like to call the meeting to order please Johanna would you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements for the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Press of Atlantic City The Star Ledger posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all cell phones please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance iedge United States indivisible andice Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumberg I am here commissioner horn here welcome everybody we will uh begin with our engineering report Ed thank you very thank you very much Mr Mayor uh starting off as always with our dredging program items A and B so we do have a couple updates on item a which is our Citywide dredging permit the uh bath metric survey is in progress that's the last leg of the race here on the new survey information that we need which is good news uh we did have a dredge committee meeting I guess it was last week um where we discussed some next steps including submission of the permit application once the survey is done and on the Shelter Island salt marsh restoration project the committee recommend is moving forward with a proposal we received from Stockton to do some additional work in response to some D comments we got regarding their studies so I think that's on the agenda today for approval uh so we can move forward with that moving down to our other projects um Winchester Avenue is ready to go out to bid it's been approved by the dot for bidding so we're just waiting for Capital funding in place to move forward with that project following that will be the 2023 Road program which is almost done the engineering phase no updates really on item e which is the Adams Avenue storm sewer pump station other than we do have the field survey work complete so we're working on the permitting process and the engineering design that will be the new pump station down in the Amherst Avenue area that will help alleviate flooding um in that Corridor item f is the library Park evaluation which is being wrapped up um and we can use to pursue some potential outside funding to help with some work over at uh the library Park and at the Pavilion so we wrapping that up um flood warning and response plan is part of our CRS program it's an ongoing project um likewise item H is the ibank application that we have submitted for our lead service line replacement program which is in progress and we've been uh supporting our grant consultant jimella to make sure that project keeps moving flipping over to the next page no update on the alternate traffic signal timing uh for Atlantic Avenue that should be wrapped up very shortly item J is some updates we had to make uh to stay in compliance with some new state regulations related to storm order management so we've completed um one of the ordinance updates we completed some field work we had to do for some mapping updates that are being mandated by the state and there will be some additional ordinance updates that we will need to complete prior to May 1st um which we will um assist the city with so that will be an upcoming item K is our running list of pending Grant applications uh which you can see here really no update on the list other than we are planning to move ahead with the two uh bulkhead Shen Ada cut throughs one at suar Avenue and one at Benson Avenue so we do have uh cdbg funding associated with those projects so we plan on beginning the Engineering Process so we could try to get that work completed as soon as possible item L is a running list of capital projects that basically are are uh complete as far as engineering and will be considered for upcoming grants or uh an upcoming capital budget jumping down to our construction projects our list of Maintenance bonds you can see uh we have a couple that we're waiting on some corrective work to be done and once that is complete we can release those bonds and then there's three other projects that we'll be checking in on as the year uh progresses and we'll deal with any corrective work we need to prior to those bonds expiring the Clos out list is a little shorter we did um we are closing out uh two of the projects on the list the 2022 Road program and the Margate Library HVAC project um so those will come off the list on the on the next report also good news the municipal building interior renovation project the contractor did show up and complete the interior doors that um really was holding us up from closing this thing out so we can now finally uh move this project into close out phase all huah uh item Q is the water meter replacement program uh which is substantially complete there's another phase of this work that will work with Pat on uh last page item R is the batting cage so the netting was scheduled to ship this week or I guess last week um so we will keep tabs on that so we can wrap this project up and close that project out likewise the flood proofing at this building the materials are scheduled to ship next week uh so once we have those custom materials we can lay out the construction schedule finally get this work done that one is also long in the tooth the well a project is complete so that'll move into the close out list and then the last item on the list here is our current phase of Winchester Avenue from Douglas to exitor which is in progress they had the pull off because of the weather this week but they'll be back next week and that's my report great thank you Ed we will now move forward with our department head reports Pat would you like to begin thank you mayor commissioners uh everything been good in public works we had a water main break we had a fix last week um our sweeper is going to be off the road for about a month we do maintenance over to Winter this time of year so they're not going to be out there um we had our D inspection for storm water yesterday everything went well the inspector was very pleased with everything we do here in the city and uh we had five shut offs water shut offs for outside showers today so please win winterize your homes makes a lot easier for us than for yourself and that's all I got thank you great thank you Pat Jim he stole my thunder I was just going to mention the fact about the houses are freezing up and um keep the house above 65 I mean it's just if you put it at 50 you're taking a heck of a chance um we had three demolitions this week it's kind of late in the season us usually you don't see this many demolitions this late um they're not going to be done by summer that's for sure unless they have a streak of lightning I want to thank Pat for a great job of playing on all the streets during this last night snowstorm little humor right we got a full house we don't usually have we got three people in the audience but now we got like 50 um and that's all I have great thank you Jim Roger um planning board meeting next Thursday and that's pretty much it thank you Chief Hinson I'll just be brief because I have more on the ne I have more at the next meeting just real quick I wanted to recognize uh Lieutenant Fred f he's another retirement that I have at the end of this month he's been with the cities for 27 years uh January 31st this his last day he's had a very good career he's been a very intal part of the police department for the entire time he's been here and as you can say it's a time of big change in the police department a lot of retirements in the last 30 days so the next meeting we'll have the next generation of uh new supervisor in the city of Margate that's all I have than thank you Chief Lisa good afternoon I'll be brief as well so as not to delay the um good occasion with all the promotions and congratulations to all the police officers and their promotions um Ford Scott will be in next week to assist in completing the annual financial statement and the annual debt statement I'm still working on closing out the year end and uh uh implementing the entries also compiling the information to prepare various 1099s for the vendors and the Lifeguard uh pension recipients um the annual UCC report is due at the end of the month so I'll be completing that next week as well um the osc who is conducting the audit for our lifeguard pension plan they just reached out and requested additional information so I need to get that by the end of the month as well um other than that everything is wonderful thank you great thank you Lisa Andrew thank you mayor uh uh the bloom Pavilion this past Sunday uh hosted a trip to New York City um they took 54 seniors to see the show Harmony um currently in the rec department we are in the midst of basketball which as you know is very busy for us we have over 220 kids participating on 39 different teams between wck and travel and Tai School uh and as also you're probably aware at least you've seen if you look at the corner of Amhurst and Jerome on that field we uh in the process of converting that field to a true softball field a dirt INF field um so we're we've kind of been held up from the weather you can see the B giant piles of dirt on Edgar Circle uh and it looks like kind of a dirt swimming pool right now because um we've we've been held up because of the weather but hopefully in the next month with the help of Public Works we'll be able to get that finished that's all I have thank you Andrew Chief Adams thank you mayor Commissioners uh just to Echo what uh Pat power from Public Works said we were out on uh six calls today for water leaks and it's it's outside water connections that should have already been shut off and blown out for the season you know we're talking about the outside showers the the hose bibs and the sprinkler system so please take care of this if you haven't already because it will freeze up as we know and I think as it warms up we're going to see a lot more of them um to to segue off of that with the heating season and the heat really kicking in and everybody using it please make sure that you have working uh carbon monoxide detectors in your home uh this time of year you know your flu or something could be blocked or caused a problem or maybe your burner is not burning properly so please make sure you maintain your heater in that but make sure you have a working carbon monoxide detector on each level of your home and pretty much outside the sleeping areas uh that's all I have thank you mayor great thank you Chief Johanna all good in the clerk's office all right thank you all right we will now open the floor to public comment so public comment is uh any comment on items discussed in this meeting so if anyone has any comment please step forward to the microphone state your name and address seeing that there is none is there a motion to close public comment motion I will second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right commissioner blumberg anything to add nothing to report commissioner horn no all right is there motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes all right uh thank you we will uh start our regular commission meeting we'll give a two-minute break between meetings so um we will begin again in two minutes