[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] please take your seats the meeting is about to begin please stand by we are going on air in 5 4 3 2 1 morning everybody happy Friday getting started here with the finance meeting I'm going to turn it over to our City attorney and our CFO to give an introduction and then we will get started on a lengthy but informative and important agenda good morning today's meeting of the finance and economic resiliency committee has been scheduled in a hybrid format with a quorum of the committee physically present and remaining members staff and members of the public appearing either in person or virtually via zoom in today's in order to particip ipate in today's meeting virtually members of the public may dial 1888 475 4499 tollfree and enter the webinar ID which is 863 659 5462 pound or you may log into the Zoom app and enter the webinar ID which again is 863 6059 5462 any individual wishing to speak on an item must click the raise hand icon if they are using the Zoom app or dial star9 if you are participating by phone uh thank you just have a few announcements uh time certain items uh item number eight on the agenda is 1030 item number 18 1031 item number 1 1035 item number 2 1040 item number 3 1045 item number 23 1130 item number 25 1145 item 19 uh 12 noon there are uh three deferrals uh item 17 was deferred by the sponsor uh item 20 was deferred by the sponsor and item 41 which is actually a future item was deferred by the sponsor from April to May and last item is linked there'll be a linkage of items four and 12 which are both related to parking will be heard at the same time uh that is all chair excellent I appreciate it uh let's get kicked off um we have the single huler item we are going to go to uh item number eight uh commissioner Fernandez uh your item I would love for you to kick it off thank you Mr chair um so so this is an item I placed on the agenda as a result of the action taken at the city commission uh to to reject uh the responses that that that we had begun uh or that we had received and as such uh it puts us it places Us in this position where we need to you know discuss a new procurement uh for for for this very important service um which is waste hauling and I believe that it was the desire of our Collective City commission to uh move forward with a single uh waste holler model in our city which lead leaves us in the position of having to then prepare a new solicitation and what the criteria uh would would look like for for that solicitation uh our staff I believe has been reaching out uh to other jurisdictions that perhaps may be engaged in this same type of single waste holler model and has kind of picked out what are the best practices uh for for that and has uh put uh prepared for us uh what a uh document should look like so with that if you allow me Mr chair I'd like to recognize our Public Works director Mr Gomez uh to present for us the research they've made and their professional recommendations uh to this body not to provide Direction but so that we can offer a recommendation uh ultimately to the city commission good morning Mr chair uh members of of the committee uh Joe Gomez Public Works director as commissioner Fernandez uh pointed out um we started already doing our Outreach uh looking at uh reaching out to other municipalities that have a similar model uh so we've outlined in our memo some recommendations uh to to you all in terms of what we feel would be appropriate to include in the in the uh upcoming RFP um so for example um the the length of service uh we're recommending a minimum of 7 to 10 years and very important the significant Capital cost of a model like this where the single hauler is going to have to provide a menu of different types of compactors um um U the the the actual bins themselves and all that that requires a significant Capital so uh because we're going to be negotiating prices with that uh selected hauler um the idea is to provide a long-term agreement so that they can provide the best competitive pricing so that's one of the recommendations uh in terms of the waiting criteria uh as we go into the RFP uh we're suggesting uh for pricing that price should have a a a a a range of 40 to 60% of the weighting criteria should be based on on the price again uh the the way that will work is we we'll provide them with a menu of all the items that should be included in the contract and as such then they will provide us that pricing we'll be able to negotiate with them um U other things we we should in we should also look at one of the things that was a concern even when we were doing the other procurement was the uh bulk pickup uh to provide some sort of bulk pickup service for multif family um which has always been a concern so we want to make sure that that's included in there and then very important I believe is the issue of the the the what what that the the current franchise fee which is 24% and the way that's broken up the franchise fee is 20% um uh flat fee plus a 2% uh fee for the usage of the the rideway uh because they're they're working within our ride with a wear and tear and then an additional 2% that goes to the environment and sustainability uh uh department where they provide it provides funding for positions as well as programs and we feel that that 24% uh franchise fee has to be factored in because on a single hauler system you have a service fee that's associated with that and this franchise fee represents a significant amount of the funding that goes to the San ation department so again financial analysis will need to be done to see how that that's factored in into the negotiation and Jason I don't know if you want to add anything to that yeah thank you Joe um you know the sanitation fund is if you recall um either through on boarding or through the last budget process sanitation fund is one of those funds unfortunately that is structurally imbalanced uh we have more expenditures than we have Revenue coming in um it luckily it has a decent uh fund balance that but it has been slowly eating through that fund balance over the years uh the commission has uh shown interest obviously because uh related to litter pickup uh a new gum removal program additional uh pressure washing of sidewalks there's several more items coming up on the commission so even off the current level of service there's there's seems to be an interest to increase those but we need to look at is the revenue side of that um since we would be moving to this really a a structural change in the sanitation fund by moving to a single hauler system uh you know and talking with the public works department we think we need to bring in someone to give us a little bit of help here not only for the prep of the RFQ but to look at really the whole fund up and down and then to recommend a new franchise or whatever fee structure ever terminology gets used in you know in the lingo uh so that we can have the revenue to cover all the wonderful things that we want to provide for our uh residents so it it may be useful uh obviously it's the will of this committee but to maybe recommend you to keep the item here obviously because this is going to be a long discussion I think but um to send back to commission to Enga you know to direct staff to engage with a consultant to assist the public works department uh to prepare that RFQ and all the analysis needed to um come up with a new uh you know funding structure thank you Mr CFO and I will defer to uh my colleague commissioner that sponsored this but in after talking with the staff during our briefings I think uh I'm fine with that process and it's kind of where I want to lie um um is not to get two hands on today but I'm in line with the recommendation from the CFO and staff of uh keeping this in committee so we can have a more substantive discussion but essentially engaging in a consultant to go out and craft some of these terms uh and how this would be structured in preparing for an RFQ RFP if I may Mr chair and one of the things that I want to make sure that we understand well is what are the impacts to the sanitation fund I think that that is certainly something that we need to to understand very clearly Mr CFO Mr director um as well as you know how does that translate into the fiscal year 25 uh budget there that that we're about to to head into obviously a uh single huler uh exclusive model uh will generate uh certain overhead for for for the city added responsibilities uh that previously the industry uh was was in charge that now will become the responsibility of our municipal government and do we are we do we have the ability to absorb that all within one fiscal year do we need to course that out over over several fiscal years and that's something that I think is still that among other things needs to be baked out as well one of the things I I also um is not lost in me is uh still the possibility I've mentioned this now a number of times of of a hybrid of sorts you know that we look either you know at a single waste uh hauler an exclusive waste hauler uh for the small residential buildings or for a uh geographic area of our city uh while maintaining uh a non-exclusive model for the rest of the city you know having been going through this process and sitting through many committee meetings and hearing from from so many stakeholders about this it seems like the concerns about the non-exclusive model originated mainly uh from the smaller residential buildings and specifically you know properties in South Beach and I could understand why so there's very unique Dynamics uh in South Beach you're dealing with Alleyways or you're dealing with smaller streets you're dealing with a geographical area of our city that has very unique needs being in a historic district then other areas of our city and so perhaps something that could be further researched further considered um could be you know do we move forward with a single waste huler either just for the you know smaller uh residential buildings with fewer than 25 units and I think at some point that may have been Pro proposed by commissioner Rosen Gonzalez at some point or or or just look at South Beach and just looking at that geographic area South me and saying okay this area of the city because of the unique circumstances and unique needs we have here we can do the single huler system here and then move uh to a non-exclusive model for for for the rest of the city I think those are things that a consultant can also help us help us with uh and come back to to to this committee with with recommendations and the only other thing I would put on on the record is that if we are going to move forward with a consultant uh um you know I would just urge uh the the administration to consider a different consultant let's not let's not engage with the same consultant you know that has that we dealt with already and that and now that we're having to re go through this entire process let's engage a different consultant Abol thank you Mr chair yeah uh commissioner bot and for the record I think that's where I lie just want to give the staff Administration flexibility to come back with a plethora of options thank you sir so I'm a big fan of measure cut once and we are already in year three of this process I think um so I share the sentiments uh voice so far I would also like to encourage the consultant to look at a different set of cities because when I first came into this process uh in December I was quite taken back that the cities that were considered were very different from what we have here in Miami Mi Beach and I know they were all Florida cities but if you look at cities like Savannah and Charleston and Boston and New Orleans that have a very robust mix of historic scale buildings streets and public spaces as well as newer development I think that is a more relevant um consideration set to be included not exclusively necessarily but to be included in the fact that they weren't considered at all made me really wonder um how we were informing ourselves because we have a weird and wonderful little city with weird and wonderful little pockets and we need to make sure that we get that um in addition to um the items already addressed in terms of uh What the residents what we've all been asking for and that I we're going to have to be willing to pay for I mean and nothing comes for free right so if we want cleaner streets and and um shiny new trucks that don't make noise and leak then that is going to be baked into the cost but the other thing that has been brought up recently um and for a little bit is the idea of composting um and whether or not that is a Citywide or if it's an add-on service that people can opt into um I think and maybe it's something we don't engage with and that's fine but I think it should be part of the conversation to see if it's desired widely enough to make sense or feasible if it's a different program entirely whatever um and I don't think I need to belabor this any further so good luck God speed thank you um I had a question commissioner B you referred to a consultant who's who you guys keep saying who's the consultant in the in the um documents prepared for our December meeting there was information about um um a consultant that was hired to make a recommendation to the staff and all that like a year or two ago yeah so and I I can clarify that if if you like uh Vice chair um when we started the process back 18 months almost two years ago with the non-exclusive we had retained the services of MSW MSW was the consultant that first provided the initial presentation to the F committee uh and they still are currently under contract to the city um my understanding is that the the committee and and the commission would want us to to go through a new procurement which is perfectly fine but I just want to make you aware that that's that that's consultant that we had so I've evolved in this entire process when this first it's true I have come to I've I've met with enough uh different U garbage and trash providers or solid waste providers excuse me um to understand initially when we started out as a single family homeowner in Miami Beach we work through the city uh we don't have to sign enter into our own contract to have waste hauling services so we never have any issues and initially and South Beach is a different story any multif family South Beach and any multif family across Mii Beach they have how many different waist haulers are we working with right now two we have two different waist hollers for the non-exclusive which is multif family of nine and above okay as well as the commercial but there's other Brokers right I mean it's not waste haulers it's more Brokers are completely separate from the waste hollers was all the Brokers are the ones that negotiate prices with they're the middle person that that negotiate price between the customer those who choose to engage a broker but the ordinance allows up to five the ordinance allows up to the ordance allows up to five but what we've been seeing across the city is problems with these contracts and smaller associations getting into legal problems and price gouging and they're not getting the services that they want and they're being forced into contracts and they are some on some level there's a little bit of there's been some extortion there's been some Shenanigans okay so initially we were going to just move to a on huler system but as I've spoken to the multi haulers over time what I found in my discussions is that there have been there's first of all a long history of garbage routes okay some companies have had a certain garbage route since like 1980 okay so they know that route like no one else does and it's CU it's very territorial so I understand us coming in and breaking up the entire thing and saying all right we want all of you to be accountable to the city and I think that what we had come to prior to this was a great option because it allowed for protection and single huler system well first of all we want to protect everybody but in the smaller we want to protect the smaller associations more than anything else and so that bifurcation of what was the amount of apartments Joe uh we went from 9 to 25 the threshold we set was 25 so any building with less than 25 units is going to go through the city and has the same um rights per se or or or the city will be the contractor they're not going to any longer enter into contracts under the the under the prior procurement it was still a non-exclusive model ma'am so you would still even though what we did was we put a threshold of price increase from the 9 to 25 so that they could not increase the price and I believe it was 8% per per per year that we capped it at but it was still a competitive market meaning that the the building that had 20 units for example could go out and negotiate they with the assuming we we selected all five of the haulers on the non-exclusive model they could negotiate the best price the problem that but it's not a single Hall the only problem that I have with that is that in a large building for example a large hotel right that has a team of lawyers and all sorts of and tremendous resources and you know Millions tens of millions of dollars in Revenue per year for example like the fountain blue I don't worry so much about them but I do worry about a condo that has 300 units that does not have um a team of legal you know a legal staff that doesn't have you know tens of millions of dollars in revenue and that does can't necessarily negotiate and and it's also um at the behead of these condo associations that as you know because you live in a large condo both of you those those those condo boards change yearly um none of them are experts in Waist hauling none of them you do have access to condo attorneys so the question is how can we if it was up to me and I wanted to do this really fairly so that every single resident uh gets gets the service that I have right now which is that I never have to speak to the waist hauler directly it just comes on my water bill I think that the best method here is all Resident buildings go under single huler and the commercial can go to these multi-te haulers that makes sense it provides protection for every single resident okay none of the residents are going to get extorted they're not going to turn it even I don't like a building for example like 5660 where we have Cafe burning it has like 350 it's a massive Building Commissioner if I could I just because I had this for a one minute discussion because understand but this is I I have to just kind of explain where we could sit here for an hour and talk I mean we've discussed this ad noism well I just I have the first of all I don't I it's my turn and I haven't interrupted anyone else so I don't want to be interrupted okay I think that that is the fair thing to do all Resident buildings are single hauler all commercial if it's the wild west and the businesses come to us afterwards and the hotel say we want the same advantages okay then we can change it in the future but that to me seems like the fair thing and it's it's a compromise and that is what I would propose moving forward I don't know how you feel about that but that offers re resident protections it also doesn't um you know I'm not sure what it will do with the routes because I do understand the waist hauling industry too with their historical routes but nothing is ever set in stone forever and our job here is to protect the residents so um I understand I can assess right now that commissioner magazine is not in agreement with me or not that I'm not in agreement I wait wait wait I'm just finishing um and I would like to hear from everyone else and hear how they feel Mr chair and I was not aggressive so I don't like the tone either it it's not aggressive I I think the direction here wasn't to take action it was to say to staff go out and prepare a different menu of options exactly what you're talking about so now we're all just sitting here no we're not because let me just explain if I want I would like that to be among the menu options because as much as I've thought about this and I've met with the waist hollers and I've talked to the industry I think it what needs to be ever present in our minds is that look we are representative of both commercial and residential interests but these large residential buildings cannot be lumped in with commercial buildings because the fountain blue and an adjacent condo are not the same entities sure I said exactly that last minute it's not that I don't agree with you so I mean I would like that to be one of our so I so if if I may I think um the last thing we want is to get another 200 pages of someone insinuating we're not informed um and so you know it took us 18 months you know for someone to insinuate we weren't informed um so Joe sir you've heard feedback from all of us and I do want to recognize commissioner Dominguez as well but go ahead of course yes yes and commissioner domingus she's worked so hard on this and she's followed this over over the qus of of the past year here as as well and presented the the original motion on this uh so definitely great Defence to to to commissioner Dominguez and her leadership um you know let's study what commissioner Rosen Gonzalez is is suggesting you know the residentials bifurcated from from from the commercial but also let's let's look at the other option you know let's look at the other option if we look at a geographical area of the city where we've been hearing more from our residents you know that are concerned about the unique needs in in that area and we just look at it from a geographical perspective when we say in this area of the city let's explore the single holler uh option and then let's go non-exclusive for the rest of the city give us the different options uh so that so that we can uh you know once again make an informed decision uh on this yeah if we can recognize commissioner Dominguez Rick and I I think we'd like to move on uh Joe and then let's wrap up and let me Noah give me your interpretation of what you're being instructed to do after commissioner Dominguez thank you Mr chair and thank you for the opportunity to speak what we had voted on at the last commission meeting was the item for a single huler system and commissioner magazine had brought up the commercials and I explained that I had done my homework on this and looking for a single hauler for both the multif family and uh the commercial was what a lot of the businesses had been telling me was best for the city um right now the discussion went off on a separate tangent that wasn't what was voted on for the com commission from the commission and I'm in agreement with uh commissioner magazine and uh commissioner bot uh for the consultant to look into the different uh criteria look into other cities and and come back to us with real information on that but the bifurcating and all of that separate items that wasn't part of the motion that was voted on at commission so it almost feels like we're taking a step backward after all the hard work that we did on this item and I don't know if there's opportunity for public comment but I know that there is someone that would like to speak on this item as well Mr chair if I may okay if we're looking at the uh criteria for single holler I think it's completely appropriate to to consider what do we want the S the single huler addressing do we want the single holler addressing all multifam and Commercial waste collections in the entire city of Miami Beach do we want them looking at only residential under 25 do we want them looking only at a geographical area of of our of our city with all due respect with to to to commissioner Dominguez um you know I don't I don't I don't think this is you know out of out of context with with what we um referred to Committee in my item um you know the whole point was to look at a criteria uh and I think part of that criteria is you know tail tailoring the scope of what we want for single huler it could be that it applies to every single multifam residential property and every single commercial property in the city of Miami Beach could very well be it or it could be that it applies to certain I think that that's completely within the prerogative of this committee to discuss as part of of of the item that was uh sent To Us by the city commission Mr attorney correct me if if I'm wrong uh on whether whether it is appropriate uh because the last thing I want is to be blasted on another 200 Page pages on procedure what I would recommend is that we make a recomend if the committee desires make a recommendation to the commission so that the commission can then agree that this is the direction the commission wants to take as a whole because right now the direction is to prepare an RFP for a single huler so if there if there if you want to consider variations on that theme I think we should get the commission as a whole um to do so to make sure that the process is is seamless okay thank you so I I think that's the direction we'll take we will keep this in committee however refer this back to the full commission about the direction to take for uh recommending an RFP RFQ Mr if I can to help facilitate if I'm making my notes correctly so obviously correct me if I'm wrong I believe the interest is uh to to retain the item at firk and a return with options and to rec to recommend to the commission to direct staff to engage with the consult to assist staff with procurement preparation and sanitation fund financial analysis to utilize a new consultant and this is the one that and that a hybrid model we'll call it a hybrid because it's all the options right hybrid model would be part of that analysis if that's the if that's the not the preconceived outcome because uh uh exclusive single holder could be the solution but to commissioner Fernandez's Point uh if if there's a bifurcation of some sort you know let's at least have that return is an option so I think if that's the recommendation uh I don't have a vote or yeah I think by acclamation we can or by acclamation we could do it by acclamation but by ACC Rosen Gonzalez is yeah oh that thank you all right so we show by acclamation thank you moving to the 1031 if if if if I may i' like to defer item number 20 item number which one item number 20 let me see I I I'm sorry I I announced at the beginning item number 20 is is um is deferred yeah okay thank you cool okay perfect uh we will move on to the 1031 time certain um let's hear item number 18 uh commissioner B I believe that this is your item I'm sorry can I to do with the last time can I just read the the items title for the record feel free to everybody correct me on procedure this is a work in progress we're all we're all do okay uh number 18 18 uh is discussed sponsorship of the uh M Mia Media Group Legacy 20th anniversary gal and the amount not to exceed $225,000 for the 2024 event number 18 yeah this is um without belaboring the history too much this is a an important um blackowned Media Company um one of the largest in the country that has not had an event here in many many many years for unfortunate reasons and they are eager to come back and bring the business of having this Legacy Gala event um back to the city and I think um that it is the right thing to do and with that I will turn it over to Heather Shaw to te it up in more detail thank you commissioner Heather Shaw assistant director Economic Development good morning everyone um commissioner I think you you really laid the the foundation Mia um Media Group is an organization that publishes um articles and and um information about the black community of the black diaspora of Miami they are having a a 20th anniversary Legacy Gala um it's going to take place on Miami Beach they have not been in Miami Beach for as the commissioner said a number of years uh they've been going outside of Miami and we think this is a wonderful opportunity to bring them back to Miami Beach it is an opportunity for us to partner with them to highlight honor and celebrate um the black community and the leadership and the Next Generation this is also sponsored has been sponsored and endorsed by the Miami Beach black Affairs advisory committee um and um they are going to be able to also continue um with their through their publication and through our sponsorship we're also going to be able to um utilize their services to promote and attract and retain um diverse businesses on Miami Beach and if if I might just add um they recently published a cover article about our chief of police Wayne Jones which was terrific and um uh I believe mayor uh Daniela LaVine Cava is our is their new honorary chair honorary chair so this is a high profile terrific event and um we are often asked to support high-profile terrific events for the community and I don't see why we wouldn't do the same for this one are you moving that I'll move it I'll second Perfect all in favor y we can show by acclamation yes thank you thank you heather this is a great event and thank you commissioner bot for bringing this um Heather also if you want to stay uh we will move on to an update from the economic development department and uh I believe the Lincoln Road bid may want to be a part of this as well was that your intent commissioner Fernandez 41st stre 41st 41 I'm sorry I was looking at you heel and said that no Freudian slip good morning on chair and Commissioners Rael Williams assistant city manager so the item before you outlines many of the activities undertaken by The Economic Development Department I know that uh the sponsor commissioner Fernandez requested to uh tee up the conversation about 41st Street prior to doing so if I may turn your attention to a section of the memorandum that speaks to the Normandy aisle area in Prior for discussion s uh back in October of last year the F entertained a conversation about the city providing chairs and tables and umbrellas at the Normandy Fountain area uh the committee recommended that we go and speak to the Normandy Fountain Business Association uh that currently has an agreement with the city to activate the area to see if they may be open to amending that agreement to allow them to sort of manage the table and chair operation at the Normandy Fountain area so the action that we're seeking today on this item uh specific to the Normandy Fountain area would be to recommend to the commission that we negotiate an amendment with the Normandy Fountain Business Association so that we can get that process going this has sort of been tabled since October since the committee had not met and this item uh had not come before the committee so I just wanted to point that out as a a potential action item for uh this uh memorandum thank you very much um commissioner Fernandez did you want to uh what direction did you want to go here well I'd like to get uh you know more more more details from from the 41st Street bid uh as to the discussions they've been engaging in the process that was engaged uh just you know just a little bit more insight as to what's been happening on 41st stre sure so commissioner the economic development department is the official liaison to to the mayor's 41st Street Blue Ribbon committee we have also been the liaison for the newly formed 41st Street business improvement district uh which was approved by the commission as well as a majority of the property owners on 41st Street so the discussions uh related to the 41st Street committee as to potential opportunities on 41st Street has been going on for a number of years uh the 41st Street bid although recently formed they've been very active and engaged they been meeting um monthly at least and they have hired an executive director and they really want to promote opportunities on 41st Street both from a marketing perspective as well as a Redevelopment perspective you may recall that in the past the city commission authorize a request for letters of interest for redevelopment of uh city-owned properties near 41st Street the 41st Street committee has supported uh that via motion the administration did Issue a rli uh 12 responses were received uh the Administration has not uh taken any further steps uh essentially there has been no Direction uh following receipt of those uh expressions of interest and so the 41st Street committee continues to uh advocate for exploring that opportunity and I believe the 41st Street bid is also potentially interested in that opportunity commissioner rosing Andel I don't think there's any doubt that 41st Street needs help one thing that has baffled me recently though is that U the forge what's happening with the forage property because I think that has really left a gap okay we don't have any place to go and eat or have a drink or anything like that can can you guys give us an update on that I know that David grman had said that he was going to do something in that spot and then it just disappear commissioner that is the information that we have received as well we have not gotten any further up updates on what the activation of the forge will be and the timing of that activation uh Ira Giller is here the the president of the bid I'm not sure if he has any additional information from that property owner but at this time we do not have any further information I would I would love for um for hi Mr Geller um I would love for you guys independently of this to reach out and find out what is going on could the city of Mii Beach offer them any sort of incentive to get the place up and running and open again that's something that we can probably if we work with the property owners get done you know like get done now um I would ask you guys I don't know if I have to bring a separate item and single out the business to do it or if we can just do this here at the committee level but that is important don't you guys agree 100% yeah so we'd like to find out what's going on with the forage property I know that we had a very ambitious project uh we how much how much money do we have budgeted like 8 million I'm I'm sorry for the geobond street skate project uh the initial budget was 15 million I'm not sure of the balance as it stands today as it has gone through uh several months of the design and review process and uh the permitting process so I'm not sure how much has been expended to date but the budget is 15 million so we are moving forward in a design a redesign of the sidewalks and okay so that that's good that at least we're moving forward I'm glad that we have a bid Mr Gill do you want to give us any updates on what's Happening on 41st Street i' be delighted to thank you um the bid really came into effect in December uh we've been meeting as as you said monthly we have a a board meeting next week one of the big agenda items to talk about is to dream together as to where we're going as a street there's recognition that we need to change uh and Revitalize 41st Street by bringing in some more restaurants some better tenants a better mix of tenants and that if we work collectively together as Property Owners we can begin to focus in on targeting these new uh uh uh categories of of uh prospective tenants we have a commitment from the property owners in establishing the bid to put our money where our mouth is and make things happen and make things change in 41st Street uh We've hired an executive director uh Amy is here with us today and we've uh received our first uh uh group of funds from uh collecting of the uh tax through the city uh we received that in in February and early March and we're finally getting everything in position uh I think uh several property owners have an interest in looking seriously at redeveloping their properties uh there's some questions as to whether uh giving away or however the structure may be on the parking lots on some of those uh rli that we think we want to look at and what we think to be fair to the current property owners fair to what can develop uh the street in the best way so I think it's going to it's going to go through a bit of a process in evaluating how best to move forward and that's our immediate agenda in the next couple of months uh ultimately we would like the bid to also become very much a marketing entity that once we have a clear direction for the future uh that we're moving uh along in in that uh area uh and as uh most of you have seen there have been the releases I've made a commitment to put my money where my mouth is I've got before the planning board uh this coming Tuesday a new office building on the property that I own on the south side of 41st Street I think that is a catalyst the uh the renovation of the streetcape with the $10 million from the from the city are going to begin to set the momentum of where we're going with 41st Street and I think uh I think the next year or two are going to be very exciting two years from now I think we're going to see a very different 41st Street than we have today Mr G I appreciate your commitment to the city uh exciting updates uh commissioner Rosen Gonzalez I will work to ensure that by our next firk meeting we have an update uh for the property owner that is going forward with the forge they can come and present to us uh where they stand uh let me recognize my colleague commissioner bot thank thank you IA it's always a pleasure to see you thank you um I would love to know uh what is happening with the Rosevelt theater as a 13year resident of the bashore neighborhood and having um brought my kids to Temple bom crossing right there um for many many years my God cheering section I love it can you guys come to all of our meetings um it is such a gorgeous space and I've lived here 21 years and it's never once been open or utilized and I know it's private property and the owner can do with it what he or she chooses but there's any way to and I by the way I loved your phrase of our meeting is going to be convened to dream together about what we for I love that phrase I'm totally stealing that from you but um that would be I mean that's that's an entry point to our city and if we saw that activated and with lights on and and keeping that gorgeous iconic facade um and have it be a theater or a restaurant or who knows what it would be the property owners there are part of our group and we we will get into that that discussion one of the reasons it's lingered all these years is the theater itself had asbestos in the plaster in the walls uh and property owners have been uh very scared of getting into it and it's been through multiple property owners uh another aspect of it is the city went through a down zoning 15 20 years ago 20 years ago already that affected what we can build on 41st Street one of the things we want to look at is how we deal with that in making the transition if you took the Roosevelt Theater and you put in an extra four and just built it out as as office space or as a restaurant space it exceeds the FL area ratio that's currently allowed as is true with a lot of buildings on 41st Street you couldn't build the Giller building today the size that it is you couldn't build the uh 801 building you could couldn't build the uh the 333 building you couldn't build the uh the Bank building uh on on pin tree because they were built prior to a 2.25 uh f one of the things that we want to tackle with the with the bid is to let's look at the zoning and perhaps there's an overlay zoning uh approach that we need to take to re Revitalize uh 41st Street without creating a huge density increase but recognize that we've got buildings that we need to get creative in how we solve the the uh the going forward and how we make the economics work within the limitations we have and maybe it we have to revisit uh what the f is it used to be three on 41st Street now it's 2.25 that makes it difficult parking is another key issue that we need to look at how do we integrate that how does parking reflect with uh all these buildings that exist now that have never had requir for parking the city provided the parking lots in the back on 42nd Street and on 40th Street well going forward if we're going to be giving out those spaces for redevelopment how are we still going to provide for parking parking is a huge commodity in the 41st Street well I will say Thank you Mr Gill I'll Echo commissioner bot where we need to prepare for the city that we want to be in the future not what we are right now so uh it seems like you are the localized experts you certainly have our ear and our attention uh So the plan that you would like to see forward uh come back with a comprehensive plan and and you certainly have uh I don't want to say our support but certainly our attention uh commissioner Fernandez yes and certainly I um I think Mr attorney we should work on an item uh to send to the land use and sustainability committee to on specifically you know what zoning we can look at as economic incentives and economic engines uh for for 41st Street whether it be parking or setbacks or height or or or even F you know what it is what's sufficient uh that we need to be looking at at in Our Land Development regulations that could help uh 41st Street uh I got to say when I um I often go up to Surfside and I see Harding Avenue uh and I was having this conversation with our CFO the the other day because he he comes from the from from surfite he used to work there and I see Harding Avenue and I see in hard Avenue the energy that should be on 41st Street and it all it almost seems like it all emanates from The Grove it seems like the Grove is what brings everyone together and it all just like kind of like flows out of there and it there's Community built around there um and I I just I I see we've got uh Seth gadinski I see we got yakel sement here just want to recognize him if I may Mr sh because I think they wanted to speak as well um but I'd like to to to get input from them feedback from them and I'd also like to know you know what happened with the 12 responses I'd love to get an overview on the rli the 12 responses uh how that plays a role into you know supporting the economy of of 41st Street how does it how can it be used uh to um to even help some of the property owners to redevelop their their properties and avoid having the level vacancies um or the lower quality retail that we have right now there's just no very little energy uh there the moment so uh Rael you could give us just a little bit on those uh 12 responses and then we could hear from Seth and yel while Seth is coming up i' what we really need to do now and the focus of the business improvement district is going to be to come up with a comprehensive overview and a comprehensive plan that's going to take several months to evolve we're working on that uh uh uh but it's it's not going to be here's a 30-day response and here here's a 30-day plan but my one admonition is that we do it holistically we can't just deal with parking we can't just deal with how do we deal with traffic we can't just deal with uh zoning we got to put it all together that takes time that takes a partnership of of as you say dreaming together with the administration with the property owners with the tenants and being realistic about what we can and cannot do given the fact that 41st Street is a major major artery and entrance to the city and at the same time we're looking for some passive Solutions in a very hight trffic Street that's a challenge we need to rise to the challenge and and make it make it work but that doesn't happen overnight sure but the city commission needs to be involved because ultimately the 41st Street committee and the bid uh can have these ideas uh you disc discussing those ideas at the bid you know does we need to have the commission involved we need to have these updates because ultimately you guys may have ideas but if the city commission is not comfortable with them or we feel we can't you know sell it to the broader Community you've wasted your time and so we need to be involved in in the process we need to be getting these regular updates so that we can be giving you the feedback so that at the end of of the process of you know six months or a year of you all doing your hard work we don't say well you know so sorry you know you guys went down the wrong direction we're going to throw out all of your time and work you know and so this is we agree this is a multifaceted partnership and it's going to take time it took us a year to create the bid the bid finally got in place in December and we we've got we're getting going but we're excited about it commission does the owner of the Roosevelt Theater have a number that he wants for that theater because I think like if you reopen the forge and then we we issue a revenue Bond we buy the Roosevelt Theater without giving him I know he wanted to do a land Swap and take our like Waterfront parking lot but everybody that lot I don't think is up for grabs I don't think any of the residents that live in that area want to give up that lot they park there and they go to Cafe Avan so you know without giving up our land is there a number what is that number and can we purchase it because we can purchase that theater renovate that theater open the forge right there without building anything you have a reason to come to 41st Street right and and and we bring people there so the chair if I could just share that the Roosevelt Theater did submit an expression of Interest or letter of interest to redevelop not only their property but the city's property that's adjacent to it so one of those 12 responders is the owner of the Roosevelt Theater they had also previously submitted a proposal to the city uh for redevelopment opportunity utilizing both their land and the city's land so I just wanted to put that out there we don't have a number they have not expressed uh wanting to sell the property to the city but that's something that we could discuss with them I mean everybody has a number I think that you know if we reject what they offered and say we want to purchase it um you know Seth I know you know the owner of the Rosevelt I know you came forward and the community we held the community meeting everybody was up in arms that whole neighborhood did not want to give up their uh parking lot uh and we shouldn't have to we should just be a I I don't know I'm sure he wants to sell it it's vacant it's sitting there well like your job my job is to build consensus on the street as well to make things happen and the people that are going to make things happen are going to be the property owners that are in the bid one of the reasons we've struggled the last five or six years in getting to where we are we didn't have all the people at the table that were people that had the money to put up to make things happen we're there now uh we''ve work we'll continue to work with the mayor's Blue Ribbon committee that Seth so ay shared and created and and so on we need to work with the commission we need to work with the administration we have to deal with the fact that it's an f. Road and they have certain impositions that come to play it's not an easy solution but I think today we can all stand together and say we're all ready to do something about it we've been talking about it for many years now we're ready to do something about it listen I'm ready like it's very from our perspective given the fact that we get ridiculous amounts of emails regarding traffic on 41st Street to cross it to go east west north south I like just horrific so I mean from a development perspective I I saw actually a picture of your uh new project which is mixed use which we welcome because we haven't seen any development at all on 41st Street so that's fine at the same time how do you mitigate that because we were out at f. trffic facility there are no Traffic Solutions they told us just like that they said we have no Solutions all we have um and and and when we we challenge them on the programming of the traffic lights what they said to us is yes they will tell you that the traffic lades are programmed but that they have no arteries where to send the cars so they're saying that they're programming it it's it's very hard for us to increase density can you imagine if we increase density um a lot there and then it would just be gridlock people won't be able to get on and off the beach there's no way to widen it I mean like it's a it's kind of a mess I mean it how can we I listen I'm willing to accept some new development but that you know what happened in North Beach for example we did this North Beach North Beach master plan and what it was supposed to be was eight story beautiful buildings up and down 71st Street right those eight-story buildings somehow grew into 22 story uh monstrosities of which you saw the first one built which really 71st Street at this point I mean some of those intersections that are all by the way every single intersection is at F failure um along the 41st Street Corridor so you have to keep that in mind as you're doing this and if you did want to do we have the master plan in terms of zoning I think you need to start out with the master plan and if you come to us and say format a master zoning plan let's start there and let's follow that that zoning plan and then you know seriously if the owner of the Rosevelt Hotel knows that we're not going to give him the lot would he be willing to sell at what price I mean these are something is he willing to fix up the building and we we solve the problem of the zoning issues that don't have a significant impact on traffic and don't have a significant impact on on the neighborhood that's a good approach but I don't think we've been approaching it that way we now say this is where we have to go so I we've got an existing building stock that is is stuck in it can't do much of anything until we solve some of these problems the the the the the traffic problem is a city problem it's a Citywide problem 41st Street happens to be the most intense use part of it is as a result of the MacArthur Causeway and and 395 and we're stuck with that for the next three years I'm not telling you anything you don't know already we've got to think beyond that it's good having this conversation Mr chair I'd like to hear from Seth and you I place this item on the agenda in part because I want to hear from from them as well I wanted to hear from Mr Giller from but I think it's also important to hear from Seth and youel if if we could recognize some hi thank you Seth K do I have to give my address and all that stuff for yeah 3530 Pine Tree Drive uh thanks for having us it's been a long time to get here and I'm I'm glad we're here so just a little bit history answering a lot of questions youve both had but first of all I chaired the uh uh 41st Street committee for four years and I termed out and now it's in the very cable hands of yil and Bonnie Crabtree who's the vice chair who's here as well who are U you know we're made up of a bunch of dedicated citizens with only one goal and that is to improve the lot of 41st Street and uh basically we've worked to get consensus almost every one of our our um uh motions is unanimous it's a really great working committee and wonderful people I also I'm a property owner on 41st Street and I am a member of the bid and worked with Ira to help get this and Amy to help get get this thing going so I have a dual role um some that's some of the questions the um first of all on the the forge it's under construction they haven't yet said what it is they're going to do maybe the chair will be able to find out that but it is under construction and the timeline is the end of this year early next year my guess it's probably going to end up being a kind of a very high-end exclusive kind of an establishment which I'm great it'll be activated if it's that it's not going to do a whole lot for the street but it will give it some Pizzazz and you can't it's better than an empty building so that's that as far as the Roosevelt because I've been working with them uh for a while and this what kicked off the whole RFI process was this unsolicited letter of interest to combine their building with the lot next door but even prior to that just so you know I was working with Tom money in the city actually developed a plan that the city Drew to build a freestanding parking deck on that lot um basically was a about a four-story parking garage and the backside of along the canal was had housing lining the backside and little commercial on the water side not on the chase side it was a really nice plan so as far as all the residents don't want it I I mean they're probably the people that live next door don't want it but I I don't think it's fair to make a blanket statement and say nobody wants it the Roosevelt Theater what they want to do is they want to combine knock their building down and do something really special you know the Roosevelt theater by the way it's great from the outside if you walk inside it's disgusting it's gutted there's no historical value inside so what I've said to the owners is listen if you want to redevelop it you have to do you have to treat the facade right historically you can't just get rid of it because it's beautiful so they understand that but the notion that this the people that have lived on the beach have this romantic notion about the Roosevelt Theater but it's pretty much gone except for the facade I'm all for saving it don't get me wrong but the think that you can just activate that is is just uh probably not going to happen um as far as would they sell it I don't know that's a separate question and that's something we could discuss with them but you know getting back to the so that the unsolicited letter of interest led to well we can't just talk about that what are we going to do with the rest of the stuff and that led to the rli to see is their interest in people coming to 44 Street worldclass type developers to do something special and there was significant interest which we've talked about there was 11 11 right 12 real serious proposals um one of them from a developer who who be doing work for a grocery chain which in my conversations was a very popular notion some of the some of the negatives people are what about the traffic which of course everybody knows I live right around there anybody knows it's bad but that traffic has not been caused by development there hasn't been anything built in this city that you could point to in the last three to five years which is created as traffic I believe and this is also just an opinion I'll preface it with that that during Co when the prices Rose a lot of people that lived on the beach got priced out of the beach but they still work here they have kids in school here and you have now a real serious rush hour of people that probably working here and they're Le leaving the beach we see and the bid and the 41st Street committee are in lock step on this is that if you do Workforce housing mixed use live work play type of thing maybe you bring some of these people back maybe they don't have to travel the distances so instead of just discounting and saying there's too much traffic the idea would be to put out an RFP for these Lots let these people spend their own money on their Architects or Engineers traffic consultants and come back and say this this is what we plan to do and this is how we're going to amarate the current situation the city can say no to all of it this happens all the time they put out rfps for the Lots all over the city years ago and did nothing with it it's well within the bounds of the commission to reject it all but if you don't even start the process we will never know what could be done 41st Street to thrive needs more density it needs more mixed use it needs people living there and that will attract the better retailers and the better restaurants it's all par parel I appreciate it and I buy into the argument of our traffic hasn't been compounded by new development because there really hasn't been any new development and in fact we're going to have to become a more self sustaining City because a lot of the development is happening on the other side of the bay which is going to create even more bottlenecks uh he let me turn it over to you and I do want to recognize that we're probably not going to take action here on this item so this is just an update but uh uh to Mr Giller Point uh understand a comprehensive plan can't be turned around in 30 days um but nothing me more than the bureaucracy of government I'd love to see something come back uh much sooner than a year's time uh because let's start putting some of these Visions into motion you've done a great job with the committee um let's start implementing this you he let me turn over to you a few things so number one I know it's like to sit on that side so I apologize for the derailing uh of the meeting apologies uh but you know just really want to take a minute to thank the city staff they put in a lot of hard work uh really just serving as the liaison between us and the commission so thank you for your support thanks to everyone here for their support and thanks to everyone on the committee uh my vice chair Bonnie kbry who's incredible uh and everyone else that serves there really just want to take two minutes just to let you all know that there is definitely a need to try and do something on 41st Street there definitely is traffic I live on Mid Beach I live right off of 41st Street my parents live there we're all there I've got little kids I walk to school we stuck in the traffic I get it um lemon you know Seth's point to what he said earlier to what you kind of see there hasn't been a tremendous amount of new development that's really contributing to that there are other issues right there whether it's been the uh the you know the build outs that have kind of removed one of the Turning Lanes going to 41st Street um which is a problem which I'm not sure why that happened but that was before everyone on here uh which hopefully can be fixed and that will at least help um something that the I think it was the commission approved but the removal of one of the or two of the traffic lights on 40th Street and putting in stop signs has definitely helped on residents have appreciated that so that's something the 41st Street committee really pushed for thank you all for pushing that through um but in terms of the surface parking lots right now they are just that surface parking lots and everyone knows that that is the most underutilized um type of real estate that you could possibly have obviously um the parking that's on 41st streate is needed but we're not suggesting that anything that comes through this rli process removes that parking we understand we need parking we understand it needs to be accessible so anything that the commission could push forward through this RFI process should mandate that there be part working it should also mandate in my opinion that there be some type of you know retailer which will help keep people out of their cars driving to South Beach North Beach all the other places they have to get into their cars and go to but instead walk right or take some of the side streets to be able to access things that we need in our community such as a grosser additionally and this is you know an ask but one of the things that I think is really lacking in this city is housing that people can afford to live in you know we have people that have to go to the city of Miami and all the other neighboring cities because they can no longer afford to live in this Dreamland that we called Miami Beach so to the extent that there is a way to include some type of Workforce housing uh which I know you know many of us have tried to consider how we can include that um I think that would be something that's really important at the end of the day the surface parking lots of which there are many surrounding 41st Street is probably the best way to approach that uh through this public private partnership so thank you for your consideration and and any and all advocacy yes uh would like to move on but yes let's keep it concise by yes no go go well rock paper scissors list I would like to commend commissioner Fernandez because he did uh protect the surface laws by putting them on a referendum so at this point we know that whatever does happen has to go to a vote of the public and everybody has to approve what it is and that could be a supermarket um I have an item right now to protect a lot adjacent to North Beach Elementary because I don't think the parents are going to want to have to go into a lot and I don't think those homes along there are going to appreciate a public right there I have a um one thing that is missing on 41st Street um is and you can actually call up maybe my item on this because this is important is there was no Gathering space and they tried to do a market and because there were no trees in any of the Lots uh there was no shaded space there was no place that could be converted so I have an item right now it seems like a lot of money um one and a half million dollars to plant trees on that lot adjacent to North Beach Elementary but I guarantee you if you plant those trees and you make it transformative then you will have I know I know that's your lot that you're dying to get Mr ginsky I know I know you want it but it really is the schools it's the schools it's the school's lot it's not a commercial lot and I don't think it should ever be and I don't think our electorate will ever vote to give that up so I think it's kind of a pipe dream um if go to the other lots that lot is the elementary schools and frankly possibly at some points in time maybe the temples I mean that lot serves purpose okay and um and and and there is we should be able to just drive up easily and you know go have a coffee and a bagel you know and and and go to the hardware store and I know you know so so I don't think that that lot is ever going to be up for grabs and I don't think that it will ever pass at referenda you can continue to we put the protection in place that what was the percentage commissioner Fernandez the electorate voted I think it was just a majority it was a majority so I mean you know we could you know propose you could propose something else I don't see it happening not on that lot not on North Beach Elementary's parking lot um so you know may I respond to yes sorry one of the conversations I had early on day one with the with the grocer was that they had to honor the drop off and the pickup at the school that that was a non-starter and and create enough parking for for that and by the way just just as an example it take 10 seconds it's 11:40 one the public in Surf Side has an elevated right it's on top of the ground floor so if if I may just to you know just to close on my item I I just need to know okay Mr Giller how much time does your committee need uh to to to work in this and is there Communications between between the 41st stre committee and the bid to the latter yes to the former I would say it's probably a 3 to six month process three to six month process okay and I think in the inter we need to have communication so We're Dreaming together Monica my Aid Monica is in the back of the room I want to have monthly meetings with you Mr Giller on this this is important uh this is this is the main one of the main Thor Affairs of our city and I want to make sure uh that we bring back something that's that that's good uh you've heard some some pretty good feedback here I have to agree with my with my colleague commissioner Rosen Gonzalez the only thing that can kill anything good happening on 41st Street is not understanding well the electorate it's not understanding well the pulse of the public the public whose trust we need to maintain in order to advance anything on 41st Street and I do believe that touching that lot behind roers and toaster and next to to to the school will'll get in the way of progress and that we cannot do uh that I firmly believe that because ultimately we need buying from my perspective we need to be looking at the whole cter and not looking at the individual lot to but I'll just leave the grocery store is a critical element I'm sorry Mr gber you haven't been recognized I'm sorry I'm sorry um I get from my perspective you know you know even listen I want to see us in incentivize the owner of of the of the theater to renovate their property and how great would it be if or to preserve that beautiful facade and activate that important space and what if we we use air rights behind their property where they keep the lot the parking lot is not touched but they build above the lot and to as an incentive for them to bring that space back into into activity so that we stop St seeing homeless people there so that we stop seeing smoke shops and vay shops opening up there so that we stop seeing the ailments that we've seen happen there and we can only do that by activating we always hear from our police to solve problems and to promote the economy of the area you need positive activation and so and so you know keep that in mind something that I'd be very open to is using air right where you preserve the lot build above the lot to encourage and incentivize the the Redevelopment and the preservation of of as much as we can of the Roosevelt Theater which right now is in the heart in the center of 41st Street and it's completely vacant and dead and it's depressing 40 41st Street and I think that needs to be a priority of both committees uh and so I want to have this monthly meeting with you my Aid is in the back of the room she'll get with you to to schedule these meetings uh and Mr chair I think is the 41st Street committee a sunshin meeting that right okay so I I say we Center these discussions around here we we can go back and forth we're not going to take any action commissioner Bots um I I get a little worried when we say no to things before we even see a comprehensive proposal it's hard for me to imagine what could be because I don't have the benefit of the couple of years of discussion that's already taking place I think the feedback you've gotten here is very useful but I don't want to say no before I've even seen a comprehensive plan I do feel very comfortable um that you're leading this Ira because of who you are what your background is what your family's background means to the city uh the built City here um and other places as well and so I'm going to wait to uh you know have judgment on what gets proposed until I see and hear what gets proposed and I um I know that you are all collectively very um uh cautious about or or thoughtful about what you are going to propose as it affects the neighborhood the schools the businesses that exist the needs for affordable housing the traffic impacts so do the work come back to us let's make sure nobody goes too far off the rails in One Direction or another um so that's what I wanted to say about 41st Street I actually wanted to come back to the Normy Fountain thing for a quick second I know it's small potatoes and I don't know if if he's still here but is um Mr bue still in the room oh God could you've been any closer here um so the reason the reason I'm I'm calling you out and you don't have to answer here I don't want to put you on the spot but it's a very small Financial ask for tables and chairs for the Normandy Fountain would it be something because I know you're very generous with the city in terms of providing various public benefits okay thank you for for the bushe brothers to donate the chairs and tables for the Normandy Fountain business if I don't know if that's legal I don't know what I did I might get hauled off to jail I'm not sure but if it is legal through through the chair love that while the administration and the city collectively appreciates donations it is a very minimal cost it's about $3,500 so uh while we would appreciate the donation we can also uh afford to purchase the tables and chairs if it were the will of the committee um we just want to have a recommendation from the committee to negotiate with the Normandy found Business Association to amend its existing agreement to allow for them to manage the uh Logistics of the tables and chairs that's the action that we're looking for from the committee today I will I will make a motion to do that and I know it's only $3,500 and I know we can find it in our budget but we are buying properties and adding services is Left Right and Center we're about to go into the the budget um uh negotiation process so every $3,500 we can save is is good so if it's it's incredible listen when we have a partner in our city that we can rely on to be there and say something like done I think we need to recognize them so uh Steve to you and your family thank you for that it's uh means a tremendous amount of support for the community so thank you and through the chair before we close just I wanted to add on to commissioner Fernandez's statements about the land use committee I recall that the land use committee uh recommended that the planning department uh have a meeting with the 41st Street bid and the 41st Street committee as well as the North Beach CRA advisory committee to talk about uses this came as a result of the conversation about hotel uses and incentivizing residential uses in the city so that conversation is being planned and I think we should keep that in mind as the bid goes and does their work on a comprehens of plan perfect thank you so much uh so just if I can I'm going to ask Raquel to help me out with the the after action for this as we close it out there's a recommendation to go back to commission with a favorable recommendation for the staff to work with the Normandy Fountain Business Association to amend its existing agreement amend the existing agreement thank you and we show Clos thank you uh want to get to some I I know we have some really really important items uh three that I want to spend some time on the uh Barkley the educational enhancements and Live Nation uh they will take a little bit of time so I'm just going to see some things that maybe we can get move forward get through in just a few minutes uh we have uh an 11:30 time certain item number 23 uh future proof so I think collectively this spring break has just been Phenom uh thus far has been phenomenal we have decided who we do not want to be as a city it is time that we fill the vacuum and the voidance say who we want to be as the city so uh Mr CFO do you want to tee this up uh I'm sorry it was just wrri down that that was item number 23 oh uh this is okay this is item 43 I think we have 23 I'm sorry yeah for 23 here this is the future roof I believe you have a representative of the organization here I don't know if they making a presentation Matt Middleton mat yes I can if if You' like like yeah I I think uh you've presented to a number of different neighborhood committees the ask here is going to be just to move this ahead to the commission so uh theme of the day don't want to blabber things that um we don't need to so Lizette if you want to come up uh and provide your thoughts and feedback but my intention here is to sit here uh move this to the entire commission and try and get uh either a yes or no whether we want to include this in part of our um opportunity to fill the vacuum the void left by spring break with positive activation that is not overwhelming to the city uh but really pivots our city in a direction that we want to move sure uh thank you Mr chair sorry I'm under the weather L rante director of Tourism and culture for City of Miami Beach and we met with Mr Matt Middleton uh in late February this is an event that's been brought to us from our partners at the gmcvb it is known as a big uh Financial um conference uh it's been very successful in Huntington Beach they're proposing to bring it to Miami Beach uh they wanted the Lumis Park area uh we discussed um Collins park because they're requesting the dates in March of 2025 so given all the conversations that we're having now uh but we would need uh we don't have any concerns we looks like a good event and it's also been vetted by the gmcvb so for us it would be more of discussion at commission regarding their like that okay um so don't need to bog this committee down in logistics a year in advance advance I think uh what I'd be looking for uh Mr Middleton maybe if you want to give a one minute overview um my thought is to move this Ahad to our commission and direct our more than competent staff to figure out some of the logistics I have questions yes about it yeah uh why don't we turn it over to the presenter if you want to go through for a minute two minutes I don't want to uh cut you off short but um that's the intent is just to put in our hands of the capable staff great well appreciate the time and attention to this matter uh Matt Middleton CEO of advice Circle Creator future proof Festival um as um we discussed we launched this event back in 20202 out in Huntington Beach and it's focused on the financial services industry mostly the wealth management space so it's a multi- thousanders event that brings Financial professionals together the theme and thesis of this is to modernize both the events industry moving away from traditional ballrooms into vibrant uh cultural centers and then changing the Optics of the financial services industry which is predominantly rigid um we are looking at creating a more modern multigenerational audience that uh again attracts uh both a high net worth individual consumer base but also as a financial professional these are decision makers representing businesses so as we look for you know really what has been happening over the last uh several years here in March with spring break I've paid a lot of attention I've been here five out of the last eight weeks now just to get an understanding of what it is like to be here I've met with many residence groups uh I met with a couple of you all already and discussed really what it would look like to be have a long-term partnership and so I am very careful in the places that we launch our events in the people we partner in because this is not something I plan to move I want our event to be synonymous with Miami Beach I want us to grow and build together and I look at this is very much parallel to what I created on hington beach at the time Co basically shut the entire industry down and we were the first real event in our industry that came out and came out in a different way and I look at the similarities to what's going on here with spring break and the type of people and you guys have been done an amazing job over the last several weeks to basically stop what was once you know a kind of a stain for this month on the on the city and I'm looking to partner with you all to actually now create a Resurgence for the city uh alongside us and so you let me recognize my colleague commissioner Fernandez thank you um and I think this is this sounds great uh it sounds very energetic and very much aligned with uh with the city that we want to be especially during this this time of the year it aligns with the transformation we're pushing for um you know you when you break up you don't want to rebound quickly you know um and last meeting we brought something and we said we're not ready to to discuss it yet and we said let's bring it back to the May meeting because we don't know what next uh year is going to look like we don't know the outcome of all these measures and so you know we're deciding to go different routes we're we're saying for some things we're going to say for some things for next year we're not ready to make a decision yet let's come back in May to take action in May because we don't know we're going to have the barricades we don't know if we're going to have curfews we don't know if garages are going to be Clos or if parking's going to be $100 or if the beaches are going to be open or not or whether we're going to have sidewalk cafes or not and we don't know uh you know what measures we're going to keep in place for next year so we told the event that came before us before this the same body last year I last month oh let's discuss you in May you know I just want us to be aware of you know we can't uh uh you know take two separate positions on kind of the same subject matter I to totally I 100,000% agree how I bifurcate in this m uh in my mind commissioner was we're pivoting away from the mega activation concert party and things like that and Mr Middleton I think we're talking about that uh attraction would attract somewhere around 45 to 60,000 people your event from reading online uh is about 4,000 business Executives so you know essentially the feedback we got from spring break you did a great job shutting down the party now what kind of feels that void in vacuum I like you am not ready to have the discussion of do we do a largely activated concert but this is something that is one I read the memo Sunday to Wednesday so it's not going to be a high impact weekend but this is and we can be flexible right like it's Logistics if it doesn't make sense for Lumis Park and we have an event behind the Raleigh or in Collins Park uh and maybe we get to a point in two years where this doesn't have to be mutually exclusive with the event that was proposed if we have pivoted from spring break far enough I don't think your event is of the size or scale where where we'd say this is our Flagship March event we can't have anything else this I'm all for it listen I'm all I'm all for it I think I I think I think it's great I just urge you believe be flexible and I told you in my in my office I think I think you told me actually in my office I think you told me you were looking up upwards of 10,000 people long term okay um but uh but I just urge you be flexible because you know you may be bringing 10,000 uh people into the city but you know we might have the barricades set up we might have this these these big you know street lights up there you know you you might have closure of garages and and early Beach closures and deployment of 18 police agencies and 600 police officers and DUI checkpoints and all this other uh stuff that you know just be mindful that we haven't determined whether whether we want to continue any of these measures for next year or not uh but certainly you seem of the caliber that would Elevate uh this time period in in our city and uh and I know you reached out to many of the neighborhood associations even before you reached out to many of the members of this committee and it certainly was reassuring to to know that uh that the neighborhood associations supported it uh I'm certainly happy to support it as well thank you let me recognize my colleague commissioner bot and then commissioner schars um I I will be moving this but I I just want to say for the record I'm not pining on anybody's caliber I'm sure yours is excellent but other people's uh caliber is also excellent um I think the difference is that we were asked a month ago or three weeks ago um about a much larger scale impact um event that would um that we had to decide on at pretty much that moment in order to make a decision for next year and nobody was comfortable doing that at that time given the scale I know 10,000 down the road potentially but we could also say you know what we're we're not comfortable going to 10,000 you know based on what we've seen let's keep it at 5 whatever but so um the flexibility is going to be key we don't know what next year is going to look like or two or three years out from here and um if this works well if this goes forward and we just continue to collaborate and and figure out a way to make it happen that's great but I will I would like to to move this forward commissioner SAR yeah um hi Mr Middleton um thank you Mr chair thank you thank you for bringing this to Miami Beach and it's it's very welcome you know time and time again there's always like oh let's have a party or let's have a concert I I think we're we're moving away from that and this is definitely a step in the right direction for for Miami Beach and and I appreciate it because March is a challenging month for us and you are going out of your way to make it happen uh and and it's a challenge and you know you have personally you have my full support because I think this is a great um I think this is a great message that we want to send to the rest of the world of what Miami Beach is about and we're not just we're no longer just a party town and we we are going to be a hub for finance Fitness Wellness um recreational Leisure and and most importantly a residential um city so thank you and you have my full support thank you thank you commissioner rosing is us anything I don't want to force it no I think it's a great marriage um as we've watched all of these different family offices from around the world frankly move here to Miami Beach and redevelop it's really is becoming a financial Hub and we see the titans of Industry like Ken Griffith moving his entire team down here it seems like it would um be a wonderful fit we already have we already sponsor a few very high-end Financial conferences says well we don't sponsor them excuse me there's one at the one hotel I know every year several there was just a a re one recently at the fountain blue I believe so I think it's a great um I think it's our best weather of the year and you know we're and if any programming were to we were to approve any programming I think that this type of stuff is where we want to go so thank you we've uh broken up with our biker boyfriend or girlfriend and moving forward with the new one in a linen suit okay um anybody else or shall we move this I'll second's motion if I can just um appears the item is to return the commission with a favor recommendation direct staff to negotiate a sponsorship agreement but it just a special event permit special event permit thank you yeah the one thing I would to lose the leverage there Mr CFO that's where I was going okay uh by acclamation we'll show by acclamation thank you excellent thank you thank you thank you Liz very much appreciated um just for those keeping track uh like to move to um let's hear the educational enhancements I I think we have people uh they're here ladies didn't seem so enthused with the waist haulers you know I didn't hear any clapping there but uh let's hear let's hear that then Live Nation and then we'll go to the Barkley um than ite I'm sorry item number three discuss funding for educational enhancements item number three okay so thank you Leslie for coming forward I was looking at the brilliant memo that Leslie has put forward um she's done a lot of work in expanding the committee for Quality education so that it not only includes um all of our Public Schools but also offers every you know there's certain programs that have you know lower costs but impact tremendous amount of students right and uh 22% of our students do attend different private schools and charter schools around the city of Miami Beach and uh when you look at the expense that these programs are going to cost based on Leslie's recommendations which is around $800,000 um the impact for the future of our kids um when you look at this $ 800,000 number versus our budget and what uh this group The 22 you know pay and property tax is I don't think it's a huge sacrifice and why wouldn't we invest I mean we just give a $225,000 sponsorship to a group that doesn't even you know come into our doesn't you know doesn't live in our city why wouldn't we have a recurring expense for you know all of um you know for why wouldn't we want to allow um certain things like the tutoring you know that's 5 some of these items are the cost is so low I looked at the menu that you provided Leslie I think it's reason reasonable um I I would like to hear from the parents who are here you guys have been uh sitting here very patiently to see how you feel um but I'm fine with what you were recommending and but it is important I want to hear from everybody here so do you guys want to come up and speak on this too and and Leslie do you want to start kick us off and then we'll hear from the parents and then go from there sure uh good morning everyone um just for clarification as a just a little bit of history at the last uh meeting uh the commission m MERS requested that I meet with the public I mean the private and charter schools that are located in Miami Beach I met with uh seven out of the 11 who have representation on the committee for Quality education I asked them to uh review and rank uh the current educational enhancements currently underway uh just to give us a an idea of what are those items that are of most interest um and what are all the items of Interest the um number that you see uh is really based on the cost currently allocated for the six Public Schools um and that and that cost is reflective of an impact on about 4,900 Miami Beach residents that attend our Public Schools we currently have about 1,400 Miami Beach residents that attend the private and charter schools from birth to to uh 12th grade of which 108 attend K to 12 so if we were contemplating a potential uh allocation to the private schools perhaps we consider it based on a per child allocation um which would be less than what you see reflected on the chart um I I don't know about you and I'd also like to hear from the parents but the schools would be kasad Bambini so we're so we're you know going the nursery school route well well actually of the of the list of 11 schools and all of those schools um are located on Miami Beach uh seven out of the 11 have appointed a qecc rep so four out of the schools one of them being C bini Bambini has not yet appointed a representative to the QC so I didn't meet with that school so when you look at it this would be benefiting lman Day School the Yeshiva Elementary School Temple Beth Shalom mahina of South Florida Hebrew Academy mat Academy and the montau at St John's what happened to St Patrick's they have not yet appointed a representative not yet okay I would like I we we have you reached out to St Patrick's yes I have okay so I'm going to probably work to get St Patrick's included there and um you know if you look at these amounts and what we're getting math tutoring College Prep mental health stem uh extracurricular steam reading interventionist IB Program you know it's all good stuff I mean of All the Monies that we spend the this is our future um and I have no problem um spending this money and if the public schools were upset in any way of the allocation or they wanted more I mean I think they're getting like serious mental health counselors nurses I mean serious expenses like beyond what what this is um right here but I you know even the common threads program at matter Beach Academy I mean what a great program to teach uh kids how to eat and cook healthy I mean these are just such positive initiatives they're wins for our community they really are I don't know how you feel about this and if we can make it happen just and by the way I do have a way to potentially fund this you know moving forward the um $75 million um uh grant that uh Mr Martin was asking for for the convention center hotel if we turn that into a uh you know loan per in perpetuity at 3% or 4% it'll fund all of this and more so right here everything funded you get the he gets the money for the Convention Center Hotel um he pays a poultry amount given the $75 million you know how hard it is to get a construction loan in this current environment we are giving him a gift and he will have to pay you know a small percentage moving forward instead of a grant it really it could be a win-win entirely funded I mean we don't want to just give away 75 Mill you know why of of our money so if and I know commissioner B that you were sponsoring that initial item I would go to David Martin and say we would like uh you know that instead of being a grant this could be just a long-term loan forever more at 3% 3 to 4% and it will fund everything commissioner thank you uh I want to bifurcate uh let's stick to the item you have my support for this there's nothing nothing more important to me than providing opportunities for our our children our next Generation I this goes to the theme that you've been hearing from this newly elected commission what you just heard on the last item we want to change the image of Miami Beach what we are who we are as a city and there's nothing more critical in doing that than providing the best educational opportunities for our next Generation I actually struggled with this item thought back and forth we public government should we provide funding to private sector schools private entity schools then I said well we actually don't operate our Public Schools those are Miami dat but the education that the County District provides is not adequate for us we want to go above and beyond right and that is why we're providing funding to our public school children that same opportunity should be afforded to the parents and the children regardless of where they send their children to school so um more than happy to get your input you can vote count and see that you have support from two Commissioners I'll turn it over to some of my other commissioner colleagues to see if you still feel like talking or you can hear the followup on wayto so um I agree that nothing is more important than educating our kids in the Next Generation I am supportive in principle on this measure I have a question though because when you look at the data provided um you know at our Public Schools most of our schools are um 80 to 90% public uh residents of Miami Beach when you look at these private schools that number drops a bit to 60 70 80% there's no problem with that my question is in the spirit of um making sure our resident tax dollars go to our resident families do we prate this so that we are paying for Resident kids and then the schools can make up the difference or look at the programs differently and say this is a priority for me we can maybe um get rid of one program um because we're talking about adding money to the budget in perpetuity per per student and so um I don't want to I think the program is great but again if we're taking Miami Beach resident tax dollars to fund programs do we just ask the schools to fund raise I mean we've been to a number of fundraisers for private schools in the last couple of months where they're raising a lot of money and um maybe there's a collaboration where we provide whatever it is 60 70 80% of the fun funds needed for the for the programs and then the school comes up with a remainder I put that out for the the group um oh I guess I'm Vice chair okay commissioner Suarez um I would like to fund it as is um I have no problem moving forward if there's an increase but I would like to find other Revenue sources based on our current commercial situation um rather than looking for a um Revenue match but I'd like to hear from colleagues I I actually sit on the quality education committee as the commission liaison and the parents are very passionate about their their children uh especially the private schools uh I think I I mean I really Echo what commissioner magazine said that you know this is a step in the right direction for a resident driven Town res resident Centric uh City and you know there sure there may not be as much of a enrollment in private schools for Miami Beach resents maybe 10 20% I'm not sure but no it's higher okay but that that that even brings me to this point where you know let's incentivize people to move to Miami Beach because we do have excellent education and you know let's close that Gap I don't I don't think that necessarily because they may not be a resident today doesn't necessarily they may be a resident you know next year because the education is so good here that people and families want to move to Miami Beach full-time and so I'm fully in support of this um and you know I'm not on the finance committee I'm just here as a as a as a bystander um but you you have my full support on this commission magaz commissioner Fernandez thank you um listen I'm fully in support of this um kind of like echoing a little bit on what commissioner sus was was saying in order for us to truly attract residents full-time residents to Miami Beach we need to make sure that both private and public educational institutions Excel to to to to their maximum possibility and we make sure that our students the the students of Miami Beach to the children of Miami Beach have all the resources uh and all the programs uh that they deserve in order in order to to excel I'll tell you one one of my frustrations with um with the public school system um if you're not enrolled in the public school system oft times you don't get to participate in their programs uh not withstanding the fact that the parents of those children still contribute to that tax base and how dis how disproportionate is that and so so while yes are we using tax dollars the the taxpayers money uh for this uh to support uh children from our community that are in private schools yes but by the same token the taxpayers money is being deprived from students that sometimes get turned away from services in in public schools and that's not right and so and so I think I I think this is fair it's a right thing to do and if we really want to be building our our resident base we need to be looking at the educational programming in Miami Beach and how we support the students uh of our community and Mr attorney uh I'd like for us um I'd like for us to work Mr attorney I'd like for us to work on a referral to the land use committee on you know on zoning having to do with schools I think there's a big void I I've been hearing from parents about there being a void in educational facilities in Miami Beach uh to to to to address the needs of families and i' like for us to uh work on a referral to the land use committee to look at zoning districts uh that accommodate educational facilities and what other zoning districts we could provide that for and what zoning incentives could we provide uh to attract uh more more educational facilities to to our City Commissioner love it absolutely love the leadership and the vision here in fact I was just reading an article yesterday about this uh long anticipated Private School uh the Americas Avenue or something like that there was supposed to uh be this breaking new facility in the city of Miami that was going to fill the the need and the vacuum here um that just got sheld in part because of some use decision so I love the vision here commissioner B so to be clear I because it's been not intentionally I'm sure but it misrepresented I'm not suggesting we don't do this I was just saying use the taxpayer dollars for the resident students and then we'll figure out how to fund the rest I'm in favor of this I'm not going to let the difference between you know the Delta kill this that's not my intent I was just raising um a a question about where the money comes from a where it goes to I hear your suggestion I will take it under advisement um so I am also in favor of this I just did not want the record to mischaracterize anything that I was proposing so go forward and God yep uh so uh commissioner Rosen Gonzalez and then like to recognize the uh CFO and then the parents that are here um Mr CFO how I'm thinking about this and maybe we can talk about how time critical this is uh if we actually decide on the exact amount today today maybe we say positively we're going to move forward and we come back with a more refined amount or we're just proving as is yeah if I if I can to assist because I was asked to to run some some analysis for you I think the idea would be like all these expenditure items that they it would come out of committee to for commission to endorse this as a a a commission priority uh during upcoming budget process but as for the numbers because I was asked to do some analysis and have that for you so there's approximately 5,000 Miami Beach uh resident children that get funded and at that recurring level of about 98,000 that works out to $187 .75 per child um if you take the uh and again we're doing I'm trying to do apples to apples as I was requested to do um Apples to Apples there's 1,08 uh Miami Beach children in you know that K to2 system uh if you extrapolate that out across that value so that you would be funding public school children at the same level as private school children that would extrapolate out to $189,200 on a recurring basis and the recommendation would be is if we go with that level or whatever level is gone is then uh you know and speaking with Leslie is then it would be split up based on the the head count of the one beach children at that school because you know some of these schools have as little as uh 36 children uh but there's another one that has 393 so we would then divy up the per rated share so some schools might only get five or 6,000 some might get5 or $20,000 and the program we've run for all the children at the school but you're using the Miami Beach uh number of children at that um and again that way it would be kind of a fair analysis to look at how we fund public school on a headcount basis versus private school on a head headcount basis thank you commissioner Rosen Gonzalez um if we do that we wouldn't be taking into account what commissioner magazine said um considering if we improve all of our schools collectively we will then be more attractive to people families who do want to move here I um this menu that you came up with is based on rankings and what the parents at the committee asked the members of the committee asked for correct yes it's their ranking per school okay I'd like to hear from some of the the parents but I would consider I mean and and and Leslie you can get this done with your department if we fully fund this do you want me to answer that sure okay um is Les is part of one of the divisions that the Falls arm me we've had several discussions on it we have um an interesting idea if this does move forward in the new fiscal year budget um currently um the city funds $50,000 uh Outsourcing agreement with the bass to run the scam plus program at our Public Schools uh if this moves forward and and again please remember uh Leslie's team and it's really Leslie here um with one other person negotiates with one legal entity which is the mate public school system and then runs all of those programs this would be seven impr growing Through The Years uh for it so that's a significant amount of work and I think the ask would be is if this enhancement is recommended to the commission we would add in a net Delta to uh remove that outsourced Consulting agreement and bring that resource internal um which would give her an extra resource to be able to handle the steam plus internally plus all of these other programs that are run which are quite significant um so we think it's a way of doing it cost effectively um thank you okay hi I'm Jaclyn powers and I am the President of the PTO of the Innovative school at Temple Beth Shalom I'm also a parent of two children there and thank you in advance for your consideration I hope all of the Commissioners and the mayor got the letters that all the children handw wrote from the Innovative School Temple be Shalom we also had um the head of school Stacy penson she had to leave uh but there was extra support here um and to your point about attracting families you know since the pandemic you know we've our elementary school has grown we now have two kindergartens which if you knew about our school and you know our fifth grade graduated last year with only five students so we are growing and we're attracting these families so I think it's a great asset from this you know the city of Miami Beach and um however we don't have these [Music] programmingsoftware so enthusiastic and excited and um our Learners in Miami Beach you know again read all of those letters that you got are thrilled and excited about the prospect um if I can for one moment because I am on the qac committee and and I know I'm not so I'm not speaking just to let you know that we did um uh issue a motion that was a show of unity that um the public private and Charter Schools everybody unanimously on the committee said that as long as this was in oh I have it here I'll read it um the the committee for Quality education would like to request the mayor and commission continue to sustain current Public School Educational enhan enhancements and support the newly prioritized educational enhan enhancements for the private and Charter Schools the amount reflected for the private and Charter Schools is estimated based upon Current public school enhancement programs and may not be reflective of actual funding needs the public public charter and private school representatives are united and committed to all improvements and enhancements for the educational needs of all Miami Beach children these enhancements should only be an expansion and never a reduction of currently funded Public School enhancement programs so I mean there was a real show of unity um I've only been on the board since June this was the first time we actually had this you know unanimous vote so um you know again that was just from the qac perspective just to give you that but um I uh going back to my parent hat would be so thrilled and would actually also be happy to support Leslie in her Endeavors so that she's not doing it alone so thank you so much for your time thank you thank you and I don't want to get lost thank you doctor for all the work that you do for uh our generation of tomorrow thank you and um I'm really excited especially as I I read the enhancements that these schools are going to get for example matter Academy they're getting a reading interventionist steam programming stem programming Mental Health Services extracurricular what is a free ASE I don't after school enrichment okay they're getting an after school enrichment program they're getting the IB Program common threads we're rolling out which like I said before is one of the best I actually brought common threads to my beach so I'm excited about that program which is you know the cooking healthy cooking and classes uh for the kids and a math interventionist I mean this is It's unprecedented uh but also I mean we are the economic Hub of South Florida we have these extra dollars that allow us to do this and you know I think that this amount and the impact that it will have overall on our community is just a really um positive thing commissioner bot I did not mean to because you looked at me and you said did you want to do that I didn't understand if you wanted me to talk about a matching program right now because I didn't want to do a matching program right now but I would consider if you wanted to have a sunshine meeting and sit down and come up with some other fundraising mechanism I know that they all that all of these schools also have fundraising programs but the impact for the amount spent on stuff like this um you know especially like for example at matter Academy where there's 393 students you know you look at it a reading interventionist is $10,000 but the impact on those 400 students is tremendous unquantifiable so anyway I didn't mean to I not about misinforming I'm glad that you're supportive of this today and I understand where your concern lie um and um and I would like to move the item if I may um just to Crystal Clear supportive of enhancements to students full stop and also proud parent of two daughters who started at Temple B Shalom back in the day when nothing happened after preschool um and they're now 24 and 22 and rocking in the in the real world so go TBS I will say for CH Tanya's wonderful girls uh literally and figuratively rocking because they have some musical talents as well um so Mr CFO where do we stand on this moving it Forward uh you know I have here return the commissioner the favor recommendation to make a priority during the FY 25 budget process on a recurring basis and the amount of uh so we have that there and I as requested by several members during briefings that analysis on a on a to keep the level and I think that I don't that's really in the Spirit of the the QC is that at the same level uh that would amount to if we're looking at recurring which I think during briefings seem to be more of the interest again uh would be [Music] 189,190 ual basis to maybe their first year buy all stem equipment uh the next year to start a reading intervent list so uh what would happen is is Dr Leslie would sit with those individual schools this is why it's very complicated is then to say this is the amount of dollars you equal out you get $1,353 what do you want to do with it this year and maybe something that they want to run that's worth $20,000 and they would have to fundraise the difference donated to the city and we would run that whole because we've run these programs we want to make sure you know we're in the schools I think it's Lily always likes to say um so I think that would be the recommendation um and it's interesting because it's Innovative because it it does allow the flexibility Public Schools don't have that but it maybe keeping it the same dollar value uh would be fair across the board but at least the private schools would then have that that set amount and then they could every year you know negotiate uh to see what what program they want to run so for example if these okay so I'm looking at page 90 and the request amounts I wanted to fund the total yeah if you did that that would work out like I said the public schools are at 18775 per child this would be 49110 per child or two and a half 2.6 times the level that we fund our Public Schools if you go per head count the list that was here and Leslie will correct me if I'm wrong was a menu was given to them of what programs they would like to run with no insight into the cost because it was like a blind test you know I jokingly say would you rather have a Camry or Ferrari most people pick a Ferrari until they know what it costs right so they were just these were all the programs we love to run uh that they don't have now we just need to figure out the dollars and then then by figuring out how much money in the pool then allocate on a perad count basis on mommy Beach resident children then the school can determine okay this is what the cost is behind that menu this is what I got to work with and they work within their budget and as they are private charted religious schools they do have other outs outside funding sources obviously they have tuition and things like that and they could help add to that and then you know donations or whatever to make it even more if they wanted to it might help kickstart um you know some of these programs I have a question if I might um Jason what are we doing about um uh inflation increases is there a factor so that for both the existing Public School amounts that have already happened ver and and also whatever we decide to fund going forward is there a cost of living increase built in I would ask Lizzie on the budget for the because the programs we've run at the Public Schools they're set but on an annual basis for Co um level service we would adjust those budgets if the program cost $500 more it it depends on the program yeah some some are and some are not adjusted um it it could be set that's a good point you could set a number and then say to be increased at a rate of you know 3% per year or something like that which is usually a long-term inflationary index I mean I think I think if we're trying to do this you know it's realistic I mean we're seeing it with all of our construction projects the things that got approved 5 years ago now are costing whatever 20% more because of inflation and I know inflation was very high and there were many extenda circumstances over the last five years but going forward if we want to be fiscally responsible and not we're we're setting something up that is good for the community long term but if you know in five or 10 years from now this ends up having half the impact because we're not setting it up correctly that that doesn't make sense if I may threw the chair that's that's a very good point um because you know often things get in the budget and then we don't see them because we have a very large budget right um but that would be a good idea to maybe index it to you know a 3% number and then obviously it could be Revisited on occasion because I know the QC is obviously be looking at these things all the time and recommendations come back through the QC often to add a program or or things along those lines so good idea so Jason my motion is not what you just said my motion is to okay you have Capital expenses because they want to buy the equipment I don't know what what Steam and stem equipment is what we're talking about music like instruments things like this art equipment the stem equipment that's reflected on the list is um science uh technology type equipment um that was what was provided to the public schools for this school year okay so I would like to fund fully fund all the equipment all right and I would also and the recurring is $495 per year and they get everything and I don't think that that 495 number I don't want to do uh what Jason said I'd like to see if we can find the funding in some other way um at least uh at least fund the capital uh the the equipment if you don't agree with me then we can move forward but I mean they're not going to get if we follow uh Jason's formula they won't get the equipment they won't get any of these things so I'm I'm not in agreement with that yep I I agree uh we would need to more refine but fully fund the one-time Capital expenditures and then maybe hone in on uh an appropriate recurring number I would rather under promise and overd deliver as opposed to overpromise and say you're getting this and then we go through the budget cycle and not be able to come up with this so perhaps we have something uh the onetime capital expenditures that we fully fund and then for a baseline recurring number we go with Jason's methodology and if we go through the budget Retreat and we're able to essentially say we would like to top that up I think that's reasonable um commissioner bot did when the public schools got their um wish list did they get everything fully funded well the public school programming that is currently uh available uh has been something that has grown over about 15 years um and these are programs that have been identified by the community as uh things that we'd like to have for the children that wouldn't exist in the public schools without the city being present so it's been an evolution so what I'm trying to get at is it's great to give everybody a running jump start by funding everything in the first year and then figuring out how to support it going forward I want to make sure that in the spirit of the letter that was signed unanimously by the entire QC group that this does not short change then what the public schools have been doing which is over the course of 15 years slowly and thoughtfully you know working their way up to what they have which I'm quite sure is not everything that they would like on a wish list so that makes me uncomfortable listen I I thought I was going to go into education as a field obviously I didn't so but I am very um sensitive to these issues and I know what the costs are and what the recurring costs are for the city and how hard our teachers and administrators work to do the maximum with the absolute minimum that gets provided to them so this is not about short changing anybody or castigating anybody for being in one kind of school system or another but if we are going to do this and we're going to fully fund a wish list for a set of private schools that's great but then what are we going to do to make the public schools have what they wish for as well and I don't see that outlined here so that concerns me not not because I don't want everyone to have what they need and want but because I don't see a mechanism for the public schools to catch up oh can I just say something um over time if you look at the capital needs of each Public elementary school this last year I mean their Capital needs and this has been recurring like annually 20 like um fineberg Fisher is getting 100 is that 120,000 I mean if I can well I mean when you look at the equipment I listen I would I would fully fund both both of both of these needs I mean are we fully right now we're doing the one um 1, 236,000 there's 328 um across all of our Public Schools but this is just one year I mean we've been doing this annually for a while now so I mean I I I understand where you're coming from and I I see that 78% of our students are in public schools and I understand that but this is catching up it's a catch up based on tax revenue dollars that have not been spent on any of these other schools for a very long you know time and have been spent on the public schools so these onetime recurring expenses um for capital is 393 this first initial um actually commissioner the one time are one time so the $275,000 stem allocation was a one-time allocation that was uh infused into the schools this school year the uh stop the bleed kits was a request uh about uh I don't know 16 20 months ago um and we funded that that's a that was a one time um and I think yeah if I if I could clarify right both the stem and the stop to bleed I think we're in the 23 budget so in the 24 budget there's really not any significant um you know one-time uh expenses for the public just for comparison if this gets approved today the actual number truly won't be adopted until we go through the budget process in May correct we're just looking for as is all these money items that come through here is to make the recommendation you know be the budget process for an amount of so maybe what I propos to my colleagues uh and let is essentially we move forward today with a dedicated commitment to fund this and we bring this back at the next meeting and refine what the exact number is we can essentially leas with the QC um you have my commitment that the absolute floor is the methodology that Jason suggested and to the extent that we should be adding enhancements on top of that I think these are numbers that maybe we we discuss in a little more detail as opposed to just up here on the de okay so my my motion today would be to move forward try to fund the capitals and then use the formula use Jason's formula for everything else as a as a starter but how are we if I may through the chair how are we addressing whether or not the public schools need to catch up I understand that they've been doing it for 15 years I just want and maybe they don't maybe they're fine commissioner i' like I'd like to address that um the committee meets once a month and uh as needs arise um that are not being met the committee as you know are quite vocal with what they identify so it's not that these programs were implemented 15 years ago and we haven't continued to have conversation about 15 years ago we started the conversation and many of these programs have been implemented over the 15 years up until just recently with there's request for stem equipment uh the request for uh expansion of our dual enrollment to include University of Florida so we're constantly assessing the needs of the community I don't think there's a catchup uh it's it's simply a matter of um where where are the needs that are currently unmet where the city can enhance the educational opportunities for our residents okay that's fine thank you okay so I think you kind of understand Jason the the motion okay so are you making the I think it's chair I have to to make the motion yes cap capital needs come back to us uh and this will go to the F that we're sending this to our budget cycle we're bringing it back here would be the proper thing I think would go to commission to make it recommended priority for the commission to be considered during the 25 process and if am I hearing correctly is that it would be for the private schools at $393 $163 for a one time and to fund uh at the same as the public schools on a per child basis on recurring basis at 189 252 is that the recommendation all right yes that's the that's the motion to move to commission do we have a second I'll second wonderful I'll second thank you thank you thank you very much and on behalf of the many um hundreds of community members that I've engaged with over the past three weeks uh they're very excited and appreciative and um really really do value the work that you do and the fact that you recognize that uh every child is should have access to the same opportunities and uh Dr Rosen I would ask one thing as we do fund these Capital need you know needs and and we see the stem equipment please invite us out to your school so we can go and see and and see where the dollars are working and share with the community what we're doing that's important to so please invite us uh to I'm sure I'm sure the schools will want to have you come visit yeah well this is the first of many votes that we're going to take on this so and Ladies we need the same enthusiasm for the uh North Beach Park decal okay you know but that's great especially for those of us who don't have kids we don't get to see it a lot of times thank you all for we do I'm actually going to be going on a tour of Beth Shalom soon uh because I ran into all of your teachers at Cafe Bernie who are having their happy hour there and they invited me on a tour of the school so if anybody wants to join you can ask my office I'm going to be touring the Innovation school and I love to see the growth that's happening excellent thank you so much everything uh I think for one procedural manner uh speaking with the city attorney we just need to briefly recall the um item 23 the future proof just uh uh firm up the timing about when that's going to move the commission um and then we're going to hear uh real quickly before uh 1M item number 25 and then I hope to get to Live Nation by 1M sure um because the special event guidelines include a restriction on new events during the month of March this item should go to commission for a waiver of that um restriction pending the applicant going through the typical special event guideline special event permit application process but as an initial step and I know that timing is is sensitive um so if if we can put an if if if you would like to put an item on the April 3D agenda just seeking a waiver with the understanding that the applicant will still need to go through the The Standard Process yeah I I believe uh commissioner Fernandez made a motion to have this heard in April is there second I'll second by acclamation yes the the record will just be change slightly change to show returning Commission in April the special then permit requiring a waiver and I'll work with uh Rick to make sure the right after action details thank you excellent and real quickly just uh while we're on this line for uh the pivoting of Miami Beach education uh upscale enhanced events like to move on very quickly uh I've been dying to use this pun but sale through number 25 uh sale GP item for uh an event that we will have in April of next year um we may have uh Mr City attorney is uh do we have representatives from the presentation on the line uh happy to tee this up if need be I can just read the item the record number BR uh discuss bringing the sale GP event to Miami Beach in April of 2025 number 25 excellent I I'll go ahead and tee this up um this is an event that I have followed this is global if you look at some of the world class cities that Miami beach is on Parallel with uh where this is Monaco sandr uh Dubai Sydney Australia uh this is referred to the F1 uh on the ocean and when we look at Visionary iconic events uh uh our good friend Bob Goodman just left us uh out of the room but he always reminds me that art basil uh which is now synonymous in elevating Miami Beach uh was only approved on a 4 to3 basis at the commission um sale GP as I've done more and more research is something that I believe can just truly be iconic and transformative for uh our city it is truly just synonymous with the brand that we're looking to promote in Miami Beach um let me go ahead uh turn it over to my colleagues I'm not sure if anybody got a chance to go through the presentations um or nobody's on the line okay um happy to discuss this further but uh I'll turn over my colleagues for their thoughts so I I did go through the presentation in principle it seems of interest but I didn't understand what the impact to um my like how would this work what are the logistics how many people where do they stay where's the racing I mean to me it seems like is it ocean racing or is it like does it need to finish up in the Miami Marina I didn't really understand Liz I'll invite you up uh I have the high level details but I I know you've been working with the sponsors uh for some time and from the feedback I've receiv received done outstanding work thank you Mr chair uh so SGP we met with them uh in February this another event that was brought to us by our partners at the gmcvb as um commissioner magazine mentioned it is like Formula One on the ocean they're proposing to have a race that would take off from Watson Island and the viewing area would be from 6 to 8 streets on the beach front so that's where they would have similar to when you go to the Aon SE show you would have like um the bleachers or standing viewing area from between Sixth and 8th streets on the beach front and they're proposing the first uh weekend in April first or or second weekend in April so if I the chair so um it's the first weekend in April Tak saw from Watson Island where does it finish is there any infrastructure build out besides the the the bleachers from 6th to 8th is there Hospitality within the sixth or eth streets on the beach front yeah all contain and do the boats come in and dock here at some no no so the boats are taking off so that's not a dingy do issue right no uh the boats will take off from Watson Island then they come through government cut then do like a turnaround the race area is directly right on the Ocean between 6th and 8th and so would the um participants and the crews and their family like all the the Entourage be staying here is that part of I mean because otherwise why are we talking about this right we can get further details of where they would be staying thank you I can join L and if you could introduce yourself y of course I'm Randy fredman I'm a local event producer and I've had the opportunity to work with the producers for this event on many events here locally over the years um so it's a fantastic team it's a very enthusiastic project um I did did just want to reference and I don't have all the details but some of the questions commissioner that you just asked um they do have um room nights committed 2000 uh 2,000 room nights just for the teams and the staff here on Miami Beach plus uh four to 5,000 fans per weekend they're expecting um it's it's a great group it's a and as commissioner magazine said fantastic um Quality first class event for the city to host and I've had the priv as a local producer working with this group uh the producers for them and will'll be working with them moving forward so um they recognize the value of local Partnerships and hope that they can bring to you everything you need because it's a great event and uh will bring a lot of enthusiasm and the Right audience to the beach and it's just the one weekend yes it has a rehearsal slated for Friday and then the race days are Saturday and Sunday as far as the information that it was provided to our office commissioner schar um they go ahead thank you commissioner they also um and I'm sorry because they you can't hear over the video some of the uh Representatives that are there so uh they also engage 500 youths um in uh an Inspire program that is part of this program as well so it's youth oriented it's professional and it's exciting and it's a great use of our land and our waterways um not to mention their sustainability uh commitment for yeah let me go to commissioner Fernandez real quick and then you commissioner Schwarz thank you Mr Mr chair certainly sounds very exciting um I haven't been briefed on this I just spoke uh with the gmcvb uh because it was mentioned that this came from them but they you know the president CEO of the gmcvb is telling me that they're still trying to get information themselves about this and so I get concerned when I'm being told here in public on the record at a meeting where we're being asked to take a vote and make a recommendation to our colleagues at the full City commission to take a position that it's based on the fact that this is being brought To Us by the gmcvb the gmcvb is telling me that they're still getting facts on this and they're still not ready to take a position necessarily on this and so what I would respectfully request can we defer this item to next month to allow the gmcvb the opportunity to do its homework on this and to allow us to get briefed on this because I haven't been briefed on this uh and this includes our waterways and you know of course we're always very sensitive about events that take place on land but even more so once we start going into our waterways and what environmental impacts it could have and that type of stuff uh and so I just respectfully request let's defer this to our April meeting uh so that we can get that further value commissioner Suarez and then we'll go to the event uh presenters that I believe are on the line um I just want to I I co-sponsored this item I think it's a great you know I wanted to thank commissioner magazine for for spearheading this again this is another step in the right direction for the brand of Miami Beach um not only on land but now on water um I'm a commissioner that's very passionate about the water and its surroundings and I I think this is this is a great step in the right direction for that so you know I I co-sponsored it obviously has my full support and I'm looking forward to hearing the presentation Rick can we uh go ahead and let the presenters and then I don't know if uh we have a presentation uh media wise that they'd be able to play Just for 30 seconds or not but I'll leave it up to the presenters yes I'll just add my two sents that I'm all for it I love to see you know like Sydney San Trae Miami Beach that's what we want yeah hi uh this is actually regarding item three um I was raising my hand I'm so sorry to um come in now is it okay if I chime in for a sec uh you know we've moved on um and uh I I think you have yeah it's closed and uh but respectfully I do believe that you have the full support here uh of the commission for that item and I just want to thank them for that thank you it's going to the April 3rd meeting for a full vote so on April April 3rd if you tune into the meeting you'll have the opportunity to comment [Music] there and if there's anybody else who who wishes to present please raise your hand because I don't see anybody with a hand raised oh Rob hagador hey can everybody hear me yes Rob go ahead hey good afternoon everybody again thank you for the time so my name is Rob hagador I've been working on behalf of SGP since our noral year in 2019 uh we produced our first event in the United States in New York so again thank you for the time um I've also been blessed I've worked with Randy in the past I brought a NASCAR uh event to South Beach in Miami um for about three straight years where we took over South Beach um between seventh and n9th Street and put on a free concert with Zach brownan Blake Shelton to basically really promote the sport of NASCAR but also bring in a new fan base and and really engage the community um at that time we work with Miami D School District to bring in about a thousand youth um over the weekend around stem education so uh my role I oversee our US events um in North America we've produced them in Chicago San Francisco New York and Los Angeles um and we actually have an event this week in New Zealand so our proposal for next year um we're looking to bring our our basically fira one on water uh which is 10 to 11 Nations that compete um over a race weekend which is a Saturday and Sunday uh the races are broadcast globally around the world and they're roughly about 90 minutes to a 2-hour time period on Saturday and Sunday as part of our event um I think Randy or someone mentioned before we build our race Village which we're proposing right now to be um on the beach basically between like the sixth to eth um area where we'll build in Grand stands uh kind of uh Chalet VIP kind of structures for sponsors and for media um we will have an entire area dedicated to our Inspire youth program which is where we engage anywhere from 500 to kind of a thousand uh Elementary Middle School students throughout the week to teach them education uh get kids out on the water who a lot of kids have never been out on the waterfront before um we'll teach them about the sport of Salin and then we also have a an internship program for high school students to come and actually learn about everything from carbon fiber to engineering to to marketing so part of that race weekend is you know about four hours throughout the day we have our race Village open there's food drinks we didn't obviously integrate as many of our local business partners as possible um in the event itself um and we will have a free dedicated area for obviously the community who may not want to purchase tickets to watch the racing because as you can imagine they're racing basically out in the ocean in exclusion Zone and these race Yachts are a little bit different than what maybe people think of sailing they're actually foiling catamarans that can go up to about 50 to 60 M hour in about 15 miles hour wind so they're really the most technology advanced boats and our belief is our goal is to really use our sport to promote sustainability and clean energy and make people aware of how to engage with the Waterfront and Inspire hopefully future youth to to to want to protect not only mother nature but also along the Waterfront so that is kind of our our core race Village area um on the weekend besides that on the Watson Island location we build basically our our technical area which is if you think about Formula 1 it's kind of like our pit pit road where all the team boats actually get built um and that's a three-week process we've been in touch with igy marinas and their GM over there um going through all the final details and that is a 3-we time period where we build tent structures uh we put in temporary solar panels to power our vent Footprints and all the physical boats get built in there um and that's about 300 staff um throughout uh those three weeks that that basically work on site and then the boats themselves get craned um in and out of the water daily um and then they'll go out and practice race Out on the Ocean and then they come back in and basically get water and put back into Rob thank you that I'm going to hand it over to my uh colleague commissioner Bob but I I will say the one thing uh two things um one please be very sensitive uh as you go forward reaching out to um all the stakeholders in the community the various neighborhood associations I think they'll be incredibly excited about this but uh more importantly all of the commission colleagues and also the gmcvb uh so we can truly have an all hands- on Deck effort let me turn this over to my uh colleague commissioner bot thank you uh Rob nice to meet you over Zoom sort of um is this what is the what is your time Horizon and when do what's your drop dead that you need to have approval before you are no longer able to do this for next year yeah so so Julian actually our our chief operating officer is is in um Market next week I want to say having a few different meetings so um he's unfortunately right now in Switzerland so he's was able to join in this call but um I can work with him obviously to have as many face-to-face meetings uh over the next week or two to make sure that obviously all of yourself on the board but also other local community members are fully aware of the event its impact both um on the community and also um from an economic perspective so the goal is really in the next month right as we're planning our 20125 calendar uh we have a race this week in New Zealand and then Bermuda in May and then Halifax Nova Scotia the 1 of June and then uh in New York in the end of end of June so we're planning our you know obviously activating a lot right now but really in the next four to six weeks is when we're trying to at least lock in our 2025 calendar but also understand you all need to make sure that you're educated everything you need to from both an economic impact perspective the impact of the local community so um we're happy to make sure between myself and my team that are based in New York and Miami um and then obviously Julian who's gon to be coming over next week from uh switch EXC because what I yes please sorry I think that a motion to defer takes precedence and and I um and I I'm in principle very interested in pursuing this I think there's a lot that could be great for for us I have some concerns that I won't take up our time with here um in great detail but I think it's a little bit premature to vote on this at this point because there's still a lot of unanswered questions so I you know I I don't want to screw up your timing because I think it's likely that this can move forward but I think there needs to be some more vetting of what you want to do versus what we are looking for from our partners who come in to do events um I don't think anything will be um an impediment to getting this done um but I think there's some more detailed conversations and I know we don't have time to do it here yeah yes and out of respect for yourself and commissioner Fernand well hear you loud and clear uh perhaps one thing you'd consider uh going to hand it over to theed and then play a video and then we'll come back to determine where we want to go for this perhaps we don't move it forward immediately to April uh perhaps we can move it forward to May uh and we all get the vote again on that at the full commission but that's obviously any support that we have is going to be contingent on the group coming down here meeting face to face I'm happy to withdraw my motion for deferral if we can do this for the May meeting that way we have time to hear back from the bureau on this and also you know have sit down understand well the environmental impacts that there's any this sounds actually great uh it sounds like again the caliber of event we want to attract to our community uh and the media it generates it actually seems you know very positive uh media that we do want to be generating for for the city but if if this is for uh May uh so we can get the other homework done I be happy to support excellent P PJ if you could te up that video and then uh we we'll bring this in [Applause] as the wind is up as they approach Mark number one high speeds across the board look at those speed dipping into 90 kmph Australia they got to keep clear in New Zealand oh my to as the fighting rules bring it home it's so tight in at the top the time has come to Crown a champion as Hook New Zealand here this could go to the and the three is now complete have you ever think anything like that Ash thank you PJ so uh out of respect to my colleagues I'm not sure if commissioner Rosen Gonzalez is here but uh perhaps there's a motion to move this to be heard at the full commission at the May meeting uh but that's uh 100% contingent on the stakeholders uh reaching out meeting face to face with our colleagues and also our partners at the gmcvb do that let me kick it over sure I just wanted to share really quick Mr chair that SGP has gone through our special event sponsorship process and so their application right now is being reviewed by our panel they've asked for an up to 100,000 in special event sponsorship however that depends on what their scoring is and how much funding we have between all the organizations okay and we'll let that process play out as it may I don't think that that's what this motion is for here yes commissioner um I I'll make the motion to move to the May meeting but I would like to say for Rob and as you prepare for the meetings that you're going to have over the next um month or so one of the big things to think about is that even though it's a small footprint um we don't want that footprint to become this rockus like all you can drink loud speakers blasting towards the residents and it doesn't seem like that's the kind of event that this is which but I just want to put this out there because you know we go back and forth with this constantly and we don't want a b house with an all you can drink all day long bracelet so you can you know we don't we don't want that we want quiet cool elegant something you can't see anywhere else um or only in another 12 locations but not not many other places um so just figure that in as you start preparing to meet with all of us here could I get a footprint for like a map if someone could give me a map because the item doesn't have it but I'd love to see a I think you were saying 6th to e8th Street would be the setup on the beach and then their actual setup would uh where the boats are being prepared is actually they've been discussing on Watson Island but and where where on the water where does the activity 6 to8 6 to8 out in the ocean Out on the Ocean got it thanks if oh I'm sorry if if I may that was not a recognized comment the chair just the recommendation is to return to the May commission with a favorable recommendation spe is a special event permit again or what's the recommendation they ask the special event permit yes okay the recommendation the favor okay EXC isation all right showing up by acclamation excellent thank you thank you Lizette thank you and it was rent thank you all for all the work you do for the community um so let's move forward uh like to hear item number 19 uh who would like to tee that up here uh commissioner Fernandez I I know that you've been critical in this over the years um if uh happy to have facilities in Fleet but also uh Mr CFO just read into the rec but I know how close you've been to this uh number 19 discuss the Live Nation project to build new theater number 19 um Mr chair I no I'm glad you've plac placed this item on the on the agenda uh this is all teamwork uh and um listen I think we need to explore all options um the the building is aging um the building does have uh I believe structural issues I saw a a report uh that indicated as such you walk through the facility uh there's uh flooding going on in in the basement and they have to bring in these pumps to uh pump out uh the Water uh from from there and there's uh limitations uh two real limitations on the type of events uh that are being attracted there um given given the space uh given given the lack of technology and the type of revamp that will be required the type of investment that will be required to make the facility competitive again it does beg the question is it worth investing that type of money in such an aging facility that's an option or is it better a better long-term investment to build a new facility and I think that that's kind of our our deliberation today uh do we do do we want to explore the the possibility of building a new facility or not um you know certainly if if that's the direction let's say this body wants to go in I think we also need to look at you know what what elements of the existing facility could be preserved and incorporated into into a new uh Filmore but I see we have uh Liz before us our our director of Fleet I'd like to recognize her to to present it to us I see we also have Live Nation here and certainly uh at the appropriate time Mr chair it' be great to hear from them as well commissioner rosing then I'm going to recognize our facilities in Fleet okay no we can go to fa facilities first please up I'll be very brief uh good afternoon committee members um Elizabeth Muro interim director for facilities and Fleet Management so in November 8th uh the city's voters did vote for 159 million geob Bond um and of that $29 million have been appropriated for the renovation of the Filmore on May 24 2023 the life Nation did present to the finance and economic resal committee their reimagining of the Filmore Miami Beach which would be you know would better serve our residents um that facility um would require funding above and beyond the $29 million appropriation we currently do have okay so that's really the basis of this discussion where do we want to go excellent thank you and uh would like to invite the members of Live Nation up uh introduce yourself and tell us the direction your thinking I'm Bob Goodman I first want to uh say that I'm very pleased that commissioner Suarez is here uh to participate in the discussion along with the other four Commissioners um I was retained by Live Nation when the construction began at the new convention center and then again during the pandemic as their local representative here to assist them in various issues because they are as you know based in California in in Los Angeles there are two plaques on the outside of the building one is when the Mii Beach Auditorium was built in 1951 that's how old this building is is and then there's another plaque when I was a City Commissioner when it was renovated to become the theater of Performing Arts uh the Theater Performing Arts saw Pavarotti barishnikov uh the original Auditorium had the Jackie gisson shows and boxing and basketball so this is what that building has has become over the years and now it is a um facility that is operated and managed by Live Nation and they pay a rent to the city and I believe they have about nine more years on their contract at one time I remember Norman litz was the manager of that building before they turned it over to Live Nation the city was losing about a million dollars a year at the time now it it has income from Live Nation as the operat it I mean they are the gold standard as was stated a moment ago Ricky arola had the wonderful idea of having a bond issue to provide uh enhancements for about 15 of the city own facilities including this theater there was talk during the referendum which I handled to get past uh for the 15 venues we talked about at Live Nation about well can we transfer the 29 million towards a new facility and Live Nation did a brief study and came back with the number of about $60 million to build a whole new magnificent new theater and with the new commission it's now back on the table for you to discuss and take part in perhaps something that is really transform transformative for Generations because thousands and thousands of our residents and visitors go to this theater and enjoy the facilities there's no food and beverage now that can be uh had uh I mean there's all kinds of opportunities here and what troubles me is that this old building is surrounded by hopefully a new magnificent Hotel across the street from the New World Center designed by Frank Gary a wonderful new beautiful convention center and the building is going to be looked at and fixed up and probably 10 years from now it's going to need something new so anyway I wanted to start the discussion I want to tell you that our Chief Financial Officer of of Live Nation um is on the call virtually John erens uh senior vice president of design is on the call Fred Kim their senior counsel those gentlemen are in California and locally here with me I have Trevor Ralph vice president of regional venue operations Britney Flores Florida Regional president for concerts Sharice pizar vice president of talent Club s and theaters in Florida and Nat Burns who you know who's been the general manager of the of the theater for the last four years um I'll let Trevor handle it for a minute answer your questions and start the discussion thank you Bobby thank you uh for this and for all that you've done for the community over uh for so long uh hand it over to my colleagues I think where we want to go with this is kind of twofold one want to get some feedback from our colleagues about the direction that we take whether it's repairing the existing theater or going forward with a new theater and if it is the uh ladder uh I'd like the CFO and City attorney to essentially tee up uh what that means from a funding perspective and where the gaps are commissioner Rosen Gonzalez so I'm going to tell you a a story um I went online recently I was in London and I said you know we're going to go to the theater every day and I decided to book this production of Guys and Dolls which took us over to where the London Bridges and there is a new theater there called the bridge theater it's the first theater that's been built a new in London in 80 years it was and I actually looked it up right now um I looked at it was Hawthorne Hayworth Tomkins was the architect on this theater all I can say is that when I experienced this brand new technology in a theater and I just looked up the cost it was about 11.6 million pounds okay so what $20 million by the way we have $30 million okay $30 million uh dollar H what we the possibilities of what we can do if we make a choice and build a theater akin to this bridge theater that I attended in London it was so amazing because this the new technology first of all it was like an Amphitheater all around and you had different types of seats I mean you could you could sit in the audience or you could actually stand in the audience and like different like the like different parts of it like rose and lower and they had done an adaptation of like an older musical Guys and Dolls but new but when I sat there and I experienced this and I thought because I had met with uh Bob and I was you know a little bit hesitant about you know redoing the Jackie gleon theater but when I saw what the possibilities are if we move forward and we choose somebody like I mean I don't know if Live Nation would consider going with the the group that built this theater in London but given the budget that we have and what I would like to see there um I would overwhelmingly I I changed my any any hesitation that I had about moving forward I I no longer have because the technology that's out there what Miami Beach deserves with the new convention center with the new hotel all the ocean front hotels that are being renovated and the types of Productions that we could bring um would just be um you know amazing now I don't know if Live Nation is only doing concerts but I'm sure that I I don't know the last time that you had uh you know this type of funding or you know to build the theater I would tell you that how much did we have allocated from the geobond 29 million 29 million if the Tower Theater that I was just I'm sorry the bridge theater that I was just in in London cost 11.6 million pounds and it was brand new so it was only Built recently if that I mean I don't see how we couldn't build something even more Superior to this bridge theater and anybody who is even curious about it I would because this is such a ground because this is such an opportunity I would encourage you literally to ask Live Nation to fly you to London and see and go to this theater so that you can see what we have the opportunity right now to bring to Miami Beach and how transformative it will be and I am a preservationist I love our historic district but there we can make something so stunning that the United States I don't even think they have anywhere and we have the money to do it in Miami Beach so I'm overwhelmingly approved but I want this to be that type of theater I mean it has to be something that is so spectacular and with $30 million I I I can't see how we wouldn't be able to do it commissioner Fernandez thank you I think before we get to that point because you know and I and I share a lot a lot of your of your feelings um you know this this this site is certainly a site that that is important to to our community there's a lot of history there uh it is a site that's emblematic to Miami Beach um you know people think of Jackie Gleason his nationally televised show and and the memories that people have of that and and how it elevated our city in a national profile uh and so and so I think I think there's there's a lot of that that needs to be processed I'm just wondering because I'm not an expert on this so we have 29 million that voters approved uh for for the Filmore how much of our needs in that facility does the 29 million get us so thank you thank you for that by the way the 29 million first of all we're extremely grateful for all of the support of the city and everyone who supported the Geo Bond don't thank us thank the voters of my the taxers thank them thanks for everyone's support it's it's a huge thing and we we're not making light of that however if you look at the list of the items that are included in that 29 million it's almost all behind the scenes it's almost all infrastructure items so we're talking about like lighting seaing plumbing plumbing uh Lighting electric HVAC there's really very little in that 29 million which faces the community or will have any really visible impact on the community at all on our ticket buyers on people on the artists that that that play there so it doesn't change the caliber of production that we could potentially attract to Miami Beach there are some I don't want to speak for the whole team but there are some production elements in that which certainly would be helpful but it would not be a large change for us how about the structural issues that I've heard about some foundational issues issues having to do with the flooding does the 29 million uh address those I would say that it begins to address those things when that list was created that money was allocated to cross all of those projects here many years later whether or not all of those things can get met by that same budget is a question understood okay and let's say we we invest 29 million into the existing aging facility how long does that get us how much how long does it extend the lifespan of a facility like like this one I don't think it extends the lifespan much at all okay and does I think Elizabeth uh you are our director uh do you agree with that I mean what is your professional assessment what what did the studies tell us as to the needs how far the 29 million get us and you know how much time do we buy in the in the Jackie Gleason uh theater if we make this investment okay so a couple of things the Filmore itself has been recertified so we do have the continual recertification 40e certification for the building and when did we obtain that we did that most recently probably 2019 201 we're five years away from having to do the new 10 year certification exactly um but I'll confirm the date um not withand but that's important to keep in mind because when when when that 10year Mark comes there'll probably be other needs that we will have to address as what happens which is why we have these 10-year recertifications for older buildings correct now in terms of how the project was built or the funding that was allocated this came strictly the majority I'm not going to say strictly uh the majority did come from the MC haran Associates report that did you know address structural electrical and other issues with the facility so what type of structural issues are we dealing with in that facility the flooding is is one of them in the basement um but other structural issues it is you know certified so all the structural issues have been corrected for the most part okay all right and uh and and from your persp perspective if we were to invest $29 million into this facility uh you know how much time does it buy the facility um that's kind of hard to say because we will continue to do the recertification so any any challenges or any structural issues that we did find or would find as part of the assessment we would correct beforehand I'll say I I'll I'll tell you this I you know I do think long-term Investments I I think need to look you know today there is sentimental value with with a Filmore I keep on calling it The Jackie gleon theater because it'll always be the Jackie Gleason Theater you grow you grow up hearing it being called The Jackie Gleason Theater and so forever will be the Jackie Gleason Theater so there is that you know sentimental value attached to to to the facility is it designated historic I'm not sure I don't think it's not it's not it's not it's it's not designated as as as historic and and and and I think that's important for us to consider I think ultimately you know while while while there is uh sentimental investment in it the long-term investment for our Arts and Cultural scene for the energy that's being built around 17th Street you have Collins Park to the east where you where you have so much emerging art with a bass museum with a ballet with personal galleries starting to open up uh over o over their individuals with wealth investing in creating collections of Art and that is important we have the New World Symphony to the south of the of the the Filmore site we're going to have an incredible uh hotel to neighbor the the the Filmore facility to ensure that we attract the highest caliber activations for our Convention Center that had such a significant investment of taxpayer dollars we're investing so much into Lincoln Road to reinvigorate the economic activity there to me it only makes sense that we look at this site and we contemplate how would a new theater modern state-ofthe-art injecting their the new newest Technologies how would it fit into the Dynamics of the energy we've created around there not just us because as commissioner Rosen Gonzalez mentioned the billions of dollars being invested in oceanfront hotels that are going to attract you know the most Discerning the highest quality clientele and tourists to our community they're going to be demanding top-notch Productions that I haven't heard today that we can attract uh into into the existing facility so I'd like for us certainly to explore the possibility of you know how can we use these $29 million to build a new facility and then what do we do with the space that's left over and is there the opportunity to repurpose you know do adaptive reuse of the existing Jackie Gleason that is a heart of 17th Street can that be transformed into a transit station of of sorts you know because eventually we're going to have you know connectivity between the mainland and Miami we're going to have a bus route going up Washington Avenue we have major lines of of of Transit on 17th Street you know how could that be transformed into maybe we preserve part of the facade of of of the Filmore but incorporate housing there uh much needed housing that we need for for for for City it gives us the opportunity to now imagine and create other energy and create other opportunities that our community also needs In This Very central part of our city and I'm a big proponent of preservation I fight for preservation and we go to Tallahasse and we fight about against the most powerful interest in our state to preserve our historic districts and our historic assets but when we do fight for preservation we also have to say but these are the other areas of our city where we can we can explore our creativity and encourage new ideas new construction to flourish as part of the Future Vision of our city and I think that's a potential that we have on 17th Street including this very Central uh site which is the Filmore which is at the Crossroad of these two main streets Washington Avenue and 17th Street these are two main crossroads right there and they intersect uh with the potential of great creativity to to emerge from from that side so I'd be very much in favor of exploring a new theater there thank you commissioner bot thank you um I should have gone before Alex because he stole my thunder um listen I as most of you know um have served on the mdpl board for a a number of years up until I was elected and I was in the historic preservation seat at the planning board so historic preservation is very top of mine for me and I've been because this is isn't the first time this has come up and I've been reluctant um to part ways with the gleon um however given now that there are additional extenda circumstances and that we will not in even if we inject $29 million into upgrading the theater we will not pass our 10year recertification unscathed I'm sure it'll do very well but there will still be more that needs to happen and having lived in a money pit myself um it's really frustrating when you spend an ungodly amount of money and finish the work successfully and it looks and feels exactly the way it did before so I've come around in on my thinking on this but what I would like to see um and and also part of it is that as I I've gone to see shows there a gazillion times over 21 years and it never feels like anything to do with Jackie gleon other than the name and reimagining this theater as a state-of-the-art theater that you know could um obviously host musical events but could potentially do other things as well I don't know what the engineering for that would be um but building it designing it with a notion uh we talked about this this morning with the notion of bringing back some of that Jackie Gleason era swag um you know the rrap pack and the Beautiful um design touches and preserving the the um history through the art of the posters and you know the boxing matches of um the posters for those and like really designing it to play up the history um because when you walk in it doesn't if you didn't know it was called The Jackie gleon theater you would have no notion that it had any relationship to to the Jackie gleon show and and the man and everything that came afterwards what I would urge us to consider as a city is taking that space which is a significant amount of space and Incredibly well-located to be a part of a walking city is to make that into Workforce and missing middle housing and I know that's not on you guys but I'm saying that to my colleagues and to anybody who's listening out there um one of the hardest challenges for us to crack as we try to address the the challenge of Workforce housing is not just the C cost of land but the land itself I mean we're an island there's not a lot that isn't already built um and so we are being gifted the opportunity to take 1.7 acres and make that into really thoughtful well-designed Studio One two bedroom apartments for people of multiple walks of life in the heart of our city and right now it's an underutilized Corridor I mean it's great for cars going back and forth but people don't hang out there unless they're going from point A to point B and if we make that you know you speak to any police officer the way to um reignite and reimagine uh a part of the city and to make sure it stays um pristine and fabulous in the way that you would want it to is to put people living there and so if you've got families using Pride Park and walking a few blocks down to fish to fber Fisher or you know going up to the high school it's all it's right there and so I would be supportive of this with the caveat of that unused space or the the newly available space becomes affordable housing and that's the motion commissioner B great comments um thank you for that uh in Collins Park in part because of the $159 million cultural bond that was passed by our voters uh is the epicenter of arts and culture in our city and what a great not only place to live but you know who's going to benefit from uh Workforce and attainable housing on that site are these fabulous culture institutions that we want to highlight uh commissioner Suarez happy to have your comments sure um I just wanted to extend some support for this item I I think um you know as commissioner bot always says ripping off the Band-Aid and moving forward with with a a new initiative and I think that's um I think that's important I I think you know I certainly don't feel comfortable spending $29 million to put a Band-Aid on a building only to not really not really know what's going to happen five years from now I think that's just a waste of funds so um wanted to extend my support I I should have followed my colleague commissioner Bots uh comment and not let others speak before me because th those are my thoughts as well uh I think it would be a dereliction of taxpayer money to spend $29 million on something that at the end of the day we're still handcuffed with and there's still constraints there um I fully appreciate the historic memories but to me the history and what is Iconic is what occurred inside of those walls and is not the outside building uh we do not want to spend $30 million and still be constrained about the types of events or Productions that we can highlight our city with so I'm supportive of this concept I want to hand it over to my uh colleague commissioner Rosen Gonzalez but then I'd also like to hand it to City staff to talk about some of the funding mechanisms if there's gaps and what this concept would look like okay no I would just like to add that you know with the convention center we moved forward and we spent $700 million possibly more with the different change orders and we didn't elevate it so it's not resilient um it's really I mean it's okay we're looking around fine it's a convention center but is it was it transformative for the area absolutely abolutely not so we spent transformative dollars renovating this you know this convention center and we probably had we started a new and done something iconic and transformative we this entire you know we would have had a hotel on top of it for the same price that we paid uh nearly you know if we're rounding you know a billion dollar you know boond doggle here so I think that something shiny new resilient especially when it comes to theater Productions if it was something and I know that there is a sector of of of you know whatever you said about housing short I mean you know Workforce housing whatever it is I'm I'm bored with that but I would like to move forward with with this proposal I was looking at I do we have like a definitive um drawing of what we're planning no so we haven't really even been proposed anything I yes um what I was just going to mention to try give some direction here fortunately you have a company that has been working at partnering with this city now how many years is it 12 14 years7 till since 2007 how many theaters do you operate and run in the country 1255 I think that you should start meeting and discussing and planning a public private partnership what they can bring to the table guide you guide the city and then have something to really discuss how the monies could be used what would the budget might be we know you have 29 let's say $30 million what they would contribute and get involved in and I think that should be the first step moving forward and let them engage with you about how a plan can be developed that you can really sink your teeth into can just just to piggy back on on what you were mentioning Madam Vice chair and uh and in the public comment that we just heard number one you know I think part part of the success here for this to move forward is how iconic the architecture is we need to make the community excited to have a new facility not excited because it's a theater yes that's great but we already have a theater but excited because you are introducing an architectural Jewel with the taxpayers money in part personal investment because it will have to be a public private partnership and you guys are going to have to uh invest as well and come forward with with with resources to to the table but give to the taxpayers something that the taxpayers deserve from their investment an architectural Jewel that is a burst of Crea it as much as the burst of creativity happening inside those walls so that even the individual who cannot afford to attend a performance inside that venue can enjoy the artistic elements of the design that they'll be able to appreciate just by walking by or driving by that facility and that's something that we owe to our residents and our taxpayers that's that's that's one of the things I wanted to place on on the record the second thing I wanted to to to to say is that perhaps we should continue this item because we should be asking our city Administration to sit down with life nation and to look at the numbers look at the numbers see what a new facility could potentially cost see what public resources we we have through the geobond and then how do we cover the balance how much will life Nation bring to the table and and and if there is a balance how is that balance covered that's nothing that we'll figure out today but I think we need to perhaps and maybe maybe Mr attorney the correct motion would be uh making a motion recommending to the city commission that it direct negotiations between our staff and Live Nation on some sort of public private partnership to deliver a facility that is as creative inside as it would be outside and could we would would that be appropriate Mr attorney wait um uh let uh should we let the attorney respond yes please and then and then you commissioner okay the um there could be a recommendation to the commission if the commission is going to direct negotiations directly with Live Nation then the commission needs to keep in mind that ultimately this could require a bid waiver uh which would require 57th vote um another option that has you know in the past been used in other scenarios is where there's an unsolicited proposal that would ultimately entail opening up the the bids to to others out there but if the if the administration I'm sorry if the commission wishes to direct the administration to um negotiate exclusively with KN nation that would have to be under the rubric of you know a bid waiver or no I don't think that that's good that's Optics wise and our public I think we will lose our public our residents on that I think always having competition is always in the best interest of of of processes like this but Mr attorney H how would we essentially balance that with they have a lease to continue operating for nine years if we would go and pivot uh how would we navigate that well I would imagine that in order to make an investment of this size they're going to for a substantial extension I don't want to speak for Live Nation uh four years no you're or you're asking to speak um uh four four years no I don't I I think that was just a handwave um four years the um it really depends on what the realm of the possible some uh if if it's going to be a long-term lease that has one road if it's going to be a lease that's less than 10 years that require that has different proced edual requirements so um think could what I'm saying if I could what I'm saying is when we talk about okay do we go and explore a possible P3 with other operators aren't we somewhat constrained because they still have a nine-year lease correct I mean but what I was saying earlier is that the the commission can direct preliminary discussions understanding that if eventually a deal is to be made that that will require a bid waiver if you're going to extend the term Beyond its current length commission Ros so and we've been very happy with Live Nation um you have a wonderful uh group of people that follow you and we really miss having the concerts you're not open right now right you just reopened right tonight October oh thank good there show who's on tonight tonight it's neutral shorty and we have a sold out billar performance tomorrow night that we're very excited about and V church and I know you just had a wonderful event for the woman of V uh just in the past few weeks with 3500 people I think uh more like 27 but yes thank you so that's great news for um Lincoln Road that Live Nation is open and operating again I'm sure the businesses are happy for that that's look with all due respect we have $29 million and we have a piece of property and we can do whatever we want with it and we want to work with Live Nation but I don't understand why we're giving them our theater I I just don't understand what's going okay so wait wait wait we would like to be able to we want to build our own theater how first of all how many years are left on this lease you said nine somebody said four I'd like to understand where we are right now just clarify our current lease is set to end in January of 2026 but we have a five-year option okay2 with a fiveyear option but okay so right right around the corner here okay I all I'm saying is there are so many options available the whole world is open to us this tremendous piece of land with $30 million attached to it okay that we have right now access to um I'm not saying that we don't want to work with Live Nation I'm just saying that you know whatever yeah I I would like I want something like the bridge theater I want us to have something that is Iconic transformative uh commissioner B wants housing fine but it you know I just want to make sure that we you know get the I I don't this public private partnership I'm not sure what that means and but all I know is that we have land we have a theater we have options and Live Nation if we build the theater they're going to have to pay for the new theater but you're going to make so much more money because think of the possibilities of what you can host I don't know what Neutra neut neutro whatever neutro shorty yes neutro shorty but imagine that we bring you a theater that where you can host anyone and double your you know have 10 times the revenue right and you know that's what everybody wants we want more you know more people more I iconic so I'm just like we need a somebody to negotiate whatever is going on for this body and I'm not sure what the this direction is but just to say you know we're given the 29 million and we're going into does that mean like in perpetuity like were married not that I don't want to be married to you I just want us to get the best deal okay and by the way you have probably the best lobbyist Mr Goodman has been working behind the scenes for you uh you know tirelessly promoting you I just want to make sure that we realize the land and the money and the possibilities that are sitting here before us without just like you know give it away so I don't know what direction I'm not sure what we're doing here what are we doing so I think directing staff to go out and negotiate what a potential P3 would look like and when I say P3 anybody correct me if I'm wrong we are not giving Live Nation anything you are not getting our land you are not getting our building we would enter in that $29 million you would add some sort of sum and have this beautiful worldclass architectural Gem and that would come contingent with extending our lease with you and you would operate and what I understand understand is you would actually have a revenue share back to the city on the new theater yes and what and you guys were envisioning how long of a term how much money were you putting into it I mean we would want a revenue match you're a very profitable private Corporation I mean you would have to really come back with terms that are impressive if you would like a long-term contract like that for us to give up the possibilities of what we currently have right now in front of us which is a lot of money and a wonderful piece of land and one of the most iconic places in the world what don't we discussion sorry so are you I know you manage theaters obviously and very well have do you build them also yes can you give us some examples of what you've built and from scratch or like what or you maybe not even you don't need to do that now but maybe in the next round of conversations can we have that that because I know we as a city are not in the business of building theaters or public housing or anything that's not our job it's not what we're staff to do we have people Who oversee it negotiate the contracts you know you know do look out for our Collective best interest but no one's going to be putting on a hard hat and sitting in a in a backhoe trying to figure out where things go so that would be obviously a really important part of the conversation and so I think this item has been moved and seconded but I would also like to before it gets closed out ask the attorney um the City attorney to um prepare something to go on to commission I guess for a dual referral to talk about um the possibility of exploring the the 1.7 Acres that will not be used for this theater um and exploring it how we can bring um affordable housing Workforce housing housing for the missing middle to that piece of land sure in all due haste and and I think I want to be clear that I mean right now there's many different options available there there's a possibility of continuing this as a management agreement this could eventually become a lease agreement there are different requirements depending on on what what option makes sense for both parties um but and and ultimately once we've explored some of those options the commission well with the the FKS input could decide what direction it would like the project to take and and there from there de say decide whether is going to a bid waiver or whether there's going to be something different but right now all you're asking is for uh initial discussions to to start exploring the world of possibilities with our existing manager who has nine years left so it doesn't make sense to issue an RFP at this time because you you know you're going to have nine or 10 years to go before anybody else could come in right and I think that's where I was going oh sorry commissioner for I think that's where I was going with this is we could go out and find live nation's competitor and do the RFP but Live Nation because they have the contract extension Ral could say no we have this contract and you can't essentially break this without whatever that penalty may be for nine more years and we would be essentially handcuffed or constrained from doing anything uh substantial on this building without Live Nation support that that's how I'm reading it but correct me if I'm wrong that's exactly right chair if I may uh I'd like to ask Liz to come up I have something just a couple items just to clarify on the record and oh yeah and I'll make it I'll be quick so the the the first this term that's coming up expires in about a little less than two years right on January 2026 there's another fiveyear extension is that mutually agreeable or automatically agreeable okay so technically the city could be out of that agreement in 19 months in January 26 it was mutually agreeable but in connection with the Early Access agreement um and the negotiation of that to allow the hotel developer to come in there was a modification of that Clause so as long as life nation is in good standing then they are deemed to have exercised the I'm sorry wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I just want to make sure I I understand this right because we're in negotiations right now with that developer and so I just want to make sure our negotiating team is aware of that because that's now opportunities that potentially the city could be losing because of that early access agreement and that is you know of value uh that we gave up our our mutually you know our our mutual right our right to be able to opt out of this agreement and be able to explore a different option uh so I just want to make sure that our negotiators that are you know negotiating with the hotel developer you know recognize the value of that uh because we we uh it kind of ties our hands for the time being with Live Nation um to do something either now or we decide not to do something with Live Nation uh and go into a more competitive process having to wait you know a number of years before really having that that option before us so if I can through is that correct Mr attorney is it correct that we agreed to it is correct that during that process there was a give in in in exchange for the gives that the Live Nation uh Team gave in favor of the developer and ultimately in favor of the city because keep in mind it was the city wants the hotel project to move forward so it's a it was a three-way agreement actually there were two different agreements there was an agreement between the city and Live Nation and then a mirroring agreement between the city and the developer because we have contractual privity with each of those two parties they did not as between the two of them so what's the motion that's before us at the moment the motion I believe is to recommend to the commission to direct the administration to engage in preliminary discussions with Live Nation to contemplate what what are all the possibilities in connection with a Redevelopment of the hotel including or excluding that parcel um and I mean that is what I understand the the nothing binding is no it's nothing nonbinding okay I mean I'm fine with with with something that's that's not binding just to explore like really what is feasible and what is not feasible yeah I mean we have to start somewhere we have to start talking to somebody about something otherwise we're going to be doing this for the rest of our Liv but we're not giving any land away we're not committing to anything we're not I just want to make sure we the five of us are clear about that that if there's any ambiguity about it that the five of us are clear that we're not giving land away that we're not doing anything like that you know we had we got $30 million for the Byron carile complex too and we hired a consultant and I don't know what we paid that consultant but these guys look pretty weighty they understood exactly um they are theater experts okay the primier theater experts in the world so if we're going to move forward with this the first thing that we need to do is hire our consultant because it's our land and it's our money wait or we we could I mean like if you want Live Nation for 30 years then we can and I'm not saying no I know well no well we kind of are because that's what a P3 we're not well wait can I finish like I just got that okay I'm not saying things that aren't true but I would I'm not saying that we don't want Live Nation I'm saying that we need to we should start by Hiring Our consultant they came back with a buyer and car theer they were pretty impressive they still haven't come back with their final report on what they wanted to do with the complex but if we did a similar thing um you know here also we're not H we we're getting the advisers we can tell them look we have $29 million and we have this piece of land and we want to put a cultural facility what do you guys think that we should do what can we do it's our and then we can take that and we can put that out and then Live Nation can have the opportunity to bid with everyone else uh but that's how kind of we take control of this I think is by hiring the expert in theater production yeah so that that consultant my understanding is um experts they are experts in cultural centers in general which is a different animal than what we've been contemplating which is a theater whether it's for music only or music and and live performances plays that's a different conversation the Byron carile um project is contemplated to be a variety of cultural offerings and other types of mixed use possibly with Workforce housing there is a draft version of the report it is a Hot Topic I think it's actually on this agenda if I or it's on an upcoming agenda but but it's it's work in progress but if we're talking I mean what this item before us is is reconfiguring or um reimagining the Live Nation the the theater as what it is currently just upgraded I don't believe there's been any contemplation about do we want to create a yet another new cultural complex that includes Gallery space includes um uh recording studios includes blackbox theaters includes um uh offices for the not for-profit organizations that is a different animal and so I think we need to First make sure that that we're separating those because that's a different conversation entirely so chairman yeah and I also want to be cognizant we don't bog this down in a multi-year process this is $29 million that was passed several years ago we want to move forward with a Renaissance of our city I'm looking at live Nations market cap here Corporation worth $24.5 billion they sound like a pretty good consultant and we're actually working hand inand we don't have mutually exclusive interests they want what's best because that is going to maximize and enhance the revenue right so why don't we start there Let Live Nation who just just said they actually build theaters let them come back and say this is what we can Envision right that that seems like a great consultation as starting point we can say no we don't want to do that but that sounds like they'd be able to turn around fast uh we just heard that the Byron Carle final report isn't even in yet I mean how long's that been going on uh I I'm in favor of seeing what Live Nation returns and if we like it we like it if not then we're back to the draing board but uh hearing from the city attorney we are somewhat handcuffed with them uh for better for worse not saying that as a negative way because they have the right to renew their contract for five years so if we went with live nation's competitor I don't even know who it would be uh Live Nation can say well that's great but you can't actually occupy this theater for another nine years commissioner Fern uh commissioner Rosen Gonzalez then Fernandez then Jason and okay then we'll get to our 10:30 time certain I was look we we got the the Regal Cinema recently told us too that you know they're look they're staying open right now for a spell but we kind of all know that that property is probably going to be redeveloped at some point in time there's a lot of vacancies and um if Live Nation wants to come back and show us the theater fine but like I always wanted to have the possibility of possibly including like a movie theater in this site I know that why couldn't we host concerts Plus have a cir to so I I just don't know you know um I know at one like I just want us to get the best so we're just so the direction the motion that you're saying is to go out is to just have live naan come back and show us what they're going to do show us the coolest thing for the cultural epicenter of our neighborhood show us the coolest thing you can provide to Miami Beach I don't know if that's exactly how we word it in the RFB but uh commissioner Fernandez let me turn over it's just a non-binding conversation just to see you know is there any possibility of doing anything or not a preliminary overview of numbers and just you know see is there any possibility if there is then then we take a step further and then we can discuss policy-wise well does that mean we do a a competitive process where others can can can compete uh or not or you know given given the fact that we don't have um that that um that option to to to to get out of the agreement but I think it's just very superficial a very preliminary conversation at the moment just to see does it make sense to even have any further conversations that's that's what I see us doing right now and I think that you know it's way past we've we've pass time to move past this conversation I think we're talking talking in circles commissioner Ju Just a very quick question for my edification do you build the theaters yourselves do you have a construction arm of your corporation we excuse me yeah we do we have an internal design and construction okay so wouldn't be the we partner with a lot we partner a lot we probably have 25 or so current projects at various stages of pipeline all over the country um but you know all different kinds of relationships with developers with municipalities all different commissioner rosing us and the last time you you build bu a theater with a municipality was where Iowa yeah walk Iowa if we could request that you follow up actually with the designs and show us the theaters where youve essentially provide partn list put together a deck of what you know of what you've done of what you like what you what you've done sure how much you want guys want to put in how many years you're thinking the contract will be um how long you think it will take you to build it if we come to a consensus and um do how long do you guys need to get that back to us a preliminary list we could do very quickly some of that information in terms of budgets and things like that are deeper questions obviously do you want to keep it on it next month please let's do that let me recognize you while you're making your way Mr CFO and hi everyone thank you ly Stern 690 Lincoln Road um first of all thank you to all of you thank you to all of your colleagues thank you to Administration thank you to the police department spring break went great so thank you for everything you've done I I thought I thought it was great um Bob was kind enough to call me and let me know that this item was going to be on I'm not weing my Lincoln Road bid hat I'm not a consultant for Live Nation I'm just here as a resident a business person in the city I love this conversation I think unlocking the potential of this real estate for the long-term good and value of the citizen of of the city our residents and our tourists with everything going on around it and this city center complex is one of the most spectacular conversations I've heard a long time so thank you thank you very much appreciate it thank you Mr CFO if I could try to wrap it up I just want to make one statement I think for the good of the the the record is that the $29.1 million when that was developed with facilities and and went through the uh you know that's arts and culture bond that was only about a year and a half ago uh that number would clear up all any outstanding deficiencies there with that facility so I just want to make sure for the record and I I think that the the wheel is here is to move on to a new facility but just to understand if that did not happen that 29.1 million would not be a wasted number that would bring the facility up to a current standard um of that so I just wanted to make sure that that was for the record now if I can listening to all this discussion I believe what the recommendation would be is to return the commission with a favorable recommendation direct staff to negotiate with Live Nation uh to build build a new film or theater and retain the item in fir to return with said proposals is is that there's no dir sir you would you need a direct staff to to negotiate to discuss with Live Nation direct no no you would return the commission I can you tweak the language right you would it would go to commission to to direct and then it would be retained here to return you know for the item to return yeah we don't want to S if I a motion if it by acclamation think we already had the motion and it was seconded so we show show it by acclamation by acclamation thank you because was done oh can we I'll um we will let's get to the Barkley because it's a Time certain and then we'll I assure that we'll get to the utsman and I I will show uh commissioner Fernandez added as a co-sponsor to this item and commissioner bot thank you let's go to uh item 19 I'm which item we we're okay this is item number two uh chair it number two yeah we're going to be we're going to be calling uh item number two chair yes item number two is discuss and take action on the Redevelopment of the city own property located at 1940 Park Avenue the barklay pursuant to request proposals RFP number scenarios for the Barkley project the developer provided to staff five development options those are outlined in your memorandum uh in order to be brief I just want to run through the five options and I know you all received this documentation a little late note that the administration did not have any discussions with the developer uh we did however have some Communications to make sure that we clarified some discrepancy in the documents provided to us so in option one and before I go through them all I want to sort of frame this in terms of four categories of potential priorities R which document should we be looking at uh there is a bound okay says number two new business number two no got perfect so there about there are four categories of PRI ities from my perspective in terms of the recent discussions in terms of uh the direction and recommendations provided by the committee at the last meeting one of those categories is historic preservation will the building be preserved then there are Financial benefits then there's affordability what will the composition of the project include in terms of affordable Workforce Andor market rate units and then there is the uh category or priority level uh related to zoning information height F so I'm going to go through each of the five options as fast as I can and then sort of narrow down where each of these options land in terms of those four priority categories so option one should we refer to page 19 is this the five options you let's see Exhibit C provides a table that goes through all of the details for the various proposal options that might be most helpful visually so it's at the very end there are three pages Exhibit C and some of this information is embedded in the memorandum as well so option one provides for uh preservation of the existing building in addition to a new building that would include seven stories uh the F being requested is 2.58 which is slightly above the F permitted or allowable at the site of 2.37 The Upfront payment would be 344,000 with annual rent at 50,000 The Upfront and guarantee together over the life of the lease term of 99 years which be 15.4 million the project would include 71 total units 35% of which would be market rate 65% would be affordable Andor Workforce option two this is a request to preserve the building as well as add a new tower this Tower would be 12 stories 132 feet high which is above the 75 ft currently allowed at the site the F requested is 3.46 which is above the F permitted at the site The Upfront payment would be 1.5 million annual payments of 100,000 over the life of the lease term the guaranteed and upfront together would be 31.8 million the unit mix would include 113 units 68% market rate 32% affordable Workforce housing option three would include only a new building meaning that the existing building would be demolished it would provide for six stories as well as 82 units 84% market rate 16% affordable and Workforce housing The Upfront payment would be $5 million the annual rent $100,000 and over the lease term the guaranteed an upfront together would be 35.3 million option four this calls for an F of 5.33 above the 2.37 currently allowed at the site it also calls for a 12 story building at 132 ft Which is higher than the 75 ft currently allowed it would call for a 6 million doll upfront payment which would take us over the threshold uh initially uh discussed at the last per meeting whereas the city contributed 5.6 million so this would take us above that number the annual rent would be $100,000 over the least term upfront annual guaranteed rent would be 36.3 million the site would include 14 41 units 84% would be market rate 16% would be affordable in Workforce option five this is the only option that would not include commercial on the ground floor uh it calls for uh ex the existing building being preserved it does however contemplate funding from several public sources including the city and going after various grants this would allow for 100% affordable and Workforce housing uh the development timeline uh would be contingent upon acquisition of those grants through various funding sources that's option five so the city would not receive any money UPF front no annual rent and so no money over the lease term so the the four categories that I mentioned before if I could just sum them up again in terms of how the options are outlined if historic preservation is is the number one priority options one two and five would fit the bill if Financial benefits are the number one priority or the highest priority or a high priority options two three and four would suffice in terms of affordability if we're looking for a greater percentage of affordable and Workforce housing units options one two and five provide for that whereas if we're more concentrated on market rate units options three and four provide for that if we have concerns with height and going over the allowable height options two and four will be a challenge that will require 57 vote of the city commission if we are concerned about F being above what is currently permitted options two and four will be a challenge as a 67th vote of the commission is required so that's just an overall summary uh we are certainly eagerly awaiting the direction of the body uh to recommend to the commission that we either uh authorize negotiations formally with the developer we terminate the RFP or we go another route potentially a City development which had been discussed prior uh we are just looking for that uh policy recommendation so that we can get to the next step whatever that may be Rael one fantastic job truly you and your team that I had in my head what I'd be looking for and this is exactly it right this gives flexibility for what we all want and we all say okay here are the different options what is the vision we would like to see there what's important for us is it historic preservation is it Maxim amount of housing affordability is it the financial Return of the city and you have mapped that out here perfectly I'm going to turn it over my colleagues for their thoughts uh one quick question um if somebody in this neighborhood would do a live local project through a private application uh would the height that they'd be allowed to build up to is 200 ft is my just sitting here backing into this because I think uh on the east side of Collins Avenue North of 23rd Street uh which certainly is within a mile of this is 200 feet uh maximum allowable height so they'd be able to essentially no questions asked submit to our planning department and we already have a streamline process they'd be able to go as long as they included 40% Workforce up to 128 Mi they'd be able to build up to 200 ft here so there I believe there is a provision that calls for uh potentially 71 units that would be affordable and so we would have to look at how the F would be distributed and how the uh income stream would work for such a project but yes there would be more flexibility if there if this was a live local act project however because this is the city's property it's in the city's proprietary capacity to approve uh any exceptions or amendments to the Land Development regulations uh the city is not bound by the live local act because this is the city's own property yep thank you for that and where I was going just to put the heyden F or in context about okay what's allowed but if somebody would submit a private application for live local what that comparable project could be so these all come in well under what right next door would be able to do via live local Act and the developer is here uh if you'd like to ask any questions of the developer let me turn it to my colleagues and hear your thoughts I'll tell you just we gotone this very late last night um in part because you know we didn't I guess the city Administration didn't get the final version of this till pretty late themselves is that correct we have have uh we requested the documentation by a certain date we got it after that date and we have done a little bit of back and forth with clarifying discrepancies in the documents provided okay you know I I am more inclined uh towards option 12 uh option two where we achieve preservation of of the site but we also provide the opportunity to you know to increase our our our our uh quantity of of Workforce housing units we it would require sacrifices from us in terms of zoning uh but those sacrifices don't cost us anything what I don't like about item uh option number two and the reason why I'm not inclined to support this today I don't think that it financially it makes sense for the city I mean it it just to to to to to me it is uh undervaluing the property I think we've made it clear we want to preserve the side I mean at least I've made it clear and I think I've heard a number of our colleagues uh say that they would like to preserve the barlay side but we're open to the use of F and and and the use of of height in order to make it uh financially viable whether it's the use of f on that side or even transferring F to other sites we've seen f as a tool for this site we've seen uh other zoning tools as well but but you know to say uh that you're going to enter into a long-term lease but you're going to give the city upfront $1.5 million the public Optics of that is horrendous horrendous it like how can we look at our residents and taxpayers in the eyes to the taxpayers who own this property and tell them that a a a premier piece of real estate across from a leading Convention Center in the heart of one of the wealthiest communities in the country we giving away such a priced piece of real estate on a longterm lease for $1.5 million upfront payment I can't in good faith stare at my constituents in the eye and tell them that that's in the best interest of our city and I think you know I I need to see this be much more appetizing before I say yeah let's sit down and negotiate this is still not to the point where I can say it makes sense to the taxpayers to start negotiating on this the taxpayers own this property and right now the money being given to the taxpayers for for this property under under under the option that I can that that I can support it's not it's it's not good and so that's kind of where I'm at right now um I I wish I had more time to digest this um I'm not as dazzled I was as I was hoping to be um I I'm willing to be flexible with height because just a couple blocks south there is a 14-story building the Octagon I think it can be done in a thoughtful way I tend to share my my colleagues views that um you know it's it's uh seems like a pretty good deal for the developer for the developer um and I'm and it's it's not as much affordable Workforce housing as even we would be getting um not not as much of a percentage as we would be getting anyhow so I I need to chew on this a bit more so I'm not really prepared to and if I may I'm happy to make a motion to defer this uh because I truly feel you know Mr peoples you're a very Charming Man you can you can do a better job dazzling us come on do you mind uh through the chair if I respond yes by the way Don H pe's the third I'm the founder and chairman of Legacy you know this is uh this has got to be the sixth or seventh time that we're all together around this property uh it's the midpoint hopefully of uh of a long journey but a journey that started in 2007 when the Miami Beach CDC owned the property and maybe we could say it started in 2015 when the city Miami Beach had it maybe we could say that it started in 2017 when the first RP was issued there was one respondent they were deemed non-responsive or maybe 2018 when again an RFP was issued an agreement was entered into with Atlantic Pacific but ultimately the deal didn't come to fruition or maybe this most recent time where we were the sole respondent I'm excited about the deal uh absolutely excited about delivering a transformational property to the city that balances a myriad of competing objectives delivering a new renovated asset to take the place of a dilapidated empty building that's a Bash question for crime and and homelessness to the community members who've shown up now for consecutive commission meetings to Advocate during sutnik for something to be done I recognize that the financial proposals in front of you all you know are varied uh and the ones that retain the historic asset don't meet the financial criteria set out by the city and the ones that do don't retain the historic asset but today we're not asking to finish the project we're not asking to conclude negotiations and execute a ground lease what we're really asking to do is for this committee to recommend to the commission to award the RFP so that we can begin not finish begin negotiations so that we can sit down all of us individually ascertain exactly what's important to each of you and to the community members and constituents that you represent and devise a plan that balances those competing objectives and delivers an outcome that the city can be proud of that's all I'm asking to have a fair shot at giving you commissioner Fernandez exactly what you're looking for um Mr people thank you for for sticking through this okay it must be very frustrating six seven times to come and kind of get you know a gray area um look what what was I'd like to have like a candid conversation with everyone up here I'm not on finance but I'm here as a participant obviously it'll be going to the commission at some point hopefully um what is your favor like let's just let's put away the the price what would be your favorite option commissioner I'll I'll speak candidly my fear is we really don't know the structural Integrity of this project and my fear is we're going to sit here and go through uh jump through these hoops and go through a year-long negotiation and we'll say yes let's preserve this and then we really get in there under the hood and go wow this is impossible and we just had a similar conversation uh with the Jackie gleon where we go you know what it's not the responsible thing for taxpayers to throw good money after the bed my fear is and facility I don't want to put you on the spot Liz or if we have our building director here or David my fear is we're throwing good money after the bad by looking to preserve this um that is my thought without truly seeing any type of architectural report I actually wouldn't understand but that is my fear that we essentially sacrifice and we say okay we're willing to give up on some economic returns and benefits here to the city under the name of preservation and we're actually not able to do so uh any preliminary thoughts it's like yes you're on to something or no you don't have to worry about that at all the building is in dire repair it's um it hasn't been recertified it has a lot of structural issues in fact the times that we have done um sweeps to get into the building we've had to use drones because it's just unsafe at the point so where I'm going with this yep Raquel please I just want to add that for every uh structural or engineering report that the city has uh undertaken we have provided that to the developer to ensure that they understand uh and have our best understanding of the condition of the facility and we have often times push the developer to make sure that they understand how much this development would actually cost if they would have to preserve the property and they have assured us that they've done their due diligence and that they are confident in their pricing so we've expressed concerns about that and we've provided them with all the information possible uh based on the studies that we have and I guess where I'm at is of course I'd like the preservation option right but I'm very apprehensive saying this is the option we're directing you to go down despite the developer say hey we're good with that and the Egg left on our face two years from now when they start spending money and they go you know what sorry we can't we can't do this this building is just past its useful life and we are sitting back here at the table um that's why I'm very hesitant going with an option preserving this building we're giving up economic returns we're not getting the finished product we want um that's my biggest concern I I don't have a dog in this fight my dog is to see this activated as quickly speedly as possible we just learned at the last public safety meeting 800 police calls are called there every single year the neighbors don't want that right the neighbors don't want that I I don't think that they're going to care and say oh wow there's there's the Barkley restored that actually has been boarded up for 15 years so thank goodness I want the option that provides a good return to the city that ensures us with the greatest likelihood of success for this project if if my colleagues decide preservation is the route we look to go I'm I'm not going to stand in the way and I will collectively look to get behind and support this because I want this to be unified not divisive the only the only interest I have is seeing the greatest chance of success for this in the quickest fashion uh way possible I want to go back to some of my commission colleagues but then I also understand uh we have Daniel soroto who I want to give the respect to he as well if if if I may because I just want us to be very careful here this building is it's within historic districts okay it's part of the museum historic district and it's also part of the architectural District right that is so important it is within the districts that area south of 23rd Street that we were able to get Exempted from the unsafe structur spill that was seeking to preempt us that the governor just signed okay just like a few minutes ago and so and so we sound hypocritical to Tallahassee when we say yeah don't give private developers that right but you know what El is the city yeah we'll do it we don't care about our historic structures we own it so yeah we can we can tear it down but you private property owner that you invested from your private dollars to buy a piece of property now we're going to say you can't do with your property what you want to do it makes us look so bad as Property Owners when we do that when we are advancing policy when we're advocating on policy in Tallahassee as well and so we have to be mindful of that that we're that we're not just looking at the Optics of this property but the bigger message that we say policy-wise within our city and when we're advocating on policy when we go to Tallahassee I would say I I would say you know ideally I think option number two it's it's it's a good option because we we we're we're still you know getting a substantial amount of of um of units in the existing structure we're getting 36 units in the in the existing structure we're getting 77 units in a in a in a new structure you know alt together we're getting 10 and and 13 units which which I think I again I think I think that's that's more than what we have uh in in in other in other options we're using f as as a tool to make it financially viable my biggest hold back here is that what the city is getting up front sucks you know I I and so and and so I can't vote on this to today the best I can do today is defer this is defer this to allow allow the developer to look at the numbers see see see what you know I want to see option two with option four numbers so don here would you have flexibility if the collective will of the body was to go forward with number two to uh Tinker with some things push here pull there and come back with better economic returns whether that be height whether that be the mix of market rate versus Workforce and affordable housing would you basically have the confidence if we would hone in on number two um to say okay I hear you this is uh we want to go forward with that option but we need a better economic return would you have some push and pull metrics or levers you're able to play with there to this Sweden that return I think so um and that's a great question uh commissioner i' prefer to to engage in that discussion with City staff and with Commissioners directly I think there are a number of different levers that we can push and pull there's creativity uh that is in essence the foundation of a public private partnership that necessitates direct communication uh I'm excited and happy to move forward with all of the guidance that the body has given uh but would love to do so in a manner in which we can have direct conversations not just with community members with whom we've had but with Commissioners and City staff so that we can engage directly with the policy makers who are making this decision and and to that point you know we four times four months ago uh when we were last up here um or I apologize we last up here last month but two times before that uh we were told that this should go to the Housing Authority uh and to City staff was uh was directed to have joint discussions with us and the Housing Authority we now have a finalized mou with the Housing Authority as our partner if that doesn't demonstrate the malleability of us as a development entity to conform to the desires of the body I don't know what does look I wish we had seen this prior to whatever it was midnight last night or whenever we got it not midnight but the end of the day last night I wish a lot of things I also respect the Integrity of what you are trying to do here and I'm going to reconsider where I my earlier comments I I I stand by them but I will say that for me the most important thing is to get um make sure this facility this building is preserved and Raquel it sounds like you have made it amply clear to Don Hugh that you're getting into a hornet's nest and you're still willing to do this and what will be very un happy making is if you know down you know contract is negotiated within the year and production uh construction starts and in two years from now you're like oh just kidding I can't do it like that would be problematic but if you're standing here and telling us that you know what you're getting into and you can not only that you can but you will do it full stop that is something that I want to consider in the mix here so I will I will encourage a motion to the commission with a favorable recommendation for number two with the added um encouragement I mean I know you need to make money I get it I know you're going to spend a ton of a lot of money on trying to salvage the historic building and I appreciate that you know what what can I do appreciated to pay that fun yes thank you I think that's number two now so um um so I understand it there's a lot I we have as a city have some flexibility you definitely have some flexibility like I I just I feel like we need to stop kicking the can down the road so that's where I'm coming out on this commissioner Suarez and then I want to hear from two was 6 million um do it I I think what what look I let's let's also Milli let's let's let's remember that um Legacy was the only one that applied right for for this bid and and the fact that he's still here after seven rounds of this is is in is encouraging I think you know I I don't want to discourage uh this developer from actually making something happen out of the site that's been abandoned for 15 years I I I don't I don't see any harm and and bringing this to the commission um and and and having us you know move at least move the discussion along instead of having it a standstill I think that would at least on good faith that what we can do to uh move this along and not stall it any further um I certainly understand the hesitancy um from from my colleagues and and look you know commissioner fernanz I we're going to be fighting for the best possible and I and that's always going to be the case for the city especially when it comes to you know our our our land but at the same time I I I think we extend an olive branch and say hey look you know we'll we'll bring this commission we'll keep this negotiation and discussion going and and and bridge that Gap where we can because look you know I don't think any of us are going to say Okay option two for sure I mean there's is probably going to be a blend like what commissioner fness says between option two and option four and I'm sure be behind you know I'm sure that's what you can talk to us privately individually um and and and discuss so you know I'm again I'm not on finance I I I would wanted to move this forward just to the commission so that we can all discuss it finally C can I just make a just a comment [Music] I just want us to be mindful what is the headline going to be there'll be a headline about this or there'll be an email about this or there'll be people writing about this and what people are going to say is that we are putting forward a bad deal for the city and we need to think about the Public's trust in our process that is very important and so I think we're going to open the door for any sort of negotiation and making a recommendation for any sort of of of negotiation and we're going to move forward anything today I think we need to have a better understanding of what is that upfront payment going to be if we go forward with an option two where we're willing to look at zoning and F which was not in the table which that was not on the table when this process started by the way but that's something that that's on the table now that law changed before you all responded uh to or after after you all responded to the solicitation but now that's a tool that's available and that should materially change these numbers the fact that we're willing to explore that so before I vote on this today and before I see it appear on agenda because what's going to happen is that we're going to get flooded with yes there'll be some people from the neighborhood they're going to say yes we want to see a change here because the side is is in bad conditions and there's homeless and there's crime we'll we'll get some of that but then we're going to get a lot of people that are going to say but it's not a good deal for the taxpayers and who ultimately owns it are not the residents who who live next one yes they're taxpayers too but it's the entire city all the taxpayers of Miami Beach own this property and they want to see a good deal for them so I need to know if we move forward today with option two what is your upfront payment the minimum you're going to go to the table with to as the starting point for negotiations with Raquel I don't want to leave here today saying that it's $15 million because I'll have to oppose that well commissioner Fernandez if I could let's tell him what we want if I want 6 million commissioner Fernandez I appreciate your comments and I actually share the exact same sentiment I I recognize that land that the city of Miami Beach owns is extraordinarily valuable it is an asset that needs to be oriented to the public good I challenge you two places the first one is that is the public good surely a fiduciary obligation or is the creation of new housing that reduces the incremental cost of housing that burdens so many city of Miami Beach members a priority and secondarily right should the remediation of a derelict building that sat there empty and boarded up for north of a decade be a priority as well now the second piece Sor but I'm sorry Don the thing is a number of times our community has shut down a number of projects because the financials were not were not to what the public deserved and that and that is and this is what I'm trying to tell you we can move forward with anything but then I know what's going to happen the community is going to come out they're going to email us they're going to flood our inbox they're going to show up they're going to speak as Sonic and you know what's going to happen it's going to die a commission and so we're just going to be wasting your time so so I and I I agree right I agree that there are going to be naysayers there are for every development project I agree I also believe that at a minimum commissioner you will be able to vote on this five more times we are voting we are asking to start neg are assuming now because you are assuming the commission's vote then that this moves forward that that that there's going to be five five more bikes at the Apple and you're assuming that and if the and you cannot you cannot assume that without coming to the table with something appetizing for the taxpayers that own this and so to move forward from here we either I I strongly feel that we should defer until we can see a better number before us all I'd ask is that we can get to a place where you and I can sit down in a room together and I can walk you through the numbers and the incremental benefits and the Creative Solutions that we can undertake to get you to the place you realize that procedurally that can only happen after the city commission votes for the first of five times but but but you're assuming but you're assuming that going forward with this is going to earn the city commission's vote equivalent to the trust of the of of the community and I'm sorry I'm telling you if we go forward with this to the city commission I won't support this at the city commission all the vote at the city commission will say is that we are willing to entertain a conversation to get to a place where we can reach an agreement as opposed to kicking the can down the road another get 18 through the chair the vote of the city commission means that we're accepting this as the opening for negotiation and I cannot vote for that I cannot say that what is before us should open up the negotiation we're going to move forward with option two I need to know from you if you know I said six million what can you do um commission so um just running the numbers simple math calculator MH you know would you be willing to perhaps do the 5 million for option two but then forgo the annual rent I don't know how much appetite you have this of lowering the annual rent for the next five years because 5 million divided by um um $250,000 for example and and then maybe make that up at the end of so so that basically what I'm saying is you know give us the upfront money so that we we can we can use that today and the annual rent we for the first maybe 10 years we can maybe not maybe lower that significantly and then bring that back up on year like 90 to 99 is there is there an appetite for that so and and I appreciate the the question and and commission Fernandez actually want to respond directly to your counter first of all you know I this has been a long process and I like you am extraordinarily passionate about delivering something transformational to the city so you know to the extent that our conversation navigates itself into uh a bit of a disagreement it's only in pursuit of the best outcome for all of us with that in mind uh we can get close to that number with a caveat uh we retain the historic structure but we're able to some degree to build above it in order to create additional density and two and and this is perhaps the most important part and something that I'd like to be able to walk through with the body after we get through commission so the K of silence is lifted a reduction in the parking requir because the challenge with ADD and those are things I can deal with those are things that is for you to negotiate with our negotiator I just cannot open negotiations at $1.5 million if you're telling me we can open up negotiations at $6 million and have them negotiate with you uh you know some of these re requests about F and parking I'm I'm I'm happy to support a motion uh uh in in in favor of option number number two so that so we can open open up negotiations at that point and I do think that we have a lot of levers that we can push and pull here again I back of the envelope uh calculator uh option number two 113 units 68% of them are market rate that leaves 32 uh Workforce affordable fair to say back of the envelope of uh you'd have more price elasticity on a market rate of $500 a month right so on 36 units $500 a month 12 months out of the year that's an incremental $216,000 in annual rent you could time value of money upfront that over the course of 99 years you'd have the ability to essentially provide a a larger upfront payment one of those push and pull metrics could be the mix of market rate versus Workforce and affordable housing point being this is a starting point in the negotiation starting point and and I will back my colleague commissioner Fernandez under no circumstance do I want to turn around our taxpayers and say uh we're getting $1.5 million for this so the direction I'd like to provide that I think my colleagues are aligned with is let's go for an option two like I said I I'm indifferent I my concern is we're going to preserve something maybe we a few years from now we decide we shouldn't have but uh I will back them in their vision of wanting option two but I want a higher upfront payment uh along with my colleagues so under no circumstance will we accept $1.5 million but but let's move this forward to give you the op the ability to sit here and negotiate with commissioner Fernandez myself the other Commissioners to essentially Sweden that pot in what the project looks like I think today I want to make sure that we're moving forward today with a recommendation that we move forward with option two and what I was hearing from you Don was that we can move forward with option two at a $6 million uh Upfront for for as long as we can talk about f for as long as we can talk about parking these other zoning matters that we can discuss through the negotiation process is that correct that's correct provided we have flexibility with with parking F and affordability we'll be able to get to your number I don't know how my colleagues are going to feel about the affordability uh and I defer to them because that's more Technical and and they they're more expertise on that I'm flexible on the zoning components of it uh because certainly when you look at the surrounding buildings you do have some some you know like the o o octagon Towers you know um but that's all things we can discuss in the negotiation process I I'm not comfortable with horse trading from the days I think it's wildly inappropriate I really understand what you're trying to do because it looks terrible because nobody gets the frustration of mine most of you heard me talk about this nobody cares about nuance and words matter right and so I totally get what you're doing and I appreciate you're sticking to your guns I just want to say for the record at the end of this you know after we move this forward and we negotiate we might decide that you know what we're okay with four as The Upfront number because we maintain um the number of affordable Workforce housing units but we give on the parking and we give on the height or whatever so like I just want it to be on the record that this is not the negotiation this is the starting point of the negotiation you guys will do a lot of talking there will be a lot of discussion with us all individually and potentially back at at at FK or some other committee or commission meeting to discuss this in in a group manner so that you know in instead of having these five options we have now three options where we get six but we give up X Y and Z or we get five and we give up X and Y but we gain a right so that's where we want to come to and we can't get to that until we give you the go-ahead to start having the conversation I guess when I said I wasn't dazzled is because what I was hoping for was the next version of this right so I retract that too so I'm not not dazzled not not dazzled dazzz say it's it wouldn't it wouldn't be inappropriate to say that to start negotiations we want to see something better because I think what would be totally inappropriate is to start is to is to is to you know give a nod to start negotiations on something that underwhelms us and that isn't fair to the taxpayers that I feel would be you know just as inappropriate as as what you've mentioned and that's why I feel like for my vote at least to be able to recommend to my colleagues at the city commission to say that we've vetted this is that you know ADM minimum to before we open any negotiation you know you know a minimum of this type of upfront payment I don't think that's that that's inappropriate I think that's fair to the taxpayer so you've done a fantastic job of giving us various options on this menu now let's move forward with option two and give us a menu of options on option two right for what this we see what this project looks like with a half million upfront payment let's see what the project looks like number two with a three $ million off fromont payment a $4.5 million a $6 million off fromont payment and then we basically hone in on that I I want to go to Daniel sadoo uh he he's just done such great work for our community not only locally but in Tallahassee and uh want to give him the respect to weigh in on this thank you uh chair and commission Daniel serado with Miami Design preservation Le you know I have to say i' I'm a little sick to my stomach some of the conversation about the state of the Barkley right now this is a city-owned asset any other building that were in this state of decay would be doing their recertification and to think that since 2019 the city has received the you know majority of5 billion dollar in tax revenues and we have a 40 million in Resort tax reserves to see one of our art deco landmarks treated like like this every single meeting every deferral every you know you're not giving us enough well that's fine but I really need to ask you guys to take some leadership I'm going to be reaching out to you all before the next meeting and let's get the Barkley in a state of you know stability because you know frankly it's a Concrete structure this is not Versa and and I'm just I'm going to not say you know how I totally feel but hearing these options of no preserv thank goodness we have our laws in place so it's not up to one person who might not like it we need to keep our preservation or our Deco as shining examples and so I really hope that if this is getting deferred again and again that there at least is then direction to the city to take care of its asset or else frankly let's let's give someone money to take it off our hands because this city is not treating it in the with the resp it deserves thank you thank you Mr haraldo we also have commissioner Rosen Gonzalez on the line commissioner hello can everyone hear me can you hear me we can okay I really wish I wouldn't have left the meeting because I see that this is moving forward and you know commissioner Fernandez wanted to defer I I had to leave the meeting because it wasn't heard until 2 and the meeting was supposed to go until 1:30 so I had something you know I would ask my uh fellow commissioner bot you know I can see that commissioner magazine is pushing forward I agree with Daniel Calo that we're not treating this historic property um at all with any you know with any respect and uh I feel that this is just a a sentence to demolition because I think that as soon as they start here it's going to say you know this is beyond Demolition and I would ask for a a deferral on this because I would like some sort of you know guarantee that there is going to be no demolition I don't feel I was shocked and horrified commissioner magazine by your comments um on this just treating it like any other piece of property I really I I've never been so disappointed as when I heard U heard this today and um I I I mean I I would like I you know maybe you need to tour the the facility so commissioner actually j i out for a deferral I wish it would have been I'm sorry but I'm being interrupted right now okay and um but I would I would ask for a deferral until I'm there you know you know it was called after the meeting was over you know the meeting the meeting on my schedule said that we were starting at 10:30 We were finishing at 1:30 it was called at 2m um you know I I would like a chance to weigh in on this in committee and I would like a deferral please I'm asking very for I'm asking my colleagues very kindly for a deferral on this um you know I've been sitting back I'm trying to be stay open-minded but you know I I I really you know when I see stuff like this taking place it's it's very painful so um I'm not sure what you what direction we're going to take option two but you know we got this last night I really didn't even have the time to weigh in on this I would um you know thank you commissioner Fernandez for the for the deferral I wish I was there to Second you and and defer this um I I I'm not sure that I we have the votes to defer um but that's what I would ask please well thank you for your comments one the meeting wasn't over in fact on on your way out the door I said we're actually hearing the Barkley two in terms of Mr soro's comments and the comments about us not treating this uh properly yes I have toward the property and I also saw my colleagues video tour of this property where the next door neighbor came out and said please move forward somebody was murdered here there was a dead body found in this and we're going to sit here and keep deferring and deferring we all know that not the end goal we all know the end goal is to derail this okay let's be honest about that so if we appreciate this property and we want to see it preserved every month that goes by less and less likelihood of that actually happening happens the only way to treat this property with respect is actually move forward with something I don't care what that is I don't care what option it is I want to move forward providing much needed housing getting economic returns to our city not having our Police Department receive 800 calls to go out to the same property where where is the outcry for that where is the outcry that we're going to strain police resources the same as caring about the state of a building when we talk about what messages it will send what message does it send that the city sat here with this fenced off for 15 years doing nothing and we're going to keep doing the same I don't care who the developer is I don't care what we move forward with this property is a plague on our city and we need to move forward with something this entire commission ran on moving forward and we're going to sit here and just keep kicking it and kicking I don't care what what what the numbers are we C that's what a negotiation is for this is a starting point but to say oh we're not treating with this with respect and we care about preservation so we must defer this when we all know the intent is just to derail it if we care about preserving it we need to move forward and and realize that there's going to be naysayers there's going to be detractors we can't get everything we want but if we want to preserve this property we need to move forward simple as that Mr chair so listen I'll move forward number two with with with what was offered of of The Upfront $6 million to open up negotiations that uh with the you know discussing F and parking and and zoning and and and that type of stuff I would love to see because as you well mentioned you know there's probably going to be five other votes uh on this uh in in in the future uh if if we send this uh we have the votes to send this to to commission I think um as part of continuing this there I think you know people have brought up points about you know what happens the conditions of the building is such that It ultimately leads to it being demolished I just want to make sure that we discuss as part of negotiations replication and there's demolition uh because what we're looking at here is an option that that that looks to preserve the site while adding to the site and I just want to make sure that that if as part of this project anything happens that leads to it having to be demolish but then that we are able to consider replication as of the historic elements as part as part of that because again we don't want to you know be perceived as hypocritical when we're dealing with Tallahassee on on policy so I'm happy to profer this motion and I will second this motion we need to move it forward um I I really want us to get out of the business of negotiating from the days I think it's terrible policy ter not policy terrible form it's one thing to give direction um and this is a little bit of a very weird situation because we've been having this conversation for years and years um in various configurations so we have to take an action now so I understand it but we it's not the first time since December that we've been negotiating from the de and I I appreciate everybody's enthusiasm and I creativity in trying to say well how about this does this like I get it and I'm not I'm not trying to curb that but this is not the way to do it the way to do it is to say to talk to our staff and say talk to them about X Y and Z because this really matters and I just figure you know I saw this happen and let our team do their work let's move this it's been it's been moved and seconded I believe we have three votes to move it to the commission um I and and we just have to make it go down the process and then I will leave it up to you guys with input from all of us to come back to us with things that we can then debate on and say you know what option four three three and a half whatever the option is is is the right number so if I could I think you wanted to speak yes yes thank you so much I I do want to put a couple things on the record just for clarification so we have not yet received any architectural plans that would support any of these five options so we would need to receive said architectural plans to to vet them and ensure that what is being proposed as an option is actually feasible the other thing is that uh as far as parking requirements are concerned for affordable and Workforce housing units there's a significant reduction to the parking requirement that is already in place I do want to also stress that uh along the lines of what commissioner bot is mentioning uh staff would recommend that we have a fair opportunity to start an initial negotiation process rather than potentially eight negotiations happening at the same time whereas the developers negotiating one-on-one with each elected also negotiating with staff simultaneously it can get a little confusing we have heard what the priorities are we do understand that lifting the cone would mean they would have an opportunity to have those conversations but I would just recommend that we be able to come back with something and say hey this is what we've agreed upon and maybe these are the two or three sticking points where we're you know we need you to weigh in and tell us hey we want to go this way or that way so I just would recommend that staff have a fair opportunity to negotiate uh with developer and of course input from the day is certainly necessary and we've heard you loud and clear we understand where the priorities are leaning and that is the approach that we would take in the negotiation process yeah I I'll say I have no need to negotiate give me something my colleagues get behind and I'm there you've heard over the years what's important to me that's activating this project providing housing and getting a good return from the city I am not going to step on your toes Raquel I want to leave leave this to City staff so of those eight possibilities remove me from that I have no need to talk or negotiate if my colleagues are behind this I'm behind and I agree it should be at this point it should be uh whenever it goes to commission and gets approved a commission we should give that opportunity to our staff to negotiate directly with them so that there's no political interference or pressure on either side of of of of the matter and Mr chair we have commissioner Rosen Gonzalez would like to to say a word yes go ahead commissioner yeah I just wanted to thank all of you thank you so much for respecting my request uh that's it um you know if you would have asked me to uh defer an item and wait for me to weigh in on something that I'd kind of Taken ownership I think I would have listened to you but I guess I don't deserve that same sort of respect so um thank you very much that's all I to say commissioner bck um Freddy I see you in the back there I have a question the the convention center has parking right so is it used overnight very much GNA call Monica Bel Tran up the parking operation is managed by the city thank you Monica hi I apologize I was just thinking parking in the convention center was a Convention Center question Monica the convention center has parking right it does um for the record Monica Beltran parking director uh it does we don't allow overnight parking because of the events for example when we had a JIS we wouldn't put there but there is the Collins Park okay I'm just thinking you know where could other parking happen so when you guys are negotiating those options might be part of the conversation otherwise I vote Yes if if if I may help facilitate the land the plane um I think you know as Raquel had echoed I think the developer and staff have have heard a lot of suggestions about you know what isn't is not going to be acceptable but if I can to clarify just for the I think the motion is to to for this item to return to commission with a favorable recommendation to direct staff to negotiate with the developer on option two as presented and return to uh return to firk to review the draft uh agreement if I may clarify the recommendation will be to for the commission to award the RFP and to authorize staff to negotiate and then to return to FK and continue the process here yeah so to my uh colleague and commissioner and friend online moving forward with this this doesn't tie any hands this is essentially just giving the developer the opportunity to negotiate with staff negotiate with each of us I I am not going to take that option uh but that's what we're moving forward with it's not as if we're awarding anything handing anything over settling on any types of terms this just allows the flexibility to actually a negotiation to begin t or we out no in terms of moving forward we're done yeah thank you so much and we'll show it by uh acclamation yesk you we are just a again chair and maybe that might think it should be a 3-1 vote given what we just heard yeah she vote virtually can she vote virtually I wouldn't show by acclamation you can show three three Z okay she was thank you if I get chair we are an hour and a half PM schedule can we Pi the yes yeah can we vote to extend it for yeah I think just for the the purpose of that we're in an hour and a half now so I don't know how much time you're expecting maybe an hour and 45 minute extension which give you 15 minutes to do this item yeah that works okay we're going to be hearing item number 27 create condo Ombudsman position number 27 uh and we have our human resources assistant director how are you welcome thank you for all that you do for the city assistant director for human resources the chair and uh Commissioners um so this item was a referral from the commission to create the uh condo um spudman position um and uh we are recommending the Sou salary range for the position I do have a draft um job description for the position and uh so it's up to the committee to um I guess funding is the only issue if I if I may share just like any of these uh uh funding items that aren't budgeted are brand new and we're just you know beginning our uh 25 budget process the recommendation you know from the administration would always be that these would uh if it's favorable coming out of Comm out of committee to go to commission to make this a priority during the 25 budget process would be the recommendation thank you and this is sponsored by commissioner bot right do you want to introduce it uh where all they if somebody could direct me to the page that'd be great but um6 I agree with the concept I don't want to get it down into the Weeds about what the salary should be I'll leave that up to our very capable and competent City staff uh nor do I even know what that recommendation is because I can't find the page oh if if I me what it would do is if this does come back we would work on for the salary and it would be shown as a commission priority during the budget process and would be listed as enhancement for the commission to vote on it uh as a whole yes um yeah I don't I don't think it needs much more conversation than we've already had we've discussed a commission I we refer to your expertise I certainly cannot make this stuff up so I wouldn't want to try um I would like to prioritize it because as we see from the Tallahassee takeover um increasingly people who live in condos are faced with questions they never anticipated and don't know where to turn and that's what this position would be about um so um you know go go forth and do your thing babe I just want to make sure uh if I may throw the chair just want to make sure that this is I mean again I mentioned this at a commission this is for condominium utsman I would want to make sure that we are creating a position that's for for a Florida certified condominium attorney and just want to make sure that that whatever we recommend uh incorporates that into the language I don't see it here is that it is in the item uh and that would be incorporated um by into the job description as a minimum requirement as a minimum requirement yeah correct uh if I may it sounds like so this item would return to commission uh to make the condo on budsman position a priority during the upcoming budget process yeah I well I said I wouldn't weigh in on the salary it just seems like a huge range um of 100% right uh so the salary range is um it's a unclassified position the salary range is uh pay grade 26 which uh the beginning salary is 117,000 to to3 um the the salary range for the state's um umman position begins at 90,000 I believe that position is um that job is still open from my understanding uh calling the state it closes today so um it begins at 90,000 you know based on experience and the skill set of uh the applicant um I'm not sure how much it would go up to because they don't give a ending range for the state position but the um the recommended salary range for uh our position is uh um it's similar to a first assistant City attorney position so I think that makes sense I mean this is I mean we're we're we're looking to hire someone of quality uh I think when we look at the state's uh salary for it it's no wonder the position is vacant when you see uh what it starts off at and you know this is someone that's going to be helping our residents if we if we if we pay well for people who are helping us with our legal matters uh you know if we're going to be putting someone to be helping our residents and taxpayers who who who elect us uh with their issues with their homes I want to make sure someone that has the caliber and the experience uh necessary and we can only you know follow your recommendation on what the appropriate salary would be if that's what the professional recommendation is yes uh then I'm fine with that okay all right thank you I think all we need is a a vote I can't I can't say acclamation anymore since we're could be three we recorded is three nothing yeah okay yes see it recorded So motion to anything else we worked over L but that we're getting what else should we should we is there anything else we got to do is there anything that people need called as a high priority or are we good I'm not aware from the administration side there's anything that is requested to be completed may I ask Monica it do we have time on the the parking rate thing Park sorry which item commissioner uh the two parking items are linked never mind yeahor yeah thank you lunch time lunch dinner lunch or dinner all right guys have a beautiful weekend everyone Mo to J motion to turn thank you do I vote can I vote