like to call the meeting to order please Johanna will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Atlantic City Press Star Ledger posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all electronic devices please stand for the pledge of Allegiance flag United States Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumberg I am here commissioner horn here all right I will hand it off to Chief Hinson for the swearing in yes do the honors I think we should yeah we're GNA we're going to do it up last time kindly as I said earlier meeting due to recent retirements a lot of backing positions right now Michel nichas perero they were in the academy class two officers we were lucky enough to be able to transition start their careers in marketing so again it's a good day said they've done a really good job in the academy so again few more months in the academy and then they will start their field training officer program and be ready by July 4th as fulltime I Michael burillo I Mill and sincerely promise and sincerely promise and swear and swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America of the United States of America and the Constitution the constitution of the state of New Jersey Tru and that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially and justly andly perform and discharge and discharge all the duties of the office of police officer all the duties of the office of police off Police Department the police department of the city of Marg city of the city of Marg City to the best of my ability and understanding to the best of my ability so help me [Applause] God for matter I Nicholas Guerrero I Nicholas Carrero do solemnly and sincerely promise do Solly sincerely promise and swear and swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America support the Constitution of the United States of America and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially and and justly perform and discharge perform and discharge all the duties of the office all the duties of the office a police officer a police officer and the police department in the police department of the city of Margate City of the city of Margate City to the best of my ability and understanding to the best of my ability and understanding so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations your for also well con Le think wait for you to start thank you thank you all right moving forward is there a motion for the approval of the February 1st 2024 regular and workshop Capital minutes motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner yes all right we will now open the floor up to public comment if anyone has any public comment please step forward to the microphone state your name and address Steve 12 North Lancaster Avenue and I want to address once again the uh contractor's containment ordinance that we've been discussing uh we started this um in April we first brought this to the attention of our uh sustainable Margate meeting and we saw the uh damage that was happening um since then we get a lot of requests from a lot of communities and I really would like to um we're waiting to see what happens here because um our ordinance is kind of be serving like a a model um uh I like if if we're not going to move forward I'd like to take the ordinance that we have so far and present it to the other communities because I'm getting requests from their uh environmental commissions and the green teams to move forward to see what we can do about this because it's it's serious it's a serious issue and it's just uh Plastics that we're dealing with but it's also fiberglass I mean we have one incidence where a person starts complaining the M well their fiberglass their um grinding of fiberglass accent is going right into her herb garden and this is something that we eat so it's it's a lot more serious than we think and I think scottt b a very uh important issue about how the Plastics are in inundating our oceans it's serious I me I look we tried to find out what kind of laws are in are in place we couldn't find anything the only thing I find is how to protect the employees with um from the uh from the dust that accumulates uh so we are doing we're doing our diligence I'd like to know if what's going on yeah so Steve I appreciate your persistence and U we are certainly listening wear we are are working we as I've mentioned last meeting and and nothing has changed we're we're soliciting feedback from our department heads that are affected by the ordinance and working to craft you know what we believe answers all the questions we have and and they're still in the process of getting that feedback to us so I agree with the urgency there's no reason for us not to move forward and move forward in a timely manner but I'm not I would not be in favor of supporting something unless we have uh the full input from our department heads which we are which we have requested and is in process so I think it makes sense for us to do our due diligence before we proceed so I mean my belief is you know can I give you a timeline I can't I know um Roger I think you sent an email today regarding um a resolution uh containing to this correct right just to have something on the record that we are pursuing it and and since it is more of an awareness issue the resolution will help make the town in the city and peopleware and just for for uh other intensive purposes each permit that goes out the door has a flyer with it explaining the situation with the Plastics so it's not being lost in in the public I think you need to provide the people that are affected by this request of an orance change to be taught and and educated about the damages with the the plastic and other items with the fiberglass um I think it's unfair to start penalizing people without them knowing why they're being penalized that's my personal belief I and I I know there are some other department heads that share the same belief but we are enacting and it's posted throughout the municipal building about plastic awareness so we are acting on it and with your help you are foring people too I mean you made an an information session to the governing body I think that's a proper First Step but we got to be careful and penalizing people for something that you know if these other towns are interested why wait for morgate why aren't they introducing something maybe we can see what they're doing okay so what we did do is we presented them with the information that we have gathered to help them Al so they could start with the educational process um just to let you guys know I have over 35 years of uh of work in the uh building treats I'm a retired electrician so I have all kinds of cards in OSHA uh uh built right for scaffolding um medical cards it's something that we're educated on and I've worked everything from oil refineries to hospitals houses casinos and one of the things one of our educational processes to start cleaning up after ourselves and that's usually brought on by the insurance companies uh the things that has not changed or or the way we cut drill and sand these materials what has changed was is the building uh product itself so it's something that is very surprising that it hasn't been addressed anywhere we haven't seen it and everybody that we talk to they have their eyes open they say I never thought out so I think this is a positive thing that we're trying to do to get out there because it is affecting the future of our children and us it's you know we all I like to fish but I don't want to see what's happened to the same thing like with the Mercury contamination that we've had before in the past dead contamination that's going out the ocean things like that so I hope we can move forward with this um and any way any way that we can help any way that we can help just let us know great thank you Steve Steve Steve hi um Sher lilenfeld 7809 Wellington Avenue um I understand you're working on it and you're talking to the department heads we're in a critical time right now right now now all these homes are framed what comes right after that is all the Plastics and all the um siding and this is when right now till the spring through the spring through summer is when this contamination is going to be all over the place so I appreciate you wanting to talk to the department heads and everything and this has been going on a few months but can you give a timeline I know say we can't say timeline is there like is it going to be the end of the summer because by then there's going to be too much pollution already like is it next meeting is it when can we expect to see something if I had a timeline for you I would tell you but I can follow up with all department heads and try to get answers on when I will have responses or when the the commission will have responses from them well if you give them a deadline they'll have a response for you is that not how it works I mean I've worked in the corporate world so I I've never been involved in talking to Commissioners and trying to get something yet like do you have a timeline you set for them I have not my department heads I have not given them any deadline I mean I can't speak to for the other two but which department is like responsible which of you is responsible for like code enforcement isn't it more like a Code Enforcement issue but I think it cross Department because you have code enforcement and then who's going to enforce yeah so I think it I think we all have a hand in it okay if you had to take a guess one month three months four I'm just telling you right now all these homes are all these properties that have been knocked down are all framed they're coming in now the siding sitting there all the plastic is sitting there it's coming now and as you probably have seen NBC News story and they happen to have seen one of our homes it was in the streets it was on the sidewalk they're already siding they're all the Plastics being cut and the one thing I want to say is um these Helms are framed there is garage enclosures right okay they don't have to do get any special equipment just saw the stuff in the garage put a tar down how much does the top cost $10 maybe 15 but I think I think the challenges are a lot of the things that are written in that ordinance don't cover that so we're making sure if we do it that we are covering that it called for you know clean up by a certain time of day the pictures you're taking if that's at noon that's not that's not a fine for them they you know they just have to clean up you know their their project at the end of the day so I think the key part of all of this as Roger said is education because we want people to realize that hey if it's blowing all over the place this this is a problem and and we are I mean as soon as you came to the first meeting we had Flyers out and they were handed out to everybody in the Construction office that came through so so we're working forward I will make an effort before our next meeting to deadin uh speak to speak to our department heads and try to get you a better answer okay and in terms of Education I stood here the last meeting and I said and I realized education is a big part of it and I volunteered that I can help with the education and also suggested maybe have a builder's task force or whatever Roger said that's not going to work once you give the first fine then they'll get the message so now you're talking education which I love to hear and I totally agree that's the way you're going to get Buy in when they understand it and I'm happy to help I also have another idea you can consider I spoke to a friend of mine who runs a construction company for multif Family Properties and he said like when the L certification came out that's for Energy Efficiency and stuff said there's incentives for people to do to build efficient homes and stuff and I don't know maybe we want to have a a contest or some kind of reward for someone who keeps the cleanest work site or something I don't know there's a lot of ideas that can come out to to Really enforce this and have people have the builders buy into it but again I think education is really very important I'm glad to see you doing that but when you give them the flyers I don't know if they read it maybe they should have as I also suggested a plan how are you going to contain your contaminants on your work site they should have that they should already have that for the storm water how are they can can contain runoff and contaminants it's a lot of ideas but anyway I would like to see a timeline so sorry I just I just know it's coming we're we're mid February and these homes are it's it's coming and you know this because you're in the business you know when um these buildings are getting um sided and fiberglass and ters are getting cut okay I guess you had enough thank you corosi 7702 Amhurst Avenue like a CL clarification on this consent agenda 51 it's been a problem since Co citizens last year for the first time did not have Essex Avenue closed for bokeh for their tents to be out in the street so with the ordinance going in effect for this summer are any streets being closed so this ordinance just allows for them to provide applications I understand doesn't mean they're going to all be granted and there is no plan to close any wor about that we went through this February with the commission there is no plan to close any streets okay and parking lots it says in this ordinance can be closed problem in the summer with parking considering we just closed how can I say an air and permitted a building to go with a up a bar on the second floor down the street from Parry bar so that area is going to be mobbed now with nowhere to park so my concerns are is that no streets to be closed if our Granite tab outside you know dining I don't care be on the sidewalks or whatever but when they' had closed ess6 everybody's coming down Delan from Amherst so I don't need that again you know last year was fine ess6 was open this ordinance you're going to pass it's it's going to say fine will'll give you a permit but it's only on your property I don't care if it's in their parking lots yeah everybody has to put an application forth and I think Roger you're the one that receives those and makes a determination along with the chief as far as I state law I'm the one that's empowered I share it with the Chiefs and we we cover all of our bases as I said last year there will be no streets closed S6 Avenue was not closed last year it was closed for for boa years before that but there will not be any more streets closed and as long as it's on their own parking lot and that's Roger and I talked about before it's their private property to put a ten up for outdoor seating that's that's their choice for the businesses Roger and I look at all of them every year but there will be no street closures okay well that was was for the first time last year prior to that he's right it was not CL okay that was the concern thank you thank you Dennis thank you uh Kathy hesman 22 South Adams Avenue um I have something different to present uh we were talking last year and Steve brought it up about the bikes and helmets and so on in the Sentinel dated January 17th and I was going to share it with the chief but he had all those people um they offer incentives for bike safety so I was going to share that with him one of the things they this is Ocean City right down the way um they give out if a person has a helmet on then they stop them they talk to them about it and then they give them coupons piz an ice cream or something like that oh I'm sorry uh they offer uh what they're doing Mac and Mano is giving them Pizza sodas whatever but there's a positive reason to wear a helmet um I mentioned it tette and she said they've done it in Hamilton's Township and it's been a success so I just wanted to share that great thank you know yeah they said we've done all those programs but sometimes even though we give people free ice cream they still don't want to and if we give them free helmets they don't want to wear we give free helmets to kids at the so sometimes we can't be the parents like I said parents kid to leave the house without a helmet said and make a custodial stop of child sometimes was a little bit tough though well my nephew was 14 when he was hit by a car right flipped his bike over flat his face thank you Kathy we talk about helmets I understand that how about enforcing the bike laws bicycles going up a oneway street Dennis gorosi 7702 Amhurst Avenue where do we enforce the laws for bikes going up a wrong Street you know riding the wrong way in these green lanes that we pl painted out there for them it's become a nightmare on on Atlantic Avenue if you have one lane now trying to make a right-hand turn onto Washington Avenue and the bikes don't respect it you have cars who are behind you if you're stopped at a light Crossing into the bike Lanes so it's enforcement all because Atlantic Avenue I willon drive in the summertime it's a mess now with just nobody but with the people come down with the bikes they don't how can to say share the road with people driving so the only ones that canfor that is the police if they see somebody doing something wrong giving them a helmet fine you know give them a dairy qu yeah but they don't they're not obeying the laws so maybe that needs to be looked in by our Police Department thank you Dennis a um Kathy I do think maybe we could reach out to the schools and ask them you know at their assembly to just do a reminder again and I I do think that works a little bit sometimes when we you know the school gets involved and speaks right to the children and we could do that again and reach out to the schools and ask them to keep that in mind we've done that in the past on the in the Wednesday folder we always do there's a Wednesday folder we always put notifications and we do a bicycle Rodeo every June with the schools so we do a lot of education for the children and the schools and the parents regarding the bicycle helmets so it's something we've always been on our agenda we we have bicycle officers we have trained bicycle officers that are in the summer on the streets weather permitting you know in the winter it's a little more difficult because it is chilly and to be on a bicycle in the Winter's a little bit chilly for some of my officers but again we do we do take it seriously thank you Chief hman 22 South bam since we didn't have the fall FunFest might there be some things you know we do the giveaways that might pertain to bite safety I don't know because we didn't have it because I know I've picked up rures from various towns where I've been about bike safety and tips and things like that at all the at all the community events the police department always has a table we've done it at beach dock we do it at FunFest even at times we have a Cherry Blossom Festival this year it's something we could do there we always have a table set up with a lot of informational packets and again something we're well aware of it's something we we stay on top of all the time so it's it's always on our agenda well but I mean in terms of sharing it with the schools yeah yes so we the cherry blossom is a good one and the kids will have they'll have a um table as well and I always announced the I always announced the bike rodeos they said we're always in partnership with fora and Venter they come down and they always assist us they check the bikes make sure they're safe for the kids for the summer we go through an obstacle course with the with the kids with my bicycle officers so again we do we do a lot of Outreach for bicycle safety with the the young adults and Kathy you should see that because it is great the bicycle Rodeo it's the kids love it it's fun and they get free pizza and they get free pizza all right do we have any other public comment is there a motion to close public comment motion second that mayor that is com resol okay and then we need to go to the next okay because we rolled from one to the other I didn't go into resolutions yet so oh okay I gonna close public comment first and then sorry so do we want to close yep close one of them so you want a motion started with resolution 51 one I was confused we did roll okay mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right we will now open public comment for Resolutions only if anyone has any comment please step forward to the microphone state your name and address seeing that there is none is there a motion to close public comment on resolutions motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes Johanna will you proceed please may I have a motion for resolution number 47 2024 authorizing bill payment of claims motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes okay I have a motion for the consent agenda the consent agenda consists of resolution number 48 2024 through resolution number 62 2 2024 motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes we are tbling resolution number 63 2024 authorizing a person-to-person liquor transfer due to the fact that memories will not be able to go to settlement until March so that will return at another day um may I have a motion for resolution number 64 2024 declaring closed session motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes at this time we will ask that everyone leave that is not involved in our closed session am I on okay so we're coming out of a uh closed session we discussed a number of topics one of the topics is the sale of the Osborne Avenue beach and and we're going to go back to the homeowner and make a proposal which would include a credit for bulk getting uh the beach end area there number two we are going to uh pursue tailor and we're going to talk with the lawyer for tailor and see if we can't firm up a possible agreement uh although I don't have specific terms at this point three we what was the third one we Personnel Lucy no Lucy Lucy committee we're moving forward to uh most likely enact we're looking into the financing and act some kind of financing to help the Lucy project we do not we have not set a dollar amount yet is that fair to say and we will be uh considering it once we get the cost estimates which rich to get to us and um I think that was it on the ca t Okay anything else that was it we're out of close session Personnel we uh did discuss personnel and the issue we're going to talk to Cindy cotton about organization and um exactly where the different appointing authorities L that should do it all right thank you Scott is there a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes thank you everybody sorry