[Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] he yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] please take please take your seats the meeting is about to begin please take your seats the meeting is about to [Music] begin please stand by we are going on air in 5 4 3 2 one good afternoon Welcome to our commission meeting presentations and awards no substantive items today but uh certainly a joyous and festive uh presentations and awards thank you for for joining want to thank you all for being here for whoever missed it yesterday by the way we had a really really impressive pin ceremony giving out uh Awards to our dedicated employees staff director people have been here 35 years 30 years 25 years it's really incredible to see the the dedication and um sometimes in this business of uh City management it can get it can get uh tense and difficult but know that our residents and I said this yesterday when I spoke our residents are very appreciative of the work not only that we do because we're sort of the face of of the city but the work that every one of our city employees does and we're all church trying to get make our city even better but we hear all the time we live in paradise and our residents know we live in Paradise uh we're very fortunate to live in Miami Beach uh and we're just trying to make it better and better so truly thank you from from the bottom of my heart for all the work and I'm talking to the city of the employees now uh for all the work that you do and um and keep keep up the great work and and it's appreciated speaking of that I actually wanted to I have the certificate is here I've been meaning to do this for a little while but on November 28th we had uh inauguration and several of us sitting up here were inaugurated commissioner Joe magazine commissioner Tanya bot commissioner David Suarez and me uh so we actually pulled that off and it really was impressive this room was packed it was overcrowded there's a lot that goes into that and we did not use any outside Consultants we didn't hire uh a company which is often what you would do for an event that we don't usually do in our commission Chambers it was all done inhouse it was it was Flawless it was tasteful everyone who came here was told me how impressed they were not so much with us but with the way the way the inauguration with us too maybe but um but really really much appreciated so uh I wanted to hand out these certificates but maybe we could do a photo uh with everyone I think you know who you are anyone who is involved in putting that inauguration together I I think it would be a great time to do a a picture does that work do all right actually before we do the picture let's do the Pledge of Allegiance uh I'm gonna ask Blake gavan my new Aid who just started uh last week and I'm GNA ask him to lead us in the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all right you know what let's go around let's go around here to take the picture that's all right did you ask that usually that's my usually going around you're good sorry yeah perfect we do one here look here one two three one more perfect thank [Applause] you right okay there's going to be plenty of photo ops today let's the first Proclamation commissioner Alex Fernandez proclamation to recognize February as Black History Month in the city of Miami Beach beautiful event by the way at the Muhammad Ali exhibit on Washington Avenue that they really really was special thank you Mr Mayor and I'd like to call up the members of the black Affairs advisory committee because as we come to the close of February it's our privilege to reflect on the significance of black history month and the profound impact it has in our city of Miami Beach throughout this month uh we have had the opportunity to honor and celebrate the rich Heritage the the remarkable achievements and invaluable contributions of black Americans to our nation's history Black History Month serves as a pointed REM reminder of the struggles and tri of black Americans throughout history and the enduring Legacy they have left on our society it's a time to recognize the countless individuals who often facing advi adversity and discrimination have made significant strides in the fight of equality for justice and in the name of Human Rights and right here in Miami Beach we pride ourselves on being a welcoming and inclusive community where people of all backgrounds and cultures are embraced we are committed to creating a safe and welcome environment where everyone can live they can work enjoy everything that this city has to offer and I want to take a moment to express heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated public servants and Community leaders who continue to make positive impacts in our city individuals like Raquel Williams our very first black assistant city manager in the city of Miami Beach and incredible leaders and great leaders like Wayne Jones the very first black police chief in our City's history they elevate us they bring pride and honor to our community and they embody the spirit of Leadership Excellence and service that Define our community and I also want to commend the Washington Avenue business improvement district for hosting the landmark tribute event honoring the unparalleled Legacy of Muhammad Ali and and this was truly a powerful REM reminder of the transformative power of sport and enduring impact of cultural icons like Ali and our society and on this occasion it's also proper to celebrate leaders that Inspire us and leaders who fight in our community like Glendon Hall and all the members and all the members of the Miami Beach black Affairs advisory committee for their Relentless advocacy and dedication and Glendon I want to recognize you uh because you truly are dedicated to this mission you work with all your heart as a leader in our community and I want to recognize you to say a few words on this occasion all right thank you very much you're so kind Alex um this year was very eventful because we had so many different events more than any other time before and I want to make sure that I had shout out to you know John and Cindy um parks department did a fantastic job for the Black History Month celebration which we honored and gave a a award to Christopher Mitchell detective Christopher Mitchell was an Honore and also to the other different events um the Vegan Fest we had you know the Muhammad Ali event which was fantastic we have to mention Choy right on that he did a fantastic job right um film festiv the film festival okay yes the film festival and we also um you know this is this is not the end of course we have things coming up like we have the Creole uh Festival coming up we have abff we have the Legacy events going to be coming up in May and the Miami takeover so as we know black history is not just one month it's 365 247 so we want to make sure that's continu us all through the year but we appreciate the fact that the city is now embracing this more and celebrating this more and we're very very grateful for that thank you and so Mr Mayor on behalf of this body on behalf of our community and our residents it's my honor to declare the month of February as Black History Month in the city of Miami Beach I think Kristen you had yeah um I just wanted to say in um for our history because some people might not know that in 1960 when we were doing the Lunch Counter stins it was really a group of Jewish women from the city of Miami Beach that decided to organize and go downtown and sit at the lunch counter in burdines downtown and make a statement in 1960 and we really have always been at the Forefront of human rights in the city of Miami Beach and sure we have had some bumps I have been in this room when the ACLU and the N double ACP is screaming at us as a body but overall I think with this committee and and the progress that we've seen and the Beautiful Muhammad Ali exhibit on Fifth Street that all of us many the majority of us I believe we're all there on Sunday um it was such it was such a wonderful energy and I encourage our residents to go and see that exhibit because it's still going to be there honoring Muhammad Ali's was it his 60th 60th uh anniversary from the day that he beat Sunny Liston in a fight uh he was Cashes Clay he beat Sunny Liston and shortly thereafter he became Muhammad Ali and we have to remember this as part of our history so I'm so happy to uh you know to commemorate Black History Month in the city of Mii Beach so important thank you [Applause] guys defie [Applause] you mayor thank you Mr Mayor so today we gathered to honor not just a distinguished officer um Toby's journey through about three decades of service is truly a testament to his unwavering commitment to duty his exemplary leadership and his profound impact in our community from the outset of his career in 1994 Toby demonstrated an unparalleled passion for law enforcement and a natural attitude for leadership Rising swiftly through the ranks Toby's dedication to Excellence saw him named platoon leader for his Academy class a role he embraced with Vigor and determination and through throughout his 30-year tenure right here in the city of Miami Beach Toby has consistently exceeded expectations earning accolades and commendations for his outstanding performance and unwavering dedication to duty Toby's leadership has been characterized by a commitment to promoting Brotherhood and fostering a culture of professionalism within our Miami Beach police department whether it's a patrol Sergeant a robbery Sergeant or as a training unit Commander Toby has led by example expiring those those around him to strive for excellence and to always put the needs of the Community First as a true public servant one of Toby's most significant contributions has been his transformation of leadership of the Community Affairs unit and under his guidance the unit has surpassed all all expectations earning praise from officials and community members alike Toby's commitment to community policing and his unwavering dedication to serving the needs of our residents have made a lasting imp on the safety and well-being of our city and I'd like to recognize Chief Jones and uh and deputy chief aosta to say a few words on this on this incredible leader as few times do we have such dedicated individuals who serve our community for such great with such great tenure 30 years of service but do so with uh with with such a level of dedication and distinguished career and so Chief I wish to recognize you to say a few words uh thank you so much commissioner I'll tell you I um this is certainly a bit of sweate moment um for me personally uh my friend is retiring uh this is is so so warranted this this recognition um and and not because of the three decades representing his entire adult life of service to this community but because in my opinion also because of the sacrifice of Erica his wife Justin his boy and Sophie his daughter because they were left at home many many nights on holiday weekends when Toby was here leading the men and women of this organization leaving his mark on this organization I um I am saddened that he's leaving today and this is where the bder comes in because he takes with him years and years of experience and expertise leaving a gap in the organization big shoes to Phil I am happy and excited for him to start this new chapter of his life Erica and his his kids finally get their dad to be home with them no more weekends away from home no more holidays away from home no miss birthdays or um anniversaries or um holiday parties and so congratulations this is welld deserved I just want to say a few words um so this is uh very special for me um personally um he's gonna cry go make me cry now when it comes to when it comes to this stuff I'm a little emotional but um 30 years it's incredible um if I can have his family just come up here behind him uh just to be part of this moment with him um we've known each other for 28 years and uh throughout our tenure together and our and and our professional life together I began to know Toby on a personal level and what Drew me to Toby was was his spirit and his personality and how much he loved people how much he loved others and his his way of of just building people up around him and I was drawn to that and we became friends and in fact we're best friends and we've been best friends for so many years um our families enjoyed time together we watched our children grow together um Toby mentored me throughout the years and it doesn't matter what rank you are it doesn't matter where we were in our career he mentored me as a professional and as a friend and uh I'm really really excited for him today um and I know we have other promotional uh other Awards scheduled for today but I just want to leave everyone with this idea of who he is when he wakes up every single day of his career he woke up with the thought and the mindset of making his father proud his father George reell um and I know how much this means to him to him to keep the legacy of his father to honor his father his name so when he came to work he gave more than 110% he dedicated his life to this city and to the residence and he left his family at home many a night so I personally told uh I just want to thank you for the unwavering friendship through thick and thin through thick and thin through the ups and downs keeping my head in the game um I'm proud of you reaching this moment in your career in your life with your family being able to be together enjoy uh the West Coast of Florida we're we're going to miss you on this side of the shop until I get there uh soon um congratulations to you to your family to the reell family and the reell Legacy and to the men and women that he led that are sitting right there on the second row his last unit that he was a part of are here today to support him because they believe in him and he took care of them and he loved them so congratulations Toby I'm proud of you wow uh first and formal I want to thank God for everything that is possible through him um I want to give a special thanks to Mr Mayor Madame manager commissioner Fernandez and Monica and all the Commissioners present here today um any of the accolades I've earned in my career has been a by product mostly because of the people that have worked with me no one's ever worked for me they work with me and I've taken pride in mentoring people and passing on my knowledge and Chief and uh DC you don't have to worry about my knowledge going anywhere I'm going to stay on as a reserve or not or whatever and if I'm ever needed I'm always going to be here for this city because I've always said I owe this city a hell of a lot more than it owes me my family's been blessed with a beautiful life and it's because of this city and the job that I was so fortunate to get I was um working at my dad's restaurant and uh Miami Beach officer was taking a break from Court eating uh breakfast at Ranch Luna restaurant which is where I got my work ethic from my father and of course my mother and um he said hey Miami Beach is uh having tryouts this weekend you should go give it a try I'd always wanted to be a police officer but my father would wouldn't have it so I went secretly and tried out 550 people 12 people people got selected um six of the original 12 didn't pass the background I was an alternate and so I got in uh by luck maybe and I never look back once that happened like the commissioner said I was a nominated as a platoon leader and I've always taken a leadership role because that's what my father taught me to do and um Paul's right I wake up every morning making sure that I make my dad proud so from the bottom of my heart thank you it's an amazing honor thank you thank you Mr Mayor and I I think it's as we honor Lieutenant Rebel number one you know with gratitude with gratitude on behalf of the residents and the taxpayers who we all serve we collectively serve whether it be us as elected officials or you as an incredible team of law enforcement officers that with this distinction serve our our city but that we recognize that mentorship and that dedication and how you have inspired others uh throughout your career of public service but on the eve of the month of March of of spring break that we know that is uh that that that is such an important month to to to our city uh and we present this key to you I want every police officer that serves our city to feel as if they too are being honored uh because we ask so much of of the incredible force of men and women who will be out on the street and so many years uh individuals like yourself and others have work the selflessness the streets of Miami Beach putting the community's safety ahead of your own uh putting others lives ahead of your own and and prioritizing the public service to the city of Miami Beach ahead of the interest of your of your own family that as we honor you today with this key of the city that every officer of this City know that we're honoring you as well that we're grateful for the sacrifices you'll be making and knowing that you are acting under under the mentorship of great individuals like Lieutenant rabello who have paved the way for other great public servants who serve in this law enforcement agency and so we honor you today but every officer needs to know that we honor you as well uh and we thank you all for your service thank you well said I'll just add you know we we use the terms alpha bravo a lot but those 12-hour shifts every day day in and day out obviously has a major impact on every officer their families um and like commissioner Fernandez and I know we all believe we we truly do appreciate your sacrifice and service thank [Applause] you it's his job to e let's get to scoot this way a little bit everybody squeeze in please you might have a better chance from here you might have a better shot from behind the podium like the camera does let's get everybody to scoot a little bit more this way got one that's a little bit more I got okay guys everybody look over here um can you guys move in a little bit more perfect all right look over here first [Applause] good all right okay we're going to go to uh presentation number four commissioner Laura Dominguez certificate of recognition for Dr Anika aralo thank you mayor so I met Dr anuka aralo last year when I had pulled a hamstring and I went to ASR in Sunset Harbor and was going for treatment each week and it was around the fall time and the doctor said to me I hear there's a Miami Beach pickle ball tournament I'd like to volunteer and be the doctor there to help with injuries and to the rave reviews of Cindy and the parks department the doctor was amazing so I wanted to give a special recognition and also uh read a little bit about her background so Dr AR aralo has spent over 10 years in physical therapy working with orthopedic and sports injury injuries as well as patients with complex spine disorders and pelvic floor dysfunction her passion for treating running injuries led her to pursue her coaching license to help Runners reach their goals safely while going through therapy and teaching them skills to be efficient runners in the long term Dr aralo earned her undergraduate and Doctorate Degrees from the University of Miami while an undergraduate at um she was a member of the track and C cross country team for all four years she continues to be an avid Runner competing in marathons ultramarathons and triathlons her passion and extensive history in competitive Athletics inspired her to become a physical therapist to help others get back to doing what they love she embodies a holistic and conservative approach to Patient Care believing in Hands-On personalized treatment and so the city of Miami Beach recognizes Dr aralo for volunteering in the inaugural South Beach slam free amateur doubles pickle ball tournament held on Lincoln Road November 17th through 19th because her efforts really helped many of the participants that had injuries and strains and all of the above um and the doctor is a proud resident of Miami Beach and she loves to call this beautiful city home thank you so much doctor I really appreciate uh that you volunteered that you help serve our city and uh congratulations thank you guys so much for this honor especially uh commissioner Dominguez it really is I've been doing this for 10 years and I wake up every day with the heart of servanthood because I really feel God has blessed me with that gift so to be able to serve my new home of Miami Beach it really is a privilege so thank you again for the honor thank you come up and take a [Applause] picture any can we get everybody to scoot a little bit more this way so everybody could be centered just a little bit more okay thank you commissioner Dominguez our next Proclamation number five Proclamation for sister cities representative Lucy Delgado sponsored by vice mayor Christen Rosen Gonzalez co-sponsored by commissioner bot and commissioner Dominguez where's this beautiful woman Lucy delg can you come up here please in 1977 Lucy Delgado immigrated to Miami Beach from Colombia and she never uh looked back and has never stopped working as hard as she as hard as she possibly can I met Lucy about a month ago when you reached out to us and uh invited us to kazum one of our sister cities to celebrate our the 150th year of Carnival in kumal Mexico and it was to my surprise that when we arrived in kumal the entire Island knows Lucy Delgado because when she came here in 1977 she started a travel agency and for those of you who don't know they used to bring junkets uh people from kumel and places like Santa Marta Colombia All Over the Caribbean to Miami shopping unfortunately we've recently learned that now they're going to Orlando instead of Miami Beach so hopefully we can change that but it was a wonderful and it was a wonderful experience to spend four days with you in kazum and really see what it is to see a strong woman who you know immigrated to Miami Beach started a travel agency brought these groups of people forged these friendships and then started sister cities and made both kumel and Santa Marta Colombia our sister cities um and and by the way she didn't just make us sister cities at one point she even brought a marching band from Miami Beach to Carnival in kazum we sent a fire truck to kazum Mexico because of Lucy Delgado and by the way they're waiting for another truck so if we have at some point an older truck uh we know that there are people in kazumo Mexico that could definitely uh they have they still have our truck by the way that we donated 20 years ago they are currently uh using it and it is a source of Pride and this is all because of you miss Delgada and I would tell you that we arrived in kazumo and we were tired and it was the first night of Carnival and I've never seen and I kept asking her Lucy are you tired maybe we should go home she never complained never said she was tired and actually I've never seen this happen before but she literally was falling asleep while walking and I finally had to stop her and say I think you're falling asleep and we should probably go back because you were never going to admit that you were tired you were never going to say we should go home you were there you were there to work and Forge relationships and celebrate and we are so lucky to have you here in Miami Beach and I know that before we do the actual Proclamation this is co-sponsored by my colleague uh commissioner bot and I would like to see the floor to her so she can also say some words thank you commissioner Rosen Gonzalez Ola lucal um I I Echo everything that my colleague said but I I also want to really highlight the import that Lucy places on the sister City's relationship she has been an advocate a staunt Ally um and a and a champion of the sister cities relationship for 32 years even when our own city government dismissed it as being unimportant she as as our my colleague said has relationships all over the island of Kel um with people in every possible facet of work from the highest reaches of government to um you know the folks who are serving food but she really understands the power you really understand the power of what it can be the cultural exchange um youth mentorship opening eyes to different ways of thinking and working um Expanding Horizons for people who didn't think they'd ever see anything different and and the power that that can um can provide to transform lives and the trajectory of people's careers and the way they think and I think that is remarkable and you are the Energizer Bunny um you absolutely there's nothing that you said no to you were up later than everybody and up earlier than everybody and um fueled by the passion for what you have built and what you have um kept a flame kept a light for us while we have been figuring out how to move forward so much gracias thank you and so now uh commissioner Dominguez would you like to say a few words thank you uh Lucy I met you uh about a month ago as well and I was so impressed with how much you knew about the sister City's relationship between KML and Miami Beach and you have photos and books and all of these background stories that we really need to get copies of and get them back into our city I've been working on bringing the sister cities back uh to uh the city of Miami Beach to be run by our city and your stories and your back background have been invaluable congratulations and thank you thank you so wait wait an important part before you say some words because now therefore do we as mayor and commission of the city of May beach hereby Proclaim February 28th 2024 as Lucy Delgado day in the city of Miami Beach [Applause] congratulations thank you first I am so happy live in Miami Beach and I thank you Mr Fernandez because he two day two year ago we want to try make a lot of things and he he give it to to you my name and everything and I so happy the program of the sister cities I think is the best we have a beautiful cities sister cities not only kumel Colombia Ika Israel Japan and we have the first for the young group we have it the overall um program in the in in the 90 98 we are so happy and I am try work a lot with you and I invite everybody because kumel waiting for everybody believe me yes or no right thank you thank you very much you're good there might get a for whole okay we have two more they're both uh my presentations we have a proclamation recognizing March 2024 as collector cancer awareness month and actually I found out about this from a commissioner in Aventura Michael Stern who happens to be with us today and I'm going to call him up in a minute but uh Michael I should say commissioner Stern is actually reaching out not only to Mi Beach but all 34 cities in Miami day County and I understand he's going to Washington DC tomorrow but I'm actually going to call you up I'm going to read a little bit from the proclamation after you speak but I want to hear from you and also I'm also after you speak I'd love to call up Marsha monceret as well to speak thank you coming up commissioner thank you thank you for being here you want me to say something now please okay first of all thank you so much um colal cancer colon cancer does not get the spotlight it needs um by the year 2030 in six years colon cancer is going to be the leading cost of deaths for people under 50 let me say that again it's going to take the most lives of people under 50 by 2030 so it's going to be the number one cause of cancer deaths and what most people don't know about it because the spotlight is not on colon cancer is that it's preventable and it's treatable with a colonoscopy I am a stage four colon cancer survivor and I did not plan on being here if I would have gotten a colonoscopy when I should have I would not be standing here unfortunately I didn't it's a very simple test and luckily being commissioner I get a chance to have a little bit more of a higher platform so I feel it's my obligation to spread the word and there are 34 municipalities and about 25 of them have already committed so I'm almost there but going to DC in 10 days and I'm that's okay and my goal there is to basically say I have all 34 proclamations and there's 250 300 survivors all over the country we're going to Capitol Hill meeting with representatives to ask for more funding and more awareness and um I want to thank you for the opportunity but really if you haven't gotten a colonoscopy get it um they lowered the age to 45 there is no doubt they will be lowering the age again I wouldn't be surprised in the next three or four years it'll be 40 get a colonoscopy it's an easy test it could save your life thank you you thank you God bless thank you thank you Marca and I don't have anything different to say than commissioner Stern but for those of you who know or those of you that don't know um uh 2022 I guess late 2022 um our insurance company sends us emails all the time about some you know whether it's an app or something that they want you to try for free for a month and I'm that sucker that always says yes I'll try that app for free for a month and this time they sent us um a a newsletter that said you know was about coloror cancel and it they talked about how they would send us a free color guard if anybody wanted to try it and I did and by the end of that next week um I got a nurse call a call from a nurse advising me that my col my colon guard tested positive and that I should get a colonoscopy now I was probably four years three and a half years kind of late in my colonoscopy because no one wants to do it I know commissioner Stern described it as a very easy test it's yuck it's disgusting but it is what it is really a simple test um and so um that was the only way to know for sure and uh right away the uh after my Sur after my uh colonoscopy the surgeon said uh look it's not my place to tell you but I know that you have cancer and so it started a two weeks like this two week spin in my head that I can't even describe and I'm very fortunate I had you know the city manager making calls for me I had the previous city manager making calls for me I had everyone making calls for me and I was able to have between my colonoscopy and my surgery where I had over 11 Ines of my intestines removed was only a two we span so I literally had cancer for two weeks and I was very fortunate and I know so many people that aren't as fortunate as I am my surgeon was able to get clean margins and I did not have to have um chemo radiation but I know that I'm lucky and I only know that and I only I'm I'm only in that position because I got a colonoscopy and so I tell anyone and I will say it as often as I can get a colonoscopy because it could be it's it's it's a simple process it's yuck um but it's the only way to know for sure and um and karor counselor is is is a dangerous um disease if it is not um if it is not detected and so get screened that's all I have to say get screened get screened get screened get screened thank you thank you so Marsha and commissioner Stern you covered a lot from the proclamation so I'm going to pick the parts that you have not covered yet uh it is uh colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths you mentioned about the uh estimation for 2030 um you know we were just talking about Black History Month so African-Americans are 20% more likely to be diagnosed with colon cancer and about 40% more likely to die from the disease than other groups um it's expected to account for 11% of cancer deaths among Hispanic men and 9% % of cancer deaths for Hispanic women these are Big Numbers uh in 2023 there were approximately 153,000 new cases and 52,000 deaths from colon cancer the national goal established by the NA national collector cancer Roundtable is to strive to increase timely cancer screening rates to 80% in every Community for all Americans observing cancer awareness month during the month of March would provide a special opportunity to increase awareness and offer education on the importance of early detection and screening of collector cancer now therefore do we as the mayor and commissioners of the city of my beach hereby Proclaim March 2024 as coloral Cancer Awareness Month in the city of Miami Beach thank [Applause] you e