[Music] oh [Music] what I understand what color was [Music] it so [Music] [Music] made hey [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] I'm sorry are we on TV are we on TV I don't know are we turned on yes I just wasn't sure adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to the public law of 1975 chapter 231 said notice was published in the home News Tribune on January 18 2023 posted in burrow Hall and sent to the Star Ledger for information all requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied uh this is the annual reorganization meeting of the planning board of the burough mouin uh we'll start with a roll call Miss Clarkson here Mr brosman CC member D here Mrs pasi here mayor Bush Mr love Miss Noak here Mr L here Mr Griffin here miss here miss G here Mr here welcome everyone the first order of business of the meeting will be the election of a chairperson for the year 2024 are there any nominations I'll nominate Eric Ericson are there any other nominations hearing none I will declare the nominations to be closed and I'll call for a Voice vote if the board please uh for the election of Mr Erikson as chairperson all those in favor say I I any opposed you eyes have it congratulations Mr chairman thank you Mr Renard welcome back another year okay moving right along to Vice chairman uh I'm going to make a motion for Ellen Clarkson if she's willing are you willing Ellen I am we are very good excuse me can you put the audio on can't hear anything you say is the uh it is I'll try to speak into the microphone is that any better no well I guess we all have to project then something's going on with our av first time out it's on it's just [Music] low there you go okay hear you we can only hear the person that was blowing into the microphone all right I think these you really have to speak right into it bring them right up to your any better oh yeah yeah all right we're going to try this okay so I'm going to nominate Ellen Clarkson for vice chairperson for the board are there any any other nominations if there are not I'm going to close the nominations for vice chair board members all those in favor of Miss Clarkson please say I I oppos say nay congratulations Miss Clarkson welcome back for another year thank you okay I'm honored to fill this position there you go next position is going to be for Secretary of the board CHR Kirk has left us and seeing as we have an opening I'm going to nominate Sharon Hollis our previous Secretary Emeritus for the year of 2024 um can I get a second please second I have a second Sharon can you take a vote of each member please you rot please I was told I have to yes Miss Clarkson yes council member Jan yes Miss kosi yes Miss Noak yes Mr lifon yes Mr B yes M yes M yes M yes thank you and welcome back Sharon good to have you moving on to the board attorney Robert are you willing to suffer with us for another year I am Mr chairman if you'll have me I certainly will so I'm going to nominate Mr Robert Bernard to be the board attorney can I have a second please second we have a second okay Sharon can we do a roll call vote please M yes council member Jia yes Miss kosi yes Miss Noak yes Mr lifon yes Mr Griffin yes yes yes Mr yes welcome back Bob thank you very much appreciate it members of the board always uh appreciate your uh confidence thank you there you go ringing endorsement moving on to planner uh I don't see with Chris is not with us this evening but uh I assume we're going to maintain status quo as we have and so I will uh nominate Looney Rick's kiss and specifically Chris to serve in the capacity as planner for the year of 2024 can I have a second please second we have a second okay Sharon same as usual let's go through the the ranks and get each person's vote Miss Clarkson yes council member J yes Miss kosi yes Miss Noak yes Mr LIF yes Mr Griffin yes M yes yes Mr yes okay Chris we welcome you back in absentia when you watch this on video later okay moving on to the burough engineer uh again I Mr manx is not here but I believe he's of the mind to be with us for another season so I'm going to nominate Robert manx from cers engineering to be the board engineer uh can I have a second please second thank you very much Sharon one more time Miss Clarkson yes council member yes M yes M no yes Mr LIF yes Mr Griff yes M yes M yes Mr yes okay welcome back to Mr manx and we move on to the matter of our meeting dates which is always interesting I'm looking for mine I obviously didn't bring thank you very much okay so I see we've stricken the obvious July 4th makes sense then we have the league of municipalities meeting identified as another conflict um are there any other dates that other board members see as a potential conflict no nothing special okay if that's the case and everyone's in agreement then I will move that we adopt the meeting dates as enumerated here with these two exceptions and I would ask for a second second okay Sharon Miss Clarkson yes council member deia yes Miss kasos yes Miss no yes Mr LIF yes Mr Griffin yes M yes yes Mr yes okay so moves of the meeting dates are formalized for 2024 and then I'm not aware of any changes to the dxc is anyone else anyone's no exit it uh so I'm going to defer that for now unless anyone knows otherwise take that as a yes so let's go on to 20 31368 dasco Solutions this is the resolution for the preliminary and final major site plan conditional use approval for a change of use for occupancy or retail cannabis facility at 700 Middle SE Avenue so motion to adopt the resolution so moved so moved can I have a second please second we do have a second thank you Sharon can we have a vote please okay for the people who were present at the meeting Miss Clarkson yes councilman Mia yes Miss Koski yes Mr lton Mr lton doesn't vote on this one because he voted against the application oh that's right okay Miss come yes Miss gber yes Mr eron yes okay thank you that resolution is adopted now we have okay Harbor consultant so is this a conflict engineer yes this is a conflict engineer for the upcoming application for I think it's Suburban development W but it's a Wawa application but I think it's Suburban development is the applicant if I'm not mistaken so yes this is for conflict engineer because Colliers has a conflict okay good so Bob we haven't heard this application we have not heard the application they're going to be I assume um what's today the 4th so the 18th although I'm not don't hold me to that because I don't know that that's the case was this the one that we were trying to get the special meeting for I think so okay yes correct are we um when we're asked to appoint a conflict uh this um conflict engineer are we privy to The Reason of the conflict or it doesn't matter and we don't have that information Mr manx indicated that in some capacity his firm represented um and Bob analyzed that and felt that it was sufficient to rise to the level of a conflict and thought that we should obtain alternative representation okay thank you okay so then um kind of have a motion to approve this resolution to adopt Harbor Consultants please no Shar thank you can I have a second second we have a second okay Sharon Miss Clarkson yes council member Jia yes Miss kosi yes Miss Noak yes Mr liin yes Mr Griffin yes m co yes M gber yes Mr xen yes very good Harbor Consultants will be in good stead okay um am I at the public portion already it looks like I am let's open the public portion if you're out amongst us and you have a question or comment please come right over to the the microphone give us your name and address and tell us what's on your doesn't work either right uh my name is Baro we were here tonight because we received a certified that item would be on the agenda greatly opposed um apparently it's not on the agenda I checked the website this afternoon nothing on the agenda this gentleman told us it's can not res really like to know what's going on I wish I could tell you uh I can tell you okay when when it comes back the the App application was determined not to be adquate let's say and okay it works we can hear you better with the microphone sorry we can hear you better at the microphone it does work okay I can't hear anybody so uh it's not working this way I have the same problem that doesn't work for me but apparently it works for everyone else so we'll talk into it anyway so are you able to hear me yes okay so the application was determined not to be not to meet the criteria for an application that could be heard by the board uh so they have to resubmit the application and it will be heard I at at it probably is not going to be heard by this board it will probably be heard by the board of adjustment uh don't hold me to that but that's the way that it looks right now um the it will be a new application the application that was filed you can forget about uh there will be a new application that will be filed uh you will get a new notice with a new date at some time in the future I can't tell you when because the the application in proper form has not yet been submitted okay but we will get notified again you will get notified problem with this is the house is built and there's a real estate sign on it so they're ready to sell it how can they just build a house and try to sell it without approval it doesn't make sense it hasn't made sense from the beginning there's not a permit posted there's nothing right that's a different issue as to what the house being built but the the application is actually for a subdivision but when when the you know we'll get into the whole thing when the when the application gets properly filed as I said you'll get notice and the application will be heard by one of the boards so we can come and voice our displeasure at that point that been handled very very badly yes okay thank you very much no problem okay anyone else in the public okay thank you no it's quite hear from me anyway very good all right seeing no one else I'm going to close the public portion uh does anyone else have anything else for us to talk about this evening um I just wanted to ask um I had asked uh before the meeting and I'm not sure I got the answer um I'm certainly not opposed to these meetings being televised um many of you may know I'm on a a different uh entity in town that that broadcast their meetings I have no problem being on camera and I think it's a wonderful thing that were going to be on camera but I was a little surprised that there was no action needed from our board this board to say we want to be on camera is there an ordinance that that governs this and tells us when we're going to be on camera and when we're not I'm just confused by that we weren't on camera last year and now we are and again I'm not opposed to that I I think it's good governance I as I said I'm on camera all the time just thought it odd that we weren't and now we are and we've taken no action um last time I can remember being on camera was I don't know what was it 2004 I don't know that I think it was for the Methodist Church but as far as protocol and and what's the correct uh procedure whether this Board needs to take individual action or whether the governing body can do it that's a question I can't answer or did anybody take action other than saying it I mean was there any action I mean what's changed from last year to this year I would assume interest on the Public's part and probably I don't know perhaps the mayor thought it would be a good idea I I haven't discussed it with him I can't speak for him or anyone else for that matter I mean I don't want to put anybody on the spot but Mr de I mean has the has the council taken some action so we just had our reorganization meeting on the 1 I don't recall seeing any kind of action in the resolutions to that um I do see Miss kasasi may want to have something no I I didn't read all the resolutions because I don't have to anymore right um but I do remember that the mayor mentioned that it was a you know a leap forward to start tell televising the planning board and the zoning board so it was mentioned but I didn't I don't know how it was actioned or if it needed to be at the moment I would have to guess it was just a action by the mayor to okay I mean as I said I'm not opposed I think it's good governance I I was surprised when I came on the board number of years ago that we weren't televised then I have no issue with it as a as a as an it's as an entity though I think that planning board should at least by you know a little bit of a we have our own I don't know what the call it I mean I'd like to think we have a little bit of our own jurisdiction over our own processes some agency some agency thank you I was struggling for the words it's the perfect words I would imagine that Oprah yeah is permissive in allowing for taping so any entity who wanted to come into this room and do a public broadcast of it probably doesn't need any approval from this board under under the Oprah law so I would imagine that there might not be a mechanism for us to say yes or no to it if it's just being done out there by any end I'm not sure about that um as considering we weren't broadcasting our meetings the last several years we weren't in violation by not broadcasting yeah I I don't think that it's a matter that we were in violation I just think anybody could come in here and do that broadcast and we wouldn't have any agency over any entity from doing a broadcast well it's interesting as a technical question certainly and uh uh we'll thank to May or maybe he did it by executive fear I think we he's always been a fan of transparency as we all have perhaps you know I'm not quite sort of jenica as the camera would like me to be so we'll have to apologize for that in advance but other than that I think it's probably a good thing for the your movie star looks oh my goodness you're just you're you're moving right up to Vice chair next year there you go again I don't want to take up the Bo's time and we're going to be out of here pretty quick I just I just thought as a protocol matter that I just you know rather large change and all of a sudden it was here and here it is there you go change is is upon us and welcome change and into 2024 we go um okay so interesting question and perhaps something to be answer later maybe that's why they painted the I'm tell there's the reason pained the the entire building and now we have to show how clean this place looks it it does look amazing Bor anything else for us discuss this evening other than that I will uh entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn is there a second second all in favor I I opposed we are adjourned thank you all thank you thank you Happy New Year [Music] [Music] congratulations am