking to do this and it was done in a in a very unorthodox fashion something that I we haven't done in 17 years since I've been here um there was there was no RFP that was there was there an RFP written uh I couldn't tell you Roger went through the process so so Roger went Roger initiated this and went through the process Roger finalized and went through the process who initiated the process I know that we this was initiated we dispatched suasion in January because we thought we didn't need that service anymore and that we were going to do that service in the house this was initiated from our former administrator in January the reason why we dropped schan from the newsletter was because we felt our social media presid needed to be enhanced we need it to become relevant um and uh there's a lot of misinformation bad information and negative information out there and I I believe along with our former administrator when this process started that it is to our benefit we live in a great town we just got the top two schools in the county lowest tax rate for full service and I think we need to do a better job advertising how great our town is so this is something but isn't that why we pay almost $100,000 to the MBA the MBA and and the MBA the our town they they work on our events they do not do our social media so the people that we have that have been doing our social media the the police department doing theirs the R department doing theirs the city doing there does this proposal address the needs of our Margate City website yes so well so it does not address the website that is something that will be what I would like to say a phase two part of this um and we're GNA and the IDE is we're doing away with the newsletter the the newsletter that we sent to all the people that aren't in town that they're no longer there'll no longer be a newsletter so we we own the email addresses that were part of the newsletter they are the city property we will uh promote our social media via the newsletter uh um the newsletter primarily told us what happened a month or so ago as opposed to what was happening now and what was relevant now and um you know call it a youth wave of maybe a different generation coming into to this commission but I believe we need to get with the times and um stay ahead of the the social media so the idea that we went from $8,000 a year last year we're going to go up to $18,000 this year we're going to lose services but we're going to get increased Facebook and Instagram on one one account that is is that essentially what's happening so we discussed it it uh I want to say our February or March department head meeting where this would um this would assist all of our departments on their social media um as uh commissioner horn said Chief Hinson does a great job with the police department social media uh we will look for this to enhance it when the police department has their event this Summer that that they always do uh we want to put a little um add it twist to it promote it better and you know really just inform our residents was the was the understanding that there was no formal request for proposal and that typically when we uh are soliciting services that are um specifiable and nonproprietary we go out and we advertise so that we can collect bids we we didn't do that we only asked two people you only asked two people because I according to Roger he wasn't involved in asking the people so how did we ask the people and what did we ask them to do so I may email I may misspeak here a little bit and I wish Roger was here but and Lisa may be able to to help here I believe if for Professional Services not to exceed $44,000 a year we're we're within our legal right there's no question that we AB but we're not within our ethical right in my opinion there especially since two people have come to me and said hey what's going on here and I had to tell them that the woman that is miraculously the low bitter was the woman that did social media for your campaign and my campaign's campaign that's right so it just smells bad to me and in that regard I think we shouldn't vote on it we shouldn't award it it's I think it's going to be contested it puts us in legal Jeopardy and we should do it right we should do it the way we do things on a regular basis put it out forbid let people and how many years does she have a business does she have a business ID in registration do we know that did she fill out the pay to plateforms I I'm saying no to all of those we're awarding it it looks like we're awarding a political patronage contract to a friend that helped us with social media and for me that's bad it's it's just not right again I wasn't aware of that that we were doing this um I don't understand why Swan's bid was a lump sum her bid was monthly I I haven't seen the suasion bid but that's what I understand and um I just think that uh it it it makes us look bad a tremendous amount of money for a very very little service and not the services that we need and duplicate services that we're already supplying so in that regard I I number one ask that we split it so that I can vote against it and number two that you consider pulling it so that we can do it right and not be subject to Legal challenges and um Roger me mentioned your concerns to me today and his uh belief was that we should move forward and that we did this the right way so I would like to proceed as such thank you set my piece so you moved it right yes okay may I have a motion for the adoption of number 08224 and ordinance amending Bond ordinance number 12- 2023 adopted November 2nd 2023 by the city of Margate County of Atlantic New Jersey to amend Capital Improvements and reappropriate certain amounts specified therein without increasing the aggregate amount previously appropriated under Bond ordinance number 12- 2023 motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for resolution number 134202 authorizing bill payment and claims motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for resolution number 135 202 for a resolution unequivocally opposing offshore wind projects encouraging all municipalities to join the opposition and supporting the Atlanta County Executive and Board of Commissioners to utilize its various Powers including legal action to protect the future of Lany County motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg unequivocally no commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for resolution number 138 2024 authorizing a ward of contract for social media management motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg no commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for the consent agenda consisting of resolution number 136 2024 and 137 2024 then 13920 24 through resolution number 142 2024 motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right thank you everybody was they were part of the consent agenda yeah yes is there a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes thank you Lisa