[Music] stre I wanted to last night happy [Music] t [Music] you [Music] you you know see my [Music] [Music] whole [Music] I'll be up [Music] soon really ien seen or [Music] years [Music] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hey hey [Music] the back we start without him [Music] I like big [Music] I'm [Music] iide do good afternoon and welcome to the January 1st 2024 reorganization meeting of the matachin bur Council adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meeting act pursuant to Public Law 1975 chapter 23 31 said notice was published in the home News Tribune on December 19th 2023 posted in burough Hall on on file on the clerk's office all requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied at this time we invite Rabbi Bennett Miller to deliver the invocation here just a personal note i' I've been a rabbi in Middle sex County for almost 50 years but this is the first time that I have ever done an invocation for one of middle sex Cy's towns where I bar mitzvah the mayor and also performed his [Applause] wedding We Gather here in burough Hall the place where the elected citizens of this fine Town gather to deliberate discuss and determine the quality and life for all those who reside here in matachin we give gather here to celebrate a thriving democracy where the privilege of voting is affirmed as elected members of the Town Council take their place and responsibility of leadership and We Gather to celebrate and affirm the choice made by citizens of Metuchen as they once again call upon Jonathan Bush to serve them as mayor to lead them with wisdom and Good Counsel and to guide them in determining the best quality of life for all especially for the young who represent the future Grant good health honored service and dedication of purpose to our dear mayor the burough counsel and all who serve the people of matachin may they all be inspired to carry out the hopes and dreams of those who came before them and those who will come to praise them May the members of their families be proud of the accomplishments of their loved ones and walk with pride and dignity throughout the streets and parks and schools and religious institutions and Civic centers that celebrate all that is good and sacred in this wonderful town so may it be amen please remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance I pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all at this time the honorable congressman Frank palone will swear in mayor-elect Jonathan M Bush they they can hear say it louder at this time Congressman palone will swear in the mayor elect Jonathan [Music] [Applause] mbush M I Jonathan n Bush I Jonathan n Bush youly swear youly swear that I will support I will support Constitution of the United States of the United States the Constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution in state of New Jersy that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same to the government's established the government's established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people that I will Faithfully I will Faithfully partially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of theou and bur mayor all the duties of B mayor according to to the best of my ability so help me go help [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] congratulations congratulations [Applause] all right put your left hand on there and raise your right hand are we good all right I Venita jethwani I Venita jethwani do solemnly swear do solemn swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the The People Under The Authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of maten burrow council member all the duties of matachin burrow council member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] firsts all [Applause] right [Applause] you should may turn so we can see left hand and right all set yep all right I Tyler Candle I Tyler candell candell I apologize do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faith F and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of matachin burrow council member all the duties of matachin burrow council member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Music] what's [Music] it R set Madam clerk roll call please Council Branch here council member jamboy here council member Heyman here council member jethwani here council member kandell here council president dilia here mayor Bush thank you I'm here and do I have a nomination for the office of council president yes mayor thank you uh just give me one second so it's my privilege to nominate Jason dilia as matachin bur council president for for the year 2024 um having held a seat on Council now for the past 3 years I continue to be in awe of Jason's tireless advocacy for the burough Jason is a phenomenal leader um as thoughtful as anybody as I've I've ever seen um always willing to compromise when appropriate uh so that the correct result is reached this is not an insult to anybody else on the council but know I I can't see a better member uh up here to serve us so so uh it's my honor to Ser to to nominate Jason as uh council president so there's been a nomination and although under Robert's Rules seconds aren't required does anyone want to Second the nomination oh I sure do absolutely I second the second from Miss Heyman are there any other nominations for the office of council president I just have to second just like ceremoniously okay note that in the minutes okay I'm going to close nominations now all those in favor of Jason dilia serving as the council president I I hi any opposed congratulations on another term council president Jason council president dilia is tireless and for those of you who know our community well I don't have to tell you that but for those of you who are here for this event and don't follow matachin quite as closely as we do we're so lucky to have him in this role we're we're we're a team in this whole community and and Jason's tireless efforts show every day and we deeply appreciate them good afternoon everyone and thank you for attending matan's 124th reorganization ation meeting I have to go off script for a second and thank my Rabbi Rabbi Bennett Miller who as he mentioned bar mitz me married me and now has the uh the the ability to provide the invocation and eventually the convocation um before this and it's a it's a huge honor uh somebody I call for counsel he's a friend and uh I don't know what I would have done without robbi Miller in my life in addition to the times I had to end up in his office during Hebrew school on a couple of occasions I also want to thank my uh my family members who are here and I'm going to get more specific as to my my immediate family but I have my mother and my stepfather are here my father and my stepmother are here and you know it's just wonderful to be surrounded by family and friends throughout it's wonderful by the way people in the back which I appreciate that you're all here there are I think maybe spots available in the upper deck not very many council chambers have upper decks we do perhaps it's because our downstairs is so small but I offer those seat SE available to you if you can't hear as well you'd like to be above those are the luxury suites there's no food available Lu boxes that's a good yeah right exactly uh it is so meaningful for me to be sworn in today by our congressman and my good friend The Honorable Frank palone Jr when I was in high school I spent two summers working for Congressman palone on Capitol Hill I will always be grateful for Congressman Pal's mentorship and for the opportunities that he and his office provided me during that particularly formative an impactful period in my life I also thank the other dignitaries who are here with us today and I want to start off in particular with thanking our 18th District legislative delegation we've got Senator Patrick Dagan assemblyman Rob carabinic and assemblyman sterley Stanley the three of them this year alone this year alone secured $5.25 million for this burrow which is which is one of the highest amounts in the entire State and I don't know that people in this community appreciate enough how well we work with other levels of government in addition I want to thank the middle sex Commissioners Were Here Charlie Tamaro Charlie Kenny Chanel Scott McCullum claria konob Barber the four of them uh they think they're they're they're all scattered throughout but I'm deeply appreciative of all your efforts and again the partnership that we have our middle sex clerk is here Nancy pinkin who's always been a great friend to the bureau our middle sex sheriff is here Millie Scott which I appreciate we have our former mayor Ed O'Brien who's here [Applause] uh who is among many who've Contin who've led us on this path that we're at today we have former council members now only just a former council member Dan Hurst who's in the back with his Buffalo Bill's hat J moldun Linda kosi and beatus Mos it's all former council members and I think John Wy is here too so we have another former mayor up top John Wy is here and of course I know mayor Joi from Edison is here somewhere in the back I think so thank you for being here our neighbor and friend Sam Joi congratulations to council member Tyler candell who was just sworn in to serve a second term as councilman Tyler is always candid even during his swearing in as we saw about sharing his opinions on matters his excellent intuition and provides great perspective which has greatly enhanced this body's work during his service to the the burough I also congratulate and acknowledge our newest council member Venita jwani she is incredibly bright incredibly bright resourceful and she is one of the hardest working one of the hardest working people I have ever had the privilege of working with we are so grateful that you've agreed to join us Bonita it's hard to imagine that I have now served in this role for more than six years perhaps it feels like a lot longer for my wife Cathy who has been at my side for every part of this journey and I'm so thankful for her love and support when I was first sworn in in December of 2017 our boys were 13 11 and 6 years old we now have a college freshman a senior in high school and a middle schooler Kathy and I often talk about how fast they've grown but we cannot think of anywhere else where we'd rather raise them this community our home is a truly special place and serving as its mayor is the honor of my life I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to continue to serve even if I have to do it with a little more gray than I thought I would have it's quite apparent that we're in the midst of an extraordinary period in matan's history on this day last year I describ matachin as in enjoying a golden age of sorts and our recent accomplishments have made us shine even brighter but anyone who knows mouin understands that the Brilliance of our community is our Collective effort clearly they don't call us the brainy burough for nothing since this year matachin had not one but two residents appear on Jeopardy Liz dur Jensen was a first-time contestant and Alan Johnson returned for the Champions Wild Card tournament and speaking of twos what are the chances that a burrow of 15,000 people would have two major league baseball draft picks in the same year yeah Jay Harry was selected Jay Harry was selected by the Minnesota Twins and Matt bue was SEL Ed by the Tampa Bay [Applause] Rays Nora Pagel returned to Project Runway after nearly 20 years for the Project Runway Allstar show and then there is our own council president Jason dilia who was awarded the 2023 keep metalx moving George verus outstanding Community leadership award for his leadership on issues of improving safety in The Bureau for pedestrians and cyclists [Applause] and we must not forget the return of our hometown hero Staff Sergeant Michael uran who died in combat over Germany during World War II and whose remains were finally interred at Hillside Cemetery on Memorial Day Weekend nearly 80 years from the date he left our beloved Hometown we may be 2.7 square miles but we are truly Mighty just last month matachin was named jerseys best 2024 destination of the year and earlier in the year only in your state awarded us the title of best walkable town in New Jersey Edgar Middle School celebrated its receipt of the coveted National Blue Ribbon School award and of course the jewel in our Crown was when Main Street America gave the matou and downtown Alliance the Great American Main Street [Applause] award matachin is just the third community in all of New Jersey to have won this prestigious national award and it is without question one of the most important recognitions in the history of our buau and speaking of our downtown it is thriving a number of our retail establishments have become recognized as some of New Jersey's best for example Haley was ranked as by nj.com as number nine on the list of best Irish pubs fresco wased ranked 24 in the list of best Italian deli and what's the scoop is 51 on the list of the best Italian ice cream shops also papalon and Company was recognized by the state of New Jersey as part of the state Senate's dual celebration of Black History Month and National entrepreneurship week our downtown is the place to be in spite of a downward Trend in national retail sales our downtown vacancy rate remains at a record low and we continue to receive significant investment interest from those who want to join our downtown community we are so excited that meoto has opened its doors helping the burough finally realize its vision for a completed public Plaza surrounded by retail and restaurants and soon the former pastry chef at heirloom kitchen will be opening RAM and rooster a Chinese inspired new American eery and the Retro video game arcade yestercades will open here later this month as its fourth location joining Red Bank Somerville and Westfield construction this is a picture from this morning construction is now underway on matan's very own Starbucks located on middle 6 Avenue directly across from Trailhead Park and the entrance to the greenway it's easy to identify our most prominent and highly publicized project to highlight how matachin is constantly moving forward but our success is built upon the strong Foundation that our everyday operation provides in matachin our elected officials and administrators are constantly looking for for new and Innovative opportunities to improve our quality of life and working to incorporate the values and concerns of residents into the way we govern for example while we have enhanced the way the buau communicates through social media and mouin media residents have asked us for even more ways to interact with the burough as a result we partnered with Simplicity an Innovative mobile application which enables residents to stay connected with everything going on in the buau many residents have shared their interest about having increased access to our planning and zoning board meetings so we've made the decision to televise and stream them this year so that residents can watch these meetings even if they're unable to make it to burrow Hall we've heard the community's desire for engaging public art in our community so we established a relationship with the sewer Johnson aier in Hamilton and this summer we joined a select number of other communities around the world to feature Johnson's sculptures when we place three of them around mouin later this winter those sculptures will be replaced by five others at additional sites around the bureau this partnership has also presented a variety of other opportunities for matachin including new curricular programming for our students in the matachin schools speaking of the Arts we know how passionately our community feels about the Forum theater and the proposed matachin Arts District as we have said many times B officials have worked diligently on a plan for the creation of the Matan Arts District the centerpiece for which will be the Forum theater as part of those efforts this year the buau introduced a Redevelopment plan and ordinance for an expanded vision of the matachin Arts District which reflects preservation revitalization repurpose and reuse of the properties in the vicinity of the Forum as an inclusive place for Arts culture and history additionally we recently adopted an ordinance that authorizes the bureau to commence formal proceedings to acquire the the blighted gas station that is adjacent to the [Applause] Forum also during the summer it was announced that our State Legislative delegation led by Senator dnan assemblyman carabinic and assemblyman Stanley acquired another $3 million for the eventual Arts District we knew that from the moment we acquired The Forum that Rio opening would take time not just because of the theater structural issues or the pandemic but because projects like these require Vision Innovation collaboration methodical planning and patience we spend countless hours exploring the business operations and economic viability of the Forum and we are continuing to pursue a variety of simultaneous Avenues in pursuit of our goal to bring the arts district to life it is a major priority of our Administration but not at the expense of significant costs to our taxpayers thus we will continue to pursue our goal of finding a self-sustaining business model that carries this project across the Finish Line we are closer than we have ever been to achieving this objective but slow and steady wins the race our community was excited two years ago that a scene from the critically acclaimed film Eileen was shot on South Main Street the studio paid the burough for the opport to use our community as its backdrop and we recognized the potential that matan's charm brings as a filming location which may result in an occasional source of re Revenue thus within the last few months we began taking steps to certify the bureau as film ready by the New Jersey motion picture and television commission which will provide matachin with additional opportunities to be considered by the entertainment industry since 2009 the fusil foundation has been one of the most impactful local charities and our community has come to rely heavily on its work on behalf of families impacted by tragedy over the years through private fundraising efforts including the fous 5K and the matachin cookie walk many families have been supported by the fusil foundation during the fous 5K this past June Nancy fusil announced that the foundation would cease operations at the end of 2023 during the last few months Bureau officials have been collaborating with board members from the fil foundation in an effort to join the foundation with the concept of it takes a burrow which we initially excuse me which we initially introduced in 2018 as a mechanism to support matachin families in need we are thrilled to announce that several of the board members from the fusil foundation some of whom are with us today will be joined by other dedic ated volunteers to formally establish it takes a burough in 2024 also known as iTab it takes a burough will carry the fusil foundation's torch forward by continuing to host the Beloved fous 5K and the cookie walk each year so that we continue to support residents whose lives have been impacted by tragedy or unforeseen circumstances now at this time I'd like to take a moment to recognize Nancy fusil who in 2008 along with a group of others created the fusil foundation in honor of her late husband Mike Nancy along with your children Michael Jack and Brooke you have turned an unspeakable circumstance into an extraordinary network of support for others impacted by tragedy we are incredibly grateful for the groundwork that you and the fil Foundation have laid for matan's future and Nancy if you're here your kids they're here the if you can stand please [Applause] we continue working to keep the burrow among the safest places to live and raise a family in New Jersey we are adding additional officers to our Police Department that we can continue to implement our comprehensive community policing program placing our officers at all types of burough events in our schools and walking and biking throughout the Bure additionally expanding our police force allows us to increase our traffic enforcement to help make our roads safer it took many years of working with State officials but we have finally installed the exclusive left turn for cars turning left onto middle six Avenue every time it gets a round of applause at the intersection of Grove and middle six Avenues this upgrade has already reduced unnecessary backups on Grove Avenue and made this busy intersection safer for both pedestrians and drivers also we continue to work with middle CIS County officials to make major improvements to the intersection of Central and dur Avenues these improvements are expected to be implemented in time for any new pedestrian and vehicular traffic associated with the new goon project we're closer than ever to installing the bureau's first ever bike lane on matan's portion of Grove Avenue which is yet another significant step toward making ma matachin more friendly for bicyclists this year we also received a state grant for another bike lane on Hillside Avenue that will connect Grove Avenue to our downtown also study show that placemaking goes hand inhand with traffic calming in pedestrianization so we continue to work with our mouin downtown Alliance for ways to create friendly public spaces like conversation corner by the senior center on the corner of new and Central and the beautiful new mural entitled matou and Magic created by famous muralist Ricardo Roy located in the previously underutilized Alleyway between tribos Perry Perry and Mena we believe that 2024 will finally be the year when we are able to implement the 9 .3 million safety improvements to Main Street from the grant that was awarded back in 2018 and yes some of these things take that long right Congressman this grant money will be used to address several known problems along Main Street from Brunswick Avenue all the way to Talmage Avenue and as a specific response to resident concerns we created new marked Crossings at the corner of new and Pearl Street so that it's easier for pedestrians to know where to most safely cross and speaking of New Street after years of our residents and downtown business owners requesting new sidewalks along New Street we'll be replacing them this spring so they match up well with the other downtown sidewalks that were replaced a few years ago also with the help of middle CIS County officials we push back the stopline at ambo and Main Street to allow trucks to make wider right turns which we hope will diminish the number of times that the traffic light pole at that intersection is knocked down with the extraordinary assistance of Congressman palone the bureau was awarded a $300,000 Federal grant to make significant upgrades to our communication system for the matusan fire department this much needed funding will ensure that our First Responders continue to effectively respond to emergencies and speaking of our First Responders we are making significant progress on our new Emergency Services Center which will house our Fire Department EMS and office of emergency management to be located on the current EMS site at 98 Essex Avenue we are so proud of how well representatives from the bureau matachin fire department and matachin EMS have worked together with the architect in these planning phases back in June our State Legislative delegation was instrumental in securing $2 million in state funding for this project and based on our current Pace we expect that we'll be able to have shovels in the ground sometime in 2024 we continue to make extensive progress on other imperative burough infrastructure projects as well for example this spring we expect that construction will be complete on the Jersey Avenue Pump Station replacement project this project is certainly not as exciting as some of our other projects but believe me when I say upgrading our bu's Wastewater management system to significantly improve the flow of sewage throughout matachin is without question an important as important a project as anything that we're working on right now a few weeks ago we finally commenced the replacement of the K Crossing pedestrian bridge in the Graham Avenue neighborhood which had been shut down for safety reasons in early 2018 the Bridge's replacement was made possible by 20121 Grant award from the state's Transportation trust fund we've been working towards this long overdue repair for years and it should finally be complete in the next few weeks the bureau continues to place significant emphasis on major making major upgrades to matachin Parks and Recreation infrastructure we opened a downtown pocket park in the former site of the Manasquan Bank Drive through and with some simple Landscaping repainting repurposing and the addition of some tables chairs and string lights we popped up a temporary iteration of the park for all of us to enjoy over the course of the next year and with the help of another $250,000 secured by our State Legislative delegation we'll be putting together a plan for a permanent iteration of this space which will eventually be named for Thomas Mundy Peterson matan's most famous resident demolition of the warehouses along Durham Avenue on the gton property is now complete and construction will soon be underway on the gton project which in addition to a new apartment building that will be designed to reflect the s's green and Industrial Legacy will include a 32 acre section of the Peter J Barnes III Wildlife Preserve that will be managed by middlex County after completion this property will be one of the most beautiful open spaces and among the most walkable hikable and bikable in the whole region the site will include a public entrance and a parking area with bike racks which will be particularly useful once the future extension of the midd CIS County Greenway is complete the project is expected to be completed by summer 2025 and winter sports season is upon us the burough has once again constructed Charles arena in the charlesfield parking lot for the 2024 matachin floor hockey season this outdoor door pop-up street hockey rink was originally conceived by a dedicated group of local dads to keep the kids playing during the pandemic but we since realized that the outdoor rink significantly expanded the number of kids who able to participate in what is now one of the most popular Youth Sports programs in the entire Bureau we are very excited by the pending completion of the Edgar field project which should be complete within the next few weeks in addition to serving as a field and an outdoor gym for Edgar middle school students it will be a transformative space for our entire Community changing it from an underutilized park to a recreational Hub that both enhances the neighborhood and cements the school in its role as a community Hub the project features new turf fields for full- sided Soccer youth soccer baseball softball and field hockey additionally markouts on the full soccer field will be made for lacrosse like Myrtle and charlesfield Edgar field has also a pedestrian walk path around its perimeter and plan plans are underway for an exciting opening ceremony in April the Edgar field project will significantly enhance and expand the number of recreational opportunities for our community and we anticipate that we'll be able to enjoy it on almost every day of the year and there are even more plans for recreational improvements in the year ahead last June we announced that we have received funding from middlex water to help improve harl C junker Kanas Park which is commonly known as Center Street Park junker park has long been a neighborhood favorite in the radio District known for its slide on the hill which had to be removed for safety reasons but will of course be replaced we are excited that future generations of residents will be able to enjoy junker Center Street Park in the same way that so many others have over the years and also we are very excited to announce that with the help of middlex County again plans are underway for a substantial enhancement of Trail Head Park in its current form Trailhead essentially serves as a parking lot for the start of the greenway but the County's investment will be transformative for our community plans call for an attractive passive Recreation space that will include a great lawn type Concept in addition to a non-traditional play space that incorporates adventure and exploration features as well as improved parking restrooms and significant Landscaping enhancements we hope to be able to announce more specific details for Trailhead Park in the next few months the first time I gave my New Year's Day message from this chair it was January 1st 20 8 I had just become mayor two weeks earlier and I described that quote people choose to live in matachin because they want to be part of a community that makes them feel welcome and valued but perhaps more importantly people live here because they feel their involvement and input matter I explained that quote during my time as a resident I have learned that this is a town of teamwork a place where our true magnificence is measured by the sum of all our parts I'm proud to say that 6 years later this statement is as true now as it was back then our efforts in mouin are successful because we have decided that our bold Collective approach makes a difference our volunteers Bureau staff elected officials and everyday residents who provide their candid feedback in conjunction with the county state and federal officials that we work with almost every week have propelled matachin forward this is deliberate and it will continue as long as we continue to row in the same direction thank you all thank you from the bottom of my heart for for the for the tremendous honor of allowing me to continue as your mayor and happy New Year and thank you for the premature Applause at this time I'd like to ask anyone seeking to make public comment at the meeting feel free to come to the microphone name an address for the record anyone going once going twice seeing none council president mayor I make a motion that ordinance 2024 -01 be introduced and take it up on first reading thank you council president do I have a second second all those in favor anyone opposed Miss zupan would you please read ordinance 202 24-1 by title only ordinance 202 24-1 ordinance to amend chapter 110 section 2011 establishment membership in article 51 Zoning Board of adjustment in part five organization powers and procedure in chapter 110 Land Development of the code of the Bureau of matachin to increase the number of alternate members of the board from to four alternate members thank you I move that ordinance 224-1 be passed on first reading published according to law and a public hearing set down for Wednesday January 7 17th 2024 thank you do I have a second second okay roll call vote please miss zpan council member Branch yes council member jamboy yes council member Heyman yes council member jethwani yes council member Kendall [Laughter] Kendall this is going to be a thing just once yes Council presidia yes motion carries uh may I make a motion that ordinance 20242 be introduced and taken up on first reading is there a second second all those in favor I is there anyone opposed Miss zupan would you please read ordinance 20242 by title only ordinance 20242 Bond ordinance amending a bond ordinance finally adopted April 10th 2023 by the B of Council of the bur of matachin in the county of middlex state of New Jersey in order to provide for changes therein thank you I move that ordinance 20242 be passed on first reading reading published according to law and a public hearing set down for Wednesday January 17th 2024 is there a second second roll call please council member Branch yes council member jamboy yes council member Heyman yes council member jethwani yes council member kandell yes Council presidenta yes motion carries thank you uh mayor I make a motion to approve the new business consent agenda resolutions 20241 to 20246 okay is there a second second and I just want to confirm everybody this is the part of the meeting where we're actually confirming all the new appointments for the upcoming year of residents and volunteers a huge part of how we operate all those in favor I any opposed okay at this time I'm going to ask robbi Miller to come back up and close with a benediction Jonathan that was almost as good as your bar mitvah speech well done it is all affirmed and now the work begins but as it does let us recall with humility and purpose that not far from here there is a lady holding a lamp beckoning all who are inspired by her spirit to enter she declares not like the Brazen giant of Greek Fame with conquering limbs arride from land to land here at our sea-washed Sunset Gate shall stand a mighty woman with a torch whose flame is the imprisoned lightning and her name mother of Exiles from her Beacon hand glows worldwide welcome her mind eyes command the air bridged Harbor that Twin Cities frame keep ancient lands your story pump cry she with Silent Lips give me you're tired you're poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free The Wretched Refuge of your teeming Shore send these the homeless Tempest tossed to me I lift my lamp beside the golden door we pray with all of our hearts May the light of Justice Liberty and peace shine brightly throughout this burough of matachin May there be security and shelter in every street in every home and in every heart May the golden door of this community be open to all all welcoming to those in need yearning to breathe free and may the day Usher in this day May it Usher in a time of goodness of precious goodness for every living Soul touched by the spirit of this blessed Town amen am amen [Applause] amen [Applause] so before before we before we ask for a motion to adjourn I want to let everybody know that you are welcome to join us at meoto they're waiting for us um for an event that everyone here and anyone else who's watching is invited to we'd love to see you and celebrate the New Year together mayor I make a motion to adjourn been a motion to adjourns or a second second all those in favor any opposed thank you all happy New Year Happy New [Applause] [Music] Year hey hey