you're good i' like to call the meeting to order Johanna will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirement of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Atlantic City Press Star Ledger posted on the bulleon board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all electronic devices please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Al United States of America theice Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumber I am here commissioner horn here all right we will begin with commissioner horn swearing in four members of our lifeguard pension board will you come forward support and I will Faithfully partially andly and and sincerely promise andely prise and swear that I will support I will support the of the United States of America United States and the of the state of New and that I will Faithfully perge ofice ofte of city of ability do and sincerely promise and swear that I will supported States and that I will Faithfully per supported States thank you all gentlemen and I know I mentioned it before but I will put it on the record again uh there is no relation between Charles collums and myself uh for those questioning is there a motion for for the approval of the April 18th 2024 regular meeting and workshop Capital minutes motion I will second mayor Colin yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes and now the moment we've all been waiting for we will open to public comment please state your name and address Margaret reel 6 North Mansfield Avenue good evening mayor and Commissioners and um department heads thank you for your time tonight um I'm here I spoke at the Jan one of the January meetings regarding offshore wind um asking for you guys to support the lawsuits there are eight towns that are currently supporting the lawsuits against offshore wind Brigantine vetner Long Beach uh Long Branch I'm sorry Ship Bottom barnegate Lake Surf City and Harvey seedar I do understand that congressman and Drew called a meeting of Municipal head Municipal um leaders last week is my understanding to ask you guys to take a stance on what your position is on offshore wind um last night Mar mayor Vince Sarah of Brigantine at their public meeting um adopted a res and their their Commissioners or Council I guess it's City Council in Brigantine they adopted a resolution um unequivocally opposing offshore wind projects and encouraging all municipalities to join the opposition and calling on the Atlantic County Executive and Board of Commissioners to utilize its various Powers including legal action to protect the future of Atlanta County um it's a detailed resolution Sherry back here has a copy of the re resolution if any of you wants to see it um it details the first six pages are very detailed about stats and statistics um the data of Economic and environmental adverse effects um again it calls on the municipalities of Atlantic Cape Mang and ocean counties to join in brigantine's opposition to these wind turbine projects because of significant negative impacts to the New Jersey coastline and um other Co Coastal communities so I'm here to ask has the uh city of Margate taking a position on offshore wind and are you guys I did ask you to reconsider joining the lawsuits at my at the last time that I was here um I know the response that I had um was that it was a $50,000 minimum investment with uh without a cap without a limit on spending I spoke to um mayor Lance langra in ventner he said that they um uh committed $10,000 and when that was up they would have to go back to the board and get approval I know they spent their $10,000 on the recent lawsuit that um we did not win at and they were going back to their commission to ask for more funds but again it was $10,000 so um it looks like you you can set an amount and cap it without it being the $50,000 and without it being unlimited um so I I strongly recommend that somebody from the um from the town from the city of Margate reach out to Mayor Sarah to Mayor langra and see how you know how they worked it out with contributing money to the lawsuits um the as we all know we've been talking about it for a long time the turbines are going to have a negative impact on property values loss of Tourism impacting our businesses and taxes and jobs our marine ecosystem and environment National Security Coast Guard search and rescue missions um you know and Atlantic Shores report clearly state that the 136 bring turbines that they're going to uh put you're going to be able to see them from Lucy um ocean wind one and two while they scrap the projects which are off of brigantina and Atlantic City they still hold the leases so they can s sell their leases somebody else can you know buy them and still build where you know where the projects were planned um those are the closest ones to Margate and they're going to be a Clear Sight to all those wind turbines um margate's definitely going to be affected so I ask again um is Margate going to take a stand what will the stand be um you know and will you consider joining the lawsuits against these projects that are really going to impact our Coastal Life here in Atlanta County yeah so I will say uh we collectively have not taken taken a stand it has not come up you know as a resolution uh up to this point uh our County and state representatives did reach out to me last week in regards to that meeting uh I had a baseball coaching conflict so I was not able to attend but they were um one of our Representatives was supposed to get that resolution and information back to me and I have yet to see it so I'm glad you brought it if you could email that and send it electronically that would be appreciated as well I have it I will okay okay thank you very much for your time thank you hello South Avenue I'm here to talk about the uh violations happening at Mar Margate Gardens um had to interject myself into the Margate Gardens issue because I live directly across the street from Margate Gardens and when I open my front door I can easily count the front doors of the apartment complex very clearly um at the last meeting I didn't say much because I want to give everyone the benefit of Doubt and I know as an attorney that the at the end of the day the documents will speak for themselves I'm really not interested in the blame game but I do expect there to be solutions to these obvious violations the first being residential units being leased in violation of the approved plans and second being that there are parking restrictions in the parking lot for the tenants also in violation of approvals um some idea being kicked around that the units will be turned into condos at some point one year three years from now who knows is simply not sufficient and I don't think any neighbor is going to take the builder at his word that the condos will be in compliance anyway and just to be clear um at the same time construction was happening at Margate Gardens I had construction at my home directly across the street and I was informed that I couldn't add a fifth bedroom in my own home because there wasn't enough parking on South vage Avenue so now you can imagine my frustration that myself and other surrounding neighbors of Margate Gardens are subjected to double the tendons double the trash double the noise double the guests double the cars uh cars which have parking restrictions in a lot yet another violation that I've brought up to the planning board myself at the last sunrise to meeting sometime in March the obvious flagrant violations are allowed to continue uh my neighbors who cannot be present in person and cannot attend virtually on kage Avenue that I've spoken to share my concerns at the last meeting the solicor assured me that there are only six Apartments being rented on to in total three on the second floor and three on the third floor that was your statement on the record um thanks to Oprah request submitted by Patrick GID uh which assured transparency I've come to learn and see myself that there were more than residential uh temporary CEOs that were issued by the township uh the initial temporary CEOs were actually expired since February and the new ones were issued conveniently on the last date of the uh the last commissioner's meeting my husband has talked to a tenant different of tenants that Patrick has spoken to who confirmed that there are parking restrictions in the lot he's also spoken to the you know the frequent Del liquor store there he he speaks the owner who confirms that there are 12 units leased and that the residents there are not allowed to par during her operational hours these are not internet rumors we have eyes that can count just like we counted all four four walls come down over at Sunrise teila so now I ask the solicor based on everything that has been submitted to the township uh by residents like myself uh with their concerns and what their firsthand knowledge of things that have been happening do you do you feel it's appropriate and good faith to continue to keep taking the builder at his word like you said at the last meeting it's not a question of taking the builder at his word it's a question of how was the structure built number one was it built with six residential units that building meets all the setbacks lot coverage height everything else there are as I understand it six residential units but there's more than six resal five of the residential units have two bedrooms each one has three bedrooms so the issue of zoning setbacks structure how was it built he's built it in accordance with his approved plans what the objection here is is if some of these occupants have roommates so what you want us to do is you want us to say that somebody who owns a two-bedroom unit well you can't have a roommate you're not allowed to have that so are they we can't we don't have the authority to stop that what's happening there that they could have what's that now like subes that are happening like how is the structure of that times tenants or people or roommates and they share money from what we saw on the license applications what I saw were six leases I didn't see 12 leases six so why were there more than six residential CEOs issued six residential CEOs issued that's right there were six C cosos issued for six residential units that were built in accordance with his plans the objection here is how he operates the building and I can admit I see that that he's look it's the same with the parking he's apparently wants to charge these people to park he is Charing well here's the problem we have summertime restaurants they have obligations to park they charge look at the tomatoes on Saturday night in July that kid wants money from me if I want to park in the highrise they charge you have to have a fob to get in there the issue is it's how he's operating is it legal for him to charge people to park at that lot or charge extra that's an issue that it's not in the planning board resolution it's not in our ordinance what about time constrictions time time limitations again I didn't see any time restriction I'm telling you that and I believe you and I believe you my guess is he probably did that but again the objection is can you force a tenant let's say say a tenant is there and a tenant doesn't even want to park in the parking lot maybe they want to park on bner AB that's fine or he wants to charge a benefit by assuring the commercial tenant that they have lot they don't need 12 spaces for that liquor store he's assuring them that they could have full full range of the lot so that's a benefit that he's getting by adver I don't I don't know that to be the fact but I do know and I agree with you that the tenants in the ideal world would park in their in designated parking spaces and but they don't legally have to do that right but he can't legally have restrictions as well so you're putting it on the tenant when it's really about the Builder and what restrictions he has whether to a lease a separate document uh a verbal uh agreement that's really nothing I have information about but it's apparent that this is happening because we spoken to the tenants themselves and they told us those things so it's not internet rumor I didn't read it on Facebook I live right there on the Block my husband talk well Jes if you read it on Facebook it has to be true I understand that but no I said it's not here's the problem it's how he operates his building that is built in accordance with his permits he's allowed to have roommates he has whatever it is uh 5times 2 10 11 12 he's got 13 bedrooms they're allowed to have roommates and people live in those rooms we can't stop that so the the ab designation that he took off the doors and put names I'm not happy about it but it's not illegal you know by Design or if you put if you have two roommates or three roommates and you each have a mailbox or you put you all put your names in the door look I don't want to defend them I'm not happy with them either what you're asking us to find find them or find some kind of Quasi Criminal action it's not really there so how many tenants do you believe are there living there I don't know how many tenants are there we don't go in inspect after after he got a CO we don't go and inspect okay but if you drive by at night there can't be many because the lights aren't on will there be a reinspection so there's aate temporary ce's issue time there's a license change I believe they have to get it and do we know when that will be no it's when the leases are up but we don't know how many tenants there are when the leases are I believe we do know how many do we Jimmy yeah we do know how many we have one on each one and it's legal he's within the limits okay so what about the parking issue he has the spaces there whether it's tenants or it's people who use the store he has his number of spaces he's allowed to control the parking now if he's restricting him I think that's an issue there he's allowed to make restrictions on the tenants parking the lot telling them they can't par this is what you say I haven't seen that in the least well I've Speak I've spoken to tenants who live and they tell you we're not permitted to par yes we're not allowed to were not allowed to park there between the hours of 10: a.m. and 10 p.m. and that was confirmed by the owner of the liquor store who said they can't park here while my business is operating this lot is mine those they should be permitted to park okay so what could happen what is the resolution now if that's happening what could the township do to rectify this so that not much we I don't think we're going to get him on a criminal charge I'm not saying not going to Happ I'm just saying what could like what powers does the township have if this Builder is limiting um tenants froming the they're spilling into the you know the side streets they're parking on public streets which they have every right to do and they have every right to they also have every right to park in that lot where they pay their their their rent right so well apparently he's charging them extra to pay there you said well I as to one tenant said that but that's not the tenant I spoke to the tenant me and my husband spoke to said that there's restrictions between the hour of 10 AM and 10 p.m. and obviously who's getting on a bed at 10 p.m. to go move their car right that's pretty inconvenient and who knows the exorb prices that he might be Charing the tenants it a per tenant because one wife wanted to pay but I guess it's something that in the future we're going to have to be cognizant of when we give approvals but right now there's no law that says he can't charge extra to have an on-site parking space what about the law as do the highrises as do the restaurant what about the time restrictions though is there something you could do about that I'm not aware I don't really know what we could do about the time restrictions well I just encourage you to look into it since I have firstand Knowledge from tenance that's what's happening thank you welcome back Ros t-shir absolutely would you like me to reintroduce myself yes please R Feldman Jamaica me crazy 9413 ventner Avenue good okay you know I'm going to try to just be as educated as I can at this moment but you have a show one okay I mean b weeo he's not here if he was here I'd say right to his face okay what he has created has impacted the rest of the community okay why am I here you and I spoke okay I feel very threatened threatened because there's no place for anyone to go it's gridlock it's not even yet okay I no longer like to attend my business you're making me crazy with the Cool vibe in the cool girl you know why because I'm listening to everyone cry oh my God four times we've circled we don't have parking we can't get here you know what that feels like to me kind of like a death sentence of my business okay my numbers they're not what they were you know our community ocean and I've only been here four times in my 30 years of this community okay when I'm taking over the edge and I don't think things are prudent or reasonable the master plan is a failure okay parking is a problem we can't fix it there's no place to get ground okay it's gone we're Key West now okay but here is what we can do we can find ways to figure out how to correct the problem okay like I presented to you we now are in the business of people moving we have to move our community we have to move them around town so they can come to my place in her place and his place and everybody's place not about me I'm about the community okay I feel very threatened okay and I don't know what to do except for May maybe sell my business okay because there's no more joy there's no joy in it anymore listening to the crying public that can't pee anywhere how many tickets were given out last year for people peeing publicly many is that correct correct not your area but mostly bars look I got a driveway I'm behind Johnny's it's mostly we we flush in the morning yes so I mean it's a problem guys I mean you know all this other nonsense is all you know master plan stuff okay you can't fix it now you all you can do is figure out a way to make it better for the public okay that includes all of us in business and invested every dime and every penny and every passion and everything they had into your community you go on the boardwalk 10 million people are wearing shirts at a Marg vendor because of me okay showing Pride for our community I need some help here I don't want to be a I'd rather be doing something fun this takes a lot out okay we have no signs commissioner horn are you in charge of Public Safety yes okay we have no signs even if a sign is a little threat 2our parking okay and maybe give somebody a thought that can't park here to a okay all the employees of the restaurants all the employees of all the businesses there's no place for our public to now to come and spend money in our businesses help me so RZ I think you and I had a very productive conversation a month month ago or so much better than this one um and then you went away for a little while and yes I did um while you were away there's been many conversations regarding all of these problems um Ed Ed Scott and I addressed the restroom um conversation as as part of our um ongoing plans um your transportation I've had conversations multiple conversations on that and you know it's a process things don't happen overnight but but we are actively working on it and as far as the master plan it is up I mean we're talking putting it out the bid soon I believe correct so um you know we're listening we're aware that's all great the master pl's coming off for big but the properties are gone so you can't fix the problem the only thing you could do now is band okay with Transportation yeah and you will have a seat at that table as as a business owner so um so we'd love to have your input but you know in all seriousness guys I thought I really feel and I don't feel good about so you know you guys have to figure it out I've given you the solution okay you just have to figure out the way to incorporate okay I gave you 25 free of a consultation plan on how to fix the problem okay I'm passionate I'm not I'm not you you guys don't see me at bars I I don't do it okay I I play my business I play my family and I sit out back I don't mess with anyone I don't want to know your business I just want to do mine okay so please yeah thank you and I I look forward to a follow-up meeting that the two of us can have and we will discuss everything commissioner please whatever you can do for science just if it deters it's going to help some we have thanks R thanks for thanks for coming what's myit good evening I'm Scott Marcus I live at three South coolage my backyard is looking into the parking lot of uh the new uh Marvin whatever it is Margate Gardens so that's where I live and and I will say that I think it's well built uh Mr Bag Leo is attempting to to make a very positive uh construction there but what why I'm here tonight is it concerns me mostly about your comments Mr Abbott that he can do what he wants when he wants we don't have the right to do anything we don't have the right to inspect the apartments and that's backwards you said none of those I heard you tonight say that you're twisting them around okay the Town has the right to inspect those apartments at any time per statute and I'm sure per your ordinances and the burden should be on him you've heard from a number of people that he's rented out 12 units I heard I don't know if it's true that he put in extra kitchens and he had to take them out why isn't the burden on him to produce and convince you that he hasn't done these things I don't get that c so that would suggest to you that there was uh you know where there's smoke there's fire so now what you have is a unit with two bedrooms right and two roommates I don't well I'm sure there's you want us to say they can't not allow have roomate I want them to not rent out 12 units when it was approved for six units if he wants to come back to you and say I can it's notes it doesn't work for me at six I want 12 believe I believe me we've looked at this long and hard he's got a lease for a unit one of his two bedroom units yeah and people are living there's roommates I don't have a problem with that I I well that's what you have going his back backyard and see how many meters he put up if it's six units why are there 11 meters back there it's five commercial six residential there five meters for commercial there are five meters for commercial okay well those meters are not going separately to Apartments upstairs no it's five five commercial six residential okay and and very frustrating I understand it and I'm believe me we don't like sitting here getting beat up all over this over this guy it's not I it's not him and I don't care one way or the other what I care about is when it looks like we're getting pushed around because he said he's going to do it this way and he's going to do it that way about the people with roommates what do you do when they have two people living in one unit and there's two people I don't care about that as long as it's in compliance with your ordinances violating your civil rights if you say you can't live in there I me how do you say it's not about the number of people it's about the number of units it's he's very clever's got one lease maybe get two people unrated I I know but you're not hearing me I'm saying he has to limit it to six rentals because that's what it was approved for believe that's what he has done I don't know one way or the other but I would think that you guys would want it know that's all I'm saying we do and according to all the paperwork we have it's six friends okay if you're happy with that I'm not happy with it I got to be honest with you I'm not happy with it but you have the right to issue subpoena and say give me all your leases let me see how many tenants you have if he gives you six I guess that's as far as it goes if he gives you 12 we have a record that's what we've got six leases six leases and those leases by the way uh don't have any reference to parking not parking I okay and again doc I I agree with you the parking lot's empty all day most of the night not a problem for me I'm the house where the where the exit is where he told me by the way I S I saw the resolution for the first time today he told me he's taking out those polls and he's going to make uh egress out of the onto coolage because he can do whatever he wants to do well it's a driveway isn't it says specifically in your resolution that you can't come out on coolage oh okay all right it says that can't do it that's what it says he can't do but he's you know if you will admit the building is built in accordance with the approved plans I never looked at the plans think the building's attractive I have no problem with the building I have no problem with the commercial so the issue is how he operates his building issue for me is if you guys are in charge or not in charge that's all that matters to me if you say we check this all out everything's compliant I'm happy with that okay we've said it again and again he's allowed to have two people live in a two bedroom you I didn't say otherwise I I don't care about that all right then we're in agreement okay that's my own only comment you know and and it goes to this whole issue that everybody has I mean we all love Margate I've been here six years I love Margate and it's changed and it's grown and the houses get bigger and all of the rest you guys have to have a firm grip over this whole thing or else it'll just be chaos no doubt okay thank you sir thank you Scott Alexander 9704 veter Avenue I walk by there I'm I'm there the parking lot's totally empty all day long all night long um this is like this is like so bizarre the whole episode this is like a bizarre situation I talk to people I I walk my dogs I see people coming in and out because everybody has dogs there um in his units they say it's a one-bedroom I talk to everybody and when you have a dog Everybody Talks you and they're all friendly and the dogs are playing and and where do you live oh I live in the middle unit oh you have many bedrooms one bedroom one bedroom there's one bedrooms so there's walls andless you have a shower curtain and you're you're sharing and that's you you're calling that I mean that's the ridiculous there's one bedrooms so there's 12 units you guys have to go in in there you literally have to go in there you can't say you can't go in there you have to go in there and physically see what's going on there there's no one in the parking lot these people that live on coolage in the summertime these people are parking on coolage they're parking I have nowhere to park on vetner we didn't have parking before it's going to be absolutely worse now okay forgetting about the construction forgetting about tequila forgetting about all that I see people coming out out with their dogs and they're walking up the steps they live there they're parking on folage how about the people when they start coming into their homes that they live there and they can't park and they have to go around and around and they have to park all the way down into Longport because he has his parking lot fully blocked off that that liquor store his commercial is really only zone for three all the commercial is only zone for three correct free parking spots is that correct okay so what happens when the cycle Place comes in is she allowed to have any um parking she that parking when the cycle Place comes in because that's there are three commercial spots whether it's five commercial units or one commercial units how he arranges it with with his okay so okay it doesn't matter then so is it three total for all the commercial okay so how about every all those other spots are just sitting there apparently so that's ridiculous I agree with it come on guys you got to do something I I think I mean who is this guy God how much did he pay you he thinks so I mean wait a minute wait a minute I mean what what did he do I mean they're sitting there we need property the guy is I don't know what his game plan is we're agree with it they should be parted now what's going to happen come this summer you think those B are going to sit there bacing I don't know I don't know but I I mean I live I live next door I live in that condo right next door maybe make sense I agree with you it doesn't make sense there's eight of us we have nowhere to park I I have no idea why he is doing it the way he's doing it now but is maybe it's to get you guys all riled up no come on it's not just us it's I mean I live going to be vacant the entire summer no one will ever Park in those B is that is that what's going to happen I have no idea don't you have control we do not have control I'm sorry you have to speak into a microphone looking at it some more guys we know you're upset we know but we he if he has I just don't understand he gets away with all this he has one bedrooms he has one bedrooms I talk to the people we all talk there there's a big opening in those apartments come on and there are two bedroom residential units with a wall there's not a wall there's there's an opening there these people are living in a one bedroom all I can tell you is I looked at it myself there's an opening there there is a door when he knows you're coming that wall goes up what did they guys take it down that night the next day I don't know I'm telling you people excuse me you have to speak there is a door you cannot interrupt another conversation I'm we're not fighting withk we're dealing with it the best we can okay your name and address again please it's thank you so I just want to know about the door so where is this door that separates the the roommates in the unit yes okay and that's okay that's that's totally fine yes was shown that way in one has a kitchen one does not what's that one has a kitchen one does not that's true one unit has if you're calling them separate units there's an opening with the door and there's only one kit serving take the any more public comment said quiet he said that's right okay I've been in there with him three times name and address Scott Marcus three South I've been in there three times with him what upsets me again is his his feel feeling entitlement to do what he wants he showed me what used to be that that building that was the marble store and he said he was going to move upstairs I said really no he's not going to move upstairs but he could move upstairs then he showed me the apartments and he says I these can be two bedroom or one bedroom whatever I want to be with that problem yet right because I I know there's no Plumbing up there but two bedroom one bedroom he's going to do whatever he wants all I want isn't it true though there is a opening between those two bedroom units yes there is right that young lady was asking we're not lying there is an opening but you know there's you should know how many units are to be rented there's fire issues that should be considered 100% all of this stuff and and I'm saying it's it should be on him to present information that satisfies you us leases we inspected it we he gave you six six leases mhm okay it's not a big deal send him a subpoena for all the leases and see what you get might got six you might get 12 you know because when you come into a public meeting and you misrepresent yourself or you say things that are not accurate that's perhaps perhaps I'm not to make your job busier or less busy I never asked you to inspect this business I don't know about that I didn't hear that well anyway we'll look at it again we're aware well aware of it but there are some real problems here my knowledge comes from the down Beach thing I get on the internet every morning okay what's that tick to yeah so I learn learn about the tequila bar and they took down three walls because if you keep up one wall you you avoid you know having to come back to the planning board for approvals I don't know if they're doing that I don't know doing that uh I just want to be happy that you guys are doing your job and we want you to be happy well I don't care you don't want me to be happy that's all right seriously that's factious nobody likes being attacked oh you're doing something wrong or oh you're getting paid off no we don't like that I didn't say that well you know but it's it's out there I just want to get the I've said it twice now three times you guys are in charge make sure he does what you require not what he requires appreciate that thank you Scott I would recommend coming to City Hall if you want to want to speak with them and get um reputable information instead of using uh that website because bunch of falsehoods on there so but I read it early in the morning so it's Jimmy's in at s he be happy to meet you there at 7 thank you Scott any other public comment are you I don't know yet Jeff Hoffner five South Monroe Margate I guess this for the mayor these guys all work for you correct right they work for all of us what's going on with the sorry okay stop work order was issued last THS or two Thursdays ago Scott mentioned on record that the stop work order was to be placed we did stop the job and they have been fined and they're not working there right now you know you saw all the I were in right I was not here that day $2,000 yeah it doesn't differ but I what do you how is there um is there permits on the jobs or footings you guys did Jimmy you expect you've been there 20 years right we did yes almost over 30 um they we did inspections we done a number of inspections for the walls to be built we felt that we needed the walls to BU built now and not in the middle of the summer with all the activity in the area we wanted to be structurally sound so that um it wasn't cu the walls were so unstable we felt that if one of them could have collapsed at any time that's why we put the scaffolding around it protect people on the sidewalks um confidence going to help if a wall Falls over I know that's why we allow them proceed and built the structural walls these are flood resistant walls they're uh steel rebar I mean they're going to have to resist water up to uh I think seven eight feet right I just think the the city has an obligation to put dumpster in closure make things right it's plain simple they're coming back to the planning board and that will be addressed I me it's I don't I don't want to look at I hear from my neighbors they don't they don't come because they everybody's out of town who wants to look at 20 of trash cans and the smell is even worse that's I don't disagree with you one you know everybody in The Whole Town's got dumpster enclosure Dairy Bar everybody they have well they should just I don't know where just a about that's a mess now the job is stopped it's going to stay that way till it gets done right so we're damned if we do and you're damned if we don't you let them finish but wait we don't let them finish that's what you're you know stop what they work every six days in a row uh I don't know it's been stopped now for a while I was out of town my son just sent me I I know I drive by there in the morning there's no work on drive by on the wrong days that's possible thank you Jeff do we have any other public comment is there a motion to close public comment motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes we will now open public comment for Resolutions and ordinance adoption so anything on today's agenda if anyone has any comment please step forward to the microphone state your name and address seeing that there is none is there a motion to oppose to close public comment on resolution and AD ordinance adoption I got motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes Johanna may I have a motion for the introduction of ordinance number 8 2024 an ordinance amending Bond ordinance number 12- 2023 adopted November 2nd 2023 by the city of Margate County of Atlantic New Jersey to amend Capital Improvements and reappropriate certain amounts specified therein without increase to the aggregate amount previously appropriated under Bond ordinance number 12 2023 motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for the adoption of ordinance number 6 2024 an ordinance amending ordinance number one 2024 fixing salaries and compensation of certain officers and employees of the city of Margate City C Atlanta County New Jersey motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for the adoption of ordinance number 7 2024 an ordinance amending chapter 27 or 27-11 a parking meter zones of the code of the city of morgate city county of Atlantic and state of New Jersey motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for resolution number 121 2024 authorizing bill payments and claims motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for resolution number 122 2024 authorizing payment to colar Home Center motion second mayor Collins I abstain commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes resolution number 123 2024 was pulled resolution number 124 2024 was pulled may have a motion for the consent agenda which consists of resolution number 125 2024 through resolution number 133 2024 motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right thank you everybody is there a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner Lumberg yes commissioner horn yes you got R RZ I'll call you next week because I'm an hour late for baseball so --------- I'd like to call the meeting to order please Johanna will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Press of atlanic City Star Ledger posted on the bulleon board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all cell phones please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pled Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the stands Nation Under indivisible andice Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumberg I am here commissioner horn here welcome everybody we will begin as always with our engineering report Ed thank you very much mayor good afternoon everyone uh so we will kick off as always with our dredging project um the update here is really the same from the last meeting which is we are working on the final permitting plans to get those into DP um we're making progress there we have our updated um survey complete and we are also uh beginning to plan out potential phasing uh those types of scheduling items um now that we're getting very close to obtaining our permit uh we can start to Pivot towards the actual implementation of the program so that's good news um no update on The Shelter Island front just to remind everyone that is um something that Stockton the Stockton Coastal Research Institute is working on to respond to some of the comments we got from DP so we'll continue to work with Stockton on that in parallel with our permit application item C is a 2023 Road program which will be a fall construction project we have most of the engineering complete on Bay Fremont and nassal and we will be adding to the project with Fredericksburg Avenue in order to complete some of the utility work on bore drive and that is part of the upcoming capital budget so we will continue to um work on that that project for bidding uh sometime this summer item D is the streetscape in Washington Avenue along with some work on ventner Avenue in the parkway to add some uh Safe Streets to Transit items we have two grants on this project the field survey work is in progress there and we will also uh be meeting with a steering committee of some stakeholders that'll you know provide some input on this project so that is a work in progress um and you know we'll have more updates on that as we get a little more refinement on the design yeah just to update you uh confirmations from all but one uh person for that committee so hopefully within the next couple days maybe we can schedule a meeting for next week or the week after sure that'd be great jumping on that there's a federal aid numbers ought to be assigned to that very soon too okay good so that's great and that's an exciting project um once you know we kind of flush out the design there'll be more to talk about out with that um item f is therow Avenue which would also be a fall project so the survey is complete there we're just working on the base plans then we'll move into the design phase Redevelopment of well 9 is fall construction uh that is on schedule item H is the municipal building um Renovations the next phase of that work so we did receive bids on April 25th um did I skip one I did okay I'll go back to that we did receive bids on on April 25th um for that project and I believe it is on the agenda for award today um so we can move forward with that work I skipped over item e which is the Adams Avenue storm sewer pump station uh that is in progress from a design and a permitting standpoint we did have a kickoff meeting with FEA which I think I reported on at the last commission meeting and uh we did make one attempt at a structural evaluation of an existing Vault on Adams Avenue that we want to repurpose it was full of water um and I think it's being pumped out so that we can have rescheduled um structural inspection of that Vault sometime in the next couple weeks and then that'll tell us which way we're going to go as far as can we reuse it if we can't then we'll look at some other options so I'll be able to report back on that hopefully at the next meeting uh flipping the page to item I uh Jimmy met with uh someone from my office I think it was last week Jen yes um just to go over some next steps on that plan can I can I just a little bit so we have to go and do a a community assistant visit with FEMA they'll come down and audit us DET determine if we can jump up a class um that would be class four a 30% discount on insurance uh and he's pretty good he's pretty close to being 100% on that good that's it's a 60 page form I got to fill up yeah that's be fun sounds like fun yeah um so just to remind everyone like Jim just said you know this will help improve hopefully help uh certainly help maintain our CRS ranking and maybe even help improve it which would result in you know greater insurance saing for the entire municipality for flood insurance so this is something that is really an ongoing continuous effort so um we're getting close to the next tier there I guess uh item J is the ibank application for the lead service line project uh which we're working with Mr Rell on we're very close to um I guess locking in I'll just say the the funding um eligibility for that program and then we'll begin to talk about how we want to phase it how much work we want to do Under This phase what type of funding packages are available for us and maybe in the future um so we're getting close to the next step of on that to begin some of the actual engineering for the lead service line replacement program item K is uh the alternate traffic signal timing for atlanic Avenue I don't know if we awarded that or if we are awarding that yet um yeah okay um so that that is something that we're looking to have in place for next all season um so uh we got the the quote on that item L is ongoing work to comply with the state's storm water uh regulations we had to do some mapping work we got some comments back from DP which are being addressed um and we have been just working on the final touches of some ordinances that need to be submitted to the DP um which are actually already on the books and we're going to send them in just to um get their approval on that we comply with their program requirements for those ordinances it amend is the 2024 cdbg application which we have historically applied for to do uh Beach Block Street end bulkhead Ada access cut throughs so we're applying for another round of that work I think I mentioned at the last meeting that in past years we would get kind of an automatic everyone would get an automatic amount of money that we would apply towards this program this year they've shifted over to um where they're going to award less projects but for larger dollar amounts so what we did is instead of applying for just one street end I think we might have applied for four um just combined them into one big application so um and it looks like it was actually five so it was Fredericksburg Jerome Mansfield nassal and decator so we submitted that application we wait to hear back from the ACI on whether or not we will receive that funding for the next round of work uh no update under pending Grant applications but you can see that that list has gotten down to two items and what that means is we've been pretty successful in obtaining those grants because they've actually moved into actual capital projects which is a good thing um so we'll just continue to hammer away at opportunities for these projects no update on the pending capital projects other than some of these um are being considered as part of the next capital budget so they would be reactivated so to speak um and plan for construction jumping down to construction projects we only have two projects left on the list for maintenance bonds that are expiring this year one of them was the firehouse 2 project which we notified the contractor work that needs to be done before the maintenance Bond expires so we'll get that scheduled projects and closeout there's really no update on that list turning the page the item s Winchester Avenue project uh we should have the work pretty much substantially complete uh as soon as next week so the road work uh is scheduled to begin next week which will be great uh so we get that project wrapped up um the next phase of Winchester Avenue which is from Claremont to Douglas we are going to have preconstruction meeting on May 15th but that will be a fall project we don't want to start work and then have a half completed construction site uh through the summer so we'll just hold off on that until the fall and then the last item on the list Sumer Avenue and Benson Avenue bulkhead cut throughs uh we had our precon the the contractor um will be starting work on suar and expects to have both suar and Benson done by the end of June so really before our busy season we'll have both done so um so we will hit our SCH there great that's it thank you Lisa do you want to just jump in now to talk about the pending Capital because I know some of those are were reallocated comp wanted to just mention the um three projects for the sigr recreational complex are all going to be included in the ordinance that is being amended uh and is set for introduction tonight so you know with the commissioner's approval you can proceed with those um because the funding will be in place for that yeah if you want to keep going with your report we we could start with you today okay thank you good afternoon um question um I had an email from Jim Cahill at the library and if you want to discuss this later it's fine but is there any update um on two items the library roof because I know he's going to ask me that tomorrow so I don't know if you want to provide any of that and then he was also asking if the city wanteded to continue to split the cost for the uh New Year's Eve concert um with the bay Atlantic Symphony and also the Fourth of July concert so he's going to be reaching out to me tomorrow so if you could provide any additional information that I can convey to him that's fine or sure he did I do have a voicemail from him from yesterday that I uh have to get back to him he wants to coordinate a meeting to go over those things and a few other things at the library so okay um I can discuss that with him him but you and I can uh talk tomorrow as well that's fine okay thank well and if I may from where I said I fully fully support the sharing of the concerts as we've done in the past okay they're they're just a great great thing and very very well attended the public loves them so we should do our best to try and continue that relationship okay so we'll talk about that more tomorrow and um then I'll let him know that um just a couple things I'll try to be brief here one thing um our auditor has started their field work for the 2023 audit um the majority of it now is being done remotely which is great but they will be down to the city tentatively May 22nd through the 24th um so they've been requesting documentation for the last several weeks which has been provided to them so so far that's moving along uh to give an update on the C audit for the Lifeguard Pension Plan uh Dan and I had a zoom call or whatever a call with them the other day and you know teams meeting whatever it is technology um so hopefully I keep saying they're going to be done soon hopefully this is the last bit of information I did ask them how we were doing in comparison to other towns and he did say that you know morgate you know seems to be ahead of the curve so I asked them when they release their press release to give a shout out to morgate if possible but we'll see how that goes um also as you know in 2022 we switched providers for our ambulance billing um we previously were with DM medical and there was a lot of things going on with various um municipalities who utilize them which I don't think it was ever resolved but as a result in 2021 our Revenue was approximately $153,000 2022 it went up to 216 and for last year it was 263 so it's increased over $100,000 just as a result of switching our billing provider um and so far this year through the end of April we're up about 7300 dollars from where we were at that point in the prior year so that's being monitored I've been reconciling it on a regular basis and you know they're doing a great job um one of thing I want to report on is that Kelly has been putting a lot of time in actually it it's been a while but there's a lot involved in it as a result you know we're using the new HR platform with prime point and Hope and our intent is to you know streamline all these forms and documentation and authorization with Personnel so I did a run through um on the phone with Kelly and the representative today um there's a few more things to tweak on the form and once we send that back I would like to uh schedule a department head meeting to discuss this because we need to have a run through so that all the department heads are um become familiar with it and then can give their input um because you know they instead of now having to sign all of these forms it's all going to be done electronically but you know there will be a lot of emails forthcoming so um and I think that's all I have for right now thank you thank you Lisa Chief Hinson thank you Mar I'll try to be brief as well I just wanted to earlier this week I had the privilege to film a public service announcement with the hero campaign for Designated Drivers it's just it's kind of the time of year we're starting getting our summer season so it's kind of very appropriate that it was uh it was that time of year and just a reminder that nearly 13,000 Americans are killed by drunk drivers every year the hero campaign for Designated Drivers is dedicated to Navy Anon John Elliott who lost his life to a drunk driver the foundation is phenomenal there's a big Public Service uh message going out for for the summer season so again if you if you plan to drink don't drive have a designated driver so I want everybody to stay safe out there that's all I have thank you thank you Chief Roger thank you mayor and Commissioners at I'm sure you're aware that the community and the plan board lost one of our valued members Michael cist uh I wanted to mention it at the last meeting but was still kind of fresh and I wanted the planing board to recognize him first anyway so not only did we lose a value M of the wasag member of the community he a topnotch builder um found man anything you can ask for a guy he was it so I just want to put that on the record thank you thank you Roger Jim thank you Roger for bringing it out he was a true friend for many years um he came to my office and the first thing he wanted to do he wanted to know what was the rules for building in morgie and he we gave him the book and that forever you would always say I got the book and I read that book every day for the rules of morgate but it's a state book uniform construction c um the ordinance on the books for me um under an emergency building inspection program is something the state is implementing in case we have another Sandy um we had no help the last time um we kind of just had to do it ourselves now we're going to have assistance from other inspectors so um hopefully you'll never have that happen but just in case we have this new resolution we'll send that copy of that out to the state and then they'll um officially Mark that as morgate is has an emergency assistance anything else good thank you Jim Scott very little mayor I do want to go over the osor Avenue Strip of uh Beach that the adjoining owner wants a purchase from the city do we do that closed session we do it open I we go Clos I don't on there can do it any way you want refences here I'm comfortable if you want to just everybody good speak now well you know we've we've had a joining owner at uh osor Avenue in the beach there's a strip of land which was created I believe the bulked one was built there for the 62 storm they ran a straight line and they created these strips of land between the property line the bulkhead and the beach and we have sold some of these they were small say sold we would make an arrangement where they would build the street end maybe build the handicapped access and also their owns in this instance it's a little bit bigger it's 1756 square feet the gentleman has come to us we got an appraisal 520,000 we do want to have a street end bulkhead new access stairway and we also wanted to have of course a new bulkhead in his property too which fronts that bulkhead would protect not only him but the entire lot so what we've come down to with credits and I know Eddie you were looking at this was a little bit higher price on the per linear foot cost of a bulkhead and what we came up with is that he would build the bulkhead Street end as you know Osborne covers the ocean then it comes back there's an access there plus his additional 80 ft it was 520 the way we get there is he pays $2 24,5 in cash and the rest that he builds that bulkhead and public access to our engineer specifications that way we make sure it's done right we have done this from several others they usually were like four or 500 square feet this one's 1756 been a lot of negotiations he's actually pretty to do this do what's your I think um I think it's a win-win for the resident and our taxpayers and I think it's a no-brainer I think we should move forward good by me good everybody good and I'll move forward and I'll prepare the necessary paperwork I have the ordinance the agreement resolution we have to work on some issues about the zoning of the strip but that's something we can all work out so thank I also have to have a public hearing even though it's not on our Green Acres Rosie there was a question Green Acres asked us to conduct a public hearing we love to do so but it's not on the rosi list they they' admitted it it's not but the o side of the bul is is there a time frame for that hearing well I no I haven't set the time frame up I'd like to do it in the next month okay Build A Sign like we did for Lucy same thinger just add on that your answer your question about the zoning the way the zoning reads if that pad that air strip of land becomes part of that owner it reverts to that zone so we don't have to change oh great that's life easier great thank you and uh I'll let him know we're going to move forward I was pretty anxious to do this he didn't have to buy it used it for years so it's I think it's a good situation for the city too great thanks for handling that Scott Chief Adams thank you mayor uh just to report on a few things uh we actually had a really nice day this morning uh out at Fire Station 2 we were able to uh have the Atlantic vocational Day program part of Deo Advanced Behavioral Health um group come out and visit Fire Station 2 we made it a really fun day and a really fun event for them they got the squirt water put on some gear and um really good for everyone I mean it was good for the firefighters and for the the people that attended and the the person overseeing it said they've done several visits and this was by far the best that they've had their success so it was a good day there um couple things to report on to echo on Lisa on the EMS building I have to say the new company is diligent on getting the information to us or getting information from the fire department when we're missing stuff on reports they immediately send us an update and a document to get signatures when we didn't provide the proper information and their monthly reports are very informative so hands down way better than what we had in the past um I was on the phone today for about 45 minutes with njem grants we're trying to work out the close out on this building here to get that off of our list and and finalize everything and I think we're still ow money too correct or no but something but um there was a little glitch and they're working on it on their end to help me out to try and get through it uh there's three resolutions on the agenda today regarding the beach Patrol these are normal that we do every year for opening and closing the beaches listing the guarded beaches and the and also the beaches that we allow kaying um surfing and uh hob cats so that's just normal housekeeping that we do yearly I do want to announce the Lifeguard test date it is posted it's on our web page I believe it's on the beach Patrol Instagram as well it will be June 2nd uh at 8:30 a.m. Beach headquarters the cater in the beach and lastly I just wanted to provide I got an update on the fireworks and this is the letter that went out I don't know if you guys saw that or not but the fireworks the that went out the donations from Marg mothers and I got a report back today that they have more sponsors than they've had in the past and their head on donations and they've received more actual residents giving money to fireworks as well they're ahead and they feel comfortable everything's to be good a we've done the past that's it thank you thank you Chief Johanna I have nothing to report today thank you all right I'm just going to give a quick uh Public Works report uh Pat is at the New Jersey Solid Waste convention so he was unable to to make it um he just had a few things to add uh shredding event went very well they had 150 cars uh come through for that the spring cleanup uh ended up with six dumpsters full of uh items from that so uh again very successful and update on the water meter program phase one and phase two we are now at 49% complete uh for both of those so um we will now open up to public comment if anyone has any comment on anything discussed in this meeting please step forward to the microphone state your name and address Sher Lilian Feld 7809 Wellington Avenue um I brought this up a couple of other meetings about the capital projects and green infrastructure so I just want to know because now you're talking about I guess getting the funding are you going to do any green infrastructure with the um like perious asphalt things like that when you redo these outdoor spaces so this isn't something I I can't give an update every meeting on on this but I think you know we will take that into account on some of these designs we're going through I mean that's all I was asking know if you had like finalized no I'm not yeah yeah yeah that's all I need to know that you will look at it consider it and hopefully implement it if it's C I understand it's a higher cost so that's all I didn't it sounded like it was finalized when Lisa said you know you got the money so anyway okay we just have to have right we're just in the beginning part of okay I just look Now's the Time you know once you do it it's not going to be for another and it's a great opportunity to add perious space to our town that you know is overbuilt and has very limited pervious space so anyway all right thank you thank you Sher so this this open comment is only for items discussed here that would have to wait for the the public comment at the next meeting not until not until until the commission meeting after that follows this there's a public comment at the next meeting two minutes after as soon as we end here we roll into the next meeting hello hello Raz how are you I'm well Ro Feldman me crazy4 so this is not where I want to be but I'm here is parking and peeing part of our conversation tonight because I'm beyond frustrated I don't want to talk about Steve bag Libo I don't want to talk about tequila I don't want to talk about anything except for moving people around our community so again RZ this is only items discussed in this meeting you'll have to wait till the next I heard Scot say something we're going to build I thought bathrooms so tell me when you'd like me to appropriately attend so that I could state facts yeah if you want to minutes once we've closed this meeting and open the next one you can so the next one's today is that correct that is correct all right I'm going to sit down and wait thank you very much all right is there any other comment on our Workshop agenda items Mike I do please um so I wanted to talk I emailed uh Johanna on Monday after I spoke with at Dennis and um I just wanted to speak quickly uh and have some discussion around item H which are the renovations in the municipal building and that's also uh resolution 133 2024 I wasn't aware that the um the bids did not include any HVAC work so the pricing that came in struck me as as high uh 153,00 that's without any furniture to build what I think are you know what looks to be one big office and then maybe one auxiliary office in an existing office space already is that correct Ed are we is it one office or two that we're believe it's one office one office and then auxiliary space so what I wanted I asked uh what I'd like to ask is that we consider uh tabling that uh award tonight and either looking at uh an alternative means to get that work done uh Andor an alternative uh use of that space I I know uh we're interested in in a conference room uh I I just think that uh it's seemingly money that we could probably use right now for other projects I I'm tremendously interested in seeing us uh continue the the bike path on Atlantic Avenue all the way down because I think it's just so much safer now that we've had it painted green and we could use that money toward you know facilitating that project sooner than later so and I and I do think and I haven't had a chance to talk to Public Works that maybe if we did decide to move with something like that in that area that we could have our Carpenters try and build the walls and to we put in some type of less expensive um you know equipment if you will so that's that's what I was Roger wanted to discuss Roger Ed and Ed Pat and I walked the building is this probably we've done it a few times in the last couple months several times um this there was work being done by Public Works um previously uh we determined that was not a good path forward Public Works was not comfortable continuing down that path um I believe this money has been allocated over a year ago two years ago um it was a combined HVAC and renovation project went over bid went out to rebid was overbid again correct it was within the budget but I think at the time the business administrator wanted to move in a different direction but things weren't getting done as part of our walkth through I said let's the HVAC was given to cm3 to finish so HVAC is done and actually the first time it did was like $270,000 so the 153 or 158 whatever it is now represents a much better number in my opinion and the idea was to not have Public Works do it because as you did say they they weren't comfortable plus they you're taking them away from doing their daily chores here daily jobs here and we needed to get that bu that room done so my opinion is that this is the way to go and to I would recommend awarding it so we have another usable room right now we have three rooms there actually Four that we can't use um that's just yeah I would like to see I would like to see it you know move forward as well I feel like we've been waiting for many years and and we did agree that we those other rooms that aren't done we got to wait till we see what we're going to use those rooms for before we act on that right and for this room to sit empty after we just spent a good amount of money on the hbac in there would be and I was your mark three years ago so well yeah and for me the idea wasn't that it would be empty it would be that we would carpet it and put in a nice conference table and use it as a conference room instead of you know the the 15 3 but you know again I wanted to discuss it and uh hear everybody's opinion on it yeah I think and again we did walk and kind of do an inventory of the whole um there's about three different spaces that are half complete or you know kind of in progress um so I I do think it's that's optimistic yeah yeah yeah just trying to trying to be functional and we have some a lot of displaced uh employees that don't have office space well that's what I was going to say there are employees that don't have office space that some that do need confidentiality some that are sitting in the old gym um and that was the push to get those room on there is a room inside a room that would offer privacy to the potential user of that room right okay all right is there any other com M on anything discussed in Workshop seeing that there is none is there a motion to close public comment motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes is there a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn commissioner horn yes he distracted all right thank you everybody we are going to roll right into the next meeting in the interest of time I think everybody would appreciate that