##VIDEO ID:Qv3pU8gCSkg## yeah I was looking for the actual list to see if she was on there okay yeah so I will I don't blame you nobody knows if they've ever make it yes in every class what happens when they leave your classroom paper they swipe all right we're going to go good evening this is a mouan Board of Education meeting for Tuesday September 10th 2024 which will all rise to the flags lute please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you notice of meeting please I hereby make the statement to indicate compliance with the open public meetings act known as chapter 231 of the public laws of New Jersey 1975 which became effective 90 days after an acent January 19th 1976 notice of this meeting was given by providing the location time and date of this meeting and posting the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices by delivering copies of the burrow Hall and the matuch and Public Library the home news and Tribune the cran Sentinel The Star Ledger and by filing a copy with the B clerk as prescribed with the this law thank you VOC call please Mr bot here miss cook here Mr derflinger here Mr glasbord here Dr Johnson Marcus here miss cleen here Mr lifton here miss thresa here Dr spner here Mr sus here so Dr Caputo uh we have some guests here this evening I see we do we love to continue the tradition of uh introducing to the public and to the board our new hires um we'll try to get everyone uh this fall we have five of our recently hired teachers with us today and I'll introduce them um in the alphabetical order that I have pretty much alphabetical order that I have them I'll ask them to come to the microphone and folks you can say as little as thank you or um tell us a little about yourself um we know you but the board and the public if they unless they have you a teacher may not so uh thank you first of all for coming tonight and we'll start with Amy De who's mouin high school math teacher hi there hello come on up hello hi this is weird my name is Amy De I live here in Metuchen I have three kids one in Moss Campbell and Edgar and I've taught math before and I'm very excited to be back in the classroom welcome thank you thank you for coming next up is yes move making his way there David Katz who be at Campbell school as a leave replacement teacher in uh Ela reading hi it's nice to see all of you and my name is daveid Catz I grew up in town I've been here since 1963 never left went through the entire school system Moos then there was something called Franklin Middle School if you remember that and a high school which was here I just want to say it's very lovely and very poignant and delightful to be teaching at the school system I grew up in I have a lot of wonderful memories of the teachers and the faculty and the students it was really a wonderful place to learn all the way from kindergarten through 12th grade and I just want to say that it's a pleasure and a privilege to be able to teach where I learned thanks so much and good health and happiness this school year thank you thank you thank you thank you so much for coming and for coming back back home thank you David keeping alal order we have Amanda lwig who will be Campbell school second grade hi I'm Amanda um I teach second grade at Campbell um this year has gone so wonderfully so far and I'm so excited how the rest of the year is going to go nice meeting you all thanks nice to meet you thank you for coming tonight next up is Michael mola Michael will also be a Campbell and he'll be a leave replacement in fourth grade I don't know sh um my name is Michael Kola I'm a um I'm Mrs L's lead place at Campbell like to thank the board for their offer of employment and for me to have the opportunity to further my skills here I see matachin as a future home for me in education and I couldn't be happier where I am and um I I'm a proud resident of the great town of col neck and New Jersey H New Jersey in the Great County of Mammoth um so I do appreciate uh I've taken a sacrifice to be here but I appreciate everything and in honor of Tomorrow who we lost on the attacks and I love him may God bless the United States of America and thank you very much thankk you thank you for coming and finally tonight we have Laura vagara who will be a middle school math teacher well she is a middle school math teacher hi my name is Laura regera and I am the new respons intervention math teacher at Edgar I am a resident here in town I've lived here for almost 10 years my daughter goes to Campbell and I have another one that is four so we'll see if she has kindergarten next year um but I am very proud to be at Edgar I was a math teacher this is my 10th year I previously worked in Hillsboro and I'm very excited to be in matchen welcome thank you for coming thanks Mr Li we really appreciate we'll uh we'll finish up with this new higher group in the next couple meetings when people are able to come to a a night meeting right well I really want to thank you all for coming tonight I know it's all of you taught today and uh it's can get late in the night and and to come just to meet us we're honored that you came and it's wonderful opportunity for us to meet the people we see your resumés we vote on you to hire you on Dr kudo's uh recommendation but it's a wonderful thing that we actually get a chance to meet you and hear from you and uh thank you so much for coming tonight we really appreciate it thank you [Music] [Applause] okay well we have another guest this evening we do I'll turn it over to you but as required in New Jersey for every District that has a high school uh to have a student board member we've been fortunate our first two years to have excellent student board members and I'm very excited for you to uh welcome your your 10th board member for the mou and Board of Ed welcome um Prisha sha did I pronounce your name right yes yes that's I'm glad I'm glad welcome this evening as as Dr Caputo said said you are a third student representative to the board and uh you have big shoes to fill but I have no doubt you'll fill them very very well so welcome thank you for coming thank you for volunteering for the position it's very important for us as a board to hear from you and to hear from as a student as a student representative we want to feel like we're in touch with the students but quite often we don't always feel we are because there's a a great distance we're not in the classroom we're not really in the buildings the administration the teachers are the administration is and you're one of our our ways to hear from the students so it's wonderful that you're hear and you're volunteered and I want you to thank you for for coming and thank you for being here tonight thank you so much for the opportunity and I I think I can fill those shoes so I look forward to that I have no doubt I have absolutely no doubt welcome welcome we we'll hear from for you sure and we'll hear from you later in the meeting during the uh the student representative report so thank you okay the meeting is now open to the public seeing no public I'll close that section and U move to presentations I don't believe there are any presentations this evening move on President's report I do not have a report this evening superintendent report no report for me just welcome appreciate to our report wonderful wonderful committer reports um Who's down there Miss Cook I don't have one because policy will be meeting next Tuesday it's wonderful I really like the job you're doing thank you quick and easy uh Mr derflinger ditto wow it's getting better and better sorry I think I'm going to be disappoint Ed by Mr glassberg though Mr Glasser all right uh construction committee did meet last night um we discussed uh the progress at all four schools um there are some delays that are occurring due to the pipeline location at the high school um due to um some delays in the permitting of the soils at the different schools um so that's something that we're trying to stay on top of and we're awaiting a new schedule so that we know kind of exactly where we're at at each of the buildings so that should be forthcoming soon um Campbell is going well uh as is the track and field so we've had some success there um we're still uh working to have Moss kindergarten be open on time for September um grade realignment is currently off track but again we are still waiting on some of the schedules uh we also discussed uh bathroom change order we'll discuss um whether we could add some add some some remodeling of bathrooms or additions to bathrooms uh after the project is a little further along at Edgar school and we discuss the playground at Campbell um which is still on track to be open for September 1st but we're inquiring whether since Campbell is going particularly well whether there's any possibility of opening that sooner uh at our next meeting we'll discuss the updated project schedule which we'll hopefully have it is open to the public it's on October 14th the committee meeting open to the public at mouin high school 7 p.m. thank you thank you Mr glassberg uh Dr Johnson Marcus anything from Human Relations Committee in town nothing from human relations but I do have a quick uh update from the district leadership team that much um as you as Mr I always like going after him because he gets so end up with the construction updates I'm like yes we talked about construction but you've covered most of it um but also um we discussed at the district leadership team meeting um conversations around U continuing to hire Subs always looking for subs and we see a number of Subs on here fantastic um and I also want to give kudos to the entire team of folks that worked to fill all of our positions we had a lot of positions that needed to be filled so folks worked really hard across um disciplines to ensure that they were filled um it's always a collaborative effort uh lots of lots of curriculum has been approved and will continue to be approved excellent work by Dr hog um and uh the team also disc preparing for the Q act the quality single accountability Continuum in case you did not have that acronym just handy um it's a very deep process of assessment mandated by the state of New Jersey there's going to be some folks working across the district to submit the materials across the five areas and we must score greater than 80% which I have no doubt that we will also um considering the district goals which are based on quality schools Focus areas um delineated by the school empowerment Network and tailored to matachin based on data that we have as well as our capacity to accomplish these goals noting that our district goals are aligned with the ASC whole child tenants and we also talked about the Board District committee collaborations across 2425 and indeed that's a Hallmark of our district where we do work together across the board and the district committees to ensure that that collaboration is uh fruitful for all of our stakeholders and that's it for me wonderful thank you uh Miss Colleen um did I get that did first time ever I think first ever see I can be taught there's for everyone so uh yeah extracurricular met last night um couple of things big topic was the uh week of Lights which is coming up uh the 23rd of September so uh Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Friday of that week please come out and uh support the high school sport fall sports teams that will be playing Monday night is field hockey Tuesday night is girls soccer Wednesday night is boys soccer and Friday night is the football game so uh come on out and support our students and cheer them on um as they entertain us with their uh their sports sports yeah um we looked at numbers for our um different numbers of athletes for different sports uh we talked about uh this schedules for all of our b ball Sports and both High School and Middle School uh discussed busing also for those events um you'll we also discussed um an English Honor Society um so you'll see in the Personnel section tonight number seven um and approval there um and we went over a little bit of a brief construction update just reviewing um plans for any impacts to sports and activities because of the construction um and a potential um use of mchen high school field coming up uh later this month so that's uh more to be continued on that think that's about it okay thank you uh Dr spner Equity nothing from Equity we'll schedule to meet next week tentatively Mr sus Finance uh Finance met last night we T we got an update on the 2425 uh School busing we also talked about 2526 and and given the various options of you know for the construction what we need to prepare for um we got uh some updates on some of the property damage related to M school we got an update on the YMCA so far at the beginning of the year and uh an update on uh a couple of fraud attempts against the district Mr Harvey and team of course you know well on top of things oh okay I apologize um okay thank you thank you Mr sus are there any uh questions or comments on any of the committee reports you mentioned fraud was it electronic like or uh can't see yeah generally okay curious no I had asked Dr Caputo what you referring to when you talked about damage at Moss I didn't real and then he right explained about the house that had stuff we've been talking about I didn't know if that I understand yes it had to do with a A House nearby Moss which is sustained some damage which we are uh negotiating and agreed to work with the homeowner to in the end yep okay any other comments or questions from the board on the committee reports okay moving on uh is there any old business from the board is there a student have a student I apologize I missed you after I just we just had this huge buildup waiting for you and then I missed you that's that's the problem Miss shista shista please give us your report Miss Colleen well I just wanted to start off with no comments I'll have your mic cut off okay I apologize that's good I just wanted to start off with saying um good evening everyone my name is Pria shusta as you know I'm a senior at the matachin high school and I'm greatly honored to serve as the 2025 student representative for the matachin school district I want to thank you all for the warm welcome and express how excited I am to work alongside all of you for what looks like it's going to be a beginning of a fantastic school year the school year is going to start off pretty great and it is I've spoken with several high school students and they've shared that the transition back to school has been smooth with classes running efficiently and with a positive atmosphere we love that our middle schoolers are settling in as well and are specifically enjoying the new cafeteria setup it's a big hit even my younger cousin who attends to Elementary School couldn't stop talking about how happy she is to be back with her friends and to learn new things overall it's clear that the students across all grades are feeling energized and optimistic as we continue the year I'm confident that we'll keep this momentum and I look forward to an incredible year ahead ensuring our voices are heard as we move forward together thank you thank you it's a hit it's a h thank you so much and and thank you so much for your energy if you can keep r at every board meeting we can certainly benefit from it be be bo buoyed by it so thank you so much thank you okay um I already asked about old business so we'll move on new business from the board seeing none I'd like to move the approval of the following minutes the Board of Education meetings August 27 2024 special business meeting 1 August 27 2024 special business meeting 2 August 27 2024 board meeting is there a second Mr um glasberg are there any comments or Corrections on those minutes seeing none one callot please Mr bot yes Miss Cook I abstain thank you Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lifton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you meeting is now open to the public for any topics seeing none we'll close that section and move to the recommendations of the superintendent of schools often times it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote before matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter is presented to the board of education for discuss discussion before any final vote action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting I'd like to move the Personnel items A1 through 15 is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none wel call please Mr bot yes Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lton I abstain on 14 I vote Yes on the other items okay thank you very much Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you uh Mr sus Finance i' like to move items uh B1 through B6 is this on the agenda thank you is there a second Mr derflinger are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none wel call please Mr bot yes Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr Glaser yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss khen yes Mr lifton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you Miss Cook policy yes I'm actually very excited to move item C1 as listed on the agenda since it is the appointment of our new student board member yay yay um is there a second um Mr sus are there any comments or questions on the item what welcome yeah welcome welcome uh roll call please Mr bot yes Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lifton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries welcome and congratulations again thank you so much okay uh curricular Mr derflinger y I'd like to make a motion to move items D1 through three as listed on the agenda please thank you is there a second Dr spner are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none W call please Mr Bob yes Miss Cook yes Mr derl yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marquez yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you meeting is now open to the public for any topic seeing none close that section move to announcements Mr bot uh yes given that there's uh nothing pressing in our national discourse this evening I thought I would take the time to read the full 911 Commission report that was okay if not I'll pass next time um some quick updates as we get to the start of the year uh again uh PTO popsicle Street treats at Campbell and moss on Friday excellent uh welcome the students back head parents after register by 923 we've got a couple book swaps on 919 and 9177 meet the teacher night on 929 be really careful of the haircuts you give your kids cuz pictures start on 9:30 Edgar back tool night 926 uh we're getting close I mean to midm marking period at the end of September across uh first PTO meeting for Edgar is on 9:30 and again I think we we've heard a little reference to it but a really excellent parent breakfast at Edgar with over 130 parents participating and back to school night on 9:26 uh for the high school again we welcome Pia and Senior uh parent meeting 9:12 with meet the teachers night and AP exam standard registration is open on 920 and the PTC has a cookie fundraiser uh kicking off and it's going to drop in emails tomorrow and that's all thank you thank you for your report Mr B did you mention I think there's an MHS PTO meeting next Monday I didn't even get that email I thank you and matou and meet the teacher night is this Thursday uh for high school the 12th yep and another another plug for the week of Lights okay thank you anything else okay at this point I'd like to make a motion to adjourn uh yeah the motion to adjourn is there a second uh Dr JN Marcus all in favor thank you and good night