next we'll have the student represent report hello my name is Thomas I'm the vice president at the high school I'm just fing in for Esser today uh the end of the school year has been filled with plenty of fun activities Cliffwood celebrated the end of their one school one book program with the title one family painting night and a petting visit additionally we celebrated our star students recognizing the TR trustworthiness and the star at the star student ceremony students planted vibrant flowers in the school garden and in front of the building May has truly been a month filled with enchantment and Community Spirit at Cliffwood School the students and staff at rine drive would like to thank everyone who participated in the safari themed Funday and parade and the hero and villains themed event which were a great success they had a night of the Arts and a third grade concert last Night videos of students explaining the art on display will be available on the rine Drive Elementary School website shortly our stem night will be next Thursday May 30th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. if you are interested in able to attend please register via the QR code on the flyer that was sent home strathmore's pto's annual lip sync on Friday May 17th was a huge success with many Acts including a stat act and fun was had by all field day was today May 23rd and they now look ahead to Family artist night on May 29th l Road Elementary School is excited to announce our School's First annual diverse Learners day which will take place on May 31st Friday at Lloyd Road Elementary School for all fourth grade students which is designed to celebrate both celebrate and educate our students today will focus on providing insight and understanding into many wonderful ways people learn and the different tools equipment and strategies people use to find success the goal of diverse Learners day is to foster a greatness greater awareness understanding and appreciation for diverse learns throughout the day all po graders will rotate through five disability awareness from including Vision speech and hearing physical disabilities learning disabilities and developmental disabilities and will engage in interactive activities designed to give students a sense of what it's like to have a disability and having a disabilities impact various sets of everyday life Lloyd Road Elementary School is excited to announce that our school students art show will take place on Wednesday May 29th in the Lloyd Road cafeteria the theme of the students of this year's students art show is Arty animals in harmonious habitats parents will have the opportunity to purchase your child's framed artwork and help raise money for our School's art program this night will also include a make and take activities in the library last week Lor Road Elementary School held a course performance by our fifth grade course students under the direction of coral program director Mr L the students hang their hearts out and did a wonderful Job showing their incredible talents all students had an opportunity to hear our Coral students sing a few songs during a short assembly in addition to our course performance last night our Lloyd Road Elementary School band students did an amazing job performing in our school's maroon and gray band concert under the director of band director Miss Hughes this was a great night for members of our school band and we are so proud for their outstanding instrumental music abilities seventh graders have MS recently visited Momo Battlefield and next week sixth graders will be visiting Sano these engaging academic activities are a poor part of our students School experience eighth graders will have an upcoming activities too with the celebratory picnic taking place at Oak Tree Lodge and the semiformal dance at St Clem's Reception Center seventh graders are reading The Hunger Games and are participating in themed activities throughout the next two weeks the grade level is fit into 12 districts and students are involved in Friendly competitions and team building activities this BR to the end of my report thank you thank you very much best of luck with whatever you're doing next thank you I appreciate it so now we have the um the head School self assessment report for Theiss scho year thank you the commissioner of New Jersey Department of Education is required by state law to grade public school and school districts efforts to implement the anti Bill of Rights Act each school and the state is required to evaluate its implementation of the Bill of Rights from July 1st 2022 through June 30th 2023 this is last school year by using a self assessment model the self assessment tool includes eight core elements that address the Bill of Rights requirements for schools the district anti-bullying coordinator works with each building anti-bulling Specialists building principal and the school climate team to score each element the building scores are loaded into a district document and Sh and then Shar with the Department of Education once the grades have been reviewed and approved by the commissioner the information is shared with the board the purpose of this report tonight is to inform the board that we have met the requirements established by the Bill of Rights as we conducted our self assessment submitted our schools and posted the approved commissioner report within the appropriate timelines the district's score for last school year was 73 and please keep in mind that the scores out of a total of 7 points not out of 100 so if you were to use a quick map it comes up to be an A minus B plus so it's out of 78 points an identified area of growth um has been shown under the category of hit programs and initiatives domain that's being addressed by adding additional assemblies presentations related programs at the building level for this school year uh that includes the update on the school H Sal assessment thank you um to to the board president's report um wanted to report that we have complied with submitting our financial disclosure statements to the ethics commission congratulations to everybody for doing what we need to do um and wanted to report to the public that our board was recognized as a certified board by the New Jersey School Board Association at the mon of SBA meeting which was on Tuesday May 7th and many of our members attended some other great districts and airports um in addition one of our board members Martinez was recognized as a 10year board member so [Applause] congratulations also uh we just met previously and uh basically finished drafting our board goals for the upcoming Years it'll be a little bit of weing but um they'll be on an agenda to adopt in June or July so pretty ahead of the schedule that the School Board Association requires um and uh Val we'll also have reports on end of the year board goals at the June meeting so where we were with the goals that we set for this current school year um and then evaluation through up next and then um in the summer we'll see things like go the update curriculum for new state standards and we will see the Cod of conduct be able to review that so kind of AEV what's coming ahead but in the short term of what's coming ahead we have as student representative was just highlighting art shows and picnics and field days and championships and award ceremonies dances and moving up in promotion and graduation ceremonies so um the ice cream and flowers and cake and balloon vendors in town are going to be doing great for the next month um I'm looking forward to it myself and want to remind everybody that we do have another board meeting as school lets out on June 17th is a Monday for those who follow on um so that's that's what I have for this month moving on Ur instructiona thank you under curricular instruction we are asking the board to improve all items lised those also incling those in red under Section A travel I would like to point out there are memb names listed in red and Item B under other in red there are two additional fips as listed including items that are not in red but that um we were reviewed at the pr at the committee of the whole meeting that concludes C instruction have a motion in a second to accept the agenda is there any discussion on the and instruction see none move on to the student services we are asking word to approve items listed under item number one that includes one addition to listed in red with cost of effective dates that includes student services have a motion a second to accept the student services agend motion um is there any discussion on the student services see none move on to the Personnel agenda we are asking under who to approve all items as listed on the agenda including those listed in red arment or to approve items a b c 1-8 and d 1-10 that concludes personal a motion second to accept the personal AG question um I just have a question about changes is this the total totality of what we're expecting in terms of the state changes no um those are obedient staay changes so in June at the June count the board will receive the full staay for the 2425 school year and then you'll V to approve the all St thank some people may be wondering about retirement in uh the resignation to retirement section with that one that was anticipated in the current budget already yes so we were made aware that that retire that was an anticipated retirement the budget and now it's for Thea so we do it was coming any other questions or comments second I'll second um any other questions or comments moving on um to there is no policy so next Finance agenda so Finance for this evening we do have a ton of items of one through 8 the walk that you'll see the walk is number 84 so the walkin for number 84 is the Grant application for our mj6 and and we are hoping to receive 9,839 towards security so going back to the agenda because I do have 83 items this evening um we did award all of the RFP proposals and then um paying close attention to the food service contract which is brand new on page 17 that award will go to naos all the others the prices were filled in for all the different contracts that we have throughout the district and then the addon here this evening will be routine travel reimbursement for the members listed 82 is the allocation of 101 SA in the amount of $12,500 and then we are very grateful for the acceptance of a donation for the boys baseball team for a new scoreboard thank you motion second AGA question okay and then question few questions guessous to the payment schedule again for one of our town sure so we had a meeting with the town meeting with them they asked that um on certain time periods of the year um that they we revise the schedule to receive weekly payments and then there were four other months where they asked us to move the payment to the seventh of the month thank um looking at the vendor RFP for the school position there was only one so we only had one however that is our current vendor uh the only reason that the score as you will see reflected is because there were things um that were requireed documents that weren't received so then the automatic score for not receiving those are zero so it's not that the job isn't eligible it's just that you need to get those documents so still waiting for those yeah we're okay so since they've been our vendor before we had their W9 in New Jersey business Ser but when we are going out for a request for proposal those are documents that are required we did not so that the score reflected so um had there been someone else who provided all those documents they and received a higher score and then they could have potentially won but since it was only fun and he hasn't successfully done the job one last comment I guess I just briefly looked at the webs of the service and I was really um excited to see that they try to most Ori as much as possible which not only contributes to local economy but helps sustainability because we from all I also was going to ask the same question for the public to hear there are a few vendors who had lower scores who for me say why are we even saying yes and just for the public know that there are few of them and the so would say why are they being hired but it's all of them case paperwork it wasn't they were faulty venders in anywhere not faulty vors um they made something as simple as we received their resumes but we didn't receive their full licensing we have their licensing number but obviously before they got get started we would have that on file so then it's partially met not fully met so then they lose points for that problem can I just question just just in light of what um M War had said so I was just about that what is what is that back to the payment schedule for AC what does that mean for the business office isn't that extra work because M doesn't do that we will monitor to ensure the payments are received as the St right but my question is that's extra work for you guys cuz that's double the the billing for the month isn't it well we won't have to bill but we will have to ensure we have pay on those um so the one thing just wanted to point out for the public is we also are awarding the RFP for the demographer St which will help us um determine um needs for the district based on um the various building going on in the towns um it will take about a year study so we'll keep the public aware of um progress and the timing but the good news is is we have someone on here and tonight we can serk you are there other questions or comments okay we have the Public Public comments um okay so seeing that we are moving on to public comments um the Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on matters of interest to the school Community individuals wishing to speak must St the m and municipality residents comments are limited to 3 minutes duration but an individual may speak a second time after all others who wish to speak on the topic have been heard all statements should be directed to the board president and no participant May address or question board members individually all speakers are requested to express themselves in a civil manner with due respect for the dignity and privacy of others whose legal rights may be affected please note while it is not the Bo's intention to cyle comment on matters of legitimate concern the public should be aware that if their statements violate the rights of others under the law of defination or invasion of privacy they may face personal liability to the inured party if speakers are uncertain of the legal ramifications of their comments the board urges them to seek guidance beforehand from their own legal advisor um just so you know we we're taking notes up here because of minutes and we have the phone out because that's how we time three minutes just when you get close to three minutes I'll a so does anybody wish to speak at this time can you give your name my name Isa and I was wondering I heard you saying something about getting getting rid of char is that true get the U the contract was AED to mat it was already so it's been voted well we to v on it why guys are that I think speak to more say from what I hear they're bringing in money the numbers are up and I'm just wondering a lot of people are going to be probably at jobs do you want to go over I'm just I'm trying not to be so formal like I said I've never done this for what is worth the you the staff numbers reports of the good evening so we are required because we do participate in the national school lunch program to out to bid every 5 years so we are that's the reason we went out to bid so when we went out to bid every single person that's eligible to participate we receive them in um any format they want there's a time and then there's their specifications that they have to meet and then there's a scoring committee that comes together and we did based off of the packages that we received from the company and so they do have things um in there that are you know food quality uh they were able to come out for a pre- bid meeting and walk all of the cafeteras throughout all the distri all the school district and then um they get to then tell us you know how much our guarantee will be so the guarantee is a requirement again quite C to tell us how much money we will receive based off of what their belief of the profit will be and so there's just different scoring parameters to that and even part of that is to also say how how many staff members there so so we were actually discussing this earlier today that um the where chws currently waslo how many um in this contract 37 and then the new contract is 38 um you know it'll be in our schools here so that way we can't direct Matos on how they do hiring but possible the employes should look for the thank you any questions or comments from the public thank you for coming up by the way okay um there's no other questions or comments from the public we move on to voting on each AG yeah okay so first we'll take curriculum and instruction Miss Fus yes Miss Martinez yes Mr mcover yes Mr mon yes M SC yes M gr yes I think I have to abstain under travel for myself perh the can reflect MERS are standing all agre Miss rank yes Mrs goie yes M yes great so the next item we'll take for this evening is special services M VI yes Miss Martinez yes Mr mcover yes Mr Monon yes Miss Scott yes Miss gr yes Miss wari yes Mrs Foy yes Miss pal yes next we take Personnel Miss Vias yes M Martinez yes Mr MCG yes Mr Monon yes M SC yes m brown yes M War yes M yes that I need to person so noted yes and last but not least we're taking finance and walk in item number 83 Miss VI I have to abstain from Finance number 28 so noted Miss Martinez yes Mr mcover Mr Monon 16 I have on 40 no on 70 abstain and 72 so noted and the rest good yes thank you Miss Scott yes m brown yes Miss wary yes mrsy yes Miss pal yes all I um do we have any unfinished business any new business only thing I wanted to say is just um a bunch of us that attended the G scho the annual meeting and um every year I feel like it's a really great meeting because it brings together districts from across the state um you know from the administrative level to board members are there um we had on the panel or they had on the panel um some legislators uh Senator there um um there were a few other legislators in the room we had some superintendant on the panel and it's just such a great opportunity to hear kind of what's coming down the pipe let them know um concerns that are going on in districts it's good for us um as a district to hear that every other District in the state is dealing with the same issues as us in terms of budgets Staffing um you know how to meet the needs of the students AI here um so there were a bunch of things that came up um and you know we let we likeed officials were made aware of things and hopefully they act on some of them um so I thought it was a great meeting thank you so much yes I would also like to just I would like to I would like to um just um say tonight's present was um phenomenal and just a true Testament to all of the amazing um teachers and staff and everybody that we have in this District here working with our children um I think the Educational Foundation is phenomenal um I'm kind of a mess up here when I see all the families that are here supporting all of our teachers and admin and children um it's just a beautiful thing to see um um there I would like to um piggyback I think Thomas was our student um representative here tonight and there's been some phenomenal things going on in the district um pertaining to my kids specifically but the lip sync was the stra lip sync was outstanding um it took place at the high school and it was above and beyond with the um balloons and the decorations and um this uh Miss mahom and Julie the curve who I think is at the high school fabulous of course Mr Wells was there Mr everol was the DJ and Mr Good Old Mr Ley was there co-hosting didn't have to be there but was there and they did a phenomenal job um what else went on um the fun day today was phenomenal as well and then what else the second grade no excuse me the third grade um what was it the uh music what do they do the the third grade yeah yeah the the third grade concert the third grade concert um again that was just a phenomenal performance at stord as well um Mr everol Mr Ley the dynamic duo with the piano and the guitar hosting and co-hosting yet again um there's just so many wonderful things that are going on and that'll continue to go on at least from what I'm seen personally the Husky the the art in the sky was just amazing so um it's really it's a really proud feeling um to be part of this district and this community and I don't know I just look forward to all the fun things coming up you know in the end of the month so thank you my face was hurting that yesterday yes God bless very very patient does anybody else have any new business um okay seeing none uh be it resolved that a closed session be convened for the purpose of discussing privacy personnel and legal matters the subject matter in these discussions will be disclosed to the public when a reason for confidentiality suide although the board cannot guarantee it the length of the executive session is estimated to be sorry probably about 45 minutes maybe less um after which public meeting of the board shall Recon proceed with this action will take place have a motion of second to Executive session favor in ex session --------- welcome everybody 6:30 New Jersey open public meting to the the public [Applause] [Music] SCH Board of Education advertis of April 19 2024 in the a these notices present the municipal Clerks of the bur of Malon and the township a and thean a public library these notices were also placed on the news I don't think I've ever can we please rise Pledge of the United States of America to the for stands na godible andice for all thank you [Music] VI here Martinez here Mr MC here Mr here M here M here M here M here M here um can I have a motion a second to accept the meeting the minutes listed in the agenda second thank you and um can I have a motion or second to accept the correspondence to the board has listed in the [Music] agenda we'll Mo on to this everybody good evening everyone and Welcome to our Board of Education meeting this evening tonight is extra special I'm absolutely thrilled that we have so many members of the community family members our students and staff here this evening um we're here it's extra special because tonight we get to recognize the talents and achievements of both our amazing students and staff first I want to thank Miss pel Board president and members of the board of education for providing us with the opportunity this evening to recognize the wonderful accomplishments of our school Community I'm proud to say that the 2023 24 school year has been filled with such wonderful activities events accomplishments celebrations and tonight we get to highlight some of those across the district first we we want to recognize our students for the hard work and achievements each day they come to school ready to learn eager to explore new ideas and willing to push themselves beyond their zones their accomplishments in academics the Arts Sports leadership roles and community service are a testament to their dedication and passion to give back to our community I ask that the administrators please join me at the podium to recognize our talented amazing students Dr B here all right good evening everyone so we are going to start with some Lloyd Road school um student recognitions um and we would like to first start with our boy scouts so we'd like to congratulate um each of the students he here tonight on their crossover to Boy Scouts local troop 66 um so we'll call each and provide your certificate so we'll start in order Ryan bja congratulations [Applause] Benjamin [Music] [Applause] Hoffman Everett lowski we will accept the certificate for Everett Ryan mcmarro [Applause] conat Robert Ramsey [Applause] [Music] M Henry regler [Music] and James the [Applause] car great job all right so moving on we also have this year L Ro El School our first um spelling be we partnered with scripts to run a schoolwide spelling be um each grade level competed and then we had an overall School winner for grade four and grade five and our overall School winner um this year was thund just Bondi so we'd like to congratulate our overall [Music] th also went on to the regional spelling beat and competed in the script Regional spelling be so congratulations again all right so now we're going to recognize some of our Lloyd Ro school math olympiads um we have two students that we're going to recognize tonight first we have Violet Divine who won first place in the grade four math Olympiad team [Music] team scored in the top 25% of 90,000 participants [Music] so we also like to congratulates to Darth rout our first place fifth grade math Olympians team winner scor a top 10% of 90,000 participants so congratulations to D [Applause] [Music] we are also going to recognize the students tonight for participation in our Lloyd Road School Special Olympics so at this time I would like to invite up John Finn Eggbert [Music] fin is being recognized tonight for a swimming participant for Special Olympics and as you can see around his neck he is proudly wearing his three gold medals qualified for the New Jersey summer game at the College of New Jersey so we're really proud of you been and that is all from the L thank you Mr well principal of Madan high school thank you m BR um Board of Education our friends and family members I'd like to call Melanie Scher who is our head coach of our state championship unified Bing [Music] team just a couple things about this program this program started a couple years ago under the direction of Miss Scher and it grows every year I'm so proud that uh this fine group of students brought home my first state championship as un sport joins athletes with and without disabilities together as teammates competing against local high schools it is part of New Jersey in class Athletic Association this is competitive and inclusive our bowling team are state champions as Mr LS announced and we will also be competing at the state needed champions for track and field on June 6 5:00 p.m. at Franklin High School if anyone is able to come and join us so we're going to try to go for uh first place again uh most importantly I would like to acknowledge um when we start the program and there wouldn't be a program if I do not have so I'm going to give a shout out to my seniors [Music] Connor jul and Noah for this program to continue we need more of them to come and be part of the UniFi team so we're looking two of them actually have siblings that have now joined the team so we're looking for more athletes and I would also like to specially note that this year uh one of our greatest athletes and the happiest and nicest guy you're ever going to meet Nick toome is now this is his final year with Matan aine national school district for Unified sports and Special Olympics Nicholas [Applause] okay so I'm going to P up our affet [Applause] Conor Emily [Music] [Music] Andrew Vincent [Applause] [Music] Nicholas Jenna Noah [Music] [Applause] Conor and we're going to let Connor take for his sister Riley who's had [Applause] practice fr [Applause] and that's team unified season 2023 2024 thank [Music] you at this time I'd like to call up Mr Abraham vice principal of Ms good evening everyone thank thank you Mr Perez board members I'm very honored to be here tonight to recognize some of our M's family members um the first is the M's petriot P congratulations to the MS winner of the Cliffwood BFW post 4745 Patriot pen contest Riley MC bride [Applause] next up for the vams young women in stem congratulations to the M's essay winner from the young women in stem conference from Princeton University Daniela Shara next up we have the MS Unified sports we'd like to recognize this individual from two gold medals from track and field this year at the mammoth and Ocean County championships let's a round of applause for Alexandra Castro [Music] next up we have the maroon and steel Awards congratulations to the following recipients of the maroon and steel award for cross country this year first we have Maya [Applause] Gordon and Michael [Applause] [Music] okay we have another marun seal award congratulations to the following recipient of the Marin steel Award for baseball Mr Dylan Sierra [Music] next up we have members of the National Junior All State Choir congratulations to the following students that auditioned and were selected as the best out of the grades 4 through n in the state of New Jersey want to call your name please come up Briella Str Julie har andasi Sophia Mias Darius n Colin O'Brien Enoch hundi Leroy osor Rana joa be Gia Venia via and rebec wi another round of applause for All State 1 2 [Applause] next up I'd like to call up coach of the Esports Super Smash team the coaches here Albert and misso as they approach the podium congratulations to the Super Smash team who went undefeated through the semi-finals in the spring season now going to the members of the team to come up with their coaches once again undefeated super smashed and way to go Dylan aill Chase ha Lucas lella Ryan Evan Yos Jordan Williams Dylan zeni and Spencer zeni congratulations to our East sport [Music] [Applause] the now I'd like to invite M palbert up to the microphone to share a few words and Miss coaches to share a few words about the super smar good evening everybody thank you so much uh we're so exced excited to celebrate our team and to say a big thank you to the board for always being so supportive we have gone from starting an e sports program to a horing Esports program the Middle School we're also about to recognize we took home our first championship this year the first of many Mr Wells we were one point away from bringing a belt home this winter one point I need one more year so I just can't say thank you enough for supporting our students it's been such a tremendous joy in our buildings and we are very active in the league as well so it's been marvelous and we just say thank you enough um should we recog next up we'd like to recognize the MS esport rocket League team we're going to ask those members to come up uh Jeremy Davis BR GMA Leroy osor sh please notice the championship belt on the shoulder of one of the members Championship Bel coming up congratulations to the rocket League team they won the middle school state [Music] championship once again congratulations to state championship for The Fall season and they went undefeated in the spring season as well so hold that belt up high smile WI go congratulations Mr wel can you return back to the so I'm proud thank you uh I'm proud to recognize four of our students uh who earned the uh distinction of Eagle Scout uh this year so can I call your name please come up Ryan Stevenson Andrew me Brian ke and Alexander F at this time I'd like to call miss pel and miss scly to the podium every year the school board is lucky enough to have a student representative who joins us for the year for all of our regular action meetings and that person uh gives reports on what happens in schools and what um you know what all is going on on from a student perspective and the person is always very impressive but I got to say that um misser is I mean you'll see up on the board just an unreal amount I mean I can hardly read it because the print is so small all the amazing things that she does she's a true Renaissance woman unfortunately she couldn't make it tonight um but we are uh we were really blessed with having her this year um with us so um I mean she's she's a performer she does the STEM Academy she an incredible student um I don't know this do you want to S okay and he just it's been just tremendous um and so anyways I I just wanted to to recognize her really Qui people did and um uh she's we're wishing her well she's moving on to wonderful things and um anyway I just a what a round of applause for somebody that really is a [Music] so I think um Mr Leman and Mr Wells and I know why Esther is not here this evening and that is because she was at the count basy theater last night for the ceremonies and the awards so our students um we have we were nominated for several Awards Esther was one of them and she won the outstanding featured performance in a female identified role for the musical between the lines which we are extremely proud of it's put in the entire [Music] count and it was very late it was like around 11:30 it was like a real Grammy last and I'd ALS we also like to recognize um and celebrate the other awards that and nominees Miss Wallen um was nominated for the outstanding directions of a musical between the lines is nominated for the outstanding production of a musal Lucas canero um he was an award winner for the outstanding lead performance in a male identified role for the musical between the lines and pton PKA um she received the outstanding feature performance and the male identified role a comedy which was the um the pups so we're very we're super super proud that they you carried out all these Awards last night at this time we'd like to acknowledge our retirees good evening thank you good evening everyone special Welcome to our esteemed retirees on behalf of our superintendent and the Board of Education it's where the amend Pride that we recognize our 2023 2024 retirees for your incredible service to our districts and to our community words not express our gratitude for the countless years you've dedicated to our students your compassion your supportive presence and your unwavering commitment have truly made a difference you will be missed dearly you shoulder some of the most important responsibilities imaginable shaping young minds leaving a lasting impact and igniting a passion for learning it's a testment to your character and to your dedication today we celebrate not just your retirement but a remarkable Milestone you've left an enduring Legacy within our school community and we're honored to have shared this journey with you as you embark on this exciting new chapter please know that we wish you all the very best may your Endless Summer be filled with joy fulfillment and welld deserved relaxation thank you and once again thank you for everything you have [Music] done we are fortunate that we have several of our retirees here this evening so I'm going to have principes come back up and we're going to recognize the staff members and we'll also share the number of years of service they've provided to the district so we are going to start with M if you come our first retiree that we're going to recognize tonight is Aaron kagn Miss kagn thank you for your 26 years of service to the [Applause] district Mr abrahamson if you'd like to come back to the podium all right thank you next we'd like to recognize Teresa Downey Teresa thank you for your 26 years of service in the [Applause] district next we'd like to recognize Patricia Hilton [Applause] [Music] Patty thank you for your 29 years of service at the district [Applause] Dr B come next we like to recognize Adrien Shuan Miss shuing we' like to thank you for your 34 years of [Applause] service next is Lori Thompson [Music] Lori we'd like to thank you for your 31 years of service to the district [Music] [Applause] next you'd like to recognize Lisa Brown Lisa please Lisa thank you for your 29 years of service of the district [Music] so a few more recognition so we do have some retirees who couldn't make it here tonight some retirees were mid retirees where they just weren't available this evening but we still want to recognize them so I going to read their names and their years of service so we uh Lisa Alon we thank her for her 18 years of service to the district Frank bado we thank him for his 18 years of service Maran kaparo we thank her for her 25 years of service dist Kendra curn we thank her for her 32 years of service Helen Han Nikki we thank her for her 25 years of service Lynn Lambert we thank her for her 20 years of service Kimberly P we thank her for her 27 years of service and finally I Wallace we thank her for her 24 years of C thank you again congratulations to our retirees those are a lot of years that they have uh provided great service great commitment and dedication to all of our students in the community at this time we are going to recognize our teachers of the year and Ed specialist of the year for the 2324 school year they were recognized actually this afternoon as well um through all each teacher of the year and Ed specialist of the year we were um invited to go to a luncheon where they were recognized with the top teachers in the mammoth County so we're super proud of ours these individuals were nominated by their peers in the school communities as exemplars of teaching and for providing services to our students each and every day they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience the dedication and commitment to our students in our schools each and every day are truly respected by all on behalf of the administrative team and the Board of Education thank you you for all you do for our students our families and our school Community your work is truly is truly making a difference each and every day in the lives of our students and actually some of the um awardees this evening I actually started 9 years ago and they were um so I have a close bond with some of them so it's extra special for me tonight so thank you Mr Wells if you could please come up to the [Music] podium thank you m Perez want to start out by just thanking Perez for cabinet and the board of education for the opportunity to be here tonight um I'd like to congratulate all the recipients of this evening especially our the tyes uh I want to give a shout out to miss Stevens and Miss Clipper who were part of my man's team so congratulations well deserved so I'm here tonight to recognize two highly decorated members of the Manan Regional High School family and I truly mean family I'm honored to present Mr Robert coravi as the Manan Regional High School educator of the year [Music] I want to thank Mr shy for a lot of those pictures of the young but as a former student of Mador Regional High School class of 93 Mr kronowski or the students called and Carno has taken on many roles during his 26 plus year career coach farno serves not only as a teacher of United States history he also serves as the head baseball coach where he just led the huskys to their first provisional [Music] title car also served as a bowling coach advisor to the school newspaper and over the years he has provided a supporting role as football coach girls basketball coach PA announcer clock operator he does it all in his spare time you can find Corno in a parking lot painting numbers for the students and directing traffic or on the baseball Di and dragging the field and cutting the grass making sure it's perfect condition for his players and many of you in this room know he also is available for paddle washing and painting on the side there is his croud side hustle porno Industries okay uh please note it usually takes place during his prep time so he's running [Laughter] in in addition to this award I'm proud to announce that Mr kski uh he was also the recipient of the daughters of American revolution history teacher of the year so it's been quite a year for Mr br one and I'm proud to follow my friend um I'd like to invite Sharon kosi his wife up as well because from what I understand is when Sharon teacher year oh yeah Bobby didn't show [Music] up congratulations [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] okay at this time please join me and congratulating Miss Latifa m [Music] Ki is a decorated dedicated member of the M Regional High School Community she continues goes above and beyond for students both inside and outside of the classroom in addition to her role as an instructional assistant Miss Mackie has served as the president of the Husky cutdown club and our africanamerican Student Union where she regularly leads and organiz uh and organizes a trip to the historically black colleges and universities for our students in our spare time this maie can be found supporting our students at one of our athletic events or serving as the production assistant for our theater program this exhibits all the qualities and core values of the Manan Regional High School it's an honor to present award to such a dedicated and devoted member of our family when I asked Miss macki for a quote or saying that really resonated with her she responded with this a strong woman is the lifeline of her family she carries within her the power to endure pain and en courage to sacrifice she has the power to create and nurture life she is indeed the epitome of love and sacrifice F energy love and sacrifice you bring to staff M Regional High School congratulations once again [Music] [Applause] that's a tough act to follow M well I do my best um I'm honored to recognize um the M's special education teacher of the year Miss Vanessa Stevens [Music] come couple things about Vanessa um Vanessa began her teaching career in 1999 she's been a special AED teacher at Ms and at Lloyd Road um one of her passions is she said that she loves to see students achieve goals that they set for themselves she truly cherished his relationships with colleagues so much that she married one Mr L Comm with him sometimes separate cars but I understand we asked Miss Stevens what some of her hobbies are which include cooking gardening attending activities with family and I'll add one is is sacrificing a lot of time that she has to be with the students that she loves and cares for which is you know to be recognized she said that her favorite quote is something that's hanging in a classroom right now that she picked up from earlier this year the quote is today is a new day if you got it wrong yesterday you can get it right today that's a nice quote catching out now miss Stevens has also taught lld p icr and most recently she's working in our er er program at the middle school that favorite quote came from a famous basketball player Mr Dwight Howard Superman um it was inspirational quote from a video that she watched in class back in September it's posted on the walls in her classroom as I mentioned and Mr Steven reminds the students each day is a new chance to succeed attend of the stens tonight to recognize are her husband Rod her son Rody and her parents if you would stand up and you want to come up and take a picture with [Music] her congratulations again miss Stevens [Applause] next up I'd like to recognize the man's instructional assistant Stacy Clifford Stacy can you want please congratulations Stacy I have a few I have a few words to say about Stacy um Stacey began her teaching career in New York City as as a teacher and a power professional she has worked as an instructional assistant in Cambridge Park and at Ms since 2020 and this is 100% true she loves being able to positively impact her students lives she's always greeting the students always smiling at them even if she doesn't know them they She's Always a smile and hello Miss Clifford's hobbies include reading gardening and crafting her favorite quote when asked you may recognize this and if you don't mind I'm going to try to read it in his voice see if you're right here you me nobody is going to hit as hard as life but it ain't about how hard you hit it's about how hard you can get here and keep moving forward how much you take and keep moving forward [Applause] [Music] I know you haven't been hit but you've been taking a lot of hits um that that comes from if you don't know that comes from um Sylvester Salone in Rocky when he was speaking to his son and it's a good quote to live by because as you know every day we we do take hits and it's how we able to handle that and go forward the next day um once again um she has worked as a power professional and an English teacher as well since 1997 in New York City and here at the M and H Regional School District she loves working with her staff and students she's taken over a ro of seventh grade jumped in mastered State Testing the kids love her and she we're happy to have her and doing a great job um that quote as you know it's from Rocky um Miss Clifford is also here joined by her family her three children are here and her husband so if you want to come up and take a picture that be once again a round of applause to M [Applause] [Music] congratulations Dr B dve Mr Dr frin thank you Miss bre and our cabinet Board of Education I honored to be here tonight congratulations to all of our retirees and all of your service I would like to welcome up our Ravine Drive teacher of the air Mrs ton [Music] herd and we have McKenzie with us we also have Mr py her who is chasing Russell [Music] around and I'm very lucky because I was able to see M Kenzie and also last night to Our Night of the art so two nights in a row McKenzie very excited Miss py herd is truly dedicated to our school in addition to Leading our third grade team she has an advisory role working with our students in the engineering and our environmental Club she's pursuing her doctorate degree at M University and what I feel is most special about Miss py herd and what distinguishes her is her love of learning and taking a deep desire to continuously learn continuously grow and it can be seen in her quote that as president P said is a little too small for me to read but it's talks about a deep drive to pursue weaknesses and essential grow and develop and be streng don't be intimidated by what you don't know that can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else Sarah [Music] L fantastic so again one of the distinguishing characteristics of we have Mrs py heard is that she models what we want and what we strive to have all of our children's children have and a love of learning a love of growing and a love of becoming a better person who can help us continue to create a better world as Miss P heard share with us McKenzie thank you so much for showing your mom all the love that we want to show her thank you hey B come [Music] [Applause] here exactly our educational services provider of the year is Miss staffy [Music] Ben unfortunately Miss fins was unable to join us tonight but in addition to many of the similar characteristics of miss py her exuding positivity trying to model the traits that we want in all of our students Miss py Miss bins serves as a bridge working with families working with our students as they enter into our K to3 schools here in Matan rine Drive Elementary School constantly learning and providing resources to ensure students and families have all that they need to be successful we are grateful for uh the tireless efforts of Miss Miss BS excuse me the Miss bins of puts forth meeting students and where they are often visiting homes often visiting students where they're learning and going above and beyond and we're grateful for Miss Vin I will look forward to presenting her with her award next time I can see her thank you m chence I'm very honored to be here tonight um I just want to say that just sitting here listening to all these stories tonight about all the dedication that our teachers have our retirees and our ones that we're nominating tonight so very grateful to be here tonight be able to present so from Cliffwood Elementary School our educator of the year is Tara Nicola let's give her a big round app and she has her two little ones too right nice um Miss Tara as they call her in her class arrived at MN Aberdine Regional School District in 2009 she blazed Trails as the first teacher of the full day preschool program as well as started the autism program in our pres School fueled by her passion for students with autism Miss Tara pursued a master's degree in autism studies and applied behavior analyst in 2014 she is a devoted mother to Emma and Andreas a loving wife daughter sister and friend and your husband's here tonight too right so you being shy you want go out okay she cherishes her time with family and friends especially during Beach outings where she indulges her New Found Love of reading having traded social media for the pleasure of literary exploration she hours over 50 books annually across various genres so I just I have the pleasure of working with Tara every single day and when I go past her room I'm in awe all the time about just her accomplishments in the classroom and her I just thank her for her passion and her dedication and for all that she does for our students here at mton thank you so much congratulations [Applause] we also have Miss Valerie Doom congratulations M here I have to say I didn't notice Miss Val we call her Miss Val in school because she doesn't have her Pitchfork and her shovel on her because as I'll get to she does a lot for our garden at clip so we thank her for that so miss Val since 2003 Miss V has been an invaluable member of The District staff Miss V has a profound connection to the community as a lifelong resident of Cliffwood she not only attended Cliffwood Elementary herself she knows all the ins and outs of cot elementary school if I don't know where something is I sto by with Miss Val and she definitely can answer that perit she not only attended clip Elementary School herself but also saw her children and grandchildren do the same she finds Stace and gardening enriching the beauty of Cliffwood through her Green Thumb so miss Val help bring the our garden back to life so if you ever get a chance to come to Cliffwood you got to make sure you check out our Cliffwood Garden it's a very nice place to go to and we thank you for that Miss Val's generosity and compassion shine through her creation of the Doom Memorial Scholarship honoring her son's memory by supporting soccer seniors with an annual scholarship and if you give her a round of applause for that [Music] with four children and two grandchildren Miss Val's Legacy of dedication and kindness continues to resonate throughout Cliffwood school and Beyond we are Cliffwood proud thank you Miss Val for all that you do for us congratulations you guys want to come up for a picture [Applause] Mr jerc I believe there's an entire team here tonight for Miss holinski Miss hinski if you would mind coming up with your team please come up and if any of your family members like to join you they're more than welcome I know you have a lot here that' be [Applause] great I wasn't kidding about a team and when you look at Educators it truly does take a team to surround you right you always hear the village comment but it truly does take uh surrounding supporting members in order to help uh make educ ators be the best that they can be and so I love this time of year and just the nomination process in general what I like to do is I like to share a little bit uh that the actual uh nominating colleagues wrote about you and why you're so special and why you achieved this particular award so it's not on there but I would like to add in uh to all of the comments that uh your colleague shared up on the screen in addition to that I'd like to say that Miss well first Miss hinski is our second grade teacher at Strathmore school and she earned our teacher of the year award so congratulations Miss hinski for she's a type of educator children remember for life but not just children also her colleagues and then also some additional members uh she's some additional colleagues also noted the reason why she was nominated unanimously as our teacher of the year uh she's a strength in our strathore community she participates in committees after school events she's always there anything we're doing she's always there um her car every time I pull into the parking lots um I park on the side of the I look to my left there's Miss olinsky's car I always try to beat her but I don't manage to beat her to the school she's the first there every day um whether it's to prepare for as I found out she's a tremendous decorator um in addition to a teacher so if there is an event Miss Pinsky is decor so we greatly appreciate that as well um she in terms of her students and her teaching she challenged her students to go above and beyond and she asked them to connect everything they do to the real world whether it's through readings homes projects and when we talk about projects um they bring she asked them to uh bring everything to life and the most recent project I turn down the hall and I see Fish hanging from the ceiling from the bolletin board sticking out from the bulleon board and then also we had one of Miss hollinsky team members Mr hollinsky showed up at school the other day and was recruited to hang up the items on the Bolton board so it's truly do thank you Mr olinsky for helping out I would like to finish with for Mrs hollinsky to say uh again from other uh colleagues of hers that noted exactly why she should is deserving of this award uh and to give you an idea of a visual of her classroom has soft humming relaxing musical pieces playing in the backgrounds regularly that relieves one stress immediately she's an educator I have looked up to and again this is a direct colleague she's an educator I have looked up to and admired for over 20 years she's a teacher you can go to for anything and that's absolutely true thank you Mrs B congratulations [Applause] [Music] and next up for strathore I would like to invite tresen up with any family members you have here I see you all [Music] Miss treesa I've uh known since I've got here into district and uh she is our Educational Service professional of the year and our district behaviorist as well so she spends time not just in Strathmore school but throughout many many buildings in the district so she juggles a lot and just some of the reasons why this treasure was nominated when you think of this she trains several 100 staff members it's called Handle With Care and that approach helps provide staff with strategies to best support students that are struggling with behaviors so uh the just that alone when you talk about hundreds of Staff members the effect that you have on the entire district is absolutely amazing and she's always willing to help whether it is a need a needed consult to gather ideas or to also help directly in the classroom she's always there whenever is needed and uh no one would argue with this she is truly seen as the goto in our district if someone has a question about a particular situation that we're struggling with the first word is out of our mouth is uh did anyone talk to Annie yet so that's absolutely true and always a professional and always supportive in all of her interactions um and always smiling and her ability to connect with staff students and the parents she works with uh makes this uh absolutely a well-deserved award and just another quote from someone or a recognition from someone your effervescence personality paired with your extensive knowledge base and willingness to help make this helps make you an extremely valuable member in the district and you're so appreciated thank you [Music] good evening and once again congratulations to all of our retirees and our teacher and Ed service Professionals of the year um at this time I would like to invite up uh Mrs Stephanie fod who is our Lord so uh Mrs B is a special education teacher at Lloyd Road she's in our um multiple disabilities class um and she is one passionate educator um she has been an educator in marsy for the last 15 years and takes great pride in making connections with individual students in our class um and really makes her classroom feel like a home um and I'll share some quotes from her students in just a moment um when you walk into Mrs fody's room all of her students are always engaged smiling having fun um while learning and her enthusiasm energy um is contagious throughout our school as well as her class room Mrs F always takes initiative to expand programs and enhance student learning she's an advocate for her students um as well and provides opportunities for them to grow both in the classroom and outside of the classroom um and two examples of this are the implementation of our Lloyd Road Cafe um which Mrs bod spearheaded this year um along with Miss Santos to really bring a new opportunity to the students in our um special needs program they have an opportunity to go out into the community um go to the grocery store purchased all the supplies the food for our Lloyd Ro Cafe they um process and prepare the orders deliver them to all the staff and the morning coffee tea Danish Bagels um provide change we have frequent U Chopper cards now so a great opportunity for our students that Mrs bod um brought to our school we're incredibly grateful for that in addition um to our community based instruction which includes trips out into the community to go on places such as shop right um to really give our students um an experience what it's like to go purchase items in the store and bring that real life experience into the classroom um Lloyd Ro is very fortunate to have this pH as one of our incredible teachers and I have a few quotes um from some of Mrs students um I would use student Nam but when when when one of Mrs F's students found out she was teacher of the year he called her princess fod her students get very excited U to see her come to school all the kids are upset when Mrs fod is out for workshops um and she's ready to give a hug when she's back in class we all think she's really funny at times and her staff that she works with is extremely appreciative of how strong leader she is so once again congratulations is B family [Applause] right all right at this time I would like to invite up uh Mrs hermino ranic who is our uh Mrs red ank has been a staff member in Matan aine Regional School District for the last 15 years and is an asset to Lloyd Road and all the students that she encounters as an instructional assistant in our school um she is um goes out of her way to make sure that she greets all of our staff and our students on a daily basis she gives a great smile to everyone um every morning she's always willing to help out in any way she can we have a large uh very large and our large gr students can attest to are lost and found um and realized how large it was so went out and bought a uh a CO a coat rack which you see in a store so all of our lost and find found can be uh displayed very nicely on hangers on our coat rack um so one example of doing whatever it takes to be part of the team um on any given day you can find your lending out a helping hand with our staff working with our students um and once again walking down the hall and always sharing High and a few quotes from um some of the students that ranic works with she is nice and always helps me she does good things for me best teacher Mrs R is a really nice teacher that is always positive and cares about everyone she tries her best to teach us and make us happy she is so generous and kind your kindness is contagious and thank you for finding us help thank you for helping us find answers in math and always helping us and we have our problem congratulations [Applause] Mrs bear good evening every everyone when I woke up this morning I was super excited for this evening and then I heard the weather report a thunderstorm was headed our way and I thought oh my gosh how are 300 three and four year olds going going to survive a thunderstorm luckily it just rained we all survived and our teacher of the year was not there today because she was enjoying her lunch but we survived at Cambridge Park I would now like to bring up miss Karen helper our Cambridge Park teacher of the year and she has two helpers with her Miss Halper has been a teacher for 17 years her favorite part of teaching is seeing the question in a child's eye and guiding them to figure out their quandrant she loves seeing the spark of accomplishment and pride when they've done it to date her greatest accomplishment is obtaining her Master's in TSO to better meet the needs of her students and Advance her career committees throughout her teaching teaching include Sunshine Future Ready Sustainable New Jersey technology Book Club Community involvement and PTO she also participated in the math and science in preschool study done with done through Ruckers University here to celebrate with her this evening are her children Tessa and Killian but also her proud parents where are they come on up come on up her proud parents Frank and Mary her best friend Ashley and her very very tall godson Keith on a good day he said he's 6'2 I said on a good good day on 52 congratulations Mrs Halper for being selected as the Cambridge Park teacher of the year [Applause] [Music] I'd like to now announce Mary canel as cabridge Park instructional assist Miss canel has been with the district for 23 years and has been fortunate enough to work in every building Miss canel loves her job and the relationship she has built with the students and staff her greatest career accomplishment has been to see the growth of the students she has worked with through the many years she loves seeing past students working in our community and contributing in a work environment the accomplishment they feel for themselves makes her feel so happy to been been a small part of it all tonight on behalf of the entire Cambridge Park staff there's a lot of us here tonight we honor and recognize Miss Mary her unwavering dedication her compassion and her outstanding service has touched the hearts and minds of many at Cambridge Park congratulations [Applause] [Music] M okay she just told me that was a suitcase she got for her birthday and she's ready to go on a trip so I have to say I we said that it was going to be a fun evening so I hope you enjoyed the recognitions and all the accomplishments that you heard from students to staff to teachers of the year um we it's amazing the talent that we have across the board and what this community has to offer to our kids who grow up here so we heard a lot of a lot of teachers that grew up here um come back they were they lived here before they came back they want to teach these are all great things in the field of education and I hope it just continues um for years to come for the madaan aine community I'd like to give a nice warm welcome not welcome another nice warm rounds of Applause to our um recission [Music] at this time I'm going to ask the madaan Aberdine Education Foundation president miss new to come up thank you Miss pres thank you Mr lman thank you the Board of Ed and um Miss p on having us here allowing us to speak today um my name is Amanda N I'm the president of the M Educational Foundation I have my other members are here with me as well we are all parent volunteers for uh this 501c3 nonprofit which helps raise money for Teacher ideated grants in the district um I have with me tonight uh Lynn Nelson Quinn Bond Emily ayata and um we're going to be recognizing teachers that applied for and were granted grants for this past school year um just kind of briefly explaining explaining what they are and um just quickly introducing ourselves um since many people may not know what we actually do so we have a little presentation uh we will go pretty quickly so we teachers have a chance to speak as well not sure where to point it so I'm going do my best do I just might have to C I could say like next slide it's the big one the one on the right the one on the right oh okay I was clicking the wrong button okay um so just to Quick briefly introduce ourselves we've actually been around for about 15 years most of the board members here um as part of the foundation are new this year um so we're really doing a lot to try to grow um grow the foundation and what we can do for our teachers so our mission is to grow the opportunities and educational experiences for the students in our district by finding in and awarding teacher ideated grants that support the educational curriculum and we focus on five main areas technology and learning Scholastic enhancement arts and education professional development and cultural enrichment for our students um and what is the what does it mean a brand I you know I didn't really know until I joined either U for these teachers but they they usually are a great idea that comes from the teacher of how to enhance the curriculum does not replace the curriculum it builds upon it um really exciting I think is that can act as Pilots for programs that can be implemented districtwide uh we actually have an example of one that we're going to share one of our teachers is going to talk about it in just a minute and the goal is for them to be reusable um Beyond a single year which will make sense just just a second so some exciting numbers this year um we actually awarded nearly $155,000 to teachers across the district this year uh we also delineated between major and mini grants this year major grants being more than $3,000 which is than we've ever really given um to a single teacher for a grant and then we did 10 mini grants this is also one of the first years we've had every single School across the district we awarded a grant which was really exciting to get so many more applications from teachers and we impacted over 2100 students this year which we're really proud of and I saw a lot of smiling faces throughout here so I can attest that it was and just to kind of show a little bit of the opportunity but also a bit of the challenge and why we do really U we're not here to I guess solicit volunteering and everything but um we really do see so much more opportunity for what the foundation can do for the district we had uh we doubled our numbers over last year we awarded um last year it was eight eight GRS this year it was 12 um we raised about 15,000 last year it was eight but we received over $660,000 in requests uh for Grants from teachers so there's a lot more we see that we can do as a community um and we're really excited where we think things are going um so typically at this time um in past Board of Ed meetings and over the years we allow each Grant recipient to come up and explain a little bit about their Grant since we had so many this year and in the interest of time um we are going to just kind of briefly recap all the mini grants and then allow our major Grant recipients to come up and share some of the amazing um things that they really J with their grants but but um at this time I'm going to walk through each Grant very briefly um for the teachers that are here that were the grant recipient if you can please come up when I call your name uh we recognize all the teachers every year with a plaque that gets placed in the entrance of each school so as next time you're in uh the administration office you can notice that that we've had them over the years um then each teacher is recognized with a certificate that they get to keep um so without further Ado uh we'll go back grade level so first our prek through Elementary Grants from this year our first is mindfulness yoga enrichment which was granted to Miss Melissa stani at Cambridge Park this grade involve the purchasing of yoga materials for students where they got to learn breathing exercises and how to focus uh breathing and comp concentration settle nerves and gently um generally calm down f um so again these are materials that can be used um for years to come schools uh the second is the exciting experience in kindergarten by Christine [Music] Lenahan chicken hatching experience that allowed students to observe that chicken hatching from eggs and it brought agricultural agriculture into the classroom that aligned with the science gr the next is one school one book um Ed to Regina myell with Shannon polkowski and Alissa barari I don't know if they were able to make it tonight but um this has been an amazing program at Cliffwood where the entire School received copies of Charlotte's Web also in Spanish for ESL students and participated in activities that celebrated and explored the novel with their classmates and families at home and it aligned with the building home libraries for students with the the next is the second grade wax museum at Ravine Drive for Melissa Tes with PA muray and [Music] Chris and with a collection of visual displays where students dress as famous individuals stand in attention while visitors walk around and tour exhibits illustrating the life of the person represented um we a lot of this was also supported by the PTO U but the foundation in particular brought some supplies uh to kind of enhance the whole experience and they made a really wonderful recap video that we'll be sharing on our Facebook stage and everything really the next is dinosauro at store um Alexis is here so uh this brought in a dinosaurs Rock Assembly uh from the New Jersey organization that allowed for some Hands On Learning with fossils um that really align with the third grade curriculum the next is Battle of the books by Stephanie San Martin at Ma if you follow us on Facebook um they we recently just um posted about this it's still ongoing the battle um they're getting down to the finals but this is a really exciting classwide competition where students have the opportunity to compete in a Grade wide Battle of the books um through the America's Battle of the books program and and our uh contribution was purchasing of the books that could be used annually for this competition um and if I'm not mistaken um participate in it somewhere over there yes um so there's you know people have actually done these programs and they have these ideas they want to bring them to the students it's really speci the next is the college B review by Joseph de Mario at n transed enhancement to the existing College bow that is run by Mr de Mario mans including a new buzzer system for the students to play the game in a more formal setting and they can be used here after year uh the next is our trans for the high school uh so the first is Husky closet by Jessica REI and Amanda Longo I don't think they were able to make it tonight um but this was a really great program and enhances the current closet at the high school with items such as storage rack hangers clothing steamer to allow for the inclusion of more everyday clothing for students who may not have that at home so to have it available in the high school in a very discreet way next is the mindfulness matters Grant by uh Lise thank you uh for 11th grade um and I don't think she was able to make it tonight either but the mindfulness jars are really help with the Stress Management tool for the students where they get to make these jars glitter and liquid to help them learn ways toal um and without further Ado that brings us to our major grantly mention I oh I'm sorry oh I forgot T read I'm so sorry thank you twiin that's why don't this by myself um so Kathleen cly at the high school how could I forget this was a wonderful program this is um so I think she's able to make it tonight either but this grant um brought in really high interest books for students who might be at a different reading level than some of the other students in the school and really allowed them to connect more with books that um had characters they identified with or they showed interest in and I think some of the feedback was this is the first time some students read a book for fun since elementary school um so there was some really nice feedback there um Sor sorry I skipped that one but um yes wonderful program this cast and well without again without further Ado the major grants so the first is U from Mr car gurnie at lyd road which is the art for the sky Grant and I'm going to let her come up in just a moment and talk us through this but um I'm sure many of you probably either saw or maybe got to experience this this was um we brought in Daniel dancer who was an artist from the coast um who allowed the students to U make a massive piece of art using the entire student body at l Road um over two days it was really special and um um happy to officially unofficially announce that if funding allows we hope that we can continue this program every other year so that every student at BO Road can experience it was really special um and then um the second major Grant which is the aquaponic sustainable farming at the high school uh award to Maui McMillan uh which is kind of self-explanatory but this really cool program uh our system she'll she'll explain and call this fish tank um and circulating to to grow without further Ado wel come to speak about the [Applause] [Music] AR hi good evening members of The Board District administration and the Manan aine Community this past year l Road school was awarded a grant for a project called art for the sky art for the sky is a unique team building activity led by Oregon based artist and activist Daniel dancer Daniel shared his vision with us in a schoolwide assembly which culminated in a large Living Image made up of the staff and students at the wig Road school what drew me to this project was the combination of the art and interdisciplinary connections that it embodied it is an Artful blend of science math and history and reminds us of what we are capable of when we work together as a team the preparations involved using a used a grid to draw our image to scale students worked in pairs to measure out a large grid on the lawn next to the school's playground using marker Flags once they finished the outline of the Husky's head was painted onto the grass groups of students then came out to remove the flags and spread mulch over top of the lines what a special moment it was to see the looks on their faces they took a great deal of pride in what they had accomplished and had fun learning with each other while doing so on the following morning classes came outside in their black and white shirts to fill in the image if you've ever taken a photo of a group of kids you know that can be challenging at times so just imagine over 500 students in one space at the same time um it seemed like a daunting task at first but however um our fourth and fifth grade students demonstrated respect responsibility and patience as they work together to create celebrate their husky mascot in addition art for the sky provided us with the way of communicating how art is used to inform others about global issues in this case climate change which is currently one of the New Jersey Core Curriculum content standards for visual art by grade five the number 424 that the students created in mulch was the number of parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the day the Drone photo was taken it serves as a reminder to our kids that future Generations bear responsibility in protecting the environment thank you to Dr Bombadier and Mrs Olen and the entire Bo Road staff for being so receptive to this idea and supporting it every step of the way and to our PTO and school Community for their help and obtaining the materials needed to complete this project I'd also like to express my gratitude to the madaan aine police department who ensured that we were able to do this safety safely which is our number one priority in Li gr school and to amand enough the mat and aine Education Foundation thank you for providing us with this opportunity to bring memories to our students that will last a lifetime [Applause] [Music] I just wanted to take a minute too to recognize a student who's here that was able to help with the project um could Finn Eggbert just come up for Round of Applause [Music] [Music] put together a really beautiful Montage of photos and you know Google permissions are a pain in the booty so I apologize greatly we do have some wonderful uh recap videos from that Grant um that have a lot of the same pictures but it really having been there in person it was an amazing experience and so many happy kids so it's really great check out our Facebook page we have lots of recap videos in I'm so sorry Tera um just so wonderful for her to do that and okay and now um I want to welcome up Maui McMillan to talk about the aquaponics [Music] system it's it was just a video oh cool is it just this one okay cool hello how everyone I know it's so I'm piing right now I'm Mari McMillan I am uh the ab and also the um College PR environmental science course teacher here in the high school and today I am thrilled to share with you an exciting development here um made possible through the generous support of the Met aine Education Foundation and we have been and granted the opportunity to establish an aquaponic system so for those unfamiliar um aonics is innovative and and sustainable method of farming that combines aquaculture which is racing fish and hydroponic which is racing actually growing plants without the soil and in a single integrated system and the cool thing is this is actually movable so we can move this around wherever we want to show showcase it so this project is not just a boost to our scientific curriculum um but also a step forward in our commitment to sustainability um the beauty of aquaponic SCE in the real world application let me go back real quick sorry um which is which provides tangible way uh for students to learn about sustainability explore complex Concepts and let me bore you for a bit um of science it would be nitrogen cycle if you are in my class water chemistry and interdependence of within the ecosystem and we plan to integrate the system across biolog chemistry Marine Science and zoology which are new um courses next school year and the stem class is offering our students hands on experience that their learning practice um the benefit of the project it was given to us in January was delivered to us in jar which is like mid like winter season but it was in our classroom and our students were able to actually collect information from the water system maintaining the fish making sure the fish stays alive and then we also so um counted down many like the Lea the system everything else um so the future plan is looking ahead the aquaponic project is just the beginning and we envision this system as a Cornerstone of a broader sustainability um curriculum that willfully be added in our current environmental science courses and the future um initiatives may include like integrating sustainability Concepts into economic Arts social studies then really exploring the themes of sustainable business practices eco-friendly materials so and so forth so next week actually my AP students and I will be visiting Cambridge Park Elementary School to teach the students their sustainability stewardship and environmentalism as well as our aconic system um and we would like and this is our pilot program that we would want to expand every year I'm also spearheading the trout in a classroom program through New Jersey fish and wildlife um which will follow the same goal which is sustainability and conservation um mrhs will be the 16th School in the county that will be joining the program next school year um big shout out to Mr Wells for supporting my ideas that are crazy sometimes have really of creating new programs and making steps towards having a sustainable school and I think we've mentioned that many times I am immensely grateful to um oh by the way let me show you the pictures we started with this one look how tiny they are at the very beginning in middle of January and then this is how got they got big from again we always tell them it's from fish poop and the kids were always like we don't want to eat it because it has classroom air but then we ended up actually having our salad day so they actually ended up eating them which was very cool they said no but they actually did it thank you so much and and and I I can't I'm immensely uh thankful to the foundation for supporting our students and make you know just having this big idea having this gr is so huge and I'm like oh my God this is amazing and you would I again I always think about this and I always tell you about this that you know your commitment to Preparing our students and just making of Global Citizens and I think small staffs in the school for having making it sustainable is such an amazing thing to happen here thank you so [Music] much one more quick Round of Applause for all the amazing [Applause] teachers we do usually give them a chance to speak but we couldn't tonight if you do again code is video on YouTube of them sharing more about their brands we'll be sharing this in our platforms as well um but they they I'll talk through them a little bit more time and um and that's it we we are one more quick exciting update more for teachers I know a lot of had to go is we actually switched our Grant application um timeline so Grant applications for next year are already open we usually wait till call we' switched it so more to come stay tuned we we can't wait to see what uh great ideas next year brings thank you again thank you so much the Education Foundation and to again congratulations to everybody the reward for stay is there's cupcake overa there and probably enough for each one of you so let's take a quick