[Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah uh I'm going turn it on I was going to go you ready what you ready I'm ready you going to go being silenced all right all right good evening good evening welcome to the March 26 meeting of the Board of Education if we could all rise for the flag salute please to the flag United States of America the rep stands andice Miss zav alvich can you please read the notice of the meeting certainly I hereby make the statement to indicate compliance with the open public meetings act known as chapter 231 of the public laws of New Jersey 1975 which became effective 90 days after enactment January 19th 1976 notice of this meeting was given by providing the location time and date of this meeting and posting the same on the front door of the mouan of Education offices by delivering copies to the burough Hall and the matachin public library the home news in Tribune The Star Ledger and by filing a copy with the bur clerk as prescribed by this law thank you roll call please Mr bot here miss cook here Mr derflinger here miss demg did not inform me whether she was coming tonight or not Mr glasberg he's let us know that he will not be here today thank you Dr Johnson Marcus I am here yeah Miss Colleen here okay Mr lifton is not also cannot be here today okay wonderful thank you Dr sner here all right wonderful and then Mr sus here thank you Mrs alich uh tonight we have the Showcase of success Dr kaputo we do thank you Dr johnon Marcus so very excited uh three times a year we honor our fall winter and spring Champions and we have a large group of um indoor track uh uh athletes winter track athletes here today both boys and girls Champions um just a couple of congratulations first first of all thank you Mr pry and Mr Cathcart for being here I know I appreciate it and I'm sure the athletes and coaches appreciate you being here for them for them tonight um next congratulations to uh Miss hollerin just a another great season following up on a fantastic fall cross country season and Coach demalo a number of championships so congratulations to you and the boys as well um at this time Mr Cathcart can I invite you to the podium as Mr cathcart's making his way to the podium um all of our athletes today receive a sign certificate acknowledging their team or their individual Championship first thank you for having us here these girl these girls have put a lot of time in as you can tell by they put a lot of time into an effort into what they've done and uh coach how will be up in a second to uh talk about their accomplishments and recognize them but it's a major factor for us and as you know just about everybody up here uh is on the honor Ro also so not only do they do it on the field on the track but they also in the classroom so they're excellent students as well as excellent athletes so congratulations ladies I'd like to call up coach Mrs hollerin to speak about the girls and let you know what they've done this [Applause] [Music] year okay good evening thank you for having us tonight uh we're a sport that doesn't uh have our races here on the high school campus so we're often not seen so this is our track team uh a big portion of it anyway some of our girls couldn't make it tonight um they had a tremendous winter season um really proud of the things that they were able to accomplish um the highlight of the Season would have been our sectional Championship um winning the sectionals the group one Central Jersey Championship is something we always strive for and um when they can do it it's pretty special and this group was able to do that um our Varsity letter winners I'll name them they're not all up up on the stage tonight but these are who our Varsity winners are for the season Marina armore kadia ba Olivia Barry McKenna Bruns Sophia De La Cruz Gianna Hernandez Caitlyn shre Sarah Heyman Carol Johnson fish Sabrina candell Sally Kelton Lily Cooper Smith Lucy anco Lola Petro Ella rean Maggie Rivera and Rose sergen and I'm also going to read off um our individual Champions uh from the season uh we have one GMC Champion um the 800 meter GMC Champion she's not here tonight Maggie Rivera um we have I'll read off our sectional uh individual champions in the 400 Marina armore she can stand [Applause] forward in the 55 hurdles Sarah Hyman we have a three-time individual Champion G Gianna Hernandez in the 800 the 1600 and the [Applause] 3200 she then went on to run on our 4x4 which was a sectional Champion winning team uh she had an outstanding sectionals four events four gold medals um an unbelievably special kid had a great meet very proud of what she did for our program uh along with Cadia and the 4x4 which won the sectionals we have uh sorry uh Gian we have kadia ba step forward you can have the 4x4 step forward so we have kadia ba Gian Hernandez McKenna Bruns step forward McKenna and Rose sergen who's unable to be here tonight um these are our individual and and relay Champions uh from our season which was pretty special really proud of our girls um special group and looking forward to our spring season thank you for having [Applause] us guys ready okay next we'll have we'll bring our boys track team up um I think actually this year everything they touched they won this year so this is a a really productive team I'll ask coach head coach Joe demeglio to come up and explain it so thank you for having us um our boys winter track season was very successful um they were the blue division Champions blue division relay Champions Central Jersey group one Champions State group one Champions state relay group one Champions and all of those were backto [Applause] back so first I'll do the letter winners and then I'll do the individual Champions so we have Vidant Nike Eric schli Logan Clancy Nico hadalo Casper Rula Hunter Al Dinger David rias Giani chambati procket jaw James velli Alex patelski atorus krumin Harry Mormon Kai anger Brady Allen Nick Davis and Robert na so our GMC winners Eric schli in the 800 and vant Nike in the 55 meter hurdles um we won three relays in the county relays the distance medley relay of Alex patelski niik doggo Hunter Al Dinger and Eric schli the 4x8 meter relay which Harry Mormon niik Dogo uh tus kumman and Eric [Applause] schli and the Sprint medley relay of Vidant Nike Casper Rula David revas and Alex patelski [Applause] that same distance medley relay also won the group one state relay um in Central Jersey Group One winners were Fant Nike in the 55 meter hurdles and the 55 meter [Applause] dash and Alex patelski in the 800 m the 600600 m and the 3200 M now Alex also won the 800 meter uh race at the group one championship and our 4x4 relay uh was also group one champions in the uh in the state meet not the relays uh vidon Nike Casper Rula Nico adago and Eric schli um thank you again and um I know all these guys are looking forward to a successful spring season great job guys congratulations okay again thank you for having us here it's always a great honor to be recognized by the board and to be on the local access Channel which is a real thrill for for our kids and I'm sure you'll see us again in the spring we'll all be back sounds good we welcome you back have a great season [Applause] [Music] [Applause] guys new track in the fall right new track new track yep the track work will be starting uh June 1st we'll give the athletes time to gather their things but at this time the meeting is open to the public on any topic say what now next time yeah for sure for sure and they know about theend if they want to takeen okay yes okay Miss Ali have we have extra um souvenir agendas um yeah they're um in the podium extra ones yes okay and Mr cathart just before we continue the meeting there's extra souvenir agendas in the podium so if you wanted to take some I don't know if there maybe some parents or students want to have copies I think it's in the podium there so if there's some extras and you please take them they may want to keep them in like their scrapbook got it okay thank you m cath cath great job think all right so clarifying meeting open to the public okay that's a tough fact to follow right there and I like how humble they all are no one would step forward that's uh part of what mouin is about appreciate that Arty flarity uh 88 dorm Avenue and thank you for having me tonight here so I wanted to go back to an October 17th meeting that happened and I want to address it now that the salt ball season has started uh I'm here as Leslie's dad and for the softball girls not in any other capacity so it started off the meeting and um s sus jumped in with the word mandatory about the softball trip and it had an unfair Advantage so I would say to that maybe travel ball playing it before was an unfair Advantage going into it the band not being able to go on that trip might be an unfair Advantage because you have first and second positions in those in that band so I remember playing back in 1985 that's going to date me a little bit but I remember being on the basketball team and wondering why the football team was so lucky to have to to be able to miss the day after Thanksgiving when we were all participating in practice and they didn't have to practice they were still playing so that was one of the things that so for an unfair AG did I have an unfair Advantage playing basketball at that time because I was at the tryouts and several practices before the football team could make it out and other winter sports as well another point that was brought up was the fundraising you know the people that have to fund raise have the least amount of time to do it and I understand that and that was a good point but we proved the year before that we could fund raise for this event and with the emails we sent out with the communications we were willing to address any concerns that came up with the fundraising um the parent organization understood the emails were sent we were trying to form one to be better at doing that and I think through discussions we could have met any requirements that you had had so how do you how do some parents concerns outweigh others so there were some kids that you know the parents didn't want them to go or they didn't want to go and I understand that but there were a majority of kids whose parents did want them to go and who wanted to go so another point that was brought up was about the AP and missing 8 days of school over four years during the thorough of the AP testing we had several kids on that team last year that went to Florida and who participated in the AP testing and did very well we talked about past practice starting a precedence for the board well I would say that when the board Mr cap uh Dr Caputo and the board and their administrators make a recommendation would be pass practice that almost every time the recommendations are you know heard and voted on but in any St any case you can also vote against it so there isn't a past presidence really you can set what you want and I think what could have been done with this is that the vote could have been taken or what could have been the softball team could have been allowed to travel this year and not set a pass president with if you had just put in a stipulation for that there would be more discussion so that takes me to what problem solving what Dr Johnson Marcus said and I agree with that there should be problem solving every year every day we problem solve and we hear each other out and we find ways to make things work I think that had the team been allowed to do it this year you could have had a stipulation you could have had more conversations about how to be better at raising the money making sure that kids aren't excluded unfortunately I think that the athletic Committee in some ways kicked the can down the road because had it been addressed earlier we could have had all these concerns out in the open and been addressed we sent an email um we went back and forth I think one time and then the discussion happened on the board and there was no time for us to really answer again that's why I came now I didn't want this to be about it you know trying to make a different vote on it Mr Lon commented to um team building and that was a word that my daughter Leslie used and I think that kids look for that word that has power to it and team building always seems to have power but I think when I spoke to her after it and all we both agreed that it was more about life experience right these young ladies got to go away on a trip and have a life experience that they'll take with them forever so when we say that we would you know defer to the recommendations of the administration we talk about Mr Lon talked about one-off experiences how the Europe trip was oneoff as opposed to the softball trip that would be you know deemed a um for lack of I'm trying to think of how to say it is so that would be taken like you know it would count it it would count for the person playing there as a a Europe trip wouldn't count for their grade well I would go back to the oneoff is a band a oneoff when first and second positions are up is model Congress one off when a kid participates and maybe a teacher or student see them differently I would say it's not a oneoff but for the pressure of not going I would add this one thing the board voted that day on over a thousand days off and there was no discussion on anything else but a softball trip so I'm going to share with you my experience as a fifth grader and bachan and I want to start this off by preferencing that when you think about these trips the fifth grade trip I can tell you that my wife would have never been allowed to go her culture wouldn't have let her go her parents would have not let her out of the house and trusted her with other adults in a setting like that so here's my fifth grade trip so at the time I had a problem with wetting the bed so my mother sewed into my sleeping bag a piece of leather and had the exact same pillow uh linen shorts and shirt so if I had an accident I'd be able to change regroup and participate because I didn't want to be left out of it because I saw other kids that were left out who weren't able to take that trip and were ostracized for it but we have no discussion about a fifth group trip but we spent the whole board you know part of a board um meeting on a softball trip mind you it was the only all female trip that was on that agenda so that's what I have to say I didn't want it to be back then but I thought it was some food for thought when we talk about problem soling Dr Marcus or Dr Johnson Marcus I really appreciate when you say those things cuz I take that to heart and thank you for hearing me out thank you Leslie's dad only capacity tonight all right uh anyone else from the public okay next we turn to presentations Dr kaputo No presentations tonight Dr Johnson office wonderful um as I am stepping as vice president I do not have a report tonight do you have a report Dr Caputo just a preview in the um the uh Friday mailer uh the Wednesday mailers that go out tomorrow where we share various flyers I also have a reminder for parents about the construction and when we return from spring break we'll see uh construction fencing at the buildings and there'll be some changes for entry and and dismissal out of the buildings and parking uh and your principal's been kind of keeping you up to date and they'll be sharing some specifics with you again leading into the return after spring break on April 8th thank you Dr Caputo next we have committee reports I look down to Miss Cook I guess it's me uh policy committee met on March 19th as part of the triple header it's a fairly short meeting uh we continued basically with our review of the policy manual that Mr harvier is taking us on um policy by policy by policy um so it was a pretty straightforward easy update nothing major nothing controversial very simple um just making sure that things are up to par with 2024 and our next meeting is April 6 16th and that will include the collaboration with the district policy committee that night so excited for that thank you Mrs cook any questions all right Mr derflinger thank you uh curriculum met on Tuesday March 20th um following our discussion about the extensive curriculum writing that's going to be taking place in the district we continued to review the next steps for curriculum writing um took a look at the revised template that will be used across contents when writing curriculum we then discuss the upcoming solar eclipse the district is planning um a a fun day for the students and the district has also purchased eclipse glasses to distribute to students and staff um so we're excited for the kiddos and staff to participate in that uh we then discuss the Esser performance report report which has been completed we learned about a proposal involving the shade tree commission we then heard about uh some new stem activities that are planned in an attempt to increase student engagement so we've got our staff members applying for the Innovation fund Grant which um invites proposals from organizations including school districts um Innovation Innovative opportunities for students students so we're excited to uh perhaps be a part of all of those opportunities we then discussed the suicide prevention and mental health training for staff um Dr Herzog shared the district plans for implementing the man that mandated suicide suicide prevention training excuse me um Dr Herzog shared that the njpsa test is almost complete that was before so at this point it is complete uh we also reviewed a proposal for a trip to Costa Rica during spring 2025 and finally we heard the details of the district's upcoming summer programs and our next meeting will be April 16th thank you thank you Mr derflinger any questions or comments and is it my understanding that construction has not met all right um next Mrs Ken extracurricular is not met all right wonderful moving along snappily Dr spner we have not met either excellent Mr sus Finance has not met next meeting is on the 15th as is construction wonderful and an extracurricular all right there we go um and the DLT meets this Thursday correct that's wonderful and we don't have our student board member so moving along any old business any new business actually I have a old business new business I'm actually surprised Dr P we had the groundbreaking we did so um that was go ahead I mean for me it was again so many long hours and the work for everybody on the board and obviously working with the community and you know to finally stick the shovel and if if the cameras go to Mr deringer and and Miss Cook they they have the uh the shovels but uh I I mean it was a great moment for the administration for the for the schools for the community uh I was just incredibly proud to be there and again great job uh mcing the event thank you fun it was great great stakeholders there and uh having the kids there made it special we got great video from our high school students and pictures and we've shared those we'll continue to share our pictures and videos uh and it's really going to happen this is happening now so it's real and thank you everybody in advance for all your cooperation and we'll try to make as education as seamless as possible but there will be some inconveniences and um we'll try to minimize those so thanks for pointing out Mr CS no problem thank you all right and next we move to the approval of the Board of Education meetings uh special business meeting one special business meeting 2 and the board meeting of March 12th 2024 what do I do next oh you ask roll call please Mrs ell who's second oh sorry second okay Mr derflinger okay and now I say roll call you're doing great you're doing a great job roll call Mrs Ali evich Mr vot yes Miss Cook I abstain okay Mr derflinger yes Dr Johnson Marcus I have to abstain okay Miss Colleen yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes one two three four five motion carries wonderful thank you and now the meeting is open to the public seeing no comments close that section Now we move to the recommend foundation of the superintendent of schools at this time the board will take formal action on the following items oftentimes it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting for the Personnel items uh move items A1 through A9 is there a second Mrs cook any comments no all right roll call please Mrs Al Mr kid got to be faster Mr sus I I was just going to make a comment that uh item 9 will be a great addition to the softball team they like chatter on the bench and I can't think of a better candidate indeed indeed clearly Mr loves to ser thank you all right roll call Mr vot yes Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries oh that's me right Finance Mr sus i' like to move items B1 through B6 is listed on the agenda for for approval as there as second Dr spner any questions comments roll call please Mr bot yes Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you policy Mrs cook I'd like to move items C1 through C6 as listed on the agenda is there a second Mr bot any comments or questions no roll call please Mr bot yes Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes with the exception of the second bullet under item one abstaining from second bullet it abstaining or no I'm abstaining okay all right Dr spner yes Mr yes you skip I'm Sorry Miss Colleen I'm so sorry yes all right Dr sner yes Mr SS yes motion carries thank you uh Mr derflinger thank you I'd like to make a motion to move item D1 and two as listed on the agenda please is there a second Mrs cook any questions comments roll call please Mr bot yes Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries wonderful thank you so much now the meeting is open to the public seeing none we close that section Mr bot for announcements sure thing uh a few things and I think we'll start to get these start to get a little heavier for the next month or two as we wrap up with gratitude for our staff and for our students uh first uh spring X rousing success congrats to everyone 137 volunteers 30 classrooms great video floating around on social about it uh check it out thank you Mr UL um spring break everyone uh enjoy uh then as we come back MHS booster meeting April 11th in the library at 700 p.m. uh there's as was alluded to there is a construction meeting open to the public on April 15th at 7M I know there are lots that continue to be questions update requests encourage everyone to uh to join in the library uh to ask your questions there from the community uh there's a great MHS Wizards event on April 17th still some tickets available um Spring Fling May 9th uh Mark the date stay tuned for updates it's the fall event that was moved uh and then two sort of larger uh trending things coming up you have staff Appreciation Week across the schools so please be mindful for notices and notifications from respective PTO and then Project Graduation is coming uh and we have uh the first fundraiser for that on April 5th uh Chipotle uh dine dining event uh so pay attention for that more updates to come but there's a big flurry at the end of uh um at the end of the year wonderful thank you Mr bot all right at this time I make a motion to adjourn the meeting is there a second Mr derflinger all in favor hi all right good night everyone not bad 8 I you [Music] [Applause] [Music] see a