misstate anything no so I just I I want to make sure that everyone's on the same page that we we know we all know that this building needs some love yep I want to make sure that the city is prepared because we're in a funny position it's a school building but it's also not a school building it's a city building and it's not our money we're putting up it's the city's money for the council and the mayor so it's it's a we're in a precarious spot I just want make sure that the city is aware and prepared that if this building being what is it 10 and some odd years old yes uh presents with what undoubtedly will be the most interesting problems we will ever find in a building of that age is is it's going to poke into our budgets and I just I'm that concerns me because we haven't planned for it yeah and so fair question membership so let me just say this so we have not uh Gone out for FY 25's Capital Improvement plan and when I say gone out from a bond perspective right that's still to come um so we do have um I'm going to say probably in the neighborhood of about you know six weeks to two months to get there uh before we go out for the bond we have to as you know we have to appear before the state auditor and her committee and justify anything that we're bonding as part of a normal Capital Improvement plan so we do have uh members a little bit of time here not much and you know I think it's one of the things that speaks to me to the urgency to kind of uh get this project moving right because you are correct when you say there is no funding in the capital budget as it sits today for fy2 for additional maintenance of this the Central School building and did some place um but we do have upwards of of of 6 weeks to two months like I said before we will fully go out for uh Bond notice and if that were to fall through I would you know confer with the CFO but we would probably be looking at a ban uh you know process to kind of get us through to the next fisal year so I think you know your point is is spot on um but I think at the same time you know Mike you know if this passes tonight we we're going to want to have people starting to look at the the structure in more detail than and and I know we've had people look at it uh but we're going to have to have people look at it more details so that we know what the impact is okay longwinded Dan I apologize but you know no but necessary nonetheless um okay uh my other notes here are for The Advisory Board uh not The Advisory Board the the the board that's going to oversee the ultimate management of this I know that you guys are a nonprofit um in the negotiations it's going to be my hope that I don't know if it's uh attorney Rosetti or one of the attorneys from our firm or hopefully a combination of the two that are are going through this to make sure that we're doing everything right when we go through a lease and hopefully what becomes a operation agreement but I would like to see and Michael uh Mike I'd be curious as to your your take on it but having someone from the school committee serving in a some capacity of that board if for no other reason than to be a voice for the school and to report back to the school because again it's it it is our building but it isn't our building and it's that funny spot so your thought would be having someone join the join the team yeah uh we'd be open to that I can you know take it to our existing board and Leadership um but you know my initial sounds like that's the fair ask we want to be in collaboration so uh that sounds like a good way to do so fantastic um my other big concern is the layout of the building we have DPW and fire in there currently uh we have adult day in there currently and having everybody coming in through that main entrance or one of those side entrances is um probably not the safest way so my hope would be that during Contracting and and developing of that renovation plan that that would be addressed My Hope Is that we could also find a different home for the DPW in the fire in some short order and maybe even Adult Ed because those M younger old older younger people deserve a whole lot better than that building can offer them in its current state so that would be my my hopes and dreams but on that note I will uh relinquish my monologue to someone else and maybe come back later mayor it's the superintendent can I just comment on that yeah go ahead yeah so so um member shilia that was definitely a topic of conversation in a lot of our conversations uh the security and the entrances so there are are currently three main entrances and so we're trying to figure out like right now we have Adult Ed using one entrance we have DPW using an entrance some you know Ada is an issue we know that we've already talked about that um but a security plan is definitely something that we've talked about um internally that that would have to be a part of this planning that again once we know we're moving forward that that Bruce Stella would be that that is also in the agreement that he nothing can be done in that building without uh Bruce Stella being a part of it knowing it um you know collaborating on what gets done because it's still our building right they're leasing it we need to make sure that the kind of work that might be done or changes to entrances or doorways or security uh again that was and I know that we did they did put that in the bid definitely topic of conversation that we know has to get addressed I have a a question there um is there an integrator or Access Control platform that the city currently uses or the schools currently use for Access Control because I'd be interested to maybe collaborate with them bring them in and get their expertise yeah we do okay I mean we we definitely have people who who like once we get this rolling we will be we have contacts of how we secured Branch Street and uh different access for different people in different sections so there's definitely uh you know ways to do that um but even for you know blocking off certain entrances so they can't get through right that building is a big circle up and down the stairs so it's definitely something we have to think about about when when uh programs are going to the gym you know what what place and space are they using to move about the building versus The Adult Ed and the DPW what space What stairs what entrance are they using yeah and is definitely in the Forefront of my mind and I know that has to be part of our conversation once we get in there yep and U you know without going down a slippery slope I I do want to say that the city is in the process of acquiring some additional property I don't know people have seen the press release today um and the idea has never been to keep DPW or Fire Department in their longterm as you know superintendent right these are really just Band-Aids uh for a short period of time for space and I believe that that is going to resolve itself um that's not the intended long-term use of the property we're requiring uh but it would give us um to member shila's question you know the capability to move DPW fire department out of the building four until we have structures suitable for both of them mayor may I yes yeah go ahead okay that's okay um so I guess we have in front of us help me out here U with the information we received today from our city solicitor um we can approve a lease up to 10 years correct for the first term for the first term so we have to so any motion we make would have to be clear on the number of years because we were at 99 there last time right so this is a huge difference um and I am very curious assuming that we move forward how soon will we see this all the work beginning like are we talking before school starts or I'm shaking my head because that doesn't exist that quickly I mean I know what's going to have to go into this right so uh if this moves forward tonight uh we're going to be meeting hopefully sooner rather than later with the group uh but we also so the next step though is the city council is the final approval on this right right there are still some steps before we start doing contracts and getting actual uh contractors for specific things in there to find out costs uh all of that because we've done estimated cost through the walkthrough we've done that with this group um but now it's now it's we're meeting like Bruce is going to be walking in there meeting a specific contractor for the abatement the painting the bathroom security that's going to take months so so uh we're not going to see work happening in the building I don't think for several months this is going to this is going to take us through the school year the the amount of work and the the process that we're going to have to go through to get the contractors and get the work and then obviously I know it was brought up I can't remember if we talked about it publicly last time but certainly it was brought up in the additional information of there are schedules we're going to have to work around two for certain projects right some things nobody has to worry about if they're patching roof pieces and things like that nobody has to leave the building uh but there are certain things that are going to be worked on that people we have to work around the work schedule right The Adult Ed uh course schedule and the DPW work schedule so it's it's going to be it's going to you know we do it we do these things when we are in school sometimes and we have to do them in the evenings and on weekends and during vacations but we really won't know those details until we get in there with uh this group probably Michael uh again because he did the walkthrough with us but you know with Michael with the actual contractors for each one of those issues that we need to address first and when do you anticipate this going to the um city council mayor assuming August oh that at the next meeting okay yeah yeah and Mike you had mentioned when we last met that you were hoping to get some programming off the ground before you even go into the Cs building to start something locally correct we would love to uh you know launch both pillars together we're gonna have this big real estate lift and at the same time want to uh get programming running the start interest um build that ripple effect uh get students engag so uh you know once we have a commitment in place we have some candidates for a program director and a uh youth advisor um for initial positions to start that programming okay and you'd be looking for an alternate site until you were able to really dig in to the central building okay yes okay thank you any other questions or issues uh man I just want to just have a brief uh second about it um if that's can you hear me I'm on my cell phone if we can hear you all right perfect um so like like I said I I understand everybody's concerns and um I fully support this um and I continue to support I think we we do need this however with with finding out that it's going to take several months and the thing that I will go with members shiler on is I don't want this to Fall by the wayside and then six months down the road something's being brought to school committee for something I I think if we're going to have these conversations and continue to talk we should have members of the school Committee involved in these meetings I that's just my personal preference especially where where this is a uh sounds like it's going to be a big project and and decisions will be need to be quick and I don't want to be having like special meetings where we need to get something because we need to get started two weeks down the road or a decision has to be made it just seems like the last couple of meetings we had to make decisions right off the bat and I I don't want it to go that way for this this is something very special and means a lot to me and a lot of people and if we are participating involved in it we're we're we're ahead we're we're we're like okay this might be a meeting down the road we should have a meeting like I just don't want to get blindsided on decisionmaking that's one thing especially where we've had people are concerns about this um previously um that's my one my one statement um and um what's the other thing it seems like everybody else covered many of the concerns I I I've done research we we don't have born members um with the YMCA and they they lease from the city um that's that's I but Mike's willing to have collaboration where we're involved in their decision making that's great I'm I'm happy Mike would evolve that with us but other than that like this is something I just want to have a general statement this has been a long time coming and we're having this opportunity finally to have this done um so that one big that's one thing I really want people to consider when they're voting tonight and also I I agree also with memb shilia um like I said when I voted for the adult ed to go to um the central building I I said on grounds that it will be a temporary spot for them because if we are going to turn that into a youth center I eventually I want that whole building to be a youth center that's always been my prerogative um but that's that's that's my general statement I will be supporting this tonight thank you anybody else Madame Vice chair Kristen anything you want to add Ken oh uh Mr Mayor yeah go ahead Ken yeah I just want to uh complement the process uh definitely um the group that's involved and also state auditor di daglio reached out to me and the comprehensive list of questions that were answered thoroughly I have to commend the group we had another group uh an entity that were going to have to do an investigation of them um and they weren't forth coming with information I I'm very complimentary of the group that wants to oversee the youth center um they reached out to me in the timely fashion they answered my questions some of them are complex questions they went into great detail they're interested in collaboration with the school department in the city they're open and transparent they're amenable in their philosophy um and I like the overall goal of working with the youth but also working with some of the young adults that might need assistance to go into the job market or to venture into college or vocational institutions um and I think that's the mindset that we have as a community as a school system is that from prek all the way into early adulthood that we do not leave people behind um you know we have a waiting list on Adult Ed and we work with the state um but it like what I was reading with the document just automatically had me focused on Mike Row is that you want to have these people geared towards the professions to build up their skills um even if it's financial literacy um soup the nuts uh with these kids and also the young adults that might still be part of the program the demarcation line I think they're going to work on uh because I had some concerns between the young uh members of the youth center versus the older adult members of the youth center and I think having later hours and separation and maybe a Corey check um and also the security measures I support um and also talking again it's the uh infancy stage is the transportation element is that you're going to have kids within walking distance of the youth center but you also have kids from the East End and the West End who want to go to the youth center and we also want to take away the language which they agreed to do was that we should not be pigeon huling ourselves and setting that a maximum cap of a 100 that's going to obviously include young people and also so some of the young adults um so to remove that cap I think I appreciate that there was discussion of a Good Neighbor policy there was a response on that the security measures and the firewall and the Corey that's been discussed and also again I understand it's the initial stages but I think it's going to be fruitful ongoing conversation is about how do we transport these children to the youth center from different parts of methan whereby the families might be working all day they might not have means of transportation um and we don't want to limit uh the capacity the only limit to the capacity should be the building uh restriction itself um so I think all those things I gotta commend and like I said before I know Little Sprouts imagine that I I know the Legacy um and then also again the Herculean e that state auditor Diana daglio did with acquiring the state funding and we're operating on a very uh quick timeline to utilize that funding so at the end of the day it was a very quick turnaround and I appreciate um you know the answers to the questions I want to give a kudos to member shilia about uh doing a further investigation about the lease uh years uh but I think we're going in the right direction and I would be very confident in voting in favor of this thank you thank you member Willet okay uh so the Motions on the table to uh uh I need uh to approve the bid award for ten dson Mr Mayor if I may oh sorry yep so I guess my what what I'm hoping for and I mean be it the will of the of the committee is that we could friendly amend the motion to approve pending successful uh negotiation approval and execution of a lease in with the expectation that the lease and an operating agreement would come back to the school committee for uh review and approval once all of those attorneys and whoever else is going to be involved in that do what they need to do I need a second for that friendly Amendment the longest goad can me shilia just repeat that please so you want me to condense it Martha so it's a not a not a narrative um that would be great thank you um motion to approve the use of teds in place for a youth center uh p uh subject to school committee approval of negotiated lease and operating agreement is that think enough I think can I just make a comment I'm I think we have to actually approve the bid award contingent upon first no I I think it's the bid award that we have to approve mayor correct me I'm I don't do this but I think the motion has to say we're approving the bid award and then the second part that Dan said as the Amendment correct is that correct okay so what do we have Martha I have a motion in a second to approve the bid award um and then we have the friendly amendment that I thought we would vote on The Friendly Amendment and then vote on the bid Award with the friendly Amendment that's correct okay so I think we need a first right now we need a um member shilia was the um maker of the motion the friendly amendment I apologize who was second maxall thank you and then any discussion in a roll call Mayor mayor I'm sorry one more thing so my only last thing our next school committee meeting is August 12th so that's when we would present uh a final lease to the school committee for approval which means mayor you and I would have to schedule whatever subsequent city council meeting is after August 12th we'll bring that to correct y perfect I just want everybody have the right timeline have a couple of weeks to work with Michael and his group right to to finetune the lease agreement with some of this new language I think would we need city council approval before they do the lease negotiation no that's what I'm not being the my understanding and I double check uh the mayor I will double check my understanding is that uh the final lease approval the language of it is is under the full authorization of the school committee what the city council has to approve is us doing this because of the amount of money we're not getting fair market value it's a little bit of a different conversation correct I will double check that with the the mayor and I will double check that with the city solicitor to make sure we have those right uh Wheels in Motion that's my understanding today yeah not saying it's 100% correct but I think it is um no I think you are I think you are so we'll double check that um you know we'll have to present the lease to them and their resolution is really do they agree to this because we're leasing the school committee has agreed to lease this building less than far market value that's their role in this right now okay I'll I'll make sure that I get that in the next day or two and I'll get that out to everybody so that we have the timeline correct I think would be important for everybody so Martha I think you're correct when you say the friendly amendment is on the floor first so there's a first first by member shilia second by member Maxwell and so the body needs to vote roll call my apologies on the friendly Amendment first Ryan deaglio yes right about denovan yes Lori Keegan yes Kristen Maxwell yes Daniel shabila yes Kenneth wette yes Mayan Neil Perry yes motion friendly Amendment passes unanimously now we have to go back to the approving the um the U lost my train of thought proove the bit with the Amendment yeah okay so I think you need do you need a first and a second for that please no it's already on the floor without the amendment though well it was on the floor before the amendment came through so now you're just um let me think can't hurt to do another person now did you did you moved I did and then Ryan seconded it okay second okay you ready for a roll call yes Ryan daglio yes Mary Beth Donovan yes Lori Keegan yes Kristen Maxwell yes Daniel shilia yes Kenneth wette yes Mayan Neil Perry yes unanimous motion passes unanimously thank you all okay uh is there any other business of the committee for this special meeting um I have a question um since we're bringing a lease back to the committee in August would it be possible to get um an agreement about how much the DPW and fire department are going to be paying to be in that building for utilities and everything like that so that the school committee can approve that too because I don't think the school committee's ever approved the existence of the DPW and Fire Department in that building and I think we need to do that I want to be careful so so it is a school but it's city building so be very careful here right um so I think um we have to we have to outline to your point Vice chair what each party is going to pay towards custodial and services right within the building so I think that's uh more than just DPW and the fire department right agree yeah but I think the lease it outlines what the youth center is going to be paying correct so if I could I think um uh member Keegan I think I know what you're asking I think May the mayor you and I have had this conversation in the past maybe we could talk to the city solicitor when we talk to them about the lease here and I don't know what that looks like I don't think it's a lease agreement because they own the building we all you know it's a public we're not asking another entity to come in but probably some kind of agreement documentation for approval with the school committee um so maybe there's some way that we can have both of those conversations with the city solicitor so that on the 12th we BR we we can bring both of those back to the school committee all at once so the whole building is we understand how the whole building is being used and uh supported you know funded things like that that sound like a plan yep member Keegan does that match your yeah that would be great thank you perfect I do have one other comment if you would indulge me for a moment um about this this project uh I promised her I would at least say this tonight and I'm excited for it and now that it has been approved I think it's appropriate um I did have a conversation with the auditor uh earlier last week and I do want to share that you know in addition to the money that is already secured for this project uh she did explain to me that there's an additional million doll um in a bill Bond a bond bill with the state that she had recently met with the governor and lieutenant governor uh with and was received with a lot of reception to release that so I think there's an excitement about this uh as we're moving forward and and being able to name it call it and have a place for it uh you know she wanted me to make sure that I was aware of that that there you know are things moving as well that were able to be secured when she was Senator so I think that's exciting and uh I I thought it was exciting I told her I would share it here uh as long as everything went uh positively tonight that there is potentially uh you know some more funding for this at the state level and we're excited because I think some of you do remember I know talked about it Mora Healy did come to meet with our students and and spoke at our High School uh with the my voice group so we know she has a at least a context for it um so hopefully that is going to be successful as well so just kind of an added point to the ongoing work and where this is headed in the right direction so thank you just wanted to share that all right let the fun begin I know is happy yeah this is going to be exciting it's a lot of work ahead but it's good someone tell Bruce to go take a nap so he's ready I know I know all right with no further business to discuss may I have a motion in a second toour the special meeting session of July 16 2024 so second de um Martha we have Ryan daglio yes Mary Beth Donovan yes Lori Keegan yes Kristen Maxwell yes Daniel shilia yes Kenneth wette yes Mayan Neil Perry yes unanimous unanimously the meeting is now adjourned at 55 5:41 pm thank you all very much thank you good night Miss Good [Music] the [Music] [Music] --------- [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for e [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 good evening the special meeting of the muman school committee of July 16th 2024 will now come to order this special meeting of the muman school committee is being held in a manner in accordance with the supplemental budget bill which was signed by Governor Healey on March 29th 2023 this bill among other things extends the temporary provisions pertaining to the open meeting law to March 31st 2025 specifically this further extension allows public bodies to continue building meeting remotely without a quorum of the public body physically present at a meeting location and to provide um alternative access to remote set settings this meeting is being recorded and will be made available for viewers on the MTH Public Schools website you can also watch live on Channel 31 Verizon and our YouTube channel uh events excuse me last my MPS events MPS events excuse me we are currently having a technical issue with Channel 6 Comcast which is presenting the meeting from preventing the meeting from being viewed on this channel tonight Madame secretary will you please call the role Ryan daglio present Mary Beth Donovan present Lori Keegan present Kristen Maxwell Daniel shabila present Kenneth wette here mayor Neil Perry president thank you may I have a motion in a second to accept the agenda for the July 16 2024 as presented so move so second move by member seconded by member shabila did you did you get in first stand did I missed no it was me and it was was it you this is a high fighter remote so motion by member shilia and seconded by who wette M wette sorry my apologies you all sound alike when we're remote all right um any discussion and we have to do everything roll call Martha yes ryano yes Mary Beth Donovan yes Lori Keegan yes Kristen Maxwell Daniel shabila yes Kenneth wette yes Mayan Neil Perry yes thank you all is there anyone in the audience that would like to participate in public participation if so please state your name and address for the record wait a minute just to see if we have anybody okay hearing or seeing none at this time we will close the public participation portion of the meeting if you cannot make the meeting in person for public participation you can always send an email to maao maoy meu. K12 us before 3 p.m. on the day of the school committee meeting May I have a motion and a second to remove from the table the bid award for 10 dits in place so so moved second second mve by member seconded by I believe Mr shabila yes sir I get that right you did all right one for two ain't bad Dan all right take um Matha a vote to remove from from the table Ryan daglio yes may Beth Donovan yes Lori Keegan yes Kristen Maxwell Daniel shilia yes Kenneth wette yes I'm here oh you are okay Kristen I apologize uh Kristen Maxwell yes here may Neil Perry yes thank you all have a motion to in a second to approve the bid for 10 DS in place so moved second move my member to zugo I have no clue that was Keegan Madam Vice chair appreciate that help the hearing impaired if you would discussion actually my apologies got to go to the vote first to uh uh no we we're into the discussion part my apologies um any any discussion so I guess I'll go first since no one's jumping in okay unless you want to there member donov no go ahead so uh we all received the email from the solicitor this morning on the 99e lease I don't know if Mike you've been made aware of that um I have not I did not receive an email uh no so in summation basically what attorney Rosetti told us is that there's a general R out there that says we can't as a school lease a building for 99 years in a first term it would have to be no longer than 10 with options to renew um so I just I my big concern would be how does that change anything for you folks