I'm calling the meeting to order um the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or agreed upon in accordance with the provision of this act the mwan abing Regional School District Board of Education advertised this meeting on June 20th 2023 in the Asbury Park Press and the Star Ledger these notices were sent to the municipal clerk of the burough of Madan and the township of aberin and the madaan Aberdine Public Library these notices were also placed on the district's website um now I will turn this over to Mrs verah please stand for the pledge to the flag i al to the of the United States of America and to the good evening okay everyone's all over the room so I'm just going to speak this way good evening superintendent Perez Mr leedman M Mrs casee and Board of Education members as principal of Cambridge Park Elementary I would like to welcome you this evening we are thrilled to be hosting our board meeting tonight tonight I'm eager to share with you the remarkable achievements and ongoing initiatives taking place at our school from Innovative teaching methods to student achievements I'm excited to showcase the incredible work being done by our dedicated faculty and students I'd just also like to point out our dedicated staff is standing room only in the back of the room please honor them first off I'd like to congratulate our teacher of the year Mrs Karen Halper and our Educational Service professional Mrs Mary canel the Cambridge Park staff and students are so proud of both of you we had a very busy start to the school year these pictures were taken on September 1st 2023 I don't know if you can notice in these pictures I was very nervous but on September 6th 2024 we opened our new school to 15 kindergart 15 prek classes three PSD classes and two kindergarten classes we currently have four special Area Teachers 28 instructional assistants three speech pathologists one OT one physical therapist one instructional coach one Pur SLS social worker two child stud team members uh oh and 63 staff members work at Cambridge Park school every day [Music] we have a total of 270 students 198o students and 42 kindergarten student the dedicated Cambridge Park staff works every day to provide the best education for our October was a very busy month pre students took their first class we hosted our first family game event in which 180 parents attended and we had our first indigenous people event our kindergarten students had their first Veterans Day parade and superintendent education member John were our masters of [Music] ceremony on February 12th Cambridge Park celebrated its 100th day of school and our school dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony in addition to our tools of the Mind curriculum the students at Cambridge Park attend gym music art technology Steam and enrichment classes weekly Mr Tim who is proudly standing in the back our physical education teacher has taught all of our students how to Pedal a tricycle you may even notice the big kid in the middle Mr Wells our high school principal tried to get in on the [Music] fun in Mrs wood steam class this week our students have been working to get the soil ready for planting to begin in our garden check back with us in a couple weeks to see our progress all of the students at Cambridge Park are loving mind fulness yoga during enrichment with Miss graani the students take turns using the breathing ball and talking about how they are feeling the preschool students have been practicing their balance by sitting on the donuts and working on their core muscle skills they have all learned the butterfly pose and the kindergarteners and preschoolers are learning some Springtime yoga stretches the rainbow flower snake Mouse and turtle as you can tell the Cambridge Park Elementary is a wonderful place to grow and learn I am the luckiest principal in the mwan Aberdine Regional School District the other day I followed the rainbow and at the end of it I didn't find a pot of gold I found Cambridge Park Elementary I would like to introduce Mrs Cordy and Miss pereira's kindergarten [Music] class [Music] [Applause] power the power [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the [Applause] [Music] [Music] follow the follow the Earth follow the Earth [Music] King K King [Music] k [Applause] what did I tell you they were going to love you this is the first time you've heard this song right they've been sting it all week great job everyone thank you I will take a five minute break so everybody can reset as they want so let's do roll call Miss viol Miss Martinez here Mr McGovern here Mr Monon here miss SC here Miss B here miss wari here M goie Miss pal here um can I have a motion in a second to accept the minutes from the uh the committee of the whole meeting of February 8th the uh executive meeting minutes 1 and two from February 8th Workshop meeting minutes from February 22nd regular Action meeting minutes from February 22nd and executive session meeting minutes from February 22nd Miss pul was there the correction made that somebody okay then I will move I'll second do all in favor that all right um okay can I have a motion and a second to accept the correspondence oh there is none never mind um okay so the superintendent's report Mr REI Le go to celebrate Patrick's Day julius's brother Marco a third grader Atwood was a mystery reader in julus 3 class Friday Marco did an amazing Jobing class wednesday 313 we celebrated our start student and simplified our of our friends are [Music] our are enjoying the warmer weather at recess thank you to all who donated sh the rest of the month is with things like to blow the dark store third grade had their annual C concert on Monday for the c or Monday for the school and Wednesday evening March their families they shared their talents through oldies but goodies on the 19s and 1960s and 70s this Friday Lloyd Ro elementary school will be participating in a program called AR for the sky an outdoor ecological team building experience that comp in a gigantic image colored and shaped by the forms of the students and staff during Imperial image that will be taken provided by the maton a Educational Foundation students and staff will gather outside on the lawn area near the playground at Lauren road for the image to be taken we thank the a police department for their help and support in coordinating our event W Road PTO is excited to host a stem night at the end of March as well as kick off our colorathon and Penny Wars through fundraisers like these and other events the book beares and installments and tool stores and spirit of Carol sales the PG continues to raise funds and support the purchase and installation of aound shade structure the PTO fifth grade committee is working hard on the school yearbook and assisting with the planning of special events for fifth grade students such as the fifth grade student Carnival our L Ro Elementary School cafe is in full s and students are enjoying taking staff orders for the following week this has been a tremendous learning opportunity for our respective need students and a wonderful special for our teachers and staff who enjoy the student busit and they deliver T muffins coffee H chocolate and at man seventh graders are in the process of applying for the wingman for their 8th grade year wingman students are part of the nationally recognized villain Wings ofch program and are student leaders inside of man last week seventh and eth grade maam science teachers and Miss Hilton represented our school while attending the Young Women's Conference in stem at princ University these Learners met with women scientists and Engineers from around the region and spent the day parti a variety of small gr presentations Hands-On activities keynote address and a chemistry May sixth grade sixth graders are ready for their trip to se Grant conium and H to learn more about marine life and Cal science through outdoor activities and Hands-On F work while seventh graders are preparing to visit M battle field to continue their student studies at the of the American Revolution this we me to the end of my report thank you wonder thank you okay um the superintendent report while we already went through the highlights and recognitions by Mrs bar is there anything else you want to share at this point I just want to share yesterday we had the um dedication there was a new kitchen at Keys Academy um so miss skoly was able to attend it was well attended um Butcher's Block um they don't ated the funds for um for the kitchen so it's a kitchen that I think we all want in our home um with the nice white cabinets and the countertop so I did ask one of the students who I asked them who the chef was he quickly raised his hand and he said you know I said what are you going to first cook and he said I'd like to cook hamburgers but we don't have any so I'll be buying some hamburgers for them so they can store in their new refrigerator and he can start cooking um as one of their life skills classes so good that's so I just love Keys um concert at store I really just want to give a huge shout out to Mr everol who did an amazing job with these thir gr students he worked so hard with them and Mr Jer also because I'm sure took away from the academic time but the students practice like for weeks they think they've learned their first song in like December so they've been working on this for a long and they some s like py Jun and Sweet Caroline and beautiful amazing and so you know between Mr everall and Mr lead a dynamic duo it was it was really really a nice event so thank you gra here well uh on the board president's report I had um well I wanted to uh just give a shout out for uh being called Down syndrome day um I don't know if anybody saw me walking around have crazy socks on um which is what one is supposed to do just so you know um I just wanted to explain that why because I thought it was really nice is that uh socks is because under a microscope pairs of chromosomes look like pairs of socks and um Down syndrome is a third copy of the 21st chromosomes also why we're celebrate on March 21st and um why are they weird brightness match socks well that's to celebrate our friends with Down Syndrome who are a bright light in the world and to remember that we can all be different and still go great together um and if we somehow get out of here early enough The Sundays is uh donating uh to the National Down syndrome uh Society tonight so but you got to get there before 10: so I'll do my best and then in addition um yeah right everybody's like right done by 10 um wanted to well I'm glad that uh Mr REI already mentioned the uh the stem night L stem night um also the uh the high school's musical between the lines is going on right now and uh Friday Saturday and then Sunday mat so wanted to give a heads up on that um as well as to announce since we just posted about it that we do have a special meeting on Monday for the budget just ah heads up 6:30 here be there or yeah we don't have for um and that that was supposed to be a joke it was a laugh nobody nobody nobody's paying attention Okay and then the last thing is a nag that um the financial disclosure submission is required for all of us and I'm a tremendous hypocrite because I haven't done it yet but I'm nagging everybody else um that is the rest of my presence report so guess moving on to the agenda uh Mr lean thank you good evening under PR instruction for Action this evening rest Bo approve items a and b 1 through two there's only one addition to the agenda which under travel that includes forg instruction can I have a motion to approve the agenda presented okay um Student Services Under student services we asked to to pick action this evening and approve item 1ud on page 202 okay and you can have a motion and a second to approve the special services agenda motion second right and then Personnel other Personnel we Bo to take action approve items a b c 1 through 7 b 1 through 7 including the [Music] item can I have a motion in a second to accept the Personnel agenda right and policy we are recommending the board to action improve policy as AGA for second [Music] adoption okay have yes I'd like to motion the priv motion to table the Privacy poliy I think do we we motion a second to accept first and then do the table or what do we do now the okay great great okay so that's so just for people catching on that was a motion table the right of privacy policy teaching staff members we have already uh put off the student version of that to um to to have more time with it and so then this bck just motioned for that so can I have a second to table the right of privacy that's policy 3324 okay do we need to motion to accept Okay now uh okay so we had a roll call oh yes that's what yeah I was just getting corrected okay so we'll motion so we'll have a vote to motion I'm sorry M table M Martinez yes Mr McGovern yes Mr Monon yes Miss Scott yes Miss barell yes Miss wari yes Mrs goalie yes Miss pal yes thank you now do we do a motion to accept the agenda for now motion second okay all right so I have a motion in second to accept the agenda as amended table and the finance ATT S I just want to um wish miss shuing all the best in her retirement I noticed here she was my son's fourth grade ELA accelerated Ela teacher and she was phenomenal and so I just want to wish her all the best in her retirement thank you oh yeah absolutely yeah I at some point I was going to say that because we no that's okay yeah we have quite a few just to take a moment that yeah we have the retirements on here for me too are very like oh wow you know every one of them that I saw I was like ah so um just wanted to yeah call out why not I know this isn't really in order right now but uh Mrs Hilton also you know previously known as Mrs hiler um Mrs shuing Mrs Thompson Mrs whan the yeah wow so I I mean congratulations to all of them and thank you so much for so much service to our kids in our community um they really deserve a shout out and I wanted to add on thank you so much for mentioning that because at home when I saw this I went to both my kids and I said Miss tomson's leaving and my kids practically cried so just um the teachers in the school District are just so phenomenal my daughter this year as a junior is having an amazing year learning such the depth and bread and the intersection of what's coming about in her education finally I'm just thank you for the people you've hired and thank you to the people who are doing the work I'm just very grateful absolutely I would like to say I wish them all all the teachers a happy retirement um and then again my personal all and we could we can talk more before we vote um yeah okay all right so we'll do the finance agenda so for finance this evening we'd like to move items 1 through 14 and just another special thanks for item number 12 for Sparkle critique donating two dresses to the Husby closet okay thank you oh oh can I have a motion a second to accept the finance agend motion I'll um we'll move on to public comments relating to agenda items and additional matters the board recognizes the value of public comment on matters of interest to the school Community individuals wishing to speak must State their name and Municipality of residents comments are limited to 3 minutes duration but an individual may speak a second time after all others who wish to speak on the topic have been heard all statements ments should be directed to the board president and no participant May address or question board members individually all speakers are requested to express themselves in a civil manner with due respect for the dignity and privacy of others whose legal rights may be affected please note while it is not the board's intention to stifle comment on matters of legitimate concern the public should be aware that if their statements violate the rights of others under the law of defamation or invasion of privacy they may face personal liability to the injured party if speakers are uncertain of the legal ramification into their comments the board urges them to seek guidance beforehand from their own legal adviser um and just for what it's worth the the while at the last meeting we did I think a really good job of having a a really collaborative discussion which was fantastic exactly what I was hoping for um for this one just I was imagining something more along the lines of the way like a traditional public comment period where the public comments and we listen we all you know kind of guide the discussion that way but anyways anyways does anybody wish to speak I say that no nobody wants to talk anything no all right all right well thank you um in that case uh is there any discussion on the agenda items I just want to say uh congratulations to the cast of The Fall drama Puffs and the spring musical between the lines both Productions on the direction of Linda Walling took first place at the mammoth County teen Arts competition and we're going want to compete at the New Jersey teen Arts competition in June we're very proud of these people absolutely yeah that is good to know and I I've asked this before also but I I don't I guess I just want to understand we have we live in a in a very well established and popular area where there are many businesses and many many opportunities for people and I guess I just don't understand why some of our cost trips take us so far away from our own Community to be exposed to things that are local here so for example the um I think there's a pizza don't get me wrong I love class trips I'm not trying to say that the students don't deserve class trips and we should you know be experiencing new things um why do we have to go to Princeton to go to pizza there's a couple different answers depending on what the field trip is so some businesses have programs specifically for the population other businesses just don't have capabilities some businesses we are Partnerships with expanding opportunties especially preschool lot the other part of Tri Bas trips part of the experience that group students is see places outside of expanding their Horizons within a reason amount of travel time so there's a lot of [Music] different comb for what it's worth I did appreciate something I think we talked about maybe in in here that what a couple of us what caught our eyes was the walking tour of Main Street of madaan that I thought that was awesome absolutely awesome I think that's great um so way to go Cambridge Park preschool for [Music] that yeah please oh there is oh did did somebody wish to speak yeah hi I'm sorry yeah um to be specific to that trip that you're referring to that is a cultural trip L of the high school curriculum it is not not just a um it it's it's more than that it's part of their language program it's part of their world culture program so they're going there not just to eat there they're to learn um about the culinary and everything and I I I know that they have reached out to the local communities a lot of times we find that they don't want to open early for us during our regular school schedule and as we stated um for our special education students we need them to acclimated to Bren their comis and and a lot of them are not given exposure outside of the immediate Community when you say that can you just this special education program within our district is not um being as exposed to the outside of its immediate area what that is why it's so specifically important for them to have that experience with have many students that are apprehensive of being one of us and going more than that so that is why but the one trip to Princeton I believe it referring to this public school and that is part of the um language program and it is part of um the cultural Lear Italian thank you for clarify and I will just add also um UniFi being the first place so thank youant um our program started four years ago and um the seniors in our general education said COD Bar C we have to win because they have been in third second and second and then we have Pandemic so um we will be getting a banner rais in the gym and I will let you know um so that we can maybe do something special for that program fantastic thank you so much M Scher please send a picture because I did put that on Facebook page so anything you know just in general if I could add that um I would love to have some more content for the Facebook page so I can really showcase all the great things that are happening at all the schools so um maybe we can talk about that offline about where people can send stuff and also just connecting with some of the other pages and sharing content that they're already posting um did we have a question about policy yes did anybody okay um yeah I think there was oh here a suggestion sorry um a suggestion sent in on the student smoking policy I think it was a grammatical oh yes suggestion that's right yeah and I don't think we had a chance to yeah um there was a spelling error and then a grammatical error I don't remember exactly what it was but just want to make sure that we correct those before SC sorry I didn't see that I will correct that thank you what that must have been um sent in late okay well later well I think it was it I sent it separately to Diana so you might not have seen it perfectly fine because it was it was later in the game it was after it's been after first read and it was minor changes so being the policy committee we have to change it well do do we or can we just motion to accept the smoking policy with the changes you know very like an s that kind of thing um okay so in that case so I guess we would note that the P the policy that the second read in here has some typo fixes um minor um okay can we do are there any other discussion of the agenda items okay can can we do a roll call on the agenda items Miss Martinez yes Mr McGovern yes Mr Monon yes Miss Scott yes Miss barell yes Miss wari yes Mrs scy yes Miss pal uh yes um although I need to abstain from something I'm trying to find it um be confused for the purpose of discussing privacy personnel and legal matters the subject matter of these discussions will be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality subsides although the board cannot guarantee it the length of the executive session is estimated to be I don't know 60 to 90 minutes 60 maybe more um after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene and proceed with business action will not take place um can I have a motion a second to go to Executive session thank you all in favor