##VIDEO ID:IKx8hS4Qc5s## for for e e for e for he what brings you here tonight oh yeah I thought that was Tanya's thing oh I see well thank you for joining us tonight how's the new secretary doing finding her footing yeah awesome well she needs any help I'm around oh which one blaz I could have sworn they added somebody you told me to get rid of the other one and do this one thank you for being here for the Board of Education meeting we are running about 10 minutes behind so thank you for your patience and we should begin shortly e e e e e e e e e e e e e for for e for we've got a new acronym njpa is that what it was always called easy I'm like I shower teer summer I took a shower Hey listen it only happens every couple days who's got a pen me pen I don't travel with pen I might in my purse I've got the uh I got the I just my John's Hopkins Baltimore I got it I got it I got it yeah that's one Eric that how it's didn't get she really want she was very annoyed never rection that's just didn't answer application she called make sure they had it yes we have it be patient so it's i t you got have a right we ready kind of blew up yes good evening this is the matachin Board of Education meeting for Tuesday August 13th 2024 would you all rise to the flag St please to the flag of the United States of America stands thank you notice of meeting please I hereby make this statement to indicate compliance with the open public meetings act known as chapter 231 of the public laws of New Jersey 1975 which became effective 90 days after enactment January 19th 1976 notice of this meeting was given by providing the location time and date of this meeting and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices by delivering copies of the burough Hall in the matachin public library the home news and Tribune The Star Ledger and by filing a copy with the burough clerk as prescribed by this law thank you Ral Please Mr bot Mr bot informed me he would not be here this evening thank you Miss Cook here Mr derflinger here Mr glasberg here Dr Johnson Marcus here miss cleen here Mr lifton here Dr spner Dr spner also informed us she would not be here this evening thank you and Mr CS okay thank you uh um we do not have a Showcase of success this evening asight y the students are hopefully enjoying their summer break um meeting is now open to the public for any item seeing none we'll close that section move to presentations and I see behind us we have a uh looks like a graduation uh presentation we do we have uh Dr Herzog and Mr perowsky to present um by Statute our New Jersey GPA results so we're excited by that thank you Dr kog of course and thank you m PR ask you for being out here on a summer night know you're long day for you appreciate that thank you so much and uh it's good to see everybody hope everybody's doing well uh tonight we're going to talk about the NJ GPA results that's the graduation proficiency assessment the uh quick overview for you it's designed to measure if students are graduation ready uh the ELA is aligned to the grade 10 standards and the math is aligned to both the algebra 1 and geometry standards in March 2024 we implemented the NJ GPA and the results will be used to satisfy the graduation requirements for our current class of 2025 so our senior class we have a participation rate of 100% 172 of our students uh took the exam or took the assessments uh and that was the number that we have total so we had 100% participation which is fantastic I'd like to thank uh Mr stti for his assistance and ensuring that we had that uh participation rate because it was through his diligence of making sure that students who were absent or students who were missing an assessment were able to continue on and uh complete that assessment so let's talk about English language arts for a moment this uh slide and this graph represents the percentage of students across the state and at MHS who are considered considered graduation ready for English language arts you'll see that the State's graduation ready rate for this year was 81.6% and our students rate of uh graduation uh proficiency is or graduation ready is 97.1% you'll notice MHS outperformed the state by 15.5 percentage points our individual student reports reflected that students scoring significantly higher than the state on both reading and writing tasks there is significant growth in our student abilities to analyze literature and specifically right in response to a research simulation task which was a focus point from last year's uh glows and grows the grows that we're going to work on for this upcoming year based upon the data sets that we have examined so far mix manziano myself and the teachers are all going to be uh delving deeper into this specifically we're to focus in on continuing to provide students with opportunities to analyze complex characters and their development over the course of a text because that was an area where our students performed well but that was one of the lower areas when we were reporting when they reported out the data to us uh additionally we're going to provide additional opportunities to analyze historical primary and secondary sources that is still something that we are focusing in on um this is something that we worked on last year but we still think that there's uh some areas of growth there that we can uh continue to hone in on our three-year result analysis if you look by you'll see the comparisons with the state and the high school uh what's interesting to note is that we have consistently had a stronger showing than the state year by year however we also see that we have had an increase in our performance over the last 3 years of 27.8% with an increase over last year by 2.3% so our next steps across the board these are our best practices that we will continue to work on as a school and as a community use assessment data to drive instructional planning review the standards that were assessed uh the supervisor mix manano and our staff will collaborate on the analysis of the school evidence statement reports which will be released by the state shortly we will focus on instruction for WR and research practices in the ELA and social studies classrooms which was also supported uh through the work that we've been doing with the Drew University National writing project that was something we started last year and we will continue that work this year Ela specific we are going to continue to focus or continue to infuse more critical reading and writing skills in our history social studies science and Technical subjects and facilitate that second year of training on the writing process with the national writing project from Drew University and when we look at mathematics you have the same uh result analysis you'll see the state's uh performance or graduation ready percentage was 54.7% high schools is 84.3% the glows that we have here in particular are high school outperformed the state this year by 29.6 percentage points these are some of the areas is where our students showed the most growth understanding and using different types of geometric proofs solving linear quadratic and exponential equations specifically through understanding of key features of graphs and tables they've demonstrated a a sound understanding of interpreting uh algebraic excuse me algebraic expressions and linear models they were using congruence and similarity criteria for triangles to solve problem improve relationships in geometric figures and they showed strengths in understanding how to problem solve and solve word problems related to right triangles inscribed angles radi and chords areas for growth based upon the data that we have examined so far we want to continue to work on solving real world problems and cross-curricular connections we want to use algebra to provide to prove properties in given functions we want to appli geometric reasoning in a coordinate setting and or use coordinates to draw geometric conclusions and we're going to focus in on multi-step contextual program problems involving perimeter area or volume that require solving using a quadratic equation looking over our analysis from the past three years you'll see that the state was lower than we are for the past 3 years you'll also notice that the state this past year actually dropped in their score um you'll see that we have continued to show progression of growth in particular um over the past three years we have seen an increase of 99.9% so slow and steady wins the race here and we're we're definitely continuing to show improvements which I'm very excited about and very proud of our teachers and the work that they're doing in their classrooms as far as our math next steps similar to English language arts we will continue to use assessment data to differentiate our instruction uh we will use an analysis of the school evidence statements and Link it results to drive curriculum and instruction decisions we'll engage in datadriven conversations with our teachers uh we will emphasize student centered approach for instruction with regular incorporation of math discourse and we will provide further or further incorporate small group instruction with evidence directly in lesson plans and formal evaluations and observations math specific uh Miss lar is going to be uh helping us to uh drive this a little bit deeper with our with our staff we will examine some of the performance-based um evidence statements to drill down and on the types of tasks or that the students needed to have some more explicit instruction on to perform better um and we plan on collaborating on design and implementation of Exemplar lessons that will utilize that balanced approach focusing on conceptual understanding procedural skill fluency and application all yours thank you Mr prasy I appreciate um your presentation I'm just going to add a few slides and that is the report of our subgroup proficiency percentiles here is a three-year analysis of AC in in ela and math across four specific subgroups we have our Latino and Hispanic subgroup Asian white and special education um and you can see that there has been an increase in ela across all all four subgroups and a math increase in three of the four subgroups and all subgroups are substantially higher than they were in 2022 so we are proud of that and excited about the achievements within um this student population I will just um call your attention to the note that any subgroup with less than 10 students we were not able to publicly report on that data as it could potentially have privacy implications we have some next steps for um student subgroups which are similar to the math and Ela next steps continued data Dives with attention to demographic data and tiered intervention supports available to students who fall Within These subgroups continue dat data driven differentiated instruction in math we have our small group instruction in ela we utilize reading and writing conferences to really differentiate and provide students with targeted instruction and intervention and we have our intervention push in and sometimes pull out services for struggling students in ela and math we're going to continue to use federal funds to the greatest extent possible to provide math support for struggling students including those Within These subgroups with the lowest achieving scores and we still have access for some time longer to Varsity Tutors and they're 247 on demand chat so we will also utilize that support oh too far a few other next steps um that are important to anybody who did not um reach the cut off score of being considered graduation ready will have another opportunity to take the NJ GPA in the fall of um upcoming fall there are also secondary Pathways allowable by the state to demonstrate that there are graduation ready that includes the PSAT SATs or acts those are only available as secondary Pathways to um meet this requirement to those who already sat at least once for the NJ GPA if a student still does not reach that graduation ready score which is a very small number of our students but sometimes that happens we have a support plan in place for intervention through what we call the portfolio Administration where a teacher in ela and a teacher in math are assigned to a small group of students to meet with them throughout the year to work on certain skills and demonstrate their learning and compile that information and sub submit it to the state to show that they are graduation ready and through that Intervention Program we've been able to achieve this outcome for our students um there are a small number of students who um demonstrate graduation Readiness through an alternate assessment uh called the dynamic learning Maps that's a um a small number of students who receive special education services and um if anybody will post this presentation and if anyone wants to look specifically at cut off scores for the PSAT the SAT the ACT that's all linked here to the state and that is it okay there's any questions thank you both for your presentations and uh congratulations a lot of these uh numbers are quite impressive and the growth we've seen and um is is notable uh 97 97 98% is pretty close to 100 and we want to get 100 of course but uh congratulations on your efforts in this area I have a question a number of questions first on the last part the students who do not um hit the scores necessary on this exam is that you may have mentioned this at the beginning I may have missed it is is the the requirement to hit this number new for 20 class of 25 or was that true this year as well it was true this year as well it's the same score from right from this year I know was the same grading but was it they started as a trial the first year as I remember no or something that that was uh two years ago with the class of 2022 it wasn't it wasn't um they did not have to have it as a graduation requirement they had to sit for it correct but they didn't have to have a passing score for it at that point in time but we still monitored the the progress of our students there because uh that was the first year after our covid right situation so uh but but the requirement hasn't changed for 25 against 24 for example no it's still the same for for our classes currently but I know that the uh education is Con continuing to look at what they want to do with the cut score and and what is going to be a passing score so so we're waiting for some guidance from them uh I think that they have said that they would be making some decisions in their September Board of Education um presentations which is early September which will give us enough time to hopefully turn around and figure this out for October for our students who need to graduate were there any students in 2024 who had the requirements are requirements they had enough credits they completed enough of the that could not graduate because this didn't work and the portfolio didn't work and are there any students that in Ence in the end didn't make the cut no matter what they did no we were able to provide our students with all the supports necessary to either meet the primary um the primary pathway which was the GPA score the secondary pathway whether it was their PSAT their sat or their ACT scores because we look at their math and their Ela and sometimes they met the requirement there for that subsection of the test and uh we had a handful of students who then would need to go through the portfolio process which we do every year but it was it was a smaller number of students who then got the extra TLC and instruction uh from our teachers to help ensure that they were able to meet that graduation requirement I appreciate that I just I didn't know and and I'm looking at these numbers even one student who completed our course of study and couldn't gra couldn't get a diploma would be I would consider it a tragedy and there's nothing else to say and the fact that we didn't have that I I appreciate you confirming that absolutely um also I'm sure we talked about it last year but I don't remember is there an explanation of the enormous jump in ela scores both in the state and in District from 22 to 23 there's no cmeasured jump in math so did they change the test did our students just cuz it didn't count in 22 nobody cared uh but they seem to care a little bit more in math cuz the math scores are sort of On The Rise but consistently On The Rise while the English scores are down here and then up here was there ever any explanation for that there was never a full explanation I mean we always looked at it as an anomaly because our students traditionally do very well in the English Lang Arts uh area consistently so it was a little bit of a surprise that one year on in 2022 but again we looked at it as you know our students had not taken something like this for 2 years previously in uh 2020 and then again in 2021 so it was kind of getting everybody back into routines with assessments I think Mr just I mean you right here but just uh to put a fine point on Mr lifton's Question the um the jump in language arts Statewide as well not just here between 22 and 23 was enormous so do we remember like what did the state say you I believe that the cut score was 750 had to be I believe they moved it from from 750 to 725 in 2022 or 2023 change the that's still an enormous change for a cut score 25 there lot of students in that area but I think that's what they're also considering as far as the conversations right now at the State Board of Education level whether or not they're going to up that score again so and we'll see finally my last question you talk if you go back to the subgroup slide um you talked a bit about and it's very impressive and I mean special EDS seem to take a small down tick in math but that could just be the cohort it could be a lot of things but in general these scores are are wonderful seeing all the cohorts go up um you talked about the fact that we can't report cohorts with an N number 10 or less is that our rule or is that a state rule state rule is that non-reportable for public consumption can the board see that number it's just not reportable at all it's not sharable it's not sharable yeah because it could provide identifying information right because if you only have three students you can can pick out or or guess what the scores are I appreciate that do you does the administration get to see it yes so you guys know know what those numbers are yes but you can't report it to us right is there growth in those scores that you can't report there is a lot there is a trend of growth there's a trend of growth without reporting specific right I'm not asking for specific score because that of course gets to the thing where it could be I'm just saying the trend are we seeing the same sort of growth consist in the subgroups that can't be reported and how do they how is that the sub how are the subgroups identified are they just self ident self-identified self-identified okay because I I I find it hard not hard to believe I I'm surprised whenever we get a number less than 10 in a what I would consider a somewhat significant subgroup how can how can there be less than 10 do they have an self- identific do all students by definition have a self self-identification or some unidentified it's only 11th grade though yeah okay yeah it's 172 I mean 872 students I don't know I mean are there let me ask that question again because that's a just a generic question does every student have an identification yes they do and that all comes from their registration what they've chosen or their parents have picked have have identified the mess yeah okay all right so you just want more data I want more data and I can't have it but we are onor we are looking at that demographic demographic data in our tiered interventions and our data Dives okay all right well we can't have it we can't have it I'm sure our both our curriculum and Equity committees would love to see it but we can't have it we can't have it so anyway any other questions from the board yes Anna thank you for the presentation Happ to see that uh president Lon took most of my questions but um one quick thing was on the 247 tutoring do we have data on whether that's being used or not is that something we would want to continue when funding changes or no we do get data reports from Varsity Tutors so um our our contract is currently um changing because we used the Esser grant for a more intens of services that we don't have anymore the S Grant is done so this is a um a free service that they're providing so um we'll find out what they'll continue to report but we had previously gotten weekly reports on our student usage so generally speaking it are people a lot of people using it a little people using it um in In Pockets I I think overall underutilized to the extent it could be but utiliz so it's benefiting some not to the extent that it could not a large number of not a huge number of people correct okay thank you other questions m m right we're still using linkit for like data warehousing and everything are you finding that these reports like what when we're using our internal benchmarks with linkit and you're looking at your subgroup populations through that are you seeing consistency with the way things are reporting out with your subgroups and your general populations on these kinds of tests also like is it pretty are you are you tracking pretty consistently between our internal benchmarking and then our summi of reportings on this kind of stuff yes there's definitely a correlation between how our students are performing on the the linkid assessments and how they are performing on uh at least I can report right now on the uh GPA I want to look at the SLA scores and we would do that presentation later on um and I could probably most likely confirm the same thing but we haven't done that data dive fully yet sure and um the way you guys have blinket set up you're looking at the subgroup they're tagged subgroup same way as they're tagged in these I'm imagining right you can yes to break them out they have the same tags so are you seeing the same kind of performance Trends in the subgroups with that also instead of just like the general yes and and you know we we do have uh response to intervention Specialists who take a real close look at our students performances in those areas as well to then help to make some decisions as far as what's the best instructional uh approach for us to take for individuals so we' absolutely use that information to help guide our instruction yeah you've got some great tools at your hands I think you've got a lot of data coming in so it'll be interesting to see what your recommendations are for us to support you so that you can get you know since funds are shrinking just really trying to tighten up where we can shift that money to and ways are going to give the yields if you're able to see the subgroup stuff intermittently throughout the year I'm hopeful that may help some somewhat with the budgeting for those services for that small group of kids um but thanks for sharing the numbers thank you Miss CLE other questions from the board okay well thank you both for coming tonight as Dr Kudo said it's Sunday uh a summer evening is not one you always want to make presentations out late at so appreciate you coming especially bringing such great data so congratulations hopefully we'll see we'll see any the problem is you're getting a smaller smaller slice to be able to get to have Improvement each year oh but this data bodess well for the accountability scores for the high school I think M prosy and his staffer for a really strong report that comes out next spring so I'm really looking forward to that look forward to seeing it so thank you mrki thank you uh Dr Hof okay moving on to the president's report I don't have one this evening superintendent's report nothing this evening I will include some things tomorrow in our the Wednesday after the Tuesday board meeting all users email that then miss alevic attaches to the Wednesday Flyers just reminding people about dates coming up and uh uh in the start of the school year which is right in front of us now it is it's coming my uh my son's starting to look a little yellow around the gills uh so I know it's uh I know it's coming um okay Miss Cook policy sorry policy has not met we meet next Tuesday night okay Mr derling a curriculum uh curriculum met last week I read the report last week so we don't meet until September okay con Mr glassberg yeah construction met night um we it was open to the public meeting uh we discussed the progress at all four schools at M school just some examples of things that are going on um at M School footings and Foundations are majority completed storm water system and a retaining wall as well as steel are coming next they're preparing HVAC uh Edgar school they're pouring uh pouring the building slab and preparing for the steel and installing other equipment uh Campbell School the steel is being erected uh HVAC is being prepared at the high school uh the new field build um goalposts beginning of the cafeteria Edition HVAC upgrades are beginning site work for the new edition uh the track um the track we're seeing when that's going to be completed we don't have an exact date yet we'll know more soon uh some public comments during that time included uh questions about the equipment that is being used at Moss school um what types of things are used uh to establish those pillars there was questions about storm water drainage system and when that would be completed um due to the possibility of uh flooding uh there was questions about um the work start time uh in the morning at Moss school as well then during the closed session portion of the meeting uh we also discussed the schedule for all the schools the track in the field um the Moss School retaining wall um we discussed uh comments from the neighbors we discussed that in the private session as well and our next meeting uh of the committee is September 9th the next open meetings are October 14th um you can meet with us in the Metuchen High School library at 7 pm. but also uh this Saturday August 17th we are at the farmers market the committee will be there with some updated photos and things so you could uh join us while I eat an olive pocket and have my coffee in the morning and uh get an updated view although everything is also going to be on our website we will be there to talk to people who would like to talk to us so that's this Saturday August 17th thank you thank you Mr glasberg uh Dr Johnson Marcus uh update from the uh burrow um no report from the burrow at this time it's quiet this time of year summer vacations yeah let's keep it chill although it wasn't quite on the Plaza the last few weeks I wasn't in town but I was away as well sad that I missed the excitement that happened on the Plaza it's a Once in lifetime kind of thing I yeah supposedly it sounded wonderful I the pictures looked amazing yeah I was away okay uh Dr spner is not here has Equity met no equity is not met okay uh Miss Miss Killian extracurricular extracurricular okay thank you Mr sus fin uh Finance met last night um after uh construction we had a health insurance update from Mr harier we talked about uh busing one of his favorite topics um we talked um just some more issues uh related to finance from the construction uh project and we talked about a royalty agreement with uh a vendor wants to sell a touch and gear and uh the proceeds for the district [Music] right just to to clarify we did not come to any agreement on that we were presented with something we asked for more information there was some more information yeah yeah it's there's no agreement on that that is imminent we we were presented with a sort of proposal contract a proposal a contract things that uh of question like you know is it an exclusive um things of that nature tons of questions so uh nothing along those lines is imminent but we did talk about it thank you okay um any comments or questions on the committee reports okay we will uh move on is there any old business from the board seeing none is there any new business from the board seeing none I'd like to move the approval of minutes of the Board of Education meetings July 16 2024 special business meeting 1 July 16 2024 special business meeting 2 and July 16th 2024 board meeting is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus are there any comments or Corrections on those minutes seeing none wel call please Miss Cook yes Mr durlinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen thank you Mr lifton yes Mr s uh yes on the special business meeting one special business meeting two abstain on the board meeting thank you motion carries I'm I'm sorry Mr us you were at the close but you missed the general meeting yeah I don't you remember there was a storm the the tree went through my uh sunroof car I forgot I forgot yeah I forgot thank you you're making him relive that yeah I I it just it's just doesn't happen very often where people are in executive and not in the general meeting I just wanted to make sure I did not remember Mr how's your car it is repaired good and of course the insurance company covered no because my deductible was X and it was like xus $1 oh you you got to get a better body shop they can't get away with that they should supposed to be padding the bill I bigger sunroof would have been worse but thank you Miss Colleen so well I'm glad it's fixed at least okay uh the meeting is not now open to the public for any topic seeing none I'll close that section and move to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools often times it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases unanimous vote before matters placed on the agenda at a public meetings the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to presented to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting I'd like to move the Personnel items A1 through 28 in addition I'd like to add a 29th item and I'll read it since it's not on the agenda appointment certificated staff move to approve the appointment of Ashley petski special education teacher at Campbell school for the 24 25 school year at a salary of 57 675 per year step 1A effective August 26 2024 through June 30 2025 so that'll be number 29 is there a second um Mr derfflinger it was Mr jinger's Hand wasn't it corre see if it was Miss Cook Mr deringer Sor thank you it's been moved and seconded are there any comments or questions on those items wel please Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss clean yes Mr lton yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you finance Mr sus Mr lifton I just want to say thank you for adding we don't typically read items into the agenda other boards do we don't I appreciate that thank you no it was it it was um it's important for us to get all the best staff we can and especially in the special education area the fact that we you you recommending to us what seems to be a wonderful candidate sometimes you got to act and so uh it's it's it's um our pleasure to to work with you to to hire the best staff in the district we can get in the district okay Finance Mr sus yes i' like to move to items B B1 through B7 listed on the agenda thank you is there a second U Mr glasberg are there any comments or questions on those items Mr sus just one comment for the people here item six uh technology equipment disposal it's not in the paper packet but it is on the electronic so it just happens to be um old Chromebooks um and uh switches if anyone was interested yeah I usually leave that electronic because it's like multiple pages so it's electronic and it's public so you can see that okay so it it will be appended to the minutes of this meeting that that's what we approve um well it it's already a motion what do you mean right but we're removing something that the list isn't attached right well it's it's attached electronically it's not attach it's on the website you're saying no what I'm saying is is that it will be electronically attached to the minutes for archival purposes it'll yeah okay but in case somebody was wondering where it was yeah and we're going to approve we know what it is I'm not finding fault that it's not here now but we know we approved but somebody looking back they should have be able to know we approv that's all so thank you no problem uh any other comments or questions on those items roll call please Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lifton yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you um Mr Jeff curriculum sure thank you um I'd like to make a motion to movees items D1 through can't see the number cuz it's stapled six as listened agenda please thank you thank you is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus are there any comments or questions on those items roll call please Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marquez yes Miss Colleen Mr lifton yes motion hares thank you oh sorry Mr sus was Mr sus Mr sus is that a yes yes thank you motion carries we're doing great today totally okay meeting is now open to the public for any item seeing none we'll close that section move to announcements Miss Cook has generously offered to uh of course okay couple of them reminder to complete all your forms and documents on Genesis or you will not have access to your schedule WS um please note that at some levels the students also have forms or documents to complete so make sure that you check for those and schedules come out this week Moss Campbell on the high school tomorrow and Edgar on Friday and I know all of the students are at home waiting with baited breath and I will just send this little message to all of them no matter who your teachers are it's going to be a good year you've got this um Moss because we have great teachers in this District so why wouldn't they have a fabulous Year anyway uh moss and Campbell both have open house is coming up right before the first day of school so parents check your emails for the details um right here at the high school we also have freshman and transfer orientations beginning this week over the next few weeks so please check your email for registration links for that band campus this coming weekend so we wish the pride of aouch and well up in Preston Park and excited for their upcoming season um and as I've already said a few times but a reminder to check your email um for all of these Back to School lists and details and orientations and open houses there's a lot more information there than we can give you in quick announcements here and while it's technically after our next public meeting the first day of school is coming up on Wednesday August 28th and we'll be here Tuesday August 27th for our next meeting at 8:00 pm is that true yes yeah we did talk about that didn't we okay so the board will have the first official uh meeting of the of the new year I guess Eve New Year's School Eve oh dear anyway um at this point I'd like to make a motion to adjourn is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus all in favor thank you and good night