e my understanding I can't because I'm I'll go ahead and do the minutes it's going to be brief I'm leav it should be brief anyways because it's not a mo you're you're not going to be voting it's really just the attendance and you want to call a unless somebody shows up I'm sorry I couldn't no so you want it to be referred to a subcommittee meeting yeah it would be a subcommittee unless umone person okay this C is needeing to order it's um [Music] [Music] rald no 706 okay mad Santana Vice chair pres and yes and um number three public comments anybody wants to say something introduce yourselves what did you come to me um well my name is Edgar m yes I'm a citizen of Miami Lakes um I'm a business owner from a local business and I'm a sculpture designer and I'm just it's my first time assistant to a committee culture Affair and i' really like to know in any way we the local businesses can collaborate the community thank you again Edgar matus edar Maas Maas yes okay thank you for being here sure um next we have well I'm Barbara Baron I used to be on the cultural Affairs committee back when it first got started but um I'm here tonight in case anybody has any questions about the proposal for hanging my artwork in the hallways with the show coming up thank you bar in case you don't know she design our committee logo she's designed the the the mold for the cow sculptures she's done a lot of artwork around town the banners in the church the Methodist Church to be ni she's a very talented artist and I'm very proud of her she's also my neighbor so thanks for coming um when we get to that hopefully will those things up um next my name is Justin TR I've lived in the town for about six years now now I felt like it was just finally that time to get involved a little bit thank you do you have um what would be your contribution um so I actually uh used to own an entertainment company for 11 years um so and we used to do different kinds of events um I'm also the U head of my event Committee in Satori where I live so we put a community events together there so I feel like I come with a little bit of experience yeah thank you so much and can you um your last name again it's TR Justin right yes Jus thank you Justin thank uh review and approval minutes we cannot um approve anything because uh we don't have room yet um my question to I is uh if we have comments do we save them for the live next time I mean was there corrections I don't know um you guys can mention the comments it's just you would have to mention it again at the next through the comments and there's some um information that was I mean like the motion was not exactly how it was because I I listened to the video because I wasn't sure you know because you know want to make sure and there's some changes that need to be done you know just basically work here or there and um maybe when we're done uh we can p this to tr she can make the corrections um if that's the case if it's mentioning edits that should probably be held off until you have quum so that someone has the notes and and they're sent in because those minutes are going to have to be edited okay yeah okay that that that's basically my concern that we had um information that needed to be uh added or corrected and um that's it yeah that's definitely for the review and approv of okay so that's we're going to I missed the referrals addition Solutions sorry about that um I don't think anybody wants to add anything read anything through the you cannot add anything because there is no Forum okay sorry about that um Chairman's report I have um hey Jak no may this one I doesn't need to be one got it so basically my report is very very simple uh we we held a quarterly no our quarterly chairperson meeting on March the 4th [Music] um and um each of us presented an update or you know what everybody's doing and how to collaborate with each other is this the one is this the one right here yeah you can just basically I don't have I don't think no no basically what you can do is is just talk oh there we go yeah okay thank you thank you just I like to write it down no I want to make sure I have it for the for the minutes yeah I don't know this basically is what we spoke about and um they what they're saying what the manager said very briefly in the beginning was that this is this is an opportunity to basically request money from the town which as you know last time we we requested and you know because the budget was you know not that limited on the budget so um but I guess he had to say this to to the members in case they wanted to you know add items to the budget for for the meeting for the coun to riew it and approve it um and then we spoke about increasing awareness of attending the the meetings um I mean the resonance to the events and then the communication Department agreed to share a presentation which I think I'll sent a link for everybody to watch I haven't really seen it yet I've been very busy to watch or to read through because there's also a PDF oh CDF oh okay is a communication strategy plan correct so basically that that was discussed at the meeting and and then um one of the chair person said that that in order you know that each member should be knowledgeable of the sponsorship package basically to to know you know what that entes and how to get you know good sponsors for our events but eally the ones that strugging with it so um thank you so I basically said also for more information please watch the video we had like a two hour I think was very long um and Main is our budget right yeah yeah basically like I said before the manager wants the committee to you know discuss the budget and we want to add or ask for more money to to be able to they're allowing us to present again to request uh approval on that events um number two oh the committee report to council is basically this I want everybody to of course it cannot be approved today but we can mark it up and then we approve it at the next meeting um basically and I need for you to review the amounts from the budget yeah so I provided a copy of your to all of you um I'm not sure if let me know if it's missing um but I'll also put it up on the screen because I know some of don't have to put packages so I attached that at her meeting um those are your numbers okay so no each each yeah so the the budget shows the numbers you spent like how much you've spent and how much you were getting this one it's same there yeah well 28 I also have it up on the screen if you guys prer it's coming it's coming I want to my okay so book talk [Music] well because I know the book reading is 750 and the book reading is 750 but it's split where no no but normally since you're involv in that Elsa can you say that 450 stuff 450 for the for the book review the book review is correct right because I wanted to make sure that I put the right there when I Hispanic heritage it was 3,000 right it was it more yeah $ 3500 so we ended up asking we added $390 so that's almost like 3500 $ 3500 yeah 3500 would work great no no it's basically what we had it's 3500 we had 3,000 yeah but that was that was is what I'm trying to tell you I wanted to put we have our budget was 3,000 3,000 okay so that's what that's um the ja concer which was postponed I had the amount of $10,500 and to be correct to the budget uh holiday book reading I think 200 is correct the mown review this is 300 3,000 I mean 3,000 and actual was 3,086 you know repeat the budget the budget for the Black History Month was 3,000 correct but the actual was 38 386 so actuals is what you guys have spent we're in a deficit of 86 of 86 I'll remind you you guys last meeting if you look at the minutes I know they haven't made approved but they're a draft you'll see that you guys made a motion to move money into that because of that reason because you knew you were going to go over from Hispanic I think yes you guys took it from his okay but the budget itself is is correct the budget that you were given for the town at the very beginning is the first line that you see that says original so 3,000 through the chair this to a this is not updated yes as of this one that one was printed on the a so when your agenda was gener okay so the money doesn't get moved until we approve the minutes so the money doesn't get moved until I have minutes to work with and these minutes were not given to me until Monday and then I need the chair to sign it which we'll do later um the reallocation $18 correct that's the same money we're talking about okay so on top of the 86 we have one no no no this is the only money that you guys moved 118 because by your calculations at the last meeting it was going to be over 118 that's why you moved 118 from Hispanic into black his and now it's actually 86 again if you look at the minutes that's where the reference so that is the minutes will show that in item01 okay if you look old business HP it shows where you guys made that movey is so are we done with black history do we have any any anything outstanding okay Mom have 500 and we'll discuss if we had Quorum we could have changed that amount from 118 to 86 8601 if we had going right yeah but at this point I do have to submit it because you guys are at of deficit yeah yeah um and really with me just as long as I have the draft of the minutes that's enough for me to have the budget off officer to so then we'll have a balance of whatever the differ yeah you have some extra at that line correct and through the chair um I know we have some new members so I just wanted to highlight the fact that although I give you guys the copy of the budget monthly as part of your agenda if it's ever during the month and you don't want to have to wait till the agenda the budget is online um I'm happy to provide the link I know I've provide it to the old committee members but there's a link where you guys can go out any moment and pull up any committee any Town funds and spending going back to the report this is going to be offered after in May but I wanted to bring it up today make the changes and submit it for the next meeting approve it and then what is the deadline for you I have the deadline there for you guys for the committee I I know may deadline is May third so May 3rd deadline means um the report which Felicia is drafting um has to be approved by then with the minutes showing that approval and the memo from the chair so those are the three items that need to be submitted as part of the agenda packet um really that's just an FYI to you guys that's really the chair submits the memo and the report and then the secretary for the meeting where it gets approved is the one that sends me a minute so that we can add it to the agenda packet for cing so she needs to have what the report the minutes and what was the other thing report minutes and a memo and a memo which is really just this um honestly sometimes the chairs forget to do and we'll do it it's not a big deal we do it oh yeah they just call this the memo she's trying to make it here but she's tangled up tangled up at the school what was that she'll make okay um then I I added the initiative and events part of the report we had was coming up at the the Christian tournament um Independence Day the Symon of the Americas the book talk and conc DEP part which of course is pentac because you don't [Music] know thank future project and considerations um actually the the town manager suggested to put it on this report that we're going to have a presentation or workshop with the Miami day cultural uh Department yeah Department of cultural Affairs I me the count Department of cultural Affairs and um I'm working on that to see what they we can set it up with them and I found out something which was interesting um that Renee Garcia is proposing um there's some land in Miami Lakes that belongs to the county and um is I think it's behind the police station something there which of course if it's back there it's going to be S like Tu the way I want it to be more in town center but I'm going to see if I can have a conversation with him to see if instead of building a brand new building we can use an existing building that we can refurbish like the one that I'm thinking of and maybe that's in the works so let just hopeful that I least someone from the county is trying to help us do to have a cultural center yeah either build it or but I said I have to talk to him first to see what his ideas are and then I'll share with the rest of you but that's that's good that's good news um but first they told me it was going to be but then I found out at the meeting last night from his assistant his assistant that um title now he's been commissioner he's been everything and he's actually a commissioner right now he's commission um former Senator commissioner and then the second future project consideration is um at the chairperson's um quarterly uh meeting uh we were talking about collaborating and and actually I invited him to come he seted up with with the I think they had a chamber uh lunch today and he was trying to wrap up everything but he was said that he was start to come Matthew Kasam mayor who is the chair of the economic um development committee and he he mentioned that U the merchants on Main Street want to do you know events on Main Street as said and I told him we used to do that yes we so I sent him an email today I think I copy you Onis and he's very excited to to work with us and the merchants the merchants you know to I said no we used to have car shows and art festivals and well there's still a car show the car show yeah is because that originally was started by Roberto Alonso that's why the event is his son took it over son took it over we used to have and then it got yeah it sto and I and GL is back on um we had like an art show like arts and crafts remember arts and crafts of different yeah it was really nice so basically I'm very excited he's very excited too that we can we used to have light bands on Main we call here Main Street Live we Friday night we used to have like band come in and and play and and he remembers that as a kid he said no I loved it he was like B Main Street and playing and and we had different JRA we had Brazilian band which was awesome we had La we had all kinds of bands from different different types of music and then the last and not least is the culture center collaboration initiative so uh and that that's what basically mentioned so that's in the work so basically that's going to be our report to the council and um I'll you know clean it up and and get the final approvement from from the group next time the chair yes ma'am I want to mention that you're on item six chairperson report yes however your report to Town Council preliminary review draft you have it under new business under know I know it's just that it came in the report and I and I went ahead out of the way thank you for bringing it up so I'm sorry just so where are we what's the next the next is the next Topic in the item in the report report um so we're back to six back to six okay the next item on my report was request account and I and I TR clarified for you and I hope you did is we we had talked about U the donation that that the committee um voted on whatever the donations that we got at the concert for the S of the Americans last summer to donate it to them but then I found out recently that that that money was deposited and and you know it has to be U by the coun so as a reminder similar to Main Street players how last year there was a vote by the committee to use funds um to use budget funds from cultural affirs to donate to Main Street play um I don't know if you guys recall that came back to the committee and you guys weren't able to because unfortunately your money is earmarked for what it's earmark you guys don't have the authority to just donate funds um whenever you do want to do that sometimes it does get approved you just have to go to council so that's the same thing with the Symphony of the Americas I know there was a cash donation that was received by you guys um and I know the committee intended to donate it for the motion for the vote to donate it back to the performers m um I went and I checked with our finance director you guys again cannot donate if you wish to donate you do have to go to council and make that request c um and that's really the standard for anything that is donated funds which is separate from an invoice um something different than an expense really so even even if it's something that was that donation happened at the event itself because the the one for for the theor is whatever Surplus we had from any any of the events to give it to them which I understand but this was the money that you know was in donated during the during the event you know we had a little basket people yeah little basket how much was it it wasn't it was somewhere in the 100 um so it was added the problem is that the committee took it um our suggestion from staff would be to not be putting out cash baskets um essentially like if if the artists come out and put their own basket to collect funds that's them M the second the committee is handling dollars exactly right okay let's yeah next time no B okay thank you um and then the budget you reviewed it real quick so we're still at 39500 and you gave us an update of all where the money has been going so far okay next item on the agenda this Black History Month Charles is not here so wait I'm sorry 7A is women History Month oh I'm sorry hey hey sorry tired today uh okay um we we have to go over you know any updates and I added your your information because I I don't know if you want to select the person for for this or you want to update on what's going on and I also took the opportunity to toh present the artwork that Barbara Bar will be displaying as part of um the women History Month um course we can't approve it because we on a quum but um basically you know I don't know when she can get started just you know putting it up I mean I was hoping to get that extra person today and unfortunately she hasn't arrived yet so by the end of the the meeting we can just go back to that we can go back to that go ahead my you can okay um real quick no not real quick um couple of updates we already received the awards they're ready um the Caterers are set for Saturday the flowers um with the assistant of Elsa and Publix um let's just say we're getting we're picking up the orchids that we decided to put on the tables okay awesome a center piece add a cental piece and then that the winner gets to take it home yeah um Linens will be delivered tables and chairs will be delivered on Friday we have janitorial set up from 9:30 2:30 um and so far as long as everything works out we sure we're still under budget of the 3500 um what I do need to know is those members that are present here are you coming Saturday yes don't we bring a guest I think that has something we have to vote on sorry I don't I I don't know I mean if you guys have space you're pay you're paying for the food so I guess it really just depends if you have space we have some has six spots but the only two people show up we're going to you know oh yeah that's the thing are people right now we have confirm who they're bringing they told me a number okay um so far only we have eight cuz since the tables are going to be set up for eight instead of seven and and a couple of them asked I said sure bring eight that way it's all even um I have one winner that's only bringing three um I have another winner that has six but with a possibility of two more it's the detective in case who's on duty and then she'll might invite them last minute type of thing okay so I have to allocate eight for them and then we have eight and then we have seven um guest speaker we have councilman dieas Rano coming um vice mayor Fernandez is bringing a guest we have the Deacon he's still set up I also right now before right now we have 55 attendees out of the 64 that we Cate okay so we can is it 11 what time is it 11 11 I mean I'd love to for you to be there former winner I have to I have to let you know yeah let me know let me know and you wanted to bring yes yes yeah she asked me if because it wasn't listed and anywhere so she wanted to know if she could [Music] come n you want to come us for our she is an invited guest oh she is awesome she nominated one of the winners okay oh that's right yeah the two of us okay so um that's that's public record that's nothing then I have a question did you you don't have to tell me did you get a specific number from from the person who was awarded that one that I nominated I don't did she respond sorry wait sorry are you opening your public comments I know she well I'm sorry I I just I'm trying to keep track of this I remember I'm knew at the rules and regulations no you didn't see me motion to her and she called me so I I wasn't going to speak but she asked me to I thought that's why I'm clarifying I know it was confusing am I allowed to ask a question and I don't need an answer um right now on a record type thing I'm hoping that that person has responded by now because she's also called to invite me and I didn't know which end I was coming in on no she included you she did includ I she and the two more that might be last minute so she'll have her eight okay thank you you're in she put you down thank you and there's a separate table for us for the yes there's two one for guests like councilman and then the committee one committee is eight which right now we have five okay and the other one so far we have two three four so far these yeah us as far as I know and maybe trette Z I know she said she couldn't make it but trette she went picked up the awards and and she hopefully um unofficially um it's going to be the Mistress of ceremony unless script no no script and also tentative person in case she doesn't Des to be the okay one thing time when we get there we'll we'll discuss that so I asked I to send out a a reminder to the members to see if they can RSVP because again I have to tell Maria how many final count um so the ones that are missing yeah just to confirm because I need you know the numbers um Jerry you're bringing + one yes bring and okay R CP so are we considered RSVP yes yes okay got that list now for the program um um it's very similar to the one the years before I'm not sure if you have the previous ones it's pretty self-explanatory the uh program is going to be um the welcome was going to be Felicia Salazar the chair the program introduction you're going to do the introduction the welcome the Mistress of ceremony trette has agreed unless well we can't vote so trette is going to be the Mistress of ceremony I change that uh then we have the invocation which will be Deacon Wang e Gonzalez PhD comma CNA from our lady of the Lakes Catholic Church correct and then the presentation of this uh women of Distinction Awards we have the Arts business education government health services and volunteer I need um I is going to print out the um the nomination for each one because I I'm pretty sure the one online canceled out unless you guys kept your copies from the last meeting no you can't open it anymore no you guys can't no oh because it was through a we transfer yeah no no but we have the back end right yeah yeah so got a copy from okay for my Nomine I'll have copies ready for all of you so in the past in the past if the nomination was very lengthy well that that's where I'm getting to now so I'm sorry Felicia who did you nominate the detective okay so maybe I should be the one introd right that's that was getting I need Arts I need someone for Arts if Charles is attending which I don't see why not but again I haven't heard RSVP that he's coming I'm thinking that Charles can present that award since he is familiar with her and then for business I need someone to and I'm sorry to interrupt but just something that I remember about Charles and this event he doesn't like to go up and speak because he feels like it's a woman's event um and he feels like the ladies of the committee should do the presentation instead I don't know if he still stands by it but I remember him saying that comment last year in the year report so do something that consider he did show up he does show up but then this one is particularly the one he nominated so I figured I think he might be able to I think so um I guess you guys should just be flexible in case somebody doesn't make it her who want the one for business who W Judy L farcus Sarah she she C CFO head headquartered Toyota oh okay okay I like to introduce you going to introduce her I'd like to introduce her because I'm very connected with headquarters to you okay thank you I probably know who she is education I will do government it's the detective wonderful person Health Services at Waterfield she a chiropractor super Arun introd okay I can introduce Jerry Jerry jer's good and then of course it be the formal program will say your full name yeah yes but for me it's Jerry and volunteer yeah who's a volunteer this year Helen S Rodan I could do her too I know her but I don't want to well but you can be the backup okay okay and then we be break for lunch then our keynote speaker uh the honorable Judge I got to change them the honorable Judge Diana viscano is that how you say it she honorary judge yes okay and then closing remarks um I don't know if Felicia you want to do the closing remarks and promote whatever other event coming up do that yeah I can do that and are we're going to have the calendar in the program the back of the calendar I speak for them when they the program last year mention people going to forget yeah we had it in the back yeah we normally add upcoming events for the program yeah but but I think last year it was only our events not any it was whatever upcoming events oh really oh I thought it was only out because there was only the April events we can do just you guys but I don't think most of your events are not confirmed no yeah usually we we put confirmed events there so the upcoming events that they did last year was all the April ones meline will the award winners and their category show in the program yes it's it's printed in the program right it say we have Arts who the winner is and then who who's presenting question do we have the artwork for the for the program the cover same theme the same theme as when we put it up yeah it's just a pretty one okay program done um I had as Jonathan or Jacob I keep I get him confused I know they for that one one minute I'm sorry if you if you list the April events that are going to take place in the town you're not going to be listing the paint the picture for Mom in May can we add the paint a picture from M that is confirmed of course they do it every year no but you guys doing it every year doesn't mean that it's confirmed um I think she's referring to I know Felicia was trying to get through the entire list and I know weren't able to we we approve after the so I don't remember but if it's approved it doesn't it doesn't necessarily mean April it means just upcoming event sometimes it you know sometimes April is not packed yeah because we don't have one in April yeah I'll double check as long as it's approve that's not a problem but yeah I think for the minutes um let's see Ming motion to accept events April May and June April May and June well April April April May and Jun correct have anything we we can U advertise May where did I put that the second paragraph I think and event in Felicia the closing June Jun yes or we done in the past yeah oh cuz may is the Mother's Day and June fishing April don't have anything but that's still part we can't cross it out because that's still part of our minutes yeah but then again we're talking about the the anything else okay so I like to know what time would you guys be here us yeah 1030 I would say 10:30 10:30 10:30 yeah 10:30 would be good because because everything is going to be set up on Friday hopefully on Friday hope everything's delivered the tablecloth is f the Orchid will be there huh bring the flowers anything else we need last time we running around to public to get stuff what get what did we get in public at last minute it no we have we have Caterers we have Caterers so there wouldn't be any reason for us to get napkins no we didn't have to get flowers there was some event that you were you had to go to that was in the paint a picture for we sent Charles to have paper talk maybe a book talk no what else do we have here not Hispanic but women of Distinction shouldn't be there's no reason for us to get out anything and I already have the um what do you call this event package and that's all filled out and it should be all set up the right way do you have a table clo for where the awards are I ordered the black ones the black one good and we can even use our tablecloth yeah yeah oh that would be nice that would look nice yeah that would look nice I like that we don't need a sign no we don't need to sign in no no there's no signning just walk I just verify that you know I got enough people but you do want us to be around the room as people arrive and they have any questions you know okay that's what the award and every table's going to have a the name of the winner thank you for bringing that up I going to uh do a tent I have card stock and pretty much just the name of the winner and what category okay and then on the table perfect because I remember doing that before but I figured you can do it now well last year we didn't have t no right so that's okay I think uh gorial program oh PowerPoint where I was I'm sorry yeah same as last year um a picture per slide well a person per slide and it's their picture their name and the category their R and it'll be in a loop correct it'll be in an on that's ongoing the entire event so if there's music then you guys are also [Music] talking you guys can send me a song that you'd like and we can add it that's not a problem the only problem is when we're talking no no something very s in the background okay never all saying my crazy ideas no it's not a crazy idea I'm just letting you know that in order to stop the music while we're talking or the Kyo speaker I think it would be rude if they even hearing me correct and I have ad so I'm going go I like that song and yeah sorry bird um but there's I don't think there's a way of stopping the music or the PowerPoint it's all one lump some no problem and that's it for women distinctions okay hope to see you there at 10:30 our work uh part will show up on time and then we'll have a print out of the when we go up of the nominee right I have copies of all the nominee their nominees oh yes we don't know their names no we don't know I have copies for all the nominations that I'm going to have ready for you guys okay and it's also part of the program if somebody just needs to reference the name it's part of the program yeah you're looking for why they won right like why they chose them yeah but is there any way possible you can email them to us again yes so or print out I know pretty late the machine I already have it print the other ones but I can but I can email it to you guys as right so we can read it a few times you you want to say because some like you said some of the the nominations are very long you don't you know we can reading key points then when you present them now Jackie and Jerry um part of this since is your your first time presenting you're pretty much coming up when it's your turn for and present you read a little bit of highlights or whatever she's going to send from the nomination you don't have to read the whole nomination just look here she did this she did this I present the award and then you put the name the person's name and the person comes up template and then the person and why the person that they work for I don't have that template yeah but no that's fine we go with what the nomination was we'll be fine and then is anybody going to be back there to kind of hand the award over one of us okay I could be there any anybody is available yeah be there in the back because as we're introducing the person and the award is going and it's easier flow if you hand it over and we already got the award so hopefully everything was good I haven't opened them hopefully the names are spelled correctly no and we don't have any duplicates she checked she did check she checked them in person and night sent to the list and everything so it be fine should be fine good okay okay I'm done with that item next item okay black stre month table chelse is not here and um calendar of events okay here's the I'm going to start filling this out and hopefully this is the last one those people who are not here um unfortunately would have you know because I'm I'm is it guys eise asked if she could please be considered for art around town book talk and Hispanic heritage but I guess she'll be here when it gets finalized anyways next month I assume so what was the tenative so Felicia has put together a coordinator list for the different events you guys normally hold every year and this is the one that I sent you guys a blank copy right to review but what was said oh wants to be considered for art around town wait wait wait art art art around town sub committee that Felicia's um propos I'm going be shairing that one I'm what what I wanted to do and S you know what she's she's not listed here she she's the one that put together the report I can send you an updated no how how does she spell her name i v e l i s s I'm sorry I V E L uhuh I SS e oh because her first name is Barbara oh she goes yeah it's Barbara EV so on your minutes I have to put Barbara well on the roll call on the minutes no but I think to the report right I'm saying Barbara in the minutes her official name is Barbara e she so you so I have to put bar Barbara em Tes Tores okay so that so let's go over this real quick uh originally I had the list of people who told me that they wanted to chair committee and AR around town we had um Felicia me and Evis um then for the penic from Mom I think Elsa was going to do it and hopefully she made her mind and Jackie you said you wanted to be in it too as a helper yes sure certainly so you'll be a helper every going to help um and then the next one uh our competition which is you know an auction that we used to have that but it's up to going to keep that to be determined chamber music symy of the Americas normally I'm the one that handles that I don't know who else wants to participate or help U I'll help with that you want to help okay Geral uh music at large concert in the park normally is Charles I don't want to put him in because I don't know if he still wants to do it or not um then the next one will be book talks book talk book talks and I have Elsa for that I just said that EV wanteded to do that too so she may be a helper or you know coair whatever help her see this is a confusing part you have chairperson and coordinator do you want just to put helpers chairperson and helper or you what you is the one that takes the bulk of the work and then the other person will be like an assistant co-chair okay co-chair yeah coordinator I like the word coordinator because it's actually that's what you're doing you're coordinating the event but that's why I said chairperson's last cor is basically the same title me is the same so um from the book talk we have well and Evis the holiday book reading we last time we had Charles again I don't know if he wants to do it you had eser but is no that's an easy one to do that's an easy but that W be the next December that's de right so that's the next year yeah I can yeah as a chair I can pick somebody said yeah that's you want to do it yes or no no just you know voted for all this and we never voted for this so the chair you guys do the only it's fine if you don't vote on it right if everybody's in agreement with it it's fine yeah but it seemed like people were not agreeing on things for that reason there does need to be a vote on the events I I we because right like not one person decides agree on it like I said in the last meee you said that this is my proposal and people it's not voting for is said you agree to to do this or not and then I cross your right but for example exactly but you guys need to vote so we move forward and and the only reason you're taking a vote as I was explaining is because you guys weren't agreeing so if we're not agreeing as a committee you're not moving forward you're agreeing for that position and then I'll take you out or somebody else I want to do but that's the thing the committee needs to decide you never voted for this whole thing just because things were done incorrectly doesn't mean it to me it feels like maybe in the previous years you guys do Comm were more like centered on the same things anyways and that's usually you would agree on things anyways but that doesn't seem to be the case as a reason so to make sure we're all being transparent there needs to be a te otherwise anybody can just come in and decide and nobody should be exing for the I want I want to share this and I put them down that's why I have people here from the previous year and and I know they're I have experience I had experience in the je okay through the chair yes ma'am I'm Al I'm looking at holiday book reading Black History Month juneth well juneth is coming um holiday book reading and Black History Month those two have passed already so that was going to be for the year 2425 yeah but we we still you know we still want to do it we need to get somebody to we need to get and I keep emphasizing this we need to start coordinating everything early because otherwise we end up moment doing things and I'm trying to avoid that but the holiday book reading will be this year the Su is this year 24 the next budget the next year year but as far as the event you guys already actually voted on a DAT for that one yeah so whatever it takes that has to start working on and when when um of course it's no longer in the committee but when we decided on the day I think Esther said the seventh is it because it's the day when she can come I remember that yeah she was traveling she was traveling before the other day so but we have to work with the theater yeah okay uh so I'm going to leave the holiday reading open and whoever wants to come in can come in and sign in I mean I'm you like is three month normally it's Charles again you know and and um the women of Distinction Jun Jun you're going to combine both of them together remember they have SE be um jam again want to do it uh women History Month this year me next year I can't confirm okay so this year is anybody else that wants to I will to help her okay Jackie two of you will back but wait I just said next year you don't next year I don't know but Jackie said that she do this year next year oh we're discussing next huh no no we're doing this year she said next year but you want to do it wi this year yes okay so you are okay but I'm sorry this year is done no they next year that particular one is next year press you out okay next year you can sign up or you can help but she's gonna help anyway this year I'm put Jackie help her any to know don't deny this to the people know um Father's Day fishing tournament I think trette said she was gonna do it if nobody else josen and I think she already submitted something again I'm G leave blank till she comes back and then we have the subcomittees um this is very important people this is actually not for this year it's basically for theity of whatever we're doing is the calendar of event publicity coordinated okay I'm sorry threw the chair you missed July 4th July Fourth is me and rest of the committee and hopefully we get more people involved because last year was just me and the I'm sorry I stand corrected I'm sorry last year the July 4th I was chairperson at last minute and I geared head everything now attendance is what you're talking about yes that's a different thing okay but July for chairperson I appreciate very much because you help us with the budget so if you want to share that you want to share the Fourth of July no no okay but you can help us I can always help with the budget and we need actually as a matter of fact we need the the copy of the last one so we can see who we picked and see they're available this year again we already have the band so that should do it but I need I need a copy I don't understand what you're asking for we had a budget for the 4th of July do we have a copy and file the budget is the same as last year the break the breakdown of she means my proposal you mean her paper yeah her paper so we can oh do you want to see the proposal or do you want to see what you actually no but I'm asking you so I prepare it do you want yeah because that that we use that as a guideline so two options do you want the paper that she submitted which is a proposal or do you want what you guys actually spent as a committee everything I want to look at it and decide but do you understand I'm trying to help you guys your question I want so I'm going to send you the link for the paperwork that was used for that so I'll send you the link for the budget um kind the one that I just mentioned because you can see all Town expenses there and that includes Fourth of July and then I'll also pull up the copy of that sheet item right so the link has that yes you guys can look at itemized everything related to the town for transparency purposes us you know and and again you know cost has gone up so we need to to make sure that we and then we need to start getting the sponsors and again that we don't need to discuss more at this moment right now uh okay Four of July so and then for ju he SP his month you put me down for that for why it's Hispanic History okay so Jackie I'll help with that one too okay so it's gonna be em Jackie and who's the other person d Gerald and who else oh Barbara I like you know is hard to who was the other one the lady that right how do you spell her name i v e uhhuh l i s s [Music] e okay next any other any other question from from now no okay let's move on to the next one the next one is um events calendar a calendar events and publicity coordination is basically you know coordinate like I have um I you at make copies of this um of the school one of the school calendar so we make sure that I remember for the for the Black History Month the mon time review there was a long weekend so it was kind of like a little bit crazy because we didn't know they were having on weekend so I here everything we we can get the work for 2025 through the chair I just I want to be clear because I don't think that that's a fair statement um I did remind you guys that it was a long weekend I think you guys just you know it was short notice and that's why you guys moving forward but that particular event you guys did make a conscious decision that you didn't want to have it no no I know I'm not I'm not saying that you no no but I just want you to know that you guys were informed long specifically that one yeah sure no we had a great [Music] turn yeah yeah because the students and one quick comment on that is is and I know that's Charles [Music] to most of the people that attended were not ready through the chair just reminder it is 8:06 p.m. and we have a lot on the agenda just I aind I'm trying to go through the list real quick um we have to we have to you would need a vote to extend the committee has voted that you guys want to be ending at 8:30 so that's just a reminder that's why I reminded like remind you okay calendar of event publicity coordination anybody wants to coordinate that or or shair that no okay I put myself events publicity coordination is doing the publicity checking that the events does no conflict with other okay I'm trying to give opportunity to everybody right and we're also missing some of our members yes we're missing some of our members we wanted a blank form F yeah that's why we had the blank form but some some of them are not here um um EV second one is sponsorship Grand sub committee which Mara said she was going to do it but she's not showing up so that one we have to pick some money for that okay and the AR cultur research I remember EV saying that she was going to help with that who EV I'm not sure I have to see she probably doesn't remember this but we have to wait on that and then we I think we voted on the proposed uh events the the only one that that is outstanding is the Symphony of the Americas I've been trying to reach out to to uh send the riblet they're I think they're having a concert uh in March so probably she's overwhelmed and she hasn't responded to me but I checked my notes and I've been contacting her since January I sent her an email in January 29th then in February 22nd and no not 22nd Hispanic is October 12 did you see that and then in February but I still haven't gotten anything back on her so I I want to keep trying because we need we need the DAT to get our sponsors and to what that's basically the only thing yeah I got it and then in back in back of this and I hope you all have this it's very important that you follow this we stay with budget and and and submit the budget on time so we can review it and also I in the package I don't know it's included here I think it was like a a little timeline to follow which is very helpful and it has the links to page 14 at the B here we go event plan timeline this is very useful I download it from from from on the internet and it's it's very good because it tells you you're probably familiar with it if you put events together uh basically you know I'm not going to read it it's kind of long but like it says here 6 to 12 months is when you just get started planning the events and then it tell you more or less you know what to do within this the time of the you know three months out two months out the month before the week before and so forth it's very useful I think it's very good if if if you want to organize an event I think it's very useful and then the next item the agenda Pi for which is coming up yeah and [Music] then okay so um any questions on the calendar or coordinator list so we can move on to the next item no no okay next item is going to be seven b El okay the painted picture for mon basically uh it's in the works um and I went to the supply closet and unfortunately it's just too crowded that we couldn't really locate the boxes so I'm hoping that uh after the Easter plank Felicia is going to help with that one and she's going to go with a to uh to look at look for the boxes and the new EOS and we have a lot have Paints the canvases we have a lot so I gave a um Felicia a list of of what we have done in the past and okay yeah make sure yeah and so that way we need that so then we know what to order I have a feeling we need to order maybe some canvases and some additional paint but everything else I think we're in pretty good shape I know the brushes we have plenty of brushes and we got new pumps for the the pumps how large of canvas is it it's an 8 by10 yeah but we order all that through the I orders it for us you know so it's great um so the good news is that it looks like the farmers market is going to come back so that's great news because we had tentatively the mar Colin but we really like the market because it attracts a lot of people that are passing by so um um I ask Kyle to please if she can to contact Diego and make sure that we have that set up with with him when he opens um I'm going to be sending an email to the school we usually get uh children and the National Honor Society and maybe some high school kids that come and help us and there they're great they're are Runners you know they run here they get the the paper plate they pump the the paint they're really great where do this we give them community service what where is this taking place in the marketplace the farmers market that's what we did it on Main on Main Street yeah we did it we did that um it used to be the veterans part right and then we moved it to the farmers market and we've done better there because believe it or not with event right you get x amount of people that signed up and when the time comes half of those people don't show up so we did get h a nice amount of people from the market so basically we had um 65 children plus nine volunteers we had 31 walk-ups and 34 from event right excellent so that's what look at all the people that signed up and then show up it's usual so we had we had 31 walk ups and and 34 from from the event right and how are the children selected to participate welome they register they register yeah they register there oh they have a great time that's that's a beautiful event that's a beautiful event and the children love it and they they give it to their moms you know or uh or their grandmothers whoever they want for Mother's Day and it's a really really pretty event so um uh so far um I'm leaving for Atlanta next week I'm going to be there with my daughter for Easter and then I'll be back April 16th but I'm accessible because I'm not going overseas I'm in Atlant anything that needs to be but um I think it's pretty well settled we need to make sure it's what supplies we have and once we know that then we know what we need to order okay that's it okay father fishing tournament we have a part party in Voice review okay we need to table that one here um please review the the package I think she submitted a an invoice a proposal and um the next time it's approv it or not next I think in the past if anybody needed to go to the restroom there's a CVS right there at the corner we have to spend money on one of those we'll discens the next meeting okay um what time do you want to St for the painter picture they paint the picture from now we usually the The Market opens at 10 so we usually are there and we discuss it ahead of time 930 or so normally we we start 9:00 to set up yeah to set everything up and then the towns pies the T what time do you use each start 10 it starts at 10 I have to [Music] check us the tents the town gives us the tables and chairs so we set it up uh we need basically a table yeah that's all start at that's what we just I just put it very important last we have it we to time last year you guys uh agreed from 10: to 12:30 but I think you guys ended up cutting it short at 12 but I don't remember at 12 we stopped at 12 so we we have the right okay any other questions on okay move on propose okay we need to table this one to new business report to councel we already spoke about that Independence Day conert um basically I would like to set up a sub committee do we have to vote for that yes for the rules you do you canot check on a date for us in the meantime y for what for the committee to review The Bu but for what around what time what dates I guess well the sooner the better we we need so it has to be after a meeting where you guys approve it after so shortly after that after April April what is it 13th yes you guys meet April 10th April 10 after so after April [Music] 10th and uh the book talk oh the book to okay we can V onbody you can talk about it okay there's a couple of um authors this was one that I read uh and the reason that I read it is because I belong to a book club and this particular author was in the zoom book talk and she was wonderful and it's based in Iran uh and it's a beautiful story it's kind of like a love story but the way it's worded was is beautiful and then basically a she came to the United States to study so it goes through leaving uh Iran because of the problem that they had there you know the political situation and then coming to the United States and that transition of her and her sister being young and what I like about this author in July the lion women of Tran so she's promoting her new book so um at first I couldn't get a hold of her she wasn't answering my emails but the Tauros in me comes out so I went ahead and I got her in Instagram and I said by the way I sent you an email you haven't answered me so she gave the information to her publicist and her Anna talking to her publicist so they're going to try and see if they can do it in September we have September 5th tentatively the day but uh again I was just informed of another author um so I'm not since this is not 100% yet I'm looking to other other options and other authors that maybe might be willing is that a d jacket on it or is that the actual cover this is the it's stunning isn't it beautiful it's absolutely stunning and then the other thing I thought about this is that my uh my niece is married to uh Iran and I was thinking of how husin maybe sponsor the food I have some persan food to give you know it's stunning yeah isn't it beautiful I love the colors stunning stunning uh and it's a great read I liked it I enjoyed the I enjoyed extraordinarily expensive to do this yeah I'm sure I'm sure and it's a national bestseller and the past we've had some great authors we had uh ala that she did the the uh the H artist I don't know you read she had three books and the perfumist of Paris was the last one yes and from India yeah and they're going uh Netflix is going to have a series on her books and she was part of our book talk a couple of years ago and last year I had a chance and she was the one that wrote cter fit yes I have yeah yeah that was an interesting one too and I wouldn't be surprised that goes into Netflix or one of those series so I like to bring you know ones that are nationally known this is like gold leaf I mean it's incredibly done beautiful that's why I have my Kindle but I like something I like the P like to feel pain I like nice to turn the pap so I'm still after them they haven't said no to me they said yes that they were going to look into it so I'm still working on that and hopefully we can get so okay so thank you Ela so I guess at the next meeting we'll approve the book and move on okay you know we have time but we need to start no I like to do my events okay next item I um this is more for information there's nothing could be approv on this but um my this is my second time that I present this quickly to the members is anything changes thank you thank good change thank you sorry see you on Saturday thank you for allowing me you here okay you're weling um I I try to bring this on because um I check I checked and and of course it's it's not our Duty or the the staff duty to to monitor this the attendance of the members but it has become to me very critical like today we could have a very productive meeting but some people were not here so we didn't could have vote on and um I think when we become members we we need to be aware this is a part of the application um of course you return return the application and you don't see this again but it's important so read it and please abide to it um the rules say that you I guess the only person that can um tell the members that you know they're not attending meetings or I mean there's people that sign up and don't come and uh it's important I think in order for us to have a productive committee we need to attend participate in the events and then not only coming to the meetings but attending events and and just read it I don't want to lecture you guys but I think it's very important we need to be conscientious and U and commit oursel to to serve the community which is what we join the committee so please um and I'll try to say it to the other members that are are not present here today and um that's basically it so um through the chair yes um unofficially I want to go back to the RSVPs for the women of Distinction this Saturday since we're inviting guests I have one winner that's requesting if she can bring two more for a total of 10 how how do we feel about yeah yeah tell her yes okay do we have space in the tables not at that table we don't know we don't know if like you said they they said they coming and maybe they're not not all them will come if not I remember when we used to do at CH we pulling our table out and right there's room there's room there's room we have six empty seats three there's one that only has three people right but since we added the additional guests plus one plus one plus one and then we have a couple of councilmen and Council woman and stuff like that right now as it stands right this second without knowing who else is coming on Saturday uh um members we have six spots left okay I said I would ask um I don't since we're not voting or anything but I just wanted to bring it out there she's the only one had asked other ones you know didn't say hey can I have more than eight but she did ask hey you got extras I can bring two more can I ask who it is that's a big I was trying to find a name and also mine did you tell them that it was eight including themselves yes okay Janet oh Janet the uh acupunctur oh it's probably people from the Chamber coming because he very involve in your chamber I have no idea yeah okay yeah tell her yes who's doing who's introducing her huh am well before you before you start we don't know her is good that you introdu each other yeah she asked me uh yesterday any more spots and I said well I can ask for right now yeah I wanted I only I I didn't say um yes right away because mainly the other ones we told them eight I didn't want to get into uh oh I could have brought more oh but I I had up it ready to eight so just you know I'm going to verify I did that's what I'm saying if if I get six field seat because the members or whatever then it's going to be a no so I told her I'll let her know by by Thursday night because it is already Wednesday you're counting our Our Guest that we're bringing yes okay yeah tell her yes because you know what happens sometimes that people tell you they bring coming a and it's not a yeah we can make adjustments it'll um we have the room in other words that's what I'm saying I just wanted to mention the part of she is the winner and I don't know if another winner would have said all about would have bought more they're not going to be you know how you know how some people I know okay uh last before we close last but not least is you know this form I I created because I think it's important like people who going to take over events where's that one I think I always added to packages every time the post report the post uh it's not a part of this package not on this package but I think okay so it's not agent but I I wanted to make sure that please like you're doing the woman distinction I think it will be good you know because if somebody takes over the the event they need to know what can Inspire on the previous one as far copy of the budget you know like a do package for you know as a as a record so we know you know for future reference that um it will help and and then um announcements um just real quick I know we're not gonna meet in April I mean we we're noton we're gonna meet in April but uh this event is prior to a meeting is the cars for the cars for the for cure for a cure for a cure which is happening on Main Street oh it's in April April ail April 7 and I I encourage you to attend and and um support their their core their car what say is for cure April 7th of the funds from that usually goes to the Sylvester Sylvester Cancer Institute insute and basically you know that that event was started by Roberto alono and his son has taken it over and we used to do that with Jumping Jack Flash and you remember him he used to bring he used to bring entertainment it was it was a great event and then for some reason he got stopped and um and then it came back again a couple of years ago so I'm very happy that his son um took it over and it's just remembering he has like a car there that belong to him it's an incredible event it's very well attended it's a beautiful walk through they have beautifuls so photograph is Delight yes and the next meeting is going to be April 10 the sub committee you're going to check on it for for April after we what's the day Felicia April April 10 April at 7 p.m. second Wednesday of the month yes and then there a committee meeting which I wanted to organize and put together um and get a day for but it's going to be have to be up to April 10 so um and make emotion to adjourn any any questions before to no anybody else okay uh our next meeting is going to be April 10 and wej is April right on time let me ask you a quick question if I have my form already that was sent of what committees I want to be in do I hand it to you are or to felici if you want me to attach it as part of the next agenda I can okay um again whatever yeah I think it's best if everybody brings their own draft so you guys just agree on whatever you're but I'll be in a plan oh you want me to attach it to the agenda you can send it to me okay same as you if you guys ever have a topic you want to add to the agenda just send it to me a week before or call me and let me know and I'll let thank you everybody yeah we have