the Schoolboard work session begins in 2 minutes please take your seats again the Schoolboard work session begins in 2 minutes the Schoolboard work session begins in 1 minute please take your seats again the Schoolboard work session begins in 1 minute [Music] good Thursday morning everyone I now call the March 7th 2024 administrative briefing and work session of the Maring County School Board to order at 9:00 a.m. please silence your electronic devices to avoid disturbing others mirroring and modeling how our students begin each day I ask that you please pause with us for a moment of silence thank you I now ask the school board attorney to explain the rules for this public work session good morning attorney Powers thank you madam chair this work session is a public meeting as defined in Florida's Sunshine Law the board is dedicated to full transparency in its meetings and its work in compliance with the Sunshine Law the board board has adopted uniform meeting procedures including the right for citizens to participate the board will allow public comment regarding any work session item listed on today's agenda at the appropriate time speakers must fill out a request form located in lobby and hand it to the board clerk after the board and superintendent have completed their discussion on a particular agenda item the board clerk will call a speaker's name in the order received each speaker will have three minutes as required by the Sunshine Law the board must maintain orderly conduct and proper decorum throughout this meeting speakers May criticize subject matter and decisions in a respectful manner but not people finally speakers must be very careful not to violate the Privacy rights of others especially students and their family members by mentioning their names or other identifying information thank you for your attention to these important roles Madam chair thank you attorney Powers good morning Miss Martinez can you please provide the proof of publication for today's meeting the notice for the March 7th 2024 work session was published in the Ocala Gazette on February 23rd 2024 proof of publication has been attached to board dock to proof of publication thank you Miss martinz we will now begin the work session with the superintendent's administrative briefing good morning Dr gullet good morning Madam chair members of the board great to see you today um in case you didn't know spring break is next week we have a lot of fun going on outside and and dressing up for that but a few reminders uh nationally it is also music in our school's month and so we've had a lot of great activities and appreciate all of our students for showcasing their amazing talents um not just locally but but around the state uh this month and it is School breakfast week and school social social worker week so I want to say a thank you especially to our um food and nutrition services teams that are providing healthy meals I had a a terrific uh lunch out yesterday at a school they do such a great job appreciate what they're doing to get our students um off on the right path in the morning for breakfast so they're ready for Learning and to our amazing social workers that are out there working hard every day to support all of the student needs in our schools so a special shout out to them uh I want to end with a thank you to our County Commissioners for unanimously supporting our impact fees uh this week and appreciate that they understanding of the need that we have in our schools to address our growth uh 9% growth of the last 10 years and and continuing to climb and I also want to do a special thank you to attorney Mentor who so clearly professionally articulated uh the work that we did took years and he did such a fantastic job of articulating that in such a concise manner and really appreciate him for um reiterating all the work that our team has done um in the district to this point so appreciate all of them and their support of our students and so that concludes my briefing uh chair if we we're ready for the first item absolutely thank you Dr Gull and certainly agree to everything you just said so I'd like to introduce School Improvement system of accountability I'm going to bring Miss Talbert Irving our our um amazing Deputy superintendent forward and we also have some very special guests so you're going to see this morning board um two halves of a presentation we're going to talk about the local level assessments accountability but you're also going to hear from from Mr Sims and his team about what this looks like at the state level so you're going to get both halves of that and what accountability looks like all wrapped together so uh Miss Albert Irving thank you good morning cheer thrower board members and superintendent gullet today we are pleased to provide an overview of the school Improvement system of accountability and support our curriculum and instruction departments understand that our Core Business is students have been and have been working hard to examine root causes analyze problems and remove barri barers to ensure that students receive the best education possible we are thankful for the Bureau of school Improvement team's support and look forward to hearing from the board at the end of the presentation I will now turn it over to Mr Sims and Mrs brusa thank you Miss Talbert and I heard about uh the end of the presentation for our questions good morning Madam chair board members Dr goet um thank you so much for the opportunity to be here with you today I am Dusty Sims I'm the uh State executive director for the Bureau of school Improvement and joining with me today is my colleague Miss Sandy bruska who is our regional executive director for Region 2 which includes Maran County so we are thankful uh Sandy and I have been um long Partners together in working with Maran County I recall um in 2017 2018 when we would visit Mary County supporting 13 turnaround schools in the district district and I stand before you today proud with you that as of the December uh release of school grades Maring county has zero turnaround schools with grades of D ORF at this time and I just want to celebrate with you with that fact and congratulate you um Sandy and I feel um a part of that because of the success that you've had so congratulations have a huge round of applause and and gratitude to both of you it's been a pleasure to work with you along that way well we hope to continue to be able to work with you in some capacities not in the D ORF range but to continue to work with you to help continue to improve your schools and we just appreciate the opportunity to continue to partner to be here with you today so as Dr golet mentioned um we are here to talk a little bit around the school Improvement systems of accountability um and we want to bring some clarity to you and our community to make sure that there is an understanding of where and what are all these data points that are coming out when school grades are issued so I'm going to come here to our first slide So today we're going to look a little bit at State accountability and school grades which we just mentioned as of the December release of grades you have no D ORF schools in Maring County um and we're going to talk about school grades and district grades but we're also going to talk about the federal accountability and that is the accountability under Essa or the every student succeeds act and how that data is calculated and what components are a part of that that may not be a part of the State accountability system I love this slide right here um I um we talk through this slide a lot to districts because it really brings Clarity around what um that there are two sides to the house of accountability there's the federal side which is that left side of the screen where we talk about the federal Essa accountability and then there's that right side which is the state accountability so schools and we're going to talk through the different levels of federal accountability first um and we'll attach that to how that um relates to State accountability but you can see that there um that sometimes there's some confusion when schools um say that they're a CSI or atsi or a TSI school what does that mean and often people say well that's because they're a c or they're a d school and that is not necessarily correct because the federal Essa accountability side assigns a rating um to schools um and the state accountability side assigns a grade to schools and we're going to talk a little bit about that but you can see that um schools that are eligible to receive the grade can be um any of your schools um even if they receive a school Improvement rating they will still get an Essa Essa rating and even uh the DJJ schools also receive an an accountability rating through through Essa as well and if you have any questions please just stop me because I can go fast at times so please just say dusty stop so under the federal accountability side or Essa I want to go through this first because I think this is the side that is the most unknown to most folks because we normally in the State of Florida just talk about our state accountability system because of the um schools that fall under accountability with the Bureau of school Improvement if they don't meet certain measures so when you look at uh Essa schools can be categorized into three separate areas the first is an atsi which stands for additional targeted targeted support and Inter and Improvement and these are schools that are um identifi that are not identified for CSI now that sounds a little confusing at first say what do you mean doesy they're not CSI we'll talk about that what I mean by that is a school that receives a d or F in the state accountability system is considered under Florida's umbrella a CSI school no matter how their Essa rating Falls if they get a d or an F by the state accountability we consider them a CSI because they're the highest priority schools for our state so that's why when we Define atsi under the aside we have to put that caveat that a school not identified as CSI but has one or more subgroups with a federal index below 41% that 41% calculation comes off of our state um assessments from our fast assessments from pm3 if you will and so that's where that data comes from and that data was just recently updated after the December release of grades a TSI school is a school that is not identified as CSI but has at least one consistently underperforming subgroup with a federal index below 32% for three consecutive years so the t atsi is below 41% the TSI says we're going to say below 32% that's a federal requirement and if they have that 32% or lower for three consecutive years then they fall into TSI or what we would consider like tier 2 of Essa right tier 2 level of support and then finally a CSI or a comprehensive support and Improvement school is a school that can be identified in in four separate ways the first is they have an overall Federal percent of points index below 41% meaning they take all of their subgroup data and they determine what percentage their overall and if their overall is below 41% they are considered a comprehensive support and and Improvement School the second way is that they have a graduation rate below 67% or a low graduation rate right the third way is that they had and this is the Florida way is it because we grade our schools in a state accountability system is that they have a school grade of Dr ORF meaning that they're in the lowest perform one of the lower performing schools in the state and finally is that they have a federal points index Below 41% in the same subgroup say their students with disabilities for example has a 41% or lower for six consecutive years if they fall into that six years of consecutive below 41% they would be considered a CSI school as well so you can look at that somewhat as a teering system is that there's the atsi TSI and the CSI but um we also it's also based on the highest needs of those schools okay so there are some responsibilities for the schools um in an atsi school they are required to produce a school Improvement plan and and then there's got to be stakeholder involvement that the draft and then the district has to approve that plan when you move to TSI there is that requirement of the school Improvement plan but then they also must additionally add to that a mid-year reflection and in The Sims tool on the uh which is the continuous Improvement model systems in online there is a midyear reflection tool that's similar to it's exactly the same one as our our uh schools in BSI have to complete a midyear reflection tool which basically um assesses the progress of that school Improvement plan in the middle of the year and then finally the responsibilities of the school for the csni schools is um additional steps above and beyond that so they have to develop the Sip this they have to do the midyear reflection um they um and they then they also have to uh if they're a d or an F school they also have to to um do follow the uh requirements of school Improvement rule um and that is if they're in year one as a d or year two as a d uh or an F School the the turnaround options plans or the top plans that have to be submitted and approved by the local board and the State Board as well so there are additional requirements to each as you see as you go through the tiers that there are some additional layers that get added as a school moves through the tiers so this go the supplemental supports go along with graded and rated schools so this is the supplemental supports that um the district is responsible for and the department when I refer to the department I'm referring to the Florida Department of Education so as you can see there there are district responsibilities and Department responsibilities I shared with you some of the school responsibilities there are also District responsibilities that go along with that as well um they have it is mandatory under stat statutory language that schools uh or that districts um identify and acknowledge to their stakeholders of their schools that the status that they are in under Essa so they have to let them know that they're in atsi school um and then there are some you'll see through this I won't go through all of them for you here but you can see that you have to re approve the Sip and review the Sip um that there's technical assistance from our BSI Regional team Miss Brea's team supports currently in your District your CSI atsi uh schools and um you will see that they do that similarly to the way they're in school Improvement but not under rule there's not rule language at this time that supports Essa um supports within the districts and then the department also has some responsibilities that we uh provide um according coordinating our response with the district we work closely with the district to determine what levels of supports they would ask of us to provide and work with your schools on um that are in the at SI um usually we look at that as about a monthly visit to those schools and then we determine what those supports would look like with your District team as well as um cooperation with your um school-based Team to determine how we can support them best TSI has the similar District responsibilities and Department responsibilities um there's not a whole lot of additional um supports provided by the district or the state team or the department team on uh TSI schools other than we do have that midyear reflection tool that we do go through and review and we do have a uh inquiry um tool that we use to go through the data at the midyear based on the midyear reflection that we we ask um why why are why is this data successful why is this data not successful and determine some root causes um of of the outcomes the department has the similar UH responsibilities for for this as well as well as monitoring those District responsibilities we do have a check-in we do monthly meetings with the district to determine whether the process of of the district supports is happening and how frequently they're happening and what is the data telling us at this point and then finally this is really small so for I apologize for that but finally we uh when we get to the level of a CSI School these schools are basically treated um just like they would be as if they were in turnaround with the exception of rule um implications um if a school is a CSI School based on their six years of consecutive subgroup data um or a graduation rate um below 67% we do not have um we if they're below 67% we do have rule implication but if they they're just a CSI because of the six years of consecutive subgroup or excuse me overall um or subgroup um below 41% then we basically do um interventions with them based on uh ilar to our our timeline in BSI so all that to be said how do you get out of this how do you not be an atsi TSI or a CSI school well it's very similar to as I um congratulated you on your no longer having D or F schools is because your schools all have a grade of C or higher so if a with atsi TSI and CSI um you to exit atsi you have to improve uh your subgroups to 41% or higher um the same with TSI you have to anybody that's had a school that's any school that's been three years um or more up to six below 32% you have to get that subgroup higher than 32 to exit now they could technically fall back into atsi still based on that tearing so they were three years let's say they went to 38% well they're still below the 41 which atsi requires so they could technically still there but they'd exit the TSI status and then CSI they exit drf status they improve School uh graduation rate to higher than 67% or they had that overall that fppi stands for federal percent of points index that fppi would be above 41% schools that enter CSI on that last bullet because they were previously identified as atsi based on a subgroup performance for six consecutive years the way they do that is they have to improve it to 41% as well and exit the CSI status so that's a whole lot of information about Essa any questions as I before I move into school grades which is a much shorter version thank you Mr Sims any questions from the board so far did a great job of describing how to escape all the acronyms thank you we have a lot of those so school grades on the if we went back to that first slide so now we're on to the right side of that slide talking about school accountability in the State of Florida and you're all familiar with the school accountability of the issuing of letter grades every time assessments come out but this uh this tool right this District school grades model I put this is how District school grades district grades are calculated but within the district grading model there is um how the schools are graded within this and so when you look at this um chart up here you will notice um English language Arch has achievement those are the percent of students that perform with a level three or higher on their uh FSA or excuse that's a bad on their um on their fastest pm3 assessment and then third grade achievement was added new is added um new to this um this came out last year when we did not have a calculation of school of learning gains um the uh US Department of Education said well you have to have a learning gain in this category and so um the Florida Department of Ed uh appealed that and requested that we be able to utilize third grade as a as part of our as a learning gain instead of um going back because we didn't have a learning gain calculation in the Baseline measure of our state assessment last year so with that third grade did stay as a part of our calculation in in that and to be honest um I can tell you BSI we celebrated that and I think districts actually celebrated that because of the hard work that's happened happening in third grade as well um across our state and they were saying these kids should count towards this too because we're seeing such success in third grade so the third grade achievement is now U permanently in the grade calculation which had not prior previously been learning gains the zero to 100% I if you noticed they're all out of a 100% And then the learning gains of your lowest performing quartile or your bottom 25 um uh as well and Mathematics is the same with the exception of third grade and then science has the achievement on um science which is our students so elementary school that's your fifth grade Science assessment right there and then um so that is the categories that your Elementary is is calculated on right there and they are determined on those one two 3 four five six seven eight cells um of of that that is how your elemente grade is calculated the Middle School includes social studies along with the eight categories of Elementary and they also include the Middle School acceleration calculation which is students that may take a high school um course code uh such as algebra biology um and also any students that are in and earning industry certifications um within their middle school years and then High School um takes away the Middle School acceleration and adds the College and Career acceleration which is that last column um and those are students that pass um an AP or an IB assessment with a uh and and as well as the graduation rate is calculated in there oh and also on the College and Career acceleration includes dual enrollment it also includes um students also that that um to pass the ASVAB or score a particular score on the ASVAB as well that was recently added last year during legislation which I thought was great as well so when you add the elementary columns and the Middle School columns and the high school columns all together that gives you a um determination of what the dist that the district grade is based off and you see that script above the chart there that the percentage of total points earned and schools are graded based on only the components of which they have sufficient data what that means is is there must be a minimum of 10 students in each of those cells in order for that particular column to be graded um Mary County I do not believe has any um areas where they would be less than the 10 in those cells but um for the most part when you add all those together that's how the district grade is then calculated so your school data the Elementary on those first three light lighter blue royal blue boxes add the middle school with the turquoise colored boxes and then the high school with the dark blue boxes including the first front two three blue boxes that how you calculate all those school grades um and so we'll be giving you guys a quiz over all that here in just a little bit and we'll find out how you achieve in each of those categories as we move forward Mr Sims ma'am the boxes are also synonymous with the term cells yes okay just to clarify yes and board any questions on any of this I wasn't sure if you did you have something I was just goingon to get clarification because Reddit Collier does fall um it receives D is that does why Amina and so yeah I had questions about that as well thank I would appreciate clarification we had three elementary schools that we show as D's so would you mind explaining sure thank you Dr James for bringing that up yeah M Madam thr I answer that question okay please um yes thank you Dr James we have um in this Baseline year which was the 22 or excuse me the 23 24 year of the Baseline year it was communicated to districts that schools could exit the turnaround status but no schools in the state would enter turnaround status so even though on on uh the school outcomes of the release of grades in December you did have um your the schools mentioned that had a grade of a d they are not currently recognized as turnaround schools based on the Baseline year data so you did have were able to exit schools but we did that schools were um quote unquote held harmless to this year based on the base line Assessments in July of at when school grades are released again in this July based on the 2324 school year if those schools or any other school would have a grade of a d or an F at that point in time they would then fall into turnaround status thank you for that clarification appreciate it that answer everybody's questions okay all right thank you if there's any other questions that's all of our um our slides and be glad to answer any other questions or miss bruska any questions any more questions from the board I don't think we what a wonderful job explaining it's just so nice to see both of you in this capacity rather than back in 2017 2018 um it's a testament to your partnership with with our district and all of the teachers and and parents and team uh everything down to the school resource officer that was helping in classrooms you know helping kids learn and um I got to see this firsthand you know serving both oakrest and Evergreen and it just kind of goes to show you when everybody pulls on the same side of the Rope tremendously successful things happen for kids so thank you for coming and really really appreciate your continued partnership with us thank you very much Madam chair may I I don't I don't know if Mr Sims I think you all have to leave because you guys have a lot of ground to cover I I want to just say publicly thank you for that partnership I know all districts don't have the ability to have those positive Partnerships and we appreciate the Bureau of school Improvement because of your leadership to both of you and thank you for the collaboration we do for our students every day thank you Dr honor take care be safe out there morning all right good morning board members so before we move into looking at our current year data I did want to provide a little bit of context around those Federal indicators because we don't get a lot of chance to discuss those so when we look at that first designation the atsi the additional targeted support and Improvement Statewide this year as of the most recent school grade data there are roughly 1,700 schools Statewide that fall into that first category here in Mar County we have 28 schools that fall into that category and when we look at the subgroups that we most particularly um are are seeing with those designations it is predominantly our students with disabilities or our English language learner students that are the subgroup that falls below that Federal threshold and that's of course not just a a local concern that's a Statewide concern when you look at the 2223 data and look at the gap between students with disabilities and students without disabilities and how they perform just on the ELA assessment last year Statewide the Gap is 33 percentage points in achievement between those two subgroups in Maring County our Gap is 32 points so a little bit lower than the state Gap when we look at our elll versus nonell or English language learner students the state gap for ELA achievement is 26 points right now Maring County our Gap is 22 points um and both of those areas of maring County we have actually improved our Gap we've decreased that gap between performance um from year to year over the last couple of years so that's our atsi schools when we look at the targeted sport Improvement the TSI that next level uh Statewide there are roughly 300 schools Statewide that fall into that second category that tier 2 category in our district we have 15 schools that fall into that category and then finally the CSI the comprehensive support and Improvement schools yes ma'am sorry to interrupt your role but I'm seeing on the big screen that the um slideshow isn't continuing we're still on slide 17 yes ma'am so this was just some side note data it was not originally in the presentation but we felt after discussing that we wanted to provide some context for you based on what Mr Sims was presenting sorry I apologize for that that's fine we're following along but I didn't see it changing on the screen so I was a little confused and we will provide a list to you after the meeting just so you can see exactly which schools are identified by which categories for your awareness okay perfect thanks so when we look at that last group The CSI group The compr support an improvement Statewide there's 480 schools that fall into that category um in our district we have eight schools but keep in mind five of those eight are actually alt sites or Charter School sites we only have three schools of our traditional schools that fall into that CSI category and um understandably two of those were schools that had earned D's previously um and then we have one school that was overall their fppi their Federal percent of percent of points index was below 41% so we do provide a lot of tools for our schools to help them track and monitor the data of their subgroups uh we spend time in the summer when schools are writing School Improvement goals for the new year helping them dig through and analyze their subgroup data so that they can write really targeted goals for how they can help those students improve um we also provide any of the data reports that my department puts out we also provide subgroup data for them so they can monitor the progress of those students and more importantly also the new data dashboard which you've heard me talk about before schools can actually filter down to subgroup data in any of those dashboards and monitor the success of those subgroups or create their own monitoring groups um that they can then watch that group of students across all dashboards so not just academic performance but also attendance because we know obviously the first step to getting those students to improve their achievement is they've got to show up and so they can monitor a specific subgroup of students on their daily attendance weekly attendance monthly attendance year-to-date attendance and just to provide a low context I did want to share briefly a correlation with that attendance so if we look at our 28si schools their average daily attendance this year is 92% which our district average daily attendance is roughly 92% as well when we look at those TSI that second tier School their average daily attendance is 91% uh so slightly lower and then when we look at our three CSI schools their average daily attendance this year is 88% um so not surprisingly that we see that correlation with attendance however I do want to point out with those three CSI schools they've been very focused and and using the data dashboard to monitor that attendance on a regular basis and if you look at their month-to-month attendance since December their month over month attendance has actually gone up each month um so their their focus and their intention on having conversations and trying to identify ways to um break down barriers and get those students to school on a regular basis is starting to pay off slowly but it is to pay off great yes all right just quickly I I appreciate the context on thank you Mr White House on the three CSI schools um but just for a correction since I was just at one of those schools at least one of them is not having improved month over month from the most recent three months so just wanted to make that statement thank you yes ma'am all right so if we look at our district data for this past year 2023 this was our Baseline data um certainly we're excited to see that our district was rated A B for this past school year um keep in mind that we did not include learning gains as this was a baseline so there was no way to measure year-to-year growth with a new assessment and I want to highlight a couple of points on here that I think are are very encouraging for us as a district when you look at our Middle School acceleration at 69 points that's actually the highest our Middle School acceleration has ever been since we started tracking this data in 2015 which is a very strong showing for us um we've improved roughly 20 points in that 15year span or in that 7year span um and we're actually tied right now with St John's County and their middle school acceleration rate just to give you a little context in the in the state rankings um and same with College and Career acceleration if you take out the the 2020 school year which all of our AP and Cambridge scores were overinflated because it obviously students were not in school testing and they were trying to come up different ways to assess them so if you remove that year that's actually this is our highest College and Career acceleration score that we've ever um earned as a district as well at 63% and we are also tied with St John's County in that College and Career acceleration so um some very strong marks for us as a district this past school year I have one clarifying question sure is it okay or are we waiting oh absolutely go ahead well I don't so either way just for a point of clarification if if you'll go back to the last slide for those 69% of students who got a middle school acceleration can they double dip and get a high school acceleration Point as well yes that's a great question and yes they just can't get it in the same category so like if they take geometry or algebra because the High School principles you know they they say what they say so if you could just clarify that yeah so the Middle School acceleration is based off of the percent of students who in seventh grade earned a level three on their math assessment so whether that was seventh grade fast or whether that was they took algebra in seventh grade whatever their seventh grade math score was if they were level three or above they go on the denominator students can earn acceleration score by either a scoring a three or above on either the algebra or geometry EOC whichever one they are taking their eth grade year or they can also pass an industry certification so if they earn a high school level industry certification in middle school that also counts as an acceleration score although that piece is lagging because we don't report that data until the following school year so to your question yes if a student earns an industry certification in middle school they can also count towards College and Career acceleration if they earn a different industry certification in high school that same industry CT would not count for both places but if they earned two one in middle school one in high school they would count both places most of our students in that High School acceleration earn that score either through passing a dual enrollment course or through passing a Cambridge IB or AP exam um and this past year we had a handful that also earned it through going through do enrollment through Mar Technical College which those clock hour do enrollment courses now count as well towards acceleration which is great for those students um so we did see that addition uh we don't see very many students that get there on that new ASVAB requirement um most of our students that score high enough on ASVAB also meet it through some other means they pass a college level exam or or an industry certification so as a point of just further clarification an advanced student because that would be the student that's taking geometry in middle school is it also probably going to fall into an ace ID P um delivery model right in high school so that student who's eating up that acceler that easy acceleration point in middle school is also probably 100% chance going to pass an apib or Ace exam or dual enrollment course at some point in their High School career so the Middle School principles are not stealing those acceleration opportunities away from those Advanced students yeah so that's an interesting debate that we've had for quite a long time so they are not stealing acceleration scores you're absolutely correct the challenge that we see in high school is once they've already taken algebra and geometry those scores do not bank for high school yes so many years ago when we first started tracking this data if you took algebra in eth grade the high school could also count that as part of their math achievement score but now when we look at high school math achievement it's based purely on students who did not take algebra geometry Middle School which are of course our lowest performing math students and that's what their whole achievement is calculated on so that would be that is the complicated piece to that puzzle but from the acceleration point perspective there's still more more than ample opportunity for everyone to get an acceleration absolutely okay thank you sure thank you board member James and yes uh Mr Sims kindly asked us if we had any questions so he sort of opened the door we are trying to move through this information but we're very interested so we'll we'll try not to S your role too much but weigh in when we intensely need to problem at all so if we look at our current year data how our students are performing in English language arts on our fast progress monitoring remember now with fast we provide them with a state assessment three times a year the First Progress moning window comes within the first 30 days of school the second progress moning window which is identifies as pm2 is given around winter break so some schools give it right before winter break some give it right after winter break um and so we're measuring progress throughout the year on the same assessment that students will take at the end of the year so we can really see the growth and progress of our students and have a better idea of predicting student performance at the end of the year one thing we can't do yet this year we have the state if you remember last year when they first released this PM data uh gave us FSA linking scores because they had not set new scale scores yet they have since gone back and retrofitted the pm3 the end ofe scores for last year to give us the new Fast scale score for those students however they have not retrofitted pm1 or pm2 two from last year so we cannot compare at this point in time how we're doing this year compared to last year when we look at those first two progress monitoring Windows even though we would love to see that um right now we'd be comparing apples to oranges because they're two different scales so we can look at how we're growing this year from each progress boming window so you'll see in the data table we've broken that down by elementary school middle school and high school and then 310 the whole District outlook for ELA combin and that middle area there shows the growth between those two progress monitoring Windows of the percent of students that are scoring at level three or above on that progress monitoring window and again keep in mind the assessment they're taking is an endof year assessment so it's measuring their knowledge of where they are in the middle or the beginning of the year on skills they should know by the end of the year so we don't expect students to obviously have mastered all of the year's standards prior to the end of the year so we know that that number looks lower and will continue to grow as our students continue to learn those skills and master those benchmarks along the way so our largest growth of course is in elementary school um which is to be expected since a lot of those students especially in third grade are shifting from learning to read to reading to learn and so we see a lot of um larger growth in that area as those students progress um I also want to draw your attention there to the green columns um and I think this is really interesting to look at our potential as a district so that second column there from the left shows the percent of students that scored at a level two on the second progress monitoring window that they took either in December or January which was several months ago and those students most of them are within 10 points of earning a level three um Ong grade level achievement score and so if we were to capture all of those level twos and move them to a level three by the end of the year you can see in that far right column what our Ela um level three and above potential would be um so we've got a great opportunity there to really move this District forward um and 10 points is not an insurmountable uh feat for students to grow with very targeted support in our classrooms and you'll hear a little bit later from the area superintendents about some of those targeted supports that are being provided for those students so some great opportunities still to come same with math so fast math remember is only for students that are taking grades 3 through eight math it does not measure algebra or geometry so we don't have progress monitoring data from the state we use our own District progress monitoring for that which we'll show you in just a moment so again we broke that down by elementary middle and then for the district combined and uh again of course these are mass skills for end of year they're being measured on all the benchmarks that they're supposed to learn throughout the year um so again we expect to see lower results at the beginning as students are just getting into that content um and then you know of course we love seeing large growth numbers as we continue to press forward and again I capture the percent of students that are level two right now that are within roughly 10 points of being level three which is very doable um so again with target support we've got an opportunity for some really strong achievement at the end of the school year so this shows our district progress monitoring assessment data for each of those subjects that count towards the school and district grades that are not measured by the state fast um progress monitoring model and and so we've included this year only it's difficult again as you've those you have been here for a while have heard me say this before it's hard to compare year to year because each year we make some adjustments to these assessments and it's usually based on adjustments to the curriculum map um which we are constantly analyzing data and trying to figure out the best way to really um determine the progression of standards and making sure that we're meeting our student needs so um when we look at our first dpma which was given at the end of the first nine weeks compared to the second one again these are different standards being assessed it's what they learn first quarter versus what they learn second quarter so you can't compare one to the other um but we can see our student performance and and we really when we work with schools on this we drill it right down to the Benchmark the overall score is nice but we really want to see how are our students performing on each Benchmark how many of our students have already mastered that Benchmark and then what opportunities are there for us to go back and remediate uh or even retach a benchmark altogether based on student performance so even though we are seeing growth I I do want to share this slide because I I think it's important to note still we have some opportunity and and some room for improvement um we're doing some great work but we still have to accelerate a lot of our work because we want to catch up with that state average and exceed the state average of course um in both the LA and in math so you can see where the state is across the board for pm1 and pm2 versus where our students perform pm1 and pm2 and then same thing for math for grades 3rd through 8th so we are both growing um but we certainly know we've got a lot of accelerated work to continue to do in this spring so we talked talk about some of the ways that we're supporting schools through data analysis and through goal setting uh my team does a lot of work with the schools along with curriculum teams and our superintendents um we work with them through principal and assistant principal meetings we've done a lot of data analysis with them helping them to really dive into that data in those meetings and of course learning to better utilize our tools and performance matters and of course the data dashboard which is still a fairly new tool for a lot of folks um so we spent a lot of time working with them to get their comfort level up on on using those platforms because they are great tools for our schools when used regularly uh we also work with our schools through data cohort meetings so we team up with the curriculum department and we analyze our dpma our district progress monitor assessment results um jointly and we're looking question by question Benchmark by Benchmark and really trying to understand why are students struggling with this question or with this Benchmark and what can we do to provide support to our schools to help them figure out ways to grow the Student Success um and so what we end up doing is we identify key benchmarks that our schools can focus in on based on student performance and we also provide resources to them to make it easier for schools to support the work of teachers in the classroom so our curriculum teams put out great resource documents that identify here's the Benchmark to focus on is it better to work with this in small group or whole group and here are some quick resources that we already have available that will help teachers to retach remediate or improve student understanding of those benchmarks and so those docu ments are shared and and discussed during our data cohort meetings and helping our school administrators to really dive into that data deeper as well so they can support the work of the teachers in their classroom all right and at that point I will turn it over to the rest of the team thank you Mr White House morning good morning so it is imperative that um schools are supported by all departments as we work toward providing high quality tier one instruction instuction for our students it's equally important that our departments work together to analyze data and consider the needs of individual schools so that we can ensure that staff members um have access to proper training and curriculum resources to support all of the students in a school all students must have access to highquality tier one instruction this happens through shared expectations of what highquality instruction looks like through a structured professional learning plan administrators coaches and teachers receive training on research-based effective instructional strategies that can be implemented immediately to yield better results in student learning the graphic shows how professional learning is delivered beginning with data which is what drives our content using data to highlight areas of need is a consistent practice in our district and throughout all of our schools through the data professional learning content is developed which then includes opportunities for application of learning once the learning is applied it is important to seek out evidence in the classroom administrators have opportunities to walk classrooms in teams to look for evidence of student learning have in-depth discussion about student learning and then they practice constructing actionable feedback to teachers that will move Learners forward thank you Miss rle good morning Miss coner good morning the targeted professional learning plan was developed together with the Academic Teams including our professional leadership and learning team mental health and wellness as well as our ESC team the outline plan for the year focuses on tier one core instruction for all students that does include standards-based differentiated instruction the there are connections to our specific Florida Leadership standards throughout the content in the professional learning plan a few examples of the content that has been taught this year are implementing tier one instruction around the gradual release instructional framework through planning and professional development and small group instruction in order to facilitate a strong capacity for learning the team has developed a Continuum of learning this year principles participate in their monthly professional learning assistant principles then receive the same content professional learning our content area Specialists receive their professional learning in their monthly trainings and our impact lead teachers in elementary and secondary participate in monthly training opportunities where they also um participate in the content this is covered in a two-e time frame so that the robust professional learning is able to be shared and replicated with all School stakeholders in order to increase those positive student outcomes in addition to our targeted monthly professional learning plan the professional leadership and learning team facilitates a principal Round Table called Stellar start that is for our zero to twoyear principles and we have one for our 0er to twoyear assistant principles these sessions are rooted in the Florida Leadership standards and they include best practices for our current veteran principles excuse me that our current veteran principles share monthly during the last session in February two of our principles Miss Gast and Miss leira shared how they analyze data for those specific subgroups of students and how they work with their team to create a plan to close those achievement gaps with Target groups of students the professional leadership and learning team also works with two of our principles to facilitate the expert leadership Series where a group of selected assistant principles meet monthly to collaborate with District staff curriculum staff and current principles this chart focuses on the types of support that our administrators coaches and teachers receive in order to continue to build the professional capacity one example of an administrator support that I'd like to highlight today is our Executive coaching days these are strategically built into our calendars as principal supervisors and principles we are able to identify trends that are specific to a common grade level or content area respond to classroom walk data and work with the principal to create an action plan that includes feedback and coaching in order to improve those student outcomes this year we also identified five principles who are going through the Executive coaching process as a cohort they rotate schools as they meet together monthly to walk specific classrooms identify Trends and provide feedback to their colleagues this Executive coaching process helps grow all of us as district and school-based leaders so that our students grow and have that positive impact thank you Miss ker good morning Mr Fraser good morning so one of the most crucial aspects of our educational mission is improving student outcomes so School Improvement plan serves as the Cornerstone of each school's strategic approach these plans are carefully crafted to address each school's specific needs and goals in our district for every school with an SAA subgroup under 41% goals must be created for those identified subgroups we conduct instructional reviews at all schools these reviews are vital for ensuring that our teaching methods are current effective and aligned with our Improvement plans we have a digital walkthrough tool and we use it to collect data to identify and instructional Trends every time we leave a school there is always a next step once a goal has been met to continue to improve each School creates student specific action plans which break down the actionable steps needed to turn our strategies into tangible results this involves collaboration detailed planning and regular progress monitoring our teams are working with students at identified schools to teach small groups as well data meetings with schools are held regularly allowing us to examine our progress quantitatively by examining the data we can make informed decisions and adjust our strategies this is also where we review each student's discipline and attendance data as well as hold separate attendance response committees tiered coaching supports are provided based on progress monitoring data and at each school's request this approach helps us tailor our support to to each school's individual and contextual needs our principles on assignments are leaders who play a pivotal role in bringing about the change we wish to see and ensuring that our action plans are implemented effectively on the right hand side of the slide you will see an action planner this is the tool we use to record our observations our strengths and our opportunities identified through walkthroughs we also chart the next steps who is responsible and the commitments made by the principal supervisors to follow up thank you good morning morning Dr living good the elementary and secondary curriculum teams provide monthly professional learning and coaching to the school-based content area specialist to build the coaching capacity with the elements of relationship building planning for instruction modeling and sidebyside Co coaching each professional learning session includes an analysis of the recent benchmark assessments as Mr White House stated earlier that identify and to identify the trends and patterns that strengthen that will strengthen our tier one instruction an emphasis has been placed on coaching the content area Specialists to lead the subject area collaborative planning sessions back at their school sites the state Regional literacy director from the Department of Education is providing our content area Specialists with professional development and support in the evidence-based literacy coaching models and evidence-based reading practices our professional our professional leadership and learning Department led by Miss Hughes has partnered with the University of Florida's last ner Center for Learning to provide customized professional development coaching and instructional supports with two models there's a literacy leadership series which are leadership teams including our administrators and there's a coaching series which are tailored coaching certifications for to develop highly effective reading coaching with the evidence-based coaching strategies in mind thank you onsite coaching support is delivered to schools who may have a new content area Specialist or um perhaps schools with specific grade levels that need additional support with either planning for instruction or delivery of instruction this would include support from our University of Florida literacy Institute or our youly representatives from sips which is our systematic instruction and phonemic awareness phonics and site word those Representatives as well or read 180 these Representatives provide initial training and then follow up with on-site support with program Specialists coaches and teachers to date we have 7 six documented visits to schools to support our interventions and an additional 165 School visits to assist with planning and delivery of instruction thank you Miss Breo the elementary impact teachers meet monthly to collaborate review upcoming benchmarks and learn about highly effective um instructional practices such as student engagement and formative assessments they are given the tools needed to return back to their school sites to lead and teach other teachers it is important to note that fifth grade science impact teachers meet separately to review upcoming content and best practices in the delivery secondary impact teachers have facilitated five districtwide collaboration sessions this year each session offered an average of 18 subject area collaboration you mentioned these are facilitated by the progam by the principal on assignment and the assessment team they work directly with the teachers to develop action plans that address individual students and or groups of students to create plans as you know third grade proficiency as a has a standalone cell in the 2024 school grade calculation this is an ition to counting in a school's overall 3 through five proficiency our current third graders were kindergarteners during the 2021 school year the year when absences were at an all-time high due to the pandemic due to these circumstances we wanted to have a face-to-face opportunity for collaboration data analysis and prioritizing instruction for our third grade teachers and on January 31st we had approximately 300 participants at attend the third grade game changers session in two sessions at the Mary Sue Rich Community Center facilitated by Kelly Brower and Laura Singleton uh with the help of our Communications Department as well teachers heard inspiration from the Florida 2022 teacher of the year Sarah painter learned more about the school grade calculation and received curriculum instruction support from the curriculum team this was necessary to ensure we had a of shared goals and expectations that would increase student outcomes all third grade teachers have an opportunity to join virtually monthly additional follow-up sessions to continue to receive curriculum and instruction support this project continues to be supported in collaboration with professional leadership uh the professional leadership and learning Department also through a science of reading Grant we were able to hire 33 tutors at 15 schools to work directly with our students who were retained in third grade for the 23 23 23 24 school year or uh fourth graders who were promoted for cause principles hired these tutors beginning in October and can continue to hire them throughout the remainder of the school year tutors work up to six hours a day 5 days a week and they provide direct support to specific students in the classroom with the help of our federal programs department and employment services we were able to get tutors hired and onboarded expeditiously so that they could begin with the direct support to our students immediately we use Laura Singleton one of our program Specialists to directly support the tutors and the teachers who um have those retained third graders and promoted for cause fourth graders in their classrooms and we did provide an instructional framework for the teachers as well science Saturdays began on January 20th and includes opportunities for fifth grade students to participate in Hands-On learning exploration in science labs reading and in group discussions each day is comprised of focused instruction to review background knowledge and skill collaborative and independent work aligned to State item types and Hands-On Labs the E this adds an extra layer of support for students who need assistance in ela and science the camps run from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. on eight Saturdays at8 schools schools were selected based on Ela proficiency data and science data over the last two years a total of 110 students have have attended Camp as of last weekend the content that was created is available to all of the schools so they can have access to that um in addition science spring break Camp will take place place next week at two schools Spar Elementary and Dr NH Jones Elementary with approximately 70 students signed up to attend this will include additional Hands-On learning and opportunities as well as Foster student collaboration Mrs Kemp has done a great job organizing these science opportunities for our students so before expanding a little bit about what Dr good with saying in regards to our teacher data meetings I just wanted to highlight that many of our struggling schools with attendants do have attendance response committees that include all stakeholders um involved in that as well our community members that was an initiative that Miss thrower started many years ago that has helped a lot of our schools improve improve their attendance but we are working all together as school board our Academic Teams and our community to try to help increase our attendance where we see we have struggling issues so in our teacher Daddy meetings we aim to identify students who are on track for proficiency we must acknowledge and celebrate these students while considering how to support them further and enrich their learning experience next we dive deeper into identifying students who are on track for learning gains recognizing just the end outcomes but also the progress being made is essential it highlights our commitment to every student's growth Journey the most targeted effort in our meeting will be where we create student specific prescriptive plans these are students who are aspiring to meet specific benchmarks here we tailor our strategies aligning the appropriate resources to support them in a very focused manner the photos on the slide capture the essence of our data meetings notice the collaboration the focus and the shared drive to support our students these are the meetings that lay the groundwork for individual Student Success so as we wrap up today's work question or this presentation I'd like to summarize the key points from the latter part of our presentation slide 17 onward detailed our comprehensive School Improvement system of accountability and support the academic service team members have shared the data and strategies that underpin our work from The District's grade of a b in performance in various academic areas to the progressive monitoring systems we've set in place we've delved into our district data for English language arts and math for the 2324 school year underscoring the progress and areas needing Attention our Focus has been establishing clear goals facilitating targeted professional learning and collaborating closely with teachers to ensure that every student has the opportunity to reach proficiency and Beyond we have emphasized the importance of action planning and data meetings to identify the students on track for proficiency and learning gains and create prescriptive plans for those who need need additional support the building of Coach capacity segment highlighted our commitment to enhancing the skills of Educators through various programs and training such as the UF lashinger Academy and the regional literacy director support we aim to provide effective evidence-based instruction and intervention through collaborative plan planning and side-by-side coaching in the collaborating with teachers section we discuss initiatives like impact teacher meetings science Saturdays and spring break Camp which have been designed to enrich our students educational experiences and address the specific learning needs at every grade level the teacher data meeting section outlined our proactive approach to personalize student learning experiences these meetings are crucial for ensuring that our actions are data informed and student- centered to conclude we have shown that the Maring County School District is Resolute in its mission to provide an accountable and supportive of high quality education for every student as we move forward we stand committed to continuously improving our strategies to meet the diverse needs of all students and prepare them for a successful future thank you for your attention and support thank you Dr goet thank you uh thank you team board there's so much I want to say but I'll try to be brief this is my passion lots lots to unpack uh thank you to the team they know that I push pretty hard um ask a lot of tough questions and when I got here bored as you recall uh we started with our core purpose about Student Success and confronting reality and where we needed to go and how we needed to get there um I'm incredibly proud of what I see every day in schools even just yesterday having some conversation with some principles about we've moved from being reactive and waiting till the data comes and being working on the interventions to our core work in the tier one um area area of instruction which we started in the first year when I got here and so I'm really proud of everyone who's working so hard in the schools to this team um for working side by side with our our school leaders and teachers um and at the school level for seeing the collaboration because this is just about work this is about good teaching this is about research-based practices this is about taking a look at data and responding to data immediately to address student needs and so that's how we reach every child it's it's not about a program um and I think we've moved away fully now I hope from from a focus on what's the what's the fix what's the program it's not about a program there is no magic program it's about hard work and I think our teachers and our our support staff and our leaders um in the field every day because I I see that shift occur and um I'm grateful because it is just a lot of hard work all the support services that are needed to ensure that every child is met where they are with all of the complex needs that they have a lot of them have very adult issues that they're facing um they need uh specialized support um for some of our ESC students and our elll students and and a variety of needs but we're being very prescriptive in nature by what we do and how we provide it and we don't put anyone in a box and so I am again so grateful for the Partnerships that we have and the the tough conversations that everyone's willing to have to say are we there yet no we're not you see that we've we're seeing some success um and I do believe and I shared with principles this last week about even with our early learning success of getting our kids off on the right path when they come into kindergarten that will pay off for years to come um past all of our time here um but we need to be diligent and we need to be relentless in reaching every child every day and I can tell you as your superintendent I am committed to doing that and again thanks to the team here and the team in the field for being incredibly um focused on students and whatever the students need so I'm I'm grateful thank you board thank you Dr gullet and and thank you to the team and and to miss brusa and and Mr Sims um for the incredibly informative um presentation so I'll open it up now to the board members for any further questions or clarifications um member Campbell lead us off sure I'll lead us off so I just have a couple of questions nothing of um huge magnitude I did want to first ask about the tutors that we've hired so I know that that was discussed that we have a one-on-one tutor relationship occurring with those students who were on track to be retained or the um promoted for cause are we seeing that that data with that one-on-one tutor is increasing that student performance and does it appear that those same students are going to need to have the one-on-one assistance with a tutor extended or will those tutors be used for additional students in the future good questions so the tutors work through the end of May um so they will have them for the remainder of the Year some of the tutors um the teachers who received the tutors were teachers who had third grade retained students or fourth grade promoted for cause so there could be anywhere from maybe two students students to maybe 10 students well not probably not as high as 10 but the the numbers vary per classroom so um it wouldn't be like a one-on-one tutor student but that tutor would work with all of the students in the class that are either retained or promoted for cause um we are collecting data we have all the data um we were waiting for pm2 to close to look at pm1 to pm2 um the the where it varies is that tutors were hired at different times so we may have a tutor Mrs Smith with these five students who was hired in October but then another tutor who maybe was hired in January so we have those variables to work through um some of the kids are making gains um some are some maybe aren't but um we are monitoring that data closely and um the ladies who are going out monitoring that the tutoring and providing assistants are tracking that data very closely because we in the end we want to see how effective this program was so we will have to go back and look at dates tutors began and look through work through those variables okay thank you for that my other question and it's predominant around those three traditional schools that are currently in CSI status of sorts I'm I'm saying of sorts because they're not really but they kind of are but anyway um so uh Mr White House alluded to Having Eight schools five of those are alternative sites so I'm somewhat interested in those because we don't have as much control I'll say over those five but let's talk about those five first um what are we doing or is there something we can be doing to support those five schools so that ultimately does impact our district grade as we know if they do stay in a lower tiered status so what are we doing to support them is my first question with those so I'll I'll I'll start that off but I'll probably have to defer to the team on some of that um so schools that we're looking at within those five it's actually Four Alternative Learning sites are two um traditional alternative schools that we've worked with for years Sur and New Leaf um also Maring Technical Institute which obviously has a very different population of students and very small population of students that they're evaluated on for their school Improvement rating and Hillcrest School which of course we know has um a very unique set of students as well um and then Macintosh charter school which is um the other school that's in that group um so we certainly help them with data analysis um making sure that they know where their subgroups are um they have access to the same tools as our traditional schools they have access to Performance matters um to our district progress monitoring assessments they have access to the data dashboard um so we do try to make sure that they have tools in place for monitoring that um but I will certainly have to defer to the team on in terms of what that looks like on an ongoing sure basis throughout the year so thank you Mr White House frankly just putting names to the schools helps me understand exactly what we're talking about and who we're talking about uh this board understands based on our most recent board meeting conversation a bit about what our expectation for an alternative learning site is and how we had to reject our RFP because we didn't have someone who's applied to reach the academic standard that we are seeking in that so just putting names to those schools actually helps me understand that U my question uh then Still Remains in that CSI school so we do have three traditional Schools elementary schools that did receive a baseline grade of a d this year specific to those schools while I understand attendance continues to be a significant struggle in those schools I continue to say if we could get those 14 to 15% of students actually attending school we would see significant Improvement in those school grades but we looked at all of this collaborative we're improving here and here and here what are those three schools specifically looking like does it look as if we are going to be able to get them out of that D status or are we and I don't want to single a specific school out we can talk about them three collectively the three of them collectively but um what is that looking like specifically datawise so I do want to clarify first that the way that the federal designation works for the 2223 school grade because we apply IED for a waiver part of that waiver was that we would not change any designation from the 2122 school year so the schools that you're referencing actually are not CSI by federal designation at this point if that grade was to maintain they would for next school year it's actually our prior D schools uh from the 2122 school year that are the schools that are still considered CSI as a carryover from the previous year there were no changes in designation because it was a baseline year okay well let's then talk about the three current school state so let's take off the CSI rating and talk about specifically what Mr Sims was referencing that this is kind of that hold harmless year and we did have three schools that have a d ranking from last year so what is the data looking like on those three specific elementary schools and does it look like we will be NDS for those three schools based on progress one and progress two or are we making significant enough improvements that that we're not going to that we're hoping to not have those in D status I think that's a really far stretch in a prediction and we try to get away from doing that especially this early in the year because when we look at pm2 data for a lot of schools they assessed prior to winter break and so a lot of learning can take place between January and may when those assessments are given so trying to forecast out and say yes we think this school is going to making a progress or not is really hard um I can say for certain those schools have improved from pm1 to pm too in terms of their percent of students that are are scoring a level three or above and certainly we are very detailed in terms of getting down to the student level making sure that we have specific plans on individual student to help them grow and monitor their data through our benchmark assessments through our district progress monitoring assessments our other tools that we have at our disposal to make sure those students are seeing that growth and achievement thank you uh the final question on that and I I think it's a little bit more of a global question I know I had sent some questions specifically to Miss Howard IR in ahead of this um presentation today and it does revolve around the attendance in comparison to our level ones really it is what I'm looking at so if we can say that the 12 to 14% of students that are not attending school on a regular basis are all our level ones or you know maybe they're level twos level three I I don't know but I I am interested in knowing how we can actually connect and correlate our attendance with our data and I know we have it I just haven't seen it so that's what I'm asking thank you yes ma'am does that conclude your question that concludes my questions Madam chair may go back uh Mr White House to the prior question about predictability I call it predictability right we part of the reason that we're not able to answer that question as far as predicting a grade is because there was not a correlation statistically of a predictability score aligned with fast and that PM data correct yeah so part of the struggle as I mentioned before is that we don't have retrofitted scores for last year for pm1 and pm2 so we really can't even gauge you know here's where we were last year and where we ended versus where we are this year and where we could potentially end so that's a big part of the struggle um again I think another part of that struggle is because that pm2 data occurs at midpoint in the year and there is so much instruction that takes place in that time period you know we could say right now we have 30% of our students that are level three and above but I would have no way to really say for certain yes I can guarantee these kids are going to make it and these students aren't um it really for a lot of students it just depends on how they show up on that test day in May I mean some students Trend well all year and have a rough day on that day of the assessment and don't do well based on that that one day so um difficult to say but also part of that school grade is based off of things that aren't tracked by the state so our fifth grade science is part of Elementary School data and that's not tracked by the fast progress monitoring we track that internally through our own Benchmark data and we don't have updated correlation data to Dr gull's Point um to say that students who scored here on our science dpma scored here on the state Science assessment because it was a one-year score and we really need to track that longitudinally to get a better understanding of how students perform on that thank you thank you Dr gullet uh board member Cummings um thank you m chair um thank you Mr White House and thank you guys for the presentation I miss part of it but just kind of coming in on the question that Dr uh Campbell had I understand we don't forecast um those predict or predict make those predictions but I do want some clarity um so that everybody understand we did know we do know those three schools that were in that POS in that position and the district has provided additional resources and support to those schools to prevent that from reoccurring am I correct yes thank you thank you board member comings board member James I just wanted to ask Mr White House a clarifying question too so historically the state changes the test a lot if if youve as you've spent time in education over however many years there's always there's a shift every five or so years but once we get settled after the shift changes a crosswalk is developed which essentially allows people to say a kid who was this this year will then be this the next year is it correct to say that we don't have a crosswalk yet we don't have one nor is the state providing one right that's what I thought and so I just as like from my historical testing coordinator administrator seat I just want to share the reason this is so challenging is because there is no crosswalk there is no comparative there is it just doesn't exist yet this time next year there'll be one presumably um and so then we'll be able to really do more pred predictable data but at this point it is just so hard to make those um I mean we're planning based on the data as it is live right but to predict how it will go is really challenging because that crosswalk just doesn't exist yet and so I just wanted to kind of add that piece to it um just to I guess validate what you've said Mr White House because it is um it is challenging at this point to make those predictions and if I may add um board member James to your point that that's why we we like to have some consistency so a probability can be established in the past those who have spit around for a long time you get to even like an 80% probability of if they scored at this level or in this range You can predict that they're going to be here so we hope that and and the Department of Education was very clear coming out of the gate that they would they were not going to do a crosswalk so but we do hope that we'll be able to provide that that helps us to guide where they are what that Target is it helps it helps teachers it helps our school teams to know you know we're in range because to Mr White House's point which is really critical there's a lot of learning left to be done it's not we get to the test and we stop the learning should occur continuously but having a target of knowing just like it um in the classroom level you know they're on target with with these skills these benchmarks these standards is really important to inform instruction it's really bad informing instruction so that we can to lever that so we hope that we they will provide us some guidance next year chair if I may historically once the dust settles I remember a time your predecessor um was in charge when I in of the department when I was an assistant principal and there we will get to a point where we can do predictable data based on our dpma scores and the crosswalk and we will be able to say if a kid is hitting at this percent statistically the likelihood is XYZ and by probably by next year unless they blow it all up and start over again will probably be there that's just really hard right now because we don't have all of those variables yet but that has I as my experience has been has always been the intention of the assessment department is to get to a point where because that helps you be a more informed leader and Reading Coach and reading teacher is to say if this kid is hitting at this Mark I know that they're probably going to get here based on statistics and I can um continue to meet them where they are but I don't necessarily have to hit them with all the gas and I can sh sh my energy into focusing on this small group because they need more support in this area and so I think we'll get there we just unfortunately don't have all the pieces to the puzzle right now yeah and I I would throw in a wrinkle there too Dr James because we're playing with different assessments now these are computer adaptive assessments whereas in the past we were not dealing with assessments that adapted to the performance of the students and actually going forward all of our assessments science all of our eoc's they're all going to shift to a computer adaptive model um so it makes it a little bit more challenging to forecast a student because students could get different passages they could get different lengths of passages they could get different levels of question leveling based on how they're performing on the prior questions or sets of questions so it does add a little bit different uh challenge to trying to get that predictability accurate interesting thank you viair did you have anything else I was just gonna say I appreciate the thoroughness I think the team is doing a really good job um when I talk to people who are participating in the professional development they feel like it is valuable I know that um Vice chair Conrad has made remarks to that so I'm sure she'll probably touch on it but the V there's value in the things people are participating in and that makes me happy because we don't want to waste anybody's time and so if people are going to be taken off their campuses or on a weekend to spend time on a project and um professional development the meaningfulness makes it much easier for them to be off their campus um so I just wanted to add that nugget that I think that there's a lot of value there um and the only feedback I've received from professional development would be the continued pain of early release days and what happens on campuses on early release days and so if we were going to focus on anything tied to professional development I would continue to try to um monitor what happens on an early release day which is why I was not a proponent for the 2-hour early release because I don't think that what happens on our campuses is is more valuable than the learning that is lost from doing it I know that principles want the time with their certain staff members but staff members who have lots of seniority on campuses are struggling to find um I don't know what the right word is but it's it's it's not exactly meeting their needs so I just wanted to share that nugget thank you thank you board member James Vice chair Conrad yes very quickly um thank you Mr White House and team for the presentation today it certainly was a overload of information so I I just have a few um a few things um I want to share and several of them are just thank yous if you'll take back to your teams When I visit um specifically teachers the lessons that are provided and the resources that are provided are so thorough that they can't get through everything um that's provided to them and I just think that's an awesome problem to have um and so I know that's a lot of work at least the pieces of it that I've been able to put my hands on have just been extremely beneficial um they've been relevant and so I'm just thankful for that piece and for the team of people that are working to put these resources together behind the scenes um especially as as you think about this postco and we have a lot of teachers teaching that are not didn't go to school to be teachers and so how important that piece is in driving the tier one instruction which seems so basic but there's just been so many challenges you know in education that that is a building block um for increasing our Student Success so thank you for that team I also was really excited about all of the things you shared see what slide are we on 31 and so the game changers and the tutors and the science Saturdays and the spring break camp and um Miss rle I was really excited about the numbers you reported that because our District offers a lot of opportunities but sometimes they don't people don't show up and so when you shared that I was just really happy to hear the numbers were in the hundreds that that the team had done so much work and we had families show up um for those successes and so I'm excited about that my only question is I'm wondering we have all of these things up and running how are they funded since we're losing Esser dollars are we going to be able to continue these awesome programs that we've started and what piece what does that look like moving forward and yes and some of them are grant-funded so we do get grants um the um tutors were for the science of reading Grant so we do use grant funding in addition to Esser funding so we just need to really get creative um and be Innovative and really seek out opportunities for more grants and addition funding so that we can continue because we are oh sorry okay Shadow go that's a very good question uh Vice chair Conrad and thank you I just want to say that Dr Varner and Miss Boston Ellison and myself have met with de rle and Dr living good to talk through all of this because we want to continue it so we have a good plan in place to continue all these things um removing the eser dollars but looking at different funding sources Title One title two title four um mental health and wellness Miss EV no Del nood doal is going to get me for saying that looking at mental health and wellness and also Dr Varner has charged her Department with looking at Grants so we had a grant that was a competitive grant that everyone got for the stronger connections which was a good thing so they're looking at Grants as well but we don't want to interrupt the services so we've done that um and Miss Boston Ellis is quite happy so I hope she's smiling she is Miss rle I have one more question for you um with the I'll say above average turnout for these activities was there a strategy the school used to recruit families to come I I personally feel it's probably part of the relationship piece um that the teacher and the administrator have with families but how did they get um rais the numbers for participation yeah absolutely so so uh the schools who um chose to Pilot these programs um were very excited and on board from the get-go so they just um like you said relationships they sent out invitations they targeted certain students for the programs but then again um if a parent requested their child to attend they took anybody who wanted to attend so they were very strategic in how they targeted reached out to families but they really did do a great job with that thank you um and my final question um and I don't know that there's an answer today but as we as we move forward and I know that we're still um you know in the middle of the school year at what point will we be able to predict or have a solid number on the retention of our third graders so we begin planning um for that attack and I know I know everybody's touched on that but at at what point with whatever data we have are we going to begin to predict what we need for next year I would say same for our eighth graders too I'm looking forward to the day when we have no more eight and a halfs yeah yeah so we actually have several more assessments coming up so I know you're aware of so the first part is based on our pm3 data for third grade students so we know after those students tests and they're testing the very first day of the window in May um we'll know which of those students did not earn a level two or higher so we can then look at additional ways of promoting those students so the two other assessments that we use are going to be I which we've used in the past um which has a requirement a a state threshold for those students to be able to be promoted for cause if they meet that with I ready and then also our star assessment which we use right now for our K1 and two State progress monitoring but we also purchase additional licenses for third grade um to be able to have that as an alternate promotion method for those students and of course portfolio you know is still always an option for third grade as well so we've got quite a few um left quite a few assessments and opportunities that we've got to go through first until we can really get a better feel for where we're going to be after all that so it probably be more like June when we get a better idea okay and when is pm3 so it starts the first uh Monday of May I think it's May 1st I'd have to double check my calendar but it starts the beginning of May and so third grade would test that first day and then the following week those that did not meet it would take um star and I ready to be able to look at promotion call and then the I piece is um how is that working so have have we targeted third graders to because I know we're not using that as a as a district correct and so is that targeted for specific third graders or third grade classes um because in my experience that's been an ongoing you know it me meet you where you are and you move at incremental incremental levels uh to increase um their ability so what does that piece look like yes so we we are not using it districtwide however we did purchase I um diagnostic licenses for third grade so our third grade students took AP1 and ap2 so that we can monitor their progress and also get a better feel for where those students are and give us another data point for those third graders to examine um so they'll be familiar with that platform when they take the ap3 and may it won't be a brand new assessment for them and schools also had um many of them purchased toolbox as well so they were still utilizing toolbox so even though we weren't using the daily and computer instruction that we would typically see in the past with I ready uh we still have the data points and access to additional tools great thank you very much again please thank your teams um when we're out and about in the community I always feel very proud of all the opportunities that you all offer to our students to help them succeed sometimes they don't show up but there's just so many things that you all are working on um every day outside of regular curriculum helping move our kids forward so just just thank you and please thank your teams thank you Vice chair Conrad uh board member James I just thought of um two more quick things when are we going to learn about summer school for this coming year do we have a plan already or will we hear about that in the coming bit and I don't you don't have to tell me now if it's not a now thing yeah no that's it's perfect timing actually because um yes we do have the opportunities planned out um that it is going to look very similar to last year we got some really good feedback um from Schools teachers principes parents last year about the number of days in a time so it's going to look similar we actually um today are having our meetings with principales so secondary had one this morning and then Elementary is at 2:30 um the principales already know the the sites who are the host sites who are the partner School sites they have a lot of information already but they'll get the bulk of it today at our 2:30 meeting and like I said secondary got theirs this morning um and every department will be in that meeting Okay cool so this this year because we still have Sr funding it's going to look very similar and then we're going to come up with lots of amazing grants to continue on the good work next year EXA right perfect my only other remark I was going to make as like a thought for principles is creating this um being able to hire these tutors these six-hour tutors has created a um unique thought for some principles as they forecast into next year so sometimes princip don't have enough money in their title budget to purchase or we are encouraging them not to purchase a ton of people too but purchase um like a whole pair of professional in their budget but they may have the funds to allocate a certain amount of money for tutoring and what we're finding as I talk to principles is that um really great qualified tutors are meeting the needs that a pair of professional may very well meet on their campuses and a PA a tutor costs less money it doesn't have a benefit package attached to it so it's a unique individual who is able to have that job but and it's a part-time job but I think that if principles reach into their community and look for some really great maybe retirees or other people who would love part-time jobs it may be a way for um people to line item tutoring into their title budget without having to put a whole pair professional position and then that's also something that they can use throughout the year or just in a part of the Year depending on the needs of their students so that was something that I've picked up as I've visited schools and talked to principles and somebody mentioned tutoring so I just wanted to say that um I think that that is a great opportunity and I know some schools that have more flourishing PTO are even considering using their PTO fundraising money to use towards purchasing um tutors that they may not have the title budget or the opportunity to to spend their title money that way so I just wanted to throw in that nugget now I'm done awesome nugget thinking differently thinking creatively just you know Relentless as you were saying Dr gullet about reaching each and every child where they are and and figuring out what it takes and then and then doing it a great uh presentation I certainly extend my thanks as well uh I had one question about um specifically spring camp spring break camp but also some of the other things are we providing Transportation at all for any of these opportunities or is it completely based on family ability to get our students there uh for for summer school yes we have transportation for spring break Camp these two programs are pilots um at these two schools so we didn't know what the interest level would be so we we're just kind of testing it out to see if it's something um that would take off that we can expand at a later date so um that's definitely something we're looking at um depending on how this goes right now okay so possibly a transportation in in the the future possibly yes okay because I definitely hear in the community you know parents saying well what am I you know breaks are hard you know if if both parents are working and obviously they want their kids to be occupied doing really safe and productive things so it'll be great to get that data and and see where we can go with this so thank you for that um my other two questions I was very intrigued by Middle School industry certification I I'd love to know an example of or two of what those would be because what that meant in my mind was these are kids that may have been disenfranchised that finally found something that they're passionate about that they cared enough to show up every day or most days and get an industry certification in middle school I am I thinking along those good lines yes ma'am um so can be both um they're really geared towards students who are interested in the particular program so we offer quite a few industry certifications at the middle school level predominantly what we see are students who are taking our culinary approach programs in Middle School they'll take the Serve Safe which is the same one they take in high school or in the professional world to get um their entry-level jobs into a restaurant business um also our a associate assessment for students who participate in the a program is a very popular middle school assessment um you know we try to find uh certifications for middle school students that aren't uh quite as challenging because we know obviously those students are still in the entry level of those career learning um courses and so we try to find ones that we know are attain able for those students but we'll still provide them with good credentials should they want to go out when they become a 16-year- old and want to go out and get a job in a restaurant they can take that certification with them and use it to get them a better job absolutely absolutely I I really love everything about that and it also makes me wonder about an industry certification for technology that is offered through different companies because we certainly know kids are very Adept with technology and it would be nice to see them using that expertise in a way that's going to move them forward um and keep them connected with schools so that uh really uh rang my bell I thought that's that's just wonderful um also DJJ sites um Mr Simmons touched on them a little bit and you know that they factor into this and I'm wondering what we're doing um with our DJJ sites that may be different than what we've done before to try to reach these this population of students yes and Dr Campbell this um as well so I'll answer both of those um Dr henbrook Works closely with the alternative sites she and her team visit the sites frequently in addition to that support that is provided to the schools directly the principles and the assistant principls attend our professional Leadership Learning sessions each month they are invited they are included in all of our weekly our curriculum our weekly memos to the principals also our curriculum connections so that um teachers and the administrative staffs have access to that professional leadership um and learning okay good because I feel like I heard that there's going to be a lot more um uh computer-based learning um in these kids Futures and I am a little concerned about that because I feel like if they weren't making it in front of hopefully a good teacher um to try to do that as part of an online program and there's probably lots of embedded uh tutoring and teaching within those I I hope um but I also know that funding is is tight everywhere and everyone's looking for ways to be able to do good things less expensively so that was part of my reason for asking to yes ma'am they are just yesterday we worked on instructional technology and the professional learning that's needed for that um so it is it is a focus for all of us absolutely and I know that a lot of our um a lot of our complexes that house these students are in rural areas so a lot of times the internet connections can be a little spotty especially within the thick walls of a prison so just you know some logistical things that make me worry a little bit um so I look forward to hearing hearing more on on that moving forward um I think other board members covered you know everything else that I might have had so again I'll extend my thanks for a great presentation and if there's you have something else sure I just had one other really quick question since we were talking certifications is there a place in Skyward or family access where those certifications are held because perhaps my children just don't have them but while we're sitting here I'm like huh wonder if any of my kids have taken a certification exam for anything where would that be found so families actually could see what certifications their students may have already achieved yes yes they are but I'll let Mr White House respond he's our Guru so we so we do uh track those through Skyward and that's actually how we report them to the State of Florida um we log those in with our survey five reporting that occurs in the fall so they are available in there I'd have to double check on the family portal so what we what we provide to families through the family portal on our end is actually through performance matters and I don't believe we have those logged into performance matters um so they can access any of their District assessments that we provide through the family portal and then of course the state has their own State family portal for the state fast assessments sure so if there was an ability or possibility to add that somehow in especially in light of this board other school boards around the state have been talking about graduation requirement changes potentially in the future 2025 we may be really talking serious legislation about how certifications May tie into a graduation requirement even in lie of some graduation requirements so I think wherever we place those if there's a way for families actually to track that I could see that being a huge benefit yes ma'am we'll take that back thank you thank you board member Campbell anything else for the good of the cause on this presentation okay hearing none is there any public comment hearing none uh we will um board if it's your pleasure take about a 10-minute break before we move into our next um item so it is 1044 we'll take about a 10-minute break thank you thank you for that e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e thank you we are back from our recess and uh to continue our work session at 10:55 a.m. uh Dr go you want to introduce the next item please certainly happy to thank you madam chair so I'm happy to introduce Mr Steven Aris who's going to provide um an introduction to the okali Charter Middle School's um renewal application thank you thank you good morning Mr SS good morning Madam chair Madam co-chair board members Dr gullet attorney Powers Miss Martinez I'm here today because okali Charter Middle School is due for their Charter contract renewal and part of the renewal process is an application and so the original contract with local Charter Middle School was approved and signed on January 14th 2014 the contract was renewed in 2019 the current contract that they're under expires June 30th 2024 if we approve the application the renewal contract will be in effect starting in July 2024 Florida statute dictates theet the charter renewal application process Florida statute states that a charter may be renewed provided that a program review demonstrates that the criteria and the original charter application have been accept accomplished and that none of the grounds for non-renewal established by Florida statute exists Maring Maring County Public Schools staff evaluated the application that was provided by Maran oali Charter and the renewal using the renewal evaluation instrument which was included on your packet and found that ocali Charter Middle School meets all the criteria for Renewal the next steps if the renewal application is approved which will be on a board agenda the district can enter into contract negotiations with oal Charter Middle School the new Charter contract will need to be approved prior to June 30th 2024 understand the charter contract is not a contract for goods or services it's a contract to sponsor the charter school that will open up I have Miss TC Matthews who's the executive director of loali Charter Middle School here to answer questions she will do an actual formal presentation and the report to the board in April so if you have specific questions about the charter renewal application that she submitted she is here to answer those specific questions thank you Mr hars and so that is my presentation that that was a great presentation just the way we like them any questions board I just have one question yes go ahead is the site of the school a part of the application no ma'am okay so if the site of the school changed we're obviously all aware they took on a a parcel where okali high is and the community talks so um the site of ocali middle were to change that would not have any implications on their application no ma'am the only implications that would have is each school has an msid number which is through the Department of Education and we would have to update the msid number and obviously the site would have to meet or the building would have to meet whatever code regulations by state but no ma'am the actual site location is not part of the contract is there a timeline in which families would be required to be notified of a change in sight ahead of a school year or is that dictated at all that's not dictated at all obviously the charter school would have relationships with their families and they would want to retain their families and so they would do a job but there's nothing that dictates that you must do X Y or Z okay that was my only question thank you thank you board member James any other questions or comments from the board thank you and I will just say congratulations to um TC Matthews it's always great to see you and and your team is amazing you have definitely a great track record of fulfilling important needs um for students and and you really are a great partner so I I have also heard that the high school is going well and every wish for continued success I think it's a a really Stellar example and role model of what a Charter Public Charter School partnership can and should be so thank you all right with that I will ask if there is anything else from Dr gullet nothing further thank you okay is there any public comment don't all Rush at once all right hearing none um we will close that item thank you Mr aers as always and Dr gullet I think we're moving on to our final agenda item we certainly are thank you madam chair I'm pleased to bring forward Mr David hurle and he is going to um provide some updated information with regard to the scheduled joint Workshop with the board of County Commissioners are Maring County which is um scheduled to occur on March 27th at 9:00 a.m. you may recall we talked about this briefly last time so he's coming forward to give you an update and to um establish some topics that you would like to see board for that joint meeting thank you good morning Mr hurle okay good morning chair thrower board members Dr gullet attorney powers and M Martinez Lopez um the ideas or or comments you have here regarding the agenda items um that come out of this conversation uh I will deliver by noon tomorrow to the County Commission to the county staff for inclusion on the agenda I'd like to start off with a comment uh General comment um that kind of gives some perspective or context or or uh background for consideration of the agenda items uh make that comment and then read an excerpt from the inter agreement so um the general comment is that the joint meeting is comprised of the elected officials from throughout the county uh as well as the school board um and it's a required aspect from the and this is the full length of the interlocal planning agreement title it's a required aspect of the third amended and restated Maran County interlocal agreement for public school facility planning so we frequently just you know shorten it to public school planning inter local agreement um so having said that then um my excerpt is from section 2.2 uh of the interlocal agreement and that is with regard to the topics uh or the objectives of the public school planning officials joint meeting that is the joint planning workshop shall provide opportunities to consider recommendations discuss policy set Direction and reach understandings concerning issues of mutual concern regarding public education and coordination of land use and school facilities planning incidentally I believe you heard this at your your work session on the 22nd I think perhaps it was a superintendant had read this to you then yes and if I may pause you right there Mr Hurley I know you were out I'm sending that board to you right now because I know you were supposed to get that and writing some in the process of sending that to you right now so you have it as Mr Hurley is reading the purpose of the workshop okay thank you yes so um so I had finished with uh coordination of land use and school facilities planning and then this isn't this inclusive of um but not limited to population and student growth development Trends School needs off-site improvements school capacity school funding options uh which would be for the purpose of reducing the need for additional permanent student stations uh roadway improvements joint use opportunities the district facilities work program and the educational plant survey so um I'll finish by saying that each of these items um the majority of them have their own section in the interlocal agreement an example being off-site offsite utilities and a requirement to do um off-site utilities agreements so for the example of building new schools like we are now we are responsible to interact with the local governments and coordinate the timing um the costs the responsibility for constructing and paying and then um you know coordinate those agreements so any of those kind of topics like that um are are the the sort of thing that you may want to discuss and I'm certain that anything in addition to that so I'll Stand By and follow your lead chair thrower thank you Mr hurle um Dr gullet did you have anything you wanted to share regarding um agenda items uh no nothing in particular I I look forward to hearing the board's conversations I think anything that we would say from operations would be that's going to help further the support of our schools and our students so I look forward to your conversation and I did send that to you in attorney Powers you also have a copy thank you great all right we'll open it up to the board for Dr James um S one of the things that I wanted to make sure I've only participated in one of these and so last year Miss dobins and and you all kind of collectively did a presentation on where we were and where we were headed with facilities um I don't know if that's the intention again this year or not I guess that's my first question is and maybe to Dr gullet or to Mr hurle is the intention for someone from staff to do a presentation again that's the direction that we and I'll say we meaning myself and County staff uh last Friday on the 23rd um I met with Mr veridan who's the growth Services director for the county and we compiled an agenda um that we thought would be appropriate for um the circumstances and the circumstances being that we've got a new Ila there are certain different things going on we've got a schedule of events throughout the year as to how that will work the data collection the analysis the report that's due at the end of it and the way that the pspo will receive that report and then um consider it at the beginning of a year um so an overview like that and that in particular in consideration of like you're mentioning about yourself you're relatively new to this hadn't been to it we also haven't done that many of these in the recent past so um it it's really seem to us to be worth an overview of why we're you know why we'll all be there and and what's to be discussed and how we would anticipate it proceeding and also with the explanation that while the interlocal agreement requires an annual report we won't be delivering one there this year because we've just jumped into the process and it has to run an entire cycle so we'll do that throughout this year and then this time next year at the beginning of the year at this meeting we'll have the report in a in a format that's kind of settled and and if I may um board member James I I concur I I absolutely think that we should and need to and if you look at the language um that's written for the excuse me for the joint workshop for the purpose it's to talk about um the improvements the the funding the capacity and there's opportunities there to show where we are what our plans are and to wait to look at ways to collaborate with the county for the benefit of our students in the community so I absolutely think that we should do a presentation so then with that being said my personal recommendation is that we do like a state of the school board similar to what we've seen the county and the city do at a c exceptional mornings with state of the city and state of the county I think that this would be a great opportunity and platform for us to do a state of the School Board where we take encompassing all of the things that are going on in Marian County Public Schools as compromised and condensed as possible and we give a um 10,000 foot view of the state of the school board um from facilities to initiatives to where we are with borrowing money and our other funding sources um and then where we are with building new schools and the planning process for um schools that are in the pipeline that would be my recommendation um specifically one thing I know that both city and county folks have mentioned to me that they want to be assured we are doing that I actually when we got the email recently for the new schools and the layout the stacking of Carline is something that comes up a lot and the new schools have over a mile of stacking built into the um footprint and I think that there would be value in publicly discussing and mo putting this in there somewhere that we have heard the city and County's um requests for this and that we are acknowledging it in all of our future planning because we do have enough land on all of our Parcels to be able to do this as we do new building and to incorporate over a mile of stacking at both of the two elementary schools to get that traffic off of the roadway which is a piece that the county often brings up that we aren't responsible for but then maybe have been lackluster about acknowledging in the past and so this would be great opportunity to talk about how we are acknowledging that that is a desire of the county and that we are recognizing it and implementing it in our new planning at the news sites so that would be I honestly trust staff to deliver a state of the school board in a great way so I don't feel like I need to give you the bulleted things of what I'd want to see I think everything from this little blurp that Dr gullet just sent in a 10,000 foot view would be perfect for me so that's what I got okay thank you um anything else from go ahead I do have one thing and and I trust the staff to put together the presentation too and so I'll just share this um as a point of reference explaining capacity and a little bit of detail um would be an important item for me because outside of Education um the idea of I don't know that everybody understands that you know you may have a classroom with six students and and legally that's what we knew are doing and that is what's best for our students and so I'm not sure what that looks like but if we could have a slide that um shared with the community you know the the needs of each school and each student are different and and we are required and want to meet those needs um would be beneficial right because that's the complaint well you're not you know they just not any understanding really at all of what that what capacity means in education well pictures to that point like if we could include some visual aids in this presentation that would for instance when we were at Spar Elementary we were talking about um well I actually didn't wasn't on that facility tour because I joined in in Anthony but I've been to spar many times so Spar in that new Wing has has classrooms that are on the fish report per capacity is two classrooms but they are served as one classroom because some someone in their Infinite Wisdom decided that a partitioned wall between two rooms that are too small was a great idea however many years ago and so uh if that was you Mr hurle I apologize but um I didn't I kind of said that and then was like but my point is that it that space would not function as two classrooms it just doesn't make sense and so taking a picture of that space for instance and talking about the fact that via the fish report this is two classrooms but in all reality it's one classroom because when you put 22 fifth graders in this classroom it's never going to serve as two so I think the visual aid for the individuals who were unable to attend our um facility tours that we had scheduled might be a great opportunity because I don't think anyone in that room will have been able to attend our facility tours that we did as a group so having a um visual aid to um paint the picture would be great it's a great Point Dr James and all way on that as well um you know when you have a classroom with that serves physically impaired students so not only do you have wheelchairs but you have adaptive equipment you know standers and changing tables and on and on and on uh couple pictures of that um would be great because technically those classrooms are probably for 22 as well and you're lucky if you can fit six in there yeah and indicating like fish report capacity 25 real life capacity seven and due to program requirements yes to me yeah and just showing like this is where that discrepancy comes from so like it came up because they were like well what's the capacity at Spar and when I looked at the attendance report which I still absolutely love being able to access that so quickly it says like 90 and if you ask Miss Johnson they're at like 105 because from a functionality standpoint they are so that 90 it's hard unless you've walked the space it's really hard to articulate and so with that Community member I was like well this is why they're at 90 remember those classrooms you went to and he's like yeah I'm like that's supposed to be two classrooms and so he was like oh well that makes a whole lot of sense I said remember that room that has all the books in it that's supposed to be a classroom but it can't be because she has nowhere to put the books and so those are great ways to paint pictures and Spar is just an example because it was top of mine but I think that that would help um get the picture painted for the people who didn't get to visit our facilities absolutely and and really help Define the nuances you know yes and it's not hedging and it's not dodging the question or trying to create confusion it's called public education go ahead thank you and while we're adding pictures since we're going to just give them a visual Show and Tell I I think Additionally the portable classroom conversation continues to be one that we need to engage in even more so especially in life of I'll use Ward Highlands for an example or Maplewood we we could go down a list of portable Villages that we have around our community I think there's a misconception perhaps of what that actually looks like especially those that are so aging and not bathroom accessible and that we've had them for 40 or 50 years etc etc so the fish report may say one thing but then these Portables have come off the list and they're not actually included and so I there's just there's a lot of information that we can include there I do have a couple of other things that I I thought about that we as a board could discuss while we're talking slides to include I think just one quick slide even though it's not facilities related but to show District grade Improvement and to show academic data Improvement because that's also Something That We're hearing I'm hearing from other governmental entities and elected officials that you you need all this money but you're not actually improving anything from an academic standpoint so I think that that also would be helpful to be able to see what we are doing uh with the work that we that is being done so on to Joint collaborative potential conversations so I did have a phone call the last couple of days with Chief Banta the of maring County fire rescue because heading into this meeting I was thinking okay well you're needing fire stations we're building schools we have land talk to me about where you're wanting fire stations and he said well if we had had this conversation six months ago perhaps I would say let's do some things on some of your Maran Oaks property unfortunately he's been purchasing land all over Maran Oaks where he needs them or that would have been a great opportunity for us uh the other locations I uh reached out to miss Dobbins he needs one in Silver Spring Shores but we only have 30 acres for the lakee replacement so I don't think it's going to be feasible necessarily for us to make that a point of conversation I was hoping so I was hoping that perhaps with our 100 plus acres where the new high school is going to go that we could say hey let's work together and actually have an emergency facility on the same property as a high school or school I don't think that's going to be possible unfortunately but I am curious to know and when I was at Maran County day I don't know if I've told you all this but over dinner at Marian County day sitting with the chair of the County Commission and a couple of um a state senator and state representative the conversation came up about actual real County needs one of them that was brought up by chair Stone was a special needs shelter and so I think that would be a wonderful topic of conversation to see if we as a school board and County Commission could collectively go in for a joint appropriation request for 2024 or excuse me 2025 for a special need shelter that would certainly benefit us because we would not have to be closing a school just for special needs in the event of a hurricane and I think obviously that would benefit the entire community so whether that's a joint appropriation and we have to somehow say okay we would put in this amount you would put in that amount we don't have any money to give I understand but potentially we we might have some land we might have so I I think that's there's a greater conversation there so I don't know if there are other opportunities like that that we can talk about in in this joint Workshop uh if there are other potential collaborative because looking at all of the things here I mean certainly it's School school capacity at school needs offsite improvements I mean we'll need to be talking about um some of that roadway improvements I I believe there is I'm hoping the county comes with their uh updated information my understanding is there isn't a need for a request for their um right of way that they're needing in marry and Oaks because somehow that was already written into the purchase agreement when we purchased that property but I think we need an update on what that looks like that would be a wonderful topic for them to bring to the table and have a conversation on since we are moving forward quickly on a Maran Oaks High School um they are the county will be taking some of our acreage for right away because they are building a at some point building a flyover in Maran Oaks and it um runs adjacent to our high school property so I would appreciate that and and I think if there are any conversations potentially about land swapping I don't know what we have that they need or vice versa unfortunately that right of-way property you know what they need has already been written in so I don't I don't think there's actually much of an opportunity for a swap more than a conversation and so I think there's that was a previous board that was previous administrations that purchased that and perhaps there's additional property that we could talk about in some kind of swapping um that's what I had so I don't know if that Sparks anybody's else's thoughts but sure does any any other board member the moment okay yes that definitely sparked for me because I'm thinking about the fact that we're more uh landr than we are cash rich and I'm distressed about the fact that we work so hard as a board to try to provide the best um Financial increas inrees that we could you know for our employees and now with inflation being what it's been it's like it's evaporated that almost and if we can't truly boost um as much as we would like to to attract and keep the best of the best then what other options do we have to help potential employees reduce costs to be able to live here and I think about the Affordable Care Act that I came across uh that was um pres Senate President Paso's initiative a lot of money there and it wasn't really talked about um and and I kind of understand why because we live by red tape and Regulation and anytime you know building can avoid red tape and regulation I'm sure that's the direction they're going to go in and I understand that however um it would seem to me that there may be some opportunity to uh think about Workforce housing um think about how that could be subsidized um think about how our land might be able to be part of that think about how that may attract and keep great employees because they could be close to where they're working um also maybe even and I know this is you know thinking differently but say a bus drops off at a elementary school in the morning but the employee that is living on that property is working at an elementary school maybe there' be room on that bus they could hop on the bus Gus and get a ride back and forth to school and save money that way as well so are you talking about about homeless um homeless um Hometown Heroes no Affordable Care affordable affordable housing okay you said affordable care and I'm like I was just I was really oh excuse me if I said that yeah affordable housing yes the affordable housing act okay from Senator Paso's initi a lot of money behind it so sorry no that's okay I was just saying like Obama's Affordable Care Act and I was not tracking with you because I was no brain was I don't think about that but anyway um that those are some of the things that are in my mind that you know we we really had to begin to create a new path forward with communication and collaboration and and come into the 21st century with our interlocal agreement and and funding mechanisms and I'm very excited to begin to take these conversations forward into the future of how we can actively and optimistically and collaboratively and and trustingly you know work together for the better of our our community because it's not just teachers is it is any publicly serving um employee you know which would include our law enforcement and and and so many others so I I really would love to open the door um to those imaginative conversations that actually in my mind have a lot of opportunity embedded in them okay I have one more suggestion as I'm sitting here thinking about Dr James comment at a picture is worth a thousand words and this week I was fortunate enough to be part of the Capstone projects and one of the students in his presentation um had inserted a video uh of him uh redoing a boat actually but um I was just thinking about our challenges as we as our other elected officials were unable to attend our facilities tour we there was a lot of video collected while we were on our tours and so if they were unable to attend our tour we can bring part of that tour to them so Dr goet and I were talking about we were techie we're not quite as techy now but you know that's an opportunity for us on our facilities um slide to insert some of the video um that was collected and take our other elected officials along with us during this discussion so they can see you know what it looks like at Spar or Anthony or fezen or um many of the other schools that we toured and I know um TimeWise It's Tricky but I do think it's an opportunity to have a minute or two of a picture a lens into um you know what we're facing so I just offer that as a as a suggestion thank you VI chair board member Cummings um Miss conr just kind of Jed my memory M you're muted Miss Conrad just um kind of dropped my memory um the tours that did take place the one as far the whitlers did a very very good um video presentation maybe some parts of that or our own could be pulled together and shared in the um joint meeting I do think they they need to see um what's really going on in our schools and I think um we have to be the one to tell our own Story versus having other folks tell the story so I think this is the prime opportunity for us to do that so thank you thank you uh board member Cummings and um getting back to you had mentioned something about potential land swap opportunities if there were any um board member Campbell and and also the I love the idea of providing visuals um you know videos Quick videos vignettes are are really a wonderful way for to for people to understand um and I'm thinking now about there's a a piece of landlocked land that for over 30 years has been used as part of our therapeutic horseback riding at Hillcrest School was originally Mt and now it's stups and strides very well established a gem in our community and it's also now a work study site for some of our students that are able to participate which is certainly a legislative priority and certainly one of our priorities um so I would love to have that be a topic to talk about some any to talk about opportunities to ensure that that uh piece of property that uh almost runs under the barn I mean if we didn't have it we wouldn't have a program and these are not the types of horses that can live inside you know a lot of show horses live inside to preserve their hair coats and keep them safe and all that these are much older horses that have to be able to move around and be turned out most of the time to be able to do their jobs um so I would really love to see while I'm still on the school board that land um finally be part of uh Maran County Public Schools and by extension Hillcrest School and their treasured therapeutic horseback riding program chair yes so so um I don't know that it's something that we can ask of them but I I guess I would be interested in knowing what all land they have and that would be City and County that is already zoned governmental um to see what potential opportunities there might be and I don't know what they will be um but we also are going to be having our own pieces of property proper that inclusive of the central warehouse and other locations that are vacant or about to be uh and I I think it it opens an opportunity and I'm even going to liken it to I know that there's been some conversation that some cdbg money was used to build some facilities that I think the Count's even talked about taking back over and so I'm I'm speaking specifically on MAR Camp Road I'm not sure where that conversation is um but there's currently a facility that's not being used um that was used with cdbg money and the county still it's still Zone governmental so I don't know where that is and maybe they don't want to talk about that because that may not be in a place to talk about but again I think it just opens up additional conversations about land that they have land that we have what our plans are for our land what their plans are for their land and that would be city and county across municipalities frankly um any kind of joint use opportunities that we have I I think that this board member I think we're all at least interested in exploring my hope is that they're coming with some recommendations too so thank you word member Campbell and uh I think of you know it's it's not this land is your land this land is my land it's all taxpayer land it is you know and so having the imaginative and Frank and and creative conversations about how to best utilize public resources is uh there's a lot of room for for growth in that conversation so I would welcome any of those opportunities you know collocation shared use you know we know our uh obstacles and barriers to the current uh spot that we're in right now you know um we tend to have technical trouble uh we had a lot of echoing things like that um it's it was very nice I'll say to sit in the county commissioner Chambers on Tuesday and and have very good sound and great updated lighting and I think it was brand new carpet and you know the the whole thing um it was it was very professional um but my understanding is is that they're looking at an administrative building I think it's now under the sheriff's department so I'm not sure you know how old the sheriff's Administrative Building is but it's obvious that there are some shared uh concerns and and interest in coming up with a fiscally responsible way to house employees to be able to welcome the public and have things go right when you're having public meetings um so that could be another very uh interesting concept and it's actually not uh new at all um Pasco County has an intergovernmental Center where there's lots of it's kind of like a One-Stop shop and they're a big County too so again I think that when people cordially put their heads together and in good faith and staff gets wind of it they can come up with all kinds of potential ideas that'll really help move our community forward in a partnering way and sorry chair one more thing like we just keep know all these things that like we've been talking about but we've never actually or at least I've been thinking and or talking but never publicly actually putting this to the Forefront I think there's also opportunity I'm focused solely on this joint use opportunities so that's how as far as I'm concerned that fits because most of what this intergovernmental meeting is about is school needs and school capacity and school funding But it includes joint use opportunities so another joint use opportunity could be a joint healthc care clinic and I know the city of okal has one they have their own pH on staff and their own um health care providers that the city manages and owns and the county doesn't I think there has been limited talk about them doing something similar but in light of us being a self-funded health plan I think having a joint health care facility could be a benefit to us all it's a great reminder because that did come up you know years ago pre pandemic and then you know and same thing with the um the special needs shelter we took a road trip remember those of us that were on the board then down to Pasco County to see their facility so it's a great time to be bringing things up down board well and when I worked in Levy County we had that so when I was I was an employee of Levy County public schools for two years and in Bronson which is considered the center of Levy County which is hard to Define but um there was a very small like two room doctor's office and employees could go there for free um and so it it also the intention there and I don't even know if Levy County still does it so that would be a question to reach out to Levy County's facilities on but it it it streamlined um employee attendance so it created opportunities for people who were experiencing mild symptoms that wouldn't necessarily take them out of work all day to be able to get a doctor's visit um and then get back to work so um I I used it at least a handful of times I thought it was um it worked well and I would certainly support a conversation around even if separate from joint us looking into creating something um on our own accord it's not going to meet everyone's desire just like the Bronson location doesn't meet every locational desire for Levy County because if you live in Crystal River uh or Cedar Key you know it's not Bronson is not ideal but it um is in the most advantageous place for everyone to be able to kind of have equal traveling distance and so I would certainly be a board member that supported a um plan to move in that direction from Maring County Public Schools I think that it would be great and if if we can share resources with the county um even better but it's another it would be another option totally really good Madam chair may I pause for a moment I I know Mr Hurley is writing fast and furiously and I am as well a couple of points I I want to go back to the tours just briefly to say outside of all of you who attended thank you for the facility tours the mayor of dellan was the only outside elected official that did a tense I wanted to say thank you to the mayor because he was um wonderful um in participating and and talking about our work um Mr Hurley if you could provide some clarification on the amount of time we have for the joint meeting I know it begins or I believe it begins at 9:00 a.m. how much time is allotted for the meeting as we look at the list because my next ask is going to be do we need to have a priority list or what are our next steps um without knowing that specifically I don't I don't recall that we talked about a length of time I think that in the past we've generally shot for about a 90minut total and then if it run if it ran beyond that um it was a matter of you know people would filter out as they needed to go but the calendar invite shows it from 8:30 to noon it's 9 to noon is our calendar invite 9 9 to noon I think at three hours inv I don't know that we've always you know been there for three hours but it has been 9: to noon so I think we'll need to confirm that in your conversation so that um I think boards we had I know that you all have this conversation last time in terms of what items need to be covered because I think a lot of these are going to take some time so I I would also like to address one for Mr hurlee that has recently came up in some conversations um that I had just had as of yesterday either through a separate session with technical working group or as part of this joint session there is a there have been a lot of changes um since we last had an impact fee in the interlocal agreement um comprehensive plans for City County um the amended impact fee itself and so there may be some necessity to have a discussion around whether there is any need for additional review of collections under the interlocal agreement um how are those handled is it smooth is it anticipated be a streamline process our old process for collecting them prior to its um being suspended certainly worked and so the question is going to be does any party see whether there's any need for any update in that process to ensure that everything runs smooth once we begin collection after our you know 90-day weight period here so that may our 118 day weight period there um so that may be something that uh that is is worthy of at least putting on every 's radar screen even if it's something that we don't come to um you know uh consensus or decision at that meeting on um because I think it's going to require that everyone have input because I I could very well look at that and say no what worked before will work now and someone from City staff could disagree or someone from County staff might disagree and so we need to put our heads together to make sure we're all on the same page okay so just to clarify what I'm asking about is either for this joint session or for technical working group um given the changes in the interlocal agreement the new modified amended impact fee and where city and county moved on with their plans separately from that Old in um Ila is there any need for additional discussion about the collections um of the fees for the impact fee uh under the interlocal agreement for the impact fee thank you attorney powers and I do tend to agree that the question does need to be asked at this this is very timely and we certainly don't want to hit um uh unanticipated hurdles in the collections process we so indeed Dr G you agree I I I completely agree yes I think that's a priority absolutely thank you thank you all right anything else think we've got a pretty good A lot a lot from list ideas but they do fall into categories you know and then specific regarding collocation shared use you know imaginative opportunities so hopefully it can be condensed Mr Hurley could you recap because I heard a lot of joint use which is directly in line with the language and so maybe you could right don't want to put you on the spot to capture summarize we because I was just scrawling them all down I could and I was thinking to myself this is going to take some you know I heard um certainly from the top with Dr James proposing kind of a state of the schools or state of the school board um then I had that framework and it seemed like that would could fit into the agenda at some slot or another um if we can if I can um organize the various comments you know and prioritize them um uh then you know we could put that into the context of a state of the schools update and trying to fit it into a given spot on the agenda um versus just having a list of um topics you know for discussion um I don't because go ahead I was just to say I I think looking at it holistically it would be great to approach the organization through our strategic plan and so how do these pieces fit into our strategic plan um and work our way through um 1 2 3 4 You Know inserting our concerns and our issues through specific ideas you know like Health Clinic um you know the land swap or potential land use of the for therapeutic horseback riding you know some of the specifics embedded that that that dovetail with the elements of the Strategic plan that's a great idea Vice chair comrad right community and Communications and Community engagement can fit a lot of that too that's right so paraphrasing am I am I on target somewhat with saying use the Strategic plan as a framework for organizing the presentation okay District right Student Success fits in obviously positive working environment is everything we've talked it does it does talent management they are absolutely asking questions as they did in the County Commission meeting about what we're doing to ensure we're going to be able to staff all the places we're building affordable housing right there you go affordable housing fits in that and the fiscal and operational efficiency obviously what we're already doing and how we're and then the joint partnership possibilities and Community engagement with health clinic and potential um special needs shelter that actually could special needs shelter joint could actually fit in fiscal and operational efficiency for sure because it is not joint facility efficient joint facility right yes to be doing what to continue doing what we've been doing for great idea Vice chair Karen yep great idea all right anything else Mr hurle smiling ear to ear you know obviously more things hopefully it won't seem so overwhelming once you go back through and it'll be easier to fit them into categories and we can just really make it um the appropriate uh speed of brisk you know um and still get it across uh what some of our major uh priorities are and and uh opportunities to work together right yeah I think there's there's definitely a lot of things justifiably so to talk about um and you know and time is time is the main commodity right right um if I may I know my job here is to listen write it down and get it done um but I wanted to add as I listen to the conversation about the off-site facilities I think an undercurrent to me which I feel that you all had done a very good job of driving home was the age of our facilities and that and so when we've got the offsite problems or the classroom problems those classrooms like the folding the folding door uh I mean the folding wall rooms at Spar or the traffic um problems that are causing in a community um more often than not those are tied to older facilities because the standards have changed and you know we've moved on and then also I think my I surmise that boards in the past in an effort to be frugal had put monies that were available into building more capacity and it's plain to see that we didn't always update the campuses themselves in terms of adding more staff parking staff parking just moved onto the grass and you know when you add more when you add more space more classroom then necessarily more people make the pilgrimage each day to drop their kids off and pick them up so that creates more traffic in a given area so a a number of those things um are associated I believe with older facilities that's not to say that there aren't lines with some of our newer facilities as well but um right but when they're over capacity no matter how old they are um that spills out into the roads I mean Westport is one of our newer schools and I don't know if any of you drive around on you know 80th and and 60th in that crossroads at certain times of the day but I've taken pictures of it before because I just couldn't believe in such a short amount of time how bad it's gotten and now we have wack too and it's h show season so it's well a lot going on out there absolutely to that point so Chief bant did say that they could use one on 80th but I didn't think we had any property at Westport to be able to give up whatsoever so I did just want to add that plus I don't know that we would want to add to the traffic to need to get an ambulance out in a timely fashion so nevertheless Vice shair just one one little thing as we talk about capacity um and the increase in capacity and what that looks like and and keeping a student focus in our presentation on our tours that we participated the cafeteria and the media center was an issue at all of those schools because they were created for um to have about half the capacity of what they do now so you know they were created to have 380 students and now they have 800 students and so what that looks like in keeping it student centered I think is important um and there were many examples there should be plenty of video documenting um you know what that looks like at each school right absolutely great point and um you know when you have that many kids needing to be fed in such a small space think about the inefficiencies for staff that that we have you know monitoring of those lunches and breakfasts you know going on pretty much all day long you know when that staff if there was a better size space more appropriate they could then be in classrooms helping kids learn and helping us raise our school grades yeah and and just at a point as a point of reference um sometimes you don't know what you don't know and so growing up in Marian County and attending Maran County Schools when I go when I went to the cafeteria as a school at school in high school middle school I waited in a long line you know you've got 25 minutes you spent half of it waiting to get your lunch so last week we um had the privilege of going through um a prototype High School down in Davenport there was no wait the kids came in to get lunch I didn't time it but I would dare say 2 minutes and they had their lunch and they were at tables eating and so just that visual kind of aha moment this is what I grew up with this is what I expected but we need to increase our expectation um we should be um providing a better experience for our students and um be able to manage our time better with better resources so just as a point of reference that's something that really yes our cafeterias are overcrowded we saw that but then you go and you see something that runs efficiently and you get the students in and out um and they have their food so it was just was impressive and the teachers you know and and the other staff so that their time's not eaten up so to speak waiting in line all right wow that was quite a brainstorming session anything else Mr hurle points of clarification um the only thing I think think of as one I had I had listed uh thinking of myself as just to mention the technical working group workshop dates uh that's a main aspect and it's something that the superintendent in the Ila is charged with announcing those uh Distributing them to the local governments within the first quarter of a calendar year and so Upon returning from spring break I Look to get some dates out to the local governments um for those for those technical working group meetings which incidentally if I may just say that they are what I've been referring to as backloaded or rear loaded at toward the end of the year and when I started my comments today I said about how we run through we've just started with February um we have uh I received data from each of the local governments and so now over the next period of months the idea is to review that compile it clean it prepare it analyze it and then see what pops out of it um and form excuse me form that up for um next year's report that will go through the tww and the the planning the public school planning officials um for an early year review but so those with all of that um said that sequence we would get past um or to around where budget time of the year is where we're doing our work plan and budgets are in for the school board as well as the local governments everybody kind of has an idea of you know what they have and what's what their projects are uh so that all combines there and then by getting to the latter portion of the year and doing two meetings one in September and another one in Octo I mean in November um then we would be able to make use of best use of all the year uh versus scatter or Distributing the uh technical working group meetings evenly within the year it's also a possibility for the Ila to add any any one of the parties um can request additional meetings so so right thank you thank you for bringing that up because uh we definitely want to get on that on the timeline and and have this be established and and and flowing U moving forward so thinking in terms of September and November for the technical working group meetings of 2024 okay yes all right and dates will be forthcoming after spring break uh yes perhaps even sooner but um certainly it needs to make it to the county by then so okay we can distribute them by email or for consideration yep or confirmation right and it sounds like there's been conversation with um County staff about the timeline and as as you guys have been working along through this the timeline for yes okay all right great forward to getting those calendar invites coming up that's do you have anything else I think that covered it didn't I think that covered thank you so much thank you thank you all right um is there any public comment right seeing none we'll go ahead to uh board comments and concerns we'll start with legal yes I actually did have a comment I wanted to make and I'll direct this to uh the superintendent but also to the board um um I don't know the board is aware I think superintendent's aware and the board chair is aware that after we last met on the 27th uh it was for the next three days after after we made our decisions and we we we didn't have an opportunity to meet um for the next three days there was a a near non-stop barrage of of necessity for questions to be answered for explanations to be given requests from the county on our on our um on our uh impact fee and um referring to Prior Communications and trying to make sure that any last concerns or questions were dealt with and met and um I just wanted to say that uh for the superintendent's benefit or for the for for her knowledge U Mr Hurley he was absolutely instrumental in doing those things um there was a need for rather immediate professionalism analysis and availability uh as and he and I collaborated on a number of issues even going back months into to Prior discussions say nope we've already figured this out here's that communication or well here's what where we were relying on is this something additional and what do how do we want to do that and these these uh along with as as the superintendent pointed out earlier um Mr mentor's um assistance that was uh extremely crucial that so just want to let you know that for for days after we met we were there was a continuing ongoing effort that required a lot of people people to to work on it and um uh certainly Mr hurle he's uh professional expertise was uh was extremely valuable in doing so um I know that I would have I would have fallen flat trying to do that on my own and I don't think Mr mentor and I collectively could have done it nor probably Mr Mentor ad staff that were doing the same thing for him as well so those were um very very useful and very productive so thank you it's always nice to work and collaborate with uh with st staff who have that level of expertise and it's a deep level of expertise that's needed for these sort of things not a superficial level and um so I I'm I'm very appreciative of that thank you attorney powers and I certainly Echo that it was a great unanimous result and that's something to be celebrated and appreciated across the board thank you Miss Martinez yes uh board chair um board members if you you could please respond by tomorrow if you could um for your attendance for the Summer Conference that is of course at the Grand Hyatt in Tampa those dates are June 5th through June 7th the earlier I get the hotels in the more sure I can get you all in the same Hotel um so I would appreciate that and as well if you plan on attending the Gainesville Finance Forum April 18th Advanced Finance Forum please go ahead and send me an email as well so I can go ahead and pay for your uh registration fees so that can also be uh set up that's all I have thank you can you just confirm Summer Conference would we be staying Tuesday night or staying just Wednesday night Thursday night because I know it's always tricky when we start on Wednesday I have not gotten an agenda yet so I'm just going to go ahead and just do early and that way we're safe okay so we would be staying Tuesday night Wednesday night Thursday night okay Count Me In way it goes and then sometimes if you're an officer then need to be there another night or or board chair um I don't think it's so much the the summer one it's the fall one is the chairmanship so yes and I think that email just came out today morning this morning yes thank you for jumping right on that okay Dr gullet uh just to say thank you board uh again evidence today of your um deep commitment to putting students first so thank you thank you Dr go uh board member Campbell sure so just for confirmation I saw we they got it we received to calendar I guess uninvite for that April 18th third that Thursday work session so that's been cancelled so that we have the opportunity to go perfect that was I just wanted to have confirmation and to confirm we moved those items up so they're already all established on a different dat okay it'll be a longer meeting so bring your long meeting that's fine okay terrific uh my only other comments other than I probably will have more um well actually this is our last meeting before we really so Capstone judging at BW high school was amazing once again I continue to believe that that would be a wonderful opportunity that all high school seniors should have to know that each one of those seniors when they leave Bellevue High School has put in the work to understand a career choice how much that career will make how much education it takes to join that career what they have to do all year long I believe would be a benefit to every High School senior in the district it was amazing again and um kudos to the board members also that were able to participate I was there both nights uh and it was just great uh so thank you to to Belleview high school and all they do with that the other only other thing I wanted to mention though in addition to the school tours that we've been on touring the Prototype high school was eye openening and wonderful and thank you to the team for putting that together so that those of us who were able to attend could see that in Davenport but it also made me come back with questions just based on car ride conversation because our timeline is to open a new High School in August of 2026 and knowing the timeline it takes to actually build that we as a district and potentially Dr gullet already has this already knowledge of what we're doing but we have to know what CTE programs are going in that uh the if the principal leader is going to have any Buy in whatsoever according to the Architects they have to have all drawings To Us by August of this year and that's con like in order for us to be in a high school in August 2026 there are a lot of things that have to be done between now and August inclusive of potential additional board meetings that we may need to hold I know there's information coming to us at the end of the month in the board meeting hopefully to choose the architect if that is the choice that we're going to make which all indications I have I loved it let's go with it but that's I'm just one person uh but understanding of what is in that High School especially with CTA CTE they have an extensive culinary program my understanding is that's not what we're going to put in the high school that we're going to build so I don't know if that is something that the Board needs to be briefed on or if it's just something that we'll learn over time but learning all of that process and knowing how long it really is going to take to build a high school it's different than building an elementary school and elementary schools are pretty similar they all have very similar offerings but a high school is going to be a lot more in-depth on what we're specifically offering so those are my thoughts and I don't know if that's actually a question I'm asking if the board will be briefed on what we're going to be doing there uh or if we're just going to go along for the ride so I can I can say bored that um we're on track for planning um and so um as those programs are rolled out and and solidified you'll be made aware principal decision principal doesn't get announced till much later in the process we are in planning and looking at big picture of the district uh needs for the students everything you heard earlier today at the presentation all of that's well underway thank you Dr goet it's an exciting process yes just to um because the calendar um conversation started yesterday we will be starting the application process for CMS in April so um we should have the CM as a as a um facilities committee determined by the end of April good information thank you anything else to for that's all I had thank you great thank you uh we'll move over to Dr James uh hi uh so great work by everybody um I'm excited for the direction we're going the work we're doing um and telling our story I'm grateful for the board of County Commissioners for unanimously approving our impact fees um I I feel like the journey was long it's kind of like that saying they say about your kids the the days are long and the years go fast um it felt like the journey was really long but it also feels like it just yesterday I got sworn in and now here we are so um what I'm grateful for is that we are going to start collecting impact fees and we are going to have an additional Revenue stream for our Capital funds for Maran County Public Schools so I am grateful for that and um that will solidify along with the bondage conversations that we've already had and we'll continue to have funding sources to continue to do um facility improvements and address growth needs so grateful for that um I wanted to as we were in the county commissioner's Chambers two days ago one day ago I don't know they all r together whatever day that was Tuesday um something had came to mind that I wanted to bring up to the board and I've noticed it before but in a recent meeting um Dr Campbell made a remark about cell phone usage and distractions and I as I was watching the County Commissioners meeting um I was reminded of their layout and so I wanted to make a recommendation to the board um take it or leave it it doesn't matter to me but I noticed that in the County Commission Commissioners meeting they have the five Commissioners in the center and then to the side is auxiliary staff who supports the functionality of the meeting and so I just wanted to make the recommendation to the board to potentially um put um our board Clerk and attorney off to the right or the leftand side because I I I know that they often times do not have active participation in our meetings and have other work that they need to be doing um obviously I sit next to the attorney and so there's often times when he's working on other things than just the business of our meeting because the curriculum happenings toour conversation isn't necessarily in his purview and so I would I love that you're working because that means that you're not just sitting here idly twiddling your thumbs and so in an effort to meet everybody's needs it's just a recommendation I would make that we transition the clerk and the attorney to not offstage but you know to the right or the left similar to how the clerk is at the County Commission meetings um and the attorney so that it you know addresses everybody's needs and desires so that would just be something I would put to the board and my comments are concluded after that thank you uh board member James you know we're always wanting to make sure that everybody is situated in a in a way where they can be most effective and again this is where we have a little bit of a barrier because of the way this stage is designed and I'm thinking that you know we there's County staff that is literally up in the air you know on the sides um so that could be interesting acrobatic feat with this stage but I I think it's something to take under advisement and I I think it's also something to you know clarify that in in this day and age um especially not from the actual board members you know as board members it's my expectation as the chair that each and every board member be engaged you know and and engaged in the and showing respect for the presenters and to me that's just professionalism um but you're absolutely right that you know we have a board attorney and and a board clerk that have other tasks and so I my assumption is that's what they're working on you know um when they're uh on their phone or on their computer you know we all some of us up here have young children and so I'm sure if you get something on your eye watch or whatever you're using you know for a moment there you're going to need to address it and and that's just life today but I do I am very sensitive to um being a role model and we certainly have complained about students and their cell phone use and how disrespectful they can be you know to to teachers and even moving through the hallways and being asked to put them up so I think we need to model the the behaviors you know that we wish to see and if there is a um if there is a way to configure that makes this stage even more productive you know I don't micromanage that I'm I'm all ears whatever works happy to do it not a problem so that's where I am with that um so good thank you for bringing it up any other board member sir my my only comment would be to Mr Christian because if we were to put them off let's say in the wings then we don't have cameras up here in the event that they do need to speak and we know that they both have script whether it's proof of publication or anything that the attorney needs to read That's we wouldn't be able to have them on screen and so that have the the attorney for County Commission excuse me I didn't mean to interrupt but you have thinking visualizing the setup at the county you have the the county attorney and and and moner you know they're at that same level and then on the other side is the clerk of courts and but the way their cameras are set up they actually would have them on these columns and so they would have the ability to shine a camera or not shine but to point a camera onto so those individuals to that point if I could amend my recommendation um this is not a formal procedure I know but to for the prview of time selfishly because Dr gold and I have a meeting that started six minutes ago right and we were doing great till now so what I just would like to say is Mr Christian is it possible for if there is a different way to lay out the stage that would um meet the request that I made could you present it to board members maybe and Dr gullet any potential other layouts wonderful that's all thank you and if I may very briefly say for context to this topic smiling Mr Christian because we when we we first came over here and I know that Reverend Cummings was the board chair at the time we actually walked the stage and looked at having a side that was something I thought as well was was helpful but I think with lighting and cameras that was a challenge but we will certainly go back and review again and see what um accommodations can be made but I do know we walked that remember Cummings will remember that as well pretty exhaustingly extensive yes for different reasons but anyway all right anything else for the old made it easier because there just a specific number of people right there and then superintendent and the clerk and myself sat down you know in lower wing right until the pandemic and then somehow the chair ended up being in the front all by herself which was that was a joy so that's all I have okay thank you board member James board member comings good afternoon um very very productive meeting today um we heard a lot of stuff I was um quite interested in the report that um Mr Sims and Mr White House and all those that gave was interesting and um very informative we um I do too want to thank the also want to thank the County Commissioners um for what they did on Tuesday it it it was um it was an interesting meeting um but I appreciate what they ultimately passed um it wasn't for us I want them to think it wasn't just for us it was for our County as a whole everybody's going to benefit based on their that um vote that move forward um we have um spring break coming up uh next week I'm looking forward to spring break I pray all of our staff and everybody will get some rest and do some things that they need to do um but with that saying um I kind of want to say something to our students and our our especially our seniors um we're heading into that last stretch um often times we get phone calls from from parents because their kids have made some some bad decisions or done something silly um in that last home stretch I I want to encourage them to um your senior year is supposed to be memorable um for all the right reasons and not for all the wrong reasons so I want to encourage them to to make some great decisions you don't want to miss your grab bash you don't want to miss your prom you don't want to miss your graduation because of uh uh you temporarily lost your sanity um I'll say it that way you made some decisions that you just were not thinking about so I want to encourage them to to do some um be responsible be responsible in the things they're going to do and so that they can have the best senior year as they're going forward and then I also want to encourage everyone to please be safe next week in um on their spring break often times we we hear people drowning or getting caught in rib currents and all those types of things on spring break let's have a safe safe spring break so that's it thank you board member comings Vice chair Conrad thank you chair and good afternoon I do have a little list here but I'm going to try to move through it quickly because I know everybody's um got a busy afternoon scheduled um I just want to thank the schools for having us for read Across America um at South oal I actually got to go into a kindergarten classroom which you know is very close to my heart and actually of the teacher was a friend of my daughters they went to high school together so um it really was just a special experience and I want to um thank Dr gullet for just encouraging principles to have us and I really enjoy being on campus and so thank you to the principles and admin for including us in those types of activities um Dr gullet I also want to thank you um last week we attended the C luncheon and for the first time really in forever I mean I don't remember ever Marian County Public Schools having a seat at the table and so Dr gullet represented us last week in um sharing our needs and the facility needs um and where we're headed what we need what we're working towards and so I just I really appreciate your presence um it really is a change uh in this community to have our superintendent so actively involved in everything you know that's taking place in our community so I'm just I'm grateful for that um again thankful um for the groups of people that have taken us on School tours uh the last couple of weeks um also the Capstone projects at Belleview High School were just phenomenal and the students get did a great job but also the staff members um the staff staff and admin were there all day every day doing their regular job and then they were there late into the evening I didn't leave it was almost 8:00 both nights um and so just the dedication that our staff has in helping our students succeed um in move forward so just a testament to them what else um tonight there's a a program at First Baptist Church the Elementary Honor Choir I believe is at 6:30 so I just encourage you if you're available to stop by it's always a a pleasure um I did also want to give a shout out to Transportation um and Miss Ashley Kemp it happens on the way back from our tour of Davenport High School um there was an incident uh Transportation incident in Fort McCoy and so when we came off the road and headed straight to Fort McCoy there were many district um staff members that jumped right in and transportation that jumped right in and I was just a passenger in the car um but they were doing their work as we were heading that way and and making sure our students were stay safe that parents were notified um that the staff had what they needed um to do their job and so I just again am amazed at the work that are this was a Friday afternoon let me just add it was Friday afternoon so um all of those people all those staff members were staying after taking care of our students making sure that they got home um and so I just really appreciate the work that they are doing and along the lines with Reverend Cummings I just hope everyone has a safe um and fun spring break but be responsible and make good decisions because we do want to shake your hand going across the stage in just a couple months so thank you thank you Vice chair Conrad and I sure Echo um everything you shared about gratitude across the board and um I also do want to say that it is so important for families especially this time of of the year to please review even especially if you've never read it yourself um the code of student conduct I feel like there's a disconnect I I am really getting tired of reading so many names of students at every single board meeting um that are being alternatively placed and and you know um parents it's school's different now and the years of you know three licks or three days uh have that that ship has sailed and some parents are very surprised like so my kid got in a fight you know you break them up you grab them by the ear you shake them out and that's that um that's just not the way it is anymore for a million reasons and I feel like a lot of parents are being taken by surprise um by that and you know we have statute we have to follow and and all I can say is is that you know when we have these meetings and there's so much optimism and so much enthusiasm and so many opportunities and then I have to read those names you know every two weeks it's so disheartening so this is a great time of year to reinforce to your kids you know all the good things that going to school can can gain for them and thinking about our student board members this is just something I thought of I think it may be time and probably past time at some point to do a survey of our students about attendance see what they're saying about why they're not coming to school or or what their struggles are in coming to school we know the obvious ones Transportation has been a Bugaboo you know there's been some things like that but but it it I think it's important to hear from the students um pelis county is doing some interesting things to try to motivate students I'm not sure I really agree with them um but I'm not saying that I couldn't maybe come around to it you know we have to think differently uh so that's that's just something that has been coming across my mind and then also uh very interestingly in the line of attendance uh the attendance um liaison uy Court uh representative uh job description that we approved a few weeks ago apparently there were uh quite a few applicants like 67 applicants for that so maybe they're hearing us when it comes to attendance and and how important it is and what an important job that will be and my understanding is uh interviews will begin after spring break so apparently there was a a lot of legitimate contenders for that job and so that makes me very um optimistic for where we're going with ATT with the attendance response committees and just that active focus on let's get them here so that they can do great things later all right that's all I have um thank you very much for a great morning uh we the goal was noon we missed it by 16 minutes so we are adjourning at 12:16 thank you all have a great rest of the day pretty good [Music] though