the Schoolboard work session begins in 2 minutes please take your seats again the Schoolboard work session begins in 2 minutes the Schoolboard work session begins in 1 minute please take your seats again the school board work session begins in 1 minute e [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning I now call the Tuesday February 20th 2024 administrative briefing and work session of the Maring County School Board to order at 9:00 a.m. please silence your electronic devices to avoid disturbing others mirroring and modeling how our students begin each day I ask that you pause with us for a moment of silence please join me thank you I'll Now read our board commitment statement we are the Marian County School District leadership team when we come together to work we are efficient effective and productive our three most important characteristics are dedicated transparent and individually responsible to work well together we must demonstrate respect confront reality and be accountable we will always put students first and we will leave a legacy of success I will now ask the Schoolboard attorney to explain the rules for this public work session good morning attorney powers and te thank you madam chair this work session is a public meeting as defined in Florida's Sunshine Law the board is dedicated to full transparency in its meetings and its work in compliance with Sunshine Law the board has adopted uniform meeting procedures including the right for citizens to participate the board will allow public comment regarding any work session item listed on today's agenda at the appropriate time speakers must fill out a request form located in lobby and hand it to the board Clerk after the board and superintendent have completed their discussion on a particular agenda item the board clerk will call the speaker's name in the order received each speaker will have three minutes as required by the Sunshine Law the board must maintain orderly conduct and proper decorum throughout this meeting speakers May criticize subject matter and decisions in a respectful manner but not people finally speakers must be very careful not to violate the private privacy rights of others especially students and their family members by mentioning their names or other identifying information I thank you for your attention to these important rules thank you attorney Powers Miss Martinez will you please provide the proof of publication for today's meeting the notice for the February 20th 2024 work session was published in the Ocala Gazette on February 9th 2024 proof of publication has been attached to bardocks under proof of publication thank you Miss Martinez and good morning to you good morning we will now begin the work session with the superintendent's administrative briefing good morning Dr gullet good morning Madam chair members of the board great to see you on a Sunday um sunny day today on Tuesday um yeah nice to have it sunny again I just want to um provide a thank you I I'm so pleased to participate on Saturday at Fan's Legacy Day and it sure was rainy but what an amazing um day that was of Celebration and I called it a museum set up up in the gym um just remarkable um artifacts and and history and so just shout out to uh her amazing principal there and her PTO and her community for for a great day of Celebration thank you thank you Dr gulet yes that really was a wonderful way to start the day and to have so many of our principles there to be honored was also very special um great morning okay well we will jump right into our only agenda topic for today uh which is rural development policy updates continuing thank you very much Boron um as we were here the last time we identified a few remaining um that we needed to address today these should be hopefully relatively short and sweet but of course if there's any discussion or I will point out if the board had any ones previously um that we did not discuss from our last time that you would like to bring up again today we've advertised both for both sessions so if there was uh any policy that you wished to bring back up you're certainly entitled to do that as well um but we've got it narrowed down to I think about what is it about eight policies in total that we'll be dealing with today each of you should have an addendum which was uploaded but also uh you have physical paper copies in front of you and these are each of the items that we identified last time that we would bring back to the board for the board's review because they either required a little additional work or there was some question or some wording that we needed to um look into so we will start with the first one in your packet which is policy 1120 and this is as to employment of Administrators so give me just a moment want to bring this back up here on mine any I'll take a moment for each of you to look and become familiarized with that packet thank you okay and I think in this one the issue was the there you go the pink on the screen members of administrative staff are required to have listed telephones at their residences the regulation and extension of the six Monon uh this regulation includes principles and assistant principles we actually were unable to locate this within a statutory requirement and so what we would recommend is what you see there uh in green as well as deleting that portion that requires a listed telephone number chair yes um attorney Powers thank you for that I I concur with that U my only question though and and this was just in speaking with some other Schoolboard members around the state whenever I mention that you know looking for statutory requirements they also have alluded to doe rules so I just want to ensure that when we are looking at statute we're also looking at all the doe rules to ensure because sometimes they aren't always the same right we do look also at the fac the Florida administrative code and if a doe rule has made it to the Florida Administrative Code we do look look at that as well um if doe has simply issued guidance guidance is not controlling so this board may choose to do whatever it it does now um at some point in the past it is very likely that some other districts had adopted this and simply chose to continue to adhere to it I would say specifically in this case with listed telephone numbers it probably is adhered to simply because no one has thought to remove it but that's my supposition so I tend to agree I think it's old language that's outdated and has been sitting there forever and I'm glad we're striking it anything else from the board any other discussion okay was that it for this one yes yes ma'am and now moving on to the next one which should be policy 2431 inter Scholastic letics I'm sorry do we is that give us just a moment technical issues this was just regarding the grades listed right right sorry what did you say board member James it was just regarding the listing of the grades and the the title of the schools right well and now there's a clarification of inter mural competition as opposed to just in Scholastic because our Middle School sports are considered intramural as opposed to so these are the yes exactly these are the the the if you see in green there this is the um proposed update just to Simply indicate intramural competitions involving middle schools grades 6 through eight strike the whole language about junior high schools and high schools um involving Middle School shall be in accordance with standards established by the school district thank you we good yeah yes okay only I like how this is going wait wait wait I got a question yes sir so this took out high schools is just talking about middle school now because it's just talking about inter mural okay okay okay mural Communications right got you got you comp I guess my only question then is should the enter the title inter Scholastic Athletics be changed to intermural competitions since we've stricken inter Scholastic Athletics to the policy title inter inter Scholastic Athletics and inam mural competitions okay and that may do exactly what you're asking I mean I don't I don't have any I just something I noticed as I looked up so I don't care either way but because the rest of the policy does reference inner Scholastic which is FHSAA and all of that so I I concur with adding intramural competition to the title so inter Scholastic Athletics and Inter mural competitions okay is the competition word necessary uh no I think you're right inter inter Scholastic Athletics and Inter mural competition competitions and remove the hyphen between inter Scholastic and Athletics that's Justus space okay okay okay moving on our next item would be 2623 policy 2623 everybody a moment to get to that specific section student assessment a change in language just taking language change and that was one that just hadn't been done so it's now updated is what y so so take a look at it 2623 the first line it does look like the word shall is not needing to be struck stricken struck through whatever oh yes otherwise we've lost our full verb you are correct District assess I mean if it's optional then may would work great but well here it's specifically that one of the issues is that the proposed update said Schoolboard shall but then there is um Administrative Code which and and which actually indicates that the district that although the school board has the ultimate Duty it is a Des it's a delegable duty so it's delegated to operations so the district shall assess student achievement so got it and that has to be a sh cuz it's required right I was we can't respectfully decline now it does at the bottom there it says the board shall or board will require the following um and those are the things that are required but again here the board delegates those things delegates those duties to operations but those are the board's requirements in doing so so when I delegate to one of my children to clean the garage I have rules about how they're to do so you know and that's the same as to the statutory balance so and you're on the back page SBA 8 right 207 yes 08 yep okay and then in the scheduling of Assessments which is page three of the policy but it would be below local assess so scroll down a bit so this is just a point of note there under scheduling of assessment so this was the change that was being made going from the board establishing the schedules to the district establishing the schedules but it does still say that the board will be approving these as an agenda item on a board meeting so that that was my question originally and it seems as if even after staff has gone back that that is still going to be a requirement that we'll actually be approving the testing schedules yes ma'am and that's that's statutory that's why okay but we set a a general schedule not a specific schedule so um is that correct Dr gullet it's more of a eye in the sky school yeah right the window it's a window per per the statute you you have the framework and within that window you have to do the test so yes beginning date ending date correct okay and then uh with that the statement the board will publish the testing schedules on its website using the board using the department of education's uniform calendar will the board be doing that publishing or will the district be doing that publishing it's right above the XG are you on um we're on we're on three scheduling of Assessments yes that second sentence yeah right above the X the district so it does say that the board will on our website okay okay stat all right all of that is the same too with the district submitting the schedules to Department of Education all of that in statute which which section are you on sorry same section um after five after nine yes district will submit all that statute language yes okay it's either Florida statute or administrative code at this point I do not remember which it was but I believe that's Florida statute okay so we're moving down then to assessment preparation same page yeah chair I didn't have any additional questions I don't know if anybody else does no any more questions from the board on that part and a a number of these also had to do with renumbering of statutory language so we had to take out chunks and put chunks back in under renumbered and slightly edited sections as well so we're good yeah okay next on your list 512 5121 will'll address next everything it's a good time to mention everyone should check their emails because the lottery was announced yesterday round one well and that was actually going to be my question Dr James because we are striking through all mention of lottery in this policy and so I was just curious and this is a proposed update from uh niola but uh it was also reviewed by Mr who deals specifically with controlled open enrollment in comparison with Florida statute in comparison with the administrative code um and this is this is currently the state of the law so I don't believe that there were anything there was anything within this policy I'll double check what I'm saying right now but I don't believe there was anything in this policy that was optional or elective well we are striking through item C under components of District controlled open enrollment program that mentions the word Lottery so scroll up to the top it's at the very top of the policy do we have a lottery policy that's what my question was going to be I'm not certain item C but is there a separate policy specifically speaking about Lottery that was deleted I believe we do actually have a I think it's it may be for weight list Lottery Let me let me check this here our you're checking Terry yes okay Terry is I am too so one of us will find something and perhaps we don't we consider it like magnet enrollment or there's something else because currently a lottery system is how we accept students into our magnet programs my understanding perhaps they're not classified under controlled open enrollment this just confused me I didn't know where we1 yeah we're we're looking at the loty under 5120 uh we have a separate policy uh 5120 okay that outlines the procedures for student for the lottery okay and I'm looking now are yeah I'm waiting on the board dos delay I don't know that I see it there but maybe I'm missing it okay we have under Section 10 in policy 5120 um if more transfer requests are received then capacity will allow those students applying for a transfer by the advertised deadline will be entered into a lottery and space will be filled based on a random uh selection so there's a provision within the controlled open enrollment in 5120 which permits the uh Lottery procedure so the district's controlled open enrollment program where it says establish appeals process for hardship cases um under C it did strike provides a lottery procedure but that Lottery procedure is in fact already provided for in 5120 um it does not indicate that we're provi that we're required to do so so perhaps I'm not honestly whether that was in there or not sure I'm trying to Envision in a scenario in which it would no and that's fine perhaps I'm not asking the question correctly yeah if this is the only policy that references a lottery system do we need to have a policy for how we currently are accepting students into our magnet programs that does not mention Lottery well we we do for controlled open enrollment and that's that's under 5120 section 10 but if there's nowhere established in policy where I would anticipate it actually would be in the policy 5120 for Student Assignment but I'm not seeing anything anywhere listed that actually references what we're currently doing in practice I think you're right but is the lottery process have to be a policy or is it a procedure it would be a procedure I mean I I I guess I would just offer that I feel like it is one of those things that es and flows and shifts year to year based on the needs of the district and the changing of the programs and so I think having it in procedure is okay well the the board has to broadly authorize even things that are procedures however in these sorts of cases these are not known that they will I mean they we can reasonbly anticipate that there will be overfill by which we would create a lottery system for any remaining spaces or a space that becomes vacant after it's selected um however um that's that's also something it's a determination that is not necessarily a requirement so that is something we can we can place in board P policy something that provides for a lottery but then operations is now held to a lottery standard for it otherwise we would allow that to be something that is within the more flexible domain of the superintendent's procedures and then that's for the board to decide Dr gullet what is your thoughts I'm trying to I see it in statutes I'm just trying to determine if it's somewhere else right now as far as the guidance for that that's fine I mean we will put procedures in place but I'm I'm researching the um that procedure right now that policy so should we put this off to the side for a few minutes pass this one and I can um I can see what I can find from Mr SS on this one as well if if we we all I think everything in this that's been stricken and highlighted we all agree with it's just a matter of whether we should or should not strike that part in C right and and I'm fine with it in that policy I'm fine with exactly the way it's done my question though is does the board need policy specific to Magnet School enrollment and that's my question and so so I guess technically we don't need to put this to the side because we all are in agreement that what this shows is is correct and valid we just may have created an a window for needing something else to well I would still let's I would still say it is though that's probably correct um we've got a couple fielders out right now to try to find additional information that we can probably get done by the end of our yeah I don't want to rush this you know um I want it to be right and give the folks time to because it was stricken on his get the research in but also we can move on till that happens if everybody's okay with that that does that help Dr gullet yes I I I'm wondering what the is the question whether the board wants to have an additional policy or would prefer not to and then do procedures because correct we need if we do it then we're bound correct my question would be the reason for the strike the my question would be the reason for the stricken language under SE uh we previously had provides a lottery procedure to determine Student Assignment which is nice and Broad right and magnet and everything stat I could I see it right here so establishing an appeals process for hardship cases may be the direction that the board has chosen to go or maybe direction that operations has chosen to go in the past instead of filling those cases via lottery so I'm I'm checking into that right now and I'll see if I get a response by the time or okay that's a good point so the two question I think the two questions are can we strike that I think that's the first question because if it's that's my question if it's in statute I don't know that we can and then the second question is if we need to add somewhere whether the word lottery or not applies to the policy I'm recommending I would believe that in policy 5120 specific to Student Assignment there would be a section about magnet enrollment because Student Assignment they also control how students are assigned into our magnet schools but I don't see that listed anywhere maybe it's somewhere else maybe that's in school choice op or something but um maybe I'm in the wrong policy I just it feels like there needs to be some reference to how we are accepting students into our open enrollment right I I agree and I don't want to go a limb too far and and make suppositions about it based on what I don't know so I'll I I'm not I'm not sure why that was stricken I just know that when I brought this back that was one of the items that was that was stricken so um if we move on from this we'll make sure to recall it so we pull that to the side it's like a little further research is and and that yeah research just for for this session I should have some answers by the end of the session okay depending on how fast we are so let's well and I think cross referencing the choice uh what what choice policies we have to see what's reflected there could be maybe helpful he what do you got up next graduation requirement 5460 graduation requirements yes we were getting rid of rid of all kinds of stuff so on that one the two sections were removed that were not applicable for this particular policy those had been mistakenly left in and they are not applicable so they were stricken so clean up yep okay anything else not on that not on this policy unless anyone for the Ward sees anything board okay we're good 5465 um my only question here uh is referencing actually putting someone's name in policy and their specific email address I didn't know if there was a way to list it as GED coordinator and maybe even have an email that's GED marion. K12 it just it's really difficult when we put people's names and policy we did a deep dive on this and oddly we found out that oddly we found out it actually is required wow okay in this instance to have a name included within it so crazy um though our everything else every other policy we do every other best practice is to include the title not the name however we also reference the fact that it is required by Administrative Code so um the boards GED coordinator may be contacted for questions we made sure to go beyond listing the name and list the actual um telephone number uh of course if they send an email to that address and that person's no longer there we're going to have to edit it quite a quite quickly in board policy however those are also referenced within on the district's website so that portion would be altered immediately I mean if somebody went to policy which would be a strange place to go and found that name and emailed it they'd get a bounce um if they called that number they'd get connected to the right person uh if they sent a letter they'd get it to the right place however if they um uh the GED coordinator position and title that's within the uh the Mary County school public school student progression plan so if you look at the very bottom we put a a little section in there and this was in communication with Dr living good uh refer to Maring County Public School student progression plan for criteria and because of the sort of odd oddness of this being uh required that the name actually go in there uh in Administrative Code we we put it all in there we put everything possible so that there should be no chance that somebody can't contact this person because they've got multiple ways to doing so okay the kitchen sink approach and to your point the phone number rings to the GED office it doesn't I was thinking could we make it the just generic phone number so that if extensions changed or something but has this extension been the GED extension for like some time I'm just wondering because if they rang to the main main dashboard they could just ask for the GED office and get transferred and then regardless of if the number changed or if the office extension changed or whatever we're our main number is never changing right the 7200 number would ring through to the office that would be most responsible so but what I'm saying is if for some reason that number attached to that office changed if we have that number as our main switchboard number sure that would that would definitely make it even more so though those numbers I'll point out that in our public records requests and things like that though we may not list specifically the person by name we do still list a phone number for the Department because the the person by name may change more rapidly but the Department's number or the Department's um you know physical address may not change nearly as quickly and we've kept as the Maring County school board our address changed a couple of years ago you know so is it necessary or no to change the number to the main District number I wouldn't put the main District number because it's going to be that's going to make it more difficult for a person to get straight through to the right department and it would be I would say just based on my estimation that number would be more likely to connect directly to the person that they need to get to whether that person is still the listed person or somebody else that now works in that position and this is why this is why in every other policy they don't list the person by name they have to list it department and then that's pretty much cleared up though we can list both numbers um and that would be my preference if we were going to list I wouldn't list one or the other if we were going to use the main number because the main number risks the possibility that their call may be diverted so I mean I'm not committed to it I was just wondering if it'd be easier so I'm cool either way nothing is well I I make the same request of the email I mean can we just have a GED at Maran I mean because um similar to what we have with public relations or board Clerk or something like that where it's just the generic if you're trying to get to GED you're going to get to GED at Maran I don't know it just seems if we have it seems like a very easy solution to me as well but if that's not possible this is just the information given to me by Dr living good and I I believe that probably I would air on the side of providing additional means of contact instead of deleting any I would include at least this much information and then if we wish to add additional information for contact we can do so how about this how about keeping that number for now and then or and then the the main number and with an i to as we evolve through this process um and become more future focused I do like the idea of of emails you know becoming more and more you know board clerk GED coordinator at mar. K12 I just think that makes sense you know there was a time when we had very few people coming and going that's not the case anymore so I think that's the confronting reality part of our board commitment and I just if I can who's going to remember I mean maybe this individual will be with us until they retire in 400 years from now and we would love that but like who's going to remember to change this who's putting that little note down right is that a is that a that's how we got love Terry notation I mean who's going to remember to edit this policy if the position the person changes right yeah that would be that during policy review that be time and so staff would have if if it's gonna happen annually because I i' I've seen policy review essentially happens annually then I would greatly air on the side of making it more generic and less specific because if there's a change we vote on this in two weeks and there's a change the next day it's not going to get changed for a year unless we intentionally pull it so I mean Dr G do you believe we could do a GED at marion. email address that would forward to this individuals so I think it's a great question attorney Blackman stepped out to check on this other but he did a lot of the leg work on this he's the one that guided the staff on this I need to get um confirmation from him because I have a note here that he um received confirmation and that's how it needed to be okay that's correct this is this what we have there is how it needs to be at minimum for what we're required to do okay well at least we could add want to be additionally helpful and add additional ways of contact we can do that but we're required at the minimum to have this this they have to be able to get a hold of this person I have a question yes ma'am do we have anything in policy currently and if not I would propose we consider it to prevent future boards from uh having to revieww policies that hadn't been reviewed in a very very very long time would it be prudent to put into a policy that the board shall review policies yearly or by- yearly or something did it's there it's already there okay I just want a confirmation of that because and currently all this good work we want it to not fall flat and currently we're at about twice a year um I would say the board is reviewing it twice a year but you're your attorney and paralal are reviewing it pretty much constantly like we already we already have proposed future edits that we're starting to review now for the next time we're going to do this so okay okay because this is you know something that wasn't happening and and now we're getting on a roll and a routine and I don't want that momentum to stop when there's other uh people in these seats we're going to keep going as long as the legislature keeps throwing new things at us we got more coming when do you think that'll stop we perish we maybe it'll slow down I don't know there'll be fewer this year we currently already have something in policy that we we discussed this uh it's been uh almost two years ago about a year and a half ago okay I found like we did but I just wanted to said it would be subject to at least annual review okay great and the question at that point was now that we've done all this work what if there's no review needed for 18 months but we have seen that that's not the case we we've say that'd be a nice meeting not to have so uh for right now we want to just leave we've added the the main number in addition to 7200 number we don't currently have a proposed additional email address um other than that one well we do have we we've just put in there just one that we just made up which is not active right now GED marion. and I I don't know that that's I have no idea whether that's an email address that can be used but that just in in as a placeholder if the board wants to give me the opportunity to be able to correct this if the district decides to create a different one yeah I can I can do that absolutely yeah so absolutely I think with others you know going on down the line you make a note that that will be something we'll need to review before we publish finally Y and as you said attorney P I think more is better as long as we put in there what statute requires but giving something a little bit more I think that covers Us Dr gullet would you agree moving forward that whenever we can have um titles of positions as part of the email rather than the person's first and last name that would be appropriate yes absolutely where where we absolutely have to is the only time we would ever include a name okay it's preferable not to because then you have to come back and change policy okay okay we're operating really quickly could I uh ask for about a three or four minute just uh recess so that we can take care of a couple of things and then we'll get right back on the ball would that be okay sure yep all right all right we will work faster more diligently than we we will uh research uh For Recess for just a short time at 9:38 a.m. thank you e e e e e e e e we are back on with our continued discussion of policy review at 9:47 a.m. attorney powers uh next one we will be dealing with is 8415 that's emergency and crisis management okay sorry superintendent was going to on this one the one that we just dealt with I believe Madam superintendent there was something you were going to 5121 yes I'd like to keep to not have that stricken for um part C on page 14 that wasn't this one to it was the one about school or open enrollment that's that's taken verbatim from statute okay thank you thank you give us just a moment to do that would you repeat that please just so everyone knows it we're so policy 5121 on page 14 which is one of nine of that policy item C was stricken but it shouldn't be because that's taken directly from um from the policy Florida from the I'm sorry from the Florida statute so provides a lottery procedure to determine Student Assignment will uh will remain corrected Center one 2.31 okay okay all right good I had a couple of additional questions in that policy I'm sorry sure go ahead mean for us to belabor the point um there is one just quick scribers error that we needed to have an apostrophe s on something that was being added um if you want me to tell you where that is I can Terry [Music] it's it's technically on page three but that's not going to help you it's in a section called application and preferential treatment so it would have been earlier in um it's where up higher yeah much higher we have an SBA okay there you found it okay so it's uh on the district apostrophe s website yeah 16 okay thank you yes um but then I do have one final question and it's on the last areas of the policy I think we were on SBA 16 that an apostrophe that was missing it was just an apostrophe apostrophe and now she's going to tell us the next one um yeah my my final question in this policy is dealing with appeals which I can give you the new number if that's helpful if I can find it it's uh 20 SBA 20 thank you I'm looking in the old book SBA 164 was our original um my question on appeals is it currently has or the new way we have in policy will be that the decision of the director of student assignment is final I'm I'm curious Bor if we want to give that sole authority to one person because every bit of this appeal process stops and begins and ends with one person and and that's a question that of the board it and it's within our Authority it's within the board's authority to do so to make that final just as we make principal's Authority Final on suspensions and I if not we need to be prepared to handle as a board all of the appeals that may come forward Beyond in this case Mr is the director of student assignments unless we assign up to the superintendent or her design and so that's which superintendent we all know means designate but I just I I guess it's potentially even a question for the superintendent it just feels like there's an awful lot of authority given to one person that begins and ends with one person and I personally as a parent and board member am not incredibly comfortable about an appeal process starting and ending with one person and that person not being the superintendent right and in this case the only thing I can speak to that is that the superintendent's designate for these matters would be the director of student assignment um so then apart from that the you would have to designate the superintendent specifically as the person I but um remind me of the organizational chart here I bring that up who who director of student assignments reports to executive director of BOS Miss Boston analysis okay Miss Boston analysis department so I don't disagree with board member Campbell I think it's a lot of Authority for one individual and if that singular individual is has emergency surgery and is out for three months then what right and God forbid it be during the school choice window so can be superintendent or design Dr Gull what are your thoughts let's see I'm thinking back to the other policies where we've decided to put um superintendent intending design that provides as much flexibility as possible and and I'm sorry I was looking this up but I think Dr James made that point about if somebody's out so um well and I think even where it says appeals will be considered by the director of student assignment and and the decision of the director of student assignment um I I just think the word final is very um punitive per perhaps if I may suggest that in the second paragraph the decision of the director of stud Student Assignment um is reviewable by the superintendent or is final but reviewable or final or is well then it's not final so I would say this of student assignment um decision of the director of student assignment um may be reviewed by the superintendent I mean that that's or design well superintendent means or design as a policy um definition that that sounds like you're undercutting a person too um when you kind of say that it would just be better I think you just said the superintendent yeah CU then why would they stop with director's Student Assignment if they thought that they had a shot you know no It just strikes me we've had the same conversation when it comes to principles and their authority over suspensions right because the authority over suspension stops with the principal it's not reviewable beyond the principle um it doesn't go to the board the whole thing um now if it goes into something that's an ALT placement or goes into an expulsion or something like that of course other resources get involved but this is for appeals if someone was not accepted for enrollment someone you know was not either for whatever reason it was overcrowded or there was you know they they weren't selected or whatever the reason was then that goes to director of super director of student assignment the director of student assignment then answers to the superintendent and the superintendent can of course write procedures which control the guidelines by which that person acts they could also the board could choose to say that shall be reviewed by the superintendent or anything like that but whenever you whenever you've got something where you are trying to you're trying to allow the due process of someone being able to review or appeal it but then not continue to move that process up the chain you have to then ask where up the chain do you want it to stop do you want to stop with the superintendent um so that you have then you know uh if I I understand my understanding is that there are a great number of these that the that the director of student assignment or someone else would make a decision on that may not be happy with the decision and then all of them would have to write letters to the superintendent and the superintendent would then have to say well I she'd have to pick some other process and confer with that person and say well here's what I believe we should do in this particular case which could get a little difficult but it could be more fair too so could I just offer leave it as is and say contesting this final decision may be reviewed be reviewed by the superintendent May meaning could would maybe not definite or is that cherer has wishy-washy eyes she you don't like it may I well as apparent be like why did you review theirs and not mine I hear that yeah I think this is a very slippery slope may I recommend that another alternative that this board may consider is appeals will be cons considered by the director of student assignment in keeping with procedures established by the superintendent so in other words if the superintendent has established procedures on this partic on the appeals process then the director is simply act acting as an executive he's executing those directions I don't I like that it gives leway to the department and Dr gullet to create procedures as needed I think if we had Mr SS here he would probably say that it's it's a good thing that the decision is um definite because it could create chaos um what do you think D my question is I'm looking at the policy is this required by law or is this just a guidance because again back to grounding it in statute let me review those statutes got that far yet on here but more procedure less policy on that okay sure thank youe board M Campbell um so as as sitting here in in policy conversations I know we keep referencing the person currently in that position but I'm trying to think of it from the perspective of the title rather than the person because to your example perhaps that person was out on medical leave for an extended period and somebody else has to take over in that role or whatever occurs while we understand what the wonderful person we have in that position's intentions are it's highly possible that at some point we will not have the capability of that person and the direction may actually be different than what the superintendent would choose to do I'm concerned about putting all of the appeal process Authority in one person's hands I also have a question about taking out a couple of the hardship options I'm just curious as board members I know I have received phone calls from folks before that perhaps another circumstance of hardship has come up apart from a medical need or a law enforcement matter I know we want to close this can of worms and I understand that but there are extenuating circumstances from time to time that perhaps should be considered Beyond just the two that are checked here and so I I understand we're trying to you know make this policy and ensure that we um close some of the gaps and help it be really black and white as to who gets appeals and who doesn't but some examples uh VPK student who has always been at the VPK I know VPK is a whole can of worms but the VPK student who is there with the grandmother who's the teacher who's the mom is a teacher and but then that VPK student is actually zoned for another place to go to kindergarten but their whole family works at the school where they're in VPK that's not a medical or a law enforcement matter that is an appeal that in my personal opinion if every Stu every family member of that child works at some school and they're in the VPK program there but yet they're zoned kindergarten you know 40 miles away and have to get on a bus by themselves and no that is beyond be professional courtesy well and to skip Beyond which school choice and to skip even further beyond that in statute there's a requirement and I believe it's already in policy that we provide a lottery procedure or Des determin student assignment and establish an appeal process for hardship cases so there's already an appeal process for hardship cases and and not Define what hardship means because that's what we're here defining what hardship means find it here which is a procedure right this is defining hardship I think we're defining ourselves right into a box box agreed I would say so from what I'm hearing Dr Campbell indicate is that at the very least D would be another item that she wishes to include within the hardship I will indicate though of course hardship includes but is not limited to um those two things which means that even if we struck CN D those still are included includes but not limited to but we can add in the board's discretion could add back C or D I just I would I don't have any input specifically on this matter from the director of uh um school choice so but honestly in this case adding back C or D would be acceptable because when you say but is not limited to I think you're creating an idea that these are the two predominant factors that we would consider however we would consider other things as well so can I ask just a clarifying just I feel like we need to I need to make sure we're on the right track this entire policy is about controlled open enrollment which is separate and not the same as school choice oh it's right there I so this entire policy is referring to schools that are under 90% % capacity so I think I think that the examples you've shared Dr Campbell are about school choice not entirely I'm sorry I I appreciate the if if you don't mind the dialogue no examp I'm giving is specific to 8th Street Elementary so that is not a school that's but if I was if I was at e if I was an employee at 8th Street Elementary I would apply for professional courtesy during the school choice window which would this policy would not address I I can assure you that that has been a sticking point for some employees of 8th Street element I'm just using that as an example because it's one I had recently of a vpa student there and they live in Spar and that's where the student was going to be going because there wasn't space in kindergarten at 8th Street at all and so that was a decision that was being made but that's not controlled open enrollment the school isn't available for controlled I but that's what I'm but so that's what I'm trying to like work through productively is like you're the exam I acknowledge the example you're giving and I think that it is it is an it is a gap in our system but I don't think that it applies to this policy I think it applies to to a policy that is not this because this is about schools that are under 90% capacity that's what this entire policy is about so I acknowledge that what you're saying is true and fact and needs to be identified somewhere but I don't think it's in this policy okay because 8 Street as an example would not fall under open controlled open enrollment understood um and then I would further say that that it does need to land in the right spot and we need to address it because it's been identified as a valid concern I think it goes back to Dr Campbell's point of having a policy or a procedure about school choice because what she's mentioning is I I would say that if I work at a school I guess I'm just talking through this in that scenario I'm assuming that there was enough zoned kindergarteners to take up every single seat and they would supersede a professional courtesy and I think that that is kind of just an unfortunate situation I don't know that it um I don't know that a professional courtesy seat should take away from a zoned if I was zoned for a school and I lose that there's no way so it's just a really tough spot to be in yes because as I was sitting here listening to the very respectful and appreciated uh dialogue amongst board members as we try to problem solve this I started thinking forward to well what about class size violation you know no good deed goes unpunished yes Dr gullet uh attorney Powers your thoughts Dr James is correct I mean um this is about open enrollment so and and I'm obviously a big fan of more about procedure and less about the policy so it allows us to be able to to address the needs that may change I mean because right now there may be room at one school and maybe they won't be the next year and then you'd have to come back and change policy so the board we can um create Pur around it the better I don't know if that answers your question but I but I I concur with what I what what's been said so far this is open enrollment any powers the issues that are being described within the appet realm I can agree with um I do have to stand on the side of thinking that this policy only specifically agree deals with controlled open enrollment um and so it may take some research to figure out exactly where that applies in situations like the Eighth Street situation you're describing and I'm sure there are others besides a street as well I mean I think uh currently about what is it about onethird of our students are open enrollment controlled open enrollment schools now our our hope is with construction every time we build additional facilities we are going to increase that number by decreasing below 90% a number of those but um and ultimately we know the legislator's choice is to try to get us to having controlled open enrollment countywide so it doesn't matter where you live in the county ex send your child anywhere that that's the that's the point um but um in this particular case I don't see that I don't see that that addresses this issue here um [Music] because I don't see that that's situations fixed by a controlled open enrollment policy however writing too much into this at this point could be detrimental because we don't know which schools are controlled open enrollment schools from year to year until we get there and we do if anything at least expect some change in that direction over the next few years so I guess I say all that to say that I don't have an easy and convenient answer for you at all though I certainly respect each of those board positions here it's a tough one and thank you I and I I certainly appreciate the the conversation and understand that it's possible that my specific scenario may not fit in the controlled open enrollment scenario I understand that uh but to attorney pow point just now that controlled open enrollment list fluctuates and I've personally known it happen in the middle of a school year even in the middle of a semester that all of Su to school pops on that list that we don't have any idea and then families wouldn't have any idea potentially either and that yesterday it was available but today it's not and that has also occurred I can give another example but um so that thus the conversation thus the appeal process do we do we specify hardship to only be one or two things do we say that all appeals only fall with one person and I'll be all and that's that's the whole gist of this conversation I would say that I see no fault given the language of the definition of hardship in reincluded D since includes but is not limited to means the same thing that is said by reincluded D it's just perhaps a bit more you know uh clear that well yes if you're including but not limiting to A and B well then D is also included it's not limited to A and B so it's redundant right but you you could indicate that that is if if that sort of provided a little bit of stop Gap you could include D or you could not specify D and still realize that things Beyond A and B still exist I will tell you that regardless of how we do this um I can certainly and the superintendent can and I can have a discussion with the director of student enrollment or Student Assignment um and we have a mode within legal where we can flag these to bring them back for the next policy review update we anticipate that'll be in July or August of this coming year so we can flag it to come back up again if we don't if because there may be more to figure out that gets our policy I mean I think I think as this policy exists it's perfectly workable however this by mode of either policy or procedures because we don't want to put the superintendent on the spot right now to create a procedure for this right now or or for me to try to create a backd door value by policy for this it's something that we may need to look at based on a complete review of this how have other counties done it how have other districts done it how have we done it in the past uh what ways would be the most efficient and effective so I can put this to come back in July and August for a potential review and update um based on those factors also um the board may choose to reinstate item D or C or not because I think that's though it may be redundant it also doesn't it doesn't it doesn't imply a limitation to only the most severe hardships currently though A&B give an idea that hardship should be based on something that is significant and tangible not something that is because our currently our enrollment needs or our our limitations are heavily based on there aren't class- siiz types of factors we simply don't have enough spots and we are trying to overcome that battle but as of right now we need to we do if anything need to make it a bit more clear that hardship should be considered in rather potentially extreme areas and less so perhaps in the you know areas of maybe professional courtesy or other generalized hardship issues although I I would I would say that in the current situation we are in with employment it becomes a very real and tangible sure opportunity for people I I it sounds like uh more work needs to be done on this policy it it sounds like the board raised a few you know good points um to work through is the board okay with this continued work on this particular policy and then bringing it back because I don't think we're going to solve this at this particular time yeah that's fine that's fine I do want to weigh in though on what you please do VI um and what you just shared is that we look as we look at retention and retainment of teachers um um and we know we're what 120 teachers shorts short teachers right now um I don't know how you can say it's not an emergency and and we do everything in our power to retain the teachers that we have and so um it is important to me as a board member that that's a high priority for our staff as they look at the placement of students and I it may not have a place in this particular policy but it should have a place and it should be highly considered yes go ahead Dr thank you madam chair and to Vice chair Conrad's point I I agree and there may be hard to fill positions that we really need someone but I'd want to Define that so it's not just someone choosing to be there but someone that we really need to have there and so as we really look at that Recruitment and Retention I think that's a major factor that we need to work through whether it's directly in policy or in procedure but agree with that okay Dr and just as a I would be did from our director of student assignments how many appeals for open enrollment he gets because I do not think there's a lot of denials for requests for open enrollment placements so I think the appeal is going to be attached to a school choice denial but I think almost exclusively if you apply for open enrollment um you're you're getting placed in the school you apply at yeah there's a spot there for you available right but but the availability is determined by the wording and the policy so so there's not a lot of appeals if any for open enrollment there are certainly appeals for school choice but for this I think we're in the weeds a little bit because I Dr Campell has brought forth a point that I think we need to address I just think it's outside of this okay all right so are we in a good place we're in a good place okay so my understanding is would the board be first of all decision that we're only going to include A and B and secondly the board adopt would adopt this policy as is with the understanding that my department would be bringing this back uh during our next update which was timed for July or August yes yes yes yes my my only question about that is would we be bringing policies back in time that they be applied for the upcoming school year because while you're saying July August my this board member's intention would be that we get this done and they are done by August 10th so that well even if even if we began review even if the board voted on it August 10th there's a there's a period of time before it becomes you know actionable so I I don't I I don't know that I can that I can guarantee for open enrollment period though I thought was all the time control open enrollments all time control open enrollment is all the but I think to Dr Campbell's point I think what she's asking is between now and time certain of August 10th August 12th I think technically we want to see a policy or procedure brought to us that is clarifying the circumstances that she brought forth today and some of the other circumstances that we see and how we would navigate employment and employees at certain schools and them having professional courtesy and so if that means that we have a separate item on a separate day to discuss a policy or procedure about that then that's fine I'm fine with that if this could be prioritized that would be my request as well because it is pretty important and it comes up a lot right yeah we won't have any proposed update this will be a created update so it'll be one that we would have to get with um the director Direct and get with a superintendent and model and try to figure out so I would basically I my tendency is to let staff and and operations decide what alterations or changes they believe are are what they would recommend then bring them to the board and let the board give the approval or not I I only involved myself in the process really to the extent that it's going to be something that's in keeping with Florida law in those conversations when you need to also include collective bargaining units um in those conversations yeah I I I think that's something I need to consider but I I don't believe currently that collective bargaining that there's anything under collective bargaining that sort of guarantees any of what we're already talking about anyway I think that we've probably been wise to avoid thatone want to be on TV saying we never included them in the conversations okay oh including them in the conversation about this yeah that that's that's something that I would I would defer to our team that deals with the conversations with uh okay with collective bargaining and unions good anything else just a point of information Mr Aris has indicated there have been zero appeals for open enrollment okay okay and there was a question that came up about um his design you know just clarifying that and if that would be you know you Dr gullet if he were um unavailable um I think that is you know for this there's not that many appeals but in terms of his job as a whole um that's something to be mindful of okay okay so given the fact of zero appeals do you still just want this prioritized to bring back over at some point during the summer which means it might be June that we'd have to have it done in order to get it set up for the new year or just let it go smoothly with the next ones I don't think it's this so right I think this policy is fine as is move forward let's let's go but I think what we've identified today is that there's need for additional policy language potentially in two different we had some conversation about a couple of different things so we we need to just as a board ensure that if we're wanting things put in policy and those things could be expedited before some of the things we've identified today that we just want to make sure that some of these conversations we've had are somewhere enshrined in policy right or or procedure that they don't just die since I know that now that I will be going back and reviewing this tape somebody want put this in a clear language as to what exactly we want to have reviewed what policy want to have reviewed or what problem do we want to solve and I I can tell you because they were both things I brought up so one of them is Magnet School enrollment and so we need to determine how that is put somehow into policy what that looks like if if it needs to be policy if but I mean currently we have a lottery system for magnet school it doesn't have to say Lottery but we need to somehow mention in policy at least authorizing the superintendent to have a magnet school whatever enrollment policy something um and then the other one is the one we've just discussed if if it's controlled open enrollment it's not controlled open enrollment it's for hardship cases whenever schools are closed for enrollment yet we have employee needs or hardship circumstances beyond what these are because we have such a significant number of schools that are not qualifying for controlled open enrollment I'm looking at the list right now if we're going off the fish report I mean that the number is pretty vast of those that are closed and so and all of those that are closed are in the predominant area of Maran County where growth is occurring and where folks are living and so especially as an employee retention and recruitment procedure however that needs to look in policy I'm this board member is just concerned about us not having somewhere in policy what that process looks like and if we're giving all authority to one person to make those decisions okay I understand okay thank you all right good conversation all right that was did we finish 5465 we were just getting over to the the emergency yeah we're just on the emergency one 45 okay yes did we finish 5465 um I I wanted to bring up real quickly something on 5772 I did not include that in your packet but I'll show it on the screen here it was in the original packet this is our weapons policy we've gone over this extensively with Mr mcfaden um and also have reviewed in compliance with FL law there's a lot of different statutes that control and govern as you know everything involving Firearms U this is the this is the policy that specifically speaks to weapons as it revolves as it uh deals with um uh staff parking lot things like that um which currently everything is occupied by the state of Florida it's the preemptive preemption Doctrine which says that the State of Florida absolutely controls everything to do with Firearms regulation nobody else has any say in it a quick example for your um edification is um local municipalities uh if you are if you are fishing or engaging in a fishing activity or a camping or hunting activity uh you may open carry a firearm so therefore if you were at tusco will park where fishing is permitted you may open carry a firearm municipalities that didn't like that had tried to overrule it and say you can't do that here Florida law said nope you're not allowed to we are the only ones who can make a decision in this not anybody else that being said currently none of that has to do everything's totally copasetic with this policy there was a question brought to me though however about um uh the fact that in our previous policy which I discussed with noola and no Neola made some alterations the previous policy had allowed for members of the Armed for forces or National Guard or reserve duty officers uh um or other elected officials to have been uh permitted also to uh possess a firearm on campus and I find no provision within Florida law that permits that essentially Florida law says no firearms permitted within the administration buildings or within the classroom buildings now in a parking lot is an entirely different matter if it's concealed under 790.25 just like everybody else in the state somebody has something that is kept within the locked glove compartment that's that's a different matter however question would arise let's say the Supreme Court sends a Justice down here and the Supreme Court justice has a security team is that security team allowed to possess firearms on campus we'd have to then say that they are working with our chief law enforcement officer M Mr Woods in order to have the uh to be permitted to possess firearms on campus so a very long story short what about if not a Supreme Court Justice what about other elected officials and things like that um a congressman security detail or other factors or members of the school board themselves or members of a County Commission or anything like that judges certainly are permitted to carry firearms within their courtroom there's not any provision that I see that permits that among Schoolboard members however um there was a bit of language here that if an attorney general's opinion were to come out on this matter uh or the Florida governor clarified the law I had a proposed addition and the board is free to accept or reject this essentially my belief is that Florida law specifically prohibits if for example if you're a conceal weapons holder you can't come onto a campus with a gun anyway now that also means that if you are a reserve Deputy with the bellw police department you can't unless it's in connection with your official duties to the school board come on campus with your firearm unless it's in connection with your duties to the school board sro's could for example or if there were other you know uh Roc officers or someone like that they could in connection with their duties to the um to the school board so the only way that I could insert a phrase here that would fix this would be can you pull up what I had sent you okay I is is as to item D I am perfectly fine if the board chooses to accept or reject this but it would be legal where not otherwise prohibited by Florida law the board reserves the right to designate additional of individuals including but not limited to active duty members of the United States armed forces active or Reserve law enforcement Personnel elected officials and their security teams or members of operation staff I should have said of instead of or uh to possess firearms in connection with their security and duties with the Maring County Public Schools any such designation will be in writing State the term of the authorization and legal exemption for the B legal basis for the exemption or designation and shall be deemed to be a confidential security matter in keeping with provisions of chap chapter 119 Florida Statutes so that would create the ability that if there was a legal Reason by which um the board had the right to appoint specific individuals that the board could do so because if the board does not have that right the very first sentence right at the outset says we're not otherwise prohibited by Florida law and I believe I've done everything required to avoid confusion in at in indicating that the designation would have to be in writing that it has to state the term of the authorization and legal basis for the exemption and it is also a confidential security matter so um this is for the board's acceptance or rejection this is the best that I can do but if there were an attorney general's opinion which decided that there was a particular or Governor the governor altered law in such a way in which it was not prohibited by Florida law board policy wouldn't be withstanding in the way of the board making such a designation it would be only where Florida law specifically prohibits it so your thoughts go ahead J this is in an effort to parallel a guardian program or no the guardian program has its well the guardian program has its own specific reasons and it's own specific this would not permit because currently under Florida law the co-chair and Fe Guardian program is specifically required that it be governed by the sheriff that it be that the training be carried out all that stuff yeah so the this would only permit it where Florida law has through the attorney general or through statute created an exemption I should have some way so I should have been more specific um The Guardian program dictates that you have to be on a campus and be a be a site-based employee to be a guardian this would presumably allow for um Dr gullet a board member of other members of operation staff to carry a weapon is that what this is allowing it would if there is a basis under Florida law for it currently my belief is there is not a basis under Florida law for it unless the Attorney General's office were to speak differently so this would remove any impediment to us uh if the if there was an interpretation that came down from either the Florida Supreme Court an appeals court or anyone else that said that it was permitted currently my belief is this is as your attorney my belief is that it's very very limited it's completely controlled by Florida statute I don't get to aine on you know whether you might or might not be able to accept as Florida statute allows however cases determine case law is interpretive of Florida statute so if case law tomorrow says that elected officials May possess firearms within their job duties then you each would be eligible to do so um on a campus environment or a facility provided that you all had a written designation in other words it just simply wouldn't be the policy that's standing in your way because right now it would be if if case law came out and said that was permitted and authorized we'd consult of course with uh with the chief law enforcement officer of the county and indicate what do you think about this and then i' draft a written designation with authorization um and submit that to the board for their approval so yeah that's that's that's that's the way this is right now it's it does not entitle anyone to possess a firearm that wouldn't already be POS uh possessed or wouldn't be entitled under Florida law so this isn't actually changing anything nope it just it it it makes sure that our policy is not standing in the way if there is currently there's there's mountains written on firearm possession currently I find nothing that this would change however there may be alterations that policy they're happening Fast and Furious so if if or the state law interpretation by case law interpretation by um the Attorney General in which case it wouldn't be our policy that stands in the way now now I have also I will indicate I've spoken with um um other attorneys regarding this issue as well um and the indications that I've gotten um are that this would probably have no effect um it could potentially be confusing um but it also is something that uh if placed in policy would make it clear that so long as Florida law provided for it the the board could designate and the board would retain the authority to designate and it would have to be written so it wouldn't open a floodgates for everybody thinking oh hey board approved yeah bord will approve it after the fact no it will give us a very specific implementation so basically this clarifies that it's it's regarding future possibilities we don't have anything that would get in the way of that right that what I'm hearing but otherwise it's status quo for right now yes okay because it otherwise could take me six months to spin up a to to get the policy update to do that if it were the case all right I understand the intent okay board I just have a clarifying question attorney Powers I just if you could clarify for me you said earlier law so if law enforcement came on campus say to eat lunch with their student or they showed up after school for an open house they are not supposed to be carrying their weapon they're supposed to be able to carry their weapon in connection with their duties and services to the school board okay we actually had this arise in the case of Reserve um officer for a department um and the end result was even in looking in that scenario that Reserve officer there is pick up a student and wasn't on duty though currently certainly we do not restrict or prohibit or limit if there is an officer and this might be kind of the connection I was looking for in fact that you brought this up uh let's say somebody is uh is is on duty but is not providing any Services as a school and they show up at the school and they are in uniform and they're possessing a weapon um possessing a firearm as we would expect them to um my supposition would be and my defense would be and I believe this would fall exactly in line with what if I may speak for him what I believe that um Sheriff would Woods would say is that absolutely that Deputy when he's in uniform and on duty has an absolute right and you know and and we should be appreciative of that that being said what if that Deputy is off duty but that Deputy is also he's an undercover off sir who deals with a lot of really bad guys and so he is he is kind of on duty at 24 hours I know when I was a assistant State Attorney they designated me to be for purposes of firearm possession I was on duty 24 hours and so even though I wasn't performing services for the school an under cuper Deputy may very well be there to pick up a student and may very well have a specific need uh to be carrying a firearm as well especially if someone knows where his child Goes to School uh the same may be true of a reserve Deputy for another department um but unless I found if if one of those people provided me with well here's the reasoning that we use and and we believe that is Justified and I agreed that this was justified under Florida law and superintendent's Council agreed we would submit that to the board to specifically authorize that individual so thank you okay we want the good guys to be the ones who are in possession no one else I I think I'm I'm one of those proponents of this not I don't think I know I'm one of the proponents of this being in our policy um and you guys know my stance about um uh weapons and fire arms and being um being able to defend yourself and I think um those scenarios that you just gave are very very valid and happen probably more often than we think so um I think this doesn't hinder us I think it actually um gives us some leeway on doing it so I would be in favor of this going forward and the only changes I would have I you change the of and I would say possess uh and that would probably be uh weapons or Firearms instead of just firearms because the truth is that would also include a deputy that's possessing law enforcement type pepper spray or something like that so and we live in some different times guys anyway so um we're seeing that constantly so so I didn't mean to blav the point but I wanted to explain it since this was something I'm create that I've created and not something that was specifically submitted but I'm creating it sort of in response to and with careful and due diligence to the problem thank you for that attorney Powers it's appreciated is there anything else from the board we're going to go ahead with this okay yep okay I think our final policy we're on to is this our last one we get two more okay two more two more 8415 is our next one this is the emergency and crisis management got a question so what did we decide about the 5465 what decide about the phone number and the email I can't hear we kept both we kept both phone number and email on 8465 the listed phone number is out and it's going to be um uh we're talking about the the one was listed phone numbers District number District number and address I believe is that the one you're referring to from this morning G for the GED yes for for the GED issue we're going to continue to use the specific name of the person we're going to list both phone numbers and we're going to place in there for now that specific named person's email and I've put in there a placeholder at of GED marion. and if for some reason that's not available I'll await superintendent staff to tell me what they want to put in there and I'll put whatever perfect thank you thank and the address is the address of of the department so thank you great okay moving on to Emergency Management okay and these were um staff edits on the authorization of the board there were two issues that came up when we last brought this up and one was as to state of emergency sort of scenarios or emergency scenarios and the other was um can you go back down for just a moment had to go down with exempt non-exempt Personnel this was the um update and I want to make sure that I've got the right one this yes okay so um this was the one in which Dr James brought up the situation of um maybe I should actually let let you best explain it but the situation in which there were um employees who were off duty because of an emergency type scenario and we have of course Florida law that requires us not to pay people in advance for services rendered and so how does that mesh how do we make it work and the reason the policy was first brought up was just because of the fact that we had the Personnel who were working during uh beyond their 40 hours and Sheltering operations these modifications are what we came up with that um would fix the um would address the board's concerns and would address the concerns uh regarding any lack of clarity as to whether there was an additional supplement beyond the working at overtime pay for the established rate and so what you see there is board adopted scaller schedules um by position the board authorizes supplemental compens to those employees who perform duties in direct support of the should be of of District's congregate Sheltering operations on days when other District employees are not required to be on duty in accordance with the schedule for such emergency service as adopted by the board both non-exempt and exempt staff members shall receive one and a half times the established rate in the board approved schedule for such emergency service for All Hours worked during the emergency or disaster inir support of Sheltering operations in any case the pay Reed shall be considered extra compensation and should not be part of the employees based salary prospectively then we going down here too you pause there for a second though yep so to clarify then if we close school on a Wednesday and our 12-month employees principal's District leadership are tapped to do shelter Duty and they work during the day they are going to get what type of pay when they work during the day on a Wednesday if they are not work um if they're not working well their their pay would be going back up to that they would be paid at one and a half times the established rate because we deleted that provision it says Beyond 40 hours in the sth day per 7 Day period so they be paid at one and a half times established rate if they're working in direct support of shelter operations paid from the school board or paid from FEMA because FEMA FEMA takes nine years I know I know I understand I understand so it would be the school board it's a pay it's a payment from us yeah so but I'm the reason I'm I'm really berating this is because we have nickel and dimed it a hundred different ways because if I have day shelter Duty on a school day and I am a 12month employee you're saying that because I'm I'm not working my principal job I'm working shelter job I'm going to get time and a half not time and there will be no makeup required for the principal job I did not do while I was doing shelter Duty right and those and and that is in part related to the issue you brought up last time which is what about and that's the next section what about those employees who during that same time are simply not working at all do they have to make it up or do they just get paid for it well if they're not working at all they're not working from home they're just off they're still being paid based on what you would yes you you would request that's my recommendation so given that fact um someone who actually is doing those duties when they could be otherwise not working is getting so the points are going together then so if I'm working shelter at any capacity I'm getting time and a half for any of those hours worked I believe so and I we'll revie because of the second part of this right and and and we had I had discussions with Miss Morant on this uh as well as uh uh and I see him in the audience there Mr Blackman so if anyone has any supplement to add to what I'm saying here i' I'd welcome it um but reading through what you see in green there as the potential edits that's what was come up with by the team altogether I like it because it keeps it simple you know and we really needed clarification and we also needed procedure around who actually is being assigned and why and and that they really are being assigned they got assigned by somebody they didn't just show up and then you know create that confusion so I think that point D is in contrast with the narrative that we just discussed though it says employees required to work during an emergency Public Health Emergency or disaster will be paid the regularly scheduled wage did we not just establish that they're getting paid time and a half well and I thought based on what I'm looking at here on the section above was it above we removed beyond the 40 hours there so this is but I I don't think that we should have Point D if we're saying that when they're working or we should say less shelter Duty because there are people who work who are not working shelters potentially but employees required to work during an emergency Public Health Emergency or disaster actually I changed my mind I think that they should all be paid time and a half corre well whe they shelter or not they're required to work right and I think that I it sounds like the difference is I'm just F that those people working shelter Duty were the ones specifically that were and I'm seeing a nod from Mr Blackman those working shelter Duty specifically that was going to be or in support of District emergency procedures let's see where it says it says during the emergency or disaster in direct support of the Sheltering operations so these are the guys running the generators these are the guys yeah at the shelters whatever the case may be they're getting paid time and a half everybody else who might be working whether they're working from home or whatever those folks um superintendent may direct employees to work on site or remotely in some combination those people are paid at regular wage I I understand so but if you'll scroll just a little bit more so employee calendar so I'm still looking for the part that says if the students don't have to make up the school day the employees don't have to work and we're still going to pay them CU that was the premise of me bringing this whole policy forward cuz that has been the Crush of the debacle on two different occasions this school year so where is that part because it's about the students not having to make up the day it's not about anything else outside of a 260 employee it's about the students not having to make up the day and also 260 employees who have to do something like a painter um those individuals who have who who cannot work and the students are not making up the day and we are going to pay them anyways and they don't have to take their sick time and they don't have to take their vacation time because Jesus delivered a hurricane yep and I'm looking here if you look under F superintendent May determine the number of days allocated and paid under administrative or pandemic leave so this takes I'm sorry to interject but but this takes that's what I was going to say as well it it takes the authority out of policy and moves it to procedure and gives all authority to the superintendent May determine what that looks like and so that's but if this was already in policy and it was will then I'm super confused why we had an issue at all because we've had this issue now for two years that I've been here during Hurricane Season and if this has been in policy the whole time because I have been told repeatedly that the reason we could not pay the employees and the teachers had to work into summer school last year and all of the rigma rooll was because we had policy limiting it yeah that last sentence was not it initially said if they couldn't do remote work that was what it initially had said if employee can they could unable so previously if you didn't have the option for remote work like you were a custodian or you were uh well that probably in many those cases are might not be the best example but right if you couldn't work remotely um you were out of luck right but correct however also I'm just trying to understand how we got ourselves into such a pickle on like I'm thinking three different occasions in the last 12 months all around this policy when C whether it's present or not has nothing to do with it and if F was will that would be more C was preventing us no it wasn't though because if I was a teacher I could work remotely we did we proved that during covid so why did we make teachers come back and work two or three days beyond their contract last summer I mean am I am I it said employees who cannot work remote work remotely or who do not have work to perform May request a leave without pay or may be placed on a Furlow if they do not meet the number of hours for their appointment or position through reassignment I know and what I'm saying is we made them work the days after students were no longer coming at the end of their contract for what reason because I had been told that this was the reason see am am I so is it is it because potentially somehow we've defined the work to perform is that if you're a teacher your performance is in front of students and if students aren't there you don't have work to perform and I don't know the answer to that but I'm also asking about the uh how their contract is reads and if that has something to do with the number of days they have to work based on contract and so I mean I'm just still not satisfied with this I I agree and I I completely understand what your questions are but I I'm trying to answer the other question you had as to why we've been in this pickle whenever we have this in policy already I mean and I can let that go because that's the past but like this does not satisfy to me that if a national disaster occurred tomorrow and we do not have to make up the student day but by the grace of God we can come back on Thursday how our employees can get paid for not having worked because that is how we should treat people and that is what should happen because this indicates that the superintendent has the ability to set those days and and flexibly call those days administrative um or pandemic leave under F so but I want that to say will I can respect that Dr gullet would absolutely do it but I don't I do do not need less leniency on making sure that happens as a board member this is a big thing for me I want our people to get paid if the students are not making up the day I if per a national a a natural disaster and I don't I completely acknowledge that Dr gullet would make it happen but there's no there's no reason for the May in my opinion it should be a will and then I still would like someone to follow up with me for why it didn't work the last three National emergencies or local emergencies we had so I'm wondering about the final paragraph there under H that talks about employee calendars then because it did say employee calendars are modified and employees are required to make up the days so that's there but now we're going to change that to if employee calendar or excuse me employee calendars may have to be modified if employees are required to make up days so I'm I'm just wondering if some of the question was also in that paragraph after H and if they do have to make up the days because we have hurricane makeup days then yes their calendars would be modified so that is appropriate and the best I can tell you is based on my discussion with the team and based on what um I mean I won't put words in their mouth but based on everything that I saw there in our disc discussions and my and and information I'm even getting right now is that c was our essentially boils down to this C was our problem and F will fix it that's really what it boils down to so I don't that's the best answer I can give and anything beyond that is kind of outside my scope for being able to answer the board's question on those factors and I agree with that but I also agree with Dr James it should say will determine and not May well in some cases the superintendent may not have to determine the number of days allocated and paid under administrative leave because this situation may not have occurred don't you think there would be confirmation though that would occur so maybe determine it needs to be confirmed the superintendent will confirm the number of days allocated and paid under because I that's what I'm hear in is that it it's it's vague and all this work was put into trying to fix what was a very blurry and vague and problematic issue and not just for the last two years for the last 30 I'm just speaking to my experience um under F I think uh what you're looking for then is superintendent shall determine shall determine um the number of days allocated and paid under administrative or pandemic leave is it and please board correct me if I'm wrong is it overbearing to I just really feel strongly that it somewhere it should say if the students are not making up the day our employees are gonna are going to get paid for not working and maybe this is I'm just really whittling this down the point the point that was brought up when when I addressed or when we addressed this together as a team also was the fact that and I remember I'm sorry it may not have been during the team discussion may have been during board discussion there are a lot of reasons why we may shut down um student attendance that have little to do with an overall emergency that would have to do with the winds gusts may be expected to be over X number of miles per hour which keep the buses from running but other than that there's not a there's not a a state of emergency necessarily to be determined it could just be as simply that there's a tornado warning and it's localized to a specific you know quadrant of the county or whatever but we're not going to send our buses out at you know risk so would that be something then that means that everybody in the district gets a day off with pay well schools were closed just recently because of wind yes if that's the case is that what the board is wanting yes that's what that's why I'm like harping this so much because I do feel like there's a disconnect and I'm struggling because if the whole District closes and we deem that it is not okay for buses to drive but it's still safe to have board meetings but we could further make that decision because I would be okay with that but yes I would say that if the school district closes operations due to any level of emergency and the students do not have to make up the day we should pay all of the employees regardless of whether they came to work or not they should have to make it so and they I'm sorry yeah no go ahead so so um what is missing here like I'm I'm reading each one of these ABC again what what is missing is we have the context of saying that the Su in Item B the superintendent may direct employees to work okay well we have that and then we have those employees will get paid their regular pay and then we have the superintendent May determine numbers of days allocated but we don't have anything that talks about the people that may not have to work that's what I'm that's my whole so we're missing an entire set stat statute doesn't allow us to pay people for work not done or pay people for in advance of work done so what we can do however is we can indicate that we are setting it under the superintendent's discretion as um number of days allocated under administrative or pandemic leave that provides the ability that it's no longer now something that is a day that you worked or didn't work but still got paid for or we paid you in advance for something you're going to make up later which would cause us a lot of problems instead it allows the superintendent's flexibility to say that these are going to be essentially paid administrative days okay I understand is there I guess my only I guess could we add the superintendent shall determine the number of days allocated and paid under administrative pandemic leave to parallel the number of days do you know what I'm trying to say like an additional to mirror the number of days students are are in in class no no because we don't want to it to mirror the number of days they're in class we want it to mirror the number of contract days that are on their contract well but it also allows the superintendent and and I'm just trying to answer questions as they arise but God forbid let's say we had another thing like our last major issue which was a you know a covid type thing there was something like that in that case now there's a further distinction between people who are still needing to perform operations regularly and daily and are getting paid for it as opposed to those employees who are not able to perform those services for a long period of time simply because school isn't open like say I don't know pick a apartment that has employees whose whose operation depends upon entirely upon being physically present painters service painters Food Service things like that whereas for a long period of time those a month or more those people may simply not be able to perform any service whatsoever they're not able to work remotely they're not able to do anything uh because it's not the nature of their work however there are other staff who will be working every day and possibly twice as hard because they are required to do so and this would essentially if if we didn't craft this correctly we could run into the problem where for example teachers are now expected to do online education and training and things like that or there may be other departments who are expected to do quite a significant workload and other departments who aren't either doing anything able to do anything at all and all would be being paid and so some employees are then going to be a little you know I recognizably upset by that because the nature of their their job means they've got to continue to perform Services yet they're getting paid they're not getting paid or they're getting paid just as someone who the nature of their job does not permit them to perform Services meanwhile the people that were in shelter settings of course are getting time and a half or overtime so I I don't have an answer I'm just throwing all these out there for I I mean I think that that is anyone of us I think we all in some capacity live through covid as an employee or board member or parent of this District so like that was just the way that cookie crumbled I mean and that that's completely Uncharted I don't think we should create limitations or additions based on something that would have could have in the future maybe I don't know I'm just I this is fine if this is what the board wants I just would like to see it most black and white to ensure that our employees if we have winds over 30 m an hour again are not going to have to work work from home or come up with some canvas course and we're just we don't have to we can just make the decision because the scrambling and trying to figure it out is not healthy for our community so I would love to just have something written down so we have a standard procedure and the only the only thing I can offer at this point is unless I had further meetings with Miss Morant and Miss um I I think it I think and I'm just hearing from Miss Morant that this would cover what the board is wanting that this policy would cover what the board is wanting so um if there's additional if there's additional need for I I I think that what the board's wanting is encompassed by what we've said here I think Miss Morant agrees but um if that's not the case it needs additional review I would suggest at this point that we proceed forward with this policy which is certainly much more encapsulates what it is that the board has is requesting than it did before and then this be something that the next set of updates we have we bring this one back for review since we're going to be doing that with uh other policies as well so believe what mon out the line but then that may give us add additional time to figure out where what our options are for perhaps drinking it more um attorney Powers I I I hear what you're saying and I don't disagree um I would just share that I'm hearing loud and clear that the the board would like the language to be clear and and clarified as as much as legally possible considering all of the nuances um our current reality is is that when there is a a threat of a natural emergency that we just want clear language around that and yes and and U Miss Morant had just informed me um just she's just communicating with right now and just said that it's not just her it's um Miss Boston Ellis Miss Drake Mr Blackman all of us that were on the team talking about this would would all concur that this actually fixes what it is you're wanting but that we can we can further look for things that may be additionally clarifying um that's fair because we're we're we're kind of on a little bit of an edge there where statute keeps us from paying people outside of certain scenarios but by giving some discretion to the superintendent to determine the administrative days that helps us to be able to enact what it is the board's wanting and I think by making it from as you suggested from um May determined to shall deter determin that means that each time one of these scenarios occurs the superintendent is not going to just ignore it the superintendent's got to make some determination yes I think sha is very appropriate I don't know if the rest of the board concurs and if Dr gulla feels comfortable with that but that's what would happen I do actually Madam chair I would make that recommendation it be will or shall and and to all of the questions and comments I could not agree more um we want to make sure to um acknowledge the work of our employees and in every situation is different and unless they need to be there because and do makeup days as per graduation requirements uh as we have in the past we've afforded them the opportunity to do that so this um agree with attorney Powers what I'm hearing from my team is they've all worked on this and this provides the flexibility the board is discussing at this point and I'm more comfortable with the word shall just because we've had a lot of Education around that word and for consistency my only last final thought would be as we head head into next school year Dr gullet I would as a board member would like to know from from um I guess student assignments Department how many days we don't have to make up I'd love to know what that number of minutes or that number of days is because it seems like we're always like do we have enough do we have enough and then all of a sudden we come up and we figure out we have enough but it would just be nice to know before we start hurricane season in the school year what are the number of days our bank for students yes what's the what is the number of hours already built into our schedule for students for students so that if we have a day a day because of our storm we're not all wondering we know we can give that to you okay thank you that that would really be that confirmation would really be helpful ahead of the game and uh definitely compliments to building in those extra minutes so that there is flexibility there uh that's really awesome thank you for that that was one one of the early things you did around this issue um and and I will just by way of explanation say that one more item that I'm getting here is a for as to the board's questions on this policy about past years um the policy previously only allowed the superintendent to Grant administrative leave if the employee couldn't work from home for example administrative administrators teachers and any other employee that can work remotely wouldn't have been eligible for an admin day so they would have been out so Crossing that line out allows this now to Encompass all employees so okay good yeah because people get confused about admin too thinking oh is this just for admin not teachers so you know again the clearer the language the better the happier the masses okay okay thank you so we'll adopt yes thank you very much is there 8810 is our final final one all right last one 8810 American flag and official motto of the State of Florida now we had the the essential basis of this was Florida law already requires that every classroom sorry every school building have posted conspicuously the motto of the State of Florida which is In God We Trust um we had had some discussion from there based on a proposal from um community members and a couple board members that uh we further extend that to requiring not just in every building but then also in every classroom which of course gives us another layer of sort of you know inspection that we have to make sure that happens um but also perhaps indicates that if you had someone who is an objector to that that that that could because it's a board policy now could result in discipline to that individual Progressive discipline if they did not so um the display if someone um if the board requires it the then the board could require that either the motto or the mo the flag with the motto on it um could be displayed in every classroom uh we did check also I think I indicated this to the board uh we checked with um uh the warehouse and they do have um on the ability to to get the Florida flag with the motto inscribed on it that's there in God we trust to be placed in each classroom it's a standardized 3fi flag um and as they certainly already have with the American flag so those are all options uh for the board um the board would just have to consider the fact that there if someone were going to challenge this they would challenge it on the basis of whether it was compelled speech that we have them post the you know In God We Trust motto um when someone for example may be an atheist and doesn't want to have that so the board had some discussion about that the last time um but I believe that that would be also tempered by the fact that because it is the state motto the same thing that requires it to be posted in all building would be perfectly valid for why it would be able to be placed in all individual classrooms but that would be the board adding an additional layer so the board certainly could uh require that it be placed in all classrooms and currently Florida law requires to be placed in all uh buildings um so uh it's Place conspicuous place right in a conspicuous place so this now gets in a little more detail orientation about whether or not you know that that that the board should uh take that extra step so that's up to the board then the second portion of this were some discussion regarding um the Pledge of Allegiance and whether instructional staff members should be required uh or authorized I would suggest after looking at everything I pulled some case law we leave the language as is recommended that um we would be going a step too far on the compelled speech issue to compel that each person actually you know say the Pledge um as adults if they're adults whether they're employees or not uh the compelled speech issue there I think would be more flagrant and would be much more difficult so if people want to choose to as I said we can monitor moderate their behavior if someone must stop what they're doing they must you know um uh remain silent whatever the case may be but that's just compelling that their behavior is appropriate for a particular period um compelling someone on the other hand to actually say the Pledge of Allegiance um that would not be uh permissible under under current state of case law so those are the that's the background and I welcome any discussion the board wishes to have regarding that thank you attorney power um I'm going to ask uh Dr gullet uh to weigh in on this as far as what would be your recommendation um as we go into this discussion and the reason why I'm asking for that is because um I believe it was 2018 when it became the law that the um in Godly trust be placed in a conspicuous area and I want to ensure first of all that that's happening I don't remember that an appropriation went along with this law to have those um post have those posters you know installed I seem to remember that uh there was a an opportunity for students that wanted to participate to create them and uh then they were placed and then replaced but you know the pandemic comes time moves on uh I know in my Journeys around the district since this first came up I can't say that I see them everywhere in a conspicuous place so anyway that's that's why I wanted to ask you to weigh in on the the again we talk about reality so let's start with the reality of the law that we do have in place and how we're doing with that thank you excuse me chair thrower I was try to clear it before I talk um I actually asked my team to um be sure to check each of our schools to make sure we're in compliance I know at least one that that we found it was missing and um so we are working to do that um as we speak and uh I agree my recollection it was there was no um funding for that requirement so that's something that we have to do as a district and I would also say that if we have a Florida flag out front of the school on the flag pole does requirement is already met by default so if beyond that um maybe placed inside the building and that's additional so okay does the Florida flag um is that being flown at every single school that we know outside I believe so to my knowledge yes but we're going to verify anyway well I think we really do need to verify that as a starting point because that is the current law I am not aware of any that are not flying to attorney poers point the uh the signage I'm aware that a school does not have it inside but um I am not aware of any flags that are not but we we will verify because you know again we can talk about this as long as we want to but it's all about the implementation you know I I I want to be good not just act like we're looking good you know and then you find out well we're not even following the current law I think the way that we have done it is in addition to the Florida flag flying in front of each school which isn't alone a requirement um but in addition to that each building is supposed to have usually just within the administration building the the Florida flag and the motto um placed within that building as well and right that's the conspicuous place right and in the old boardroom we had one that was a you know that that's commonly um done in every building so um if and certainly that's I guess relatively easy enough for us to maintain and ensure compliance the next level of this would then be perhaps now requiring that in every single classroom um that it also be required or in every room period I mean if if you're going Beyond those factors now you're talking about additional requirements and getting a little more you know that's and that's within the board's purview to decide thank you and and just to be clear that's currently not the law that's currently not the law right posting in a school is f pun posting it in a school is fundamentally different than posting it in every individual classroom because to some degree we give individuals in the classroom creative license to you know uh to decorate to do things we have I mean other other schools I read about Miami day and researching on this they they had they'd gone all over the place with trying to adopt a policy that permitted some flags and did not permit others and they were talking about on the basis of of um whether it was political or whether it was a flag of another nation and would not permit other flags and and there there was a a lot of discussion about that and it actually led to them deciding to withdraw some of their formerly placed policies I don't know if you ever said been inside the uh the cafeteria at Madison Street it's wonderful they've got a Flags going all the way around the ENT entire it's a flag for every country um going all the way around the perimeter of the entire um uh cafeteria so that I think is um in addition to the other flags or the other uh motos that may be posted throughout the school the question is now when you're getting into requiring it in every classroom do do you want to go that far to what degree is it compelling you know a teacher to to post that specific motto and then there's also factual determinations if you're requiring to put it in 6inch letters over the entryway of their doorway some people who may object to that they may see it as idolatrous or they may see it as something that doesn't stand within their but certainly they can't object to the motto on on being placed in administration building but in an area that is a little bit more of their own purview they may or may not so but ultimately it comes down to this board is going to have to enforce disciplinary procedures if someone does not wish to comply which will lead to legal action and that's up to you okay I have three questions and then I'm just going to you know open it to to the rest of the board it's something I've been reflecting and thinking about evidently sure it's clear to everyone um quite a bit and my first one is if we do this how would it be monitored my second one is who would enforce it and my third one would be what would be the consequences for non-compliance so um I'm ready to open it to discussion from rest of the board go ahead Dr James so I want to just there are other items from a I believe procedural but it could be policy correct me if I'm wrong that are required to be posted in classrooms already and I'm not sure we have a documented procedure for penalty if they are not followed but we have a multicolored Miss Conrad would remember for sure a multicolored um threat assessment and schools took it upon their themselves to kind of create their own and it goes by the door or on the bulletin board and that is posted in all of our classrooms about like so that if there's a sub in a room and you know what is a different code and what do we do you hope so that's a huge safety thing yeah health safety okay so that's posted in every room there are other um when when we had covid we had a variety of signs that we required people to post even though they were vehemently against some of the covid mandates we required them to post six-foot signs and social distancing signs and so I would argue that in if in those instances we were okay with moving forward with posting and requiring those kinds of things to be shown in classrooms there probably was not a detailed punitive effort if the employee did not comply I don't I don't remember there being a penalty if you did not comply with posting your six feed apart covid sign wasn't that based on a public health emergency all of that but us posting them us requiring them to be posted that was based on recommendations from the health department yeah and then those signs got removed when the emergency was over with what I am saying is what was the penalty for the employee who did not agree there was not one there was not a documented penal penalty but there also wasn't a choice but there was there's always a choice I could be non-compliant as an employee there could be a policy and I could be non-compliant there's always a choice and then in the in the in the use of choice there is a consequence right and that's my point look where we're already going with this no and my point is there are times in which we do not have a set consequence and that's okay I someone maybe Dr gullet were there consequences for individuals who refused to comply with posting covid posters I'm not aware of any so then I would offer the same thing here you have a policy you move forward with posting this post and if someone is non-compliant there is no documented procedural consequence for that individual then why have it in policy why don't just make it voluntary because I think that it sets a precedent and a statement for the work of the school board so I'll have a question there and I'm assuming this is open discussion I'm sorry um so do we have written in policy a consequence for a school or a classroom that doesn't and observe the moment of silence no but so I understand we don't have a consequence but that is the law and so if they're not we're going to get into compliance whatever we have to do and so I don't know that there're but I'm using that as another illustration to say that is a defined law about the moment of silence and it should be at least a minute long like the the law is very specific about that um but we don't have written procedural consequence if that's not occurring yeah if someone talks during the moment of silence as as a teacher you know would that then go into kind of an insubordination thing you know disrupting the the class during a when the teacher says it needs to be quiet yeah see it's a subjective thing though we know that that's the law that they're we're required to do that but then what happens in the event that it doesn't occur we don't have that written into policy as to what needs to be done that falls on code of student conduct or some procedure manual or something like that and that I'm you know I haven't seen the procedure manual but I'm assuming there are procedures that align with each of the policies that we've approved and what that would look like because we have a policy about the moment of silence I'm just using that as an illustration to say we don't have consequences for policy and so that's my my point is I'm very comfortable as a board member creating an addition to this policy that does not have an immediate and set consequence because I don't think that there'll be a huge necessity for said consequence just like what kind what is the necessity for the consequence for the moment of silence it's not it's clearly not that evident and needed because we don't even have it so if people are non-compliant it hasn't been an issue to rise to our attention so that that is my point the premise of my point we have others that are in place that we are we don't have a set consequence for and it's okay well both from a moment of silence perspective and maybe even more so with the motto perspective you may also have other members of the community um students anybody else who decides to report um such violations to a principal and the principal would then under board policy if they look to board policy have to tell the teacher go put that sign up and then if the teacher refused to then that's in subordination so it I'm not my point was never to suggest that needs to be an detailed and outlined um consequence it's just that it's pointless to have a board policy that does not come attached with a consequence and if it if it has if there is a consequence to flagrantly deciding not to follow board policy then I mean even the board is supposed to follow its own policy so if there's not some you know we we're not building in a waiver to this that says otherwise you don't have to do this if or you know we we also had with the things you were bringing up about the the covid or the the signs or the the six feet or the or the the fire escapes or anything like that those would pass under a different reason there's a compelling State interest in health selfy health safety welfare um considerations this comes down to and I was unable unable to find any case that would say it was or was not is this compelled speech the fact that you're requiring someone to put this up in in the classroom when they may not agree with that speech well this occupies a unique position because it's not just a statement of specific religion or state established religion this is actually uh the state motto and along with I'll point out you know one of the it's got a long-standing history with as in the us as well it's on our money you know I mean it's like urbus Unum you know it's it's it's in a lot of conspicuous places right so so those factors would tend to cut against there being a problem with just neutrally saying it's required to be in the classroom however the argument if someone were disciplined over it and decided this was the battlefield they wanted to die on the argument would be I'm going to take this all the way and force you to discipline me or I'm just simply not going to comply and if you do discipline me I'm going to take this as as far as I possibly can as a free speech issue or a comp compelled speech issue so is that is that a battle that we want to get into or do we want to provide these to all classrooms and recommend that teachers place them um and that's something for the board to consider um is the sign compelled speech or is it not I don't know it's not really a distinction I'd like to get into I'd love to provide every classroom with a with a uh a flag to place as they see fit in the classroom and a poster within God We Trust if they'd like to place it up there and encourage them to do so but if someone wants to have a strong opinion in the opposite direction they don't want to that that's really up to the board as to whether or not we want to compel them to when you compel them to that will result in no one's if you're compelling someone to do it almost makes people not want to do it and makes people want to you know draw divisions and draw sides and say you know I'm not going to do it because you're forcing this other teacher to do it too and I don't know that that it's it's a it's perhaps uh especially given the relations with your employees those are all considerations for the board to make about what you want um and what the purpose is and whether the purpose is worthy of the goal so that's certainly the board's decision um other than that I would just say that the only strong opinion I have would be as to a strong legal opinion I can come up with is as to um the latter portion that we talked about with the pledge of allegiance that we really need to stick stick to that kind of closely because that's much more highly regulated compelled speech there where you actually compel someone to uh to give an oath or to um you know to to participate in that is a little more difficult thank you attorney powers and I guess I'll say you know what I what I love about this conversation and what is so positive and it really lifts my heart is that you know we have someone in the community that is willing to you know to pay for these signs and um have take the financial burden off of off of anybody that that wants to display one you know in in their classroom and I think that that is you know absolutely wonderful you know a great way to to lead people to Faith is to offer not mandate um that's my opinion so I'll be quiet now I know I said that before but I'm really going to do it now so I'll just say that I appreciate that opinion but I I think that it I want it to be a requirement I want it to be a requirement as a board member and I believe that the donor is only willing to donate if it is a requirement I would I do have a comment about the Pledge of Allegiance but if it's okay with the board I'd like to finish this part of the conversation that would be my intent okay for me um for me I think um the law is specific states where we should have it at and it should be placed out there I I just have an issue when we we compel or require people to do something that they may not necessarily want to do um I think we ought to afford them the opportunity to put it in their classroom um they have that right to put in there but I don't want to put our staff in a position where we're going to be punishing them if they going to if they choose not to um it it this is our country this is our country of of choices and options and Liberties and to compel them or to be required to have to do this is kind of where I'm I'm not I'm not there I'm not there thank you board member cumings um Dr Kimbell or vice chair Conrad I know you guys have been sitting by relatively quietly yes I'm struggling um a little bit I think I'm thinking about all the things that we already do as a teacher that you may not want to do there's a lot of things we do that um we required to do and and when I look at this and I think think about living in America living in the State of Florida the money that I choose to handle every day I think this should be a requirement um I think it should be posted in each of our classrooms um I think it's important for our students to know recognize the American flag and the Florida flag and what better way for them to see it every day as they enter their classroom we have um lots of things on and off at least why I've been in education that we've asked our teachers to post in their classroom um one is their student pledge you know most of our schools have a pledge that they post and when I think about the importance of the things that I've been asked to post this is more important um to the development of our young people than anything that's been put before me as as a lifelong educator and learner so um you know my hope is that our teachers understand that and go into it with that thought that I'm not trying to change as a board member their beliefs but the exposure to both flags and the message and the motto that we we have in the state of Florida Florida um is visible to them and it's recognizable that doesn't mean I'm I'm teaching a lesson about God the Father um but I'm acknowledging that it is our state motto thank you Vice chair comrade and I think I said a couple weeks ago the very same thing that would be a great compromise in my opinion um I I love the idea of having the American flag and our state of Florida flag in the same classroom it sounds like we have them on hand or could get them and who knows maybe somebody would be willing to donate for that so that's something that I can I said it a couple weeks ago that I could get behind that all day long um Dr Campbell sure um this is one obviously that we've all been pondering a a bit since our most recent conversation I know the last time the conversation arose we all received comments from folks from the other side um I just counted back 17 emails I I had saved on on that doesn't matter people are going to agree and disagree with decisions we make all the time that's nothing in comparison to the school start time emails I keep all my emails so it's interesting to go back and look in folders and see what those are what what I want to say is we're in an interesting position as school board members in the State of Florida and so I was I you know I've been looking and seeing because State of Florida made this the state motto and we're the only state in the Union that has it that way so that is an interesting dynamic as a a Schoolboard member in the State of Florida that you know granted it's not in the constitution of the state but it is still essentially a state designated motto but we agree to uphold the laws in the state of Florida in addition to the United States laws and um so that this one is interesting to me I appreciate the donor intent and I'm I appreciate the conversation that the school board is having on this I believe for an educational moment for students if we were to place in God we trust in our classrooms I don't believe it just needs to say In God We Trust period I believe it should say the state motto of Florida is in God we trust or something to that effect which we were discussing the flag and I appreciate that the flag does have in God we trust on it but depending on how the flag is displayed if it's hanging as it is here you can't see that and you can't see that depending on how it's hanging so I I appreciate all the aspects of the State of Florida first of all recognizing this as a state motto that the United States has recognized it as a state motto and that the State of Florida has also enshrined it on the flag itself if I were to see that this be put in policy I would recommend that the posters themselves actually indicate that in we trust not just with the flags but that it actually is the United States and state of Florida motto States in God we trust and I would be comfortable with that information solely because that is fact and that is educational fact that can be taught upon fact there can be educational lessons that are taught as to say when the state adopted it we're the only state in the Union that has it I mean there's education behind that and so I I could be behind that if in fact the posters said the United States and the State of Florida motto States in God we trust so I I say as state of Florida you know board members in the State of Florida we're in a unique position because we have adopted this as the state motto if we were in Tennessee where I was educated originally it's not there Agriculture and commerce I looked it up while Agriculture and commerce is the state of Florida I mean state of Tennessee motto I'm like oh okay well that has nothing to do with this conversation um but it I just find that we are in a unique position because it is an educational Moment In addition to being um a part of the the state motto and and the state flag itself so that's where I stand if in fact we were to enshrine it in policy which is what we're discussing today I would recommend that what we place in classrooms actually is educational chair yes and thank you Dr Kimbell for that that suggestion um because that would make more sense to me because now it's it's it's to me it moves away from being something other than what people want to make it into to a lesson where you're stating that this is the state model you should recognize the state model this is our state flag you should recognize the state flag this is the United States flag you should understand the tenance you should know how many stars and stripes and all that stuff that we should learn it's a lesson that's more um entitled that's entrenched with this posting in the classroom versus us just putting it there for um whatever reason whatever statement I can I can get behind that but I do also still have the question is and and I think attorney po has been stating it very clearly what we're making this into a policy What policies have consequences and what's going to be the consequence if the policy is violated I I need to understand that piece because that's going to be the next piece that's coming down behind us if this becomes a policy I think he said in subordination I mean I mean that would be the first St I mean it would depend I mean do if you have somebody who's just in there doing a uh random classroom inspection or random you know classroom Observer or something writes a letter to principal or writes a letter to the teacher and the teacher just says they're not going to um well then that's not in subordination if teacher tells that to some other parent but then if if given a directive if given a directive by your Superior I think that the only thing if you don't follow that directive that you can say that it is is is insubordinate Behavior and the question then becomes in some areas are is that going to be enforced some situations and not others and differential reinforcement runs into some problems there as well um and the fact is also people I I think you I think you may be baiting yourself into positions where where conflict is going to be involved because first of all people are going to be questioning well certainly voluntarily as of this moment without any further board action as the state motto or as any presidential speech or as any Supreme Court decision anything else any any any historical us statement can be placed in the classroom if somebody wants to place a speech or a portion of a speech by a civil rights leader they don't need special per Mission civil rights leaders uh US senators and congressmen um presidents those quotes can all be posted right there in the classroom without further permission and voluntarily any any student any um a teacher can do that now a history teacher may see that to be more of a uh almost necessity than someone who say teaches calculus May simply not think much about it um but there certainly permitted to anyway now we would then run into do they get to if they're going to be required to then the requirement would be under what I heard from the board today that it say this is the state motto that says that but they can place that without the state without it being there voluntarily as well and you're going to run into the problem of people I mean that's just I would anticipate this runs into that problem and that's some I just want to steer you as a board away from as a board member I'm okay with that I'm okay with fighting that fight if that fight comes to our door so when there's a teacher that comes by and say I want to put in my class room by any means necessary and we know where that came from that's going to be okay across the district it already is it already is okay so but when because we're going to because we're going to make it you know there's going to be someone that's going to come along and say you know what I'm just going to do it for the hell of it but there's always going to be someone there already is someone okay I can't name that someone but there already is someone there's that that already exists like I said I can I can get behind it for the educational purposes I'm I can agree with Dr Campbell in adding the words um I mean we were given something from the Community member so um adding the word state motto or State national motto or whatever that language is um I can get behind that I don't exactly remember exactly the word you said sure I mean I would say it would actually be at the top so I I think that it would say the United States and state of Florida motto States in God we trust and then if we want to have the flags on it too great but that's that's how I would be comfortable with it I wouldn't want it to be below the words because I think that again changes the context and the meaning of what we're trying to yeah from an educational standpoint I would say the flags should be on there because that's the educative piece and you know there's there's also I would point out no policy right now that is uh not allowing any of this you know we don't have anything written in policy saying that they can't do it you know we're just silent on it so um I I think the best thing I've heard so far I understand about the furling of the flags it's all and how they're displayed for what you read I get that I think what you shared is is uh a very good idea um can I is it possible to ask the Community member who's willing to donate it to come forward and make sure that we're in alignment um or an agreement is that something that we can ask because as a board I don't want to make a decision relying on a donation from a Community member and then sure I get that and then the question becomes you know if this is something that a Community member wants to donate do we do we really need to have it be in in policy um so anyway but yes I really appreciate the Community member that's here and that has been here and has been waiting to address us so if you would like to come forward sir please do good morning thank you excuse me thank you very much um Franklin I'm very thankful the way the conversation is gone and um what I'd like to do is take about three minutes because I know that's my limit I I Ed this out and I think I'm at threee L list we sure know who you are but if he would please State for the record I apologize Brad denin and the address is 101 Northeast 16th Avenue Okala I just would like to give just a little bit of background information on why why I've made this recommendation as to a possible policy addition um first of all the motto is popular it's patriotic it's historical and it's legal uh including Florida multiple States about 18 states have passed legislation to allow or acquire the to be placed on the walls of the schools Andor classrooms and incidentally Tennessee is one of those and God We Trust is posted on City County state and federal buildings it's posted on our coins and currency and even if you get up behind a Marian County sheriff's car you'll see In God We Trust is posted on on our cars as well um there's a related there's a related related to our acknowledgement of God in schools is our pledge of allegiance to the flag where which states that we're one nation under God also related to that is our national anthem which includes these words and this be our motto and God is our trust the motto has been challenged in courts Across America and has always been defeated in fact the US court of appeals in the n9th circuit stated the motto has nothing to do with the establishment of religion and that's been consistent throughout the uh throughout the the court appeals the court situations secondly it's meaningful helpful and need needed for our students frankly the motivation behind me wanting to do this is is for our students and I understand some teachers May disagree but I tell you what my heart's for these kids to me the focus of the motto is is to be helpful and meaningful to our students and let me just share a little bit about that many of our students are growing up in Dysfunctional homes where they see or experience mental emotional physical and sexual abuse there's the pain of divorce and abandonment and broken promises some live in what you might call War zones as a result of the hurt anger and abuse they suffer depression anxiety mental and emotional illness many feel lost and some of them experience Suicidal Thoughts in the schools some experience discipline problems poor grades and poor attendance as a result of some of these complications in their life many are looking for love and acceptance that they never received from a parent or at home and they're looking at all the wrong places however if they read a poster that says In God We Trust perhaps that will be a seed or a message that they can turn to God and trust him for help for direction for Hope for safety for answers for healing of a broken heart for the love that needs to fill the emptiness within and if one student just one student will be held because of their trust in God then maybe they will tell their friends and even more people may decide to trust in God also if this happens grades should go up less discipline problems and attendance should increase as well students will become more mentally and emotionally healthy and much more for all the potential benefits of the students I would like to ask you to approve a policy that would require and God we trust on a poster in every classroom and if desired any other room or building on the campus let's remember no student will be coerced into looking at the poster or to trust in God there will be no coercion also the motto is not coing anyone to trust in any particular God as the student can trust whatever God he so chooses as there is no religion religious preference in the posting of the motto in fact atheists and agnostics have a right to read The Motto or to not read it just as they have a right not to pledge allegiance to the flag of course that's with an opt out and finally to avoid any cost to the school I would like to pay for all the posters and so I I don't know if they've been passed out as as it's really just a sample and uh I frankly I like uh the suggestions that have been made about putting on there the the educational side of it uh lesson side of it that this is the state and national motto something that effect and uh so I thank you all for your time I I thank you for your hearts for the kids because uh let me tell you many of us are yall are probably aware of what's going on with these children I've been going to the juvenile home I may have mentioned to some of you for over six years years and I see the results of the Brokenness of the family the abuse the physical the abandonment I talk I'm working with a young man right now that's been in 25 foster homes and he's been in the public schools for those of you haven't been out there you ought to see all the kids that are coming getting off the bus at the heart of Florida Youth Ranch and and they're coming from very difficult situation so listen I I've experienced God in my life I probably wouldn't be here there's been suicide in my family there's been overdose alcohol and drugs in my family there's me been mental illness manic depressive bipolar I came from a dysfunctional home to a large degree and so as a result my heart goes out to these kids so yes again a teacher may not want that put in there but I tell you what and this may be out of order uh but I believe that the Lord really does want to get into those classrooms thank you for your time thank you Mr dinkin thank you very much okay um Dr gullet I know this is a decision that the board will make regarding a policy but I would like to get your input on the operational side because it'll be your team that will be tasked with implementation certainly um Madam chair members of the board I agree with what was shared earlier it's already allowable and certainly I would uh um encourage posting of the signs even if the board doesn't have a policy um but I but I do agree that we'd have to have Progressive discipline would would be we would be addressing right if someone didn't comply but I do I do believe that many um if not most of our employees would would welcome this and put this in their classrooms even if it's not required I think most would anyway thank you that's a a test estimate to our to our employees and and our staff and um I can't imagine that anyone would be doing this work if they didn't truly have a heart for kids especially these days um attorney Powers was there anything else you I would just like to point out that I really like the the board's um uh indication of some element of the historic um procedure and the hor historic reasoning um that perhaps even further than just stating that um is the motto of the State of Florida um certainly there is a there's can be a short historical statement of when it when this motto was developed or when the country was founded or it when how it became Florida's motto or whatever there can be you know a brief paragraph statement that's decided I mean I you know at whomever's discretion that's decided as to a paragraph to go with this I believe that gets you even closer to finding a compelling State interest certainly the teaching of history is outlined under 1342 as a compelling State interest and I think that that that makes things a lot smoother easier and clarifies the the legitimate purpose as well so you know uh having In God We Trust maybe a picture of the of the the flags but also having specifically just a brief paragraph statement non non- denominational not religiously based but simply that just indicates the history of the motto of the flag of Florida would certainly be what I would want to see if someone chose to challenge that M chair yes sir thank you attorney powers and Mr dinkin thank you for coming forth and uh offering this to the community I think this is a a great opportunity for us to enhance some history and to enhance some classroom um behaviors and uh help some things to get better I I I like the idea and I was going to say the same thing with uh what Dr Campell suggests for as this is our state model Mr dinkin just gave you that this is on so many so many states have adopted this um in God you trust in God we trust model it's on police cars it's on law enforcement it's on money I was as I was sitting here I pulled out some money in my pocket to make sure that it was all the bills but it's on there and so when you add those facts to this it it gives to me more significance and more relevance to that student that's saying in every area of Our Lives whether they know it or not that God is in there God is in there now that may be going a little bit to to the religious side I'm a Baptist preacher that's fine that's fine but I I think that this is a greater opportunity to um help some people that may not have had an encounter and I I I love the idea of the the facts being there but I also love the fact that when you make it educational people don't want to argue with it when it's educational they come up with reason to argue with it when they think it's something else so I I like the the part of us making it educational giving those facts making sure that we everyone knows this is our national um this is our national money this is our everywhere this is our state modotto this is how it came to be and it becomes a lesson and it actually generates more questions for students I think I think I agree it opens conversation and it and it gets kids asking why and it gets them thinking and and I think that you know that's all very very valuable all of it is is very valuable and I really appreciate the the conversation and the depth that we're going into as a board you know to to to figure this out Dr James um well I what I was going to ask because I think as a board we we would have to create a sentence or something down under a for in the classroom or or somewhere in above above what's shown right here we have to add some kind of language or a sentence to reflect the requiring of a poster being posted and then I would ask the board if we could give discretion to Dr gullet to work with Mr dinkin on the specifics that the board has come to consensus on about a statement about the motto and potentially under the flags indicating you know a three or four sentence about the history of the flag or I I can get behind all of that so I think my request to the board right now would be what language are we adding in for the posting of the poster that sounds redundant so sorry about that but poster posting I by maintaining that that language purposefully vague the official Votto motto did of Florida and God We Trust shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in all classrooms in the district and in each building used by the school board that means that for example you may oh sorry I was completely looking beyond that I apologize yep it's right there so I think we're good I'm sorry I was thinking it was above so I'm sorry I had a moment it wouldn't necessarily be limited to just this poster I mean certainly they're probably plenty of teachers right now that have their own version of In God We Trust up there with Constitution behind you so so then I'm on board with the language that's written into the policy right now saying that it would be in a conspicuous place in all classrooms in the district and in each building used by the school board and then I'm I'm comfortable giving discretion to Dr gullet and Mr dinkin to finalize what that looks like and then moving forward with the donation um as needed to fulfill the request a question as far as a donation um so this is this is a one-time donation what happens when these posters wear out how's that fit into our budget um we're talking a lot of classrooms yeah I have been in communication with Mr dinkin about the number of classrooms as well as that so Mr dinkin if you want to share yeah from what I remember there's 2541 classrooms and we'll be glad to fund the replacement of them as well okay and Mr ding is why you dare are you understanding where we're going with this are you in agreement with I I I I like it thank you sir I'll just tell you this and this is no joke this is an answer to prayer what just took place in front of here I I I'm just so thankful he does answer so grateful he does answer correct we know that right that's right okay is there anything else from the board I know uh Dr Camp you had mentioned about the educative um elements and so it's that's not included in this certainly I mean I I I think that that will be something that can be handled in procedure and and what the actual um what how it looks and what the size of it and of those parameters and if it's framed or just a poster all all that stuff needs to be handled in procedure uh I I do believe that I would recommend that there actually be some kind of um lesson of some sort that created in a civics class or in you know Civics has its own standards what whatever so somehow that there could be some element of a educational lesson that is taught at some point as to why it's even there um I I think that that would be incredibly valuable in each classroom whatever the grade level whatever the um because in a math class it can be talked about the currency and you know so we we can we can bring it to some relevance in every single classroom um so I I I find the value of the educational element of it and while other states have adopted resolutions or policies or what have you to have the national motto posted in wherever their places are the State of Florida is unique that it is our state motto and that is not every state does not have it we are the only state that has it as our motto other states obviously have said we we want to post the national motto but we are not only just posting the national motto we would also be posting the state motto which happens to be the same sir so question so this is falling under the the display of the officials model of the State of Florida correct yes and the FL Florida flag yes well we don't we're not displaying the Florida flag we don't have a requirement to display for the Florida Florida flag so our our um purchasing department has indicated that we certainly have the ability to we have some we would have to fund it I mean to provide those to any classroom that wants them do we need to state in here about the size and you know I see they're 3x5 Flags no no no I see I see when we talk about the American flag we talk about the size of the flag and all that stuff but for this post do we need to I think I think leaving it vague and allowing Dr gullet to make those decisions would be the most seamless um least bumpy approach right right I agree and and I love the context around it you know there's I think there there already is a statute about you know uh the historical context of global you know terrorism and and communism and you know how people suffered there's just a lot of opportunity um to thread this in so that it does provide context because otherwise it's just something there hanging on the wall that nobody really talks about you know we if we're going to do this we want it to be alive and and relatable um to kids that would that would be something that I would think would be important Madam chair um and just going back to Dr Campbell so we're looking at this basically this I guess this the last sentence of this where it says the official model of the State of Florida in God we trust shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in all classrooms in The District in each building used by the school board can I offer um a suggestion and this is just based on what Dr Campbell has suggested can we say for um educational historical purposes the official model of the State of Florida shall be displayed in a conspicous place I can get behind that for educational purposes and historical for educational and historical purposes comma the official model of what I was looking for thank you you guys are making me plenty happy on that okay I I'm just want to make us I I don't like lawsuits I don't like lawsuits at all so thank you well I don't mind lawsuits if we're going to win them I don't know I can get behind that you know I mean why would we dive into something that we're setting ourselves up you know to be embroiled in something we need to be smarter than that and that's what I love about this board you know we're willing to take the time to talk things through and it's not about the usual buzzwords of offending people or this or that it is about the meat of meeting our kids' needs that's what I feel like I'm hearing from this board and I really appreciate it Dr James I just want to touch on the pledge and then I promise I'm going to be done I so we're done with this we have a direction for our superintendent yep okay we're good okay so I want to go back to the conversation I remember board uh Vice chair Conrad brought up and I was I had spoken of I remember the most about is I want our adults on our campuses to have to stop what they're doing and be quiet during the pledge they don't have to say the Pledge they don't have to participate but they need to stop and acknowledge the Pledge of Allegiance that's what I would like and I'm not sure that that language is representative in what is written right here I'm not saying they have to participate but I I'd see where you're going with that um let me ask because I don't know uh during the regular school day when the moment of silence is observed where is the pledge in relation to that moment of silence is it standardized or is it no vary by school it's going to vary by school it's usually morning show usually students are somehow a part of it but not always and into first block I mean my most recent school placement it was the end of the first block before we transitioned to Second block and it was done from a a school leader over the um all call an now so not even like the announcements but like an all call and during that time during that moment of silence our staff asked to or required to observe the moment of silence as well not continue discussion and everything else okay that's correct then I think and that's I assume that's within a either a verbal or written procedure um but that's what is the expectation is at least of the of the staff in the same way I believe communicating the expectation that um of what you're talking about there with the but then I go back to the same argument we had 30 minutes ago because it's not happening we it is not happening so where's the consequence for that like if if if that's it's not happening so I'm just confused by how that's what I'm struggling with because it's not happening and I want to see it why I want it in policy is so that there is strength and requiring silence you do not have to participate but strength and requiring silence and observation and what would be this strength paration instructional staff members are authorized to lead students in the Pledge of Allegiance at an appropriate time at an appropriate time each school day all staff staff members are required to observe um by silence or are required to I whatever that word is respect so so what happens I'm just thinking outside my not against what you're saying what happens when you have um at the time that this this pledge is going to be going forth you have um staff members in the cafet yeah well and we talked about and and chair thrower brought up a phrase and refreshed my memory what the phrase was it was um as they are a as a as they are able and it was the phrase that would identify that obviously if you are doing something that inhibits your participation as they are able was included to indicate that those individuals are not able but when it goes and you're in the in the lobby of an elementary school and everybody's just doing the do and it's hap the Pledge of Allegiance is happening and no one acknowledges that the Pledge of Allegiance is even happening I have a problem with that what do you think of um all students and staff members uh shall be required to Halt other activities during the presentation of the Pledge as they are able as they are able because if you're directly supervising a student with that's visually impaired you know or that is about to run somewhere or someone has a medical event and you're in the mid yes or you have them on a changing table I like that phrase comma as they are able I could get behind that James it shows a type of reverence for the moment and the pledge I I completely get it I just want to make sure to the degree practicable right yes okay I got I got a AEL from church you know please stand but yeah practicable sounds legal that sounds better break out the [Laughter] dictionary that's right that's right particip no all staff members and students are require shall be required all staff me all stud say students and staff members students all students and staff members shall be required oh up one yep over delete the are yep shall be required to Halt other activities during the presentation of the Pledge and moment of silence and moment of silence or no is that in that that's a different policy okay that's a different policy so you would want to put it in that do the degree practicable yes further there again is an educative piece to this that that when an employee is emplo applied for employment with Maran County Public Schools and it's part of their new employee orientation expectations what we stand for our our district culture that would be the time I would think yeah to to share these things slide in the new higher presentation correct this is to me the it's very important to me it's not about looking good it's about being good we can hang up anything we want to you know but but it's the implementation um do you prefer uh during the presentation of the Pledge to the degree practical or do you prefer shall be required to Halt other non-essential activities I guess non-essential is broader definition so is that not as good okay leave it as copies for Miss Johnson for first period are very essential so yeah yeah I got you right it's essential that I now time I shoot all right halt other activities I'm trying to find the moment of silence policy sorry it's I appreciate the board allowing this conversation to occur we allow all kinds of conversation to occur that lasts for a while but it's worth it because we get somewhere pledge to the to the degree practicable Dr gullet you think that you can get behind that I completely agree yes it could be cross reference yes um to the other policy I I want to say to the board thank you guys for talking this one out all of these out I just I I'm not against any of them correct I just don't want to run into walls that we don't have to run into I think by us having the conversations I think um our staff appreciates us having the conversation and I think our staff will be very supportive of all what we've done here today um I I completely I don't anticipate there'll be many but if there are I think the majority will be in agreement with what we're doing very good thank you um board member Cummings that's I think the intent yes okay um is there any other further public comment on uh this policy because I think we're at a a good point right very good point okay at a very good point all right hearing none we will wrap up our policies discussion and move into uh comments and concerns anything else from legal at this point I think you've probably heard more than enough from legal today I don't have anything additional except thanks to the board and thanks to uh my paral for having put so much work into the policy uh editing that we do here today um and as well as the staff who met with teams uh to come up with each of these sections each of these requires a l a lot of work and requires a lot of people with a lot of heads together to communicate all of the wh ifs the same discussions you were having around the board table today are held around nearly every Department's table with all of the policies that we deal with on these issues so they can put their heads together and come up with what areas need further discussion what areas what do we mean by this what do we do now what do the districts do are we complying with the law in this effect so this there's a lot of team effort going into work here and we very much appreciate it so thank you thank you attorney powers and and likewise um anything from Mr Greg no ma'am thank you for uh sitting in with us today it's always good to see you Dr go thank you just a few brief items I do want to also thank um my team including um attorney Blackman they've been working really hard on updates and and providing recommendations to um the board I also want to Prov provide the late breaking news if you haven't already heard the Maring County Board of County Commissioners approved this morning um forwarding to the supervisor of elections to place on the referendum question on the November 5th 2024 ballot for the half cent sales tax for 10 years so that has been moved forward also the board of County Commissioners voted to schedule a public hearing for impact fees on March 5th and there will be a they scheduled a joint workshop with the school board for March 27th and times and locations are mcferon at 10 a and livestock Pavilion at 9:00 am respectively so I can we'll provide you something in writing as well but those are the latest updates from this morning thank you Dr goad and to confirm would the um vote on the impact fees occur March 5th or just the public hearing just public hearing public hearing and so we don't know when the vote will actually be at I I don't know I do not believe their intention was to vote on the to vote on the 5ifth I believe it was simply the public hearing as to the fifth I I'll check with Mr Minter today that's that's all I know thank you appreciate that okay board member Campbell thank you I uh want to if you want to go back and watch it after they're done with all of their County Commission meeting because you can't just go in like we can on hours on YouTube and actually get caught up no you have to wait and they're in recess right now and whatever so um but it's between 10:24 and 1037 is when they're talking about it um so I think hearing their commentary might be something that you all would be so you're not having to fast forward and try and figure it out just wanted to give you a little time stamp on that um so probably an hour and 20 some odd minutes in you could see that um the only other thing that I wanted to ask was now that we have moved into our beautiful new central warehouse and I also happen to stop into the old Warehouse and see that as they were vacating that space and believe everything is cleaned out of that now I didn't know when we would be getting an update on the recommendations from the district as to what to do with that property that was my only question okay thank you board member Campbell any updates as far as that so we would need to get a new appraisal if the board would like us to do that there will be some cost um if the board would like us to move forward we are we have vade at that building yes so chair it would be my recommendation that we move forward with an appraisal of that building uh because at this point it is vacant and there is no designated use for the district for it so that would two my recomendation yes we have consensus I guess I believe we do I agree yep we're good okay thank you very much awesome thank you all right uh board member James will shoot down to you um I'm just grateful for the conversations we've had today and um the willingness of the board to have the dialogue and get to a landing place for today um I'm grateful for the County Commission moving the sales tax on um we've had extensive conversation about the need there and um I just we have to get these policies to a board vote and I was looking and we only have one board meeting in March is that correct because of spring break because of spring break so these policies won't be on for a vote then until that last meeting that the only meeting in March right okay so so just for the public to be aware that would be the March 26th board meeting would we would be voting on these policies okay all the ones that are ready will be ready March sets the public hearing notice oh and April is the actual vote second Tuesday April okay bureaucracy is beautiful um okay thank you that was my only comment thank you board member James board member Cummings once again um it's amazing the things that we get done when we sit and talk it out and um put our heads together we have some diverse people on this board that all have in the best interest the students staff and our County as a whole so I'm grateful for um all that taking place here in today our conversations I'm grateful for where we did land on on these issues sometimes those issues can can end up being polarizing however I we saw that they were not polarizing issues there were issues that we were pretty much all in agreement on we just had to fine-tune them and so I'm grateful for that um I'm too also grateful to the County commission for moving forward with this process with the uh the ballot uh putting the thing on the ballot and um we're heading in some positive good Waters we're heading in some good Waters so looking forward to see what's going to happen in the next few months that's right thank you board member Cummings Vice chair Conrad yes thank you chair uh I too am grateful for the conversation um that's been had today uh everybody's input had influence on where we ended up and so I'm grateful for um the team's work and uh attorney Powers thank you for your work and helping this run as smoothly as possible I know there was a lot of discussion today more than we maybe anticipated but um we come and you have everything ready for us and and prepared and so I'm really grateful for for that and the work that your team does um I do want to offer a reminder uh Friday is the black history Gala Reverend Cummings will be honored and um Mr mcfaden will be honored and so I'm looking forward to that activity on Friday and I think that's it we've talked a lot this morning but thanks to everybody thank you Vice chair and uh yes great great momentum continues I'm grateful to everyone with their respective roles that uh helps make that happen and has continues to be so supportive of of our board and just of of the mission of helping every student authentically succeed um I just have one reminder that we will be together again this is a week of togetherness another week of togetherness we be together Thursday uh February 22nd for our regular administrative briefing and work session that will begin at 9:00 am. and then as Vice chair Conrad shared I think we'll all be together again on Friday night at 6 o'clock at um Mar Sue Rich for the Hall of Fame induction ceremony so that should be a wonderful evening thank you to all um and we'll look forward to seeing you Thursday if not before if there's nothing else for the good of the cause we will adjourn at 12:21 p.m. thank you so much have a great rest of the [Music] day