we [Music] go uh herebody call the meeting of the matachin burough Council July 22nd to order adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public public meeting act pursuant to Public Law 1975 chapter 231 said notice was published in the home News Tribune on December 19th 2023 posted in burough Hall and on file in the clerk's office all requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied please join me for the flag salute I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all Zu roll call please council member Branch yes council member J boy here council member Heyman here council member jethwani here council member candell here Council presidenta here mayor Bush do I have a motion open the agenda session I move that we open the agenda session do I have a second second all in favor I I post do we have any items for the agenda session today I do not believe so anyone else no in that case I'll make take a motion to close the agenda session I make a motion to close the agenda session I have a second you do all in favor I excellent uh so now we're going to open the meeting for a public comment um unless Mr buio has anything to say no I think we're good I think I'll close the public comment session and I will take a motion council president okay and make a motion to approve borrow council meeting minutes of May 13 2024 do I have a second you do all in favor I I okay I make a motion to approve Communications consent agenda items a through I do I have a second you do all in favor I okay um I'd like to ask the clerk uh zupan to um read ordinance 2024-25 17 ordinance amending chapter 37 of the code of the B of matachin entitled Police Department to amend the composition of the police department okay I make a motion to pass ordinance 2024-25 correct mph okay um so just open up for a public meeting is is there anyone wishing to make a comment on this particular ordinance no any any comments from the council okay great I'm going to close the public hearing and uh maybe just redo that uh motion please okay uh to read the to read it or to uh pass it to make pass it okay so I make a motion to pass ordinance 2024 -17 on second reading and published according to law do I have a second second roll call please Mr council member Branch yes council member jamboy yes council member Heyman yes council member jethwani yes council member kandell yes council president dilia yes motion carries excellent thank you um on to reports uh BR administrator do you have anything for us tonight nothing at this time okay thank you and reports to council members starting with myself um just a quick one uh that touching downtown Alliance was uh awarded a transformation Grant from the uh DCA in the amount of $140,000 um it's really exciting um to be able to uh you know get this type of Grant it's going to go towards some storefront Rehabilitation um it's going to be uh replacing some temporary outdoor structures that were put in place during the pandemic uh and also we're looking to do another stamped uh Cobblestone alley uh like we had done um earlier as well as a few murals so a lot of good things are going to come from that 140k and uh be on the lookout for some improvements in the downtown and uh we just keep getting better and better and also from the MDA uh the Olympics is coming up and the MDA downtown is going to be uh jumping in and and participating with some Pro look for promotions throughout the Olympics uh specifically on Saturday from 12:00 to 3 there will be some fun little games and things down in Peterson Park uh and I'm not sure if anyone else is going to mention this but hipop on the Plaza anyone have an update for that or that'll be taking place on the 30th from 7:00 to 9: we're going to have Sugar Hill Gang and CNC Music Factory which is unbelievable to me that we have these these groups coming to mouin so look out for that the 30th 7 to9 on the Plaza and that's my report 7:30 I'm sorry 7:30 we changed the time so it's 7:30 thank you uh all right um on to council member candell yep thank you uh the matachin volunteer fire department is proud to announce that four members have recently made it through their probationary terms and have earned the status as firefighter so I in the department would like to publicly congratulate Sarah Greg John and Mike for their efforts um in addition uh to the Department's efforts to quickly contain the Redfield Redfield Village fire several weeks ago and prevent it from spreading to other units within the facility the department also handled another structure fire this month uh in the burrow and saved a residents from being involved in the fire the fire was in the garage um we'd like to thank the Departments from neighboring towns for assisting in with these two fires and finally the department wants to announce that four new recruits will be attending the academy in August and September but the department is and always is uh looking for new recruits so if you're interested please visit the website at www.m mouin fd.com um it takes a burrow is currently completing the final necessary steps to legally change its name to uh from the fuil foundation the board and race committees for the fuse 5 will begin reviewing this year's race and look at options for next year's race um at their most recent board meeting the board approved three cases of Aid to um attou and res residents facing needs the board also discussed possibilities for the next fundraising event while also starting initial discussions for for this year's fun final fundraising event the cookie walk which is I know a favorite of of mine and my family um the organization will also be expanding opportunities for volunteering and uh involving other members of the community with their efforts so please be on the lookout for um that in the coming weeks and months and then finally the office of emergency management committee met a few weeks ago um Chief flar debrief the committee on the Redfield Village fire which was successfully handled by the fire department police DPW EMS and the schools all working uh together seamlessly in a very tough and extreme situation uh the committee also discussed some of the things that we might be able to do to improve in the event that uh a similar s situation might arise in the future uh and that's all I have thank you thank you very much council member jethwani thank you council president um so uh a couple notes from uh the library there's a lot going on in terms of upcoming events um this Wednesday July 24th that's 7: p.m. there's another singer songwriter series with Miles and mfal a Duo performing contemporary folk music with a pop Twist on Thursday August 1st at 700 PM there'll be a show by rock nness music um I I can guarantee it's going to be an entertaining high energy show for kids and their caregivers on Thursday h August 8th at 6:30 p.m. there'll be an eyes of the wild show with real animals please bring your animal loving family and friends and the reception for um the kids 10x10 art show fundraiser which is organized by the friends of the matachin library will take place at 2m on Friday August 9th um just a reminder that Library restroom Renovations are are happening soon and uh I know the library is very appreciative to the burrow for all the work that's been done uh in preparation for that um that begins Monday um sorry um it begins Monday August 12th and the library will be closed to the public from Tuesday the 13th through Thursday the 15th um the burrow um will be providing during the duration of the renovation the burrow will be providing temporary climate controlled ADA Compliant restrooms on site um also a reminder the library is continuing its summer hours and will be closed on Sundays um I also just wanted to add that um as a u the Le and also to the matachin volunteer EMS emergency Medical Services I had a chance uh last month to spend some time with their members a couple of the members um a couple of the volunteers during one of their shifts uh we happened to be interrupted by a call that they received and I was reminded of how valuable their service is to our community um in addition to the regular shifts they covered they've been working during important um recent events in our town including the Ed Edgar Middle School promotion and matachin High School gradu graduation ceremonies um during which they assisted um six patients um uh during those events and um you'll see these EMS volunteers at our summer concert series that council president mentioned at the plaza and at the upcoming National Night Out event at the matachin pool so I just want to say we're thankful for all they do and we appreciate their hard work thank you thank you council member Heyman uh yes I have nothing to report for the Board of Health just their next meeting will be on September 11th Wednesday September 11th at 7:30 here at the burough um the parade committee continues to plan for the holiday parade they're looking for entertainers right now um to hire to to use their budget they're also talking about a more decorative slate that use at the parade working on that um and busy planning and hoping for good weather um their next meeting is August 20th at 7:15 here at uh the burrow the Caris committee has a lot going on um they're planning their National Night Out which is uh Tuesday um where did I put the date um National light no Tuesday August 20th uh I think is it August 6 oh August 6th yeah that's what I yep it's on here thank you Tuesday August 6th at the pool starting from at 5:00 p.m. to 7: p.m. they're providing the Italian Isis um and also planning their um over awareness evening here at the burrow um August 28th uh at 700 p.m. so please put those both both dates on your calendar their next meeting will be um September 12th at 7:15 here at the burrow thank you thank you council member gamboy okay so um the Shay Tre commission is going to be meeting August 6th at 7:30 p.m. and um the senior citizens as usual always have the great exercise CL classes going on they have an artart class um on Thursdays and uh all kinds of other great things happening and I just want to let you know I'm going to be guest calling the Bingo for the next two Tuesdays so if that's any motivation for anybody to join the senior citizen you'll get to see me do my thing there and also the environmental uh commission uh is having the green Fair um I say it at every meeting on August 18th from 11: to 3: uh and this is the first time you know they're doing something like this and some of the um involved uh entities will be the weed warriors uh middle sex County Solid Waste a bike walk matou and I think in coordination with the traffic and transportation some of those folks will be coming and bringing some great information about why it's important to uh walk or bike around rather than using your cars and we're also going to have the matachin library with their seed bank we're going to have some electric cars there we're going to have someone called or an enti city called Blue Sky echo-friendly landscapers to talk to about um how you can uh get your lawn cut and upkept uh in an environmentally friendly way also we'll have artist Julia WN who will be making art from recycled materials and more and um um coming up I guess we're going to be putting information on the website and um the Facebook page um when we get our flyer together and that's my report thank you so much council member Branch all right thank you everybody uh first news great news the burough has hired a new director of recreation and Senior Services that is Brienne Ludo uh so congratulations to her congratulations to the burrow I have yet to meet uh Miss Ludo so I'm looking forward to that and helping bring her on board do some great work uh another update from the rouan Arts Council there will be an event on Friday August 2nd at 700 p.m. in Thomas money Peterson Park that is by the group ball in the house it's an Acappella group R the fly looks like it's going to be a good diversity of Music there so looking forward to that also matachin Arts Council continues to play in Fr the midd sex jazz festival that will be on September 28th it will include performances by PA arts dance group the mouin high school jazz band The mouin High School orchestra Mariel bste sepet and headlight ER Russell Malone cortet in the last bit of news uh myself council president and mayor Bush continue to do some pre-planning on festivities for the Burl's upcoming 125th commemoration commemoration I'm sorry uh as well as uh rolling into the nation's 250th uh birthday so be on the lookout that's those plans are starting to firm up and we look forward to having some news on that soon and that's my report great thanks everybody a lot going on in the burrow as always on new business consent agenda council president okay I make a motion to approve the new business consent agenda resolutions 2024-25 to 2024 220 thank you do I have a second you do all in favor iOS okay I make a motion to approve resolution 2024-25 mil 5869 87 do I have a second yes all in favor I oppos um I have an appointment uh here I recommend the appointment of Michael way to the cares committee for the unexpired term ending December 31st 2026 okay I make a motion to accept the recommendations of appointment do I have a second yes all in favor I opposed okay I make a motion to adjourn do I have a second yes you do all in favor I meaning a Jour we you beat the mayor's night [Music]