the one [Music] just it all [Music] meeting I don't know that's no why because the tree isn't this all all this block so heavy yeah 22t long because my resp 1 mag so the is all right States ask going be L silence found out unfortunately that Mary was Kevin passed 54 56 um on the 10th of February I just found out so family prayers Jo in Sil thank uh this meeting is being held in compliance with the New Jersey open public meetings act has been advertised in retrospect on Bing board downstairs through all official bur social media channels uh for those of you who are here joining us today please ask that you put your cell phones on silent speak with somebody while business please do so outside of council chambers Mr fitgerald Mr M here M Morales mrno Mr spazza here Mr W here you have thank you uh first item on the agenda this evening is the public course of the meeting anyone from the public who wishes to come forward uh to speak on any topic please come forward state your name and address for the record um um I wanted to ask a couple questions about1 um on the agenda last time was a discussion about um L and [Music] umption does that just been improved no um there was a recent development uh the Catabus Regulatory Commission formalized rules that were adopted at their last meeting uh about what has to be done to get what is an add-on an attachment to the license um for anybody who wishes to have such a lounge it's only for class five which is the retail operations and if you own multiple licenses in the state one of your locations is permitted to happen uh it was brought up in the context at the last meeting of hey this has happened uh I know at times that group has expressed an interest in potentially having that I just want you all to be aware of this we're going to be reaching out figure out s where they stand on this issue okay so how many um other stores you have I J the ownership of Jensen is is unique so this is their only store that they own so if they chose to have they would need the support of the municipality of the of the goverment body to do soct interested refer to is interested my understanding is that they are um and we as a council have not discussed uh anything specifically about that yet um but they are interested uh when I spoke with them after the last meeting they indicated as much uh but they also recognized that they they need our approval for something like that so it's not something that they're going to they have assault 22nd in February there's notail and um I understand was presentation another group maybe 26 28 Center I wasn't here for that um another group made a presentation possibly have in the bank building not group and I believe they were looking at the building one West Park so the corner building where the old CPA Solutions was yeah they came in first of off they couldn't because it violates our holding the Su poos to the other on um they were talking about allowing just sort of their primary interest with obviously so um but that's I haven't seen Earth that since they came before us well um I just would like to offer that tripa is against legalization know it's been legalized but they are instant and that's because impairment can't be measured with marijuana so um I feel because of that that we are putting our residents safety at risk on um and i' also like to ask that maybe consistently we could um have the agenda posted within 24 hours so that to give people the opportunity to prepare if they want to comment on any issue not just canas consist do that yeah it already is not consist the agenda is is generally appr oh I I we'll make every effort but I believe that it's posted at the very least on Friday before May Mee thank you apprciate that anybody else in the public okay none close the public portion the meeting we move on to public hearing on ordinance 25 4-01 M ordinance to exceed M budget Appropriations limits and to establish a c anybody wishes to come forward and speak on that please come for your name address record hearing is seeing none close the public hearing on ordinance 2401 model ordinance to exceed Municipal budget Appropriations limit and to establish cbank and we'll move forward with adopt adoption of ordinance 2401 model ordinance to exceed mpal budget appropriation limits into establish C motion Mr first Mr the second any discussion on the motion hearing none roll call Mr Gerald Mr M yes Mr car yes Mr yes yes okay we get the minutes we are going to start here with October [Music] 9th here everybody Mr can vote on the October 9th Council minutes so I have a motion so second Mr first Mr wood with second all in favor next is the October 23rd um Pro council meeting uh Mr [Music] Mr I have a motion Mr second Mr all favor uh next I have November 13 2023 Mr fer Mr Mr perno Mr Woods can vote on these motion second all favor posts finally no 27th 2023 um Mr Mr Woods can vote motion second Mr first Mr wood second all in [Music] favor thank you very much move into the engineers report release good evening even Mr ran um two big points highlight thise as the end last week the on the building has been completed fin inspection addresss leave the contract materials re and Thursday Poli been removed [Music] back okay and I recognize that we reive conary report that other issue I to go too far in depth on that Avenue um and so that's continuing through the process okay uh questions Mr Le thank you very muching okay next correspondence um the only correspondence I see that we have is from uh madad everybody should received copy of this just the annual report from joint Maj board maybe not everybody I so just to make sure everyone around there wasn't that much going on in last year so it's not having left to read it if you like to no other correspondence okay Council Mr start here your honor uh just quick updates uh this Thursday at 7 p.m. the shade tree will be meeting to forther M meeting the green team has a meeting and next Tuesday next tues and this at this month last week um due to lack of applications we would be a meeting next month that's all I have questions Mr W okay I'm sure we'll talk about sh yeah so I just was sh did have a chance to go through make some recommendations it was most of their uh recommendations were included in what I had put together so bring his well I think what he had sent was the justel base our and and by the way that wasn't a suggestion to put 500 trees on that that was just a list of trees that you been pick one or two from yeah yeah all right we talk uh Mr thank you start DPW um unfortunately ran Harry has resigned uh to move on to other opportunities we've been uh We've offered fulltime position to one of our parttime workers we see on the things the BR truck hyd PP failure placement for that as well um treat meting repl some of the weather no parking during suicides uh they're working on trying hot asphalt po repair po repair to see if those last a little bit longer than some the the c patch ones patch last six seven ones through we've also doing multiple sewer calls on C Block West Avenue um did confirm that that area has been DED every six months we me S to see what further actions can be taken there uh uh from building the in there there is a current electrical issue going on ongoing electrical issue looks like be having to make some repairs to the neutral and the sub panel in the meantime the computer is out down at the DPW building and for snow removal we did use approximately 10 tons of salt during the last storm and 133 tons of salt was brought into to replenish granted a quad track assist with sidewalks multiuse path The Collection continues um that's all [Music] that we I thought it was great I I actually thought um Bob race yeah department1 calls [Music] last Township to that 21 through the year com up plans um R the ladder this is like endless waiting for them to accept in Waiting Parts been ordered they say yes we're driving it out so hope that happens soon okay trying to confirm with Kevin that the price is locked in I'm to make sure Kevin said this so fire training fire one two is last week so I think new ISS complation and I'll bring more to council meeting next uh next meeting kind to to an open house for the fire department inv Republic in and you he report on the department sort of how calls for membership and let them kind come out so early stages K having a meeting of this whole membership kind of just kind of addressing just general house last year but stay tuned that [Music] exp um before we uh move into that I was just remind I don't know why report reminded me of this I did see that the Scout project was up around one of the poor Gardens so one um we did coordinate that with the Green Team and everybody cor SE okay good so they were okaying he told me that heith I just noticed that they were up this is good inform okay sorry Mr CL sure thank you your honor uh virtu police for the month of January we're involved in 1 454 incidents uh 125 of those were the officer initiated project engagement with the community the police department contined to engage with Bo schools in town with the children uh on on a regular basis uh of those statistics uh they include 214 traffic stops 112 parking enforcements and five arrests in the month of Jan AR Chief graia was quite busy with training attending an attorney general training on major discipline the municipal Alliance Max training and a few different training associated with the State Chiefs assoc Association um as many people know uh on January 19th uh Sergeant Matthew did lose his battle with st sh pancreatic cancer uh those Services were held on Thursday January 25th Chief graia and the police department uh do want extend their appreciation to three parties uh first Chief Kevin Patty and the mer fire department uh who displayed the American flag outside of the funeral home um second to uh mayor Ted B for your uning support since day one um you know the support compassion for the Ry family through uh through through the whole through the whole or um and then also Chief Philo and the P off Police Department uh Who provided um coverage for the Merchantville Police Department uh during the uh the funeral service um spoken about in the last update officer Tavarez and officer Selman continue to progress through their field training programs as expected and then last but not least um it's my duty to report that control unit to 409 was taken out of service due to the squirrels chewing completely through the spark plug wires uh also an officer's personal vehicle was also damaged from the squirrels Shing several and wir so just putting it out there for awareness because is it for awareness for awareness IR they have they have a sketch on the swirl in question but the thank you any questions [Music] Mr just a couple things one I have resolutions eating for 2, 344,000 later uh it's that time of the year to start BR the budget together so start thinking about budget I will War you in advance we knew last year the type Bud year this will remain a type budet year as we get through the last payment after this year since the longterm debt falls off so this years so please um there's also being uh aware the state of New Jersey updated uh the bonding financing rules about what you can uh capitalize the time frame over so you can now sprad it over time specifically what they now spread out was traditionally they would only allow us to uh spread bonding time for fire over 10 years they' expand that to 20 years that's a huge difference now of course we always Bond our fire truck but I going think look at whether or not it makes sense to refining that psos to keeping it over to 10 so that's a really big big deal for us so our last Finance we Aver everything in only 7 half payback so if we can move that from like s and half years with majority of it to some 15 or 13 it's a big deal difference in the budget so just keep that in the back of your head uh as we try to forward these things I think it may have I think we put per last we I we didn't want to lose the opportunity for the US so and that's what I also look at is the rate will be higher but it's over time so I just got to figure out like it's going to be the same number we'll just keep of seven years but so there's an analysis actually occurred so let me just uh but I want make sure you guys aware that happen important uh let's see what else we have here the abandoned properties in town uh we have 14 properties s commercial center s family one of which is the one adjacent to the school uh before I expressed to you the school was not interested in the property we have since been contacted other school they are interested in the property so we're continuing to work with them that's it that's questions from Mr all right thank you Council move on to the clerk's report this is BR thank you your just want to let remind you that JF training is still a requirement if you can get online that train done I would appreciate it um letting you know that we're closed on Monday for president in case anybody asks we'll put a sign up also history night is coming up on February 29th at Merchantville Community Center that's part of our 150th celebration and again we're asking mayor council there be available for the weekend of May 18th to 19th to help us we' like to let go back where I know how you like to help questions for as mentioned earlier Jing open stor February 22nd um in the uh B West Park which is Solutions building we have two businesses that are finishing up and about to move in one is the kitchen and bath Sher which is on the first floor in the smaller space and then on the second floor there's Behavioral Health office um m in there um we're continue to plan for the 150th there'll be more information out how each you can be involved with that several different elements that you can hand with and all great um smort love event was fantastic I don't think you could have said any more people into that area um they must have had run on the bathrooms CU man came out and said maybe for they had a bunch of little kids in the bathrooms anyway that's a good problem yes um but thank you to all our volunteers the Scout troop was out there I you organized that so thank you very much for your efforts it's always somehow sh a great light of community and knock we had really had weather problem any of thanks I did last night super B those guys made longest kicks ever like three times so so I kind feel like um last night yeah I don't have we're moving on Old business okay uh first is the uh article four in chapter 6B Tre remov replacement um so not only is it something we want to consider but seems like our engineer uh looking at the ms4 RS said hey you need this too so um we are I think at a point where I I don't know how comfortable you feel with the form that you last submitted I don't know where other council members are I'd like to introduce this sooner than later um the one issue that I think that was outstanding was how are we charging individuals for removal of trees on their property and or are we replying the plants is there a light kind uh type of thing and then also how do we deal with um dead trees on people's property whether they should classify differently the same Etc so I don't know yeah so so the the model ordinance does outline based on the the Tre diameter what would be required it's not equal but it's of a certain it's one two whatever um and then as far as entries the the model or does that into counts there's a number of sections that fall within and a resid can appeal to the B if they feel that they have a unique exception to the statute for ordinance um so my my only concern that is I don't know that I want to be the tree Judiciary here com you know making that judgment call every single time um I would rather have just the FR line rule that they live with whether the tree's dead or not I mean do we really want to get in the business of you know reading an arborous report from them and and interpreting it or them having to make an application that falls under this that or the other exception I just I feel like it in a in a burrow that is admin administratively challenged from a saing perspective to add that would really I mean that's that's tough my concern is that we if a resent is removing stre that is dangerous not own property but a nebor property that we are imposing a on that they Co that yeah um I understand that I understand that I just don't where why would just spend $100 into a rather than going to asking AR is there a certified individual to come in and do that they could but they could do either or I I don't know the exact particular [Music] very minim process every it's dead down and I understand what you're saying but I don't think the if it's a dead property the diameter of the tree should app it's just one Tre one for one like a 6in Tree Place the brand new small power tree somee that's true but I also think the number of trees that sizing like four trees for one tree one half that's a big one so four of those proper that could be that's hard to figure out how to put four trees with one big tree looks away also the B can determine if the the feels that that's that we can dist the Tre other yeah I don't know I think we should you know what is the requirements that we have to well that's the other what parts for the ms4 are we required just and ordinance Are there specific Provisions within the I know what this says so what the the department says that we need to adopt something that is at the same level of the model orance or more we got this minim but the model has been changed and changed yeah and there's the latest iteration adop this not until July yeah could we adop okay I mean this is very complicated process I time issu be enforcement and that's IDE because it's very simp Tre dies or comes down we know that that person like that's a very thing Force it's very clear it's like it's a bright line test no one can argue it doesn't matter what it is tree down you know tree goes and there's also a little bit of right so this answers your question what I like also is this actually also talks about like what can you what be and we had we the West that there was no spot way we can do is there a way that if someone you know while the B path has places there other places that there is River trees we know that our shade p is now 100 years mature which means that one Tre a l of space and they're big and you're going to have to with a lot of trees right and that's not going be peaceful for many places so what do we how What alternative based on the ordinance or based on the rules are that says could Tree Place neighboring somewhere else be replaced with something else this does say again put back on property something for yeah you like for example we going to have neighbors let's take the one house take five years right and they REM a lot of trees that might you know well they pull down three or four major trees under this they would like 20 trees and I'm just wondering like is there way you get know that L and Alternatives that this is not like this is be the we're this is not and there's a number of like Street tree areas where they dying constantly kind ofing back in I mean point is four for one and most of the town is a 4 for one swap I mean we're going to end up with like a lot of one strees I mean we've been doing the AR years that's why again don't mind the net loss of one to one or even if it's those really big trees two to one but I could not see going more than two to one you know small the new model ordinances that it's the large those to it's not it's not not requesting that they more than one this one here replant four trees minimum caliber one and a half for each tree REM so at the beginning of that of I don't know why they did it that way but they're saying I don't know why that's no category four is you plant four trees for one tree oh that's the category four categories it's four trees for any tree it's 33 in when you think about that 33 in Round Tree yeah like we have a number of those in town right so this just what you're looking at here is just two cies yeah okay cies so I think that's reasonable that's so the newest model but is it had just up to 30 in is one over 30 in is so we had was let me let me get back so it's one and a half flb I mean 500 probably is going to be more let me go back let me see what they think is going to cost for TR install and the that number yeah I think here had 357 14 I would 7 and 14 1 37 2 is 14007 that'll be of putting treats that's toid take one new Housey move takee I that's unsustainable for we're people this to too that's [Music] true okay to were near to be in that business yeah I don't want to accept I just feel like you're you're going to be where's your point of Bel disagre your ass stays but also five months six months a year be dead I mean know I need that legi P come by and that chop it all off one [Music] branch this gives the [Music] ability over 30 in pretty big trip I think a lot of ours probably near near 30 in we definitely have some over 30 in I mean I'm not saying we don't but we also have a lot that are prob 24 26 category what Tre should War for people go buy as yeah was the [Music] append my we had that would be [Music] thing is rather list the certification is what you're doing need to to categories one two processes one for Street trees and one for trees that property the are are Tre they're going remove them rep them small what what does that curve trip look like is a different tree for a wi curve trip versus small resp whatever goinge sh has approval well they can't but then if they do we have reports against them other this did you guys street by the way there's a lot appr that that DP DP I don't as long as a res on their property is planing a tree that is approved that's fine but it's it's a street tree I should be approved certifying plant one trees they um yeah I agree we should have respons main all right let's see if we can pull this in for some sort of further discussion next me intruction yeah I don't that just just one of for me replacement all I wanted was a penalty if they not replace it to beti encourage them to replace the like I would rather so you don't to pay $7 put tree back you know what I'm [Music] saying is like just put it back you know I that's only if they're going to pay us to take the tree and put it back on our property all I'm saying is that I ra have any more expensive I think you're people that don't have space to put aeer and everything else you [Music] get you have any trees take out I if you took a tree out where you keep put there's no tree I think close woman Mor housee there I mean it doesn't get easy when start Place tree May shade like that okay for something that's outside control here we reconvene on this the next meeting we have time to work on this and get uh next discussion regarding ordance private salt storage bur I don't know what discussion we need to have on this I don't priv Sal storage zero I assume uh most importantly that we St correctly I the same exact thing I was like why are we discussing okay uh see East Park Avenue kind reconstruction whitening um we had a meeting last week with them about the Reconstruction the widening Park East Park Avenue uh I think everyone will be pretty pleased uh we're going to put it on at the next meeting correct uh we'll have stuff walk through the project is there and trees that um I believe was four hope not I believe it's four they were confirming that and they were plotting those on point so we'll have a discussion about that and ready be ready to talk about how we're going to replant those do um so that is coming CH uh coming for the next meeting uh downtown Redevelopment area the indrian walkway they met with the the Green Team um the engineers earlier this week late last week late last week um and they would provide us some suggestions and thoughts the green team had uh so we taking that under consideration uh we expect that that's going to be moving forward um soon enough there were I believe some trees that were in the center of that triangle that were potentially going to be impacted so we getting a better understanding my understanding from those who at um we're going to see what's going to be impact how to save some of those fig making efforts on that um and then for the area that is between it is the um east side of that triangle as you get toward this Eclipse um the still working with the developer about sort of getting that passive Recreation Area really FL out well um and looks like that he's going to be proposing a um Pavilion with public restrooms there um and also hookups for food trust that would be in the area that would be between the backs the almost in a feet looking outwards towards Center Street all right towards the stre walkway uh with the back of it the restrooms and the hookups for the food trucks would be on the back right next to the books um that millionary have area in front of it for um performances so you know music vest there there would be electric water SE everything there so um in addition to that uh as part of that there would also be public parking to make the improvements necessary to formalize public parking on the west side of the t r walkway in the area where um the parment currently exists behind the medical building and the station is to maximize spots there not fral existing spots that are owned by the the property of the station uh and then also um refinishing and resurfacing of theise monor all so um that is in the works at this point um there's some discussion with them about a lease uh agreement with them on that uh where they would make the improvements and Lease the improvements with an option to purchase at some point still working on some of the details false profile associated with that and how it might make sense but that's one of the options on the table uh at this point I know that in the development this in having to the Board of Education that's how they handled that Improvement now now that was all that U we'll see what options are available that's kind of right now for that east side of that develop okay West Alleyways update um just an update on this we had had some meetings talk about how we would be able to improve the Alleyways lighting cameras Etc uh Tom is still Tom Le is still working on getting some of that information for us but it's going to be a combination working with reference and business owners in the area to install lighting cameras Etc uh and also find ways to maybe make it um a less inviting uh place for those who wish to vandalize or anything like that uh we looking at opportunities for uh murals and painting and and refinishing of the the Alleyways and just stuff to brightening up and Mak it far as the community rather than feeling like it's this desolate area only used by fire we need to where some residents for Access so um we're working on that and uh you know Public Safety is involved Public Works is involved um and so just want to give her update on that I communica one the residents who brought up the issue it's not just the alleyway between [Music] and but it's the other way so all right questions on that we [Music] do that was the morees listen it was it was positive news as it was presented will begin in [Music] March yeah that's that's just what you do okay uh we have two items uh in new business for applications um the first is uh approval for Banner placement this is the one yes so this is from merville school Banner that we did last year my kids now parents now the time to register depart the same exact Banner Maybe This Year looky to put it up beginning of March and take it down around April April 15 yeah you need uh we do um just but I'm for the uh School race St Peters using the multiuse pth from two to [Music] two I don't think that's 2 pm 2 a or maybe they're not I think it's 23 imagine just St P us this 10th no obje approving bya I'll AC motion first second all in favor oos exensions okay uh resolution 2424 approve deduction do I have a motion Mr first Mr second any discussion none call please yes yes thank you very much next we have Financial reports as previously discussed we bill pay 2 million4 $727 majority of that is going School District so [Music] that discussion hearing none please um announcements any announcements no okay any I don't think we have any evening uh anything else the order first Mr second all in favor thank you everybody