all right everyone is here we are recording good evening at 7:02 I'm going to H it over tomorrow to do the opening verage just as a bit going there so okay as the vice chair of this meeting I need to confirm that all members and persons who anticipated on the agenda are present scho committee M student Representatives do we have K kayy can you hear me great okay sta um we have paen and Brian and CH and Liz York and then we have Wayne can you hear us yes see that if there's anybody else there's nobody else okay else in all right this open meeting of the mayard school committee is being conducted as a hybrid meeting as Allowed by chapter 2 acts 2023 signed into law by Governor hey on March 9th 29 2023 this act continues to exam certain Provisions under open meeting law regarding remote meetings and Public Access until March 35th 2025 this committee is convening via zoom and in person as posted on the district's website while an option for remote attendance and or participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting will not be suspended or terminated technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast to remote attendees unless otherwise required by law please note that this meeting is being recorded accordingly be aware that other folks may be able to see you and take sh care not screen share your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording which is audible too and viewable by the public if you are planning to record or broadcast this meeting please use the raise your hand function now to notify the chair now as required by law along with this agenda most of the of tonight's meeting materials are available on the Mayer Public Schools website in a folder tit titled 2023-2024 agendas under the T tab school committee the public is encouraged to follow along using the posted agenda and documents unless the chair notes otherwise public comments public comments agenda item is a devoted time for the school committee to hear from the public as such it structure primarily supports a unidirectional reporting of public comments rather than a bidirectional conversation here are the general rules for any form of public comment period any person wishing to speak and make comment during virtual meeting May do so by signing up to speak publicly in in advance and up until agenda it read this link no the gentl please have your Zoom name matched so that we may be able to unmute you to speak all public comments are limited to 3 minutes to ensure that everyone who wishes to comment has the opportunity to be heard no person may comment more than once without permission of the chair as time allows the chair would could consider allowing a person to comment a second time especially if it is related to a topic that is not been brought up any person wishing to submit written comments to be read by the chair May du may do so by emailing comments in advance to up until the public comment agenda item two comments for number four SC meeting at manor. the subject line must state public comment this in please include your first and last name and your town to ensure your comments are read comments will only be read to for 3 minutes if the submitted comments are longer they will be suspended at the the 3 minute Mark to ensure all comments can be read in their entirety it is suggested that you keep them to approximately 350 words however submitted comments longer than 350 words included in the public record in their entirety note anyone wishing to submit a comment for the public record after the Public Public comments agenda has passed and do so by emailing comments to the same email address up until the end of the meeting specifically stating their desire to have these additional comments included before we go to the first item on the agenda permit me to cover some ground levels for Effective and clear conduct of our business and ensure accurate meeting minutes I will introduce say Tasha we'll introduce each speaker on the agenda after they conclude their remarks she will ask each member if they have any comments questions or motions that they would like to make she'll go through the members for additional comments or questions if time allows please hold off speaking until your name is called and remember to speak clearly and in a way that helps generate accurate minutes if members wish to engage with other members please do please do so through the chair and take care not to interrupt anyone who speaking finally each vote taken in this meeting will be conducted by I guess not a rooll call vote because we our person so um and we don't need to do roll call at 7 thank you very much urgent business no right right along public comments no comments and there's virtual so wonderful along student hi so starting with our highlights Deca States was the 7eventh to the nth we had eight students attend in one Advance this student will attend the international Career Development conference in Anaheim California in April masc hyanis was a success we had nine students attend and come back with fresh ideas for student council the girls basketball team made it to the Elite 8 they fought a hard battle but unfortunately did not Advance advisory on March 13th went well Lego advisory featured a challenge to build the best figure with Wings possible in the winner w a Duncan gift card we had the character assembly today G block for underclassman and F block for upper classmen no one eats alone lunch took place on Wednesday and had a good turnout senior pizza party was today and was great almost everyone in the class joined to grab a slice concerns and solutions um our only concern and solution was lunch Pizza has not been great vegetarians have not been eating lunch at all um we are planning to do a survey for food preference and meet with Miss mistl Chang next week put in the week ahead we're going to have the question or we're g to have parents suggest parents have a conversation with the student about whether they are eating their lunches or not students did not know about the availability of the gluten-free bread and we will need to advise it in the week ahead for upcoming we have spring Sports next week um the Annie musical will be this weekend we have a half day on Friday the schedule is bdeg Spirit Week will start on we also start next week and the themes are twin day for Monday travel Tuesday schever surf on Wednesday celebrity character day on Thursday and black and orange and anything but a backpack on Friday thank you for the updates um I'll go through Mary no thank you very much k really appreciate all the feedback yeah same thank you Mar um the character assembly so the the lower classman had had one and the upper classman had one so it was two different speakers no it was it was the same speaker but it um Juniors and seniors went first for f block and then he presented again during G block for oh okay got it all right thank you um thank you I was just wondering um for the no one needs a lone lunch did people seem to participate in that and like it and or how how was that actually car received practice um I know a couple people attended I know a couple people who attended rather um I'm not sure the exact count but I'm I believe it was a relatively low number but still a successful turnout for what they were hoping for thanks um I just wanted to mention I know we had at our last meeting um the food service wison and I don't know if maybe anyone has had an opportunity to look at that um maybe go back to that meeting and uh and look to see if there's any feedback or I just to conern that vegetarian options are continuing to be an issue so I please keep us updated on the survey and um and you know as you always do and I do think it's important to make sure that no one's obviously the best way to capture that and but I think that was a good question think for anyone they don't have an option and maybe they're not say that's Ser the other thing I wanted to know was about high that you all were using with the app Maybe the next me I don't know was using the app like for scheduling by by Design By Design yeah yeah the teachers were just trained this week oh okay it would be good to get it an update I know it's been a little bit since we don't have one yet oh wait maybe it's not the same one I'm think it is okay when is that one starting the teachers just got trained this week okay so slow start out the students but teachers had really started using I missed that part there okay thank you so I guess we'll look forward to getting updates on on that sign the teachers are with that and the other thing I just wanted to mention was there was some conversations at our meetings about the bleachers and I don't know how much um is able to be tried down by we are we have postponed um pursuing that at the annual town meeting instead or pushing it to the fall town meeting and I know it's just trying to get the town you know really behind this project as much as possible so I think some opportunities and time for education is really what's needed so we can pass but I just wanted to make sure there's any questions or concerns that that you know that the school council you know please relay with those are uh because we're we're still full steam ahead as much as possible okay okay um just to clarify will does this mean the project in the building itself will be postponed or um it means that we are still we've already committed funds for the design so that is still in the works it's just the funding to secure for construction things is what we to secure and that won't haveen that annual to it will be at special to so that will give all of our other peer boards time to look the community to feel comfortable with what that Financial commitment is we are still also pursuing an application for the C so maybe you know some other funding sources to lessen the burden for residents as much as possible but I just want to make sure that you know our student body knows that we are still a th% committed to the project it is not changing in the I the scope of how we're we're moving forward but it is not going to start any earlier than when we can secure funding so the funding won't happen any earlier than than um the B okay thank you yeah no I know it's a lot there's a lot of conversations a lot of people and involved in it and U so I just want to make sure that you all feel like have to share what those questions and concerns are as they arise oh Mar I just I had a question k for your thoughts we heard a little bit from um principal York before the meeting started um the character assembly that you talked about are you comfortable sorry are you comfortable sharing your thoughts oh um yeah I thought he was very well spoken I've seen a lot of motiv motivational speakers many of which I've not really been interested in but I thought he did a pretty good job keeping the audience engaged and I was grateful that it was um I was worried it would be similar to a lot of other presentations I've heard there's usually a lot of overlap but I I actually found his presentation interesting and there were a lot of points that I liked and I thought I was glad that he shared thank you thank you and as always you're more than welcome to hang around um but I appreciate your participation wherever possible thank you thank you okay Brian a super report sure great hi everybody um I was before the meeting I as I sat down it just it dawned on me how many exciting things are happening around mayor Public Schools just recently it's been really busy um but luckily it's been a fun busy so I'm sort of actually I'm not off that look at this I realize we have the reading Across America for green meow and they have Bingo books um so that's going on right now but the reading Across America has been a kindon of fun teachers and administrators have gone over to the Green Meadow and been able to read um I had a blast reading to a second grade classroom as well um and the kids love it which sometimes you don't really know but funny enough share this I found com this little girl went home and said to her mou it was the greatest day ever the superintendent read to us and it was good you know it was a lot of fun so I next time you have a bad day go back and exactly but I know that lots of you know Chuck and I know other principles within the district had the same type of experience they went down and R this week and some of them went down multiple times because it's just as Mary said when you're not having a great day that's the opportunity to go down you just feel good the kids are great so that's just one thing that was happening um come back to the that um kayen mentioned the varsity basketball team U the girls team they did lose to West Boon but they had a phenomenal season they performed well at the Clark tournament and then they went even further in the state tournament so hats off to the glob Varity basketball team just did a really really great job um March is in interesting our budget is kind of onf we know where our budget's at the Town knows where our budget's at I met with the Town Administrator today and there's no change in the numbers in fact the amount of free cash went up a little bit and when I say that that doesn't indicate that our budget's going up at all but there's a little more money that he has access to for other things and it indicates that he won't have to go any owe any money from school button so I take that as a positive thing um the solar project which I think has been talked about since the building has been designed it's always time um and luckily we've been pushing and making that come to fruition and if you have the opportunity to drive by they've been so's done a really nice job of putting in the steel um foundations and the canopy and I don't know if it's said 100% when I was there today I looked about 80% or so maybe 85% done in terms of the solar panels on top of the canopy but they're doing a really nice job um so it's it's just exciting to see it come to fruition I from so we have bi-weekly meetings with select and with our consultant and Town Administrator Etc and principal York um so the anticipation is and some of this is outside our control is July it'll be energized and functioning but they're doing their part they will wait until April break to do the trench work so that they want to be able to trench it do the work and then repave it on the same day because it goes across the entrance way um so that's connected to timing of our programming and the asphalt pits in the country um and then the one thing again that's outside our control is be eversource so then we get into a key in their system and then actually be the ones to hit the button so we're hoping no anticipate July but super exciting that it's where it's at now a long time coming question about that um would be able to get um so excited now the what that platform the curriculum piece that um that's student facing or or I don't say curricul but there is that where they students can monitor and and real time is there something that we yeah well once more now that we're getting again towards a yeah I'll ask Sol for yeah it would be great to just get a sense of what that will look like once that moves as well yep we'll get that absolutely yeah talk about the um the spaces that are going for electric vehicles and how that like who gets to park the teachers get to park there so that that's the next phase that's not actually select they told us they aren't the ones putting in the charging station so though we hadn't been updated on that phase yet okay we have the separately or is that still part of the I'll find I don't want to speak but we have a meeting next week I believe this week so it must be next week we'll follow up on that thanks good question uh we had our first safety subcommittee of the Green Building bu um so it's now getting interesting I we have a follow-up meeting tomorrow so it's really about the safety of the new building and what materials are used in the entrance which buildings are locked how sorry which doors are locked how they're locked what fob system what cameras is it integrated all of that um so we just had our first meeting um and there's representation from the polies and the fire um in addition to a couple of parents that have some with safety um administr I'm going to follow me tomorrow to discuss some locations on where um where um where you recommend I want to have some type of Public Presentation at the school committee for that guess figuring out how much you want to share publicly you know um you know we can also have executive session for other SCH members for some of the other things that maybe on but I think it would be help to get a sense of yeah we'll have I think it makes the most sense to have come they have not only if they them but if their Consultants so like some of the things we talked about that I think they talk about in all buildings now which they did years and years ago would be type of class that they use whether it's you so we're just leaveing at that but you know that there's different layers that you can put on um so we will certainly invite them once we get a little further yeah they'll and they can probably even invite their uh consultant which'll be fun and I know that obviously had a lot of U feedback about you know School save a other reports that we've gotten so I just want to make sure that absolutely but I haven't seen it so um so bleachers I know you talked about you said is accurate the only update that I would say they the huntress Associates met with the planning board and the that was Tuesday of this week and they received a unanimous 5 to zero vote to In terms peer comments there were some additional comments made few conditions applied to the project the addition of additional shade trees were practical and that was perfectly acceptable additional handicap access up Gades at the parking area adjacent to the Boys and Girls Club which he went over with the subcommittee um that's really a small curve like just basically bring the the wheelchair yeah right now the way you cross over um and then there's a a wheelchair it goes in like cross over the and so they're they're want to do is like into the par yeah instead so like that last been on the street right right and then the last thing was dpd DPW approval of utilities handicap upgrade curve cuts and tree planting and that is totally acceptable because just that board so he's involved in our conversation so huness was very satisfied way that and as was the plan that was uh super productive I wanted to mention just because I know that this project has a lot of interest to it I would really want to make sure that check with Greg that we always have some type of town representation at those subc commmittee meetings so if if Justin's not able to attend um you know I don't know who might be maybe him and GRE can swap off but I just know that for the select board I know it's really important I want to make sure that they don't feel they're not they don't have a a voice or something um at that those conversations I I did get the sense of the when we last had a group that they felt like there was maybe some information that wasn't all disseminated the best way and I want to make sure that that's that that's not sense should right okay well yeah um did you mention the bath oh yeah I I can't absolutely so uh Huntress Associates actually did a modification on the concession stand great but it doesn't enlarge the footprint at all he was able to take a look and steal some storage space reality storage space to be a family bathroom on one side of the sessions building put that building session one so now there's a family bathroom and there's still storage in between the bathroom there's storage thei they looked at it the town dtin looked at it so everybody happy that uh that modification it didn't change numbers of toilets so we're still within code and it's a responsible add to to the building without so took away one of the no just so it didn't it didn't substitute for one but what it does I think it came up at the planning board as well at the first meeting they had they had questions about a family restroom so um so they were going to plan on having like a changing table in men and women so they're going to do it instead of this restroom and then the other thing too which came up from feedback which I thought was really great that first Hess was listening is that um if we wanted for a control perspective we could or whoever could could close the other restroom just like blackes and you just have like my stall that so it doesn't have to be that all of them are open all the time so if we're trying to think about maintenance or or what it might just be that maybe just the family restroom will be open and you know only yeah so a lot a little flexibility again it was also the C that have to expand and um the designs when then we get them back they're going to also have a Al for 750 that might reduce the size of that concession by I think it's like two toilets and something like that yeah thank you no thank you you had one more update think you skipped over it fer yes so of all the good things that we still our scho district and we still have struggles on certain topics that are challenging there was some graffiti this was earlier in the month so it was like March 4th um there was some graffiti at follower and say the principal assistant principal really um handled this situation headon um there are some swasti is found um on the back of the chair in music and in a b and what they did which I thought was really interesting I participated in one of the assembly if you will wasn't quite an assembly but they did a grade by grade which is nice because between fourth and eighth grade it's a slightly different conversation um I chose in the middle so I went to the sixth grade one um and the whole grade was in the auditorium you know it's not your typical Auditorium so it's a big flat room and they were divided by classes and principal Kenny did a great job of really explaining the history of the swasa which isn't necessarily bad from what it was you know politically way backward but then what it came to me and what it comes to identify with and they thought just about how that makes potentially makes people feel um and it was a good coners it wasn't um a punitive conversation but it was very clear that it was a harmful term and the implications now are not appropriate to be using it way they being used um so it was a good conversation that I felt like people definitely tuned in especially for sixth graders you know 100 of them are so scattered around and they were they were key in on um and it was him which was nice it wasn't somebody they didn't know it was their principal they were responding appropriately and then at the end we did this activity which I thought was going be much more difficult than it was um and it was sort of team building so the teacher of each group has a cup and a ping pong ball and then you get a and there's a cup for the circle we're all in a circle but each class and teacher froze B you have to catch it with the cup which when you say that it sounds like it should be really hard um but for the most part our kids are very athetic and our teachers were very good Dos and the ball just went and I went into the car and it came back and it went around I mean I'm not sure I did the yeah it do reminiscent of that appear yes I don't think it had that for the kids and it was really just that team building of we're in this together and you know supporting one another and not hurting people's feelings it I thought it was a direct clear way you know the conversation beginning activity you know um Mr car Janice was in there as well was probably 203 20 25 minutes yes and it had I feel like it had a positive effect um but clearly it's a middle school this is kind of when kids are that's you know by when they're little and I men school they don't really know it so it doesn't really come up so of rarely and by High School thankfully they kind of know oh this shouldn't do this there are consequences it's when they're in that age you know that 10 13 in there it rears its head so it's it was an opportunity to educate them and work with them um and if and I don't know I don't remember off top of my head if in were actually identified or not there are other incidences that come up where kids are Iden appropriate Middle School consequence and then also um activities and education go through they're big on making sure kids learn from their mistakes and that's what it is Mist we have good kids and they make mistakes there's consequences learning and we move on um thank you for for that update I know has been a lot in Middle School particular Y at a middle schooler as well and you know teaching them a joke feel really not a joke and I think that just Lear that a little bit more um which is which is going be hard um I know that at some points to be out I don't know maybe this a followup um if there's a need for suspensions or things like that is the policy that the student would not on school properly for that period of time and I guess the reason why I'm asking I know that we have a lot of like um Town Sports and stuff that use our facilities and I just want to make sure the messaging is very clear for the parents that um you know if unfortunately it comes to a point where there is disciplinary action that and your child can't go to school they shouldn't be on to school property as well uh I think there's been some conversation with parents that have shared with me that they've been kind of confed about I just I know it's hard to Mayor small town but I know we don't always have our we wouldn't want we wouldn't know when boys and girls come they wouldn't know I just want to make sure parents are aware that absolutely follow that and um and thank you all for your work with trying to really educate students is possible questioning yes no yeah um so my one question is um I remember a couple months ago probably a CLE months ago this white um we were told that green meow was doing responsive classroom I think and put deing with social emotional behavior and such but it didn't seem like that was happening a power um because it sounds like a lot of the issues tend to be like fourth and fifth grade fourth fif sixth grade is there do do those grades need um I think I think the work to address each individual incident is great but I'm wondering if those grades need some widespread overall all support with behavior and social emotionals I think they have I think they are using responsible question activi espcially important with grade okay based on recent eventss okay so I can I know that I just read an email from about that okay within most okay and I think that there there were extra like in the like they were still having to push in like more stuff I don't I don't remember I wonder would those teachers want more support with that um if the green medow was getting um support with it I wonder if those teachers also could use support yeah are you good right thank you so now we are moving on to the high school program of studies yes very exciting me principally anything up on the screen you dis and if you don't that's okay I'm just giving you the offer do the committee members all have the guide to changes that's what yes yeah then so thank you for having me once again it's program of studies time which means that the students are picking their classes the students have the graph asking parents Linked In all the document settings in home to choose their um electics and decide if the level of course to which they've been recommended is the right fit for next year so this document is a living document last year we did a complete overhaul so that this year we don't have do so there was some editing and updating my um School counseling department which has now been recognized by the state and the ask for excellent work went through this with a fine tube con because that's what we're good at and I think it's pretty correct but please do let me know if you have any effort um the first and biggest addition to the program of studies is we we now have the vision of The Graduate instead of our competen me so right after the front page instead where we used to have and competencies we now have our um core values our vision statement and our vision of graduate these are can statements skills and what the students are being assessed on in senior project they are the Capstone skills that your students will be learning all through their education they will be introduced in the Freshman courses particularly The Freshman Capstone class they will be gone over in Vision work by the school counselors in each grade and then they take a full year graduation requirement senior project and at the end these are the skills upon which they we've done some language changes to the computer science pathway on page 10 but we haven't put them in yet because Mr sop and I will be interviewed tomorrow by desie to find out if we are ready to be designated an innovation pathway in what they call information but we call computer science and we have our fingers crossed that everything is perfect but because we're so far in the process even if they say not yet it's just a little bit of a wait and that designation is coming and um right after it number three the um preliminary language for business pathway is now in the program studies because in the fall during the open period we will be presenting our application to desie to have our business Deca program recognized as Comm that way so hopefully next year we'll get an interview for business um applied chemistry So currently this year and last year my two years we've only been offering chemistry to all the Juniors CP or honors and the some of the students are really not enjoying it and there's been a lot of fact that some students don't plan to major in stem and really feel like doing all that oldfashioned and the through m is just a slog for them they don't enjoy it they don't feel like it's corrected U connected to College and Career so Mrs learner our wonderful chemistry teacher has an old course that she used to offer at the CP level and she's willing to um sort of amp it up a little bit because we don't want to close any doors so they made these students who today don't want science they get to college and want science very much so they will still get all the fundamentals of chemistry but with a lot more Hands-On a lot more applications it actually um includes a lot of organic chemistry things like kitchen stre which generally you don't cover in your first year college chemistry course they will get those cool and interesting topics that the straight College chemistry classes do not come so we're going to bring that back by student demand but we will absolutely be keeping an eye on the out I think you've been hearing a lot about the UMass Global Spanish class it has a name now so at least the first semester does which is an introduction to literary analysis I believe and it will be taught entirely by in Spanish so I'll do a little language twe with your permission and that's included in the program of studies and our Rising seniors from Spanish Immersion can choose it they're are first ever Rising seniors and also um Spanish speaking students can choose it if Mrs Adams finds that their language skills and literary skills are high in they certainly cannot in so I know we're interviewing a visitor from Spain next week who might potentially international student for us and perhaps that student Maybe not maybe but it's a possib so those are the big changes and they're all POS and if you have any questions absolutely thank you um for the hard work on this and really appreciate Mrs learner um going outside the box and really you know trying to grab those kids um so the UMass L Spanish is that a remote class or do the kids have to go no it's so wonderful a professor is coming uh two days a week and then the other days of recycle Mrs Adams so she'll be sort of like a teacher teaching assistant so they'll be getting that support from of a teacher but a professor will become that was phenomenal a is fantastic the community has been the problem p y and if they choose to attend ums LEL they will be one class short of a completed minor if they got a high enough score on the two Apes they've already taken and we have a nice little cohort of students who follow each of that and very much good I'm hoping they all go into teaching because we really Spanish by the teachers um the um have are there any classes that maybe being discontin to do what the changes that we making and that well that's an excellent question so we have been running a TP Spanish five hours every year for students who don't feel they have the confidence for the AP Spanish way and Mrs Adams feels confident that she can either convince or cajo those students to take AP Spanish Lan so this will be her third year teaching and she's a certified and now experienced teacher of the class and she's 100% confident that everyone who's successful in Spanish for honors can take the Spanish one they may not get a five on the exam but that's okay they'll get the excellent experience of taking an eth class in a language facee and how about um the other changes that are are being made is there any there any other classes that you were determined not to be as popular or necessary no there'll be one fewer section of C chemistry um the business classes are currently in place there will be tweaking and moving because um Mr Soo Miss Murphy and Mrs felipi teach those classes and they weren't 100% satisfied with the exact order that they have the classes in so it'll take a few weeks before they out how they want them but they're all going so and then um so financial literacy it seems like there's been a lot of conversation you know in the news about financial literacy and the kids out of high school with the the basics that they should have did we before have just a semester of financial literacy and it's now a year how long have we' been offering that oh so it's at least five or six perfect perfect that's great yeah I knew I knew we were into it I just wasn't sure about um the intensity so that's great um and I think that I just had one little tweak and and I don't know um in the program of studies on page seven it talked about fine kns that we had to pass one course but then I think it was a student handbook that said that you could either do art music or communication so those are all finup yeah so do you want me to add that little parentheses have consistency yeah that would that's it otherwise it was fantastic thank you so much for all the hard work thank you um my only question I guess have two is um is there was there no way that honors an honors log hands on going could go also I don't know is it just because it's so much up that level yeah those students take the stem headed students need to take the full year of the in organic if they are to be successful A in E biology if they choose it or being in E chemistry those are very difficult stem classes and this learner has many many years of data showing that students who take her um honor C feel 100% confident even if they haven't taken in their freshman year um in organic chemistry class when they get to college she kind of has it down to science and most of those students are absolutely still at the door open for possibly studying a sence of yeah um and is there anything else in need your so this is wonderful um is there anything else we wanted to call out are also great changes those anything else senior project I'll talk about it as and as much as you I wish that when our schedule to have a senior project course in each grade A Capstone course I think we we're thinking about maybe rebranding the whole thing our vision of a graduate program and we're going to talk to the middle school about seeing if they want because you know we're all doing my cap together if they might be interested in co-branding so that students actually in sixth grade start the vision of the gradu well they do that science um I know last year couple years more they have that when they do a project with u chers class and they and they go in and parents bite and it's kind of like this p they work on this a lot and I I always thought that it was very much I was so happy that it started again was you know but I always it very similar to kind of on the high school version um but like kind of starting that way you know on projects for a l showcase um so it would be great to he some happen I cannot the number of communitys who just again and again tell us that those skills of presenting and answering questions about one's own work are the one of the very most important career skills that are lacking in graduates from schools that don't sof skills that don't you know happen earlier not or they they're still learning I be great to do that so so since Miss at ask I will grab just a tiny bit about senior project um while n ask was in the building for the third day on yesterday Miss Lael and miss fernel one of our school counselors were presenting at Worcester State to an introductory myap class our how our vision of the graduate program our map program feeds into our exemplary senior project so they've actually become sort of part of the teaching other schools who are just so we have a lot to be proud of s um a thing I've been curious about but haven't had ask you is just I'm curious about um why we do physics in Fr year and then biology juned we do biology sop and chemistry Jun and it's actually it's actually more than you would think so the physics first is very simple to explain many many students in ninth grade traditionally took algebra one and introduction to physics is the projects that go with algebra one all of those very simple new SL projects use algebra one so and the formulas called algebra one so it's actually a hands on course and Miss Murphy and Mr molos work together and figure out where the other person is and try to make sure that they're teaching in the sensible way together so they slope and kids run little cars ramps so but we want more hands okay so so physics you put there and the state offers an intru physicals and and our students are passing it in in N More Than pass by at some schools when by and then biology and chemistry is there reason why not why not not those that's the tradition for biology or freshman and most Juniors cross the nation um I'm super excited about the flag mon street that that's going to be fantastic um and um and of course the the Spanish is also super exciting um I did want to know whether or not students have already chosen their their courses or that's coming up they um chose their electives a few weeks back we had the port of open emails and the week all at links for parents and the school counselors were in every age class in the building helping students put their elected okay so just electives not the actual yeah the teachers do their recommendations for the so we recommend if you don't agree what you see in the portal and this is good for the public um please call the school councelor if you don't know who counselor is call the office we'll be very very glad to help you and that is nothing is written in stone at this we haven't even done our taabs thank you you very welcome um thank you for this I also wanted to say thank you I heard that last year Chang things so that kids that were getting academic support could still do an elective schol year and um that was huge for my child to be able to get interested in school and pursue the more creative sides of things um kind of similar the different Pathways how many of those are open to that are need academic support I know you can't really do chapter 74 and have support time you have absolutely okay abely okay awesome all okay and we have accommodations in place for people learning English people who need academic support they're open and someone we haven't thought of yet wants to take them will be your that's wonderful i' love those programs and it's always like really like eatting at me that we have great programs some kids can't do so that's really well something that very open up something we're working on behind the scenes as a student is trying to figure out how students English as a second language and student support can take more of because we feel it's a very powerful Equity yeah and I feel help things like attendance like 100 yeah they want to go to school for vacations then they're in the building for pH and those those Pathways all lead to at least one high name job that a student could do to help pay for college or even instead of college for yeah and I love that relationship that those teachers have with the kids over that shared interest like um they seem to be able to inspire the kids in a different way and for teachers thank you um I I think all my questions were already so I just want to thank you and for the hard work doing this um the only question I have part more content but just um getting this information out to our school community and how it's such a I I would love this to be shown to the Middle School family we can you know sool I was looking for the program studies I find right and I know that a lot ofs do have it very public but very Comm I would I don't want like fewer clicks I think these are so these are things that this is I would is is a marketing opportunity so I would say the fewer clicks that we get to this for people who are exploring in there um you know maybe you know do I want my child go toor do I want my go Charter School their material is Right smack and front on their website and easy to find and I want to make sure our information is also um as accessible as possible yeah anything we can no no but this is I would say is this is us you know showcasing you know what what your child's potential opportunities are in mayard and I think um we want to probably there's so much work to go be proud of with this and and I really I would love I would love sharing it you know with families and you know at certain times of year we just had send it out to the Middle School fames like really this is what's know your child has to look forward to get them planed M to in their mind um I feel like there older people in town who you know vote an election on budget yeah would some of them I feel like would be really offended by the police name so I just all of that I just want to make sure that your your work um recognized like gets should so do I have your lesson to take the word ja do we need to vote I never remember I think you just I just one little tiny thing is I noticed um there was a link in the program of studies to the policy for w school committee policy yeah admision po yeah um we are trying to convert all the polies to a different format and such so at some point we might need to adjust the oh if you think of me and excellent than do you want me to sit down back up so I am um kind of emotional about what happened yesterday afternoon um we were in a very moving meeting with the nas committee um they recognized you they recognized our community members they recognized our amazing support staff particularly our maintenance staff and our custodians who make our building so beautiful and have making it like it's brand new they recognized our counselors special Educators our teachers but more than anything they recognized who our students are and how special they they until Wednesday an hour before they were putting final drafts in they were still calling down more groups of students trying to triangulate what students were saying and they they could not find students who don't who feel not connected not belonging they said not in some schools it's hard for students to know the name of one staff member and most of our students not only know the name but feel close to and feel they can go to at least two staff eff and for many it's many they feel like part of the community they feel that they are cared for and they recognize how hard everyone is working to care for that and I could just go on and on about the accolades they have for our wonderful good behaved children and every one of them told me how jealous they are and how much they would like to come work it sounds like they were trying to coach while we were talking about all of our staff at the meeting there they were like they really want to come here and and they were trying to figure out what special SAU and I have never been in that position as a principal before and for that I have to thank Mr Cara he left me but they said you know they gave us some tasks to do over two years and Chuck got started on them and I picked up the end of his coattails and of course you know how hard over works and our counselors on the State Rec facts for their excellence and the steering committee I just I could go on in but I'm so very very proud to tell you that we passed all our foundational founds we we were found to have the four seats and for our priority areas they gave us permission to continue working on three of them the three that I had highlighted for you and they said the councilors have finished the fourth which I I the um creation of tier 2 services so that students who need just a little help for just a little while have places and people they can go to and I want to thank you for allowing us to switch staff around and have that additional adjustment because it's making world so we will continue to work on our vision of The Graduate and articulating that into our life and making sure that all students are being assessed for their can skills so that every moror graduate is assure that list of skills and those are the non-negotiables and anyone who said they went to Mayor as school will know that we can do those things we are going to continue to work on our Curriculum maps and we are going to um crosswalk them with the map curriculum so that we see where in class the teachers are reinforcing the skills of the vision of the f and we are going to keep working on our instruction our curriculum is sound but we need to teach all students and while they recognized uh the incredible variety of higher classes we are an unbelievable number of choices for students who really know what they want to do they saw as we do that students who are a little confused about the future mean instruction that is inclusive and they are glad we've gotten started but they're going to give us some more ideas on how we can work so that every single mainor school student not only feels they belong and that it's fun and they're part of the community but also feels I'm being challenged and I'm learning a lot but my teachers help me and I know we're not there so thank you and thank you the tissue the fabric is there the fac is there so really appreciate no same think it's it's incredible especially given that you just very very recently and so it is not this not um so I think that the fact that you both started recently together and hit the ground Le in such a like strong fashion that you're able to accompl quickly and I I do remember they said when we met with them how much they appreciate their students in so that's that's to where all of our are with you know how much work put into I think especially how you were able to tweak some of the offerings this this especially this year um think that is really help a lot too just thank you it's exciting to hear um I think one piece that's exciting is given the Transitions and administration um and Co and everything else that doing so well indicate that it's really the positives are really embedded like it's not a fluke or this group of kids or a particular person but um it's lasting and go be um just again Boose to everyone for I know there a lot of lot a lot of to I'm just curious on so next steps um to we get our final report report in few weeks okay and next step after that is we get a chance to edit that report and ask them to correct any errors and I sit with the actions and create some right away for us to start working on so the work is continuous and I actually I don't know if you took a look at our Improvement plan but the steering committee we actually went into the future already yeah we already have some steps mapped out for this spring because we know where we want to go the vision stay uh do we should we expect that at some point maybe in late spring to get another I guess update or of what the report is you know whatever you guys you know circle is that they that it goes to the committee for a vote okay for our accreditation I feel okay actually actually very nervous and when is that so there's two meetings there's one in June and they are hoping they can get it onto Val but realistically it'll be there October November but I can keep Brian up and yeah so I think the things that I for me I would certainly the when the report final report just get understanding what are that comes back what are what action steps that um are formulated from there and then um and you'll see them in my school because we'll definitely incorporate school council is fully on board with the vision of gratitude and we're going to be and meshing that into school grou um and then if there's opportunities to use the report of our recommendations and to again you know share with our community in some fashion they're appropriate I would certainly want to make sure that are um you know where we find a place do that I press release when we get our final letter and our final report press release send public constantly for information so yeah I want to so yeah thank you wonderful that's what I was I'm looking forward to it so thank you for all your hard work and thank you very TI School straight into Annie yes and then into spirit week so I'll be there on Sunday oh I heard Sunday sold up it I saw a little bit of it two nights ago and a little tonight thank you so much very much thank you thanck now we are moving on to the Dei status update and that that's me okay so I shared with you ear late last week um the update so I won't I'll highlight a few things on it for you as opposed to reading the entire thing for you sort of um so we I'm very happy that we are still focused on have a committee um we have staff we have parents we have a really dedicated group uh who's been working on that both people within the system and within the community um so I try to divide it into different categories R and give examples of some of the things that we've do throughout this year so if we look at curriculum enhancements um you can see the CPA La meetings um they're from a diverse cultural perspective which that's one of the reasons we chose that particular culum um and so another piece of of that we started AP Spanish Literature course this year that's expanding year and we just heard about the program studies and several teachers this year chose as a smart go for themselves including diverse cultures in their curriculum so it's really spreading not only from choosing but then adding a higher level class at the high school and then having teachers sort of embedding it in their personal goals for care so just some examples uh professional development for educators we have several members including myself on the leadership team participating in the foundation want equity and action uh learning series learning series for district leaders and teams we have six people participating in that and that's the inperson sessions are fabulous like probably some of the best PD I've had on the topic um the online ones are a little more of a struggle as you probably just appreciated the same level of conversation doesn't necessarily happen on zo meeting than it does when you're sitting at the table um but it continues and we've been doing that all year and it's it's helpful really really helpful um we as part of that we have a coach who comes and works with us and we just bring up topics brainstorm and see is this um actionable or after we do our research is it not action not something so it's been really kind of exciting um I we have people participating in restor Justice trainings we have um udl which we started we kind of got lucky so we used some of our eser money to you to bring in uh udl training to all staff and we started s few and then we morphed it into classes that anybody could take for professional development uh paid for by the district and we had a lot of people um taking classes specifically on understand uh understanding Bea out and design for um Bridging the Gap was one of the courses so that excited one of our administrators took another npy course the Equitable educator strengthening your lens um and you can tell this is just really connected especially the udl uh course that's connected to that so it's nicely align um student Support Services there are a lot of very specific things on there I me one of the things that we've done to support our students is really maintain the foot nurse that's been really really beneficial to the district um especially when somebody look sick it allows our nurses to continue with professional development and it doesn't put us in situation where somebody has to go from building to building or we and we do and if we need to call a service to try and get sub to nurse as hard as is to get professional be get something so those just not buil so that's really been benefit official and we are able to hire a parttime par professional at the high school to support our multi students that's been helpful as well we also have somebody in a very similar role for the Spanish mer elementary school so it's been both of right now so just those levels and there's a lot of very specific on community engagement again our Dei committee is a good example of that engagement it it has teachers administrators um representatives from that education Commonwealth project and and parents quite frankly are really active on that um we've done our data equity walk and we tried it a different way and I and I do feel like more people saw the information I not be comfortable saying we necessarily got more direct feedback in doing it this way but I don't think it was a step backwards I think it was it was a small step forward and the next step will really be to help figure out how do we get more feedback from more people on that data um I definitely I'm comfortable that more people saw the data talked about the data um so that was a good one um we're excited about the surveys as we're about to do the surveys with students and staff this month and parents survey we have a meeting next week on that survey should be going out at the end of this mon as well so and that that's exciting for probably one of the few schools that I think a lot of have Sur what I would say is I think our pent survey has been really well drafted really well B through support of the education project the backing FL and the committee people that are really well versed in surveys we've taken a really hard look at that made suggestions and recommendation so it's taken a while but maybe a little bit longer than just oh it's good we we send out see what we get to really make sure that we're ask right question way that we can get information representation of that committee um as said it's really strong parents so in and staff uh there's monthly communication with the special education parent advisory Council um and a part-time trilingual family Le has been hired to facilitate the partnership with MultiLing families and it's really been beneficial we haven't had that in the past my knowledge so that's really exciting being able to main uh diverse back recruitment is really a a struggle of and I think it is for everybody somebody had the bullet that really here we've all doing it because we talk about it all the time it's been talked about for years you know education as you probably know everybody posts they post internally they post externally they put on school spring and people know you look on school spring um personally I've tried other agencies if you will to get minority um applicants and they were not overly successful on a lot of but where do people want to worken physically do you it's we're not ignoring it one of the nice things this is kind of interesting that a lot of our staff at each building is pretty International um and you can see the different countries and many many countries are representative from Puerto Rico to Spain to Scotland to the Netherlands to Russia and there's a wide range of where our staff is from uh so we continue to work on that um but it's certainly a work of progress student had initiatives probably one more exciting things and I think you heard from uh principal York and just our students have a that not all high school students do I especially if you attend big high school would be a little more um just driven in sense by Administration ex our students I think have a lot of lot of agency um fer brought in a guest a guest speaker recently to talk about life challenges and how his background the speaker background as going before um we heard about another speaker today who I had opportunity to see as well who's fabulous and I hope we bring him back to the younger kids that follow his message and his message was really about this thing and he used it time and time again in his presentation like you you need to be aware of what you saying what you doing what you posting who you're feeling out with Etc that's going to drive your future so so I mean that's just right now right absolutely um during the holidays F had students bring in slides representing their family holiday traditions and were for 50 different slides up on the television social justice roundtables peer leaders are working on a pledge to establish and maintain an inclusive School culture and that's more at the high school and then have other clubs sign it and devise a way to contribute to that so there's a lot of um what I would say student wants and need and we fortunately a system areally supported them I mean like the volleyball um clubs started at the high school and that tend to be um in this case students of multil background and in other places that's of starts the Vol volleyball um teams uh we have high school students participating in exchanges to Spain and Germany we're doing International dinner again this year so there's just a lot of really interesting diverse opportunities for our stud oh just but it starts that's happening and then equity and access to resources one of the things that um you know you recommended you pushed for and you supported where students identified as free or reduc will not pay activ stared next year so that's just very clear example of how are we trying to support Poli in all so I think we we're making a lot of progress in a lot of areas we'll continue um working on that we'll be getting data in the near future from our surveys [Music] you I just um the restorative justice training I know um the Ed Foundation um sponsored this but at some point when they're comfortable with I'd love to have presentation by just to see their thoughts on it that it was some professional development the second page yeah just at some point because I know it's early I know was really I remember the intervie really excited I know it's a multiyear process too yeah may she I think should be EXT I'm G give a quick update what we did and that would be phenomenal yeah and then the peer leader piece I mean anytime again that we can you know encourage our kids to um to be proactive I just love love that piece of them creating the pledge and then I just had a an acronym one you didn't know what um on the third page the student Support Services not at the Bottom sbir t what is that it's eser is how people say it I don't remember but every District in Massachusetts now has to interview students and ask them about substance abuse are you abusing sub and uh of course the students are entirely so it stands for screening brief intervention and referral to treatment and part of we all right I've heard of it is yeah yeah there's a there's a protocol that all schools follow on to script you we probably do have a a very very small number of students who are kind of I don't know how you put it ready for treatment if there it's some difficulty and we indicate but it's a very artificial process sure we get I was gonna say this from right I well I don't want to take to be P students who you know pass away from and I I wonder like what is the what do you gain from that like I just can't imagine the students who maybe aren't a place to acknowledge openly to a stranger right um they te how how effective just checking a box which it sounds like it's I I I think it's dat around like staff takes it seriously and you know we might capture a couple of kids who are kind of ready and so you know the resources but I think if there is a student who's having difficulty with substance abuse or or other harm issues it's probably going to be through guidance counselors in a much more quiet process than you know uh with the you know whole classes are coming down following the in water it's just doesn't to me doesn't have the kind of vibe that's going to be very they work with the counselors at all counselors counselors are counselors and nursing staff do it um and uh this is a state required activity all high schools are supposed to be doing it um it's a screen so like any screener if you capture a few people it's well you know frankly if you even capture one student it's probably worth it because you know this is data about effectiv how many students have you know this program across the state has Ben the op crisis and penol cut into everything basically it's a street drug uh again if you capture even a couple of kids you would be saves the at point so it's not like say this one it's consistent seed planting you know even if some students don't acknowledge in that moment does it trigger a thought process a month or two later you know and then it's hard to connect it exactly but I think that's part of it it's it's a moment I think they connected their head like person help them identify who go thank um just to clarify there is nobody right now do short of Justice they're just on the pathway to starting the process right yes okay um and then I was wondering tell a little bit more about the act that exess like that will help that I just know that was like a was no it's the M High School academic success for on3 Success C ASC to address comic anism and student is that that grant for I no I think we are students get L track and are in danger of losing credits sometimes there's a scheduling modification they basically receive support to get caught up in core classes in particular recover as many credits as possible is this part of I was going to ask recover that here it could be on Sat yes it's could be held on Saturdays sometimes it's held after it's to get kids caught up danger okay so it's not like a it's not a program School something or something school well it's structured you know there's times the students have to report their staff members there the staff members know what work students need to do to get caught up so it's a program in the sense of here's a way to not fail the three classes and if you've been absent too many times by coming on Saturday or after school you kind of are earning back um yeah but it's not during school hours and then um I noticed that elac wasn't on here you had the triangle connector between our between all the communities but but CPAC could add so they're doing at the next meeting so I want Ste presentation but there certainly could be add okay we we have been working really are yes just wondering you mentioned that you didn't get a full lot of feedback on the data while and I'm just wondering what kind of feedback are you look for like I mean I stopped and I looked at it but like I'm not really show what are you looking for I mean if if somebody looked at it and felt like oh there's I saw I think I see a discrepancy in multilingual Learners or in discipline for girls versus boys or grades for boys versus girls we were inviting people to look at the data and say um basically what do you see that surprises maybe we could a little bit better articulate what we're looking for maybe think we we could do that we tried not to sort of create a box that they just fell into to L and tell them what to look for sort of that truck said look at the data if you have a question let us but maybe providing a couple of advant actually would more beneficial and maybe we'll get a little wor absolutely good question um so I don't have a lot right now but as far as the data Equity well I appreciate having this all outlined here in this format organized way um as far as the data equity walk I like that the data reach more people but I actually really liked the discussions that were had when there was a separ one in the library um I found that really helpful to like SP different ideas and stuff so I wonder if there's a way we can combine them I mean I think we didn't do it either we chose not to do that because nobody came yeah but for the people who did come it was great they just weren't me lot of work yeah I know I think agreed and so I think we will look at you know is there a way to to do that you want yeah good point um and then was there after the um Thanksgiving presentation that was going to happen this past fall with the fourth graders that were that play last year I know that um principal Lulu and L work really hard at time arrange that last year and that happen not for lack of prime yeah I thought was gonna happen in the fall but I figured it would have been on here happened I will follow on I don't right um one I just wanted to say how much I I appreciate what we're talking about them and the curriculum selection of how we're the approach of the equity to it which I know is um you know a couple years ago necessarily it was it come come a long way being able to you know have a a team that does it that way and I I just wanted to thank for that work even um looking at you know the map that's where selecting it is um how is this um how is how is this you know with the diverse the materials and all that so I thank you for for that um the PD for staff it would helpful to understand like for instance the OG I know that's I know a lot of these are just um like the more intensive over a period of Time how um how many teachers have that have gotten certified over like the elementary um Middle School uh I know that there's OG I don't know does Wilson um I know we we we had um um uh what was it safe um safety care I know that all of um I think the parents have gone through that but I don't know the general teachers had gone through that and that was one of the question so just things like that it' be helpful to see you know what type of certifications um we're seeing growing in our different um different areas within the elementary school so we had this many go through um I even know that sometimes like adaptive devices you know and so if we can get some numbers on on that that just to see like how how different um accreditations are our teachers have expanded in you know the work they're doing and then um um oh it was kind of on the data e as well was Mar great question about like what exactly I do think for non educ people don't look at the data very often I do think they need a little bit of how like guidance on like because it can be overwhelming you know and so if there's a know I think the idea of maybe some couple of s you know questions what would be helpful to start off with um and and maybe Frame It That Way leading into it you know like these are the these are the goals that we would like you know but I don't know if there's also a way to do it so I feel like the elementary school you know like like it's not to like drop off do like a certain like hey if you're able to stay after have yeah coffee like you know I don't know I'm just trying to think of like breaking breaking it up where you know we invting people that now come into the cafeteria or whatever do a drop in you know after drop in so just maybe that might be a better way to well you know instead of asking them to to go on a different day off maybe it's just like hey stay you're coming here to drop off maybe just you know stay like they no I don't know you can certain yeah I don't know right way to about it I think it is kind of breaking it up into a couple of different as well I think it's good if we try a couple of different ways it's not one night right but maybe next year it would be good to do you know a couple of different ways because you're hitting different different GRS right and I I go back to the you know where people are you know instead of them coming you know to where we are like where where do people noral gravit to and our coming anyway can we kind of capitalize on those moments if possible I know say best set up you have a lot of people there I don't just the same information just you know I don't know I just want to think about like where people you're getting a lot more people in there and people that don't necessarily go to some of the other things that you know and you're getting people that aren't even from mayor and so maybe you you might get some other so I don't and that's that's it so I I I just app I appreciate this work and I like the the numbers it would be good you know as we think about I know the school just thinks about data um understanding how these initiative if there's opportunity for like how how these things are are benefiting like what are the results that we're seeing um like for instance the nurses about maintaining a cross District I know that um that would be helpful to just articulate you know that because I know that comes from a budgetary perspective that's always something that we look at like how what is I I know what I think is beneficial for but um but you know continuity of care there's a lot of more so I think just putting some numbers on on those those initiatives to um I wasn't justifi as the right word but it also just to understand why Beyond just we have four nurses I feel some of these things I think would be reflected ining this year survey last Sur that was um thank you for reminding me so on the survey I know years ago we used to have school counsels put out their own surveys for each building and sometimes they had more building specific things like about the meal you know or whatever things that would just try and captured parent Fe back um from parents about their child experience when they're new I don't know if there's an opport and this I don't think this is the survey do how do we get that so for instance like or buses you know things that are part of our children's um daytoday how do we collect or solicit feedback from parents about those things on a routine basis like we used to I think we lost that like I I appreciate I like the survey that we were doing for those other reasons but I feel like the personalization of their manard experience for services or um I think I feel like missed out there I don't have the answer to but I just was curious and I I we've all seen this older surveys that we had Meadow flow um sometimes they would talk about the B glasses and but it's more the parent surveys that I was thinking that I'd be curious to see you can think about that I mean that may be part of the pent survey we're about to put out there a lot of topics here here at least five Dimensions parents are going to be going out play marcher or okay that's part of what we right so when when when a parent begins to survey they'll be asked but what school does your child go to so we start owning it right there this s of child number one goes in so uh you know right off the bat when we start asking questions about pH plant and other things survey um know what building you're talking specifically so the DAT disaggregated by building that's okay and we also know this we discussed in the committee and I know was been there that this is going to be our first go around and uh we're going to need to uh in year two when years three going forward so but I think we're in a good place to get it off the grounds the student in staff surveys uh the Green Meadow staff took it uh completed surveys toy uh just pass and uh six seventh and eighth grade students I believe took it today um the rest of the students in the district uh 8 through 12 are completing the surveys tomorrow along with the rest of the staff so we'll have those data sets for the second year we can start to build Trend data um and this year we'll be adding the parent survey so we definitely want to get just so you know time check you didn't okay okay thank you um so School commit goals and Outreach I don't I know Mor well um I created that spreadsheet about you know like P stock um and last year at this time we were we did we had done more reach than we have this year and so I just want to kind of put it back on Radar Radar um that we should probably sign up for stop um so I was just look like good it's like so I think is that your say there's no names on there yeah um now granted um you know I did go to one or two of the um the sack times that I obviously did not them here um I'll have to go back and figure out which ones those were um but you know we're we're at least trying you know to to hit you know one maybe one of each of the PTO and then you know I think we definitely need to hit um the some of the staff um yeah stuff and I know at least with the high school last year they wanted a little more notice like couple weeks notice of when we get there I I like that we um last year I was met was the end of the year like their last faculty that seemed work well um maybe coordinate which what their FA their next dates are that yeah that would be a better opportunity to do that um and then we can that might help sign you know it's some yeah sign up I think if we had like maybe two options for each then you know see what amongst everybody what might what might work work last um and then the I know had sent out updated yeah for the S yeah so I and actually those are not those aren in J yeah but I email she lastek or something yeah so I'll I'll sign when I last year was well they only they only did that first semester right so that was so it wasn't really well maybe it was but yeah yeah no this and then with does it look like we have a lot of time left yeah have so we really need to attend is what we're we're try to say at this um all right I'll goe okay thank you yeah anything else do we think that we would wanna I'm just thinking about like leure yeah you know just I know we we talk about seniors over the summer possibly you know that might be just going to leading up to the next just leading fall I wonder um that might be an opportunity do some Outreach there as we get the designs back from and we do have uh I think the joint yeah June 11 yeah yeah what we're trying to do like another so like School comme maybe capsom to to do another and I think at that point might be a presentation everybody um that would be a so yeah so June 11 is what so um it was 6:30 do 6:30 and um oh and we do have some of the other things that AR necess Outreach it's just more school committee Hill right that is that's May six six yeah um Colleen if I want to can I just register then select bill if you need a purchase order just let me know okay I think there was an option just build the district but okay works so yes if anyone wants to go to that it's a registration um in advance for that it's start yeah so just um as it heads out register okay anything else and maybe we'll have a separate Workshop about our goals we haven't really actually met our goals uh end up and I certainly wasn't ready today talk about it but I think that might be maybe we can schedule a workshop for our fol that's hope I think so so um I don't have anything else just to say I'm looking forward to um a lot of the plays actually next weekend is also the was it um rock of agent the middle school which I'm looking forward to as well so I'm really really excited for all the stuff that we're enjoying and then the we's been nice out so a lot of things uh be excited for um I I know that may to you but so at our uh at our budget sub committee meeting Mary and I went to there was a presentation uh about I mentioned this our last school but there um about um data for budgetary purposes and I followed up with uh with Chris to Silva just to understand know how the select board is it was presented by Jeff the select board is going to be using the data and so didn't sound like there's a lot of structure to plan for that yet so I think there's opportunity for us to revisit to make sure that the the comparable towns are ones that are from an education perspective or ones that we do agree are comparable and um that seemed to be things that we kind of and they didn't talk about the last meeting so anyway there was there was room there I just wanted to just follow off because I know I've readed it last time it seemed um it was a very very deep presentation but it weren't sure what the takeaway was supposed to be from that and um it didn't seem like it was a select board initiative aard maybe just a couple of a project so hear any more of these I'll let and that's that oh I did have a I noticed over on the warrants that just I want to make sure I was understanding that the the P card charges they're going to have that bank there and so instead of seeing so the description will just be super detailed right like we normally do nor the description will say conference here so and so attending so instead of like Home Depot right but it'll say it'll say vendor no it won't say um that's what I was wondering think it would say the vendor I don't know that's what I was wondering because it sounds like it would say the suppes but I wasn't sure if do you need to know the vendor or more it's more the detail of what's being purchased that's what we use destion the vendor also tells me like oh this is like I know I know the vendor is looking at like oh this is a maintenance thing you know so I guess description would say that yeah yeah so I guess I'll just be there's just so many people that do purchase orders I don't see it being uniform if we try to push it no I just want to let's try and see how it is and I just if I have a lot of questions about like something feels you know unclear mean I know go back to school days we would have the paper right and would look through them but I don't want to make it overly comfor them I just want to make sure I understand you know PE cards are an area of it's new it's new there could be risk you know and I'm sure we have great protocols in place but for me I just want to make sure that diligence and in the program that runs it locks it down as to what people can actually spend it on oh good so it'll they have it automatically where yeah certain things like you can into alcohol right right great that's good to know all right so I'll see how those and questions we follow um that's all that now um other sub committee reports Mary oh are we going to not do the policy update that was actually I didn't realize that okay that was one of the older the agenda yes nothing okay uh Elizabeth okay Mar um I just had a quick question on what are we still using the Bing agenda I felt like like the the like the Outreach thing I wasn't sure like do I put it on the ring agenda do I send to you I was I just wasn't sure so I just I I know that there's different like for schedule an Brian you have something there's some not all the same thing so um I'll go back and look at it to see just if there's anything that's fall I will tell you I haven't looked at it probably in a good two months to be honest uh but I know for a while our genda vers I'm so I imagine adding something on thinking like things that I know some of the things that we normally would do were happening like were on our agenda anyway so I know that there's following I I know so if we don't that things to because as we were going through this policy there are a few things that say this Comm needs to vote you're on this that we haven't been voting okay and I was like I'm the rolling agenda so we know we have to vote on it um and I was like oh I haven't been there there hasn't been any in to it since like August and so like find out the best place to add it but some of those things that we yeah let back and you know maybe you I talk about what's the best way I don't think what happened was we multiple documents and then so when the agenda was happening like she starts it and I kind of fixs it over um also have reminder like yearly reminder set up in the calendar for things that stuff that we we're talking about ad stuff right not or are you talking about um client stuff like that are statut yeah okay it was like school is required to vote on something and I was like oh that so okay um if there's anything like that that you're finding I mean so if it's not on our standing that we need to build in at certain like when do if you're seeing something like that like share that like this needs to happen or whatever then we can know call to add it to um but that would something that probably would be like par into like a staple annual calendar that wouldn't be on a rolling agenda we want to have like these are the like when we do like the school choice that kind of stuff the fees not the actual account the maximum amount that be help on the account you know if that would needed to be nearly if it would changeing it like literally said it because I was like that's weird why are we voting on why do we care what the maximum amount that's allowed to be deposit yeah the Student Activity fee happens to this this is this is um Student Activity account counts yeah not feed no the principal was like at school right well the high school yeah something supposed to sounds like it all right speaking about annual things Monday I will be posting the legal notice for the budget guarante which is the four yes that is oh yeah okay thank thank you for that um let's hope we get somebody no I'll take one person who wants to show up to our budget hearing um and okay anything else um no just wanted to apologize for not being here in the last few months and hopefully I will be able to be here now um but uh my recovery could still be bumpy so there may be still meetings I can't come to but soon by I'm glad on that not have back any capacity that you were able to to join us I think that um oh Mary budget um I thought we scheduled our next budget committee meeting but it's not on the calendar and I wanted to see if you could check the notbook do that right now that's what I was yeah you can check your notebook I I was thought we talked about at the end of the last one but we cut it kind of short but I don't remember if we we didn't schedule it and just talk about it um so yeah we find we find date um 6:30 on the 28 of March the 28th of mar the not the budget not the no budget sube our um oh our own internal yeah not sure about that yeah that's what I was wondering I thought it would maybe they usually try to do it after the town one and maybe I'll I'll look at that if you don't have it then weed then I I'll look to do it then maybe put a couple of days after that the town budget subcommittee because then we you know do a a reab we take all right so I'll go ahead and move on to the consent agenda and'll be doing three different items in the consent agenda we have um we just have the two items and about one 52 53 54 and 55 okay so um there's two things so where the policies we are going to be I just want to make sure we're on the same page with this approach um we are going to accept the ones that we have as a first read we're not approving the policies for my understanding and I just want to Circle back we're just only accepting the policies in there as a first read because then it will come back for us to approve at a second which could be in a consent agenda if you know if there's no feedback but just the difference is we're not approving it yet we're just going be cons you know accepting the first three yeah yeah so um um so the amend are actually after the warrant well that objection said it was 52 through 56 55 55 55 okay so that objection I um that we accept approval Warr 24- wait 24052 053 054 055 all right objection and now the policy um do you want I think I and that's okay so I think what you're gonna we're gonna be doing is we're going to be accepting as a first read and you're going to go down and uh these yeah I'll let you do it okay so um that objection we're going to do not an approval but um that these are just the first read um for AA a AC ac- r a a AC a b AC a d a d c a d d a a d d A- r a b c a CB CB d i CCB C CH H CH H CHC CH HC a CH D CF d a DB g d e c d g a d h d i d i e DJ DJ a DJ and dkc all right guess there there's the first three um just following up uh because they have when we go to approve them we will have at that point I'm just actually thinking about this now we might not be able to do all because they have to be replac we have to first resend the other okay objetive yeah yeah so in in this week's folder there was also a document the resed on too just so that you guys look at yeah but I was thinking about just more like process of um we don't them now because okay thank you all right um all right now we will go into what yeah like 10 minutes sure okay so yeah executive sess um discuss about the targeting the teaches and un under chapter uh 30A section 2 A3 and2 also discuss open bargaining positioners this committee will not to open session we are yes um yes yes thank you all