##VIDEO ID:omhm0wx5b8k## e e e e e e e e we are going to call this Workshop of the Martin County School Board to order if you would would all please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Mrs Falls would you please call the role Mrs Roberts yes Mrs Powers here Mrs pitchet here Mrs Russell here please let the record reflect that Mr D tresy was unable to make it today we will now have our board information share miss pet would are you able to give us an update on fba's legislative priorities yes um they are looking for um ideas for their platform as well as our platform so there's a form I think we all got it in an email so if you have any um things that you want to to be on their radar but we should also probably discuss what our priorities are as well so um I don't know if you want to have that discussion now or at a future meeting September fsba was September 6 is September 6 fsba but ours is is not um you know a time sensitive if we have something that we want to send to them we should send it by September 6th but if we want something for ourselves we we should maybe to we make an agenda item for a future board meeting we can we can do that at a workshop um but also if you have anything specific that you're ready you know you can always send that to Jen let her know so that way it's on her radar all right any questions about that um I don't have anything I don't have anything for fba's um and and we can do those individually I don't know if the board had anything we wanted to go in together with as submit anything as a to as a board fsba you had anything Mara I'll be honest I haven't really thought about that yet um but yeah I think that I'm sure there will be things that we're going to want to submit but we just need to talk through it what we didn't get last year I think should be some of our priorities obviously um continue I think it it will be um our graduation initiative will continue to be an issue but it's also something while we brought that forward I think uh we have many other school districts that have kind of are jumping on um and that's an issue for them as well so did you submit that to FSB last year or was it just a can you do that again this year yeah I'll we should probably reach out to Greg and look at the initiatives that we did didn't that we went through the process but didn't get and then we can submit those on behalf of Mark County School Board I'll contact him okay yeah and if he can and if we can get all those submitted to fsba to see if they pick them up I mean because they'll have their meeting to see if they pick them up but I think anything that we didn't get is fair game to submit by the September 6th deadline okay as a board initiative so you can put um if you and if you work with Greg with it and just put it down as the Martin County School Board and put all of our names on it then we can do that and then um I'm not sure when they're meeting to discuss what they're picking up but whether they pick it up or don't pick it up we probably should discuss how we're doing it what we want to do and whether we want anything else so maybe in this is what month is this is this September maybe at the October Workshop if we discuss it at the October Workshop um then we can start with that list of whatever was submitted for the September 6 deadline but then we can see what else we want to add so then then we'll have something as we work on our own um initiatives does that make sense yeah I'll get with Greg I'll I'll reach out to him tomorrow morning and uh ask him okay we're probably gonna want to move quicker I mean the committee Week start the first week of December I mean granted a lot of that ceremonial but we're going to want to have more than a final approval in November to then have have the month of December you know will be not a lot of conversation going on because of the holidays and then January first their second week of January is when committee weeks start so I was thinking I was thinking if we discussed it in October at the workshop in October we could approve it at the O we could approve our initiatives at the October meeting okay I thought you meant October meeting okay no no no so I think if we discuss it so miss Falls if we discuss it as an agenda item and then if you get the information from Miss pritet about what was submitted to fsba and we once we see that we can add anything we want to onto it then we would discuss that at the October workshop and then we would put it on the October agenda okay so once we have it on the October agenda then we would approve it as a board and then Mr shazo can help us um put it in a format so that then we have something that's a concise easy to read something that we can use something we can reach out with Etc and then that puts us so that we're I mean I would think that we would have it then by November 1st was what my thought was and if we had it then knowing that Thanksgiving is pushed I think until the 28th of October it gives us the month of November before when they're still home before people are going back up in December does that work Marsha from your calendar yeah and it's um the way that they're doing things different so December 2nd through the 6th is House of represent atives only and then the next week is the Senate so they'll be home but it's still hard to get meetings with them during the month of December because of you know just the holidays and they typically give their staff time off to gear gearing up for committees and then session so I just don't want to get pressed for time that we need to have those conversations I would recommend that everyone try to go up during a committee week because it's a really really great time to talk to legislators in a much um less crowded setting so you may be able to get in with certain legislators that you wouldn't not necessarily I'm not talking about our delegation but be able to get in and Greg can probably get a meeting with them if they're on a committee that will hear one of our initiatives to have that have that happen during committee weeks because it's you know their time is less um in demand during that time all right and I was thinking that if we know if we have what we need by November 1st that then for our local um people if we set up any individual appointments with our local people at home during the month of November we would have something to give them a heads up of what we're looking at in November individually to be able to say this is what we're looking at Etc this is what we're doing um so if each of us were able to make those appointments and those meetings in the month of November then they're given a heads up so then when we are there and the the session does start we we're one one step ahead of the game does that make sense sounds good thank you thank you at this time we will have open to the public I do not have any comment cards at this time is there anyone here that would like to speak seeing none that concludes public comment we'll be moving on to the district presentation of our five-year Capital plan Mr Morrison and Mr Cris would you like to come forward chair superintendent Main and board members I'm going to do our uh basic basically it's our annual presentation of our major capital projects um every year we work with Carter Morrison Deputy superintendent superintendent Maine to go over our capital projects for the five-year Capital plan and then I put together a presentation for the major projects which consists of a poster at the end of 24 major projects so we haven't eliminated any projects moving forward um we still have 24 some of them are overlap from the previous year because it is a 5-year Capital plan um we've completed some like Jensen Beach Elementary City Elementary the district um boardroom those are going to be coming forward in future meetings for closeout for recommendation by the board but we have completed some and then we've moved some forward and we actually have new projects now on this presentation to bring forward to you for the next five years so it takes us clear up to like 29 so 2029 so I'm excited to share this with you um our first project is the the carryover from Stuart Middle this is still phase one we're right at that 78% in reality they have moved into this project they're using building one um and just to move to the next side because you get a better indication of what's going on with the site they've actually paved the whole front of the school we've done a whole um new car Loop now they paved the existing car Loop um the new building 10 which was the cafeteria building is now probably 75% dried in so they actually have roof deck insulation and roofing material so it's pretty close to being all dried in for that whole building so it's pretty exciting because now you have a new building one and you have a new building cafeteria right behind it um as you can see from this Photograph we're we're creating that new Courtyard so in the grand scheme of things which could be 10 years from now there'll be eventually a new two-story classroom building on the south side of the new building one to complete that courtyard but as it stands now um we're we're in the process of completing building 10 which it's at 22% um and then once they get that dried in they'll start all the internal items and then the third phase of this is actually the gym renovation so we have that being Priced Right Now by the contractor he's going to be and I'll be bringing that forward to the board with some proposals um but we already as you know from a previous board meeting we purchased the chiller for that building so that we could get that in time for the project because there's about a 12 Monon lead time on chillers so that'll be phase three of Stuart Middle South Fork High School they're in the process of finishing up that whole project which was the ball fields the gym and the new chiller plant um the school is currently using the gym they've already had um matches there they've had football games where they've used the locker room so that building's pretty much in 90% use right now um and so we're working through all those as they use the events but that project's going to be coming to use I can't predict exactly when but probably in the near future it'll be coming to you as a closeout project also the next project is part of South Fork also it's the golf renovation project that project has two phases originally we had the golf course renovation project and then part of that phase we were and then the second phase we were going to do the renovation of the egg buildings we were going to try to eliminate the three Portables and turn that into hard classrooms and then um renovate all those egg buildings the pole barn the vet building and then they have like a big storage building near campus so we were going to do a full renovation on that so now it's broken up into two phases because the first phase we have an in kind donation for the golf course renovation the second phase is actually the building project where we do the new building for the classrooms and the building renovation sure go ahead do we still have a sheriff's deputy living in a trailer on the property he's right there it'd be your Northwest I I can't point to it I don't think he's right above the chiller plant so at some point can we get maybe the superintendent can get us a report as to what that looks like do we have a lease what is he paying what is our who owns the trailer who pays the util you know just something so we have some idea of what's going on with that I know he is currently there okay thank you so like I said that project we may have to look at the phasing of that where I start the phase two sooner than we start to phase one it just depends on when that donation is going to come in from our donor because like we currently don't have that and then there's another phase at South Fork which is down probably closer to the fourth or fifth year of the capital plan where we actually replac the l&p classroom building it's approximately 70,000 ft of classroom spaces and we basically basically be looking at removing that whole wing and creating a new two-story building for classrooms this is Murray Middle School um back in June we presented this project to you right now we we're only doing phase one which is the gym renovation the admin media and then because there's an art classroom located next to the um current building it's not building one it's actually another building it's like building five um once we tear that building down we have to relocate art so unlike Stuart Middle or um any in Middle we didn't have to do an art room space but this space would include an art room space plus a media center plus the admin area but we will be trying to use the Prototype from IMS and steuart middle so that we keep that same kind of language in the me in the buildings itself and then we will have to do some more upgrades to the chiller plant because once you start adding buildings the current capacity isn't there at the chiller plant so that's just phase one of of Marie middle Warfield is similar we're going to do an admin Media Center there but in this sense we're going to add some classrooms because of capacity issues there so this project always has had classrooms added to it so we'll be we'll use a similar prototype of admin and media and then we'll do some kind kind of building that connects as a classroom Wing one thing you might want to know about these two projects I talked with doe at the uh Summer Conference the individual was actually there that reviews the costales they were without a director for almost a year so they just got a director above him at the end of July so all the districts are backed up with projects right now and getting approved with doe um he said he would move our project to the top I don't know when I'm going to get get approval but it Bas basically what happens is once he approves it it has to go to the director for approval and then it goes higher up for the next level um so all these projects have been because he was act he was acting as director and acting as his own office at the same time and so he's got a backlog of months um but he was kind enough to speak to me and he's going to help in any way can but he can't guarantee anything at this point but once we get that castaly then we'll move those projects forward with the um the A&E interviews and then the CM at risk interviews um and we'll go through that whole process like we did with the elementary schools so that's where those two projects are H Oaks Middle School um it's kind of a unique project what we want to do is I don't know if everybody understands that school but excuse me the part of the hbac system is located inside the building which means the IE storage tanks and the pumps are all located inside the building um and slowly but surely we're getting issues with things breaking down and the way they were built it's kind of like building a steam shovel inside the building and not being able to remove it um there is no way to get these items out of the building so we want to propose on site somewhere around the exterior of the buildings build an ie storage plant similar to like what we did at um Stewart Middle and South for and basically bring in new ice storage with pumps and then connect it to the existing Chiller yard because that Chiller yard is okay at this point in time but we're having issues with the rest of the system um so that's what this project consists of so um Mark can I just go back to Warfield Elementary really quickly sure so the new admin media and classroom building that is shown on here where will where will families enter now where will Carline be so we will not we will not actually change the Drive Entrance but we will expand the whole um car Loop and parking area because the existing building will come down eventually and then they'll enter they'll enter the new building which will be on the south side of the parking lot now because you know parking is a real issue there they're parked all up and down Oola right um during the day even with that back parking lot is always full plus the one that's up by admin so this new parking area will service the admin is like that's where a parent would park if they wanted to come Carline will be on the opposite side where it currently is right the well the parking so we're going to try to take the footprint of the existing building that's admin now and that'll become parking also but then the south side of this whole diagram which is next to the new building that would end up becoming visitor parking and and parent parking and then and then the car Loop would probably go around that scenario somehow so that we could extend it but we'd end up having to use the same in and out probably under the street without causing major issues yeah we need to think about that because that inter with what you're saying that intersection where this where it says new parking and drive kind of weird and it gets really kind of dangerous back there cuz the the road the street is not lined up so it's a stop sign on both sides but it's not on the through Street and um so we need to think about Carline if it's going to if it's going to be in the old Loop where it used to be well right now it may enter on the on the old Loop but it would actually it's probably doubled in size at this point once you take over the old building and and redo that whole area MH and then like we do at some of our elementary schools they actually weave in and out so that you can create a longer line we'll have to see how many cars we need to actually get in there um but it does become tricky with cities or County entities when you change the actual entrance into your school um but we can look at all those we can look at all those scenarios I I can't say yes or no to changing the entrance but I know the the actual size will almost double once we take over the existing footprint of the building well the parking is we've got to resolve that even before um anything else but I would just ask that we reach out to the Village of Indiantown and their traffic or whoever their Engineers are to talk about that and what it'll look like for Community because it's Unique in that it is very close to homes so it's surrounded by homes mostly on that except that backside where the new parking Drive area is they may let us put a new entrance from that side if it if if they agree that it's a traffic issue they may let us enter from that side and then you come around and go to the front of the school which will be now on the South Side just to alleviate that because I know that that street that's on the East is very congested yeah and it's it's the I guess that's East I don't know what was North East West Oola so that's the main street that runs parallel to Warfield Boulevard so a lot of people get off of Warfield and take that road so it does have more traffic than like the other Street where they go now but it's not comi confined because it's one Long Street right but there's stop signs all along so it's bound by two one is a four-way stop I think and one is correct the other one where the streets don't line up so it could be that could be really an issue and there may like you said there may be a solution where we pick something on the north side of this parking lot where they actually enter now instead of the East Side M cuz that Northside Street isn't as congested as the other three streets yeah okay all right thank you something Miss Roberts yes so when you look at your um new admin SL media classrooms thing and I don't know and if I look down at the bottom of that block I've got the piece where the old piece is that I'm not using so I don't know if there's a way you know how we have like at JD Parker where we've got a parking lot on one side we've got a building and then we've got that short Loop correct that goes there I don't know if there's room up at the top of that if you shaved off the top of that building to do the loop piece there and then move that part of the building down to what you're the space you're creating by taking down the old building do you know what I mean so instead of having something that looks like an L you have something that looks more like a letter two with the top the other way but you know but I mean I think then you'd have because you're going to put parking over on the hill part right and have your Loop piece there but I don't know when you when you start monkeying with that because the piece that jumps out at me is the Shaded out piece between the future Early Learning Center and the media center where the old building is coming down right it looks like it's not going to be used for anything so if you can take part of that building and put it there you might be able to you see what I mean Marsha since we know what that looks like at at um JD Parker with that he's coming that way I just wonder about the placement of the building whether it should you know turning it a c different way or should probably have someone because it is so conf confined this this property is so confined um that I mean there's only so much you can do obviously but if we're going to take out that I call it the new parking because that was never there before and I I don't know maybe it is just reconfiguring how the buildings are placed or yeah this is strictly just a diagram so we'll get in with the architect and design a true bubble diagram or and you know none of this is to real it's it's to a scale but it doesn't mean it matches the scale of the actual building so once you actually have all those real elements you'll be able to see how big that parking space is and I think we need to capture as much of that existing building as possible so that we can expand that existing parking lot and create a better Loop for the car Loop well and there's I don't know how many buses there are in the loop now like because I really should just be a few buses right there's only what three or because majority of it kids can walk to school and then you got the booker Park bus and whatever the out areas are right so there's it's not like you need a huge Bus Loop for to to stack buses no I think we're well in fact that side of the site we probably won't even touch it'll be the existing Bus Loop I just remain which is down here on the on the west side of the site okay where the new playground is y thank you thank you thank you so Hidden Oak did I go through Hidden Oaks okay so Mar County High School uh this Project's been here probably a couple years now um what we want to do is try to eliminate all the Portables and create some class what did I say 16 classroom spaces basically where that green space is and it used to be the existing science building so we're going to use that um space and this could be an opportunity for us to do a tilt wall construction um we would enter everything probably through that North Side between the chiller building and the gym building um but it's something to think about we could do a one story with 16 classrooms um and do a tilt wall construction but it would basically be in that courtyard where the existing building one is and then it'd be just east of building one sure um um has there been any talk about the Acoustics in the the gym in Martin County High School I know it's been discussed we haven't we have never brought forward a project for it is that something that is in the am I uh is that something that's in the in the future um we can certainly talk about it it has been discussed because county is the gym that we use most often for different District events and trainings and things um we can have the team take a look at that and bring something officially forward now that the sound uh proofing has been done at South Fork High School it is there is a significant difference and the type of technology that was used in that gym is you know second to none that would be something similar that we would look at at County however the entire gym is built different with that upper tier so it would be pretty um costly to to try to maximize that space with the sound proofing but we would need to bring It Forward okay thank you Roberts so I know um when I was talking to Mr Morrison about this I know that there may be some money that's freed up that we may be able to um that we'll see when we get the final approval which isn't in here yet but I'd like to ask if the board members would support it that we have a line item that's talking about Acoustics for the the other two High School gyms meaning meaning that we look at Jensen and we look at Martin County high school and that if Carter can free up some money and put some money into that that we can then have it looked at and not be a let's see if we can find it but it can actually be a a line item in the budget so even if it doesn't even if we don't come up with enough money to do it this time you know at least we've got money that we've started to do something with does that make sense so um Mr Morrison if you can thanks well I guess in part of that discussion um the time those gyms were built we don't necessarily have the same technology we do now so that that part of it probably progressed infinitely compared to when it was actually built those two gyms anyhow so yeah it's totally different now um the next project is the Martin County High School what we want to do here is um it's it's basically to remove these Portables right now we have 15 of them um and they've been there so long we have you know we have covered canopies we'd have to redo the site work so that's basically what it costs as an estimate to do that project at Martin County High School and where is that g to where where would it go right on that site it's it's where they are where the Portables are will we remove those Portables and put in a new building right there right now just remove we're just removing them and redoing the site it'll probably be more than likely parking because they're so limited on parking now that it would become well right now they're actually sitting on an existing parking lot that was there originally um so we'd have to restore all of that and probably bring that back to the site so this is Martin County High School another project um what we want to do with this project there's a chiller plan on the North side that basically Services um it's in rotation with the gym but it is one of the key elements when we have graduation that it helps um cool that gym during graduation um that plant has miscellaneous equipment and everything that's not usable it hasn't been used for a long time this project would clean up the inside and outside area to eliminate everything that's not being used um it's not a matter of replacing chillers or anything it's just a matter of cleaning up that whole area cleaning up the site and and just getting rid of everything that's not being used so this is a another Martin County high school project that's recently come up um what we're doing with this project is we're doing an assessment on three different areas of the site we're going to do an assessment on the whole pool complex um we're going to do an assessment on the the weightlifting and locker room building and then the um group restroom building that's down near the stadium all this St all the funding does for this project is um do the assessment the assessment will come back to you to review as a board um discuss how you want to move forward discuss if you want to look at anything else within these three areas um but it'll be a full report with some estimates on what this would cost for each each phase of it do we have any idea on a timeline for that so their first visit is going to be within the next two weeks I can give you a specific date if you need it but no um I I just think that my feeling is that with the pool we need some kind of I'll call it closure for back lack of a better word I mean I think that I don't know if you guys checked your email today but there's another email from one of our employees who um went on the news and is contradicting what what the district is saying which is creating issues and now that employee is writing to the board saying you guys need to do this and you need to do that you know and I think that um that that I talked to Dr Miller about it that there that's being cleaned up that piece over there but I mean I think that um the sooner we can get those estimate pieces the better off we are as far as making a decision of deciding where we want to go right and I think the key to those estim will be this report because it'll actually lay out what they see as a professional um if there's any deficiencies or no deficiencies but they're going to lay out everything on pretty much every system that's in these buildings right and I and I do want to thank the superintendent for acting quickly when um we received the information that there was a safety hazard at the pool for him to act in an appropriate Manner and take and take protective action because we certainly want wouldn't want something to happen to one of our students um knowing that there could be a potential safety issue so I mean I think that was a a very good call and I appreciate you doing that um but I think that yeah we need to kind of figure out where we're going what we're doing Etc because I think that I I don't know necessarily with all the pool discussion and the people that have come out whether they understand that there's a process that we don't buy liners off the back of a truck we don't buy chemicals from a guy who's selling them in a parking lot behind something I mean that there's a process because this is children and because it is tax dollars that we do things in a a formatted Manner and that we don't just um slap things on here and there so I mean I do appreciate getting those estimates thank you thank you yes Miss Bret in in that vein who is the consultant that's coming in to do this you you want an actual name the company or credentials I don't yeah so it's an architectural firm an engineering firm plus a pool consultant okay and currently they're doing projects for FAU and they've done other major pool projects I want the public to be aware that we are taking these steps and we're being very diligent and deliberate in what we're doing because we want this to be done correctly right thank you well and I I wanted uh I really appreciate the look at it this way because it is really a holistic approach and I think over the years we put a Band-Aid on um so many things and this really takes a look at not just the pool but our other athletic facilities um and I I just I really appreciate that because I know I'm one that I like to see I like to know what we have in front of us not just okay let's just put a quick fix on this and then we know as a board that okay if we have projects that we have to um you know have over a number of years to complete at least we know what we're facing and then we as a board and along with you all and your expertise is prioritize those and which ones do we start to tackle first because we I don't know that we'll be able to tackle everything that this report says um and you know we'll just have to make the best decision for students once we have all the information so I really appreciate this approach I know it's um there's a lot of outcry about the pool being closed but I think from a safety standpoint given um the some of the tragedies that have happened in our in the community surrounding us with specifically regarding electrical issues and water are um extremely concerning to me not just as a school board member but as a parent as well so I really appreciate this approach and I look forward to you know going over that report with everyone once we get it so thank you and just to reinstate this only covers them to actually do the report so then once that report's done we will bring it forward and the board can actually see what the items are um and then we can have those discussions on how we move forward sure and and just in case in case the public wasn't aware um I do thank the superintendent also for making the arrangements for the swim team to be able to have space to do their practices and to take care of what they needed to do so I understand they're at selfish splash the same location that the other two teams are at so they're using that and I I thank the county and Sailfish Splash for being able to accommodate our team so that they have a place that they can be and it isn't a um it isn't an incon inconvenience anymore than it is to any other school but they do have place and they do they are practicing Etc and I think that was a very quick turnaround I appreciate that but thank you for everybody who took the safety issue seriously and realized that something needed to be done thanks so our next project on the list um we've been working with Mr Maine on this particular project but just to bring you up to speed um these schools listed here they have kitchen areas that were actually built with no air condition in inside the actual kitchen space they have a they have air conditioning around the space um back then the thought process was that you draw the air conditioning through the space and cool the space that way so it hasn't worked and these are some of our older um I call them finger schools where we have buildings spread out throughout the campus and then you have your separate cafeteria and your separate and it's connected to the kitchen so the idea here is just to provide the engineering cost to do um wall pack units in those kitchen spaces it's not a cafeteria renovation we just want to address the kitchen spaces in these schools listed um and come up with a wall pack system so it's less evasive where you we're not coming in with huge duck work we're not trying to lower ceilings we're just coming in with wall pack units to condition that space But have an engineer designed that system to handle that volume um and then we can actually cool down that space and then once we get the engineering I can actually get proposals for each school and I can actually bring that forward to the board by school and you can decide which direction you want to go M Roberts so Mr Morrison I think you need a line item for that yes ma'am thank you thank you but this is strictly just the engineering it has nothing to do with the equipment or anything at this point because we're still trying to figure out what that looks like but we have narrowed it down to probably similar to a wallpack system that's the most nonivasive and it just doesn't take up all the space the next project is actually going on right now it did start in July it's the purchasing oh sorry I'm sorry so I know that um Felix and seawind are projected in this next year to use the 896 for their cafeteria renovation so it would not just to be clear it would not include the HVAC system for for the back correct that's that's a separate right renovation thank you um the next one is our purchasing maintenance and transportation site we are in the process of that enhanced security project it did start in July um just to bring you up to speed they're working on the perimeter fence so as they tear it down in a day they have to replace it in a day so there's no areas that are left unsecured at this point but it is going back up with the 8ft no climb around the perimeter we're adding new LED Li heads because we already have the poles around the bus parking area and then there's going to be automated Gates on dixy and automatic gates near the airport entrance there where they can exit so there's just going to be more security where the gates aren't left and left open during the day basically you don't have a dollar amount on that is that funded from last year yeah it's already in it's already in there okay it's similar to like Stewart Middle and um southg it's been started and already funded and then this project here is the sdo warehouse renovation project the thought process was um once we moved spam into the center Warehouse we ran out of storage space um but that building's built to a 30 foot tall volume which means we still have a second floor capability so this would be excuse me this would be bringing in a second floor system to use the third Warehouse as two floors and use part of the center Warehouse um as two floors but not over the playing area that spam currently has and that's kind of what we discussed with them um I guess a year ago when we gave them that space that's just to use utilize that space more efficiently because right now it has a 30- foot ceiling and you can only use one story of it and then this is our current let me ask a question question do we have plans to consolidate any of any of our warehouse space from other areas here so that we're eliminating what we need maybe offsite or they're working on Dixie right so they're currently working on consolidating Dixie okay they're going through that process now yeah that's that's a project that's a project um so once you guys give us Direction This Will be our new 24 project poster I do have a air on it on the Martin County it was the Martin County project site I said it as sales tax it's actually all Impact fees so that bottom left diagram for Martin County High School will not be sales tax but other than that it's it's it's correct and those those projects there were just listed in this in this presentation at this point I'll take any questions or any questions okay this is big paper I like I like Madam chair um just to highlight and allow the board members to um be able to navigate the fiveyear capital plan which is this document that shows the five years of um projects listed from 2425 which is the current fiscal year all the way out through 28 29 just want to thank Mark for highlighting a lot of the projects that are in embedded within the plan and funded um just wanted to point out just a few things just a few highlights in the plan as you work your way through it um to look at for example um the very first line of the estimated tax roll of 38.3 billion dollar that is what provides us when you multiply that by the 1.5 Ms at 96% % uh we bring in a roughly $ 55.2 million this year in just in that tax levy on line item 22 just to point out that in 2526 next year is when we make the final payment under the series 2121 2021 excuse me certificates of participation yes ma'am on oh the paper oh okay I think that might be your back back I just understood extra there extra right okay go ahead thank you yes ma'am so on the very first line where it says estimated tax roll $ 38.3 billion that's the tax r that was certified by the property appraiser this year to the Department of Education for the years 2526 all the way through 28 29 those numbers come from the economic and demographic research arm of the Florida legis they have an ADV valorum estimating conference every year that they um put together um numbers on the estimated tax rols for the various um counties in the in the State of Florida um they do it by county and also by School District on line three that 55.25 n million that's the amount of Revenue that is projected to come in using the 1.5 mil um tax levy for Capital purposes on line 22 just wanted to point out that in 2526 next year we will be making the final payment on the series 2021 certificate of participation that was issued to fund the Reconstruction of the Jensen Beach Elementary and Palm City uh elementary schools that is um supported or backed by the sales tax referendum so you'll notice that in 2627 and forward there's no Debt Service payment scheduled um on line 32 just want to also point out um that millage used for cop Debt Service your Schoolboard policy and Florida Statutes allow you to use 75% of your millage rate in order to service um do um to pay for cop Debt Service 75% of 1.5 is 1.15 the board is at 0.055 in 242 25 004 in 2526 Etc it's an indication of your financial strength that you're not highly leveraged um some school districts around the state unfortunately are highly L leveraged as they have not been able to budget conservatively and keep up with their projects um line 33 also and I do think that's very noteworthy I mean I think we we noticed that year after year is that the amount you know I mean just for the Public's edification our only mortgage is the one we have left on Anderson middle school and when you look at other districts around the state they're not in that same position I mean we're at a 2 and a half million mortgage payment every year um and which is a really small small amount compared to what other people are doing and you know the problem is when you borrow money to pay for those things that then for the next 20 30 years you're paying interest on something that then breaks and you're paying paying off something that doesn't work anymore and which is why we've seen other districts around the state saying that's why we don't have air conditioning that's why we have leaking roofs that's why we have all these other things but we've managed to um in a conservative County like Martin County we've managed to be in a position where we've just maintained that one piece and it goes back to thanking the taxpayers again um six years ago for agreeing to do the sales tax to pay for the two replacement schools and to help us deal with the backlog and safety concerns that got us to the point where we didn't have to try to figure out how we were going to borrow that money to do that so but thank you and thank the taxpayers on line 33 in just in Tangent with that as also you are allowed under Florida statute to use 75% of the actual revenues that you receive for cop Debt Service you can see you're at 3.6% as of 2425 and then it drops to 02 3.7 in 2627 and so forth so you're well well within 75% obviously um on lines 37 through lines 48 i' just like to give my thanks publicly to Dr Adrien for working with me to rightsize the educational technology budget uh we've had many discussions in order to try to look at an analysis analysis of how much was being spent by line item look at the needs for the future and to right siize the budget and we've also just for what it's worth mentioned that on line 58 we've set in place a technology Reserve in case some of those funds that that are budgeted if it's not spent then it falls to that technology Reserve if it falls to fund balance then um it might be at risk for Mr secis here to come and say I need a little bit more money for a particular project and we don't want the technology to suffer so they'll have their little bit of a fund balance if you will to carry forward um from year to year I have a couple comments on that those lines and thank you Mr Adrien for um taking care of all those and giving us so much information for those so I have four items that I want to bring up one is um line number 43 for the nextt general all Mr Morrison you were going to check and see whether that 467 620 was going to carry every year yes we have information that um there was some um Hardware that was erable um several years ago in 2019 it was the licensing were were paid for for five years um we're now looking at that's coming off rate and rate will not fund um those old technology so 467 520 unfortunately looks like it's going to carry but there's another line item in the backup that you have for 150,000 that might get reduced and be added to that so that's the that's the line 46 for the software ET correct I believe yes ma'am that's the Wi-Fi piece yes ma'am okay so just to clarify the 467 620 is staying the way that it is yes but we're expecting that the software ET number and that number are going to somehow adjust with each other correct ma' that is correct yes okay I had two other um questions one was um this is more for board discussion I guess line number 47 talks about one: one student issued devices um one of the things that we say repeatedly is that it's in our instructional continuity plan and because it's in our instructional continuity plan we have to buy 4,000 new lap laptops every year in order to um maintain that instructional continuity plan so I looked with um the superintendent about the instructional continuity plan which we last approved an update on May 24th it's due for another update coming up soon um it appears from the the questions and the responses that we are not required to have a onetoone thing right now it says the plan actually says um that we have a one: one it says um let me find the language where is it um under component six it says determine which students will need devices if the Lea does not already have a onetoone initiative so instead of answering that we have implemented a onetoone initiative we would if you would um if the board is interested we could get some flexibility there by saying that we have a one: one in grades 9 through 12 and that we do site surveys on a regular basis to determine our needs Etc but that would give us the flexibility so right now what we're doing is we're claiming our answer to that is that yes we have one to one districtwide and by claiming we have one to one districtwide it puts us in a position where we have to buy 4,000 laptops every year but if we change that language to something a little bit more that gives us a little bit more flexibility then the superintendent can give us something that says either we want to maintain one to one or we don't want to maint you know but it gives us the flexibility that we don't have now in the instructional continuity plan so how does everyone feel about so would a number be applied at all or it would just be as needed so so my thought is that in that line item the 1.28 million we could leave the 1.28 million there for The Five-Year Plan but it's just that in order for us to be in a position where we don't have to buy one: one for everyone if the superintendent came up with another plan and came up with something else the first step to doing that is changing the instructional continuity plan so if we adjusted the instructional continuity plan and said like we had preco we have one: one we maintain one: one in N grades 9 through 12 but we gave gave ourselves the flexibility because the question is saying if you don't have a onetoone initiative determine students that would need a computer so if we said okay we have 1: one in 9 through 12 and for the other students this is our method site surveys computer counts Etc to determining who we don't have oneto one with then it puts us in a position as a board said the superintendent came and said I don't think in kindergarten we need onetoone computers for all kindergarteners or I think we can do something a little bit differently it puts us in a position where we can do that whereas right now we can't do it because well our kids getting replaced every year well so because we have a onetoone initiative we're buying 4,000 computers every year but we're not using them well we we're using them to varying degrees but they last four years so we're pretty much buying 16,000 computers correct Todd 16,000 computers Over a four-year period laptops I'd have to [Music] D I'd have to I'd have to double check on those numbers Miss Roberts to give you an exact number but the every year we do have third graders that get a laptop so this past year we we ran those numbers and we ordered uh just shy of, 1400 laptops for the third graders because as you know kada 2 they're in a cart so right there that eats into it and then we have when seniors graduate they turn into devices and then um we had some new students that came in from the district that didn't have them at Jensen Beach High this year and then of course there's the break fix rate as well okay right so so right now it says on page 11 um it says that the department projects 4,000 laptops will be needed to replace damage and discarded laptops purchasing 4,000 is is necessary to address the demands for new enrollment laptop replacement but the very first line of that says to ensure the district is comp in compliance with the instructional continuity plan which requires on toone student devices that's why we have to buy that's why we're budgeting for the 4,000 so I'm not saying that we don't buy 4,000 I'm just saying that I think we need to give the superintendent direction that if we can change the instructional continuity plan it gives us a flexibility so that if we wanted to do it because at this point in time if he came to us and said I need to buy 4,000 to maintain this one: one we're behind the eight ball because we have an instructional continuity plan that's demanding that we do one: one does that make that's more flexibility so is yeah I'm fine fine with that looking at the yeah so giving that flexibility if the superintendent can um adjust the instructional continuity plan leave the capital budget the way it is but then that at least gives us the flexibility for moving forward um and then the last question I had had to do with desktops in front of the house so my understand understanding is that we buy desktops for teachers and part of the reason that they have to have a desktop is because of their whiteboards need to have a desktop to run the Whiteboard is that correct the desktop is connected the teacher workstation is connected to the front of the room display so what happens is but they also do their grades and you know work on focus and L and plans and other things on that desktop as well right so um I would like to ask the superintendent if you all I mean obviously we one person can't ask something I would like the superintendent to look into whether we should continue with this desktop purchase for teachers or if somebody should be examining if everybody if the whole world is going to laptops where a teacher can take her comp her laptop home to do work etc um whether we should be tying the te to her desktop purely because we're buying whiteboards that sit at the front of the room that maybe we should be looking can't can't we can't they plug their laptop into their whiteboard there is an option to be able to for an instructor to use a laptop um we would have to buy additional Hardware component for that laptop to be able to hook up to the front of the room display because then technically I mean we do it in my work is all of our people have a laptop if you're feel if you're moving around and doing different things so te technically changing classrooms you're taking your computer with you but then you plug it into a screen when you get into your classroom would just need a screen so they plug in then they have multiple screens they have their laptop in a screen if they were doing great injury I mean I can't imagine that we would get a lot of push back from doing away with especially for um teachers being able to have the mobility of taking their their computer with them when they leave I think that it also um I don't know that's makes it more mobile I think especially for high school if you're just if you're going in to teach one class in one classroom and you're just bringing your computer with you and plugging it into the Whiteboard sort of like a college professor goes in and they just you're not in the same classroom all day long so if you're just plugging in it just makes sense to me so so if we have 1. 1285 million set aside for the next two years to buy desktops for computers I I would like the superintendent to look at what that looks like the superintendent Mr Adrian to look like what that would look like if we didn't do desktops If instead we did laptops to do that how that would play out before we bring a purchase order up for $1.2 million for some desktops that's smart well and I I think too as we you know under superintendent Main's leadership as our staff are you know spending a lot more time out in the field um that it makes sense that you know I'm just using I'm because I'm looking at Dr Miller as an example if she's going out to a school she's taking her laptop when she gets back she's putting it in a docking station and it's connecting to her screens on her desk so she doesn't have two computers she has a desktop or she has a laptop but when she gets to her office she has the flexibility of those multiple screens and the cost has gone down exponentially because we're not buying multiple computers for one person thank you thanks thank you um moving on to line 62 um access controls project this is a recommendation from the um Safety and Security Department my understanding that there's a statutory change that not only requires classroom um doors to be locked but also um District buildings so if um you have any further questions or require any further detail on that um Mr fanela is available to answer that question so I have a question on that so we have 1 million set aside for next year and then we have um some other money but Al together it looks like you've got $5 million so we can lock doors is that what we're talking about so we're going to be changing all the door locks in the district all the classroom door locks everything but the storage rooms so that includes every single door throughout the district and the reason why we're going with this is bests in the next couple years are going to be discontinuing the locks that we have they're not going to be able to service them and we won't be able to find parts for them so rather than move just to change the cores this is a good opportunity for us to go to uh Access Control it's safer for the district we can limit who has access to even when we have vendors coming in right now we're giving keys to vendors we're giving keys for Subs we're giving keys to all our employees in the maintenance department some of our employees have to carry 15 20 keys or we have to try to give them a master key and then they have access to everything with the new access control your ID card will be that key and we can give them access to certain areas even for instructional we can give instructional uh our teachers access to just instructional areas principals would have access to the entire building so this is a project to do the entire District not just um certain doors they're going to be all the doors and you think it's going to take five years to replace all the keys [Music] um you got the fing how we're getting the funding yes yes so if we had the funding now we can go ahead with it earlier but it will take it's going to take time to do um different projects we probably wouldn't be able to get it done um probably within three years at the at the the quickest time we could do it we're going to be reasonable in what doors we're having access control because students are not going to have a way to swipe their card it will just be our staff so we're going to ask for a waiver for a door like for example that comes into a building that is enclosed in our campus at Jensen Beach High School that that door is not going to be locked because kids are coming in and out of that all times of the day but correct we're going to be okay correct we are going to get a waiver for those type doors correct we're in the process right now of of exempting all the doors in that are all the high schools middle schools and even some elementary schools um the statute passed July first I don't know how they expect us to not exempt them but if we had to depending on what they do in the future we will have the um technology that if we had to provide um anything to the students it would just be the buildings between inside the exclusive area we don't want to do that we are exempting them this year but it will give us more flexibility if we had to do something in the future cuz I don't think they thought it out with or how you were supposed to lock buildings inside the exclusive Zone and still function so I think we have two issues the first issue is I don't want to give anybody in the public the impression that we have doors that are not locked okay that's number one that our campuses are locked but obviously a door that a student goes in and out of like say into the lunchroom or something like that that once they're on a secured campus it doesn't mean that there's certain doors that are not or say a bathroom door you know so it doesn't mean that every time somebody needs to go to the bathroom they've got to go find a key to go let themselves in a bathroom so I think one is the as Mrs Powers is saying there's some exemption language for some doors that don't need a key I think the second issue though is is that if you have locks that you say because the company's not replacing them and not doing something we have to replace all our locks at a cost of $5 million my point is for that second issue if we're going to replace all these locks because some of them a lot of them aren't working for $5 million I don't know whether it's reasonable to say we're going to do it in 5 years I think that may be too long what if I'm in this building and I've got 16 doors that are locked and three of them aren't working and I can't get the repair parts for them so then do I do 13 Doors and or do I do those three and then I've got two different systems going or do I try to go in and if I examine this building and say okay I've got this building I've got 27 doors and I've got 10 of them that aren't working well don't just do the 10 and figure two years from now I'm going to come back and do something else just go ahead and do all of them right if you're going to replace the technology I mean it doesn't make any sense to be sitting there looking at two different wouldn't you be doing it holding at a I would I would think so but the issue is if we're spreading it out and the bulk of the money that we're pouring into this is happening in 2728 I'm I'm kind of next year this current year we're in is only 100,000 so I'm not sure what we're doing for 100,000 and then next year is a million so then is that the ones that okay if I have a lock that I can't get aart for I'm going to replace all those for the million and my big fix is going to happen in 2728 but now I've got another 800,000 in 28 29 does that but we're only talking about the current doors that use our card access now I think he's talking about everything he's talking about I don't so every single door in the district will be that locks will have a key a card access correct so classroom doors front doors anywhere where there's the perimeter of the school um the only thing that we were leaving out was like storage rooms electrical rooms that our staff wouldn't need access to other than the custodians plan operators maintenance and facility so anything that's in the school that the staff members would be using it would be card access so so I'm thinking that before we spend the $5 million and I don't know whether that can be a safety meeting or whether that needs to be privileged or not privileged which doors were locking which doors were not locking Etc but I think we need to have a discussion on what that looks like in more details um and I think what's and end up happening is this year it's not going to matter because it's only 100,000 in this year's budget but next year when you're looking at well okay I've got 4.9 million that I still think this is going to cost we then we can determine on how we're going to whether it's going to happen in one year two years Etc but I would feel more comfortable if we had a meeting that discussed exactly what this is going to look like and before we just say go to it Frank is that it it makes really good sense to me I know that um we had this type of uh card access at the hospital it does not do away with keys and even still some even perimeter doors that aren't high traffic doors they don't need to be card access unless someone needs to you know the custodian can have a key to that but if it's a main entrance door if it's an In-N-Out for employees that type of thing I think that that's I just so we we need an inventory I guess basically I think we need another meeting to just to discuss that but well and I think you're right I think and I guess we would have to ask our attorney because we don't want to be talking about which doors we're locking which doors we're not locking yeah thank you flipping over to the second page just to highlight Jensen Beach High School line 102 and Martin County High School which Mark already discussed line 115 just to let the board be aware that we are trying to utilize the impact fees that we have on hand I know we had discussed in a previous Workshop the the um the shelf life if you will of the impact fees um and so we're trying to apply some of those impact fees um to get those spent and are encumbered within that seven-year period and just to go back just a moment to line item number 57 of which there are three of them which is the roofing project 90524 now what you'll see um on the on the plan is there two two pieces if you will to the roofing project there's some Roofing that is funded by local Capital dollars and there's also Roofing that is funded by the co and DS which is capital outlay and Debt Service in your presentation um on slide slide number that number here on the slide after the summary of the proposed project what you will see is some communication that I've had with the Department of Education regarding how do we go about and what is the process for spending the capital outlay and Debt Service funds that are that the district currently holds um per communication with the doe um we have to submit the cost estimates to the doe of which in your backup you have a listing of schools and the various costs the estimated cost um for repairing those those um those particular roofs uh we will be submitting those um to the Department of Education based in the order of ranking that we will come up with working with the maintenance department once the doe gets those um the ranking they will enter that into their IAS system the ifas system is their fdoe database that we have to put in all of our capital projects and it comes up with a facilities work plan and it looks out for five years on what we'll be doing so that ifis system once we submit the the the plan the project PRI it's called the project priority list plan um to the school board we'll be bringing that forward um at the September meeting and make and making sure that we will rank those projects included what you will see as part of the project party list which is something we've been working on for some time now is um fire retardant stage curtains that that we have at some of our high schools uh we' received a report from our safety manager that those curtains need to be replaced and in studying the srev chapters and and um statutes um it is eligible to be placed on the project priority list so be put including that um in the list and bringing it Forward um for approval once the school board approves that project priority list uh we will then know notify the doe they will update that with the board approval date in their ifis system they will then prepare the PPL packet and have the State Board of Education vote on it and approve it once the State Board approves it then the district superintendent will be notified and then we can go forth and spend those funds so at your next meeting you'll be seeing that project priority list come forward with the roofing estimates that we have received it's it's in your backup as well as an estimate to replace the fire retardant curtains at the high schools I I had one other question on that page one so line number 64 which was moved from the back which is upgrading intercoms and announcement systems I don't know about the rest of you but when I go visit a school and you push the button on the intercom they don't speak I don't know whether the intercoms are broken but you're supposed to some of some schools have a little sign that says listen for the click and then open the door other ones don't have a sign you're just stand there and then finally somebody a voice comes through the box and says you're supposed to open the door when it clicks so will these will this upgrade to the intercom and announcement system create voices or is it going to still be the click unfortunately oh there he is Mr franel it was that was moved to your Safety and Security Department yeah it's upgrade of the interc does anybody else does do you do that when you go Mrs Roberts I think they're just opening the door for you um but we will we will notify staff they are supposed to be communicating with you through the intercom there is a camera and my guess is they they recognize who you are and know that it's you as a board member and they are just releasing the door for you to pull on it does make the click but they need to be communicating with you and in every case whether it's you or me they should be asking you to hold your badge up to the uh to to the little camera so we can that is a communication thing that we can get out to schools oh never mind they're they're just not talking to me sorry sorry everybody else they're talking to personal I think so but okay okay my final item this afternoon uh Madam chair board members um several workshops ago I believe it may have been Mrs poers and Mr D di Ley brought up a question with respect to impact fees if we have for example um collecting fees in the South but there's no high school and the and the student um attends school in the north for high school does the impact fee follow the student um I have exhaustively done research on this I have contacted other districts as lat as this morning um our districts to the north they they are not aware of any restriction other than the tracking by Zone um it appears that the let me back up so in the in the or the the county controls the ordinance as it as it relates to impact fees behind the ordinance is a impact fee study typically that impact fee study will say districtwide use of impact fees when we looked at our um County's impact impact fee study it was isent um but then again it does not restrict you um for money to follow the student uh we've worked with a couple Cons with a consultant he she told me that all and Mark was on the phone with us that um all of our clients who are school districts they use their impact fees districtwide um I've research of Florida Statutes I can't find anything in there that talks about um level of service not being able to maintain so therefore you you got to stay uh the impact fees have to be stayed where they're collected I don't see anything like that I reached out to the doe unfortunately the lady who is in charge of that air wasn't available at the time um my final um check would be with the Schoolboard attorney just to make sure that there isn't anything that I'm not seeing or coming across in my research and my reaching out to other districts that would limit us but uh from from what I can see at this particular point is that it would be able to follow the students so at this point as you see in the plan we're trying to uh use that for a few capacity producing projects particularly at Jensen Beach High School and also at Martin County High School to remove those Portables to replace them with permanent student stations with that Madam chair yes Miss pow so I would just question where where were the impact fees collected because if the feeder school for I think it was that midcounty area that we it's kind of a No Man's Land because there's nothing there um where are those where are the majority of those students going because if a developer pays an impact fee the expectation is is it's going to go to the schools that that development would serve so naturally if the if a school is in you know um hob sound we're not going to use those dollars in Jensen Beach high school because naturally those students would all go to Southport right or you know just making sure that we're staying within the feeder pattern of the where the kids are going so based on Elementary from elementary to middle and then middle to high and I know with controlled open enrollment they can pretty much go anywhere but I think that the with the spirit of it is that it would be the school that serves that development regardless of where it's located in okay yes ma'am I'll reach out to Mr George uh with that those questions I feel that maybe he would be able to maybe shed some light on that any further thank you uh with that Madame chair board members Mr superintendent those in attendance that concludes our my present portion of the presentation of the um review of the fiveyear capital plan uh just to say that the work is not done there are a few changes that we'll be making um after today little cleanup items that we kind of came across after publication but those will be coming forward at your September meeting um for approval of The Five-Year Plan as it should be approved by October 1st according to our policies thank you thank you so much for your time well we will now have open to the board Miss Roberts um yes I wanted to share something with the board last Monday the children's Services Council approved the funding that was out for the RFP the um category was after school programs and mentoring programs um one of the things that did come up which I wanted you all to be aware of was there was a representative from Speak Life um Speak Life stop bullying who um spoke they were not funded by Children's Services Council because they didn't fit the category that was in there um Mr main was here too um but the speaker who came from Speak Life bullying it was not one of the birds it was somebody else um made the comment during his remarks that the Martin County School System we didn't have Speak Life here in Martin County that it was a shame that this is a program that's in Martin County Etc and it's being picked up by people north south east west across the country from us but we are not doing it in Martin County um I corrected that for the record there so that people would know that we do in fact have Speak Life bullying it is part of our and I let him know it is part of our mental Wellness Plan and that the programming for that is for um an assembly for sixth graders and an assembly for ninth graders I confirm that with Dr perogi Dr yeah that um that we do we do it for for sixth graders and we do an assembly for ninth graders plus anybody who is in that school who has not received the programming so if you're a new incoming seventh grader or a new incoming eighth grader and you have not seen the program that you do see it with the sixth grade people and the same thing in high school so just so you all know that that happened thank you thank you Bret do you have anything I do miss Powers superintendent Maine okay well with that this Workshop is now adjourned