like to call the meeting to order please Johanna will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Press of Atlantic City Star Ledger posted on the bulleon board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all Sant please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Alle uned States indivisible andice Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumberg commissioner horn here good afternoon everybody we will begin um uh with Sean Gormley just giving a little update on the health insurance uh that was presented at the previous meeting good evening let's pass summary thank you thank you for having us back I just wanted to provide a brief update to what we have been involved in over the past couple weeks since the last time we met um we have met with most of the employees regarding the concept or the alternative options that we had discussed previously on three different occasions and the the overall response from the employees is there's just a underlying concern for change um we have asked for specific concerns we've had a few folks bring to our attention some medications that on and everything that has been presented to us has been a positive result or would be a positive result should we move to the Horizon private plan okay um on Wednesday the 13th the State Health Benefit Plan uh commission met and released their mid-year analysis which we had just passed out it's this Aon report I folded the pages that that there's a lot here it'll could put you to sleep real quick uh the takeaway for tonight is Page 17 there's two bullets at the bottom that we've highlighted the first bullet indicates that local governments which Margate is considered a local government should expect double digigit premium increases for 2025 in addition to the double digigit premium increases next bullet indicates that they will be putting margin on top of that last year they put 3% margin on the program and the margin amount they put on ran into the into a deficit into a negative so we have updated our summary with a couple of things we've updated our projection of the State Health Benefit plans renewal and we're using 14% when you say double digits the first double digit you get to is 10 hopefully it's only 10 and the margin that they used of 3% last year wasn't enough so we're using 14% And I think that is very very conservative in addition to that this afternoon we received an update from Horizon where Horizon is willing to extend the proposal that they've given us to se excuse me July 1st so the program will could begin on July 1st and they were able to hold the rates so the rates don't change with all that being said if you go to page five of the summary if you go towards the bottom half where we have the light blue lines if the state health benefit plan were to increase 14% on January 1st next year the premium savings would be $414,000 if the State Health Benefit Plan only increases 10% the premium savings is $351,000 with that being said the city p for 72% of the premium therefore we expect the savings for the taxpayers of Margate to be almost $300,000 about $298,000 if it were to only Renew at 14% Horizon is guaranteeing the benefits to be equal to or better than all pre-existing conditions will be covered under any of the Horizon Plans offered ID numbers would remain the same existing medical prior authorizations will automatically be transferred to the New Horizon plan medical out-of-pocket expenditures prior to the transition date will be automatically transferred to the New Horizon plan Horizon's Pharmacy benefit manager Prime Therapeutics the formulary that we would be using covers more medication more medication than what the state currently offers through their optim formulary their Horizon formulary is an open formulary where the current formulary is closed so in the event that someone has a drug that is not on the list under the new program they will pay the $10 co-pay under the old program they had paid the difference cost which we have seen some of that here and We R some of them down and again they would have a positive result if they were with Horizon accessing those same medications under the equal to or better than obligation Horizon is making the following enhancements the pharmacy program will no longer have the mandatory generic it's significant people will be able their doctor rights a brand name drug they get the brand name drug it's not switch at the pharmacy to the mandatory generic the emergency room co-pay for the 2030 plan currently has $125 deductible that will go down to a 100 we have co- Insurance maximums within the policy the direct access plan and the direct 15 plan will reduce their family co- Insurance maximum to 800 instead of the current states 1,000 the direct access 2030 will reduce the family Co Insurance maximum to 1,600 from the state's 2000 regarding the maximum amount of pockets the direct access 10 will reduce the family maximum am of pocket to 800 from the state's thousand the direct access 15 will reduce the single maximum amount of pocket to 400 from the state 7,560 reduce the family to 800 for Horizon from the state's 15,120 the direct access 2030 will reduce the single maximum amount of pocket to 800 from the state's 7,560 the family, 16600 from the states 15,120 in terms of ancillary bells and whistles currently there's a program called B fit that it's kind of it's a health club reimbursement essentially that will that that will still be offered with Horizon if we were to go to the private plant nobody will lose that value ad I'll call it Horizon's plan designs are fixed employees will not experience changes like the State Health Benefit plan's annual maximum maximum out of pocket increases that are currently occurring each year the maximum out of pockets have increased through indexing that the State Health Benefit Plan commission does I talked about the midyear report um real quick on page five one of the other uh pages I folded over it just says at the bottom that all the good groups are leaving so we have some good oldfashioned adverse selection happening right now groups with good experience are leaving the state plan and that's putting more pressure on the rates at the state plan um I talked briefly about the uh second the bullets on 17 already and uh that's my update great thank you Sean you want me to leave anything um we have right so we have everything electronically we can pass along as anyone needs it thank you appreciate it all right we will move toward our engineering report Ed very good thank you mayor good afternoon everyone starting out with our dredging project we do have an update there so all the bath metric fieldwork which is the survey work out in the water has finally been completed which is great news so all that data is being processed and then we can finally update the plans and get them back into the state to get our permit so um that was the uh the Milestone that we needed to reach in order to get back into the office to update the plan so keep everybody updated on that resubmission on the Shelter Island salt marsh restoration uh Stockton will be doing some follow-up studies some of that is seasonal so they'll have to wait for some of the warmer weather weather to do some of those interviews with the fisherman things like that but we will follow up with them to see where they are with their progress the Winchester Avenue project we did open bids on March 7th there was a recommendation to award to Lexa concrete I believe on the agenda today um so we will if we award that contract that'll be a fall construction project um and and uh the way that we have the bid structure we don't want them starting work that they can't finish before the summer so in all likelihood that will be a fall construction project um 2023 Road program we're just in the process of wrapping up we also may be expanding that project somewhat in the next uh Capital Bond um just to incorporate some utility improvements that kind of tie into what we're doing there to make sure we don't um leave a problem um unsolved when that when that project is done so there'll be more on that um as we move towards the next capital budget next Capital Bond I should say um Washington Avenue street skate project along with the uh Safe Streets to Transit work on Venter Avenue working with the mayor to assemble a steering committee for that project um so we will um be you know working with that group um to take a look at what is being proposed for that stretch of Washington Avenue from the beach to the Bay um and solicit some feedback and fine-tune our design um so that project is in the design phase the next phase of our bulad cut throughs at suar Avenue and Benson Avenue are out to bid our bid opening is next week on the 28th so we will get that work scheduled as soon as possible the Adams Avenue Pump Station project uh is in the design phase uh we're working on that structural evaluation of the Vault and um I believe we did get some documentation from FEMA um regarding that funding um that's associated with this project yeah if I can interrupt I just received an email confirming the award of the grant so um um they need to schedule a kickoff meeting so I will forward the email to wh to Ed Roger do you need to be part of the kickoff meeting as well okay and I'll forward it to the Commissioners so to coordinate that and then um the grant document acceptance also needs to be executed so I'll provide all that information tomorrow thanks nothing like a kickoff meeting on a federally funded construction project um block out your afternoon okay um next item is therow Avenue so thlo Avenue the road program in Winchester Avenue are lining up to be fall winter spring construction projects uh so we have that project surveyed and we're just working on the base plans to move into the design phase flipping the page the Redevelopment of well N9 also is a fall project that work is in progress uh the municipal building uh Renovations that were originally bid a while back we are going to rebid that project um so that will be going out to bid shortly the library Park evaluation uh report is um in essence complete we did take a look at some potential short-term work that we might want to do um you know on that site uh so we're working on that and then once we kind of get that all squared away we can um refine that report with the final long-term outlook on uh item L is just the flood warning and response plan which is related to our CRS program program my office is working with Jim on that project the Le service line project um I think we're getting pretty close to the D um essentially uh allocating this funding for the city so there will be some movement on that shortly just as far as what the next steps are as far as planning and design um so keep everybody updated on that project the Atlantic Avenue traffic signal timing which is just the alternate uh single timing that we would have available to US during the next offseason we're soliciting some quotes to have that timing directive installed essentially so that it's available as an optional uh timing directive uh item o is the uh work related to compliance with the state's storm water regulation program so uh we're in pretty good shape there there's just couple ordinances that we'll will need to adopt by May 1 that we are working on and um just some additional uh work just based on feedback from D so that's in progress our pending Grant applications we do have one application that we are waiting to hear back from FEA on from mini Creek and um we have the cdbg grant uh application period has reopened we have historically used these funds for the bulkhead Cuts there has been a change in the program in the way it's being uh evaluated for projects so we will take a look at that and I'll be reaching out to the to the governing body on how we want to potentially submit our application and for what project I believe there is a a resolution on the agenda today uh for a grant application to do some additional bike lane painting so some of the green um bike lane painting the first phase of that was funded through basically a a discretionary a grant from the NJ do um so our grant consultant Jim Bella has indicated that we could apply again and go back to the well if we wanted to um for green uh bicycle lane striping on Atlantic Avenue so for the parts we didn't do and or green bicycle lane painting on Amherst Avenue along the pr so I think the way he has it written it's for Atlantic Avenue um but if you know it's whatever your pleasure is if if we want to pursue the funding one of the other or both so I don't know if we wanted to have any discussion on that or we'll just keep that on the agenda for approval yeah I think we're good with that very good um next item is just our list of pending capital projects some of these are being considered for some upcoming Grant applications and for the upcoming Capital Bond on construction we just have a couple projects course some remedial work was done under the maintenance bond that our inspection group is following up on our list of uh project Closeouts is item T you can see the uh historic City Hall and Firehouse projects being closed out and then the last item here is our current Winchester Avenue construction project from Douglas to exitor which we have the utility work complete and the concrete work is next um so we're making progress there and that's Mar great thank you Ed Ed Ed I have one question a project on Winchester Avenue at ess6 I believe they just did is there a time frame for possibly repaving that I will follow up if you get back if you could it's kind of in a less than great state right now understood than great thank you all right we will begin with our department head reports Chief Adams why don't we start with you tonight okay thank you mayor uh just a couple things one uh we had to do weather uh Saturday is going to be a total torrential wet down uh we're looking at up to 3 to 4 Ines of rain and the uh area outside of Station 2 the grass area does not drain very well so even with the Wind of 30 to 40 m hour on Sunday we've decided to move the Easter egg hunt to inside of Tai school on Saturday we're going to follow the same schedule we'll have a flyer and details going out electronically via all social media that we can get it out tomorrow uh morning but uh we felt this was the best way to keep the Easter egg hunt intact and to still have it and to allow our kids to have a great time um two I'm going to be working with Lisa next week because we were are going to be able to close out a grant that's been going on for almost two years uh for turnout gear uh we did receive the turnout gear uh this week and it is on the list for today for payment for the same so we will be able to close out that Grant we had an extension till uh March 31st barring no problems we should be able to close that out and that's all I have for today thank you Easter egg hunt the doors will open at 11:45 and we'll start the hunt around 12: noon Saturday high school thank you Chief Lisa thank you good afternoon um Andrew miles was unable to attend today so he asked me to just give you an update on our beach badge sales uh through uh February 29th there an increase of we sold 842 more tags and at that point last year Revenue was up $8,800 and the total sales as of February 29th was 2,550 um as you know the company Jersey Cape that provides the beach tags is also selling some tags for us via mail order that's been going very well um and it's taking you know some of the work off of the rec department with people sending in reservations although there's still numerous reservations coming in in the mail so everything is going well with that um on the agenda tonight for your approval you'll see that there was there's a resolution to increase the tempor Appropriations even though our budget hearing and Adoption of the budget is scheduled for April 4th there's a few things coming up that we need to increase the funding for mainly it's for the annual pension payments which are due April 1st so that's the uh justification for having that resolution on the agenda um a claim asset a claim has completed the inventory for all the city assets they provided us with a binder and also an Excel file which I believe John vit has shared with everyone um and going forward we're going to be updating it um they'll come back once or twice a year as well and you know help to tag the various items and remove them and keep it up to date so I'm very pleased with how that went and for the amount of money that they charged us which was extremely low um I don't even know how they covered their cost they did a great job with that um I think that's all that I have for right now thank you thank you Lisa Chief Hinson I'll be brief as well just a reminder that April 14th is the Cherry Blossom Festival from 12 to 4 with that comes traffic restrictions we always try to limit the the impact to the public as much as possible but it's a very good event was a great event last year was unforeseen I think good event and it's kind of starting the time of year you will see some traffic restrictions for even some road races that Margie always participates in we said we always try to let the public know beforehand about any any detours they might have to take but just a remind and I'll press it out the next meeting at the Cherry Blossom Festival on Saturday March 14th as I do every meeting and I'm reminding in reminded General incidents every day please try and remember to lock your cars to your vehicles especially with a lot of people may be walking around because of nice weather said crime never takes a holiday and a lot of it a lot of it is unsecured doors you can prevent a lot of crime by locking your car doors and locking your home doors that's all I have thank you thank you Chief I just want to clarify you said March it's it is Sunday April 14th Sunday April 14th yes yes thank you Roger thank you mayor Commissioners uh code enforcement has been going out a couple evenings for uh compliance with working hours and clle liness of job sites and we've been doing pretty well in a lot of the cont are being proactive in doing the due diligence and keeping a nice work site some wen't stopping at 5 o' and we're reminding them with smiles and courtesy to stop at work so that's all for now great thank you Jim whose microphone I can bar uh Ed underneath that um I was just running through the CRS manual that Grant application for min Creek drainage Improvement we can get almost 500 points if we come up with a plan on how we clear that channel and make it a part of the CRS manual oh we have a plan we just need the money okay oh well uh just an update on the um like Roger said the job sites we are constantly reminding the individuals to bag their saws clean up their mess and please you know have a safe site that's all I have thanks Jim Pat mayor commissioner how you doing um the water meter program we got about 30% done we finally got uh two extra crews in down too so we should be able to speed up that process a little bit um the dog park we cleaned up the dog park about two weeks ago put 25 tons of sand new sand down and a couple new locks on there so I think it looks pretty good I finally finished up that infield at the softball field took a while with the weather but we finally got it done our landscaper landscape contractor start will be in town starting tomorrow starting to do cleanups and uh start today ready he said tomorrow but they're here today and uh we're going to open up them fountains within the next couple weeks get them paint it and then have them ready for the Cherry Blossom Festival great and uh we started building two new stages for all of our events that we have also and uh hydrant flushing will be the week of April 8th and then I'll get with Danny and we'll do a phone Blast for that that be between 7 and 3:30 the week of April 8th and also April 13th ocean actions doing their uh beach suite so if anybody wants to participate this meet at the beach at Granville at 9:00 a.m. that's all I got great thank you Pat Scott we're all good thank you Scott you take Johanna I would like to know if you would like on next on our next agenda the resolution opposing the state of New Jersey new proposed Shore protection rules that has been coming around lately and Scott didn't mention it so I will ask if you would like to endorse that yes so I just sent Roger and Scott was that this morning yes um the county had proposed their resolution I shared it with you as well um so I think maybe if we have can review that just make sure what you had proposed a couple weeks ago I think it's very similar um maybe just change some language if need be or or go with we had but perfect so thank you just about every sh town is and even Inland because it affects all water all the water properties riving and everything it's just an overreach of D yes yeah makes sense thank you thanks Johanna all right we will now open up to public comment if anyone has any comment on anything discussed in this meeting you may step forward to the microphone state your name and address please hello uh Sherry Lillian Fel 7809 Wellington Avenue first of all um Jim and Roger you aren't at the commissioner's meeting on March 7th but I did say that I've really really noticed an improvement in job sites and so what you're doing is working and just want to thank you for that um my questions are really to Ed um the municipal building Improvement and Library Park evaluation um I'm actually current C ly taking a certification at Ruckers for green infrastructure Champions and it talks a lot about pervious SP um you know storm water drainage and runoff and look we're on a Barrier Island and drainage I'm sure is a big issue but they talk a lot about um green roofs rain Gardens um pervious um asphalt there's like a lot of things you can do as a city to help to help with um drainage and I don't know what these projects are the municipal building and the library Park evaluation but I'm just saying it would probably be a good opportunity to employ some of these drainage options so I don't can you explain Ed maybe what these projects are and if this is a possibility sure so the municipal building office improvements is an inside renovation so that would really um but the library Park evaluation is mostly focused on the Martin Bloom Pavilion but there is a portion of it that just takes a look at that entire site um The Challenge there is that that's a greenacre site so we have very limited control over doing anything on that site but with that said um I think that your point is well taken that if we do choose to move forward with any projects on the site um at the library Park that we could certainly consider um green infrastructure as part of those projects yeah I agree and even um Chief Adam said like you know there's always flooding you know for the Easter egg egg hunt like obviously there's an issue and I just again just wanted you to think about these things when you are looking at these Improvement projects um and then just the mini Creek drainage Improvement I happen to live three houses from there so I'm just curious I actually don't really notice any water coming up on my street so just what what are the issues there since I live so close to it so the the issues just generally are that when there's a high tide and the creek fills up a lot of the drainage from the surrounding area that drains into there can't drain off the streets so the the idea is that we would we would install a tide gate um structure that could simultaneously help with that but also keep proper flow going out of the creek so we don't have any negative ecological effects that's the basic gist of the project okay great that was it thank you great thank you do we have any other public comment seeing that there is none is there a motion to close public comment motion I will second mayor Collins yes commissioner horn yes Kathy anything to add no so um before we adjourn I just wanted to let every everybody know there's a dodgeball tournament at Ty school tonight and um at 6 o00 we have the police vers fire so we are uh in between meetings we will not uh take any break we'll continue forward so that anyone interested can make it over over to that so is there a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner horn yes