secretary my secretary local please yes2 bares Charles James El ruse eser ficia SAR M Mara M kette zaran present present Geral Amanda and right did you yes no no longer part of the of the okay so REM she resigned she's rning for Cil yeah she oh okay so she been count no so you should have a total of 11 three four five six n 10 11 yes any public comments n on yeah thank you I was going you push a little bit off the um the feral additions review and approv minutes ready um through the chair we received the December 133 subcommittee now so I'm one from it is the subcommittee December 13th that it was only like two two three of you guys December 13th correct so those are the from from what yes she she submitted them today so here's a copy of you guys awesome for all of you you guys s to yeah I have a question is it considered a sub because we didn't have form or is it still a monthly meeting no that was a sub it was sub you don't need for right exactly so it turned into a subcomittee because we didn't okay that's what that was my question yeah it was monthly but it turns into sub because we didn't have hor [Music] okay we're on the January 10 minutes right no yeah I'm reading on December I read everything else okay but we're reviewing the January one right right anybody want to make a motion to approve it I want to make a change do you have we have't move to 8 C C through the chair don't we have to make a motion and then we can wa minut December no it's this one say jary okay that item is the woman History Month I make a motion to um approve the minutes anyone second second second second all discussion all right who was first go ahead discussion um nine [Music] 8C it states that I um abstain from that vote from subcommittee I think you did Iain abstained from the second request of a two subcommittees I agreed to the first subcommittee to meet as soon as possible I did not agree to meeting again to to make a recommendation review all the nominations which is what we're doing to actually what doing today is voting today right okay you he a motion um I would make the suggestion that you amend your motion and your motion be um I move to approve the minutes with this amendment okay I move to change my original motion to approve the minutes to include my amended um correction of item 8 C I'm Che are we G to vote all in favor hear none motion to amend passes unanimously that's for minutes of the 10 right yes okay we just said next one we need to make a motion to appr minut for December [Music] 13 we have two we have the the ones that going approve first January 10th and no and then we also had January 31st which is the second yes did we approve those not yet okay we want to let's do December chronologically so we don't crazy all right so Charles moves to approve the December 13th uh minutes anyone second no it's a sub committee considered a subte [Music] make a motion a motion second for discussion okay any discussion vote all in favor I any a I'm obain I wasn't there I don't well not necessarily obain I wasn't there so I don't know if it's wrong or right but you don't you I mean you could but you don't have to that's what I thought origin we discussed last any hearing non motion passes by majority okay now we're gonna do the January 31st January 31st any motions to approve January 31st minute my motion to approve January 31st sub committee meeting minutes one second um second discussion there there's some tyos so I think they need to be Min ones you know it's not important approv corrected custom not custume c [Music] c okay that's it I have a question um for item 38 of business number eight it says I motion on me personally for six guests Geraldine second discussion seven guests including the winner and then it says also six in favor yada yada and then at the end it says motion to have six guests Six Guest limit seven including winner so I I don't understand if we agreed on six total why is it seven no no well that but we you okay subcommittee we just voted on it but it's not official okay um but we had the discussion seven including the winner six guests seven including the winner I think we have two things next I think we used to have eight yeah and so you said no eight is too many let's go to six but then we said with the six they can bring seven guests including themselves correct yeah so it's a party is a total of seven each party is a total of seven it's the I think that's I think I think that's we used to have eight categories you said cut it down to six because we didn't have yeah so let's just read through that and make sure that are we voting on this you're just voting on a so just you're just making sure that the minutes are correct got you got you gotcha agenda is no no we made a motion second it you were in discuss yes uh Jack uh Felicia secondly any discussion that's done okay are we going to vote Yes I in favor hearing non motion passes through the chair say that was approved with edits I need those minutes to be resent with those edits next item the CH chairperson's report um today uh miscellaneous update we reached out to the gallery and I called them today again and haven't responded we're trying to get artists for the you know distin to have some art work in in town hall so hopefully because I I wanted to have that information today because we has spoken before we wanted to bet the artwork to make sure that is what we wanted to display but unfortunately the person has not come back but I think we have enough time for the next maybe we can you know have the the handouts but I call him again because he have no responded not I'm to find another artist uh second item was a nonprofit organization reached out to the town through Isle in regards to collaborate on an Earth Day event so this is just for interested we can reach out to them so we're not obligated to do this we review it to see how have time to really see what they want to do something like plastic and babies and like that and the third one is I met via Zoom with the miam day culture Affairs department they would like to attend an upcoming cwn meeting to give a brief presentation which I they show to me for the zoom meeting of their current efforts promoting art and culture in Miami day County and the possibilities of helping the town or the cult culture Affairs committee with any future endeavors relating to they Arts so they said that they have a lot of resources that we can tap into uh like uh and I explained to them that we don't have a cultural center so we have to do events in different venues and um again it's it's the the plan have to approve this but um they can help those venues since they they're being used for cultural events so they can help you know something to the the V so that that's the latest from them and I I sent them an invitation for our um um mot time review uh she replied back that Monday this Monday and said Unfortunately they have to do a workshop or something but please just send them a calendar of the upcoming events and she will share with the staff so she has the whatever we put together for the venue um review I'm sorry and so at least now they're interested they want to do a zoom meeting at least with the town because and I send the information to the town but they haven't replied back so the presentation is very interesting and the they kind is is like one of the top earners of um money through cultor event so I think it's good that uh they aware who we are and we're interested she was very very happy to her name is Ashley Thomas I spoke to several people in the zoom meeting and they they really want to help us out so that's that's good um my second item is uh request the town um to add the I was looking at the new website which is very nice but there's an area correct me if I'm wrong um aisle is has to do art in town but then they did not include the house and it's good that I mean I have the locations and we were we orig wanted to do like a little brochure but it would be nice if the town would say you know where the the cows are located so please take that into account yeah we have um so there nothing on the cows and the art town that was one of our first projects we so I reviewed your chairperson's report before coming to the meeting and I already talked to staff and yeah that's something we can do as you notice the little squares we can just add that initiative in there and then if you notice for the other artwork around town There's a little description that says where they're located so we can do the same thing for that house that's great and last but not least is the to request to find our banners that we uh we pay for them and we display them at the Fourth of July several years back and I don't know where they are I recommend that please when you put up the graduates banners because you last time you told me that you have to pay to bring those people in so let's let's see if we can find them banners and put them up at least you know for the Fourth of July or to to display it around the time because I don't know how many there are but we had them along the 154 so I think that's important that we get exposure on the counil for we doing what excuse me through the chair what does the banners have the banners have remember it has something about culture it has a logo and uh I don't you're referring to the 4th of July one the 4th of July ones that you guys had once upon a time I think so that's there are the on so um through the chair um again I reviewed your report before coming to the meeting and I already spoke to staff about it um we did a cleaning of the closet in the last couple of months and those banners were not found so as a right now we don't have them maybe they were disposed I'm not sure we don't we have not seen them and we went through the entire closet um secondly I wanted to mention that yes as you mentioned there is a cost related to putting up banners even if we were to put them up with the other installments there is a cost because as you go adding banners that's additional labor right like more time and effort needed um so just to give you guys a quote on what we're dealing with for Education Advisory Board where we quoted for 20 banners for example and the installation I'm not talking about printing um simply like giving them the banner and having them install them is $1,400 for them to install and for them to remove um so I'm just I'm just giving you a number ballpark just so you guys know what we're working with here um and I also want to mention that those that that cost back then um my understanding is that that was done in 2020 when we couldn't have a Fourth of July event that was the reason why those banners were produced and put up so that we had something since we didn't have an event and cultural Affairs paid out of the Fourth of July budget to budget for that installation and removal of those banners so you guys would have to be willing to part ways with that money to cover the installation and the removal of the banners for example when veterans um committee does it they have to pay the installation and removal as well as the printing of the banners although they usually get sponsored for that and same thing with education advisory um we do have to pay installation and removal of all the banners thatc my concern is that they're lost yeah and is there another location where they could be we we've cleared up our closets at this point and we have not seen them because I know you brought this the Veteran Park is huge yeah um I'll remind you I I think this was maybe a year ago or something I had sent out an email to all committees because they had gotten out of control deposit you know most committees use deposit um and there's things that have been stored there for forever I can tell you that there was cleaning done I had asked the Committees to go in there Cal affairs did not respond back to me somebody told me that they weren't able to um so I'm not saying that they were thrown out I'm just saying that we find time to go and we were never we was never communicated to us when we could go no I I I don't think that that's um correct Felicia because I I specifically remember one of the committee members telling me we're not able to please just have like staff go through it I'm not saying I don't know who told you that but I didn't say that I'm not saying it was you but a commit remember did they said that they weren't able that it was just too much work for them to go through it essentially you know things get heavy there and I know it's like you know it's three stories I understand that you see something say hey look we find your stuff you know it away I'm not saying it was still annoying I'm just saying there been cleaning done and we couldn't find them the last time we okay let's give it another try then see where they are it's got to be we got to be somewhere cuz they were big I know know I know what banners look like because I deal with it on the veteran side and the education advisory side um so I'm aware of what the banners generally look like tell me and I'm working closer now so I'll find time and I if you want me to schedule time I'm happy to send you an email that's fine thank you okay let's move on next item question report um we don't have a treasure treasure anymore so we need to get just so you guys know essentially she was just summarizing what is in front of you guys I always attach it as part of your agenda packet so feel free to look at it it's page 12 yeah we're not GNA go We're not gonna go over the rest of the pages know the [Music] same has not changed seven on because we talked about the banners then there was number three on your report C budget for your no the the when I say U just an update CC budget is the same just basically I just found out about you know the cost of the you know putting up the the banners if we find them so you know again this is a report if we don't have to vote on this the the pressure reports uh unless you see something that has changed or updated or you guys have any questions any questions um should we appoint minum treasur since we don't have one was very good with numbers and stuff and last be a treas I don't think we need yeah coders technically doesn't officially have a treasure position um we used the beginning but then so but as part of your yes resolution or anything you guys don't have that no we don't have still a member no no so okay any questions on the budget let's move on to the next item uh all business let's great we're gonna do the voting and before I R the floor to mine who the chair of that event um I just want to go over something real quick I know whoever is here already hopefully read all the nominations and I think it it's important because I find out something and we discuss it when we get to that that's the categories is to I think it's I call it ex righta for women of Distinction winner selection and it's very important the verification accuracy of the following the nominees home and and business address the the reason for their nominations qualifications in comparison to the other nominees Where Are You by please no I'm just reading my personal oh uh it's in regards to like I said like I want to say this before we started and um let me over okay this is this is what I think is important for this time and next time we we do the the reviews is verification and accuracy of the following nominees home or business address nominees reason for nomination um nominee nominees qualifications in comparison to other nominees in their specific category and the nominees vote count when I say that is you could have tons of votes but your qualification of that person is less than another person that has maybe two but it's more qualif which is what happened I think is there someone in particular that you want us to pay close attention to uh no no it's just because I remember years back we had like a lot of votes for one person but there was another person that was more qualified and like I said if that person who has tons of votes has uh is qualified or is more qualified good but that's don't feel obligated that I don't want this to be like a popularity go sub your op but this is what I what I think it is okay that said I have the floor to Madam chair just for a quick second um in order to make this as easy as possible I printed out some sheets that I'm going to hand out to all of you just so you can cast your vote there and like that we just you know have like a clean record of what everybody's voting for beautiful you're genius we love you My Little My and then if anybody needs to look at it um I know I've emailed you guys copies of the of the past winners so you guys need to reference that let me know it's here and if anybody needs copies of the redacted ones that were sent out to you I also have that [Music] just one of each Arts make sure to look at the back sometimes there government there was only one for health and there was I mean there was just make sure to look at both sides of it okay hold on questions com let me close yeah fici have a question no no with categ have question i s something to while and I I wanted to share with the rest of you but since we cannot I I show her because I didn't want to spend too much time on this just basically say you know my concerns specific the okay okay I can make a com oh I sorry com yeah you I mean part of the voting right it's a motion make disc okay what's the motion for when when we we get a category I guess we make a motion and we put that right I guess it's just a discussion right you're just bringing up discussion a motion to use the Bing sheet that I pass out right now instead of this okay any second mine second discussion looks good okay all in favor of using the sheet to vote I any a hearing none motion pass you go ahead and cirle [Music] Arts category are we saying what we did or were we like I I wanted to make a comment on this one specifically okay I have a concern the first one you're selecting is the Arts no she put not the comment about okay um I reviewed this one like it was your part and um it cut my eye because I I read and and I know that they blocked have the name but it's real quick I don't want to um BL too much on it but my concern was that um the person I don't know who nominated this person um but uh the information is incorrect and my concern is that for which one for Arts is it a or b b okay um I said the information and the Nomine is incorrect um and I don't think we should accept it and submit it what's incorrect um let me continue explain to you what my concern I had to write it because I forget what saying some of the accomplishes accomplishment listed were not performed at this nominee and but by another person back in 2017 which was our first woman of Distinction award and explain this to you because I know the history of this um the the winner was also from Main players and and the main player has those accomplishments or you know so what this person is saying that she did all this but in reality information that he's providing is incorrect I'm not blaming you know the person who nominated her because maybe she got the information in cor but that's my concern this person is saying that she uh and what caught my eye was that that she was instrumental in the transition which she me is incorrect because I have the backup of that information and I have this if you want to review it um she was not instrumental as for the facts and information that I gather um because I was I wasn't sure and I said let me double check this and it confirmed my concern I said no she was not instrumental in this um he said under her leadership the dress rehearsal became a preview night for the guest and think it's also incorrect this was done by the previous winner in 2017 and me it's like incorrect information I'm not I'm not let me and and I and I think it's it is our duty as a connection board not to make any corrections you know I I this person wants to Res submit for next year with the correct information that is true and verifiable they're welcome to do it at this time I don't think I think that it should be withdrawn because the information is in correct and it will look bad on us to vote for somebody that is claiming that did all this and all right so ficia your motion is to withdraw candidate B is very second second any seconds any seconds motion fa you know since make coming about that I happen to be in I don't I happen to be in in manry and uh mry PR has gone through a transition and I hear what ficia is saying but however uh we moved uh from that old place to the new and we did that three years ago and so what this person is saying this is what happened three years ago now the person that won before was at the old place not very little time at the new place because that person had to get into the politics of which he resigned and so therefore the new person picked this up and carried it forward so I would say from what I read she was instrumental in moving from the old place to the new the old person was not not a part of the move from the old place to the new place that person had already resigned and was not there me agree with you reading this correctly he was instrumental in turning the theater from a community theater into a professional she was she was there was there was on the committed for 20 years years I said this is what okay I don't know you getting information I've been on that 20 years I have back up information I have information here can look at it the person was claiming that she was instrumental she wasn't she wasn't even Advisory Board everybody was there was instr I was instrumental in I was there a part of it I was there were you in The Advisory Board yes I've been on The Advisory board for 20 years one thing is Advisory Board one thing is The Advisory board for they transitioning I was own both of them I was both I've been on that committee longer than I've been on this one I'm sorry guys but respectfully um I know you guys have differences of opinions that's great I want to remind you that the motion failed and we do need to you know keep going with the agenda okay I just don't want to have any our faces when we give an award to someone who gave incorrect information and they submitted their that's put that in the rec what do you want it is it's being everything that being rep requ that she disagrees with the fact that we may move forward and or you guys may forward and that's part of the motion and it failed yes the motion fail yes okay select your business or Circle the business category any comments oh a I think one of the business Personnel is out of our town limits which one something about Toyota I will um and on that um I think most of you were at the meeting last time I think there was a discussion on that and I know this has been a thing in the past um we I just want you guys to keep something in mind we usually go out with the women of Distinction saying hey these are the requ like these are the guidelines um they should work in Miami Lakes or live in Miami Lakes I understand that in the past we've allowed you guys have made the decision you know it's okay because they still serve the Miami Lakes Community although they maybe don't directly work or live here um the only thing I will have you guys keep in mind because I think it's a fair point to bring up is that when you do that you may because we go out saying they must live or work in Miami Le there are certain people that may look at that and say oh my candidate's not going to qualify and they just don't you know don't send in a nomination I think that's just something to keep in mind going forward because maybe we lost good people if you're going to anyways take in the vote for somebody who may not forid of the M I don't know if that makes any that's but something to keep in mind again you guys have in the past have made the the exclusion before I mean you're more than welcome to think just I think we should stick to our guidelines because otherwise we we said a precedent know anybody from outside bil chair I would suggest you guys make a moot you know take a proper motion and vote that that's what you're going to follow with this and I'm only saying it because every year we go out the same way but every year you guys end up making at least in the last two years I'm just letting you know you guys have made the exclusion at the meeting um so I'm just reminding you that you guys should agree on how you're going to tackle these want to make motion I just I just made that comment because one of our last meetings it was oh but what we did yeah you guys brought it up but it wasn't a proper book category and we want to part the person but at this time we have different ones so I think we should um a motion that we we follow our guidelines to be consistent for the rest you know to be fair to those who want to who are from Miami Lakes or work in Miami Lakes and not have someone in them so I think we should pry sure you making a motion yeah I'm making a motion that we follow the guidelines original and we stick to by that saying stick to being to picking winners that either live in my leagues or work in my leagues that's what she see yeah yeah follow our guidelines any second any second H second it so we're in discussion anybody else have any comments I don't agree with that I think it's I think it's going to limit us and we're going to keep getting the same people over and over and over because even with this list we still have candidates in the past that have won and they're still being nominated I think we need to open ourselves up to adjacent areas and areas of interest and people that are contributing with Innovation and forward thinking and lifelong Learners and business influences because even if we even if they don't live in mining Lakes people in mining Lakes go to you know headquarter Toyota or they go to matter Leakes or they go to you know so I I really don't feel that that being that stringent is is going to move this program forward ask this do people inia will take people myates to get them Awards do you know that can you confirm that I'm not going to have this discussion you guys can State your opinions guys it doesn't matter you don't have to agree this is this is the point of the discussion the last years once out a sorry just one at a time for the record good chair uh the last four or five years we've got smaller and smaller we used to have like 10 eight now we down to six now if we have the people here and you remember about a month ago I made the plea we had some visitors here I say please you know the community you know people in there you know what they doing please help us because we don't know everybody if you know somebody out there doing something that's outstanding please contact the person on the committee and let them uh you know let them work it that didn't work matter of fact we were barely able to get these number this year so I I don't know if that is going to I think we need to expand it or maybe not have it you know because we we're we're just we're getting the same we're getting the same thing we're getting the same thing every year the person's outstanding but she lives down the street she live one block out of out of mind so okay you out so I don't know I I just think that we we've gotten to the point we beat this horse of death for the last two or three years and we come up with the same thing we're getting smaller and smaller so I say either we expand it or we just let it go and do some other way of recognizing women during the month of March okay through the chair I did not bring this part up because I agreed with staying within the town of Miami Lakes so I want to make that clear her motion was for this nomination process however on that note I agree for next year if we have still this because like you said in previous our nominations are getting smaller and smaller and smaller for future that's a different thing but for the motion of this that's why I brought it up because there was talk back and forth and do we exclude her do we not exclude her or him no it's G be her to that point but for future that's a different motion that I would agree to expand but I'm just piggybacking off for her motion of for this particular nomination because we have done it in the past and it wasn't clarified at the last meetings it was brought up it wasn't voted on and it was clear clearly said no no no they have to be in myates so I just wanted to clarify for this voting but for future I do tend to agree that we have to expand if we want to keep this up because we've been already cut back to six categories and now even even we have two categories that one has only one person and the other one was tied close to close and now we're we're trying to disqualify one of those so the the the the area of coverage has to be expanded a little bit outside of Miami Lakes but that's for the future future but for the this one is I guess what her motion is mainly for M chair's motion is to exclude or take this person out she do saying anything specifically I think she's saying just on how you choose the winners today right um through the chair is there any other like any other discussion on this no I said what I said okay so in favor of Felicia's motion to follow the guidelines to pick members that live in Miami Lakes and or work in Miami dakes for this 2024 year in favor of Miami Lakes only Felicia in favor against ra raise your hand so we're because I need to get the again what what do you what do you answer all right so the motion is to follow the guidance to pick members that live in Miami Lakes and or work in Miami Lakes for this 2024 year so the candidates that we have here only the people that live in Miami dates that's the motion on the table most of them this year for this year most of them are in favor Felicia one against so we just want to make sure we get we capture the vot so who's against it guys please n hold on so against we have Z meline Charles Charles did you vote Jackie are you voting against or in favor or obained perhaps I'm missing the the point here of what we're voting uh Felicia wanted to stay within the confines of Miami Lakes working or residing for this election or this for you guys what you're picking right now for this year yeah yeah that's the I agree with that okay so you're both so it's Fel and Jackie in [Music] favor and then z mine Charles and trette against the motion fails by majority so all the candidates stay for business category go ahead and vote you guys can just vote for everything on the paper do that more comments on the rest of the categories or any questions you guys I think I think um the hell we only have one and then the volunteer the the the number a didn't say much so all right so we're giving I our voting sheets our voting sheet we have to put our name or secret I mean guys it's public there's no secret everything is public even if you were by your hand it says your name on top but we everything paper I mean it's like it's the same as if we were put my name on it blame me for it and then we'll come back one yeah yeah you guys [Music] V your name on it put Jackie you just me can yeah just so I I don't want anyone thinking that you know then I like public record and you guys I mean when you raise your hand it's public record anyways so thank you guys if you want yeah I can tell it for you guys and I can also distribute it once I'm done so you guys have it all right so okay moving on to the update sorry we don't know winnery you Winn okay I'm going don't me I'm just saying because it hurt no I was trying to OHA Mo [Music] on through the chair just so we're all on the same page what are we doing now I'm telling but what are you guys doing we're moving on to the next item um I think that still have stuff regarding I'm passing out the proposal no that's right we need to vote on pass it down take no one thank you if anybody wants to see the um the bids or invoices I have [Music] copies it's not official remember I know all of us were here but all right by one do it uh you can review it I'm just going to say real quick we have a caterer for standing ovation catering um she um it's her 64 people it's 2,000 the awards we're going to have six Awards and one award uh a smaller award for keyote speaker and that's total 493 the award the main one is the same one we had last year the octagon and the keynote speaker is going to be a little um teardrop uh the flowers I put $200 budget mainly because we're trying to get orchids for the center pieces and then if not we going to have to get a backup excuse me for the center pieces so if we have to pay full price for the orchids they're $20 each you're going to need 10 200 take TBL Linens we have pink gold tablecloth dived and um they're a total of eight tablecloths for $120 total tables and chairs eight tables they're round uh 64 chairs at 292 for the total amount that includes delivery janitorial we have I'm requesting two janitorial at $17 per hour from five hours each 9:30 2:30 p.m. for $170 miscellaneous could be anything from extra hour of janitorial additional gas Etc of $225 makes it a total of 3500 which is the total amount of our budget I make a motion to approve the budget for distinction as presented by okay yes can you add this to the please by Charles discussion no oh uh real quick since we're in the discussion the menu is going to be a pursuit of our with orange juice strawberry mango paray fruit and cheese bored with crackers and bread creamy scrambled eggs a sorted mini tees bacon turkey sausage bagels with cream cheese Nova galing scallion cream cheese and jam french toast casserole with berry compo compot and caramel sauce mini chicken salad sandwiches on Hawaiian bread zii with our signature lasagna sauce or their signature coffee cream sugar includes all the flat wear and dinner wear this is still a 16th yes March 16th 11: a.m. [Music] to 1 to two 1 1 p.m. thank you mine is that standard Ovations yes are we going to have it in town hall yes were you able to get the tables um you wanted Oh Hang on we're going to vote on the motion to approve the budet so any more discussion agree all in favor any not question um at the last meeting yeah you um said you were going to check on the tables and chairs yes and you look at my uh proposal it says tables and chairs eight tables 64 chairs for $292 and it includes delivery is what I said okay so what was the sorry about the question because uh I remember what was the budget that get the tables so what's the difference we we didn't because we the the amount that we had we were going to get the Rob to Alonso and then we realized we can't have it go to Alonso so then I had to go and get a bid for the tables and chairs yeah it was uh what was the big for Rea Alo has eight tables and 64 chairs yeah but how much was I mean just for my information yeah before Roberto Alto this is Roberto Alonso no Roberto they were going to ship it over but we had to pay a handyman 300 400 300 or 400 so this is cheaper I me yeah that was it was like we had to pay the handyman to pick them up and then take them back and it was least expensive to go with the company just brings it up sets it up and we don't have to pay extra the chair for clarification based on the January 31st minutes it was chairs and round tables to be moved from RTO alono even though we didn't have the rent them it was $300 to $400 it was good thank you mie all right so we're going to vote all in favor any hearing n the motion to approve the budget as presented by mine passes unanimously oh sorry um um well what else what else on the CAC 2024 2025 calendar oh we're going gonna she's still she still culating yes it's 75 so okay you put it on the agenda packet oh yeah here it is um I think like this is like the third calendar that we discussed I think we we taed it we tabled it because we were running out of time regarding something so we had the proposed upcoming event and then we had also the subcommittee chairs and I think we basically had everything set down we had the calendars for the dates and then the only thing that was pending was the the Symphony of the Americas which already contacted they haven't talk back to me going to be the 17th or August or the 24th the church already said that they're ready that they just need a DAT so it's depending on but it's going to be the 6 17 or 24 so that's that's the choice unless they change it something else the September set five is the fifth is the book talks which I think is going to be here at Town Hall um I don't know of the the the update on that I guess um Elsa is gonna permits October 12 we have the Hispanic Heritage Month I'm proposing to do Argentina I already contacted a few people I think we haven't you know it's just a matter of getting more information and we see how much is going to cost us and that's set for October 12 concerning the par um Charles I going to contact Nicole because I know there's there's something if now we'll get somebody else so I need for you to follow up on that and check with them if they can do it on that day through the chair and I I just want to make sure we're all on the same chair um so we're still pending because you mentioned it's been brought up a couple times it's been tabled a couple times so I'll just take this opportunity to remind you guys that you guys still have to vote on these just to make sure we're you know this is how we're moving forward vo ones and then and on the chairs because you guys on my notes the chairs that were picked were for Black History Month women a distinction and holiday book reading um so just make sure you guys go through you know thoroughly through that and agree if you're ready for that let's look at it not one by one because it will take forever well yeah you guys can to prove it as a whole or if you're gonna you know if there's some that you want to make ed through it I think uh black month was Charles and I women of the of mine for the fishing tournament but I just want to be clear because they're confused that they haven't approved this yet it hasn't been approved this is the proposing you guys have like yeah we're still pending the committee approval okay who the chair yes I make a a a suggestion that right now for this moment we only discuss the events and verify the the dates of the events then the other one will be a different topic okay so August 17 or 24 C americ okay so through the chair I suggest also okay I suggest we vote on that is it either or yeah it's either or it's up to the symphony people because they haven't gotten back with have so we have to make a motion and then we discuss what's better just that do you agree you can either approve the document as a whole so you don't have to go one through one or if there's you know if you see things you want to change for each one then yeah you might have then you do the most one by one August 17 or 24 so we have to decide which one but she's she leaving it open for both because she's trying to see what they have available the the actual concert artist okay yeah and I'm sorry through the chair the the other thing that um you know sparked my attention was when you were talking to Charles about EO hry what is the question there and and I just want to be clear because I'll remind you guys Charles had asked me for this past year I want to say if we could have Nicole Henry come out for the you know since we kind of lost that con we had to pay out all this money I just want to make sure we're on the same page I'm not sure if I forwarded the email to all of you or just to Charles or just to Felicia so the the question was can you come back at a discount given that we kind of lost all that money and we really didn't have a performance right due to the ring they came back and confirmed and unfortunately the best they can do is just come out again and charge us the same price as the previous year but they wouldn't be able to just you know give it to us for free because although it got rained out they had you know Fe they had to so I just want to be clear that this would be like you know doing it all over again and they showed up know there was an email that you shared so I just want to make sure you guys all know that because that's that's what the email said yeah so so if you guys are looking to book again it's brand new right like we're paying all over again I just want to make sure you guys know now us clarifi yeah I something through the chair too the book talk you have for September 5th that's like a long weekend it's sleeper Day weekend is it I think so okay Wella may I ask a question yes um when when are we going to vote upon the subject matter for some of these events once we set the date uh well the subject matter I think again Elsa is not here so she needs to bring what book she proposing and we and we vote on that yeah so she brings a proposal to you guys and so the chair for the Hispanic heritage is also going to bring up proposals for that I mean Felicia already is proposing one you guys can either vote you can vote with it you can vote against it or you can leave it open if you guys want to put your option is that going to be in our next meeting it could be the next meeting the thing is that the way I see it I don't want to give too many options because it's it may confuse you and I think you are confused so I'm not confused I as you a very clear question no no no I'm saying is when you give too many options of we can do this that you know it's it's like like like she was curious about the dates you know the 7th or 24th you know those are the the ones because that's the best weekend that we can do so what I'm saying is let's like I said we're already looked at the dates and and then now we're GNA we're going to move to this item now we done with the dates through the chair yes ma'am September 5th is a Thursday yeah CU you guys want me to do the book talk on right also it's yeah it's always done on a Thursday for some reason I don't know why Labor Day is the second the Monday of that week of Thursday yeah so we're okay then you just have to either make a motion to agree yes or make a motion to not agree no or defer it I mean I would either defer it or not agree because I think there's things on these that were never discussed and I think this is what is causing a bit of attention because we continue to say we're going to vote on this and like for example you brought up Argentina but like we never said anything that's why I separated just we not voting on that then well AB but right now we're just agreeing to the dates but there's also items here that we never agree to as like TW event yeah that's what she's pending for you guys to either approve it not approve it I guess you guys can defer it um I think the concern here is that you know she kind of wants to have dates laid out have dates because we we need to get going like luckily we we are done with the Fourth of July we already have our our you know we have to start doing the the process of getting you know all the other stuff like we did last year but at least we have the band and and we need to start early because we don't want to wait till the last moment to do everything but what are we voting on because you have everything except August she's proposing that entire calendar with those dates and those events so either you guys are approving all of it or you're not that's really the bottom says event dates times and venue subject to change tenative dates to be determined pending CAC approving which is what we're doing [Music] today just so I mean if this helps again you guys can go about it any way you want but for example so women of Distinction we're pretty much on track there we're good no events in April normally you guys haven't had any events in April unless anybody's proposing an event which I don't think you would have time to do at this point so May 11th is really the what I see May and June you guys may you want to tackle those if you want to go you know at least start moving on that cuz that's approaching closer what's why is g juneth gbd to to be because you guys haven't confirmed anything are we doing anything for that yeah so again if you guys want to go one by one if that makes it easier for you guys then make the motion of okay we're doing may we're doing this this is what we're doing May and June just to have the event on that day and at that location is really what the proposal is here yeah it's just I added Jun because the council wants to do something we V not to do it but we need to do something I mean we'll we'll work with the town see if they want to do a proclamation I'd like to see what the town wants to do because I think what they want to do and what needs to be done may be totally different and so that's why put it in the because also too we don't have time for this meeting but you know for four years we have uh uh turned down five five in the same month four years we voted down not even recognition so well we didn't voted down well I last theater last the theater chck it over I don't want spend a lot of time on this but they're not interested in helping uh with the June team if they can do the pride again I'm sorry last year we had the the theater took it over but the town didn't want now they said they don't want to do it this year unless they do both of them so they want to do both they want to do both or them they same month and and guys I just I'm I'm trying to push you guys in what I think is the right direction at least I would I would urge you guys to at least look at you know if you're not comfortable with everything else just yet I would at least tell you to move on yeah yeah on May and June because it's creeping up on us I make a motion to accept May no event in April except May 11 as paint a picture for Mom at 9:30 a.m. and the June 15 Father's Day fishing turny starting at 8:00 a.m. okay um one thing though that's a motion right Charles and discuss one thing that I just remembered currently the painter picture for mom is said to be Farmers Market however I don't know if you have heard but as for the past two maybe three weekends the Farmers Market has not been there and my understanding they're still working on it so eventually since it's only February still we might have to have a different location for the paint a picture from I was going to say we can always go to the park that's what we Elsa's not here to talk about it but yeah I heard that so that's that's why I saying being evaluated so we have to have a plan B if the Fest Market comes back Diego with him uh last month I think or the beginning of the month and he said he'll provide us everything if he doesn't get picked as our vendor for the farmers market then we I suggest that we do it like we used to do it years ago at the B park because that way we have a pavilion because we don't have money for for T so that's how we used to do it so again plan A would be to have um Diego providers ATT tents and do it in Farmers Market Plan B would be to do it at the Veterans Park in one of the Pavilion if that's the case Al you need to help us if we need to secure that pil um yeah just let me know and I can ask if it's available okay that's all it takes for May 11 May 11 I can already ask like we did with Roberto Al Okay so you have two options and then you guys decide okay thank you and then all right so any more discussion on the motion on the table to accept April May and June 15th events right there no discussion we're going to vote all in favor n n see we're not going to do the rest of the calendar no because we don't have events to put on there motion to be determined by majority when we get a DAT then we have event what saying no she this was just a vote on her she voted no that's it and then the motion passed so we're confirmed pretty much her Cal Affairs foring on the next meeting I'll hope you have a [Music] DAT anything else yeah and then they can they can hopefully approve the rest yeah right Charles are you in charge of okay yeah Char is in if we have we have I'll help ju ju the next so the question is is like FR taking off the calendar Al together or is it to be as of right now it's not part of that proposal you guys can propose it I will remind you that this was not approved that last year um the town needs to approve it before you can receive as of right now you guys haven't gone back like this year you guys haven't gone back and said hey you want to try to propose it to council I have not I I my understanding I haven't heard that from you guys so I'm sorry through the chair I thought Charles went to the November meeting turn it up yeah they turned it up okay thank you okay if you guys are and if you guys are are you guys done with 8 I don't want to the item are we not looking at this yeah yeah that's that's part of eight still the calendar part the the coordinator list so are we on the coordinator list now yeah okay so um I think we we had the book talk we already one if it is I don't know if she'll be back have you heard from her yeah she says she'll be back at the March meetings okay great uh so she wanted to be in that that um in the committing committing what holiday book reading Esther said that she wanted to be in it but she's no longer remember so be Charles who else wants to be in the holiday book reading anybody okay is only here Charles through the chair yes the book talk let you do we have to vote on who's the chairperson for the event no UHA wanted to do it said I mean I'm just I'm curious because we never we never these are proposals based on what was happened last fici Ela Elsa was not here at pleas at the last meeting or everise so I'm just I want a clarification from my notes all the only chairs that were picked for this year were women of pH Black History Month and holiday book reading which you guys will have to reselect anyways but G now right so no the chairs haven't been Elsa was was a chair previously so I mean up to her to no it's not up to anybody you guys as a committee have to agree on things if you disagree like please speak up if I pick that I want to be let's say in I mean it's a collaboration anyways you guys could technically you know all be all it allows for is just you know so that there's one person kind of you know making sure we're moving forward with the event let me clarify I remember um last year let's go back to last year then a picture from Mom Elsa always said that she wants to do it okay so that's why I put her there you want to approve it you know like someone picks that that that person wants to do it and you're saying no you know what you're going against that person's wish so I'm just paining because then all of you could say you want to be chairs and you still have to pick somebody that's all I'm just so obviously you guys have to be you know you're collaborating you have to agree that's all so at the end of the day it's it's it's you know you guys are deciding as a committee on you J normally does you know the concerts so so that's why I put him in there through the chair is there anything imperative that we must vote on on that I know I I mean we never voted on this we always say so want to be here we assign people on who's going to be what is I think is so if you guys think anything is important to vot right now I would request that you guys leave a motion I motion that we that we redo this list based on what people want to do and what people want to vote for because I don't know how these names got here I don't see mine anywhere and can you just repeat the Motions I motion that we start from scratch on the chairperson events coordinators list once everyone has decided what they want to volunteer to do so can I a second yeah okay turn it a second and then there's a discuss is there anyone that you want to be in I can we just like circulate this is will be my will be my thing just circulate like a blank one and then people put their names on what they want to do like a gole like a Google and we can come back next time and just we have my whole my concern with this is like every time it comes back it's changed and we have additional things like for example Argentina nobody ever said anything about that Nico Henry nobody said anything about that I get but it's like a proposal but I'm let me see it's a proposal but it feels like it's already being imposed in the rest of us without anybody discussing so theair you know through the chair I'm because I think you guys are getting stuck but you're all agreeing at the end of the day that yes you cannot have choices I'm happy to prepare like a kind of like a survey do if you want to call it a paper one bring it weuse I have one that is but that's what promotion is yeah we have it we we we brought it last time we started filling it in well then if you can please pass it out so that they can come back with options next time don't here but I have it in my file I'll I'll email it to you and then people fill it in and then bring it okay so it's just essentially that blank right I'm happy to I'm happy to edit the text and send it to you guys blank if that help I'll I'll I'll send you what I have I have the blank okay can you send it to us like we did for women of Distinction is essentially the same thing and you guys a live Doc is that what you call it no because you guys AR supposed to be but I'm happy to bring you just you know give you guys a form you guys print it and bring it build why do have to paper can we just do a Google doc where everybody I can do a please well I mean you guys let let's we can do a survey L some people don't have access to computers that's fine I can print it no no I can print it guys I can print it whenever there's a survey online such as women of Distinction if somebody doesn't have access to the computer we printed it for them that's not a problem so we can do mainly online but whoever doesn't have access I can print papers that's not a problem we want to make sure everybody gets their opinion in any more discuss okay um so just to repeat can you repeat the motion the motion on the table is from Z is to start from scratch this list so having like a blank one circulated okay that was the second you guys any more discussions she second it you discussion any more discussions discussion are we're gonna vote all% that's what we did already guys just a vote we don't I will ask you guys that once the discussion is over we shouldn't go back and forth with comments because if not we're not going to move forward on your agenda all right so all in favor of circulating a blank uh sheet of the subcommittee and chairperson events any against hear not the motion pass the UN I would like to make a motion that once the chair people have been chosen for these events things such as book talks and Hispanic History months uh have choices that we vote upon before decision is made usually do yeah and that's what the proposal and I'll remind you guys a proposal is just that proposal essentially you guys still have to vote on it it's just I would ask you guys that instead of just bringing one option you may bring two because it would be terrible for somebody to bring one option it get turned on and now we're back to Z so who gets to Ping the options only the people the sub or the entire usually the chair I'm just telling you how the committee has the committee usually you guys the chair kind of leads that effort and that's fine but at the end of the day it's aoll ative effort and you guys are more than welcome to bring other suggestions and idea it doesn't fall on one person it is a committee effort okay through the chair um one thing that I remember even though June 15 who is the chairperson for that for the you guys haven't picked it for the Father's Day fishing tney oh we haven't picked one but I can volunteer I don't like she's been doing it for the past few years yes but we still have to vote on it we still have to make it official we voted up to June 15 May 11th is still up in the air because Elsa we didn't vote for that but wait until the next meeting because if somebody else wants to jump on board and do the fishing okay I can go okay I'm just I just realized that oh no I put PR in because she was the chair last year just to bring it up since we here talking about that I'm looking into having porter potties this time around so let's see how much they are can we get the Bui ones that's I construction next door so through the chair I just want to get you guys back on track you're about 10 minutes out from your meeting you want to know the winners of yeah um if you want to Circle back to that I have here um and I'll scan this and share with you all the Arts winner is B winner B for business the winner is B education business Arts is B the Arts winner is B business winner is B guys I will business winners b as and boy education there was a tie CN you guys c n d c n e d e e so are we doing wait wait wait wait we need a that again guys I will also scan this you guys I'm gonna start again Arts winner B business winner is B education winners there was a tie c and e government winner was B Health Services winner was a volunteer winner was B Anybody Everybody Got yep so there's a tie for Education c and e volunteer e volunteer the winner was b b so the wrong on you have winners for all except education education there's a tie do you guys want to break that tie do you want to get and correct I'm happy to read it all loud for you guys don't worry about it I have one copy of anybody need all right so all in favor I'll see let let me no c and e e right c e ech e forat e for elepant C being the Miami Le take through eight Center person e being the principal at matter Gardens okay all right is there a conflict of interest if I may ask with that interest for which one because the principal at matter Gardens Elementary is also married to a council member um no as long as it's not somebody on the committee because the committee is the one that's Ving are and we' picked members from you have council members before and excellent does do any of you need a copy no so we vote again can we do by hand gu yeah like right hands for C show hands for C wait C see all right so we have one two three Jackie you ready I'm just trying to catch up with who it is education C I got I got him just give her a moment just give her a moment so she can I'll see which one she wants to vote on while you guys are doing that while she's doing that I want to mention something because I know it's your upcoming item and I know we're we're tied on time 8C Black History Month I know Charles will give a de breath um at last minute the artist asked for accommodations regarding food right refreshment snacks Charles went out of his way to pay for it I know as a committee you guys didn't agree on it so I told him bring it back to the committee to see if you guys are willing to reimburse him for that expense um so if you guys can take a v on that if you're interested in I made a motion to reimburse Charles how much was [Music] it for the amount spent on the entertainment public I'm so sorry [Music] it's motion to be oh oh look here you go so it was from Publix it's $118 51 for napkins plates W uh fresh fruit platters and I guess it was like the little sub okay I I motion to reimburse Charles 118 and 51 any seconds second second by and discussion discussion [Music] um G get oh thank you where are we going to uh pay it out of it would have to come out of Black History Month you would that account would be um yeah you get a deficit so I'll bring back the budget again next month and you guys will have to move fun if that's how you vote you'll have to move all in favor I any nam I I only heard my voice sorry was there more discussion you guys was there any more disc no I I'm still concerned because we you know one thing that I that I don't want to do is keep moving money that we may need in the future that's what the account say help money for events that have not happened so I I C you yes but I think the alternative here is to leave to leave Charles in the negative for $118 I don't think that's fair no no any other discussion that's discussion no that was part of discuss any other discussion guys no okay I you take all in favor I any NES hearing none then the motion passes unanimously did you vote or noain you're okay all right hold on so Felicia Fela are the rest can you guys vote again yes yeah because it's confusing favor in favor of the reimbursement I I okay all against none and then Felicia abstains and then the motion passes by majority okay happy my vote everybody vote and nobody has voted okay so who's voting for C guys raise your hand if you're voting for C we're going to do one so just just raise your hand for only one C so C all right so C has been one C and but still do e just for the sake okay so C is the [Music] wi oh and through the chair can re revisit can we revisit no it's this is quick um to can I make a motion to move $118 in many cents 51 and 51 cents from Hispanic Cultural Affairs committee to to Black History I second do we have money $199 and2 yeah I already passed all right yeah so okay so motion to move I gave all of you guys a budget copy $18 51 from Hispanic heritage to Black History that's motion by ient okay what was it again9 118 51 no no but the amount that we had in Hispanic 199 and2 cents 199 on page 12 okay discussion there's 993 in his we're taking out 11851 right so how much do we have [Music] left1 I don't know how much do the chair is there I'll just remind you guys you guys have taken a that you don't you don't have to be I'm just reminding you so I favor of moving the mo the funds from uh Hispanic heritage to Black History any ficia is that a vote yeah what's your vote I didn't hear you through the chair I would urge you guys to not be speaking under your breath when there is a conversation going on it it's very confusing for the secretary and for anybody listening to us online all right so again motion to move the 11851 from Hispanic heritage over to Black History all in favor I any n hearing none motion passes unanimously um through the chair you Mo to to no through the chair I I move I motion that we move item 9A to the next um meeting next agenda due to the fact that the proposed chairperson is not here to give us an event update oh B oh okay any second Charles discussion talk about it we're going to vote to move table I guess 98 to the next meeting all in favor I I anys hear none motion passes unanimously and then we were still missing we talk about options op we doing the calendar remember we spoke a little bit about it we now we have make a motion to extend the meeting yeah no well the motion or then you guys we would just missing a black history month for Charles to get his update that's it right and then announce you have any up Sorry's motion make a motion to extend the Mee 10 minutes any second hold on wa on guys motion fails motion fails to extend [Music] guys guys please be profession we don't need comments out of you know what we're done discuss all right so motion to adour you make the motion yes I'm get a motion to adjourn I said all right so mad any discussion any vote remember what I said last time no CH want motion I was just s make the motion so you want to make the motion you should go ahead I would draw my motion to journ okay journ motion time any second guys yes a Jour all right Z second motion the time is 930 8:33 okay have a good evening [Music] everybody I will send my next question to her a c d Nam that's a teacher no I wanted to ask princip let me something