or on your which is your local cable channel Comcast 98 or 22 and Verizon 4345 or 47 participants can log or call in by using the following link meeting ID is 974 9787 9335 roll call please member rousell member brandley here member Graham here member Anapa here member olap here member reinfeld here member president mayor L present seven present zero absent I don't believe any student reps are on at this time so go right to saluting the flag if everybody May stand please United States One Nation indivisible liberty and justice for all we have executive session pursuant to general laws 30A section A3 the Medford school committee will convene an executive session to update us on negotiations with the Medford Teachers Association for Kids Corner medford's teacher Association for power professionals and SEIU Local 888 Medford School cafeteria employees because an open meeting will have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the committee and the chair so declares is there a motion on the floor to go into executive session motion to enter executive session by member Graham second by member reinfeld roll call member brandley yes member Graham yes member Anapa member Ola yes member reinfeld yes member so yes mayor Longo K yes seven the affirmative zero and the negative we're gonna go into exec session and convene back here at approximately 6 p.m. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e our regular meeting um is there a motion on the floor to accept the tenative agreement for the cafeteria workers uh motion to accept the agreement with the um cafeteria workers as ratified by theal workers seu 888 thank you member Graham seconded by second member part roll call please member brandley yes member Graham yes member Anapa absent member olapa yes member ryanfeld yes member ver so yes Marilyn goer yes six in the affirmative one stepped out motion passes thank you for all the hard work of the negotiation team we have our consented agenda bills and payrolls regular school committee meeting minutes June 3rd 2024 from recommendation to approve $10,000 donation from the Fidelity Bank charitable trust to the Medford High School robotics team motion to approve motion to approve by member reinfeld seconded by second member all those in favor I I all those opposed consent agenda is adopted we do not have reports of subcommittees we have reports of our superintendent first up Dr marce Edward vinsent um for her updates and comments good evening good evening it's hard to believe that we've reached the last full week of school as we countd down the remaining days to summer vacation in single digits yes indeed it is still hard to believe I do want to provide the committee with a very brief update um uh of several meetings ago Miss Stacy Schulman shared that Medford Public Schools is in the running for adopting a trained therapy dog for the Medford Public Schools so as a district we have moved forward and um Miss Schulman will be interviewed at the end of the week as they are thinking about matches and um the district will provide a letter of support um and we will find out hopefully before next school year ends maybe somewhere at the Midway Point whether or not the Medford Public Schools has been approved to adopt a trained therapy dog that will be part of our Mustang Nation so I will keep you posted on that but I just wanted to provide an update that um the interview process is taking place this week in news around the district as a school Community we are looking forward to Wednesdays 8th grade moving on ceremonies when both of our Middle School communities will gather to chair on the class of 20128 as they finish middle school and head to high school the mlin mo moving on ceremony will be held at 5:00 p.m. followed by the Andrews at 700 p.m. and both celebrations will take place at hormell our elementary schools will also have stepup moving on ceremonies taking place both on Thursday and Friday so congratulations to all in advance this Sunday is a very important day we would like to wish all of our fathers a very happy Father's Day to all dads stepdads grandfathers uncles other paternal figures this Sunday thank you for being Role Models caregivers confidants and loving family members to our Medford students also as a reminder to our community tuning in for this meeting there is no school on Monday June 17th because of Eid Al holiday um Tuesday will be the official last day of school Tuesday June 18th it's the last day of school for Medford Public Schools it's a half day and Wednesday June 19th is also a Federal holiday so Medford Public Schools um will be celebrating that holiday in juneth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States it's also known as emancipation day and the word juneth comes from the combination of the words June and 19th and there will be um in this week's update there is an event taking place um with the city's um office of Dei they they are holding a juneth celebration and I will be sure to have that in this Friday's um update for tonight's meeting we have several important items before you tonight in particular we have the appointment of our director of health services to fill the vacancy left by the departure of our previous director in addition to that key appointment you will hear this evening from several members of the district senior leadership team on several important topics Miss Bowen will provide a report on the results of Des special education tiered Focus monitoring review Dr Cushing will provide an Innovative approach to youth tobacco and nicotine addiction prevention that will soon come before Medford for consideration Dr gusi will discuss summer literacy offerings for our elementary and middle school students and as this is the regular um the the last regular school meeting of the school Year we will present a proposed meeting calendar for the committee for next year which you will discuss um coming up shortly I will be um making some very special acknowledgements to former school committee member member Melanie Perkins mlin and to our principal of the Miss Dr Kath Kathy Kay who will be retiring and Miss Linder singer our director of Kids Corner who will also be retiring this year so I look forward to recognizing and um sharing celebrating all of you during the special acknowledgements thank you thank you Dr Edward Vincent we have recommendation to approve the appointment of the interim director of Health Services Miss Jennifer Silva um Dr Edward Vincent yes so Miss Jennifer silver please come forward thank you so much tonight I am very pleased to recommend the appointment of Miss Jennifer silver as the interim director of Health Services Miss silver has worked as a school nurse in Medford Public School since 2014 distinguishing herself as a talented Medical Professional skilled advocate for families and children and a qualified educator and leader in addition to a master of education in school nursing from Cambridge College she holds a certificate in healthc Care Management from UMass LEL and a Bachelor of Science and nursing from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing she is a licensed registered nurse and school nurse in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and a nationally certified school nurse she has consistently demonstrated her competence and Readiness for leadership during her time in the Medford Public Schools including two periods of service as interim Health Services director during leaves of absence taken by the previous taken by the previous director I am confident that Miss silver is ready to lead our health services staff in the coming school year and I Rec recommend her for appointment this evening [Applause] motion to approve congratulations Miss Silva thank you first second motion for approval by member Russo seconded by member Graham all those in favor I all those opposed motion passes congratulations mayor member Graham um I just wanted to say uh thank you for uh for stepping up and in advance for all of your creative ideas that we've already started talking about um and look at in your email box because I have a food allergy question for you in your new role so I will try to send you something later tonight thanks if you just wanted your button sorry think the mic thank [Applause] you Nur Silva I just wanted to thank you for all that you do and I want especially thank you for advocating for nurses these last few you know meetings um you've been very heartfelt um and I just appreciate everything you do from a personal perspective you started getting choked up and I said I would never cry here so don't start that cut it out um but great job so thank you so much good luck yes thank you we have special acknowledgements first up is former School Committee Member Melanie M Perkins mlin yes um Dr Ed Vincent thank you we are pleased to just have this opportunity to recognize you and thank you Melanie Melanie served over four years as an elected member of the Medford school committee particularly distinguishing your as a passionate advocate for equity and inclusion the needs and priorities of our special education programs disability access throughout the district and the voice and perspective of Medford Public School parents thank you for your dedication and service to the students staff and families of the Medford Public Schools [Applause] Melanie we have a few little things for you right yep please come we know you miss us terribly every Monday so we have a special for you here we have oh I and I have my citation of course um be known to all who read that myself and the City of Medford hereby sends our most heartfelt gratitude to you member mlin in your in honor of your years spent on the mord school committee we thank you on behalf of the entire city thank you for your service your kindness and dedication to all of the students faculty and fam as a m thank you very sweet y I'm gonna turn it over to Dr Edward Vincent Dr Kathleen K former not almost former principal of the Miss elementary school so for the past 12 years Dr k please come forward Dr k has been the vibrant and enthusiastic leader of medford's missu elementary school as an educational leader organizational manager and advocate for her school Community she never W wavered in cheerful service to her students and families thank you for your 12 years of dedication and service to the students staff and families of the Medford Public Schools [Applause] uh I'd like to say thank you Madame mayor loango Kern and superintendent Dr Edward Vincent and esteemed members of the school committee this is a Bittersweet time for me I'm walking away from my mck family that I have come to deeply care about and for over the past 12 years I sincerely thank you for putting your faith in me all that time it has been my honor to serve the students their families and the staff at the best school in Medford the missak I've heard it said that teaching is a work of heart well then the misuk is filled with heists I've tried to be an involved Fair open and honest leader even serving some of your own children and working with some of your siblings together we have faced many challenges and I think came out stronger for it I also wish to thank you with all of my heart for pointing Nancy Sherman Hudson as an exp Miss tuck principal sorry I promised I wasn't going to do that her dedicated colors have shown for the past 11 years and my job was made easier because she was by my side her light shined even more brightly during my long-term absences and I rested easier then and I do again now because I know that my school our school will be in such capable amazing hands for the future she has truly earned this opportunity and I only hope that Nancy can find and hire her own Nancy in closing and to quote the Winnie the Pooh author AA mil how lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard thank you for your time tonight and for the years of support and I wish you continued success here in Medford as well as a relaxing summer I know I'm finally ready to try to have one of those thank you [Applause] Dr Dr K yes we have some flowers for you too Dr de K and honor your well-deserved retirement and celebration of longtime and valued Medford Public School employee as principal of the Miss behalf of the entire city I wish you all the best in your retirement and thank you for your years of service and dedication to the city of menford and our students thank you so much thank [Applause] you and last last but not least we have Mrs Linda selling Jer director of Kids Corner who's also retiring come forward Miss singer and family if you'd like the family to come with you perfectly fine Miss singer has led medford's Kids Corner for the past 24 years shepherding the program through a period of unprecedented growth and success Kids Corner has been a special place for so many many of our Medford Public Schools and City of Medford staff as they entrusted their infants Toddlers and young children to the care and expertise of Linda and her team thank you for helping our youngest charges grow for over two decades congratulations on your retirement on the bottom when I first came to Kids Corner 24 years ago um in August of 2000 I was greeted and interviewed by two parent members it was a parent board back then um and the parents the teachers ran the program um I didn't realize at that time what an amazing journey professionally that I would go into I've been here for 24 years I pought my daughter she was 2.9 she's Now 26 years old my grandson now comes to the program with me a few days a week it's been a full cycle for me um to have my family here to have the honor to have worked with great people um and families that have entrusted their kids to our care it's been amazing it's been an amazing journey I'll never forget and I am thrilled to have worked and mentored miss miss Christina Luongo Dudley for the last three years I am so thrilled that she will be continuing to to run Kids Corner and I know that she'll do a beautiful job thank you for everything for the faith you've given me in me and I'm just thrilled to be moving on but sad sad to be leaving all the kids and the families thank you very much Linda please come up yeah also in honor your well-deserved retirement and in celebration of a long time and valued Medford Public School employee be on behalf of the entire city I wish you a very happy retirement and thank you also for years of service kindness and dedication to the City of Medford and our students thank you so much thank you may thank you do you want to hit you with [Applause] the Dr pushing Dr pushing we'll just do one quick one with the committee come on up quick Miss K e special education teered Focus monitoring results Miss Joan Bowen director of student services good evening um in your packets tonight you'll find um the the slide deck that I'm presenting tonight as well as the official report from Ted Focus monitoring and a little cheat sheet that I gave everyone regarding the special education and civil rights criteria that I will be um referencing in my report tonight so tar Focus monitoring um this is conducted by the um Department of Elementary and secondary Ed education the um Office of Public School monitoring and the purpose is that they want to monitor compliance within a school district in regards to regulatory requirements focusing on special education and civil rights um this is part of every three years we do a self assessment and then there's an on-site visit and this on-site visit was this past January 29th and 30th of um 2024 in group a um District are and schools are monitored on an alternate set of universal standards and targeted standards every three years this year Medford was in group a which looks at the following Universal standards and targeted standards so we looked at um T Focus monor looked at student identification IEP development programming and support services equal opportunity and then the targeted standards were um specific set of criteria that um is will be mentioned later in this presentation as well as compliance with all the special education legal standards so like I said this occurs every three years um we in the self assessment phase the district reviewed um special education and civil rights documentation um they tell us what they're looking for we need to identify the specific documents and what the processes that Medford follows and then we have to upload them to a security portal where they review them prior to coming out to the visit um so on completion of the self assessment we submitted this to the department for review and then the onset onsite phase occurred and that is um when desie came out there were two Representatives they interviewed administrative instructional and support staff they interviewed um our co-chairs of CPAC they also requested additional docu ments for special education and civil rights prior to their visit one was the early literacy program that we needed to demonstrate that we're following that regulation and what our process was they also surveyed parents of students in special education and then they came and they did a review of Student Records so they actually pulled 18 to 20 special education binders of students and they go through and they're looking through all of these elements and once they complete that on-site visit um they provided us with the final report with the findings and that includes ratings of commendable partially implemented implemented not implemented and implementation in progress so on the next slide you'll see the summary for Medford of compliance in the criteria ratings so all of the universal uh standards in special education they're listed there those are the ones that were fully implement the three or four civil rights we were also found to be fully implemented in those as well and the partially implemented were special education criteria 8 14 18a and 20 and I'll explain those a little bit later and they also ask um for indicators so this is um information that we need to provide on a yearly basis to desie the first one is indicator 11 and that's initial evaluation timelines so we have to demonstrate that once a parent requests an evaluation we're following the timeline that's been um put forth to us we have to evaluate within 30 days we have to um complete all the paperwork within if the parent requests it reach out to them within five days so there's all these um components of compliance that we were found fully compliant in this area the next indicator can you go back one slide please indicator 12 is the Early Childhood transition and that's uh looking at testing our Stu our students who are ages two n 2.9 um prior to entering school to see if they require Services if they're found to have a disability um students at this age uh are placed in our Meep program which is the Medford Early Education Program that we have at um our elementary schools so they look at this um indicator and all the documentation that goes along with that to make sure that we have evaluated the student within the timelines and we were found to be compliant in that area as well the last indicator is indicator 13 and that's about secondary Transitions and this is talking about looking at our students who have graduated from Medford High School and we have to survey them every single year to see where they're at for the next three years we have to document that and then set that send that into Desi as well and we were found to be in full compliance in the secondary transitions as well so the areas that we were found partially um to be partially implemented um are listed here and the first one is the team composition and attendance one of the messages that we heard loud and clear was that the district was not consistent in what we were doing so it varied from school to school um we'd all always didn't invite a special I mean a general education teacher or if we did and they were absent we or an EXC a team member was absent we weren't consistent in having the evaluation team leader fill out the ex excusal form and putting it into the students binder um special education 14 review and revisions of IEPs um this is making sure that we um hold the annual meetings and three-year re-evaluations prior to their anniversary what they found again we we were not consistent with this and what it was we weren't consistent in the documentation of why the meeting didn't happen on time um so what we were looking at with the meeting invitation is if it was rescheduled we didn't indicate the reason why it was rescheduled or if we missed a timeline we should have told them ahead of time like we've identified this as an area of need and we need to do a a little more um professional development and uh training with our staff but it was in the 18 records it was inconsistent in a few records so that's why there was the finding of uh partially partially implementing the next slide is um 18a and that is in regards to our students with autism there's a spe specific autism checklist that has to be um checked off about students with autism and how their disability impacts them and and socially emotionally academically so we we have different forms that we're using in different buildings um the ched Focus marting person was letting us know that that form should be consistent across the board and we also have to be consistent in where we documented in the IEP um to let us know that this is an area of need and how it's going to be addressed on a positive note with the new IEP format that's coming out in the fall this is all embedded into the new IEP format so it won't be separate forms it will all be in there and we'll be able to see the identified need and then where we are going to um address that in the I so the formats we'll be talking about that a lot in the fall but it's really um putting all that information into the one document um but we still have to make sure that we're making improvements to make sure it's documented correctly in the IEP and then the last part is um se20 which in the IEP is um the section called nonparticipation justification so in that component of the IEP we have to address why a student is removed from the general education setting and why this is um the least restrictive setting for that student so it's going to vary student by student what desie reported was we weren't always include all aspects of why the student needed to be removed so we need to be a little more clear about the disability related needs we need to be more specific about the why and then we also need to be more specific about how we are going to have that student return to the least restrictive program so those were the the um information that they provided to us um I did meet with the uh our representative from desie on Friday afternoon um she has told us what we have to do for the next steps um which is a corrective action plan for those four areas that were partially implemented uh she sent me the forms I'm working on them they will be submitted to um desie by Friday and then internally we have to do the work with our evaluation team leaders our special education coordinators making sure that we are following the compliance that desie has set out and we have to do a self-monitoring process throughout the next year in which we have to upload that evidence to the security portal to let them know that we got your information we we've made changes these are the trainings that we've provided to staff and this is the process that we're following going forward um so I met with the evaluation team leaders last Wednesday and we went through the document I went through the document today with the special education coordinators in my weekly slate meeting I had the phone call on um Friday with desie and I'm hoping to have the corrective action plan submitted Friday she will review it they will tell us if it's accepted and then we do the work going forward um so that's the Ted Focus monitoring I think for the most part we did a really good job of documenting um all the different special criteria we do have some work to do um and that's what we'll we're starting to do now before the end of the school year and we will have things put into place for when we return in August are there any specific questions regarding Focus moding thank you for the presentation Miss B that was great um any member Graham um just one question um when we look at all of these measures it sounds like we did a great job in a whole lot of measures but I would like to see the next time that this comes around that we do a great job in all the measures so can you bring to us at some point next year like some sort of like your own little mini audit to demonstrate that we're on the right track I think that's the key if that becomes sort of a normal part of the practice that like we're monitoring ourselves and there are no surprises when we get to somebody else monitoring us so that's that's part of the corrective action plan so I have built in timelines so like every month we're going to take a look at the non we're going to start a working group with the non-participation justification statements so each individual um criteria that was found partially implemented I have to come up with a plan just like that so I have to say this is how the training is going but this is how we're monitoring ourselves throughout the school year to make sure that that is happening got it so I will definitely I'll be able to bring you um information probably in the fall like where we're at what we've done so far and what I have found by doing like spot checks or things like that having the etls bring information to the meeting and and taking a look at that information there sure and I think it would be um great for us to be able to have some sort of report from you say in like January before we Crush into all things budget and end of school year um so it would be I think if we think about like December January time frame would be a good time to hear back from you about what kind of independent auditing you're doing and whether you're finding that we are solving the problem for these and the other measures as well so okay absolutely thank you brandley um do we have a special department head at every school so we have yes we have special we have special Educators sorry specializ coordinators Who oversee two schools oversee two schools okay yeah so we have and then we have a a coordinator of related services and then um Stacy Schulman who oversees counseling Behavioral Health so I'm just curious like who checks those packets at the end like some of these are just you know pages in the IP in this that like we have a checklist in somville that we go through every single thing which is my job so I go through that checklist every single day you know um so I'm just curious like when I don't see that autism checklist I reach back out to the to the team lead or to the department and said hey you know there just a page missing I'm gonna hold this aside so who's doing that double check so it's the the etls that's their responsibility um but we do I think that's part of the compliance process is who's going to double check what they're doing who's going to ensure that those documents are there so that's the plan that we're putting forward okay thank you yep thank you um member in toer yes thank you Miss Bowen for this report I just had a quick question just because it's my first time sitting on this committee are these so the ones that are partially implemented in terms of Trends in the past years is this something that is abnormal normal that were partially implemented in these areas or just curious to see if there's a trend going on of us missing the same things or are we or is this all new like so it's all new information that desie was looking at um so I I could go back to maybe six years ago prior to me to see what was found and compare um I I think we just need to do a better job of training and making sure it's a very difficult job that the etls have and you know mistakes happen but I want consistency and then I want the coordinators to make sure that this is happening and then I would be the last eyes to make sure that because it's ultim ultimately my responsibility to make sure that we're in compliance yeah I just want to make sure yeah because these things you know like I understand that there's a lot but these are sort of things that we need to make sure that we are fully implemented all the time and I just wanted I was just curious to see if this is something historically the district has lacked on or or if it's last last time they looked at very few special education criteria in civil rights this was The Big Year um I I tend to think in three years from now they'll be looking at more civil rights criteria so it changes every three years but I could see if I could find the report all the reports are public by the way so even the corrective action plan um will be posted on the website so I could take a look at the previous um similar and and to see if if it was same sort of um findings from the last time awesome thank you thank you um Dr Edwin Vincent I just wanted to say um thank you to miss Bowen and to all the special Educators and administrators who really worked on this tiered Focus monitoring um visit that um took a lot of time a lot of meetings CPAC was involved teachers staff um as a district I feel like this is a very um strong report that we should be proud of and the fact that there are four indicators that are definitely partially implemented if you look back at slide six if it was a reverse it would have been like everything needs to be done over so the fact that it's a a specific area we have to keep doing what we're doing that is well and then addressing all of the areas that are partially implemented so I just want to say thank you for all of this work I mean to put all of the documentation together took close to a year of you know Gathering documents so it's a very very lengthy process and I just want to say thank you for your hard work thank you yes thank thank you very much Miss Bowen um next up we have a report on Tobacco free generation Dr Peta Cushing assistant superintendent welcome thank you Madame mayor members of the school committee I'm here to present tonight on the tobacco free uh generation and almost expand it to the nicotine free Generation Um and what it is is a proposal that's moving through Boards of Health across Massachusetts um really focused on the fact that while years ago we beat bat beat bat cigarettes cigarillos cigars and other smoking um devices that students that children use um we then open the door for vaping ecigarettes and now if you're not aware of it a product known as Zin um tobacco pouches that sorry nicotine pouches that give you a direct hit of nicotine um so the proposal is that um the date would be anyone born after January 1st I just want to make sure I get it right 2004 I believe would be unable to purchase um tobacco or nicotine products the reason why I think this is really important and normally I'm someone who believes that adults should be able to make their own decisions the problem is is that um 90% of students according to CDC numbers um 90% of lifelong tobacco users are addicted by the time they're 18 all right our children don't have a fighting chance and as someone who represents the Met for public schools and other students in all honesty um we're facing a vaping uh epidemic in our schools um and requesting your support on this initiative as the med for public school schools myself included will go before the Board of Health um requesting that this pass in Medford I know that it's passed in Winchester and in other cities and towns across the Commonwealth and we're moving forward thank you Dr Cushing member Graham and then member Russo um I see here that uh your request you're also requesting that we support an administrative action review to strengthen School District tobacco policies to ensure that ecigarettes vaping nicotine pouches are fully addressed in a preventative and and restorative approaches that focus on health outcomes consistent with our mission to support students in the schoolhouse and provide opportunities for Community Dialogue on health RIS of all tobacco and nicotine use um and encourage campuses to promote Health messaging to educator students and staff um I am fully on board with that but I want to remind everybody that we have a suspension policy that limits um our use of out of school suspension as a disciplinary measure um to a series of criteria that were laid out in a memo by the administration and um this is not on the list and I just want to call that out because I have heard of situations where students are being suspended for that reason and I just want to say that um suspending a kid so they can go home and vape is not um the answer to tightening up our policies so um I'm in support of this and happy to otherwise make a motion to um recommend that we support the um tobacco and nicotine free generation second motion by member Graham seconded by member rouso all those in favor I all those opposed motion passes thank you Dr kushen thank you we have summer literacy offerings for grade 1 through five and 6 through n report is going to be given to us by Dr Suzanne gusi assistant superintendent welcome good evening um I'm just here to update you um Dr kza had applied a couple months ago for the vacation L um acceleration Academy Grant through Governor Healey's office and the Department of Education and on May 2nd met for public schools was awarded with that Grant um the sum will be $42,000 and so we're ju I'm just here to let you know um and update you on how we are going to fulfill that Grant so the grant is used for acceleration during vacation periods that could be summer or that could be one of the vacation weeks we are electing for this summer to ensure that we are minimizing some of that literacy growth that we've seen in our students and we are really focusing on the elementary levels as well as the transitional grades of six and nine um with that $42,000 we will hire licensed Educators Med for public school Educators um and we have several that have already given interest of that list will just include uh Elementary classroom teachers licensed reading teachers uh at the secondary level English teachers um and then part of this program it will I will get into the structure of it in a little bit um but part of the grant uh highly suggests that we have some specialist activities for students so there will also be art-based activities and uh that will include the inclusion of physical education teacher and an elementary Nexus teacher and also um coverage by school nurse um additionally professional or behaviorist support um may be included in the staffing needs so this is going to be a one week program and we're it will be housed at the mcglinn uh School complex and last week on Friday caregivers received uh the invitations from me um to register their students if they are interested it will run the week of July 29th to August 1st uh and it's a full day program so instruction will run from 9: to 2 with drop off at 8:45 and um pick up at 2:15 a lunch and a recess period and a specialist period will be included and students um will receive if they would like um free breakfast and free lunch uh will be offered to the students um next slide just to speak about the format uh at the elementary level there are two lanes for this grant opportunity one is the early literacy program and the other is the ELA program so per the grant requirements the early literacy program is targeting Rising students in grade one to three that's currently students in grades K through two um the invitations that some families received for their children to participate in this program the primary focus of data was Dibbles we looked at the Dibbles um scores throughout the school year with a particular focus on the middle of the year and the end of the year results um and then therefore the excuse me the curriculum that will be used for working with the students this summer will be our existing curriculum of the inter reading ecre with some supplemental Lexia Core 5 the ELA program at the elementary level is for students Rising grades four and five so that's your current third graders and fourth graders um again the primary form of data that we used for invitations was Dibbles but we also looked at um map growth scores as well as mcast data because we have that for the students um again the primary focus is on developing continuing to develop those grade level literacy skills that are going to help ease their transition to the next year the curricular is the same it's the inter reading program um as well as um supplemental materials that we use Lexia Core 5 newella um and some MPS created materials and then for students in Rising in those transitional grades of rising grade six and Rising grade nine um again Dibbles was a component we did review Dibbles data um we have them for those current fifth grade students that are moving on to sixth grade and Dibbles is also used uh as previously mentioned for students receiving intervention at the middle school level so when applicable we used Dibble scores as well as map growth data and mcast data to determine invitations um again the focus is the same on looking at the Great level skills that students need um with looking at those anchor standards that are going to assist the students moving forward so the curriculum materials are the existing MPS materials that we utilize as well as looking at some of the summer reading components to assist students um with that as well as the supplemental materials of the Lexia PowerUp and newella and if you have any questions I would be happy to answer them yes question from the chair if you don't mind um who would be invited to partake in this as far as you know who who will be invited I guess is so we that's we looked we used the student data oh okay in order to determine the invitations for students that's part of the grant um per the Department of Education is to make sure that your invitations are using Benchmark data as well as Statewide data so we used uh Dibbles was primary at the elementary level and then we also used our map growth data mcast data that's all of our Benchmark data and what if it if they haven't gone out already when will parents or Guardians get the invitation so they went out on Friday okay um the emails went out I personally sent them all okay um they went out on Friday so it would be for my email for anybody at home listening they could search my email or they could reach out to me corly I've already been corresponding with a few parent questions here or there and there's an attached embedded survey link to register students and how many students total so the the grant regulations we're we are looking to see we know that we the invites range per grade level I can provide that data to you if you would like um and we're waiting to see what the participation will be the requirement for the grant is that each classroom needs to have no more than a group of 10 to 12 students so our staffing will fluctuate depending on the response for participation that we get we have healthy healthy Staffing interest right now which is wonderful great thank you um member Russo thank you um around the invitations to parents um caregivers um I suppose there's no way to confirm receipt of course spam filters and all the other things that get in the way of our actually getting to an email um assuming that we're not inviting you know a thousand people um can we include in the process to investigate any affirmative declines to understand why because I I think that's something that you know understanding why we've offered a service you acknowledge that we've offered the service and then you say no I think it would be helpful to understand why so that we can perhaps in a future year it always just be useful information in general because we don't have a lot of opportunities for that kind of information but really understanding why people would decline it because I'm I'm sure that's going to happen I mean maybe there a way on vacation that week or but you know there are plenty of reasons for which we can do nothing about and that's fine but are there reasons like Transportation or they have to watch a sibling um during the day you know those are the kinds of things I think that could be useful information and as we think about students that have I been identified as needing Services making sure they can get them is super important so thank you much agreed I can work on that absolutely and I think the partnership with school leaders as well as the reading teachers at the elementary level and um through with n Dr Nicole kza I think we can easily get that done um um because I think often I don't typically I think the bigger piece is that some just don't participate um so we'll have to have that Outreach to make sure we're understanding why I can do that as well as make sure that I use that same group of people to further make further follow up on the invitations great thank you thank you member reinfeld yep I was going to ask about targeted followup because we know that response rates tend to be low among some of your target your invited populations um my other question is how are you going to be measuring the success of the Institute is it comparing the people who did it and didn't who were all issued invitations what is that how do we know that this this program worked yes no that's a great question we've definitely been talk talking about that so there will be preassessments as well as postassessments it's just one a one week program um but we are going to be utiliz izing a preassessment and a postassessment um and then I think we've seen the data that we have at the elementary level around Dibbles um we've been going classroom by classroom and really looking at the growth that we've seen um which has been tremendous especially at the lower levels so I think we'll be able to kind of see a little bit of that what we're hoping to see is a little bit of that bump which is why we're targeting the week that we're doing this kind of right in the middle of the summer which that last week of July into that first week I noticed that yeah we're kind of hoping to like catch that right in the middle um and not wait through the whole entire summer um to offer this this opportunity so fingers crossed because we also have the end of year Dibbles data and the and then the beginning of the year Dibbles data so we're hoping that we're going to see that progress maintain with that check in the middle of the summer thank you yeah thank you thank you so much Miss GL Dr gy no no problem thank you very much thank you we have a recommendation to approve yes motion to suspend the rules and take item 202 24-28 out of order motion to suspend the rules by member Graham second to by second member reinfeld all those in favor I I was opposed we have the second reading for the budget presentation and schedule uh motion to wave the reading motion to wave the reading by member Graham second by member in tapa all those in favor I all those opposed reading reading is waved uh motion to approve the second reading motion to approve the second reading by member Graham seconded by Ember and tapa all those in favor all those opposed second reading is approved is there a mo to revert motion to revert back to the regular order of business by member Graham seconded by second member and TOA all those in favor I all those opposed we have our seventh and final um report of the superintendent recommendation to approve the school year 2425 school committee meeting calendar Dr edwad Vincent good evening I um have shared with you the proposed dates for next school year um all meetings at this point in time scheduled to start at 6: pm and um I'm looking for the approval of the committee if these dates seem like they will work um for the committee motion to approve or mayor I just had a couple of questions or potential amendments um so I would like to maybe amend the motion to approve with the addition of a meeting on Monday June 9th um we inevitably cannot get out of June with two meetings it's just not possible so I would rather see us have the time scheduled and decide we don't need it um then be left scrambling for a date which we're actively doing right now to do the budget um and we're like running out of days in June and there's a lot of people like waiting with baited breath to hear what we have to say so um one Amendment would be the addition of June 9th um and I would also like to propose that we put the two budget hearings on this calendar um and my proposal would be um Wednesday February 26 and Wednesday April 30th um and I picked those Wednesdays because those are the weeks immediately following um February and April vacation so I feel like a Monday budget meeting would a be really hard for the administration to get ready for but B would be really hard for people to motivate to get to from a public perspective so um in keeping with the resolution that we just passed this those would work within the timeline that we established um but I would like to see them just be added right to the calendar so that we can all put them in our calendars and if there's something that we decide that we don't need that would be amazing but also we sort of crush into the end of the year and there's not enough time to do all the things that we need to do so I was hoping we could maybe add those few things so that we can chart a slightly better less chaotic course next year uh it would be 226 for the budget hearing um a second budget hearing sort of if required on 4:30 and I would say if required um because there's some language about when we would do a second budget hearing um and whoever is typing could you just put if required right next to that is it is it you Dr Eed it's Lisa oh who's I was like who's who's typing thank you um and then the other budget meeting um to add to the calendar would be June 9 I'll amend my motion to include those dates second or I accept the amendment whatever it is motion for approval as amended by member reinfeld seconded by member Graham um that June 9th wouldn't be a budget meeting it's just a regular meeting could you put it as either or regular budget um yeah we could do that member and tapa oh perfect motion for approval as amended all those in favor I all those opposed agend calendar has been approved as amended there are no presentations of the public no new business no reports are requested we have condolences the members of the Medford school committee Express their sincerest condolences to the family of Livio bise father of Alysa Pilan par professional at the Brooks Elementary School and the members of the mord school committee expressed their sincere condolences to the family of Julie O'Neal Julie served as an elementary school teacher for over 40 years at the Medford Public Schools we all may rise for a moment of silence please thank you I think we are as member Graham mentioned working on a final budget approval date um to be determined and is there a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn by member reinfeld seconded by