##VIDEO ID:yYnCX7oPGpA## like to call the meeting to order please Johanna would you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Atlantic City Press Star Ledger posted on the bulleon board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal cler please turn off all electronic devices please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance salute IES Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumberg commissioner horn here all right do we have a motion for the approval of the August 1st 2024 regular and workshop Capital minutes motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner horn yes all right we will now open up to public comment if anyone has any public comment please step forward to the microphone to state your name and address seeing that there is none is there a motion to close public comment the water pump station do we know what that looks like and where it's being placed can you just state your name John D tono from the bay front fill is 9500 Amherst Avenue um the the pump station for the water park do we know what that looks like and where it's going to be placed I mean is it a big I think of the pump station I think is something the size of his room undergr so the so the the thought was to use the existing uh Adams and Amherst location uh I think at the last meeting we mentioned that that was not looking Fe right that's why we're we're that's why we're going to meet with Green Acres to discuss the diversion process to put it under the parking area that's at the Amherst AV the Waterfront Park put it there um just because we're don't have can't find any any ground to do it and probably the least um impacted with utilities that are out there so we're looking to put it underground probably the only thing that would be above ground would be a control panel you know just like I mean there's already a electric panel box out there so it's not going to really look all that much different than what's there just having another P Bo thank you app thank you afternoon hello Joan gerada I live at the morgate Mariner in unit 129 of one right next to Memories um so I think I mentioned before that I don't park in my parking space however not parking in my parking space I think gives the right for these scumbags to now vomit in my spot I have that on a ring video I was mortified when I saw that he just stopped and so I don't know two e leave your car there and you know have your car I don't know abused or have vomit in there um Uber lift is a problem they're parking on Jefferson Avenue they're parking on Madison and they just wait for their guests to come out and block everybody's parking spaces they used to be able to park on Amherst there should be a designated spot for them and the police should be enforcing this they should have them move it's just a mess around there it's just is urination still going on like I said the vomiting um we just need a police we need more police presence on the streets not in front of the club not in front of the club on Madison and on Jefferson especially Madison because that's the side that they seemen to come over we have installed a more gate our steps that go up to the second floor they had to enclose that so that they stop urinating over there that really didn't stop them it's a little bit of a deterrent not much um but they're still going there and it's just if there was more police there maybe they wouldn't be so enticed to just walk by and vomit or urinate all over the place it's just the music is still too loud it blaring I came down last night for a couple things I had to do today especially for the blessing of the water and I got in bed last night it was 1:00 and it's like thumping it's like someone has a mallet and just hitting it on your head when you're trying to go to sleep we come down here to relax it's just it's just not fun anymore it's not and and I just that club being open till four o'clock is a real problem I know they got permission from the city of morgate but no Club down here should be open till four o'clock it's we're not Vegas we're not Vegas it's not you know something needs to be done and we need help we need help so it's my rant for this week thanks thank you hello my name is Sergio poov 9500 Amherst Avenue um we still have a problem on Amhurst Avenue um it it goes on from like 11 till 4:30 in the morning the Uber drivers are a problem the Uber drivers Park in Fr place also the Uber drivers are blasting our music hazard lights it goes into your living room the hazard lights you can see it flashing all night long um you know I've witnessed many people many people walking on Amherst Avenue it's dark on Amherst there's no lights there there's about five lights that are out between Adams Avenue and Jefferson or is it uh there's those old box lights all those lights are out they would be a big help for police be a big help for for uh the police officers to see the people publicly urinating on people's property um I think it's uh I think it's Madison and and Adams Avenue there's about five old school box lights they're all out and they're flashing they're just flashing all night long flashing um you know I witness a lot of people walking out of uh the nightclubs and they're holding drinks in their hands there's little oranges little slices there's clear evidence those are coming out of clubs um I mean are we are we allowing open containers to walk out of these clubs to these bars are we allowing this is this is this okay you know because it's walking up and down ammer Avenue it's clear signs of it the trash is there I mean are we are we ticketing these people uh uh that are walking with these containers what's to stop these people to get in the car and then go drive off and kill someone are we going to be responsible for this so I'm concerned I I have a seven-year-old daughter you know I come there to relax and I'm not sleeping uh I I hear people all night long under my window sitting on my patio furniture when they leave the nightclub they're sitting outside of my patio furniture at 4 in the morning I have to then be a vigilante property owner and tell them to get off my property at 4:30 who needs this you know you could understand my position you know I could call the police a hundred times you know so I I need I need more police presence in that in this area we need your help thank you thank you John again from the Bayfront bill is so to back up the parking uh from the Mariner to around the corner down Jefferson to 214 Jefferson if you guys can put up no stopping or standing signs or possibly paint lines that say no stopping or standing I mean some legal means to discourage Uber drivers or anyone else I mean we understand the water parks there we know where we live right we understand the water parks there the drop offs usually and stay with the car walk across the street they quick it's inconvenience but it's dealable but what other people are talking about is at you know 122 3:00 in the morning where you know they're there for a while because they're waiting for the next fair to come out of the club and um it it it is very disruptive and if we had it gives police the tools to set to tell someone to move or to give them a ticket right now I know where are they going to go I know on the Madison Street there's a lside memor it's very very dark so the people get out of Uber drivers that are delivering them every one of them has cans in their hands or bottles so they know it's going to be a half hour line to get into memories and they drink when they're in line and they urinate when they're in line now I know Teddy's done a lot of stuff to he's got a dozen people working for him bouncers and all walking around the neighborhood trying to keep the neighborhood you know reasonable but 2 o'clock in the morning you're dealing with a lot of unreasonable people right and those guys haven't to my knowledge really haven't gotten any fights haven't you know they're not we don't need them to to get in fights right because they can't Patrol beyond the nightclub right that's police Juris friction or whatever but just something to discourage the parking and the noise the urination is rid urination is ridiculous um but I there's plenty of police presence I think there's a lot of police presence right the kids going in the clubs are in their 20s and the police officers are in their 20s and the police officers are standing outside the club watching the girls go in the club flat out right which I can't blame him because everybody here was 20 once right there was undercover police I only saw them one weekend two young kids they were very very nice draft in the Philly jerseys they parked on Jefferson and I mean I I no I saw them one night it could be every night I don't know but if if you could put a marked car there so there's six cars six markate police cars in front of memories if you could put one on the corner of Jefferson where it's illegal to park right that last spot and maybe one on the corner of Mayers because everybody's walking for Mayers with drinks as well I mean I know where we live right but there's something more you be done that if there was police presence on the corner of Jefferson or visible or those 10 police standing in front of memories can walk down the street like a street Patrol every half hour hour you would discourage a lot of that behavior I mean it's not like we're talking about get bad kids right we're talking about opportunity right they got an opportunity to walk down the street with a container they got an opportunity to throw it on someone else's long they have a dark corner that they can urinate in and if we discourage some of that behavior I think we'd get a better result without really going crazy but just a thought right thank you Dennis corosi 7702 Amhurst Avenue last meeting I brought up the fact about the parking lot that's across the CVS the uh police chief wasn't here at the time so since he's here now you said there was an decision made to change those free parking spots to be paid under his decision okay so my question is what Revenue have we collected since this time because I go past it and I don't see anybody very few cars park there because of this way they have to go on the App pay for the app and people don't want to do that so I can tell you for the month of August from Park from the for the month of July from Park Mobile we received a check for $222,000 $22,000 you're telling me the 20 spots generated that I'm just telling you in all the parking lots in Margate I don't know specifically that lot but overall the parking revenue for the month was 21,400 I believe can you find the finance person do you get it broken down by lot I can check yeah I because I'm saying you're not generating that much revenue from there people are very you know not g to say upset with this app type of thing if if you ever try to get on and use it it is ridiculous sometimes but my question is that during that time you lease 20 spots out to a realator why do they get get it leased out so so this was brought up at the last meeting and and I have not seen the agreement but I believe it was it was an agreement that the city and the um the building owner have going back 20 plus years and it's a longterm back over 20 years that arrangement I don't know when it runs out eventually it does run out well I would say somebody check because 20 years is a long time to least pretty long pretty long to least 20 spots because I've been here 20 years I don't think it's 20 I think it's 12 uh 20 it's 12 and there are other businesses that lease some those space well I'm just saying there's 20 lease spots there one lease is okay one lease is 20 and what's the other ones they reason uh I don't I don't know the different businesses they lease like one or two spaces I remember looking into it a number of years ago to see what was going on it was legal it was done long before us they relied upon that they if you're changing benches out after 10 years you don't think parking spots need to be done before 20 years well it it was a long-term lease that still has many years left on it so we can't okay remove ourselves from that lease until till the time is over the ones that are leasing are businesses that weren't there 20 years ago for instance the realtor that has like I think 20 spots but you're saying you know there's other ones there it's 20 I think it's there's a total I believe I believe the lease and I I may be mistaken but I believe the lease is with the the owner of the property and he he rents all of those spaces out the building spaces you know on but Venter Avenue and he has the opportunity to use those the city doesn't own that lot the city owns the lot and has a long-term lease that was signed many years ago that with who that's I'm saying so you sent the pump I'm trying to understand this is that the city owns this property we need parking spots you evidently gave this lease to somebody to maintain it the property who gets the money for the the least properties the city or the the city does okay so you have somebody managing this for 20 years am I correct I mean there's I mean is it's a lease that the city's has who's responsible for the lease if the city's property would be the city that we maintaining the lease am I correct City leases it to the building owner who then can subase to his tenants who the building you're you're confusing a building owner if we the city owns the property the buildings in front of that property are all owned by okay by one person so you're giving the people who own those buildings that was the lease that was signed many years ago so um but those businesses have changed in 20 years but the building owner has he has the lease he has the opportunity and if the owner right you're suing one person owns all those buildings owns that entire strip yes the entire strip so you gave them that lease that's greater than 20 years I did not but saying city is giving them and has not looked into getting that lease back so those parking spots can be open to people for parking at the end of that lease that is something certainly we will look at okay when can we find out where this lease ends because know it's 20 years y we will we will find out we were we were looking into it after the last meeting and did not I have not seen it but continue to to look and we'll get back to the next you're telling me that we're making money over all the parking lots here so that's collections all over the areas 22,000 well that's expected since I expect you know more but why was the decision made to not take those 20 which have been free since I've been here in Margate 20 years were never paid for I could tell you that denn there people were sit parking in there for the whole weekend and people were parking in there and going to the be trade hours and the cars were sitting and we were getting calls that there were cars there all weekend so initially we did not charge and then this summer we decided to charge just $1 an hour I do know the app is a little crazy I personally don't like using the app however I do use it when I need to find a spot I did get a parking ticket last weekend because I did not use the app appropriately um but I know how to use it now there you go but I'm just saying that for 20 years you're saying so people were parking there there's no sign that there 20 years that I've been there saying you can only Park so many hours no it there was a sign saying the lot is closed between these hours but if you had somebody with a complaint about it then wanted somebody Mark the tires and put a sign saying two hours parking over excuse me okay then put then you just Mark the car Jersey state supreme court can you do you have do your officers carry cell phones they're not going to use our personal cellon do they have to generate an incident for everyone two gener then generator two hour parking is very difficult to enforce now because of this changes in the state supreme court municipalities par mobile that's the way they enforce it is they do it all in their business district because they want to trans trans par but do your idea is the person can stay there and keep putting his dollar an hour in there up to a certain up to a certain time that's what we usually do well what's a certain time the bont usually up to 24 hours that was done 24 hours that's that's 24 hours 24 hours okay so but this parking lot that's across from CVS is what 24 hours two hours it's it's up to it's the same 2 24 hours the same it doesn't make sense it is and you know Chief mentioned it a couple meetings ago about uh limiting in the business districts to a lower hourly amount so that we get the the turnover and when commissioner horn said people complain those people are the business owners that you know their patrons use that lot to to shop in their stores and when the cars sat there for weekends or or sometimes even weeks at a time if they were there for weekends there was a sign that says you couldn't park there after 12:00 or whatever it was sign then it gets towed that's all how do you know it was there for 12 hours 24 hours if you're not allowed to Mark you're allowed to mark them it's very easy in this get enough money to buy a $3 million gas station you can go out and buy a cell phone for each to your officers there's 28 of them I'm in 28 to take a picture take a picture with your cell phone they don't have to have service just use it there let me try one more time let me explain it to you on Amur Avenue people who had their red residences the town houses they would take their cars on Thursday afternoon or Friday they would move them across the street and park them along the bulkhead and leave them there for the whole weekend and not move them dozens of them was there a sign that says you could not park there how could you enforce that you can't you can't mark their cars you can't tell so they would leave their cars there and they probably still do this in his day no they don't because now well there's a meter and they get a ticket and so they don't do that what they would do their car and their parking spaces would be open for their family and friends you have an app that's right I have a smart daughter who told me how to use it so how do you know the cars there if I parked them you tell me every two hours you're going to check you got to get a kid to show you how to what happens is there is enfor officers can pull it up onile display terminals in the car and if there's not well then you're telling me there's how you can mark your cars that okay but I'm saying that's the way fine but okay I understand the app works okay but the thing is is that you are taking this app is going to be only good for 13 weeks again because after that you're going to charge people who live here in the township oh now we're gonna let me guess Memorial to Labor Day oh so this Memorial so we're penalizing here we go the people that transi in traffic is you're not going to get trans the idea get cars to move okay you're not going to get cars to move for 13 weeks between Memorial Day and Labor Day because you're forced people that down here grow it's just like I'm saying you're buying a parking lot like we did for 13 weeks these the Exxon station because after that there's nobody down here we're less than 5,000 people permanent residents so the fixes are only for 13 weeks so again it doesn't make sense you try to get people who live here the opportunity to park free and I mean I understand what you're saying but your police force you're telling me you have enough police now you've upped your Force for the new people got new cars and everything and you know I didn't know my Police Department just so you're aware you didn't fill your new recruits I have it's filling in retirements I have retirements I have 28 police but you filled those spots yeah but I I I I have at one point 15 years ago there were 40 police officers I'm down need at this point okay and that's 20 and after the 13 weeks is that enough to patrol the entire 39 weeks yes okay don't need to over Force I'm just saying it doesn't make sense with this parking lot I mean I understand for the 13 weeks you're trying to turn it's not going to turn over that much traffic look and see what you're going to get how much money from there people are fed up thank you thank you Dennis is there a motion to close public comment motion I have a second mayor Collins yes commissioner hor yes all right we will now open up public comment for resolution and ordinance adoption only so if anyone has any comment on today's agenda resolutions or ordinance adoption please step forward is there a motion to close public comment on resolution and ordinance adoption motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner horn yes Johanna would you proceed please may I have a motion for the introduction of ordinance number 17 2024 an ordinance amending chapter 257 vehicle and traffic of the code of the city of morgate city county of Atlantic state of New Jersey motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner horn yes may have a motion for the adoption of ordinance number 16- 2024 an ordinance to authorize a private sale of a portion of real property known as block 16 lot n on the tax map of the city of Margate to the contiguous owner thet pursuant to njsa 40a 20-1 13.2 motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for resolution to approve resolution number 193 2024 authorizing bill payment and claims motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for the consent agenda which consists of resolution number 194 2024 through resol resolution number 197 2024 motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner horn yes commissioner horn anything to add no thank you all right thank you everybody is there a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner horn yes everybody enjoy your evening thank you --------- ##VIDEO ID:vkDAUV0_eV0## like to call the meeting to order please Johanna will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Atlantic City Press Star Ledger posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all cell phones please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance flag one nation God indivisible Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumberg commissioner horn here welcome everybody we will begin as always with our engineering report JJ uh all right I'll start off um we did did get a response from the D on our uh dredging fines that were submitted but basically they said that they'll get to them when they get to they would appear to be any Rush um Stockton had a delay of going out to distribute the uh Fisheries questionnaire and collect the additional samples for the uh Shelter Island um Marsh restoration permitting project due to uh weather um we're um actively working on the design for the 600 block of Fredericksburg Avenue as part of the 2023 Road program um Washington the Washington Avenue streetcape um we're basically at this moment um putting together the Turning templates um for the fire trucks to ensure that um they don't have any difficulty making the Turning movements there uh we have scheduled a prea with DP Green Acres on the 22nd regarding citing the um storm water pump station at the Waterfront Park uh down on Amhurst Avenue um since it was funded with Green Acres money to um purchase it and um basically um put the improvements there back in guess around 2000 that area um still working on the design of 300 400 block of thorow um well n we have the bid opening scheduled for the 22nd um that's the same as the water B reconfiguration at Benson Avenue and Winchester Avenue um that been opening on the 22nd um curban gutter program um we're waiting till um early September go out do the survey work basically because with all the cars parked in the summertime you just can't get the elevations you need so just need the cars to move um working on uh plans and specs for the uh um office improvements phase two at the municipal building um same uh Winchester happened the same thing with the survey work we're waiting till till um the fall to get out there to do that one as well as the uh 2024 Road program um we are now um pretty much have the uh figured out the um service side customer side um lead service lines that are going to need replacement so we' started putting the plans together for that project um we have a progress meeting um scheduled on the 28th for the new Public Works building um to uh excuse me review the schematic building design um we're still um putting together the last piece of the flood warning and response plan um we have some small changes to make to our mapping for the um that storm water ordinance and mapping assistance the requested some changes um other than that on the um design side that's pretty much it um I may have added project to Expos out I guess not Winchester Avenue um which is the um fiscal 2023 piece the contractor is going to begin in September the two bulkhead access projects that we did are substantially complete I think we're in close out now and Municipal Building office improvements are still in construction um so basically much questions great thank you we'll now move to our department head reports Scott would you like to begin certainly would we have on tonight the uh ordinance with regard to the sale of the sliver of land along the beach front at osbor I see that Mr plaer is here I believe he's got his clients here as well uh so we're moving forward with that ordinance that's where it's a authorizing a private sale of this about 1,700 Plus square fet landward of an existing bulkhead in return there will be a payment of monies I forget the exact figes a little bit over 200,000 but more importantly I think is the Reconstruction of all the bulkhead Osborne Avenue street end Osborne Avenue side bulkhead and of course the property itself currently that bulkhead is the municipal bulkhead it's about 165 bulkhead there'll also be handicapped access replaced I believe and stairway so that's moving forward uh um we have done this before with with a number of other Oceanfront Parcels these are Parcels of land they're non-buildable they're under sized but they are landward of the existing bulkhead so that's what I have on that one uh maybe Mr pler would like to add some later on get to that other than that that was some PR I never had any idea those horses were that big I'm 61 those horses were way over and the crowds were just unbelievable I somebody said 10,000 people is that possible but there was a lot of people and it was a tremendous Advantage you should have seen all those kids bo they had a b it was really something so very proud mayor that was a great that was a fantastic event I hope we get him back somay so that was really neat other than that I I think that's about it that's what I've got great thank you Scott Pat commissioner thank you uh everything's good in public works uh just busy as usual we had a couple water leaks minor and then a couple sewer collapses other than that everything else is good appreciate it great thank you Jim we have ordinance number s 1972 22024 of the cape Atlantic jurisdictional program that's with our uh CRS program for outreach with our vendors and um trying to keep our classification to a four which would be a lower reduction on flood insurance um which JJ and his crew are working on right now um what you see is agenda number o um yeah so when we get an update we're asking for a uh modification remodification on our town they have to come visit us and look at everything and evaluate if we can move up a CL or move down a class move up for the lower interest on the um flood insurance um other than that we're working on a huge umbrella to put over to town next time it rains this way that nobody gets wet and there's no flooding um because Pat will tell you the phone rang and people just went berserk because they couldn't get around the streets it's crazy anything you want to ask about the uh ordinance number thank you no we we reviewed it so we got the yeah U the packet reviewed so okay all good thank you Roger the only is we have a planning we meeting on August 29th um other than that there's nothing new to report great thank you Chief anenson I'll be brief as well first of all I want to thank everybody that came out for L day last night it was a great event it's great when we can interact with the community uh kids seem to have a good time we had a couple of uh new vendors that came in EHT pal was really nice to see uh some of the kids that some of the Robotics are doing are very impressive NOAA brought a boat they brought some interesting displays also so it was kind of nice to get some new blood in our law day that we have done for many years so it was a really great event again the Clyde sales were was a very good event this afternoon a lot of planning it's nice to see the planning work out we had a great crowd and like I always say we can plan for 60 but it's either 60 or 6,000 so we have to plan for both so it was a great event all the way around and I thank everybody for their help and then just because it's the last meeting I guess before Labor Day we W have another meeting to labor labor day and I start looking at numbers and I think we all can agree that was a very busy summer and even for the police department we can see our calls for service we usually average about 11,000 by this time of year we're over 12,000 calls calls for service at this point so it's pretty reflective of all the crowds that we've seen especially over the summer and even one of the interesting statistics is over the last four years looking at our motor vehicle accidents we've actually had a decline about 10% over the last four years so again we try very hard to make improvements uh offices are out there so again when you kind of see those numbers it's nice to see we are still going to have you know a lot of calls for service but when you see some things go down it's it's nice to see and that's even statistically from over 140 motor vehicle ACC since four or five years ago up to this time we're in the 120s right now so it is nice to see some of the improvements that we work on you know it it reflects so it's nice to see say hopefully we can keep that up for the rest of the year that's all I have great thank you Chief Lisa thank you mayor good afternoon everyone uh just a few things to report on um as you're aware there were 10 benches replaced at the Washington Avenue Pier the lamp post posts were painted um Public Works did some repairs to the railing and everything really looks nice down there much needed improvements in regards to the benches themselves those benches were previously purchased by residents you know as a memorial to relatives or friends and uh it basically covers the cost of the benches so we um allow the individuals who purchase those benches like the first right of refusal to purchase new benches when they're replaced so because it's been a substantial amount of time since those benches had been purchased um there's some difficulty of finding the uh the records pertaining to the purchase the person that oversaw there was two people that overo oversaw the program both of whom have been retired for several years Anthony Edge is overseeing the project now in conjunction with Pat power um he did his best to obtain the names and the contact information for those individuals he was able to locate two of them who may be interested but there's still eight other benches that um we do not know how to get in contact with the people so uh I had discussed with Anthony and Pat and we think that we should you know allow a certain amount of time for people to contact the city if they are interested um by the only thing we can do is put it on our website um maybe I don't see nette maybe she could put something but we thought about maybe giving them till October 1st and if we don't hear from anyone by October 1st then you know we can advertise for additional donations I think Anthony said he already has several people who may be interested so if it's okay with you is October 1st a a good date that works for me okay and um then we'll have someone post it on the website as well to make people aware just so we could get it out in the public okay perfect um you know uh a few weeks ago one of the old fire engines was sold to Brigantine um and we received the check today for $25,000 so that will be posted and held in a reserve uh for future purchases of assets needed by departments um the ordinance that that was adopted last meeting for the purchase of Taylor's Gulf will become effective August 26th I realize there's a deposit that needs to be made but Scott um who can you please send me the information as to whom to contact regarding where that payment should be made I'd appreciate and also the executed copy of the contract I know the clerk's office had not um obtained the executed copy yet um so I'll take care of getting that done um I also sent a draft for the next round uh for our Capital ordinance and the uh feedback I got from Ed Dennis I was able to I removed some projects that won't go out to bid until early next year or later and so right now we're looking at probably $2 million in general capital and maybe a million dollars in utility um but that's contingent upon you know any other additional feedback I may receive but if you can let me know I'll send you out a revised list tomorrow morning and if you could just let me know as soon as possible because I would like to introduce that ordinance the first meeting in September okay to help with our um our Capital planning projects I know Pat mentioned um he may need some additional equipment for early next summer which you know it usually takes several months to receive those type of items so um if I don't already have funding available I'll probably add those in as well you know with your authorization so please just send me your feedback um as soon as you can by next week and um that's all I have great thank you thank you Johanna yes as for the benches the my understanding is the plaque is good for the bench for 10 years and after that that the person is no longer the owner of that that bench and it is $500 for a bench a thousand it's up to a thousand okay yeah the existing plaques are in excess of 10 years old right so so I don't feel that we owe them anything but the plaque itself we can sell it to other people if they're interested yeah I think your intention was that we would offer them first right of refusal for the for the reup of the new it was explained to me that that's what was done yeah because I don't have a copy of the policy or you know so I think we'll give them till October 1st for first right of refusal if anyone wants to to reup and repurchase the plaques for the new benches and then we'll offer it to the public after that all right thank so I just want to um again say thank you to the police department I think I check challenged Chief Hinson two weeks ago and said uh you know you're you had big shoes to fill after the public works and Fire Department events this summer and I think you you came through and your department did a great job last night at L day and then again today with the Clydesdales um as Scott said that crowd um I don't we were we were talking with the Business Association we're not sure on a single day at FunFest or Beach do we've ever seen a crowd as as big as we had today so um so great job all around for that Commission horn anything to add no thank you thank you we will now open up to public comment if anyone has any comment of any items that were discussed in this meeting only uh you may step forward to the microphone state your name and address all right is there a motion to close public comment motion I will second mayor Collins yes commissioner horn yes right is there a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner horn yes all right um we will roll right into the next meeting uh in the interest of time