Johanna will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Atlantic City Press Star Ledger posted on the bulleon board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all electronic devices please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance attention salute IED of Al unit States andice Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumber I am here commissioner horn here all right I would like to hand it over to the fmba for the scholarship Awards and give out their Awards this year we had oh sorry this year we had seven um applicants and unapologetically again we could not chose one so we're awarding all seven and I'm going to read their names and what high school they attended and what college they will be attending um first we have Gracie Pierce she has she's committed to play lacrosse at East Carolina University and she's going to be studying physician assistant program next we have Juliana [Applause] Duff Ocean City High School she will be attending Co the University of Rhode Island majoring in business uh Kelsey Cook Ocean City High School dzne University and she will be oh I'm sorry the Kain University and she will be studying Speech Pathology julan Valentino he wasn't able to attend I think he's working he went to AIT and he will be attending Rucker University majoring in computer science next we have Brian [Applause] garbrandt okay and Brian went to Ocean City High School and he will be attending Georgetown University majoring in political economy and chemistry Francesca [Applause] ritell Ocean City High School and she will be attending the University of Tennessee majoring in business and last but not least Jordan [Applause] ret attended Mainland Regional High School and she will be attending University of Connecticut in the fall majoring in Allied Health Sciences all right congratulations [Applause] everyone let's get in there uh mayor Commissioners you guys want to come down real quick take quick picture hold on we have more all right I said this every year congratulations everyone all right we will continue I'd like to call Margie re up uh have a proclamation uh for Margie come on pictures so I will just say uh we would have liked to do this the first week of July but not having a meeting obviously uh prompted us to do it today and I think it is appropriate that the uh the proclamation today for our fireworks celebration is on the day we are approving the resolution for this Year's fireworks as well so um so here we go whereas Margie reel as president of the Margate mothers Association in 2003 had the had an idea and approached the Margate City Board of Commissioners to bring back fireworks for the 4th of July on the Huntington Avenue beach and whereas the Board of Commissioners mayor Von reel Commissioners John Swift and S GM agreed this would be a wonderful Community event if margel could find funding and whereas Marg reel was able to execute fundraising identify and negotiate vendor contracts designed the display coordinated with Margate fire police and public works and whereas the 4th of July 2004 fireworks presentation was a fantastic success which continues to this day and whereas it is fitting and proper we recognize and honor Margie reel for her outstanding contributions and Lasting Legacy she was created she has created for the residents and visitors alike now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and Board of Commissioners do hereby proclaimed Thursday July 5th be Margie birthday Margie real day [Applause] all right thank you we will now move forward with our regular agenda is there a motion for the approval of the June 3rd 2024 regular and workshop Capital minute minutes motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right we will now open the floor to public comment if anyone has any public comment please step forward to the microphone state your name and address everybody uh Jeff wri lemons South Adams Avenue I know um a public works guy isn't here but I want to thank public works for how beautiful the beach looks and town and everything so kudos to everybody at Public Works um wanted to thank uh Chief Hinson in the police department um you know addressing the um the crowds at the Wawa um so you I know that's long over do so thank you chief for uh working with that um um you know um also Chief wanted to ask about um so one of my pet peeves is um people like strolling in the bike lane um so I don't know she there's any umary you can get out um as far as like you know the proper way to use the bikee go with the traffic pedestrians are supposed to use the sidewalk it's much safer so we do a lot of City very awesome thank you you got um and um just also wanted to ask about the um you know we used to have the the the parking restrictions for like the street sweeper um so that I know that they don't have that anymore is um um I just wanted to ask about the change if they're going to bring that back or what they do with that so I don't I'm not familiar with when uh that restriction changed um you know I do know it seems like they just go around you know cars and make their way way through the city um I don't know Chief do you have any well I I could give you the long version or the short version uh the times that the street sweeper was working didn't always coincide with the parking restrictions because the streets weeper was down a lot of times so then we were enforcing something that wasn't being done so that wasn't fair to the motoring public at the same time we worked on it for a while trying to figure out a new schedule for the street sweeper that schedule has not been figured out because certain Street we were just kind of doing them as the street sweeper was working right but it wasn't fair in essence to start ticketing people something that wasn't being done so again it's something that I would say is a work in progress ual really good schedule and then we can revise the ordinances the par that coincide with the streets yeah well that makes sense and I know in the past they um the bicycle cop would actually follow the street sweeper not said we had the street sweeper was was down for a long time and then there was the changing of the pads became very expensive at the same time so was just yeah the two didn't work in conjunction with each other got so that's kind of where we ended with that all right all right thanks for the update than everyone great thank you Jeff and thank you Chief do we have any other public comment Kathy heightman 22 South Adams Avenue in morate um I wanted to comment I had gone to the planning board meeting over a month ago and I know it's old news and it's about tequila sunrise and I come not only for myself and I live on South Adams a distance away from this as well as friends that live closer to it when I went to that meeting there were number of issues that to me were safety issues I mentioned to Chief Isam about the fire they mentioned that at least 200 people I want to say it was 276 and he explained it but how that many people could be in their saf another issue is the parking their concession for parking was that their employees will park three blocks away there is absolutely no parking and the trash pickup when it was announced about trash because the people that live right next on southman R the O'Brien said they have a six foot walkway they're always blocking that walkway it's uh South Monroe is a one-way Street two sides of the street parking when the Trashmen come down no one can get through if there's an emergency and so the question they asked was well how long does it take them to pick up the trash we don't know and I mean these are all safety factors that are important to our residents like we're talking business people but what about our residents I am a former school teacher I'm all about safety as you guys all know we want to have a wonderful safe summer but like even now they have their porta potty on the sidewalk they have where they dug in I guess with the wires and so on there's a big man there so if you're a mother walking to North Monroe with your stroller you have to go out in the street across the street or if you're pulling a wagon to go to the beach you have to go out and I think something needs to be done the third thing well they're saying that Uber and lift will be used so people don't have to worry about part the other thing was the cigarette smoke they said they will try to monitor cigarette smoking well good luck on that one if you're in a public cybor so I just wonder I wanted to speak at that meeting but the meeting went on as probably all of you know for over two hours so I just didn't want to get up and comment again but it was kind of insulting to the residents some of the planning Bo people and the lawyer especially I moved from South Washington here in 2020 I lost $85,000 it's the way it is I am at peace now I am now on South Adams aveny one man said property values never go down in Mar and I wanted to stand up I said check the public record you will see that because of Club why because of the businesses because of a one-way street that was never in force I would be working in my yard people would come up the wrong way and I'd say it's a one way street I'm not yelling I'm just telling it's it's I offered the police opportunity to park in my driveway and ticket at least a couple people this is a hazard today I I was coming from Pacific Avenue to go to The JCC there kid on a bike coming the wrong way on Pacific fortunately I have to stop sign or I would have hit him because he's going the wrong way on a bike no helmet off this um and and that's what goes on here they go up and down always people aren't necessarily ready for that so we have to think in terms of those kinds of things and I am more than happy to help that's one of the things that I do as a lot of them thank you great thank you Kathy appreciate your input do we have any other public comment is there a motion to close public comment motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner wh yes I will now open up to public comment on resolutions on tonight's agenda if anyone has any comment on any of the resolutions please step forward to the microphone state your name and address is there a motion to close public comment on resolutions motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes Johanna would you proceed please may I have a motion for the introduction of ordinance number 9 2024 Bond ordinance appropriating $600,000 and authorizing the issuance of 575 or 570,000 in bonds and notes of the city of Margate City for various Capital Improvements or purchase authorized to be undertaken by the city of Margate City in the county of Atlantic New Jersey motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner plumberg yes commissioner horn yes may have a motion for the introduction of ordinance number 10 2024 Bond ordinance providing for various water and sewer utility Capital Improvements in and by the city of Margate City in the county of Atlantic New Jersey appropriating $900,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $900,000 bonds or notes of the city for financing cost thereof motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may have a motion for the introduction of ordinance number 11 2024 and ordinance amending chapter 203 outdoor darning of the code of the city of Margate City County of Atlantic state of New Jersey motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for resolution number 157 2024 authorizing bill payment and claims motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for the consent agenda which consists of resolution number 158 2024 through resolution number 167 2024 motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes thank you Johanna commissioner horn anything to add um no meeting the week of July 4th yes reminder the July meeting we will only be having one meeting in July so the meeting that was scheduled for July 4th which is a Thursday uh has been canceled and that next meeting will be July 18th yes July 18th will be the next meeting commissioner blumberg anything nothing thank you all right is there a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes thank you everybody for coming --------- like to call the meeting to order please Johanna will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Press of Atlantic City Star Ledger posted on the bulleon board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all cell phones please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance attention salute i al to flag the United States of stand Johanna please take the rooll mayor Collins here commissioner blumberg I am here commissioner horn here welcome everybody I apologize for my voice I have a little uh throat injury sustained over the weekend so I would do my best to get through uh we will begin as always with our engineering report Ed thank you mayor good afternoon everyone and as always we'll start off with our judging projects items A and B so the good news on item a um with our long Saga here on the additional survey work we had to do we have um updated the plans we've added the new survey information to the old survey information and the good news is there uh believe it or not pretty minimal difference on the um actual vetry of the areas that we're going to dredge which is a good indicator as far as resubmitting the DP and getting our permits because if there were was a larger Delta I'd be a little more concerned uh that they may want us to go back to the drawing board uh with some of the sampling but we'll know when we know um those plans should be uh ready to go back into D very shortly and I'll keep everybody updated but we're making progress there no update on The Shelter Island project which is in Stockton's hands they need to do some additional seasonal um data collection through the summer uh so we can respond to some of the comments from DP item C is the 2023 Road program which is a fall construction project uh we are adding the Fredericksburg 600 block to that project the survey is being scheduled or has been scheduled for that work and we will continue to move forward with preparing those plans for bidding for fall construction item D is the Washington Avenue streetscape project which we had a very good steering committee meeting held uh last week um where we got some very valuable feedback from some of the stakeholders that were invited to participate so we're going to take that feedback uh update our preliminary plans and then recirculate it to the steering committee for one last pass um to kind of refine that concept before we I think bring it to the larger public audience for some feedback from the public so uh that I thought that was a productive meeting um and like I said we got some good feedback that um we otherwise would not have received without that interaction so please there item a is the Adams Avenue storm Pump Station project which we have a a FEMA Grant on the update on this project is we have been working over the last couple months to try to evaluate an existing sewer Vault on Adams Avenue to potentially reused for this project um it's becoming difficult to really get a firm handle on the structural integrity and condition of that VA and so we are uh making sure that we have a plan B if we can't reuse that volt um and that would involve relocating The Pump Station elsewhere within that general area we've reached out to Green Acres to look at a couple areas um along the buhe head where they have some jurisdiction so we're just making sure we have a plan B if we're aren't able to use this VA and I'll keep everyone updated on that front um item f is tho Avenue which would be another road project for the fall G is Redevelopment of well 9 also fall construction project Winchester and Benson is a water main repair uh that we want to make after we had to make an emergency repair just intersection we're working on that project and Expediting that work the 2024 Cur Mard program is part of the next capital budget that is also in progress for construction in the fall item J no update on our flood warning and response plan this is part of our CRS effort and is ongoing item K is the lead service line replacement program which uh is part of this upcoming capital budget to get the engineering moving on that front to move towards our first phase of construction item L is no update that is our ongoing compliance with the state storm water regulation we are uh finalizing our state aid application for fiscal year 2025 there's a resolution on the agenda today to apply for Grant funds for the next phase of Atlantic Avenue from Huntington to Mansfield so that is our submission for this upcoming fiscal year item end is our running list of Grant applications which I mentioned in in Prior meetings that the the list has gotten smaller because many of those Grant applications have been approved and have um been turned into capital projects that we are actively working on which is good um no update on the uh pending capital projects some of these will move into active projects once the capital budget and bonding um is complete jumping down to our construction projects no update under maintenance bonds or project Closeouts item s is the next phase of Winchester Avenue which um has been completed and we have a punch list with the contractor so that we can close that project out item T is Winchester Avenue from CL mon Douglas and we have awarded that contract elect to concrete we already had our pre-construction meeting so the contractor can hit the ground running in September item U is the suar Avenue Benson Avenue Beach buul cut throughs which are making good progress uh we should be wrapped up within the next two to three weeks which is great news um we would be wrapped up sooner the contractors just waiting on some material uh that they hope to get within the next week or two um and then we'll be done with that project and then the last item is the municipal building uh Renovations which we have a contract awarded and we're just getting our permit or building permit squared away so that we're can proceed and that's my report great thank you Ed now move to our department head reports Scott would you like to begin please a little bit of good news U first we had a wind today in court as you aware Harbor Vista group of town homes challenge barbery Coast um D they had already challenged it one time now they had challeng the second time our motion to have it dismissed was granted after extensive oral argument um that now leaves Harbor Vistas I don't know where they'll go now I guess they could file an appeal the appell at court this leaves U Mr Leeds and barber Coast they can go forward and complete their Marina project um so that is that's a good thing my planning board wanted Le was very Cooperative put in that new bulkhead uh new Marina Docks but they were trying to stop them from rebuilding building replacing the building that had been there so we'll see where that goes we have another lawsuit um group of condominium owners adjacent to Robert's Bar as you're aware have filed suit they are challenging the operation of the exterior area of Robert's Bar um there have been some changes in how Roberts is operated actually fairly Cooperative trying to get this peacefully resolved the lawyer and and I discussed the possibility of meeting uh we have a return date which it's been put off now our return date is July 1 we're going to meet next week at City Hall Chief Hinson will be there Ro Roger will be there I will be there um members of the Condominium Association in Robert's Bar they were the lawyer smart move she was compliment see so they've made a big change in their operation and they've quiet it down they turned their music down we're trying to get a peaceful resolution here so that we don't have to force a judge to make a decision or whatever see if we can work it out between the parties and we made some good progress there so that we've got that one going and um the gas station purchase Frank Brennan told me that he wants to finalize that agreement all the environmental information Eddie this is going to affect you he says that is all available from a d wed website you will give us all the information that we can access that right now what it is at the gas station they did do a cleanup they did do a tank removal and they have monitoring Wells there and Exxon corporation's 100% on the hook to uh monitor that and deal with any further cost so if and when the city goes forward and actually purchases that ground as we intend to do um City would have no responsibility regard to that contamination all subject to further verification and of course we want our engineering firm to review all those Environmental Studies and the agreement with the state of New Jersey so that's what I have great thank you Scott Pat thank you mayor well everything been pretty good in public works been very busy with everything from water breakes sewer breaks to cleaning the beach um and also I got good news this week is that our new sweeper will be here July 2nd and that's all I got thank you great thank you Pat Roger thank you mayor Commissioners uh planning board meeting next Thursday night before Cas is on the last planning board meeting we had a mixed use project which is basically one of the first ones that came in with the new regulations in order to calm down the residential pressures and the mixed use and it worked fine minimal Varan is but almost a by right sight plan other than that there's really nothing new to report thank you Roger Chief Hinson thank you mayor Commissioners uh first following this meeting just wanted to let you know attending the Jewish federation's annual meeting uh where the police department will be recognized with the one Jewish Community award the one Jewish Community award recognizes the outstanding commitment and support demonstrated by an affiliate agency congregation or Community organization in strengthening Community Partnerships and cooperation the police department is honored to be recognized with this uh award so I'm looking forward to that next meeting after this also on Thursday July 4th uh there's going to be a lunch catered at the senior citizen Pavilion hosted by celebrity chef Robert Irvine Foundation they have an event called breaking bread with Heroes and for this lunch Robert Irvine of the Food Network will be there a little bit of a backstory on Saturday June 15th Squad 4 responded to the report of a child found unresponsive in a pool CPR was performed the three-year-old was revived and is now home to an amazing with no cognitive defects his father's a seat Chief Operating Officer of the foundation and asked us to asked to host this event for the police and the fire department as they would normally do for various other First Responders in military but I think we all know this one is a little bit more important to him because he was so intimately involved so it was it was a good outcome of a of a possible tragic event last thing I have is just a reminder that we have Beach St Saturday June 29th from 8:00 a.m. to 10: p.m. it's on the beach between Grand Huntington Avenues there's a lot of events there's a lot going on that day it's usually a really good event so everybody should come out for uh for beachtop that's all I have great thank you Chief and congratulations on that award Lisa good afternoon and thank you mayor uh just a few things uh we I held our exit conference with the Auditors this past Monday and I'm pleased to report that there are no findings for the 2023 audit um once the report rep is finalized and I receive it I will forward a copy to each of the Commissioners um you'll then need to approve that you reviewed it at a future meeting at by resolution um they also prepared a management letter with a few recommendations once I get that I will forward that to you as well they're just some housekeeping items and recommendations of things that we could improve upon which I'm in full agreement with after reading them so um we're required to have it filed by June 30th so I I anticipate having the final report by next week um there's two Capital ordinances on the agenda today for introduction 600,000 in general Capital uh consisting primarily of design of various Road programs um and a new DPW facility in addition to that there's a $900,000 utility ordinance on the agenda also to help fun um the utility portion of the road program um and water main reconfiguration at Benson and Winchester Avenue uh supplemental debt statement is on file with the clerk and I will have that submitted tomorrow once I have the resolutions um in hand uh we received 75% of the state Grant awarded for the Winchester Avenue progress um project Claremont Douglas so we were awarded a total amount of just over 156,000 we received um making sure that all retirees are notified and that everything is moving along and Set uh if anyone has any issues or concerns please you know let me know or if you have a question any employee has a question regarding um their benefits specifically they could contact either one of our brokers who will assist them um and then with the seasonal hires I just want to let you know that you know Finance HR is doing a great great job and they on boarded approximately 185 employees in the last few weeks which is a tremendous amount trying to get the documentation but um I think we're in pretty good shape going forward that's all I have thank you thank you Lisa Chief Adams thank you mayor uh I'll start off with a positive event we have coming up is our Fire Department open house will be held on Wednesday June 26th starting at 6m at the Margate Library it's a great event for family friends kids everybody has a great time please come out and support this great event after the SEC well once we start the second meeting tonight our fnba is here to do scholarship presentations to our local students um one well two other things uh all of our garded beaches are protected or will be open on June 29th we will have 12 guarded beaches uh on our stretches of beautiful beaches in Margate um the town is crowded impacted with the summer season please drive carefully and pay attention while you're driving uh you know I'm sure Chief Hinson will Echo this but we've had way more accidents of recent time appears or more trouble in accies but and please yield to First Responders on these emergency responses it just seems like people just are not paying attention it's my opinion Chief might feel differently but it's my opinion lastly we're getting a ton of phone calls about old fire extinguishers we are not a drop off site for old fire extinguishers the fire department um you can drop them off at the acua hazardous waste drop off days they have June 22nd July 13th October 5th and November 9th and they're open from 8:00 am to 1 pm uh they're located at uh 6700 Delila Road nerer Township but please do not think that we're a drop off site and location for fire extinguishers we end up with having to drop them off ourselves so please take care of this upon yourselves and uh we look forward to Beach and the coming Fourth of July fireworks um the show will go off unless we have rain and the rain date is July 6 Saturday thank you thank you Chief Johanna all's good in the clerk's office all right thank you commissioner blumberg anything to add nothing to report commissioner horn no all right we will now open up to public comment if anyone has any comment of anything discussed in this meeting please step forward to the microphone state your name and address Kathy heightman 22 South Adams Avenue formally South Washington I I I hadn't been able to attend the last two meetings I didn't know that there was a change last time so I I just want to know our justification for buying that gas station part to make it a parking lot could you explain that to me sure it would be advantageous for Margate to buy that so I think uh one of the things we've been looking at is just general parking throughout town it's always an issue no matter what we do I don't think we'll ever have all of our problems solved but we've been looking at both ends of towns having additional parking available in the commercial districts this property uh was available for sale uh we were notified by our uh Team of grant writers um that there was a great grant that could possibly be obtained to purchase property for parking lots and um we've explored you know we've gone down the path to explore you know what this could do could do for us and I believe the so the Grant application was submitted last Monday or two Monday I think it was two weeks ago was the deadline so that uh we submitted a grand application the award is for up to a million dollars and you know we believe that would be a a bargain for us to obtain now what kind what Grant would give us the right to park so it's the New Jersey Economic Development they are they have I believe it's it's over $20 million in total grants some are um for future infrastructure development some are for public space such as parking and you know that was an opportunity we thought was too good to pass up yeah because we really needed on this yep and it's look we are we are looking at at all options and I will say you know our plan our goal was to have parking in both business districts on both ends of town so we are we're looking thank you I'm Sher lilan Feld 7809 Wellington Avenue I'm just following up on Kathy's question um with that parking since it is on this side of town and I'm how many spots is there an idea that how many spots you'll get there and are you looking at maybe multi-level parking like they do in in congested areas like the city where there's limited space for parking and also do Envision like a shuttle service maybe going from there to this part of town I mean I understand if you maybe don't have a plan yet but is there any kind of so I Ed you may know this better but I believe it's 26 spots two handicap 30 so it's 30 spots and in additional in addition to that we will be curbing up ventner Avenue because right now that's an entire uh driveway for the gas station so that'll have additional parking on ventner Avenue um as far as a shuttle service I will I I can't say anything is uh definitely happening but there have been discussions our citizens advisory committee has met with um some Transportation Local transportation companies Jitney service is um again my vision I will say and goal would be to have parking at both ends of town uh some sort of shuttle service that would allow people to park and then get uh to other spots in town um as well and we're also working on we just uh the police department just put up with citizens Advisory Board uh two new bike racks one on each end of town we're looking to get more of those again encourage people to bike walk um again and the and the Wasing Avenue streetcape that's all about pedestrian and bike traffic trying to to increase that and and take more cars off the road so okay great that's all thank great thank you Mike if I may um Sher people that uh are talking to me about the potential purpose uh potential purchase of that parcel are um looking at it more as um a focal point of that area in lie of parking at one big black topped parking lot uh initially uh when we had an opportunity several years ago uh to buy the Burger Bus what is now the Burger Bus that property was designed with a Zeebo and park benches and made a park-like setting um this preliminary concept that we have now is just all parking so I think there I hope that there'll be more discussion if and when we do get the grant money and do purchase this parcel that there'll be more input from the public and more discussion related to what that piece of property should look like uh and and so I just wanted to let you know that nothing here has been decided uh the money isn't allocated nothing yet is set in stone as far as I'm concerned I no I just want to know what the vision was I realized it's probably very premature and of course you know I always say green infrastructure for your paav surfaces for the pervia space and Ed knows it and I talk about that all the time but um I love the park idea I just don't know if it's going to give enough parking spaces if you do that so and anything more than what we have is you know better I think right now we have nothing so if we could gain 10 spots and and have a nice little park there maybe the residents would like to see that but again we we're preliminary I know parking comes up in every single planning meeting for every single project for sure so thank you great thank you Sher any more public comment good evening everyone Ed burer uh 9402 emmer Avenue representing the Margate Business Association just a couple of quick notes that I'd like to share with all of you first of all as Chief Hinson said and and and chief Adams backed up we have Beach talk next weekend this uh it's our 15th year of doing this it started out as a small party on the beach giving away free hot dogs to people and uh this year I'm very pleased to let you know that we expect significant crowds from 8 am until 10 pm we uh partnered this year with iHeart radio out of Philadelphia we're bringing in a legitimate National Atlantic recording artist on Saturday night to perform for hour so uh our promotional footprint for this event has increased significantly uh over the course of the past couple of years and uh none of this could be possible without the complete cooperation of every one of the resident facing departments in the City Public Works the Police Department fire department uh Beach Patrol uh clearly when you put on an event with this kind of logistical um U deep logistical requirements uh everybody has got to be on the same page and the meetings we have so far and the history of working with these departments so far reinforced the fact that we're certainly prepared for a great event in Margate and hopefully again the planet's biggest beach party will be both peaceful and entertaining and good family entertainment for everybody involved uh I also uh wanted to make comment about the U the purchase of the parking lot uh I think that from a business standpoint it's a it's a foregone conclusion that the business Community is desperate for additional parking space in both of our actually in all three of our business centers uh both ends of town and down on Amhurst Avenue uh for years we have discussed and lobbied very heavily on behalf of business Community to try and have the city begin to acquire additional parking spots instead of in some cases where we lost a few because of development uh I think this is a step in the right direction and we certainly hope as a business community that this is the first step have been providing some relief to what is a terminal problem right now as far as the businesses are concerned from a parking standpoint so thank you everybody very much for all of your work moving forward towards Beach uh thank you ladies and gentlemen for focusing in on the parking problem that the business Community has been wrestling with for as many years as I've been involved in the N thank you very much okay thank you Ed yeah and I I do just want to add you know as as Ed said all of our departments work so well together collaboration on all events and just on a day-to-day basis and um regarding the uh shuttle service some sort of Transportation around town the MBA has been looking at that for years and is a part of those conversations with our citizens Advisory Board as well so all right do we have any other public comment is there a motion to close public comment I'll motion but I do have a comment um there's no meeting the week of July 4th I just wanted to remind everyone motion I will second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right thank you everybody we'll do a just a one minute quick break before we start our commission meeting