e e e e e e e e no need for sub okay we'll call the meeting to order at 704 p.m perfect we call please Sten herberg frga and Rudy [Music] Blanco good okay in the order of business is there anything that we want to change around do differently my name is misspelled on the agenda honestly just notice that because it might no I just didn't want to make a comment before I mean I think need to spelled for for a long time no not no Mel spelled it right okay confirming just an H after the C okay auto correct usually H that might be it so that just to note it's in the minutes as well so let's go and change that I I'll you want to note that in the minutes to [Music] change um no I'll just uh Mo no once we get to public com yeah yeah yeah go of business yeah we had that okay public comments we have guests yes and good evening good evening everyone um I think uh uh I've shared with some of you but um good evening um so I've shared with some of you as you know up to this point since uh January 2021 I've been serving in the capacity as a w the M's leadies on to West State so that's all the municipalities or state legislature or members of Congress that represent the West State area um I recently uh am transitioning now into a new role as Deputy Chief of Staff in the mayor's office uh overseeing intergovernmental Affairs and uh by way of that transition we're bringing on board a lovely lady by the name of Annabel re um who is a wonderful person you EA wonderful person absolutely capable and and uh wants to serve in this role with with diligence and and enthusiasm and so I'm very excited that Annabelle is joining the team and so what that means is she'll be uh the mayor's leison to Miami Lakes among the other municipalities in west aate but also to the unincorporated areas in in West State of course Country Club and Palm Springs North being being a couple of them and so um I I know that Annabelle wants to kind of continue the the open line of communication and and be supportive wherever possible I know I have a couple things that I need to close out on my end regarding say many people people are in already have you yeah cut up to date so so we we've had we've had conversations I think we need to continue to do it this is a you know obviously a mammoth of and um you know there's a lot of Dynamics but I want to be sure that she's fully CAU this spee so that she can be as effective of a communicator and Advocate um so uh yeah I so I you know I'm going to be working with closely with Annabelle but she is your your point of contact here moving forward if if you ever do need anything from the county and I was mentioning that there's a couple things that I wanted to close out from uh you know the the follows from the town hall including a piece from our our my fire rescue Department um among I think two other pieces so that is my that is my charge and I'll make sure to do that and then moving forward of course uh an will be here to be uh uh responsive to you all so with that and I don't know if you want to say a couple words about yourself no I'm I'm very happy to be here um I look forward to working with each and every one of you and whatever you need I'm at your service you thank you thank you thank you very much and Thomas do you have any updates anything recent on on the blasting issues that you've heard of or that you're aware of yeah besides the the workshop that happened at the legislature uh which was I thought uh enlighting enlightening in in a few different regards and I know that efforts too right right uh and you know I know that this session ended the same way that many sessions have ended already that the bill are dying please ume but uh you know I think that for the first time since 2017 the county has put some some teeth behind this with the resolution and I think the it would be wise uh as a course of action for for uh this committee to kind of continue to seek that approach uh to have an official resolution uh urging uh against this supporting uh the's legislation and that enables kind of our County lobbyist to to be uh involved in that process I think this year uh there's an opportunity to do that earlier um than last time and maybe that'll give you all some some flexibility to kind of determine the best path forward but I no no real constructive updates other than you know I'll continue to share what you know those final pieces that were asked of me and um you know I just look to you all to see how else we can be supportive but I think obviously the state legislature is the the one piece that that we all have our eyes on so yeah any questions anything else for for Thomas or for no but with regards to Tom FAO he went online or actually he was interviewed by Channel 10 I think it is and he said that he was getting very close to a compensation the state to compensate properties for damages so since you're going to be now in a completely different role perhaps the next time that you see him ask him what does that mean yeah cuz he was just very brief very you know so I don't know whether it is a way to continue to get us home yeah but in the meantime you like wants is like a special bill which is how you do it from the C of for like for like like it do for damages do for damages a special Bill and how to meet one of my old my open discussion new businessday want going to meet with him a gentleman called was running for know I Ed I know Ed a good friend of mine my boss in a Republican National Lawyers Association any's Mother Elizabeth right next to our home so we know him very well and he's adamant about this President Brown so TR team up together and see if they could come up with a special Bill compensation one way or another that's how we usually in Florida we compensate people in in different way different from other matters was looking at it from a new approach so you might as yeah maybe by way of intro when I know um Nikita and Annabelle have exchanged text or or emails so maybe between um you know the three of you we can figure out a you know a followup discussion and see how we can be supportive maybe do the same track of a county resolution if that if that comes to to be true so awesome thank you no just like I said before the meeting started thank you for you always being patient of us attending the meetings chose commitment to the issue that you you've been here over and over and over again and communicate with us not just at the meetings we your emails for months now so I appreciate that work and I know we'll do continue time thank you just one last you are not only a breath of fresh air but you are the single individual that has changed my opinion about County Employees so God bless you thank you so much thank you so much really appreciate the any other public comments is anybody on I anybody else on office um same thing I mean we we're working on presenting at the bills making adjustments to it so um been working on and hopefully we get this one I mean this I think it was very good that at least we got the workshop I think years I don't think anybody listen to concerns so that that was that was a good thing and thank you all for so forward to the next s okay anybody else once twice three times public comments are closed mov on to adop minutes I move to adop the minutes very good yeah just that's all I try my best that's why I stick of last names inside the body last names are typically easier at least in this group anybody second oh second second all in favor guys hi I minutes are adoped next election go ahead see no we have to elect the chair chair so um just someone wants to make an nomination for check I actually good idea un she leaves the town well I'm sure I I I gota keep on yes do I second it or do I nominate you like three times I'm fine with that I'm reading on August 21 Happ be maintaining the role of our secretary I know we need to have a right share I mean I ultimately someone have to be a secretary coming up at some point I know who wants to do that I you Tobe I think maybe I think no one can fill his shoes so I don't think you should Let's cross that version have been in the meantime have there been any other nominations have been have you anything from the council I know the town clerk's office um always alerts them when they have that's why I asked that's why I asked um but I haven't anything Gina by way it's open to everybody you it doesn't have to be from the time Rel anybody in deserving the board it could be any areas yeah something I want to discuss in Old business yeah about trying to spread the spread the opportunity there so I mean I'll second that nomination second okay obviously not all in favor hi right what do we do about Vice chair do we need to have a vice chair yeah okay I mean the vice no I don't that's fine um I I also think with secretary so I'll nominate fror I check that you accept nomination I accept thanks hold in favor fine [Music] perfect is that okay fills your yeah wait and moving right along bonus marketing how is that going how is a that whole process so we met two weeks ago which didn't give me as much time as you know my usual but um we have not to just be like up front and and get to the point we have not made any progression in the HOA side of of marketing um um but I reached out again to one of the people that was nominated for the videos because my plan was to tackle the videos and then the HOA um I've had a couple the testimonies right so I've had a couple of Lakers um so I think we need to open it back up again to nominations um not nominations I don't think that's the right word but like sending us recommendations on what residents to interview and get in front of uh the camera and even if they're not comfortable getting in front of the camera but they're okay with showing advantages to their home like it could be a voice over or something like that I'll take anything at this point um and then I think that's all so you have the list right for all the yes I have the list yes and actually I'm sorry now that we're on that topic how can we develop a rotation where we could share the responsibilities like is there a specific day in the week like Tuesdays that you're good or Monday that you're good and then I can kind of like assign like the meetings that are Tuesdays to you and then the meetings that are you know I mean I I definitely don't have specific day in the week what I think makes sense is we need to figure out a way to just know when cha meeting in put it in like a share calendar like a share calendar and then point right bombs you know whatever okay I got you there's no problem us communicating scheduling something like that because now we're just scheduling a presentation which we've already approved to do so we're allow to outside the realm of sunshine my understanding because it's just like if we're scheduling a meeting with with representative something like that we obviously have to discuss our calendars to do that and we're not it's not something that we're going bring in front we're just scheduling two will make presentation that we're that's today try to improve right that we make U that we're going to make so I it's hard for me to commit to a specific day of the week but I'm sure between the four of us five six many we can get that we can work it out and figure out what days and not you we can't then we can't but we got to make an effort to get in front of these is yeah for sure and you said a presentation is there something that was already used in the past I mean yes and no Miguel obviously has the presentations but those are too long no one can do one of those seismic down presentation you're right I don't know you're right maybe we should create the five minute HOA presentation yeah that's something that we should do and I would I would just use some of our past picture and part of some a little bit of Miguel's thing like the video of the tile popping right I think that's like unfortunately it didn't work in Tass that was that just shows there's a blast a tile pops like obviously the effect is there the cause and effect right so let's let's create a five minute because we're going for an ex right yeah same thing with with legislators the attention spans got to be pretty limited um they got other things to do so let's shaky right I mean it's going to be different now it's not going to be a more high level that we present to legislator that is going to be more General uh presentation we discussed want to do that but I don't think we have we've ever made a like a PowerPoint or whatever that's something more General lower level yeah we had it all our presentations PowerPoints have been high level 30 35 minutes science science science and a little bit about the law and effects we here we have to be more you know policy like the simple F right correct so what do we want to generate out of this meeting right so let's say we just went in front of an HOA and we're meeting with this group and we're going to inform them on what the blasting Advisory Board does what we're here to do and what information we're here to share feel like what do we want from those residents we want them to fill out the forms the complaint forms right yeah what else um fill out the complaint forms contact their elected representatives at all levels of government from the local County on throughout even their Congress Congress person um and then follow the complaint forms and having get involved and testimonies who wants to share a testimony and I always say the people that show up at HOA meetings is going to be usually fairly once there's a new assessment coming up fairly small percentage of the people actually live there right she'll tell you're way spread okay and other than Rec that they get involved in these ways do you guys also think it would be an appropriate setting to recruit potential members of the bab yeah because we can include like a blurb of that on the part yeah I mean they have to go through a council member so they we have to I think um now the mayor should has an open spot I think U council is the only one that has both spots filled I'm not sure who is he you yeah [Music] um lady Angela but the other ones have open spots it's just about they have to show interest to us and we connect them with the conect okay but yeah why not I mean we need we need some right right okay I I'll include a slide about that on the Paro presentation um how can we vet the PowerPoint presentation amongst us would it have to be disc the next got to be discussing there's no way around um forum's not that difficult to get now that's a benefit so if you have it ready we can always see if there's 30 minutes availability at work account okay yeah that has to because that has to be approved by us okay so can everybody just send me um like if you have a a little nugget of advice or feedback or whatever and you want it to be included in the presentation just send it to and then off if your presentation doesn't have a motion it's not going to work okay you're talking to to your point very low level people relative to the science of so you got to hit to to their heart property damage mental and emotional strug that's what it's got to be about you know if I go in there I start talking about rebar no not the Right audience know what I mean so it's got to be you got toit and I think it's got to be very CU Engish other words you can't go up there and preach for five minutes you got to you know ask question relative to the emotional aspect of of the blasting yeah great yeah and so like who here like right very uh you know it's AAL question who here is feeling the effects of blasting right right exactly okay who here has damage in their poles right so you know soate John no thank you I'll but I'm not uh I'm not a part of I do think you would make a very good presentation though yes the presentation I have no problem with but I just can't uh as long as you have no problem making this presentation I think you're do job that's no but I'm just saying you know you just got to ask those questions when you're in front of people make make make the questions you know emotional in regards to the damage that they face so maybe that's the you know the starting point is not what's Liquid faction right it's are you feeling with blast right right the starting point is that emotional connection you know yeah and then you again I five minutes Pro I think the slide starting slide sort of like the enter into that g feel and you get people talking they're goingon to start speaking right once you start yes yeah you people gonna start and you'll get some good dialogue in the in the presentation that's always that's always what you want it to be like we don't want to sit there and talk about you much rather interact may I suggest during my uh B rides every day the I see in particular on Saturdays and Sundays uh people that are coming to get prices on how to replace a driveway or how to work at this at that whatever so I now just stop by bike and I go do you have a clue as to why it is that your driveway is cracked and broken in half oh I don't know I just fought here I have no idea I work all week so they have no idea about blacking they don't feel it they don't hear it they don't sense it so when you go to an HOA meeting is have you replaced your do you have the need to replace this you have this you have that and then explain why it is that they're experiencing that because they may not know and what I did this time is to say I heard fabrio saying this on the news at least they knew fabria and then I said make sure you take a lot of pictures before you go and when you go to the town make sure that when you ask for a permit you actually tell them that it is because of damage from BL things so maybe you shouldn't be paying you should have seen the whole the whole block is like so so those are the things that you need to do with h you need to wake up people Ian we've saying that for a long time even recently on one of the social media groups I saw someone say oh yeah the Blas that's because the blasting because that new mall being built right idea they just moved into the area noidea yeah sometimes it's see people been here for a while right um but yeah it's it's shocking sometimes but you know I don't want to blame ourselves but we got to do a better job yeah as simple as that we got to do a better job and that's where you start the joy and before I forget one of the ask for the HOA is HOA board president please have your management company send out this email blast send out information to uh to your email server list about this first you we try to tell them we coming and make the make the make it known beforehand but second after the ask is when we have something come up to have you know have their cooperation and spreading the word April on April 13 the city of Doral is doing something fascinating and that is that they are going to gather all of the HOAs to discuss all of the issues with h those are in the news all the time now going to jail because they are stealing people's monies and whatever so because they're going to have attorneys there and they're going to have you know perhaps that would be a great venue for is a city that we want to have some the mayor is that just for the HOAs in dur they're having convention no I I actually because I am connected with her through Linkedin I asked and she said that would be more than welcome to go right now yeah I get that anyone can probably show up I just I justess my question is do do you know or mind asking if the hual ways that are actually attending that those are specific to I think it's a great idea for the town to St CH to come together and let's have a meeting because it's such a focal point oh for us to replicate what they're doing yeah I was actually well I plan to attend the so at least I'll have they're doing I'll try it I think it's a great idea because I hope so I hope they there those um to have like a convention sort of of all your H in your town makes a lot of sense because those are those are the the most local government that we have right we used to have quarterly meetings with all of the HOAs when poo was a council member every single month we would meet with him to tell them all our issues and whatever yeah H yeah that is the first government the first government H are really aware of what's going on each Street know each Street each speed bump each stop sign yeah right uh that's that's why I like that idea and by the way we do not have a management company we do everything ourselves cool um so I don't know that enough anything else I'll send you slides that I believe have some information from previous presentation I'll have to reach out to Miguel and get his like reservoir of information and put it into my my bad folder so I can save it transfer it um but yeah I mean I agree it's got it's got to start like that to really grab attention and it's got to be simple straightforward 3 to five minutes Q&A primarily just to and then our ask I think our asker be the last SL our ask okay so yeah let's get that if you are you going to prepare I guess I'll make a motion for you to prepare the proposed P point to be presented the next meeting a second I'll someone else and if everybody can get me like the feedback the sooner the better so that way let me just jump into the the request I know it's new business since we're in the topic of the and stuff since they're here I just want that was a request from the council for us right we have other municipalities we're trying to team up with and and about gal city of Miramar hia Gardens and and other and just other municipalities that you're aware of as you as a count also um and and requesting you know just support but they could support us in um and I was a council request yeah so we made our Council report last council meeting I think it was mayor s mayor May S I made I made the request saying hey we need the council's help to really the city so emotional get more more real supp important is right now before a few months ago was just miam Lakes now miam lakes in the county hopefully count do it again right that's right that's right so um in mayor s said well yeah but you should be making requests to the towns and get these towns and cities to have resolutions that make their lobbies work on this issue which I agree with 100 set especially merar D High those are four towns the cities that are directly affected so we have to figure out us how we're going to ask these towns to do it through whatever contacts we have but of course some help from the county to bring them together I think well you let us know what that looks like I think obviously we're happy to um we know the folks who could probably move the needle in each of these cities so happy to provide contact information what not at that point and then as you kind of figure out what this looks like we can see what the County's involvement would be at that point but happy to help is the most important thing is who we should contact at at each each of those municipalities even myar I'm sure you guys have contact there uh to see how we can get on the on their council's res you know on their council's agenda within the next coming months some sort of so then maybe let's follow up with st about the exact cities and then we'll follow we'll work you and I will say we're we're going to be heading out in a couple minutes just to let you know but that's why I I skip to yeah I mean the goal is that we have literature we've been up there but we can't just be us and now the count it means to be all when there other cities that right are impacted so right I mean at the very least you know once whatever legislation moves forward uh gets put to committee should be Lobby should be requesting meetings we will be requesting meetings the county should be requesting meetings IIA should be requesting Guardians andout all seven what all of these and these these committee members should be saying wow seven cities are requesting to meet on this issue a pretty big issue they know about it everyone knows this is for bro's issue but there's just still I feel like not enough pressure and not just the legislators but the city of H office City hia wants to meet with you know CFO Patronus maybe he'll take it a little bit more seriously right yeah so that's that's a goal too because it's not just a it's it's an administrative issue that the CFO could take care of very quickly and he just has it for whatever reason well I'm sure or organization amongst the will do a lot to help especially when we have dur and H let's think of it when we have D help I would hope very much so that's that's the goal there but yeah whatever information you can get then anything else questions on that I think you know I think we clear we just need to uh I that's an important thing to have ready for whenever the next uh whatever I I'm sure there'll be some special sessions somewhere maybe there'll be an opportunity but um for to start preparing for the board's efforts coming next year next session now yeah um I think is important to line those cities up now okay back to 7B May 2024 V opinion yeah and so last week we last meeting we discussed it and we discussed [Music] like adult 10:30 I just the same department now she no I have I have a digital I can share it if you guys want so that way you can go you got it take care okay sorry about that yeah Bard pain no we had like three ideas yeah no not three we fled three uh com it's always in the way I think we need to get it on paper I like to get it on paper before um before I leave and I again hopefully don't come back uh at least for a while but well actually hopefully never come back because that means we resolve the issue so the three approach right leg through the legislator through uh administrated through the cfo's office and then legal legal is something that we sort of have been I don't want to say we haven't discussed we've always brought it up I've always the discussions we've had has always been about uh claims that I don't necessarily the board can't do anything but not necessarily the F can do but I think it would make sense for the town to give an opinion on on that issue Town's office why does it have stand not telling it to actually do it if that's not our decision we can advise it to do ad but maybe the first question is does the town have a legal right to file lawsuit based off damages its receiving in the town through infrastructure and public buildings and if it does uh does it make sense for the town to really take on this fight and uh try to put even more pressure because trust me buy a lawsuit they're they're going to be listening um so that's that's a prong that I would like to to look into and maybe uh the next meeting I provide what what I think should be the the three PRS I mean the three prongs make sense and then we have to provide our opinion I'll try at the next meeting I'll try to present to everybody um B an opinion that we then present to the council at some point we'll ask a member council member to get it on the agenda and say listen over the last two years this is what we've been working on yeah for a long time but I don't know what the last time you actually provided advisory opinion years this is what we've been working on this is what we found and these are the three steps that these are the three areas and these are the steps the town should take this is our recommendation it's up to the council whether to actually do it or not this is our recommendation for the town to take so we are we have advice and I think one of the steps should be for the town to at the minimum at first maybe we say have like a little well the the town attorney says yes and maybe we should do this or you have this option but really provide them something in writing forly uh to the town and and I I think I guess the first thing I want to prove before I start drafting it is do you agree with basically having that three prr absolutely legislative um administrative and legally and maybe the third is more marketing gaining support right um but I agree but I also like adding the community inform right and these are the things that the town has to do or we think believe the town should do to can the be part of the the legal aspect in terms of a of a lawsuit well it can I mean i' I've spoken to people that come up to me why can't we do anything I always told me find somebody who wants to sue we can sue we can't but any private person in the entire State of Florida can say that um at the very minimum the issue with [Music] requiring the requiring that you're blasting damage go through the Department administrative proceedings you can sue say I don't believe that's fair it's unconstitutional you're blocking my access to the courts I can't tell you what a judge go say I can't tell you what a three panel courts go say I don't can't tell you go that far with this recort of Florida would say but anyone can make that claim and do it I I haven't had anyone email me say I want to do it let's find some attorneys to do it so if someone wants to do that that's completely outside the board but that's an option again moment that happens they'll you'll see your reaction pretty it's a plus factor in terms of like I mean yeah it is unless you can get a few attorneys that are willing to do it for free um and also people don't want to put their names out there as as on the person suing this massive industry and you're not suing the massive industry you're suing the state of Florida saying your laws are unconstitutional and then you're going in front of the court first here in mi County and then that whatever that judge has says and then someone will and then it'll go to Power cour in mi County and then if depending on how that goes it can go but um somebody has to be willing to be that person but anyone can do it doesn't have to be in my account either higher state but that's um oh that's not necessarily it should be someone that has um that's been impacted that's been impacted even though that's the best PL it's not something been impact on right there's a standing argument um but uh so most like someone in Min D Broward that has and it's important if you go Min Broward is that's different completely different Court Port districts but um that's what it is and that's an option it's not an option from the board because we're not individual people and it's not option for the town because the town's on an individual Town other than does the town have standing and I really don't know because I don't do municipality law I don't know I don't even know how the town would sue for damages right that's a question the town attorney should figure out the should figure out if we have damaged and Blasting do we have to also go through DOA and and go through the same same system and anybody else or because we're a municipality do we follow different statute different different issues I don't know I really don't know um so that's you know that's just a starting point right and then then if you determine that yes you do go with the bu does the town have a clause of action or standing to Sue that the that the laws on Constitution again not my area it different are the town to the county the county to the state well the count position I agree but the count well I agree when you're at the higher level I don't agree with the town that that there's nowhere else to go to and they're being we're being affected the most and every single person that runs every single person up there says blasting is a big issue right yeah uh which it is and yeah I I'm saying the same thing yeah so if it is let's do something about it right all we can do is advice but the town should look at all options uh and it would not I don't I don't know I don't know how much money it would cost in the town's eye and the town's attorney's eyes to file a case like that if they wanted to I Really Don't and that's probably one of the big issues is Mone ESP attorne works for free and anyone you hire for the town for free so that's another big issue to is money uh but I think it's something we should bring to the attention and push because now it's been what three times that nothing's happened and we had progress this year problem uh but there's only so many times we can just try to keep over and over well it's been 20 years well that too that to probably make an ideal candidate for being the yeah seriously I don't know I again if it's an individual has nothing to do with this SP right but we can tell ask the town ask the town they have what they believe they have the ability to do it it's up to an opinion from their talent attorney whether they and I don't know what they answerers I have no idea what answers but why not ask at least so that's one thing I would put in there okay and then uh on the legislative uh and administrative it's really the same way just about putting more pressure trying to push more political pressure and I think I think especially there's only so much you can do on the legislative side but I think we can maybe do more in the CFO side yeah speaking of that I know have we received anything from the cfo's office to our response to our response to them right um I don't think we will either though no so remind try remember that point but the cfo's office I think if you get the attention to highly those are big those are big bigger towns bigger voter bases when you're talking politically CFO is an elected official official uh I think that helps with that office yeah because when they think blasting they think miy Lakes they don't think about anybody else and that's not the case they shouldn't only be ping so and Incorporated yeah I mean iset of believe has as well um but mle you know population is rather small corre very mostly commercial but still and I think that's an area that we haven't touching business is businesses we're always talking about homes and I get that homes are more emotional but business is emotional too yeah I don't think we've touched I I Juan Sancho said he had a friend that or somebody has a a warehouse one um yeah I reached out to them it's one of the um people who are now ghosting me which makes sense because he's no longer a part of I mean those type of people would be great because it's not just our homes it's our businesses we talked about it's our it's our schools course but that's something I think that we can do better job is trying to get some businesses it's not easy I get it I went to Rubio Pharmacy which uh Miguel recommend before he left and when I got there I was so taken back because the people said that they they didn't have any idea what I was talking about and that they have no damages to report and I'm like me here you don't you don't know Miguel from the blasting Advisory Board and they looked at me like I was a psycho so I called Miguel and I'm like they don't want theity wait a second you told me Rubio Pharmacy nextor sedanos right like I'm not crazy and he's like yes absolutely but what right there behind your house and I'm like yeah but they're hunting like they've never even felt a blast in their lives so you know businesses are amazing to add to our cause for testimonial purposes and stuff but After experiencing that I think that they'd be afraid of the type of publicity that it would give them and and especially if it's a small business because if that's going to affect their day-to-day operation it shouldn't but I get it it shouldn't I mean people don't want to do it either they don't want to have their name out there they don't want to have their their their their face on social media and post I get it I mean if they're insuring the property I'm sure that they're also terrified that insurance will go up the minute they somehow talk about yeah yeah that's another issue as well um but yeah this is that's you know that's the uphill Bal we have sometimes is getting people to open up and and we got to that's why when we're up there I thought the social media posts that we put together were so effective because whatever reason their Nam is right there people are much more open on social media yeah on everything on all on all dialogue and those posts show that these are real people it's not just the three people that email me on to bed it is hundreds and this is random people and it's real what there and uh we that's what we need for people to actually come in and and we can use their resources use their their testimony per se for for our for our cause it's harder to it's easy to get people to post on social media absolutely and do it naturally right it's much harder to actually get them to sit in front of the camera or whatnot give us their feelings uh and that's part of the marketing side right so let me um the next meeting let me provide a proposed board opinion it seems like we all agree to go all three prongs yeah and then also talk about the me Outreach so wouldn't adhere it to one of the three because be I'll try to make it read pretty clearly this is we've been doing this this is the progress we've made this is what's happening and here are the four things that we are really focused on legislative administrative uh marketing Outreach and legal and and and then in there say this is what the town can help us with this isn't the town this is what the town and and then once we finalized give it to them and present it and it's up to them whether they want to take the action or not it's not up to us right you can only inv right so I I'll get that for that next any further question on that I have another question to add to this topic so and I don't know what the tong rules are on like posting on social media Med and stuff like that but I know that the town promotes events that different committees hold and stuff like that so is there a chance that maybe they can help um spread the message by saying like hey next time you feel a blast report it here not expecting for them to you know do anything too firecracker is but um would that be out of the yeah no let's let's add that um I mean it is on the I think it's still on the app right it's one of the first things on the town app no not on the website on that the town Connect app and it's on the website which is something else I want to discuss yeah when you're getting there I don't know about I know that it's on the website yeah I know it's on the I'll pull it that um but yes that's something that we can ask the town to do be more provide more social media again we had at the last chair meeting and for all these times it's the social media only works for what you want to see nobody wants to see last no one sees it I I see social media post that the town post and has sometimes I have 250 likes and then I'll see something about a committee it's got three and me and Rudy are always one of them right it's it's the one two it's it's it's the truth people just aren't they're just not popping up yeah on on their on their streams on their I think that has a generational thing to do with it in other words I no I don't because social media is especially the social media that that the town is on Instagram is becoming older generation and then Facebook is not a generational thing like if you're under 25 you're not on Facebook yeah you don't even know it exists you're not on Facebook you're 25 uh and Instagram is starting to become a little bit like that too it's still you know people that are in college now might have and whatnot I don't know I'm sure somebody knows a lot more about that but uh so no not at all the the B the social media the town's on is the right social media and it's the Right audience it's just people that are when you're searching online and everything's tied together and like your phone and all everything you're just not going to see it you're not going to see these matters up on your on your you're not going to see it on your whatever you call it scre read in your what is it Fe right you're not go see on your feet now Town story is a little different like that's I think that's probably the most effective way to get things across is a story because the stories pop up on Instagram regardless of what you're seeing a post I mean it still orders it differently yeah even then it's still it still has to do with your um interest it's only going to show you what you want to see nobody wants to see the blasting stuff the article written with Miguel Martinez's Lessons Learned has actually achieved close to 3,000 reads yeah that I don't know how you do it I mean people read what you post the thing is that she has an audience that follow her because they like her info and upate so she post all the time we do but that's right your audience appreciates what you provide and they read it and they click on it where um I guess the next step for us to do is to put in our budget which I think I asked at the at the council report to I don't know if I did if I didn't I'll make sure I talk about it during budget season um that our budget shouldn't be limited just to travel she just give us the budget right uh and then we can spend some money on social media they always when it comes to committees they do always um do the project codes first so just you would add for for an additional one marketing yeah so you know 7 7500 give us a th000 for marketing right or a thousand more so that's something we should ask we got to remind during budget season to when is that um you usually get an email from for me on reminding you guys that it's due by a certain date and you guys have to work on it as a committee yeah usually no our budget I mean so and what I told the council last week was it yeah last week what I told him is our budget's good for now if we ever did get um a bill pushed their committee then we would we would be going up there all the time it would be a huge time time sacrifice we have to as the minus right we would have to be going up there if it actually got to committee I would and then pass committee I would expect us to go up there five to seven times that's the budget out of proportion right which is a sacrifice that we would make personally or the town I believe would just go ahead and make that sacrifice at some point but uh I think the budget right now is fine we're not going close to going through it we we were good up our cost we so we can I just want to make sure we have the ability to use the money for example when you pay ads and every everyone sees it sort of everyone miy Lake sees everyone in date I don't know yeah and you can now you can hyperfocus into different sectors so it would help a lot but my experience is I agree the town should provide some more support we haven't necessarily asked for it they can do it I don't think they would have an issue doing it it's just I don't know how that de would be based off all the other communties and I know you hear it from other communities all the time oh why isn't you know why are we getting a lot of clicks and likes and this and that it's just it's hard it's hard work get people to engage in social media people that get paid so much money just to do that so I don't know you tell me I think it's worth a shot 100% it's worth a shot add that I'll add that in there anything else on that subject anything specifically missing you want to add to to the first draft of the report when does this happen like this meeting um I mean I can have it ready we can see if we want to meet before and have a a quick meeting about it just that and then and for the April meeting have it ready for final you know final review oh no that's not what I was asking I me like when right when does that get presented you choose the or you have a oh to finish it approve it and then once approved I would reach out to uh to have it I wasn't sure if it was like one of those quarterly ones that we haveing up until next year next year I just I I would reach out to a council member uh to get it approved so or whatever yeah I'll try reach out to Ray the former member or um or R the board I'll reach out to okay get get they can add the item to to a meeting so okay anything else on that topic yeah very good I'll I'll I'm putting it on board path here to get you guys uh a proposed opinion by next meeting hopefully something pretty final moving right along a mo Council report which we talked we talked about video that be website page review review has anyone I'm going to pull it up now has anyone taken a look recently at the at our website at our open I so hopefully you all do know but every committee has a website page I know I'm sure you have some some feedback which I appreciate if provided no but the fascinating things I don't even know where it is so they take a look now they change the way the website was completely revamped right which your's due for a makeover so and Blasting oh okay so I I know so there so then you click there view our blasting Advisory Board page and uh there is what I'm talking about we need I want to get uh I think this is not this isn't bad but I want to make sure we have the right materials up there and if we go down to I think uh if you want to go down I don't even know what's on videos [Music] honestly so yeah it's by sections right which is i f last yeah okay so I mean yeah you need something that U more updated that that thing that we're talking about the video that should be like on our I mean 100% there so I mean we don't have we don't have the ability to update the page like every every is that every committee looks the same or how is that work I guess if you can show me in terms of I guess in terms of this landing page I guess if you can show me let me show you I have no idea like if you click culinary that's a good one an active one gles sorry there you go the title and then and then you have the drop down so they all look the same in that way it's not like some it's not like one Community will have like without drop downs or something like that so um I mean you could do without dropdown but be a long it's much cleaner so the question I have for everybody is and let's just have it ready for next meeting I'll take a look but what we should be adding there for example videos we should add the video from the workshop right we should add any videos of I think there's been some new uh new reporting from NBC and CBS over the last year the local the local related documents those definitely have to be updated um and we need to add in our our our own uh new documents that we've been last year so we can't have like a 30 second video as soon as you hit the landing page that's not that's don't know maybe I'll ask we might be able to we don't have the video right but you're right that's exactly what we want the video be 30 second 15 second whatever that should be when you get bling Advisory Board it should be like and then you get into the the and then you get into the material yeah have we awakened you already for now I like the idea I agree if you I guess if you can if that's a town task to see how much editing availability we actually have I mean if you guys already have suggestions you can just email them to me okay rather than waiting yeah yeah for example I think you can start with the documents because I'm sure a lot of this is old and I don't know if it's even yeah a lot of these old to yeah so if it doesn't make sense um my opinion but I guess this is up to you guys I feel like there's a lot going on in this and I don't know if that help it's probably too much maybe yeah and maybe I don't know first first I think blasting concern should be like I don't care who I honestly don't care who the board members are I feel nobody cares who the I feel blasting I feel file blasting complaint should be first right with a little bit a lot more information like not a ton more but a little bit synopsis that we the website to or to right that should be way to you and then blasting concerns board members should definitely be taken down to the bottom and related documents maybe we've changed the title of that but yeah add the QR code on blasting blasting you know what for the related documents we could do the Media Kit put on exactly I mean we don't have to have a ton of stuff just the Media Kit almost just by itself is done um yeah so agreed that's what it should be uh and then for or follow a blasting complaint there should be a two a short two paragraph synopsis what blasting is and this is how this is why it's important to file a complaint file complaint click here yeah right it needs to be a little bit more uh and that should be first and then related documents or maybe we change the title just since they Rel documents learn more about blasting should be second videos there's a t monitor how many people visit this specific site right here to get a number um I know they have data I don't know how specific it is like I don't know if it's specifically where who lands on the blossom I can ask I don't so uh let's the thing is I don't want I don't want to five probably five I don't want four people to be emailing you different things right I'm gonna make General notes now um if you guys want we can start there okay and then take a look at it I think regardless the related documents I'm sure you guys if you guys can look at it collectively from here to the next meeting and just if there's anything that you know needs to be deleted for a fact I mean I would delet directly let you want to start from scratching you guys just send me the I think so because at the end of the day um a lot of this is just too scientific or too specific this isn't this isn't good for the town website this is good for having a two-hour meeting with somebody right uh so we would probably just get rid of everything and start con okay and then for now I will try to move file blasting complaint to the top then blasting concerns yes board members at the bottom and related documents to change to learn more about blasting and then delete all links in terms of related documents I mean yeah I don't see the point of it right now and then ask about a second we'll just do like okay we agree everything we just said okay anything else [Music] comments these in turn or she's typing up okay yeah she's typing up open things now no the the the document that we have pinged at the top of the group that we created on LinkedIn has the document with everything maybe that's something we put at the list to say if you want to see everything here it is right yeah no no everything because you I make sure I made sure that you know whatever Miguel had transfer anyway and all of a sudden he said can you put it in order of descending right and that means that there's a link for every single thing that is within theb so you just click but where is that like hosted where if I click on link where it go send it to you I mean I just put it on an email and you will have no I know that but I I for the I think for the town to provide the town to link to put on their website if I click that link where where does it go it's right there on LinkedIn okay I because I uploaded the document right okay okay so all of the documents are reciting in which someone told me the other day that I am making LinkedIn a very popular social media that I am literally changing their own it's incredible because I never really thought about that but I'm literally making all the traffic there's yeah there's not people use LinkedIn for that very often that's for like a community resource like that all like look at me look how great I'm doing right it's true but no one no one's really using it so much to that so I you're right it's a good observation uh so what I would say is if she's put putting the notes down now I'm happy to provide the the related documents that I believe should be up there to her and then we can see the next meeting if we're in agreement with that but I would do the Media Kit a link to that link assuming we peris to do that because that would lead you to everything if if you really want to everything does not want it it is a list to say what should go into that's and then um I really don't know what other documents should provide other than the Media Kit which has I think everything want yeah the media has for General consumption that's it so and then the video videos all update I know where the where the more recent news reports are in the last Workshop work I wish there was a way to trim it so it can just be the workshop I know don't know if there's a way to download it download the video from the state download the state video yeah yeah the video is the website okay it tells you exactly the timing I know archived there but but what I want to do is um well then we have to host it somewhere I'll just get well on the internet we should never try to host it everywhere because you're putting all that weight in every single page if it is somewhere that I no you're right leave the link l exactly yeah agree I am actually uphold you know I'm part of the group that created the internet because I used to work at Nel and because no one even wanted to send any em mail back in 1994 myself you know they actually say give it to her because she finds fun in everything she does and literally started and every morning I would wake up at 4 o00 and do all of the Wall Street Journal reporting and then it comes all of the news and I'm like everybody's stealing the ideas and you know I don't care I just have fun in life and so the the the point is we were supposed to not create 177,000 pages that you would have to go visit everyone it was just a world that would you know grow up in it but now everybody wants to have their own page and put the same thing same page anything else website no I think we're good there I'll provide documents and last new member recruitment any we we talk about we told the good night young folks good night so much thank you I just don't know if you guys have any ideas you know it's like when I when I on a personal note when I talk to people about campaigning how to figure out how to ask people for money it's very difficult very I'm thankful for the people that have but um how do we how do you go up to somebody and go hey you want to be part of and commit your time to this this this effort that you know it's it's a time commitment and um unfortunately you'll see it on social me the past few past week or so nothing's happening nothing's it's the same thing for 20 years die the bill die again that's a faction statement the bill did die but uh if you're not going to do anything about it you can't expect any different results but I I I don't know if you guys have any ideas I I me how did you get involved I really would like to you're I I know you came fromel Rudy you've been involved forever I reach out to oh Jeff uez and he told me here here's a spot for you me I love politics I was happen to be I didn't know I didn't know you like politics yeah I never want to serve in politics that makes sense that makes sense so um so I was just talking to Manny and Manny said you know why don't you uh get involved in abbreviated version is I thought okay no that makes sense that that's some fam invol I asked I get more involved and Je said yeah I got spot open why you get involved okay great I think when we do these HOA meetings I think that would be a good for him to to to recruit members of those they already they already have it in their DNA where they're volunte right so I think that could be a bridge potentially volunt to get them this is gonna sound terrible but like how are we going to vet or like R vet before we say yes let me connect you to XYZ person who has a spot so that you could become because when you connect them with Manny or you connect them with Marilyn they're not going to do a v process they're going to assume that you did that part and that's why you're making no connection so how are we gonna make that first was it said last meeting that you there was something to that effect that you couldn't do like we couldn't no so we discussed it briefly unfortunately I didn't talk about it enough honestly that was my mistake but um okay the rules supposedly your rules require that attend a meeting I believe right there's noting process just that you attend the meeting the council often waves the ru says oh let's just weigh the rle weigh the rule and that happens a lot with the committee appointments for whatever reason uh so I think and I'm try to cut you I think to your point because I think there should be like a document in terms of providing to the council when they're going to nominate someone these are the core competencies that that that that people in in the B need I mean we well they actually have something that you f out since I'm the newest one it's fresh in my memory there's like a thing that you f out and inst you have to explain like how do you bring value to this board when you know about it it's an application it's an application form but even before you get to that right like I was very smart in how he brought me in because not have brought me this far had he given me all the information up front but I think if I was given all the information up front I could have also been more transparent as to how much time I can invest in the B and so on right so if I meet you on an h meeting you're super vocal you're well spoken you seem like you have your life together whatever and you tell me I want to be a part of the B I might ask you like oh what do you do for a living like whatever you're going to tell me okay I think it's important to kind of like prepare that person it's not so much segregate people who don't belong here or whatever that's not my intention but that person needs a this is what we expect from you are you okay with that are you willing to give me this much and if you are here's the application let's keep it moving but if you're not willing to make those commitments then why entertain it further we% agree with you because they didn't understand how this was you're a th% right think it's going to be for a volunteer position to be able to be that picky I just think it's hard I agree with you tomorrow we show up here and we have 10 people but those 10 people are not willing to do anything I rather it be as hor so it could happen and and that could happen yeah L the problem the problem is it's it's a um Dam if you do Dam if you don't type of scenario yeah we have 10 and we can't get qu right or then you have you have but you can spread everything because four people have also lives and they also have situations so it's very tough right if that be you know a a middle of the road V or balance because if not agreed but this group here these four we figured it out no oh no doubt about we have been figuring and you're too fresh and you don't know it's easy for you to drop it like a even when I first started it you got to you make a commitment you make a commitment correct so I agree on% with what you're saying I just think it's difficult to recruit it's I meetings not everybody is a not everybody is a stepen herberg and not everybody is a Rudy blun but I trust you all three of you in picking somebody simple as that trust here get it right get it right guys you find somebody and you think they're good fit say hey why don't you do it if if if you have this conversation you have a very honest conversation expect there's a meeting at least once a month it's not huge but then sometimes we'll have two meetings and we'll have events and you know what if things go well you got to travel palast you got to take time away from your family from work but this is a big effort you're not just speaking for the town speaking for 450,000 people blah blah blah right um if they if you are honest about the commitment and they want to proceed hopefully we're right maybe we're not it happens I you and I have been here for three and a half years three and a half years the only other person I've been with with his long with the same time was Miguel um and we've seen a lot of people always tell everybody the first part of commitment committee is commit commit if you don't you don't get this what I said right part committee is commit if you cannot get people to commit then your committee is not functional so um I mean I I think you're just committed people and and am I report I know one's like working hard at trying to get so I think you're I to me is quality more oh I mean I agree when I first started we had a pretty big board and and it's Trimm down Trimm down I think it's more and more effective not that you know the last the last not the last apart your second to last depart more effective um but I mean I we need more we need two we need I two to three I think you need two to three more people um and that will not make more difficult you get two to three you need four people like then confident you could always get yeah well maybe five it depends but yeah two to three and I think we just got to trust like if you have somebody just go ahead you have somebody go ahead got got to just trust the four of us should know how to communicate the commitment and if someone after you you have an honest discussion with them they want to proceed and oh let me get you in touch with Council men Council women then you got to just trust that they're able to commit it they can't um if if it results in an issue of Quorum then you speak and say listen thought you going to commit it no no hard feelings you can't commit you know go ahead resign we've had people that had to resign come back resign do the time commitments whatever that that's happened I that's fine that's not an issue um so that's the way I see it so I think we all we and honestly we're probably only four people that are actually getting new members and that's uh which brings me to that issue about I I forgot which council members talked about it um one of them brought it up at the at the last about ask going to for example the Miramar board other Town it was it was man again saying why you get to support also try to get why yeah why don't you get members from get members from them too from there too yeah so that's that's I think it's one of the one of the first stops is speak to uh Laura from mirar from say Hey you have anybody that's that's committed or herself that's been committed to this that shows up to your me that wants to come and join us because we can we need another person or two and and something for for example the most affected town outside of iy lakes would be great because then they can go to their council member say hey by the way we're doing this here a member of this committee we're doing this too we need your help so that's the first stop I would make I'll mess I'll get a touch of because she I know she's I know she's has made a commitment already whether she has the ability to do two I know but maybe she has somebody she knows or somebody on board did you ever think of like maybe merging not merging but I guess like you know like buding up collaborating collaborating last time and we shared our Media Kit with her and she was going to discuss it at her HOA meetings and use it as a resource on her side of things um so I I want to say like that's kind of already happening just unofficially um yeah I I I agree but we need the we need Mears I don't know if it's Council commission but we need Mears legisla B to put in the support and put in the dollars right with their lob with you know let's add some people from myar travel up there Representatives if these towns aren't going to spend money on it yeah then it's not a piece of paper resolution is nice at all but at the end of the day the only way you're go get some uh some more support for representa is the people actually there on the ground you know that we saw saw how it works so uh I will reach out to her about that and then also reach out to her about seeing how we can push them to get mear to dedicate resources to this I know they have their committees made up oddly where it's very hard for them to meet for but even if they're not meeting as a committee five residents of mirar can ask their commission hey we need support get this on the agenda make the town committed to this um do we know when the session don't know when the session will start next year usually when does it usually start election year next year start a it starts later starts inre so we got plenty of time but um you just don't don't forget that it's important when a few months I would say three to four months before the session starts which is later this year uh much later this year right but we want we want to get all these towns and cities to get blasting on their legislative priority list so then they put the money in and they fund their lobbyist to talk about this you need people there the lob from Day Count is there the whole entire session cities and the [Music] other have day County count but we should go we should get Broward County to commit as well it's not Broward County has plenty of people being affective he's proposing that with Tom right he's a Canon right he's a can he's a Canon but still but still it's about getting the word out get the word okay anything else question let me just confirm board task here so we all on the same page FR you'll do a five minute like HOA PowerPoint type thing I think if anyone has any proposed slides or materials to email them to you by Friday can I give it a date I mean you don't have I mean are you going to try to a new hearing a new meeting for it or do you want to just present it in April I guess that's a question let me look at the calendar I guess it's up to you if you want to say it's ready let's see if we have 35 minutes to meet then you can do that yeah if everybody can get me their feedback by end of this week for the presentation uhuh our next meeting is April 15 right April um but then Easter is coming up and stuff like that so as long as everybody can give me yeah I can have a f not final product because we have to review it but almost final product to where we just like tweak it and it like talking points for the for the presentation yeah yeah talking points or any any I guess any feedback to include so then she can present yeah um and then I'll provide at the next meeting a proposed and I think that'll take one meeting that been finalized but opinion opinion it's something I want to make sure to do before town the town task that they get involved with other municipalities and contact other municipalities yeah I mean what supposed to send us Thomas send us a list uh Town tasks app provide updated budget understandability to update the town website I show update the website based off our comments today uh I will provide her um I will provide her the some of the new materials to add to the website and the next meeting we can we can review it and see if we're what do you mean IDE just like we're doing for the home owners right yeah you're right just like we're doing for the home owners very similar ho ho I agree I agree but remember we had the simple one and then we have the more complex one right but but I I my my imagination is that we actually get an agenda for these um for mirar whatever and we provide information to the town on what what what's going on sort of it's going to be very similar to Nature it can't be a little higher yeah so it can't be seismic damage but it can't be HOA that's a whole separate presentation I think let's let's Master first the HOA one and then we can build up and then you add and take that yeah I mean we have the med template but which we can use for that but I think we might want to have something that we would provide let's say we got an agenda not we to that to that town body saying okay here's our 5 minute presentation to a group of council members that are in my right that's what we need y y but we can we can I think we can get the HOA first and then work off HOA yeah for that okay so for the April meeting uh the meeting falls on April 15th okay but for the main meeting it falls May 20th can we move that up to the 13th instead of the 20th I mean yeah i' have to that it doesn't interfere with any other okay April 13th May no no April is fine for May May the Monday after is Memorial Day oh yeah correct yeah 27th is the holiday I mean she can provide on different dates is it any dates before May 20 any day Monday through Thursday except the Friday which is the 17th and not with 20 and everybody have their homework y anything else once twice three times l i mean three times that's fine Mo to turn second third