good evening Johanna please call the meeting statement of compliance please the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the meeting notice was sent to the Atlantic City Press Star Ledger posted on the bulon board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal cler please please turn off all electronic devices thank you please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance States indivisible andice all thank you Johanna mayor Collins here commissioner blumberg I I am here commissioner horn here is there a motion for approval for the minute you want me to read that whole thing okay January 18th 2024 regular meeting in Workshop Capital executive session September 2nd 2021 September 23r 2021 April 4th 2022 December 21st 2022 September 12 2023 okay uh commissioner horn there was a change in the date for April it's April 21st there was a typo for that so may I have a motion I'll make that motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes motion to open public comment motion I will make that motion I'll second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes I wonder Roger can you share what went on at the plan we meeting not low I don't know I am not I'm just a junk public person uh there are five cases to Applications were minor site plans uh they were excessive consumption uh but you know both sides were heard and the board voted to approve both applications have dining on the permanent scale so it's the the bar that they want to put above Tequila Sunrise outoor outdoor dining above the the killer yes and that was approved yes is there a time frame for that I'm just asking because I have friends that don't live in morgie during the summer uh during the winter they live there in the summer and they're like block CES away and real time frame for when they want to operate no time frame for what their hours would be in terms of the noise level well outdoor uh time is 10 o'clock at night they can't hear the music okay so and plus they the board asked them to add some items to it that would help dampen the sound sure okay same thing with Roberts uh second problem which I had for since CO as you know on South Adams and I have friends that live on North Adams whenever I go past um um salt water they have outdoor dining on Adams in order for you to go down continue down toward Amhurst you have to walk in the street because they have two tables set up there and they have outdoor dining and I talked to the lady who's the one that handles and I said really can't do that you can't let me let me be aware that because on the permit they have to provide it four foot wide minimum well they don't they don't because if people are sitting in those chairs there's no way they're going to sit like this I I agree and every time we go by they're all right they're all pushover and there's a tree there so you can't and it's not necessarily for me as much but if I'm a woman or a lady pulling pushing a baby in a stroller and have the same problem South they have to go in the street if you can't go down the sidewalk and that's dangerous I agree and and that's at dinner time so we're talking about 530 so what can I do if the same thing happens year Sher I'm okay you can send me an email okay and we'll address that ASAP okay great also I just wanted to let all of you know that yesterday I called public works because they were working on the house next to me in fact I spoke to Sherry about that because they were putting um those plastic it's 24 um and there was a lot of dust so I left a message to the G I don't know who it was in public works but I left a message with that person I was hoping that they did go over there I was not at my household at I volunteer but um there was a patch at least four feet four square feet of white dust so of course we not was not going to approach that worker so that's why I called work so I just want to see what is that what we should do well that I guess they forwarded it to code enforcement and that's who I left the message with okay okay because they didn't pick up so I just wondered if they got over there or what they were look fairly decent this morning I'm hoping okay thank you John's been out there John V has been out there the streets and trying to do his best to keep them top of it anyone else Sher Lillian Feld 7809 Wellington Avenue first of all I wanted to thank the Commissioners and mayor Collins and Scott Aban and Jimmy and Roger I know you have been taking our suggested um I call it contractor contaminant containment ordinance it's not just microplastics there are a number of other contaminants the um fiberglass and cement dust and stuff like that anyway thank you for taking it very seriously and I really do feel that you are really looking at this and the reason I'm here tonight is because I understand enforcement and compliance is a challenge and I have some ideas and some suggestions and I'd like you to think about about them um Scott said it at the December 21st meeting like we need to create awareness you guys are all aware which is why I believe you're on board one of my ideas for awareness is to actually have some workshops for the builders so they really understand why you guys feel this is very serious that this is very Ser they are the ones at the highest level of exposure of the microplastics they're the ones breathing it they take it home to their families on their clothes it's in their cars they need to be aware so I'd like I will offer my my assistant to put together a workshop I think there should be a couple of City people there I think you should have a couple of them just so that they understand it why is Margate doing this and to create that awareness because once they are aware just like when I talked to Scott in October when I first proposed this he went on the internet and started researching it and then once he started researching it he says yeah we have a problem and we should do something about it and I don't know how many of you have also done that but once you are aware you can't become unaware so I would propose step one is to have some workshops to um them understand why you're doing this and in that Workshop include the storm water issues like a lot of people don't understand what goes in that storm water goes out to our Bay in our ocean correct Ed and like correct so they don't understand it so one is awareness the second part of my suggestion is to have a task force set up of Builders or committee whatever you want to call it and have them say once they understand they will become your Advocates say we have a problem you guys as part of our community are you you you contractors need to help us come up with a solution instead of them giving Jimmy a hard time or you know saying you guys are just you know making our job more difficult this and that let them be part of the solution so again it's a Tong approach aware and have them be part of the solution and then they will reinforce this with all of and you will have compliance and they will reinforce it to their colleagues and they will start talking about it amongst each other so it's not just Margate officials telling them what to do and trying to make their life more difficult so I don't know I'd like some feedback on that what do you think about that idea it's it's to get um you know buying and compliance and make your jobs easier my my thought on that Sherry is once an ordinance is in place and somebody gets that first fine they'll be driving Ram rting everybody else out so they will be they will be do okay so you don't think we should have a I didn't say that okay I didn't say that I'm just saying we've seen what what they they report people with an air conditioner that looks too close to the side so this is going to be else is going to happen but I think they would and it's not in Friendly ways either well maybe I'm naive like I feel like uh the contractors would be more positive about it as opposed to like kind of angry about it Sher I no I think one step at a time I think your idea of a workshop may be a good idea and see where that goes okay instead of asking them to empowering them to pleas themselves like not to police themselves but I do really feel like they need the awareness like why we are doing this it's not to be mean to raise their cost so that marget can make money on fines to make you know the building Department's life more difficult it's because it's it's a serious serious health concern and like I said once you start googling it there's so much overwhelming information out there it's just I think having that Workshop would be helpful with the awareness and I think that's a good place to start okay I'm just throwing it out there and I am I don't want my number on those signs how's my work site but I I would help with putting together workshop together and implementing it and we can even record it and whatever okay an idea great right thank you thank you anything else anyone else seeing no one can I have a motion to close make that motion second mayor Collins yeah commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn motion for public comment on res resolutions only I'll make that motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes seeing no one well I'd like to uh I would like to com I would like to suggest that uh regarding resolution 44- 2024 authorizing appointment of executive director of personnel uh approving the appointment of the city clerk as executive director of personnel I'd like to uh discuss that and suggest that we pull this resolution from tonight's agenda understanding that uh we have no position currently in the handbook uh or uh in the in the state statute that exists that's an executive director of personnel I think we need to spend some time and do our due diligence uh related to what this title is uh my understanding is that we are going to try and um appoint somebody to a position that doesn't exist and then create position I I don't think that that uh makes sense I don't I think it puts the cart before the horse I think it's um I think it's a way that that we're trying to uh Force spoon and feed something away to beat the system uh circumventing the law and opening us up to Legal challenges in the future um this this position uh on the books now is uh on our books now is Personnel officer um the position itself uh is very time consuming it's a complex position and I don't believe that the revenue and finance department is prepared at this time to take on this added responsibility so I I believe that this should be pulled and we should discuss it further uh both technically uh and legally from a legal standpoint and uh you know I I would suggest that that would be the right thing to do uh and ask the solicitor for his opinion one second Scott it's my understanding that a member of the commission has been in consultation with Cindy cotton over this can you elaborate on that a little May met with Cindy this very topic was her recommendation was her recommendation to change the name which is in our L which is in our employees handbook because why um the other name could be construed as a civil service position the the Personnel officer correct well it is is a civil service it's never been civil service it's right here in it's right here in the book Scott for this is from the service book that's where the name comes from Mike would like to speak to us I'm sorry he there he is he can speak to go ahead yeah so so Cindy cotton said we have been using the title Personnel officer in error for many years because we have been assigning those duties to a non civil service position and that would be our administrator which was previously Richard Dei and Ken mosa and both of them were erroneously assigned this title for many years so she suggested we moveed to this title which would have similar roles but be an unclassified non- Civil Service title and um you know being that all of the employees that would be appointed in this position have Civil Service protection otherwise that that this title makes sense and works going forward understood so if if there is a motion and someone seconds it and the commission majority votes on it the idea is can we vote on a position that we don't have don't we have to create the position first I think it's simply a matter of changing the name and it's in our no no no you can't just change the name because the description of the job that's in the handbook this person cannot do it let me read it Scott let me read it all right applicants must meet one of the following combination both experience and education 30 semester hour credits are equal to one year of relevant experience seven years of supervisory Personnel experience including the re review of classification problems and wage studies the handling of personnel problems and the coordination of the training needs of the jurisdiction there's one two three four five there's 15 uh there's 15 line items of what's required of for this person to be in this position you you are correct if you were creating that as a civil service appointment we have the we the city of Margate have never done that we still have to do the job don't we it's been the municipal administrator not a civil service okay so our labor consultant has said the name is incorrect you've erroneously done it for years if you want to make a non- civil service appointment as many municipalities do typically it's the city clerk so I can't say it's illegal it's notal the city clerk works for the director of Revenue and finance correct she's under your domain true but she is answerable to all three Commissioners where will this new position report to whom what commissioner will this position report the city clerk will report to which commissioner the city clerk reports to all three Commissioners no no no this position director of personnel executive director of personnel where will it where will that person in my view and and based on the discussion I've had with our consultant cotton she is responsible to all three of you no no no the clerk is responsible of May I jump in real quick I'm sorry go ahead mayor so again again with consultation with our attorneys and our Representatives by State Statute the clerk and all Personnel officers report to all three Commissioners we are the Walsh Act form of government so the clerk and personel report Commissioners and do not fall within a given Department under our you know current jurisdiction they are paid out of Revenue and finance but they are answerable to all three Commissioners that's it that's what the consultant's saying that's what her job is stated my case I've stated my concerns I still believe that this uh the appointment of this position should be pulled at this time until we can further vet it and make sure that we're not opening us up to Legal challenges in the future why any employees that are in the city employee that have problems that have to go to this person that aren't happy with the outcome that somebody might not be able to come back to us and say you know what you didn't do this right that that's my only that's the only reason and I have this is the first opportunity I haven't had a chance to talk to Cindy cotton about this obviously the mayor has I haven't I wasn't aware that uh that the clerk who reports to me at least has for uh 17 years that I've been here uh now we'll be taking on additional responsibilities in the revenue and finan department for which I am responsible and I don't believe that we're set up for it at this time that's all understood thank you did we close public comment I'll make that motion CL this is public comment on resolutions only that we need have okay second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes Johanna would you please proceed may have a motion for resolution number 28 2024 authorizing bill payment and claims motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may have a motion for the consent agenda which consists of resolution number 292 2024 to 43 2024 resolution number 45 2024 and resolution 46 20 2024 I'll make that motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may have a a motion for resolution number 44-22 Mo I will make that motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg no commissioner horn yes that's all I have clarification on that on the consent agenda did you by mistake say 43 instead of up to uh 45 and 46 44 is missing okay but you did get 45 and 46 right yes okay all right Mar do you have anything to add nothing to add okay Mike anything to add nope all good thank you motion to adjourn I'll make that motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes thank you thank you Kathy for running the meeting oh thank you --------- good evening February 1 Johanna would you please read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Press of Atlantic City Star Ledger posted on the bulleon board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all cell phones please stand for theedge of Allegiance United States Johanna mayor Collins mayor Collins okay he's here commissioner blumberg I am here commissioner horn here thank you commissioner uh so we will start off as always with our judging program vitam a and b a couple quick updates on those projects we are working on the office preparation for the bath metric survey which is a survey out in the water we are scheduling the survey with our subcontractor want to schedule to work for the very beginning of March they're a little concerned with the unpredictability of weather in February um so we're just going to have everything set up and teed up for them to get out there and complete that survey as soon as possible um beginning of March so we can wrap this up and get this back into D get our approval so we continue to um make progress on that front and likewise on The Shelter Island restoration site at the last meeting we did approve a proposal from the Stockton Coastal research uh Center to respond to the DP comments that came back on some of the studies that they did so we'll continue our efforts there to work on that as an alternate disposal site for our Citywide dredging item C is the 2023 reconstruction Winchester Avenue uh this is our 2023 state aid grant this project was in the last uh bond that we did pass we do have authorization to bid from the do so we can get this project out to bid we will um submit for approval at the next meeting to authorize us to go out to bid so we can get that um out to bid and and um scheduled that for construction the 2023 Road program is also funded through the last Capital Bond we're working on wrapping up the engineering for that project so we can get that project out to bid that is funded uh through the capital uh Municipal capital budget so we don't need to go to dot for that particular project we can get that out to B as soon as possible item a is the Adams Avenue storm sewer pump station project we are working with our subcontractor who will be doing an inside structural evaluation of that Vault um which we hope to repurpose for a wet well for this pump station which would result in some savings but before we can proceed in that direction we need to confirm if it's in good shape and if it can be used for that purpose so that is the next step there we did complete our field survey we do have our uh jurisdictional determinations from both the D and the Army Corp so we know what we need to do as far as permitting we just need to pick a direction on that vault and if we are going to use it as part of the project item F I don't have an update other than that report is being wrapped up I did um meet with uh some representatives from the library regarding some uh of the projects that they have on their list and how that might fold into the overall evaluation of the site uh so we will be issuing that report shortly item G is just an ongoing effort as part of our CRS program with the flood warning and response plan that is being worked on item H is the iank ation for lead service lines I haven't heard anything back officially yet but I know we're getting close to our environmental approval through the ibank which would then um take us to a point where we can actually start the Engineering Process for the lead service line program item I is the alternate traffic signal timing plan for Atlantic Avenue uh we were working with the chief on that um so goad you want to yeah we just very quickly uh spoke with emails back and forth with JJ from your office we're just kind of trying to determine what we're actually looking for but you know probably this season we'll just keep everything the way it is because I'm sure would be done at the end of this season maybe we're kind of looking for something for the offseason so again I'll keep in contact with okay great thank uh flipping the page to item J which is the storm order ordinance and mapping assistance I've mentioned at previous meetings these are new regulations that are coming down for the state so this is the work required to stay in compliance with the D on item K which is our running list of Grant applications we do have a couple on here that are going to move into the engineering phase the Washington Avenue street skate project which we have a $1.5 million Grant from dot for that project as well as another 162,000 through the dot Safe Streets of Transit program the engineering for that project was included in the last Capital Bond so we can move forward with that we will be um making an effort to do public Outreach potentially put together steering committee um this project is in line with the master plan so we're excited to move forward on that job and then likewise items 35 and 36 is our next phase of the bulkhead cut throughs at the beach um suar Avenue and Benson Avenue we will be moving forward with the engineering on that as well and to get that work into construction as soon as possible item L is a running list of capital projects that more or less are complete the engineering phase and will be considered as part of a future capital budget jumping down to our list of construction projects no update on our uh maintenance bonds these are just items that we will inspect and release once all the work is accepted uh upon the expiration of the two-year maintenance period projects and close out we have added two projects to the list so we finally have moved our Municipal Building renovation project into the closeout phase which is great and uh well late Redevelopment also is being closed out so we've completed those projects and we're just now closing out the paperwork um on those jobs item P for the water meter replacement program phase one I believe is complete right Pat yes sir so we're done there um item Q is the batting cage which we will finally be able to complete the netting um is here and they are supposed to have it done by the end of the week if they don't have it done already um so that job we'll be wrapping up as well and then third page um the firehouse one historic City Hall flood Pro roing project that we've been talking about for quite some time we finally have a tenative mobilization for the contractor either next week or the week after so that's great news and then the last project on the list here is our current Winchester Avenue construction project from Douglas to exitor which is in progress that's my report great thank you let's move forward Scott several things commissioner you've seen my emails going back and forth regarding the beach end of Osborne Avenue as you no private property owner had asked if he could purchase that commissioner blumberg asked me about just recently I'll let everybody know we did get um notification by Green Acres apparently they are accepting our argument that that Upland portion of the lot in question which is approximately 1,700 feet uh was not intended to be on our GRE Green Acres list nevertheless they want us to go through a public hearing process which she has given me instruction and laid it out so with your consent commissioner's consent I'll coordinate that with Johanna and we'll actually have to have a a public hearing to express explain to the public what it is we're doing with that stripple in again for everybody understands when they built the bulkheads I believe right after the March storm of 62 there were some strips of land created between the beach bulkhead and then the private property owner and this one particular strip it amounts to 1700 square feet it's about 80 foot deep it's a strip of land um that he wants to buy so and we did move forward with appraisals and I'm going to hold that in my pocket for now but uh we have to go through this public hearing process to satisfy Greers so I assume we're we're good with that I may I ask a question certainly may I ask Scott since there's a whole strip that goes from Osborne down to Quincy would we do that entire area to take them off the Rossy lip well it's a good thought I mean rather than I leave that up to the Commissioners there's about four other pieces I believe right that are layward of the Bulan they're not sand one guy's put stone in there the one we're talking about has papers um I think one is a sand but the woman built the sand privately c um and I think they don't belong in the rosy list and perhaps we should do one one hearing and knock them all out if you if you think that be appropriate you know what I'm talking about strips Penbrook Avenue Quincy Avenue and um look we don't collect tax revenue they're not really part of the beach some of these property owners are actually using them and have for many many years time to get them on the tax calls okay we're good we'll move forward on that coordinate that um what else do I have I have two questions I wanted to ask Eddie on the uh ordinances regarding storm water ordinances where you say we have to uh Implement new ordinance requirements for privately owned salt storage and tree removal we'll be glad to get a start on that did they give us a model do they want us to well send it over I'll I'll get a drafted and we'll we'll uh we'll start to work I think we might have adopted we adopt any of them yet I know we didn't do the trees did we do the okay yeah I will get that too okay and then the last thing I just had a question regarding the library Park evaluation as you do all these evaluations including architectural are we evaluating who's responsible to pay for is it the library responsible toay is it the city is it jointly is it grant money so I'm not doing that evaluation we're just looking at potential improvements you know items that are in need of improvement Central upgrades and then I there's I'm sure there will need to be a discussion on exactly that once we have what the proposals are okay because you're sure you're aware there's tiny portion of your tax bill is by state law mandated for Library I assume Lisa or Roger or both of you would would have a hand in taking a look at that to see should the library pay versus what should the city pay right I mean everybody screen if I could just add a comment um mayor Collins is supposed to be meeting with um the library director to discuss the funding um and you know work out an agreement with the city hopefully because we're required to pay a certain minimum amount to fund the library operations each year and because of our increase in ratables the amount that needs to be appropriated in our budget um is has increased by almost $400,000 over last year so um that's what has prompted you know the need for a discussion so mayor Collins is aware of that I know he's out of town um and I think he's going to be having that conversation soon hopefully it'll be resolved before budget time by the internet we just couldn't get in right right okay he's listen all right great that's great that's all I have thank Mion I just have one thing and that's the uh we're going to February 13th we're starting the second phase of the wood meter project consist about 1,800 meters it should take about two months but it all depends on the weather this time of year and uh we're going to it is posted on the city website and in the newsletter but I'd like to get with Danny send the phone blast out next weekend to just to remind everybody that's okay with you guys yeah so thank youe Jimmy Pat just uh provide me whatever you want and I'll I'll put it together with the dates that you wanted to go out I would like to thank uh Chief Hinson for well-run event with the final radio radio call for lieutenant Fano special event um the in the the old Chief uh never did those I remember um the only time we would ever see anybody uh is they would sarm them in sometimes here in City Hall but for a while it's everything kind of disappeared and I'm glad you brought it back Matt great job applaud you thank you that's all I have rer thank you Commissioners planning board meeting was held last week and it was a marathon U lasted about six hours but I think some important projects got approved also out through dining and temporary outdoor use applications are rolling in and uh again the governor extended the to our premises till November of this year so all temporary structures are going to be permitted again they have to come through the zoning office and again I I had the chief and both Chiefs sign off there's anything that anyone wants to chime in or any complaints about blocking sidewalks please let us know we're going to try to get it you know we've been on top of that pretty much and also speaking of public Outreach like Ed mentioned for the uh Washington Avenue pedestrian Corridor when we get to that point with dredging that's highly recomend that we do a public Outreach meeting or two for that D that'll really explain a lot to the public that you know it is confusing understanding what dredging actually is and what's entailed but I think it's beneficial to everyone and that's it great Chief Pon I'll just be very brief I just wanted to note that had a great visit yesterday from Alex man uh again I said last meeting he is a autism Advocate spent the afternoon together were in the police department we were his 458 Police Department Alex and I went to lunch had a very nice lunch at the Gil Crest we had a great afternoon um if anybody wants to look on Facebook on Alex's Facebook page for his advocacy for autism it's really good and like it was it was a great day all around meeting Alex and hang and hanging out with him for the afternoon that's all I have Lisa good afternoon um few things to update you on as you know we had contracted with a claim inventory to perform an inventory of All City Assets in excess of $500 so that's been progressing um John VY has done a great job assisting and overseeing the project uh they've already uh tagged numerous assets and the one departments left are uh Beach Patrol fire the municipal building and the police department so they're supposed to be coming in tomorrow and will either doing the fire depart excuse me I forget what she said depends upon availability I think yeah the chief so if Jeff Lee is available they'll be doing the police department if not they'll be coming to the municipal building so that's good because that has been long overdue to have one complete list together um and then they will come back each year and update it and give us the information so that we can also update it throughout the year as we dispose of and purchase additional assets leases contract for that we have a purchase order it was only about $5,000 okay thank you you're welcome um also as you know we contracted to replace the LED lighting throughout the city Atlantic Electric was awarded a contract um either in 2023 or 2022 I I don't believe I believe it was early 2023 they completed phase one we have yet not yet been build for it so I reached out to the contact Bill Edwards um who has retired from Atlantic Electric but has been rehired as a consultant um he said he was just getting re acclimated with things and he's going to look into that and then also we did appropriate funding for phase two which will cover almost another third of the project so um I asked him to resend me the proposal which I will forward when I receive it so that can be um initiated um I the annual debt statement is complete filed and uploaded on the website I did provide copies to each of the Commissioners and I have a draft of an annual financial statement I have not had a chance to review it yet I will have that done by next week um at a quick glance I mean our Surplus looks to be in good shape but I don't want to release any numbers until I have a a chance to look at it um um and see where we stand with that um I think that's all I have for right now thank you thank you Chief Adams thank you Commissioners um just a couple things one I want to Echo congratulations to Lieutenant Feliciano it's been a pleasure working alongside of him for the past 27 years and working with him with the fire department of police department he's done an outstanding job and was an exemplary employee for the police department um two we're getting a lot of direct phone calls to the fire department reporting emergencies and it's been Troublesome one because we're not able to get all the information that the police department dispatchers can get and put into the cad system we are trying to transfer them over but I I just want to remind our residents and anybody calling in an emergency if it's an actual emergency an example today we had a gas line struck and they called the fire department direct instead of dialing if it's an emergency dial 911 if not they can use the 822151 number but they really shouldn't be calling reporting those type of incidents or emergencies to the fire department because we're not collecting the data and the information that they need so we've set up we have we do have with our new phone system a direct transfer which has worked on a number of occasions but please to remind our residents and visitors if you have an emergency and emergency dial 911 or use the police alternate number of 609 822151 um and lastly Roger do we want to talk about anything with this building or not not not right now okay that's all I have thank you thank you Johanna I have nothing to report at this time okay public comment can we have a motion only on items discussed at this meeting I'll make that motion second I just have a question my name is can I take R please yes my name is Mayor Collins sorry yeah commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes my name is Sherry Lillian Feld I live at 7809 Wellington Avenue I just have a question about the storm water ordinance and what's coming down from the state are you able to share like what would be relevant like for us common folks sure absolutely so the the salt storage on private property more or less requires it's literally if you were storing salt for melting ice and snow that if you are storing it outside it just has stipulations on what you need to do you have to store it on top of a slab or something so that the salt doesn't leech into the ground you have to store it a certain distance away from any water body so it doesn't wash into the water I think it gives the time of year you're allowed to store it outside I think it's from uh October to April something like like that so it's essentially just trying to regulate so that people don't have a stack a pile of Soul sitting in their backyard and it's washing into sensitive areas um okay makes sense yep and then the um the other ordinance is is fairly Technical and it just has to do with the way that Engineers do drainage calculations and it will have very little impact in the city of Margate okay thank you thanks anyone else uh Kathy heitsman 22 South Adams Avenue um I have two issues one of them is about the library budget and I'm sure you're all aware of that that the state requires that we as a Township give the library x amount of dollars every year it's just flat out rate it's based on property evaluation so my thought when Lisa was mentioning this was that um they should be using that money the money that they have to to to work in because kind of like double paying them you know we're paying them tax money with a library and then we're going to pay them again out of our tax dollars when we've already done that that item number one and number two when when Roger mentioned about the planning board meeting can any of that be discussed okay thank you thank you Kathy anyone can we have a motion to close public comment I'll make that motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes motion to adjourn I'll make that motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes give it like two minutes oh we'll reconvene in two minutes