##VIDEO ID:Dfu0uq9rDEk## okay we're going to get going we're going to start with the flag salute States indivisible okay this meeting is being held in accordance with New Jersey statute requirements of the open public meeting act Sunshine Law notice of this meeting has been advertised in the pr posted on the Bolton board in the municipal building all applicants are hereby advised that if you receive board approval tonight you must come forward and sign a form outlining the procedures for obtaining building permits and mercant licenses at the conclusion of your case tonight please approach the board administator to sign the provided inform inform sheet yeah uh roll call Tom Collins here Richard Patterson here Michael Richmond here Steph ji Michael ruffu Margaret Gober here John pittz here Jim galantino Here Andrew Campbell Craig pal okay since we already did the announcements mixing it up a little bit uh this do approval of minutes I'll second all in favor I approval of resolutions okay uh number 26 2024 Robert and Lisa Miller number 27 2024 Michael and Mandy Dorfman number 28 2024 Daniel beig and number 29 2024 John McCaron make a motion all in favor I going to do our first case Robert andula magoli is that correct CL M Miga okay 207 North Granville Avenue block 48 lot 7 located in the s24 zoning District seeking C variance relief for minimum side yard setback maximum size of an accessory structure and potentially others in order to construct a new single family home current on taxes Water and Sewer payments proof of advertising and notifications provided represented by Eric Goldin thank you Mr chairman uh good evening ladies and gentlemen Eric Goldstein on behalf of the applicants Mr Mrs Maly um very interesting house design this is one we've been working on for a while um Mal goes don't necessarily love the two and a half story over parking we call the cookie cutter Margate house want to do something a little different to really make the best use of the space while at the same time trying to keep everything in line with the development on Grandville Avenue on this block so Mr MC is going to testify to the design of the house in a minute we'll walk us through the actual plans themselves but I'm sure everybody had a chance to look at everything um the lot's fairly sizable but the house really really is not concurred with Rogers report when Roger sent the report out a little earlier um the one thing that did kind of jump out the height of the um um accessory structure being 14.43% much smaller this house is than could otherwise be built under margate's code you don't see too many straight up twostory houses when you could go two and a half over parking uh the actual height of the structure 18 feet over base flood um not really taking advantage of all the quirks that some of the Architects designed to get more house out of the lot but instead trying to keep everything subtle Mr Al go they're going to live in the house and he's building it uh for both uh himself and his family and his wife but the goal here is to make a little more storage a little more uh use of the property because it is a larger lot 60 feet wide only 40 is required in the zone and it's about, 1500 bigger than the required square footage so having been given that Preamble I'm gonna have Bill walk through the plans and just talk about the design of the property how we got to this point and go through the variances one by one so um having yeah I'm G to get uh Mr McClaren sworn in and I'll refer to him whether he wants to go through his report now or later but Mr McClaren if you can raise your right hand you swear airm the testimony you'll give this evening it'll be the truth I do and continue okay and then we'll get Mr MC just your name and address for the record please William c MC um The Firm name is William MC architecture the address is 5 Boulevard Su okay and please raise your right hand you swear airm the testimony you're about to give would be the truth I do and they've been you're registered architect in New Jersey yes and you've been before this board several times we'll accept his qualifications okay so um Bill you heard we been been discussing and of course you work very closely with Mr Mrs Malo about the design of the house so walk us through how you wound up with this design and the variances we need and then we'll talk about the positive and negative criteria sure um as Eric's kind of already touched on it was really important to the Malo that the not lose that connection to the ground plane when you're elevated the whole full story up and you have the garage below the porch on the front was very important to them and they're really trying to recreate or I guess reintroduce the modern version of the house that they've had there that they've owned for 40 plus years um so I commend them because they took very sensitive careful approach to the home design and satisfies their needs without building to every single bulk requirement however there are some unque features that they wanted with the property that um that you see here before you this evening um the house itself two stories as I pointed out approximately 18t above the flood plane requirement um as we measure height there are two parking spaces in the driveway which is oriented towards the east or towards V Avenue um and we have the garage structure or shed structure depending upon how you want to look at at the rear corner that structure itself is smaller than be pered for detach but larger than what um kind of tirelessly to to fit what he needed in it without putting anything more than he needed in and the benefit of that is is that the building ends up being smaller um and doesn't block his neighbor's window for their bedroom which kind of looks toward the driver so being sensitive to the neighbors needs the build out to the side a little bit obviously and hence it's larger than the maximum pered for shed and as we talked about the roof already originally in the application proposed 143 kind of a function of matching roof slopes but we okay with lowering that down to 13.5 um incorporating this structure which is actually going to be used for storage um and uh will be parking a golf cart in or a low speed vehicle in requires the house to be slid across the site a little bit obviously and so that's what you're seeing with the rear yard or sorry the side yard requirement the side yard Rel that we're looking for so along the western edge of the property we're proposing a five yard or sorry 5 foot set which is approximately 2 and half ft more than what's currently existing today not that that's the standard we should be measuring against but that does give you a sense of how the building is going to sit on the site relative to the building that's there today meeting a 5 foot setback and we're meeting the aggate setbacks for sidey it's just not the minimum required 10 foot this the size of by all other measures um I think it's a unique house um and it's refreshing to be able to work on something that really seems to fit into that neighborhood that's there now but not not just the neighborhoods there now but is pretty consistent with theel of Marg his what used to be there and I think that's kind of a nice opportunity to be involved we think this isor we think this is maybe the new model that for the longest time everyone wanted to go two St parking and then that became Mar cookie house and it works you know but this is a little bit different because you've got more as Bill said attachment from the house to the street you've got the porch which is closer to the street you're not looking straight up and more importantly you have uh an applicant here who's done what most applicants don't and and I think it's important to review Roger's chart you're not mat down on front yard to the deck you're not maxed out on front yard to the house you are getting on the right side setback is significant it's much more than is required combined Meats is really what we're looking at side set back but again it's under on height under on coverage over on landscape coverage but because we're trying to coordinate the accessory structure which again as Bill testified to is smaller than a detached garage would be but bigger than a shed would be this is a little bit of a quirk in your ordinance which you know may or may not change in the future but this is kind of the model we think goes forward as something people can look at and say I can get a lot of house everything so problem is it still need some variances and Bill and I are going to walk through them in a second but had a question my question is um you're you're topping out of 40 feet right in the ridge yes that's maximum okay and the um in the garage or the shed um what's the attic space in there three feet or something like that is there going to be an attic in there it'll be a little bit of an attic then yeah small attic 3 feet or something like that for and um that's is it going to be voled ceiling in the second floor no we did we talked about it but wonder you got to get air conditioning in somewhere so there's an attic above the second floor bedroom just will you we get some testimony a second but we how much attic space and height is there on that there's a bit it's not going to it's not a full story by any means it's like s ft or something up there maybe yeah I have a quick question may for Roger this 40 foot lots are allowable in this area minimum lot width is 40 40 ft right so if it was a 40 foot lot what would the side set back 5et combined would be 15 right any question we go overi negative obviously design the discussing this and also with Roger quite a bit so we do need minimum side yard on the left where presently it's 2.8 so when the new house is built it'll be further from that step back but the board knows it's a clean slate so we can't really use that as an argument but it is a betterment when the new house is built it's just not something the board can consider So based upon five foot step back on that side any negatives associated with that together now I I don't I think that um obviously a 40 foot lot you can have a 5 foot setback so it's not unique to the district um it's an improvement over what's there again I know that we can't use that as a standard but um it's an improvement it's not reducing light air in open space for the neighbor certainly to the beach side because they're on the larger but not to the westly neighbor either because they're currently dealing with as much the extent there could be some Nega associated with the benefits as you just describ I would certainly think so yes I think with the benefit of you know it's a Desir visual environment obviously construction is compant so from that perspective benefits health safety and Welfare of the neighbors yes I do and then with regard to variances two and three in Rogers report which are the accessory structure area and height based upon your testimony and the fact that we're attempting to kind of keep the scale of the neighborhood in line is there any negative that you could see Associated I do not and if were a negative you describ greatly our way that absolutely and then finally with regard to mechanical equipment um a little less than five feet based upon Roger report just go over that real quickly with the board and explain where that's going to wind up sure so um sitting here is kind of pretty close um to the building so we're kind of pulling it in as tight as we can get it but obviously there practical constraints for the equipment that we have to work with based the there was members of the board Mr Malo is here answer questions certainly have him sworn in theard has anything they'd like to hear from him or from his wife but um I'll leave that to all of you if that's something that uh like to hear started for a minute does he have a gol existing come on up well they can answer I don't care sure uh Mr malol just give us your name and your address for the record please I'll get you sworn in Robert malagoli 207 North Grandville and please raise your right hand you swear airm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth I don't okay thank you um it's my intention to buy one uh I don't have put it right now that was the intent well then we the garage is still serving the purpose of getting the car off the street you know and you're going to build this house yourself correct yeah I'm I'm a build it you're not going to put any habitable space over an are that's approved only correct only foror concern the record saying that nothing now listed as storage will be used to live that garage will be a storage okay people have said that before not you thank you specifics we've had the interpretation that G has to fit a murder vehicle having a legal space of 9 by 18 thank you sure Roger you we talked about this before the meeting what if they made the garage if they made in a garage which is 9 by8 then they would seed their L does that make sense yes you you understand John yeah they C so yes yeah so Mr chairman we would rest and certainly would answer more questions if the board has them or members of the public but I think uh we've established the positive and negative we really think this design is unique we think this will ultimately lead others who want to do something someone has to do it first new piece of property and build something that hasn't been done similarly so we think that uh bills design which is great and we have the homeowner who going to build his own house so he has every incentive to make it as nice as possible this maybe is the uh wave of the future for some not for everybody we think that uh it's got some weight to go forward any anyone else from the board okay we're going to open it up to the public anyone from the public like to speak public portion is closed so I have a question there's there's no way that condenser can be moved to the back of the house to expl ales right I mean I just my crystal ball tells me that somebody's going to see it and they're going to want it on their house and they're going to point this out I mean if it can be moved I'd rather avoid that type of variance if we could is that okay with you okay we'll take it off we'll make it comply yeah as always all right we'll we'll eliminate we'll make sure it complies wherever you have to move up B we'll figure that out perfect okay so we're good Mr chairman it's up to so in essence let me just recap I introduced my report into the record but real quick you know the testimony pretty much hit it it's a straightforward application basically you have an s25 home on an S40 lot um it's a handsome home I think it's very fits in well as Eric says it could be the model I don't see it that way well I don't really I don't really believe that but I think that in general it would be nice but no one's going to do that but you know one of the aspects you know with a 60ft wide lot you have a functional driveway pushing a house to one side doesn't matter to me too much because the 5 foot setback is common in s25 zones uh one of issues that we had early on before we allowed the parking below is narrow driveways aren't functional this will be used and the the garage your shed and and again I I I think this warrants a clarification on the ordinance in regard to sh in garages mini garages whatever you want to call it maybe there's room for another type of definition in there but in essence they have uh down a three or two variances or three variances minimum size setback as we discussed and the proofs are put on as well as accessory structure for the area and the height I have no objection to any of these request I think they're they fit with the property and again this was a 35 W lot possibly that could be an objection but that's all I have to say I I think they put the proofs on in regard to the C2 criteria which is required in this application no they still need a VAR for that but it it would it would comply for a garage but not for an accessory building and you you're going to fully comply with the landscape requirements and yes no no pear trees no CRP myrtles all right Perfect Right someone want to make a motion yeah I'll summarize it uh someone will need to make a motion then we'll need a second a c variance application there's three variances the sidey yard setback on the left side 5 feet they're at in 10 the requirement and then for the accessory uh shed accessory structure whatever we're calling it um 80 square fet is permitted and they're at 213 square feet and then the height they're allowed 9 ft and they're going to have 13 and A2 feet as far as the uh condenser they're going to move that around back I'll note that that'll eliminate that variance and in terms of conditions we'll just anything in Mr mcclaren's report unless otherwise addressed and then the standard conditions that we put in every resolution any representations made will be complied with and uh you know to the extent any outside approvals are required they're subject to those approval runs with the land I'll make that motion one second done yeah I was done Tom Collins you know normally I would not be favor of uh giving a sidey variance for a 60 foot lot in maret um but again every lot has to stand on its own and I think the uh effort that the owners put in with the architect you came up with a really really nice plan and I think it's going to be it doesn't really fit a hardship variance on the C1 but on the C2 it really does strike home and I think it does uh so many to the neighborhood the negatives as you've so nicely stated usually don't agree with that right um and I think I think you're going to do very well with this and uh just don't get two golf cards ones another I vote in favor Richard Patterson well even though it's technically not a garage it's serving the purpose of the garage because it will might not fit a car but it fits a golf cart that'll takes the same spot on the street um I agree with Tom I mean when I first looked at this a 60 foot with a with a request for a sign at setback I laughed until I looked at the plan and saw how modest of a house it was it's not six bedrooms with six bathrooms it's it's really uh a joy to look at a house like this going it reminds me of a house on 300 block of Huntington that was rehab but they they made it a two story close to the ground I think it's a a great project I approve Michael Richmond yeah I I think the house really does fit in with the neighborhood I know you know we still have the uh parking under the houses and um we're going to continue to do that but this just fits in so much better that um the five foot setback which like we said it was a 40ft lot would be fillable and the um area in the back um I don't really have a problem with that I'm going to vote Yes Stephen J yeah I think it's a well-designed house and I would like to see more houses like this um and I think it's it's an improvement and I think it's a benefit to the city uh so I approve Michael R you yeah I agree with the others about the um about that side SE I think the the other requests um are minimal I like how you're attempting to keep with the with the original character of of Margate holes and you know whether whether others follow that example I guess remains to be seen but um I don't I don't have any problems with it I agree with the others and I'll approve it thank you commission Margaret goer um yes I agree with the other members I agree with Mr Richmond or chairman I should say um the five foot setback the s25 zone is common um positives certainly outweigh the negatives smaller than what could be built there fits in the neighborhood really well design John pits uh yeah as others have said it's a great Design This is the sort of house we want to see in Margate going forward the accessory structure versus garage um yeah maybe something we need to take a look at for me this is certainly a garage you could have done something with the uh the driveway to still meet the coverage requirements maybe strips on the driving the parking spot in the front but um I think everything is suitable and it's it's a good design so I approve Jim galantino I agree with the other members it does have the parking underneath where all the houses you see now have two cars parking two driveways in front of the house um underneath the house and I did I do agree with Tom the V does go with specific piece of property and I think the applicant uh stated the facts correctly and I approve in that application Craig palan what I like about this house is three bedrooms three bedrooms in this house and the car and the driveway that's can accommodate cars easily that's that's big I really appreciate that I like a a twostory home and I hope there all more like it and I approve I agree with the other board members I approve the application is approved with nine in favor and zero than okay our next case is Sam and phis Watt 977b Pacific Avenue block 131 lot 16.2 located in the multif family zoning District seeking C variance relief for the third floor deck design potentially others in order to convert an existing roof over the second floor deck into a third floor deck on taxes Water and Sewer payments proof of advertising and notifications provided represented by Christopher Balon my name is Chris B and I represent Sam and philis Watt with respect to their application uh this evening for their property on Pacific Avenue for a r your references as a roof deck I'll say third floor deck we can figure that out as we go forward um what we have here is property on Pacific Avenue that front Pacific Avenue it's unusual in that it's a two Lev property with a unit on the first floor forward the Pacific Avenue part of the first floor and the watchs have the rear unit and the upstairs coming out of the upstairs of their unit is the roof as you see as you all saw the property is the roof of the first floor unit and that's a big roof that extends all the way to the parking by Pacific Avenue you want to bring that over there there's no other microphone right1 that the whole place was disas but that structure here actually held standing wood at the request of his neighbor after he said something to her because it was like standing green water you know stand time um reass that deck that and the railing that was there this first 10t of it he ran all the way around he did not get a permit for that did not realize needed a permit he was of the opinion that he was repairing it was used it's not for use they don't use it they're not allowed and this unit here are not allowed to use this 10 ft right here that's it that's where the railing was just wrapped it around it's not used because it's right over her unit and the and the footsteps and the noise and commotion in the condominium documents precludes them music that was in 21 in 23 in April of 23 S built this roof that you see now intending for it to be a deck and he did that without a permit he was stopped by Mr B and Roger and what you see there now is where it was stopped has done anything since then but for it was fiberglass as opposed to leaving the raw wood there it was fiberglass by fiberglass company that he had hired when he started to do the deck they just they were away for a month they showed up and did it John B saw it called them and said you're not do that he spoke to V and V said if you're just fire L it's fine but don't do anything else and that's where we are today in the interim Sam went to Mr McLaren and after he was stopped with the structure as you see it with a post the stairs and just platform and Roger said it can't be a deck it's not permitted it could be a roof it give me a roof out of your slider right here from your kitchen we got doning approval for it to be a roof you got a permit for for it to be a roof and he said if you want to try try to get it making a deck go get a variance that's where we are today it's a lot of miscommunication a lot of um information that may may or may not be true but that's essentially what happened I don't think I I've left anything out but when Sam was told to stop he stopped but for the fiberglassing like I said he had hired fiberglasses when he thought it was to do this project it wasn't I never called them off and they showed up and did it and were allowed to finish for Mr Bob so what what we're here to ask for today is and Sam we give you to tell you the story is he was above he did it pH is here as well look if anybody seen the building they've made it beautiful it's their year round residence phis is born and raised here um and they had from here part of the de that they're allowed to use they had to deal with the ocean until the six unit condomin project went up in front of them which K which Ked off of this platform here they can now see the ocean like they look that way but there's but it ctures a small view of the ocean for that and this this deck as a point to the roof roof deck is limited to the 10t approximately that they're permitted to have down here actually when they moved in there was a platform kind of an elevated R not that there was no deck here initially Sam said there was there wasn't it was actually elevated off of this roof here because it was so wet platform that was built there so same configuration he just brought it up if the board tonight says no we don't want it to be a deck he removes the stairs he removes the posts and we're done mine in my opinion that would kind of be a waste at a relatively modest property close to the beach that actually has view of the ocean but lost it I can recapture a little bit of that Mr mlar calls it a roof deck because it comes out and extends above the second floor which is the living space in the property there is a third floor with the ceiling height in excess of 7 ft which makes it Happ it's not used it's used for storage the people who lived there previously used it for their grandkids and stuff but it's not it's right now it's not used as a habitable floor but technically in terms of the ceiling height it is habitable now a rooftop deck is described in the ordinance as one that is above the highest floor of structure not above the highest Flor this is the highest Flor that comes out of the highest floor the access there's access that's why the stairs are on the outside the stairs on the outside are actually permitted it's not used to not be permitted they're they're permitted um so in my mind when I look at the project it seems to me it would be a third floor deck that doesn't comply with more gates restrictions in terms of design and third Flo deck it doesn't have any closure kns Etc but this location relationship to the neighbors the way this propert isig every property is you guys said previously every property stands on its own um this doesn't bother anybody in fact it makes proper on it gives this long extension longu extension here kind kind of breaks it up going up adds some nice you know the white adds some nice color to it just makes the property not look like a long just a long skinny trailer gives it some feeling and appearance as a home and will tell you she show you some pictures from inside outside the neighbors will tell you the same inside to outside they've just done a beautiful job on the property and I'm not saying that what he did in terms of not getting a was right it's never right it's wrong he'll tell you that he recognized it I told him I said Sam you have no defense for this you have to go in there and you have to say they screwed up I you screwed up uh and recognizes that and to extent that helps in your decision making process that would be wonderful because as Leo was sugges you and I don't have a lot of cases where I come in after the fact for approval but you're supposed to look at this as if it wasn't there as if he was coming in for variance to allow that deck from scratch not as it still already and I think as often as we are together that this that this as a deck wouldn't bother you guys at all at that location in relationship to the neighbors and what the what you designed into the third floor deck to to precluded for having getting impact on any The Neighbors in terms of safety in terms of voyerism in terms of whatever it may be that doesn't have any of those impacts and all nothing else just makes the property look um and I'll follow whatever you guys say is the right way if it's a group top deck so be it I'll answer that variance I I don't think that it is because that's that can be habitable um but it says a pull down stair and to design this and build this to install a stair it's not doesn't make Financial sense screws up um if anybody has any questions Sam's gonna be here to answer those questions about the story and how it's impressed he'll answer him and I I hope you I hope you don't hold this hold what he did against him they are nice people it's a nice place they'll look better with this deck it'll serve them well and the neighbors don't have a problem some neighbors here already I have another neighbor I don't intend I think board should hear this I don't want it to be evidence but in terms of just the aesthetic enhancement to the property to give us some background I'm not asking to take it as as weight I'm just asking for some background if that's okay Mr Richmond just for the Aesthetics and I'm just going to read it I'm not going to offer any evidence the uh person's name is Gary Meltzer I'm running the letter because I'm unable to attend the zoning board meeting on 29 uh on in August of 24th I resided at 9703 Pacific during the summer months for more than 25 years my property and 9705 are sister properties to 9707 units A and B we share a courtyard and driveway our homes create a unique Villa likee feel until recently 9707 was on several ey stores in the neighborhood the previous owners had made little to to no General improvements nor had they kept up with basic maintenance since they purched property in the 80s Sam and Phyllis changed all that they beautified their property which was one of the first dominoes in the overall Improvement of not only AB block but neighboring blocks as well there has always been rooftop decks in this area since I've lived here this deck does not invade privacy nor does it oppose any safety concerns to me or my family it enhances the property and is actually lower than several other decks in the neighborhood I like many other part-time residents come down to the shore to enjoy the beach in the Sun Sun deck seems logical as the owner of the lower floor unit with entertaining space above the elevated deck also makes logical sense so to not create impacts on the neighbor below I'm sure you've all heard saying good fences make good neighbors while in this case good decks make better neighbors it enhances the look of the property as well as their shared Courtyard they have made beautiful changes to the property by updating an older existing property instead of knocking it down we believe this maintains the charm of Margate that residents like myself have enjoyed for decades from Mr Meltzer and um with that I'm not going to offer that but with that s you want to come up please is that Neighbor Next Door towards l City no for to the left um uh Mr watt just give us your name address for the record please uh Sam watt 9707 B Pacific Avenue Margate New Jersey and please raise your right hand do you swear airm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth yes thanks yes yes okay uh uh like Mr bellson said you know we had moved in and shortly after moving in uh meeting with our neighbors uh we had noticed after it rained that their roof was literally like a fishbowl yeah the the lady our downstairs neighbor yes yes from from the from the original ducks uh so we moved in there there is literally seagulls that fly on you fly land and we joked it was like a giant bird bath uh you know for them so she had asked if I could uh you know repair her roof and make it so their concern their concern was that the weight of the water uh and possibly ice or snow or something like that uh that their whole world come crashing in on them uh so the the water and the retention of that water was a big was a big concern uh they had asked me to fix it uh they had paid me uh to do that and in order to do that and I guess part of the problem why it was never done before uh is our platform deck that was out of the back of our house yes so that that platform deck actually sat above the bottom of our sliders you know like anyone that's going out to a porch or a deck usually you would go and you would take a step down this deck this platform that was there before it was two steps up so Not only was it inhibiting it was you know maybe about 18 inches or so uh off of their roof uh to the top of the deck but that was putting it uh eight to 12 inches above our doors so you actually had to step up from inside of our house and take two steps up to get onto this this platform uh that in turn had caused damage you know inside of our home where the sliding doors were when it would rain what you're talking about is right here on the SL right yes I a line there yeah we drew the where Drew the line there came up yes uh so also doing this when we had moved in uh the property and Chris had used the word word trailer we had used the word you know double wide that the home aesthetically uh with that condo in front and we had moved we had moved from lywood we had moved from a house downsizing you know into a condo uh was something that was very little scary for us uh Phil was from here she says you're going to love it over here it's going to be great uh but moving from a house and into condos you know one of her big things has always been you know she didn't want like a Philadelphia row home she didn't want where uh wear one color you know house and then you have another color house right next to it she wanted everything uniform she wanted everything uh to be you know equal and Ally pleasing that house in front of us with the design of the roof that flat roof it literally from the the curb appeal it had none you know it was it was like a double wide that was in there uh so the railing that was on our platform talking with the neighbors we said it would look aesthetically much better we agreed we would not be using that space yes the the lady downstairs you know who's the railing was just encompassed the footer so you correct where the platform where the platform uh it's over her it's over her living space it's over her uh kitchen living room uh and the you know and the footsteps you know chis did did you w the way because back here you couldn't really see the moving it forward and moving to the sides now took the property instead of looking like a a box in front of it now you bring that railing around it and it made th% difference in Aesthetics nothing out there no we don't yeah no we don't and you know I have you know she she polices that you you know uh yes yes yes yes uh so that was in 21 right that was in 21 in 22 okay so then early uh late late March early of April of uh 23 uh as a weekend warrior I was out there over a couple weekends started building the deck I had framed you know uh the deck that's there now existing had framed the deck um put the plywood up put the staircase up had the post up uh during no no no permit it can't kind of kept on getting put on the back burner you know I was 100% wrong my wife will probably tell you you know she's like you have to go and get a permit you have to go and do this you have to you know do this we were having a a baby shower for my daughter you know in a couple months afterward in May that was occupying a lot of our time uh and it's not it's not an excuse but it just kept on getting put on the back burner uh paperwork computer work that's not and never has been my strength but just get getting the time to come down and it was always something I figured okay I had a you know deck there uh I figured I can get this permit whenever you know that the deck the inspections everything's going to be you know visible it's going to be elevated anything that anyone would have to see it's for lack of a better word I I was thinking okay I'll I'll do it I'll do it before it's done and all will be okay and I was completely wrong assuming that uh I'm sorry it was never it was never my intent it was never you know it was in the front of the house it wasn't like this was in the back of my house and I was building barriers and trying to hide what we were doing uh and this wasn't over like single weekend I had built this over two to three weekends uh I so officer F had stopped told us to stop building that we had to uh obtain a permit okay uh that was on a Thursday or Friday I can't remember exactly but that was in uh early April of that 23 uh if it wasn't the next day because it was a Thursday or Friday by that following Monday I went down uh to the city uh they were under construction at the time you were in the gymnasium they didn't even have a an office at the time uh met with the lady got the paperwork uh put in my application for the permit for uh a deck for a deck uh about a week later about a week later she I believe called me I don't think it was an email I believe she had called me and said before you get a permit you need Zony and I was like okay zoning okay I'll I'll have to get zoning uh I thought I only needed a permit to get a permit you need a zoning uh and I'm really at the same same time okay this is another piece of paper this is another uh you know form I have to fill out this is another uh you know fee or whatever it might be but again I'm thinking it's a formality it's something that you fill out the paperwork and all will be I appli yes I I filled that out on that zoning on that zoning I had put to remove and replace an existing I think I even called it a rooftop deck uh when you say remove replace my platform deck that was there uh because I was in my thinking you was it's the same size I wasn't shifting it I wasn't moving it and when I'm thinking of zoning I'm thinking of setbacks I'm thinking of uh things like that you know height like I said I know our neighbors I had you know heard that third floor decks were permitted in my ignorance I'm thinking best case this would be a second floor deck because of how much lower my home is compared to our neighbors that when you look at them from the street it looks like that deck is four stories high okay and I'm thinking okay this is this is two and we're allowed to go three you know again I was completely wrong in my assumption and everything else and you know I apologize for that uh so you Mr McLaren he educated of what a rooftop deck is and that this would be considered a rooftop deck uh that you know unless I had gone for a variance that through he would not be able to approve this as a deck and IID asked him oh how about if we do a roof and he says yes you can make it a roof remove the post remove the staircase I had asked or questioned wow well the railings are really that's like the aesthetic that would tie everything in without the railings it's kind of going to look like a uh a carport you know just you know slapped up there the railings if we don't have access to it it couldn't be a deck and he just you had said no ra you know no railings no staircase roof only uh get Ro yes we we got first we got zoning approval we got yes yeah that was in uh beginning of may we had gotten zoning approval uh and then we had gotten by the by the end of May we had gotten a permit to you know as a as a roof deck what happened stop didn't do anything else no okay so in so in this time of back and forth when I had first built this I had contacted and I'm you know framing it I had contacted Ocean City fiberglass I I had hired them before the officer of V had stopped me we had a conversation we came to an agreement and I had hired them probably a month later after this project had been stopped I was in Cleveland visiting my son with you with my wife and I got a call from the Ocean City fiberglass guys that's when I immediately called you know officer Vada I didn't even know the guys were showing up you know they on this thing they came out of the blue uh and I didn't even think about there were so many other things coming on of uniring them I didn't even I didn't even think about that uh but I wasn't in town when so he said I I asked him and he said he had given me permission that we can fiberglass the deck to not allow or fiberglass the roof fiberglass the structure uh to not allow because that was built into the roof to not allow any water uh to come into our second floor so officer V given us permission to uh for or given Ocean City fiberglass permission to fiberglass the roof other than that no yes uh so then we get the per you know we get the permit uh in the the first week we had the permit I finished off the underside of the roof I installed the vinyl soft it uh I put the trim boards around uh and then by that time it was summertime uh we were still you I hadn't never touched the uh the post never touched the stairs uh wanted you know wanted just to get the underside you know finished off uh we taken the whole entire summer and that's where it was left living through the summer enjoying the space underneath there you know because prior to this we didn't even go upstairs as much as you might think you know we were just just us living there we stayed mostly downstairs having this space up top Flor on the second floor and having that outdoor space now I understood of what my wife meant by you're gonna love it here you know and going out here in the ocean being able uh the breezes and everything else and you know sitting underneath there uh daytime night night time prior to the condos yes after the condos no we lost that was lost uh after yeah after the after sitting with the summer uh my wife basically made the decision you she made a decision for me uh that this this is something we should move you know forward with uh here we are and here we are today this was last year right 2023 yes can I just clarifi get some clarification on a couple things want me to wait so because it's hard to see from the street and I'm visual versus these FL um so the person below you is in a on story unit correct yes and you're in a twostory unit yes so that Big Deck that looks like a deck is not usable no that's the one let's say onethird of it oneir of it would be usable and that's yours yes that's that's yours that you use on the second as you come out your slider you're allowed to use x number of feet forward yes who from the street it looks like it's a whole huge correct they allowed to use about 10et com out SL the rest of it is her roof all the railing is her Ro so where you built the staircase is on your cond appr by the condominium okay with on the condo docks and so on okay it's confusing yeah bringing the railing around would give you that so he does have he does have an area that's outside an outside porch right now that you use basically the same as the roof deck they just built and how big is the deck up there that you're proposing uh the width of the house um how deep 12T and the last question the Dormer I have a picture of two pictures in front of me one the the older one before it was there before the the structure was put up shows no Dormer and now I see a dormer what's in that Dormer area that when was the dmer put there right the the Dormer the dmer in that part of the roof was there before we bought the pl uh storage space uh or HVAC you know is up in there uh and that's above the deck that you're building correct and the ceiling height in there is an excess of 7et 85 in what is that yours or the the neighbors ours the third the top floor what's the access to that how do you get to that storage area P down now it's add P down stairs than I got a question so you know is there a separation between that is there's yeah there Planters there's there's a row planters PL PL that roof that's right and and there's six the 6x6 posts that are holding up that roof that's like the visual that when we have our you know my son just came in today he's visiting for the the weekend and he's a 25y old kid and he's been our house 30 times we will have to remind him you can't go past these 6x6 posts uh when we have friends you anyone over you know everyone wants to oh here I go you know no that's not that's not ours you know so we we police that to again just common courtesy respect uh you to our neighbor downstairs so there's no use of that front two3 zero and there's no use on the top right now no all right Mr Reynolds I'll get you sworn in um just your name and business address please Robert D Reynolds Jr registered architect New Jersey 109 Iona Avenue Inwood New Jersey please raise your right hand you swear affirm the testimony you'll give tonight will be the truth so help me out yes I know you've been here recently we okay you not thisth no you the property and insed it though yes descri Mr wat descri yes um part of the drawings um indicate the existing conditions when I arrived in J January February and documented I want you to talk about the location of this deck in relationship to the setbacks The Neighbors ET and well um Mr Meltzer tesy descri L of this part of town so the edge of the building on the Monroe line excuse B of building line you have approximately another 25 this structure there's a lot of open on the other side on the lap side rly from of the building to the proper line and there's approximately another 15 neor on so there is a lot of light open air and I think that's benefit to the site a lot of properties in this Zone don't really enjoy that Advantage how about from from that in fact um if you stand out here on the Pacific Avenue it's very difficult to see the warmer that's that would be up here of and this was indicates when you're standing on this deck and look for Atlantic City or look for long P do you see light and air or do you see a building well on Pacific Avenue I see not Pacific if you look toward Long Point you you can get it um a little bit you could see ocean I mean it's thece a little bit you have the ability to anybody's window if you look inside uh no that would be quite a stret um and of course you can't drop anything onto the sidewalk in front because of the roof up right um the the um the area that the watts would ilze is from what the dimensions of the I think I think well 46 and 30y good distance all around there yes 21 21 wide perspec do think yeah there's an aesthetic enhan and actually um sit I thinker opens up not typical think the improvements that made en building yes neighborhood I I I don't really recall what it looked like um before but um when I me took some certain measurements doc was very easy to impressed of choices materals do you think under Mar's definition of a rooftop deck this is a rooftop deck thir FL of on thir well um in light of the conditions I've tried to replicate features of excuse me a roof up here it more visually and even from Pacific AV it's not really uh it's not right on top you have to would you consider this to be above the highest floor of the house well um yes or no no it's not it's not above actually the roof here it comes down catches out of the FL FL same elev right excuse me do you think there's any to zonin Zone allowing I think it's there's a um some circumstances where it's it's a unique property um because of theal Z but is a lot of Sid don't subal I don't see a substantial dep no I do not see and in your inspection of the property the surrounding area did you see or notice other third floor or rooftop decks in that area um well um I believe there's yeah that's all I have thank you very much how big is that deck next door 12 by1 here it's it's smaller Chris yes I live in a two-story house with an addict and I I mean I've never heard of being considered that that's my third I'm coming from you consider a Vari for group top deck Mind Group top deck and intention gr top deck language was using a ro as using a as a de well that's what he's using right but I don't consider mytic all right Miss W uh Miss watt just give us your name and address please7 please please raise your right hand you swear airm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth yes I do thanks very nervous I I'm terrified okay I just want to start off by apolog apologizing to Mr mcen and the City of Margate if you thought we meant to disrespect you in any way I was born and raised in the city of Margate from crille Avenue to Tha school and a Margate culture leader during my youth I love the city of Margate and would have never done anything knowingly to disrespect it as you can see by this photo we have an entire room decorated of the mar City Beach p I was never a member of the beach Patrol but spent many summer days on white rout I grew up in the corner of Douglas and Wellington and have many childhood memories of collecting Turtles for many free this home was meant to be our forever home that was be passed down to our children and grandchildren owning a home with an ocean view is everyone's dream of paradise we unfortunately lost a large portion of our Paradise when the two level Hotel condos cross from us were replaced with a new four story condo so yes adding the sun deck above adding the sun deck above the deck that was already there seemed like a good idea again I would just like to apologize to the board if you thought we meant to disrespect you in any way that was never Our intention follow Rich com And Rog followed up by saying well you are using a roof as a deck and admittedly so but so is every every third floor deck in the city uses a roof uses a roof as a as a deck um my opinion this is a rooftop deck and actually you and I went over to created the definition in the ordinates that we use today to determine it says a rooftop deck understanding but in my understanding of that was and I'm not going to argue the point if it's roof roof de it doesn't semantics I don't care I'm just my impression always was that you're using your your uppermost roof I guess I'll say below Dormer below any other projection of the house as a deck that's it right but you're walking out you're on if I'm wrong I've been wrong a million times before and I'll take I'll take it I have no I have no problem with it I'm just I'm here to try and get them an approval for something that I think makes sense um they screwed up they screwed up but but if any if any property would benefit from that small deck I think this does despite the um dig questions from the typical way we do things that have occurred I would ask that you not hold against them just that they are here to ask for your forgiveness and for your approval of this project with that being said I'm not going to tell the story any longer I I will say groger side setback and I can only say that if that so there is one nothing that was built that exacerbates that condition there's no further extension to the side but the new deck is in encroaching in that side the new deck is on that probably probably I wouldn't not posi it's not encroaching that much whatever whatever it was it is and that's where where it's thank you I just have one comment as the zoning officer you did not need to apologize to me I hold no grudges so all good okay anyone else from the board any questions or comments anyone from just give us your name and address and I'll get you sworn in Edward zarotney 9705 9705 can you spell zarotney always Z is and zebra a w o t and Y thank you please raise your right hand you swear airm the testimony you're going to give will be the truth I do thank you so we have the property the sister property across the courtyard across from the F you're welcome it's my f my baby my grass but I think we are the primary beneficiaries of everything that was done to this property we've been there since 2016 I wish there were pictures of the property before as it sits today it was paren it was the lap it was not upkept Sandy was a very nice elderly woman but she did absolutely zero to the proper we Our Deck was the deck that was just referenced that's across the courtyard we view of that deck every single day and it was they quot it something else we referred to it as the Swamp with every rain it got bigger and bigger it never went away it was green it was slimy there were seagull it was a mess we said sandy sandy sandy sandy made efforts to fix it but never got fixed property was sold Alone Come Sam and Phyllis what they did to that property was magnificent it changed the whole uh elevation to the side of both properties what it did for our property by what they did to their property completely changed you know did it affect the value of our property of course it did beautification goes without saying you heard Gary from downstairs again our Gary is like their Beverly same units I came in a little earlier because I've never attended one of these to get the lay of the land one thing I heard was you know a sense of preservation of morgate maybe an older wargate or not over improving whether it's parking whether it's you know six bedroom six baths I don't know if you folks aware of these properties they started off as the um model units for 9600 so somebody had to wherewithal to take that box located as a model and build around now I don't know that when it was constructed it's considered historical but it is a kind of a cool thing for Margate that was left intact they did not change the footprint they didn't change the truck structure per se I get the whole deck and you know made the deck above the deck I don't think the deck above the deck approaches a PR their living space underneath but it's preserved those two buildings have been preserved nothing but beautified the parking Remains the Same uh I hear the word setback the structure has not changed side to side front to back but how it changed not only you know the visual but also our enjoyment we just made a decision we've been there since 2016 and we lived in the city my wife teacher in South Philly I walked four blocks to work we just made a decision to live here full time I gotta tell you that's like the big part if Sandy was my next door neighbor I don't think I'd be here year round just because that was my experience so I'm not guilding to Lily I'm not saying I moved and changed my ZIP code because of s in philis but it's a part you know it's a part of my world it's a part of the existence and I said I wish I had a picture of the structure before to the structure after I'm not going to get into the technical and statu and roof deck roof deck but what they did to that property is the condos went across the street we had a view we had a view they had a view they went up I'll never say anything wrong with it because it was much better was there before I used to sit there and just look at that thing so while it I understand the thought after holy cow now there's this massive wall in front of us that Su deck roof deck top deck whatever you want to call it does provide ance down air a very big thing the ocean view my Ocean View is not existent that's okay rather have the condom than so you also um have uh on your third floor deck you have a room there is it a bedroom or something bedroom correct it's a bedroom with a deck about 5 by five exactly yeah they don't have that it's a little walk that's my living space that was there before um again I don't know the particulars of the statues and that changes the two decks understood understood I'm just here as to the of Sam and phis and what they did for us questions good thank you pH thank you anyone else from the Public Public portion is closed Mike I have a question for Chris the um roof top where the railing is over top of neighbor that's fiberglass gu so it's a fiberglass which means it's a deck it's fibergl deck you don't do a fiberglass you can do a fiberglass Ro time we do a lot of yeah yeah absolutely I mean no I'm saying it's a it's inviting for anyone to say oh it's fiberglass you got a railing PR I'm not saying I'm just asking question so I know what's there um standing from the deck how high is the peak of the roof behind you yeah went from that little no I mean footage you know if you're standing on that third floor deck um how high I'm just curious how where the where the peak of the roof isight the peak looks like it's about a foot or two feet above the railing okay Chris then we we didn't talk about the staircase was it there or stair right right there was no stair before right everybody knew that right anything else no you want to do anything with the record okay um you know I know there was some back and forth before we get to a motion whether it's a rooftop deck or a third floor deck that doesn't meet we know what they're proposing Roger drafted the ordinance he's saying it's meets the definition of a rooftop deck it's still a variance either way so I I think we should go with the RO top deck um but you know there's a little bit of semantics whether it's a rooftop deck or a third floor deck that doesn't meet our ordinance it's a variance and we see what they're proposing so and then to to cis's point when voting the fact something was built without permits we're not a penal board you have to look at it as if this came in as a new application how would we view it so I would just just instruct the board in in in terms of that so um and Chris obviously it's part of a Condominium Association the woman who lives in unit one okay and you're subject to any Master deed or whatever all right so the the two variances it's to allow this rooftop deck and we heard plenty of testimony on that and then there's also a sidey yard setback on the right side at about five feet this deck where eight feet is required and then I do have before you finish that I'm sorry yeah sure uh Rob your your plans show some modifications to the railing of this third floor deck that you weren't didn't describe or you proposing a pent roof around a snail yeah not no can you just come to the microphone just so the the posts that are there will just be rail okay follow exactly okay so any plans will be revised to show that yes okay so so noted and I'll note that as a condition ra will lower okay railing will match lower railing um and then the normal standard conditions the applicant will comply with any if approved any condition any representations made uh that that they made or that were made on their behalf subject to any outside approvals that might be required uh you know if approved they they'll need permits obviously and then just the the the typical standard conditions make a motion Tom Collins Chris did a good job if I was looking at this which I am as if it was a brand new application um first things you know I always look for is the C1 and C2 criteria which is what we're supposed to Bas at um it obviously doesn't mean a C1 because C1 would be hardship and there is no real hardship here as far as C2 and the Aesthetics that everybody talked about the Aesthetics are all on the rest of the building anyway we're talking about just a small area in um I don't really think it meets the c um I think it is a third floor it is a rooftop deck if you had stairs and ESS inside I might consider that it was a third floor and maybe it's not a I don't like the concept of trying to put something like that Avenue it's it's again it's locations and parts of Margate and things that want keep but at the same time you have to be smart about it in that big front area someday somebody's GNA have a big party out there whether they like it or not and it's just not safe I just I just don't see that there's any justification Richard Patterson well just as a comment to the neighbors comment nothing we're voting on tonight takes away from all the great commendable uh improvements he made to the property all we're voting on is whether he can use that rooftop that's there as a deck it's every everything that's there is going to stay there um but I I have to agree with Tom I mean even if you consider a third floor deck third floor Decks that we look at are more in line 5x five is really small but certainly nothing like this I think it's way in excess of of what we want for third floor that's even in the even in the neighborhood that it is I understand we have to look at these properties but other than that I I agree with Tom and I have to vote now Michael Richmond yeah so I drive around that neighborhood and I see a lot of decks they're third FL decks they're not rooftop that's but most of them are a lot higher than what is being proposed here it in most of uh morgate most of the areas of morgate I would definitely not be in favor of this project but in that location surrounded by you know commercial buil not commercial but you know what I'm saying like multi- family units um I really do not have a problem with like we said every case stands on its own I don't think we're setting a president I think for that area of morgate I really don't have a problem with it so about yes Steven Ji I'm really torn on this I really am I mean we've all lost our views with all these houses that have gone up I'm afraid that other people would see a deck um I don't know it's it's a unique building it's a it really is a unique building and it's not like every anyone else can do that I don't see that anyone else can do that um I'm I'm going to prove it Michael Rock it's it's tough obviously um but I'm I'm in agreement with uh with the chairman Mr Richmond and Mr jaeki on this I think u based on what Mr Ji had said the uniqueness the the AR and Margate um I'm going to I'm going to agree with the two of them and and vote to approve this also Margaret Gober um this is a unique the a unique property as it is a unique neighborhood I think it's it is a dense neighborhood it's a multi-unit neighborhood um it does not as I see it interfere with the neighbors or the neighborhood I think it Fs in with the neighborhood I realize you rooftop deck third floor deck definitions but I think each each each thing we vote on stands on its own as we said um based upon the neighborhood I don't see it as a detriment and I as John pittz um so some of our guidelines for granting variances tell us that uh if the GR the variance benefits only the property owner the variance should not be granted um so I think that's we have in this case bring variance would be a benefit only to the property owner there's no benefit to the community so I deny the application Jim galantino the clock was uh off by the applicant um we weren't closed in 2023 we're closed in 2022 isn't that correct we were under Renovations 2022 but 2023 2023 we were under Renovations we're still in the front part because I'm wondering why it took so long to get that application in front of us for our approval but it seemed like it dragged on for almost a year and a half um after numerous times told to stop the job and I and I hate to be able to find an I ha when an applian has to come back to the board and ask for forgiveness to right or wrong and that just I don't I don't agree with the it was a great application but I don't agree with the the rooftop deck meeting the criteria I say Craig basano well you have a 10- foot deck now with a roof over it and um views are not guaranteed I Lost My Views when I started building three story houses over parking and I'm two boxingday um you're lucky to have a view for a while there's a one the cooler jaet there's a one story building there now but it's not going to be there that long and it's it's a benefit to have a view and um also I don't see any rooftop decks anymore I don't see any on the roof I see and I think it's a bad precent if you say that put a deck all the way up on top of a roof couple feet from the r and um I don't think a permit would be issued for that by our department to build Tom and have rooftop the application is denied with four in favor and five opposed now oh yeah still on the record and they worried about the weight on the okay on the record ready got one more thing to discuss y all right so as part of any plan the capital expenditures typically is heard by the planning board also and as you've heard in the recent news the city's considering it has entered into a contract to purchase the old sunny or Taylor's uh gas station to utilize it as a potential parking lot for municipal parking and as you're aware at the last master plan discussions and and as a result of some of the zoning changes in our ordinance we there was nothing there was no provision there was no incentive to allow commercial parking in in the commercial Zone C CBD Tob in particular so we changed that we said commercial parking lots are a permitted use in that zone so and as you're aware we' had several mixed use commercial use applications in front of the board over the years where you know everyone basically required a parking and I've the the real thought that you know for a commercial business down here seasonal for them to purchase $2 million to have half the parking that they need is quite a burden on that on that commercial development so I've always been a proponent that the municipality should invest in the asset of purchasing property to use as commercial parking that benefits everyone if a two cents plane had to buy a parking lot that only benefits them and it would be a shame to see a parking lot underutilized when the city can use the parking lot and uh everyone benefits it'll help ease the burden and the commercial zones commercial districts to provide parking and uh so again my opinion is it's it's a good plan it was promoted during the master plan session and also we have plan reevaluation coming up pretty soon but I just wanted the planning board to be aware of this capital expenditure as were required by Miss L LA to have a discussion and present it to you so if there's any questions or comments yes I I've been on the board since 2007 and without exception every single commercial property we've talked to we have had innumerable complaints there's not enough parking there's not enough there's not enough parking and not until the city decided to purchase this is the first time I've ever heard this say we don't need parking it's a waste of M this is crazy I'm talking almost 20 years of we don't have enough parking every single you ask any business we can't if we enforced the commercial parking area we would have no businesses in there's no room for the parking this is a well-located lot it's right in the middle of of the business district um and I've heard again just people asking me on the street is the city responsible for remediation for that for the gas station the uh agreement from the current or owner is Exon Mobile is fully responsible for any so the city will have no responsibility for remediation correct other than seen it through other than right I Me My ATT and uh are there grants available for the parking lot or for we have a Grant application in now that would cover part of that nut uh and how about I heard there grants available for uh charging stations actually the city received the grant about four or five years ago for Ev stations we believe it or not we didn't have a place to put them so we had to decline that Grant this is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of that Grant again and provide at least two or three spes for EV charging stations open available to the public and again this is the city's purchasing an asset here it's not like we're spending two million do and it's thrown away I mean for whatever reason a parking lot fails they could all sell but the parking lot's not to fail but the other way to look at this is we are reducing the likelihood of four new five six bedroom homes coming to morgate on VOR Avenue exactly that we really don't need that would increase the density increase the paring problem the load on the infrastructure uh as you're aware that up Sunny sonoko that was approved for a four unit subdivision they never filed the paperwork but that's just a matter of time before the use Vance carries with the property so they can still use residential but and I also again this I I don't know the answer to this but again people have come up and said it's going to cost every property under $500 on their tax pill I know that's ridiculous I don't know what the actual number is but if it's 10% of that that would be surpr I just hear exaggerated stories well you know sometimes when people don't want something to be approved or purchased you you hear some fear longing it's my understanding that you know the testimony provided by the governing body was purchase of this parking lot will be EAS zero impact tax would there be um par Mobile on it like Lo dep yes so there would be Revenue created too Revenue would be created that'll help pay back purchase of this asset all right that's that's my comments yeah I think um yeah same thing I I've been on the board almost as long long yeah and like every every time we have something come up you what about the park what about the park even in the winter I you know I I'll try I can't find parking sometimes in that area you know um so Craig anyway um yeah I'm all I'm all for I actually use the uh parking lot you know Wasing today it's not hard to use no yeah so well you need the fees that have to turnover you don't want people Park in a for a week right and as an example in Ocean City you know they started purchasing land near the boardwalk in the 1980s to preserve and to promote the boardwalk because none of the boardwalk shops have par and they have net income that those lots have paid for themselves you know it's going to be a lengthy payback period but maybe 20 30 years unfortunately we're we're tied to today's net worth of what it cost to buy a property but again I'd rather see parking there in on a for former gas station covered with asphalt than four five homes that better fit the benefit is everyone there are schematic plans that we use to apply for a grant and it shows landscape buffer shows some lighting uh also we'll be gaining parking on nner Avenue by closing up those curve PS so you're going to have 30 spaces on the lot you're probably gaining four to five at least on the street and even on the side streets you only need 24ot wide right yes one other point probably four five six years ago the city had a chance to buy parking lot for $500,000 and they thought it was too much money and now we have 16 bedrooms there right and it's it would have been a perfect spot for a parking lot at this end of town and to let something go again I think is is very short signning thank you and I'm just used to yell at Craig so I no offense ibody which yes was part of the deal when we built the second floor on the building but that's a topic for I'm sorry I won't tell you give fingers that yeah so any other comments I believe uh just just take a is anyone opposed to purchasing the par great idea I I agree I my goal is to just craft the resolution in support of govern body and capital expenditure parking lot support our governing body I'll put something together short saying 10 people here you I don't know if there's any monitoring Wells there now but I'm sure there will be installation of the monitoring Wells and they usually place them at the edge of the plume they call it see where it travels if there's anything in there it's my understanding that it's been deemed uh clean back in the day when the tanks were removed EXC set was clean of course they would now we have a a licensed site remediation specialist reviewing the application now for the cleanup to make sure and the City the right to withdraw from the purchase if it's still you know we can't wait for five years 10 years to have it cleaned up but in my opinion that's still the best purchase option best use of this property as a parment city so that being said I I have nothing further to add we'll about the resolution next month we'll we'll vote on that it'll be one a one pager it's in the work now we have an agreement of sale yes we have allocated Capital expenditures account payment it's our Capital bond which was passed so it's just a matter a grant that'll help pay for some of theti they're allowed but you know we're trying not to promote them they just show up there my my argument is we've been getting a lot of Tripp and calls over larger trees until so we really get a handle on where the trees go and look at maybe requiring one tree for property but we haven't had any reports of a trip great say have purple trees all over and it's aopp and high maintenance a lot of people seem to like them I know they do they Hardy well they they also um attract humming birds you're into that I am it's it's not really I mean it's well I got a home my house and it didn't start coming until the great Myrtle yeah yeah what's up I like great mles I like hummingbirds sh motion second all favor I all right