for good beautiful you're are you guys ready are you ready yeah okay we are going to call this Workshop of the Martin County School Board to order if you would all please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Mrs Falls will will you please call the role Mrs Roberts here Mrs Powers here Mrs pett here Mrs Russell here please let the record show that Mr dley is absent today thank you at this time we will have open to the public citizen input is vital to the Improvement of our district most times your remarks may be listened to without comment from the board members or superintendent this does not mean they are heard with any less intensity or concern where appropriate superintendent and staff will investigate your comments and report back to you and the board with an answer we thank you for taking the time and having the concern to make our district better your presentation to the board should not exceed three minutes letters or statements from others not present can be given to our clerk who will be sure that each School Board member and the superintendent receive a copy to keep our record straight and authentic our policy does not permit you to read the statements of others into the record first up rich shanborne come forward good afternoon um I'm rich shanborne and and I'm here to support uh in support of the Martin County High School pool uh the pool as uh many of you are aware has had and continues to have uh a vital and vibrant and positive influence here in Martin County often on swim mornings uh like yesterday morning uh the pool almost all of the uh Lanes the pool lanes were filled with men and women swimming swimming in Martin County has been and continues to be the go-to sport for Youth and for adults please please keep the Martin County High School pool open Martin County needs two competitive swimming pools please keep the high school pool open uh yesterday morning uh the high school pool was filled with swimmers yesterday afternoon the YMCA pool was filled with swimmers On Any Given morning the uh uh the LA Fitness pool also has swimmers Martin County needs a second competitive pool for swimming please keep the high school pool open thank you thank you next up dick Landrum uh good after afternoon um I'm delivering you um a proposal from The Martin County Masters team members regarding the idea to close the Martin County High School swimming pool our proposal has been endorsed by the families of the Martin County swimming age group swimmers and the swimmers and families of the Martin County High School swim and dive team we would like to discuss the ideas presented in a formal Workshop environment with the parties I have listed on your cover letter so that everyone has a chance to weigh in on the best use that the pool could could to have before deciding on the future of the pool I would like you to fully investigate with all parties what it would be like to have all the swim programs at one pool we think it's unsustainable along with other important things swimming should be a Florida Community specialty programs we would like to see reimplemented and implemented in Martin County are the weekend open swims uh and the summer day open swims with very nominal fees like 50 cents to a dollar for for adults free to those with um Financial hardships and we'd like to see the third grade swim program reinstated that ran from the 1970s until 2007 where we taught third graders how to swim and how to be safe around water uh we'd like to see an adult learn to swim program uh implemented with at a very nominal fee as well I've been swimming at the Martin County High School pool most Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays since 1986 I have seen many swimmers enjoy their last years and Better Health through swimming and through the camaraderie of being in a very positive social environment the country Finland has been in the news a lot lately since it was determined the happiest country on Earth for The Last 5 Years many fins have given advice to Americans on what we could do to be happier here's one list of three goals know yourself be satisfied with yourself and happy with what you're doing show up for your community every day do things that make the world a better place for all things community swimming goes a long way towards reaching these goals we need fewer pools we I'm sorry we don't need fewer pools we need more pools thank you thank you next up Heather Rogers good afternoon how many of you enjoy being B in bumper-to-bumper traffic how many of you enjoy sitting at multiple lights until you finally get through the intersection that is how it feels to be a swimmer in a lane with a ton of kids only in the pool do you run the chance of getting kicked in the head or swam over for not keeping up with the traffic I listened to the last emergency meeting regarding Choice one of the concerns was making sure kids were at the school all day to collect maximum dollarss per student by opening Martin County High School pool to be a full-time classroom you have one more way to make money I grew up in Palm Beach County and had swimming as one of my electives in high school in a time when kids are glued to their devices and sitting on laptops for all of their assignments wouldn't it be nice for them to learn a skill they can do for their entire life why not make the pool a place of learning swimming lessons are not cheap and living in the SE seventh most expensive County in Florida makes it hard for families to afford these lessons one thing we cannot afford is children drowning as early as last year we lost a 17-year-old due to a drowning at the beach the district just ran one of your Facebook Stories on being safe in the water over spring break the large price tag you mentioned in a previous meeting is for all the work to be done at once in the pool the lining doesn't need to be changed immediately I would be curious to learn how much money the pool has cost you over the last 50 years versus how many deaths the pool has prevented by teaching kids to swim can you really put a sticker price on keeping children alive I did reach out to the other high schools and they have an average of 35 to 40 swimmers during High School swim season so this upcoming fall swim season at Sailfish Splash would include the Pine School South Fork Jensen Beach High School and Martin County High School all trying to train as well as compete in the same pool scheduling meets and training with that many kids would be a sure way to make the high school swim season pure chaos there isn't transportation to Sailfish Splash during the high school School swim season that excludes too many kids from being a part of the swim team did you know not only swim team uses Sailfish Splash they also need a place for water polo synchronized swimming Master swimmers and Diving and let's not forget Club swimming which is about 100 kids per team and we currently only have two in Martin County as a board member recently stated we should preserve what we have this is something I can agree on with him now let's work together to ensure martiny high school has another 50 wonderful years of swimming one pool in a large County with all of this new construction doesn't make sense currently there are homes being built on Willoughby Cove caner and Sno where are all of those kids going to swim having a pool at Martin County High School adds interest to Future students that may want to attend that High School my own child has been a club swimmer at Martin County High School since she was in elementary school and couldn't wait to be a heart part of the high school team my children children both have participated in the cardboard boat races throughout their years in elementary careers and it has been one of our family's most beloved events thank you next up Audrey Mims hello Dr Maine school board members and staff and the community um at the last Workshop that I attended the regarding the swimming pool closing the pool is mostly due to ex the money and what I'd like you to do is just take a look at Dick's proposals and see if there's another way we could you know make it viable and be able to keep the pool open we've had two meetings with Dr main to bring the third grade program back at Martin County teaching all third graders to swim but there's no no if we close the pool where they where would the third graders swim if we were bringing them in in the summertime we did talk about using Indian Town pool the YMCA at Indiantown pool anyway um I really would like to keep the pool open number one for selfish reasons I love getting up at 4 in the morning and going swimming and getting my exercise done then I can go off and start my day it's wonderful um both my children my daughter swam at Martin County High School it's it's a wonderful experience to be able to get up and start your day with swimming um and for the community you can go in on a Saturday in swim you know I believe if we opened it more to the community I know there's liability and there are reasons why we don't have it open but those things I believe we could work through and figure out a way to have the pool open more accessible to the community um as a side note there were some ladies that needed to learn to swim that there wasn't a place available able so dick used a private pool you know to teach someone to teach some ladies to swim just because he's such a you know everyone needs to know how to swim so there are options that we could have adult swimming lessons as well as for the children please consider the proposal um that dick has given to you and I hope you see it in your hearts and in your pocketbooks to be able to keep the pool open thank you very much thank you that concludes public comment we'll be moving on to the district presentation Virtual School Dr Kennedy would you like to come forward good afternoon board chair Russell members of the board and superintendent Maine my name is Dr Elizabeth Kennedy and I'm the director of curriculum and instruction I'm hoping that this is good to go okay today I'll be sharing with you a proposal to start our own virtual school program here in Martin County School District for the purposes of this proposal I will refer to this program as Martin County virtual school I will begin with a review of current funding which is shared with Florida Virtual School or FLVS review a successful completions by our students enrolled in FLVS examine the costs associated with beginning a Martin County virtual school program and make a final recommendation to the board using an budget I have prepared based on historical data beginning in a 20134 school year the Florida Department of Education capped the full-time equivalent or FTE to one FTE per student this is known as FTE recalibration each year school districts report all FTE instructional minutes to the doe and then the doe combines that FTE reporting using a common student ident identifier and the Department of Education recalibrates all reported FTE to equal one FTE per student the model the state uses at any time a student takes a virtual course while currently enrolled as a school dist uh brick and mortar student in their district is to divide the FTE equitably assuming that a student is taking a full course load according to the doe that full course load is six classes within the FTE General instructions for FTE that is set forth every year a student taking a virtual course um again shares this FTE that they've completed and it is equivalent to6 if a student is taking a full year course or one 12th if a student is taking a semester long course because of our model of having our secondary um schools on a seven period a day I called the FD uh fldoe to confirm that mathematically we can make the um assumption that they are going to divide that FTE by seven periods considering that is what we offer um here in Martin County School District so students taking a seven period day if they were to take one of those courses virtually or with Florida Virtual School as their provider it would be equivalent to 17th of an FTE for a full year course or 114th of an FTE for a semester long course if a student were to take eight classes it would be divisible by 1 18th for a full year course and 116th for a uh semester long course and so on and so forth because a student can start and end a virtual course whenever they want to within a school year including over the summer Florida Virtual School refers to their semester long courses as segments because you can start in November and end in February you can start in July and end in October it doesn't follow the same school calendar as we do so to make it understandable to the public and to their constituents they refer to it as a segment historically we had over 1900 segment courses completed by Martin County virt uh Martin County School District students who are enrolled in our schools this data does not represent homeschool Charter or private school students as of February 21st 2024 our traditionally enrolled students have already completed 1,056 segments um of courses currently we have 577 students who are enrolled in 927 courses which tells me that we will continue on the historical trajectory of having over 19900 segment completions for the 2324 school year this many segment completions is already having an impact on the amount of FTE that is staying within Martin County School District when pulling the data for the 577 students who are taking those enrolled courses actively currently right now and totaling up the number of courses that they were taking both the median and the mode for those students was eight classes so I am able to make a fairly confident estimate that if we look at our um math and our shared FTE based off of an eight period day um we will hit those students who may be taking more virtual classes versus less virtual classes based on this calculation I was able to do some math and goodness I'm curriculum and instruction we know that based on student data allocation which is currently 5,1 $139 per student that's before we do anything and change anything on our end with the state that's um base student allocation given to us by the state of Florida 116th of that is equivalent to 62 of an FTE giving us a shared FTE amount of $318 62 knowing that we are on track to complete over 1,00 segment completions if we take the average of the last four 4 years which is, 1936 and multiply that by the $318 162 cents which is the amount shared per course the state will share 66,800 32 of our students FTE with Florida Virtual School while there there are many ways to capture this $616,000 in FTE that we are currently sharing or having to give to Florida Virtual School I would like to share information about franchising with FLVS the benefit of franchising with no LVS is that there is no upfront cost directly to Florida Virtual School um to start a franchise FLVS charges between $43 $80 per segment completion depending on the course FLVS shared with me that they do have some third parties creating that curriculum so that's the difference in the cost differential right there um their courses that they create themselves based off of Florida state standards are the $43 but they do offer CTE courses they offer career um courses and they offer some uh college board or advanced placement courses which have some of those higher price ranges I want to point out and remind everyone that the state PID days per completion but fvs will um be charging as a franchise fee when the student is either active in the course for more than 30 days or when a student completes more than 20% of their course I believe this is why it's important to go with FLVS because when we do franchise with them we automatically get some automatic supports such as Specialists support representatives for our families our teachers and our students we have a district relations manager that would be assigned to Martin County Schools we would be um it would also include all of the teacher training to ensure that we're capturing those students before they continue on over that 20% if they feel like they're this is not the course they are going to be taking um it also um does some quality assurance checks as well as for me one of the most important factors is their academic Integrity they are able ble to have systems in place already to scan if a student is plagiarizing or reusing some of the work that they may have even used in our brick and mortar classes anything that's submitted either online digitally or within their FLVS courses this is all included within that franchise fee of again between $43 and $80 so the next question I asked myself was well what are our students taking if we had over 1,900 um completions what classes are our students enrolled in so I was a little surprised to see that the same courses over and over again were listed I don't know why I was surprised but I was but over the last four years it was driver Zed hope Spanish and some form of either algebra or geometry were our top rated five courses the data for 22 23 is looking very similar the top box you will see the enrollment status of C which means that students have already completed these courses and the bottom box are the enrollment status of either ACI or RTI which is their active um contact instructor for one reason or another or their RTI process this data was as of October 2023 so our completions are much higher at this point the um completion data of that 1,000 um think it was 1,56 was as of February 21st so just a few weeks ago so what does that mean for us financially as I shared earlier the courses fall between $43 80 per per um course depending on the course if this is the direction of the board we would like to go our top courses would include driver's ed which does have a higher franchise fee it's $69 for that that course hope which has a franchise fee of $43 and then a K12 Spanish course which has a a franchise fee of 43 it would be divided by Elementary Spanish or Spanish one Spanish 2 the beauty of Spanish is that it is a certification that is a K12 certification so we could potentially have one teacher um be able to teach all three of those levels based on the average number of completions for only these three courses we would have the potential of capturing $286,100 to review so my recommendation um would uh be to capture the enrollments as early as this summer of 2425 um based on this data I do believe again drivers at Hope and Spanish are the three subjects areas that we look at um we would have some sort of part-time teacher uh which would be an estimate of $25,000 per teacher their hours would be from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. if they were um already working in our uh classrooms they were already a Martin County School District teacher this models um the FLVS hours of 4: to 800m um and then we know our data it was based off of our currently enrolled students so our currently enrolled students are going home to take these courses so 4 to 8:00 p.m. would mirror their working hours that they are working on the courses that I showed as well and then over the summer um we would model to an 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. M during that summer again to model that FLVS um time frame and experience for those families and students who are currently taking FLVS our teachers would be um available for them as well so what I have before you is an estimated budget analysis sheet and um again if we do nothing at all and and make no changes um we would be potentially continuing to share about $616,000 give or take every school year here if we make the one change of um piloting or adding those three courses of driers at Hope and Spanish we could potentially um including the cost for teachers um already included at three teachers one for driver Zed one for Hope one for Spanish at $25,000 which includes salary and benefits we could potentially capture up to $2,681 198 now I know I want to be a little realistic as well we may not get all of those off the bat so what I did in yellow was I estimated at a 50% enrollment if we are able to capture even 50% or half of that and still have the operating core um cost of the FLVS franchise as well as the operating cost of our instructional Personnel we could still potentially capture $668,000 um the next year we may look into adding an algebra for geometry to capture a little bit more and offer a little bit more for our families because again while this presentation talks a lot about our budget I think it's very important that we are offering what our students are needing and if they're already enrolling in FLVS already and this is already an option that they are choosing for their courses number six seven8 n however many um I think it would be prudent for us to offer that with our um amazing teachers as well so the 2526 budget I added that algebra and geometry and then again I was uh conservative in my Approach and I said okay if we get even half of those once again we would increase that teacher allocation to four because I would add a math allocation um and then we would still capture about $69,000 um making both of those if we are looking at even 50% enrollment um which I did not add I should have added on this list it would be about $137,000 um over the course of two years that we have the potential of capturing um and then moving on we could potentially even add more like a American sign language which is a popular course in our community um maybe it's a CTE or career course that's being offered um but that at that point I thought it would be prudent to add an instructional um I'm sorry a a coordinator salary because I hope that this is a booming um partnership franchise um and so on that last estimate I did include five teacher salaries one coordinator salary and although it does capture slightly less at about $40,000 being able to capture it that's at a 70% enrollment um I do believe that by offering this option we're going to capture way more than what our current enrolled students need we're Al going to capture the needs of our community maybe some of our homeschool parents who want to take a Spanish course or an algebra 1 class that they feel that is no longer in their wheelhouse when they get to that higher math um and we could potentially capture outside of our own um traditionally enrolled students as well are there any questions from the board Miss Roberts so Dr Kennedy if I'm reading this correctly we aren't we aren't looking at projecting for a coordinator until we get to the 26 27 year and then I'm assuming you would make that recommendation based on what our numbers look like for the prior years and what we're taking in as to whether that is warranted at that time is that correct that's correct I feel that with um my knowledge of virtual school as well as I have a phenomenal coordinator already who's doing some things outside of her um kind of Norm we would be able to charge this work for a few years to get it up and running um to be self- sustaining and support itself ultimately I wouldn't want any dollars that have already been put aside to something else to sustain this work I want the virtual school to sustain the virtual school thank you are there any others Miss Powers so um thank you for the presentation I know we talked through a lot of this yesterday I'm just curious about the home School charter and private school students that live in Martin County how would they be integrated into would would they pay us like how how would that system work to attract more students that maybe aren't attending a traditional Public School sure so I actually had that data um yesterday and they are tracking almost identical with our enrolled so um overall Martin County um was sitting at just over 2100 completions Martin County as a whole whether they were traditional homeschool Charter Public um all of the above um and so this that almost doubles so once a student chooses to enroll in Martin County virtual um then that FTE is automatically shared if it is less than six courses it goes back to that one sixth for a full year or 112th FTE um per the doe but if they are um taking any other courses uh virtually maybe it's one that we don't offer then it would be divisible by that um what I have seen is um our homeschool elementary students they're not necessarily taking a traditional course anywhere so they may be following a homeschool program and they this may be their one course that they're taking um so it would be that same one six for that full year or 112th I guess I'm just a little concerned about the administrative piece of like what does that look like with the family empowerment scholarship so if a home School family gets their um um set amount from doe what how does that come back to us I guess what I'm sure so um I would have to look into the the empowerment money um I do believe that there is some stipulation on if they are taking virtual courses um the amount of either money they receive um for that but that is definitely something I can jot down to find more information about yeah because I think this will be appealing to those families as well if we are offering it especially with a local teacher that is living in the community that could have office hours or whatever I just think that that's appealing but I also want to make sure that we're getting paid correctly and it's not going to create an administrative burden for us to be collecting money from people right so um I do know that regardless like we wouldn't it would still get funneled through um the state of Florida so they would recalibrate and do their estimates because that would be instructional minutes that we would count for and Report when we do our um FTE reporting um every year so they would take that just like they would any one of our other students um that that much I I do know um and part of this is also to while I think we're going to definitely add that Avenue for homeschool I think it's great as well um I just also wanted to capture money that we are already losing from our K12 currently enrolled students um yeah I think that um I I mean I like I like the idea of us creating this and creating it slowly I think that we being conservative on the number because if a student is taking multiple courses they may want to just enroll in one place so we might not get every child who wants to do driver's ed because they're also taking algebra one and they're taking AP English so they might want to enroll so I think being conservative on those numbers upfront is really important so thank you you're welcome any other questions thank you Dr Kennedy thank you so much you have one okay hold on just one moment yep so do we need um direction or anything or where are we going I think this would come back to a meeting right this is going to come back to another right okay thank you thank you thank you okay we will be moving on to our Schoolboard policies item number 4.01 policy number 1242 and 3242 professional learning is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations you have a question Mr Robert oh yeah I do on the um on the 3242 Diane on page three of four I don't think B is where belongs I think that last sentence for each component is part of a see what I'm talking about that last sentence it says for each component for which inservice points because it's talking about components and paragraph a is components so I think you just need to rumber those paragraphs so that b becomes review Amendment and submission and C becomes record [Music] maintenance and and then on the next page on four of four where it says E I don't think e is e I think that sentence moves to the left and the fgh H and I become 1 two 3 4 well it's it's right on the other one so it they should be able to yeah okay thank you that's all I have okay thank you anyone else have any other questions okay moving on to item number 4.02 policy number 2120 School Improvement page two of three early warning signs we mark C should read course failure in English language arts or mathematics during any grading period for students in grades 6 through eight who earn 2.0 or lower GPA on a four-point scale during any grading period yes Miss Roberts so um in that early morning system section I think that that par this paragraph a that's talking about absences whether the absence is excused or the result of out of school suspension should also include unexcused and I question whether in C the course failure in English language arts or mathematics during any grading period needs that additional language about um students in grades six through eight who earn a 2.0 because is the intention for it to be all students who receive a failure in English language arts and Mathematics or is it um Madam chair if there's a question there I'd like to ask that uh Dr Kennedy be allowed to come back up to the podium she may be able to provide clarification on that language absolutely Dr Kennedy yes so historically the early warning indicators do only go up to 8th grade um when you look at our sit process and the information and the data that we get for our school Improvement plan um the early War warning or indicators um historically are are to grade eight um we can certainly remove that section though because that may be good practice for us um as a as a district but the data that we would receive from the state only goes up to a grade8 so we wanted to mirror that so so we received data internally though that would tell us about a course failure in ela or mathematics in any grading period right that's correct so as a educational professional do you think we should only be doing this through 6 through 8th or should we be doing no I I can absolutely see their point to to include um actually to remove that all together I I would like to even see it in if we ever go to knowing third fourth and fifth grade course failure um would be appropriate so I would remove that um portion the only reason why it was added was to mirror the language from the school Improvement plan that's provided each year okay so then I would be interested in just having C say course failure in English language arts or ma mathematics during any grade period and adding the unexcused to a okay I don't know what the best rest of the board thinks Mara you are Miss Powers do you have anything or miss pet I don't have anything okay all right all okay with that thank you okay thank you all right uh moving on to our next next item number 4.03 policy number 51101 homeless students is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations Miss Roberts go ahead so on page two of eight um when you talk about so you have the definitions up there of a through D unaccompanied homeless oh and then D includes the migratory children who are living in circumstances described in a through C above I'm I'm unclear as to why we need the additionally pursuant to federal and state law children and youth who are experiencing homelessness also include migratory children who are living in circumstances a through D above I mean isn't it redundant isn't it the same thing basically I mean we're not classifying homeless into subcategories when you put d by itself you're separating out uh migratory children whereas we don't don't do we don't distinguish between their children that are homeless so why would we include that statement as all I agree with that yeah we're not we're not yeah sorry Mrs power's microphone is on I'm not sure if she wanted to go first or okay sorry I'm having trouble opening it my computer this certain that that line can certainly be removed it was just in there from niola so if it is the pleasure of the board to remove that that item that because I think it's already up there it says what homeless youth are youth are defined at it's a through D already so I don't think it I agree with that needing to be removed and I believe somewhere else in the document it states we don't we don't separate out correct we're they're children so I agree there should be no differentiation Miss pow did you have anything okay all right M robt are you good okay thank you item number 4.04 policy number 5136 wireless communication devices and and this is a new policy but one that has been previously discussed and before I get into the recommended changes I wanted to share that I have had several parents come to me with concerns since we last discussed this and they were concerned that their student could not check their phone during breaks or lunch um because most days they need to send them a message about transportation change or reminders of the day Etc um so I promised each of them that I would share their concerns today would anybody be willing to discuss this further or would you just like for me to move on to the recommended selections Roberts so I liked the language on 34 on page three of four at the bottom that says parents guarding Ians are advised that the best way to get in touch with your child during the school day is by calling the school office and students may use School phones to contact parents Guardians during the school day my concern is um so so imagine so there's two different pieces one is if you don't have it completely turned off right so I'm s so let's say I have it on vibrate or I have it on mute or something and I'm sitting in a classro and my phone vibrates that now what I do as a student is I say I need to go to the bathroom I go to the the bathroom I check my phone in the bathroom because I was expecting my mother to tell me she's going to pick me up or do something no it's my cousin sending a picture I go back to the classroom five minutes later it vibrates again I'm back in the bathroom checking my phone again I mean I think it's it's a um I think we have to decide as to where our standard is as to whether you want phones off or you want phones on or or where you want to be I mean I think it's um I can see that there's going to be an Enforcement issue I mean I can't see as children are going into the bathroom you don't want somebody having to stand outside the bathroom saying are you going to the bathroom or you going to check your phone I mean you know give me your phones you go to I mean that isn't going to work so I don't know what you all think but miss pret you kind of opened up the microphone have it on can I be heard okay this opens up code of conduct issues and if this policy is adopted we have to change our code of conduct um I think there is a a place for the children to have their phones but I think it has to say outside of instructional time so they can't check their phone in the classroom when it VI vibrates they're not permitted to do that but if they're at lunch or somewhere else that is not class room time that's when it's appropriate but I don't instructional right so so checking students may use School phones to contact parent Guardians during the school day opens it up to the entire school day so I would not want that box checked well I think it goes back to needing to decide do we want to use language in option A or do we want to use language in option b on page one okay and two so I um I'm of the opinion that we should not allow students to have their phone on um I I understand where parents are coming from and kids are going to go and they're going to sneak in the bathroom and they're going to they're going to call their mom they don't want to go to the office and call their parent or the parent doesn't want to call it's easier I get all that but there are so many more things happening on the phones during the day than worrying about what then what time are you going to pick me up from school today um kids are being bullied um there are pictures being shared there are videos being taken in our schools and shared on social media um and I'm not talking about the good stuff I'm talking about the bad things that are happening so I am of the opinion that they should have their phone off during the normal school day after school if they're at practice and or whatever for a sport their coach can determine how they use their phone after school but I am just not I mean if a child is denied access to reach out to their parent during the school day then we need to address that administratively but there are too many bad things happening on phones and on our camp campuses that we can't okay now you can and I think there has to be some responsibility on the parents part and if students get caught using their phones it's taken and the parent has to come pick it up I I I the the whole like I can't I'm working and it's like well when you break rules out in the world that these we're setting these kids free into you're not going to tell the judge that oh I can't show up today because um I don't have a ride or I don't I can't show up because my parents won't come with me that's not how it works there has to be some responsibility we can't do this alone I'm very I I have never felt this strongly until recently about the phones and if a student needs to call their parent then they can go to the office or they can ask their teacher permission if it's an emergency I have no problem with any of that but just just having unfettered a access to your student during the school day it's the same at work when we go to work every day you can't sit and expect to take personal calls all day long because you know yeah maybe something quick but there has to be some permission granted because there's just way too many bad things happening um during the school day with phones we can't control what happens outside of that but we can control what happens on our campuses thank you do you want to say something and just one other thing I think we should wait until we I would like to hear from the code of conduct committee I want to hear what they think because I don't want to start the process of redoing this yes and then them come back and say well you know that we said this or we recommend something I I kind of want to understand what how they feel about it what do they think the consequences should be when students um break the rules cuz I know the person that I appointed I had two things that I was most concerned about in their review one was cell phones and the other one's vaping so I want to hear what they come back with after having the discussion among themselves and what their expectation as parents and community members are I think that's a great idea is everyone else on board with that yeah sure okay so then we will postpone this one um until we hear back from the code of conduct and get some direction and clarification thank you do we know when the code of conduct is going to be done Dr o this thank you can you hear me uhuh yes no you might have to get closer okay so we um finished up and we yes you can hear me Miss P yeah you got get you're gonna have to get closer sorry so we had um did some preliminary voting yesterday to to wrap up the the community feedback piece yesterday and what the plan was was to move forward with bringing to the board in an April Workshop the recommendations from the committee members and the and feed the feedback from them as well as some other recommendations that Student Services Group have looked at as some other things that need to be um addressed in the code of conduct that that kind of may be better explained one of the things that also I have looked at is some other code of conducts from other districts and there is definitely when you're talking about the cell phone piece I would say there's some really good information from another neighboring County that has very clear and explicit instructions about those minor offenses the major offenses and having the phone off from like Bell to Bell and so I do think there's more changes this year year which we want to bring it to you all in April so that we can have more time in so that April May June that we can hopefully get a working code of student conduct in place by the school year so yes the plan is to bring you forward I think it's a great idea to do it simultaneously and if anyone would like to meet with me at any point to go over some of the other recommendations I would I think it would be a great idea for us to sit down even before that well actually April's really close but at any time I I definitely agree with that thank you we appreciate that you're welcome is this going to cause any issues if we don't H we have a we have a policy in place we are just going to hopefully make it better when we have a recommendation yes okay yeah thank you thank you all right item number 4.05 policy number 5410 student progression is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations yes everyone's good great moving on to the next one item number 4.06 policy number 54101 promotion acceleration placement and retention is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations and superintendent recommendations I guess just Neola everyone good great thank you item number 4.07 policy number 5460 graduation requirements is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations yes thank you item number 4.08 policy number 5465 general education development GED test page two of two we have GED coordinator Melissa everek coordinator of adult education with her number you'll fill in 77221 91200 extension 4316 61 and her email is Evers DM the board okay with accepting these Neola recommendations great thank you item number 4.09 policy number 5513 care of school property is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations do you have something Miss Robert okay actually you know what that's the one hold on yeah never mind you're good okay thank you okay item number four 4.10 policy number 55701 bullying and harassment is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations I think this one should wait until after our code of conduct as well agreed Miss bridet do you agree yes M Roberts thank you we'll hold off on that item number 4.11 policy number 5710 student and parent complaints is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations M Roberts okay item number 4.12 policy number 5771 we are it's search and seizures and we will be pulling this one tonight and it'll come back at a later date item number 4.13 policy number 5780 student and parent rights is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations everyone good okay powers are you you still look in okay item number 4.14 policy number 5782 parent Guardian notification and permission School sponsored events and activities is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations good Roberts yeah good okay item number 4.15 policy number 7544 use of social media and this is a new policy is this something we would also like to hold off I think we should pull this one I there was I in light of the new house bill that was passed I think we're going to have some change that we're going to want need to incorporate some of the changes that were made in that as well um regarding age restrictions and parental not parental um authorization and all those types of things so I think we need to hold off on this one okay Miss pret you um your sorry I just want to find the I wanted to know if anything contained in here would also um move over to professional standard should employees um and and District of Pro volunteers not abide by so I was wondering if Sher Richardson would come when we go over this so because I think whatever we decide should also be incorporated into Professional Standards if the if there's infractions they need to be updated to align with the social media policy we'll check we'll check policy to see if there's a separate policy for for Professional Standards with our adults but but absolutely absolutely right I I S I wasn't telling you I'm just saying it needs to align with with Professional Standards if it's necessary that's all cell phone use is the same yes yes and um probably some of the bullying and harassment we need to look at to make sure that we're across the board being consistent thank you thank you m Roberts good okay item number 4.6 policy number 8405 School Safety and Security page 9 or 10 it says select option one is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations I know this one's going to come back I don't know what the effective date of the new Safety and Security Law will be if it'll be July 1 but this one will be coming back to us as well with those updated changes that were just approved this legislative session we will hold off on that as well then everyone okay with that okay item number let's see here eight 4.17 policy number 84101 critical incident response this is a new policy so the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations are we Frank do you know was anything in the legislation this session that I don't think anything specifically related to critical incident response was included in the new legislation okay okay thank you thank you do everyone good with what we currently have sure okay thank you okay that concludes our policies uh just a reminder that everyone will see these policies a couple more times as we bring them back to the board meetings for approval we will not have uh open to the board good M Bri okay Miss Powers good will mention um I know that the people that were here for the pool are gone now but um I think it would be really great I know that uh Dr Miller has talked to some parents I know that Mr shazo has talked to some parents or community members about the pool and giving more indepth information that is really hard to show all the time on paper so I would encourage them to reach out to to the district and have those conversations and talk about um you know the true costs and utilization and as we gather more data I know it's going to come back as presentations in the future but I think we they should start those conversations with our staff to better understand because um I don't know that they have 100% of the information that we all know and as obviously as we get more information we're going to be sharing that publicly at meetings but I know that if they want the information sometimes it's easier to have that have a conversation than it is to have this so just encourage them even though they're not here hopefully they're listening I wasn't gon to say anything but since you mentioned it go ahead Miss Bridget um I believe I saw that we're having a workshop on April 2nd and you would be bringing back information to us am I correct about that we can bring that information back I did send the board information based upon the request that the board had asked actually you got two messages because I did hear back from the coach at Martin County High School as to the actual schedule the the schedule of activities both practices and competitions for the swim and dive team for Martin County so I think those the amount of meetings and dates and those things were important as well so there were two messages that went out right before this board meeting I was just going to say I thought I saw something about April being a workshop and if that is the case maybe we could advertise to the community hey this is this is when you will hear what what we have to tell you right I don't know how that how or what about if we add it to our um information share not board information share but the staff reports and letting people know that as we get more information about that subject that they're interested in that that will be posted in that section and if we if you want a staff member to speak to it at the board meeting maybe that would be a good time but at least have it information about the pool posted in that section okay thank you Mr Maine do you have anything no ma'am thank you okay well that's it this Workshop is now adjourned