think [Music] and Happ Happ that would pictur you sure it's fine M it's just p conc it's not going to the pain is scra off different thing everybody l h go yeah how talk to you about not yet [Music] [Music] unit stes America stand indivisible thank very this meeting with the New Jersy open public meetings act advertis and retrospect board downstairs and all official th social media channels I ask uh that if you have a cell phone please put it on silent you need to speak with somebody while condu business please do so outside of council chambers roll call pleas Mr bit Mr mlo here M Morales here mrno Mr spazza here Mr wood here honor thank you very much Council i' asked if we can go out of order this evening uh new business there are two resolutions resolution 2439 and resolution 2440 which deal with the promotion of police officer Anthony Jones first portal then motion police officer John first lieutenant I would request a motion Mo those two first Mr Woods second Mr M yes yes yes okay great uh so next Mo we move into new business swearing police officer so uh first um left hand on the bottom raise your right hand I st your name ionones do Solly swear swear I will Faithfully faithfully and Par and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the bur of merchant of the B of merch according to the best of my ability that's my ability to help me go so help me congratulations sign I say your name I swear swear I will Fai justly perform justly perform all the duties all the duties of B Merchantville Lieutenant B merville liutenant you the best my ability congratulations guys appreciate service and for your leadership moving forward okay um and I know you guys thank you we will uh move on to our back into regular order to our first item of the agenda which is the public portion of the meeting anyone from the public who wish to come forward and speak on any topics please come forward state your name and address or direct record all right hearing seeing none move on from the public portion the meeting we have a number of uh minutes uh that are up for approval this evening I'm going to go through each of them uh first is the B council meeting from December 18th 2023 uh mron Mr spazza and Mr Woods can vote on that motion first Mr includ the second all in favor okay uh next we have January 2nd uh January 2nd 2024 um this was the reorganization meeting uh everybody here can vote M to approve second fa uh next we have the um January 8th 2024 first gr of the meeting of the B Council for 2024 and M Morales Mr Mr Woods second favor uh we have the January 22nd uh 2024 meeting Mr PL M Morales and Mr Spa can go first Mr the second all in favor I opposed uh and then finally we have February 26 this meeting Mr M Mor and woods can V on these Mr Woods first M Mor second fav very much okay uh next we have the engineers good evening Mr Le a couple weeks [Music] ago to building we a um any questions for m l thank you very much M [Music] Lise let go um before we get into Council reports I know that Mr had some information on the pre removal and replacement coordinates can we move down the whole business is everybody okay with that uh Mr wood want to go ahead and start that discussion yes so after on our discussion at the last council meeting um been going back to FL cliche Tree on a number of small changes that we need to make to sure that we're consistent with dp's requirements also out the approved tree plannings for uh any Resident that's replacing a tree on their own property so we're still figuring out some of the details of the ordinance and we're hoping that we be ready to go uh by the next meeting for question um you have uh you represent number of other communities your your firm represents a number of other communities um what what do you what are other communities doing this I know there's some there's still at some level of discomfort amongst council members I speak of council front I know that he is uncomfortable with adopting this at all um what are you hearing what are you seeing Community the feedback is very similar to what M Woods had said with regards to specific species costs fun penalties and enforcement so we're currently researching what flexibility we have that ad still maintain everything I've seen um and again I'm I'm General cons engineer so the do engineer everything I've seen from the updates internally uh on the ms4 side is that the said you don't have to follow everything in our model but they don't tell you exactly what it is that you do have to follow that they'll enforce on so it's it's very unclear um and I've heard everything from other communities might adopt it and then never enforce it to uh we're not going to adopt anything and Mr Higgins do you see a a critical issue if we don't begin the process of introducing this until late April maybe adopted may I problem I think that for overwhelmed with particular and I think that is going to suffer and I would also add that mean d continues to make changes I don't think there's been a change since our last meeting but there were several changes within the model for the last couple months so I I can't say you're certain that they won't change between now and May 1 your recommendations this give it another couple weeks we need a little more time for for shade um for the commission to lay in on some of the finor points and uh just wait to see what the from as well um Denise can we put that again on the agenda for the late April meeting as discussion um you know temporarily an instuction at least all right okay thank all right we will go back again into regular order Council reports Woods start that yeah so from shade three again we're we're to put on together the final on the tree replacement ordinance particularly in regards to developing list of approved trees for planning uh also merville first has once again been approved as trees in the USA so we've got that going for us uh and from man for uh the April 9th meeting was canell La of forum I think they're still trying to figure out what M are available it to the next meeting April questions for Mr [Music] woodsil over [Music] march9 month of March we have one virtual session and in We Are Comm they are waiting a [Music] respon the end of April this happen period at last of the month and the M will take turn going to read at aary thee great [Music] questions thank you very much okay Mr service very good questions thank you your honor uh the month of March was a busy month for the merchant Police Department uh they were involved in 1,701 incidents um 143 of those the officer initiate interactions with members of the community officers continue to be very involved with with those schools in town fer statistics um they conducted 315 traffic stops uh there were 115 uh parking tickets 12 arrests and three PWS in the month of March uh the police department continued to keep on top of its uh training departments training obligations liutenant K officer sellman um completed 8 Hour recertification blocks at the W County Police Academy je attended State Chiefs training on which manys and then the only other things to report just you know we had the the saring the Motions today uh March also marked the uh last month for lieutenant Thomas will to retired after 25 years of dedicated service to the we wish him well in his future have uh thank you very much Mr [Music] M thank for his many years of service with and uh wish him the best in his re time okay uh anything else for [Music] [Music] Mr okay development report thank you um The Joint board meeting that was sched for tomorrow evening has been posted to April 23rd application for change uh the new restaurant coffee shop time um should be open before the end of the month they're moving into what was Charlie down service so excited to welcome them town uh special announcement on April 19 at 4M uh we will have an official unveiling of marille you sign at the Circle um it was designed by Resident Sean and we're very excited to introduce it to you [Music] okay thank you very much uh yeah um the exced that exced construction beginning building saw the Big Orange Barrel stay away um so all good stuff okay nothing on CFOs report we expect to be introducing the budget I believe at the next meeting in April um so there's that um on my end the only thing I will add is I did have an occasion on Friday to attends at the invite of Canon County a forum on their one of the next big initiatives which is the anacronic homelessness in C County um and it's a comprehensive program that is not just conness but dealing with warming and cooling centers and all types of different things comprehensive in the county um and really it is linking those individuals with services that they may need Beyond even uh having a place to stay so was an interesting program for the ad uh I pledge you know our support to the exent we provide support um I've asked Council sza who has a ton of experience in this world um from his professional life Ed in a meeting with myself Mrs brous and um Chief graia to begin some early discussions about ways in which we might be able to partner with um Community groups in our B to to uh begin to feed information or give them information to services that are available so they can talk people with their help um one of the interesting Parts you know that kept coming up is um a woman who basically created a net zero homelessness situation in Bur County which they set out to do that and they successful doing that the woman who was the architect then was there and she's a consultant for can County and uh what was interesting that she was you know she would get calls from people who wanted who wanted to know where are the homeless people I want to go feed them and she said don't please don't um I would prefer if you're going to go see them let them know we exist and get them to us because we can help them more than just when you go out there and feed that person then that's one less day they might have decided to come and get all the services they need um which is was an interesting way of looking at it that I've never because I haven't lived in the world that she lives in you know um so I think it's interesting I think there are opportunities despite you know the size of the burrow um and it's more about keeping you know the way that they discuss this about keeping people in their rooms uh as much as it is getting those people off the street who need to get off the street um and you seen signs and being able to uh anticipate those and helping people getting in the services they need looking forward to working with the county on that what I have for this mon so any questions don't any okay uh we already old business and the first item on new business we have two use of facilities both for radi treasure one in o one yeah make a motion both sure sure so the first one again night it is Saturday May 11 75 on C Street again as usual been signed all the authorities in the B second one is Mystery in moille would be Saturday October 12 um again same location on North C Street moment I have a [Music] motion okay I got a motion in a second all in favor uh we'll move on then to the other new business we have one other resolution resolution or excuse me we have two more first for resolu 2441 cancel resolution for valuation Serv property um that's for8 South there a resolution 24-30 which actually authoriz yes yes okay uh Mr resolution 24-23 that would total bills and checks for $1 million 23855 84 I a motion second Mr Woods discussion [Music] yes announcements any announcements session need for that I [Music] motion all fa 76 thank you very much