we try to go in order one by one so every every person is heard with the ending with the chair and um we may then decide to have a straw poll and have um amendments to a motion if we have a motion in a second and board discussion we may amend the motion and then ultimately have a roll call vote so that's all I've got so Debbie do you want to um sure I'll take it from here uh welcome everyone to the uh March 12th historic presid obervation board meeting um we have a couple announcements this morning but before that I'm going to turn it over to Nick ceris from the city attorney's office who will read the notice regarding lobbyist registration um and swear on any members of the public wishing to testify today thank you thank you Debbie and good morning Mr chairman members of the board today's meeting of the historic preservation board will be conducted in a hybrid format with the board physically present in the temporary commission Chambers and applicant staff and members of the public appearing either in person or virtually via zoom in order to participate in today's meeting virtually the public may dial 1888 475 4499 and enter the webinar ID which is 817 4834 7488 pound or log into the Zoom app and enter the webinar ID which again is 817 4834 7488 anyone wishing to speak on an item must click the raise hand icon if you're using the Zoom app or dial star9 if you're participating by phone uh next I'd like to read the city's notice regarding lobbyist registration if you're appearing on behalf of a business a corporation or another person you need to register as a lobbyist with the city clerk's office if you haven't registered yet you should register before you speak to the board you don't have to register as a lobbyist if you're speaking only on behalf of yourself and not any other party or if you're testifying is an expert witness providing only sign scientific technical or other specialized information or testimony in this public meeting or if you're appearing as a representative of a neighborhood association without any compensation or reimbursement for your appearance to express support of or opposition to any item expert Witnesses and representatives of neighborhood associations shall prior to appearing disclose in writing to the city clerk their name address and the principal on whose behalf they're communicating if you're an architect attorney or employee representing an applicant or an objector you must register as a lobbyist these rules apply whether you're appearing in favor of or against an item or encouraging or arguing against its passage defeat modification or continuance and lastly I'd like to swear in any members of Staff or the public who will be testifying today please raise your right hands do you swear or affirm the testimony you'll give in this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you okay thank you Nick um we do have all seven board members uh present this morning um couple quick announcements so this is a very short agenda we have one uh regular application this morning um we also have a discussion item uh prior to the meeting we passed out the list that we had provided previously to the board um if the board would like to discuss any specific property we can do that at the end of the meeting um and we have one more discussion item that unfortunately um was is not on the agenda this is to to just give the board a brief update on the safe safe structures and resiliency act um that was recently passed by both the state senate and State House of Representatives we just wanted to provide the board an update with that and all any members of the public interested we also passed out a map um that map will be specific to that discussion um and with that we can get started we have no requests for continuances this morning we do have the approval of the uh February minutes um do any board members have uh corrections to make or do we have a motion motion to approve second second okay SEC all those in favor okay that passes thank you um all right moving on to the first regular application this um is HPB 23590 um these are their Citywide digital information kiosks an application has been filed requesting a certificate of appropriateness for digital information kiosks to be installed in the right of way um so we provided the background um in this report as we went over briefly um at the last meeting this was discussed regarding how this came to be in terms of the RFP that was issued um and ultimately the approval of a contract um by our mayor and City commission so each of these kiosks stands uh 8 foot 4 in tall is three 3T 1 and 1/2 in wide and just over 1 foot in depth um these kiosks will contain uh wayfinding information information on our cultural institutions as well as um some emergency response type of Technology included um these K will also feature digital advertising that um the advertising does need to be authorized and approved by the city manager there's very specific things in the contract about the types of advertising that can be um introduced on these so this was last reviewed by the board at the December 2023 meeting um and during that meeting the board did request um that the applicant look at the design and and further refine the design in a manner that was more unique and more appropriate to the city's historic districts and the the identity and character of the city since that time uh the applicant has hired architect Bill Lane um and we've met with the whole team to look at further refined more um slightly more interesting unique type of um design for the actual housing of the kiosks um staff does believe that these will be you know one of a kind we do not believe these are located in any other city um they've also provided us with some potential color options that they're going to present today while we think that that is an interesting aspect because color is so important in this City's architectural history um you know we did gear more toward the more neutral backdrop we were concerned that anything that was overly designed or too vibrant might actually detract from our beautiful uh historic architecture so we are supportive of the currently proposed design and with that I will turn it over to Mr Lin who represents the applicant unless you have any questions for me yeah I I had a quick question about the uh move from 11 to 9 because in the staff report it said there were 11 what um yeah and I think the applicant is is currently refining the specific location so there were two locations that were three locations that were actually removed and an additional one that was introduced I think on Fifth in Washington um so there would be two on Washington at this point um and I know they've met with certain Community groups I believe they've met with the Collins Park neighborhood association where one of these was previously appr previously proposed that one has been removed um but I can let the applicant go into more detail with regard to refining the loc proposed locations sure so good morning Mr chairman board member of Staff Michael lurin 200 St this K Boulevard here repres the applicant with these Anna bman with the applicant Marissa kudell with the applicant William Lane William architecture and my colleague Emily Balter we are very appreciative the opportunity to come before you all again in order to address many of the questions and comments that you all raised at the December hearing since that here we have worked with commissioner bot on a Citywide mailed notice which is quite unprecedented for HPV application but it happened and notices went out to all Property Owners business owners within the city we've met with numerous neighborhood associations bids stakeholders of budding property owners and businesses and City staff to take everyone's comment into consideration and answer questions also Ike retain my friend Bill Lane who is famous for the Lifeguard stands that he designed throughout our whole city to study and reimagine the kiosk for something that is contextual to our local historic districts we hope that the nine locations before you all today exhibit the effort of this team and show it a great addition this will be for the city and I like to bring up Anna and she's going to walk you through the rest of the presentation followed by Bill thank you to the board for the opportunity to present to you today my name is Anna bman and I am a development director at Ike Smart City because there's a few members of the board that were not here for my December presentation I am going to just do a very very quick recap of about the company and the product before moving into the changes that Michael Lin just mentioned um from our previous application so by way of background Ike smart city has been in business since 2015 um we have been singularly focused since our launch in Denver on evolving the interactive kiosk experience investing heavily in our hardware and our software to create the most technologically advanced platform available and refining our work through extensive work in cities we have positive Partnerships with 17 cities Nationwide including in the city of Miami and Coral Gables where we launched in 2019 and 2021 and we've actually been selected in every competitive RFP that we've ever participated in that has resulted in this type of Technology being installed insted in the public right of way a big differentiator about our company is our expert in vertically integrated team we handle all aspects of the program in housee so we've built a proprietary software inhouse which allows us to be extremely Nimble and reactive to the needs of our city Partners we handle the advertising sales component inhouse um and we also do construction project management inhouse everything happens within the OBM team the goals of Ike are to drive discovery of small businesses um and provide information to promote those those small local businesses to enhance Mobility through real-time transit information and multimodal uh trip planning capabilities and then also to drive Equity through a suite of Social Services applications that we have on the kiosk like I mentioned we are live in 17 cities Nationwide including many in South Florida um we are in Miami and Coral Gables we um are launching an Aventura this year we're in Tampa and then we're also in other major cities across the country like Houston Atlanta um and Phoenix Arizona in terms of our experience in South Florida we have had a great um great experience having Ike installed in Coral Gables and in Miami and Coral Gables specifically we started with a deployment on the Miracle Mile of just four kiosks and the usage was so significant and the program was so successful that the city manager allowed us to expand that network from four 4 to 10 kiosks um and so now you can see we have additional kiosks off of the mile and then in the city of Miami our contract is for 150 kiosks if you have you know been driving through the city recently along Brickle biscan you've definitely seen uh these kiosk were were're Citywide Coconut Grove Overtown Winwood um and we work with all of the local bids there to manage the content so each screen um within the city within each neighborhood is unique to that specific neighborhood's needs a little bit of background on how we've gotten to this point in Miami Beach so we won an RFP in December of 2022 and then our agreement with the city was approved in June of 2023 by the city commission and we signed our agreement in July and then in December we presented to this board um we were you know given some feedback and now we're here to share the updates that we've made to our proposal one of the big pieces of feedback that we received in December was community outreach and the need to make sure that you know the neighborhood groups were supportive of our application as well as the adjacent property owners and so as Michael mentioned we did send out that city-wide mailer I hope you received it to each um household and business within the city of Miami Beach and then additionally we have completed um quite a bit of community outreach and actually received letters of support which you should have copies of from the Washington Avenue bid the Lincoln Road bid the Collins Park neighborhood association um mdpl not only on their 1211 blog but they just posted yesterday another supportive um post about our our kiosk oite arts on Lincoln Road a local Gallery wolf Sony and FIU fena group The Ritz Carlton kton Anglers and the and queen Miami Beach we did reach out to each adjacent property owner to a proposed kiosk location if they're not listed here it's we probably did not hear back but we're always willing to meet um you know if if they have interest in meeting with us and learning more about the project oh and we also presented to um just yesterday the transportation committee I do want to mention that because that was something that was requested in the last in the last meeting and we also did present to the mid Beach neighborhood association in terms of content standards um Debbie mentioned this already uh but we have certain things that you will never see on the kiosk those are things like things that are false misleading obscene um illegal tobacco firearm sexual Services anything political medical marijuana and then the city manager has the ability to add any category and request removal within 24 hours of our of notice to our company this is all outlined in our agreement with the city and so it's something that we are bound by I am going to pass it over to William Wayne to walk you through the refined design and option I do want to mention that you know the scope that we gave him was slightly Limited in that we wanted to ensure that the reasons we were selected in the RFP we still you know part of our product and that is that these have been tested for hurricane speed W hurricane speed winds of up to Winds of up to 165 miles hour uh flooding up to 18 in they're built for the outdoor environment and they're slim so that they don't take up precious sidewalk space more than they need to and so those were the things that we wanted to stay the same but we also wanted to create something and have William Lane create something that was unique to the aesthetic of Miami Beach and so this that is what he will present to you today uh good morning uh William Lane architect uh thank you for the opportunity to be here and present some ideas we had for the kiosk uh one of the things is uh Anna was saying is that we were limited we didn't want to uh extend the kiosk too much so we limited ourselves to uh 4 Ines uh we're the reason being is that we also didn't want to uh intrude upon the overall sidewalk space and what was available so we uh we began with uh looking at some different shapes uh that we thought uh could help we wanted to primarily look at the silhouette and see if we could uh develop something that might be more unique to the beach uh we felt that the uh you know the initial prototype was a little bit static so we want to add some movement to the overall outline of the kiosk uh again staying within the limitations of the 4 in and at the same time uh respecting the uh the base design and some of the components that they've already established so we we decided out of this uh this particular version where we basically did a little bump out in the uh top and at the bottom again creating some kind of flow uh that would be a little bit more interesting than that very Monumental static uh one that you see in the city of Miami or in I guess Coral Gables so we we're looking at uh you know other variations we introduced some color uh on this more uniform prototype and we felt that in appropriate locations this might be a little bit fun to include uh we would probably you know maintain a more neutral charcoal gray background in locations where there might be a lot of noise and what I mean by that is just visual noise and uh looking at these kiosks and places not like New York they s they tend to be very minimal and they uh have very neutral uh pallets so we we understand that component uh and how important that is in terms of not adding a lot of uh again noise or activity color so but we felt that here in Miami Beach given the scale and the nature of the beach and maybe there you know it's a resort town we felt that there might be perhaps a opportunity for some Whimsy and some color so this was our first uh sort of rendition and then we went further um and developed a little bit more uh sculptural prototype where we uh the particular uh extensions or plugins we made a little bit more sculptural we gave them some depth we uh added maybe an inch so that they became more than just extensions of the design but actual components that could bring in perhaps a sculptural effect so again here we have the same uh neutral background and uh the the little bit more sculpted uh profile we then of course went a little bit further with that and developed some color types color types and with this in mind we thought if anything this might be something might happen once or twice and it would be a form of customizing the Prototype and could add another layer of statement to to the design and it would be of course located whatever uh site would be most appropriate and would you know be what it is so that's believe sort of the uh the basics of our design process and I know that we're short on or that I'm running out of time but I am happy to continue with the presentation or try to kind of get to the end of it um this is the same kind of information as before the kiosk specifications which um I think it was already outlined the height and width and and depth of the kiosk um and they're built for the outdoor environment which I mentioned before you know they can operate from -20° Fen height to 120° Fahrenheit um hurricane speed uh the there's shatterproof tempered glass we also have very extensive maintenance obligations in our agreement with the city we will be visiting these five days a week um to make sure that they are clean and in like new condition like new is actually the terminology that's used in our agreement with the city um and so they will be kept very clean during events like art bosle and F1 we will visit to clean those kiosks seven days a week so you we have an elevated maintenance obligation during events of that nature um in terms of Illumination the kiosks dim they have a um sensor inside of them they dim at night and they can also be uh manually adjusted to the level of brightness that the city feels comfortable with but automatically they do based on ambient light dim during the evening hours and then get brighter during the day so that they are visible the kiosk have two modes of operation passive mode when someone walks up to the screen it's going through a loop of content um some of it's Community content content by The Neighborhood associations the city we work with local artists in all of our our cities to display um well actually national and local artists to display artwork on the screens when they're not in use we have a team of three people that are solely dedicated to that um and then there is the commercial advertising component as well which funds the business model and allows us to provide a revenue stream back with the city when you tap on the screen it goes into what we call engaged mode and it opens an interactive Suite of applications you may notice that these look different than when we presented to the board in December we have worked with the Communications Department to re-envision the look and feel of the application tiles um the font is now Miami Beach's brand font the iconography has been confirmed by the communications department and then we're looking at a translucent blue um color palette that actually it moves a little bit when you're inter interacting with it it almost looks like waves or clouds um the the suite of applications um we have Discovery applications like shop eat and drink arts and culture this is going to pull all of the local businesses shops um and museums and galleries into the kiosk sorted based on proximity to that kiosk location um they it is completely free to be included in these listings we pull from a series of apis to automatically pull that into the kiosk you can see photos reviews and send directions from the kiosk to get to those locations um to really Drive business to the local op in the city um in terms of Transit real time departure and arrival information for local Transit including trolleys and and small micr Mobility options Like Bike Share um will all be available on the kiosk unified into our Transit application and then we also have you know an event list um that we can work with each neighborhood association to pull all the local events in the area sorted by date all of the information on the kiosk can be transferred from the kiosk to a user's phone to take it on their way it's a discovery tool that's intended to be used in partnership with your phone without elevated placement by Google and Yelp and things of that nature driving The Narrative of what makes Miami Beach special um one other thing I want to note we did work with the Miami Design preservation league on an art deco walking tour with our software team so this will be a custom application that plots out Art Deco um landmarks within the city and allows a user to to transfer that information from the kiosk to their phone and go on an interactive walking tour of all of the art deco landmarks that mdpl is highlighting and as you walk the tour it will pull up on your phone photos of the landmark you're looking at and then information about that landmark and so that's something that mdpl is really excited about there's a public safety component to the kiosk an emergency call Button security cameras um with a 14-day DVR that can be accessed by the local police for emergency incidents and then the ability to take over the screen with realtime um emergency alerts that come from FEMA populated by the integrated public alert and warning system this will automatically take over the screen if there is a severe weather event active shooter Amber Alert Etc and then I mentioned this before here is just a list of the the different Arts institutions um that we have and artists that we have collaborated with Nationwide in Miami for example we've worked with Winwood walls the pre Art Museum the Adrian AR Center um local artists such as Eileen sites and Coconut Grove to display artwork um on the kiosk screens to create an engaging mix in the loop and then here are some photos of examples from other cities moving into the renderings I will just flip through these and just mention the um support that we have for each location um as was mentioned before we had three locations that we received feedback from the board in the last meeting that there was not support for and we have removed those from the list so one was at Indian Creek Drive in 41st um because there was not a lot of pedestrian activity that has since been removed um on Collins right like right adjacent to boli because the sidewalk was too thin we removed that location and then also um on Ocean Drive across the street from the Betsy Hotel we removed that location Ocean Drive did submit a letter last night stating that they are supportive of the location at Ocean and 10th um I hope hopefully you guys have received that but that their previous letter of opposition they've rethought the the letter of opposition and they're supportive of the location that mdpl also supports so because and then we did add a location on Washington Avenue um Troy from the Washington Avenue bid was very adamant that you know the bid really love loves this technology and so any locations that are removed he'd love to see on Washington and so we did add an additional location on Washington which was in your packet um so first we have a location at Collins Avenue in 34th Street this is um supported by fena group uh Collins Avenue and 22nd this is supported by the Collins Park neighborhood association Lincoln Road and Washington Avenue this is supported by both the Lincoln Road and Washington Avenue bid Collins Avenue in Lincoln Road this is supported by the Ritz Carlton Collins Avenue and 16th Street this is supported by the Lowe's Hotel Ocean Drive in tenth this is supported by Ocean Drive Association and mdpl Washington Avenue and 10th Street this is supported by the Washington Avenue bid as well as the wolf wolf sonian FIU and queen Ocean Drive and fifth we didn't we didn't um make contact with the adjacent property owner although we attempted Washington Avenue and six this is supported by the kton Anglers Mr chairman would you like to allow additional time i' I've extended a couple times I I'm finished I'm completed thank you very much and happy to answer any questions so are there any questions from the board for the applicants okay um we'll start with you Bri we can go down we'll go down this way and and you'll just collect these questions okay I have a question on so the the different studies that you did this is mainly for Mr Lane um and I know Mr Lane is the Visionary behind the life guard stations on Miami Beach and so I was just curious if the hardware had not been a limitation um like what how how would these recommendations potentially have changed and and what were the recommendations of the hardware um that might have prevented some creativity just one second we're going to we're going to collect a few more questions and then and then you'll come up we'll just go down the line has schol um in looking at the designs you started off with you know the pastel colors and that looked really good and the final design that you had um I didn't particularly like it all with the big black band at the top and then you know like a a right angle black on the bottom and another right angle black on the top to me that is not a design at all that I could approve uh H you want to did you have some question uh Mr Burman I have a couple of questions uh you were talking about Coral Gables and establishing success what is your criteria for Success number one and secondly you talked about the commercial Revenue stream and could you elaborate on that and how the city participates with you on that thank you Mr M bman um my question is related to the list of events and how often the information is updated and how you maintain those kiosks relevant to what's going on U thank you again for the presentation um and and for showing the neighborhood Outreach um was there any opposition I know there were some updates there but did anyone file any opposition and um you know it seems to be pretty spaced out there's kind of a cluster of seven eight and nine and I'm wondering why um but I love the walking tour with mdpl thank you okay um go ahead um and then just on the question this is piggybacking off of Eliz Elizabeth's Point as well pigging back uh on the the question of kind of the curatorial um viewpoint on the artwork I'm just kind of want to get a little more detail on who is going to be doing that creation exactly um which organizations or institutions here in Miami Beach will be part of that cuz I think it's pretty important that that is locally sourced and then my my questions were kind of follow up um they kind of piggyback on some of the other questions one was kind of the art deco walking tour I didn't see a separate app for that I was wondering like how one would find it and to make sure it's not like too hidden um and then I noticed that one moved right in front of the wolfsonian uh which is you know obviously is one of the most active programming institutions of any of the kios and historic districts how would you find and program with the wolfsonian so that it can amplify their messaging I think I think that's it anybody else have any anything to add just one other question it really has nothing to do with designer location a lot of people wonder how many different ads are going to be on the kiosk um every picture that you show shows like Ocean Drive and and and a generic picture but that's not what people are going to see when they walk by there's going to be an ad and how often that ad changes before somebody touches the screen so Mr chairman I think what you'd like for us to do is have the public hearing first and then come back and we'll answer all the questions sequentially or how would you like no we that you address the questions now and then if there's if there's some more back yeah that would be really helpful so we're going to start with uh Brian's question um and that's more toward bill so is there any way to pull back up the design so can you please get close to the mic when you're ready yeah Anna why don't you take the clicker and cck the beginning yeah please perfect so um to answer your question Mr ear we did try quite a few other options and what we found was in order to get that much let's say more impacting form it required us to move quite a bit outside of that 4inch limitation so we just can you just explain the 4 inch limitation exactly what you mean by that I'm not sure that I I wanted to stay within their prototype I guess they it's something that so you're saying Plus or plus 4 in plus 4 in yeah to the left no more than not more than and I know that what was the the reasoning on just the 4 in well for instance if we were to bring in a more complex curve it it just got very busy I I felt that it got a little bit dated that it would read as something kind of decorative it would then add to what I I refer to as noise I I really did feel as an architect I've always kind of struggled between these kind of items being part of the landscape and either being so uniform and minimal that you really just see the graphics uh but I think in Miami Beach there there is again an opportunity for something that's a little bit more you know tweaked so to speak so when we did do those little things it was more of a it wasn't really something that we were trying to pick up uh aspects of Miami Beach design Art Deco we were really looking at in a very simple graphic way where we were creating a motion rather than just a verticality with a couple of angles so the idea was to very subtly bring in a bit of graphic motion within the limitations that we had so um and then Brian just can I ask a follow up to that um how do could you take us a little bit through your process of how you design and I guess with this with a particular focus on designing within a historic district in terms of making something that you know felt relevant with right I think that's like one issue that I'm that I want to understand and to to get behind uh this proposal I want to I want to know that there is a clear kind of connection understanding to the historic district to the scale to the character of these neighborhoods in Miami Beach and then that there is some sort of a new take on that right and so I think we're all I'm don't want to speak for everybody but I think that we all you know we're very collaborative board and we want to embrace something that's new and something that's Innovative and something tells a kind of a new story or like a tweak on an old story and so I'm I'm really curious about that well I've always been a fan of ornament and I do think that ornament is something that does characterize Art Deco um they've taken let's say a very minimal box uh so to speak and and they've added um extra features to it whether their uh reliefs or their eyebrows but it it's typically where you might do something with a conventional shape and add something to it so maybe that's you know the the primary thing that we saw the the shape itself is really static it it was just a straight slab and we it was a struggle between doing something that might come out as being overtime kit or a little tired we wanted it to stay fresh and I I feel that the uh initial prototype maybe it falls into you know the realm of minimal uh sculpture and therefore can fit into anything like 6th Avenue in New York or something where you you're dealing with um other Urban elements like bus shelters and you know in the in that case a lot of these features are often dealt with in very minimal way and they're meant to not they're meant to sort of disappear so we wanted to do something but not something that again uh well first of all went you know beyond the realm of what we could do with the Prototype but something again to in a very graphic way um perhaps like some of the architecture here uh where there's movement so it was as simple as that it was a struggle between something that would disappear and be quiet and something that would add uh some kind of gesture and I think furthering that uh and it's interesting what uh Mr Bren said which is that we came back to a couple of slides that we put in yesterday and we too felt that there were some things that we had developed right that uh maybe let me see I can go back to the image um we felt that this particular image um was useful and that we kept the the basic shape but in select locations we could add some pastels you know turquoise Violet pink uh melon or uh you know just something to brighten it up so in those places where we could add another layer we thought color would be appropriate um I agree that these here might get a little busy and distracting and um and just you know I keep referring to the idea of visual noise and then I think Brian's second question more involved the curatorial choices uh andna for like the art like will we collaborate with the local museums and sure so we have team of three people that are exclusively focused on Partnerships with artists both national and local Partnerships as well as nonprofits to display the artwork or information about that nonprofit free of of cost on our network of kiosks it is really up to the the city and the city's preference on whether that be limited to um only local or national and we are happy either way this is really meant to be a benefit that is part of our kind of proposal and not something that we you know feel strongly that we have to display our national Partners on Miami Beach kiosks in the city of Miami we work with both National and um Miami artists we also actually display Miami Beach artists there as well but I've heard in every presentation I've been in that in Miami Beach it is the strong preference that it be limited to local Miami Beach um artists and cultural institutions because you have so many and there is no you know need to bring in anything National and we are completely aligned with that we've already had a conversation with wolf sonian actually um and we are running content for them on our Miami Network until we get our Miami Beach Network live so we're very excited to work with them to curate these kiosks um and we'll be working with you know we we'll work with the city and our our team that is dedicated to this we'll work with the city to understand who we should be reaching out to um in terms of the local Arts organizations and and individual artists to make sure that we are representing the Arts Community appropriately does that answer your question okay okay and then Ry had a couple questions first was the more color the better he likes more color rather than the more black and is that an option for us to pursue absolutely absolutely ones were great with with the color that that really says miam Ray Ray we need your on mic sorry yeah that black was just it just didn't work for me I don't know about the rest of the board but didn't work for me at all sure and then Ray second question was uh how many ads yeah great question so the loop has eight slides in it each one is 10 seconds long one of those slides is always dedicated to the city for its use for you know Community programming City programming plus any unsold space which there's almost always unsold space other than during you know large events like art box pule or F1 um and then in addition to that so then the remaining seven slides are available for for sale if the city doesn't want to utilize that unsold space that's where we start to display that art content um uh content for nonprofits um neighborhood organization content and if you go to Miami or Coral Gables and drive around you'll see that there's usually about two ads two to three ads running in the ad Loop in any given time and the Maj and the remainder of the content is either information from the Miami DDA or the Coconut Grove bid or art artwork information about nonprofits um and so it really is an engaging mix of of content is that an okay answer sure um next as hasell had two questions the first was you had mentioned in Coral Gables along Miracle Mile that they were successful so the city manager asked you to do more then he asked what were your Collective criteria for success C Gables great question so we installed on the Miracle Mile as part of their streetscape Improvement project so they were reenvisioning the Miracle Mile they wanted to make it a more pedestrian oriented experience for people that were visiting the mile um draw attention to all of the local options in the area and so the there kind of were two main keys to success one was usage so the kiosk on average in the city of in the Miami area in general are getting 300 uses per kiosk per month we do collect C analytics on the kiosk that we provide to the city it's all Anonymous and aggregated information on kiosk usage as well as pedestrian counts and things of that nature air quality monitoring um and so the usage was one of the factors and the other was the revenue stream to the City of Coral Gables you know the kiosks are um there is a minimum guarantee on a per kiosk basis um and it's a kind of a greater of concept um same thing in Miami Beach I can get into the details when that question comes up um but the revenue uh potential was was really there as well and so it felt like a win-win the kiosks were being used they were generating a stream of revenue for the city um and they were getting great feedback from the community and so you know we work with the local bid there to post content um and so it felt like something that the city manager wanted to expand and so we did amend that contract to allow for that extension so hasal related second question was the commercial Revenue stream exactly what is the split in Miami Beach so in Miami Beach the City receives the greater of a minimum guarantee on a per kios uh basis or a percentage of the gross revenue that percentage is 40% of gross revenue or $20,000 per kiosk in year one with 2% annual escalations which ever is higher we estimate based on our projected Revenue which we are uniquely qualified to project that Revenue because we've been operating in Coral Gable since 2019 and Miami since 2021 that the city will receive about one and a half million doar a year from the program which equates to $30 million over the term um and we've actually already delivered a $1 million prepayment to the city for this project as a deposit against future advertising Revenue so the city has already received a million dollars for from this project okay next was Elizabeth she wanted to know a list of events like how often does that rotate is that about right Elizabeth like the rotation how often right how often it's updated so like the event is over and it's not still being advertised so one of the the greatest things about the kios is that all of the information is updated in real time we don't have any manual entry as part of setting up our kiosk program so for you know the business listings for example we're pulling from an API that pulls in all of that information automatically just by way of those businesses existing the same thing goes for events so we would work with the city to get an IAL link of their event list as well as the local neighborhood organization that's relevant for that kiosk location and as soon as it's updated on the base Source where those events are are held within 60 seconds it updates on the kiosk and so sort of the Genesis of Ike was actually in partnership with a local bid in Denver that felt like their static wave finding signage was always outdated tenants would go out of business and then the information would be outdated and they'd have to reprint a static map it was costly and and it was an ineffective way to display that inform information and so a big part of our mission and a big part of our benefit is that all of the information is always updated in real time onto the kiosks great and then Laura's question was there seems to be a cluster of kiosks seven eight and nine do you mind pulling up the map or pulling up the presentation for me I just want to make sure I know which three are seven eight and nine bless you oh gosh my eyes are not that good I can't tell either which are the renderings numers we're getting there Lord the font is so small that it's it's hard for us to I know that makes me feel old that I can't see that okay soins LOL ands 16 and Lincoln Washington so I think the the three locations are Lincoln and Washington Collins and Lincoln and Collins and 16th so when we're citing these kiosks there's a lot of factors that we're looking into one is sidewalk with because you know there it's been expressed to us that when there is a thin sidewalk that that is not an ideal location for a kiosk which we completely understand the other is that we by contract must be 250 ft away from the nearest bus shelter or bus stop and so that creates another layer of limitation on our kiosk placement and then the other is where we have you know requests from the the local bids for additional locations and so you know the Collins and and Lincoln Collins and 16th and Washington and Lincoln are all in very you know commercial areas of the city they have significantly wider sidewalks and some of the other areas of the city and we have support from the local neighborhood organizations for those locations and so those were all factors in selecting uh you know those three locations great um and then John wanted more discussion about the art deco walking tour like how do you intend to do that right so there is I'm sorry if it wasn't clear from the presentation there is a standalone application just like the eat and drink application or the transit application that would say art deco walking tour oh okay yeah it would be great if I could pull it up so it's very it's very small but if you look on the far left where it says and there's like a light blue square that says art Deo walking tour that would live on the application tile screen um can you go to the application tile screen just to show me where that might be so so it would look just the exact same size as these but it would just say Deco walking tour which is what you're seeing right there the um so it' be a different color and a different type it would have the photograph or whatever that is in it yes it would it would look different so that it would stand out in the application suite and so it sort of would catch your eye a little bit more but it would be in terms of the shape and size the same as the other applications and then when you tap on it that's when you can interact with it and transfer that information to actually take the tour and we built this is going to be the first time we've done this um we built this in partnership with mdpl and our software team you know it's this is unique to Miami Beach this isn't anywhere else Lindsay you have a question I have a question um somewhat clarifying I hope um so this Art Deco walking tour icon on the I forget what you call icon screen I forget what you called it um is and you said that it's going to look a little bit different so could I equate that if I'm comparing to Miami sorry this is is a little off the cuff but if I'm comparing to the ones that are downtown Miami would that be like you know there's the activities icon and the beaches and park icon but then there's like the homeless icon which looks different it's like a green are you homeless question mark it stands out a little bit because it looks a little different is that actually that's ex that's exactly it and if you look at I just realized this might be a good way to describe it if you look at the application tiles here do you see how the Artscape concert series looks different than the rest of them that's exactly how it would look on the home screen okay thanks I have the benefit of having see there's one right by my office and I'll talk about that in a minute great Mr chairman I think that was oh the one other question you had was the wolfsonian programming to give an example of like how would we do how would we work with lonian so we've already had that introdu introductory meeting with our um director of strategic Partnerships Corey favor and wolf sonian and like I mentioned we are running content for them already in the city of Miami and then we would work with them hand in hand to figure out what they want to post um to and ensure that that gets uploaded on the kiosks in Miami Beach once we launch and I do have one more clarifying question because this has come up a couple times talking about the white versus the color versus the black or the gray what do what does the current iteration look like so we're very clear because my understanding is there is no black there's some gray the this is what is being recommended by is gray gray and then this would be what William was saying could be in select locations if it feels appropriate and that's really a decision that we are going to lean on you for and was was there any discussion on these colors with the um with the city in terms of what they because they have different colors that they can use on their logo I think one of them looks something like the blue maybe and there's a green uh a light green um did yeah yeah I can if you don't mind um so we recently met with um the team in City's Communications Department they're the department very talented individuals that are really responsible for for The Branding um of the city um so I think there are some like the font was mentioned we also have you know mentioned our city logo and the font and the color scheme for that um and in the screen as well the this kind of static image it will be likely a photograph taken by our Communications Department now with regard to the colors so what we talked about with the city's Communications Department was other types of color not necessarily the casing of the of the um structure but the lighting color the home screen color in terms of that blue um they also have a lighting element on that angled portion of the base um and the idea was to do a very kind of neutral warm color but as you know when we have certain events in the city certain holidays or recognition days you know the city often changes our lighting whether it's you know purple for Alzheimer's or pink for breast cancer awareness um so I think there's some flexibility there that I you know I would defer to the city's Communications Department but we were all there very excited about maybe having the ability to change some of that um the home screen uh we also have a little bit of flexibility it will not be changing colors um what we're showing now is the blue that could slightly be modifi depending on on you know the communications input from that um this is the first time so we when we met previously we saw the busier kind of color scheme um and we did think that that was awfully distracting in many areas if you could go back to kind of that first color scheme not the one that you're currently proposing with the triangles it had more of the geometric kind of color the neon the white with the neon and it was very bright that's so when we met with them initially we said you know we really appreciate this thought of color but we did believe that the neutral Gray and again Ray the Black is gone I know it's shown and it's confusing on some of the imagery but it was a neutral kind of gray color so we in we are you know initially recommended that that the new more neutral color scheme be the approved version now looking at the new color scheme that they've presented today which staff just received um I think it was yesterday um you know I do think there's potential there as well because it's still relatively you know neutral um without having too much going on um so I think that's interesting and I like how they referenced Leonard horrorwitz um but it correct me if I'm wrong those backgrounds of those structures would not be able to change that would be a built-in component yeah so that would be a powdercoated finish under a glass bezel so the if we selected a color for a kiosk location the that color would be the permanent color of and the only the only consideration there would be well if we go with certain colors in certain locations does that then necessitate the background screen maybe to be a different color like I don't know if we'd want the blue casing with the blue screen because that you know may may be somewhat awkward so I think we you know depending on if the board chooses one of these colors I think we could work with our Communications team to also then slightly modify some of the screen colors um but the screen colors will be soft and translucent regardless um can I and just about on that screen again so what's below the the footing is um it looks white here but is it is it actually like a a a white metal or is it like white it's a it's a metall it's a powdercoated um metallic aluminum got it and that is also on the edge and goes around it would be consistent around the entire spine the top of the kiosk and then the front and back below the glass screen so everything that you're seeing that's color here would be covered in glass and then the rest would be the powder coated aluminum and the foot comes in where the foot comes in I've seen it sometimes shown with a light and sometimes without does it yeah that there is always a light I think is rendered with um a warm white which is you can't it's not perceptible but it would always always be um there would always be a lighting strip at the bottom okay so uh Mr chairman before we go to the public hearing I just have a clarification to make and a point of information if you don't mind so the clarification is that when we went to fena hotel we sought out the general manager we thought that was the appropriate person to reach out and seek his support and he did Grant his support but when Nan showed up this morning he told me he was representing am man and the fena group the actual owner of Fina hotel and he told me that they have overruled the general manager that they're not in support of the kiosk close to F Hotel so I apologize for that confusion but we thought we were doing the right thing the point of information that you all need to know is that during the public hearing you'll hear from an objector attorney representing outfront media outfront media is the vendor that the city has an agreement with regarding bus shelters there is of course advertising on these bus shelters for years now outr media has viewed our client as an economic competitor a threat to their advertising Revenue as a result theyve made sure in their agreement with the city that there's a 250 fot buffer buffer in between bus stops and bus shelters in any proposed digital kiosk to let you all understand that distance a little bit better a Boeing 747 is 250 ft in length a football field is 360 ft in length so it's about 70% of the length of a football field in addition they have been recycling argument set forth most recent a letter to you all that has been routinely rejected by the city commission and the City attorney for a period of about two years these are fundamental jurisdictional questions that the City attorney has rejected they're not properly before you all you all don't have perview to to consider questions such as those with that I'd like to reserve time for rebuttal and I thank you very much for your time thus far thank you um and now we have uh any any disclosures oh that's you let's go for no that's all right I was going to say the same thing do any board members have any disclosures to make um since this application was last present just at the the presentation came before the colins park neighbor Association for you know for this presentation today um and we did vote to approve it um one of the questions that we did bring up which wasn't brought today is why they haven't considered locations outside of parking garages and along our very long board a beachwalk where pedestrians do congregate why they haven't considered those locations but that was it thank you um I had a meeting with the applicant last Friday Friday before last I had a meeting with the applicant yesterday okay if that's it we can open up uh for public comment um we have people on Zoom we have people we can take the people in in chamber first first good morning everyone Annabelle yopi executive director at the Lincoln Road bid um I'm here today to say we're completely supportive of these units and network being within our district I think it would be an much needed elevation elevated program for the consumer's Journey currently we have static outdated directories that the moment you print they're obsolete um they're also so oversized on Linker Road I know within this particular Network we don't have any on Linker Road on our specific bid area we have one on our perimeter um but I think it's important to say that we feel very confident this will really help our consumers our tenants and also help us really amplify our messaging across the the bid so thank you okay thank you good morning chair members of the board niss cin of acran LLP representing both the uh F hotel as well as the Aman and uh I'd first like to start by saying a couple of things number one I would like to thank Michael for making his clarification on the record he only found out this morning that ownership of the fana hotel is opposed the location of the particular kiosk in front of the bizaar at 34th in Collins Avenue as you know Alan fana was the Visionary genius behind the creation of the fyen district and and that is Central to what I'm going to talk about today I'd also like to say I'm a big fan of of Bill Lane uh bill came to me 30 years ago with his idea and designs for those lifeguard stands which the city turned down because each one was going to cost a few thousand dollar more and I think it worked out pretty well for Miami Beach uh what I wanted to bring to your attention was that fyen is a recognized District in the city of Miami Beach both a zoning overlay but in addition to that there is a streetscape design and plan that was created and a approved specifically for the fin I think uh John Stewart may have been on the board at the time that was created and I've put before you the map which shows all the properties in the fyen district and this is everything from the boardwalk uh from 32nd Street up to 35th Street on both sides of Collins Avenue and the side streets uh F hired Raymond jungles to do this master plan it was approved by the city we have an agreement with the city and a covenant to maintain it and that as well uh and so it has I think all of you are probably familiar with it special Landscaping special Paving artistic Street Furniture in fact in the corner of 33rd Street uh a sculpture commissioned by Alan F which sits in the public right of way uh as well the collection of buildings on the west side of Collins Avenue were the first and to date only buildings designed by om REM coolhouse this is a special area where design is very important you know the fana Hotel you know of the enormous investment and care that is being taken and the development of the Aman project and the former of Versa site which is part of the F district and this is why both are opposed to this specific location so we' ask you to not allow this kiosk at that location thank you good morning good morning I'm Matthew ganof with the Miami Design preservation League we are supportive of the application and we're thankful that they retained local architect William William Lane to further customize the kiosks to fit the Miami Beach aesthetic based on feedback from the community and HPB members We Believe with the refined design Alternatives the kiosks will have a unique aesthetic different from other municipalities we're also really excited to partner with Ike on the Miami Beach tours app which will showcase historic landmarks that are nearby based on the location of the kiosk and help educate both locals and visitors about the architectural history of Miami Beach the applicants also did reach out to adjacent property owners and to have adjusted locations based upon their feedback so we are appreciative of the continued Outreach that they've done we support the application and we also thank them as members of Miami Design preservation League thank you okay thank you uh we can move oh thank you Debbie um first before I get started um my name is Mike ente with LSN law 3800 uh Northeast First Avenue representing out front two quick administrative things before I get started and uh get on on the clock number one I did not arrive uh prior to the time that speakers were sworn in so I'm happy to be sworn in you are an attorney so you unless you're test well I can swear you in anyway in case you do give testimony so do you swear affirm the testimony you'll give in this proceeding is the truth all truth and nothing about the truth yes thank you thank you and secondly uh Mr chair I I would respectfully request an extra minute or two up to four minutes if if that's okay with the board sure sure thank you very much I appreciate that okay so um apparently it was Carl 's idea to paint the city sidewalks red and the goal as The Story Goes was to give visitors the impression they were walking on a red carpet the application before you aims to clutter that red carpet with unnecessary advertising boxes the last time the application was before you this board expressed serious concerns about the size scale design orientation of these advertising boxes the applicant is before you today uh with a substantially similar almost identical design they changed the color and added two bump outs and they're pretending it's a whole new machine but it's not it's the same machine creating the same obstruction and this is no knock on Mr Lane who acknowledged during his presentation that he was instructed that Ike wanted to stay within their prototype so we have the same machine creating the same obstruction regarding Dimensions the Box got bigger uh it is now 8 in wider creating a larger unnecessary obstruction all throughout the historic district now I I I ask you to consider for a minute whether these advertising boxes add to or detract from the historic character of this city the answer I think is obvious everything about these machines size scale orientation placement everything uh is incompatible with the historic district the machines fail to satisfy many of the criteria that this board is required to consider so why allow them why allow them what will these machines offer residents and visitors that might offset the negative impact to the historic areas what I think has been lost in much of this conversation today is whether these machines are necessary whether they're necessary at all or more specifically whether they're necessary in the city's historic districts Ike mentioned earlier boasted that some of their machines get 10 Impressions per day at the city of Miami assuming each impression is about a minute long that means they're used about 10 minutes a day you know what they're playing the other 1,00 43 minutes of the day well in the city of Miami they've been playing illegal full motion television commercials so I ask you board members once again are these machines necessary are they ACC creative to the city's historic district because if they're not I'm not sure we need to go much further than that I also uh would like to respond to one of the comments made earlier by Mr Larin I do represent outfront media I have nothing again against Outdoor Advertising the issue we have with these machines speaks not just to their competition but to their legality it's one thing to have competition from a legitimate Source it's another thing to have competition for machines that are patently illegal this is not just my position that under Florida law Standalone kiosk machines may not be installed in the public right of way period the County Attorney also agrees during the January 19th 2022 County Commission meeting then commissioner Sosa asked point blank kios are illegal if they are in the right of way and are a standalone by themselves am I right or wrong the County's Chief zoning attorney replied yes that is correct the reasoning here is simple section 33748 of the Florida Statutes lists six devices that may be installed with advertising in the right of way these are the things we've come to expect as part of our Urban landscape bus shelters bus benches waste receptacles pay telephones EXA Etc what's not on this list kiosks not on the list therefore they may not installed in the right of way it's really that simple now Ike May argue here as they did in the city of Miami that their machines are on this list because they are modular news racks this of course is a Preposterous position that sadly was accepted in the city of Miami but I cannot believe that the city of Miami Beach would accept such a Preposterous position which leaves us with the inescapable conclusion board members that these machines are illegal and that they are wholly incompatible with the city's historic districts they are not necessary in the city's historic districts they add clutter they add distractions they create obstructions we urge you to keep these machines out of the historic districts thank you very much board members and Mr chair for the uh extra time thank you okay thank you um going to zoom we have uh Troy Wright Troy hi Troy do you swear that the testimony you'll give this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth yes I do thank you have two minutes okay um Troy Wright the executive director of the Washington Avenue business improvement district um I think more than anyone else Washington Avenue sees the need to enhance um the Avenue with information directories and provide a better sense um of direction for our hotels restaurants clubs retails museums and activations um I think we've done a good job um leading up to this point however I believe with the kiosk we can do even more the reality is um we have the largest number and the most diverse businesses in a compacted area on Miami Beach uh therefore I believe as Washington Avenue goes so does Miami Beach historically if you look at the Heyday of Miami Beach it was always led by Washington Avenue so this kiosk would assist our goal in providing tourists what they need and stimulate business growth so the bid is in full support of the ike kiosk um and I believe and like I've said so many times before if another area does not want the kiosk Washington Avenue would gladly take them because we believe it would be an enhancement and important uh to the Avenue thank you okay thank you our next speaker is Johan Moore good morning Johan do you swear the testimony you'll give this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth yes I do morning uh uh board members and staff um I'll start by saying I lo these I lo them in New York we're on Fifth Avenue there's a 20 foot sidewalk they glare at night uh they are smashable um but the image does remain um to the uh previous attorneys comments can I stand at one of these and pull up the Miami heral or Miami new new times and read articles if not I don't think they're a news stand my two practical questions and I'm sorry if I missed this detail are these accessible from both sides functional from both sides if not I would propose that the various businesses that seem so enamored of these place them against their facades at an appropriate spot so that they are accessible from one side rather than cluttering the sidewalk my practical question is that some of them seem to be on the how shall I say fpna sidewalk uh or side of the Avenue uh if that is in fact the case uh these were not brought before my neighborhood association uh and if that detail is in fact correct then I would ask that these proceedings not proceed until my neighborhood association has had an opportunity to weigh in thank you very much Flamingo Park um okay our next speaker is an Marie Ferrera deelo good morning and Marie do you swear that the testimony you'll give in this proceeding is the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do thank you you have two minutes good morning everyone I'm anamarie F Theo the president of the mid Beach neighborhood association that represents the interest of Condominiums and hotels from 24th to 63rd Street along Collins Avenue and Indian Creek Drive our current membership includes more than 65 active properties in this area this item was presented at the mid Beach neighborhood association on Wednesday March 6th and the following Monday yesterday evening the executive board meant to review the members a collective recommendation and provide a position on behalf of the association there are valid concerns of potential cluttering of already slim walkways that are congested with poles and signs throughout the mid Beach area as well as a potential for the city to be liable for locating the device near Transit stops additionally the design that was promised to be unique to Mid to Miami seemed fairly similar to the other models and didn't warrant a two-month delay in presenting to the community we felt that was very disingenuous in January we sent a list of questions to um to the applicant and we were told that the presentation needed to be delayed month after month until last week where we had little time to debrief um yesterday we received a letter of support from the fen uh from the manager that was referenced in today's meeting and the majority of the MBNA board of directors because because of that letter and because of respect for our members uh voted in favor of these digital um information kiosks for the installation of that one in particular hearing now that the owner was not in favor and that the Aman another one of our um one of the properties within this area is also not in favor I feel U that it's necessary that I um that the email that was sent this morning from MBNA uh reconsidered um and not considered in in favor of the application but I rather abstain from providing support for this application until the board of directors has an opportunity to hear from our our direct members and other properties that are impacted uh especially because it was a a split um division even though the majority were in favor we also request that the installation of any future devices be presented to the community within 30 days prior to being presented to any of the city boards or committees mid Beach area is an incredible area the Beach Walk is is very much um visited and utilized there's two large parks with lots of space where even device two that is a little more visible could be considered the while um and then Indian 41st Street the heart of the mid Beach area we shared this as well the corner that they were considering Indian Creek in 41st right now has a new pedestrian pathway where we have videos even though it's not continuous and the city is still exploring how to make it continuous hundreds and hundreds of pedestrians are walking across that area and going into 41st Street and we want to uplift our are uh our business Community locally and we think that those areas are just more appropriate than um Collins Avenue and Indian Creek thank you okay thank you our next speaker is Alex hi Alex please State your full name for the record hi um can you hear me yes okay thank you my name is um Alex herwitz I um let me swear I'm Sor can I swear you in first do do you swear that the testimony you'll give in this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes thank you you have two minutes okay I am born and raised in um Miami I grew up in the Heyday of the 90s going to Washington Michigan Lincoln Road enjoying the history and the the true character of this place that I call home I moved to New York City after college and I lived there for during the time in which all of these digital kiosks have been implemented into the streets and I can tell you basically it's used by homeless people just to use the internet which is fine they should have access to you know information and and technology which I I totally get and support but at the same time these are monstrosities on the street I now live back in Miami Beach every single day I walk from the Venetian over to Lincoln Road through Lincoln Road all the way to Washington Avenue where I take my my my I use a local business there a local pilates studio that I adore and I can't even walk down the street without avoiding you know all these obstructions it's this the street is Tiny I mean I don't I the Street's a mess and it's not these Kos in my opinion as a resident here who is trying to use local businesses is not going to make the difference the shops on Washington are uh smoke shops and cell phone stores and you know basically just bikini shops which you know obviously we want to support our local businesses but that's not the issue here the issue is that these are um this is part of a larger agenda globally to convert cities into smart cities which quite frankly have not benefited the people in any sort of capacity New York City is like this it's it's there's nothing that's benefiting any any of the residents by having these digital kiosks they're ugly they are an obstruction they take away from the charm and the beauty of Miami Beach minutes and and it's quite frankly just a shame and so shameful that it just got hi Alex for the benefit of the board we were wanting to know where you reside sorry can you hear me again yes thank you I live on the Venetian on Bell Isle but I use Lincoln Road every single day okay and um shop from the stores there I walk through there I walk on Washington every single day okay our next speaker is Daniel Zas hi Daniel do you swear that the testimony you're about to give is truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes thank you you have two minutes thank you uh good morning everyone my name is Daniel Zas I am the marketing manager for the Jewish Museum of Florida FIU we're located on H third in Washington um I believe last month is when um Marissa from Ike reached out to me and asked me if she if we were interested in publishing uh an advertisement on their already existing board um free of charge as we're nonprofit as you imagine we're a small nonprofit Museum so a marketing budget can be kind of limited so this was a great um benefit to us to uh to enhance our visibility across the city um and we and we're really appreciative of that uh we are in support of these kinds of initiatives uh the arts and culture Community is uh one that needs as much support as possible and um you know this partnership with Ike really has uh done us a lot of favors and and has been really successful for us so we're uh hopeful that um that we can proceed with uh with some of these throughout the city thank you okay thank you our next speaker is Ann Bloom hi an do you swear that the testimony you're about to give us the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do thank you very much um uh my name is Anne Bloom I live at The Deco Plage I spent uh 27 years practicing law in downtown Chicago where we did not have any uh directional kiosks and it was amazing everybody still managed to get where they needed to go I am uh uh unfortunately speaking out against these kiosks though I do want to acknowledge the effort made to redesign them to in an effort to be consistent with the historic uh nature of our uh our beautiful and very unique uh City but I I still think uh that the design misses the mark and I also think that uh some of the locations um are problematic so let me speak quickly to the locations um the three I think we were calling them the cluster locations Collins and Lincoln Lincoln and Washington Collins and 16th um I am I'm I live at Lincoln and Collins and I can tell you that between the uh uh the light poles the garbage cans and tourists with their face in their phones walking around the delivery people the bicycles the scooters and everything else going on these kiosks are going to be causing danger uh both to the uh people on the sidewalk but also really people crossing the street you know they're already looking at their phones and you're going to be providing them more information on their phones to look at and at the same time providing uh moving uh images uh to people who are driving and I think that's a that's a huge problem um as to the colors I I'm I'm interested I think that's a an interesting uh concept but the colors being discussed I mean the red uh carpet uh sidewalk and I I didn't know that detail so I'm appreciative of that uh the colors being discussed are going to really clash with it so not only do you have uh an electronic box essentially a billboard uh that is inconsistent itself with a historic area but the colors that are going to be used are uh going to clash uh with those locations and one other uh quick fact or potentially two but I don't know uh and I it may have missed this detail I don't know if there are electric outlets on these kiosks uh I'm already troubled uh seeing the homeless uh essentially camping out next to uh the uh available outlets on Lincoln Road um you know so that they can power up their phones and you know I understand the um uh social implications of we you know we want we don't want to be uh inhumane but by the same token we don't want really more homeless right outside our door uh so um you know I have questions about that as well other than that my comments really would uh mirror uh those uh in oppose to the kiosks I will add uh as I was asked and I don't know if Irene bigger uh the president of Art Deco neighborhood association will make it on uh to this call this morning but they have been uh I I was asked to state that they are opposed to uh these kiosks thank you so much for your time and consideration okay thank you our next speaker is Isabelle hi Isabelle do you swear that the testimony you'll give this proceeding is the truth all truth and nothing about the truth Isabelle um can you hear me yes okay great um yes yes I do my full name is Isabelle Oakley um yes I am a resident of Miami Beach and I would like to say that I am not supportive of these kiosks my main concern is about the cameras and about privacy for community members I'm quite concerned about residents of Miami Beach being recorded without our consent um it feels a little intrusive and unethical I understand about the security feature but in the presentation the cameras seem to blend in with the design they are not clearly indicated many people would not know that they're being recorded um this feels a little immoral um f furthermore if the main goal is simply to deter crime or deter harm to the kiosk the cameras should stand out so that those who are considering committing crimes should know that they are on camera and not act accordingly ideally can the kiosk simply not record us is there a way to opt out of being recorded if we choose not to or at least can the cameras be clearly indicated and can the kiosks clearly tell us about how that footage is going to be used all right that's it thank you you oh you have a question um Isabelle if you're still there I think one of our board members have a question for you I Isabelle same question that we had earlier um for the board's benefit where where in Miami Beach do you live yes um I live on 12th in Pennsylvania by Flamingo Park thanks thank you our next speaker is Irene bigger good morning Irene do you swear that the testimony you'll give in this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes thank you you have two minutes okay yes I I appreciate an for mentioning us I was in another meeting um yet we are opposed um as president of the Arc of neighborhood association I represent residents in our community and our neighborhood um one of our missions is to protect the the historic Heritage of our community and I I believe that the kiosks would be out of place you know metal the glass everything and especially you know with the height um I don't believe it's necessary to have these we have you know portable kiosks that we hold in our hands hold our mobile phones um I believe also and although I don't know the the detail of the legalities um I believe that this form of advertising is not allowed um and I'm sure if um I wasn't on before if somebody had mentioned that and um I also um worry about the security and privacy of the residents and and visitors who be using this so thank you so much for your time okay thank you Irene Mr chair I see no other members of the public wishing to comment all right Michael did you have a rebuttle yes sir um so if this approval should be challenged you know you all should bear in mind that you have a strong Foundation here the correct law was applied and analy application that's the certificate appropriate criteria so that was applied by staff procedural due process was accorded to all parties today you even gave Mr lorente additional time to set forth his objections there is ample substantial competent evidence in the record to support the approval this comes in the form of the staff recommendation testimony from staff testimony from Bill Lane Mr lente and his client have no standing to be here today they fall outside the definition of affected person which is one of the few individuals that can appeal a decision yours to the city's special Master they do not meet the definition of affected a person so we object based upon lack of standing Mr lente's legal arguments have been rejected by the city attorney's office for over two years now they see our clients economic competitor and they don't want us around every everything else that is mentioned is just window dressing pretext a disguise for their true motivation their true motivation is a fear of a loss of advertising Revenue with regard to the homeless this being magnets for homeless please bear in mind that when in New York City they have actual outlets on their kiosk up there we do not have outlets on our kiosk and finally bear in mind that after much effort the Ocean Drive Association reversed its earlier position and now in support of the proposed kiosk at Ocean Drive in T Street next to mdpl headquarters we very much appreciate your time I don't know if Anna you want to have any remarks are you good want anything to say sure one clarifying point from the public comment if um the cameras are a feature that cause concern that is something that is modular and can be eliminated from um kiosk locations and I do want to mention that there's no surveillance technology on those those can only be accessed by the local police in the event of an emergency Incident That's it Mr chairman we're available for your questions great well I think um now unless any Bay has questions for the applicant we move to a board comment and I just have one more question go for it I have one more question have you done any foot traffic studies in the areas you had chosen the area around frina yet the you know the group is opposing it what studies have you done we did do foot traffic studies we use um a couple of third-party analytic systems to gauge traffic in an area um so that was one of the factors that was considered along with the technical constraints of sidewalk withd distancing requirements from the bus shelters and support from the neighborhood organization so it wasn't the main Factor but it was you know a culmination of of all of those things and then also ensuring that there's commercial activity in the area hotels um you know businesses that these kios would service has the city staff reviewed these studies the city staff has reviewed the locations um we haven't been asked to provide information about that what we have been asked to provide as information about distance from the adjacent bus shelters and bus stops to ensure those are compliance so that has been reviewed um but that is the ex and then also just you know understanding the support that we have for this the locations that we've proposed is there a limit on the number of kiosks you intend to U introduce into the city there is so right now we are only able to introduce 15 to the city and then there is a a cap of 30 but to go from 15 to 30 that would require a city commission approval so as of right now 15 okay thank you and are nine of those 15 then in historic districts correct correct got it um I have a question um Mr Cen brought up um that his clients were opposed to the kiosk um in front of I believe it's the final forum I I wanted to know are we this is a question really for Mr Ken is your client opposed to that exact location or in the district at all and by the district I mean the fin District just clear thank you Lindsay uh my uh client is opposed uh the location actually is in front of the bizaar not the Forum but nevertheless uh my client is opposed to having any one of the kiosks located it within the F District yes because they've made a huge investment in as you know I think in the streetcape the Landscaping the street Furniture the street art the buildings themselves uh it's very carefully curated by Alan fena and of course uh the Aman coming in and the enormous investment they have they they they they they do not want to see one of those in within the district thank you thank you Mr casden I have a question please why do they oppose it because aesthetically it does not fit within the district uh as I mentioned uh that Mr Meer there uh you know there was a the special streetcape approved by the city funded by FY uh the FY District maintained by fena and they just don't feel it's it's appropriate I also think that it is across the street from the fena house which is now its own you know controlled by the board of the Condominium Association has already also expressed their opposition and of course the Aman residences will be across the street I think they also don't want to have some thing lit up into late into the night uh in front of their thank residences thank you if there Elizabeth yes I have just two quick questions one is what's the source of power of those kiosks so we connect to underground power um which would be serviced through fpnl the public utility and my next one as you mentioned that in the I think was corl gaes that you have like 300 uses a month and so is that your ideal number of uses I mean would you be when when mean when you propose that to a city what kind of numbers and uses were you looking for yeah 300 uses per kiosk per month is the average in South Florida so it's not you know what our best location gets 300 uses per month that's an average across you know between Miami and um Coral Gables nearly 100 kiosks and if you think if you compare that to other public amenities in the right of way like bike share that are used one time per month um it is something that you know we find to be impactful there's also aspects of usage that aren't tapping the kiosk connecting to the free Wi-Fi if you're you know a visitor that's International that doesn't have a data plan that's walking around or the emergency functionality um or you know the display of public art in the public sphere you know a very highly Democratic way to share artwork with the community so there are aspects and public benefits Beyond just tapping the screen although we do think our usage um you know analytics compared to other amenities in the public right away are significant Mr chairman I just want to um go ahead Debbie yeah if I could just follow up on Elizabeth's question so the power is coming from underground and I know we're working with our public works department and all the various departments do you require a separate meter structure there are two we prefer not to install a meter at the locations um if we're able to connect to either private power sources or Municipal power sources like decorative Street uh like Street lighting um handholes or holiday lighting then we're able to meter internal to the kiosk if we are going through FPL then that would require a meter pedestal being placed but we would work with you know the the planning department or whoever it would be appropriate to work with in the city to place those in inconspicuous areas and Mr chairman yeah Mr Kasen had a concern about the kiosk being too bright at night and I just think you should address that so the increase to ambient light from a kiosk is less than that of a street light so any any street that has street lights there would be no ambient light increase in that area we also would get an fdp permit on Ocean Drive because of the loc the proximity to the ocean so that would be something that we would would be required for us to move forward um and also we condm these even more than what you're seeing in the city of Miami if that's the preference of the city there it can be done through the ambient light sensor or remotely and so in certain areas so for example in San Antonio where we have locations near public parks we dim them much more than what our ambient light sensor would do in those areas um because there's increased sensitivity to um the ambient light in that area but in the areas that we've selected in commercial parts of town the ambient light increase won't be any any it won't be any additional ambient light um created by the kiosk compared to the street lights and things that are already in the public sphere thank you thank you Mr chairman all right thank you uh before we get to board member comment which might be um you know take a little bit we're going to take a a five minute uh break and uh be right back thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my oh take [Music] [Music] High me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] la a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please take your seats the meeting is about to begin please stand by we are going on air in 5 4 3 two one all right um thank you everybody for being back I've we are now starting the section of the meeting of um board member comment and I thought before we get to it because we've had a lot to think about um maybe Debbie can help us to think about um how how we might assess assess this sure um so what's before you today is the certificate of appropriateness for the design and placement of these structures um I think it's it's um appropriate for the board to be looking at the general design of the kiosks themselves also the colors um the shape the the new shape that was presented and offer comments um on those those can also be conditioned you know one thing that that is brought up for the different colors I think that's a very interesting topic but we would like some direction from the board on that um you know there there's nine different locations if the board is concerned about one particular location or another I think that's within your perview um but we would need you know we heard a lot of testimony today from several res residents and and business owners and I think it would be helpful to stick with the certificate of appropriateness criteria in terms of the placement of the structures within the context and not rely solely on the testimony of the neighbors that you know think that they're redundant technology and those types of issues because that's not really part of your criteria so I would refer you back to the review criteria um which do deal with scale massing lo you know placement color um and that type of thing so that's all I have but I you know during your discussion if any questions come up um feel free to reach out also I did want to point out um there was some testimony today regarding the miate county code um that I think and I've discussed this with Nick Claris would be a good idea to just reiterate in the order if the board wants to approve these today that all of these devices will also need to comply with the Miami dat county code of ordinances just to make it very crystal clear that we're not trying to supersede any other uh regulatory agency here okay um with that we'll start down the line um Ray okay um well to go further along with what Debbie said there were many people that spoke today against the Ki asks Al together that is not our job it was approved by the commission our job is simply to look at design and location and I want to make that clear to all the people that spoke to us that that's not in our in our purview to whether we're going to have the kiosks or not um I like the design uh I realize you can't make something so fabulously Miami Beach um you know I mean a lot of us probably really would like to have that I think you were very smart to eliminate square corners because square corners get damaged round corners don't uh as a general rule um you don't have the electric um and sticking with the the pastel colors I think is is really great and as far as the locations go you know I mean it's always going to be not in my backyard I mean people oh that's a great idea but I don't want one here so you know we have to really honestly look at that situation uh and see you know what we think but as again in the future I think you really have to take a serious look at the beachwalk that's a lot of people just go out there and see how many people walked that every single day thank you um thank you Ray Laura um thank you again so much for the presentation and I did appreciate um you know all the commentary uh from the community I I I think it is very important um you know I I do think some of the locations to me it seems like there is although I appre I was here in December and I do appreciate all the Outreach that you guys have done in a relatively short span of time with holidays Etc um I do think some of these locations it it doesn't seem truly you know defined to me um I also tend to agree that in a historic district although you are you know outreaching to local organizations our institutions nonprofits I personally don't really see the the the actual benefit of these um so my main concern is really the the amount and the locations within historic districts um I do agree that perhaps looking at outside of historic districts a little more deeply um and maybe relocating some of these nine that you have proposed today would be very helpful as well as um again where as as Ry mentioned more pedestrians walk such as the boardwalk which is I believe outside of the historic districts um is something that um would be very helpful at least in my decision making but thank you again I think the design is wonderful I I I just prefer the locations outside of historic districts in general thank you Elizabeth well thank you for the presentation going back to the beginning of it for us that had recently joined the board and thank you Bill Lan for your put on the design it did add a little bit of personality to the kiosk um so I'm siding a little bit with Lauren regarding the location and as I was looking at this package here that has the photos of all the kios I feel like in some of them the the the sidewalks are already relatively tight especially on callings and south portion like below the 20s the sidewalks are already narrow they are crowded they have some of them have trees in the middle so it I think it blocks even more the flow of pedestrian especially like on weekends when you have a lot of people walking on the streets and I've been I did um a tour on the South Beach recently and I realized how many people are actually walking there and it gets complicated because you have the skaters the bikers and all the people crossing the street so I would I would appreciate if you could re revisit the locations of those ca and try to ident ify areas where maybe pedestrians will benefit more than in some of the areas and especially given the the limitation of space available try to find areas where you won't be um conflicting with pedestrian traffic as much all right thank you Elizabeth hll yeah first of all thank you uh Debbie for clarifying what our boat is about uh that is location design and color and I think you've done a really nice job Mr Lane I will say that um the slide that you have shown uh is um a little out of scale they're slightly larger than what you show a man standing next to it they're 8 foot almost 8 and 1 half feet tall so just to put that into context and the reason I say that I'm really not in favor of having electronic Billboards throughout the city however in light of uh what we are voting on in terms of design I think the only thing that I would be opposed to is pushing it on areas that are not supporting them in particular like the fena uh area of Miami Beach the district so I would not be in favor of placing one there uh the locations to me seem a little too close you have one on Fifth Street just west of K Avenue then you have one on Sixth Street just north of Collins in Fifth Street so that's why I was asking you about the foot traffic and why we have them in such close proximity it does benefit the uh uh business owners but you know the the prevailing sentiment among the you know citizens of the city is that they don't want it having said that um the design is fine with me I don't see any issues color is a personal taste the colors are fine just the locations what we have to address that's it okay yeah thank you guys for the presentation um I I going to Echo you know a few of my board members comments and then maybe kind of try to outline a strategy path perhaps to go to move forward um look I mean we have to be a fierce defender of this City's brand it is something something that is so unique it is creative there's tons of innovation here and we all know what the brand is but sometimes it's difficult to convey or even give direction to to you know you know the the client before us in terms of exactly what it is but sometimes when you know you know um and so on the design piece what I would say here is that it I don't I don't see it so to me I don't think that I think that there I appreciate the fact that you guys came back that there's progress here that there is a recognition that what you originally proposed has to have the local character has to have be in the right context and the right scale and all those things but I still don't when I you know when you know it and you see it what it is that you you feel like is Miami Beach I to me it's not this these Renditions now the closest I can get and that is the I guess you guys call option D which is you know the shape that you landed on I guess with these these 4 in uh limitations that Mr Lane feels that he has to meet that and with the color palettes that were introduced I believe that that was yesterday or today um that doesn't mean that I'm in support by the way of all those color palettes but I but in seeing that vibrancy of those colors I at least feel that you're getting a little bit about what this city is about um and so I want to again I want to kind of think a little more clearly historically speaking um in terms of its development in terms of other you know public uh structures and design um uh you know motifs kind of challenge you guys to to go back to the drawing board a little bit or you know to improve what what you're you're presenting us uh today in fact I think it would have been really helpful if Mr Lane had shared with us his original you know studies that maybe he sent to you guys before you said that these weren't going to work um just so that we have a better understanding um as to kind of the origin and the evolution of how those things develop I do agree with all of that said with my with my board member with most of the board members uh in the sense that we're not I was not elected to a political office here and I completely understand that you know we're here to do the very best for the city and it was determined that this is a a contract which is um you know which is for a 30-year term and with um a revenue share with the city and that's fantastic fastic that we're looking at it um you know as the city as a partner and I think that overall those kinds of public private Partnerships um if you want to call them that where we're taking uh you know some Revenue I think that's fantastic on the question of locations because I know that's another issue that I think all of us have different you know kind of thoughts on I would say I think I'm think I'm going to Echo what I think this was what Laura said about you know getting the buyin of some of the organizations but I'll give you an example of one where I I you know I don't think you did because I I spoke with earlier today with the director of the bass Museum of Art and so you know her belief is that the the sighting of the kiosk at the mid block between 22 and 23 is very close to Collins Park they are now engaged in a wayfinding um uh a way a new wayfinding design retrofit of all of the signs that are in that Collins Park neighborhood association I know our fellow board member Ry is on the board and I know he has also been participating here but I in full transparen and your bass representative was in favor of it just so you know okay so and and in full transparency I am on the board of the bass Museum of Art but I think that you perhaps need to revisit that because of a conversation I had earlier today with the director ctor um and so that's just one example here and I would suggest that we also really dig into the details to me this isn't like another application where we can just say okay well you know we approve of the certificate of appropriateness and we can move forward here well there's nine different locations there's hundreds of different stakeholders here so there's a lot of work that we need to do and I I'm not saying that we have to bifurcate every every street corner every area but we we really want the best um outcome for for everybody and I think we can get there um I'm really hopeful that we can and and that we can collaborate you know work in a collaborative way okay thank you uh Lindsay okay so I think we've received uh a lot of good feedback here first of all I want to thank you guys for coming before us today and uh a couple months ago as well um so as they talked about well I I'll start just what was most recently brought up I know one of the comments or questions earlier was about um the nonprofits that you involve and it's funny that bass Museum was just mentioned because I was thinking you know that you said you're going to reach out to the city of Miami Beach I think that could be a little more fully fleshed out in front of us um the ones that came top came to like top of my mind were my ballet myu drama bass Museum New World Symphony I mean we do have such a plethora of arts and culture institutions here in the city um and really kind of understanding how that is I think that's a big selling point um specific to Miami Beach and not just a generic we promote arts and culture um as far as okay so I'm going to start with location design color I'm going to start with color so my opinion on the color um I like the design that you brought back before us to day as far as the color scheme goes um as opposed to the black one that's available in downtown Miami for example and what was originally proposed um somewhat probably contrary to my fellow board members the way that I am picturing it is rather than utilizing the color on the outside rim of the things that behind the glass um is that's part of what the screen is for right so that that color doesn't become not to say that it would become outdated right but the color doesn't become something that is no longer of the time or you know if we put it in front of a building for example on you know you know historic building that has a certain color scheme right now and then they come before for us and want to change that color scheme to something different and we appr then you know then what we replace the sign we changed the sign but if the the sign the structure I wrote down the vessel if the vessel itself is somewhat muted then the vibrancy can be as part part of like the screen that's what's presented and you that goes back to like the dynamic um perspective of the digital media if you will um so for me personally um not that I don't love the colors I I wasn't a big fan when I think when they presented to me separately so the I go for the more muted color and let our architecture and our buildings in our historic district stand out which then I'm going come back to design which then takes me to location so I know one of my fellow board members brought up location so um I know there was a reconsideration between the last time you were here in this time um because Ocean Drive Association I believe um and or maybe the Betsy Hotel pushed back on that location right there um where the prominade kind of comes out onto Ocean Drive um and I think that was very respectful of Ike um to really take the feedback from the community and so if we're getting that much push back from other in tions or residents or something like that that are pushing back against a particular location for a valid reason where they feel like they're being impacted then I think that's really something we need to take in consideration um as to locations within our historic district so I was asking kind of offline over here um how many locations went before dib and I think it's two other locations is that correct right yes it's like Alton and Lincoln and Convention Center right right um so as we're going to discuss here in a minute this is the map of our historic districts and I would say arguably that um you know this type of installation which again was directed by the commission um makes the most sense in commercial corridors where you're having foot traffic and this and the other and in Miami Beach our commercial corridors by and large are in historic districts um and so while I appreciate the concern it's it's kind of you know if they want it that's kind of where it has to go and so I think you know where is the best location within those historic districts if you will or those commercial corridors um where they're to be located and then more to the location so I was looking specifically at um I'm just going to call them 789 um so and I think also 13 and 16 were brought up I actually personally don't think they're too close together because I so I live in South Beach I walk through a lot of this area quite regularly um and I could walk by one of these a thousand times and not walk by the other one just because depending on where I'm going which direction I'm going and what I'm headed towards um I don't think I would run into more than one um which is interesting even though they do seem close together on the map um I was trying to think like what path I would take I mean unless I'm just walking around the block um which is I guess as possible um what else oh um finally um with respect to my colleague who's standing before us um so I asked this question of our represented from the city attorney's office um and so there was some discussion about who can appear before this board um to speak and it was referenced to the standard of who can appeal it as ision of this board and those are two different things and so I just want to make sure that we clarify that for the purposes of anybody listening or watching should I just say it or you want to do it no sure um the the code doesn't restrict um who may appear during a public hearing before the historic preservation board so um Lindsay's correct there are separate rules for appeals from decisions of the historic preservation board but uh but there's nothing prohibiting a member of the public from from appearing during the public he so I just want to make sure that that point was clear as far as anyone aging course um yeah I think those are the sum of my comments all right well thank you um I guess I guess my comments um are are kind of reflect you know they kind of reflect on where we are right now and why we're here and I I think think if you remember the all the work that we did with the um with the antennas and where they were going to go and these were simply these were not being addressed by anybody but we looked at every single corner and we really we measured out like literally the feet we could see we had measure drawings that would say okay this is this far from the corner this is this far from this hedge this is this far can we move it can we and I you know I think there was a level of detail that we looked at each site that was um kind kind of helped helped us as a group see that a person a wheelchair could get by it that it wasn't right in front of a you know an important architectural feature uh that it um I mean and and those like these we didn't have an option as to whether to approve them we know that they were already approved by the um by the city commission but we had a choice we had a chance to think about other alternative locations and um and really specific placement because the I think enjoyment of our historic districts is really in the in that um you know in in walking through them which is a very detail or detailed experience and so we're all kind of like referencing walking through these and by them but we don't really know you know we're not sure exactly I mean we see on a rendering kind of where it looks like it might be but we don't see a plan like that shows exact and we haven't really talked about okay who's where's the front door because I kind of see the front door but we've been making mistakes even with these um you know on what building they're in front of so I I think I think this needs um um I also think well I I'll go back to the the color and location uh the color for the color as well I I and the design I mean I think at some point we we we have to rely on the skills and the talents of our architects who um Bill who's been involved with this and just I um for every one of us on the board and probably for every architect in the city there's probably a different design that could be proposed but I think um that we are kind of uh I think it's important to trust your judgment you've had a lot of experience with uh with designing uh brand specific on brand kind of um um buildings and life I was trying to think what a lifeguard station would I think it's the building um lifeguard stance and I think that we kind of need to need to look at that uh and and kind of take that we can also kind of guide staff in terms of where a specific color might be more appropriate or where no color would be more appropriate maybe in most cases no color is appropriate but um and then the uh the so those that kind of takes care of from my perspective the design and the but each one of these is like they're hugely they're hugely complex I mean there are obviously an infinite number of colors that could be chosen and there are an infinite number of designs that could be chosen and there are an infinite number of locations so I would recommend that we focus on locations and I would I'm inclined to take the um take the fena district one out um and I'm also inclined because we had very strong opposition to these uh in district and we had very strong support on Lincoln Road and Washington Avenue uh from the bids and I think that that um we were talking about commercial the commercial applications for these and the opportunity for people who are here tourist shopping maybe they're distracted by their shopping they could they could actually catch a you know a rehearsal at the Miami City Ballet or an exhibition at the bass if they only knew it was this close would be an opportunity for us to kind of capture people more in the commercial districts so that they will then take advantage of the the Jewish Museum of Florida the uh you know the um wolfsonian and others so I'm inclined to um to think about this as to think about um the group of eight um and to try to kind of look at them more specifically now I'm not sure whether that's something that the board would want to entertain looking at at now or whether you'd like that to come back with the specifics of the location with the specifics of the um you know the buildings that are around that location exactly what is the building right in front of it the floor plan of the of the street and the sidewalk and the and the um you know the kind of support of the person who the building owner that's or the tenant and the you know if it's a store that's right in front of it um just to be able to give this to give people confidence that when the when the kiosk goes into one location like we've understood that location as opposed to kind of not yes I have a comment slash question I know it was mentioned in the presentation um that the applicant went before uh TPB PFC Transportation parking bicycle pedestrian facilities committee um I don't know that we necessarily got information as to if there was a resp response did they send any sort of letter directed to us I know it was just yesterday is that what you said yeah it was yesterday did we hear from that committee TPB PFC that was one of the things I requested last time the applicant was before us and they said they went before them I don't I and I have no reason not not to believe that but I don't think anything was was given to staff okay so I don't have any know transmission okay with that impact your or just to be another I was wondering I mean the reason I requested them to go before them is to make sure that the pedestrian impact was analyzed by those who are supposed to be looking at this issue and to come hopefully come back to us with a favorable or an unfavorable recommendation which I think speaks to some of the things that my colleague brought up regarding you call it the floor plan but you know what the sidewalks look like oh m Ray um question when you start these you're actually going to obviously build one first and then a second one a third one do they all come online at the same time or as soon as one is up it's running and can be interacted with as soon as one is up and running it can be interacted with so we would do it in a you know if the board you know approved several locations today but not all nine we would begin on those locations and those would go live before the ones that are not approved because it seems to me like there's a a a great response for the one on Ocean Drive and 10th it seems to me like that would be the one we should do first everybody can go down and play with and say hey this is a great idea just a thought I have a question for staff uh regarding the position of the current Commission on this issue because I didn't pick it up earlier that this is a 30-year term um technology Chang changes quite a bit it's changing at a very rapid Pace are these things going to be obsolete in 5 years 10 years 15 years what is the current position of the commission on this issue um I don't know if that is specifically addressed by the commission but I mean you're you're accurate right everything from our televisions to our watches to our cars in you know five years there I have a I have a car that's a little bit almost 6 years old it's Antiquated it doesn't have half of the features um that everyone else has and I like to keep my cars for a long time but if gets challenging so I I don't know if there's if there's modifications that can be made to the existing equipment to upgrade them um but it is a it is something that's interesting to to think about um the good thing about these is they are relatively easily removable without destroying any historic buildings or um you know any historic features right we staff did look at all the locations and you installing them and removing them is not going to destroy anything in the city that is you know Irreplaceable so that's good news um because you're right technology is temporary and um I don't know what the contract is I think it's after the 15 years the commission you know if we want to put more of these in in would would have the say on that whether or not in 15 years these are necessary anymore would be something that the city commission would look at um right now there there's a maximum of 15 if in 15 is it 15 years that the city commission would see if we want to install more up to the maximum of 30 that is within the contract but I don't believe we would have to the city commission would have to agree to install more of these to to clarify that point our agreement is not 30 years it's 20 and it's divided between an initial term and a renewal term and in order to get the renewal term we have to upgrade Hardware software all of the technology has to be refreshed like new condition throughout the entire term of the agreement so it's not 30 it it is 20 um just to clarify and there are thresholds to Renewal to make sure that the technology does not get outdated with all due respect uh I just don't see a tremendous benefit other than perhaps I mean it's not a tremendous this benefit I mean we're talking about 15 kiosks at approximately $20,000 per kiosk a year that's 300,000 and the city coffers not a significant value when everybody nowadays is walking around with a smartphone that they can do whatever get whatever information readily available if I want to pull up a tour right now I can do that on my phone so for me uh again it comes back to the issue of what we're here for and that is design location um and color p pallot um and I think that's what we'll vote on that's all we can do I was I I I am in agreement with you on all on all those fronts I'm not in supportive of these I wasn't supportive of the uh of the infrastructure the other infrastructure the antennas that are all over the city now but this is not we are not the commission we're not voting on whether these happen or not they have been voted in and there's already been a discussion and the commission has reaffirmed that I I believe they've reaffirmed that position that that's not NE so our best bet I think and uh is to is to as you say make sure that we do our best uh with what with the other with the three factors location color and design um any Elizabeth go ahead just uh just a for my just curiosity uh the shape of the kiosk is it dictated by the equipment that goes inside or it's bigger just because it needs to be visible and it needs to be a certain height for visibility whatsoever it it's a mixture of things so the the bottom 18 Ines of the cabinet are completely empty because it's flood resistant and especially in South Florida that's immensely important and so the bottom 18 in is completely empty we use an ambient air cooling system to keep the kiosk cool the internal components there's no air conditioner inside of it which makes them quiet if you see the ones in Miami you cannot hear them that requires a you know a significant amount of air flow coming in from the bottom vent to the top vent to operate and then you know there is a significant Revenue share with the city $1.5 million is what we project a year we've already delivered a million dollars the screen does have to be visible and so to accommodate you know the 65 in on a diagonal screen um that is another factor to consider in this um but we have made efforts to ensure that they are as thin and as you know small as possible in order to not create too much to take up too much space in the public right of way um I I I hear that there I mean we could for example as a board um approve those that were if we feel we're confident with any of them uh in terms of their location design and color we could approve a a series of them and then ask for more information on on on others I think we'd have to do this consecutively um you know uh but you know the thought of of I I don't even know if this is possible if we could just if we could if we could if it worked that we decided that a few of them we could approve today with the other with others being coming up um later you know you know with more consideration if that's possible um I don't know I don't anyway um you any yeah I think the that is possible the board in their discretion could I mean they they did you know submit the map with number coded locations um so if there are some on the map that the board feel satisfy the certificate of appropriateness criteria um those could be approved and then we could um in sense bifurcate the application and have the applicant go back and look at you know the locations of the board has concerns with and then come back um should we don't have to approve them one by one right it would be a a group approval it could be a group approval and you know if the board I think it would be helpful if there are certain locations the board does not feel satisfy the appropriateness criteria that those could also be denied and I almost think further to to Lindsay's Point earlier where we're talking about the commercial districts perhaps it would be best to really start with kind of the ones where we feel are the least um offensive sorry excuse that word for you guys I know you guys have done great job but um just you know knowing the character of those neighborhoods we could maybe start with those um you know with that said I will not approve the one on 23rd in colins until you have consulted with the director of the bass Museum and she has ained on that Brian just so you know I don't think that Sylvia told you that I did reach out and have a discussion with her and she asked me if we could wait till the way finding signage program was completed sure and I didn't know the status of it but I know the Architects behind it at Perkins will so I reached out to them and they said they hadn't even started it yet so I feel that that's you know I did reach out to her did she not uh so then and I had a conversation with her this morning so just to update you a little bit so I think that I and I don't want to speak for you know the management of the bass Museum but I think that you know another meeting with her would likely perhaps get to where we need to go with that specific location so I would ask that that location be taken out sure of the work that we're going to be doing right now I well let's Okay um let's maybe let's see if I mean maybe everybody feels as you do or may maybe they don't but I maybe what we should do is see if we can if there are uh four people that's is that's what we need for the certificate of appropri for people who would in a straw pole approve of any of them because I'm not sure we're there yet um but but um we could start to see if if any we could just go through the list and if you feel you're comfortable with the location the color and the um and the design design with the design U or or maybe we could do is we could see if if anybody's comfortable if we have four people comfortable with the design because if we don't then we need to have another design um kind of consideration right that would be my suggestion I think without approve of the design there is no point in approving location okay yeah I just I know we're saying location color and design as as shorthand but the board the board's review you know full review criteria does apply including compatibility you know everything else that you absolutely okay just absolutely um so are [Music] there okay so the straw so we'll do a straw poll if you don't mind um and we'll see whether you're comfortable voting on design today or whether you'd like to see it would be a continue we continue the design for further for further evaluation so Ry Laura okay Elizabeth Okay Okay no Okay have it no we don't have it trip holds down okay so I think what we need to do is we uh we can give you some guidance in terms of uh we need to continue this this item in terms of guidance we can um maybe each offer guidance uh Brian offered his guidance L um Lindsay anybody else who wants to offer guidance I offered the suggestion that we take the fine as a district out of of this um we don't object to that that's fine are we talking about design no we're just talking about we're talking about continuing this whole item so that it will come back and we may be able to shape the way it comes back and shape the kind of now that everybody will have seen it once um because some people were just seeing it for the first time we might be able to to really just go through each one in each location individually and kind of talk about why it was chosen the datadriven kind of you know reasons that it was that that location was whether it's distance from a bus stop or whether it's traffic uh traffic yes well John to your point though I think it would be really helpful if we actually spell out those criteria that we would like to see when this item comes back for the continuance and so perhaps we can all throw in those things what I would like to see to your point is that there's some sort of a floor plan that shows the length of the block from you know whether it's the 23rd to the 24th showing all the interjecting trees other structures like you said the location to the um to the facade of the building and then from another other data that we would like to see is support from any local to me any local Community Arts organization non-for-profit that is receiving money from the city of Miami Beach who is also furthering the cultural goals of the city I think we need to understand very clearly where they stand on those kiosks in each area um firstly that's what I would like um go ahead yes if I could just ask for a clarification so they they submitted what's what's really kind of an engineering plan yes they're illegible I think right so just to to follow up on Brian's recommendation you're you're asking for them to go use these as the base and then add more architectural information like where the the adjacent buildings are located um to the greatest extent that they're able to do that um a little bit more of an architectural site plan instead of an engineering site plan yes correct and and then for example let's just take the one at tenth and ocean um we know we know that the very institution that is on the corner of tenan ocean is in full is in full support that was very clear to me from from the application um and we know that they have opined on in fact I believe the color that they want on that specific um location so I think it's really important that you drill down on each and every one of these to make sure that we have you know the support from from the neighborhood or from the the building owners or other stakeholders in the community and that it's clear for us because to me it's not really really clear that and I'm going to bring up the bass one again it's not clear to me on the bass one when I talked to the director this morning that she knew that she could program the artwork you know as Lindsay was saying before and you know make sure that that was a constant feed now maybe there was a miscommunication but I just I don't mind reaching out to her again that's fine we'll do that can I can I just um ask that the board maybe provide some direction uh for the design investigation because I think we're going to we will end up seeing each one of the kiosks in its new set in a setting um in each one of the however many settings you guys land on um and that we would probably like to see I think how the how the design um was modified how it was how you came up with it maybe some inspiration for the design in historic architectural detail I think you you kind of hinted at that uh a bill but even a SL that kind of pointed to something and said this is what we're looking at and this is how this is responding the kiosk design is responding to this historic building anybody else have other recommendations for what you'd like to see if you're if you're seeing a design a presentation of of a evolution of this design uh for me the drawings that you've submitted so far are sufficiently detailed as to the location and so forth so um in in terms of locating it is to me is the most important thing where we place these I don't think it really serves a purpose for the local community this is really tourist driven and I think we have to limit ourselves to the commercial corridors where most of the concentration of the tourists are so they can have that experience uh to navigate throughout the city but um uh at this point in time for me I think we have to come if we're coming back if you're coming back to the board I think we have to have a detailed study as to why you're choosing these particular locations it seems to me a bit random from our discussion today and I think we have to be a little more focused on that in terms of the design um I just have a question is it the same size as the ones that are in the city of Miami currently so it is the same height and the same weight with the only um thing is that it is there are 4-in extensions on each side so it is a little bit uh wider but the depth and the height are the same okay um any anybody else have any direction they'd like to give the well just that you know we've talked about you know something on on the beachwalk we've also talked at something at exit to garages and it seems to me like when you put in a sign you're going to turn around and check check your your foot count or or who's actually using them and I would think that if you would pick one location on the beachwalk in one location by one of the garages that's quickly going to tell you whether that was the right place to put them or not right now you're putting them all on streets and I know it's because you want the cars to be looking at the ads as they drive by uh but then the people are going to collect their it seems to me like if you go to a place where it's only pedestrians like the beachwalk or when people are coming out of a garage they say okay where am I going from here Bingo there's a sign to tell them and I I think you really should do that Elizabeth were you going to say something yes so I understand the limitations of adding a more like Creative Design to the rectangular shape of the kiosk given the way it's built and I think Bill Bill did a nice job adding those add-ons but they're very limited on what they can do in the shapes they can have and so I like the idea of having like the the wave kind of trying to the cuts but I wish they could be more uh not clearly expressed but more emphatically expressed given I I know that me four inches here and four inches there there isn't much you can do and but and I don't know how much flexibility added flexibility you can get from the manufacturer of the Kos but if you could give him a little bit more flexibility in pull and pushing the shapes I think we could get a much more creative and interesting design yeah I mean actually echoing Elizabeth's point to and that was a you know a piece that I mentioned to you yesterday bill is I I felt when I was going to open up that sheet to see your study I thought there was going to be an undular sculptural looking wave like thing I I don't want to you know I'm not a designer so I can't you know design from the podium here but to me we I didn't see anything that kind of did that and Elizabeth has such a great point that and that's kind of why I keep asking about the 4 in restriction which I know maybe it's like you know from cost point of view and whatnot but I just I don't want creativity to be um you know risked here in you know trying to you know make everything so coste efficiently um and I I'm curious if there could be more done there right you know uh one of the limitations was actually the impact these would have on the streetcape so yeah I could you know I could do something very elaborate I've done on the beach but I was concerned about this thing getting too big because we were we were out there we did that and it just became such a object and such a look at me so you know when we when you look at The Deco or streamline or Mediterranean they're responding to itself so in a way I was responding to this information kiosk so that was my context in terms of but to me the information kiosk is has zero historical value no I'm talking more about the generic kiosk that you find in other cities um most of the aside from Ike's brand you there's a similarity in these information kiosks and we had done one for another company way back when and we had looked at for instance the PBS were looking at the iconic uh telephone booth in London we're looking at Snoopy we're looking at branding and how to integrate that into something that would be a brand that would be iconic to the city but it that particular design was a little surreal and um you know that could be a thing but it didn't seem to be appropriate it seemed like it would just become I would say a oneliner and it would wear out um and not that I not opposed to exploring and sharing with you other silhouette options but the thing was do we want this thing to be a wow which I can do but we have the Dune as a demarcation a very specific demarcation with that other project but here we have to consider the noise I call it noise of the uh Urban fabric so how far do you take it before it becomes like too much so it's always that give and take um but you know certainly it's you know I have the vocabulary I can use to um do the kind of things that you're suggesting it's just when we did do it those are all the uh considerations that I well the studio um went through and so it came down for me at least the the the the strategy was to give movement like just of visual movement you know this is you can find this in any period of architecture you know architecture is often about movement and so the movement was in some way dictated by how much do you want this element to be on your street either there here anywhere what would be something that would be Universal and in some ways ik's design or other companies designs tend to be very uniform uh almost non-architectural um in order to not even be there so to speak so you know you see that in bus shelters there's a certain kind of restraint and that was the that was the kind of the balance act that I saw here and again yeah we could we could do a wave that comes out 12 in easily but is that something you want when everyone's talking about well I mean there are other I mean look there are other attributes here right there's materiality for example and so you know when we went over the presentation yesterday it was okay well this is going to be powder coat the way a car is powder coated right to me that doesn't really that is not that interesting so and I'm not an architect so I don't know you know all the different products that you guys can use but I assume there are a lot of different products a lot of different materials and textures and and ways to express something with material and with color and I felt like it wasn't done now I I hear what you're saying you're you're essentially arguing The View that we want them to disappear on the street somewhat I mean yeah I think they should be unique to the beach um something I think they should I think they should I think they should be in the in the background but I think that when you see them out of the corner of your eye you know that they're Miami Beach and I I'm not confident yet right I think one of the things that Debbie had pointed out um would be uh perhaps the graphics would respond if there was a kiosk that had color that it wouldn't be blue against pink it might be within that uh Pink there's tones of pink that somehow could come in and just further it as an element I think the graphics itself it can often that was the issue we had with color was you know how do we work with a blue to a yellow or the blue to a blue well that would work but a blue to a pink those kind of things became factors and you know uh Debbie kind of alluded to that too which I I thought was interesting and we felt too and actually after our meeting yesterday you know there were things that you brought up that if you notice in our slide kind of you know I picked up on some things that you're speaking about and you know some of the other things uh Mr Brin put you know put forth this idea is just it's too much it's too too many things going too much competition but uh the the form itself the silhouette was a difficult one like how much is it there versus how much do we I mean honestly you know I could do those kind of things I could do this and I've done it before but is that appropriate you know that that was the uh that was the whatever that was the kind of context of the design it it was difficult um yeah we certainly would love this to brand but do you want this to be emblematic of your brand or would you rather the architecture out there be your brand and you know let's say even the life Court towers do you want this to constantly be there as your brand like oh there's your brand again or do you want that brand in to be a little bit more toned down turned down so it's there but it's not glaring where it might get maybe a little tired over time so it's just it's a give and take and I think uh John kind of mentioned that too um that yeah it's like design isn't that easy and when you do come up with it's there's many many factors you're you're working with in the process and those are all part of that process the things that you know I've been describing you know I don't think you know one person we don't want sharp edges yeah of course we want something soft the the wave the issue we had the wave when we wanted it to really be a wave we had to go beyond the four inches it just didn't work as like a little scribble um and you know when we did that it wasn't necessarily iked it was more how big do you want this thing to be and we're kind of limited widthwise you know I figured okay we can take four and four we'll add eight inches but when you go beyond that you're 12 18 it becomes it just becomes too big and you know we try to work with some of their components like the the angles but when we did the Angles we felt well what would be compatible with those angles and kind of the form we came up with felt the best and we did go through a lot of permutations so let's see what we can do with their their prototype and affected again it was very figurative you know I I like anthropomorphic things I saw like hip you know like just a little movement a little dance going on in there but um that that's sort of where we kind of took it um so we could go back and play with more shapes but I'm just afraid that we're always going to come back to that same uh you know you know like how do you satisfy time context um do we want it to be loud in terms of either form or color do we want it to be there but not there um so that was my take there but not there um I was just going to add because I I I thought I thought that that was a great direction to go in and if it sounds like the board is interested in seeing just one more iteration of a design and if it could um maybe relate and you talked about it relating to a hip or something like this but maybe if it relates in a very subtle way to a very specific historic architectural detail it doesn't have to be that detailed but I I felt like these the way you were navigating this you had kind of pulled back from any reference and maybe if there was some kind of reference that you could point to that was inspirational that came from something local that's not changing that's not the changing because the brand will change like you're you're right um this isn't shouldn't be the you know trying to do that but if this somehow has a has a sense of place that's about something U maybe it's not the building that's in front of it's but it's something that catches your eye because you are a very um a very astute and long-term Observer of of architecture on Miami Beach so it's very appropriate that you're doing this and maybe we can kind of draw on that skill of yours to connect to connect that dot you know on that point I don't see this I mean I yeah I could allude to I don't because the scale I almost see it more as a a body a person a thing so it almost goes beyond like maybe making references to a particular style of architecture so that was another I at one point I thought is he when I opened it and my eyes looked at it for a second I thought is this the city of my is it the city of Miami Beach the actual Island itself right and so and perhaps that's too literal you know I'm not the artist here but that says something to your mind on the street level that you say this is the place that I where I am right now and this is the way the island looks like you know even if it was something super super subtle that's just an example you know of something it could you throw it out it's probably a bad example but I think that's what I would like to see some more iterations St right right I see as a graphic element you know yeah and a lot of the you know what I was saying earlier I love ornament and I I think it's something that's missing in architecture well it's not I mean a lot of people are really bringing ornament back in in their own way but um I see as being yeah potentially I'll go back let me uh take a another take at it and I'll give you some of the process that we go through again I assume everyone wants it to be somewhat compact we don't want something bigger if I could through the chair if I could just ask a question um do all of the I kiosks everywhere that you've ever installed them have the exact same screen size or is there any opportunity to maybe reduce the screen size or change the proport I to a small extent so that we can maybe get a little bit more Elegance in the form which I think was where Brian was going to answer your question yes the screens are 65 inch on the diagonal you know in all of our installations um we try to make you know sometimes you go to cities and you know I know there's s of references to New York and the kiosk in New York those are not our kiosks but what you'll notice there is the cabinet is quite large but the screen is actually smaller than our screen and so we want the focus to be the the content right like all of the cool things that we we have a a full stack engineering software engineering team that's dedicated to building this software that is supposed to be sort of the um Pinnacle of the program and so the proportion of screen to cabinet and and the visibility of that screen is an important element of this so there's no you're saying there's zero opportunity to make these slightly smaller so that the architecture no I don't want to say you know I I never want to say that there's no opportunity to do it I think I was I'm more so just trying to explain the thought process behind it um but when we are looking at different I mean too Mii Beach is is not a high-speed City we don't have cars you know racing down well hopefully um you know so people are driving slow people are generally walking relatively slow um I don't know just maybe I'm just trying to pick up on some of the board members comments and I think if we could look at that and I again I don't know what the limitations are with your technology that may be helpful to your architect to get a I think what they're looking for and I from what I've heard they're not looking for an ultra design element that's going to jump out but I think you're probably looking for a bit more Elegance in the shape of your form to be more commensurate with the Elegance of the proportions in our historic architecture and the Curves in our historic architecture and there may be ways also to reduce size without reducing screen that's another option can I a question or a comment is there a possibility it would without poent like if if reducing the screen size is a sticking point is there a possibility from programming on the screen and then design of the encasement um that some of the design can extend over the screen if that makes any sense so a piece of the powder coated metal extends over the screen and then extends back out to basically give you give you more of a palette for the design without necessarily making you go back to the drawing board with everything as far as the hardware that you're using something like that and then you could say okay well if that design extends I'm hypothetically right that design extends over the bottom right hand corner of the screen then we don't have programming in that bottom rightand corner of the screen we've lost that real estate for programming but um but you could write that into the code of the application or operating system that sits behind this that's my thought process um yeah that's that's a very interesting concept and you know I'm not the architect here but I it's something that I'm not a designer nor an application writer but something to that to that effect just kind of a way to as I'm thinking about the thoughts that are being incor or suggested over here and considering the fact that I get that you have kind of a somewhat standardized process right and there's cost efficiencies in this that the other I'm sure associated with that that also allows you to uh you know corporations or entities generally standardized across a platform for very good reasons right because that means that everyone knows what's going on and so if you start changing that you go from 65 to I don't know 60 right on the diagonal I don't know if that means totally different Hardware that then might have other considerations so that was just a thought about how avoiding the change in Hardware but allowing for some more design aspects that that's super helpful and I do want to just Note One clarifying point which is a big factor in all of this is maintenance right like we store components in Miami Beach so that if something is damaged we have those in Miami Beach to replace them we choose the powdercoated aluminum because it doesn't it doesn't Dent it doesn't chip it doesn't stain and we have an obligation to keep these L new and so if we start to introduce materials that are susceptible to being damaged by you know the wind or the rain or the salt in the air like that creates another layer of Maintenance concern and we want these need to be like new and so um those are just considerations that I think will be important the way that these age will be important I think to the city and so we're just being very careful to select materials that do withstand those elements and as you're looking at you know maybe changing the design we have to consider vandalism the city has done many projects before to make them look great and gorgeous and within a very short period of time afterwards they get vandalized and and damaged so your your Simplicity and design um is is really good for uh uh maintaining as you've said so that's something we have to keep in mind so do you feel like you have um Direction in terms of the um what to what you'd be aiming for I understand but Anna has one question I do have one clarifying question so on the design I I feel like we have good direction with the locations you know I I heard feedback that there wants you know you want to hear clear support from the neighborhood group and the adjacent property owner um as well as the analytics and things of that nature are there any locations just so that we don't eliminate locations that you guys would be supportive of and there are quite a few in there that do have that kind of dual support of the neighborhood group and the adjacent property owner are there any locations that you feel like do hit the mark So that we are not reworking locations that you actually support and revisiting locations that you know Lindsay can we do that individually because I mean there may be differing view points yeah I mean so I think I well in my mind I'm very clear whether or not I've expressed that to you guys um I I am in support of essentially all the locations south of two and three I think two and three are where we've had the most push back um two obviously we had here earlier and then three was represented by our board and someone uh but you know perhaps that can be Revisited but the other ones and and quite frankly three I would probably support ABS you know if we get the support from the adjacent property owners and cultural institutions um and I would also suggest I believe that's it's just north of the bast Museum correct BL right think you go another half block you define well I I was also I mean but quite frankly bass museum is not the only cultural institution right there so my ballet is right there as well um so I mean I would definitely you seek their involvement mik Mike our our board did vote on it and Sabrina was in favor of it from the bass Museum she thought it was a fabulous idea so I mean we we our board has all the cultural institutions on the board to speak on behalf of them and it was unanimously approved right I'm just relaying to a conversation that I had with the director of the museum who is an employee of of the person that was involved so let's just involve let's just involve the director and I'm sure we'll have good direction that's it we are dealing with some responsiveness um concerns too and so that you will get full responsiveness from her I've been communicating with it okay great all right I I think I think that's probably what we the best we can do as a as a group unless anybody has anything to add and unless you have anything else you'd like to request in terms of in terms of Direction but I I do think that the that a a clear packet with the plan of the area that the not the not the sorry not the area the location plan for the kiosk with a picture of the kiosk so that we can kind of see oh that's actually 2 ft from the sidewalk and 8 ft from the building from the edge of the building and you can kind of see that not not in a public works um way but in a kind of architectural way yes oh okay well and then and then um and and a photograph maybe from both sides from two sides we had we we s saw that that help when the when the photographs were keyed into the plan so we could see oh this is from the south side and this is what it will look like from the north North Side um and then uh yeah and then keying it into into you know a larger plan like this so that we know where each one ended up being but maybe maybe a slightly more legible legible version of of of a location plan for that sure and I think along if it's possible to incorporate somehow on this location plan I mean I I don't know where along these corridors um there are the bus shelters um that provide location limitations as far as the 250 ft separated from each other and separated from the so providing that to kind of say and perhaps like a radius says you know we can't be in this circle that might add some additional color I think there were some people I think they got lost in the I think it got lost in the discussion up here I think that got lost in the discussion up here is well why did you choose those why why this why that why the other um I mean yeah I I'm kind of trust in that well these were chosen for various various reasons including but not limited to the 250 ft distance requirement but if we had that visually perhaps that would help people understand why absolutely and the historic building facade so the I I realize when you look up and down the street you don't see the building that's next to that's next to you but maybe if we could get a view from across the street to see the the thin profile of this in front of the building so we can at least say okay well it should line up with you know this element or look it's almost it looks like it was a mistake like you know we can kind of see those things I think we we'd like to get that level of detail so we can then support that Elizabeth no qu quick question what you see on both sides of the chos is exactly the same yes um but they can be interacted with independently so two people could be using the kiosk at the same time but they are but if they are a stand still position they would be the same so regarding the location of the kiosk and how to uh inform us what's happening so in your photograph on wash on Collins and 16th Street for instance the kiosk is uh align with the center line of the trees so it's very clear how much circulation you have left on both sides but if you look at the the picture let's say on colins and 23rd it's kind of there is a tree and there is a kosk and there's a piece of sidewalk here a so in those situations your mic on I'm sorry oh your mic is okay I was having trouble hearing sorry okay sorry I need to be very close to so in situations like that it's important to show how much is left once you take this the tree out of the picture you take the space the kiosk is taken what much is left sure so we really value all the input you all gave us today it was voluminous it was all helpful it was instructive I remember remember when McDonald's came to Alton Road in 16th it took three times to get McDonald's to understand and appreciate the special character Mii Beach I think Ike has tried very hard and we're going to try even harder and we'll come back to you all hopefully in May that's the continuance request that I'm making okay um so do I have a do I have a motion to continue motion to continue until May what's the May what's the date of May 14th May 14th I'll move to continue to May 14 okay all those in favor yes okay um and just for everyone's information we will not be in this room on May 14th we will likely be in our new home the bill Lane designed uh City commission Chambers hopefully that's good luck don't put that out there we're we're hopeful um but we will likely not be in the convention center so the April meeting is confirmed here no um even the April is we are will not be here at the April meeting I was going to give an announcement at the end um of our meeting currently we're set scheduled to be at City Hall at the first floor conference room that's where the Voting is taking place now um that is how we've noticed um our meeting um there's still potentially some variables with testing that space we do have to wait till the Voting is completely um completed so we can get our staff in there and test the space um but as of now we're we're hopeful we will be in the first floor uh conference room where the voting takes place at City Hall and and to my fellow staff members if you haven't had the opportunity to go over to Miami and check out the kiosks I mean they're all the way up in D Boulevard and you can see how they how they are not obtrusive to to the surroundings around there um and I actually have played around with them and they're really they're really quite amazing so I do have and I would be willing to share with Debbie um that they can then send out to the board a photo and a video that I took of the one that's a block half a block from my office I walked by it the other day and so I was let me you know let me play with it um and I can take another one that's slightly better than the one that I took um but I'm happy to share that with the board so you guys have it um I I thought it was interesting and I will I will say just for color commentary although we've concluded this item um is that on the back side I thought it was very interesting on the back side of it the photo that you'll see is they were talking about like local ordinances like oh FYI you can or can't do this in Miami so it was just a nice way of like presenting like um what does it say it said uh hold on I almost deleted it smoking and VAP vaping is prohib HIIT in public parks and beaches per chapter 37 the city code in Miami and it has like little no signs and then it has a big picture of like the Miami Skyline so it was just a nice and that's one side of this um without interacting so I thought it was a nice and you'll send those through Debbie okay I will thank you all right Debbie you want to take yes Mr chair we have um one scheduled discussion item and then the um State legislation update so at the last meeting at the March meeting I provided you with a list which is not all-encompassing this list is what what we've obtained from the city's building department and some of our personal knowledge of 37 buildings that are vacant and or abandoned um again this is not a comprehensive list this list will change over time and for example um just earlier today we were made aware of the property on Espanola and is it Pennsylvania thank you Jake um that the the school board owns mate School Board owns that um little house I think it's a Dixon house and that's been bordered up for quite some time that's not that wasn't necessarily on our list because again that's under the jurisdiction of miam County School Board not our City's building department so I don't want to offend anyone or leave out anyone certainly um you know we this list can can be modified over time but the list we gave you we tried to again we were given a lot of these addresses by the building department for properties that they are currently monitoring um some of these as noted on the list are do have active historic preservation board approvals and are currently in permitting processes um and so we made those notations but we just wanted to give this to the board for informational purposes only and if there is a specific property that you are concerned about or you would like more information or you would like us to reach out to the owners um to to answer any questions you may have um we are willing to do that the tra the Traymore and we they they do have active building permits so that is under construction but it is vacant and I can I can that to our list so you know maybe maybe Debbie you can just give because we have some you can give some guidance as to what as to how you think we should be thinking about this list because there there are lots of buildings there are lots of there lot of buildings and you know uh you there's we've been asked um by several people this is really through the building department to provide properties that have unsafe structures violations well that's a a massive list because an unshaped structures violation does not typically um signify that oh it's unsafe it's going to be demolished right if you don't if you have an expired building permit it's un could you could be issued an unsafe um structures violation if you have an elevator that hasn't been inspected that could be issued in unsafe structures violation um you know we do monitor these not only the building department but also co- compliance for minimum property maintenance and fencing standards we do know that um certain of these properties can become a significant nuisance to residents living in the um in the neighborhood um some of some of the addresses on this list have actually met with um Architects recently for renovation projects again that's not a guarantee that these buildings will be renovated um and obviously we have the demolition by neglect ordinance um the city currently has um and we're working with Steven rosin from the city attorney's office and the building department and co-compliance on unsafe structures uh violations that we believe are rising to the level of the demolition by neglect I think there's at least a half a dozen of the those cases if not more in the special magistrate process um and we will you know certainly keep you updated as to those we do have our procedures in place regarding the after the fact um procedures so if there is an instance where a building does have to be demolished prior to coming before this board the after Thea procedures do apply in terms of when an applicant needs to file the application and certain restrictions that the board can place on any new development for that property do we have any update on the Ia is it Iva Rose property yes so I believe the the attorney was here the during the last discussion to provide the board an update um I do believe the building official is close to issuing an order for the two homes that are part of that property I have met with the repres representative from the owner which is a trust um they fully intend to submit if the demolition should take place they fully intend to submit an application to this board for the after Thea demolition within the mandatory I think it's 15 days so they they would be doing that and being in compliance with our regulations and then ultimately we can't get too much into the specifics of that because we do believe that will be coming before you um imminently um you know the board would have the um the presumption of limiting certain development on that area the the representative from the owner is also well aware of that Emily Emily is here from bark Al forell Fernandez and tapis I don't know if you have anything to add Emily uh good morning no Emily Balter burale FR AR tapes officite 200 200 South bisc Boulevard well we're representing uh IA roses estate at the moment uh they are currently going through the special Master process they've retained a structural engineer going through and studying uh the actual percentage of decline in the building as well as uh demolition contractors to determine the best way to shore up the building cut electricity Etc as well as uh there are issues with related to the seaw wall for this site um and the relationship of the structure to the seaw wall and making sure that the the seawall reconstruction um and the timing of that as well uh we are close to uh demolition order we believe but we wanted to make sure we had these uh expert reports submitted uh prior to that and we will be ready within 15 days to submit after the fact permits um so I was just asking Debbie if I could share so for for the benefit of you guys up here on the board um after the last meeting um Mickey the attorney had offered um anybody who wanted to go see the property prior to demolition obviously because I was curious you know really what's the status in the state of this property um so it's been vacant for quite some time um there are places where I I mean it's honestly quite amazing to me that this building was constructed in in Municipal City limits of anything just the way that it it strikes me very much as kind of Cobble together as you might see outside of any sort of zoning code or building planning code uh it's at the it's on The Canal at the end of Michigan I don't know the address off top of my head 16th 17th something 1800 Michigan and 1818 Michigan there you go across from the corre yes um so there are places where you know you can see that the seaw wall is I mean almost kind of collapsing into the canal um where the water comes up under and into the foundation my understanding from the engineer who happened to be there while I was there was that um there's sand packed in there but then it wasn't like properly maintained or wasn't or it's just old construction and so every all the footings and everything the sand has been washed out from underneath there um which is allowing the water to come up underneath the structure um it's vacant for some some time it was all boarded up um the neighbors have been complaining because it's be kind of come become a hazard while I was there we went into one of the like the far north property um which is was kind of apartments at one point it seemed like um someone had broken in there um and had been camping out in there um in fact goes back to our recent discussions um they had made a pallet on the floor and uh were there was an ashtray sitting next to it and I said oh there so they're smoking in bed inside a vacant structure so I say all that just so we kind of have an understanding um you know you know I know that they're going through all the procedures there and they're going to come to come to a certain after the fact but that was the state of what I saw um and evidently every time they open one of the doors people try to rush in to kind of squat in there so that's what that looks like okay and thank you Emily thank you for sticking around um finally I wanted to give the board an update on the UN the resiliency and unsafe structures act so I think it was last week um it received its final approval so both the house and and Senate have have approved the bill um it is not it is not law at this point it is waiting for the Governor's signature or veto um we do not expect a veto so we have lobbyists that are still following this um and we put a huge effort I want to thank um Daniel Caldo I see he's on zoom and I want to thank um our entire lobbyist team commissioner Alex Fernandez um several of the other Commissioners as well were're we're we're keeping an eye on this um so I just want to explain if signed into law which we do anticipate will happen um the map I gave you is I think the clearest way to illustrate the impact on our historic districts so if you look at the map this legisl will be affecting all of the areas that you see in Red so these are areas that are limited to portions of properties that are cord of the cccl so while it affects multiple historic districts it only affects those properties that have a portion of land Eastward of the cccl so we do have a portion um between First Street and Sixth Street um on the east side of Ocean Drive and I think there's three Parcels two contributing buildings on the um on the west side of Ocean Drive um at 6th Street then so that would be in the ocean beach historic district the Collins Waterfront historic district starting at 22nd north of 22nd Street um all the way to um north of 43rd Street so those areas would be included as part of this legislation the entire moris Lapidus midcentury historic district which goes from about 44th Street to 53rd Street we have one Historic Site uh which is the bath Club that's an individually designated Historic Site um then we have the North Beach Resort historic district and finally Harding townsite historic district and this area would be limited to the parcels on Ocean Terrace and potentially Collins Avenue if the um approved project which Aggregates the Lots between ocean and Collins were to be um constructed that aggregation would then result in the properties also so being having a portion that is seword of the cccl that is unique because there's no alley for that for that portion so those properties could potentially be aggregated and Not only would it affect the west side of Ocean Drive I mean Ocean Terrace excuse me but it could also impact the east side of Collins Avenue in that section um so what this legislation will do is it will preempt the city of Mayan Beach from enforcing its historic reservation um procedures for demolition so any property within these areas that is non-compliant with the current FEMA um regulations for finished floor elevation would be permitted as of right to obtain a demolition permit subject to review by the Florida building code but not subject to either the planning department staff review or this board's review any new construction replacement construction would still be under the jurisdiction of this board and this board would review any replacement construction um this board would not have the ability to reduce the square footage of any new development to reduce the height or to require uh reconstruction or replication based on that Ray we need you on M based on that right now that the Traymore AKA Como could be torn down if this is signed into law yes I believe now we haven't confirmed each of these buildings in terms of their relationship with the current FEMA regulations but I think it's safe to say that the vast majority if not all of our older buildings built before the 1970s when the female rules came in um would not comply I've been watching that building because there's no work going on there may be a permit but nobody's working so I've been wondering what's going to happen and I'm sure that's what they're waiting for thank you and we uh we spent a lot of time on Ocean Terrace do you know where that is in the in the permitting um in the process I have the so the Ocean Terrace Park which is a private public public partnership is underway they have the permit they are doing work for the park so that's great news for the private development I have not seen personally and I don't believe that they have submitted for a permit for that project um they do have uh multiple extensions for the HPB orders because this this goes back what three or four years from the original approval they have received um State of Florida emergency extensions which which can extend the life of their HPB approval you know for six seven years or more so they do still have an active approval um but I have not personally seen any activity in terms of Permitting that project well thank you those are very important updates and we'll I guess we'll stay tuned for how they how they continue on and impact us and our city so um thank you very much and uh with that is that the end of yes that concludes um the meeting unless Nick has anything motion to adjourn motion to to and we will keep you posted on the location for the April meeting but plan on parking at city hall and staying at City Hall take [Music] [Music] care [Music]