e e e Mar Township Board of Education Vinnie would you please call the RO Mrs bomo here Mrs Gandhi here Mr hayatt here Mr alansky here Mrs McCormack here Dr MTZ here Mr petruno here Mrs seart here Mrs Mendes sorry Sunshine Law please be advised this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 the sunshine War at adequate notice of the date time and agenda has been sent to the Asbury Park Press install Ledger has been posted in follow the Marboro Township Clerk copies have also been sent to each district school and other area newspapers in accordance with the law draw your attention to but not going to read in full the statement of videotaping a public portion of board education meetings public comment statement as well as no smoking of in on school grounds please rise and join me for the pledge thank you announcement sir no announcements uh Mr col the school bus driver abstracts yep all abstracts were run and all have Privileges and good standing thank you sir you're welcome okay I'm going to open the public comments um as a reminder each get three minutes and as well there is a if we a board of administration responds there'll be an opportunity for a followup do we have anybody list I have no one that had signed up would anybody like to speak we to state your name sir no all right hey uh good evening Adam Pollock 52 St Lawrence way Marboro um hope you all are having a good summer um I wanted to talk about phones in school again um as we've discussed in previous meetings there is an opportunity here for us to make an impact on the mental health threat associated with phones for our students in K through 8 advocating for a more uh uh focused Community standards within the schools for smartphones and smart watches is a logical first step I sent you all an email earlier this week about Middletown's actions uh Middletown Board of Ed passed a policy last month called o for a day very simple policy this is what it says it says at the elementary and middle school levels students will have their cell phones or mob mobile devices in their backpacks or lockers the phone cannot be in a students pocket during the school day also all cell phones have to be turned off when students enter Elementary School in middle school if a student needs to talk to their parent or Guardian they need to go to the front office and get permission to get their cell phone out of their locker um at Miss Mendes's advisement I did look at policy 2361 which is the acceptable use of computer networks and computer standard computer resources policy um it calls out electronic communications and I agree that the current language uh is a good start this is what it currently says electronic communications referred all Communications transmitted by means of an electronic device including but not limited to telephones cellular phones computers audio video players and cameras all students use of electronic communication devices must follow District policies and regulations not to interfere with the learning environment or disrupt the orderly discipline of the school and requires permission of a staff member so doesn't say anything about smartphones uh AKA internet enabled phones uh the use of apps or the use of smart watches so our policy references cameras and video players but it doesn't reference smart watches um or social media apps at all um or other devices activities that students currently have access to so let's up Updates this policy to represent what is currently happening with smart devices in our school and communicate those norms and expectations to the community I also really think a uh a positive message would be from the superintendent about delaying access to social media and recommending delaying uh the introduction of smartphones to students in our district that would be a positive step um as I've said before we can impact Community Norms by educating the community on the known mental risks of access to social media uh and phones let's do something about this together again appreciate your support on this topic thank you perfect thank you sir I know Mrs Mendes said she was going to put that for a policy committee to look at and we plan to do that do you want to address about the parents but sir sure thank you Mr poock um I would also direct your attention to policy 3283 um that's electronic communication between teaching staff members and students which also encompasses I I think some of the um the issues you were talking about um not to say that it can't be updated um and we can certainly look at that as a as a policy committee um but I would like to direct your attention to that policy as well because it does it does address some of those issues can I just also so Mr pic um we as board members get these like highlight emails they come every night at like 1:30 in the morning and my phone goes off this week um I tried to scan through and one of them caught my eye I think it was Cherry Hill I don't know if anyone else read it um they also started to adapt and review cell phone use so if you want to look into them they did a survey they posted the survey um it was quite interesting I think it was 52% of parents refused to get on board so what they did was they adapted their policy to read kind of like ours where it says no cell phone storing instructional time but it's not like banned from their persons like they can keep it on them um so I just thought if you want to look into Terry Hill see what they did I thought of you when I read it thank you Ashley anybody else from the public wish should speak we're all fighting over the microphone can you believe this um good morning good afternoon I started uh by saying good morning I'm still confused on my days uh good evening Brian Cohen marbor I'm here tonight to make sure you're aware of an exciting opportunity that I believe our district should be considering uh it's to enhance our cyber security uh measures and I you know that this is not the first time I've talked about this in the context of this board meeting uh so I'm glad to sort of be able to bring so forward some ideas and some other additional opportunities for you um I also do look forward to seeing the initial draft of the cyber security policy that the board has said they're working on so when that's ready to be reviewed I'm looking forward to being able to have opportunity to read it so recently the Federal Communications Commission or the FCC announced a school and Library cyber security pilot program allocating nearly two or actually $200 million to this program over a three-year period specifically to address cyber security and K through 12 education the funding represents a significant step forward for the existing eate program and as Mr caraval I'm sure knows there's a lot that you cannot do with the e-rate program so it only covers basic firewalls and configurations uh the FCC acknowledged that the eay program actually cannot fully protect schools Broadband networks and data from cyber attacks so this new pilot program is a response to the persistent lobbying that the FCC has received over the years from K through2 groups for increased Federal support to help combat the number of Rising attacks on schools and this initial round of funding will actually help the FCC also understand the needs of K through 12 institutions across the country and help shape future cyber security funding now there is However unfortunately limited funding available so you're competing if as a district against the rest of the country but Nations but in order to be accepted into the program you know you have to make some crucial decisions here to and consider for your application and based upon my national perspective and I do have a national perspective because of my position that I hold that there are steps that you can take to prepare number one I would like to suggest that you develop a comprehensive cyber security plan okay marro Township Public Schools um should be interested in the program to need to demonstrate their experience with cyber security their commitment to best practices and their current or plan use for the federal resources that they would be asking for the detailed plan should outline the specific goals your services and equipment that you're asking for and the risk to be to be addressed the second thing you should do is you should understand and you should document your current cyber security risk which you probably have done as well as the measures you're taking it's essential that you have a clear understanding of your current cyber security environment um I'm sure you do this includes knowing what tools and practices you have already been put in place identifying your gaps and planning for future needs and the third thing you should be thinking about is tracking and supporting your cyber security activities I can stop here and send you the rest or I can sad of take two more minutes and share with you the rest of this advice just want to take a minute and just finish up on sure so the other thing is cybercity activ you should basically track and Report the impact of the cyber security tools that you're using you should seek some external support there are a lot of companies there are a lot of companies that you do business with already who may help you sort of think about how to submit this application um and I've seen that done in many times there's also National networks like Coen the Consortium of school networks the State education technology sta there's also there's a lot of organizations out there that can help you do this um and I would suggest that you sort of take this action I urge the board to prioritize the deployment and the development of an app of of its cyber security program don't overlook the opportunity for these funds this is what you need to sort of help put yourself in a better position so thank you and if you have any other questions I'll be around to sort of be and happy to answer them thank you so we did also disc discussed today in our safety security meeting our cyber security um uh actions that you just mentioned and uh we did also the board did meet safety security committee did meet with Tom anyy we did discuss our current plan and all the things that you mentioned and all the measures he has in place and what he does to constantly see to improve but you your everything you mentioned is important uh we are currently reviewing it again along with our head of SEC of Safety and Security our new um Tom uh what's it Tom Rose and uh it's going to be updated again so is is in progress It's not stagnant it's in progress and we reporting out as we go thank you anybody else wish to speak sir good evening everyone my name is Arun Jolly I'm here as a concerned citizen of Malboro basically I want to know what the protocol is if one of you has not filed their ethics statement disclosure uh for this calendar this year is there a penalty from the state for the residents or fines and if they should be allowed to serve as board member because there may be some Financial or other concerns or conflicts first all I've seen I've seen uh as of today the ethics commission website one of you has not filed that at his complaint and I've been watching it since April 30th it was due it's been two and a half months overdue are you guys is there protocol somebody's watches that or I what Gabrielle would you like to well every every year are you talking about the financial disclosure no the ethics ethics I I think it's a financial disclosure that was due by April 30th yeah yeah because the ethics was done at rorg or perhaps it was right after rior um it's to show if there are any Financial or other conf yeah I think what you're referring to is the financial disclosure yeah all I wanted to know was if there was a protocol in place that if somebody is not abiding by that or not compliant and the district is not compliant is District concerned about any fines or from the state or is there a protocol that they should continue to Ser I think he's talking about the financial disclosure we have to do every year yeah so if you don't do it who who and who finds out you don't do and how what happens right that's my question is that your question yes so um we put to we compile the list there's one in February of 2024 and June of 2024 um anybody who's appointed you know past when the due date happens for the list they would have to fill one out in June of 2024 they would not be you know obligated to fill it out in February so we are compliant and the doe has not said that we are not and we pass June no yeah I know the one is still open though it's due the list is due by June so anybody who's outstanding that didn't make the February list would so there's two submissions it's February and then June but February submission is due to do to see the list and then April 30th it's due so June's list is due in June and then I Believe by I think it's in August where so you're agree you're agreeing there's one that's still due but does not due yet CU correct because they were they did not make that list put by the you're correct is one outstanding but according to a business so you guys are aware of it's not it's not do yet I I think it might be me I'm not sure 100% but I did speak to Vinnie about this a couple months ago like when I first joined because I know what the financial statement is and I asked but it was already submitted and I was appointed after so I was waiting for the next one and that'll be done taken care of so if it is me that you're talking about I'm aware I'm on it it'll be submitted in time I just want to make sure it's not I didn't want to no problem no problem it's okay public but you know my concern is if there are any Financial concerns or conflicts then you know you're making decisions and that's not in their best our best best interest okay thank you there should be some protocol for well there is a protocol but within compliance there's a protocol we we we submit the list when the doe asks for the list to be submitted and then whoever is current and active or not active so we remove the people who are not active from the old list make it current and then we submit it as we have it in real time when it's due in February and then by April 30th everyone who's on that list needs to finish a disclosure statement and have it approved by the SEC and if it's not done by April 30th then we would get emails we would continue to get emails saying that we're out of compliance and then we would usually get a letter from I I forget what the I think the doe basically saying that they're going to suspend the board member if they don't comply within a certain time period and we have not gotten any letters like that because there is still another list to be filled out that's June for anybody who was not on the February 1 April 30th is not cut off April 30th is a cut off date for the first list we can't keep going back and forth so we get to follow up and we answered your question we answered the question we're not we're compliant the the one person who you not compant we are compliant we are compliant okay as of April 30th you were not we are with that list that was submitted okay so there are no consequences to the no because we're in compliance with the Department of Education okay but you're it's on somebody's agenda that needs to be fixed nothing needs to be fixed the new list is for June okay all right thank you thank you sir anyone else in the public wish to speak you micel I said I just had some follow-up questions just to understand like what just happened but I guess we could talk about an executive we we explain so there's two en rollment there's two periods for the file your ethics uh your financial reporting so if you become a board member after a certain date you have a later time to to uh file it so what is that date that's what I'm trying to say the February ones would have to be appointed by when well I believe the the due date for it's whenever the doe sets it whether it's February 10th or the end of February that's when the list is due to the doe so they can see who we're submitting to fill out a disclosure and then once the disclosures have been submitted to them and they see who the active list is then we reach out as the board secretary's office to make sure all the administrators and all the Board of Ed who are on that list complete their ethics form which is why I was always in contact with some of you with regards to assistance with that and then once that's done I review it submit it to the county for approval and then they submit it to the Department of Ed for approval and if they ever get kicked back that's when I have Corrections or edits that need to be done because they reviewed them that's the February list that is due by April 30th then there's another list that comes out in June where anybody who may be on the board now or maybe a new administrator had started we would now add them to the list to have theirs finished so they can be compliant and up to date for the new school year so that would be due June lists are very rare because we don't usually get ones that fall in that category but sometimes we do and in this instance we'd have two or three that have to be submitted and due by I think I think it's August time per they usually give you 60 days to fill it out when that list is due so that list was due June 30th by August 30th that list has to be approved by the doe and then they should be up updating their their uh their link to the website to look at The Archives yeah I know you're very on top of it because I'm one of the people that you helped me with but I just want to make sure I understand that would there ever be Financial punishment or fines for being late or is it I feel like if it if it was ever even close to the deadline that the fines don't get levied against the district usually that's the board member um or the administrator who would be out of compliance with the Department of Ed so that could be if you're an administrator you can have your certification suspended if you don't fill them out if you're a board member you know they could suspend you or revoke you um from the board if depending on what offense it is or how many how frequent it is and that's the same thing with your governance training that you do also thank you Vinnie okay uh nobody else in the public correct okay we move on to Communications sir I have none I'll bring us to superintendent report harassment and intimidation bullying Hib we have two time periods June 14th 2024 through June 30th 2024 no incidence and July 1st 2024 through July 10th 2024 no incidents reported thank you sir following meeting dates Tuesday August 20th 2024 regular Tuesday September 17 20124 regular Chad would you mind reading approve am minut resolution please share approval of minutes resolution number one approval of minutes discussion ISO move have a second Ashley any discuss discussion any please call Dr MTS yes Mr funa yes Mrs seart yes Mrs bomo yes Mrs Gandhi yes Mrs McCormack yes Mr hayatt yes and Mr alansky I have tostain from April 25th yes to the rest everybody receiv received a copy of the secretary business administrators report the board secretary's monthly certification as well as the payroll certification anybody have any questions on that okay Move Along curriculum committee reports Dr MTZ our curriculum committee met yesterday and we had a very productive and healthy meeting the topics that we discussed were first the summer curriculum writing which we will uh anticipate be winding down by the end of July giving this special ed um elll and gift in talented Department time to review and add any additional needed components relative to their courses the courses will be posted on the district website in draft form and we encourage all um parents and the public to as well as obviously the board to uh review them um and notify the administration if you have questions if any of our uh fellow board members would like to participate and help us read the various curriculum we would appreciate your assistance because there as you noted in the last in June we have quite a number of um different curricula that have been revised um the second thing that we discussed was New Jersey qac New uh New Jersey quality a single accountability Continuum Continuum which is the state's monitoring system and the purpose of which is to assure that all children should share in quality education you can find the entire uh qac manual on the doe site so if you'd like to look at it ahead of time you know or if anybody on our board would like to look at it it's there uh the district administrators have been working diligently to gather the necessary materials for their visit by the office of the county superintend attended uh we also discussed the comprehensive Equity plan briefly which all all districts are required to develop and review and the purpose of this plan is to assure that all districts are achieving maintaining and are in compliance with the njac 6A colon 7 which in addition to Employment Practices and staff development includes school and classroom uh practices in curriculum student access guidance and physical education and Athletics um tonight we voted we will be voting on the uh statement of assurance to the ngj doe um we also discussed briefly the composition of the technology committee which will be meeting soon one of the important things that will be discussed uh we anticipate is the impact of AI within the schools and would you you know I'd like to defer to you Mr loan to so you could talk about what the committee is going to be you know doing so we have um we're in the process of creating a three-year technology plan so we're bringing in various stakeholders to uh provide input on our Direction ultimately it's you know an administrative task but we do find Value in um getting input from various stakeholders um community members board members um I know I sent out an email to board members and some of you did reach out to say that you wanted to be a part so we'd be happy to have you as well um once once we figure that out we envision and working with Mrs gross we envision on revisiting that plan on an annual basis but it really will be a three-year plan to just sort of outline uh where we're headed and and the devices that will be used um artificial intelligence will be part of that conversation and I know that is an ongoing discussion around schools around the nation um so we will we'll talk about that cyber security uh will be part of it so uh we're we're hoping it's an all-encompassing plan and ultimately we're we're going to take feedback from as I mentioned multiple areas um and I know uh we also talked about reaching out to the larger Community with respect to providing input um generally our parents providing input on other committees or even uh as this as this work continues um we'll be reaching out on on multiple areas so um one of the board members actually brought that to our attention and I thought that was really good feedback so we will be doing that um so look out uh if you're watching from home um and and you're a parent uh in the district look out for opportunities to provide your input and your participation as needed I would like to ask a couple questions regarding this um just for clarification so I obviously was you know someone who reached out and kind of condone parental involvement as we begin to develop this plan uh Su you had referenced a technology committee is this going to be a standing committee for technology no it's not a standing board committee it's really um an ad hoc it's not I'm not sure I would even call it a committee um we're we're looking for advisory feedback from from people so um we had staff members last week uh we have some community members and board members coming in next week so this will be fluid we'll keep it going and keep bringing people in and different stakeholders to develop that thank you good I have a question around that um you said the community members are involved right what again I know it's Administration so we don't have but I'm just curious to know like how is the selection process done so we've had um generally speaking um the way we involve community members is we've had community members reach out on in various different ways either via email sometimes here right offering assistance to provide input um uh or even just conversations uh at breaks at board meetings or or on various events so um that's how this current Core group of community members were selected um but as I mentioned we'll be going out to the larger Community asking our our community if they have any interest we've done that in the past haven't had a whole lot of interest um for I guess maybe a variety of reasons maybe people don't have time um or you know feel comfortable with with the way things had been carried out in the past but um I'm willing to do that and I'm willing to reach out to the larger group and and if more people want to get involved I I think that's the more involvement we can get from our parents in our community the the more ideas you know we're not all knowing you know the room is smart smarter than any individual person so I think it's important for us to get as many different viewpoints as possible to at least consider right not saying we we can Implement every little detail that everyone brings on on that uh Advisory Group but I think it's important to get as many willing participants involved so we can at least think about some things that we may not have thought about I have a question um are would these meetings be held at night or during the day I'm wondering like if we're going to be involving parents in the community people work you know how how have you done it in the past in the past um generally during the day um the these next week will be during the day um but that's not to say we can't consider doing something in an evening as well I thought maybe you know if you did it in the evening you might be able to get others but then again you have to you know you also of staff that yeah I think I think um an effective way to do it is um identify the people who are willing and able and then determine what their schedules look like if we do have some who say you know I can only do it in the evening would you consider doing an evening session I would have no problem doing that um but I think it just depends on on what our what our makeup looks like and I promise last question again first year on the board I'm still learning so that's why I'm asking the questions when you select the committee members do they have like for example cyber security is a very specific targeted topic do they either have experience or are there experts in those in those fields or is just just kind of open to you know even folks that may not have that expertise yeah so cyber security is very specific so um does everyone on the on the input committee uh for the community members who are coming next week have that specific experience no um but they have technology experience or even just you know some ideas and and ways to think about either technology or or how we can better serve our students in our community and they've expressed concerns and uh a willingness to offer their feedback so um but again you know we're not looking at resumés we're not saying well you qualify to be on the committee or you don't I think it's hard enough to get people willing to to come to the table so um we'll we'll go out again with a very general you know no application process just would you be willing and I Envision now as we as we go out further maybe we have a a list of topics that may come up you know hiring is another one right we we include parents and community members on some of our hires right especially you know like when we hired our principal right we had um community members on that hiring committee um at least in the first round so we could provide a list in my head I'm I'm thinking maybe a list of our typical topics that we seek input on um and then kind of an open-ended if there's anything else that might come up as an ad hoc would you be willing to also provide your input there so I think generally speaking the the committee members gravitate toward topics and items they have some kind of knowledge on because they feel like they have value but I'm not really looking for an application process to to weed people out but it's still an email that goes out to the whole Community correct you ask okay good okay Safety and Security we did meet today early today and we had a meet and greet with Thomas rose on new Safety and Security uh uh uh head and he did some very hard very good work and he presented to the board a new security quick reference guide which I'm just going to mention not going to talk about and as well as a he updated and went through our School Safety and Security plan for 2425 which is also includes our crisis response so um safety security committee reviewed it with him we had some questions went back and forth and we our next step is we're going to provide it to the full board for review uh and then talk about it uh after the full board reviews it to move it forward so the board can eventually adopt this as a new as our new guide um was a great meeting we we uh I also touched upon uh the uh cyber security aspect as well and he's going to be working together with Tom any and report back to the board on that as well um other thing we talked about Aldo was U the traffic light at Abbot um Ashley had mentioned she had tried for years to get that traffic light um toil but we uh the board wants I just want to bring it to the board detention the administration as a board we can try so a single person as a board we can ask yeah I believe that's a County Road um we're spe for anyone watching that's not sure uh what we're talking about I had sent an email to Michael U about a month ago um about the intersection in front of the Early Learning Center um I believe it's Harbor in tenant um and given you know the drop off um from parents that are dropping off their kids that don't get the bus service and then the buses that intersection um I I feel like you know every couple weeks I'm seeing another accident there and it just seem seems like something you know I know it's not a Township Road or at least um the tenant Road part of it I I don't know where Harbor Falls that's probably a Township Road but um definitely something that should be looked at given you know the um age of the students that are in that building and the amount of traffic that goes in and out of it every day so um that's what Michael's talking about right so I think Mike agreed that and U I'll mention to uh Miss Mendes when she's back that the board board the board as a whole can ask can ask for that traffic light to be in place maybe it carries more more uh weight in a single person yeah I like I said um you know I typically those things don't move very quickly but it it's something that I think would be in our best interest to at least get the ball rolling I'm sure they're going to want to do a traffic study first off before anything is done these things take years you know I I probably won't be here when it's done but it's something that I think would benefit the community and um you know definitely the safety of the students that are going in and out of that building every day I have a question if it's a county thing does the board have any like it's a County Road it's basically submitting a request to the county say so as just as Citizens not so much as the board of V or as a board of V to submit that request well if the board as a whole makes the request it would come from the Board of Ed requesting them to take a look at the inter section that it may be due for a traffic signal okay I just want to I didn't realize okay all right Safety and Security I mean uh policy policy committee met and review the harassment intimidation bullying and student code of conduct policies in the August board meeting we will share some enhancements to components of both policies including how they are shared with families and students Safety and Security buildings and grounds Danielle okay so the building and grounds committee met on July 11th just to go over some of the projects that will be going on this summer uh we talked about the air conditioning plan so right now we're at Marl so we're we were talking about how the bid date for the opening of that project is set for August 14th so we'll probably try to award at our August meeting or a September meeting um the reason it's so late is because we've learned that the delay for the the units is approximately 26 to 36 weeks oh my God so we are aware that they're going to have to work during second shift or run wiring through you know the night time when school is out so there probably will not be any air conditioning installed in time for the start of school just due to the supply chain delays with the actual split units but all the wiring and everything should be done as soon as we award them um just keep in mind this was the project that we approved with the rod Grant application so 40% of the project will be covered by the SDA and then the other percentage was budgeted for in the budget so we're hoping that we get good pricing at the bid opening um some of the other projects that we discussed was so the Abbot generator so we had a kickoff meeting with them they're just waiting on permitting from the township and when that gets in um secure they can start working and running wiring the same thing same issue is just lead times on actual equipment so just waiting for the actual generator to come in so they're all aware of that so really the the tie in to the actual new generator won't happen until during the school year but again the contractors are pretty good where they're aware of doing that um on second shift when when school is out we continue to do electrical work ongoing throughout the district so basically just tying in any areas that are not tied into our current generators we have our in-house electrician doing that um rewiring the bounce of the classroom so basically uh just eliminating eliminating floor Outlets just trying to be more efficient in the classrooms ongoing repairs to the district lights so basically like the parking lot lights you see and other lights that you'll see in the in the in the building we're just trying to repair those inhouse rather than call electrician in um we talked about the interior exterior doors our last project for that our last phase of that is the Dugan exterior doors so we're estimating that that's about a half a million dollars to finish all the exterior doors and that's due to the window walls that are involved in replacing those doors so we don't believe that we'll be able to finish all of them but we're going to basically build the bid to where we can do base bids and alternates so we can select exactly what we can do and we're going to prioritize that on the need of of the door which is ones are in the worst shape or are really a security concern for the for the school we went over the SE the cement and asphalt districtwide uh plans basically for the school year so you're going to see throughout the district a lot of um asphalt and cement repairs or a lot of modifications um Dugan into defino's courty yards and um playground areas are going to be modified a lot of that you'll see that old rubberized flooring at toino is going to be ripped up and replaced uh Dugan's going to basically get a facelift when it comes to new Asphalt in the back and um a new basketball court and we're going to be more ADA Compliant there's a law coming down the pipe where we're going to have to have right away access to all the playgrounds so we're starting to include all those walkways in the in the district y uh Paving project so a lot of our playgrounds will have access from the actual um asphalt to connect to the playground for ADA compliance um this work um so we awarded Lucas brothers so they are the ones with the lowest bid we are going out to bid separately for the pavers here so we will be doing that that bid opening I believe is the end of August so that was something that we wanted to do separately because we felt we would get better pricing if we did that separately because landscaping companies can bid on that also rather than just asphalt repair companies so they weren't they really weren't in the business of getting pavers they we saw the pricing was a little high for that um the auxiliary gym at Old Middle is getting replaced so we're going to do an abatement there and then replace it we're hoping that's done by the time school starts and I don't think there's any reason of concern to not have that done so one of the things that was brought up by the committee that was a good idea for us to do was to possibly take some before and after pictures and then try to include them in you know our early budget conversations in December just to show you know exactly what we're budgeting for and what we're actually doing so you can see the change because not everybody is able to get out and see those projects that are not on the committee um so one of the other things we talked about is is basically just we we do we we'll be doing districtwide floor remov removal and replacement that's something we budget for every year uh the brick repointing and then something we also talked about as you'll see on the agenda tonight uh to award a new company for our custodial services so our current provider will be leaving they were not the lowest bid the lowest bid is now ACB services and so we just talked about that and basically the the plan going forward of how we're going to transition we actually had a very nice meeting this morning regarding just the transition plan with leadership from them and we felt comfortable to to proceed with the award um because all of our assurances have seemed to be met and so they would start August 1st and then after that we actually toured we toured one of the schools that would have a lot of the work done and that was Dugan and so we were able to walk around the building just to see where the work would take place and then we're going to schedule something at the end of the summer just to maybe touch a little bit more of the schools just to see exactly where the work was done and what has been has been completed so far I just wanted to add to it and uh thank Vinnie for taking us around um and giving us really comprehensive tours that's kind of where the idea came for before and after pictures because it truly is um a huge undertaking all the projects that are going on and all the moving parts that are going on all at once are some really um some really nice upgrades for the students are going to be able to enjoy this year so thank you for taking the time to do that um hey Vin if you don't mind just uh two quick questions the first the generator at Abbot uh while we're waiting for the lead time to you know run through on that new generator is the old one still working yeah they won't do the disconnect of that generator until we actually have the new piece of equipment and then usually what happens is they have to turn all the power off so that'll probably happen during like a break or right um a day off a scheduled day off where they can turn the power on and connect everything okay and then the second thing was just about the air conditioners um that lead time do we send out a purchase order like right when we get the um right when we like uh award the bid so yeah so what will happen is so we awarded um we approved the project we awarded the architect to basically design the bid specs and then when we open the bids and we see which one's the lowest we'll bring that to the board for approval and then once it's approved we'll usually issue a PO right away and of course the companies they won't order anything until they receive that that that purchase order yeah once they receive the purchase order but that's all I just wanted to understand if we were waiting you know for the purchase order to be sent over to the supplier uh like if the 26 weeks started ticking then or if it was like when the award was when the contract we're getting like estimated lead times dependent on when you place the order and how long it's taking so again it'll be when we did when we approve it probably that's when the the clock would start got it um and then don't forget with the rod Grant so when you finish a certain amount of the project you can actually submit reimbursement to the SDA for like substantial completion so we won't have to wait to try to at least recuperate some CL out right yeah maybe I don't know are we able to perhaps put that in you know the specs as we go ahead that the equipment should be like purchased um as soon as the contracts are signed just to get that yeah and that that'll be reiterated at the bid opening um depending on who gets awarded we're going to want them to literally the next day hit the ground running yeah um and at least mobilize to start doing the wiring and then and then they have to put the right yeah that's yeah essentially like so that while they're doing the wiring and all the other you know preliminary work at least you know the lead time is starting to and we're we're just hoping that we get a vendor that has a low bid that already maybe has some on hand that can get started or maybe the manufacturer they have a better rapport with or a better yeah better connection with than the other one when it comes to ordering stuff and getting it timely understood all right thank you I appreciate it okay that brings us to financial business operations matters we have 32 resolutions and that you want read please the superintendent of school submits the following resolutions for approval one transfers two list of bills three secretary monthly reconciliation reports four travel five harassment intimidation bullying report six approval of chapter 27 emergency virtual or remote instruction program plan for the 2425 school year seven Award of bid comprehensive custodial services for the marbo Township School District eight Award of bid comprehensive custodial services for the provision of janitorial services to the mar Township municipal buildings nine acceptance of idea allocations for the 2425 school year 10 approval of Esa allocations for the 2425 school year 11 donation 12 escnj contract purchase CW cdwg for technology supplies and services for the 2425 school year 13 Omnia Partners contract purchase USA building maintenance for roofing siding gutters and Rel related services for the 2425 school year 14 award of viid resolution to award Mercury catalyze flooring abatement at maral Middle School auxiliary gymnasium a 15 escj contract purchase Allegiance trucks DBA Mid-Atlantic Truck Center for repair parts for buses and vans for the 2425 school year 16 contract renewal year 2 Food Service management company fsmc contract uh 17 approval of agreement with Freight Tech Vice Hopkins duthy PC for exterior door and hardware Replacements 18 approval of agreement uh lemon educational Consulting LLC 19 approval of agreement Oxford Consulting Services Inc 20 approval of agreement Oxford Consulting Services Inc 21 approval of agreement mjw Physical Therapy LLC 22 approval of agreement speech therapy services 23 approval of agreement Occupational Therapy Services 24 approval of agreement Occupational Therapy Services 25 approval of agreement mjw Physical Therapy LLC 26 approval of agreement Summit speech School 27 approval of agreement with Mammoth ocean Educational Services Commission for Educational Services 28 approval of agreement mjw Physical Therapy LLC 29 approval of agreement All Care Therapy Services 30 approval of agreement agreement Mammoth ocean Educational Services Commission and 31 Award of bid landscaping services oh sorry 32 State contract purchases is so move thank you Anette you have a second adid any discussion um yeah yeah just um on number six uh I don't know if it would be Mr balone or um Vinnie uh being that it's financial and business matters but um can you just clarify a little more the um the Board of Education submission for like this chapter 27 emergency virtual remote instruction program yeah so um just jump in if I'm if I'm not correct so basically this is required by so the governor signed this into law where it's required for school districts to adopt a plan each year basically an emergency virtual remote instruction plan just to have on file um this does not mean that we're enacting anything thing it just means that we are just having one on file we're required by law each District's required to have one and basically just it um basically just shares information on our basically how we would proceed with operating virtually or or remote whether it be like how we clean facilities how we deliver meals like what our certain amount of certain staff members would be doing during that time and want to add anything else yeah and and we also correct me if I'm wrong once our funds are used which will essentially I I think this will be the last time we have to do this then we don't have to do it anymore um but we also if you remember uh at the policy committee level we implemented a change in policy where there don't quote me on the number of days but if was it four or five days uh the superintendent would consult with the Board of Ed in terms of closing for an extended period yeah that's um ultimately what I was trying to uh just check so that this doesn't have any impact on on that um policy correct okay cool thank you thank you other anybody else see n any please call roll roll call Mr hayatt yes Mrs McCormack yes Dr MTZ yes Mr patruno yes Mrs bomo yes Mrs gandi yes Mrs seart yes and Mr alansky yes I'd like to thank the marbor Middle School PTA on behalf of the board for the purchase of the two cafeteria tables for maror Memorial Middle School so thank you very much cular matters Aldo would you my reading three resolutions please the superintendent of school submits the following resolution for approval one adoption of state approved teacher and principal evaluation instruments two bilingual ESL three-year program plan 2024 to 2027 uh three amended resolution comprehensive Equity plan I so move thank you ELO I have a second please Dr Mis quitz any discussion on curriculum matters I no I'm sorry I just wanted to um thank the office for sending over that comprehensive Equity plan to the board members but prior to tonight's meeting um I realized that it was developed in 2019 2020 before um it was a Hot Topic and I just want to um reiterate that this is more of a a districtwide equity as far as hiring and Staffing and uh you know learning material that it's not that um you know controversial topic that has made its way into the news in the last couple of years so I just wanted to say thank you for providing that for us and giving some clarity to what this was before I even was utilizing the school district and um I appreciate it so thank you for that you're welcome anybody else okay any please roll call Mrs seart yes Mrs bomo yes Mrs Gandhi yes Mr hayatt yes Mr McCormack yes Dr MTZ yes yes Mr petruno yes and Mr alansky yes regist the personal matters Danel we have 20 resolutions the superintendent of school submits the following resolution for approval one retirements two resignations three employment certificated staff four employment secretarial staff five employment school aid six transfer certificated staff seven amended extracurricular activ advisers eight stiens additional duties transportation office assistant 9 2024 extended school year special education program substitute certificated staff 10 2024 extended school year special education program substitute instructional assistance 11 2024 summer work bus attendance 12 2024 summer work substitute bus drivers 13 2024 summer work sub Institute bus attendance 14 student observation 15 student practicum 16 student teaching 17 substitute secretaries 18 paid medical disability leave 19 unpaid leave of absence 20 amended resolution leave dates I so move thank you Daniel I get a second Ashley any discussion on Personnel matters uh I have a question actually um I think this belongs to personal matters but I recall in May and I meant to print the agenda out I don't recall if it was a leave or retirement that a bcba was going out is that correct yes okay so it's correct um I don't I don't recall this was it a leave or retirement a leave right okay so it was a leave I know we're down bcbas from the previous year I just want to make sure we have a plan to make sure that we're covered for the beginning of we we do okay so my question so that'll that that position won't be vacant it's not vac I have Tak care okay perfect that's my question so thank you that's exactly I wanted to hear okay thank you Chad anybody else yeah I have a question about number nine um only because I'm familiar with this staff member as the middle school teacher of health and physical education but I just want to make sure that um someone selected for esy special ed programs are also licensed for special ed instruction I just know like from my own experience she's at the middle school with the Gen and student so I just want to make sure she's okay that was tricky huh we'll we'll report back to you Mrs see work on that issue you anybody else have any please call roll Dr MTZ yes Mr petruno yes Mrs seart yes I'm just going to obstain on nine okay Mrs Gandhi yes Mr hayatt yes Mrs McCormack yes Mrs Palomo yes and Mr lonski yes we have a retirement comment sir I do I have two sets of retirement comments the first is for Michael Celli Mike Celli began his career in marbor Township Public Schools in 2017 and will end his career here with just over seven years of service in those seven years his impact on the school district has been significant he has been on the Forefront of revitalizing the marbor school district's infrastructure by overseeing the replace of boilers rubs Energy savings improvements the installation of HVAC at elementary schools and so much more this work was able to happen due to Mike's Keen budget planning unwavering work ethic and impressive attention to detail his kindness reliability leadership and willingness to take on any job will leave marbor with a difficult task ahead in finding his replacement Mike's retirement will leave an everlasting impact on the district as a whole and he will be greatly missed by all of a staff and peers we wish Mike nothing but the best in retirement and we thank him from the bottom of our hearts for everything he has done for the marber school district in buildings and grounds um do you mind I just want to uh say thank you to Mike um for the last almost three years now that I've been on the board I've been on the buildings and grounds committee and he really um I I've you know I feel like I've worked pretty closely with him like as a board member um he's you know one of the um staff that I've interacted most with when it came to the building and grounds committee and he did like a fantastic job he really like took pride in his work and uh you know I just want to wish him the best thank you finally retirement comments for Alan gy I am happy to congratulate a long-term employee Alan gy on his upcoming retirement Al has been with marbor school district for 25 years I've had the pleasure of working with him in the buildings and grounds department for the last 7 years Al came to marbor with years of experience working on hvacr systems he has kept our district operating for daily use not only that Al has jumped in to perform many maintenance duties throughout the years and has proven to be an asset to our team you will be missed Al enjoy every moment of your retirement you've certainly earned it congratulations [Applause] thank you sir okay policy development and community relations matters we have two resolutions Dr MTZ would you mind reading please I can find it second the superintendent of school submits the following resolutions for approval second reading um and an uh the amended 2024 school year calendar ISO move thank you you have a second Ashley any uh discussion on policy development see n Vinnie please call Mr patruno uh yes yes Mrs seart yes Mrs bomo one is it the second reading or the first reading because it says second reading but then it says approve for the first reading so are we approving the second reading of that second reading so change it to Second reading so I'll make that correction in a minute so this is that was for the second reading you're voting on Services yeah thank you yes Mrs Gandhi yes Mr hayatt yes Mrs McCormack yes Dr MTZ yes and Mr alansky yes I'll bring us to our liaison reports uh do we have anything from freeo Regional High School Chad uh no I don't um other than I know their Board of Education meeting was scheduled for last last month I believe it got moved to this Thursday so if you're like me and you drove to the board offices to go to that meeting with pulled up with no cars in the parking lot you know why it's it's it's Thursday the next Board of Education meeting I think that's a big one where they're finalizing the budget so thank you sir anything from the MEF nothing to report okay Maro Township Police National Night Out will be held on August 6 if you have a business and would like to participate please email National nightout at Mar pd.org maror day will be held on September 8th sponsors and vendors should apply now don't wait as spots fill up information as be sent via email is posted on the town website or email Recreation mar- newjersey.gov nj.gov town recycling calendar August calendar dates were misprinted the recycling dates are unaffected and the correction can be found on the website full socer registration is now open registration closes on August 12th The Swim Club will hold the family fund night on Friday July 26th cost for Resident not cost for Resident non-members is $10 per person members are free registration is required information on programs and events as sent VI email those are those registered you can visit the town website to enroll for those informational emails next is MTH County School boards nothing to report and New Jersey school board Daniel nothing to report thank you go to our schools I know this time of year sometimes you don't have reports and that's okay but I'll check Abbott anything Asher so for Asher first off I just wanted to thank Miss syi for um getting this over to me again she's really very good about um keeping me in the loop uh the PTA um the end of year at Asher was um you know certainly one for the books uh brought some exciting and generous um Teacher Appreciation Week sponsored by uh the PTA they were in their uh teacher appreciation era and showered the staff with amazing coffee and treats plus an awesome catered lunch from DeMarcos uh they are very grateful and uh love the Asher PTA for all they do um um the PTA also held their annual Mother's Day flower sale uh that culminated in a wonderful show for the families and they had the grade five picnic at Black Bear to wrap up the school year thank you uh we have the fal do we have anything I report uh Dugan Danielle yeah uh thank you Robin for the liaison report uh some of the dug and Dragons Were got the opportunity to present their science fair projects this summer at Mammoth Museum on July 7th it was a wonderful opportunity for the students to share their knowledge with community members School toolkits are currently available for purchase for the upcoming school year please see the email sent this past Sunday July 7th with information on how to order the playground play date will be taking place again this year before school starts It's a Wonderful opportunity for returning and new students to get together before the start of school please check your email for information regarding the event thank you Danel um marel Sue Dr MTZ yes the PTA is already excited about the upcoming school year they are presently working on a new and improved website which will be launched in September the new format is being designed to provide more security which will afford parents to F uh feel more comfortable when sending photos the executive board is looking forward to meeting all of the parents at the I don't know if they're a PTA or PTO I don't really know what the difference is but the the pto's parent social and the first meeting of the year and the ice cream social which is always a big hit and then there's back to school night the PTO wishes all of the Marboro Community a safe exciting and happy summer it's going fast enjoy very good robertville Ashley do you know they are although we are only Midway through the summer Robertsville has so much in store for the 2425 school year we welcomed our new principal Mr Gia Rano and we are so excited for the future plans in store with our students and staff on July 9th we celebrated the spirit of Mrs Laura Sturges at Jersey freeze and Freehold throughout the day students staff members friends family and many supportive community members came in her honor our community brought in $1,800 and Jersey free will be donating 15% of the proceeds to the stures family thank you to everyone who attended and contributed making this a successful and Beautiful Day Mr J is your new nickname our new principal and Robertsville newest edition is excited to get to know everyone in effort in an effort to meet our awesome students and families he will be announcing a picnic with the principal event for the week of August 12th more details to follow shortly be on the lookout for an email with more information to follow just an FYI this is not a drop off event um also if you are interested in being a volunteer in any capacity please reach out to Jaclyn masello directly at Maser jpg gmail.com her email is on our website uh we look forward to another great year have a fun and safe summer thank you Ashley MMS from Patwa we are working on welcoming students and staff back in September sports physicals are due by August 23rd for fall Sports and intermurals including soccer volleyball across country and the fitness club open house is set for August 23rd and 26th from 9: to 11:00 a.m. and the first PTO meeting of the news school year is set for September 17th at 9:45 a.m. I don't believe you have anything for Memorial so that brings us to scope D maror scope is busy planning exciting um inclusive events and fundraising activities for the upcoming school year stay tuned for announcements for more information to get involved or to become a scope member please visit our website at scope marbor . ptboard docomo scop PTO gmail.com this summer maros scope is thrilled to partner with the gioa family I'm so sorry for not saying that correctly giovano family to provide summer treats for our extended school year students and staff next Thursday July 25th students will have the chance to visit Goldie's Ice Cream Truck at the Early Learning Center and choose from ice cream or shaved ice please refer to the flyer sent home for more details thank you and CAC Dr missz to keep the American with Disabilities Act a um Ada and disabilities pride month celebratory and collaborative moment strong and energized special services and cpeg will be hosting spirit days on the following days of esy July 18th which is coming up shortly uh favorite sport team July 22nd favorite book character July 25th favorite hat July 29th backwards Clos day and August 1st sunflower day thank you thank you okay old business anybody have any old business yeah Alo um yeah I just wanted to discuss the um polling locations that um we had spoken about uh two months ago uh I wasn't at the last meeting so I know um Mike you and I had spoken briefly uh this morning and I had um spoken to Mr balone as well but um I just wanted to see if we can get an update for the community and figure out the next steps forward for the board I was giv my update so goes what you're asking so the last meeting they asked we as a Le on to reach out across the street I did speak to mayor horck who was very receptive my phone call understands completely our problem but unfortunately he has already I said the township has already looked into other public places that could possibly hold our elections I asked them there any place we could possibly double up on is there other that we can use more capacity you said they looked into that we can't um Mr balone reached out to the county and the only way that elections could be mve that has to start with the support of the mayor right the mayor is supportive if we could find a place if we don't have a place that will take the elections he will support us in that effort he mayor stance is he has tried already he has reached out to his people have tried to find public places and there aren't any so this is now for our discussion yeah so I I mean I appreciate first of all I just want to thank you for reaching out and Michael uh Balon as well for reaching out to um I'm assuming Mr Arnon at the county um I think um and I don't want to speak for the entire board but I'm just going to give like how I feel about it um you know per what was discussed at the njsba meeting um I don't think it's really um you know unfortunately you know moving polling locations is going to take you know a good amount of work probably at the township level and the county level when it comes to the cler of Elections um I don't really feel that it's the board of education's responsibility to be finding alternate polling locations I think that really with us it kind of stops at we can't utilize the school buildings for polling while we have students in the building at school um at that point we're doing what we have to do as a board of ed to ensure the safety of our students um and you know as well as uh utilizing our buildings um that being said you know I think that we need to really just um I I think we need to dig like I don't want to say dig our heels in but we need to you know we we can't be allowing students to be in the schools while we're having polling and now that the njsba has provided the guidance saying that we no longer need to you know if I'm totally fine with I know Mr balone you had mentioned um assisting uh to get the ball rolling per se you know I'm happy to help any way I can I don't really you know it's not really our wheelhouse like this is a board of education I don't know why we would be you know looking for alternate polling locations for the township or the county clerk of Elections but that being said if that's what it's going to take to get the polling locations out that then I think we need to just try and help in any way we can um ultimately because I think we need to you know as a board I believe that we need to let the township and the county know that come November we can't be using our schools anymore and that you know like it needs to happen now because November will be here before we know it so that being said um I just we can open it up to discussion I just want to see what everyone else has thought so on this I have a question um so I've only been here since 2017 but I swear I thought somebody said that there used to be locations at the firehouses and stuff and it wasn't always at the schools and if those locations are saying no then how come the school can't say no like why do they get the right to say sorry you can't have it here but we don't well we do that so then that's what the njsba just made clear right that we can say now we no longer while while we have students in the building you know we do not need to allow access for polling per the NJ sba's new policy manual policy 9112 so we would have to ultimately not we'd have to amend our calendar and put the kids back in school those days right which and then say sorry now yeah and per the conversation that I had with Mr balone today I think that that's actually beneficial because it's going to you know that one week is kind of all over the place anyway Monday you're in school Tuesday you're out Wednesday you're in and then Thursday and Friday you're out for the um the convention uh the teachers convention so you know for the continuity of learning you go to school Monday Tuesday Wednesday and then you're off Thursday Friday for a long weekend don't forget two weeks after that is then Thanksgiving where you have another long weekend so having that week you know one day on one day off one day on really it you know November becomes almost like a lost month and um by doing this you know we'll be able to ensure the continuity of learning but more so you know really ensure the safety of the kids with the the polling because we don't need to be closing school on Tuesday the first Tuesday in November for polling if we don't have to um I looked at several other towns um what were the two that I pulled up earlier today I think wall wall was one of them believe West Long Branch was another um was it Middletown or no I think Middletown mwan yeah I think that one was another one which was I think larger than ours and they had 42 dist or don't quote me I want to say 42 whereas we had 30 something um but regardless you know with the number of districts I know that you know there's St Gabriels um is for example the district that where I report to vote um I haven't spoken to anyone there you know again I don't feel like it's really in our wheelhouse as the Board of Ed this feels like something that should be coming from the county clerk or the county clerk of Elections um but that being said they're not at capacity between the last couple years where we've had mailin voting and early voting at the manalan library um you know the number of people that turn out on Election Day is not nearly as much as it used to be and that being said even when it was you know for the 20 years that I've been you know a voting resident of malor there's never been more than 20 years 30 people there when I go and if you look at that that place on Easter Sunday you know it's standing room only in the vestibules so you know to to hear that they're at capacity is really not it doesn't really hold much weight with me and unfortunately I hate to you know I I I don't want to burden anyone else with extra work but my responsibility is with the students staff and school buildings and as far as I'm concerned when there's students in the buildings we can't be having polling so I think that is something that we need to stand firm in so my question is for Mr pno Gabrielle I our next board meeting could we have a resolution that changes the calendar back and then just says we're not having elections in our buildings are we legally allowed to do that I'd have a little B because I don't microphone okay um I'll have to get back to on that I I think um I don't know if there's a timelines for changing polling places familiar with that so I have to look into it and get back to you but it's a possibility okay so I'm going to ask Mrs Mendes to put on the next a discussion again on the next meeting to follow up with that to see if we can do that and we can always add a resolution at the meeting if we have to can always add addendum I mean yeah the only thing is at that time now we're you know into July already and we're looking at the July meeting I mean what is can do you guys mind if you wouldn't mind just chiming in and letting me know like am I alone on this or what are you guys like what are I agree I agree 100% with it and I think that families would really appreciate two days back um at the end of summer seeing that a lot of families that I know uh really struggle with their kids going to Camp um and even with end of the year planning for events those days are so limited that I think um you know taking those days away from the children just to allow voting in the schools is really burdening the families especially when the summer months come around and we could really use those days back yeah I'm registered to vote at Dugan and I have never waited right ever I've walked in every time and gone right to the booth so um hearing that they're in undated at the voting sites and that they need big spaces to accommodate is doesn't make sense to me either the parking lot is less than a dozen cars and I've literally never waited to get into a booth so I'm I'm with Aldo on um this as a whole but also maybe looking into doubling up um but he he brings up a good point if we just say like everybody else is saying you can't use our building how many schools are utilized during voting do you know off the top of your head six of our eight six of eight six so we would need six locations I don't see how that's our responsibility either exactly we were we were at the um I was at the delegate meeting at njsba as well uh and there was several uh superintendant as well as other uh njsba members that were speaking about what they were going to propose uh to get it out of their buildings um and a lot of them were just using County facilities and working with with the town so I think that this is going to be happening more than just a couple that you pulled up and I would hate to be a district that is not you know that is behind with taking this away from the kids also too um I pulled up um I'm sorry I didn't want to interrupt everyone from chiming in but just a little more information um I did pull up the polling locations for our town I believe there was 32 districts in total that have to report um for to vote in person and um of those I I didn't take a tally of each um one exactly but I think the school that gets utilized most is Robertsville if I'm not mistaken I think there was like four or five districts reporting there um like I said I go to St Gabriel's to vote and I think there's two that report there um I there you know at looking at the other towns that I did pull up to see where they go They're utilizing like we are so they're utilizing burrow Hall their local library both which we're not they're utilizing um firehouses which we do but we still have some others that were not um another facility that we didn't really discuss Mr balone when you and I spoke was the swim club that could be a potential um you know so if we did need to find new locations like I said we could but I don't really think that's our responsibility I think that that's something the town and the county should figure out um logistically in my eyes if we're looking at the schools um that have to have the polling locations removed from them I don't see why we can't just add those districts to the existing polling locations maybe add the library the rec center is already being used so maybe you know Town Hall if possible I don't know if the proximity to the police station has anything to do with why it's not now um Mr balone you had a good recommendation about the board office being that there's no students there um you know like I said not something I want to do using the board office but if it means we get it out of the schools then let's do it but we got to do something we can't just sit on this and then November's going to be here and another year is going to go by so if you guys don't mind if you can I you know I'm with you 100% but I just can't vote a yes to I hear from our attorney that we're doing it the right way yeah whatever the right way to do that well what is the right way I didn't really hear what she what I think she means more like the timeline of the location change but does that fall on the board of education like is that our responsibility oh you're talking about changing the calendar no you're talking about changing the polling location what does it matter if why wouldn't we start it now and what does the timeline matter so if we don't make it for this November then I have a question right but then at least we have it moving so then you know it's memorialized so that going further it won't happen again because if we wait and then next June comes and we start again we're going to run out of time again like I think we need to just proceed and not sit on it waiting you know so Mr balone you mentioned that there are two um school districts that have already said no like I think you mentioned what like wall and and what was the other one so I'm not sure if they've actually said no but they uh they do not use their schools for polling locations so they have previously yeah if if you take a look D there's a website called Mammoth County votes and I don't um have the information on hand right now but I did look at it earlier today I think Walltown ship was one I want to say mwan was another which really stuck out to me because they're a large district and they're neighbors yeah and I you know they have more um districts than we do voting districts not school district um they you know the other one that I think um uh was it West Long Branch which you know was a smaller District but um a smaller Township um but you know they also didn't from what I understood uh on the website um the other surprising thing uh I was it Middletown that only had seven one of them only had seven districts and it was a town larger than us I think it was middlet town that that may have been mwan was that okay I think so yeah one of them had like seven districts and was a larger town by population than we are I don't again this seems like all stuff that the county clerk and the mayor should be talking about because I don't know if they do Zone The Districts based on population geographic area again we're a board of ed it's not really our responsibility I think what we need to do is just say we're not allowing the polling locations to be in our schools while students are there and then amend our calendars and let you know local government take over and do what they have to yeah and to support that I will say um like I said when I read out from the um delegate conference the vote to pass this motion and let it sit in the school board's hands whether or not the schools were allowed was overwhelming it was like there was very very few people who voted against the resolution so like I said the trend I believe in the state is going to be get it out of the buildings allow the children to have continuity of learning like Aldo had mentioned um and like I said earlier I wouldn't want to be one that's late to the game where we have now years of you know taking these days away when we you know I know that there's always questions on is it safe for the children to go to school when there's snow outside and we're sitting here and contemplating these reasons other districts very easily just have two more days because they're going to get this out of their schools one more question I'm sorry V here Mr balone do we sign anything with the county that gives them permission do we have some type of they have a building use form like how do we no they usually notify us of the polling locations and then we let the buildings know to to make sure that they are there to accept the voting machines have we done that already for this year no no nothing's been communicated this year for the Ping I think when we when we discussed this first um I think it was a couple years ago I think one of the things was that we got on the phone with the with the with the township and they basically have to fight with the the you know the county the the elections office to try to change it and sometimes they won't change it and so the township would kind of be stuck also because I guess you don't want to be deemed interfering with an election if if things have been advertised and set in stone and then you change polling locations too late I don't think they would they would allow that so that's why you would have to be way ahead of this to try to even try to even change it Michael lony I'm sorry I was in the bathroom I caught the tail end of what you were saying you said that you spoke to the township and that the mayor has to contact the County oh actually Mr balone spoke to the county and the county said that it's under the mayor's control if they would need the mayor's blessing to change the polling District correct sir yes it has to initiate from the mayor and do we have the mayor's blessing to keeping I spoke I I when you were here I mentioned I just speak to the mayor the mayor says that there are no other public locations to be used he can't double up any place else if we knew of a place he he would he would agree with us and and move forward with changing it he does not know of a place to move the elections to That's The Stance right now and and that's why I had brought to Mr patruno and I know I I agree it's probably not our job but sometimes we have to do things that aren't our job to make things happen so I am happy to drive around town um utilize you know figure out what other buildings we could use I'm I'm happy to do that um even utilize buildings as Mr patruno said that belong to us that don't have students in them our buildings grounds building I don't District responsibility level that's what I was getting at you know I don't think it is the district's responsibility I think we're but that's fine if we have to I mean based on a brief look at the list I don't think the library Town Hall I didn't see the Robertsville Fire Company on there I could be mistaken I saw Morganville and maloro uh fire company so I mean right there is three places the library burrow Hall town hall and um Robertsville Fire Company like there's three more that you can and you know if we needed to by contacting them um but on top of that the existing locations I think that we can put more districts than we currently like St Gabriel's can have more than two districts like that's you know I don't want to speak for the church but it's never where did they do it at St Gabriel's there's in that back room that back thing the big back room yeah and it's possible that maybe some of the other like uh places of worship would be willing to allow us to utilize their facilities oh yeah the M Worship Center was another one I saw as a former principal I hated using my building for any of these outside things even if it was a men's basketball thing I in today's world I just didn't trust that's exactly problem you know I'm even worse so worried about that than 50 years ago it been okay to have people coming in but now to have people coming in during the school day to vote with no ID like it just can't happen I agree I we all agree I I certainly do the question that we have to figure out is is it too close to the election to move these polling places for the county first because I'm all for putting in extra effort to recommend additional places to the mayor let's make a goal for June right that's the whole thing go for theary for November hopefully it's not I think we still proceed anyway because June's primary is going to be here before we know it like then in January we're going to be saying the same thing like oh man I think if we can make it happen by the primary the presidential coming up I agree with Vinnie we don't want to be accused of election interference that's it and not that you're saying that then then let's do it great if we can't let's continue going on and make our goal June so but I think we have to figure out if it's a little too late Michael do do we need to do this like through like is it something that the Board needs to do as a whole like do I should I file a should I make a motion here to have the board vote on using the schools so I I think that would carry some weight right I'd like to make a motion that the school buildings in the Malboro Township Board of Education will not utilize its um buildings with students in it for polling locations during an election can I have a second okay so we have a second so open up discussion on Aldo's motion um where does when with this motion I I have a question where you know um is it legal at this point I don't know I I can't that's what I said before I can't vote Yes on this motion till I hear exactly yeah I think we have to wait I agree with you 5,000% if I'm mistaken the motion is just to not have voters in the building with the children let's just make that yes but no is that why the schools are closed yeah that's why I thought that was just an amended calendar that we decided that the schools would be closed on primary election day because the students were there not so much a motion or a policy oh I'm not yeah I'm out those motions to move the elections out of the building right right my my motion the motion as I presented it is just that no polling locations will be allowed in the school buildings while we have children present and as as of what date as of for for November or can we do it for I can't put I would love to say by November but excuse me I'm sorry I said I would love to say by November but I don't want to be accused we have to get the legal or whatever so how about as soon as possible can you add that to the motion your motion doesn't say we reopen the schools she just says what we're doing now we're not going to have children in the buildings while we have elections that's what you saying okay I think we just I get what Aldo is saying but I think we need to again just on legal advice is just kind of look into that but I do agree that if there are definitely other options within our community that we can utilize we don't have to have have it in our schools but I just want to make sure that we're not going to be in violation of anything and then I feel more comfortable voting I agree but the like I know that you have uh reached out to NJ SBA for other um things so this came directly from them and it affects their policy guid and so they rolled out a new policy uh effective immediately after that um you know when we went to the delegate meeting and uh their policy is advising that the the decision lies within the school board so that like we use trme but njsba their policy is going to dictate that this is now within the school board so no I have no issues with saying that if this is going to be in effect as of next year absolutely my vote would be yes my only concern is for this year if we're going to be in any violation just to kind of check that because we don't that's that's the last thing that we want we're trying to do something positive this year though we just wouldn't amend the calendar then but right now don't have students for November because the schools are closed so it won't wouldn't matter we could still proceed with the with this motion and then if we can have it done by November we can amend the calendar before school starts to bring the kids back on Election Day and then move forward if not then we do it for June we don't need to amend the calendar at this time I think we need to get the ball rolling on getting the polling locations out yes motion on table just can you take the motion again you have it written down no so it it's basically a motion to not have children in school while during the election right correct to no yeah the so no that's not what I'm hearing no it's that we're the yeah that we're not going to have students during um we're not going to have polling locations in the building buildings while students are present and if we currently you know now that we currently do they're no long you know we have to have the polling locations moved is essentially what we're I'm confused now because going around in circles here presently are the kids the kids aren't they they have off for election day this year correct okay so they have off now okay you know yes what and June yes so um okay just so when I vote I wanted to make sure that I know what I'm voting so you know what to make it a little easier I'll just amend the motion um to say that uh I'd like to make a motion that the malb township uh Board of Ed will no longer utilize its school buildings as polling locations effect effective effective immediately see and I can't vote for that because until we find out I need another second for the Ashley okay and that thoughts and that thoughts immedately Aldo there's no for no the problem is if by law we can't move them in time for November we're going to have to that's yeah I have I would abstain 100% onard yeah same thing with me I have a question how could there be that's why that's why this motion is probably fine because there's no specific time frame it's just going forward so we're going to work towards doing this correct okay yeah would it be better to put as soon as humanly possible I I don't know whatever it takes guys let's just get out of the schools please so what are we doing about the mail in [Laughter] ballads just on the microphone Gabriel has a I I think if I'm correct in understanding I think we would be saying that this motion would be for the 25 26 school year on and then look into what we could do for the 25 or 24 25 school year which is the upcoming school year I yeah ultimately you're asking for a date then uh the way I was the way that the njsba presented it is that the power the decision to make the the power to make the decision is going going to lie with the local school board so that's us I am with you I support this I'm with you I just there isn't enough information yet like you're coming forward with a motion not knowing the answers to the timeline of moving polls there's there's no students in the buildings this election day if we can't do it for November it'll be done for June either way it's got to be done yeah but we're making a motion that says it can't be and we could be breaking we could be breaking a rule or I I only think the motion is getting a consens of our board and asking if we want the polling locations to no longer be in the schools that are in the school district that's the motion and as soon as we can get him out if things are already standing and on the calendar then we just won't amend the calendar and we'll proceed but as soon as it's possible does this board that's sitting here want polling locations in the schools or not in the schools I think that's why we're the what the attorney was saying though so her motion was exactly that she said that we're going to motion for the year of 2526 that we're voting there's going to be no polling I no polling taking place in um our schools and 24 sorry for 24 23 24 no 2425 that we're going to check to see and if we're able to we'll get it out without you know breaking any rules any violations if not then we'll keep it as is so that's that's it but why would we assign any date to and not only that see the other issues we've been talking about this for two or three months now and I thank you Michael and Michael for reaching out we've obviously come to a standstill though you know where they said they can't assist us and it's not us that needs to be assisted we're the one saying like where it lies the school board makes the decision you can no longer use our schools as a polling location we're willing to help you find other locations but it can't be in our schools I mean like how else do I say this let me so just bear with me so what happens if we make the motion Maro Township Board of Education will work to no longer have school buildings utilized as polling locations in effect by the end of 2425 because then that gives you you have a November election and a June election so we it's progress It's a step but we still need to I guess propose polling locations to even consider a change my idea was I at the board once I would ask Mrs Mendes maybe to make an ad hoc committee ction committee what you want to call it I think the motion is on the table vote on it to be honest with you like if you want to vote besides this to try to if we have to I'm going to make a committee to get the locations out of the school like that's the County government and the township government's job that's not the board of Ed's job we have many have to okay yep so we are voting for the motion of marbor Township bue will work to no longer have school buildings utilized as polling locations to be in effect by the end of the school year 2425 Alo have first and then who was the second Danielle okay roll call Mrs Gandhi so by the end of so in case in so during this upcoming school year we're going to be working towards removing them because in the event that by law we cannot bu November or great yeah okay that that works so Mrs Gandhi um I I just want to clarify again that if we're not in any violation then we'll put this in effect right I think that's the idea yeah I think we're we're going to work towards getting them out of our school district by the end of the school year by the end of the this next school year soon or sooner I think if we wanted a time limit on this then the 242 school year is aine can we just say as soon as possible okay Mr Hyatt yeah let's do it I'm in Mrs McCormack yes Dr MTZ yes Mrs seart yes Mrs Palomo yes Mr petruno you better vote I obain no yes and Mr alansy yes okay motion passes thankk you sir anybody else have any other old business yeah yeah I don't know if this would fall under old business but I remember um Mrs gross you had mentioned because curriculum is being written up right now um that at some point you're going to present to the board the changes that were implemented so just want to make sure that that's still happening for us um because I know we talked about that when that happened so just want to make sure of that and the other thing um Mr Cohen he bought up the um the funds that I guess I couldn't write everything down but um that are available right now for cyber security that we could potentially apply for it are there any plans to do anything like that are you aware of that um are you going to look into that just curious so the curriculum writing Dr MTZ did report out that um we're going to provide the board with the changes um it's actually going to be a multi-layered process so the board will um get to view the changes the Comm Comm will also get to view the changes under um on the website we have a tab so if you go to the curriculum tab which is on the right hand side of the page toward the top there's a draft curriculum section draft curriculum guide section so the Board of Ed will will see the guides uh the community will then be able to see the guides in advance of the August 20th Board of Ed meeting so um and also just to reiterate I'm sorry something that we spoke about during the committee meeting was that the board will have a preview of the updated curriculum with the new standards a little bit in advance of the community so that we can review before they're posted on the website and then the community will review before they're voted on at the board meeting that's what you're asking no but my my my biggest thing was is how are we going to know like what the changes were is that going to be marked up or like I'm I'm just curious because I wouldn't know how to like do side by side but as edits were being made I think the recommendation that the board made was was if there is a way to capture it whether it is redlining it or whatever I think you mention crosswalks right there would be crosswalks yeah come on oh in in the Mee thank you um is this thing on work is it I think it is working um so it we will have a crosswalk that will show you the how the standards have changed um but the guides I think you should read them as a whole so that you can kind of see how the Pieces come together but the crosswalk will help you see how the standards have changed which will kind of allow you to focus on what parts of the guide you want to read but I still would recommend reading the thing in the entirety yes and then the cyber security piece V have you have you had any information do you have any information on on that so we've actually um we've always looked at opportunities or grants that are outside of e rate so we actually did get a approved last year for a it was a small Grant I think it was about 40 50,000 for um cyber security initiative so this would just be another one that we could look to apply for we just have to see the the stipulations for the actual application I know some of these that come out it can be very competitive and then some of them always require that you are need need to be like a needy District or an urban area District where they give you the most funding so um seems to be a common cause of when we apply for competitive grants yes um like the playground grants we looked into those that was the same same situation so we knew we had like no chance to actually uh qualify for one so we would definitely take a look at that all right any new business I have some new business something that I wanted to talk about um I think that I was going to wait until valentina's back but just on the heel of some of the things that we were saying and even some of ad's questions earlier um I would like to bring forth to everyone I had reached out about two weeks ago um about a accountability committee or an advisory committee um that kind of memorializes some of the really good things that have been happening um I had spoken to Mr blone about Community involvement and involving more of the community um in the advisory capacities uh but it has become we have had many different areas where we've been getting um advisory capacity from either local establishments community members um and even just things that we're doing on the board but they don't fall in any committee work and to a DD's Point earlier it would be nice to have some of these um people that have more specialized interests come forth and form these committees um as part of the board and we could make local business owners um we've formed a really nice relationship with MJC with the training that's coming up and also some of the relationships that we've had with other establishments and these things should be repeatable so it's not just a response to an incident but an ongoing relationship and um I would love to discuss more either an executive or here or in the future about making this committee something that stands um and then Community involvement something that's dictated not just on a response to an immediate situation but something that's actually standing that we can go out to these resources um like I said either local business owners uh community members parents um and really utilize all of the wealth of knowledge and the plethora of knowledge that we have in our community um to kind of shape some of these plans and give feedback to the district sounds interesting would you be if I had Miss Mendes put it on agenda for discussion at the next meeting officially on the agenda and then we can get some more background information out maybe some on the green notes from you how what that would look like and sure that make sense yeah I I I personally I'm I yeah I'm fine with that but is there an issue with discussing it now or are we able to discuss it now or yeah I'm just um I I you know um the idea is interesting I I I like the sound of it um I I kind of like to hear what everyone else whose thoughts are if you guys don't mind I have questions so Danielle what were you thinking how many people how would it be um who would pick the the people um so we have um actually very few committees as a board in comparison to other districts I'm sure you know that I know that you're well versed in this um so things like technology um that's really important and we've heard several of our community members come to the microphone and I was very excited to hear that there's initiatives being taken with that but that's something that's ongoing and fluid much to like our conversation so that should be um it should be like there should be a protocol to it so we're making a plan now but if there is a cyber security issue or if there is technology issues it shouldn't just be a response but this committee should sit as a technology committee with an advisory capacity so that it would be the imple implementation of more committees under a broader kind of scope that makes sense it's done in a lot of other districts so I was just going to ask is there technology committees on other districts in other districts do they have a technology committee or a committee of an advisory like an advisory committee would be the community members that came in in specific areas oh I misunderstood I thought you wanted board members as the advisory committee and then the board members would select the community members right so this is the advisory committee would have board members on it and they would help Outreach so like you do Communications so the coffee chats would be a great starting point to kind of bring community members in in specific subject areas yeah yeah no I understand that I just was this is like a very broad question that we'll need a lot of time to discuss like we had said but it's something that we're seeing you know like I had mentioned um the relationship that's building with uh some of the religious organizations and then also with technology so we're seeing it it's just there's no way to repeat it it's not a process it's just kind of ad hoc here ad hoc there and it's a response instead of a plan so instead of being responsive I would like to be proactive and have something sitting there so when you know whatever crisis comes down the road we already have a a plan and action on how we're going to address it instead of just a response and that would be with active community members like I had mentioned that we can just call in and it's not just picking who is ever you know there at the moment but instead I like it I support it I just think that we should discuss it more with our board president here I just don't know if we should have know I no I just meant the discussion part just so that you know we we don't have to do it I just wanted to bring it to the table so that it was out there and then if you want to add it to the agenda or if we want to take an executive yeah I think we should add it for next meeting I I support the idea think we should involve our community more absolutely y I agree so I'll talk the Miss Mendes and make that happen thank you other new business our next public comment session anybody no would anybody like to speak seeing none seeing none are we executive session resolution be resolved that in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act the mar Bo Township Board of Education shall conduct the close executive session pursuant to exceptions prescribed by njsa 10 col 4-12 for the purpose of discussing matters of ATT attorney client privilege anticipation anticipated length of time exec session will be 60 Minutes action will not be taken in public after the executive session be further resolved the ammin executive session will be released under need for confidentiality according to njsa 10 col 4-12 no longer applies all those in favor anybody against motion passes go to exact good night everybody thank you for coming [Music]