[Music] good morning everyone I now call the Thursday February 22nd 2024 administrative briefing and work session of the Mary County School Board to order at 9:00 a.m. please silence your electronic devices to avoid disturbing others mirroring and modeling how our students begin each day I ask that you pause with us for a moment of silence please join me thank you I'll Now read our board commitment statement we are the Marian County School District leadership team when we come together to work we are efficient effective and productive our three most important car characteristics are dedicated transparent and individually responsible to work well together we must demonstrate respect confront reality and be accountable we will always put students first we will lead a legacy of success I'll now ask the school board's attorney to explain the roles for this public work session good morning attorney Powers good morning thank you madam chair this work session is a public meeting as defined in Florida Sunshine Law the board is dedicated to full transparency in its meetings and its work in compliance with the the Sunshine Law the board has adopted uniform meeting procedures including the right for citizens to participate the board will allow public comment regarding any work session item listed on today's agenda at the appropriate time speakers must fill out a request form located in the lobby and hand it to the board clerk after the board and superintendent have completed their discussion on a particular agenda item the board clerk will call the speaker's name in the order received each speaker will have three minutes as required by Sunshine Law the board must maintain orderly conduct and proper decorum throughout this meeting speakers May criticize subject matter and decisions in a respectful manner but not people finally speakers must be very careful not to violate the Privacy rights of others especially students and their family members by mentioning their names or other identifying information thank you for your attention to these important rules thank you attorney Powers Miss Martinez will you please provide the proof of publication for today's meeting the notice for the February 22nd 2024 work session was published in the Okala Gazette on February 9th 2024 proof of publication has been attached to board dos under approve for publication thank you and good morning to you too um we will now begin the work session with the superintendent's administrative briefing good morning Dr go good morning Madam chair members of the board great to see you this morning two brief items uh what first want to call your attention to an email know that's a little low isn't it there we go call your attention to an email I sent this morning um regard St in the notice of our meeting for Tuesday February 27th um I serve as your secretary for the leasing Corporation and the email is simply a notification of that meeting of next week which we've shared publicly as well and the other item very exciting to say if you haven't received one of these it is time again for our Southeastern um Youth Fair and I love that the theme is celebrate our future in action so that begins today lots of great activities and if you didn't already know this we have over 1,000 students participating in this annual event so really excited about that that concludes my briefing thank you madam chair thank you fantastic yep it's going to be a great 10 days I think it is it goes yep yep yep all right well we will roll right into our agenda for this morning and we'll be starting with supporting second language Learners you want to introduce the I certainly will thank you I'm going to call um Miss Hughes directly up she will kick this off today as she is our inter director for professional leadership and learning and what you're going to hear today Bard is um is a comprehensive look at how we support our second language Learners sometimes known as um those students who have English as a second language and so um or English language Learners so that will be defined as well there are different terms and we are just so grateful for our diverse students that we serve in Marian County and one way that we um need to be sure that we look at how we serve our English language Learners or our second language Learners is understanding that they have diverse needs like any other student some are highly gifted and some have other special needs and just because they are learning um English as a second language doesn't mean they um don't have a lot of incredibly other talents and so um meeting each student individually with their needs to support them and their language acquisition is important so I'll turn it over to Miss Hughes to share more information thank you morning thank you good morning chair Thor Vice Sheriff Conrad school board members attorney powers and Miss Martinez so my name is shuana Hughes as Dr gullet shared and I am the interim director of professional leadership and learning today I am joined by Dr Amy Cabello who is the coordinator for Multicultural education today we're here to discuss how we support Second Language Learners across the district for the purpose of this presentation we want to provide two contextual definitions English speakers of other languages is referred to as esol the goal of the Esau program is to increase both English language proficiency and academic language proficiency and content area subject matter successful Esau link which programs focus on collaboration and share responsibility and accountability for success of all English language Learners students in the Esau program are referred to as English language Learners when we speak of our English language Learners throughout our presentation we will refer to them as students throughout our presentation so again esol is the program by English English language Learners is the student the framework for our program is Guided by the Florida consent decree the consent decree is a legal document in safeguarding the educational rights of students in Florida this decree ensures that students have equal access to educational programs and are provided with instruction that is comprehensible to them it includes a specific Provisions for the identification assessment and appropriate programming of students and mandates teachers are adequately trained to instruct students the framework for learning is based on the worldclass instructional design and assessment also known as weda English language development standards the weda Consortium is a member-based organiz ganization comprised of US states and territories and also federal agencies dedicated to researching designing and implementing high quality standard-based systems for kindergarten through 12th grade students Florida along with 41 States and territories constitute this Consortium the framework is our basis of our program and it provides a foundation of curriculum instruction and assessment for our students the ELD standards framework is centered on equal access and fosters the assets and contributions of our potential students and the potential of our students with this framework and legislation in mind our team have compartmentalized the components of our program into four major components compliance professional learning additional resources and family engagement you will get an opportunity to learn more about those components in this presentation the data reflected in the chart is the historical numbers of students who were active in the program during the school years please note that students are exited from the program and are monitored for two years in total these numbers of students are monitored by our team students who receive Services while waiting to be screened as one as one group of students then we have students who are active in the program and students who have exited the program but again they're still um they still continue to receive accommodations and they are monitored for two years after their exit date from the program these numbers are fluid and they fluctuate very often as of February 8th our district served a diverse population of over 2,498 students our students constitute 6% of the overall student population this number has increased on average 8% each year since 2019 based on our most recent census report of July 2020 to it's worth noting that one out of every five households in Marian County speaks a second language there are 81 documented languages and dialects spoken in our district the majority of students who come from these households speak Spanish we monitor exitus students grades and progress monitoring by convening a meeting if they are not making efficient academic progress After exiting the program it is especially important to note that our Esau resource facilitators who are our district-based teachers currently monitor 3,796 students as of February 8th we had 84 pending 240 two 2,498 in program 1,27 75 that we were monitoring which would give a total of 3,796 this is not account for our current status where 61 of our students have um not met eligibility for our program have relocated or withdrew from our schools or have exited the program it's very fluid from a February 8th to this dat as our district numbers grow so does our number of English language Learners or students the pie chart shows the percentage of students by grade level the data indicates a significant concentration of 71% of students in the primary grade levels kindergarten through 5ifth with the natural progression of students transitioning out of the program by the time they reach high school students enter and exit our prr programs at all grade levels on average an English language learner remains in the program for 2 to 5 years now I will have Dr Cabello Come Share the components in which we some of the components in which we serve our students through thank you Miss Hughes and I know we've only gone through six slides but you've already given us a lot of information and I do have one question and I'm not sure if the other board members have any questions as as well so I'd like to just take a quick pause before we transition um to provide an opportunity uh board any questions uh thus far I just I have a couple clarifying questions yes go ahead V sh comrad okay um so the last date for collection the data collected was February 8th is that correct so the information that we're seeing is up to date for February 8th up to February 8th okay yes thank you um on slide four when they're going through um this process of being identified um what how long does that take overall in general I know you can't give me an exact time but when you identify or begin to identify a student and until they start receiving Services how long does that generally take okay so what the law says and what we are held to is that from the day of enrollment we have 20 days 20 instruction days to assess the student um for the most part that does happen however we do have some anomalies where a student may be absent and not meet those 20 days um and when things like that happen the state has made an account for that where there is a notification that goes home to families to let them know that the student was not tested in 20 days and then it will also give the reason but usually if they're not tested in 20 days it is because of a student absence or um just coming to school at a time that may not have been conducive to administer this assessment or screener if you will okay thank you very much and then after you they're identified through that assessment what does that timeline look like before they begin receiving Services immediately receiving Services a l plan um is completed where you're able to meet with the teacher and talk about where the student was you review the data from the screener and look at the domains and of course the domains and I know Dr Cabello is going to get into it but speaking listening reading and writing where is that student as it relates to English proficiency um so the teacher can understand what would be the entry for for that student so for example with writing can they do pictures can they do bullets can they do sentences where are they in those four domains so when they start to think about instruction additionally during those meetings there is a component on the L plan where our school-based district uh I'm sorry our district based teachers help to facilitate those and they ask them what strategies what Esau strategies are you going to implement with this student knowing where their data lies um so all of that happens during that time so they can get that information thank you very much Mrs Hughes you're welcome question um thank you so far I'm looking at slide number five and it's just it's just this graph is just kind of um throwing me a little bit so when I'm looking at the graph it says 71% of the students uh 71% Elementary and then it drops all the way to 133% from middle school and again it goes back up at high school what what is the reasoning for it dropping so much from elementary to Middle we're still dealing with pretty much some of the same students why is that such a because um like I mentioned in the slide it's two to five years that we're expecting them to exit the program so the goal is to exit the program and acquire that language acquisition some students come in at different levels that's the purpose for the screener and they'll be able to exit the program um remember this is a very fluid population um so we do have students that come in at all grade levels so you can come in at Middle School and you may stay through high school um you may leave or you may be able to exit the program because you meet the criteria to exit from our program so um Elementary is usually when they start in our schools of course uh for the most part students that live here in Marian County when they start school but then usually by the end of elementary school they have exited from the program and then there's other students that start probably around second grade and then you'll see those numbers continue to middle school I got you so the goal is if they come in through kindergarten prek whatever the goal is to have them out by fifth grade yes that's that two to five years okay I got it yes when we put them with eastall Endor teachers and we're implementing these strategies and resources that we're going to talk about a little bit later we are hope hoping um and trusting that all of the things the resources and the collaboration um with schools and within our department that it is getting those students to be able to exit our Esau program and with that um every student that's identified has a Esau teacher not a par teacher we have well the way we look at an Esau teacher a person that's equipped to teach a student is someone that's Esau endorsed being Esau endorsed is a condition of employment for our district um so all teachers are required to to make sure that they are taking esol endorsement classes or they are esol endorsed um if they have students that speak other languages other than English in their classrooms thank you thank you board member Cummings board member Campbell sure so as a followup to that question because I wasn't going to ask that one until that came up so what's our vacancy rate right now for our esol endorsed teachers that would be a question I think for ESD as far as esol endorsed teachers um per se they um keep track of that they put out out of field letters once students don't not students I'm sorry teachers are not esol endorsed um so they put that information out for the teachers that are not esol Endo but as far as um teachers that are I think you said vacant es we don't see them as like esol teachers we would like all of our teachers to be esol indors um with the growing population Madam chair may I miss Hughes can you talk a um share with the board the Florida consent decree and the requirements for all teachers with esol uh training that may be helpful okay um we'll talk about it as again um you get to it later that's fine I just hearing the questions and understanding the requirement that we've all had for those courses and training there are many courses so we have courses um that we provide in four Cycles throughout the year um it is 300 credit hours in these courses so it's 60 credit hours um and it's five courses right now we have it it's a self-paced class and all teachers are um all teachers are encouraged to to take these es so they are esol endorse and that they will be able to have those strategies um with communicating um with linguistic how do you differentiate instruction um how do you even content Area Teachers that are not Ela they are also required to be able to implement those strategies along with those three hour 300 credit hours we also have specialized courses for if you are a school counselor or if you are an administrator in schools so it is required that our students are with our um teachers that are Esau Endor and we offer that coursework of course that coursework is offered outside through um colleges and University but we offer it free um to our staff here at Maran County but that is required the teacher is a critical element um not necessarily that we want to call them an esol teacher but we want them to equipped with those strategies um as outlined by the consent degree that states um as I stated earlier talks about that um eligibility and how we determine and how we assess our students as well and how we provide instruction and so it is um very important and we do communicate with principles that when we do have these students um in our schools we want to make sure that they're placed with a teacher that is esol endorsed okay um thank you for that response on that my original question I was going to ask before that one uh was obviously in the coming weeks we'll be looking at school Staffing plan I know last year we had extensive conversation about Esau perz at the high school level uh based on the numbers here it looks like we have you know only 16% of our English language Learners are at the high school level however I know that we've had some influx of students that are high schoolers in certain pockets of schools and so my question is are we seeing specific schools or regions of the county perhaps that are experiencing larger influxes of these population of new students so I'm I'm predominantly speaking not those students that have been here for a long time but new students coming and then it may be later on in the presentation uh but as we look to school Staffing plan potentially maybe a recommendation from your department is not necessarily that each school gets one of this each school gets one of that but we start regionalizing or determining actually where the significant needs are thank you for that question so we have seen when we look at our secondary schools we have seen the influx um Belleview high school and also Westport we've seen that um and looking at the ratio it is 1 to 17 um so one East all per currently to every 17 um of our English language Learners um what the consent decree says is one to every 15 or more students but in Marian County we do add um a significant amount of support through our Esau Paris But to answer your question it is 1 to 17 um and Westport they had several um Esau parents who support teachers East all endorsement teachers and also at Belleview they did receive increase as well um we have some areas that is very low and continues to Trend low um but we still have provided support to that school even though they didn't meet the 18 um in one of our high schools that's at another northern part of our district sure so the final question on that then is as we look to school Staffing perhaps we need to consider how that looks per school as opposed to again La last year we had a lot of conversation where we're saying each school gets this each school gets that but if we're not seeing the numbers in one of our other schools and it's more of a one to five ratio perhaps I'm not saying it is that but let's just Hy hypothetically say it is that then perhaps the need is could be utilized elsewhere and this board member wants to ensure that we're focusing all of our resources where the needs are as opposed to just a blanket approach if I may to Dr Campbell's Point um that's correct right just like with with um exceptional student education the support goes where the student need is not generated in a fixed formula by school so you wouldn't have pair professionals is only one way we support Second Language Learners I want to be clear about that too and for the public to understand that is a piece of the puzzle but the support is provided where the student need is not in a fixed formula for all schools if you could just make that clear I appreciate it okay great point so um when we say a fixed formula of course the consent degree says 1 to 15 so it is looking at our students if you will because just like I said with Westport HIgh School being uh the one of the larger high schools that we're seeing the Huges influx and then a lot of um homes are being built around there as well um so we're seeing that so where the student is then that um ratio does meet um the needs of that school um because they have the most in high school the most East all Paris to support their largest population um and when you look at schools like College Park and sunrise as well that is really really growing um they do have more support as well because we are looking at students thank you thank you board member Campbell any other questions or comments from board members at the moment I guess I do have a followup yes go ahead B so I'm just trying to make sure I'm understanding it every Esau identified student at some point throughout the day is going to be in front of the Esau certified staff member esol endorse teach a teacher that has esol endorsement yes sir every day that's the goal yes unless they're absent right or there's a vacancy in that position or the teacher is not certified that is correct endorsed thank you I would call it aspirational yeah Vice chair just one more quick question um in speaking with administrators the Esau Paras are doing a fantastic job and it's a big load to cover to get especially in high school when they're switching classes and trying to hit everybody all day long how are we um do we have a lot of openings for Esau Paras or we we're doing well as far as Staffing we're doing well with our Esau Staffing um last I checked I believe was somewhere between four and eight vacancies with our Esau be us okay thank you you're welcome nice chair and and just real quick I wanted to clarify the number that I thought I heard that this population overall is increasing 8% a year yes all righty then that is significant for future planning yes thank you for that and also um the the word fluid that this continues to be a very fluid um population and so finding ways to meet the needs within the fluidity I'm sure is a has been a challenge and will continue to be a challenge I'm just looking at the raw numbers and I think about the greatest impact in elementary at 71% of where our kids are and making sure that we have enough people on board to get these kids identified and assessed and and the team effort of our attendance Specialists to make sure the kids are at school so that you know we can get this done uh you know we all know that time is of the essence in every single way in a in a child's education and you know there being only 180 days in the school year time goes by fast um do you do any Assessments in the summer if a child qualifies for any of our summer programs we um do not do testing during the summer currently um we are in the process um our 12-month employee will be Dr Cabello and she's actually in the process of getting trained to administer um assessments if needed during the summer however we are hesitant sometimes to um test them in the summer because it increases their years in the program so when we think about another component to Esau is being in our program and for third grade retention when we look at good cause their timeline would start really early as opposed to the first day of school that may qualify them for a good cause exemption um for third grade if um they meet the criteria that they have been in the Esau program two years or less so we also like to look at like our kindergarteners um so they have enough time to acquire the language prior to taking that test um but we generally do not um as many districts do not test over the summer months we will of course bring our students in if they're in summer school they will um get support they're already most part identified our students that are already in the system and they get support and they have Esau peras at our summer school locations they usually they will register in the fall um we don't have a lot of students um that a large amount that come in in our June months at all usually it's very late July and so we'll catch them that first day of school when they show up I see thank you and sometimes the S the the system um doesn't really match with the child's immediate needs and and but I realize there's a larger picture here I just hope that in this District you know we'll continue to focus on making making sure that any student that we know um needs help now gets it mam chair yes I'm sorry did I skip you no go ahead I do have a question so we identifi you said they they're identified through the teacher day one whatever or staff I I can clarify that for you we can go back a little farther than that so the way a student is initially identified and um Dr Cabella is going to talk about this as well um but there are three um questions on the home language survey that is a part of our online registration packet um that parents must fill out to register their students in Maran County Public Schools and basically is yes or no questions and they're trying to determine if there's another language spoken at home if the child was born outside of the US um and if there is one yes to that what actually happens at the school with registration is that um family is flagged if you will for possible testing if there's one yes to any of those questions and when that child is flagged is being a candidate or potential student to enter or be eligible for our Esau program that's when we're able to um administer a screener for that student to determine if they're eligible to come into the Esau program there's other students that may come from outside of Florida um and register if they're a part of our weda Consortium that I spoke about earlier we can take those scores and we can make determinations based on those scores to determine eligibility for the program once we are determining um once the test is administered and we're able to see that they qualify for the program and then they're able to be placed into the program and parents are notified thank you so with that if you identify a kid as a Esau student but you also see these kids may have some other issues possibly ese is that screening all that stuff done currently consecutive how is that done that's also a part of our presentation um that was we're only six slides in okay okay all right I'll I'll be patient I'll be patient but I I want to uh rest assure that we do look at that because sometimes there is a language and then sometime there may be a processing issue and so we do have a document that helps guides teachers thinking coaches thinking and also our um District staff we take them through helping them understand is this a language issue or is this a skill or processing type issue where they may need to consider another method mtss for the student as they were for any student if they did not have um if they had some gaps in their academic thank you okay thank you Bo M coming VI Conrad did you have something else no I'm good thank you okay we're good okay thank you so much okay fell I hope I have more answers for you good morning Madame chair thrower Vice chair Conrad superintendent Dr gullet board members I'm Dr Cabello and I'm going to take you through a few more slides about our Multicultural program also known as esol the Multicultural education program is committed to the diversity inclusion of students we uphold four components to drive language acquisition and increase student achievement these components are compliance professional learning resources and family engagement the compliance component ensures that our Educators understand the program thoroughly this includes the testing procedures classification criteria and adherence to the worldclass instructional design assessment screener also known as weda for student admission professional learning empowers our teachers and paraprofessionals with the necessary skills to effectively instruct our students the resources component ensures that adequate resources are provided to support the unique needs of our diverse student population and this component focuses on improving students English language skills in speaking Reading Writing and comprehension through various programs and resources we support identifying suitable learning environments or supplements I'm sorry such as technology and additional educational resources and lastly family engagement emphasizes the importance of involving families in their students education as we explore each of these components you'll discover how our district Multicultural education program is dedicated to creating an inclusive and enriching and educational environment the Multicultural educational team supports each school by adhering to State mandated documentation assessments screeners and full-time equivalent surveys the team consists of three resource facilitators with a case load of approximately 10 to 15 schools I do have one teacher who has more this includes Charter Schools pace for girls marry and acceleration Academy and the department of Juvenile Justice our data clerk entry clerk ensures that the documentation is transferred correctly from paper to Skyward and it sends reports to each school to notify students or schools of students that are needing screeners and ensures that each student packet is complete for view in filebound she's also an integral part of the monitoring process the program specialist and coordinator oversee all four components of the program and other projects our team follows a continuous Improvement model to enhance and improve efficiencies we evaluate processes and we're always looking for opportunities to improve an area that is especially important to our district is our program State audited documentation and process the district guidelines regarding e English speakers of other languages are to ensure continued compliance with the Florida consent decree and all subsequent State mandates the district continues its commitment to provide students access to programs and services that are equal and comparable to those that are offered to our English proficient students compliance begins at the school level a team is comprised of a registar school counsellors administrator design esol teachers esol par professionals and the student's family at registration a home language survey drives the next steps to eligibility if the parent chooses yes to one of three questions the student is categorized as pending and must be screened using the weda assessment the assessment measures Proficiency in all four language domains listening speaking reading and writing and comprehension once the student is listed as pending their 20day clock starts from the first day of attending school the waeda is administered and results determine if the student is alible for services families are notified about placement within two weeks of holding a meeting the world class instructional design and assessment are administered within 30 days of a student anniversary date of entry into the United States this is to determine if the student will be extended for an additional year or be ex exed from the program and it also aligns to our state ruling which states that any student being considered for exit by a committee must be assessed using this screener students with three or more years in the program are re-evaluated by the committee to be considered for exit or extension this committee again includes families and they're always invited to share progress and concerns and more importantly we also look at students exiting the program just to know that they are monitored for an additional two years and they continue receiving testing accommodations um of extended time and use of a preferred their preferred language to English dictionary or glossery distinguishing language and literacy acquisition from learning difficulties is an area of focus in our meetings with families and School staff we utilize a comparison tool chart from meeting the needs of English learners with disabilities the resource facilitators work closely with school staff families and teachers to help them delineate language acquisition versus learning skills this is a sample chart that outlines student behaviors in class and their corresponding indicators for language challenges or language difficulties or potential learning differences identifying the root cause of each of the students challenges can help Educators choose effective teaching strategies the weda screener is an English language proficiency assessment that's used for students in kindergarten through 12th grade its purpose is to identify students who may require English language support it can be administered any time throughout this school year as outlined in our compliance time frame our repair professionals are trained annually to give this weeda again the four domains listening speaking reading and writing are what we um test on but the weed a screener for kindergarten students is paper and pencil and they are tested for listening and speaking skills the weeda screener for grades 1 through 12 assess English language proficiency across all the domains again and the scores reports are individual student reports the weda is a comprehensive tool for identifying and supporting students throughout their academic Journey from kindergarten through 12th grade this assessment provides valuable insights for educators to tailor their instruction and to ensure students success the weda is grounded grounded its work in language development standards as a driver of equity for multilingual Learners in curriculum instruction and assessment the English language development standards reflects a belief that our students are best served when they learn content and language together similar to weda English language development standard statements we have can do descriptors and these describe what Learners can do with language across the different content areas these are used as a supplement during instruction and they can be found in our curriculum apps in addition to the waeda screener we also give a progress monitoring test called access for English language Learners or access for L's the annual progress monitoring test measures students academic English language skills and this window is now open it opened on January 22nd and it will close March 8th all active English language Learners must take the a access test testing helps teachers understand whether their students have language skills that are needed to fully participate in the classroom teachers use access test scores to decide how best to teach the student test scores also help teachers track students academic English learning progress and help schools decide what English language support services to provide students do not need to study for the access test this is a test that is given as an opportunity for students to demonstrate how they understand and communicate in English I have a question yes and I'm happy to wait because I think the rest of the board may also have some more questions um Vice chair Conrad no you can go back you're good for the moment okay uh just quickly the um access uh test how fast does are the results um how quickly do the results come back instant instantly okay all right that's good to know and then my second question is how and you can get back to us on this I'm just wondering how many staff members we have currently that are uh qualified to give the weed a screener all of our esol par professionals and we always ask for one more add additional person at the school so there should always be two people at the school two people at each school yes okay thank you I will go ahead um very quickly just um I wondered it are two schools uh high schools where we're seeing an influx Westport and Belleview do we have as far as the family engagement piece do we offer classes for parents um to help them working with working with their students and learning English at the family engagement um events that we offer we give some basic information to our parents there um and then if schools do ask we are invited at times to come in the evening and we host it what it's called an esol or an L night and our um eastall resource facilitators do host um an informational night of what is required especially them understanding graduation requirements um understanding some of the standards the new best standards the math standards and so forth okay I just I would be interested moving forward um especially if we're anticipating you know more and more families uh joining our school that are not speaking English that we look into maybe providing some something my my understanding is there's a course out there that's 26 weeks or something that administrators are interested in helping families um connect with so so they can learn English too and so I just wondered if that was on our radar if it's something we're looking into do we have to write a grant to receive something like that or or is it part of the conversation currently and real quick I just want to say because I jumped in with my question that I know F the family engagement piece that's going on currently in Maran County I personally feel is fantastic and so I appreciate all that you are currently doing in helping our families understand and learn what all is going on on in public schools so I just I wanted to say that I'm sorry I didn't say it first thank you for all that you're already doing this is just a piece I think that um would be beneficial and help move our students forward yes thank you madam chair May jump in so to um Vice chair Conrad's question about the English language we do have schools that offer that we actually have MTC Marian Technical College who offers uh parents and students and opportunity to learn English there are English speaking classes there and it can be offered at other schools okay very good is that is that the 26 week course is it the same thing that I've I think that's referring to the same one yes I've done that before and it can be very engaging with our families so I think there's an interest out there in having that at more schools okay thank you Dr gullet I looks like it's already going on so that's exciting to me thank you absolutely that is awesome because there's Community English and then there's school English you know we have so many acronyms we have so many different um things going on that have their own titles and topics so it's almost like another it really is almost like another language so it's really great to hear about those initiatives super important I know the community has been stepping up um even you know on our horse farms and so on they're bringing in people through churches and and so on to uh help them with their English language acquisition and it really is a continues to be a community need therefore a community effort and I Echo uh Vice shair Conrad's gratitude for everything that you're doing because this is not decreasing it is increasing at 8% a year so we're gon to be riding this W for a while anything else from the board yes um and to that point so on the flip side of that I know Miss Hughes and I had some conversation about about this uh offering it also to our Educators as a part of the professional learning catalog that may be coming in a future slide I'm not sure but uh we had some pretty good conversation about that I didn't know where we were in process on that if that's something we're going to be able to implement this year or it'll be next school year or where that looks like in process um as a part of we we discussed a similar to what our students do if they take Spanish through Maran V virtual school and how that works for and if we had conversational Spanish available to our Educators as well um I understand there are other languages we we know there are 80 some odd languages that are coming into our school system but the predominant language is Spanish and so um do we have an update on where we are in process of that if I can interrupt that's coming later the next steps that's okayed than you and if I may boor these are fantastic questions but if it's okay can we have them continue cuz I'm I think I think we have a couple slides ahead that may be helpful [Music] to great question4 so let's continue thank you all righty the next slide you see are the results of our access testing from the school year 2022 to 2023 the percentages are based on students who have had two access scores to compared to so in this case we're comparing school year 2021 2022 and 202 2 2023 there were 1,380 students who had two comparable access scores 52% of our student scale scores increased between those two years 7% of our student scale scores decreased between the two years 1% had no change and 40% had no comparative data which means they are new to our district in 2223 and so we don't have anything to comp compare against elevation is a compliance program that we have just started it's a transformative management platform adopted by our district during the 2223 school year for enhanced oversight of esol compliance it centralizes student data it supports critical meetings and monitoring processes and it ensures accurate reporting and AIDS in instructional planning the platform streamlines data management provides report for meetings and monitoring it ensures accuracy in reporting and facilitates tailored instructional planning for educators ultimately maintaining high standards of compliance and program quality efficiently we are diligently learning to create forms and use this program to complete our state audited forms electronically the goal is to implement elevation in a desktop roll out to all school counselors and administrators so they can easily see students needing screening or meetings and the monitoring in addition Multicultural educational team facilitates professional learning at both the school and District levels to provide academic support to teachers and parent professionals we provide professional learning opportunities for example there's a session coming up next week called unlocking English Learners potential the course supports Educators to enhance their ability to instruct students effectively we also offer English language learner l anguage power trainings imagine learning and Lexia districtwide training and any individual school training as requested and when we are invited we attend and participate in grade level or subject area collaborations to offer strategies the State of Florida agreed in an outof Court settlement in 1990 that teachers who serve English language Learners um students in Florida must have appropriate training so according to the agreement staff members whose roles fall into any of these following categories are required to participate are language arts and English te teachers developmental language arts reading intensive reading social studies mathematics science and computer literacy and all other subject areas including school-based administrators and school counselors these are the courses that listed our courses listed Aid in creating lessons that Foster English language acquisition through Reading Writing comprehension and listening for this school year 2223 we offered 32 courses with 670 teachers registered for the course 50% of them completed the course that year while professional leadership and learning oversees the esol endorsement program the Multicultural educational team support schools and teachers by ensuring that students with limited Proficiency in the English language receive an understandable instruction thank you and all of those things that Dr Cabello just um shared with you as far as our professional learning and providing substitutes when teachers are out of the classroom is funded through our title three Grant it covers all of those things so also with the vast number of educational companies and resources available we do our due diligence by using research-based materials program and strategies to share with school staff our team supports teacher collaboration that gives our students access to the lessons through implementing strategies that make content comprehensible in addition our team has a canvas platform with resources to support instruction we keep a bank of resources with learning strategies we also house our weda can do descriptors and what our weda can do descriptors are um it aligns to the assessment that is given and it says if a student for example scores a level one in reading this is what they can do and I discussed some of that earlier but it is a great resource for a teachers to use when planning instruction for students knowing where that entry point is also in that platform we have reading strategies and also graphic organizers that have yield great resorts results with our Esau students our our English language Learners we have purchased license for supplementary technology programs to meet individual students needs these programs also offer comprehensive lessons which PA professionals or teachers can use for instructional purposes we have dictionaries and picture dictionaries for our smaller students that are not yet readers schools can check them out for the district and they they have their own as well and it can help students at home and in school so language power is a program to build English language Prof proficiency it provides differentiated lessons to build language skills through activities that focus on Reading Writing listening and speaking it is also group texts that are grouped by themes with questions and videos and visual puts that build academic language content area literacy and critical thinking skills meaningful opportunities um as well for students to make personal connections to their self their family and their language by sharing experiences and celebrating their home cultures and languages an additional resource that we utilize to build language acquisition is and fluency is building fluency through readers theater this resource has differentiated text to accommodate different reading levels it allows our students to practice reading aloud and using expressive voices and there are three supplemental Technology Program designed to help our students acquire language and content simultaneously so our first program is Imagine Learning and it focuses on literacy skills and of course English language development is supplemental for students in our primary or Elementary grades from August 1st 2023 to January 26 2024 there were 373 students enrolled in Imagine Learning and literacy 100% of whom useed the program on average active students spent 4.2 hours in the program 26 6.4 minutes per week for an average of 10 weeks students competed an average of 8.1 lessons with a pass rate of 88% Lexia English language development is designed to help students acquire higher language proficiency levels of English the program Blends language learning and subject knowledge to provide academic achievement this program is in response to communicating with our secondary schools and having a resource for them previously um it was only a program for our elementary students for supplemental technology but Lexia ELD and Lexia power up is in response to speaking with our principles at secondary schools and being able to have a resource for students students are recommended usage guidelines for this online program based on their grade level students in secondary grades are advised to use our program for 45 to 60 Minutes a week the program the progress sh chart shows their placement ban in current ban the difference in the chart is that we have students making gains and that is seen by the additional color bands added as of January 2020 I'm sorry January 24th we have added 2% of students to reaching and 2% to bridging and that just means that they're at a higher level of English language development and they're getting ready to exit the program because they're doing very well on average students spent 59% of their time in academic conversations which translates to about 27 minutes of speaking practice per week Lexia power uplift literacy is a technology program based on proven is proven to accelerate literacy gains for students in grades 6 through 12 who are reading below grade level power up helps Educators simultaneously address gaps and fundamental literacy skills while helping students build higher order thinking skills that they will need to comprehend analyze evaluate and compare increasingly complex lit AR and informational text program usage is described as students minutes working on content students who have used the online component of power up for a minimum of eight weeks and met the weekly targeted lessons to complete are classified as meeting usage the data reflects average number of units completed since January 24th at this time we have 88% of our students working in word skills have and Al and found foundational skills and 12% working on word skills and intermediate skills for grammar 59% of our students are in foundational skills 29% are intermediate and 12% are Advanced and the last skill of comprehension is 35% of our students are in foundational skills and 59% intermediate and 6 are advanced our district proudly Embraces our rapidly growing demographic offer offering us exciting and diverse ways to connect with various cultures and people to harness these unique opportunities the Multicultural Education team has invested in two Innovative translation devices available for schools to facilitate conversation between staff and families and sometimes students our first um tool that I'll talk about is our instant language assistant also known as our Ila device this is ideal for school counselors and front office staff the Ila Pro is a dual-sided translation device enabling effortless and realtime conversations between any two languages each Personnel School personnel and families can speak or type the results instantly will display are our voice in that family's native language this promotes clear understanding and enriches engagement between schools and families our other device is called pocket talk and we also recommend this for our front office use as well this ver versatile multi-sensory device offers two-way voice translation pocket talk leverages the world's best translation engines to deliver accurate translation across 74 languages including local dialects to check out a device School administrators reach out to our team and we set up individual training and delivery of the device the ESC Department uses the Ila device the hold Staffing meetings with families that speak diverse languages so we have found other uses within our own District teams to be able to use our devices our team has received an overwhelming positive response to this device we are in the process of ordering more devices for schools the tools are great for registering families and parent teacher conferences again this is funded through our title three our ilas are roughly $22,000 for each one and then we have our pocket talks that are roughly $190 what was that that last number what was that last number I didn't hear it clear $189 $189 for the pocket Pockets talk okay it's a smaller device it's not a dual screen when you look at the Ila is basically like two iPads so it does have more technology in it um you can use it for a QR code that a parent can scan and talk from their device that will connect so there's more capabilities within our Ila as opposed to the pocket talk pocket talk would just let me say good morning how are you and then in Spanish it'll say what else the yes family engagement and Community participation and um with this component as we looked at our four components families are invited to be integral partners in their child's education notifications and communication tools are provided in both English and Spanish and translate translation services are available for school events and meetings active participation by families has many benefits including better grades higher coursework participation lower absence and behavioral issues and increased teacher satisfaction the team actively participates in various events to engage with families and provide important updates they speak and teach at all Family Focus events which are designed to engage families in the educational Community they also take part in celebrations um within our community like Hispanic heritage activities whether it be at the Appleton Museum or here on our Square they attend school academic family nights where they can interact directly with our families of our students in addition the team Works in collaboration to schools to offer presentations during academic nights specifically tailored for families these presentations aim to inform and educate families about the program provide resources and Foster a supportive environment for Student Success with our family Leadership Council we do have um family members the criteria for that Council um according to our consent decree is that 51% of the members must be composed of family members that have a student that's currently in our Esau program or has exited from our program next I will allow Dr Cabello to return to talk about some upcoming um items for esol and some of the things that we're really excited and looking forward to sorry exciting news is in the works for our upcoming school year of 2024 2025 we are currently researching a dual language immersion pilot program for an upcoming kindergarten class numerous Studies have shown that individuals who are exposed to two languages at an early age on average outperform their monolingual peers on tests of cognitive function and Adolescence and adulthood research has also shown that students in dual language immersion programs both native English speakers and English language Learners do better academically than their peers in a traditional classroom this is particularly true when it comes to reading and through Studies have also reported increased achievement in math and science dual language immersion programs to help English language Learners develop their skills in their native language while also learning English more quickly than the students in an English only program because dual language immersion programs are generally consist of even mix of native speakers of both languages students from both groups help one another as they acquire the language together this shared learning allows students to form close connections with each other it's a great little cohort that moves on to the next grade level as well Spanish for educators is a professional learning course which will be offered to our teachers our administrative support counsellors um administrative staff parap professionals front office staff media Specialists and content area specialist it's specifically designed so participants acquire specialized vocabulary tools that are tailored to the educational setting equipping them with the necessary skills to thrive in their roles within the school Spanish for educators focuses on developing communication skills in Spanish to successfully engage with Spanish-speaking students and families and it emphasizes on basic communication skills associated with real life situations the classroom environment giving students praise and encouragement School personnel and school terminology in addition it's not on the PowerPoint but I do want to share that we are working on another professional learning collaboration um between curriculum and ESC and this is to create a par Pro University this will equip our par professionals to work closely with students to increase their English language skills um in their reading classes and their English class classes it has been a pleasure sharing our Multicultural educational program with you and I thank you and I'm ready I guess for all the questions now oh thank you so much really appreciate the presentation Dr go I yes I just want to say thank you Miss Hughes and Dr Cabello and and board on slide uh sorry I need to put my glasses back on slide 25 when you see dual language and you may have some questions on this it's also known as two-way developmental so that um students who are learning and acquiring English but there's also students who are native English speakers learning that other language which enriches both so it's really an enrichment program I just want to make sure that's really clear I know we spoke about that a little bit but yes happy to answer questions um thank you board you've had great questions already thank you Dr gullet we'll lead off with board member Campbell sure so my first question is about that U we we'll probably just leave that as my only question for right now uh super excited about the potential for that but understanding that it is pilot program and you mentioned a Kindergarten class so one kindergarten class out of 30 plus elementary schools and I'm assuming we've chosen the school is it a one-year pilot program how do we assess when we expand that so all my questions are related to that particular dual language immersion pilot program thank you for that question so of course when we do things um in our department we want to make sure we do it right and we we do it extremely well um so we have not had um this program during um this administration's time here um and previously in our district um within recent years so we are really committed to doing a lot of work so so far what we have done is we have reached out to other districts that have had significant data um with their programs because as we know many districts have it but not necessarily data that we want to try to look at so we can decide how we're going to accelerate and innovate our program to be unique to Mar and County's needs so we have started our research but of course with a program like this it will need to be a schoolwide effort and belief as the students matriculate through each grade level um so we are starting small we have reached out to other districts um two districts two larger districts that have the program going very well we have a call set up with all of our questions to one of the counties that we will be meeting with on February 28th and we also have um got permission to go and visit some of these classrooms so we can see what it looks like what were their challenges in building it what barriers they were able to come against and what can we do of course it will require training for these individuals as well that will take on this task so we want to make sure we do our homework on the front end so that we'll be very successful with the implementation of this program okay I'll leave my questions we as you know the Florida School Board Association had an entire session on this at our most recent conference so potentially all five board members heard you know during those sessions from those districts that are doing this exceptionally well and have been doing it for decades and so my excitement comes from the potential of where this can go and how we can just further enhance our Esau programs uh within the district and uh it will be an enhancement for all students not just those who are English language learners but also those who English is their first language and immersing students earlier rather than later as a as a student who took four years of Spanish in high school it would have been an incredible benefit to me to have it starting in kindergarten or first grade so I would not have had the challenges I had once I got into High School nevertheless I I'm excited about the potential and looking forward to this only growing I the only question again though is once we start this pilot program is the intention then that we continue to Pilot in the upper grades in that same school or we would pilot additional schools with additional kindergarten classes or we pilot in other ways in other school grade levels and so starting with one one classroom out of all of the Fall that's where I'm thinking like wow that we're we have a long way to go to get to the vision obviously but we got to start somewhere start today so tomorrow can happen you could tell I'm gonna I want to add something right thank you I'm I'm I'm really grateful for the conversation and I think Bard you know I've had a lot of experience with one-way um Developmental and two-way so with regard to the Dual language what's really important to know in my experience has been is if you and we are going to start it in elementary that it progresses through bidd in high school because what I have seen that hasn't worked well in other places is when you have a really strong program and students end in fifth grade and there's nowhere to go with that they've developed all of these skills and it stops so the team the team is being very conservative and cautious as they should but I know others here have also had experience with this and so it will be built Elementary but my expectation is it'll continue so the students can progress just like we do with CTE programs and everything else starts Elementary moves all the way through 12th grade if that's the choice that the parents and the student want to have that's really important to note um and I hear your enthusiasm for this and I appreciate that because I anticipate a day that'll be perhaps in more than one school but we want to get this right and we want to do what best for our students in the progression of those skills absolutely thank you Dr go any other questions from the board I do go ahead your comment um I'm very excited about the immersion program also so I look forward to hearing more information you know as you gather it my question really lies at the other end of the spectrum and so recently it was shared with me that we have high schoolers showing up 15 and 16 sometimes 17 year old showing up at their high school and their academic level is close to fifth grade um so they're showing up at school and they haven't been at school they've been helping their family something it it usually seems to be involves labor you know they're they're helping their family and so that prevent that that um that shows a lot of challenges um that's our staff are facing and so I just wonder and and I'm kind of just sharing ideas here is there a transition kind of program that anybody is doing to help the students and the staff as you have uh a child that's almost an adult on your high school campus but their education um equals that of a fifth grader and how do we help them learn the language and catch their academic abilities up while they're you know changing teachers every hour every hour and a half and so I just I know that's a really complicated question but as you shared the numbers earlier that that the numbers are just going to grow and grow I feel like it's important that we have a plan on to help um these students transition into their school environment so they can um you know develop to be the best person they can be so I would be interested if anybody you know any other district is doing something like that or how they're Meeting those challenges if I may jump in again I'm going to another great question thank you Vice chair um what some districts have done I've had experience with is called newcomers and this is something that I'm monitoring with the team and looking at our numbers our county is in a big transition right now right as I reference being more diverse in this area particularly and so um what districts have done um pretty successfully and have been involved in that quite extensively is when you have a high volume of newcomers and especially the secondary level where they're learning the language and for for example you may have a senior come in um there are specialized um curriculum and programs of support that can address that so that's something I know that we're taking a look at and we'll continue to see if that's something that we need to add another element of support that is specialized in those areas because it's again it's not a one siiz fits-all and our community is changing rapidly in diversity of um and the needs are different at different levels whether if they start if they start in kindergarten it's very different totally right because they're all learning the language of English right but when they come in as a as a high school student that's additionally very challenging and the model is very different so that's something that we're monitoring I just I want to add one thing and in speaking with um administrators around the district these these students show up I didn't mean to make it sound derogatory they show up excited to learn um it's not a behavior issue it's not I don't want to participate they're they're excited to be at school excited to participate and when I visualize having you know six or seven students show up within a couple of weeks time at a school with their age and their academic ability it just it presents a lot of problems that I have never anticipated um you know and especially as an administrator at a school and what do you do with that small group of PE those students and how do you provide an appropriate education for them so I appreciate Dr gullet sharing um her experience in that area and I look forward to hearing what we um can brainstorm and come up with to help those thank you Vice chair Conrad any other questions or comments from the board okay I just uh real quick I wanted to look back to slide 20 and um he did a good job sharing about the Lexia uh program but on slide 20 I was wondering about the expectations are the outcomes meeting the expectations I think I saw 88% you know completion I just want a little more context on that because it sounds like the Alexia power up we're getting some good results and I just was wondering um if on the Imagine Learning if we're feeling the same way you know that we're getting that return actually they have recently just in the last few days sent us um the middle of the Year assessment report and they have shown growth so I it was a little too late to add it to this slide but um we've had it now for this will be our second year and every year we've seen an increase so the students who are utilizing it it's a great it it does show a great progress for them that is awesome and I realize news comes and it's like this just in and you have a certain amount of time to get your presentation done so so thank you for providing that context and then my final uh comment is it's really EXC exciting to see technology being put to such good use because those of us that have been around for a while remember scrambling trying to find someone that spoke Spanish to interpret for an IEP meeting you know things like that or a new family that's come in anyone here speak you know someone we even needed someone that needed that an interpreter for Mandarin Chinese so that was a bit of a a task but the kid you know the kids come and they register and and we want to support them uh obviously in every way we can so I love the area of of technology and and how that is growing and also since so many families that are new to this country you know they're here for the work opportunities and it is very difficult a lot of times for them to get away and get transportation and get to schools for meetings and parent conferences and so on so I'm just hopeful that we're able to use technology in that way too to have virtual parent conferences you know using teams or or whatever the new technology is so that they truly can can be included I think with so many families and vice chair Conrad hit on this it's not it's not a don't want to it's like they just don't have the time or the or the resources to do that easily to especially with as big as our county is to get from where they're working to where their child is at school sometimes so I really appreciate that and I'm sure it's a game Cher for your department M chair I do I do have a question while we're on those devices so how many schools are these in these devices the Ila and the pocket talk 26 schools um 26 schools have an instant language assistance device so that's the two-sided it looks like two iPads and then uh 35 schools have pocket talks thank you I I think that's a great thing um definitely um with front office staff being able to have that because they're often times the first ones to have that interaction people um how does this work does this work um some kind of way if they're getting a phone call in or something is there some type of way they can use these devices I I know I'm asking some questions but those are things that are coming to my mind so I actually just recently went through their training and it's so awesome uh there is a QR code so if they are there at the school or if you want to email the uh parent a QR code they can actually scan it and then this ends it it opens up on their phone so they don't actually have to have the Ila device so we use it on our end to speak English but they're using their phone or or a computer on their end to speak to that and it just it's like a it is a two-way it's kind of like a walkie-talkie Okay so so it's kind of like a app mhm so they're able to speak their native language and you're able to get the other P other side's able to hear get with their English that's right and it shows up not just in um so you don't just hear it but you actually see it in writing got you I was just in a classroom a couple weeks ago when they were using something similar I can't remember the name of it but the teacher had a microphone and as he was teaching it was coming on the screen you know in that student's language because she didn't speak a lick of English just arrived like 4 days before so it was really cool really cool to see that in action in the trenches and how helpful that was a look of relief on the kid's face said it all uh board member James you had something I just wanted to thank you guys for this work and being extensive and sharing all of the things um that we're doing to help these this subset of students um when I was an administrator as the testing coordinator it was my job to handle everything related to the screeners as well as annual assessments and I was at the high school level in Maring County so it's a different completely different end of the spectrum than kids that are coming into the elementary level um and the board has done a great job today highlighting what those differences and struggles can be because often times when a child gets to high school if they've we see we I would see some students who had been in our program for years and years and so you begin to question about well are we are we not meeting their needs is there a lack of desire to acquire the language how else can we try to meet the child where they are and so um just great conversation today and um our Esau Paras and our um Esau resource teachers on our campuses are doing tremendous work and they build all teachers build great relationships with students but there is something special about the relationship that an esol PA professional and an esol um resource teacher on a campus builds with their students um I can only imagine what it would be like to go to a place where no one looks or sounds like me and trying to navigate that space and so having people on our campuses that for the most part um Spanish is the predominant language um and that is what most of our um pair professionals and resource teachers speak just have someone that can hear them and understand them in their home language um means a lot so thank you for sharing and doing the work thank you board member James the the last thing that I had written down was I think I heard one teacher maybe program person for 10 to 15 schools and and one person has even more than that and I think about just the geographical size of our district and getting from one school to another I certainly hope and I believe it's the int ition of this board to direct resources whenever and wherever we can to supporting each and every student and I would imagine that uh having more folks available to do that work uh would be appreciated and so this is obviously like we've said over and over a growing need and if we're going to do it let's do it right like you said and and I know that takes money and I'm looking at through Miss Boston Ellis you just smiled where there's int there's resources I don't know grants something everything we'll figure out a way to get it done and that's all I have and Dr gullet anything again thank you Bard for your really um deep engagement in this topic and supporting all of our students you bet all right well thank you so much ladies we really really appreciate your time this morning and all of your expertise and professionalism it means a lot thank you all right is is there any public comment right seeing and hearing none um board how would you feel before we jump into budget about taking a 10-minute break at least okay yes we have consensus we will take a 10-minute break at 10:27 about 10 minutes thank you don't want to do a time for that yet e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] we are back on for our work session at 10:38 a.m. and we'll move into our second item on today's agenda Dr goet thank you a good morning again I'm pleased to have uh Miss Boston Ellis or amazing um Chief Financial Officer come forward to provide a midyear review of our current budget this year for the 23 24 year thank you thank you good morning Miss bonellis good morning chair thrower board members and superintendent gullet thank you as always for the opportunity to provide a general overview I promise it won't be like going through tentative budget um this information is based on on um the revised budget although you get information every time we do a budget amendment um this is sort of bringing everything together it is basically budget information but we do we did throw in some actual and also we we want to discuss a little bit about the what we call the uh third calculation and as you know um the the uh attendance is very important but it's also very important in terms of not just academics but our funding is based on attendance it's measured about five or six times a year but the main measurements are in the October and February months of those two months Miss Boston yes what would work best for you um throughout this presentation in terms of when the board uh can Kenan should be asking questions because you've got about eight categories here to discuss um I will go with the flow uh I know the last uh presentation had a lot of information and but this should be General um information and um I mean we can do it however you want to okay I think what I'll do then is just take my cues from the rest of the the board and if it feels like we're at a point where we need to stop and ask a few questions and then we'll do that that sound okay to you certainly all right great may I also Madam chair thank you for the interruption um Miss Boston El it I don't know if it's our sound system it's a little hard to hear today oh looks like Mr Christian is bringing you something but but it I would lean into the mic as much as you can because I know it sounds a little soft up here it I don't hear it for me too for us it sounds a little soft yes yes don't have a soft voice so how about this is this better yes yes yes okay thank you for letting me know um as I was stating uh this discussion includes budget amendments that you have approved uh from from the month of July all the way through uh to December but I'm also going to bring in a discussion on the third calculation and I was just mentioning that uh measurement occurs five or six six times a year uh that uh attendance is very important for academics but it is also important for funding that's how we receive our state funding so um as you stated chair through there is about eight or nine different uh different topics that are intertwined but this is just to keep me on task about what what we're talking about today again we'll talk about the uh state revenue based on the Florida Educational Finance program which we call ffp we'll talk about the impact of the scholarship programs we'll look at all funds at a very top level uh View and then we'll look into our major funds which are the general fund operating the general fund adult education or MTC uh general fund referendum and then special Revenue uh basically because that's where the eser funds are housed and then last but not least um just review the budget challenges or opportunities that we have pretty much the same as in the past but I think uh by reviewing those you'll see where we are beginning to make strides in um dealing with those budget challenges and and also opportunities again the ffe program ffp program was developed 1973 and that was really just to bring uh parody for all uh the different counties school districts doesn't matter where you are uh the idea behind it is just to equalize the funding um and and also looking at if you're on a coast uh the coastal districts May pay more in local tax get less in state and then if you're in central there may maybe some 50/50 and maybe in some instances the the state allocation is higher than the local again we're talking about the ffp and on the left you'll see the formula components the second column is the second calculation and that is what we built our budget on the original budget was built on the second calculation as I stated we recently received our third calculation the end of uh January and so that calculation or that funding is based on actual October so actual students who were in the seats um and then also an estimate for February so so the third column uh gives you a look at the second calculation versus the third calculation differences um right off hand you'll see there's a $2.9 million decrease and you ask you know what caused that decrease and it was basically uh the estimate at second Cal was higher than the estimate of unweighted FTE at the third C to the tune of about um 239 unweighted FTE so basically um 239 students uh plus whatever their uh needs were in terms of programs so there was a reduction of 2.9 Million uh the other large increase or decrease uh had to do with um uh ESC guaranteed allocation we picked up an additional 1 million uh for that and then the other items are pretty small um adjustments for safe schools uh the compression adjustment uh mental health allocation and the DJJ supplement as well as student transportation so in the very far right uh corner you you'll see a reduction in revenue of about 1.8 million when you compare the second calculation to the third calculation again uh the FTE or the FP program is about 53 pages of information um based on whatever whatever the funding is driven by uh but this is I believe the the the Crux of it and that's why we're trying to uh show you that information so again that 1.8 million is carried over U from the previous page and then we'll look at other categories or state adjustment $290,000 reduction for class size uh we received an educational enrollment stabilization this is a new category and it's basically because we had uh less uh students this is our portion of a stabilization I believe uh there was about $35 million set aside for when uh the FTE in one period is smaller than the other the original and this is an adjustment that was provided to to Maring County Public Schools to help offset some of that difference we had a prior year adjustment um again we talked about this is measured five or six times a year so when when all the dust settles for the prior year 2223 we get another calculation and it's called the final calculation and they go back and look at all of the um the times that we calculated um the estimated FTE and then make the adjustment either up if we were under or uh reduce it if we uh projected more uh revenue or more student unweighted FTE than the prior so we have a reduction of a million 79,000 the pration to Appropriations that occurred uh in July has been removed uh so it's really like a plus to us it's not a reduction anymore and then that last category in the state funding state funded discretionary supplement uh that's really not not money that we get but that was money set aside in case the uh estimate that they gave us for family empowerment scholarship this was to shore it up in case the estimate they provided to us uh was a lot uh lower than what actually occurred so that's why you see there is just a little adjustment to those dollars but this is money that we would never receive unless at the end of the year the estimate was a lot um less than what we actually lose in family empowerment So based on the um ffp calculation uh there is a reduction of State funding of about 2, 60,000 the uh ffp does not include prior period adjustments so if you want to know what the exact reduction would be you would need to add that prior period adjustment of a m79 to that 2,60 so the next budget amendment we do you that for your approval will show that reduction um in our Revenue projections Miss B yes you know we hear that we're having record enrollment and more and more kids are coming but if I'm understanding what you just shared our FTE is at least by calculation was was less and is that accurate yes yes it is I went back and looked um the final calculation meaning for the 2223 year our FTE was 46,2 N4 um so if you look at the the third calculation it's 47890 so there is an increase of 1,600 uh where the difference is is we had estimated 48,1 140 at the second Cal so we we did have an increase in students of about 1,600 FTE but our estimate was a little bit higher than that if that makes sense yes it does okay thank you I agree with you the the students are here right the seats appear to be full board member Campbell thank you can I ask a follow-up question to the uh estimated then so I know you and I've have had conversation Through The Years about this because what we get on our attendance reports is here's a projected number here's the actual number but that's not actually what is the estimated number so we're continuing to look as board members each day we actually get a projected and then we get a 60-day projected actual but that's not what you're using for your calculations so who creates the estimate when is that created and I don't know how we could get those two things to mesh so so when you look at attendance you are looking at an actual body the FTE is based on the service that the student requires so they that that may be higher uh it looks at If the child was uh actually in attendance when we got the count so they are similar because it all starts with the actual body the actual student but then when you talk about FTE it increases uh based on the services that the child get so the estimate is something that is created out of your department is that no that comes out of siser well okay um but their estimates are based on uh different uh uh I would say reiterations that come from the Department of Education just like we do they look at prior year FTE they look at what the trend has been and certain and they present to us what they think the um estimate should be and we can either uh we can either protest it or agree with it but we have to have legitimate documentation uh to say yay or nay but based on where we were when this estimate was created we were given I think they have five or six different models and the model that fit the our TR TR was what we used in the second C and then you also have to look um also Dr Campbell you have to look at when we send in that information so in January typically they'll ask us you know what are you thinking and um Vicky Von's GA will go and talk to the ESC departments she'll go and talk to uh CTE she'll have conversations with all the Departments is this in line with what what you're seeing and um so I think it's just a lot of people working together but it is driven by Doe and you will find that um just like this went down the third Cal by the time we get to the final C it it may raise again uh remember we count virtual and we can't count virtual until they complete so that's a different thing um we have to go back and look at ESC services are the IEPs correct has all of that information been shored up so it just it is a moving Target but there is growth from the FTE from last year's final C to the third C of 1600 thank you you have no yeah thank you for that explanation it just helps clarify because as to chair thrower's point we know we're growing we know we're adding students but yet we have basically a $3 million reduction from second Cal to third calc and so how does that get calculated and who who creates this number of 48,000 students that we anticipated we might have and so that's how we build our budget just helps for the explanation thank you thank you for the question so we'll move on to one of my favorite topics to analyze um and it's the McKay scholarships and the family empowerment scholarships uh like a lot of Revenue projections we are required to include these dollars as if we received them uh the difference with these uh McKay and family empowerment is McKay a student would have to come and at least be in our system for one year before they they became eligible and then there were other criterias with economics but as you can see under the family empowerment um this has really expanded and it has expanded as the rules have been amended to be more far-reaching it's no longer um due to the economics of your family that that was pretty much removed but my point in all of this is as it grows this is this is reflected in our Revenue but we never receive it and I just want you all to continue to have that in the back of your minds if regardless of what is in our um Revenue projection because we are required to have that information uh we never see those dollars and it's not like a charter school where we receive the money then we turn around and write a check um as their sponsor to provide them with their funding this is is just in our total revenue dollars but by the end of the year year our Revenue will be reduced because they would have pulled out the family empowerment scholarship dollars so we'll quickly look at the all funds uh what I want to present to you this morning is that our original budget was 595 million our revised budget increased to 969 million and the majority of that increase is due to two different components uh we amended in the um the MTC building you may recall that when we received those dollars that was about a little over $5 million and then also special Revenue received an additional three plus u million dollar as well uh there were two grants that came came through one was the unisig the title one unisig Grant and then also uh we received a uh ARP summer school Grant so because they were not in the original they had to be amended in and that explains for the most part the um increases from our original budget to the revised budget and we anticipate um the grants increasing uh because we we try to include all the grants in the original budget but the ones that we are pretty sure about are entitlement so we definitely get those in the original budget we do have a small increase uh to the general fund but what I'd like to say to you today again the general fund operating represents about 53% of our budget that's where all the action takes place for the most part until we start building schools then that's going to increase so the original budget for general fund operating increased by about 600,000 again that was due to uh several general fund grants uh one of them is the early music education grant and another program called sort uh science of reading in literacy and tutoring and this was um emphasis on our third and fourth graders and those were two uh items that were amended in for the local and the other those were just a myriad of small dollar amounts the local increased by 192,000 and the other category which is our loss recoveries on on various items and uh some vandalism so that was a little small too and those are amended in as they occur so we don't put an estimate in for that this slide just gives you a picture of how much we have collected and how much we have yet to collect uh based on our budget so the federal state local and other sources uh you may recall in the federal we have Medicare and that and we have the rooc programs uh as well as the um National Forest so those are the predominant um pieces in the Federal and the federal through State and our state of course it's our state allocation um and in the local the local taxes as well as some other uh miscellaneous revenues including our our Tower leases and some dollars from the e rate uh the other sources is basically transfer from Capital if you as you recall we are allowed to transfer some funds from the capital projects to the general fund to help offset some of our maintenance costs that's about 6 million um looking at the operating cost it's about 600,000 as well I always want to point out um in uh to you that salary and benefits in the operating represents about 72% of the budget this this is a picture of just showing you uh the actual expenditures and what we've received uh versus uh yet or excuse me what we have spent uh versus what is yet to be spent and I always like to remind myself as well as others uh that the excess of an entity's assets or liabilities uh it is a requirement uh that we we maintain a 3% Revenue reserve and that's based on statute 1011 051 I'll remind you all the time that the Auditors recommend that we keep between 5 and 7 um but the financial rating agencies whom we will begin to uh deal with pretty shortly um as we move out to borrow funds for our new schools uh they recommend double digit but I think we are doing um really well with the 5 to 7% um in terms of uh of what we're actually spending uh versus what we've budgeted we should not use fund balance for recurring expenditures and when you talk about fund balance that really shows how stable we are um and we we we try to do a good job of managing fund balance in terms of um ensuring that our schools and our departments are spending the dollars that they need within the year uh that they um what we are currently in so 23 24 expenditures we should begin to start winding down as we start preparing for the next year's budget 2425 a Al I I just wanted to take a quick second to commend you and your your team for continuing to keep us financially not just solvent but but healthy I I really wonder at times how you manag to do it in this environment the financial environment that we're in with so many cost skyrocketing so many needs yet somehow we continue to have the ability to have a credit rating that's going to allow us to do what we need to do with building School schools and and well in maintenance things like that uh we know we need a lot more help but you and your team are extraordinary in all of the efforts on the financial side to keep us going I I look at this slide every year and and I Marvel at how we manage to do it and I and I know that there's many people that think well why are we holding on to all this money well those of us who've been around for a while know exactly why we hold on to more than 3% because it's easy to get below 3% I would think yes it is easy and um I think because of the fiscal management of not only the finance department but our entire District uh under your leadership it um it requires all of us but um I accept that compliment on behalf of the finance staff because they do work really really hard um to keep up with expenditures and to ensure that we are following uh not only policies but requirements of the Department of of uh education and our legislators so um thank you for that um we will be challenged as we move toward that fiscal cliff but um I have never seen so much uh camaraderie sitting down looking at all of our funding sources and working through with each department about making sure that we are following the law but at the same time addressing where some of the Esser funding could be allocated and uh we've worked really really hard I've probably drone uh drove uh Miss tala Irving crazy because it's just a continual thing that's on my mind and uh we are working collaboratively with all of the Departments and um I think we're all on on uh Team G we're all on team G to get it done [Laughter] that's just great management board member James I just had a quick question you had made mention to um dwindling down on their spending and I know this comes up every year you and I have talked about it before is there a date certain that money has to be spent because I think the perception that I've heard is that um schools will get notice that says you have until Friday at 5:00 to spend your money or it's going back and so is that date certain every year is that date does that date fluctuate when will they know what that date is for this year um so that they can be good stewards and spend the money as they should yes and it does change from year to to year uh last year we went all the way through the end of May and that's because we had the cushion of Esser funding um I would anticipate earlier um and we have talked to schools and Departments of as a finance budgeting Department as they have been visiting them and letting them know that if you need to use these dollars before um the end of the year we need to know we basically need to know um you know not saying that you know people you know don't spend the money wisely but I think um there are extenuating circumstances and we do approve it uh we don't stop maintenance from spending uh we don't stop travel for training that occurs in the summer but we're talking about when you go and encumber funds and you know that whatever it is you're getting ready to buy won't be here before the end of June it doesn't make sense uh to even be encumbering those funds because what happens is when that equipment or those supplies come in it gets charged to your next year's budget and so you're putting yourself at a deficit yes and you've you've done a good job of articulating that to me in the past we talked about benches for a school and if they're being ordered in late April or May to spend the money before the end of the year the students aren't going to sit on the benches until August and so while if you order July 1st they may not be installed by August 12th we have to be better planners and order them earlier in the year if you want to use them for this year or no that they may not be there on the first day of school um but we have to understand how we're spinning the money so I'm just as a board member wondering when you know that date whatever that date is is there a way that it could be communicated to us as well because I know that I get certainly a phone call or email um and so I would just so that I'm on your team and can articulate you know the support for your department absolutely and if things are needed um before June July or August we do have an uh a vehicle it's called prepaid but again it's going to go against your next year's budget so I'm I'm thinking of your example with the benches and knowing that it takes four or five months for that to be ordered and you're exactly right we we need to be conscious of not only what we're spending the money on but the time frame for the products to be delivered yes thank you thank you board member James um any other comments from the board at this time I'm just loving hearing the the the communication and and the teamwork and the camaraderie and and the team G I think I heard you say you know that's what brings it all together and and the information sharing so that the schools are you know everyone's part of this so it's great thank you keep rolling okay we'll move on to adult education which uh I have to compliment them all the time because there were years when they were operating at a deficit and now they are operating um they're very healthy uh the programs are robust and they have a healthy budget of uh $8.7 million uh the increase for that budget was transferring from the MTI their what they call Cape funds and that's the uh CTE funds when they go take a test they pass the test and get additional funds so these were uh We've transferred those dollars over to MTC but again this is uh really run being run really well and here is just a picture of the collections to date versus what's to be collected and the last category on the far right uh at 100% that's that uh transfer from MTI uh or the general fund over to MTC uh their budgeted expenditures salary and benefits are about at 64% uh so that that's in line uh with with uh not only the general fund but the the needs for not only full-time teachers but their um part-time teachers as well again looking at their actual expenditures uh this this slide is reflecting uh money that has actually been spent and and what's remaining to be spent in these categories and of course Adult Ed their entire uh budget is what we call assigned and it's basically um we could say it's restricted so whatever money they have at the end of the year is rolled over into their next year and Mr small Ridge always verifies with me that that's what's going to happen I know oh was such a kind way toward that Boston Alis board member Campell had something yes thank you for that um very as as Vice chair Conrad says a very kind way of of saying that I I just want to say uh and you can correct me if my um interpretation of this is wrong what MTC does is essentially site-based budgeting I mean they they know exactly how much money's coming in they know exactly how much money is going out and whatever they don't spend they get they it because they a self-generating um Revenue uh indication every bit of money they bring in they know what they're doing and so uh it it's just a great model as we move into site-based budgeting because mtc's been doing it for a long time and they're there and have a healthy budget and uh and as you've indicated all the dollars that they receive are for them and them alone so thank you great thank you board member Campbell okay general fund referendum um we've been uh working with this funding source for a few years now um and I think uh there's been some changes but what has been helpful to the referendum is the fact that it's a one mill and as we see our uh property values increase they've been able to receive additional dollars and you will see in a few minutes where those uh dollars have been poured into so they've collected about 73% or we've collected about 73% of our projected budget again this is based on local taxes so you'll see funds coming in from November through the end of the year and that's basically when we receive the property taxes so um we'll talk about fund balance in a little bit and why that's important for for the referendum as well and here are the programs that that referendum supports um class size as well as school safety are is the predominant um expenditures and that's about 70% we are um spending 21% or a little uh under $8 million on school safety budget wise and class size is 18.2 million which is about 49% and the class size category includes not only teachers but the the uh kindergarten Paris as well and you'll see the range of percentages from uh physical education vocational programs media art music and uh professional development the small increase was due to a peetch being added uh after the 10day count I think bonis I'm just going to take a quick second to give a huge Shameless plug to the ioc committee the independent citizens referendum oversight committee uh the meeting uh just occurred a few weeks ago uh full attendance very very active and engaged board there is so much good that comes out of this to meet directly meet so many critical needs that it is frightening actually because to try to think about how we would make up this Gap if we did not have this is pretty difficult to determine from where I sit and I I just wanted to extend my appreciation to the iic committee and also every single voter that has continued to prioritize these um categories to make sure that our students are getting what they need and I know that conversation happens all the time about well what happens if we you know if and when we don't have the referendum they don't they're not making it any easier to get local controlled funding initiatives on the ballots or or passed I think there's something coming down I Look to You board member Campbell about it won't just be a simple majority maybe anymore after this session um that's concerning you know H so while we continue to have this to continue to amplify the importance and uh how well it's being spent and what a great job our citizens are doing overseeing these funds I don't think can be said enough so I'll just lead it off by saying it today thank you as you can see these are the expenditures at the end of December if you see things around 30 40% that's that's in line uh what what we would spend for because most of that is salary um and benefits so it's pretty much in line with with how we're spending the dollars uh the one thing I will note is that uh professional uh leadership and learning typically spend their towards the end of the year because that covers the cost of the mentors uh that are supporting our new teachers so we'll see expenditures more towards the end of the year for that when the programs are completed also the fund balance um is at 26% and that's really um equivalent to about almost $9 million and why that is important is as I stated a little bit earlier the revenue does not start coming in until the end of November December for local taxes so we need uh a certain dollar amount to cover these expenditures from July through that time when we start receiving those receipts so uh it has worked out in the past um years and we just continue to watch it and uh make sure that we are um we are maintaining that dollar amount um so that we can cover those costs and general fund won't have to cover them until we start getting uh receipts so the last category to discuss is the special Revenue fund other if I can point your attention to the far right emergency relief funds uh Esser has had so many different names uh ARP um but right now we have have at the end of December we still have a budget of $104.3 million which represents about 66% of our total special Revenue fund uh to put it in context if you take that 104 million and reduce our budget you'll see we will be back down to what we typically have had preer so between 4 and $50 million in special Revenue the majority of which are entitlement grants Title One title two title three uh so we would after September 2024 we will go back to uh special Revenue fund that's a lot um a lot smaller but I just wanted to point that out to you and also there is an increase in this budget and I think I mentioned it before that was because of the title one unised Grant also the um they call this the ARP summer school Grant uh the the two of them for the most part make up the increase in this funding source again we've collected about U 33% and 67% because is more is yet to be collected that happens because we request federal dollars after we have spent them uh because there are a lot of rules about you can't have the money you can't have uh hold the money more than seven days or we would have to pay interest on it so what we typically do is right after month close request the expenditures for the from the prior month so this again is in line with um how uh we spend a dollar as of December as of those that midpoint and uh this is of course the special Revenue fund expenditure are the same as the re Revenue budget again reflective of 35% spent as of December and 65% of the budget remaining to be spent so um I always like to end with this um I thought maybe instead of saying budget challenges I should have said budget opportunities uh I listen to my colleagues in curriculum they don't they always talk about opportunities opportunities so um these are probably the same budget challenges that you've seen for the last few years um first and foremost is that funding Cliff so the Esser money goes away uh at the end of September 2024 we've talked about uh our overcrowded schools but you we are making as a uh as a district uh strides to uh eliminate some of that we still experience our supply supply chain issues and inflation just like every other business um and always um using of unassigned fund balance for recurring items is also an and I have to keep my eyes on the impact of scholarship programs and how that's being budgeted and how it's being presented to our community L they think we we have dollars we really don't have um our Charter Schools allocation we have uh great Charter Schools uh but now the law says we have to share uh not only uh the referendum dollars but also capital and we look to sharing sales s tax and and any of these other funds uh that is legislated uh to share we continue to have our technology Hardware uh the computer refresh is is an expenditure that happens every year um and also the cost associated with aging buildings uh I believe we are on our way to address all of that it's very hopeful and then the cost associated with making our schools and maintaining our schools in a safe uh environment we don't receive a lot of funding for safe schools uh but we are really grateful to have not only the referendum but also some grants uh that we have received uh in the last few years for fencing um as you saw earlier in an earlier slide our allocation for safe school is just a little over $3 million but I I remember when it was a lot less than that so um I think as we continue uh to make changes and and and ensuring that our schools are safe we will continue to have those expenditures so a camera five years from now will have to be replaced um door buzz is maybe not so much and we've always got to watch those contracts that we have for um our our um our County and our city those continue to increase as well so we're just grateful to have that option uh to charge those expenditures to a referendum as well alternative with Dr gullet thank you Miss Boston Ellis you always have a um great way of articulating a lot of information in a comprehensible manner but um I think easily understood and and something I was going to add and you really just did that is um the team's ability to look at not just the short-term the long-term implications of of um cost and how they might be magnified in the future so being mindful of not just current state but future State and planning for increases of cost to to do business to maintain our schools and facilities and other ways that we're spending um so thank you to you and the team so board we look forward to your questions thank you Dr gullet board member James I just had a a kind of a clarifying question so the family empowerment scholarship I think most people the community these days are just calling it step up um so I had heard that there was discrepancy with students who um whether homeschool or otherwise were claiming the money but then were showing up on our campuses and there was some money owed to us um and if I'm butchering this delivery please correct me but essentially there was money owed to us that we um had serviced those students in our schools but but not receive funding for them can you elaborate on what that looks like or where we are with that um we're still in the process of providing additional information to Department of Education but it's not just Marian County it's school districts all over the state um and you're exactly right because the funds are presented and um sometimes if they don't if the student doesn't come back um during the FTE weeks we would we would never see it anyway but yes um we've sub submitted information maybe two or three times uh showing them where um a student may be in on on our campus as well as in a private facility um the problem now is we used to get the names of those students and because we're being told these are your family empowerment scholarship recipients we're not we can't really match them so doe has to to match them but I believe that we will be made whole on that okay and and I I have had many community members come to me and ask me um well I'm considering going to XYZ private school next year on Step Up For Students because it's only going to cost me this much money as a family but my child is only in this grade what how do I know that I'm going to have this money in 3 years from now when my other children start school and I always strongly encourage families to not make decisions financial planning decisions based on funding that is um through a a governor and a um a legislative agenda that is supporting this particular item because under a new governor or under a um a legislator that has different agendas this family empowerment scholarship could very well become unfunded significantly again and go back to just being income driven where we then would have all of these families who right now are just doing private school because it's essentially free to them and they will have to go back to paying and so um I just give that caution to our families as they're considering shifting their child's enrollment that this is not I mean I I I guess it's guaranteed for next year maybe um I don't Dr Campbell do you know how long it's I mean there's legislation right now to to make even more changes to this so until we finish session it's really difficult to say but I I can say they're going to continue to um how they end up budgeting for it is what's going to be really interesting because right now they had kind of this past year they've had an allocation that has come to districts to help offset that and it's a part of the ffp there's been convers ation about actually moving it out of the ffp and I know Miss Bost is shaking your head because we don't quite know where this is going to land yet I know there's been a a bill that's hitting the house floor uh to actually collapse the McKay Scholarship and anyway there's there's just a lot still happening I'm sorry that I can't give real concrete information until we fin no I I just want and my point in saying this was that families need to understand that making a decision for next year that's great you'll probably be good to go but to make a family planning decision for all of middle school for your three kids that are five years apart in school is probably not the best next step for you as a family because with a different Administration this scholarship could look very different and so I wouldn't want families to bank on it a funding source that could very well change um in the future so but thank you for sharing about the discrepancy there with funding thank you board member James any other just one question yes go ahead let sh um Miss Boston Ellis when you were sharing about safe schools and that um we only receive about $3 million and the referendum provides almost 8 million to Safe schools it made me think about our recent conversation about transportation and so on slide four um we get a little over 13 million for transportation um what does it cost us in total about double about double yes okay um what I would like to uh add on the safe schools the district also um uses funds this 3 million is an allocation from the state so we also use the uh general fund and I don't have that total amount in front of me okay so safe schools is being funded um in a myriad of ways yeah but um I I usually mention that during uh the um tenative budget presentation and able to share with you uh the T the allocation is half of what it cost us when you think about our transportation and over 250 drivers and we we also have a bus garage and we employ um um technicians to take care of our buses and just a staff to run it's it's like our own little city bus uh apartment so uh it it cost a whole lot more and as uh Cher always loves to say we're the size of roadland so you think uh hundreds of buses keeping them going it it would be nice to get additional funding if you are in a situation like Maring County we're so spread out so yes and I just ask because it's also um just like Dr James shared that it's a conversation that comes up a lot um within the community community and there really is a a big lack of understanding that just because it's mandated does not mean it's funded and so thank you for supplying some more information uh so I can continue to share our story thank you Miss Boston Ellis I just wanted to take off of what um Vice chair Conrad said we also get private funding through the public Ed Foundation that closes the gap for security needs as well and so I didn't I didn't want to not acknowledge that we have some private donors who are donating significant amount of money um through the public Ed Foundation to address some of our security needs and I know that that's not represented here um but I didn't want to not acknowledge that those private donors are helping us kind of close the gap in some of our needs too thank you for God for the generosity of our community go ahead so I have several questions comments I'm I'm going to start with something that Vice chair thr or vice chair excuse me Vice chair Conrad was just mentioned mentioning about Transportation because a couple of years ago I was talking with potential U legislative opportunities specifically with other counties like pulk that are also just as larges us and do can't take advantage of public transportation so I think there's an opportunity for us there miss Boston Ellis for potentially even talking through that over the course of the rest of this year and and thinking of how we might want to address Transportation at the legislative level and there might be ways that we as a board you we we're championing things right now that we're hoping for legislation next year but if we as a board potentially partner with some other school boards around the state that are in the unique challenges that we experience with the geographical size the lack of public transportation those kinds of things and pulk was just the one first one that came to mind um and there are others but I think there's a possibility for us to real have real conversation whether it would take an Opa study or what we could but at least start that conversation because I think that that is the Mig misnomer some counties don't experience the same challenges in transportation that we do and I understand the ff's calculation purposes is to try to level the playing field but frankly you can't level it whenever we're in a situation that we're in so just putting that out there let's brainstorm on that over the course of the next 6 eight months and let's really have some conversations Dr gullet and whomever you think needs to be a part of that if that's a fads conversation too or I I think that there's an opportunity for us there so that's my first thought um then I'm going to work my way up from the bottom on slide 35 so um cost associated with safe schools thank you Dr James for mentioning the opportunity for um outside funding sources as well including the generosity of donors through public Education Foundation that's terrific I know that or potentially even additional grants that's that was the whole reason that we have the safe schools Department set up the way they're set up is so that we can be applying for Grants and any outside funding that we can get for that but the referendum so I'm going to move up to referendum just a bit in this where you have Charter School still on the same slide everything I'm going to talk about is on the same slide uh the referendum I I pulled the referendum presentation actually to see so when this referendum was first voted in and and we received our first bit of money it was 2015 2016 and it was a little under $16 million and now today we're more than 36 million dollar that we're receiving I can I continue to have concerns because obviously we're so grateful for the referendum dollars but if forever similar to your comment here and also the usage of unassigned fund balance for recurring items because that's the other one I'm going to focus on uh but I I'm concerned about the continued increase in programs and Staffing that we're funding out of a non-guaranteed source and so we certainly have a guaranteed for the next two years and super grateful for that but just even saying that it's grown $20 million over the course of its existence well we're spending all that money and we continue to spend all that money but for the most part that money is not being spent on things that aren't reoccurring correct so that continues to be a huge concern of mine and board we need to get real serious about using referendum this is my opinion referendum dollars solely for nonrecurring items they we need to be careful in salaries that we're spending that referendum on we need to be careful I understand potentially we do move all the SRO dollars into referendum and I haven't seen the breakdown of the full presentation so it's possible that that is what we're doing but that is a state mandate that we have to have that and uh so I understand that but how we continue to allocate those dollars especially seeing they're growing but if we hit a property value cliff and dive off that Cliff then that number significantly decreases in a matter of a moment and so I'm grateful again while we've seen it grow it's growing because of property values and that also can decrease in a heartbeat and so the the faster that or the more we are putting recurring items there I'm just going to continue to have concern I and so those are the last two things I'm going to mention my my I have a question um in our $969 million budget I have a couple of questions sorry in our $96 million budget $69 million budget where is our insurance Reserve fund because part of what I've said since 2020 is the budget is in the $600 million range in 2020 now it's in the 969 but part of that is because we've become self-funded and we have to have our health insurance that we're carrying on our balance but I don't really see that here so maybe it's somewhere that is it at the general fund balance or is it that it's separate still it's not in that 969 where where is that money it is um in the 969 the internal service fund which is the last fund on that page okay that's where we are reporting self-funding for not only Property and Casualty but also health insurance um really and truly the general fund is funding that fund so it you could take those numbers and reduce the budget by those numbers um also uh what is confusing to people is that The Debt Service fund has to be shown the way it is but we are funding the de Deb service debt uh service fund by Capital outlay so you take the capital outlay and you transfer whatever our debt is to that Debt Service fund because we are required um by accounting rules to have to show the debt separately so you could actually reduce the debt you could reduce the internal service fund um to come up with what is a true uh budget for the district but we're required to show it the way it is you're that's an excellent point and whenever we get calls from the community we try to explain that to them as well well understandably we're we're going to start getting even more questions from the community uh now that we are asking for additional funding sources outside of what we currently are and so I think the more we have that information in our back pocket to say let's talk about what is different in this $969 million 82 million of it is our and that's the number I'm seeing here in internal service fund if does the internal service fund only cover that is it the 82 million is the the that's the um Health as well as property all of our insurance our self-funded health plan is more than $82 million of that and then as you mentioned Debt Service is 90 plus million of that excuse me that's capital uh Debt Service is $1 million but as we start borrowing more and we're carrying the money that we're borrowing then that's going to continue to grow so my Hope was that the number was going to be decreasing because we're about to lose a hundred million plus uh and so I was hoping next year's budget's probably going to be about eight you know in the 700 something or 800 range and potentially when we're borrowing it may actually not be but I I think having some of that additional information is helpful for us as board members when the community approaches us because I know you get the calls but we get the calls too and to say look over the last three to four years that I've been on the board here are things that have changed significantly and where those dollars are going to be coming off rolling off that 100 plus million dollars that is in Esser we're not having that into the 2024 2025 budget so that's a part of this but again it may not actually offset depending on when we actually have the the uh monies that we're drawing on for our Capital fund so thank you also for this again budget challenges thank you also for touching on the capital things there with the Aging buildings and um and we understand the charter school allocation is now something that we're having to bring out of the referendum so while it is 36 million there is a portion of that now that goes to Charter uh but with Maran County having a small number of charter schools we're not seeing the impact other districts are with Charter School allocations the last thing I want to mention and sorry I've been talking a lot here but um the school board responsibilities are policy and budget so it's ironic that this week we've been focused on policy and today we're talking budget uh so the use of unassigned fund balance for recurring items this individual board seat is very concerned about that even being a bullet in this presentation um because unassigned fund balance is not needed for recurring items so I continue to struggle with that even being present in the conversation I understand it is understand we're doing it but I am open as an individual board member to recommendations to suggestions to even additional information on what currently that unassigned fund balance is being used for that is non or that that are for recurring items uh because there are pieces of this that say to me while we are out going asking for additional funding sources for Capital there might need to be some belt tightening that we're not currently thinking about we haven't seen the impact of family empowerment scholarships like there is potential to we haven't seen the increase in charter schools just yet that there is potential to but in projecting 3 to 5 years from now they're that's concerning to me we have a very healthy budget a very healthy fund balance very healthy and kudos to you as other board members have said kudos to you and your department and all the work that you've done we are well more than solvent we are in a financial position that we can borrow this money apart from even having funding sources to help pay it back I mean we are in that position and we understand that but I in this seat continue to struggle with knowing that we're paying for things in as a recurring items that we don't necessarily have funding coming in to pay for so that's those are all the comments I have thank you board member Campbell and yeah sobering conversation for sure when um you look at what were required to fund these days compared to back in the day I think that's an important Community conversation to share U you know our code of student conduct is very comprehensive back in the day it was about this thick and it was all principal discretion so I think about how expensive and complicated what we're being asked and expected to do has become compared to back in the day is that's something that's really important for the community to get a very good handle on because in conversations that I have people that really want to listen and want to know and they're like I had no idea no idea I mean we just sat here and talked about Esau and and we have people that are tasked with 10 to 15 schools in a in an area the size I'll say again Rhode Island you know um we're obligated to help every student succeed that comes through our doors no matter if they just walked into this country yesterday you know that's not going to cost what it did 20 years ago even 10 years ago when you when you overlay inflation you know on on top of that when when you overlay the challenge of teaching you know I think they were talking about in the legislation I don't know if it's gone anywhere of having a 65,000 starting salary it didn't go anywhere um hopefully you know some salary allocations going to come our way like there has been some generosity there the past few years you know um the money the money matches the need and and there's always ways to look at at savings and making sure that our resources are being directed to the folks that that we serving that that has to be part of an ongoing conversation and an organization of our size and you've done a great job like with bringing to light about the um reducing the paper and getting you know work orders and things like that you know just streamlining systems and processes Dr gullet you've had such a keen ey so you know we're we're always evolving um I had a a question since I started this rant uh I have a question about just making sure the community understands because there was a nice article in the newspaper I think it was um this morning about the skyrocketing property values you know and that does help us you know with the with referendum dollars and things like that but isn't there a difference when property values go up isn't there a difference between how that affects like the whole Marian County budget versus the school system budget are you talking about the required local effort yes yeah required local effort is mandated by the legislators I believe the county has a lot more flexibility in terms of uh what they can um Levy but our our number is set by the legislators if that is the question you're asking and that millage is set yes it is and and if you want to share more um board member Kimel please do because this is a a little bit of it can be difficult to to understand and it overlays with the roll back rate that hasn't been restored so and Miss Bellis chime in with me if I'm totally missing something here but the way I would explain the difference is the county doesn't have an ffp the county doesn't have an education funding program that they or any kind of program frankly that says you have to use x number of dollars on Transportation X number of dollars on infrastructure X number of dollars on they don't have anything like that and so whereas school districts are funded through property taxes just like County governments are but where we're funded through property taxes the only thing that we really get the benefit on is the referendum as you said because just as Miss Boston Ellis was talking a moment ago once we have all this money and we know that here's our required local effort well the state dictates what the required local effort is by County because counties in certain areas have a different required local effort and that means that the state then kicks in X number of dollars based on how much much the county is putting in from property values and vice versa and so some counties that have really high property values then the state doesn't kick in quite as much money but they still all the money still is calculated through the ffp and every school district is supposed to essentially be balanced uh in this calculation that is so complicated which isn't quite exactly true because we have counties that are building high schools out of their own pocket right and so that's part of that though is is because and I actually just did a a survey of about 12 different districts to say how are you funding the capital needs in your 12 different districts and so of those 12 um two of them are using either impact fees or sales tax but eight of them are using me and another one aren't using either currently uh but one is using one one is using another and eight of them are using both currently and so that's actually how Capital funds are are being generated in some of these schools like or some of these districts like colure County that can pay cash for a new high school so yes I did that am I correct on how that differs from the County government absolutely perfect okay right I appreciate that because again you know it's enough to make your eyes cross and when you're trying to talk to a community member that you know just really wants to know okay stop the gobbley go you know what's the bottom line if if it was only that simple and but the simple statement is is that we only get what we're given the expectations don't match the expectations are much higher than what we're being given which is why we go to the community to finally say after what is it 13 years we really do need impact fees now we held off as long as we could it's been 15 years since we've had a sales tax for our school system we really do need that now who else has held off with things like that you know all this time I think that shows that there has been a very very fiscally responsible Focus uh our community steps up when we say we really have this need this is what it is and this is what we're going to spend it on and people are like oh okay as evidenced by the tremendous support overwhelming support for the renewal of funding referendum you know because we Prov the need um there's been some great investigative coverage on Channel 6 uh regarding our maintenance needs we were highlighted other counties um they actually had an old school landline phone it didn't have the rotary dial but it did have the buttons talking about how Pico funds have gone away and those landlines generated tax that helped us you know maintain our our facilities so it's not like we've been sitting around you know not maintaining anything we've been maintaining what we can and directing that towards students serving students but there's just been you know there's just more of a need than there is money to pay for it so I agree with you board member Campbell you know we have to do a better job continue to do a better job of telling not it's not a story the facts sharing the facts you know amplifying all the good that happens from having strong Public Schools so it's great conversation you always bring it when it comes to numbers but we have a lot to say all right uh other board members please thank you um Miss Boston Ellis always you give us a um a great view or vision of what we're dealing with with our budget um this we have a we have an extensive budget and we know that they're expecting us to do more with less and so I appreciate how you have put this together you continue to put this together you and your team I I too when I look at these challenges I get concerned because we have to be we have to be great stewards of those funds that we do get from the different funding sources and and and you know I the bullet that you have supply chain issues inflations that is that is global and so um we know that we're going to have supply chain issues and we know prices are going up on everything and I I appreciate our staff our our district um being judicious in how they're trying to spend money and how we're we're allocating funds out for different things often times the community asks us questions because they do see this large number out there that you guys get almost a billion dollars I've heard them people say that to him and when I start breaking it down to them saying you know some of this money has passed through money some of this money is on on the paper that we get it but we don't get it so thank you for helping us to be able to tell the story because it's it's how we it's who tells it which is going to make the difference that's why our community is is being so generous and helping us with the sales tax and the willingness for the impact fees we do also have to be um smart about these reoccurring funds coming out of the um J fund um you you have said it many times before we have to we have to not just spin spin spin as if we have this Unlimited Supply of money and especially with reoccurring items so um I I I I I think this board is committed to doing those things and making sure that we are not hurting ourselves uh and hurting future boards and hurting hurting those things that are down the road and um we just have to be continue to be very good stewards of that um we are in a process right now where we're getting ready where we're building about to start building more schools that's going to require more more money and um that's going to be coming out of the budget that's going to be whether we borrowing it or or however we get it it's more money so I I just appreciate everything that you're doing you and your staff and helping us to be able to tell the story to our community so that the community can further understand our challenges please don't change it from challenges to opportunity leave it at challenges because that's what they are they're real challenges and we're dealing with them every day you're dealing with them every day I don't I couldn't be in your position I think I would go home with a headache every night sometimes hearing some of the conversation that we have and and you're you're so gracious where you just kind of sit there and smile and I'm probably saying she probably saying it just a ain't there but thank you thank you and again thank you staff for the job they're doing with us sharing the authentic challenges while we come up with some fantastic opportunities to meet them all right anything else from the board all right well uh I think that we've uh come a long way again this morning and I'll go ahead and open it up to public comment and seeing and hearing none I'll turn it back to Dr Gull to wrap things up um and we'll move on to board comments and concerns uh nothing addition on the budget item just again thank you board and thank you Miss Boston Ellison to your team thank you thank thank you U Miss Martinez anything from your seat no Madam chair okay thank you uh turning power spped out for a moment um board member James uh nothing further grateful for good work today and every day and continue to keep showing up and doing what's best for kids awesome thank you board member Cummings okay me this your comrade just very quickly thank you to everyone um who presented and shared information today um it's a big job and it takes a a team to do it so thank you for again for your work and I know Dr gullet mentioned the Youth Fair um at the beginning but I just want to give another shout out there's a lot going on um our students over a thousand students are involved all year long in preparing for the next 10 days and so uh I'm just going to share a couple of things that are going to be happening at the Youth Fair hopefully to spark your interest if you haven't um visited I was visiting with my the other day and she had never attended so I was like you really need to hit the Youth Fair go check it out so lambs and goats are the next two days and then there's dogs agility um then they'll be showing their um steers there'll be tractor a tractor pull tractor driving and a barbecue Pig show and sale and then horses and there's also a section for home Arts um rabbits and poultry so there's a little something for everybody I hope you have the chance to go out and visit thank you fantastic F Vice chair Conrad Bo remember cam thank you Vice chair Conrad what a great segue because my minty is showing a lamb tomorrow and we've been talking about her lamb all year long so I'm I'm excited to actually see this lamb Nash and to actually you know be be a part of that and watch that um tomorrow and she also has an arts and craft project she's been working on so uh that's been fun to talk with her about so I'm I'm looking forward to it's almost like having a participant even though it's she's not one of my children but she is my mentee and so I I feel um excited for her and to see the whole process um unfold from that perspective it's I'm excited for that tomorrow too um I just had one super quick thing Bor just because I had a really interesting conversation with an educator this past weekend who was talking to me about the challenges they continue to experience with cell phones and classrooms and I recently uh was actually walking down a hall with an an administrator and a student was walking down the hall on their cell phone having a conversation and um it kind of shocked me and took me back but what the reason I bring this forward is because this particular educator while they and she's um at a middle school level while they're struggling with that she was told by another group of Educators to say well go and watch the Schoolboard meeting because they're just on their cell phones the whole time also and so I'm I'm just making that as a statement that our community our educators are watching us too and so that was her perspective and she did tune in to a board meeting and when we are on a wide shot from time to time that is what people see and so that's I think it's important that we try to emulate the behavior we're asking our students to have so that's all I want to say thank you oh can I oh quick sure um I understand that perception is important um but there's also um a position of Grace so I'm just going to share just because of that comment that you will frequently see me on my cell phone and I am managing my hearing aid devices and so I just share that because sometimes as an adult in a meeting you have to do some management um and so I just want to take um that point of privilege to say that uh it's not always a negative thank you completely agree with that and thank you for that Vice chair Conrad yours is a unique situation uh for certain and and absolutely um in the scenario where you need to use your phone on a regular basis completely understand it just wanted to share the feedback I'd received from one of our Educators uh and her perspective on how they're trying to manage cell phones in classrooms and then how the perception is occurring in The Madam chair um yes sir thank you Dr Dr camon for that statement I think all of us up here um are professionals and the things that we do um and there are Communications that all of us get while we're on the board um related to education related to some of the topics that we're talking about so just because you may see us on the phone getting a text or you won't see us you won't see us openly talking on the phone but you may see us reading a text or responding to a text and it could be something in direct relation to what we're talking about so that's a perception thing that the community is going to people going to have and it is going it's going to be what it's going to be but I I I do feel that everybody that I sit on the board with a consument profession I have I've never seen since I've been on the board anybody up here um shopping or you know on the Home Shopping Network that has happened with other boards I haven't seen those things so I believe that everything that's happening up here is for the good of our district so absolutely uh well thank you for that and um attorney Powers nothing from legal thank you okay yes Dr go yes thank you um Madam chair members of the board I do have an item for your consideration I know it's been a long morning already but I did receive a request from David hurlee um who is working with the board of County Commissioners on the joint meeting for March uh 27th and he is requesting the board's input into any agenda items that you would like to consider you don't have to decide today but I do want to provide this context in reviewing the interlocal agreement um here is the description from that agreement made with the with the uh local entities The Joint planning workshop shall provide opportunities to consider recommendations discuss policy set Direction and reach understandings concerning Mutual concern regarding public education and coordination of land use and school facilities planning and I'm reading this for your context in case something jogs an agenda item this includes but it's not limited to population and student growth development Trends School needs offsite improvements school capacity school funding options to reduce the need for additional permanent student stations roadway improvements joint use opportunities the district facilities work program and the educational plan survey so I know that's a lot but just want to bring to your attention that that meeting is as I mentioned the other day scheduled for March 2 7th if you want to discuss it today or bring it back for next week perhaps um any possible agendas you would like for us to forward to uh the board of County Commissioners for their consideration thank you thank you Dr gullet would it be um okay for each individual board member to to email you with their ideas as well as we can discuss it now or at another time or uh send them to um Miss Martinez to you know we we definitely want to get on this and if there's things that you've been thinking about that you want to discuss outside of what we've discussed at previous meetings not all of us have had the ability to participate in those yet um we we need to get that those ideas and and requests to you very soon yes and if you could send those to me and Mr hurle that would be great I Mr hurle he will coordinate um those items and I can bring back as a review what we have so far if that's okay so contacting me directly and Mr Hurley he would be great thank you member James I'm just wondering is it possible for us to have an agenda item on the seventh work session to discuss our official platform as a board because we obviously would like to have a public discussion as a board about um our platform collectively and our you know kind of like we would do with our legislative agenda picking our top five things we want to focus on um or something as a board and we could do it on the seventh ahead of that meeting I think that's a good idea and I also like the idea of getting our ideas to uh Dr gallet and Mr hurle he because hopefully a lot of them will match and then that'll make our discussion on the 7th that much more productive we can narrow it down and and finalize it is is that what I'm hearing yeah okay so does that mean we need to send our items um I guess shouldn't we send them to Miss Martinez so she can put them all together for us or is that not but it's whatever you prefer but Dr G so Mr Hurley is going to be organizing this with the board of County Commissioners directly so um and I do agree I think it needs to be a a board discussion so that we're making a recommendation collectively we can gather all those Mr Hurley can bring those forward and we can bring them up for discussion on the 7th is a is a great time to do that just need to I just need to verify when they need to have those topics um completed by so I will check with him today and let the board know one of us will let you know right and Mr hurly's our point of contact for this particular yeah okay meeting but I'm I I tend to include Miss Martinez and all kinds of things because you know she's she works with us and helps us with our board efforts so so do we need to get those to to you all by next Wednesday ahead of posting the agenda on Thursday I would say so that would be helpful whenever you have those that would be helpful okay would you be able to just recap what you just said in an email can you email that to us or mrle we'll we'll follow up I know so I said it was a lot but we will send you the language um as per the interlocal agreement and the request and the date absolutely and the deadlines for which we need to get back to um the board of County Commissioners thank you certainly will perfect get it all organized okay anything else that's it thank you very much promise yes attorney pow I was able to um Set uh our we we had some question about policy and when it was going to um move forward um and trying to make sure that time frame is on a good schedule for our February 22nd sorry sorry February 27th Schoolboard meeting um I have placed an item to schedule a public hearing uh that's just the scheduling placement then the public hearing will be held on the March 26th board meeting for the purpose of approving approving the revised board policy so we were able accelerate it a little bit right right anything else from legal no thank you okay we covered everybody I think so okay um because that's a great segue as far as legal is concerned I just wanted to uh alert the board that uh Tuesday night's board meeting U you're going to need to eat your Wheaties it's going to be a long one um we have our two special meetings and then we have our regular board meeting as far as the special meetings are concerned earned they're not the typical leasing Corp uh meeting although they may have that one of them has that title so I would ask attorney powers and and Miss Martinez to definitely get together um today if possible or tomorrow at the latest to make sure that all of the flow of those three meetings and and everything that's needed to be incorporated into the the script legally is all there uh so that we can flow through it because we'll have those two meetings then we'll need to take probably a 10 to 15 minute recess to sign uh as long as everything passes sign closing documents then we'll reconvene for our regular school board meeting and then according to my understanding we could have as many as um eight off air um coming before us on Tuesday night so I just wanted to make it clear that uh it's going to be a long night so that people can be prepared yes M James I mentioned this um or maybe I just said it in my head um two weeks ago after our last board meeting I would like to at this point formally request that we have a standing meeting on like a Wednesday evening I don't care what I I will make myself available any day but I know that I do not bring the best version of myself after a long meeting and then multiple off airs and so I would like to request that we have one standing opportunity a month for off aairs for individuals willing to contest their consequence and I don't we can pick a day Wednesday just pops in the head because we don't have anything on Wednesdays yet but um the second Wednesday of every month or whatever it is and it's at 5:30 and we start hearing them we open the meeting publicly and immediately go into off air and um that's my recommendation as immediately as we can make that happen obviously it's not going to happen for next Tuesday but I know that I do not bring my best self after a long meeting and then eight off airs and I believe that all students deserve the best version of me and so I would make that request to the board and thank you I did want to respond to that real quick just because we were all feeling that challenge um after the last one and I did share uh with staff and Dr gullet that it is this board's desire to to look at doing things differently um you know timing wise uh day of the week wise it is all open to uh discussion for what works best for for everyone I think another thing that's going to work best for everyone is to eventually get it conveyed loud and clear to the community that as long as procedure is has been followed um while it is absolutely uh the family's opportunity if they want to contest but as long as as procedure's been followed and the code of conduct this board I'll just say it you know is is going to uphold it um I and y'all can speak for yourselves but we we've said this over and over again that that's what the code of student conduct is for we put a lot of time money and resources into developing it and that's where that's where we are with this so I'm not sure where this delu of of off airs has has been coming from because there's the opportunity for early re-entry in other words it is incumbent upon the person that is violated the code of student conduct and their families to do what they need to do to be able to come back to school early if they have violated the code of Stu student conduct so the the only decision in my mind lies in you know what time of day it's going to be you know uh board member comings I just wanted to respond to directly to Bo member James so that everyone was clear that you know that wasn't ignored that that that Miles was direct to her as well that um it wasn't in your head you did say it out loud okay I couldn't it was a lot late night so I couldn't you said it we said it we all agreed we all agreed um I do have a contention with Wednesday evenings because Bible study but but other than that I don't have an issue with any other time but we I think we do need to have some alternate time to do these I think having it at the end of a meeting we we saw something at the last one where did we had families that were waiting for a very very long time to get their um to have their chance to contest and um it was a late night so I think um we need to move it to somewhere else whether it's Wednesday morning whenever it is um sometime we need to have something open for families to to be able to to accommodate that and to continue the due process cuz it's a due process absolutely a due process that they are afforded to I don't want to I don't want to um deter anyone from taking due process or um or enacting anything that they want to do you have every right to to enact that however just know that that the board is going to be judicious and how we how we handle things and we're going to follow the rules Point BL and to your point while I try to be as accommodating as possible to the working parent schedule this is a unique opportunity to come before the board so I would not be against if it was an agreement with the board to have a day meeting instead of a night meeting um I know that that would put um struggle on families and so I can I can see it both ways um and can get on board with both um my other recommendation would be like the Thursday in between our Thursday work sessions that middle week we just do a night meeting on the Thursday I'd rather not have three Tuesdays in a row personally but if we did a Thursday night or something I don't really want to do a Monday or a Friday I just feel like that throws things off but um whatever we can do scheduling wise with Miss Martinez to work towards coming to something um I think that there's still time for us advertising wise for March I I'm I'm passionate about making this happen as soon as possible um because it seems like this is not slowing down for whatever reason probably because the public doesn't know how we vote on these items when they come before us I think that's probably the disconnect and I don't even know that we're allowed to publicly share how we vote on them because they're off air I don't I don't know um are we yes as long as information isn't Excuse me yes as long as information about a particular student isn't disclosed essentially what we have here is two there there are two different hearings and and one is you have an opportunity to dispute the facts of the case you say it didn't happen or your your parent your parent or student says it didn't happen in the way that is alleged that's essentially like a trial um that goes through the division of administrative hearings that that is a something that is contested alternatively you can come and request mitigation which is requesting that there be some lessening of the consequences however within our code code of student conduct uh typically outside of extremely extraordinary circumstances that's not going to come and so the board I think of course would be respectful and take advantage of any opportunity they had if there was something that was a legitimate um you know one-off sort of situation that rarely occurs However the fact is by default that's not the presumption that we're working forward with here now I it may also be that when parents are presented with their packet and they don't understand exactly what's going on there's a binary option there the option is choose one of these two um and choosing they choose not to dispute the facts then the next thing is well I still want to speak to the board about consequences see if I can talk to them and see if they'll reduce the consequence that's that would be an extraordinary circumstance that consequence would be reduced because typically we have our code of student conduct for reason which outlines as a matter of fairness and diligence exactly what it is that certain uh subdivided behaviors come down to when it comes to consequences so we do treat people fairly treat them individually but we treat them fairly as well so that may be something that over time we get better at explaining to parents that you know essentially the the mitigation hearing is a chance for you to come you if you want to ex Avail yourself that due process you're plenty entitled to however as Reverend Cummings said it's not and and as Dr James has outlined before this is this is not the default position is that the consequence is valid and it's laid out there it's in the code of student conduct and it's there for a reason and so perhaps over time we'll get better at sending that message but until that time I I I guess since we can I'll just say since I've been on the board almost almost unanimously we have agreed with the consequence the discipline office has brought forth for us so um we'll continue to do and be a good Steward to this community but our our track record shows that we're going to support the decision of our discipline office so um if we can make a a meeting in March happen um all on board thank you well and I agree I agree we have have supported but I I I just I just don't want the community to think that even if they do come before us that we're not going to hear them that it's already a set penalty um that's that's that you just comeing to waste your time they have that right bring it um if you want to but just know that we're going to we're going to follow the rules we're going to follow the rules that we put in place I don't want to think well there's no need to go there cuz they're not going to do anything or whatever or whatever and we kind of got that one of at the last one and and that that didn't sit sit well on my spirit how um it was it was um explained or said to us so they have a right to come um but know that we have a right to do our job and do it in in the most fair and Equitable Manner and that that this board has done that to up to this point and I would encourage um since we do have this public talking moment available here that parents also Avail themselves of the opportunity to discuss early re-entry options to find out what I need to do if I'm a parent of a student in order to potentially gain early re-entry which doesn't require prior approval of the board it requires that you work at you work hard with the with the um punishment that's been given and that you work with staff to accommodate that it doesn't require permission of the board in advance so that is sort of the third option that I would think most people would want to Avail themselves of um so maybe that message will get get out there to the community but uh as it stands if there's a factual dispute then that's a factual dispute that generates the most due process uh if there's not a dispute of the facts it's just that you're asking us to treat that student differently then we might treat another student in similar circumstances so the third option option would be in the event event of an expulsion to look at what we do what what options do you have to move forward from here that don't require a lessening of the punishment and don't require dispute disputing of the facts if you don't want to so that's all I have just real quick um I like Dr James's idea about Thursdays um on the alternating week um I don't know Dr gull's making a face would you just talk with team and maybe share some choices with us so we can get this calendared thank you because I was just going to um share my my ask uh my request is that we not do it during the day as soon as we leave here I'm out to school so it's another day where I can't be out with the team that's a it's a selfish request but that's where I need to be um I would ask that the board consider early mornings or another evening um we will we can provide some recommendations but that I'm sorry I'd love early mornings early morning and then parents could come I I just have a lot of concerns with another daytime meeting um for selfish reasons morning would be accomodating I feel like for parents also they can still get to work correct and if we we publish those and we put those out there like every other meeting that would be one of my request I'm game with that and if our work sessions were published at even even if it were at 9: if published at 10:00 you could do it from 8:30 to 10: on those days so or we start even earlier for those parents that are going no I 7 a.m. was 7 to 9: um before a work session or I'm just suggesting do it early morning and that way some parents that are going to work at come but or completely on board with seven to nine ahead of a work session I could be completely on board with that okay rest of the board I'm fine with seven yeah I'm now um sure I mean I I can make that work as well I I um my comment was going to be about the availability of this space 700 a.m. it's should always be available um but if we were going to do an evening then we certainly would have to accommodate in a calendar and and I'm certain there are lots of evenings coming up that are already secured in this space but into this time of year with all the events right the other thing that I was going to mention just uh for the board's sake is that's relevant to this conversation is we are looking at in our board meeting upcoming the RFP for alternative school provider so that is something that is on our upcoming agenda uh additionally just from since we talked a bit about the history of what our board decisions have been and the upholding of the code of student conduct and essentially going with what the discipline office is sharing I'm going to say that from this board seat and I'm certain there are others who would Echo this but from this board seat the most important thing for me for these kids who are recommended for alternative placement or expulsion is if they've done something it does not mean they need to stop going to school just because you're being expelled does not mean that your education needs to stop just because you are being alternatively placed does not mean that your education needs to stop so trust me from this board seat if there has been no action to be in any form of Education in the course of the time that it's taken for you to come to talk to this board that's not going to be looked at very favorable in my humble opinion because you've made a poor choice you still need to have education so I just wanted to throw that out there but I am all for whatever date we choose because I agree I am not my best self at 8 o' on a board meeting night after we've already had multiple things going on so um I concur with that and that time was was fine when it was very very rare that one would come before us but there is a a definite pattern here and and that necessitates a new way of doing things and and even though families have been encouraged to you know and have been told that our board meetings tend to run long you know about what time they should show up and and who they should should and should not bring you know um it it's not really that convenient for families to have to wait till long into the night either on a school night when their kids need to be in school the next day so no matter when we have it it's not going to be fun it's not going to be convenient so let's let's at least present our freshest selves and be productive about it and and get them done uh with a very public sharing that yes well you have the opportunity and and the right to to dispute that uh we have a code of student conduct for a reason and we have way too many opportunities in this district for kids to have a do amazing things to be putting up with the stuff that comes before us so I believe that we have consensus um to do it ahead of a work session from 7 to 9:00 a.m. I just want to um obviously that's going to require staff be present next thing I was gonna say okay I just would like to obviously I know this is going to happen but the request for Flex time or some kind of accommodation for staff who's going to have to come in early to prepare for a 7 a.m. meeting it's my only request yep I was going to say same what I was going to say we have to take our staff into consideration we're able to change but we also know that it it creates um situations for our staff as well right right it is more work for everyone when Choice when poor choices are made and so I think it is our goal to reduce the need to have these meetings which means more and more kids are doing the right things and availing themselves of all the opportunities that we offer so are kids going to make mistakes yes but that's not the things that are coming before us these are Beyond mistakes my opinion all right um so Dr gulet if there after you share with staff if there's anything that that we need to know um further than other than acknowledging that this is the path forward good okay I I do have a question seeing that I know it's not going to happen for next week but can't do we do think Dr go that this can be in place at least by the time we come back from spring break have I be back I would think so okay yeah I was just going to pull up the calendar um board member coming I I I don't see why not and as to staff work with staff we could do some rotations and we'll make sure that um somebody can accommodate that I think that gives our discipline Department the opportunity to start putting that out there correct yes thank you for that some of us have the same obligations in the morning to get kids places correct so on and so forth so does that violate any time frames or anything with their due process by us just doing it once a month no I think we'll be fine districts do that around the state they'll have a set meeting and this is the post- a time for those and so okay I don't have I mean I don't want to speak for attorney Powers but um that's accurate that's that's in process in other places good I'm and we can I mean we can edit it to our our calendar for the rest of the year and essentially plan for just plan for it and hopefully the need will go away but if the need doesn't go away I mean then it just becomes our new way of work to acknowledge whatever and if there's only two we start a good we have a nice little work time before a work session so right right well it's confronting reality you know um with all this being said now my question becomes you know we have a a tremendously robust board meeting on Tuesday night do we have any Flex ability to at all with these with these eight we don't end up getting really informed about them until Friday anyway it just came up in the course of conversation that I was having with folks earlier so do we have to do all eight on Tuesday night I will check on that can't speak to that right now but I will check because that would be that would be my recommendation um well not just I believe those in the pipeline have already been noticed for that that's they okay and if they have they already been told we need to go ahead and go through with it all right well if it is what it is then bring your weedies as we open this conversation eat your Wheaties we just know they shouldn't schedule any for the March board meeting then that we're going to month of March I think we need to plan ahead I mean the only consideration I was thinking was is offering it but I don't know I do not want to interfere with the the due process C rights in the timeline so I would have to verify but they've already been notified and obviously we just found out about that so right and as far as March is concerned if if we don't have due process issues the so I'm hearing the preference of the board would be to begin this after spring break and yeah we have a work session the last Thursday in March so correct that could be correct so we'll work through anything in the pipeline right now that might come up and work okay yes thank you all right thank you all right and and my one last thing was just a looking very quickly at our uh board committees um I don't see any substantial uh changes I think they're accurate except for the one that I already spoke to Miss Martinez about updating that Vice chair Conrad is our current representative for the public Education Foundation um and then I jumped down to operations we don't have anyone on the site selection committee because we already own the land so I think we decided that that really wasn't necessary at this time so if you would just take a quick look and verify that these are your committees and that you continue to be happy to serve on them until uh we have our next reorganizational meeting in November yes I would just offer that it's architect and contractor selection committee so if if for the purposes of accuracy um because that's elction committee is selecting Architects and contractors contractors okay um and then the city of reic would technically be the town of reic and I'm not sure that the town of reic is going to withstand their current challenges their current challenges so I have not participated recently um and I I just I guess I'm acknowledging that like I think there is a Dismantling in the future um because of the lack of participation in the community on the council and until that is resolved do we continue to just have it as town of reic um you know not everybody makes it to all of the meetings um anyway I hear exactly what you're saying I'm my question is the timing we wouldn't necessarily want to dissolve it until they make their choice yeah no no definitely I would just say it's the town of reic instead of city of reic but I am and honestly this is maybe a notific this is kind of notifying me but I I don't necessarily I have not sought out dates for meetings for some for the specifically MacIntosh and reic so if I was supposed to be doing that I did not um Fort King Heritage reaches out to me quarterly for their meetings which I don't even see that on here yeah it's not that's what I was going to say some others that aren't here like the there's a veterans some friends of Veteran of veterans yeah we we have some more that aren't on here yeah for King Heritage is a quarterly meeting and they send me a calendar invite so then I make myself available as I can however their meetings almost always fall on work session days and so there was a recent meeting I didn't go to because I knew what our agenda looked like and I was like there's no way that I can guarantee that I'm going to be available by 2:00 so um so I don't know if there's if Dr gullet has someone in the case that we're unable to make a meeting is there someone that from staff that you would like us to ask to go in our presence is it necessary to do that um obviously I've asked another board member in the past for something or other if that would make sense but if we're all together and all can't go is there someone else who would make sense to to go it depends on the committee I would say if it's board representation then another board member would be appropriate Miss deic is usually the one that coordinates all of the um the agencies in community involvement um and correct saying that publicly um so but we can work through that um committee by committee for example the veterans Council that we meet with regularly it was a it was a new process to be able to have a board member represented which I I know they were very grateful to have a board member present so I think they like they have since moved their meeting so it usually also is the same time as either our it it is our work session also um so it started out great and we were meeting regularly but I also have not been able to attend the last couple of months because and we're having that with several right now several conflicts with different Committees of even staff being able to be present because we're here yeah so that's well um that was just more of a food for thought than anything but I would say just I would say changing it to be architect and contractor selection committee town of reic and um adding Fort King Heritage Foundation got it um friends of and what's the one you're on friends of Veteran Park friends and Veteran Memorial Park friends of Veterans Memorial Park friends of veterans is that what it is Friends of the friends of Veteran Park friends of Veterans Park and you're on that correct and they do they do communicate and send me the agenda and I am in contact with them but I have not been at a meeting for several months okay and they know why yes and they know why so you know it's great that they want a board member but it also has to be able to not be on a time where you're absolutely required to be doing your your uh primary job chair I see that we do have two that are blank here so if you're looking for you know someone willing to step into either one of the community council against substance abuse or Department of Juvenile Justice I'm willing to do either or or both um if that's a need that we have but well technically the Department of Juvenile Justice Council was me um the first time I've seen it I wasn't there um it just their meetings are conflicts as well with us but that was me I didn't oh okay I know I got moved off of it so that's fine I don't know that you got moved off of it um so you're saying that you're keeping in touch with them and I get the emails yes but their meetings conflict with us okay so but yeah all right that was me so add you Eric for dep Department of Juvenile Justice councel okay I'm fine with being on um Community Council against subses I was on it about 20 years ago so I don't have a problem being on that Council if unless somebody else wants to do it of course who knows if their meetings conflict with us also at least you're getting information that they can send email they can send a when of there meetings because I have history with I have experience with that so that's not an issue um for the council's substance abuse substance I don't I don't know when they meet or whatever like that if I knew I could make that that's not it okay is um that all right uh I mean I'm fine with whatever the two board members want to work out but we've got you're you're doing a ton with uh fsba Alison and being our legislative okay liaison so are you I'm fine I mean as long as we have a representative I it's fine by me I just you both have background with it so it's a win-win for us it looks like their meetings are held the third Monday according to their website and how that may may or may not be true says meetings are held the third Monday of each month from 12:00 to 1 at least it's not a Tuesday or Thursday for cassa at least that's what their website says just okay I thought I'd go and find that real quick so um board member Cummings you're taking take in cassa also I can yes I mean it doesn't matter to me whatever you guys want to do there's also blank at the site selection committee too yes and I did I did mention that at the beginning yeah because we don't have any sites to select because we have so many sites so we're not but we will have potential for sites as um the superintendent's recommendation most recently has been for relocation of schools so site selection will be something if in fact we have a additional funding sources that are voted in our most recent presentation wasn't just the building of these new schools it was also relocation and reconstruction of some and so I don't know if The Spar Anthony combo school will need a new plot of land or if the biew elementary recommendation will need another plot of land or um I believe Dr gullet and I actually have a meeting coming up to talk a bit about that but um anyway and I think before our organizational meeting that's not going to come up NOP perfect perfect let's handle that so I was thinking yeah so because as soon as we put someone on that committee then the community is going to be like okay this is happening tomorrow and that's we want to do things in order sure you also have a blank at the public school advisory committee I don't know if that was a committee I think that was a part of the original interlocal agreement yes that was a psac and so yeah I think that actually is now the technical working the chair serves yes so we can probably just remove that off of this and make that the technal technical working group and that's the chair yep y thank you for mentioning that one because I noticed it was only in existence until uh yes two questions so for the substance abuse committee who's is that Mr Cummings or Dr Campbell it's it's it's Mr Cummings okay and one question is I'm sitting here thinking for these meetings that we want to have before the work sessions attorney poers this would really be a question for you would there need to be Publications since they're off air I would not need to publish them because they're off air anyways there's still board meetings yeah there still board meetings but there will be no one okay so still published but there just won't be anyone in attendance other than right not for public attendance but for public notice okay I just want make sure thank you okay is there anything else um Miss Martinez any clarifying questions you got the list yes okay okay got it I'll make the updates and resent out the list make sure we got everything and perfect thank you and I believe that's all I had all right everyone uh we if there's nothing else for the good of the cause we will go ahead and adjourn at 12:39 p.m. thank you [Music] all [Music]