e [Music] good evening everyone the July 23rd 2020 the July 23rd 2024 meeting of the Maran County School Board is called to order mirroring and modeling the way our students begin each day I ask that we observe reserve a moment of silence at this time please join me thank you board member James would you be so kind to read our board commitment statement tonight yes we are the Marian County School District leadership team when we come together we work uh to work we are efficient effective and productive our three most important characteris ICS are dedicated transparent and individually responsible to work well together we must demonstrate respect confront reality and be accountable we will always put students first and we will leave a legacy of success thank you board member James for the courtesy of those listening to the meeting I'm requesting everyone in the audience to please turn off their electronic devices or put them on vibrate later in the meeting up to 30 minutes will be provided to individuals to address the board on matters concerning the operation of the May County school system or the school board only presentations to the board are limited to 5 minutes and are televised if you wish to address the board regarding a regular agenda item or matters on which the board customarily takes action you must first complete each colored form located in the lobby if you wish to address the board regarding a public hearing or a student discipline matter please complete a lime green form these forms must be fully completed and received by the board clerk no later later than 5:40 p.m. the procedures applicable for each are on a separate sheet good evening board clerk please call the rooll Dr Allison Campbell district one here Lorie Conrad District Two here Mr Eric Cummings District three here Mrs Nancy thow District Four here Dr Sarah James District 5 here Dr Diane gullet superintendent here Mr Jeremy Power School Board attorney here thank you Miss Martinez good evening Dr gullet I understand we have special guests with us this evening to inspire us and lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance good evening Madame chair members of the board I certainly do and I'm going to introduce her in a moment I'm going to have Dr Brewer come forward to provide some additional details but I also want to say that um her parents are with us Davey Sharma is a recent graduate of Forest High School and we have something special to recognize her with because she is really set the tone for being an outstanding student and I just want to do a shout out as well I congr congratulated Davey and her parents um not only did she uh is she going to be recognized for something tonight but she's also attending Cornell in the fall in engineering so we're really proud of of all the work that she's doing and congratulations to her parents Dr Brewer yes good evening chair thrower board members and superintendent Dr golet I have the privilege of introducing Davey priia Sharma to you this evening Davey is the daughter of Tommy and Prim Sharma she attended Madison Street Elementary Howard Middle School and most recently graduated from Forest High School with high honors she is being recognized this evening for never missing a day of school from kindergarten through the 12th grade so yes wow so without further delay Davey please come to the podium um she will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance and will provide the inspiration for tonight's school board meeting thank you good evening good evening um for the Pledge of Allegiance um please stand I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all you may be seated hello and good evening um once again my name is Davey Sharma and I'm a recent graduate of Forest High School and am planning on pursuing higher education at Cornell University in the fall I want to thank my parents for helping me get to where I am today and also I want to thank the Maring County public school board for inviting me to speak tonight on account of my perfect attendance in conversation of my perfect attendance people usually remark on the dedication that it must have taken and while it is true I must admit that I'm also very lucky to have been able to achieve such an accomplishment not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to go through school and not have to call out for certain reasons but even if that is the case there are still so many opportunities for students to show that they truly care about their education Simply Having the mindset of showing up each day that you can and doing your best it allows you to take steps towards success because success doesn't come from Perfection you become successful in your own right when you can truly say that you tried your best because even when you don't achieve Perfection people still take notice of your hard work even when it feels like nobody sees the effort that you've put into something people still see the effects of your dedication so just showing others that you care and take things seriously will help you go far whether it be in school or any other Endeavor so thank you to all my teachers who have supported me through this time my parents the school board and everyone else in the community thank you [Applause] yes we definitely want to come down and and take a picture with you to commemorate this incredible accomplishment and after speaking with you for probably just a minute or two it struck me just how calm and pragmatic you are um it's just kind of like you know you do the simple things well over and over and good things happen and showing up to school and being healthy and blessed to be be able to do that uh with absolutely no interruptions really is a fortunate position to be in but your message that truly in your case 100% of life is showing up but 99% of life really is just showing up and doing your personal best and you exemplify that so thank you for taking time out of your busy summer preparations to go off to college and and having your parents here with you and I'm sure there's plenty of folks Maybe not all in the audience but are tuning in tonight or we'll be later on YouTube um to get a chance to celebrate you as well so we'll come down and take a picture with you if that's okay all right thank you and I think you deserve a standing ovation don't y'all let's do it [Applause] you want to come up got it thank you yep another fun fact I learned is that I believe um Miss Sharma has two siblings that also had perfect attendance out of a family of six so that is correct that's really pretty amazing are pretty high didn't they very inspirational yep very good all right Dr G I believe we have a special recognition now on our agenda we do and it's in plural form so board I'm I'm pleased to introduce tonight school and central office leaders who are serving in new roles some are coming off of interim status and some are brand new to their roles so I'm going to uh not going to bring you forward so don't worry I I would ask that you please stand when I call your name okay we have quite a list us today so I'm pleased to announce Carrie alde will serve as the principal of Spar Elementary School Dr alde was Dr alde was formerly the interim principal at Fort McCoy Fort McCoy School we're pleased to have her there thank you Rebecca Cook will serve as the principal of horizon Academy at Maran Oaks and as you know Miss Cook was formerly the assistant principal for curriculum at Horizon Ronnie Jones will continue serving as the principal at Maran Technical Institute again very familiar faces Mr Jones has been serving very successfully as the interim principal and our last principal tonight is Erica Wiggins who will serve as the principal of dellan elementary [Applause] school as you know she was formerly the assistant principal for curriculum at dellan middle school so congratulations to our principles and now moving on for the first time we're doing this this year we are now adding on assistant principles so I'm pleased to present the following Katie Austin will serve as the assistant principal for curriculum at Horizon Academy Miss Austin was formerly the ESC Behavior specialist for our district in a central office position Rebecca Bolan will serve as the assistant principal at fezen and ele school and Miss Bolan was formerly a Content area specialist at Greenway Elementary School Brian Fen aald will serve as the assistant principal for discipline at North Maran middle school and Mr fald has been serving as the interim assistant principal of discipline April Godwin will serve as the assistant principal for instruction at lak wear middle school and Miss Godwin has been serving as the interim assistant principal Misty Gwyn will serve as is the assistant principal for discipline at Forest High School and as you know board Miss Gwyn was formerly serving as the student discipline coordinator she did her tour of Duty with us she certainly did Brandy Hamilton will serve as the assistant principal at oakrest elementary [Music] school and Miss Hamilton was for formerly a Content area specialist as you know at South Okala elementary school and then we have Sylvia P petria who will serve as the assistant principal for instruction at Liberty Middle [Applause] School Miss petria was formerly a Content area specialist at Marian Oaks Elementary Ed Renfro will serve as the assistant principal for discipline at Belleview Middle School got married marri yeah I wasn't going to announce that he is just got married in his on his honeymoon so he formerly served as a student services manager at Forest High School and and he is excused from being here tonight Casey Rivera will serve as the assistant principal for discipline at Fort King Middle [Applause] School and Miss Rivera has been serving as the interim assistant principal for discipline Jennifer Robinson will serve as the assistant principal for discipline at Howard Middle School and Miss Robinson was formerly a program specialist in the secondary curriculum Department central office last but not least for assistant principles Richard Rodriguez will serve as the assistant principal for discipline Horizon [Applause] Academy Mr Rodriguez has been serving as the interim assistant principal of discipline and last but not least we have a couple directors who you would know already very well Chris Carlile will serve as the Director of governmental and community relations and as you know he was formerly the principal at Vanguard High School last but not least shaana Hughes will serve as the Director of professional leadership and learning and has been serving as the interim director very very proud of this entire team representing great work in our field thank you all for your leadership we greatly appreciate you you guys have already been hard at work and great things to come this year thank you thank [Applause] you on behalf of the whole board we're looking forward to working with you in your new capacities and and it's always great to see familiar faces moving around moving up um continuing their careers with Marian County Public Schools so thank you again for taking time out of your evening to be here so that we can recognize you and celebrate you and get even more excited for a great school year to come so thanks for being here tonight all right gosh it's always great to kick it off with the recognitions thank you Dr Brewer for everything that you do to make the recognitions happen and I know this doesn't happen by Magic even though you make it seem like it does all right well I guess we have to get down to business Dr goet would you please make a recommendation on tonight's Schoolboard meeting agenda certainly thank you I recommend approval of the agenda for the July 23rd 2024 Schoolboard meeting with the materials in the board packet those materials distributed to board members at the meeting and the audio recording included as part of the official record of the meeting with the exception of the following items d 18.1 D1 18.2 d8.3 d8.4 and d8.5 that have been placed under discussion thank you thank you Dr gullet may have a motion on the superintendent's recommendation please move move by board member Cummings second second by board member Campbell all those in favor say I I I I motion passes unanimously 5- z may I have a motion to approve the minutes for the June 20th 2024 administrative briefing and work session motion to approve motion by board member James second second by Vice chair Conrad are there any additions or corrections to the minutes seeing none all those in favor say I I I I motion passes unanimously 5- z may I have a motion to approve the minutes for the June 25th 2024 school board meeting motion to approve motion by Vice chair Conrad second by board member Campbell are there any additions or corrections to the minutes seeing none all those in favor say i i i motion passes unanimously 5 moving on Miss Martinez would you please provide the proof of publication for tonight's Schoolboard meeting the notice for the July 23rd 2024 Schoolboard meeting ran in the Okala Gazette on July 12th 2024 the proof of publication has been attached in board Dockson to proof of publication thank you Miss Martinez I'll now ask the school board attorney to explain the rules governing persons who wish to address the school board this evening good evening attorney Powers good evening thank you madam chair in compliance with section 28601 one4 of Florida Statutes the school board has adopted uniform procedures for public speakers who wish to speak at this evening's meeting either regarding one of today's agenda items or a matter relating to the operations of the school district these procedures will ensure the public has a reasonable opportunity to be heard on school board and School District matters a written summary of these procedures are available from the table in the lobby public speaker forms are also located on the same table the completed forms were due to the school board's clerk no later than 540 p.m. Miss Martinez do we have any speakers this evening no sir we may proceed then to item 8.1 public hearings okay thank you very much all right on to item 8.1 May I have a motion to adopt the 2024 2025 code of student conduct for the 2024 2025 school year motion to approve motion by board member Campbell second second by Vice chair Conrad Dr gullet thank you madam chair the 2024 2025 code of student conduct for the 2024 2025 school year complies with the state statute 1000 6.07 and board policy 5500 thank you thank you I declare a public hearing is there anyone present who wishes to address the 2024 2025 code of student conduct seeing none is there any discussion from the board okay we've Workshop this a lot um seeing none all those in favor say I I I those oppos nay motion passes five votes to zero thank you may I have a motion to adopt the 2024 2025 Maran County Public Schools mental health assistance allocation plan in compliance with the Marjorie stowman Douglas High School safety act motion to approve motion by board member Cummings second second by board member James Dr gullet thank you madam chair the the 2024 2025 Maring County Public Schools mental health assistance allocation plan is in compliance with the marjerie Stoneman Douglas High School safety act chapter 2024-the thank you Dr gullet I declare a public hearing is there anyone present who wishes to address the 2024 2025 Mar County Public Schools mental health assistance allocation plan seeing none is there any discussion from the board hearing none we'll go ahead and vote all those in favor say I I I those oppos nay motion passes unanimously five votes to zero thank you all right moving on to 9.1 with some informational items the school district used a construction management delivery method including a guaranteed maximum price known GMP to perform construction work on the following projects there were unused funds on the projects since the projects were delivered using a construction management delivery with a GMP format unused dollars regardless of the item are returned to the owner the unspent monies will be returned to the owner via change order which will close the financial books on these projects the superintendent has signed and approved the change order per board policy 6345 the superintendent is authorized to approve and execute any Construction contract change order that will increase the Construction contract by $225,000 or less or that will decrease the Construction contract amount provided that that approval shall be in his or her judgment in the best interest of the board such change orders shall be binding upon execution by the superintendent the superintendent shall report each change order that he or she approved to the board at the board meeting that follows her approval the superintendent's approval of the change order shall be entered into the official minutes of the school board meeting so we'll start with 9.1 which is amendment number one to the construction manager contract guaranteed maximum price GMP for equipment early procurement related to construction of new Elementary School X Change order number two Amendment one project 24-12 item 9.2 two construct covered dining Pavilion at dellan high school change order number one work authorization number one project 23-19 moving on to 9.3 HVAC Chiller systems replacement at Horizon Academy at Maran Oaks change order number one work authorization number 11 project number 23- 131 item 9.4 modification of the existing security fencing system at oest elementary school change order number one work authorization number 11 project 23- 131 item 9.5 replacement of the gymnasium roof at dellen Middle School change order number one work authorization number five project 24-17 and that concludes our informational items for this evening we'll move on to our consent agenda m a motion to approve consent agenda items C 111.1 through c17.1 with the exception of items d181 D1 18.2 d8.3 d8.4 and d8.5 that have been placed under discussion may I have a motion please motion to approve cons motion by board member Cummings second second by Vice chair Conrad all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5 Z all right moving on to our discussion items May I have a motion to approve the Fourth Amendment with top score writing Incorporated motion to approve motion by Vice chair Conrad second second by board member Campbell Dr goet you have information you would like to share regarding this item I do thank you madam chair members of the board this item um with your approval would cost $300,000 and it allows us to purchase curriculum and provide training for to address all of our classrooms third through fifth grades and all of of our schools and Miss rle is here to do a presentation tonight um so thank you very much thank you good evening Miss rle good evening I'm just going to share a little bit of information about uh the top score program and how we utilize it um in our schools um tops score writing is a program used in grades 3 through five that enables teachers to provide students with lessons containing thought-provoking passages on targeted reading levels the program provides student students with daily time to write about a variety of topics while including strategies necessary to complete evidence-based essays lessons for each writing type include scaffolded instruction that takes students through the entire writing process from the beginning to the end this purchase will allow our teachers to have digital access to all materials needed to successfully deliver the Benchmark aligned writing instruction in grades three through five thank you all right is there any discussion or questions from the board from Miss redo all right hearing none thank you for giving us that overview and you know academics is what it's all about and writing is something that I know I hear about a lot from people in the community their first question is are we teaching cursive anymore and is all writing being done online and I think per state rules our assessments even for writing are done online now is that correct correct okay all right thank you very much much ready to vote all those in favor say I I motion passes unanimously 5 Z thank you moving on to D1 18.2 may I have a motion to approve the special data share agreement with Savas Learning Company LLC motion to approve motion by board member James second second by board member Campbell Dr goet you have information you'd like to share regarding this item thank you yes briefly thank you madam chair the cost of this item if the board approves is is nearly $2.2 million it's a three-year agreement that provides as you're very familiar with uh reading and Mathematics Curriculum um across our schools and if you notice Miss rle is still standing by she's going to present some more information on this item thank you all right so success maker is an Adaptive Learning System that will provide all of our students with a personalized learning experience that adjusts in real time to their specific individual learning needs the program will include differentiation accelerated learning and intervention this program will allow students a more personalized and adaptive learning experience um students will use the program as part of small group rotations in both reading and math the recommendation uh or the recommended time is 15 to 20 minutes three to five times uh per week per for ELA and math in reading the program's instructional design provides explicit instruction aligned to the science of reading along with guided and independent practice SuccessMaker math builds conceptual understanding throughout the program multi-step performance tasks will allow students to apply mathematics to real world real world context and connect math concepts both reading and math provide teachers with automatically suggested small group and points of view um targeted lessons or we might know them as C courses that they can assign to students um per uh for particular skills uh to continue supporting students individualized needs it is aligned to our Core Curriculum um because it's savis so it's directly aligned to our reading curriculum my view and our envision math program um so we use both of those for ELA and math it'll come with principal resources um it makes decisions on student learning based on student clicks and assigns problems accordingly it'll provide graphical results and custom course allow us to assign custom courses for tier 2 and tier three interventions thank you is there any discussion from the board I just have a question yes VI chair con um I was just wondering is this the program that we used to use for remediation it is okay yes it is so the same thing and you did did you say all students are going to be using it all students okay so everyone will be able to log in and use it for reading and math correct okay all right thank you I was just checking yeah thank you Vice chair Conrad I had the feeling you were going to bring it up because because I did during a gender review I was like success maker that's a old term right that sounds familiar um but it sounds like it's come back around and has been reformulated and a lot of counties you improved and aligned to our benchmarks in the State of Florida and aligned to our Core Curriculum um which is also made by savis right okay thank you any further discussion comments from the board right hearing none all those in favor say I I I I motion passes unanimously 5 Z thank you all right may I have a motion to approve the agreement with the Cyprus initiative Incorporated motion to approve motion by Vice chair Conrad second by board member Cummings Dr G you have information you'd like to share regarding this item d uh 18.3 yes thank you madam chair members of the board we are seeking your for approval of this agreement which would cost about $660,000 Miss dechman is making her way forward but I want to share this is an evidence-based mentoring support for mental health um it does comply with the margerie stowman Douglas High high school public safety act and um Miss dechman is here to provide additional information about this um this special agreement um proposal thank you thank you good evening uh the use of this evidence-based intervention is a requirement of the margerie stowman Douglas High school public safety act uh we must teach mental health and behavioral skills using a multi-tiered system of supports framework so when we say that that means we provide targeted intensified support uh through a tiered approach students in this intervention will will receive face-to-face mentoring lessons from trained school-based staff these trained staff members will be able to access the mentoring lessons on an online platform and will also be given materials to reinforce the skills taught in each lesson during this initial year utilizing the intervention we would like to purchase 17 licenses to provide schools with the opportunity to participate in piloting the curriculum additionally the effectiveness of the curriculum will be monitored utilizing a teacher observation progress monitoring measure and reviewing office discipline referral data attendance data and academic data as well I would like to emphasize that this program would not replace current Community mentoring Partnerships providing this evidence-based curric will meet the needs of students requiring an intensified mentoring program within that MDT framework we will still have students who will continue to benefit from our local mentoring providers who have had a significant impact on our students thank you thank you miss techman any discussion from the board go ahead sure just wanted to say thank you Miss techman I know you and I had conversation about this yesterday and your explanation was exactly as it was yesterday I'm just grateful for that for further explanation and and the assurance that this isn't replacing something that we already have but there is a significant difference in research-based mentoring programs uh even Beyond evidence-based so uh I I think that this will just enhance the opportunities that we currently have for students so thank you thank you any other discussion from the board hearing none all those in favor say I I I those oppose nay motion passes unanimously 5- Z thank you all right moving on to d8.4 may I have a motion to approve the First Amendment to special to the special data share agreement with gaggle.net Incorporated motion to approve motion by Vice chair Conrad second by board member Cummings Dr G you have information you'd like to share yes thank you madam chair again board this is the first um um Amendment we're asking for to to Gaggle and I want to just underscore a couple points and obviously you can see again that Miss deckman and now Mr Ben vud is coming forward but this is another layer providing critical support and and mitigating threat to our students to provide another layer of safety so Mr Ben vudi and U Miss dechman are going to provide some information cost of this item is $156,000 but they're going to present some additional information and context to what gagle is about thank you good evening board chair board members and superintendent gullet since 2019 our safety schools department has been using light speed to monitor student online activity this system flagged key words and phrases related to self harm using artificial intelligence each alert required District staff to review and decide if it warranted School followup unfortunately this system often produced false positives such as flagging mathematical terms like f- 5.7 as a potential gun reference despite this limitation Lightspeed facilitated important interventions including student check-ins and suicide risk assessments when necessary to improve our current notification process we initiated a pilot utilizing the Google plat sorry the gagle platform the aim was to determine if gagle could capture a broader range of alerts including threats to others harassments drug use nudity and general safety concerns while reducing fall alerts gagle combines artificial intelligence with human review ensuring only the most concerning alerts reach our District staff for actions now M techman will finish our explanation thank you good evening again the Gaggle pilot uh ran from February 6th to May 7th 2024 so that covered a total of 92 days six schools participated including Belleview High School Liberty Middle North Mary middle Oola middle Vanguard High and Westport HIgh these schools were all selected based on their High incidence of self harm reports during the pilot each School received varying varying numbers of alerts Belleview High had 33 alerts total Liberty Middle 13 North Marine middle five Oola middle 53 Vanguard High 26 and Westport HIgh 52 across all six School sites we averaged about 20% of all alerts were self harm related threats to others and harassment alerts were the most frequent averaging around 55% across all schools additionally there were alerts related to drugs nudity sexual content and general safety concerns as Mr uh Ben vudi had explained in comparing self harm alerts Gaggle generated fewer alerts than light speeded suggesting fewer false positives for instance Oola middle had 75 more alerts with light speed compared to gagle during that pilot time this indicates this indicates gagle's enhanced accuracy and comprehensive monitoring in summary the Gaggle pilot aimed to enhance student safety by broadening monitoring criteria and improving alert accuracy the results indicated a balance between comprehensive monitoring and manageable alert volume our next steps involve deciding the most efficient workflow in implementing the necessary training and support systems for our schools and our school district thank you thank you m techman is there any discussion from the board on this topic it's hard to imagine that we're in this situation and that so many kids are are struggling but I'm I'm feel confident that we're going in the right direction to provide the right kind of help at so many different levels so thank you for the present it's sobering really we'll do all we can right all right ready to vote all those in favor say I I motion passes unanimously 5- Z thank you very much moving on to d8.5 may I have a motion to approve the agreement with Scholastic Insurance of Florida LLC doing business as school Insurance of Florida motion motion by board member Cummings second second by board member Campbell Dr G you have more information to share on this item yes thank you madam chair again me members of the board uh with your approval this agreement would allow us to provide the accident and catastrophic insurance to students that participate in our athletic programs and extracurricular activities across our district the cost is approximately $342,000 and as you aware we are required by FHSAA to have coverage um there is also an opportunity for parents to purchase um a voluntary basis 24-hour insurance insurance that they can opt into um I do have um something special I would like to announce tonight um that after reviewing um this item in need to really help every student succeed and be able to participate that with our insurance policy since it covers all of our students we will this year be waving participation fees and Athletics for the for the upcoming year so My Hope as a superintendent is that all students can participate the activities that they'd like to participate and that money is not a barrier thank you any feedback from the board ABS member Campbell thank you for hearing us loud and clear Dr G I know you and I have spoken about that briefly uh actually the athletic directors and some others brought that to my attention recently U and some members of our community also brought that up as a concern and I am very grateful that the district is going to to be able to implement a participation fee less athletic programs throughout our district I think that will open up even more opportunities for our students who might not have had access because of a financial barrier and so thank you it really does impact our most marginalized students to give them the best opportunities absolutely any other discussion comments from the board um I'll just say that I certainly Concur and we just just heard two presentations on students that you know are struggling and if they are interested in sports and can be connected to sports regardless of family circumstances it can truly be a lifeline and a lifesaver so thank you for your vision on that Dr goet all right um if there's no more discussion all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously and emphatically five all right we'll move on to board committee reports and concerns we'll start with a few meeting reminders there is a special school board meeting scheduled for July 30th 2024 at 5:30 p.m. the next administrative briefing and work session has been scheduled for August 1st 2024 at 9:00 a.m. the following administrative briefing and work session has been scheduled for August 8th 2024 at 9:00 am and the start of school is fast approaching all right uh Miss Martina has anything from your seat no Madam chair thank you attorney Powers nothing from legal thank you thank you board m James thank you um just I will first yina Park started school yesterday and I think all of us were able to stop by it was great uh I was sharing with Dr gullet the school Feels So Fresh it's amazing what just fresh paint and clean floors can do to a space um it was bright it was vibrant people were very excited to be there um I walked with one of the leaders to just count heads and warm bodies and it was really um inspiring to see so many people excited to have school in session I'm a big advocate of the year- round calendar and I hope to see it expand in Maring County I think it would be a a great benefit to all of our community not just one section of it so I'm looking forward to seeing it be full of success at wyam Park um I am really excited as we build up to the next um two and a half weeks until school starts I have a daughter St in kindergarten so every day it is how many days until August 12th because she was very excited to start kindergarten um so we have an active countdown in my house but I am really excited for school to start and to get all of our friends back in session and get into the groove of the school year I think that our students Thrive when they are in the consistency of coming to school and being um with our Educators and all of our Sports staff so I'm really excited for that to to get to come in just a few short weeks uh one request to the board um we have a special board meeting scheduled for the first I just board would like to request that we have that on the second I know that we don't have a meeting scheduled for the second but if the meeting was scheduled on the second then we would meet the 7-Day advertising window which I know is not necessarily required because it's a special board meeting but I do think that for the transparency purposes it would be in our best interest if we're available to meet that 7-Day window and and the board to my knowledge I know I wasn't asked about being available on the second but the second would give us a 7-Day advertising window and it really makes no difference what's the one day um and I know I can be available and if two other board members are willing and available at any time on the second to meet Miss Martinez can publish an advertisement by tomorrow at noon and we would be able to meet all of the the the requirements for publishing and it would make me feel more comfortable as a board member so that's my request thank you board member James um attorney Powers would you just kind of share the timeline on how we got to this and that we are meeting the requirements for a special meeting and um I hear you board member James but it's also not super easy to get everyone to shift you know um unless it's truly absolutely necessary so let's just go ahead and get a brief recap and we'll go from there I'm welcome I'm willing to I've always said I'm willing to meet any time any day if it'ss for the best interest of the school district so attourney powers for a standard board meeting that require um 7 Days Advanced advertising notice that's published in the paper and then we publish our agenda for that separately with also seven days uh Florida law and board policy permit us to uh have special board meetings with up to with 48 hours notice though that is generally not preferred if it is an item that may have significant um content that may have be of community interest however it is legal and it is within our board policy um then with em for emergency board meetings and those are defined as ones which involve health safety and Welfare directly uh those can be done with only 24 hours notice and posting even directly on the Schoolboard uh building uh because uh in that case advertisement uh in the newspaper would be extremely difficult to get we also do have an advertising schedule since the um since the Gazette where we post our ads is uh is publishes weekly um that advertising schedule then means that we have to have an ad in on the Wednesday prior um and then the following Friday is when it will actually be published so um if we put an ad in on the 24th for example that would be be published beginning on the 26th um so that would then give us seven days we are in I want to emphasize that in the case of a special board meeting uh that is not something that is an absolute requirement it is something that as a matter of best practice we have steered toward um so that we don't uh ever run into a situation where there's a uh question as to whether something needed to be as part of a standard uh noticed twice a month Schoolboard meeting or whether it could be placed on a special meeting um because as a matter of best practice you shoot for the the the best that you can possibly do so um at this point it's a matter of board discretion and that's generally left Within the discretion of the board chair as to the agenda um the board chair and the superintendent to determine what that is of course if the board wishes to discuss come to a consensus opinion they may do the same so it's it's all within your ballpark okay thank you um attorney Powers I just definitely wanted to make it clear you know to the public that either way you know we're we're well in hand um so I'm going to open up to the rest of the board to discuss because I have my own comments that I would like to make further um well just first okay I was just going to offer as a point of clarification so if we didn't have any other opportunity to meet the seven days then I would be on board with it being a special work a special board meeting and it having to be in shorter time frame but there is an opport this board I think has been very public with our willingness to meet whenever and so what I would appreciate is the board collectively having the opportunity to make the decision to meet the 7-Day window if it's possible and if it's not then we'll dive we'll we'll back up to the other option but I would just feel more comfortable meeting the s-day window understood thank you board member James board member Campbell sure chair thank you um my first question actually is with Dr gullet when does the team start coming back for all five days of the week is that Friday the 2 our first time back or when does that it's August 2nd it's August 2nd we'll be the first Friday okay that was that was going to be because certainly if no one was going to be here that was not going to work cor that that was going to be the first thing I I I know that we got this notification I think yesterday maybe about the special school board meeting it is going to be in the middle of one of our work sessions I can certainly be available on the second but hearing what attorney Powers has said I don't know that that's necessary six days is is sufficient for me especially now that even statute allows us to put it on the website as not even as necessarily required to run it in the newspaper I mean that is um the way news statute reads if I'm not mistaken attorney Powers that's as to posting the agenda um we have not yet shifted into and developed formal policy into shifting into advertising completely VI our website but it is an option however it is a little more technical than it sounds no and I understand I'm I'm not foregoing the fact that we just still need to advertise and we still would adverti but the advertisement would only be six days instead of seven and I personally do not see a a problem with that especially since it is a special school board meeting and right now it's slated for 15 minutes so I think it's fine to have on the day we're already all scheduled to be here which is currently the first um but I can also be available on the second if that's what pleases the board thank you board member Campbell to verify this Friday is uh all employees s uh are are back on on August 2nd yes okay yep First St back um any other thoughts from the board I'm available on both days so what everybody everybody agrees to I'm good with either day Madam chair I'll be appearing telephonically on the first and so if we move to the second I'll also be appearing telephonically on the second so doesn't make a difference to me okay all right um and just you know it's they're they're all very valid consider ations and I understand the request um I also am very conscious of the fact that you know we are moving into a very busy season you know trying to honor everybody's time you know we're going to be here anyway for a lengthy work session so to embed the special uh board meeting to address two topics which we've already talked about at length um seem to fill the bill and so it would be my preference um to do that rather than reassemble everybody for literally what will probably be 15 minutes worth of of work that just doesn't seem productive um to me so uh that was my rationale and and now you've heard it so we do need to get um the majority of of the board to decide one way or another um one of us doesn't really seem to have a dog in the fight this go around board member Cummings um and and so you know let's just get it settled I'm I'm fine with the first here okay um I I'm fine with with the first also um especially in regards to our staff and um our teams that are are working to prepare and it sounds like we're legally covered just fine either way so um but thank you for bringing that up uh board member James It's always important to can continue these conversations and make it clear what we're doing and why we're doing it okay thank you that concludes my comments okay thank you all right um Bo member Cummings good evening um really I don't have a lot of com any a lot of comments I'll say it that way um I did stop by why minina Park yesterday I was very pleased with um the opening of w Park on yesterday morning and uh how smooth things went shout out to um principle hunt and her team in uh making sure these kids uh got where they need to be so um even with the buses that the buses that were coming so um just please I know we we got a few more weeks before regular school starts and looking forward to that as well thank you board member Cummings and absolutely um board member Campbell thank you uh just a couple of comments Dr James talking about her having a student that is going to be starting kindergarten I'm on the opposite side of the schooling because I have my oldest starting his senior year so that's a whole thing that this mom's going to be dealing with this year preparing for my senior next year also um but I also wanted to mention just as a reminder to the board that I will not be present during that July 30th board meeting I think we determined that at least three of you will be here to talk about the budget and accept that so just as a reminder for that tonight during the board meeting and consent agenda we approved some new job descriptions for four different levels of construction inspectors so with building comes the need for more oversight so I'm grateful for that work that the team put in and what those new positions are going to look like uh we also approved appr D or didn't necessarily have to approve we we had as information items tonight those guaranteed maximum price contracts that we received the deductive change orders on and those deductive change orders totaled $73,700 able I mean it was just excitement the students were excited I talked to several fifth graders who were like we're fifth graders and they were just so proud to be there and so many of the students were just engaged and excited um Miss hunt and her team were completely just I told her she just looked like she was exuding joy and it was just a wonderful opportunity for those students we'll see how the data comes and and how the pilot looks but I was also grateful to hear that they're already working and collaborating with the counterpart in alatua County because there's only three schools that are chosen in this pilot and so they're already talking the principles and assistant principles of both of those schools Maran and alatua County talking and going to be data sharing problem solving talking through things and so that's the way this is supposed to work so that if you're in it together you're in it together so I'm I'm just grateful for that and looking forward to seeing the success potentially of that pilot of the yearound school for wyam Park also wanted to remind the board that our next Tuesday evening board meeting on August 13th we will be welcoming our next student representatives to the board so we have their names we have who they are I've communicated with them just even this evening and so looking forward to welcoming them and I continue to think how blessed we are in Maran County that we provide this essentially an internship in public policy for some of our seniors so they can see the innerworking of what it looks like to be an elected official and so I think that's a really fun opportunity that we've provided to our seniors and so you'll meet the next crop I guess on August 13th newly minted crop the newly minted crop and the last thing I was going to mention is just I I know we received the budget uh and that notebook and Miss Boston Ellis and her team is working so diligently and we'll be continuing to fill that notebook over the course of the next couple of weeks I'm looking forward to those upcoming meetings and seeing how it all is going to work together and I know the calculations are coming in and there there's a lot of information that's been shared versus the information and the actual dollars that are being received so just looking forward to the extended conversations we'll be having about next year's budget and informing the community and the public on how education funding actually happens that is a little bit different than what they might expect so those conclude my comments thank you all right thank you that's your conrade yes thank you good evening I do have a couple thank yous um and then a little announcement I wanted to give but I to um Dr Brewer thank you for sending out our student um advisers that are coming forward it was nice to have that information ahead of time so thank you for your work I also wanted to say thank you to uh Miss Boston Ellis and Miss Morant um I was visiting a school today and they were discussing how much hiring has been going on and they've they've picked up several teachers I believe she said Jacksonville I'm not 100% but they um they lost over 500 teachers up in that area um because they were being paid out of Esser dollars and uh we were are continually reminded um we had a meeting this afternoon um just um of being good stewards uh watching out for our staff um and so I just was really grateful in in that moment to know um all the work that our team does to to keep our staff and and keep Maran County moving forward so I just wanted to say a shout out and thank you that that we are not in that position um losing teachers so just wanted to share that um I made a stop by yina park today uh it was a great visit uh it was um reminiscent my mother-in-law retired from there she spent uh 30 years at yamina Park I see Melissa nodding out there miss kard because she worked there also uh so it just it was really lovely uh the staff were very excited the kids were so well behaved they were in the hallway and um everybody was excited so just really thanks I know they're a lot of feet on the ground um to get that started and get it moving forward so thanks for everybody in their hard work I did want to share um if you are a parent and you're in need of school supplies the community give back um is this Saturday and there are six or seven uh locations if you Google that um even on Facebook you'll get uh the results but um if you need backpacks and school supplies please uh check in I'll be at Belleview high school on Saturday morning I'd love to see you and I just I'm really thankful of work that goes in um to getting things prepared and resources for our students that are in need uh there's just so much work uh that goes into Gathering and fundraising and supplying um resources for our students so thank you to our community for that and that's all I have thank you thank you Vice chair Conrad Dr goet thank you uh Madam chair members of the board again I just just it's been said I mean school is going to start very soon for most of our students but for some of our students it started at wayam Park yesterday and I just am pleased to uh announce how how pleased I am with the work I went back again today so even on day two all of the energy that you shared the positivity the engagement um was still at the same level was yesterday um I want to thank Miss hunt her entire team they've spent a lot of time with me um walked a lot of classrooms actually every classroom yesterday and um it's really been a it's been a team effort uh I was there as I shared before um prior to school starting seeing the the training and the conversations today I saw a little bit of preparation for collaborative planning but the instruction I saw when the bell rang yesterday thank you that's what it's about they have set the bar for every one of our schools the instruction was on point in every class I watch walked in yesterday um right after the Bell on the first day of school so I want to thank them for that effort and again raising the bar um community members seem very pleased there's always going to be a little glitches but I did want to let you know board that and the reports that I've been given even and checking back in with the staff today every Su every single student who was not in attendance received a phone call so personal calls were made to every family to say we're looking for you we hope to see you tomorrow and if something needed to change and they need it to a different location they're working through that but I want to thank them for the time and effort and and making sure that that the families knew that they were missed and that we were looking forward to having them so they could get the attendance but again collaborative effort uh collaborative effort with Fort King even Mr Carter's out there waving the fam so it wasn't just an isolation departments are out principles from other schools are out um and that's going to continue but um it they really did set the bar and and couldn't have asked for a better start to a pilot I'm very very proud of all the work they're doing and I know it will also continue and in doing what's best for students so thank you thank you Dr gullet here here there's a lot of things to really be grateful for and I'm going to start uh by being very grateful tonight that there were no expulsions or alternative placement student numbers that JD numbers that I had to read tonight that's always just dis heartening for me and I can't help but think that it represents you know failure in in some form um so I was really glad not to have to read any uh JD numbers tonight I'm also really grateful for the continued so many years of the stuff the bus initiative um Coronel ham and his group have done great work forever uh they were back at it again and I think more to come now it's time to stuff middle school backpacks I know a few of us were yes tomorrow and I know a few of us got down there to help with elementary school and just the outpouring from the community when it comes to getting our kids supplied up for school for the beginning of school I don't know that there's a community that responds any better or or in Greater quantity um than this one and and it's so greatly needed and and I'm personally very grateful and I'm sure the rest of the board is too um I'm also very grateful for the Leadership Summit that took place a week or so ago time just flies and it was at your church was it yes and what's the name of that church Living Waters that's right Living Waters and Church of Hope is going to be partnering with us soon um to be praying over our schools anyone that wants to help with that I know board members um as they can are going to be participating so that's wonderful I heard such great feedback um from from principls about that whole session and how professional it was Shana Hughes I know and her team had a huge hand it made me think of our Florida School Board Association conferences and sessions you know very well organized very well done very professional really treated our leaders um like the professionals that they really are and the feedback was great um hearing principes share how great it was to be able to walk with their assistant principles and participate in sessions together and really begin to solidify that that communication and and foundational planning that is so underg difficult to getting the school year kicked off right so congratulations to everyone that uh made that happen and I'm glad everyone that participated it sounds like it was a lot of fun and I actually wanted to stay to be honest because it sounds like you had some some great learning opportunities to to elevate um your what you're doing so that was awesome um the other thing I'm grateful for is that it looks like uh we're very close to being on point for at least having the minimum number of bus drivers that we need to start the school year uh we also have a pool of bus drivers and replacement drivers that we're still hiring for so we cannot afford to lose one single bus driver we cannot afford to have anything get in the way of keeping our people and making sure that we give them the best experience possible because I think if nothing else has been talked about a lot it certainly has been transportation and every single board member sitting up here knows how important that is to make sure that we get the kids to school on time so these fantastic things that teachers are doing and their whole staffs at school um can work their magic you know on time every day so congratulations to miss Dobbins and Mr OIC and the rest of the transportation team the trainers um again it gets to back to wanisha and and getting everybody move through um it's not easy to become a bus driver and it's not easy to be a bus driver so let's not let anything hamper that um budding success and then uh yes we received our our budget um well we will be receiving our budget we know we're building it and um it's probably going to come as a little bit of a a shock to the community because about 330 million of it is the certificates of participation um to build these new schools and wings that we so desperately need um so yet we've lost so much money because of the funds um melting away but yet at the same time it looks like we've bolstered things but it's really for a very defined um purpose and and greatly needed so uh that's all I have for tonight and look forward to just continuing the countdown to the first day of of of school but we've already had that for for one school so it's just going to continue to build that positive momentum um from there for for a great opening to a great upcoming school year so if there there's no further business to discuss I will entertain a motion to adjourn at 6:34 p.m. how about that motion by board member coming second second by board member Campbell all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5- Z thank you very [Music] much e