[Music] [Music] please take your seats the meeting is about to begin [Music] please stand by we are going on air in 5 4 3 2 [Music] 1 good morning and welcome to the finance committee meeting budget briefing thank you for joining as we try to as we uh go through our budget proect thank you Raquel Williams Jason Green Tama but uh before we start and mo most people know I'm I'm kind of loathed to spend too much time at these substantive meetings meetings to deviate from our our usual process and actually I was one who moved the proclamations away from regular commission meetings but we had a special day yesterday in Miami Beach and we celebrated the birthday of one of our one of our own commissioner Alex fernandz so we want to to acknowledge that birthday we should have had this meeting on your birthday but I don't know I hear through the great fine that we might have something for you as well birthday to you happy birth Happy Birthday to [Applause] You speech speech and commissioner Tanya bat just reminded me her birthday is March 29th so uh well so you can all plan accordingly well now I'll turn it over to the finance chair uh commissioner magazine uh thank you um again happy birthday to my colleague uh we're here at our second um finance and budget Workshop uh we are uh concentrating now of course across the board but we're uh in the previous meeting where we really centered in and owned in on our Capital uh budget now we are looking to focus on the operating side of our budget uh looking ahead uh of course when we talk about a budget it has to be comprehensive so we're not going to look at it in a vacuum but I'll go ahead and uh hand it over to our uh whether city manager CFO I will let staff take a direction if again first I believe the uh Natalie who will be Clark in the meeting has just an announcement for the um today's meeting of the finance and economic resiliency committee has been scheduled in a hybrid format with a quorum of the committee physically present and remaining members staff and members of the public appearing either in person or virtually via zoom in order to participate in today's meeting virtually members of the public may dial 1888 475 4499 and enter the webinar ID which is 86360 595 462 pound or log the Zoom app and enter the webinar ID which again is 863 6059 5462 any individual wishing to speak on an item must click the raised hand icon if they are using the Zoom app or Dow star9 if you are participating by phone also please know commissioner bot has requested handouts be placed on the day for your review thank you good morning honorable mayor chair and Commissioners we are excited to get started with this pivotal step in our budget preparation process I think this is one of the most um engaging times uh for the budget process throughout the year we have worked tirelessly to put together recommendations uh for enhancements our department heads have worked with the budget department and with Finance to ensure that everything we're putting forward uh speaks to our uh Collective goals uh speaks to the intentions of our community to make our resident experience better our business experience better uh although we were very heartened by the uh 99.4% increase up from the 8.8 uh property value increase that came out on June 1st uh the July 1st numbers still present a challenge for us because we have so much need so today we really want to take time to uh go through all of the uh potential enhancements as well as to touch base on the capital budget uh with an update toward the end of the presentation uh so at this time I want to turn it over to our CFO Jason Green and our budget director Tama AO Stewart uh to lead us through the presentation thank you all right uh PJ if you could pull up the presentation right so as commissioner magazine mentioned we will be starting with the operating budget we will have later on in the presentation and update on the Capal budget so this is a slide we had when we met last uh month we had an 8.8% increase in our property tax revenues with our preliminary values as of June 1st so as Raquel just mentioned our property value is actually increased by 99.4% on July 1st that brought in about $1.6 million more to our general fund revenues than what we had back in June so this slides you should be pretty familiar with it uh these show our overall propy value you see the trend is we are increasing but we are increasing at a declining rate so two years ago we were at 11.2% increase than 10.8 now we're at 9.4 overall which is a combination of our existing property values so our properties that existed last year increased by 8.8% and the next slide show or new construction which is very sporadic uh We've pretty much leveled off between 200 to $300 million per year so we did a slight increase from last month so on our millage rates uh as we discussed at our uh June update um was that we had recommended and for could endorsed the lower voted uh Debt Service for a go bond that was required uh based on the increased values we got as of June 1st and that that to be adjusted up uh into our Capital REM replacement so we're overall looking at a flat combined millage now after that on July 1st uh after the numbers uh came up a little bit more from the 8.8 to the 9.4 plus when we went look back and we closed the books on the prior FIS school year we got received more Revenue than was originally budgeted into the voter Debt Service uh millage so there was a a little bit uh available there to bring that down a little bit more so we have a slightly uh different uh capital r replacement again a flat overall combined millage is the initial recommended uh preliminary millage and this is another one that you you should be familiar with this just shows the longterm trend of the city's overall combined millage that's decreased uh since 2011 um and our Blue Bar there is both when we call operating it's both our general operations our capital r replacement and our pgo and those millages those Capital related millages have increased slowly through the years mostly related to adjustments when it comes to those voted uh Geo bonds so now we're going to share what the budget looks like right now so the first slide shows what the budget looked like back in June when we met we had a projected $12.6 million surplus and based on the July 1 values that Surplus increased to 14.2 million it's important to note that this does not include any um enhancements yet yet and it also doesn't include any results of the collective bargaining agreements so this slide shows where we start at 14.2 we are going to go through several slides with our recommended enhancements for the 25 budget and then if the commission does accept our recommendations and no changes are made we would have a a surplus of $8.9 million uh we know you may want to make some changes to the budget so that number will be adjusted based on your recommendations today and just again and uh what we recommend is that as much as that $8.9 million be set aside for a combination of collective barting uh adjustments and also Capital funding as you know we have a $1.2 billion CIP um and we want to you know transfer as much as we can to Capital as possible and at the same time close our collective bargaining agreements and so just just to add on to there for context uh when you look through the overall booklet of all the enhancements that were looked at both from the Administration the commission side there was over $30 million in requests for the general fund all of them you know uh very valid and very important in its own right but we had to you know look at it from an efficiency and transparency perspective to see what we believe that we can afford what was needed and what the best use of those dollars were so next what we're going to show these next couple slides are the disposition of funding requests that have have been commission referrals that have gone through FK and then back up to Commission will be the the these next two slides and then one on on FK ones so these are items that have been at discussion at the commission level uh all of the ones that have a check mark that are listed on this slide and on the next one also are in the preliminary general fund budget uh the only one that is not um in there is the residential area sidewalk pressure washing program which would actually not be a general fund expenditure would actually be a sanitation fund expenditure I'm going to hold this you know really get into the reasons why we were not recommending that when we get towards the end of the presentation we have a number of slides again to go over you know our concerns uh with the sanitation fund this is another list of this is the final part of the list the smaller dollar ones of the commission priorities again everyone that was there listed are in the preliminary budget uh the only one that was not in the recommended one is the $333,000 for the beach uh access mats uh the issue there the from the administration's perspective was uh you know when it comes to a lot of these special events and such that have out these beach access mats uh if there is an issue where there's a deficit of of that kind of resource we would just ensure that all those events whether City run or or run by you know another third party that we would enforce the requirements that are already there in their contracts and such to have those available these are items that haven't made its way back to Commission yet that have been heard at FK and have received you know favorable recommendations uh by FK but just haven't made it back to commission yet through the process um some of them weren't even PR weren't even actually listed as enhancements as of a couple weeks ago until they made it out of FK uh but to the two items here the onetime business grant and the Miami Beach Police Department uh lgbtq uh Outreach initiatives are listed there as uh items that we are funding in the preliminary budget uh it's important note that it's about $6.5 million that were requested by the commission and we did uh recommend funding for about $4.25 Million worth of those requests now what we're going to show here is this is the list of the actual general fund enhancements that are proposed to be included in the 2025 general fund budget so we also looked at themes right so one of the things we looked at was you know we recently have the resident survey that we reached that has done every several years and one of the areas they showed is that we are doing very well in the public safety area but is still obviously an important priority you by the commission so we did allocate dollars towards that also the items that came out of that Resident survey were uh infrastructure homeless and cleanliness were three areas of concern for the residents areas of where we believe we will do our best within our confines of our finances to allocate resources towards that so to that end uh what we have here is the list of Public Safety and homeless related items uh on the one time uh though the the administration did move forward this year without commission action was the uh police is really high visibility detail uh and funded at a higher level we we were projecting a larger $3 million expenditure for this year but in working with the police department they believe that you know as we move further away from that event we believe that a 1.9 million onetime allocation uh would be sufficient to uh provide uh a service during this upcoming fiscal year uh on the recurring side um we have four positions being added to the real-time Intelligence Center you know the city has invested heavily to build out that facility and now it is time to staff that as would make a lot of sense we have adding a uh to the Emergency Management division of the fire department a fire division Chief it is the only area that doesn't have its own uh division Chief uh it's it's being handled directly by the deputy and having many other division Chiefs so we think it's important that we add this position uh to there we have the crime lab Staffing with Miami dat County uh which was a commission priority uh an additional City attorney 2 position for the municipal prosecution team uh for us to continue we were doing kind of on a one time as we switched up some funding this year is for us to continue providing both uh for the homeless mental health and medical health uh Services uh again the lgbq uh Outreach initiatives and body cameras for our homeless those are all of our Public Safety and homeless enhancements and then education and uh really from the children's perspective number of these are run out of uh my education performance initiatives division uh these include one-time educational enhancements to provide um uh equipment and Serv services on a one-time basis to as we expand beyond our Public School System but into our private religious schools this will provide that uh same thing on now the recurring side the 224,000 is providing different programs at those schools outside of our public school system and it includes adding uh a position the runal of those programs while deducting a $50,000 uh Consulting outside Outsourcing of some of those services so we removed that Outsourcing and we got that all done that way we think that's an efficient way of doing it uh contracted bus services for after school programs for our children at our schools uh right now it's it's being done internally you know pulling people that have CDL licenses off of other programs doing maintenance doing facility upkeep uh through our parks and the parks department would like to just have that as an outside outsourced service so it's run on time and our children are being picked up on time and quickly and that those employees can be actually delivering park services uh and then two other education ones again that were commission priorities of additional funding for rock Ensemble expanding that and enhancing that at the existing high school and and to other schools and then adding to the prek lottery program uh with regard to clist even though we weren't able to recommend several items on sanitation what we did is found in Parks Parks did a lot of requests and what we recommended is to add four pressure washing machines and these are the larger ones that you can actually sit and ride um as opposed to what they're doing now is pressure washing by hand and with those four machines there's a request to add four MSW positions which would basically be in charge of in improving the cleanliness of of our parks and our Parks facilities um the next item in the recurr is the area managers we're going to have a separate slide on that one so I'm just going to skip over that but it is recommended to be funded for infrastructure the feasibility study for the compacted sand path was disc because in the June aerk there was a capital project what we recommended was funding a study to just get some confirmation that this is feasible and that the state would actually give us permission to move forward also at the June at fir we talked about the payo transfer of some of our interest income so that is already built into our budget and that's uh $2 million and then Parks also asked us to start uh funding a preventative maintenance program for their aquatic facilities and this would get them some funding to basically repair or or equipment before they get broken so again this is a list of several others that don't fall into one of those categories we talked about uh the small business grants was already approved by the city commission HR ask us to add one records technition position they don't have a dedicated position that actually is responsible for keeping our records and maintaining them the State Lobby program already exists in the budget the city commission did ask us to add funding for one additional State lobbyist uh the reclassification of an assist two assistant city clerk positions was requested by the city clerk's office uh then this is just a parity item where their assistant City director uh City Clerks aren't at the same level of other assistant directors throughout the organization um Economic Development asked for one position a part-time position to help with the additional work that was transferred for the sister cities program uh the film incentive program used to be at 100,000 uh during covid we had to reduce that slightly so uh we are recommending increasing that by 33,000 to get us back to the 100,000 that we had previously sister cities was also recommended or approved by City commission already to increase that by 15,000 and then the beachfront Cafe assessments right now we are not assessing the beant uh cafes and this would add 40 more assessment for those facilities and then the last item is uh it's it's an admin item so all internal services are charged back to all the Departments so you'll see some recommendations as we go through the presentation for internal service departments if those get approved that would add a portion of their cost to the general fund so we get back to where we started which is our recommended enhancements if they are approved would get us after our surplus of 14.2 million to an $8.9 million surplus and again if I could just to pardon me to reinforce that 8 million $8.9 million surplus you know there's still a lot of uh needs that are not met so again there are not the Union contract impacts that are in there uh we are negotiating with five different uh unions and we're at various degrees of those discussions some much closer than others that haven't started uh plus we have a number of infrastructure needs which we know we will talk about later uh in in the presentation so our hope is that between setting aside for Capital and for those Union contracts we believe that 8.9 will be sufficient to cover all of those uh contracts and again having anything additional that will be set aside towards capital and that would be uh the administration's recommendation on that area and I want to go into the the next couple of slides uh talk about three items that were moved uh from the firk uh regular FK meeting directly to hear uh by the committee to just uh to go over in a little bit more detail as they didn't make uh a formal recommendation the first is the area manager item uh this uh this item included I was this commissioner uh Fernandez's item uh when we looked at this based on the uh the original item it was having a person uh for North Beach South Beach and mid beach with a vehicle being able to drive around to be able to identify issues in the neighborhoods not only to identify them across all the different departmental spectrums whether it's homeless code sanitation broken pipes and all the pantheon of issues that you can see walking down the street but not only to to report them but then also to follow up to make sure that those end departments uh actually execute and complete those tasks uh what is in the preliminary budget is kind of a hybrid it a little bit and what the recommendation in the budget is to have one uh full-time position and a pool of hours that would effectively be able to add to part-time excellent successors as part of the uh education performance initiative division of finance one of the things we do we have a number of indexes where we go out and we review things and we look at things and one of them is the cleanliness index and we were looking to modify that to add in more elements uh that would be uh looked at this full-time person would be that crital grave person and right now the city is already doing as cleanliness assessments throughout the city this is something that was dormant for quite a long time during covid and just restarted this fiscal year so we just have some of that data going out I believe you may have just received uh recently the next past couple weeks or month or so the first LTC with some of those results so there one I know the city is out there doing some of this what this would do is really greatly enhance that and by this $212,000 enhancement recommendation is this would allow us to have about 10,000 block assessments per year this would mean that every block throughout the city would be assessed at least four times per year and again not only is it being assessed and put into index that means that there are people looking at things from a Pantheon of different areas and those areas those items those issues that they're seeing are in instantly sent out to the qualifying departments to rectify those uh situations and I think I'll just pause on that as we do for these FK items that come out if there's any any discussion on this commissioner Fernandez I think this is a great initiative uh when I was campaigning I said just's keep things simple we should have three people that qu literally just drive around in golf Courts South Beach mid Beach North Beach and say what makes sense what doesn't talk to people I love this idea let me turn it over you to kick this off and how you're envisioning it and uh what is right and wrong about their assessment thank you um Mr chair and this is an item that I actually uh began working with the city Administration last fiscal year on I believe uh we were able to advance on it partially uh through the reinstatement of the uh cleanliness assessors uh that had been discontinued uh due to the co pandemic um the reality is that um you know our neighborhoods need attention our neighborhoods uh need someone from from our city that takes ownership of areas that identify issues as was described by the CFO across the spectrum of all departments and follows up on those on those issues and that's what we get uh with this I think the CFO explained it perfectly um and uh and I I'm willing to give this a try it's not what I had envisioned originally but I think it's a more efficient way of using current resources and adding some extra resources uh to uh to uh get us in a better Direction great thank you and if I could just make a few comments love the thought um a little different than how I was envisioning the implementation I don't want to get too down into the weeds or granular maybe we could talk uh you know at a different form about the exact details from my perspective how this is laid out a bit too bureaucratic right I I don't want somebody focusing on on okay here's our checklist here's the assessment I want somebody that maybe comes into City Hall two hours per week and that's just to coordinate with their golf courses these are people that need to be out in our community interacting with residents on a proactive basis so much of our city is reactive right people people give us complaints and say this but there's nobody out there saying you know what this crosswalk sign has been knocked down on West Avenue for 3 weeks and I'm the person that's going to go and pick it up right and that's what we need not somebody that's coming in and hitting checklists and spreadsheets and uh going through the motions we need somebody out there these people should live in our communities because they should have the same care as an employee as you do living here right these should be people that their children are crossing these streets because you just have an extra uh level of care so again really supportive of the idea I don't want to get too down into the weeds but that's kind of how I'm envisioning how the evolves Mr chair if I may um my view aligns more with your view my idea was that you know let's say mid Beach for for for example or North Beach you know there would be actual managers someone that we know as a commission that owns that area owns responsibility of that of of that area of the issues going on there that is uh you know present there on a regular basis identifying not only the issues but recurring issues why are issues recurring how do we fix it what is the cross departmental issues because sometimes you know when we look at issues we see issues from um you know when our organization sees issues sometimes it's through you know the perception of one Department okay this is a public works issu but sometimes you'll have a public works issue that may overlap with a Code Enforcement issue that may overlap with a public safety issue you know sometimes and you need that one person that is seeing it from from from all those different perspectives um it's kind of similar to the neighborhood Affairs division but it's different because the neighborhood Affairs division is more focused on communication letting residents know about meetings responding residents questions about projects uh liasing on on on on Capital issues and and and that type of stuff but these are people that get ahead of the issues before we receed the complaints if this committee would be so inclined I'd be willing to see us create these actual area managers I think that that's what our community wants I I think you hit the nail right on the head when you uh spoke because that's what I was envisioning last year that's what I was hoping for this year I was just following the recommendation of staff to use a program that we currently have to do it more efficiently but sometimes when we try to do things more efficiently also like this we might end up costing us more money and or more time because it might not get us to where we want to be to where we need to be and I think our residents our businesses the stakeholders in these corridors need to know okay who is the person that's out in the field that is responsible for this area to solve this issue and when we have these recurring issues we know this is the person responsible for that area I'm willing to make a motion uh but I'd love to hear uh feedback from my colleagues on this yeah Mr CFO or or Madam city manager why not in the neighborhood Affairs uh division because before commissioner Fernandez said that that's kind of what I was envisioning as well um I I think there's a way to perhap perhaps um marry the two concepts I think in terms of accountability and productivity there is some benefit to having uh folks that are tasked with certain assignments on a recurring basis so that we know okay this is exactly what they're covering um but that's not to the exclusion of hey if they see something in between those assessment periods that um they would be able to report that to the appropriate department so I think there's a way to combine the two concepts if I could add to that I think for the purposes of the from the budgetary perspective is if the commission would like to move into uh the initial uh not the recommended one but that's fine the the three positions uh which would be $350,000 we could shift it to there but at the disposition of who reports the two and everything I think I would leave that implementation to the city manager if if that's acceptable but the program itself we would stand up so this is about getting the funding so there's not motions because it's a workshop but if through consensus of the uh of of the group uh was to shift that up to the the higher level one uh we can absolutely do that but if we if there's a consensus to do that Mr chair commissioner on the line and would like to speak and we have to yes okay okay can everyone hear me yes yes can hi um thank you Mr chair for recognizing me I think uh two thoughts um I think Alex I think commissioner Fernandez is right uh if we're going to do this we have to do it right because if we have one area manager it the program is going to fail for for bid mid Beach South Beach North Beach now what I think where we can marry with two ideas is you know we currently have three uh neighborhood positions for communications personally I think that can be Consolidated down to one and the area managers should have three positions so um because being involved in the community I I do believe to being proactive you need three different area managers every you know mid Beach South Beach North Beach are are are somewhat different in the respects of needs but communication is is is pretty standard across the whole Beach so um if I can offer that friendly suggestion um that's how I think we we could marry the to okay so I think where we're at now we can support the concept and then we have uh maybe the willingness of the city manager to uh involve certainly commissioner Fernandez but maybe us collectively as a body to how exactly this position takes shape yes I think we can work through the details on how those area managers would be uh situated within the organization and Mr chair and I just want to understand um just want to make sure I understand the investment that we're making here because what is being recommended to us is one full-time position and the equivalent of two part-time positions for a cost of 212,000 is that correct correct there are a few other elements in there Vehicles some software and things like that okay so that's 212,000 where we do not end up with an area manager in each area of our city 212 but for 350 which you know it's more but it's you know when you look at it you got three area managers MH three full-time people one person dedicated to each area of the city to me I don't I think we're getting a better investment uh with that uh ultimately so I I I I Echo what you what you mentioned I'd love to see uh how the city manager uh could work in creating these positions I do I do think we have a good operation in the neighborhood Affairs division um they they serve a very important function right now leaing with the neighborhoods and I seen them be of tremendous value to our residents and I wouldn't want to touch there something that I think is actually working um if it ain't broken you know don't fix it is it's kind of how I feel and I think they do tremendous work uh but I see uh the need for these three extra positions and I think our our money goes a longer way with the area manager as opposed to the hybrid thank you Mr chair yes and if we're looking to save money I'd rather have these people that are out uh proactively and accessible in the community in uh I'll do my monthly golf cart plug in a golf cart rather than a high price gas goling SUV uh commissioner bot I would like to um just request that these are residents of the city uh these employees um it doesn't need to be that um the North Beach area Captain is a North Beach resident um but you know I am a huge user of the egov app because as I go around town you know whether it's walking my dogs in my neighborhood or running down to Fifth and Washington for a meeting and I see something a Miss I just pop it into the app um and I think that people who are living here and doing you know whatever they do on their off hours um will enhance the net effect of this and also be able to have cross poony between their colleagues um so that would be I know that's an initiative we're moving towards anyhow but I would say that that should be a requirement for this for these positions if I could just um invite our HR Director forward I'm not sure that we can require or mandate that uh and perhaps our City attorney is on I know that we have a a resident uh preference and we assign uh certain privileges to residents for applicants of positions but I'm not sure that we could make that a mandatory requirement yes uh thank you city manager Marla alpar uh City of Miami Beach HR Director um I would want to be very careful in uh Consulting with the city attorney as to whether or not that would be a mandatory requirement possibility thank you so just to get back to the the the I believe if if we get consensus that we would adjust this to the $350,000 funding level is am I seeing everyone is okay with that commissioner sarez is on the line requesting to speak can I can I say something I don't know how to raise my hand on this Zoom hello we can hear you go ahead oh hi everyone first and foremost it's one of the first times that I'm observing everyone on zoom and I would tell PJ that you know while the camera systems are great the lighting is off all of you guys are blurry and I think that I don't know if we need to tweak the system but I will tell you that what we had before versus what we had now was much better um here's how I feel about the so it needs to get improved I don't know if we need to bring in an expert but um people watching the meetings it's not Miami Beach quality and we need to bring it up tomorrow that's the first thing I have to say number two is I Alex I'd like to commissioner Fernandez I'd like to first of all say happy birthday happy birthday and second of all um I I love this idea of being proactive like commissioner magazine said so many times we are you know reactive and I think that once we have somebody who's really the point person because poor Kevin everything gets dumped on Kevin right and Kevin has to do all these Community meetings but these people should be in charge of like a monthly meeting too you know I want them I want every resident for example of North Beach to know that every single month they're going to be able to go and have a city representative at that meeting with the entire Administration present and they can uh you know voice any concerns they have so I think it's also important you know when we hire these people to to let them know that you know it's not just like driving around the city you're also going to have several monthly meetings and I think it will be a huge Improvement and I'm all for this all right if we just to um to continue then we'll go ahead and make that adjustment in the preliminary budget we'll move on and please don't forget about the cameras terrible terrible terrible thank you so I mean you all are goodlooking but not with these cameras okay so this slide is about the Code Compliance era captains this item was addressed at yesterday's neighborhoods meeting so there will be a return to the neighborhoods uh committee so we're going to skip past this one uh then this was a final item that was moved from the June 28th for to this meeting to be discussed so PD in their budget process had asked for one additional detention officer and this was supposed to help the officers um increase their time on the streets and reduce their time transporting uh prisoners so when commissioner bot brought this item PD actually increased that request from one position to two Detention officers and it's not included in the budget at this this Point uh if the committee does recommend it we would be adding 344,000 for year one to add to Detention officers they currently have eight budgeted position this would bring them up to 10 um so we're all trying to work smarter um and and make um better decisions with how we allocate our resources so it's um I'm adding headcount or recommending that we add head count with um the awareness that this is a cost that we carry through but our city uh our residents are demanding and we all are as elected officials are here because we all want to see a safer City every day of the year not just during high impact events or time periods and in order to facilitate that and to use our incredibly well-trained and excellent police force to the best of our ability doing things to um prevent bad things from happening in the first place it doesn't make sense to use a couple of sworn officers pulling them off their assigned job for the day um or they're assigned beat for the day to um babysit guys you know men and women who get arrested and have to be put into our our local uh Miami Beach jail and then transport them over to the mainland so that's not a great use of our very highly trained officers but getting people um into the system who are specialists in this um who will alleviate that that usage uh I think is a good reason to expand our headcount and that is why I brought this item thank you and I do um maybe take things a little bit out of order uh mayor Miner not to put you on the spot but I I know that you have uh um some other responsibilities and perhaps when you get out anything that you want to highlight here um I want to give you the utmost respect that if there's anything throughout here that uh you want to call to our attention this uh important or critical to you if not you know we'll continue going through but I want to give you uh going through perfect to the chair yes don't do we need to vote on on this enhancement or there is is a workshop there's not a technical technical vote so as of right now it is not in the preliminary budget so we'd have to get direction via consensus to uh to take this from the Surplus I I want to Echo the importance of this uh it really does I I think it it helps us make sure as as commissioner Bond mentioned ensure that we have our police officers on the streets instead of uh babysitting and so you know to the extent that this helps us be a little bit more efficient uh with our with our um with our officers uh I'm I'm really very very supportive alus if if I could add if if there is an intention to add would it be at the the one that was requested by the um by the police department or a second one moving from 8 to nine full-time positions or moving from 8 to 10 full-time positions yeah we need the to I mean the um the commissioner Bond's initiative was to provide more than what was being requested by by by the department because we want to I think we want to make sure that when we're asking our police officers to enforce every single code and every single law that we have in the books that they also have the sufficient resources so that they're not held up in the jail they're not held up processing and they can continue with that enforcement we need them to be doing in in in the community and so and so you know this is great this is great commissioner B this is where we need to be going for uh to enhance our public safety so we have consensus uh to add this to the pimary budget okay thank you I have a question another question be know the problem child that's how I roll um for items that did not um get called at the last commission meeting that would be budget enhancement or that are added and have not gone through the budget commission meeting is this the right time to um have conversations about them uh commissioner yeah this this could be an appropriate appr time to uh if there's any floor amendments I guess to to add items that are not currently either in the preliminary budget or from the enhancement list okay um so through the chair if I may please um there there were two items that were on the agenda for um the June commission meeting that didn't get heard they were funding for two different studies one was the study to um really get some good hard data from the economic impact return on invest M and costs uh for the mxe district the last time that was done um was well before Co it was an an an effort spearheaded initially by the late great commissioner Mark samelan um but you know the world has changed very dramatically since covid and to be making pretty significant policy decisions about the future of our city the future of our Direction the future direction of our city what we want to move to without significant understanding of what it costs what the benefits are what the impacts are is in my view a dangerous road to travel down and so spending a a relatively small amount of money to get data and facts um as a benchmark um and to see the trend lines I think needs to be included in in our budget um for next year because otherwise we're we're just shooting the in the dark which item is that it was the item it was a to fund a study for um economic impact review of the mxe on Ocean Drive um so so that we could understand both the benefits of what it's bringing in and also the costs of what it's costing us and we can make decisions based on information rather than emotion can't just contract that out to Mitch like I said information not just a motion uh commissioner Dominguez thank you as we're discussing items that um haven't gone through the FK process the Animal Welfare committee had put forth uh a motion um in the last uh couple weeks for funding and I don't have the exact dollar amount but uh for funding to assess um helping control the community cap problem so a couple meetings ago uh one of the Commissioners put forth um for cat uh trapping neuter and release and to have it done um as quickly as possible but the animal uh welfare committee needs help in determining how many cats do we have what do we do on a side note I met with the county this week and um I'm in discussions of their help for surgeries and uh um that side of it but the Animal Welfare committee is looking for somebody to help assess how many cats we have and not that I'm an expert in this area but it seems like a nominal amount that would be in the 10 th 5,000 10,000 range if I had to give a number probably say 20 but um more to come uh and and Mr chair um you one of the things that uh has not uh been uh approved yet I think by by the commission it went to firk in May but I don't think it's made its way back to commission yet is the intensity and density Capacity Analysis um which I don't I don't see it being recommended here but I think it's something that our planning department um spoke about at our land use committee meeting I think the last one that we had done uh was about 20 years almost 20 years ago uh Tom if that's correct almost 20 years ago where we look at our Land Development regulations and all the development that's allowed and how much of that has been used how much of that has not been used I think it's important information for us to have as we're considering changes to the ldrs as we're considering uh residential incentives F incentives hide incentives to understand what is currently allowed what's been used what hasn't been used the condition of infrastructure uh the condition of roadways and other and other types of of essential Services um before we continue uh doing these changes in our LD we need to know how we're doing now and that's a request that I have here that I don't think it's funded as of yet but uh along the study that uh commissioner B was mentioning I wanted to place this one on the record yes and I do believe that that is listed in the F priority enhancements it is just not uh part of the recommendation I do like the fact that that is a one time as opposed to recurring um you know we can go a number of different ways here uh certainly we all have our issues and priorities and we can keep adding I I do think that the ones that have been brought up are are very good and critical but I also do think that we need to uh be mindful and perhaps evaluate uh if there's anything that perhaps is being recommended that if we're adding things here uh you know it's not an infinite Pi we have a finite Pi here uh if there any this has all been skewed one way right things that have been funded I'm sorry things that have been uh not funded um and not recommended that we're essentially looking to include back uh happy to if things are important commissioner Fernandez if that stud is important happy to support it same with you commissioner bot but I'd also ask uh my colleagues if we can kind of look through and say is there anything that may be recommended uh that perhaps we feel um we can almost make a tradeoff yeah so if if I may um I wanted to I actually had four things to bring up so I brought up one um the second was a second study less expensive study was a um an analysis to determine the possibility of doing like a mini version of the paycheck Protection Program should we have a spring break curfew for um non-salaried employees everybody talks about the impact for businesses but the people I'm most concerned about protecting are the Barb and the servers and the hosts because they're the ones who are really living mostly pay paycheck to paycheck and so um I think that is a worthwhile thing to investigate if if that's a thing that we can do we're doing a program for $100,000 um for getting people through the month of August and September um when that's just a regularly occurring um business condition I mean it gets hot and tourists go down in August and September uh to me it seems like you know if we're telling businesses we are shutting you down for two you know your two biggest weekends in March we want to help them with the appropriate protections for um against fraud to make sure that the people who are doing the the hardest work and are the least able to bounce through that are not penalized through our decision to keep our community safe so that's the second one and then there are two um sort of arts and culture cure items that are um one is smaller one is bigger but the the two organizations involved are available to speak on them so I don't know if you and I I want to get the meeting back on track as well but this is important and I I think it's important to have the conversation now so that when um the finance team comes back to us with their proposed budget it's it's included as a placeholder and we can finesse the details um but that we're not scrambling in 6 weeks when we could have had the discussion now for 5 minutes and determine if there's an appetite to go forward because these are two incredibly impactful organizations um one in North Beach uh the North Beach uh the the Normandy Fountain Business Association um as if you can see through the memo that I sent in is um one of the best business development Roi examples that we have anywhere in the city the list of businesses that have opened up in the last number of years through the the you know um the type of programming that's happening for very low cost per per program um to build community to make this this neighborhood center um appealing attractive bring people to wander through for the event and then go to the restaurants um we have a fine arts gallery that is the Talk of the Town during b art bosel every year and is featured in The New York Times I mean yeah and the second one the second sorry okay um and then if you could uh if you could quantify uh the amounts for maybe the paycheck protection and then the two arts and culture yeah so the payche protection um was something that was brought up at commission or was scheduled to be brought up at commission we didn't hear it I think that was a $60,000 study I I recall maybe it was up to 75k not it's not on the list of enhancements I'm not I think it was listed as up to 75k yeah but it might not be that much we just wanted to have some some amount of money in there because the initial thought was maybe we can do it in house but when we talked about what we're looking for it it made sense there's a more efficient use of funds to get somebody who specializes in this who can take the studies that we've had done in the past and build off of that so that it's a Continuum and it's not pulling resources off trying to scramble and get information the um enhancement for the Normy business um Normandy Fountain Business Association um my stretch goal would be 30 um and uh we could we could go to between 20 and 30 for that currently they spend a little over $1,000 doll in an event um that contrasts with what the city had been doing with an outside organization at $10,000 an event uh that was so ineffective that the city ended the program um so there's a lot of backup information here um but I think that is an incredibly useful uh expenditure of money and in addition um the fountain Association gets matching funds um based on you know so if we give them 2025 $30,000 they get an a matching amount to to match those funds that we give them so that's that's the one the second one is the um Miami new drama um it is one of the anchor cultural anchors in our city um it has an incredible track record they are expanding their programming um they are sending not one but two shows to to um Broadway which is you know a moonshot it doesn't happen to have two shows originating in Miami Beach um going to Broadway is tremendous as we talk about changing our cultural brand changing our brand awareness our our um brand image around the world it is incredible and um they are also funded at a very different level than some of the other significant cultural anchors and we've got money in the budget um to do beautiful suggestion suggested work from the outside of the theater which is great but it's it's a it's even more important to ensure that the theater is um able to do what it needs to do on the inside um and and move forward that way so there is a very robust economic impact study that is attached to this document um this is a uh an enhancement to their agreement it was um the agreement this could have been done last year but it came up too late in the process so I don't want it to come up too late in the process again this year um my ask here would be to put in a placeholder and then over the next six weeks as the uh Finance team is working on the budget that uh art the tourism and culture and Miami new drama work through the actual details of what they need um so that we are not surprised in September with with an ask this and what is that placeholder and then I'll go to you commissioner Fernandez uh the placeholder would be approximately $220,000 to increase their their commissioner Fernandez thank you Mr chair and I just want to ask commissioner Bon a question and possibly make a statement um is this to address the cuts by the governor The veto by the Govern Governor this is separate this is a separate management agreement ongoing management agreement are we going to be having at some point a separate discussion I know I know you sponsored an item but I do think it is so pivotal as part of this budget uh that we discuss uh $3 million uh veto to the Arts that the governor did um that um that you know we need to be looking at that that impacts so many of our organizations including Miami new drama including in including uh Young Musicians United the Miami Symphony uh Miami City Ballet old Cinema the list goes on and on and on and our voters have approved over 150 $159 million in Geo bonds uh for our Arts um and and our residents have spoken about their commitment to that uh so we really do need to have that conversation because last year the governor you know signed a $60 million art funding and then this year you know here he is he's vetoing half of that uh so you know I think you had sponsored an item on that right and so that's um that was heard at the or that was referred at the last commission meeting um it is a very specific um up to about $1.4 million to address very specific needs for the Arts organizations I mean the 30 Mill million that you're talking about is Statewide so for anyone listening out out in the audience we're not suggesting adding $30 million to our budget so everybody calm down um but so we I'm already getting a little work though yeah especially you you calm down um no but but what I had brought to commission what we're going to hear at at Finance at a regular Finance meeting uh soon is very targeted um up to but not necessarily all the way up to $1.4 million for a um the most needed um for the most necessary organizations um and targeted probably towards um ensuring that we don't lose jobs because that would be a very unfortunate unintended consequence um I know that the organizations are going out to do fundraising as they should but I'm very interested in protecting the people who work there and the economic impact that is driven by these Arts organizations and and and just to wrap that up and you know and and you and you kind of like alluded to it I mean there's people like George Perez and others you know George Perez from related you know donated his $1 million condo to the Miami Foundation to help offset this this shortfall but for us as a city the stakes are so high because we've worked so hard to distance ourselves from Spring Break and shift our Focus to the Arts um and I do really agree with you this onetime allocation for Arts organizations is needed and it's needed now uh while we continue to work with our um our colleagues you know the incoming Speaker of the House Danny Danny Perez and and the governor uh so that we can you know solve this for for for next year but in the meantime we have a gap we have to fix now for this year uh because it is part of the shift we're trying to make as a city what we're trying to distance ourself from and where we're trying to go towards and that is you know a more Arts and Cultural Centric Community thank you Mr um commissioner the mingz jump in thank you yeah in the last couple days I did speak with Miami new drama and uh their management agreement and what he expressed was that uh inflation has gone up in the last five years from when the management agreement was first put up but that uh the governor's veto was also part of the reason why they needed this and I'll just say I'm not talking about any specific item this is just as we're going through here uh we have a finite piie right and we've been blessed benefited by three straight years of near double digigit property tax increases and I think it's incumbent upon us to realize that that gravy train is not going to go on forever so not any one specific item but we do need to essentially not always uh spend as if this is going to happen forever um and especially when we look at our previous meeting uh our last meeting when we have all these uh cap Capital uh underfunding uh projects that we have um I I know I only bring this up because I know it's passionate for a lot of people but the fire station right the only way that the new change is going to get funded is if over the next three years we have money from a surplus that we can essentially allocate towards that so um I'm not saying that we can't do any of these I'm not saying I'm not going to be supportive of any of these uh but we have a fin I pi and these are all important and if we were the federal government uh we would just do all of them and not worry about it and just borrow but we're not we have to have a balanced budget not just for this year but My worry is for the years going forward when we're not blessed with such high uh property valuations and um when we're also then on the other side of the Union negotiations and then when we have all of these very important Capital uh underfunded uh projects we're going to need money uh from there as well so it's a finite pie and the more we put other places the less we're going to have that it's going to go to some of those things like the Lincoln Road um uh Capital project the uh the fire station one if we decide to move in those directions so Mr chair if I if if I may one of the things I would like to encourage the CFO to look into um is to see because so much especially as it relates to the Arts and the Arts funding so much is related to tourism as well to our our tourism dependent revenues and economy um and how how this veto by the governor could help could hurt uh those institutions that is at a direct uh you know than hurting directly our tourist economy I think we have about what a 40 million uh Resort tax Reserve is it about yeah yes the reserves for yes you know perhaps we could you know if you could study the possibility you know to what extent you know could we look at the resort tax uh funds that we have uh to help these organizations that desperately needed uh with this one-time support while we work on our relationships with the state so that next year we don't face the same issue if you could look into that and get back to us on that sure thank you Mr chair commissioner Suarez is on the line please unmute yourself hi uh thank you I I think it's also necessary like what commissioner magazine said so let's look at the whole pie before we make any definitive decisions on on what the fund I think you know I think the presentation needs to continue um been on been on hold for the last 20 minutes I think we definitely need to make sure we go over our priorities as a city and the basics Public Safety Pless so let's let's let's cover those topics uh as a whole before we make any sort of decisions now uh chair if you're if you're okay with that we'll continue with the presentation to the end and then we can go back to debate okay thank you so so the we're moving on to Resort tax so just a quick update on when we last met last month uh and the update is there is no update uh Resort tax revenues have been trending below what we budgeted this year and so for next year's budget we're trending lower um we've been about 5% below what we budgeted and so for Resort tax we are actually just not recommending any enhancement from that fund next year the only element in the resort tax I just want to go on to a little bit is an an item that was at FK was related to a fitness Festival it was referred to to FK for March 2025 during spring break Fitness festival at FK it was shifted as the recommendation to be a March of 2026 uh Fitness Festival the estimated budget uh based on discussions with tcd uh was approximately $1.4 million to to take on this initiative uh it's important to note the administration's recommendation is that we continue for two additional years to not have any activations during the month of March which is our spring bir break uh for 2025 and 2026 and not to interrupt you Mr CFO but to interrupt you um uh fine with that for 2025 I do think you know when we're thinking about things like a payche paycheck protection act and curfews um we have done a fantastic job rebranding Melissa's team I'll give her another shout out we just have a new video that's fantastic that just launched but we need to think about we've decided who we don't want to be now we need to really pivot to who we want to be um my thought for not doing it for 2025 is not just not to have an activation but I I don't want to be Hasty and and kind of put half a foot forward I'd rather plan well uh I think we have adequate time to do that for 2026 um so me personally uh I'll see how my colleagues feel uh I'm not going to be supportive of extending just that kind of blanket band uh through 2026 now that doesn't mean we have um Ultra Music Fest on our beach but I think something like a fitness Festival uh starts rebranding Us in the way that we want to be positioned and if if I don't if you don't mind let me chime in this was uh one of my items I think commissioner magazine correct in the sense that we need to desperately Rebrand ourselves especially during the Spring Break um we we shouldn't be branded as the curfew City you know I think uh Miami Beach is the perfect place for Fitness uh especially in the month of March and instead of you know shootings we're going to have barbells and pull-ups and events hopefully from high rocks and Crossfit um and it really could completely change the image and the month of March similar to what happened with Memorial Day weekend in the Aon show um I think for next spring break I think I I I just feel the general consensus is best to repeat what we did last year um but the following it's important that we finally make the move in the right direction and Rel label us from the the city that we want to be um there's you know there's a lot of there's a lot of special interest that want to do a a mega concert I'm not going to be in favor of that um I think Fitness would be the perfect Synergy for Miami Beach thank you and to the chair May so you know this I think this is a a super idea um we've seen it work other places it is part of the overall change of direction that we are talking about have been talking about for a couple of years the presidents the business owners the commission the staff um the arts and culture and fitness and um rebranding like it all fits into a general shift the Blue Zone City initiative that that uh my colleagues supported me on in uh in our last meeting it's all turning the battleship you know we had the American black Film Festival here a couple weeks ago and even in the torrential Reigns we had lines around the block going in to see um an event at at the new world center and so whether you're talking about stuffy bow ties classical music or um screenings or um you know High rocks Festival out on on the beach this is all under the rubric of arts and culture and you know whether it's Fitness or or something more traditional it is changing the the conversation about the city so if you want to come and party to drop by all means we got that too but we've got that that you can do that on a Saturday night and then the entire rest of the week you've got other stuff to do if you want to um so it's not diminishing one to to make room for another it's all additive so I'm very supportive of this through the chair if I just may add one consideration uh to the extent that we do want to modify our spring break game plan and with the information that we received from Miami day County as it relates to Mutual Aid agreements and potential costs for Public Safety from area entities uh we may need to strongly consider resource allocation for enhanced Public Safety professionals from outside agencies uh during these times especially if we're going to be reintroducing activities during high impact periods of the year so just putting it out there that we may also need to consider uh resources uh that we currently do not have to account for under our existing mutal Aid agreement and to the extent that the new sheriff wants to continue in the fashion that my mediate County may want to act I think we have to uh think about those things going forward and just to clarify uh we're not talking about for this next spring break coming up we're talking about for the following one so when we're talking about additional resources for Public Safety we can have those discussions a year from now but we given the high price tag we want to start thinking about slowly allocating money two years in advance commissioner fernandz thank you Mr chair um and and and thank you for for clarifying that because I I believe what I'm hearing uh from from the day is is a desire to continue into 2025 with the policies and the structure that we had this this year that kept our city safe and secured uh during during this spring break and providing us with enough time over a year two years to really program ourselves properly and do that that shift uh into into 2026 that long-term view um I also I i' like to get some some clarity because right now um you know the Miami day Police Department uh falls under the purview of the County government but we have this new constitutional office that is the sheriff um and so and so what does this shift uh towards the new constitutional office with the sheriff um mean for for the mutual Aid agreement um with that now shift from from the purview of the county mayor and the board of County Commissioners to the purview of a sheriff who might have more independent discretion as to how to handle the allocation of these police resources that we've been depending on during spring break through the chair uh so we do not know what the administrative uh requirements will be uh we do not know what the regulatory requirements will be once the sheriff's office is implemented but I can only imagine that it will be under the purview of the sheriff and perhaps a a new Mutual Aid agreement will be established at that time uh to coincide with the establishment of the Sheriff's Office okay all right so okay so that's important to keep in mind uh then as we talk about 2026 and and and potential costs uh because that's that's going to be a elected position that also responds to our community and that is going to be responsible to look after the safety of our of our of our community so I just wanted to put that perspective out there thank you Mr chair Madam manager so um it sounds like there's a consensus that they would want the commission would want to move forward in March of 26 so if we do that and if we could bring the slide back up we have a recommendation talking about how to fund that the reason we're talking about as the chair it said it is a fairly large number of $1.4 million so how do we prepare for that and also in talking to the tourism department they wanted to I think that some of these vendors would want to ensure that there's dollars being you know set aside and allocated appropriated towards that event so in 2024 the commission added a a pull for large scale community events of approximately $600,000 how we could get to the one .4 million is to have $500,000 for 25 $500,000 for 26 so that would still leave $100,000 in the pool for smaller events that come up through the fiscal year that didn't go through the budget process that would be available for the commission to appropriate now they put those together you got a million dollars that still is a $400,000 short so the commission could either uh allocate that $400,000 one time uh in this budget it could split it or it could fund it all in 2026 to have the decision there uh don't we have a decision right the second but we'll kind of put it on the list I guess because we now have a number of items that are in debate uh the the some Commissioners have added for discussion so we'll we'll add that that uh that item there and I think we when we come back at the end we'll we'll discuss where we're going to land with the the Surplus available for our contracts certainly you know I'll get my colleagues intake I'm never one for kicking the can down the road um but I think this is a we're we're doing this 100% you know we're all inline with that but in terms of funding that $400,000 that's outstanding I would prefer to do so next year um the thought being I think there's tremendous opportunities out there to go and get sponsorships for things like that and maybe we could fund it now and see if we can do that and get it back but you know I I think we have tremendous opportunity in front of us to uh go and get some worldclass sponsors if we're really really um behind this event and that's how we could essentially find that $400,000 Gap and if we can't then we allocate it next year uh as the highest priority item uh but I think that's where I'd come out thank you oh so next we're going to go into the spotlight on the sanitation fund as we had discussed okay so as we mentioned at the budget Retreat back in may we wanted to do a Spotlight this year on sanitation and that's because they have a structural imbalance in their budget so this slide shows the FY 24 adopted budget the projected revenues were 23.8 million expenditures were 24.8 so they were at a deficit of $1 million which we funded using their available fund balance this slide basically shows next year's budget so that gap of 1 million has now grown to 2.8 and uh it you know not structurally balanced not best practices for the fund this chart shows the fund Balan Trend as you can see we started falling off in our re in our fund balance in 2017 we actually did do a spotlight a zerob based budget analysis on sanitation back then just before covid made some recommendations some were accepted some were not um we did have a spike in 2021 we had some FEMA reimbursements so it artificially inflated the fund balance and as you can see now it's trending back down again based on where we are right now in the 25 budget we'd be down to 3.6 million in their available fund balance and this is over their set aside 25% reserves if we continue on this trend we think in the next couple of years this fund balance would be um zero so we'll talk about a few of the sanitation uh budget balancing strategies we went through this uh the same exact slide at the retreat in May uh commissioner bot has moved forward a couple of referrals to finance which will be discussed uh hopefully later this month uh related to both the intermediate short-term related items and the longer term so we don't debate in the specifics of but I'll just highlight these are so you know we often look at the expenditure side but we have to look at the revenue side uh so I know that the referral items we'll talk about looking at the definition of what a rolloff uh contractor is what the rolloff Fran fee is uh then also looking at the fact that uh single family homes are not charged the weekly Recycling services fee uh which is I think around s or 8 a month is what it would be um and then in the longer term which is really the more impactful and the most amount of dollars is both the single family home franchise waste toer contracts and the uh the multif family which is now going through a it's been going through a process for a while I think we restarted that there's a consultant that's uh been engaged or is in the process of being engaged to look at those bring in you know some good dollars into that fund and I think when we look at that structural deficit we look at enhancements that are being added and we know that the residents are asking for a lot of these Services I think the commission will have to look very strongly at those franchise fee rates if if it's you know 20% it might end up being 35% but to bring in the revenues to erase that structural deficit and deliver the level of services that the commission would like to deliver to those residents and that is something for a longer term discussion that will happen at FK and will happen throughout the process of those contracts over the next 6 n months a year and such like that and Jason I know one of the items that did not get uh your recommendation is the residential area sidewalk pressure washing program and I know a number of us thought man that that is something our residents notice walking out the door and how I look at that is if I'm in the elevator of my condo and uh somebody gets on halfway down they go oh what are you working on I have 30 seconds to tell them Public Safety we're cleaning the city up we're making it look better that's one of the first things that people notice walking out of their door is that able to be out of the sanitation budget uh where are you where could we envision that come from that that type of service is something that would be uh through our sanitation fund uh so here's the list of the sanitation enhancements as you had mentioned uh there were a couple of different items both from the administrative side we always our transparent uh the administration always delivers all of the enhancement requests from the Departments uh whether they end up being recommended because of you know funding needs uh is another thing uh so the items that came through on the commission side were the $1.5 million uh for the residential area uh sidewalk pressure washing program and then the uh water the enhanced level of Waterway maintenance and cleanup through that Waterway maintenance contract we the administration did you know absolutely understanding that cleanliness is important it shows up in our resident survey but based on the fact that the structural deficit here is already so great but we did move forward and are recommending the $290,000 increase in the level of uh service and funding towards the Waterway uh cleanup program but not on the the pressure washer I think if if I could ask then I'll turn it over to Comm commissioner Fernandez so the bulk of the cost for the sidewalk pressure washing program is through uh Personnel because I see 12 full-time positions so essentially if we would say you know what why don't we maybe we don't have the full $1.5 million but let's really go ahead and get this program kickstarted and we essentially have that essentially it's just less Personnel so we could start the program see what half of that funding essentially gets us um and it's not as if you know there's some sort of capital expenditure that we're not getting uh it would just be less personel is that correct and if I and if I if I may uh uh yep just because I promised to uh commissioner for okay you guys are go ahead commissioner Suarez then commissioner Fernandez uh thank you chair um you know like like commissioner magazine said the one thing that people are going to notice the most is that when they walk outside their house their sidewalks are going to be clean right now there are there is absolutely Ely zero pressure washing in residential neighborhoods it's never been done before and the one thing that we can do or when all of our R residents walk outside go on a walk leave their homes they're going to see a difference that is that the that our Administration can make today for this fiscal year uh this program is semiannual so every six months residents are going to have the luxury of walking outside and having somewhat of a brand new sidewalk you know that that to me is invaluable um you know one of the items uh that I believe was there before uh was the parks pressure washing uh you know maybe we can uh maybe we can combine the two so that the residential pressure washing crew also does Park to to be a little bit more efficient but you know like I said of all the things that we can pass for sanitation you know this is what's going to be seen the most and felt the most by residents uh and uh you know for the for those who have campaigned this this last year one of the biggest issues was you know my neighborhood is filthy you know I think um I think we really need to address that and this is this is the this is a start um because you know I think our sanitation budget was only 4% of our overall budget you know I want to make sure that Miami Beach is just as clean as Disney World it's clean everywhere and so um I'm hoping to get the support of my colleagues on ensuring that this program moves forward thank you thank you commissioner Fernandez thank you Mr chair um I think this is uh the cleanliness of our city is of incredible importance um so I just have a a couple of questions as uh commissioner Suarez just mentioned this would be for two pressure Washings a year is that correct yes yes yeah yeah good morning everyone good morning BR so this is for two pressure washing a year yeah it would twice a year twice a year service in residential communities right now we do it on commercial corridors is that correct right it's done on Commercial and you know in areas where you know some multif family benefit from that because they're mixed use but yes it's done typically in commercial areas okay but let me so let me ask you about this because like for example I think that this is probably like for example you go down the street I live in Chase Avenue there's not that much traffic pedestrian traffic there there's not that intense intensity there so it's probably not as needed there as perhaps like West Avenue where commissioner magazine lives where you have a lot of buildings a lot of density concentrated there people walking with their pets you know it's just a different type of of intensity um you know have we looked at the possibil or or Flamingo Park let's say Flamingo Park you know it's very different than uh than than an area where you only have single family homes is you know in the area where you may have five people living in a single family home you may have you know 50 60 people living uh in an area like like Flamingo Park um have you guys uh done an assessment to see you know what would be the cost if we did it more in the multifam focusing more on the multifam uh residential districts where I believe it's probably the bigger issue as opposed to the single family res residential areas where I would venture to say probably you you you probably already have this going on in the single family residential areas by the homeowners uh who are Mindful and attentive to what's happening outside their home they probably have a lot of them have you know landscapers or people that come by on a regular basis and provide some sort of of cleaning of of their property and so um just wondering if we've just focused on the more and if I could piggy back on that because I I agree with those comments and then also if it is correct we haven't done it ever uh perhaps we start with once a year particularly in some of those single family areas because if it is a Personnel issue and that's a way to essentially uh almost roll this out as a ease into this program at a slightly more cost uh burdensome yeah price point yeah I mean I I think we can you know try to uh accommodate it any way uh that we can I think as long as we have the Personnel in place um you know maybe we can go you know say maybe residential once a year we can then you know do as well you know the multif family I mean there's just different ways to do it I think it's really about having you know enough staff to be able to accomplish these things but I think there's always way to modify schedules to do it and and I like what the chair is saying it's it's good wisdom because okay so you you establish a baseline for once a year but now we're also going to have area managers that are going to be taking an eye of the on these keeping an eye on these areas where if you need it more frequently in one of those areas you know now we have someone that can take the initiative and say Hey listen you know we need to service more over here they can pick up the phone call Public Works you know make make that call to deploy more services there that goes beyond you know that that Baseline if there is an area that needs it more frequently yes so perhaps uh and and I want to get the sponsors thoughts um if we would essentially uh ease into this and roll this out but but we recognize in this uh absolutely critically important and perhaps roll it out at essentially right now nothing's being recommended but essentially if we would say half of that you know we we move forward with it but we uh what's budgeted we start with half of that it gives us at a minimum one time per year cleaning but commissioner Fernandez's recommendation the area managers where they go you know is more important to focus on West Avenue uh versus um Chase Avenue not that I'm trying to manifest that no but it's what makes sense y uh yeah yeah um hi hi can you guys can you guys hear me no uh look I I yes I all valid points um I'm totally okay with you know kind of easing into it but between commissioner Fernandez and commissioner magazine um you're right you know some areas may not need it as much as others um originally when I brought this item forward I did not want to neglect mid Beach I did not want to neglect North Beach so you know when I went to the sanitation team I said I'd like to have pressure pressure washing residential neighborhoods for each part of minione beach so that North Beach doesn't get left out or mid Beach doesn't get left out um you know now that we're potentially going to have area managers you know this is going to be a great tool for them where they can uh sort of trade uh Personnel for time maybe certain areas need it more than others um so I'm I'm I'm totally open to the idea of just of opening the program um I want to start with two times a year I thought that was enough G given the fact that it's never been done before uh so every six months you have a new s walk I I personally love that idea but if you guys want to start with just one and then kind of get feedback from the residents uh I'm I'm okay with that as well and and so and just and just kind of to you know piggy back on on some of those comments like you know it's such great wisdom not to exempt uh areas of our city and the inclusive approach that the sponsors took um because like for example you look at some of our residential areas where you have single family homes but you also have close to them you have uh multifam and I'm thinking like in colins park you have you know that Flamingo Drive area you know further further south around the Women's Club and all that it's very close to single family homes but you have there you know a cluster of uh of of multifam there that might needed more or you go over to uh the mid Beach area you know that area around St p Patricks yes same it's it's it's mid Beach it's generally surrounded by single family homes but there you have you know a cluster of multifam where you might need this more so um you know one thing is clear unless people feel that their neighborhoods are clean they won't feel like they want to walk out there they won't it won't feel as safe as welcoming uh to to to our residents and I you know you guys are see something great here I'm backing it 100% uh and I agree with commissioner Magazine's approach of you know let's phas it in and then we can augment based on the feedback we get from the area managers yeah so Brad perhaps we make it a personal challenge to you to see uh how clean you can get our city for $500,000 right especially if our workers are in uh tailored fitted clothing I mean think about how much harder you know they'll be working 750 okay if I can so what I'm hearing here on the sanitation fund is the uh if I bring the slide back up so we have the additional funding for the waterway at 290,000 and the recommend the the request from the commission is to add 1 half of the 1.5 so we would be adding $750,000 for a residential area sidewalk pressure washing program and we will go ahead and add that to the preliminary budget and what I would just add to that is this was the proposed uh the fun a deficit for 2025 based on the 290 so now with adding the 750 that'll be uh you know a 3.85 million doll uh structural deficit for 2025 and what this would end up is this was originally based on our proposed one which would be having $3.3 million left that would leave us like 2.5 somewhere in that R range left so would only leave us one more year of available balance so then I just again encourage the Commissioners when the uh ordinance items that commissioner bot is championing on the rolloffs uh both definition and fees rate uh Recycling and then when it comes to the major dollars as you know my team and budget work are working very closely with Brad's team and sanitation as we move forward engaging this consultant and we bring back both you know the single family and both the multif family uh waste haulers that we look very strongly at those um those franchise fees you know and is I think is the commission said we would like it to be like Disney World but we can't do it on a Gator Land budget so we're going to have to increase those rates to be commerate with the level of service that our residents want and I and you do have the backing of the resident survey the residents have said that they do want this service which is the challenge I have then to the commission is when it comes time in six months or a year when we're coming back with those contracts uh you know I'll be standing here next to Brad supporting him and reminding everyone that that you know all the those wonderful services that we're implementing and have already been implemented we now don't need to pay that's and you're going to have my support for that um th this is going to come at a cost right and we're all recommending this you know I I'm hoping we're all going to be sitting there in line with you saying okay our residents have seen this loud and clear uh they love it and there there's a cost to it okay so sounds good I think we have our marching orders when it comes to the sanitation fund thank you so the enhancements that we talked about previously were related to the general fund we did want to show what we are recommending for other funds so on the public safety and homeless enhancements we are recommending a bicycle rapid response team for PD there is a small bike team right now but they request is to add some equipment so that if there's a riot or you know high impact event uh we would be able to send more officers in the streets among the people and this would be mented from the confiscated fund which is dedicated for PD's onetime items the housing department asked for an ADA accessible passenger van to transport their clients right now they're using a regular van and this is just would be uh an improvement to accommodate our you know some of our clients this would be coming from the homeless Services fund that the commissioner asked commission asked us to set aside $2 million from for one-time homeless items and then the next two and I don't mean interrupt but do we have uh Alba here where maybe we can speak to how in demand that service is um if this is a mission critical for this year Ju Just give us some insight into that of course important um how important and how much are we utilizing uh the need to have that ADA it's not as if we don't have a van but you know just adding that feature how how often would that aspect be utilized good morning Al office of Housing and communi Services yes we have seen an influx of individuals who are disabled and are in need of ADA accommodations so right now we've been working with the city of Miami who has been assisting uh to provide the transport as well as STS but that takes some coordination time so yeah help me quantify that once uh once an hour once a day once a week once a month I would probably say maybe twice a month we see an individual that may need transport chair if you don't mind please I I I think it's very important that this budget seyle we prioritize the needs of residents um and they should come first so um I would be against spending $110,000 on someone coming in for just twice a month yeah and it's not as if we can't do this right we're supportive of the service we have the service just just without right now the Ada accessibility and given that we can leaz with the city maybe it's a bit more complicated um my recommendation would be let's get a bit more useful life out of our existing passenger van let's continue that good coordination you're doing with your department with the city of Miami but for twice per month um I'm just not seeing the bang for the buck I agree okay so if we have a consensus of that from the commission we would be removing that item okay so we'll be removing the 110,000 Ada uh accessible van and that would um remain that $2 million balance in the one-time uh homeless Services account please so um yesterday at the neighborhoods at the public safety and neighborhood quality of life committee meeting uh we discussed the hours of operations of our daytime uh Center uh for for the office of Housing and Community Services we also discussed the um the line uh where the our homeless line uh and you know how I think 600 PM there is the latest time that is that it's answered um and one of the recommendations of the committee was okay we need to extend the hours of that of of that time and if there's a homeless person that needs uh placement you know to be able to extend the hours of operation of our of our offices I think right now the office closed around 3:30 or something like that um and so I think the committee had recommended extending both those hours could we perhaps um I don't I don't know that's something that we could discuss as part of of of this item um you know how how we're going to fund that what's going to be the costs involved I see ala we almost save money if I can from this fund is is was set aside the $2 million was set aside originally for the homeless trust and once that was transferred over the commission gave Direction by resolution that these dollars are for one time either capital or onetime program cost it does sound like this might be a recurring which would probably fall under the general fund and we could add that to the at the end of the at the end we have a a list of debate items Up For Debate for the general fund okay um so this I assume this is a recurring cost yes so when we discussed yesterday the opportunity of the LI of having the phone assistance we talked about the possibility of transferring the phone line after working hours to the non-emergency number working alongside um the public Communications Public Safety Communications office and from there they would dispatch to either police or to our specialized so we're able to do it with the existing resources we have I don't think I love any words better than that that we can use our existing resources and and the extension of the office hours uh because right now I think it Clos is around 3: or 3:30 so that would that we wouldn't be able to accommodate we do have Outreach that is available until 6 p.m. as well as specialized Outreach that happens from 7:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. but again that is Outreach the physical walk-in Center is available from Monday through Friday currently from 7:30 to 3:30 p.m. to 3:30 correct so then like if someone's homeless and it's midnight or 10:00 at night and they realize oh gosh I don't have a place to sleep um um you know they're all dependent on on someone approaching them and saying hey you want to go somewhere but there's not we don't have our office isn't open they can't go to our office to say Hey listen I really I want to get to Camilo's house because I just I don't I don't want to sleep on the streets uh we don't have that uh capability right now as of right now the physical location at that time would would be closed but we would right now what we've been doing is our specialized Outreach team would be dispatched and from their um yeah someone being dispatched and from personal experience sometimes you know given the limited resources and the amount of ises they're dealing with it could take a little bit of time I I think I think the committee discussed extending do office hours so perhaps I think Jason said later in the in the presentation we have the opport recurring Journal F expenditure we can talk about at the end I think there's a number of items sir thank you Mr chair would just give us thank youa and we'll go back to the presentation all right so the last two items are for equipment for PD the first is criminal investigation equipment that is outdated and that would be replaced using confiscated funds and then the 3D mapping equipment is for their criminal investigations their software is going to get to end of life by the end of this fiscal year to make one thing that was uh earlier in the presentation um they caught my eye and it was a public safety and homeless enhancement uh but I don't see it here in the other fund enhancements recommend ended um because I think it came out of the general fund but I didn't want to skip over it um if I could have our new and well-deserved Chief uh digna come up um I just wanted to talk about the uh full-time Emergency Management fire division Chief position okay and as you're coming up again congratulations uh it is it is just across the board such strong reception um I think I personally told you uh minimal need to meet going through the process because everybody that I had talked to thank you had gave the same glowing recommendation so uh welcome here want to talk about this position uh tell me a little bit about it and then I'm going to put a challenge to you um but I'm also going to have trust in you because you had unanimous support up here you had unanimous support in the city my even before you tell me what the position is um my challenge you would say can we find a way to use just as we did for the homeless resources use existing resources within the department I understand um the complexities of this that somebody might be retiring and they're already wearing two hats uh but as my first personal challenge to you uh on the new job I would say can we forgo this position at least for this year and see if we can essentially reallocate resources uh within to cover this but let me turn it over to you and if you tell me uh commissioner magazine you know what this is just mission critical we place our trust in you and uh you know we'll we'll continue doing so absolutely good morning chair Vice chair lovely city manager and Miss Laura Miss Bach I'm going to see if my uh Speech 101 can uh come in handy right now when I had to give my persuasive essays um so the Emergency Management is a function of the fire department in a sense that plan planning allocation of resources the mitigation process alerting the community and then the after effect of establishing us back to the normal function of the city without any hiccups um became part of the fire department very long before I was here at one point it was reallocated at it as its own function with a public safety director in 2017 when that gentleman retired our lovely Chief mesus came on board and he is our operations chief of the fire department and EMS division that division is specifically for the daily operations of the firefighters and paramedics responding every single day on a 24-hour shift he came on board with his um FEMA Federal Government knowledge of his deployments from City of Miami because he's on Task Force 2 and he assumed the role and our division has assumed a function that used to be operated by 33 people down to four and it's essential that we bifurcate this back to its allocated way in order to continue to function and mitigate and plan for everything it's not just disas and I think that's what the misconception is it's when a hurricane comes or a flood but you're talking about 389 events that happen on a yearly basis here that the fire department allocates an inspector to do all of that requires an incident planning action form something happens something goes down at the synagogue anything like that that requires a dedicated person that can just be dedicated just to mitigate those functions again with the daily alerts the water rise all of that that is an an emergency function position right now he's doing it too and yeah we're Su succeeding in it but we're busting at the seams right now and I think that we've ran out of uh extra t-shirts and uniforms or anything like that we're ready there and um it's prudent it's not that we can't do it but something's going to give and I rather be a proactive than a reactive um Chief at this point he's here that would be able to uh Chief meus um will be able to further explan but appreciate it um I guess what I'll put back to you is do you think you could accept it as a challenge to essentially understand the importance of uh the position but to essentially use resources in other areas of the department you know if you need to uh allocate across divisions um and then move some of those resources around I'm just looking you know it's a it's a high budget item especially when we're going through some of these Union contracts of $250,000 uh could you use resources that you have anywhere within the department I'll leave you know I don't want to get down to your operations um could we essentially have this function uh kind of reassigned from within um and helping save taxpayers you know quarter of a million dollars and well and and again the that is a price tag if you're going to hire someone off the streets because we're classified bargaining unit every time you promote someone you're promoting to that next rank that person is already budgeted for um so the difference should be between the position that's getting promoted and that new Rank and file that we're trying to assume not just hire someone new from within and then you trickle up so that is the highest amount that would be if you're going to hire someone from the outside um to do that and we are already doing all those functions from someone else um I had proposed that we can we have an anticipated date he's going to give me at least a year so I am looking at least seven months later so it sounds like challenge accepted is that we can hire from within and take down that $250,000 the what would we be talking Madam city manager $ 30 $40,000 uh for reclassification I'm not sure what the cost savings would be but I do want to emphasize the importance of this role given that Chief meus as the deputy is overseeing four divisions and Emergency Management is the only one of those divisions that doesn't have a dedicated division Chief uh what we learned in the last um rain flood event is that we need more people focused on this in a dedicated fashion and I think that you know I want to applaud Chief abello and making this recommendation and bringing it forward and I support her in this recommendation because I think this is part of succession planning and Emergency Management planning for the future and I appreciate that Insight thank you Miss Madam manager uh and chief uh Chiefs uh I appreciate that but um it seems as if uh we can kill two birds with one stone where we're hiring from within instead of out on the street this $250,000 could significantly come down maybe we could allocate $75,000 Mr CFO and we're saying okay that's not going to be the totality of that but that'll be the incremental cost uh expenditure if we're hiring from within well if the is to not add a head count but to do a reclass of an existing swarm position we if that's the direction and it seems like the chief I guess is okay with that we would uh we'll work with the budget office office and we will just incorporate that in the budget would that be okay with my colleagues yeah I I would just want to ensure I doing more with less is always good and if we can um find somebody who is ready to take the next step up that's great um I want to make sure I mean you know these um flood events and other weather events are not one-offs they are are new normal and we are learning that the hard way um we are spending a I was going to say it a naughty word but I won't an an EXT extremely large amount of money to improve our infrastructure and I don't think we should be um um in the service of the the laudable goal of being responsible for our dollars as a city and as an Administration um because it's all of ours it's our taxpayers I don't want to um inadvertently cut off our nose despite our face I think that's probably the wrong metaphor but um we need to make sure that we have the right person in place to get the job done and that that person is um you know moving forward with the succession planning as well because we saw how seamlessly and beautifully it worked in your case and we want to um make sure that we've got the right people doing the right job when we need them and so I want to make sure you have what you need and whatever the right dollar amount if it's 750 750 that's a wellpay job it's 75 ,000 if it's $100,000 whatever it is if it's less than 250 that's good there's something amazing about firefighters is that we're the Jack ofall trads you know I have um firemen that are chicken catchers so that's you know we are the Jack of all traits and I learned that early on in my career when I had to change a light bulb when someone called 911 so we are up for it but we want to be efficient and successful in it as well perfect I love that that and I agree with commissioner bot I'm not trying to force a sore peg in round hole but it seems like we have consensus that um maybe you even leaning towards not bringing somebody new off the street uh and you know this uh I'll be crucified I'll be the shortest standing [Laughter] Chief like um so this is great uh you know uh we're still going to deliver this role if we do so uh from within if that doesn't happen come back to us and then we can uh ret talk about that but I think we could significantly take down the cost about this and just allocate what the um incremental amount for a reclassification would be Chief I would say your speech 101 class is paid off there you go thank you chair so we'll go ahead and make that that that switch out uh in the general fund which was additive which is good news so we'll go back to the presentation okay so now we're at transportation and Mobility the residential parking decal program that was recommended pilot program was recommended by the commission uh we are requesting to add $36,000 this is not for full-time positions this would be three part-time positions to help us roll out this program um residents will have to come into the city to get new decals and um we'll reassess the program next year in the budget process um the next item is for transportation departments and this would be funded from the Transportation fund uh the beach bicycle counter and some feedback signs are being recommended multimodal transport plans for major events so there were a list of events that were requested uh we are recommending funding some additional funding for art week and we'd be adding some shuttle services freebie extended hours and a water taxi component and the last item is a full-time bike pedestrian coordinator position that was recommended by the city commission to be added as a full-time versus a contracted position yes um for infrastructure enhancements uh water and sewer are due uh Master Plan update the last one was done in 2019 and so we're recommending funding that update that would be coming from the water and sewer utility funds Convention Center also has its own fund and they requested added one plumber position uh the clean Miami Beach Grant was recommended by the city commission uh it has a request for a cyber security analyst and this is just to be proactive in protecting our softwares and all our networks uh the safety officer in HR was budgeted prior to covid that position was cut when we had to make reductions to our budget the junior systems analyst position was requested by the planning department and this is to help them with the Erp and uh it would be an IT position but funded from the planning training and Tech funds that's specifically for planning department expenditures the full-time office associate position is being requested by finance department there is a position that has been a temporary position for seven years that helps with the water and sewer billin and this would be paid for by the water sewer storm water funds and the last one is a full-time business intelligence engineer that currently is funded as a contracted position it has requested to convert that to a full-time position at a saving of $81,000 so at a what at a savings of $81,000 everybody could take note please okay so parentheses are a good thing they just for everybody to take note out there that's watching and by getting a contract position and making it an internal position which is the anomaly there that's an anomaly um so this is the end of the operating budget I know we were supposed to go back to make some decisions on recommendations but it might be advisable to go through the capital it's not very long and I think the share they share whated some context as the dollars the Surplus dollars are you are interchangeable from a capital and operating perspective so I think we can go through that and then jump back and not just for that reason because but it's important that we look at this comprehensively because we have a tremendous amount of outstanding Capital needs and like I said we have a finite Pi we don't have a endless uh deficit that we can continue borrowing from um so if we take from one thing we're or if we put in one thing we're taking from another uh and those could be things in the future that are very important so if we could go through the capital I think specifically you're going to talk about some of the things that are unfunded correct correct so this is a slide that we we showed in the June ver meeting we the requests pretty much stay the same just tweak the unfunded number actually went down slightly so we had 32 million of unfunded projects and uh you'll see in the next couple of slides that we did could you just point us to the slide um uh it it's on page 30 83 8383 we combine the two presentations to one to make it seamless okay so that 31.8 was 32 million the last time you saw this presentation we did pick up some additional funding as Jason mentioned earlier in the presentation when we got the ju July 1 values so if you go to the next slide next slide it shows what we increased our revenues by and then we also have the next slide that shows our recommendation so because we did our recommended Sor changes our dedicated millage for Debt Service moving that up to crr we picked up 390,000 and then for the increase in our property values we picked up $106,000 for the capital renewal and replacement fund and just $33,000 for payo fund for a total of 529 and then some of the recommended changes so what here you see here is we we have presented and was endorsed back in June by the commission our Capital program these are adjustments from that June uh recommendation and approval first the big dollar one would be uh at the June commission meeting it was an item that went through uh firk was to add uh Landscaping improvements to lot p63 and the amount of $765,000 that would be funded through the parking Capital fund so it is important to note this wouldn't be coming from our general fund dollars would be coming from the geobond dollar specifically for uh trees this would be able to be funded directly from the capital and then these other four smaller uh crr or Capital replacement projects are the allocation of the dollars that we picked up through the adjustment in that millage rate just when I got excited after we saved $80,000 and then what we have here is the chair FK chair had requested at the last Capital meeting was to come back and we only had a couple kind of days to put this together was just kind of a high level review of some of the uh projects that we are both aware of that have a specific funding Gap and then the the the next couple slides will show undetermined needs ones the Departments came back and said you know I know there's a project I'm working on I have an allocation I don't know how much more I will need but I know I will need something these specific ones are primarily our neighborhood Improvement projects so you're going to see the the these are the pricey capital projects that we know have funding gaps and Mr CFO could you just note which of these are likely to be uh the Gap funded via the issuance of um Enterprise fund bonds yes an excellent point so the the North Beach town center uh First Street which has now been split into kind of two projects the phase one two and the phase 34 which is a little more longer term uh and then the West Avenue phase three we also have the 17th Street uh renovation which is a bigger bigger program so when you see that Gap it's $290 million let's say just of these projects and remember we have like 800 capital projects in our fiveyear Capital program these are some of the bigger dollar ones again that we know we had some gaps the primary way primary way we're going to fill that Gap is through our Enterprise funds most of these program these projects these neighborhood Improvement projects are to tackle you know Water and Sewer renovation needs and storm water needs and to tackle flooding these projects are super important they're uh and they are an ongoing multi-year program most of that Gap will be funded towards that so when there is I believe there's already a standing item at FK that we will be coming back in the fall I know I mentioned it back when we got authorization on the $85 million in intent to uh declare uh to issue Bonds on the water seore and then when the critical needs program was approved on the storm water we said that we would be coming back in the fall to look at how to pay pay for the rest of that Capital program uh so there will be rate adjustment uh discussions in the fall and our water silver and storm water and that is how we would fund those projects if we do not want to adjust those rates coming the fall then these projects would fall away and they would not be completed but let's work through the basis that they will be done and if if I could stop you there and more so talking to my colleagues when when we become aware of some development projects in some of these areas perhaps we can all collectively think as we're discussing them the possible public benefit uh that could be Pro offered if somebody's asking for variances or things like that is direct um contribution to some of these unfunded uh projects that are in these areas we all talk about well how can we keep allowing development when our water and sewer system is falling apart let's put our money where our mouth is going to allow incremental development uh on the waterfront in uh mid Beach or North Beach well let's put that directly into repairing our sewer system and our infrastructure in those areas instead of just these uh intangible okay we we'll Pro offer this if there's going to be world class projects in those areas I think our current and future residents deserve worldclass infrastructure there or at a minimum uh pipes that aren't made out of wood on Collins Avenue uh so I think when we're entertaining some of these uh discussions and proposals that's something that we should keep in the back of our mind because we're not going to fund $1.2 billion by Saving 80 grand turning a contractor position in full-time uh we we need to really put some serious thought into how we're going to come up with uh some of these unfunded uh resources thank you chair so we can go back to show all the way at the right in the yellow there is the payo funding some of that could theoretically come from from some of the geobond dollars on the above ground so with these neighborhood Improvement projects are primarily renovating your water and sewer and your storm water which is the majority of the dollars the restoration on the top that's going to be your streetscape and your asphalt your sidewalks and Landscaping along those lines would come from that payo portion so those dollars are smaller they are manageable this list particularly is a little less than $30 million how do we fund those items are such as the Surplus which we started the day at 8.9 million and I think we're we're down closer to 8.6 million based on some ads and some tracks we've had so far and we're keeping tally just just so we know we get to that point again is those dollars again for our Union contracts and then any leftover is to go to our Capital program our primary source of funding that pgo piece isn't necessarily the millage that comes in which generates around $4 million a year it's actually at the year end Surplus uh and that's a very good policy that the prior commission put in place and has been uh the way we've moved forward last year the general fund Surplus was approximately $16 million and all of that was put into pgo and our capital reserve funds what we would do is we would do the same thing if we were on track I think we are to probably be in that 146 million range again would be eating into these uh funding gaps as an example and we'll get to where our fin at the final slide we'll really talk about where our recommendation where those Surplus you know funds will go but I just wanted to just kind of complete this as I kind of hinted this is just these next two slides are just a list of other projects the departments were just because we just asked say hey what are you thinking what what's out there that you are aware of that you know you don't have enough dollars for now some of these are ones that just aren't programmed yet they've only been programmed for design and they haven't programmed the construction side of it so we will you know work with that to make sure that they get funded they're not all pgo dollars there G be water there's be sewer there's be storm water there's going to be Transportation funds geobond all kinds of things in here but again the the the charge of the FK chair was to just kind of come back and if we could just get get some of this information so again we have a number of projects you know there's a a Geo Bond project in there the project has hasn't gotten to the stage where we know there's a gap but we know there would be a gap is just an example and then I want to turn it over to T here to to to Really end on the fire station update right so the direction from the for class month was to come back with a potential funded plan for fire stations Gap so when we worked with CIP post that meeting they gave us an estimate of between 15 and $19 million for The Gap uh between s and N9 would be the new construction if we do move to the new site and then it it 8 to 10 million would be to move the stadium to a different location uh first note is that we would treat this as one project so we wouldn't have a separate project for the stadium being moved and a fire station we just treat them as one complete project and then secondly we wouldn't need any funding for FY 25 and that's because the project was previously fully funded so there are dollars available to do whatever we need to do right now if this is going to move forward and we would come back between 2026 and 2028 to ask for additional funding so our recommendation in order to fund this significant Gap is as Jason mentioned at the end of FY 24 we do anticipate that we will have some general tone savings primarily because of vacancies that we've had all year and normally we would transfer those dollars based on City's policies to our capital reserve fund last year we recommended splitting that between the capital reserve fund and the payo fund so at the end of this year fiscal year in November we will take an item to commission and we will be recommending transferring all those savings if commission approves uh to the fire station to help fill that Gap and this may be you know this may have to be done over a couple of years but the idea is to just prioritize the fire station and to complete that Gap sustain and this just works under the this works under the assumption that the August fote goes one way and then the commission gives that direction in September and then November so we would work under the assumption that the top Capital project priority is funding it and I think that the charge that you know the commission gave is to come back with a path forward and how we have there that do mean that if this if this action in September is taken by the commission it's now a dead project and it will never happen we believe that there is a path forward to get this funded so that the dollars construction dollars would be available when they would be needed as the project goes through its multi-year design process so we just wanted to mention that again for perspective on the commission and then I think last we just want to before we get into the debate and we jump back is uh if we end up at a landing place for today for the preliminary budget which I feel that we're getting to that position we would uh not have to have next Friday's third uh FK budget Workshop which the city uh does traditionally end up cancelling if it's needed but sometimes needed but I think we'll be good there on July 24th at the commission meeting there'll be a resolution to approve the maximum millage so the only action the commission would be taking uh for for now at the July 24th is just setting what the maximum combined millage is going to be with all those different Mill rates would be combined wise uh because there are still chances to make adjustments you know in September you know by then obviously things will be pretty coales we'll be pretty locked in but there is still that still that adjustment so just reminding everyone we'll have our first public hearing on September 16th and our sub second public hearing on September uh 25th to finalize the millage and the budget and I think that ends our presentation and then we could go back to debate Jason yes and I I'm not sure if this is the appropriate time but I I went through the budget and I put some items that I wanted to discuss my colleagues I don't know if we're going to have another meeting to do this but I have some some questions uh for example the ud udman position I think that was like 170,000 are last I recall that the sponsor pulled that item I commissioner just for that one I don't think that that one's being recommended is that correct correct chair that that that is an enhancement item U but that is not part of the preliminary budget at this time okay and then I remember seeing on the previous slide that there's a Camila's house Health concern Initiative for like $100,000 that was recurring not really sure what that was about um and then just uh yeah I could speak to that is uh I think we in this year we did it as a as a one time we wanted to continue and I'll let Alba jump in to give a little more detail is to provide both mental and medical health uh services for our our homeless and we started this this year I think with a one-time transfer between vendors and this is really to continue that uh program and again when we as the administration looked at what items we were recommending with homeless being one of those top priorities and we did have that ability to fund that we did go ahead and fund all the recommendations of the homeless and I I'll recognize you where I land on this is uh we are a compassionate City we've implemented new uh ordinances up here but part of that is um if we want to get people off of our streets also providing resources uh to those that truly need it and I think this is uh a way that we do that but turn it over to you and that program has been phenomenal alongside the Camilla's Lazarus program we we did in fact get Camila's Health concerned because the Lazarus program for last fiscal year could not did not have the Staffing uh to be able to provide that service so we want with Camila's Health concern who Focus their efforts on medical Outreach versus mental health and substance abuse obviously with medical Outreach there is still a mental health component but the focus is when they're engaging in over there so let me finish okay when they are engaging individuals they are really focused on the medical aspect so that really opens up engagement opportunities with people who may notoriously be service resistance for shelter thank you ala and commissioner Suarez was there another uh line item that you uh wanted to highlight as well or was it uh those yeah yeah and sorry for that I'm babysitting the kids um coulded David David you have definitely talked to us in that same mean voice it's we're used to it um okay there's you know I think couple thing I'm just going to list them through so that and then you can write them down Jason if you want um you know there was a loading dock for the police station for 400 or garage doors for $400,000 I think that's pretty high uh there's an art deco 30 gallon water heater replacement that was that was in the tune of a couple hundred, um um I also wanted to say like there's a lot of City Hall improvements I don't know how the commission feels maybe because we have a lot of initiatives this year maybe we could push most of the city hall improvements I think such as um main entrance pavers um restroom Renovations uh to to 2026 um also you know I'm a big fan of the waterways Waterway markers and signs was I think 2 million plus that's a lot I don't know how many signs exactly there are um there's also a couple things security enhancement Citywide seemed pretty vague um I'm assuming those are cameras and I think we all know you know given the price there's some cameras cost $20,000 each um there was a couple of things that were also not funded that I think we should consider like the Lumis park playground replacement um you know I take my my children there certainly could use an upgrade um and the Lumis park splash pad um I think would also be an amazing amenity uh you know a lot of tourists that come to Miami Beach that stay on Ocean Drive or Hollins they all use the the the um the kids park there and you know what a way to bring them back if they know we have world class kids parks um and you know there's a couple things with the garage elevator renewal those seem very high two know I think three or $400,000 the sth Street Garage 16th Street Garage um and Pennsylvania garage and then one last thing you know I know it's silly but the Smith and Alinsky 40-year certification I know it's our building but and that's $150,000 any way we can get Smitha walinsky to chip in for this recertification um since they are profiting off of it um and uh just so those those are some of my um my line item thoughts thank you I I appreciate that I'll hand it over to Mr CFO but I think the overwhelming majority of those were uh out of the capital uh budget that we discussed last meeting yeah yes sh I think most of I think most of those items we did take notes on a few that were I think related to this one such as the garage door roll up which I think was was one uh requested uh by facilities is being added to the capital program I think a majority of those were ones that we went through uh at the capital uh budget meeting in June um but there are a couple that the commissioner mentioned I think like the splash pad which was a couple million dollars I think uh were ones that were not recommended for funding because we we didn't have any funding uh so unless there was an adjustment there or taking from the Surplus those would not be covered Y and my thought was uh we were just doing the operating here um so in advance of September maybe if you wanted to have a oneoff conversations with the commissioner about um some of those kind of hone in a little bit uh given that they were the capital um and we're discussing operating perhaps in the interim uh yes I think that's the best path yes ch um so then that leaves us with essentially where we are pivoting versus uh what you've presented to US versus what we've essentially uh uh improvised on the fly up here um if I can chair to to help facilitate a bit uh so we started the day at an $8.9 million surplus which again we were uh hoping to have a good chunk of that how naive of you of for our Union contracts and then again for whatever was remaining would probably go would definitely go to our Capital program but again probably towards the First Street of fire station I believe that the uh the group has already uh recommended uh going with the higher level on the area managers adding not one but two Detention officers at 300 44,000 that brings us down to 8.4 uh and then uh we got 200,000 back by changing out the fire position to just a reclass so we're around $8.6 million as of right now there are a number of items that were and if I'm not if I missed one pleas I know please correct me I believe that there was a 20 to $330,000 uh Normandy aisle uh enhancement for programming there was a payche paycheck Protection Program study in the60 to $75,000 range there was an intensity density study for planning for 220,000 there was two uh the Miami new drama agreement I think is up for uh renewal and renegotiation I think I know Administration hasn't uh gone through that process yet to vet but I think they talked to the commission asking for 220,000 to increase it's a um I think going from 400 and something to 600 something to increase that by about 50% and then we also have the $400,000 uh for the fitness Festival whether again we're funding it here or in the future I I think that's the list I have no there was an sorry $20,000 for the cats 30 30,000 for the cats they gave me a b oh it's 30,000 okay and that would be from the sanitation fund just as as a side note and what else am I miss an economic impact study on mxe and that was for how much um that was 100,000 I I believe it was listed as not to exceed 75,000 and it did confirm on the paycheck Protection Program it was item c7y on June 26 not to exceed 75k and just for clarification purposes miam Min drama is in the first year of a three-year renewal their contract is up in 2026 and commer Fernandez did you want to speak and I just want to make sure that we consider the one-time funding uh for the arts and culture organizations that are being affected by the state veto and we if I may I think commissioner bot mentioned she has an item that's being referred to F to go into uh discussion about um how how the commission may want to approach that subject but we need to consider this because it's going to be something that's going to we need to discuss as part of the 2025 uh budget it's something that's going to be they're totally separate items um but to your point commissioner Fernandez it is working its way through the process so if it's currently put in as not more than 1.4 I think the actual number is going to be less than a million should we put in a placeholder now of a million dollars and well that would be up to the to commission but yes if there's dollars that wanted to be allocated for 2025 today is do that I I I think we need to send a message to the Arts and Cultural organizations that we are aware of the gravity of the situation and that this city commission is taking this seriously uh and that we are looking at you know putting a reserve on on dollars an allocation of dollars to to one time onetime dollars uh to help fix this while we work with the state uh on an Initiative for for for next year uh and I think uh if you could look into the reserves in the resort tax because that perhaps might be uh a the I think from my perspective it might be an appropriate uh pool to be looking at for this it seems like this is why we have a reserve and I think as a placeholder you could put it up to but not exceeding a million I look for direction from the from the commission for this year for this year this coming 2025 fiscal year and is that inclusive of Miami new Jama no this is a to I I want to make sure that everyone understands this these are two totally separate items so Miami new drama and Michelle hman is here and he can talk about his his um concerns is a totally separate item this is a reaction to the state's cutting of all Arts grants and we are not suggesting that we take the place of that we are suggesting my view is that um is to be focused solely on um the possibility of losing jobs and economic impact I'm not saying that we use the money that that we grant money to be used for an expansion of facilities or an extra set of performances or whatever this is we we fund this person out of these dollars and we don't want to have people lose their jobs because of what the governor um did as an unintended consequence yeah I I'm certainly not going to attempt to read the Tea Leaves of Tallahassee but just reading some of the verbiage I'm I'm optimistically hopeful perhaps naively so that this was kind of a shot across the bow for political purposes and funding will be restored um we're going to find ourselves in a much different position if uh this has to be recurring it can't be recurring intended to be it has to be a one-time funding and and from my chair from my reading of this is that this was directed there there was an organization in more like in Central Florida and this was sending a message but it seems like this is really a one-time situation and from my perspective this is just you know from our end this is a one-time situation commissioner sores thank you Mr chair and I and I want to stress the importance of building a really solid relationship with Tallahasse uh especially with the the State House because they control the purse um and specifically you know refilling Mark position for the inov relations manager because that's going to be key and whoever we hire we need to make sure that they have a great relationship with the house so that we can build a relationship for funding such as arts and other priorities that we we might have stress that enough I didn't think you were going to have a chance to fit that in but that was impressive by any means um okay so let's go through these I a lot of incremental expenses uh that we're adding that we didn't walk in here for um I think number are one time and there are number recurring obviously I think they they look at it for different differently and just not getting again back to the employees uh with the Union contract contracts a lot of things that we do negotiate just to understand have um midyear impacts they may not be implemented till January 1st or July 1 or April 1 is a big date so often times you'll see a half number effectively for this year but then the second year we have that so we always if there is going to be look you know uh items that are in the one-time uh area might be you know work out better over a multi-year time frame to work within our Union contracts and Mr CFO how does this work in terms of how we're voting on which items are being added and which are not uh for the three I think for the three members that are here uh we'll look for I guess a two to three consensus or so my cards on the T without going through line item by line item I'll support everybody's initiatives that are tangible so the cats the new drama Normandy Fountain the fitness and I'll personally uh not vote in favor of any of the studies um but that leaves it to you too it's democracy uh that's just where I'm at so I'll which were the two studies I got I know I had one there were three if I can the there 75,000 for the paycheck Protection Program 75,000 for an economic analysis ACDC and the 220,000 for an intensity density uh planning study I you know I I I think that um the economic analysis of the mxc is very important uh we need to understand um you know the return on investments that we're making there um and and you know again not to repeat everything I mentioned earlier we're looking at policies having to do with the development of housing on Washington Avenue we're going to be looking on at the development of housing on Lincoln Road and we need to understand what is our capacity in the city what does our zoning currently allow how much of that has been used what is current available before we adopt policies that could potentially over intensify or under intensify under provide for commercial uses or under provide for housing that that's what this uh study does so I think at least these two studies are are are essential uh as we're crafting policies for the future we for the city we want to be in the future the one time so and if I if I can just throw my two cents in I would be support of of the mxe study as well I think you know there's a lot of discussion of making uh at least Washington Avenue very residential Y and I think that's important that's an important data point to have when we're trying to figure out what's the best approach for for that area basic so my um I I agree with my colleagues I will say that the um paycheck protection possibility study was born of again this notion of how do we protect the people that make our hospitality industry hum um the people the residents Among Us who um pay their taxes who send their kids to school um who are the backbone of our hospitality industry in the event that should there be a curfew because they're the ones who can least support that however um we just approved ,000 Kitty for people to um make a request for funding for um the tough months of August and September in a city that has been built on a Barrier Island where we know that August and September are crappy weather because it's really hot and there might be hurricanes and tourism slows down so I would just I would be willing to give up the study but if we are contemplating a um a curfew we find ourselves in the next few years contemplating a curfew I would ask for the same open-minded approach to maybe doing a one-time Kitty for people who can demonstrate that they you know couldn't make their rent payment for the month of March because they lost their two best tipping weekends of the year or whatever it may be um I would be willing to give on that now to fund the other things that we've discussed have Direction the item that was being of all the items I I mentioned Bas move forward with the ones that you've uh listed out um withdrawing the paycheck uh protection okay so if I can just for the record um because I'm I'm it would be a this would be recurring expense 220,000 set aside um and again I know the myu drama already in the first year but I guess this is a reopener on their contract but so with $220,000 set aside on that that way recurring expense uh the Normandy aisle uh programming that's 30,000 and if I remember commissioner bot it said that that was contingent on there being a match from the organization so that would be 30,000 budgeted and then that would be contingent on a match so those two are recurring that would be $250,000 out of the general fund on a recurring basis we would have 75,000 set aside for an AC the the mxc uh economic analysis that's a one time 220,000 for the intensity density study is a one time uh the the cats $30,000 cats initiative would be at one time out of the sanitation fund uh $400,000 for the fitness fund that would for the fitness Festival that be a one-time expenditure and I'm sorry Mr CFO did we not say that we were going to do that in 2026 uh uh because we were actually going to I'm sorry next year's budget item um because we're not going to have an activation in 2025 so we'll actually have that $400,000 of funding in next year we'll talk about in next year's budget cycle because we would look to possibly uh take advantage of possible sponsorship opportunities for 2026 there was a mention it but I want it was on the table to to be debated so so that that's where I would move in that uh I want to be sure that my colleague knows I'm fully supportive of the moving forward with the program but in terms of that $400,000 I think we use the next year to look for sponsorships and if not we make that a mission critical priority for next year's budget cycle it's the that's a fitness Festival okay that's a strong recommendation okay so when the so the fitness F so the funding structure and this is for some some of the team in the back the funding structure on that 1.4 million will be of the $66,000 uh annual allocation on the pool 500 will be set aside in 25 500 will be set aside in 26 and then the $400,000 we will find in the 26 budget so yes and I'm hoping some of these Public Safety ones such as the high visibility for Israel and also the um enhanced uh uh days during spring break I'm hoping some of those expenses actually fall off and then can be reallocated thank you chair that that that is hopefully the intention that there should be one more year of this the the high level of that and then the final thing I think and and T will jump in if I've missed anything for direction is we are going to put in the Resort tax utilizing Resort tax uh reserves a one-time set aside allocation for $1 million to support our Arts and Cultural program which will we will deal with I guess down the line this is just a budget allocation this is a budget appropriation uh uh set aside and then the actual utili utilization or whether we utilize it we determine through uh fut actions we could do we could do through commit or we could always do a midyear budget or yeah we won't need to because we're actually appropriated and then a resolution would determine I guess who gets what if we move forward perhaps we could you know work on the resolution out if it's needed commission I think that summarizes everything and do we need to do anything about the fire station allocation recommendation uh no not at this time I think at this time the the pool will is getting smaller uh that we have I'm sure I believe um do we have a number on the 8.2 is that it's one current recurring and it's a combination of both correct okay so we're down to around 8.2 million so no pressure I'm just saying on the union negotiations you can make up that Chief where's where's Chief Jones and uh do we have Miami new drama here yes yes and uh We've made everybody else fight dollar for dollar so welcome come introduce yourself and tell me why $150,000 doesn't work you need 225 their their allocation think is like 400 and something and this would bring it up to 600 and something in that R first of all it's such a pleasure to be here um I feel the loest artistic director because I am the artistic director of an anchor of Miami Beach we've received extraordinary support this has been a lovely wonderful marriage we are the first Theater Company in the State of Florida to send a show to Broadway and we are just an 8-year-old company this would not have happened without the support of Miami Beach um so I'm extremely grateful and Rael you and I um wrestled and but I am you know um listen the reason uh I'm here today is because um and I'm also very grateful to L who's worked so hard um and I'm sorry for the short notice but um as the budget is is being done we've we've had a management agreement that it's now um it has it started in 2016 um and we've received since 2018 $420,000 from the city of Miami Beach plus reimbursements um and a reimbursement for air condition electricity Etc um and that has not changed uh since 2018 meanwhile Miami new drama budget expanded dramatically we we receive a lot of support from a lot of the community for example this year we have uh $400,000 from the KN Foundation the county gives us $250,000 um and we're now our budget is $5.5 million so the $420,000 that which was the cost to manage the Con theater back in 2018 after inflation especially after the pandemic has has really uh significantly impacted us we're now looking at next year having to cut so I'm sure I also will say that for the last three years we have been bleeding the month of March March used to be a good month for us uh but since all the madness of um a um of spr break we have for two years we have shows that brought almost no income then last year we decided wisely to not do a show in March um but the point is stop you there and I want you to continue but I'd like you to come to us um in October November because this March was very different right we had residents going out of their houses going to restaurants we didn't have the influx of visitors but we had residents for the first time that were saying you know what this is fantastic so we should really look to partner and help support you in a way where we can have that as residents visit Miami new drama week residents are no longer afraid to leave their homes in March and now we need to provide them this activation what better way than a worldclass talent on Lincoln Road that would be amazing commissioner I really appreciate it now we are asking an increase from $420,000 which was 2018 numbers to $620,000 which we've created we've commissioned an economic impact study because I know we're talking about taxpayers money and that is sacred so it is extremely important for us to show that we are a good investment we are a good Roi uh we impact $10 million uh at the GDP of the city especially on Lincoln Road which Lincoln Road has to compete now with a lot of other neighborhoods and we are an anchor for Lincoln Road we are the last remaining cultural anchor of course there's a wonderful older brother of uh of ours New World Symphony that it's a block away but nonetheless there used to be a lot more Arts uh and now that um ulit is leaving we are the last remaining art uh organizations on in Link Road and back to 150 Grand work does it have to be 225 make the argument why 22 if if I can I believe commissioner B that was wise and if if was the request this to be set aside so that the administration can then negotiate an amended agreement okay so if we we'll set that aside because to me it was pointing that out to me as we'll have it as a set aside not as a direct allocation and then that'll be subject to obviously uh discussions with the administration and then an amended agreement coming back to the commission but we will have that set aside and if I might ask question Michelle can you um Can how compared to some of the other cultural anchors in the city yeah how much do you get versus New World Symphony or I I don't know the exact numbers uh of the other organization but I can say that historically the city of Mi beach has invested heavily on them you know New World Symphony received a100 million for their building and the land and I will say it's the smartest investment possible that the city of Miami Beach has made I just want to say that that not as a comparison but that's as wise like look how amazing that organization became it's in world renown organization we have done quite a bit we've took a show Broadway with Pennies on the investment of the city which been obviously has gone a long way but comparably to what we've spent with Miami city B ET we've uh we've been cheap so chair we again we'll just wrap up for this particular item we will have that as a set aside and uh tcd will negotiate out an amended agreement and bring that back to the commission uh for a vote if I if I may add uh so there's certain requirements in the existing management agreement certain services that are provided and so we would want to look at uh a cost benefit analysis of uh additional funding for this management agreement and what that means in terms of the output and Resident benefits and all the things that come with it as I know other organizations may also be uh interested in augmented funding we just want to make sure that uh we negotiate this appropriately of course and then Mr Mr chair if uh just have and Jason through through the chair I have a quick question does does do these cultural institutions do they provide um an analysis of their finances also or at least the portion that we we contribute yes I believe every single uh Grant agreement we have with all of these institutions whether they're nonprofits providing a a senior program or something for children or an arts program they all have very specific Grant agreements that have scopes of services uh and deliverables I think the the question was raised wasn't I don't believe it was answered why specifically $225,000 is this are we are we covering a gap on salaries are we hiring another position um yeah speak to that please absolutely thank you so much uh commissioner s and I know how important it is and by the way this is the reason why we created this uh economic impact study because I I know how careful uh you know you are about the the the sanity of taxpayers money um if Nick Richberg is on on the line I think he's he's waiting on the line he's the managing director he could give more specific details about the economic but I will say in general term that this you know that in the last six years uh we've been the cultural world has been as rest of the world impacted by inflation um and this is at least to try to get us up to the level we were before by the way the city used to be 20% 25% o of our uh budget and now it's less than 10% even with this request it'll be about 10% so why don't we uh recognize Nick if we can real quick Nick please unmute yourself thank you Commissioners uh yes I think Michelle uh answered the the question nicely uh labor costs and cost of operations are up 35 and 40% respectively in the past five years so obviously there's uh cost investment that has gone up we've continued to invest more and more dollars to have increased activation in the space year after year to meet our pre-agreed upon uh benchmarks with the city as Michelle said the city investment has stayed flat over those past six years it's it's simply not a sustainable uh model for us this makes it more right-sized back to the original intent of how Michelle referenced uh percentages of our overall investment in the activation still less than original econ contemplated but brings it to a level that at least for us is sustainable does not require uh trimming of activity and allows us to continue to grow the operations and create the impact that if you haven't had a chance yet to look at the study it's uh detailed and robust and I look forward to discussing it with you in detail but I think we make an excellent case and it was important for us to make it uh about how we can quantify the impact that we know anecdotally we're having on local businesses and on the city as a whole as a destination anchor on Lincoln Road so Mr chair if if if I may so right now all that we're doing is we're doing a set aside we're not committing ourselves we're allowing there to be a conversation a negotiation I I I'm going to put this on the record in the future I love Miami new drama I think Michelle the work you do is incredible and and Nick uh his dedication is great um you know I need to hear from you guys sooner please I I only you know got a text message yesterday and you know I was disconnected from the world for my birthday yes but um so I love to be able to support the organizations I'm just going to put this on the record as well I want us to be very mindful about the precedent that we said to one of our children you know I feel like these are all of our children that we all support them they uh they contribute to the beautiful fabric of Miami Beach we have so many organizations like Miami new drama that that that are facing this same challenge what we do for one we are going to probably end up getting the requests from all and so and so we have to be very mindful about the fairness and the precedent that we establish when we when we do this uh so we can appreciate that commissioner and yeah and and and thank you and and heard and uh not everyone on this day is as equally familiar as you are with the work myu drama does or the history of the facility and the transformation that it's undergone over the past seven years through our management and and we're extremely mindful of that responsibility as towards of the facility and and the importance of directing the public funds in a in a thoughtful way it was very important for us to be able to make a compelling and factually accurate data driven argument um businesses like ours are not easy to economically model it certainly took us longer than we had expected but it was important to get it right and uh also we look forward to Contin the discussion but but for example you know we have mdpl you know we have Unidad we have the Band Shell we have a number of of an ities that you know manage spaces on behalf of of the city uh that you know manage spaces deal deal with infrastructure issues and deal with improvements of facilities in addition to programming they're also dealing with it so anyways my point is uh happy to support the set aside uh happy to support a conversation because we're not tying our our our hands we're just saying you know we're putting this aside and we'll take action uh at a later date once we understand the numbers better please reach out to my office so we can set up a time because I want to be able to get uh properly briefed uh on it absolutely thank you so much for your time and I would like to invite you November 11 Studio 54 on Broadway the first Miami Beach show ever making first Florida show ever making it to Broadway so if you make it to New York I'll I'll tickets are on me thank you so much if uh if you've seen our CFO in action I think it would be been easier to negotiating with us but it's in your hands now uh thank you commissioner so I think this this W this will wrap up uh our our our preliminary budget uh we will be me I think at this point based on the information we have we will go ahead and cancel the next Friday firk and then we will see us again on June 24th to set that millage and just wanted to uh thank uh the commission Joly thank you and if I I just want to um Mr chair thank you for guiding this process um you are a new member of the city commission but the mayor trusted you to be the chair of the finance committee and you're doing such a great job and guiding this process not only uh helping us with the initiatives we put forward but making sure that we're being mindful of the taxpayers dollars thinking about the future projects and the future needs and the capital needs of the city going into the future so I just you know want to thank you for how diligent you are uh leading this process in a very respectful way to the taxpayer means a lot uh but team effort you know everything that we've done uh over these past seven months really has been great team effort whether that be our electeds our city staff um our fabulous employees and our residents so look forward to continuing thank you all for everybody's time thank you thank you [Music]