I don't see it yet there it is yep 242 okay so um I'll I'll start for the record this is Terry Harman I I don't think we did a great job of stating it on the record last time so I'll try to do a better organizational job now uh for the record it is July 17th at 2:30 p.m. um this is a session number three followup to a virtual session that uh public bargaining session that we had on July 15th uh present uh my name is Terry Harmon Council to the school district negotiator for the school district and I'll let Miss cessa and Mr Slanker introduce themselves and then our colleagues on the other side uh MCA Representatives can go ahead and do the same okay I'm Julie cissa assistant superintendent of Human Resources Je sler Council to the school district Martin po Council for the mar County Education Association I'll turn it over to Matt sorry jumped in nope I was I was waiting for you to go anyways uh Matt theal uh President Martin County Education Association and I'm Gary Simmons Service Unit director for the Treasure Coast Service Unit of the Florida Education Association which includes Martin County Education Association okay with that I guess the ball would probably be in our court to provide some uh feedback to our last session I think where we left off on job set or uh excuse me bargaining session number two is is kind of a record record point is there were two M shared with edits provided by mcea one was anou that would contemplate part-time release and the second was an you that was uh contemplating full-time release and I think where we left off was we were going to further look into whether or not uh part-time release was something that presently through this mou was something that um our folks would be interested in pursuing um and then also to provide some feedback either way to the different red lines uh that were provided and so we are we are in position to to respond to both I'll I'll talk about the part-time piece first um and then I'll do the redline side um and so we we had a a really good discussion about this and an opportunity to kind of go through it and as I said before I think at session one when the topic came up I don't think this was something that was contemplated until really that that first session so it kind of caught I think us off guard a little bit but I think we were able to work through what you were looking at doing in those first three sessions um to where we were in a position to kind of understand what it is the part-time might look like and so we were able to have a a good conversation um to share that to share that with our team I think as of right now if if you couple of points to make the the collective bargaining agreement already has language in it that allows for job sharing opportunities um and that would be similar to what I think you've put together in that the mcea president could do a job share where they would have to find or we would have to locate another teacher they would only have to work a percentage of the day giving you hypothetical per the CBA um could only work a half day for instance and the other teacher would work the other half of the day but uh even in the job share situation the mcea president would still be able to access full benefits 100% of the benefits so would be able to work halim and and so the the CBA itself I think to the extent mcea was looking at only having its president work parttime and then otherwise serve in that capacity as mcea president I think there's already a mechanism in place that wouldn't even require anou um now if it was where we would be serving the school board as the Fiscal Agent of course that's not contemplated in the traditional job share Arrangement so that would be something Mish but right now he could be in the classroom half day through the job share full benefits and then for the other half where there's the salary difference I guess that would be between mcea President and mcea I do think though that the only impact um aside from benefits because you would have to if you did a 50% job share agreement then the employee would this the employee would have to pay 50% basically of it so it would impact the cost out of pocket for benefits but mcea could cover that if they chose to do so the other is FRS calculator I I believe when we tried to look at it if you go at a halftime situation like that it may impact the amount that is calculated for f FRS purposes which I think that would obviously be something a downside to going down that but there was that mechanism and so then we moved on from looking at other options aside from the job share Arrangement and the collective bargaining agreement as we look through it didn't really yet contemplate a part-time scenario and even in the unpaid leave language section it spoke to the right of the mcea president to request one year of leave to serve in that capacity it doesn't say partial or part-time it just says one year and so I think that goes back to really my initial reaction if I remember was I felt like some of that stuff would be more at the bargaining table during our traditional discussion of Articles versus what I thought we were going into it at this stage on theou side was let's try to figure out a way to make this arbitrator's decision work and maybe fill in the blanks for this coming year and so I think that's our position now is we'd rather either go full-time with theou um and then if part-time is something that is and I sensed from our discussions and made it known that this seemed to be the preference that the part-time preference if it wasn't through the current CBA job share might just be something that's better for when we're discussing the Articles as opposed to just this mou um and so with that that would transition to the second part which was sharing feedback to your proposed edit to theou on the fulltime before I do that though I'm happy if you want to continue to discuss the part-time side of it or anything else we did again have a very meaningful discussion about it um and so I can answer any questions you have on that or if you just want me to jump to the edits for the full-time umou I can do that as well and and Julie if I didn't capture anything in that kind of overview I think that's kind of where we where we came out on it just one that we also had discussion about being able to get it on the July 22nd meeting yes thank you so so also with timing assuming that we were able to come to an agreement on theou itself kind of what does the timing of all this look like and I know we had some different board meetings that that were potentials and I believe what we had looked at is currently there's two trim meetings um where the board will meet on July 22nd and July 29th we can have a special meeting attached to the trim meeting if we were able to reach an agreement on theou we would just have to notice 48 hours and Advance um a special meeting on theou that we would attach to those trim meeting so I think what we had talked about was so I think it was the either the 20th or the 27th would be the deadline but because we had to public we can publicize the meeting notice through the County commission's website the preference would be to have this on basically done and out the door at the end of this week so that we can get this on the agenda for the 22nd is what what are for the 22nd I need to let her when we're done because the the deadline was the 15th but um they gave us approval if we were able to get through it today um and the 29th is the 22nd but I again I I I agree with you that they wanted it done as quickly as we could on in the 22nd because we want whatever we decide that Matt can go new educator orientation and everything lined up that we have for start a school we don't want him to miss depending on what we get negotiated yeah so they they we were encouraged at least that we wouldn't have to wait till I was concerned that we were going to be looking at August 20th which wouldn't serve really well here so that is the timing of it was if we can wrap this up we can get it noticed in time for that 20 second trim meeting um and then if you'd like I'm happy I can pull up theou it's self and then give you kind of an explanation of our guess you would call it our counter to your counter that's okay right now um see if I can share my screen what I'll do let me try to upload it for you first okay M Gary did you have any immediate reaction to to to the part-time conversation um whether it be the board's preference to move full-time or um the idea of the job sharing we'd have to work through some of the job sharing Dynamics a little bit I think F FRS is the key one that jumps out at me but there may be other things we just have to think through how that would work if if it is something that would work but I don't know if there's a lot of questions on that but um but I open it up to you guys um I I can't really think of anything off the top of my head um that was not not necessarily something that I was you know it's it's an interesting it's an interesting route you know different than than the part of the contract that we were looking at so I'd have to probably take a look at that section before I before I add any questions on it I don't have any immediate thoughts I appreciate the summary of of um your discussion okay and I put it in hopefully you can get it out of the chat but I put theou in the chat but I'm still going to share the screen so we're all looking at the same thing at the same time if I can do that but um okay yeah I do see it in the chat now I guess tell me do you see anou on your screen yes okay okay so the way to identify the changes I think you should see some purple and some red the red is the proposed that you had made at the last session I just left all of your red on here and then the purple is what I have added or what we have added as our counter to propose back to you what I I think I have to give kind of a global explanation after we go through the red lines and mesh it all together to where it might make sense but at least for now I'll just go through the red lines and then go back and explain in detail the reasons for it um and for each Red Line I'll just I'll I'll talk I just did this up here merely for clerical um I thought it was better to spell outou instead of just calling itou this was one where your proposal was to strike the supervisor language our counter which I will explain is to add it back in we the at the last one one of the deletions you had was this deposit and instead of doing the deposit was just adding some language that if there is a change to the costs to where the board may be in a situation where there's some overlap in terms of the amount to be expended versus what has already been paid we just tried to put something in there so that there's some sort of remedy that if we send an invoice to mcea saying this this was the change you know whatever the premium went up I'm just picking um and that invoice is not covered and the board has since expended it what we had just put in here is that if the payment is not made as timely required to be made then theou would discontinue or terminate we wouldn't want to be in a situation where we're sending invoices they're not getting paid and in the event of a termination of theou for non-payment within time not that I expect this would happen um excuse me not that I expect non-payment would occur I think it worked well last time but if it happened then the board would have the right if it wanted to discontinue theou the effect of that would be uh Matt would just be returned to a position for which he is qualified that would be the remedy for basically a untimely payment of the overage um then for the evaluation side we spent the most time on that I think even internally looking at that trying to come up with a way to have somebody be identified as a member of our instructional Personnel but not be evaluated and and so what we came up with was kind of in line with what we were informally talking about last time which was narrowing the annual evaluation to be really less about Union duties and more about was their compliance with the annual contract was there compliance with the board policies and was there compliance with the principles of professional conduct and so that it wasn't unknown I'll show you in a minute we tried to create a evaluation form that'll be attached to this as an appendix B and I'll show you the instrument in a moment to get your input of course and I'll upload that as well but we just try to create it so that it's clear that we're not not evaluating a member who's been assigned to an instructional position but understanding the differences between this and your traditional instructional position we tried to embody that um on the indemnity no issues with most of your deletions I just added this additional language on but still kept it to matters that are brought by a person or entity arising from actions taken while the president of mcea um on number nine where you had added that he is still entitled to all the rights provided to Union Officers I just added an S there um and then put subject to the limitations and other Provisions set forth in the CBA because the CBA may have some things in there that we've negotiated already that would apply to the conduct so we just want to make sure that the rights that your union president would have are also the rights that are identified and limits to those in the actual CBA um just change the appendix number here this just more grammatical and clerical and then for number 14 I know if I recall the discussion that we had about why that was deleted was it was I think mca's position was that it was really Superfluous of other language in the agreement speaking to the fact that this would sunset uh as of June of 2025 and also the language that says that this is anou which by its terms are not a part of the contract and I just know from our side even though we don't necessarily disagree with you that the language of this is attempting to restrict it to just this that we would I think feel more comfortable if this language is in there even if it is redundant of other language in there and our thought would be if your position is it's redundant of other language in there then there shouldn't be a concern keeping it in there I think it's just the way the language is spelled out is something that our side felt strongly needed to remain the other piece I'll share now is the appendix and then I know you all may want to have some time to talk through this separate from us but let me attach the appendix is pretty straightforward I tried to make it as straightforward as possible let's see Terry once you get done with this would it be possible to email this document as well I just can't download it from the chat for whatever reason I could read it on the screen so we're good on that front I just in case there's I'll email it to uh all of you this is the appendix tell me if it shows is it on your screen now yes okay so appendix B evaluation of teacher on special assignment and so I took those three things that I referenced compliance with policies of the board compliance with annual contract compliance with the principles of professional conduct it's a yes or no question if there is a no answer then it requires the supervisor to attach a separate document explaining why it was no um and again tried to be simple the other performance in here uh welcome to any comments we had tried to work on or I'm not sure if it's currently the one but a job description for the teacher on special assignment just so there's some parameters and we put in this evaluation some things that we would the teacher on assignment to be doing if the teacher on assignment is to serve in the capacity as mcea president is professional development assistance to colleagues and a resource on committees so we just tried again just have something that was created still a meaningful appropriate evaluation without trying to engage in the business of mcea um again the reason why the supervisor language and I know I'm going to stop sharing and email this I know one of the hesitations that you'd said I think Martin during our last session was we don't feel comfortable with somebody supervising the mcea president and I get that and I think we're cognizant of that too um but you're you still in this situation where it's a full-time release are in a position where the board will have to approve placement within that position and we looked at the language um in statute off the top of my head I think it's 1012 33 but I I can be more specific but the language that requires the school districts or the superintendent to have approved shall approve evaluation systems for all instructional administrative Personnel is we just couldn't find a way out of it but we tried to by back in the supervisor really make it clear that what the supervisor is evaluating are going to not be the business of mcea but more are you not you know are you following the policies and the code of ethics really was was our goal so let me email I think I stopped sharing so let me see you sent it on the 15th I believe I can just respond to your email and I'll attach both of these to it let me see if I we appreciate that um I think probably I don't know um Matt and Gary just while he's doing that I don't know if you guys have immediate questions I know we probably want to have a caucus so to speak and have a conversation I will say just for while we're here before while they're thinking about if they want to add anything or asking clarifying questions before we do that we did have some internal conversations or I did with some of the folks at FDA across the state and the the the agreements kind of do run the Gambit on the evaluation piece so um there are some that you know wave it you know whatever I I hear what you're saying right there are some that wave it but then there are some that have created something very similar to what you have done here in terms of like you know trying to come up with something based on the same justification so um I have seen a number of those I just wanted to say that because I know it was something that kind of caught me aside but but it does appear that this is something that's been grappled with in all these other scenarios and we've had to come up with work around SS or kind of whatever we want to do and so I appreciate your effort to do that recognizing the um the concerns we had with that so I do appreciate that we'll have to talk about the the the uh the tool itself a little bit internally before we say you know yay or nay but appreciate that okay Gary you have immediate reaction to some of this Ju Just just a couple just a couple things with respect to um the the language of of requiring ing supervision for the for the president I just want the record to reflect that that wasn't our immediate concern um through the execution and implementation of President Ran's um president release uh this was was bought up up as a concern from someone that spoke out in in um in the public speakout section so there never was a concern with the Union per se that there was a conflict of interest nor was there concern on the district side about a conflict of interests we're merely having this discussion because of of an accusation of a conflict of interests arising from from someone in in a public speakout session so I just want the record to to reflect that I don't think that this addition initially was our our thing because Tyson vok was Karen's supervisor and the execution of the former implementation and the second reaction that I have is is with respect to um the the insistence of including the language U preventing a um an interpretation of a past practice right and and it's I have no issues with it but it just makes us look a little bit ridiculous because it fails the mere definition of a past practice is something that's agreed by both parties that happens several times and then it's interrupted this is supposed to occur from the beginning of the school year year to the end of the school year so by labor law definition how could that even qualify as a past practice if we're only doing it for this Academic Year it's not something that's done or we're not signing a three or four year memorandum of of understanding it's a one-year thing that has a Sunset date so how would it even by definition fall under a past practice like I'm okay with with keeping it on there I'm just saying that it makes us look like we don't understand what the definition of a past practice is can I can I provide you a simple response to that um please from your mouth to the words of the arbitrator who rendered a decision saying that anou was a pass practice okay so if if you w to take that position I'd love it because I don't disagree with you so I think that's ever evolving interpret ever evolving interpretations man legal interpretations are every evolving I agree I I understand y that's that's my just um immediate reaction I'll appreciate the opportunity to discuss okay with um with my colleagues yeah I think it makes sense to try to caucus now and see what we see how see how close we are right we're working on a timeline here and and bring back questions concerns that we can start to resolve so if you guys are willing to to hang out um then we'll we'll have some conver on our end and we'll try to I mean we're down to relatively small issues but few issues um and so it shouldn't you know we can probably knock out our concerns pretty quick and give them back to you can I offer something real quick if you want the job description for teacher on special assignment is on our website and it's very old I think it's like 2005 or so what I did is actually looked at Hernando County had like three or four special teacher on assignment and Terry and I look to find the most innocuous bullets to put on there and I know Matt serves on committee so that's one we grabbed so Terry do you want to send them the draft yeah yeah I'm happy to do it and updated it's in our new format and it's and it's not like the one that we currently have on the website we would like it to be updated and associated with this agreement so while you're breaking if you could take a look at that as well I would appreciate it yep let me see if I have the most recent one Julie I've got I only did that one so I know okay so then it would have been here we go July 10th yeah I I think I drafted it after our first or I don't know when I did but I knew when I looked at the one we have it didn't it doesn't make any sense so if we're going to do this let's make it make sense and tie it to the evaluation tool that we're kind of looking at um um I think this is it so let me press send Martin okay and you'll see when you what we were trying to do to Julie's point when we have one teacher on special assignment who would be fulfilling the role of the president of mcea understanding it's an employee is we tried to come up with I like Julie's words innocuous but a very um I'll say specific but still Broad like that we wanted the job description to reference that these were going to be the acting in the capacity of mcea president but at least still have some idea of what that meant since it's an employee of the district um and so we just pulled from a couple of different districts some were very lengthy somewhere short and I think we just preferred kind of the more General kind of things that mcea President might be doing without trying to legislate in any way the activities of the president so that's that's kind of background I see that looks relatively um simple and V not vague but broad so yeah we'll take a look at it talk about it okay thank you guys okay we'll just hang around for you um we'll leave this meeting and then rejoin I guess is what we did last time yep okay I'll call you call you guys okay we'll see in a few and Julie I think you can stop recording there all right yep start that do I have to go why isn't it showing me over here do I have to go back to chat oh there the chat will show you when it started awesome all right back from our our caucus here 409 um so we had a lot of conversation obviously uh about this just to make sure we we've walked through everything I've got more comments than changes just to make sure that you understand or we all on the same page on where we're going um most of our conversation frankly was under the job description the evaluation and the supervision right that's the kind of key thing that we've been talking a lot about and I think you know like I said before as we were walking away um you know we were acknowledging that this is something that that there's a compliance issue on and and the districts across the state have worked it out in a lot of different ways and so we we really do appreciate the effort to kind of come up with something that doesn't run a foul of of of you know my sensitivities about agreeing to this um and so and so I think we're I think we're pretty close on everything um we've got one kind of um maybe change or suggested change um and more more comments so I'll just go through them step by step are you guys still there yep okay um number four um where you guys put the individual determined by the superintendent would you be acceptable to mutually agreed upon by Mr theolen the superintendent indid individual mutually agreed upon by Mr theolen the superintendent just to ensure that you know we're not whips out here I don't think that's anyone's intent uh but you know I think having a mutual agreement on that person um would basically resolve conerns about the job description and the evaluation right um if if we know if Matt knows who that person is that person is is experienced and trustworthy and he knows he's not going to get you know some weird outcome I think that he'll feel more comfortable leaving your job description as you've proposed it your evaluation tool as you've proposed it all no changes um so that's that's our that's I think maybe even the one change uh that we're suggesting in this whole thing but I'm going to talk through all of them um number six where you guys have add the the uh if we don't remit payment in seven days the board May terminate theou I mean we're not gonna we're not objecting to it we'll leave it in there if it makes your folks happy I think you know the comment made for the record is like you know we're paying a month in advanced we're we've done this there's no reason to believe we're not going to make the payments feels a little bit like a a gotcha that's not needed to us right it's like well when they fail to pay us we'll have them well we're not going to fail to pay you but again if it makes you feel more comfortable to have something like that in writing as opposed to just kind of you know if we fail to comply with theou I'm sure that's what the board was planning to do anyways um then then we're acceptable of that um again on number seven where you've added the evaluation um we don't have any you know concern with the tool that you provided um you know again I think the hope would be that there's a mutual agreed upon evaluator supervisor or well let me make this the assumption is the supervisor is probably the same person that evaluates so if we mutually agree upon the supervisor then I think we we're we're less concerned about that tool um no changes to eight or nine I guess it is now um no concerns about subject to limitations and Provisions in the collective bargaining agreement obviously those have been negotiated in and Mr theal agrees to abide by them um and then you know Gary made the comment on number 14 about the past practice it's not our intention to to do that we understand that it sunsets at the end of the year but again if it makes you more comfortable or your board more comfortable to have that language in there um if it gets us gets us closer to an agreement then I think we're um we are um we're happy to have the what we believe to be relatively redundant language um the only other comment that we'll make is you know we talked a lot about the part-time uh release and you proposed today kind of a new idea which is this job share completely subject to any sort of release time but really just kind of a job share with the district release time with the Union um on the other side I and you know we haven't had a chance to like look at what that looks like with an F FRS standpoint so we're not here to accept that or deny it just that we're kind of hoping that you know we've had Matt's had coners you know he always has conversations with administrators and the people in the schools and he'll correct me if I'm wrong here but his conversations thus far have been like yeah we'd love to have you you'd help us do do the thing we need to do to show our success we really only need you part-time so that'd be great um we have the the board and the comments made by the the the the folks last year when it was regarding president renatti that seemed to allude to a desire to have him providing value to the board to to the students to to actually be in a classroom and we have MCA separately saying like yeah this makes a lot of sense to have our president actually in the class be really close to to our members really feeling what the members are feeling what the students are going through that same thing so there you know while we don't have a agreement on that I want to just kind of put out there that it seems like it really would benefit from the board side from the actual student side from the admin side and from M MCA side if it's something we could come to terms with and so I don't want to we wna we want to come to an agreement here so I don't want to get in the way of that but we also want to leave the door open to kind of continue conversation whether it's at the bargaining table or whatever as the needs are developed in the district and again assuming the admin is saying to their supervisors what they're saying to Matt like hey it'd be great to have someone do this then like keep it in the back of your mind as something that I think would I think would be would be beneficial on all fronts um and so something that I think is relatively easily worked out my my concern about the proposal that just candidly my my own concern and not having done any research about the proposal that you came in with the job share is that I don't I think there would be a shortfall in his F FRS um of the0 five that he's no long not working and and there's probably workarounds to that we just haven't come up with him this afternoon so that may be a solution down the line um I just don't know but I just want to make sure that that that the parties kind of keep that in their mind as a possible solution to some of these concerns that have been raised over the last two years because I think I really do think that there's there's something there um if we can't get to the details of it and and you know whether that's in the future or not I mean I know you got to bargain you got to go through some stuff you got to have more conversations but um it really does seem to answer the Practical concerns it seems to be hung up more on a you know um I don't know what the best way to say it but but it's more hung up on kind of a you know a gut feel like I don't this is new and I don't like it um and and I you know I think that as you kind of identify you you guys kind of identify the needs of the students in the schools I think it might present itself as an opportunity so I want to put that out there as as something that I I don't think that the party should foreclose um whether or not it's the result of this negotiation or not Mar Martin can I can I um can I interject so um and I I appreciate your explanation on that and uh I I just kind of wanted to add on to to what Martin was saying because um you know when when uh Terry when you had come back to us with with the district's recommendation about a job share um which was essentially the conversation that I had with the first ad administrator that I spoke to last week you know and it was sort of the the uh what you're describing in the contract is basically the the scenario um the very real scenario that's that's available right now um subsequently um I I uh I heard back from another administrator today who um she she had said that uh she would she would love to have me on campus uh given my background in social studies that um you know they have a need at her school um the only problem is is they don't have an allocation um they wouldn't necessarily need an allocation um or ex they wouldn't necessarily need a full allocation that that a part-time allocation would be sufficient to to meet their overflow needs in their social studies Department um it would be mutually beneficial because that's exactly what I would be looking for um I'm uniquely qualified because I am a social studies teacher um and and what what's more is that um the the program that this school uses for for credit recovery and whatnot um is the same program that I had been teaching in my classroom for the past 10 years um so I'm I'm I'm trained in the computer system I know the stuff um and as a teacher of seniors um I have a a a pretty good track record of of helping to improve this District's graduation rate um and that would be in addition to educating these these children and in social studies that would be my other main objective um is is working on the district's graduation rate which is something that I have a pretty good good track record of so you know I mean in in in my opinion um a part-time allocation or a part-time position of this nature benefits the district um it it benefits the union but I think most importantly it it's good for the kids um it's good for the kids who would who would get real meaningful um assistance in in uh achieving their graduation requirements so um you know like like Martin said I I would hate for the the lack of the unknown to to be the the prohibit Factor here um I I think that there is there's I mean I don't know that every school has the ability to to take on a a part-time employee in in my situation but I mean I so far I've reached out to two administrators and both administrators said that that there was a need for for somebody like me in a part-time capacity um so so I was worried that there wasn't going to be anybody um and we're we're two for two um and i' I'd be willing to bet that other high schools you know the other high schools I haven't reached out to them yet but the other high schools would would gladly accept help you know substitute teaching and and things of that nature so um I I only see an upside um in in this situation and you know I I I understand that it may be something that requires um being addressed at at uh the bargaining table in a full session you know on down the road I I totally understand that it makes perfect sense um you know we're happy to have those conversations you know when when the time comes um but uh you know I I I just don't want this to be the end of that discussion um because I think that that discussion is very meaningful and and very beneficial to again not just you not just us but but to the students of of this district and as as a product of of Martin County Public Schools and somebody who spent his entire life here in Martin County um that that means more to me than than anything um you know so so if I can if I can help in that fact you know I'm I'm more than willing to to to serve in that capacity and I I just I I want the board to know that I'll definitely relay that um I guess should I and I will we will make that known um maybe work backwards in order just kind of follow up on a couple of the comments that you made just a couple the on the job share um release time I think what we were what I was trying to convey when I gave the opening on that was when when we kind of went through and analyzed what it was you were seeking is when we went through the CBA just wanted to we we had already identified that there appeared to be a mechanism already there where if the job share was pursued and then and it was more of a part-time role in a full-time position it would still get those access to benefits and then mcea who as it sits right now with the proposed mou mcea is already paying all the portions that the board would pay and so if there was a lapse I don't want to say a lapse but if there needed to be an F FRS makeup mcea would already be paying that anyway if you were on full-time release so that I wouldn't say it was a proposal necessarily but I think what we were looking at was I think he can do this already without anyou that's already a way that it's built in so that's what we that's kind of as far as we got we didn't look at it as deep as well if it was a job share 50% of the time would we still need to do release time I think we identified that the mechanism was there so let's see how that goes but just to give you that background on it a little bit more on the why the job share played in to the conversation um don't tell me I was on mute the whole time no silly um I just got to notice that the meeting is five more minutes and I don't is teams going to cut me off or can I ask to extend it do you know I don't think it cuts you off okay sorry that's all I didn't want us to if it does we can just resend a link and we'll all jump right back on or I can finish in five minutes um just wanted you to know in case it happened on the and again I'm not GNA hit each point on the gotcha part and I and I know that's the feeling that you said that that this kind of like if there's a non-payment you know it seems kind of harsh when we've been good to you the last time we did this understand that I guess the only thing I'll say so that you don't feel like it's a gotcha if there's any way to do that is I think the biggest issue even that what was talked about at the arbitration time and that was discussed even when we brought this up was the board did not want to be in a position where it was funding activities that were not supposed to be funded and so they felt very persuaded that needed to be a clear way as a remedy that if we were overstepping that prohibition that we could back out again not expecting and you say this every time we do contracts we never expect the other side to do the negative or to do the bad but you contract for contingencies and I just think it's more of a comfort level knowing we're not going to be in a position where we're potentially floating for a period of time and again I know that's not your intent that's the background of but it's not a hopefully they missed this payment and this can happen it was more of a making sure that we had some protections there again whether that eases the feeling on on your side of the table I that's just felt like I owed you a response on that on the supervisor part I guess I would we I don't know how the district would overall feel about having an employee be able to decide who their supervisor is at the same time I understand what you're saying is I guess what I would throw out there and it's maybe a conversation I'll throw out there before talking to miss cessa is if we know who the evaluator might be before there's anyou finalized if we were able to identify the evaluator in theou then there wouldn't need to be a subject to Mutual agreement you'd already be able to sign off on who it was I think we would just have to put some conditional language that said in the event the evaluator leaves the district or is otherwise employed in a different capacity then the superintendent might have to have that discretion but I get where you're coming from and the why behind the ask and so maybe we could talk offline just for a minute about whether that's a possibility to tell you who the evaluator would be and put that within theou um that might help a little bit I mean I think that would help I mean I think you know to your point if if we're agreeing to that person we are agreeing to that person right that's that's what I'm saying like then we would need terms if something happened to that person too though hoping that wouldn't but if for some reason reason like Terry mentioned they left or served in a different capacity or role that we would have to come back and select someone else so do you can we take maybe 10 minutes let us chat I guess we'll go into a caucus somewhat if you just wanna maybe better for since Julie set up the meeting if you all want to sign off and then come back into the lobby in like 10 minutes and then we'll just admit you I just think we just need a couple minutes to work through that um just to see if we might know who it might be will it let us back in if the time's expired you we'll stay in the three of us can stay in okay they can go and then after like at 4:40 if you want to reenter the lobby and then if we're running a couple minutes late we'll just hold off on admitting you leave there but 10 minutes I would say is all we need okay okay okay so then we'll stop recording at I guess it time stamps it and then see you all in 10 minutes okay you're muted Miss Sessa it's because I you know trying to be okay 459 got it okay let me write it okay so thanks thank you for the break and the time um fortunately was able to get some information that we could share uh since it really seemed like coming out of the last caucus really there's only one item on the theou that was a proposed language change um and I'm glad we took the break because I was able to go um have get an understanding of what the district's expect ations were going to be for this anyway for purposes of supervisor um again not I think from our perspective just not comfortable with theou allowing there to be a bargain basically making it a topic of bargaining who an assigned supervisor might be but um was able to find out who who we would propose that it was going to be if it impacts your decision-making process as to whether not theou is acceptable um and that was uh Troy labarbara would be who we would identify if it gave you a comfort level in the body of theou um the only caveat I'll say is of course Troy wins the lottery and buys an island in Hawaii we would have to assign a new supervisor and I again I don't want I I don't think we'd be open to the language saying mutually agreed upon but I think what we could say is for purposes of the 2425 school year um the teacher on assignment or Mr theobold assigned supervisor shall be Troy labarbara you know in the event there's any changes in his Mr labarbara status the superintendent would assign an a separate individual something along those lines just that you know if necessary due to changes in employment a different supervisor would be assigned but that that's where we would plan and hopefully Troy's obviously with us the whole year and that doesn't become an issue so if you all want to think about that or if you're comfortable talking it out now I'll I'm going to make some changes we're trying to get also there was a reference so exhibit appendix a was um millage the millage which we all have exhibit B is the supervisor or the evaluation instrument that you have but Exhibit C was the appendix for um the contract and so Messa is working separately to get a blank contract blank meaning the no employee name on it that we can attach as Exhibit C um appendix C and then the other just clarification on the job description that's it's not really something I think we're attaching to this because the boards got to approve it but just wanted you to see where we were on that and then the it have it serve as an explanation as to why we had added those couple of things to the bottom of the evaluation tool um so just making sure that we clarified that yeah no I think that makes sense um I think we understood that it needs to go through the normal processes um Matt Gary any questions to this I think it sounds um like what we expected coming out of that caucus so I think we you know we're we're like very very very close um but got any questions about about that um well my my my one big question is um you know if if Troy is my evaluator do I have to listen to his dad jokes are those going to be reflected in my evaluation or it's it's not on the tool so uh no dad jokes I'm well I'm I'm I'm a father now myself so maybe we should add a dad joke uh component to that evaluation although I don't think I could compete with Troy he's he's on he's he's next level another level another level do we do we want to take uh I don't know three minutes right now two minutes whatever it takes and try to get this thing to a to a conclusion you want to let us do that or is that the best I think probably that you mean you all drop off separately talk about it yeah yeah I'm gonna draft some language while you're doing that okay all right we'll be back okay all right I'm I'm stopping recording all right I'm G I'm filling up a whole page with caucus how it works I know all right we started sometimes the way it goes 516 um okay so yeah we are uh comfortable with your proposal on that language we have one kind of overarching clarifying question which I think I understand but want to make sure um so you know I think we're good with the um the name you provided and um are good to move forward on that front which is great the the clarifying question is like is the concept you proposed with the the job is back to the part-time conversation and the conversation we had but the concept you proposed with the job sharing I think is interesting and we'd like to continue to explore that if the part-time becomes something that Matt MCA like want to pursue right I don't know but my question ultimately is if you know second semester that becomes something that that would be interesting to MCA and interesting to Matt does this mou foreclose that or would we because that wouldn't require any action by the board we would just withdraw his request for leave or come back from leave be hired into a position you guys would have to hire him and then we wouldn't be asking you to do anything I mean that I just want to make sure I'm understanding that correctly because I don't think in that concept under of the of the of the um the split job that required any new action it exists already right yeah and I don't know I just don't want to foreclose that opportunity if it's something that I mean I just think after talking about it it sounds like something that everyone on our side is kind of like that might be interesting um but if we enter this mou and then halfway through the year whenever we we find a position does this for close us doing that or is once he's on leave for the year he's on leave for the year um no matter what does that make sense I get what you're asking I'm just trying to think of the answer to the question um because I I was trying to pull up I I I completely understand what you're asking um let me look at something I was I was going back to the request for leave just to see what it said the pending one and it just says for the 24 25 school year so I I don't know but we can try to have that conversation if if you want a a position on that we're happy to pause go have a chat come back on I don't want to mislead at any respect I just don't know the answer as we're sitting here without double-checking the CBA and just seeing how that works because the superintendent is the one that ultimately approves the leave request and so right so that's that's what I'm I don't know I don't know because it's never happened right um right I but what's the process of coming back from from Le can you come back from leave early if if I mean otherwise if it you mean not not presidential leave like somebody yeah yeah like FMLA or whatever right you you ask for 12 weeks you get it off then you come back after nine what's the what's the process I don't know I mean I don't know the answer I think probably would like to know for Math's sake just I mean the concept's interesting to us and so we don't want to shut it down if it's if it's something that that he wants to do but um um I'm looking at something real [Music] quick I was just pulling a board policy just to see out of curiosity another form like I was looking at the policy on professional leave and it doesn't speak to you know if you're granted three weeks of professional leave and you elect only to take two can you change that I don't know um and the only reason I'm hesitant is I don't know that when the superintendent is making the decision as to whether or not to to renew the leave request if the expectation is it's being renewed with the understanding it's an entire year there are staff planning that goes into place like where will I have a teacher at different schools if we just all of a sudden at October said we're going to back got to do in theou and we just want to go back to a regular position I I don't know what dynamic at all that causes without just having a quick chat but we can vet it if you'd like to take a break and give you a better understanding of how that might work out before you do anything I think that's I understand that I think probably that we appreciate that and I I think you know obviously I don't know that this is a a likely scenario but in the scenario in my head at least it it would be because there was a position right not we're not we wouldn't be like backing out and saying we're back like figure it out guys we'd be saying like hey like this position opened up it kind of fits what we're talking about maybe it's time to do it you're right because the job share requires a position and a and a partner basically to do the job sharing with so presumably they're there'd have to be a position I I mean maybe I'm wrong about that I mean I no I think that's right it could I don't think no I think you're right Martin I think the job share language of the CBA contemplates that employ two employees can basically share a full-time position and then there would be they would pay proportionate to the time that they work and so you'd have to have a second person to fill that other side but you'd have to have a position to fill so you're right there I don't think there would be a position do we put a person in if there's already a job share request in place the L the the page of the um CBA that it appears on it's in on page seven of the actual CBA um just looking to see if it addresses it I mean deadline for application for job sharing is May 1st that's problematic um so I don't know me see yeah the problem is that right now the language being May one partner I mean look I I I guess I could say it this way I could offer this to you um if that's a critical component of your team's decision here um we could always look at the language of the mou um agree upon the language or put a pin in it come back tomorrow for a brief follow-up session or Friday for a brief brief follow-up session um if you need a further explanation but if I'm going off the cuff right now just reading the language that job sharing deadline would have passed already but I don't know how that might play out in a different situation without without finding it out but well Terry I'm I'm just thinking looking at at at the CBA uh I'm reading what you're saying and I'm I'm not how does the May 1 how is a May 1 deadline even practical so like if if I'm getting hired on in the district for 2425 May 1 of 2024 I was not even in I mean I'm hypothetically speaking I'm new to the I'm new to the district I'm new to to the county I apply for this teaching position and I said well or you know but I can only do it for you know half the day um how does a May 21st or May 1 deadline of last school year how would that affect my ability to apply for that job for the next school year um would it wouldn't it be May 20 wouldn't it be May 1 of 2025 that that this deadline would would take effect CU I could see not wanting to do a job share for the last month of school you know no you can't do part-time for the last month you're either going to do it at the start of the year or the end the beginning of the semester but you're not going to do it you know for the last month um so so I mean I I I just don't know why that deadline and I'm legitimately asking for for you know clarification because that doesn't make any sense to me I I don't know the answer as we're sitting here looking at this why may one was selected by the parties as the date I don't know yeah it's in the contract so it could be something that we could look at changing right it's funny how you can have a whole different View and go wonder why we did that yeah look if there's hesitation I I don't I'm trying to offer a solution as best as we can but um do you want to I'd say that's I mean let us know how you want to proceed if you want us to look into it a little bit more I can at least show you the language that I tweaked on theou if you'd like um sure yeah sure if you just want to at least knock a couple things out I'll share my screen um I can do this right does it show um mou on my screen yes all right hold on I'm going to do it a different way tell me if that comes up on your screen mou correct so the red is what I changed okay and then I added it tweaked it down here where did I put it oh right here I think that's the it doesn't show the whole red line but I think that's what I plugged in instead previously said by the individual selected by the superintendent I just added that highlighted okay that was the only change I made since the last B okay and not not go not to be nitpicky but my last name yeah on number seven my last name was spelled incorrectly on that did I the SEC the oh the second one not picky I don't want wrong misspellings I don't know why I did that everybody always assumes I'm Bolder than I really am I don't get it I don't I I I don't know why I I don't know what happened but so I unshared it but what I'm going to just do is at least like accept all the changes I understand you're still contemplating I'm not trying to rush anything by any stretch but I know it'll when I accept all the changes it's probably going to kill this document because we're not amending it's a new document so it doesn't need to show changes right but I just want to make sure good to me I guess on the other piece I mean I'm only thinking about and I I don't I don't even think this is necessarily a likely outcome but if there is so maybe the job share does make sense with that may deadline I don't I don't understand where that fits in either but um we have to look at that a little bit but it my I guess my assumption was and Matt may be able to correct me if I'm wrong here because you guys know better than I that that that this whole that whole concept the job share part-time concept only worked if there was an existing position or a position like a place where that fit right um and so my my assumption with the with the ultimate question I have and and again Matt please correct me if I'm wrong is that if we would if we were coming back to you in December January saying like hey Matt found this position like can we can we come back from Leave it would be because there was a position like a a position neat like a not that we created or not generated but like that existed right is that is that cor is that how that would work or am I misaking that Matt um I Gary I don't have any familiar familiarity with it um J Julie might be the best person to answer that as uh a assistant superintendent of HR I'm sure you've dealt with a lot of job share requests and stuff like that can you re re can you please restate the question I guess like it would be it would only be filling an existing need is what I guess I'm suggesting right that there would be a position available there would be a job share Arrangement set up and then that and this other person would apply for that and that's how that would work they wouldn't come to you or would they come to you and say we are here to share a job but we don't we want you to create a job for us like there would have to be a job I would assume and there have to be what we would call the case sorry yes no no no that's correct I I guess I'll stop well how it works here is we have to have an allocation so we have to have the need based on the students at the school and the subjects like when you get higher like up into high school that we have a need for um a history teacher say in high school and I think how sometimes it organically happens and it's not just like like Matt having um had a child it could be that another person had a child um and both of those people only want to work part-time and they're certified in the same area of need at the same school so I think organically how this developed is throughout the years you know based on the the age I would say of the humans that work for us that there is maternity and fraternity leave and that we um we developed this so that if they wanted to do part-time that there was a way for the the qualified certified individuals to still work for us but work part-time and they'd both get halftime benefits and just have to pay for half and sometimes it's only good for a year because they wanted to stay home halftime with their child it just kind of depends so right now I did ask uh Jeff Raymond said we have one person inquiring for but I think maybe she's retired from an ESC self-contained unit and she would like to only work part-time so when I asked him is there any job sharing posting requests out there and he said that's all I have right now so other than that we don't really have any working now it's not an ex um heavily used item but it is a coveted item I would say for those that are trying to work parttime and and either have some other situation where they can work part-time but they still want to you you know be a teacher and so it does have to be um approved by each by the principal that they're good that the classroom can manage uh Matt in the morning and Julie in the afternoon type of a thing um that type of thing so it but I really I I think it's something we we could work to um work through um so I mean if we want to talk for a few minutes Terry we can um I mean I'm just committed to trying to get this done this afternoon so whatever I need to do to to sew it up yeah I mean I guess that's that's I guess that that would be helpful because that's that's the understanding I guess I have on my end is that it would be it would be an existing thing that's out there right I don't know how to say this but because like you said it exactly right so if that if Matt today or tomorrow met that person that one a one opening right that one person you said looking for a job share Matt was qualified and wanted to do that I just don't imagine why being on leave would be a impediment that to that any other than just being off the street of another job would be an impediment to that right he just like he gets hired into that position um so I I guess that's my ultimate question is whether this would be an impediment should there be an opportunity in an interest in the future would this would this be the impediment to keep him from doing that I guess that's the question that I guess I still have so um so if you think you can have a conversation about that I think that would be helpful to Matt and then we'll have our conversation as well at the same time if we could only have Gary's dog because that makes everything better Gary I know that's not fair yeah dude dude when did you get a dog oh you're on mute you're on mute she's visiting she's visiting yeah she's assisting you in this y arduous [Laughter] task all right so if we go we'll go ahead and go stop recording give us a caucus and a brief uh as Mr boner used to call it a bio break and we'll be right back that sound good what time do you guys want to be back at Terry how long do we need 450 or five what the heck 550 that's fine 550 and then I'll text Matt if we were not quite ready for some reason he'll let you know so we're g to go ahead and go off and I'm gonna run back out and then I'll be right back sounds good okay sounds good thank you y and again I think what you were just saying was what while we were getting the record button pressed is I'm just going to add some things to the chat and then we'll jump back into where we were on the conversation just trying to share it that way and since it's being recorded there will be a record of it um and all it is is the last version of theou I accepted all the changes and then the different appendixes is is the millou the one from 2020 you tell me 2022 I think that's the one I had you'll tell me if the one I'm putting on here is the wrong one it's not May 2021 but we can't open the ones in the chat Terry oh you can't even open them you don't have access let me send it to you it's directly from your your um organization SharePoint so weird that it's doing that let's try this way I'm just going to email it to you too it sounds good at least for the record I put it in the chat um Martin Matt Gary Julie Jeff okay soon as Julie's got a second we'll jump back on to chat and but I just emailed to you all so the millage is not the I pulled the one off the website the mirror agreement that's not it the one that's I'd have to I'd have to look at it I'll take I'll take a PE as soon as thank you I may have just grabbed the wrong one I'm going to double check yeah these these have the old dollar amounts on them yeah I'm gonna I think I just accidentally grabbed the wrong one let me see if I can get the other one okay Village yeah I got the February eight no that's see that would have been 2021 so then that would have been through I Terry I got it I got it I'm sending it I'm sending it back in the email thank you thank you okay sorry they're just checking to find out when when they we need to get what need to get posted if we uh come to a conclusion this evening they want it posted so to meet our agenda deadlines let me take the ml out I'll let you know uh Matt as soon as it comes through I just got something from Matt got it that's theou see if that's got it that one's not on the website I wonder why which one the millage mou that yes it is it's just under M I don't know why I picked the wrong grab the wrong one but I'm going to I'm just going to add an appendix a to the top of it consistent with the others did you find the right one do you need me to okay nope I'm sorry it was on the phone but I I needed to be I'm going to hit reply to all and just add this and put I just sent it back with I just added the little appendix a to the top of it that was the millage B was the evaluation and then for this appendix C that I ex that I sent over it is a copy of a sample instructional contract that we just remove names from and I Julie just to be clear I took the one that I had the of said Elementary School teacher yeah and I just do I I just changed it the position description to teacher on special assignment that's fine because if that's their actual that's what's in Skyward that's what will populate yeah because it said he would be reclassified from his instructional personel position to teach her on special assignment and it's the AC contract this time I sent you the right one yeah said say instructional annual contract let me double check just to be sure because I sent the wrong one the first time yeah instructional annual contract and then theou also says we will complete a teacher on special assignment contract to be executed a copy of which is attached as Exhibit C yeah we oh sorry go ahead no NOP that's good I took off on page one it says chairperson of the board it had previously Miss Po's name on it so I think it was an older version and if you look at the date of signature on it it's also dated so I we'll just have to fill in the blanks and have it executed but this is just you know well the contract will come out through Skyward in like October okay employees sign for them through Skyward in a task process got it so he'll get it then but this is the contract we're using all right so it'll populate one is that what you're saying yes okay yes it'll pick up that he's AC it'll grab that form and then it'll send it to him and then he gets a notice and he goes in and accepts it and signs it and then it sits in his record as a signed annual contract got it and if I don't accept it then Julie bugs me until until we do till we hit that's right and start going over there messing with him wherever he's Landing see if he's got any good cookies or whatever else he brings skinny popcorn we do hot dogs now we uh yeah all right so I think I sent to you all accepted all changes with the three appendix appendices so I think that's just you all were chatting about Job share anything new on your end no I just think we want to the opportunity to explore that possibility but but my my assumption again and and I don't know if this is correct but is that if there is a job opening that he is qualified for the fact that he's on leave doesn't necessarily preclude him from applying to that job that's the kind of ultimate question I think um because I don't want to sign him up without exploring that possibility if if it is something that there's an interest in I guess um I don't know if that makes sense sorry does that make sense yeah you're saying the broader question of if he dropped didn't want to do this anymore I mean he's because the B well well I'm just I'm just yeah I mean I guess the broader question is if he's on leave if some unforeseen event happens you know he wants to go back to the classro the the union decides if he can find a position it's part-time he should try to do that whatever happens there's a position posted he's qualified he applies does his existence on leave make him ineligible to even apply for a position that's open allocated and all that stuff is already done that's I guess the ultimate question and and I I don't know the answer to it I guess um but yeah I don't yeah well you said there was something in the I was looking for the where everything else at least in the contract doesn't change right that he is uh you're talking about the part that says where we added the language in number where was it he maintains the rights provided by law as a union officer while acting in the capacity and then we added a sentence after that on nine yeah yeah I was just trying to find that but all so subject to the limitations and other Provisions set forth in the collective bargaining agreement um and I guess I'll sum it up by saying it this way I think our view has always been that the CBA currently contemplates that presidential leave was for a year the prior was for a year the request for Renewal was for the school year I think that's for the hesitation of I don't know what would happen I do know in other areas where an employee returns early from leave you know they're allowed to I I just don't know the answer to the question as we're sitting here about you know is he locked in if if this is anou that is executed now would he be locked in to being in a leave status to fulfill the mca's responsibility for the entire school year or would he be permitted at some point in time if he chose to to early exit leave and take a position that's available for which he's qualified that's the question and I don't I don't think it's addressed in the CB in the CBA certainly not something we've talked about prior to today um I was hoping there would be an answer in the language but there's not I looked as well there's really not I mean I I guess then I mean I guess then i' I'd like him to have an opportunity to explore with with himself and his board you know with the assumption that he won't be able to do he won't be able to return I mean I it just but if we're in active bargaining that can't be something we bring up that you bring up if that's what something that you all want to bring up just and then apply retroactively well return from leave like employees are able to return from leave so so just looking at the collective bargaining agreement if if we're looking at um at F right and it says a leave of absence without pay for up to one year shall be granted to an employee of upon application to campaign for or serve in a public off office or as an association official so in in that language um you have the ability to take up to one year of um of absence without it being expressed as one full calendar year whereas the presidential leave says um they can take one that the association president could take one year right so it it would just be in an application of of of that would we allow um an employee to to take less than a year and the other one and not have that same that same Grace for for I since it's it's not expressly written up to one year that that's out so if um what to what Julie is saying um we can work on that language at the at the bargaining table and that would be a minimal change instead of just for Oney year leave to shall Grant um leave for up to one year would resolve that that problem at least that gives them out with with that language change but yeah I mean I see what you're saying too with f i mean it which is much different than I in terms of that onee language but I if if time wasn't of the essence I would say give us an opportunity to collectively discuss it come back and it may just be an addition to theou that says you know for purposes of the 2425 school year fill in the blank and we would address it that way but I know we'd like to get this under wraps for yall and I don't want to misrepresent what the district would or would not do in the event it end it early without having a little bit more concrete understanding um I mean I know practically speaking I I get what you're saying and that is if we're willing to stop these this mou we're going to employ the president part-time on our dime how we want to do it and you can let him do a job share arrange which fills a role and then we're not in the business of doing on presidential leave I think that would be helpful overall um and it makes a whole lot of sense but I I that's a I think a discussion I just would need to get some clarity on but I I can see all the reasons why it would make sense okay um but I just don't know enough as we're talking right now to to give you a concrete answer to it I don't think it's a complicated question for what it's worth it's just a I need to understand how it would be viewed looking to see there's nothing else that f is the only one that addresses it but it does say or an association official I mean so maybe that caveat that you have in the in theou is enough with what's in the CBA and then having bargaining sessions all set up I mean I see Avenues to it anyway yeah I don't think he loses rights I mean it says that as to what you guys have added uh where is it you said it's not yeah maintains the rights provided by law to Union Officers subject to the other Provisions set forth in the CBA so I mean wouldn't it require a Personnel action change too because the board would be presumably would approve placement in a teacher on special assignment for the annual basis if you're going to undo that it's going to be a reassignment right to a different be a transfer so we would appear on a Personnel agenda as transferring to that open position um and approved by the board I mean that's how we maneuver back and forth when there's an opening and someone applies for it with that's already here so it wouldn't really be a it would actually be a transfer well because he would already be you know working on in capacity of a teacher on assignment now there is a transfer window um that opens like in April to June and then transfer are typically like because it's different with Matt but typically the principal from one school talks to the principal of the other school and in the contract it basically says if they agree then that person can transfer outside the transfer window um meeting the needs of one school versus another so but this is the job share is just different than that really but if he was he does full release he's still listed as an employee a pass through basically for the teacher on assignment right but as far as our records are concerned he's a teacher on special assignment so then he would be a teacher transferred to another position it's just something we've never done before which is like what Terry identified as well yeah um so I'm just thinking of different ways but um no and that that makes sense because we're we're actually a teacher on assignment so he wouldn't be returning from leave he would be transferring into an existing job shared position which is subject to the transfer window is possible under the collective bargaining agreement for which he retains his right so that that may give some comfort and the ability to if if this is necessary to do that maybe uh because it's a little different than what I was thinking when you say it like that which is is better transfers are policy 31301 um superintendent May transfer an instructional staff member to a position in another school with the approval of the school board normally seek the approval of both principles before making the recommendation they can an instructional staff member May request a transfer to a similar position or to a different position in another school at any time but the transfer will not be made except at the regular reappointment period That's April through June Julie yeah it's like the last there's a I don't know like this year was April 23rd till June 30 got it is there anything in the CBA that addresses transfer that's yeah inconsistent with that let's see uh no I don't know if it's inconsistent I think it's consistent with that not inconsistent I'm sorry adds to it as what I meant to say what is um what is the 22nd yes Reas I just the only reason I'm saying is the last conversation that that we've had was was that you know we were proposing this part-time at Leisa was an option and you know now we're kind of potentially foreclosing any sort of change to this and I want to make sure that Matt is comfortable that his his people are comfortable with what where we are now because I don't know if it's changed it may have changed from what we said I don't know Matt um I don't know our our board meeting is the 22nd and our prop posted deadline is Friday the posted deadline was yesterday so they're they're allowing us to post it tonight that's why they were calling me to see if we were done yet because Mike Michael sent the uh you know the board clerk home and I'm supposed to get it to her tonight if it gets signed and she'll post it this evening Julie do we still have the option of of getting it on the agenda for August 6th yes we would have the option of August 6th but again we we really didn't feel like that was op optimal for you um yeah there's voluntary transfers are on 28 and involuntary are 29 y but it would be 28 you already looking at that Terry yeah I'm looking faster than me I've word searched it on a PDF so I know I'm old look I have my pink book and I'm so happy with my book yeah it still speaks to transfer window on the last work day in June which it goes on the 248 calendar which is my calendar which would be June 30th assuming well this year I think it was June 28th or whatever that might be yeah this yeah it's just it's kind of messy but I I think um I think I think mat I think we need to have this conversation Matt I mean I just I I don't want to foreclose something that is an idea of something you want to do without even considering it I mean I I'm just a little hesitant to do that um and I know we're under time crunches for all this stuff I just I don't want to be I don't want to I don't want to be stuck I don't want you to be stuck frankly I don't I don't know that's that's uh that's what I think unfortunately I think where you are are you still there yeah I am I don't know about them everyone went blank on my screen um oh no Matt's just thinking I guess yeah he's thinking and nodding my head on occasion yeah um no I'm I'm I'm trying to trying to talk to to some of my eboard members and and see if I can get some guidance from them as well so can I clearly understand your question in case I'm asked to articulate it later when we got so close and then Jerry do you feel comfortable that you can clearly articulate that question the one about the leave question that that Martin posed yeah but he's actually not on leave he I mean it says he's on unpaid leave but he's being he's getting a contract to fulfill a teaching position while on unpaid so he could transfer I mean you have a contract in an instructional Personnel position then I presumably yes it wouldn't be there's are they black and white right this second but there's Avenues there's negotiating it there's it's in the contract for which you have continued to have the um the ability to exercise anything within the contract so you'll be listed as a teacher on assignment it's to complete pass through right because the money's going to come from the union but that is um transparent yeah I mean I think ultimately what trying to think of the best way to if I'm even right um I just want to make sure it's really clear if if we step away right now that that we have knowledge of what your concern is because it's still kind of Cloudy to me as we whipped around a little bit I got the con I think the concern is the Martin's question that I think Julie we would have to well if wanted to contemplate it too or for us to be able to get further direction is if at any point during this school year mcea for whatever reason or Mr theobold for whatever Reon theold for whatever reason wanted to say you know what the the mcea teacher on assignment things not working for us uh he's going to go back to the classroom either a full-time or B through some type of job share Arrangement would theou to prohibit him from doing that because theou contemplates 2425 school year year entire year and so it raises that question one was just in general could he go right back to the classroom and then question two is does the May one deadline for um teacher on assignment excuse me for job sharing in any way impede that and I think if we could give answers to both of those questions they'd make the decision right now my guess correct even even with the situation with the release if it's not in our in our collective bargaining agreement can a sentence that allows him to be released from it just be simply added to theou and we could be we could be done with this like if if this sunsets at the end of the Academic Year what's the harm in giving him an out to say I don't want to pursue this past this particular date just give them a a let's give the board a timeline in which we can make that request so that it's not just sprung on them in the spur a moment let's give them a two week three- week heads up that we would want to terminate the agreement I I think that we're going around in circles when that's the simplest fix yeah you're right could that be in the termination Clause yeah yeah I I think that you're you're right it's truth and just right so we should just have a a language article I mean a line in this mou that allows us to to terminate it if if it's beneficial because like hypothetically if there's a financial concern there's an overwhelming amount of members that drops and it's an effect to our budget and we feel that it's not fiscally feasible for us to continue with this arrangement we should be able to say you know what this isn't working fiscally for us we want to to um terminate this this agreement it I I think that that's feasible then it does no harm to either party to me I think I think if you want to try well let me send a message hold on okay I get what you're asking bear with me thank you Gary for cutting through all my trying to get to where you are okay how about we do this can we take another 10 minutes let us have a conversation and see if there's an Avenue for um a in this potentially just through the moou okay so let's do that let's take a caucus till 6:35 and then we'll come back on and we'll we'll go back sounds good than you appreciate you you gentl to stop recording got it okay yep let's see if it hits the chat yep okay yeah it says recording has started so I think the the questions that you pose I I just don't think we can answer them right now and if that's something that you need additional time or or you need to have the answer to then I think the only thing we can pledge is we will go and and make the proposal to what Gary had said about adding some language to theou to reflect that I went ahead during the break and I tried to draft into theou what I think Gary was saying and I think what we can pledge you is we'll run it through our team and get feedback as to whether the modification would be appropriate or not and then I think it's a short it's not a 4H hour bargaining session I think it's a 10-minute y or nay I'll share with you what I did and see if it captures what you're asking if I can do this gentlemen yeah I just tried to move it along let's tell me if you see anou on the screen do okay so I didn't do it in red line but I will point out to you where I what I changed um where is it there was actually a typo too and it's in okay so I added number 13 take a look at that oop I'm sorry guys and gal yeah I think that's um I think that doesn't I think that just a little Comfort level I mean similar to the Comfort level you guys had with some of your things I think that would provide our folks a little Comfort level just to know that there was some um some exit in case of emergency um so I I do think I would appreciate you guys having that conversation that's what and then I I I will point out I added this too just because it says theou sun on number 15 the first sentence where it says okay there it is sorry I just Incorporated that there are two other Sunset Provisions in theou so it's really just the all the way up to the comma I added that okay okay and then there was one spot does that capture it that that captures exactly what what I was looking for I think it does yeah y okay and I think I made I'm sorry there was one other point where that's off I think this said paragraph nine and I changed it to eight because the indemnification in eight but everything else I'll send this to you and this is what we'll present and get the feedback on um which would make this I guess the 29th board meeting Julie probably not the 22nd I don't think there'd be time to do that unless maybe when does that agenda have to get for the 29th or for the 22nd there's probably not time between now and then right no I had to have this done I mean this was this was drop dead today for the 22nd for the 22nd yes okay and um I mean basically they gave us all or nothing and this is wasn't contemplated you know asking for this so it was either you know what I'm saying so I just want you to know they had given us all or nothing we're going to go back with this and see Terry I don't know if you want to expound upon that but yeah no I I think yeah we had what we needed to get it done and I just think we gotta run this new question by um and I think we'll have a better Direction after that takes place as to whether that would be acceptable but I think we framed the issue we frame the issue we'll see where we can get if you know if they're willing to for us to even bring anything back at this point it looks like the 22nd the agenda has to post it's due on the 19th so um it's possible we could make it for the 29th okay and then so I guess we'll just need to see when on our end we might be able to have what we need to have done and then I guess we could just schedule another followup um session like this solely on that really that one one issue because I think everything else were we're we with each other on okay I'm gonna send an email to you all okay the titling is off but I just sent an email saying incorporation in the language as of 644 all right so uh we'll talk Logistics after we get off recording yep so I think we're good are y'all I guess we'll just follow up with you and try to let you know first date we can all jump on real quick and have a short short followup the goal is the goal is you said that posting so then it'll be tomorrow or Friday well if you want to go off recording we can just talk about dates real quick or do you want to stay on the record whatever you guys want to do I think just I think you can talk on the record about potential dates for when we need to meet again I'm okay well the board will be together on the 22nd for the workshop so maybe there's a way for a brief executive session on the 2 second for you Terry if you're available that evening there it's a policy Workshop um as well it and so they will be you know together look so that's and that would be then I mean it's passed the dates but if they say okay on the 22nd then the board chair can agree to allow it to go on the 29th have to have a session to bless that I'll tell you on the 22nd I and maybe this this is where uh uh Jeff steps in I don't know what his plans are I'm supposed to be in a hearing evidentiary hearing on the 22nd all day and it's the last day hearing so it has the potential to be one of those like eight or NM deals but I think this is a five minute the 10- minute follow-up chat I don't Jeff I don't know if you have five or 10 minutes on the 22nd on your schedule or not and in Martin and Mar I'm so sorry yeah there's everybody if it's not the 22nd it it needs to be the 23rd I've got availability then if everybody else does I can do the 22nd I could do the 23rd 24th yeah make it work yeah I mean I I I'll have to ask um but the policy Workshop it looks like it's from 4 to 5:30 on my calendar but then I so I've seen it happen where they get them there at 3:30 and um bring them in the superintendent's office and do it or after the policy Workshop would be 5:30 and um it just it's not like it's 8 o'clock at night or something so it's possible I mean we we have some board three of our board members don't work and two of them do so some of them need time but so we can see if we can do it either before or after the pocy workshop on the 22nd or um that's not that's not the day no that's not okay so that's all I can say is try to get an executive session on the 22nd and um then give you an answer and get it posted okay so the 23rd we'll just have to work on giving speaking with each other about dates we'll just stay in touch with Gary and I are going to be with you all for Labor Relations on the 23rd anyway um so yeah at 11 I see that y so okay if if not in that meeting maybe Gary just a few minutes beforehand we could do it we could do it before that meeting on the on the 23rd y I'm I'm good before or after that meeting yeah same okay okay cool appreciate it guys yep thank you and if there only one thing that I could add Terry is just to um communicate to the board that with this final piece that we're proposing is just to get one protection um considered from our side U as we've considered all of all of the concerns that the board has even if it didn't make sense to us we still were willing to concede our point and allow them to have that protection and this is the only protection that we're um asking to be allowed because we don't want anything to happen where our we're not meeting our end of the bargain and then this agreement has to be terminated so I just think that in all fairness uh to to take that into consideration it's a very very small request we're not even sure that we would be exercising that just the opportunity to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it understood I understand that yeah it's worth pointing out that there's already a termination clause for other reasons in the agreement so it's already been considered on that point I'm aware okay indeed thank you all right thank you guys sorry we didn't get done but we're we're getting there oh so close thank thank yall no problem yep oh bye guys um Terry I do need to talk to you um um not bargaining related all right all right