e e e good evening everyone and welcome it's great to see all of you here this evening for this special event celebrating our seniors while our seniors and most likely the parents and Guardians may know me I'd like to introduce myself to the other loved ones and special guests here this evening my name is Ed parowski and I have the special honor of working with these amazing individuals every day as their principal I will also be the MC for this evening as we highlight the achievements of these soon Tobe graduates who are being recognized this evening as with with every event at matachin high school I'm going to begin by asking you to stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance immediately followed by a performance of the national anthem by select members of our maachan high school choir I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing [Music] at [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you please take your seats honored guests parents loved ones Dr kaputo Dr Herzog administrators supervisors and of course The Quiet Ones up front who are here for celebrating this evening over the last few years and for most of you for over six years I've had the opportunity to see you grow into the incredible human beings I now see before me years ago at Campbell School many of you were recognized for showing good character at our character breakfasts it's now years later and the effort grit and perseverance you displayed back then is now on full display for all of us to recognize tonight is a special night to say that I'm proud of each of you as an understatement I am so impressed by your talents and your achievements I cannot wait to see how you use what you've learned to make this world a better place this program regardless of the length of time is filled with special moments to honor our individuals and their hard work I'd like to thank our matachin High School staff our office staff and school counselors for the countless hours taken to prepare for this special event I'd like to publicly thank our custodial staff who have taken the time to make sure that everything was prepared for us and finally I'd like to thank our matachin high school PTO and our many many many scholarship donors for their generosity as we proceed this evening I will announce honores for different Awards and scholarships when your name is called please walk up the stairs to your right my left and join us on stage once you have received your reward you may proceed back down the other set of stairs and at the end of the event parents and guests you can request that individuals pose in front of our step and repeat for some quick photos as well I'd be remiss if I did not remind REM you of appropriate audience etiquette please put your phones on silent instead of becoming involved in your phone put it away and look up and enjoy the moments happening in real time remember to behave with decorum at this event resist the urge to talk during presentations of awards make sure to cheer on your peers tonight is a time to build one another up everyone is special and deserves to be treated as such be resp be respectful and follow my recommendations for when to cheer others especially when it comes to Awards with multiple recipients now it's time to bask in the glow of your accomplishments my friends with that let's begin in late September more than 2third of the approximately 50,000 High scorers on the PSAT nmsqt receed letters of commendation in recognition of their outstanding academic promise the Metuchen High School class of 2024 commended Scholars are Emily Lan Juliana Johnston Richard hoe aarin Hart Matthew Han Mason Lou April mlan Christian Pera shalik Paul Chloe Shen and Alisa Tay please join us up [Applause] now folks when you hear your name called it's the best time for you to start walking for as they proceed with this in February approximately 15,000 semifinalists are notified that they have advanced to finalist standing principles are notified and provided with a certificate of Merit to present to each finalist mouin High School is very proud to have one finalist acknowledged by this organization and our maachan High School National Merit finalist is Arjun Gupta congratulations we right on over there at this time at this time I would like to invite Miss Ashley Jay supervisor of art Music World languages and gifted in talented programming who will help present the next set of awards matachin High School is proud to announce the students who receed the global seal of biliteracy the Seal of biliteracy was established to recognize high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking listening reading and writing in one or more World languages in addition to English to earn this seal students must meet graduation requirements for English English language arts and earn a proficiency level of inter immediate mid or higher on an approved World language assessment the state seal of biliteracy follows a very similar process students who receive these designations will have a notation posted on their High School transcript highlighting that they meet all requirements previously delineated 43 of our students being called received their New Jersey seal of biliteracy and 42 earned their Global seal as well I will call these individuals up five at a time so when I call your name come up please try to hold your applause until the end an Carlos Michael sedino Martinez Nicole Dudek Leslie flarity Elizabeth Garner [Applause] Crystal Goa Arjun Gupta Matthew Han Aaron Hart Richard hoe Hima Johnson aorus Michelle Keon Marina crin beans Emily Lan Cindy Lee Ivan Lynn [Applause] folks once you have it you may go Nicole Lynn Nana morau Zachary musano Dian NES Robert naan Kevin Notch whoops Kevin Kevin O'Brien Kayla Ali Alex pateli shalik Paul Devin Fineman Liliana Petro mared Rivera lyanna Rodriguez Savannah Rodriguez [Applause] sorry Alexander serban Leila sha Penelope sha Khloe Shen Emma stall next I'm sorry vinda serati Julia sukowski Isaac tiger Alisa Tay Aiden van [Applause] Skyhawk Michael Zino and Ana Zang congratulations [Applause] dramaa let's give another round for our global and state seal of B literacy [Applause] students pretty impressive don't you think you ready good evening everyone my name is Ashley Jay I'm the K12 supervisor of art Music World Language and gifted education here in matachin thank you for joining us us tonight I'm so excited to present these students with our departmental Awards again if you could hold your applause to the end I'm going to start with drama these students have shined in our plays and shows and you can't miss them for drama our PTO award goes to Katherine Meyer and Jacob kumpol with purpose [Applause] next these colorful seniors will be painting Bright Bright Futures for themselves our winners for the art scholarship departmental award Kayla gonsky and Ned Brewers Ma congrats congratulations congrats [Applause] for our Music Department award these students do not miss a beat get it Ana Zang and Michael Zino congrats conat congrats conratulations now unfortunately I am not biliterate unlike the 43 students here however our French Department award goes to sweat anelie Patel and Julian [Applause] Johnson congrats girls congratulations [Applause] again I would never want to mispronounce especially a German word but our German award students Mason Lou and Emma [Applause] stall congrats good job congratulations conratulations and closing it out with our Spanish Department the departmental award goes to Alisa Tay and Leslie flarity congrats congrats congratulations okay thank you our next scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating senior who has demonstrated a serious interest in and appreciation of art additionally this individual has significant ability as an artist The Donna alderiso Novak MHS class of 1969 Memorial art scholarship recipient is Cindy Lee congratulations the Jack Waldman Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who has participated in the band chorus or Orchestra program they must be planning to attend a program of full-time post school education who plan plans on pursuing a career in music this year's recipient is Jacob crom [Applause] Holtz congratulations the matachin high school David Weissman art scholarship is presented to a graduate who was enrolled in Innovative or portfolio art and was a member of the matachin high school chapter of the National Art Honor Society who plans on continuing to major in art in college the recipient of this award this year is Nicole [Applause] Lynn congratulations Nicole [Applause] the MMO music parents Ed Logue scholarship is presented to a member of the senior class who has shared what they learned from the MHS music program and how they plan to use what they learned in their future this scholarship is presented to Alisa Tay congrats [Applause] Alisa the MMO music parents Tom walish scholarship is also presented to a member of the senior class explaining why and how matachin music had impacted their time as a member of one of the music related programs at the high school the recipient of this scholarship is May nen [Applause] [Applause] congratulations our next scholarship honors individuals who have demonstrated a high level of achievement and leadership in Dramatics and Scholastics and who through conduct set an example for their fellow classmates to follow we have two Riley Financial Group scholar thespian award recipients they are Jacob crom Holtz and August [Applause] Garner confirm for me IR the Steven kravit Memorial music scholarship is offered to a member of the senior class who has been involved in any part of the MHS music program or student who play plans to major or minor in the study of Music in college the recipient of this year's scholarship is Michael [Applause] Zino congrats Michael [Applause] at this time please join me in welcoming mix L Lewis manziano supervisor of English and social studies who will be presenting some awards on behalf of their [Applause] departments good evening everyone I'm Lou Manzano the ELA and social studies supervisor I will be giving out our department Awards tonight to some wonderful very soon to be graduates who are nominated by their teachers their teachers shared many things that made them excellent but these are the qualities that stood out to me the most enthusiastic attentive an excellent thinker and writer a leader someone who creates connections that are current the last one is most important connecting history and literature to our current world and and thinking critically this is what will continue to improve our society I have five Awards tonight for history Arjun Gupta for political science Ain Hart for social studies Marina crummond beans for government Mason Lou and for English language arts Riley Lamela [Applause] congrats guys congrats congrats of course [Applause] the Bulldogs bark newspaper award recognizes an individual who has invested their time and energy into ensuring that the school's newspaper is reflective of our school of our student body and their interests while informing our community of important aspects of our students lives this year's award recipient is Mary McGrath [Applause] congrats mayor now let's welcome Mrs Kate lemick secondary supervisor of stem who will present some awards on behalf of the science mathematics and 21st century life and careers [Applause] departments yes all right good evening my name is Kate lri and like Mr PRI said I'm the proud supervisor of secondary stem education in the matum public schools tonight I'll be recog izing the outstanding achievements of some of our high school seniors as recommend as recognized by our department these Awards reflect their hard work and passion in stem and showcases their diverse range of talents and interests Within These CR Within These disciplines these students are excellent communicators critical thinkers problem solvers and have demonstrated great curiosity determination and passion in the area for which they're being awarded each of the seven Awards award categories being presented tonight highlights a unique aspect of stem Excellence today we recognize them for their dedication and celebrate their role in shaping the future our award recipients are in Career Education Lucas Weiss in computer science Matthew Han Mason Lou and Richard hoe in family and consumer science Nathaniel sualin in industrial Arts technology Michael mcnamer in life environmental science Arjun Gupta in mathematics Mason Lou and Arjun Gupta and in physical science Alysa T and Matthew Han [Applause] congratulations okay for [Applause] the Bor and family Memorial Scholarship honors the mother and maternal grandparents of Brett Griner a member of the class of 1987 the recipient shows that they have strong academic credentials compassion for others and a desire to pursue a career in medicine nursing or another related field this scholar ship is awarded to shalik [Applause] Paul congratulations our next scholarship goes to a graduating student demonstrating good citizenship the scholarship is to be used toward their education as they pursue a career in education medicine or social services the burrow Improvement League scholarship recipient is Ella pakowski [Applause] congats Nora brosen was a force of nature who spent her life caring for and nurturing others Gilbert Rivera was a loving and kind person who generated Joy wherever he went both passed away in 2020 as a result of the covid-19 virus in honor of them and in gratitude for all those who helped care for them the brzin Rivera scholarship is awarded to two people who are seeking to enter the field of Public Health or education the individuals receiving this scholarship are Giana delisanti and Seda [Applause] Webster congratulations congratulations J next DRS George and Sarah Ludwig Family Dentistry health professional scholarship is awarded to an individual who is a member of the graduating class and who is planning to pursue a career in Health Sciences the recipient of this award is Samantha [Applause] feifer congratulations [Applause] the recipient of the Garden Club of matachin award is a member of the current graduating class planning to pursue a two or fouryear degree program in environmental science horiculture landscape design or another related field this scholarship is awarded to John bolesta [Applause] congrats John the Karen Germaine Cafaro Memorial Scholarship honors a student who plans to attend an institution of Higher Learning following graduation who is pursu pursuing a career in The Sciences the recipient of this scholarship is Khloe Shen [Applause] congratulations the matachin Education Foundation Eileen Duffy Memorial science scholarship is awarded to the MHS graduating class member who was involved in community service and participated in extracurricular activities and intend to pursue higher education and plans to major in The Sciences this year's recipient of this honor is May [Applause] nen congratulations [Applause] two scholarships are being awarded to seniors who are planning to pursue a career in the business field the recipients of the ramond V diagnos Memorial Business scholarship are Robert naan and Alex patelski [Applause] congratulations congratulations [Applause] on behalf of Mr cathart I will be uh presenting the physical education Awards to two individuals here from the high school who are graduating Samantha feifer and Alexander antiporta [Applause] congratulations Sam congratulations Alex next the Alicia Carmine Memorial Scholarship is given in love loing memory of a 1982 graduate of matachin high school who passed away on September 16th 2017 Alicia was a scholar athlete and varsity Runner who was a light in everyone's life in so many ways her bright radiant smile and personality lit up a room when she entered she was a humble kind and genuinely caring person who always looked out for the underdog to to shine like Alicia means to treat all people with respect and kindness to be an active citizen by giving freely of the best parts of themselves to those in need or facing personal challenges and to thrive on helping others this scholarship for a college-bound scholar athlete who shines like Alicia by exemplifying her kind spirit and positive character is awarded to two individuals this year who shine with heart spirit strength and Faith this year's recipients are Alex patelski and Leslie [Applause] flar congratulations congratulations a student of the MHS class of 2024 is being honored as the recipient of the bill zorski Memorial Scholarship due to their participation in the school's sports programs and who is pursuing higher education this honor is given to Patrick [Applause] Moore congratulations Patrick [Applause] the Brian mcconico Memorial Scholarship is awarded in memory of Brian and his involvement in the track program this scholarship is being awarded to Alex patelski [Applause] congratulations the Chick Evans scholarship for caddies is a full tuition and housing 4year college scholarship for golf caddies for more than 90 years the Western Golf Association has overseen the Evans Scholars Program which is among the nation's Lar largest privately funded scholarship programs it it is named in honor of legendary amateur golfer Chick Evans whose charitable Legacy was to help send deserving Cades to college recipients of this prestigious scholarship are nominated by the sponsoring country club where they caddied and are evaluated on four criteria strong caddy record excellent academics Financial need and standing character since 1930 more than 12,000 individuals have been awarded the Evans scholarship on campuses Evan Scholars live together in a scholarship house owned by the foundation we have one recip recipient of this scholarship this individual will join more than 320 new Evans Scholars this year as they begin their college education the individual receiving this scholarship is Jacob Crum [Applause] Holtz congratulations [Applause] a member of The Varsity tennis team who demonstrates a strong work ethic and community service while also being a good in good academic standing and planning to continue their Pursuits in higher education will be the recipient of the Donald and Joyce worick scholarship the recipient of this scholarship is Michael McNamara [Applause] [Applause] congratulations this scholarship for a member of the track program honors Elise brevit and of this high school and a former member of the matachin high school track team the individual who is being honored by this scholarship is Maggie [Applause] Rivera congratulations [Applause] the Jack Cunningham Memorial Scholarship recognizes a member of the class of 2024 who participated in the athletic program at MHS and who intends to pursue higher education this year's recipient is Michael McNamara [Applause] congratulations again the John C Novak Memorial Scholarship is given to a student from the class of 2024 who intends to pursue higher education and who participated in in an athletic program at matachin high school this year's scholarship goes to Cody [Applause] cardillo congratulations Cody the recipients of the next scholarship are scholar athletes attending college in the fall who demonstrates High academic achievement and were members of the basketball softball or baseball team the Joseph gonsky Memorial Scholarship happily honors two individuals Samantha feifer and Ben santis [Applause] congratulations [Applause] congratulations the matesan high school booster club honors two individuals who are considered the best all-around athlete the individuals who are being selected by the MHS booster club to receive the top dog award are Alex pateli and Leslie flarity [Applause] congratulations congratulations the matachin soccer club has established the Kelly mcaffrey Memorial Scholarship fund in honor of Kelly's past accomplishments in travel soccer and in the matachin community Kelly was a longtime member of the matachin Galaxy girls travel soccer team joining the team as a U10 player and playing with the team through the u19 level we lost Kelly in his tragic auto accident on sept September 6th 2004 Kelly's Fierce dedication to team is an example to all of us who participate in team sports and who see the importance of dedication to team to family as an outstanding character trait both on and off the field such dedication led to Kelly's being named captain of a varsity soccer team at Bishop R High School to remember Kelly's unique and long-lasting contributions to soccer in Metuchen and to continue to spread her spirit of dedication to the team the matachin soccer club will award several scholarships each spring in Kelly's name this scholarship is awarded to to the women's Varsity senior soccer player demonstrating the highest level of commitment to the team during her senior season this year's recipient is Ella pakowski [Applause] congratulations El the matachin soccer club the recreational soccer program in matachin Awards a scholarship each year in honor of Tony black the tireless funloving founder of Mt SC back in 1992 Tony's commitment to the game the children of matachin and the spirit of sport in this community led to mtsc becoming a program with over 500 players today in his memory matachin soccer club Awards a college scholarship to a MHS senior for their community service academic achievements and love for the game of soccer the individual who has demonstrated these qualities and who is being honored tonight is Ben [Applause] santis congrats Ben the matachin soccer club also honors other graduating seniors for their contribution to the sport and their academic and athletic achievements the individuals being honored with the matachin soccer club scholarships are Jared popek and Daniel cun [Applause] congratulations congratulations Chad the Raritan Valley Road Runners primary objective is the promotion and encouragement of running rvrr events raise funds which are used to host future running events and to promote running rvrr is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting running for positive physical and mental health benefits the board has created a scholarship program to help High School seniors and Community College Student Runners who attend school in Middle sex and Somerset counties Advance their education this scholarship rewards encourages and recognizes local running youth who have achieved athletic success in the sport of running while also recognizing the athlete who has strong academics and demonstrates both citizenship and good sportsmanship the individual who consistently displays their sincere enthusiasm for running and who is being honored this evening with this award is Alex patelski [Applause] congrats Alex the Riley Financial Group group scholar athlete award is presented to individuals who demonstrate a high level of achievement and leadership in athletics and Scholastics and who through conduct sets an example for their fellow classmates to follow the two recipients of this award are Samantha feifer and Cody cardillo [Applause] congratulations congratulations the Scott J doart baseball scholarship is provided to students who were varsity baseball players the individuals exhibit both Bas good baseball skills and they put the most heart and soul in every practice and game the recipients of this scholarship are Ike Bush Lucas Weiss Robert naan and Nicholas Canton [Applause] congratulations congratulations congratulations [Applause] congratulations next we honor a student who attended Campbell school who plans to attend college and hopefully major in education the Campbell School alumni scholarship is awarded to wen Laguna [Applause] morau congratulations lucky the Community Foundation of New Jersey Vincent P UTS Memorial Scholarship honors a member of the current graduating class attending an in institution of Higher Learning in the fall the recipient of this scholarship is Richard hoe congratulations Connor mcaden was a matachin high school student who exe exemplified courage and perseverance as he battled cancer he was and continues to be an inspiration to his family his friends his classmates his teachers and all who knew him the Connor mcaden Memorial Scholarship for courage and perseverance is awarded to two individuals from the class of 2024 the recipients are Matthew Han and Leslie flarity congrats [Applause] congratulations Dennis Michael Walker was an 18-year resident of matachin and a 30-year hackin sa firefighter who was a 911 first responder and participated in the ground zero search and Recovery efforts he was married to matusan high school graduate Beth Anne Buzzy Walker class of 1981 the Dennis Michael Walker Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a member of the graduating class of 2024 who is attending an institution of Higher Learning and who has consistently volunteered a significant amount of time in our community this scholarship is awarded to Alisa [Applause] Tay congratulations the Durst family scholarship is awarded to a member of the graduating class who is attending college in the fall planning on pursuing a career in public education this year's recipient is Ethan h [Applause] congratulations Ethan the James and Teresa Kelly Memorial Scholarship is designated for a graduating senior who has shown significant achie academic achievement and is dedicated to teaching as a profession this year this scholarship is awarded to Giana delisanti congratulations the John and Irene K gazda award John and Irene were longtime residents of matachin active members of the matachin Bulldog booster club and other community committees they exemplified perseverance through disability and care for one another in the Home and Community the John and Irene K Godda Memorial Scholarship is being awarded to two individuals this evening Ned Brewers Ma and Patrick Moore congratulations Patrick way to go [Applause] n The matachin High School class of 1964 Mason pricket Memorial Scholarship is awarded to two students who best demonstrate the values of Faith perseverance optimism and integrity embodied in the individual For Whom the scholarship was named congratulations to mateline Swenson and Nicholas [Applause] Canton congrats congratulations the matachin High School class of 1968 scholarship goes to a student in the graduating class planning to attend a school of higher education this scholarship is awarded to Alex patelski [Applause] way to go Alex the Education Association scholarship is awarded to a student who will be attending college and whose parent is a member of the njaa this award goes to Jacob Crum Holtz [Applause] way to go Mara Holtzman was a beloved member of the matachin public school Community the matachin Education Foundation honors Marsha holtzman's memory through this scholarship by celebrating a student who has experienced academic achievement participated in extracurricular activities and has been involved in community service the matachin Education Foundation Marsha Holtzman Memorial educational leadership award goes to Ella pakowski [Applause] congratulations the matachin Education Foundation trustee scholarship is awarded to a student who has experienced academic achievement participated in extracurricular activities ities and has been involved in community service this scholarship recipient is shalik [Applause] Paul congratulations the matachin Education Foundation verice Mason scholarship is awarded to a student who has experienced academic achievement participated in extracurricular activities and has been again involved in community service this scholarship recipient is Marina crin beans way to go Marina the matachin Elks Lodge Youth Activities Committee honors a graduating senior who plans on attending a 2-year college program this year's recipient is Michelle Canton [Applause] congratulations Michelle it's all [Applause] good the matachin Elks Lodge Youth Activities Committee protect and serve scholarship is awarded to a student who is either attending or enlisted in one of the seven branches of the US military law enforcement or as a first responder this year the recipient is Kendall [Applause] Johnston way to go Kendall [Applause] the matachin High School class of 1971 Community leadership scholarship is awarded annually to a 12th grade student who has been active in community service activities and has exhibited leadership in efforts to Foster understanding and acceptance at Metuchen high school or in the Greater Community this year the recipient of the scholarship is Michael [Applause] McNamara here so make sure you meet him afterwards okay [Applause] the matachin power professionals scholarship honors graduating seniors for their successes throughout their school years the recipients of this scholarship are Natalie ster Gabriella sagona Jessica Leaf Nicholas Lopez and Colin p [Applause] congratulations Ella congratulations Colin [Applause] the matachin parent teacher Council academic merit scholarship is traditionally awarded to graduating seniors with a minimum of a 3.5 grade point average the recipients this year include Richard ho Marina crum's beans Danny cun Mary McGrath and Samantha feifer [Applause] congratulations nice job congratulations great job congratulations the matachin parent teacher Council verice Mason Community Service Memorial Scholarship is awarded to graduating seniors who have consistently volunteered a significant amount of time in our community taking the initiative to volunteer their time in at least three projects throughout their high school year this year's recipients are Ned Brewers Michael McNamara and Jared popek way to go congratulations great job sir the matachin police benel benel sorry the matachin police benevolent Association scholarship is awarded to two students planning to attend college or postgraduate schooling the recipients are Leslie flarity and Kendall [Applause] Johnston way to go [Applause] congratulations Dr Caputo formed a 12ers student Advisory Board consisting of one student from each grade third through 10th along with two Juniors and two seniors we recognize matachin High School seniors Kyle Rudder and Maggie Rivera for their service as members to the student Advisory [Applause] Board congratulations [Applause] the matachin Edison Women's Club is a volunteer organization dedicated to community service to enhance the lives of others they award a scholarship to a high school senior who is a member of the graduating class of 2024 and who has demonstrated a high level of community service through volunteer work during their high school years even during the pandemic the matachin Edison Women's Club scholarship is awarded to Savannah [Applause] Rodriguez Savannah is unable to be here this evening so her sister is going to receive that award for her [Applause] [Applause] the middle sex County Commissioner director Ronald G Rios charity trust fund scholarship is awarded to a 20124 graduating senior planning to attend college or School of higher education in the fall with personal experiences and insight on how they can make a positive change in our community and our world this year's recipient is Angelina kesi [Applause] [Applause] congratulations the New Jersey school buildings and grounds Association awards scholarships to individuals to meet their specific criteria we are proud to have two individuals receiving this award this evening Khloe Shen and Christian [Applause] Pera congratulations CL congratulations [Applause] the mission of the Richard Herold Charles Schultz scholarship is to honor the memory of two Brave Young Vietnam War veterans from The matachin High School class of 1962 who served in the military during a time of social upheaval through this scholarship we wish to preserve their memory and in a small way thank them for their service and their sacrifice we also wish to recognize and thank all of our classmates who served in Vietnam the Richard Harold char Charles Schultz scholarship fund Awards this annual scholarship to a graduating senior of matachin high school who demonstrates High Scholastic achievement as well as leadership in school and community activities this scholarship is awarded to Robert naan [Applause] [Applause] the Roger W Ralph Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who will pursue higher education in the fall of 20124 Roger was a firm believer in the value of education but he did not have have an easy road to get himself started on his goals when he graduated from MHS in 1957 the recipient of this scholarship has demonstrated that they have overcome challenges or obstacles faced when pursuing their goals and continue to persevere to make their goals a reality this scholarship is awarded to Caitlyn mcginness [Applause] kay good [Applause] job the matachin High School counseling department recognizes an individual who is considered special because of their care and concern for others this individual normally flies under the radar this student has a positive impact on others and the counselors selected this individual because they wanted this graduate to know that they've noticed them and they appreciate them this year's School counseling department unsung hero award recipient is no [Applause] camerano great job [Applause] the Theo Clark Memorial Scholarship honors the memory of our former student who inspires his family friends and everyone who knew him as he bravely battled cancer his kindness and courage continues to motivate all who knew him to honor his memory this scholarship is awarded to an indiv individual who battled a life-threatening disease and who continues to motivate and Inspire others the recipient of this scholarship is Caitlyn [Applause] mcginness congratulations [Applause] the Willie F and Mary Fenton Williams equality and inclusion award was created in honor of two longtime matachin residents who worked to combat racial intolerance and create a more just and tolerant world to provide equal opportunities for all individuals this newly established annual award goes to a 12th grade student who will be continuing on to college or vocational school after graduating from aachen high school this awarde has demonstrated a commitment to the goals for which the Williams worked throughout their lives fostering diversity equity Equity inclusion understanding and acceptance at matachin high school and within and Beyond the matachin community the awarde cont contributions to the school Community have promoted the basic tenant that fellow students and residents deserve to be treated with respect and dignity congratulations to Matthew h [Applause] toet the person who gave you the award okay [Applause] the West Point Society of New Jersey sponsors a number of high schools throughout New Jersey each year these high schools select a high schooler who exhibits ex exceptional performance and potential in the areas of academics Athletics community service good citizenship and Leadership students selected to re receive this award are presented an individual plaque and a letter of recogn recognition the Dwight D Eisenhower leadership award recipient from the MHS class of 2024 is Keith mcferson [Applause] congratulations Keith earlier this year matachin high school had the opportunity to honor a special person from our school with recognition as the middlex county sec secondary principles award recipient Jared popek will you please join me on the [Applause] stage Jared's hard work curiosity and persistence is on Full display each day at matachin high school Jared's work ethic is unmatched he is a compassionate and motivated learner who spends much of his time delving into subjects and topics of which he is passionate academically Jared is an outstanding student ra ranking within the top quarter of the students in his graduating class compiling experiences through his high school career to include 5 APS and nine honors level courses while his core course content demonstrates his academic abilities that will fuel his Pursuits in college his true talents are found within his independent study and electives coursework specifically in the area of multimedia journalism and media production Jared is a truly talented content creator for matachin high school as part of the leadership team for the media club and a broadcaster for the MHS Bulldog report on YouTube not only does he announce games with his co-host but he also has the ability to produce meaningful public interest pieces for the school and community including interviews with students building and District administration and honored guests his collaborative work through the school has helped to elevate communication across the school and District Jared's strength lies in his ability to effectively communicate and Advocate on behalf of others Jared is a valued me member of Slam our student leaders at mouen which is the high school's student Advisory Group he was was instrumental in planning and implementing the orientation leader trainings n9th grade and transfer student orientation programming and the high school's peer mentoring program he volunteers to assist with with the annual fuse 5K which is now changed their name and the matusan cookie walk both of which raise money to support local families in need this year Jared also received recognition from the matachin Edis in rotary club for his acts of volunteerism while being a student at matachin high school Jared's a doer and what he does is both incredible to witness and inspiring for these reasons and for many more Jared popek is matachin high school's outstanding student for the class of 2024 congratulations Jared your name will be added to the Perpetual plaque in our hallway informing others about your accomplishments here at matachin High School [Applause] for those of you who may not know Jean lepri was a former superintendent of schools for matachin Jean was known for his dedication to the schools and his spirit for the community therefore it's fitting that the Gan lapri Memorial award for dedication and Community Spirit honors a student who embodies this in their thoughts words and actions the recipient of this award will have their name added to the Perpetual plaque with the names of the former alumni who have also received this award Mr lpri Legacy lives on through the spirit of this award and the member of the class of 2024 who shares his values of dedication and Community spirit is Mary McGrath Louisa May Alcott was quoted saying I'm not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship Mary has always been known as a hardworking individual who Embraces the sentiment in alcott's quote Mary isn't afraid of hard work and has put all of her effort into learning and growing and making this school a better place Mary's teachers describe her as intelligent motivated and passionate as one teacher shared what makes Mary Stand Out is that while she is a well-respected student who excels in her classes she is also one of the most humble and genuine people I have ever encountered another teacher share that what sets Mary apart is the incredible amount of spirit and integrity that she possesses Mary has been involved in so many different aspects of the school Community while here she grew Deep Roots at this school by being involved in a variety of activities that helped her learn how to be a leader Mary is known for advocating on behalf of her peers celebrating their successes and helping to promote matachin High School Mary embraced change and made a difference by being the editor for the newspaper which went digital this year in collaboration with the media Club she is a valued member of the softball team always being there to encourage her teammates and Mentor the younger members of the team as one of the organizers for the orientation leader program she made for certain that the incoming nth graders and transfer students had the knowledge and resources necessary to make an easy transition to the high school Mary's ability to connect with all people at matachin high school is only the start for her there is no doubt that Mary will make this world a more welcoming caring and inclusive place for all Mary embodies all of the best qualities that are represented in this Gan Lai Memorial award congratulations Mary [Applause] next we will be honoring those students who have met the requirements of having a GPA of 3.5 or higher with the high school outstanding scholar award we're going to try this I will announce five names at a time please hold your applause until all five names have been called yanuk an Alexander antiporta Nicole Bellos Joseph berui and Reese [Applause] Bradshaw Ned Brewers Ma Devon Burns Ike Bush Nicholas Canton Noel [Applause] camarano [Applause] congratulations Mara chinchar Logan Clancy Daniel ctis Rebecca Coulter Jordan Cly [Applause] Ava dasta Lenny dresy Leslie flarity Crystal Goa Melissa [Applause] hasell Raina Israel Philipe cman Dantes Danny cun anakah kundu Wen Laguna moral Jessica [Applause] Leaf Nicholas Lopez Jacob Lopez Fel Mappy Caitlyn mcginness Ty May [Applause] Alexandra Miller Giana nunziato Kayla om Ali Christian Pera Colin [Applause] P Ella polakowski Gabriella sagona Leila sha Penelope sha Jack [Applause] sodin Noah s Natalie ster mateline Swenson Marisol Torres and Anna Weiss Blum [Applause] [Applause] congratulations congratulations [Applause] we will now honor those students who have met the requirements for the Board of Education principles award meaning that they have maintained a 4.0 average or higher let's try this again I'll announce five names at a time please hold your hold your applause until the five names are read Ry Ahmed Jack Benedict Jacob Blum Eleanor Brennan Christopher [Applause] kavano Cody cardillo Anne Carlos Angelina kesi Mary Katherine Cummings Nicole Dudek [Applause] hey congratulations congratulations way to go Caitlyn Edwards Annabelle fedon Joseph Fenton Kayla Hineman August [Applause] Garner Kayla gonski Theo gerac Christina Goodman Arjun Gupta Matthew Han [Applause] congratulations Ain Hart Annabelle hen Fang Richard hoe Ethan H Juliana Johnston Lauren caner [Applause] Michelle Canton Jacob Crum Holtz Marina crin beans Riley Lamela Emily LAN [Applause] Cedric Lee Ivan Lynn nicoley Mason Lou Logan mcferson [Applause] guys [Applause] congratulations Mary McGrath April mlan Michael Mara Keith mcferson and Catherine [Applause] Meyer am I going too fast congratulations folks congratulations n morau Zachary musano Dia NES Robert naan May [Applause] nen Kevin O'Brien sangeli Patel Alex patelski shalik Paul Liliana Petro [Applause] Samantha feifer Jared popek Maggie Rivera lyanna Rodriguez Savannah Rodriguez congratulations congratulations [Applause] congratulations Bennett santis Khloe Shen Hannah sodin Emma stall Alex staltz [Applause] vinda surrati Isaac tager Alisa Tay Ryan Timco Aiden van Skyhawk Lucas Weiss Michael Zino and Ana Zang [Applause] congratulations great job great work congratulations nice job folks let's give another round of applause for our principal's award [Applause] recipients the matachin High School class of 2024 scholarship is awarded to the person who exemplifies the attributes of an ideal MHS Bulldog demonstrating School values active engagement in all aspects of the school including extracurriculars service to the school and Outreach to the community beyond what is required the individual being honored this evening through this scholarship displays positivity enthusiasm for the school and advocacy for their peers this person takes the time to find ways to connect the school to the larger matachin Community this individual was instrumental in planning and implementing the ninth grade and trans transfer student orientation programming as well as assisting the students through the high school's peer mentoring program through this work and other efforts this student is recognized for understanding the importance of being part of a community this year this individual also received recognition from the matachin Edis Edison rotary club for their acts of volunteerism the recipient for the MHS class of 2024 scholarship ship is Jared [Applause] popek congratulations J we're now at the we're now nearing the end of our Awards traditionally the title of Salud tutorium is given to the second highest ranking student in the graduating class as determined by their GPA this individual has demonstrated academic achievement throughout their four years at matachin high school the indiv idual receiving this award has earned a GPA of 47873 this individual has been described as enthusiastic hardworking and truly loves learning this individual is passionate about math and science which is reflective in their inquisitive nature earlier this year this individual had identified their favorite saying as the only dumb question is the one you don't ask this fully reflects our salutatorian as they delved deeper into learning throughout High School this student is motivated to learn because they want to understand new Concepts this individual is also a person who Embraces engaging in dialogue and discourse to understand others perspectives folks I'm happy to announce that the class of 202 for salutatorian is Arjun [Applause] Gupta right over here congratulations stand right here with me okay Arjun is motivated by his curiosity he's always thinking reflecting researching and applying what he has learned in new and innovative ways arjun's excitement and enthusiasm for learning is palpable he has delved into areas that spark his interest including his participation in the robotics team his involvement and leadership in research in the Waxman student Scholars Program his participation as an active member of the math team and his willingness to serve as a student voice in our principal's advisory as one teacher shared Arjun understands that he's gifted but he's not competitive with his classmates and doesn't feel a need to demonstrate superiority instead he's the first person who is willing to step up and assist others to make sure that they are able to fully understand the concepts being learned as well as another individual shared Arun has contributed significantly by being proactive assuming a lot of responsibility and being an excellent time manager teammate and Communicator congratulations to Arjun our salutatorian and recipient of [Applause] both he is the recipient of both the Board of Education salutatorian and high school PTO salutatorian academic Awards congratulations we will talk after finally the title of valedictorian is given to the highest ranking student in the graduating class as determined by their GPA this individual has demonstrated academic achievement throughout their four years at matachin high school the individual receiving this award this honor has earned a GPA of 48348 they are known for their kind caring and unassuming disposition that puts others at ease this individual demonstrates unwavering determination and tenacity in everything that they do their insatiable intellectual curiosity passion for Learning and resilient nature is what propelled this individual to the top as a multilingual individual they have learned to build connections with others this individual has a great sense of humor and displays an even greater amount of humility as one staff member shared this person is a full authentic package they're a scholar a musician a loyal friend an athlete and a leader the class of 2024 valedictorian is Mason Lou congratulations Mason stay right here okay one teacher shared that Mason is an exceptional student and an extraordinary individual he is a modern-day Renaissance young man Mason's achievements set him apart from his peers he has taken advanced mathematics courses throughout the year at Rucker University and has had the opportunity to work with a Johns Hopkins Professor to conduct research on Game Theory another teacher shared Mason is unusually bright and talented what he accomplished throughout his years at MHS is unprecedented Mason's remarkable achievements over the years Encompass academic Excellence leadership in in Civic engagement versatile talents in both Athletics and the Arts excellence in mathematics and research Community involvement and a healthy social life Mason's Ambitions are grounded in a sense of purpose and a commitment to affecting positive change Mason's future is filled with promise and his accomplishments have already set the St stage for his continued success Mason is a leader a motivator and our class of 2024 valedictorian congratulations I need to see you after this so we can talk about next time okay [Applause] I'd like to thank thank you to our upcoming graduates their families their loved ones and administrators for coming out tonight to recognize and celebrate the amazing accomplishments of these individuals you should be so very proud of what you have accomplished folks I'd like to ask our award and scholarship recipients to please stick around for at least 10 minutes as many of the donors are present at this event and I'm sure many of them would like to have the opportunity to meet with you and congratulate you in person have a wonderful evening stay safe make good choices and we'll all look forward to celebrating this amazing group on Thursday night e