[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you uh good evening people this is the uh mouen Board of Education meeting for Tuesday November 14th 2023 we draw rise of the flag SL please flag United States of America notice the meeting please I hereby make the statement to indicate compliance with the open public meetings act known as chapter 231 of the public laws of New Jersey 1975 which became effective 90 days after enactment January 19th 1976 notice that this meeting was given by providing the location time and date of this meeting and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices by delivering copies to the burough Hall and the matachin public Library the home news and Tribune and by filing a copy with the bur clerk as prescribed by this law thank you roll call please Mr benderly here miss cook Miss Cook uh will not be here this evening thank you Mr derflinger here miss denbeck here Mr glasberg here Dr Johnson Marcus here miss khen here Mr lifton here Dr spner here Mr sus here thank you uh Dr Kudo we have a few guests this evening we do we have a full preview um of our play which is uh this weekend and tonight we have seen you Jacob prom Holz here to give us a preview of the MHS footlighters upcoming fall Play Our Town um by thoron Wilder his classic play that reminds us to cherish every moment of Our Lives performances are Friday November 17th Saturday November 18th and Sunday November 19th for tickets you can visit mhsf footlighters docomo is playing the role Ro of stage manager in our town and will perform an excerpt from his opening monologue welcoming you to the fictional town of Grover's Corners New Hampshire our fall play is called ourtown it was written by thoron Wilder it's produced and directed by Miss jacobe Miss Crum Holtz in it you'll see Miss Katherine Meyer Mr Luke Crum Holtz Miss Manali Weller Miss Meredith and Vero Mr Aiden Goodman Mr R Einstein and many others the name of the town is Grover's Corners to Hampshire just across the massachus Massachusetts line latitude 42° 40 minutes [Music] longitude 70° 37 minutes the First Act shows a day in our town the day is May 7th 1901 the time is Just Before Dawn I think that this is a good time to tell you that they've begun building a new bank in Grover's Corners had to go to Vermont for the marable sorry to say and they've asked a friend of mine what they should put in the Cornerstone for people a thousand years from now to dig up of course they put in a copy of the New York Times and a copy of the Grover's Corner Sentinel and they've put in the Bible the Constitution of the United States and a copy of William Shakespeare's plays what do you say folks what do you think I think I'm going to have a copy of this play put in the Cornerstone so people a thousand years from now will know a few more simple details about us more than the Lindberg flight and the Treaty of Versailles so people a thousand years from now this is the way we were in the provinces north of New York at the beginning of the 20th century this is the way we were in our growing up and in our marrying and in our living and in our dying well it's getting late but don't forget to come see the foot lters this Friday and Saturday at 700 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. tickets can be bought online at mhsf foter.com and at the door thank you and good night thank you Jacob thank you for coming tonight and um everyone please come to the to the play okay good night the uh the meeting is now open to the topic um the public for any topic seeing none we close that we don't have any presentations this evening even uh the reports I do not have a president report superintendent report no report for me this evening thank you committee reports um Mr benderly I have no report this evening okay um Miss Cook is not here this evening is there a policy report I take that as a note okay um Mr der derflinger curriculum it's a second time I've mangled your name tonight I apologize um this is deringer um The Chill curriculum it is the chill thank you very much chattering uh curriculum met on October 24th uh we started off our meeting with an update from Lisa Levin and Brooke kersner with the um secd the social emotional learning committee um they provided us some insight as to how their year is going and plans for future events and future activities that the committee is planning and we want to thank everybody on that committee for all of their commitment and hard work that goes into into um providing some great opportunities for our our district we discussed some impending new standards that are going to be coming down from the Department of Education in ela and math um we're getting wind that it will most likely be a mammoth project um and perfectly aligned to uh preparing for our qac audit which is happening almost handin hand so um I am so sorry Dr harzog I forgot to formally welcome you to our uh table here as as the new assisted superintendent um and this was your first meeting with us if I had a champagne bottle I'd break it right now um so we discussed sort of plans to get the the new curriculum writing work done in time for the qack audit it's going to be a challenge um some things have evolved and we're going to continue to get up updated as as things do evolve um but there is a plan to have have it prepared for that qack audit um we dis we followed up had a follow-up conversation about a project that was shared with us during the summer about a heart rate variability um component to self-care and monitoring our own mental well-being it's going to be um piloted with teaching staff and and um the adults in the district and we already have garnered some interest for this project so we'll continue to get updates on that and then finally we discussed preparations for the program of studies um any new course proposals are are being made now and uh we'll continue to update the board on the development of our new program of studies and that concludes my report thank you okay than thank you um Dr Johnson Marcus uh Equity uh thank you uh I have no report from Equity because we don't meet until next Wednesday at 7 p.m. however I did want to encourage everyone to save the date for the human relations commission's celebration of Human Rights Day uh the 2023 theme is dignity freedom and justice for all um this is an event that we've had over a number of years now and it's always fun we get to return to the matachin library it'll be 2: to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday December 10th so save the date one of the most exciting things I think with respect to our youth in the district is the art contest so youth will be invited to to create a piece of art that reflects the the theme of dignity freedom and justice for all so information about that should be coming out within the next week or so so thank you for that thank you very much um Mr glassberg um construction yes construction committee met last night um we were joined by the district health and safety committee the committee uh representative Brian stti assistant principal uh we discussed ways in which the board and District committee can support each other throughout the construction process and after the bids are awarded the uh District committee will be part of that process as well so there aware of all the different steps along the way we discussed the updated bid schedule uh list a couple of dates here but they are on mouin schools.org click on the referendum update uh link there and all this information is updated there phase one is moss school and Edgar school and the bid uh opening is on November 30th uh and the award bid the bid award is December 19th phase 2 which is Campbell and mouen high school has a bid opening of December 14th and a bid award on the night of December 19th again those dates are on our website on the main page we discussed the draft pilot agreement um the committee had some concerns about the pilot agreement as drafted by the bureau and we will send them potential revisions uh we discussed briefly budget projections for 2425 um um it was very brief it was mostly covered in finance which I'm sure we'll get an update on in a few moments we discussed the osc review and regulations um phase one of our project was uh approved by the osc and we're waiting on approval for phase two we had an update on um the neighbors around the different buildings where construction would take place and all the issues are currently being resolved uh we discussed the psng program the district is looking into cost savings measures um from an energy energy audit based upon what would be included in the new construction that would be great we discussed a traffic study um the committee compared looked at a couple of bids at uh having a traffic study that would look at during and post construction traffic considering safety efficiency busing routes things along those lines the committee recommended moving forward uh with a traffic study we discussed very briefly uh possibility of a public relations firm related to construction uh administration's going to gather more information and then we'll talk about that more at a later time and our next meeting is December 14th um at 7 o'clock we were going to have an open public meeting of the committee in December but that will take place in January instead so if you happen to have that date that was previously on our website listed um please scratch that and we will come up with a new date for January that's because of some moving targets here with our uh bid award and we just want to make sure that we uh have the time to focus on that and then we will regroup with the public at an open meeting in January at a date TBD that's all that I have thank you thank you Mr glassberg um Miss cleen um extracurricular right so we met on the 24th we had a report from the district Wellness committee U Miss huff and Mr kathar gave um gave their update um shared with us they're trying to expand uh their Committee in uh reaching out looking for um more teachers across the district specifically uh Edgar to join their committee they have doubled the number number of participants they have uh this year there they've got 24 people as part of uh their group their next meeting is actually tomorrow uh and they've also more than doubled their student participation and mental health um activities which is really nice to hear um they've just got a ton of activities going on all year and um we're it's always nice to hear about all of the positive things that they are um accomplishing um we reviewed the current records for and uh for all of our fall sports teams at the middle school and high school some really impressive records from our teams this year and so we're looking forward to celebrating them uh at a board upcoming board meeting um then discussed some things that you see on the agenda tonight some uh coaching changes some um new clubs um so some wrestling coach change changes um MHS cheer coach position we're still um trying to figure out for the winter looking for um also discussed volunteer basketball coach recommendations senior class advisor um crochet club for the high school um and then the Edgar cheer Club getting um a volunteer uh assistant coach um and then talking about the Edgar jazz band um also so lot of lot of extracurriculars with Staffing and then we also discussed um plans for the Highland Park mouin football game moving forward um when that's going to take place for 2023 it's uh 2023 was October 26 but 24 and 25 um that'll be taking place during the regular season uh week eight after we play our eight conference games um we talked about busing and efficiencies there and providing busing for sporting events to both high school and middle school um athletes we discussed Campbell clubs um and the athlete exchange and a question came up about the Night of Lights why did it happen so late and that was just a matter of scheduling when the teams were available that rounded out our meeting our next meeting is November 21st thank you um Dr SP you have anything okay Mr sus um Finance yes so Finance met last night um Finance is also aligned with technology so we actually had uh a presentation from the AI committee we talked for half an hour we probably could have talked for an hour um District you know uh put together a group of people looking uh to set policy for how we can apply AI um in the district given it's such a hot topic um we moved on to uh budget project budget projection 2425 um the um looking particularly at fund 10 which is the operating expenses fund 40 which is capital expenses how the PO potentially might uh impact the tax uh taxpayer it's still very very early we have to see what the bids come in we have to see a lot of other things so um just very preliminary information we had an update on our insurance broker you'll be voting on that tonight we'll be changing Brokers to Brown and Brown um we had a um discussed the lighting in the MHS Auditorium I'm just looking at it right now um it's very old um Mr lton who happens to be a lighting expert uh corroborated a lot and I just want to note that um we we received a letter from the performing arts program and they were willing to kick in some of their ticket sales which they use to buy to license some of the show to get the lights fixed as a very generous offer thank you but I think we're going to we're going to look to try to see if we can at least Phase One come out out a regular budget and then we had a technology presentation um three things one is we hired an outside coun uh outside organization to do penetra penetration testing um the report at least in in my opinion was was quite good um there's always things that we could follow up on and Mr will uh cost out the things to follow up on we also talked about an increase in the wide area network um and we lastly we talked about um uh there was a question from a previous meeting on what would the cost be to get uh 14-inch Chromebooks for the Matan high school students and um we got the costing of that there uh there's one followup question given that the lifetime of a Chromebook has been extended now to 10 years can we go a little longer order to you know offset the cost as you can imagine the 14-inch Chromebook was more expensive than the 11in Chromebook um so we'll hear about that uh at a future meeting the next meeting as uh following Mr glasberg will be on December 14th where we can discuss the two uh bids okay thank you Mr sus um are there any questions on any of those committee reports okay thank you uh Miss demg do you have a report uh yes so as the chis Autumn air settles in MHS is gearing up for the winter season welcoming winter activities embracing the beauty of fall we now look past the well-deserved fall break filled with relaxation and Rejuvenation as well as exciting events and Vibrant Community engagement Upon Our return wishing everybody everyone who celebrates a happy Dali after a long preparation we are delighted to announce but touin school's annual play our t which will be presented from November 17th to the 19th this like many others is anticipated to be an outstanding performance Moss has a heartwarming program hosted every third Thursday of the month allowing students to donate a book and in return pick New To You organized by the PTO not only that but Edgar is also in the season of giving back with their new and gently coach drive that is happening from the beginning of this month to the 21st please donate as well as another round of applause for the pride of matachin in the performance in the MetLife Stadium over fall break we are immensely proud of their dedication and achievement and November and conferences will be hosted for Campbell the 29th to the 30th and Moss the 28th to the 30th I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving break thank you so much thank you uh any questions from Mr nen thank you for your report okay um what's okay are there any new questions for anyone on the committee any of the committee reports Mr glas no actually I just I'm sorry I missed one thing on the curriculum on Chris I just wanted to point out I thought it was well actually it not you who did it Chris but the survey that went out about the program of studies that was in there that was was that Dr Herzog or Mr psky sent that Mr perowsky I thought that was our audience tonight oh he is the audience there you go uh I thought that that was great to see that survey that we got a copy of in the uh Friday packet to see what the students are interested in and use that to influence perhaps what we uh offer the students yep it's great thanks sorry for okay thank you thank you Mr glb okay we'll move on uh is there any old business from the board oh yes I have a piece thank you so thank you Mr uh deringer for mentioning this is Dr herzog's first meeting at the deis here so welcome obviously we're very excited at last meeting the reason an old business the last meeting the board approved Dr Herzog as our new assistant superintendent she's done a fantastic job as director of special services for the last 6 and A2 years um we expect great things uh she embarks on this new position uh I just want to welcome her here tonight it's been a long night executive session after a long day work and have the regular board meeting so we appreciate you you being here and and uh and contributing with your expertise uh and um and welcome from me and I'm sure the board but welcome from me uh to the position and and for being with us at the board meetings going forward thank you thank you and I'll Peggy back you know on behalf of the board perhaps we didn't say it publicly because we we have had the chance to congratulate you privately but congratulations again on the new position and and we are very excited to to have you in the in the new position and from the bo from the board um one of the benefits is that we'll get more interaction with you now that you assistant superintendent so uh so thank you for everything you've done and we're looking for great things so thank you thank you so much for the warm welcome and all the support happy to be here okay any other old business from the board seeing none new business from the board seeing none I'd like to um move the approval of minutes of the Board of Education meetings October 17th 2023 special business meeting 1 October 17th 2023 special business meeting 2 October 17 2023 board meeting uh is there a second Mr glassberg are there any comments or Corrections on those minutes seeing none roll call please Mr bendling yes Mr derflinger I abstain Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen uh I'll obain also Mr lifton yes Dr spner yes Mr SAS yes motion carries thank you the meeting is now open to the public for any topic seeing none we'll close that section uh move on to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools often times it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to ensure that the me Members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting I'd like to move the Personnel items A1 through a20 is there a second Mr benderly are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none wel call please Mr benderly yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lifton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you uh Mr M lifon before we move to the next section uh item number one under the Personnel tonight the board accepted uh the retirement of Scott Rock Hill who's a biolog teacher at the high school and that's effective um at the end of January Mr Rock Hill was retire retiring nearing his 30th year of teaching 28 of those at matachin High School Mr Rockhill has been a valued member of the science department his depth of knowledge and biology has provided our students with a strong basis of understanding has inspired many students to continue studies both at the high school level and college Mr Rock Hill's classroom was fun engaging collaborative environment where students have the ability to grow as a teacher Mr Rocko clearly recognizes the students academic and social emotional needs as evidenced by the way he presents his lessons interacts with students he's got a strong work ethic and collaborative relationships with colleagues and co-teachers and those will be truly missed at matachin high school we wish Mr Rock Hill all the best in his retirement thank you Dr Caputo on behalf of the board I want to congratulate Mr Rock Hill on 28 years in District 30 years as a teacher um imagine all the all the the uh students who've gone through his classroom and who has positively AFF affected and taught biology too for for all these years and uh these things are always Bittersweet but uh we certainly wish Mr Rock Hill the best in his well-deserved retirement so thank you okay Mr sus Finance I'd like to approve uh like to move items B1 through B7 as listed on the agenda thank you is there a second uh Dr spner are there any comments or questions on those items seeing n call please Mr benderly yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr SS yes motion carries thank you I'd like to move the policy item C1 through C4 is there a second um Mr derflinger I almost messed your name up for the third time in one night I don't know what to say well there's a long name we can all agree I'm sorry Chris um okay any comments or questions on those items roll call please Mr benderly yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr SS yes motion carries thank you um Mr derfflinger curriculum ding ding ding that was better I'd like to make a motion to approve it rolled off the tongue a little bit 1 through three as listed on the agenda please thank you is there second Dr Johnson Marcus are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none wel call please Mr benderly yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Cen yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr SAS yes motion carries thank you um the meeting is now open to the public public for any topic seeing none we'll move to announcements Dr spner yes um of course we had some announcements made by our student rep and appreciate that very much so I wouldn't repeat many of those but I do want to repeat the foot lighters happening this weekend at matachin high school at on Friday Saturday at 7: to 10 and and on Sunday at 2: to 5:00 p.m. get your tickets um there Cod drives that are happening at the c m school and Campell school as well which is really great um and Campbell would be having their conferences and have early dismissal on November 29th to 30th and in Mass at Mass they're also having a book swap uh to Thursday and PT conferences on the 28th to the 30th as well um at the M school early dismissal F schools on 22nd at 12:30 and school will be closed on the 23rd and the 24th our next board meeting is on November 28th 8:00 p.m. at the high school thank you Dr spner uh before we um we uh close the meeting I did just want to point out that the board changed our meeting calendar um it will it is or will be updated uh on the website however our December 12th meeting has been moved to December 19th so for all the people clamoring to come to our meetings uh make sure you mark that on your calendar as as a change but it it will be updated on the website um if it hasn't been already certainly within the next day I was waiting for the vote so it will definitely be changed for thing tomorrow morning wonderful thank you um at this point I'd like to make a motion to adjourn is there a second Mr benderly all in favor yep thank you and good night thank you a