[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Eric's over there oh I know why Mr sus good evening this is the matachin Board of Education meeting for Wednesday April 24th 2024 would will all rise for the flag salute please Al United States of to the rep it stands one nation indivis thank you notice of meeting please I hereby make the statement to indicate compliance with the open public meetings act known as chapter 231 of the public laws of New Jersey 1975 which became effective 90 days after enactment January 19th 1976 notice of this meeting was given by providing the location time and date of this meeting and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices by delivering copies to the burough Hall in the matachin public library the home news and Tribune The Star Ledger and by filing a copy with the burough clerk as prescribed by this law thank you V call please Mr bot Mr bot had let me know he wasn't going to be able to be here this evening I thank you Miss Cook here Mr derflinger here miss demang here Mr glasberg here Dr Johnson Marcus here Miss Colleen here Mr lifton here Dr spner here Mr sus here Dr kuto we have some Showcases of success tonight yeah I'm very excited by our first two so there were two winners that we failed to acknowledge at or the last time we acknowledged the middle school so and we have a very special guest here to help us uh award these um these these winners I'm going to invite Mr Ed Ron up to the stage where we have a um a trifold Board of one of the winners and um of the winners rather and um and Mr Bron who's critical plays a critical role along with the other science teachers around the middle school science fair we're so happy that he's joining us tonight that's how important it is to him for the recognition of his students so Mr Ron really appreciate you being here number one uh because we appreciate your efforts and number two to help us recognize your winners well thank you I do appreciate that and is my pleasure to be here and I want to thank you and the board for inviting me here tonight for this whole purpose and and I just want to say that the science fair at middle school has been here for many many years supported by the board as well as the mouin Education Foundation the MEF and during the covid years and shortly after covid the numbers were very low for people participating I'm happy to say that numbers are back up again we have a lot of students participating right now and we like hope to keep that going that way in the future um but I'd like to present the winners this year the first place winners our eighth grade students and and I am honored to say that they are in my students as well so a little pat on the back of there for me also um so um Jamon Shaw and Adams korek please come on up here and share me with the stage with [Music] me and um Adam is uh coming back from uh soccer practice he may or may not be able to join us by the time we do things here but hopefully he'll be here here shortly um their their presentation I think I think they can talk about it better than I could um okay so uh this is our presentation it's called B what is Bounty the quicker picker upper it's about the famous household paper towel brand Bounty whose famous slogan is Bounty the quicker picker uper we decided to rival that theory by using other household mat materials to see which object could rival bounty in picking up spills so we did multiple calculations with multiple different objects that we found around the house and we recorded all the data including weights and the amount of liquid spilled versus how much was actually picked up by the objects Bounty was actually not the best picker uper which shows that our hypothesis and their advertising was wrong and it was actually uh the re usual paper towel that came in first followed by the uh normal paper napkin by a slice of bread and then the Bounty so Bounty was in fourth and this Prov our hypothesis incorrect so the project was successful by really showing that the pro that Bounty even though it has good advertising there are still things that could rival it that you could just find around your house thank you thank you for allowing us to be here tonight thank you just a great just a great job thank you for coming it's always interesting when science projects uh when they follow the scientific method and they actually come up with surprising results picture it's it's it's always interesting and gratifying I think it's a great lesson to learn that conventional wisdom isn't always wisdom don't always believe I would also say that when you get the letter from Proctor and Gamble send it to send it to Mr wrong but thank you so much for coming tonight and sharing that with us really appreciate it thank you excellent job thank you congratulations congrats so next let's yeah let's stick with the uh the student um the students for tonight and you know uh we have a student Advisory Board we meet monthly uh Miss Taylor and I thank you Miss Taylor for being here with with our group tonight um we meet monthly with um with our student Advisory Group and those students represent grades three through 12 um and sometimes we bring in guests sometimes they they request certain topics discussed one of those promises that we made to the board who was always very impressed by the work with students in the student Advisory Board is that we would have multiple opportunities for the board to interact and so we do a a formal presentation with slides and the whole group in June but then two other times during the year we bring a smaller subset subgroup of our um Advisory Board and tonight we're really excited to have iomi and Alex and Sydney so I would invite you guys up to the podium and you can formally introduce yourself to the board so make your way to the podium all three of you and just take turns introducing yourself tell the board remind the board what's your name and grade um and then maybe a little bit about the student Advisory Board and then Mr lifton I'll turn over to the board for the normal kind of Q&A questions and answers that we might have so hello my name is iomi Cole and I represent the sixth grade welcome thank you so in the student Advisory board meetings we talk about what's working what's not working and um like who's doing great and who can like improve and also like School updates thank you Amy thank you hi Alex uh hi um my name's Alex um I'm in the um the fifth grade um I think um I have been on the student Advisory board for 3 years um and like normally like what aomi said we normally discuss about like what's doing good what's not doing good and who's doing a great job um and uh like and I'm just and um we also talk about the referendum and I'm really excited about the referendum so Big Bus tour coming up for us in May when we go to see see the process and the projects going on thanks Alex hi I'm Sydney I've been on the student Advisory board for this is my second year um and as um Alex and Naomi said we talk about what's going on in the school um what could be changed and it's been really interesting over these past two years to see uh maybe issues or just um other ideas that we've had and how they've come uh to be I remember last year having conversation about possibly introducing landard IDs at the high school and um now that's something that we do here so that's been really interesting to see welcome thank you for coming tonight thanks Sydney if you all stay close I'm not sure I'll turn over Mr lifon in the board yeah I'll I'll ask the board first and uh questions or comments from the board Mr sus yes sir I mean you uh set set me up for this question you talk about what's good and what's you know could be better so I guess from each of you like what is the thing that you think is working the best and what is the thing that you think could do with a little Improvement um so due to construction for the middle school we have like a new like busing like uh routine now so we have to um like it's like like on like the other side of the bus Circle and I think that's really good because it's not two different where like it's confusing but it like keeps it safe because you don't want to like be in like a construction zone thank you that was for each one of you so thank you iomi Alex did you want to go next either something that's really working well or something that you'd like to see us change that we have yet uh I think um what's working um really well is I don't know that's okay everything's good that's great yeah yeah everything's good food in the cafeteria the pretzels the holy the food in the cafeteria is good so yeah everything's good so far yeah wonderful all right thank you um I would say for something good uh I know there's been a lot of talk about the trips I took my first big or trip with um the high school in uh over spring break I went on the Nashville trip um and it was it was so fun I still message with my roommates and we're all like we wish we could be back there um we learned a lot and it was just another example of specifically the music music department um we performed at Carnegie Hall one of um our classmates got to play at Elvis's piano like there's just so many things that we've gotten to do that I don't know that are just so unique to this music department so I really enjoyed that trip and all the other opportunities we get through that so yeah thanks that sounds awesome thank you sounds great okay other yes Mr glassberg first of all it's so um nice and interesting just to see you all growing up from year to year I love the consistency that we have where where you stay with the program that also must show that that you feel like there's some value in you being part of it um that we've seen you over the last 2 3 four years or um being a part of this um but I also wanted to kind of just see do your do your friends know that you're part of this do they do they offer you ideas or or seek you out and if not like how can you make sure that that they know that this exists and that you're um you have a pathway to be you know to a sounding board with uh with the administration um which is really a valuable tool because um you know we look to that through these these meetings as a way of having a more direct connection to the students that we can't normally have so do your friends know about it and do they bring ideas to you yes so most of my friends do know that I'm on like the student Advisory Board and I have made suggestions like for lunch there was like this drink that I like really like and I suggested it and now it's like I see it like most of my friends like get it and like my friends like always like like it and like I'm kind of happy to see that like my ideas are like being like implemented and like most of my friends can benefit from it as well Greatful if anybody else wants to say but you certainly don't need to and just oh yeah um so kind just like what aomi said most of my friends do know that I'm am on the student advis rebot and like I like take like sometimes I like ask them like these questions that we share like what's doing good what's not doing good and who's doing a great job and yeah so thank you that's great thank you um I would say that uh definitely something that I would like to expand more in the high school I think that there's a lot of people who have um maybe it's not even concerned but just a question that could be answered via um myself to Dr Caputo or whoever would be um best to answer this question or concern so that's something that I would like to figure out how maybe a way for high school students to filter their um interests so that we can you know like any of the high schoolers who are on the board we can decide uh which ones are most valuable and how we can bring them to the meetings thank good idea yeah and thank you all for your time during the school day and then also by coming to these things at night we appreciate it other questions from the board I have a process question I was intrigued by something you just said uh Sydney um figuring out how to solicit more feedback from your peers do do you ever as as you mentioned just now the high schoolers who are on the student Advisory Board do youall meet separately outside of the meetings with Dr kaputo and the administration team we don't and I think that's something that could be helpful especially as the seniors prepare for um their presentations and that's definitely something I can bring up we're meeting tomorrow actually so that's something I can bring up um to them just to see if maybe we could have a once or once every other month meeting just to kind of see what's going on what the tone is at the high school cool thank and based on your request Sydney I believe we'll have some of our board members joining our our Zoom meeting tomorrow because that's what you guys had asked for last time thank you so much we'll see you there other comments or questions from the board well thank you all thank the three of you for coming tonight and also for contributing to Dr Dr Caputo's committee it's something I know he values greatly and we love seeing you with with the updates and as Mr glassberg says especially interesting for for us cuzz we don't see you every day so we we see you growing growing up basically before our eyes and it's it's a wonderful thing to see and and uh and you coming here tonight is greatly appreciated and as I said I know Dr kuto appreciates your uh contributions to his committee and it's very important to him and to all of us so thank you so much for coming tonight thank you guys I really appreciate [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it okay we've got got um oh uh next item is the meeting is now open to the public for any item if anybody has anything to say please come to the podium seeing none we will close that section and move I'm sorry somebody coming no okay sorry nope oh they just yeah like reorganizing maybe somewh have to leave for homework and things like that okay all right have a good night okay so we'll close that section and we'll move to presentations the uh we have the final budget hearing this evening we do so um are we queued up yet so we'll get queued up here and Mr Harve and I will make that presentation I'll take the first half as we typically do and I'll turn over Mr Harvey about Midway um and we'll look forward to questions from the board or the public as you see on our agenda today um there's a separate section we just want to be very um explicit about the presentation and the opening of it and so we we need to do a couple little motions just to open that section that's a little bit different than in past year so we've been advised to put that on okay so we need to make a a motion now or after you begin the hearing it's to is there a motion just to begin the discussion is that like now the way it is listed correct okay board members come back come back come back we have process okay we need a motion to open the public hearing motion motion thank you uh Miss Killian is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus uh all in favor thank you very good so now the second part of that will will present the budget okay so this is our 2425 bu oh yeah I'm sorry we let you get to your your designed seats or designated seats so this is our presentation for the 2425 school year budget the public has been hearing about this uh really in Earnest since January and we'll summarize the um the steps last year in the summer we begin budget present preparations Mr Harvey any good ba is actually beginning years ahead of time um it's September through December the principals are preparing their school-based budgets and the various budget managers they collect um feedback from their stakeholders and they make really hard decisions based on what they feel they need this year versus what they needed last year or the prior year in December the superintendent ba review the submitted budgets and then we begin presentations to the board all throughout the spring um we got our our state aid information on February 26th uh this year we had a a nice raise of 11% from the state so that's um that we're gracious yeah we're grateful for that on March 12th the board approved the preliminary budget and here we are tonight with the final budget very few changes between March 12th and March 24th will start out with the budget because the budget is not just dollars and cents um revenues and Appropriations on a on a page the the any public school budget for anything provides what the school does on a daily basis so from a high school perspective US News and World Report put out their best high schools recently and matachin high schools ranked in the top 10% nationally um this year they were recognized we were recognized with a AP uh School honor rooll a silver award very proud of that um for the class of 23 the last graduating class 97% of students pursued higher education bunch of academic highlights that Mr prasy and staff are very proud about 2023 we had a National Merit semi-finalist and a m National Merit finalist we gave out four we we proctored 463 AP exams and over 3/4s 78% of those students received a three or higher and for that AP score is a three means you've passed a college level course so it's really impressive but it's not all about Athletics we're also or not all about academics we're also about Athletics as well already this year we've had huge fall and winter seasons from our our cross country winter track teams and and we also value those co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities and we need we value those and we put our money where our mouth is and we support our extracurricular and co-curricular um highlights uh here including uh the award that the um the matachin high school band won the tournament bands the group for state champion so really proud of a lot of things on here at Edgar School reminded that Edgar school is a National Blue Ribbon School um that's the in my 35 years of education it's the first Blue Ribbon School that I've been a part of and we're really proud of that in the sustainable schools um uh program Edgar from the years 23 to 26 is a bronze level award recipient and they also received an njaa Grant uh this year through sustainable schools bunch of schoolwide initiatives that they're proud about that that the budget supports that's implementation of their wingman program their advisory program and their what I need programs it's called win and the recently concluded I heard a lot of people talking about this just on the way over from the library today was our spring Musical Camp Rock and we appreciate the the um the efforts that we're able to support through these co-curricular and extracurricular activities we also value these academic competition um and M ASO was really proud of the first Lego League competition math counts and we've had students selected for honors orchestra band and Jazz ensembles moving to Campbell um a number of schoolwide initiatives that we're really proud about I won't read all of them just to highlight some of them but continued implementation um um of our social emotional learning competencies and some competencies something that we really value in teaching the whole child from the time students come to us in Pre K right to the time of of uh 12th grade or our 18th to 21 year old program we've expanded implementation of the nest program that's collaboration with ruers to support mental health at Campbell school um our focus on data to drive English and math uh instruction we have quarterly data meetings and teachers take um and value the power of of data spring X was just amazing this year um continued with over 150 community volunteers and it's something that our parents and Community really support um and and our budget allows us to do that every year uh we hosted a delegation from South Africa uh highlight the ru crew's work around collaborative leadership and um Dr castan is really proud of two other things as well the one school one book initiative um and Dr herach and I read a chapter out of Mr Popper's Penguins uh and the bimonthly surveys that that Dr Stan and his staff distribute to the community um and really look to make growth at of stakeholder feedback several times throughout the school year and finally to moss moss is a small school right now it will be big in in a year and a half but right now it's a small school but big in stature a 2023 National School of character a 2023 promising practice award for kindergarten self-directed Service Learning yes 5-year-olds can self-direct their service learning a 2023 promising practice award for embedding coping skills through self-questioning a bunch of other things but I want to highlight something down toward the a couple things down toward the bottom and is and there's a couple of great pictures there that highlight these the top picture is the groundbreaking that we held March 20th this year um and those are students from our kindergarten class that participated with in our program and we're so happy to get helmets on them and get them with shovels to kind of kick off the construction and also the staff um our our former assistant superintendent Mr Cohen along with Katie upshore Emily paluso Michelle Harold and Kelsey young wrote a book this year the metacognitive preschooler and we're really proud of those more School staff authors as well moving on to special education Focus so three areas uh that the budget supports of special education specialized programs and related Services counseling and behavioral supports and literacy instruction Mrs bonista has done a really nice job job in preparing a budget which provides these necessary supports for children that get um that have IPS or speech IPS and and need these additional supports the next slide talks next three slides I'll just focus on the first one talk about the mental health initiative and if you were with us at last meeting Dr herach did a fantastic job I'll just take this um this one vend diagram which which looks at the the the overlap of staff students and parents and under the opes of prevention education and support and for staff it's providing professional development addressing staff wellness and giving them consultations with Specialists for parents it's education for parents and resources and referrals for Community Resources all with the with the goal of supporting students social emotional learning problem solving coping skills transition supports between one grade or one building to the next additional counseling Services positive behavioral supports deescalation and crisis interventions education and awareness acceptance and assistance and academic supports and the budget process helps us to um to do these things each and every year jumping a couple slides up to the proposed budget for curriculum the budget that were're proposed for curriculum this year is really um highlighting these four areas curriculum writing and revisions with the focus on the full alignment with the 2020 and the 2023 interdisciplinary and content standards we're preparing for qac monitoring which districts go through every three years in the fall and then enduring um ensuring that our documents reflect the district's commitment to educating that whole child that I talked about before the second area around curriculum is professional development with consultants and vendors we like to um to rely on our internal experts but there's sometimes that our staff needs and wants supports and PD from outside experts were're able to do that through this budget professional development led by those District district experts as I alluded to and the fourth area is curriculum office supplies just basic supplies to run the curriculum office on the next slide let's move to technology really want to highlight four areas um and that we've put a lot of effort into the end user experience but also to the behind the scenes so uh from the end users one toone devices for Rising third and Rising ninth graders we actually talk aled about that at our last uh student Advisory board meeting internet and Wan bandwidth increases and expansion of our paper cut printing system where we putting more High um high efficiency printers in common areas and additional cyber security tools that's something that's always working behind the scenes to protect our students parents and teachers you know staff members data continuing a technology on the back end is our infrastructure which allows all this to work for teaching and learning so first wiring 10 gig uh to uh all Wireless and offices that was done in 1718 and the new construction will make sure that all our new construction has that all of our switches are are are linked at 10 gigs throughout the district and new construction will also meet that standard servers are upgraded to 10 gigs our firewall was replaced in the fall of 2022 our internet will be going from 1 gig to 5 gig bandwidth our our students require uh more tools and our teachers want to use more tools that they have available to them we have to make sure the bandwidth matches that we have rolling upgrades of older access points and new construction will be fit outfitted with all brand new equipment all switch closets that's our fiber backbone is connected for 10 plus gig speeds throughout each building and new construction will maintain that and our Wan will be increasing up to 10 gigs between our buildings in terms of facilities and safety our budget allow for the continued proactive maintenance of all district buildings and athletic fields and I've probably said this for 12 um budgets but we see examples around our own County or some of our neighbors with crumbling infrastructure boor before I got here 20 30 years ago made commitments to the town to keep up the infrastructure and we can see we're sitting in a a beautiful Auditorium right now but that doesn't by happen by accident that happens with continued maintenance the second item is continued parking lot maintenance at all buildings buildings um it's a it's sometimes the first thing that a new student or parent or visitors to the school see is where am I parking what does it look like and we want those parking lots to be paved and even and well uh striped and and and that sends a big message HVAC upgrades throughout the district and that's an addition to the new hbac which will be in every classroom and all the new additions and in roof repairs K have leaky roofs and we've made commitments year after year Mr Harve and his staff do a great job ensuring that our roofs are in good shape because if the roof is leaking classes are displaced instruction time is lost I'm going to switch over now to Mr harvier and I'll take the clicker and he'll take us through the rest of the budget presentation tonight thank you Dr Caputo we had to make one change from the preliminary budget to the final budget and that's just a transfer among appropriation accounts there's no change to the total Appropriations it was just a transfer among accounts uh the next slide or the next couple of slides next four slides is just a very extremely brief overview of accounting uh governmental accounting for school districts we basically use four funds the first fund is fund 10 and that accounts for all the operate the day-to-day operating cost of the district 95% of the accounting takes place in fun 10 next fund is fund 20 that's the special Revenue fund and that fund accounts for all all grants that are res federal and state grants that are restricted for a specific purpose next fund is fund 30 capital projects fund that fund accounts for the capital projects for example the the recently approved referendum all that money will be accounted for in the capital projects fund fund 40 accounts for uh The Debt Service fund the money uh coming in to pay the debt service and the money going out is all accounted for in fund 40 and you can say you can see the big increase from 2324 to 2425 from 2.4 million to 7 million and that's because the increased Debt Service is reflective of the the bonds that were issued about a year ago next page is a summary Appropriations 54 million um you can see if you take salaries health insurance transfer to capital reserve tuition and transportation that makes up probably 90% of the budget um education is obviously a labor intensive industry uh the next uh the P graph just shows the the prior page and a p graph the next page is the revenue for fund 10 um I'll just highlight the main items local tax levy 44.2 million state aid 3.2 million budgeted fund balance 800,000 and then we transferring 5.7 million from our capital reserve account into fund 30 to supplement the the referendum uh that's shown as both a revenue and that's shown as both an appropriation and an expenditure uh the next page is just a by a pie chart that shows uh the previous page in a pie chart format next page is a breakdown of our state aid most of our Aid comes from special education special education Aid 2.5 5 million categorical transport Transportation Aid 373,000 and categorical security Aid is 227,000 for a total Aid of 3.2 million the tax impact for fund 10 this is fund 10 only the operating account the ratables are one 1 B96 m87 th000 the tax levy is 44,4 th000 and that comes we for for the average house we used 2,143 just for consistency from the prior year that comes out to school taxes on the house assessed at 21143 at $858 that represents an increase of $225 or 2.7% over the prior year the reason that it's more than the 2% cap is the one exception that we're allowed to get is for health insurance and we were approved appr for that cap for health insurance the next slide shows the tax impact for fun 10 this is high this year because this is the first year that the new the new The Debt Service on the new bonds is being reflected again the matou and ratables is 1 billion 96 million Debt Service is 4.1 million that gives you uh taxes for for both the new debt and the old debt at $800 or an increase of $370 over the the prior year next slide is is fund 10 and fund 40 together again the same billion doll ratables tax levy 48.3 million and a tax increase for fund 10 and fund 40 59 596 on the average house of 21143 or an increase of 6.8% the next slide shows the increases since 2012 2013 uh we went back and this is a new slide we went back and we looked at all the increases over the P all the years since 2012 2013 and the average increase over the 3 years is 2.3% that's after factoring in um any increase or decrease in ratables so that's what the the taxpayer would see on their tax bill average over the 13 years at 2.3% average increase per year 2.3% uh the next slide just shows the budget efficiencies I'll just highlight two of them uh we we got a grant to to redo a lot of our HVAC equipment um we received the last mon so we I guess it was two summers ago we replaced a lot of the HVAC equip equipment the cost was 2.2 million um we got a grant retroactively for 1.6 million of that 2.2 million and we received the final pay pay uh and the we're also going through another energy audit uh through psng through the clean energy program the order this paid by by the it's actually paid by the users of pH PS and everybody has a small cost on their bill for it and it's possible nothing's Absolut absolutely nothing's guaranteed but we might be able to get grants retroactively for some of the HVAC work that was included in the referendum and hand out two and hand out three are we have already discussed in Prior meetings so any questions just uh wait for the board to get back I just want to confirm going back to what you said when you had averaged the last 13 years of budget increases that 2.3% includes not just the standard budget but also any any like when we had the mental health referendum this and this first year of of financing the the uh the new referendum for the school construction that includes all of that so that's a net net figure that's if you took the average tax bill and went 2.3% 13 years you should get just about what you're paying now right assuming you didn't have anything done to your house right right right understood but but so so over 13 years the average is for for the average for every house unless against the value as assessed went up 2 point in the average of 2 3% a year including this current referendum including this this increase this year which is the first year we're going to be financing the the the new bonds correct thank you Mr harier questions from the board Mr sus I'm actually uh just two comments for the public so or question so Mr Harvey you you mentioned we're going to get $275,000 for transportation that's from the courtesy busing just worth pointing out to the public that we're still operating loss correct for that approximately how much is the about 300,000 it's about $300,000 loss and I guess it's missed my attention over the years but a New Jersey Department of Education assessment for 100k what what is that so that is in let's see in 1998 we got a grant um for the building project and and when the state had so the state issued bonds we got a grant and when the state got into financial trouble back in 2010 they made the decision that all the school districts that got funding got a grant would have to pay pay back the state's Debt Service so that was unilaterally imposed on all school districts of New Jersey by the state in about 2009 2010 so how long do we have to pay that so so it's good question so our bonds for that are paid off in 2027 so once our bonds are paid off then we won't have to pay that anymore thank you other questions for Mr Harvey well I just want to say um as as always year after year our our district just does a wonderful job with the budget process um I I can't imagine a more in-depth more transparent process than what uh Dr kuto and Mr Harvey lead us through every year again I want to compliment both him both both of them as well as the principles and everybody else who worked hard to have their input in into this budget and for the people at home um not only did they do they work on this budget and finalize this budget as they always do and it's a tremendous amount of work but they did it while they were also planning and implementing a a building referendum uh so uh to uh Mr Harvey especially who's really in charge of this process but of course Dr Caputo who leads the district and all everyone who had input into this uh on behalf of the board I want to thank you as always and just an exemplary job so thank you there isn't a better ba in the state here here absolutely thank you um so thank you thank you again um okay we have another presentation we do District goals tonight and we'll switch that over oh my gosh you guys are awesome thank you all right so um amazing together is our um our theme our motto for the 20 23 20 24 school year uh we presented our district goals in August to the public uh to the board and the public and we gave an update around Thanksgiving and we promised an update around spring break so we're meeting late but we're right on target um and and this is like the second third of the year so um just a quick review of the goals we have six goals in 20 uh 324 um and they're listed in the green boxes there you'll see those a lot more as we move through but I kept the slides the same the next slide shows our assessment process I just want to talk about that a little bit because it while it's important for the Thanksgiving and the spring break updates it's more critical for the final year summi of um process um but we we developed this scale a few years ago we had gone through a number of different self assessment methods uh we settled on this one after changing a number of times and we feel this really stands a test of time so a one to five scale a score of one means we didn't do it or that circumstances prevented us from doing it so it might not be anyone's fault so that would be a one a two means there's some progress that was made it was minimal or maybe not at the student level three means it was good progress but it's either not completed or there's limited impact on students and that's that's our our our minimum that we want to see by the end of the year our Target is for that we did it well and there's some evidence of impact at the student level of all these efforts and obviously then we shoot for five as as a as the as the moon we shoot for the moon to say that we did it well and there's been significant evidence of impact at the student level and that's a really high bar um what you'll see today are interim scores um some may go up or some may go down hopefully continuing up uh through June um but we'll we'll we'll have a more in-depth presentation in June so first of all for goal on next slide our goal was to establish and communicate norms for adult communication that reflect shared values and result in positive impact and outcomes for all stakeholders that really came out of a lot of work that we did last year and we decid to make it a goal this year each of these goals are lined up similarly and you've seen this before they're aligned to the whole child tenance and indicators there's some generic areas to address so for here it's parent teacher parent administrator teacher administrator and parents as partners that's our goal and we had four actions across four schools so really 16 areas that we're working on I won't read you all the actions they're listed there the mean score for this update was a 3.75 that's up from 2.44 at Thanksgiving time and there's a range of scores from 3 to five in those 16 areas in goal one remember there's four actions times four schools sample evidence just one piece of evidence from me scort Moss the family connection through Class Dojo is highly subscribed and used as a effective communication tool at campin you heard me talk a little bit about before the fourth grade bimonthly survey is currently open for staff and students and results and proposed actions will be shared with relevant constituent advisory groups that's all aligned with the actions in goal one Edgar PTO sessions on parents contact schools suggest appropriate communication strategies they discuss Hot Tops ICS at the high school engagement by stakeholders in collaboration using an activity they call do you really know me goal two goal two is to maximize instructional opportunities for differentiation small group instruction academic intervention and co- teing all with the goal to increase academic outcomes it's aligned with um whole child tenants indicators supported one engage six and seven and challenge six and the areas we're looking to address ensuring efficacy with the workshop model and small group instruction looking at our AP results I talked a little about that today grade level test scores protection of instructional time scheduling efficiencies response to intervention and our ESL English as a second language are multilingual Learners six actions across four schools so 24 areas that were looking at in goal 2 the mean score of those 24 areas was 3.67 up from 2.46 at Thanksgiving time range of 1 to five so in some of these are some of those 24 areas at least one of those areas we we feel like we've maxed out some areas that we hadn't started yet or really need to make up ground in um in the third period third cycle now some sample evidence at Moss assessment data used daily to monitor academic and behavioral goals especially the Dibbles assessment implemented multiple times per year instruction based on those results again these evidence are clearly aligned with those actions and goal too at Campbell departmentalized schedule in grade uh four data being collected on that to know whether we can move that down next year Edgar data drives with supervisors and coaches analyzing data and developing plans and a more efficient High School final exam schedule um you can see this one's really talking about maximizing instructional time rotating schedules for testing and the school leadership team is initiating conversations about field trips and instructional time goal three the goal is um to develop student problem solving skills through active engagement and connection to others including through problem based learning Service Learning internships plus leveraging opportunities that we have with the construction project and you'll see at least one or two of the the examples um are connected to this the project we're looking to address areas problem problem based and Service Learning construction lessons artificial intelligence and stem six actions in goal three across four schools so 24 different areas the mean score is 3.48 and it's up from a two the range is from 1 to four sample evidence includes at Moss preschool program building they have a buildings investigation unit and we see the students out there almost the daily basis inquir in inquiry questioning activities that focus on construction they're attend lesson plans at the upcoming spring X kindergarten um one of the books is entitled construction site that will be a theme in one of the classrooms Campbell they're exploring climate education and wind turbines um we were really proud to show that off to the New Jersey Department of Education Plus New Jersey first lty Tammy Murphy a couple weeks ago um when they came to visit to hear about our efforts at Edgar students participating in advisory and win and wingman and the student council um various CH uh Charity donations throughout the year especially proud of their adoptive family drive and at the high school some stats we have an independent study six internships and six tree ambassadors so we're really proud of that work as well goal four the goal is to enhance tiered interventions through training and modeling strategies to address mental health and behavioral challenges looking at behaviors and mental health and least restriced environment and proactive strategies as well as responses four areas across four schools 16 total um areas to look at the mean score was 3.63 from those areas up from 1.88 which is the biggest increase from Thanksgiving to Spring Break range though is still 1 to five and some evidence at Moss consistent tools have been identified to assess student wellness and its physical and mental health at Campbell the Columbia assessment used during student screenings by our CST and our Nest program at Edgar suicide prevention is on target for their May faculty meeting and at the High School faculty meetings uh throughout the the uh second semester uh including connections teen drug use police support Suicide Prevention and our Workshop from effective School Solutions our fifth goal is to mobilize students by Levering leveraging co- and extracurricular experiences to build pro-social behaviors to combat meanness and bullying and Dr herzog's hands are all over this her impact of these goals but especially around goal five really leveraging an area that we really hadn't touched before in our goals um it's aligned to whole child tenants safe five supported 10 challenge 7 and really looking at kindness and student leadership three actions I'm going to read these uh encourage participants of clubs and teams to engage in purposeful activities to spread kindness and inclusion throughout the school Community we were hearing about these pockets of really wonderful work we want to make it a goal for every club and every sports team engage the school Community to partner with these clubs and teams for resources and content to act activ at student engagement and in audit of current practices implementing new practices and celebrating activities and successes of teams and clubs I think we got 48 clubs uh team club advisors and team coaches to contribute to our Google uh assessment we really highlight some of those at our final um goals presentation in June mean score was 3.88 that's our highest of all the six goals and it's up from a 2.67 ranges from a 3 to a 5 at Campbell well over a, kindness Hearts were submitted highlighting acts of kindness within the school and community at Edgar the announcements have for the first time included re really meeting information and highlighting the success of of our student groups and competitions and a slideshow displaying Club information in the hall and some specific examples of the H of the high school really to highlight a couple areas um girls basketball girls softball and boys baseball and really consistent evidence from the Unified PE program as well and finally in goal six U utilizing curricular and instructional strategies and practices to develop social awareness emotional regulation and coping skills with practice throughout the day for our students looking at student skill sets and building those and opportunities within the schoolly to practice those our mean score was 3.08 the area that we have the most work to do but it was up from 2.25 at Thanksgiving ranging still from 1 to 5 Moss we see lesson plans and observation reports and morning meetings uh addressing cell competencies um and um we recently um we had M staff present self structured self-questioning to our neighbors in Edison so we're really proud that that our our neighbor was identifying some work that we're doing really well here at Campbell teachers have shared resources and approaches for conducting morning meeting and additional resources to fully Implement that for 2425 and Edgar do Nows include social OT learning strategies and we also see that in our win and advisory periods and at the high school collaboration between our our various groups ESS Wellspring and our counselors to identify students who would benefit from the additional and ensuring additional connectedness which is a which is a key term so that's my update I'm happy to take questions as board members make their way back to their seats as I said a few times our final summative um evaluation of our goals will take place at our I think our second J our second June meeting thank you Dr Caputo for your always um extensive one might say exhaustive updates it really is just a way for the board and also the public to see all of the work not just that your specific children may see that you know teaching but all the work that goes on behind to try and achieve the goals that Dr kaput on the board has set for the district and and this is just one interim report and it's really only a fraction of the work that's going on behind the scenes so it's it's great to get these updates and see the progress being made and certainly appreciate and look forward to the final um update summative update uh coming uh towards the end of the year are there any comments or questions from the board on Dr Caputo's report uh Dr spner I was just wondering either Dr kaputo Dr Herzog how do we choose a strategy for uh addressing of uh implementing some of the goals that you have especially when it comes to like behavioral mental health uh how do you weigh those I'm really interested because there's so much out there just kind of wanted to so I could probably give you a fair answer but Dr Hera could probably give you an excellent answer so sure um if if you would Dr her you talk a little about that well we follow the guidance of our experts that guide us so we have clinical um like our records director is a clinical psychologist we have board certified Behavior analysts so so they really use the research and the evidence to guide us and to make and then those Specialists train teachers and put strategies in student intervention plans um so we have the three directors of the mental health programs that work with us on that train their staff their their clinicians their clinicians work with our guidance counselors and our child study team we've built a lot of capacity in our staff to follow those recommendations um just spreading them through our new teacher orientation so they really keep us updated and we we're doing trainings all the time and sending our our uh counselors and our CST out and bringing those strategies back great thank you thank you other questions on the goals update Mr glassbook it's really just a comment that um you know when you look at the the scores there it's it's obvious that this is done with um it seems to me honesty and integrity really in how you assess yourselves and the Temptation could could really be there to just shift things around in a in a way that that look good but really it seems to be taken with a a critical approach and uh I appreciate what what appears to be something that's very thorough and and uh as objectively done as possible I appreciate that we didn't want to make binary goals like did it or didn't do it kind of thing so that's why when we look at that 1 to five scale that we developed for ourselves and it took us three or four iterations to get I think we to get it right but five means we did it really well and it had significant impact on the student body that's a really high bar so we almost it's really difficult to get a five so as Dr Herzog reminded me yesterday our Target's four which means we did it well and it had some impact at the student level that's that's pretty good I mean that's that that's that's worth the time that we put in into developing goals um introducing those goals and following up with them on a month-to-month week to week daily this stuff is what permeates our work these aren't things that we just look at three times a year you know this is like it permeates our work so thank you I appreciate that and we'll be looking for suggestions from all the stakeholder groups the board our administrators our teachers through in service days and our and surveys through from our principls from um my student advisory board for my parent advisory board collecting what are the important what what potentially could be the goals for the 2425 school year with that same goal in mind that five is going to be really hard to reach but we'll do our best to get to a four and in some some of the areas we may touch five thank you yes uh Mr sus uh question regarding uh goal one and again really appreciate the progress there be possible to share the results of the the bimonthly the Campbell bimonthly survey and the Edgar survey with the board so I think there a couple different things the um this the community at um Campbell gets those surveys and I believe Dr Dr um castanza shares those out in his like his what do think the Vibes or the or the or the Friday 3es or whatever it is I think he he includes results in there which Edgar survey um the Edgar Administration sent out a survey to the parents Campell that was that was Edgar Dr do you know a little about that I think that they said oh thank you I think they sent input for their own professional reflection and growth and then to and then they identified some some strengths and areas for growth and went over those with their PTO so I think they had some like analyze some takeaways from that yeah earlier tonight coming over we talked about our strong evaluation system and what it means to be a role model um one of the things we didn't talk about is the all the employees in District have to get feedback as part of their evaluation process from a stakeholder group uh maybe it's if you're a principal maybe it's your teachers or your parents or the students if you're a teacher it could be the parents or the students so any stakeholder group that the group that you deal with so that was their that was their evaluation feedback so I wouldn't necessarily share that however we could certainly share the topics that they talked about with their uh with the PTO because those are you know publicly discussed topics areas that wa they want to see Improvement and areas that we real proud of so we can collect that for you and share that next time by the way I think it's great that they they they reach out uh both both schools I I think that's I think that's fantastic I know we've heard from the community and I I think you know both those initiatives are it's great that they're doing that but yeah just any information we was curious to say sure other questions or comments for Dr kuto regarding his uh goals update seeing none thank you again thank you for your presentation um we will move to the reports uh president's report I do not have a report this evening move to the superintendent's report nothing extra for me tonight okay a move to committee reports we will start down at the end um Miss Cook policy yes policy met on April 16th we had the District uh policy committee chairs with us miss Pettis and Miss curon um it was a great night uh we started off with their uh committee spring update where they brought to us some questions or concerns about various policies including things like the field trip policy and social events and class trip policy and just more wording matching practice kinds of things it was a good discussion um we then also talked about the ongoing policy manual review um that as if Mr harvier and Dr Kuda didn't have enough going on on they have also been working on in 2024 uh so far everything has been going pretty smoothly um we just asked Dr Kabuto to check back on a couple of the options for some of these policies um if the public doesn't know if you look at the policy manual often times policies have little customizable sections so sometimes we have to double check that those are accurate um and then look I'm sorry skimming my notes um and then some new business brought to the committee to look at some of other policies so we'll be doing that at our next meeting which is on May 21st as part of the triple header that night thank you very much uh Mr derflinger curriculum thank you curriculum met on April 16th last Tuesday I had a work event and uh Miss Colleen was nice enough to lead that meeting so I'm going to let her fill you guys in on that meeting okay Miss cleen sure uh so the we sorry to collect my thoughts here okay so we started off by talking about uh curriculum revisions Dr Herzog gave us an update on curriculum writing preparation work that has begun um she's got a hefty lift ahead of her coming up so uh we were talking about the extensive uh training for curriculum writers that has started and that is scheduled to take place at each School uh it's unbelievably detailed um with um fantastic resources for all the writers so and other um public kudos to Dr Herzog for her uh important and hard work that she's been doing there um but she she walked us through that process um in a very detailed way and then uh we received the US 2 curriculum uh for for review um and we talked about just a change of a curriculum writer but that that was we we spent a good deal of time looking at the requirements the revisions the um mandates and the resources that the writers will have in front of of them and it U Le left me feeling very confident with the work that was about to take place it was a a really really nice job um we talked about a testing up update uh the dlm uh administration had started um we talked about the upcoming njsla tests uh which I'm sure the students are all looking forward to right now uh we talked about the science fairs that have just gone on uh the Campbell science fair just finished sh there were 100 180 total projects which was fabulous uh walking through the gym it was uh electric and so uh big thank you to U Mr ndi and the rest of the uh teachers that and administrators that work to make that such a um fantastic event for the students um and then we talked about some our programs um and that was pretty much it like I said the bulk of the meeting focused on the curriculum revisions thank you you might as well keep going with extracurricular absolutely all right so uh when extracurricular met um it was what was the date the 20 15 15th yeah thank you um anyway we talked about uh we had a presentation by the climate change committee and that was really uh a fabulous uh presentation um that committee is doing some really exciting stuff they reviewed their goals and give us updates um they shared upcoming events they've got a talk with the expert climate change talk with Dr James sh from Ruckers uh happening on June 6th they discussed uh some of the work they're doing with sustainable Jersey the high school submitted for recertification um they talked about a uh collaboration with the shade tree commission the the tree Ambassador commi uh program we've got some of our students participating in that um and some of the work that they've done there um so really really really neat stuff coming out they talked about um their educator panel and in how how different different classes not just science all subject areas are integrating climate uh education into their lessons um an initiative they've got at the high school and anti-idling uh project going on um they talked about um how the Arts are being integrated they had art projects on display at Berkshire hathway there's just it's a tremendously Dynamic group they're growing they're doing really exciting uh work really important work and uh it was it was great to hear about all the neat stuff that's happening there um we uh briefly touched on flag football the participation there um what's you know the games they've played we had some discussion on on some issues that were raised to the board recently regarding trips and um conflict of interests and coaching and that there were um some possibilities of bringing uh ideas forward to policy for consideration so um we may see more growth there we had a discussion on uh changes to payment for matachin relays and um I proposed njsia spectator code of conduct that will be coming out so there might be some policy implications with that as well sh the list is growing so uh and then um another another piece of discuss the process for approving purchases and gifts from parent groups and that that pretty much closed at our meeting there okay thank you we'll move back to this side uh Mr Glaser construction yes construction met on April 15th that was a meeting that was open to the public and open to other board members um some of the topics discussed um at that meeting and also um via email were uh colors of the um buildings and some elements of that in the new designs uh a pipeline near matachin High School um and whether that would have any impact on the construction does not um basketball the public that was there asked a lot of uh questions that were great um that really showed an attention to detail um so there's a question about the basketball hoop that is at Edgar and whether that would be replaced if you've been by Edgar you'd see that that area is is um is fenced off and there are two basketball hoops that are scheduled to replace that one that's there um basketball scoreboard lights in the new gym and shot clock was discussed um the Campbell playground was brought up because that's been that's blocked off as part of the construction that's going to be blocked off for quite some time um Bond payments um came up and just in terms of how that part works and the financing uh question about electrical delays and whether there are electrical delays um as of this time we're still on track there's no particular issues there as of this moment um all of the schools have their fencing up um Moss just had a lot of clearing that was done over the last couple of days is that a fair assessment a last couple of days a lot of clearing that's been done so things are things are moving along uh question about bus and car drop off at Moss during the construction and uh the need for good communication there we talked about Staffing um that's going to be ultimately an administrative uh decision but there was a question about how Staffing will be handled between the schools when there's a realignment of grades a question about whether uh boss busing would be at Moss school um the committee said that this is a those sorts of questions are year-to-year uh decisions that go through Finance because as you might have heard earlier in this meeting um this is what we call Courtesy or subscription busing it's not mandatory busing for the most part um but uh nobody on the committee was bringing up um objections in the moment to to busing but that's a board decision as part of the budget planning process um even a question about a water spigot on the outside of the Campbell cafeteria yes there will be one there and I know that's sometimes used for for different events the reason why I read those off they're all in the report and they're all posted but just to show the the varied nature of people's um questions and the things that come to their mind and uh that's really one of the reasons why we continue to have the open public committee meetings is because we want people to be able to ask the questions in an environment that they're comfortable with of course in addition to that people are always welcome to um send emails and those questions will get answered so that was our April meeting um our next meeting is May 13th that is a regular um closed committee meeting the next one that's open to to the public is June 10th and that is at 700 p.m. in the matachin High School uh Library June 10th thank you thank you Mr glassberg uh Dr Johnson Marcus do you have an update I sure do in relations commission yes I sure do this one is a a really exciting one for the human relations commission we want to call attention to our high school seniors to the Willie F and Mary Fenton Williams equality and inclusion scholarship uh applications are being accepted until midnight on May 3rd so that's next Friday please make sure you get your essays in I want to just give a little background on the phams uh family so they were both longtime matachin residents who worked to combat racial intolerance and create a more just and tolerant World they work to provide equal opportunities for everyone this is a scholarship that's awarded annually to a a senior high school senior 12th grade with financial need who will be continuing on to college or vocational school after graduating from matachin high school the awarde will have demonstrated a commitment to the goals for which the Williams work throughout their lives that is fostering diversity Equity inclusion understanding and acceptance at matachin high school and within the matachin community the award's contributions to the school community that will have uh promoted the basic tenant that fellow students and residents deserve to be treated with respect and dignity applications as I said are due May 3rd Friday May 3rd by midnight it's a 500w essay uh describing your activities and explaining your motivation for why you're involved in fostering tolerance and acceptance in our community um applications are due to the Williams scholarship mhrc gmail.com address but importantly they are all of these details are available on the local scholarship page on the matachin high school page um and then to save the dates for everyone um I know you're looking forward to it and you couldn't wait to put these in your calendar we have the pride event coming up on June 7th so save the date as well as juneth event coming up on June 15th so save the date more details to come both of these events will be in the evening thank you thank you um Dr spner um Equity yes Equity committee met on April 16th and Dr kaputo and Dr Herzog for the first time joining us Dr kuto was joined us Dr herok joined us for the first time and brought some really um interesting information for us to help us through uh discussion we had two main subjects on the agenda uh we're continuing to um talk about how we build cultural competencies for our Administration and our staff and specifically as it relates to um processes that we can use and strategies for Recruitment and hiring of um our staff and and um faculty and we also talked about um building those competencies through the professional development training and through mentoring that that can be provided for um across the board and the second item was uh about what we're going to do for students who are not going to college and talking about what we're currently doing which Dr hzo was very um helpful in in Walking us through what we have C currently do and then we discussed and came up with an another option hopefully that would be uh something we can add to the list of we already are doing so the summary of the meeting was that we discussed those that having a recruitment committee um that would be trained and have these um practices in place to build those competencies um to maybe train a small group and to think through this and as steps to uh train give them training resources to a small group and have that group become the mentors and train other groups that are involved in the Recruitment and hiring in the district um sharing resources we talked about some resources and shared some um during the meeting that will help the administration um with these inclusive hiring practices uh we talked about um resources from the University of Michigan that uh Dr Johnson Marcus uh um uh helped us uh identify and the stride model which is also another model that we can look at that District can look at as we we continue to look at um inclusive hiring practices uh we we talked about other resources uh and and uh professional training that can be included when there's professional development for our staff and uh discussed that you know there is where we can do these through time you know implementing um pieces of this so step by step as we uh walk through the administration with helping with resources and identifying the those critical things that will help us move as a district closer to where we need to be um and then in terms of our students who are not going to college we walk through those options that toar gave us which was a really nice list of things that already being done through the counselors and and through internships and other things being offered to students in different uh with different abilities and different passions and all of that and uh we also came up with the suggestion of having an informational night for parent parents uh for seniors uh parents who may be um working with their students to try to uh find those alternative paths um if they're not going to college right away and uh we thought that might be a good thing to think about and Dr F I know you're very excited about that so whether it's this year or next year that's something that we look forward to to offering our students who are not not going to college at least not right after high school and hopefully we'll help them with some ideas and resources for that so uh that the just of the discussion our next meeting would be on May 21st thank you um Mr sus Finance yes Finance met on April 15th right after the uh referendum meeting uh we talked uh we had a presentation from our insurance brokers Brown and Brown and we talked about the recommendation to move health insurance plans that is item four in the finance uh agenda which for your approval tonight we talked uh final but um couple final budget items uh again item nine on the for approval tonight is the approval of the budget and the presentation that uh was given talked about future budget tra uh um future budget challenges we talked about out of out of District tuition costs we are going uh we recommend not to raise the uh tuition for out of Stu out of District students that want to come to matachin we we um talked about uh facilities we talked about some of the items uh Mr Harvey I talked about already uh which is the p ps uh audit you know looking at our um energy usage and we talked about the Zone the YMCA will be taking over The Zone next year and proposal for Campbell School drainage not the part that we're doing construction on but the other part of the field um taking a look at that next meeting is the same night as referendum Brian I mean Mr glasberg what night is that uh that is May uh 13th May 13th 13th thank you are there any comments or questions on any of those committee reports seeing none thank you all we'll move to our student board member report Miss dbag uh yes as we approached the month of May the school community eagerly anticipates a series of exciting events and Milestones here's a preview of what's to come MHS Cafe night on April 25th at it starts at 700 p.m. get ready for an evening filled with music and more our school will host Cafe night providing a platform for students to Showcase their talents and creativity join us for a night of entertainment in community Spirit then NJ AJ van competition on April 25th is um coming up please show your support as our talented musicians take the stage to demonstrate the skills and passion for our music then on April 29th grade nine will be taking the njsla students will soon participate in it this assessment period is an important opportunity for students to Showcase their academic proficiency and growth then AP exams on May 6th to May 10th students will have the chance to demonstrate their Mastery of college level material best of luck to all participants I know I'll need it after that I would like to have a heartful thank you to everyone who supported Project Graduation yesterday your contributions ensure a memorable celebration for our graduating seniors thank you stay tuned for announcements regarding upcoming events in May it's a busy month thank you thank you for your update appreciate it okay at this point I'll ask the the board is there any old business from the board seeing none is there any new business from the board Mr sus just one item it's Maggie Colleen's birthday today the big one so congratulations her proud mother was too embarrassed to say anything congratulations 10 10th birthday big time no no more babies no more babies yeah okay uh any other new business from the board seeing none uh I'd like to move the approval of the minutes of the Board of Education meetings April 9th 2024 special business meeting 1 April 9th 2024 special business meeting 2 April 9th 2024 board meeting uh is there a second um Dr Johnson Marcus are there any comments or Corrections on those minutes roll call please Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lifton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you the meeting is now open to the public for any topic seeing none I'll close that section and move to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools oftentimes it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases unanimous vote before matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the board of education is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with Administration and the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting I'd like to move the Personnel items A1 through six is there a second Mr glasberg are there any comments on on those me yeah Mr sauce no I was just hitting me Oh I thought that indicated you know okay any uh any comments or questions on those items sing n w please Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr Glaser yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you Mr sus Finance I'd like to move items B1 through B10 is listed on the agenda thank you is there a second Dr spner are there any comments or questions on those items seeing n wo please Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss cleen yes Mr lifton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you um Miss Cook I'm sorry policy it's okay I'd like to move items C1 through C2 as listed on the agenda thank you is there a second Mr derflinger are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none wel call please Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss khen yes Mr lifton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you U Mr derflinger curriculum thank you I'd like to make a motion to move items d one through three as listed on the agenda please thank you is there a second Miss Cook are there any comments or questions on those items sing none W call please Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss khen yes Mr lifton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you the meeting is now open to the public for any topic seeing none we will move to announcements Mr bot is not here m cook you have announcements I do I do okay he sent me some too so oh well oh we've had multiple announcements oh all good go for it okay tag team I know sorry I went with the newest or latest last two of us to do it so we texted each other and said okay never have enough announcements Miss cook so oh yes we can um okay so to reiterate a few things um that have already been said tonight but just as reminders njsla testing time is here so be sure to check your buildings newsletters and specific emails for instructions for those days uh the third grade wax museum is coming up at Campbell on May 10th so that's always exciting um as is the second grade play at Campbell as well so pay attention to your newsletters there as well um tomorrow night is MHS Cafe night and this weekend as was mentioned is the NJ AJ um jazz band competition being hosted right here at matachin high school the first bands go on at 5:00 pm if you want to come and check it out um Good Luck to everyone taking all of those lovely AP exams uh coming up very soon and our next Board of Ed meeting will be right here at um at mouch in high school on Tuesday May 14th at 800 p.m I almost said my school name instead because we have the same initials thank you thank you m cook is there anything to add Dr Johnson Marcus that was really good very comprehensive there was actually I I did want to say because you know I can't let Mr bot down uh the PTC fundraise your parents night out on uh May 3rd at Jr's Pub silent auction has started there's tickets available and something called Spring Extravaganza on the 517 get your tickets okay thank you Dr I think that was it backing up Miss Cook appreciate it yes okay uh at this point I'd like to make a motion to adjourn is there a second Mr glassberg all in favor thank you and good night [Music] n [Applause] [Music]