good morning everyone Miami Lake March the call roll call Daddy WT Florida sville alexand NY Rogers everybody review the minute last meeting there's no no to her on Monday afternoon so they're going to be added to your next oh okay this is the J emaila the old what does the agenda minutes January 3 the agenda oh no I've only got three pages you got a more so what have you got so you thought you say comments we have two guests today would you like to introduce yourself hello my name is Elizabeth Rashad I am Center Director of the adult programs for the city ofo I am chrisy Morango and I'm the cultural center supervisor for the city ofo welcome thank you are they both good friends of Willie friends of very big friends are there any public comments presentation um new is C is coming he's dropping his son off at um school and he's coming because there uh organization that wants to do um some kind of event over at the VTO Alo it's for seniors and it's like a lunch a party a whole bunch all he can explain better than I can because he's been been in touch with the lady I don't know where they come from and he wants to get the committee's approval on doing it so when he gets here we'll let him come in and um get his presentation you have yeah I guess I can just attached is the treasure report to our agenda and if you look and see our total available is $ 23,123 [Music] um well any questions i f you don't know that includes press check for $500 I don't know I don't know I don't see that um ask ask her she true the other thing there is a resident that sent me um an email and her mother is part of comes to our event and she wants to do an event for us and the event is and that's she works for that Mary K Mary Mary K I know her you want um she um okay so she is like Dy said her mom comes to a lot of our events she's a resident of Miami Lakes I know her um personally because she's a friend of the family and then when she found out that I was in the elderly Affairs committee she told me what her idea was she used to work part um full-time as an accountant but she decided to go into Mary K to start up her own business so her idea was either to come to one of our events and have a table with samples of Mary Kay and then later if you know if any women want to follow up with her or if she could do an event but I told her that I didn't know how the event would be being that you know the events that she's done before sometimes she'll have someone you know try a cream on or something and that's like a but that could be a liability so I told her that you know this morning meeting to send in the email like she did you know with all the proper channels and then I would go ahead and and you know let her know and speak on my her behalf so that's what she wants to do her name is Stacy do she want to just sponsor with her name on because we can't do the party that right yeah it would either she would either be a sponsor or she could if she could come yeah as a sponsor with a table and then I guess give out hand UPS yeah hand up I think that would be her best back oh that's okay no I I read it and I was trying to figure out but I I couldn't you know her coming and us paying for everything no so no no no she and I told her that I said you know you would have to either be a sponsor or you know something but not just come in and you know have a Mary Kay party you know we don't do that so if if she's a sponsor she can bring just like any sponsor does brings her samples but I don't think we should set a precedent that somebody has you know a business we will give them a forum or an outlet right but they can be a sponsor just like any other business okay is my opinion pick one of the holiday ones like coming up you know we have the one in March coming up the 26 22nd the Bingo you know she can sponsor that well the Bingo for the 22 again for direction of the elderly Affairs you guys only want two sponsors at a time and that one's completely and so is the April one doing good I brought you the maybe if we can use it for the 2 second or if you want for the next one I already so Bingo the 22nd it's the Bingo on the 22nd yes um our February Bingo report it was packed as much as I can say everybody seemed to have a good time we um were short of I think one or two chairs but we were able to get them somewhere else and fit everybody in and it turned out really good I think everybody was said the food was good um they didn't win but they were still happy so I met with Veronica I going to meet with her in about when we finish here because I give her a big party she's very happy she did with us she had two parties because of 150 and 300 people for at the her own yeah for her own yeah oh that's great well that helps out in getting fun yeah tell her to pass the word around and want to help her too so it's nice very happy she told me to tell you that you know that's good well that's good under your new business Bingo for March an Irish lunch and that's usually we get a theme around the holiday or something so we're going to just do it in green and um I got a few prizes there that we got but I'm just wrapping them in green and if anybody else has any suggestions or anything else they want to add to it let me know um it's the 22nd I'll hand her I want to bring some some lamps to raffle with okay well that's great yeah and I who was sponsoring that yes we have sponsor for that no I was wondering who was the sponsor um I have to go back um but I believe all the sponsors have been shared with you guys um I'll go back and see if there's any updates um I know it's full and then the only thing I'll remind you is that for the Bingo you guys haven't confirmed your sponsor so I need you guys to I know you were working on nqc you mentioned yes I I'm going to go check it on my way home because he's right next the thing is that you guys need to approve the invs remember I tried after you sent that email and if you had sent it to me earlier or saying I I understand I understand I'm just saying since I'm not remember it's not your fault it's a committee effort no I thought he was going to do is when he said yes I told him to get with you cuz you I had told you to so I thought you you I did I sent him a message but I didn't get a response asking if no I have this one already with voice that we can do this in April yeah it's up to you guys really the only thing is that if n was told then we need I went to this multiple oh we just need to be clear if we told mqc that's the only thing he he didn't respond to me either so okay I tried calling this morning and they didn't answer they don't do it now we can do here in April yeah I guess we should use this one because we don't have anything else right now but I mean that's again up to you guys if you guys want to see a copy of it um Pedro brought it not we don't you want to read it out here I'll read it out loud it's from who Serio Serio the restaurant it's gonna bees we cookies $1 120 for a total of $900 plus 900 no 900 it down but they don't CH that we'll remove it out right so it's $900 so it's $7.50 for a sandwich and a cookie it's the only invoice we have I move to hot Sergio through the March 22nd being yeah [Music] all in favor I you we cut it down to 100 people there's 120 20 people are the sponsors and the people that weren't there and it gives us a little glal room if somebody comes in without on AO langage right oh okay okay so American whatever you I'll just take this opportunity to remind you guys invoices need to be brought to the committee so whoever is going to take charge of the next one I think maybe we should say it out loud now so that we don't you know then it doesn't get missed because we all think somebody else is doing it whoever what whoever is bringing a sponsor I mean uh the meal the meal the meal for the Bingos or any event we have to approve them at the committee remember we discussed that so that we know exactly how much it is I thought we had remind me I thought we had said if it was under a certain amount we would automatically approve it that we didn't have to bring you guys did set a budget but to be financially transparent we should be bringing no I agree but I'm just saying if we had a situation like nqc had not brought it and we didn't have somebody else if he was under our budget amount which I believe was $150 go back and check but it was about that um the only thing I I will say maybe we should just if that's the case we should just set a default like from here like oh if if somebody doesn't bring We'll go with and give me two restaurants and like that I know does that make sense wait that's that makes sense situational right so like that you know it's the direcor from you guys on what you want any opinions on this all in favor I guess we're in discussion now for the motion you made right no the motion I made already passed which is to to do this I think we're just discussing if there wasn't a invoice I thought that the committee had agreed that it would automatically be approved and we didn't need to have it come before the committee if it was under I believe it was does anybody remember $111 it's $11 it's $111 it's in the minute somewhere I think it's 1300 I think it's 1300 Max 1300 which because I think you guys were giving yourself space for the gift CS oh that's right okay so as long as we're under that I just think that that's probably the best because I can tell you I as soon as you sent out the email I called in QC they were closed um and I saw the email later in the day so I called they were closed they closed apparently at 4:30 I called them this morning and they didn't answer um and Dy was going to go by afterwards I can reach out to Milo what's our maximum of food not including gift cards I'll tell you that for this Bingo we already have gift cards cuz um I bought a stack of them last thing so all you need is the lunches um so it would be 12200 cuz 1300 is your max take away the 100 for the good first do you know him personally okay he hasn't gotten back I'll reach out to him for the next one okay okay okay but we have some restaurants that give us Big Discount like these people the $25 Bingo give it to me for $10 which which we save money and just to be clear because you guys took a motion on Surs which one are you going with then sech because we help for the next so let's just agreed to do that for April and that takes care of us okay so you'll I will get the okay so do you need a motion now for April and if you guys want to get it out of the way already I would say just you know let's do it we don't even know question I make a motion that we do what she said no let me let me just clarify the motion is let me clarify what the motion is the motion is that um we will have nqc for the April lunch and that we're approving it so long as it is under $1,200 that's my motion yes seven I second no discussion oh yes discuss no discussion all in favor can I ask question the treasure report we have H we had the $500 check from spread included here or not yes we have here that's in the contribution okay thank um the committee chair meetings met on Monday night and the one thing they're asking us to do is look ahead of what we're going to want next year like in people adding things to their budget um like if we wanted to do like um Miss Miami legs or something like that to promote our own uh committee and a lot of them have already started doing their budget thinking about what they're going to put in the budget it's going to be due thinking need May so if you think you got anything no it's a little bit later than that he the manager just wanted to kind of bring it up you know so you guys start thinking about it based on what you're spending based on what you're looking to do like start getting ideas for what you want so that when the time comes and you're not you know just doing it on the spot and then it's not well thought out if you can think of something we haven't done before it you know just changed a little bit any event um come with your ideas next time because it's kind of it was just thrown on us on Monday nights and anything else we want to add to our budget you know we have our budget but if they want to change this category and put maybe less here and more over here we have to be prepared to do that so start thinking about it on the figure we have to work with d they not given that yet we're basing on we're basing on this year's budget but we'll get our budget we can ask more we can ask for more just minut you guys all have a copy of your budgets um as part of your agenda package for usct what's left here that's theal budg is have something here city of invites seniors to event um yes so we have on March 22nd we have a senior karaoke competition um I was told that we would be giving out tickets so I would need to know if anybody's interested in attending it is that's the day we have our Bingo yes it is the day you have your bingo um I will I I can send out all the dates that we have for our events and any other programming that we have so you guys are aware and if you want to attend you're more than welcome to where is it it's going to be held at goodlet theater on 8th Avenue and 44 pleas so I will I'll send out um who could I send the the um I'll share with them I just wanted them to hear about it um but I have it here and I'm happy to provide copies for you guys and email it to you as well because they sent me as you mentioned a bunch it's not just the upcoming Stu s me like up until October right so what I do is I plan yearly um I plan from October to September all the events all the field trips all programming classes all of that is already programmed for the the year so that's how she received all of that already so if you guys want to attend we are more than welcome to have you I just need to know how many tickets to say for you guys what kind of event events do you have we have uh senior karaoke we have Domino tournaments we have billiard tournaments we have a talent show yeah they love dominoes um we have a talent show we have a play or a theater produ ction sometimes it's monog um what they call Mon monologues um sometimes it's a play um depending on what they would like to do we also have the great king and queen which is the pageant um that I know that you guys also have a pageant as well um we we have quite a bit of s like you're really busy okay we got um our Mr and Mrs senior M before we move on to the next item oh and yeah I'll go ahead okay um I need to make a well a motion to open up again number three the additions Corrections and deltion so we can add to the agenda to speak about um the field trips so we can put it in the agenda I think no I think that's request for events to be approved that's number c I guess that's sorry yeah the thing is for for request for events I have a couple of list things that I wanted to mention and I didn't want to confuse it with her field you know how she was working on the field trips right right so you guys want to just do it together yeah I guess we'll do sorry welcome Mr how are you welcome already informed him that you were coming in I'm sorry I'm late I'm sorry I understand with the rain and you had to drop your son I drop off duty traffic was light it was just the drop off was fun when season a rush they get to work we're gonna let him go ahead and speak is that all right with everybody yes yeah and I don't want to I don't want to monopolize the time but I I appreciate it um first of all thank you guys it's been a while since I've been back I see a lot of new faces and um this is where I started um here in the committee so for those that I've I've known for a very long time I think Alex and and I go back eons and as well as D and and Nancy and everybody else there's a lot of new faces so I want to introduce myself my name is Lou Kaz I'm one of the council members here um my path uh to the council was through here through elderly Affairs and the work that you guys do so so I really appreciate everything that you guys are doing um while I was up in Tallahasse um advocating on Town issues an organization that knows kind of my history with the town and knows how involved I was with with elder Affairs um approached me about hosting uh an event here that that's never been done in the State of Florida it's called Florida senior days and it's by a company called United Healthcare and they're picking four host sites throughout the State of Florida to do this so I think they're picking a site in Jacksonville I think one in Orlando wanted a site in Miami and they approached me and said look you know what do you think Miami Lakes would be interested I said I think absolutely would be interested um and then they started to tell me about some of the Dynamics that event space you know how many people can it hold um catering you know bringing in all the resources to host uh Florida C and that was be on answers that I can give them so the the first thing that I did is I connected with Dy and told her hey you know is this something you think the committee would be interested in she said let me put it in front of them let me see the second thing that I did was put them in touch with the town um and see if we even have the facilities to host a large event I mean they're talking about more than two or three hundred people bringing inors media so they're looking to do it big so if the stars align you know and I think their time is April or or or sometime in the future um in the very near future um I think it's going to be a great opportunity for you guys to to partner with another organization that maybe hasn't had a presence of our biggest presence here in in the past um if you don't align it's still they didn't find a CL door right uh we said let's see if it works out or not so that was the only premise um for me coming obviously to say hi to you guys but um to explain a little bit about how this opportunity came in front of us and um [Music] and it's now in front of you in the committee I think it's on your agenda yes it is okay and I know I might I didn't didn't have the benefit of me meeting with her before but you may have gotten I don't know if you've gotten some questions um I just got like a the the original email was forwarded to me and it's pretty much what you mentioned 200 300 seniors that they want to host it here um and who could assist them with it that's the initial email so they're already looking at spaces I think with Town Personnel Roberto Alonzo I think it very so cannot do it have a meeting today with the director AGM an mes she offers me anytime they need it they can hold 4 500 people there okay anytime you need it today I have a meeting with her I I'll let I'll let the people from Tallahasse know and then pretty sure they will be able to work with us you know to do what class the university right here yeah yeah I'm here to answer any questions if I don't have the answer because it's not again it's something that happened very um organically in Tallahassee um and the the organization the the reason I was approached by the organiz it was an old organization I used to work with very closely called the Florida Assistant Living Association so United Healthcare and the Florida Assistant Living Association had partnered up to kind of host these s what the name huh what the name United Healthcare and the Florida Assisted Living Association you I understood that it was the seniors and family yes oh next year so an event that they plan on doing throughout the year throughout Florida every year it's called Florida senior day um and it's being sponsored by United Healthcare they're the ones with the actual capital and it's being it's organized through the network of the Florida Assistant Living Association so the little cities are where they have little pockets of of representation yes just had a curiosity sure what are they going to be doing or presenting on so I don't think so much is uh presentation more like a celebration is what what they've kind of and it's really just to celebrate seniors I am almost certain they're going to Showcase a lot of the United Healthcare products right that's that's kind of why they do these things um but I think they're going to be bringing in Advocates you know resources kind think of it almost like a a resource Fair um heavily slanted with United branding and and promotion um but that's a good question that I can flesh out with the Florida Assistant Living associate the organizers because this is the first off right and it really depends on the execution and since I've not been heavily involved with the people who are executing um that the the lady from Tallahassee she was even I think she was even thinking she was going have to fly in um Tammy which the person you've been in contact with um I and I was under the impression that she may even be participating remotely but I don't think can people participate remotely um we can work with it to maybe do something but I don't think we like I haven't in contact with that person so okay so one of the things I can facilitate for the group if you guys want to have like an ongoing dialogue or um and I know I don't I shared the contact with d her name is Tammy White Wen um in Tallahassee and she's kind of the one that's speading the organizing this event so I can actually ask her that question um in writing and then see you know by way of I'll communicate it back to Dy and I don't know if that's something that you guys can share um and what we be responsible for the reservations getting all the who's going to come and all that how that works no no I I think the only thing that you would be responsible for is if you give it your blessing kind of be aware of it um they if if you guys do approve it you'll be you'll be co-branded you know as an event that's being sponsored by the elderly Affairs committee it's not going to require any Financial contribution from you guys at all um I think United Healthcare has already supported all of the the financing of it um and the catering and getting the insurance for the event that all falls on Tammy W in in in tallas um so really what they're just looking for is a place that they want to say okay in partnership with it could be the city of Miami right it could be Miami Gardens they wherever location we can do in Miami laks because I'm pretty sure what I'm going to do I'm going to talk to to her I talk to the director how I Mee with her three I want to call Dy so that both can meet and then we to work together with the university with our yeah I I don't know at what point the conversations are with here I know that they already connected with um the people from the town that handle the event space the availability of the event space if it doesn't pan out with the town I think that would be a good plan B for for Pedro for you to kind of go through your network of people and say hey look the town wasn't available but this University is um you know and that's all I've been doing is just putting people kind of together under the title of Florida senior day Florida senior day yes it's not and I think it's maybe brought to you by you know United Healthcare uh the elderly Affairs committee for the town of Miami Lakes and floid Assistant Living it's kind of like that like that's going to be how it's um titled but that's a good question I can ask that from Tammy as well yes Nancy m n what I'm understanding is that they've pretty much got everything they're just looking for the venue they're looking look for yes and and they just don't want a venue they want a place with a thriving senior community they that's why they identified us they it wasn't they can find a venue anywhere in Miami but they knew the work that's kind of been going on here kind of because again I they've known okay you came up through elderly Affairs you know you've been very involved with the seniors in your community they they they really want a place that has an active senior population look this is the rug it's you guys are going to be attending right they want people to go if they show up in a place that doesn't really have a thriving senior population it's going to be mud on their face so really the reason that they're attracted to this town and to this community is because of you they can go to United Way and go through their AARP Network they can go to other places it just so happened that the Florida Assistant Living Association you know I was very involved with them back in the day I was president of the association Statewide they said hey you're active with seniors in Miami you're the first person we're going to go to so that's really the RO that you guys are going to draw in and have an active senior population kind of a 10 but they're they're not just marketing to Miami Lakes they really this is really like I said it's a Statewide it's yes God bless you um it's going to be in four locations um and this was just one that they're proposing for the Southeast region they have another one in the central they have Jacksonville and I think they have one in the Panhandle I think that's how it's kind of laid out I think the central one is not Orlando it's Tampa so so they are looking if we get involved they're looking to utilize Roberto Alonzo as the place and because we always use Roberto Lonzo my question is I've never asked it before never had it had to when we use Roberto Alonzo for our Bingo and everything um do we have to pay someone to use them that location no no okay if if the event this there's two paths if the event let's say the committee says no we don't want to deal with this it's not they're still looking right so they could right just go directly through the town and say we're going to rent Roberto Lonzo we're going to rent here's the fee here's our insurance they can rent that they could say let's look elsewhere Roberto Alonzo doesn't fit our needs but we still want to co-brand the let's say nothing here in the town worksh right Roberto Lonzo is too small they got to go to Anna Mendes they might still want to partner with you and go brand the event with your help let's say nothing works in the town they're still going to have it they're going to go to another municipality city of Miami Beach uh North Miami they're going to go somewhere this is an obligation that they have with United Healthcare United Healthcare I don't know how much money they put I don't know it's 100,000 I don't know what's budgeted for the event Tammy is a good person to answer those questions but they partnered with an organization that's putting the money and they're going to they're going to execute on so it I'm not getting too much in the we not not that it's an in the weed the question it's a perfect question and I don't know too much of the details I just know it's going to happen um and we're we're the first city that has a bite at the app well only reason why I ask because we we pretty much know the capacity limit that wasto Alonzo that was now we're getting Kia and other places yeah I'm thinking our bingos for instance they're expecting 200 they're expecting I think the number that they said and I don't know if they shared it with youle on that email anywhere from 2 to 300 people what's the capacity Roberto I6 people so that right so that that means that you have to use the parking lot in some venues it's an indoor outdoor right and I can imagine the same an G Mendes right you're going to have they willing to work without will they always say they it can be again we're we're not planning the event I'm not planning the event it's another organization tassy plan the event those are great questions for them to kind of figure out they they're already in that process with the town if the town doesn't work out right and that's that's one of the possibilities we discussed they can't find anything here sh's hotel too expensive Anna G Mendes just anicient they're going to do it anyway I just didn't want at least the answer to that game I didn't want to have a closed door saying oh we don't have any venue that's 300 we don't have I wanted to give them the opportunity to try to flesh it out and and thank them for thinking of you guys I mean this is really something that I would take as a badge of honor because I I I haven't been part of this committee for a long time right they've continued to hear about your successes right they continue to hear about the work that you're doing and it's not going unnoticed so the fact that you have a place like United Healthcare and an organization in tassen saying great things are happening in Miami leag for the seniors right this is the first city we're going to consider consider I think that's a testament to the work that you guys are doing and and if anything it's something that you guys should be very proud of that I go away and they know the work that you're doing so so I think it's a big kudos for you guys wait a minute ncy I'd like to make a motion to approve and work with the with talahasse and the hosting senior for senior day second discussion leis um they are planning this in May right oh I want to make get that out there first because I don't the the the days are being fleshed out I don't know if they're on a if they have to be done at a specific time I that email preface a day I thought it said May the month it didn't uh I don't see a a day at all at least if it were to pass if you guys were to vote on this and it were to P pass one of the things I would do is is is hand off um you know doy to Tammy and Isle you know if you guys could have a call with and flesh out some of these things a lot of it is really going to be on not even Isles the facilities people um of the town does it work is it going to fit um and then the the communications part I think they already they have um I think they're working with I'm sure they have a lot of marketing huh I'm sure they have a lot of marketing it's not going to be work ISS you're going to get the press releases kind of already done it might just be kind of adding to that and we'll do our part obviously on the towns to promote it as well if it's co-branded with but I I'm sorry I don't have the exact date I guess I just want to mention to his point because I know you guys um are maybe a little worried about those details but I think in summary what you need to understand is because it's an outside entity who has capital and resources they've already started this like in terms of planning that's not going to fall on you guys whether the size what date the location like they're figuring that out that's not going to fall on you guys it's just a matter of partnering with you guys you know your your stamp of support and suppor yeah I I don't think the heaviest lift is you inviting people to go which I think is very natural um with kind of the work that you guys do and once we get up the dates and all that we um I just want to say that I think it's really a good idea and I think it's good that we be involved because as we know Florida is the capital of senior living and having our name appear anywhere along with United which is a major company and the Florida Assisted Living Association says a lot and that'll be a place that'll put us more on the radar and maybe we'll even get more seniors coming to or more sponsorship opportunity quite honest with you if if you know if United sees the work and they're this they're putting they don't have to do this United's not doing this it's obviously a marketing yeah instrument for them but they don't have to you know they might bring more Marketing in they might sponsor more lunch bunches you know it's just another opportunity for you guys to continue kind of um working on the work and maybe you get a payer contact you know maybe you know but it's just another opportunity for you guys to work together me if it's not already emotional the on the floor I'd like to make a motion that we participate in this even if it's not well then we're in discussion we're in discuss so even if it's not really successful for us regarding venue or whatever let's put our name and what we do out there because it only helps us down the road for what we do and sponsors and other possible sponsors just for what we do as a committee here it's nothing but a win-win situation for us is my opinion so we ready to vote and approve in favor thank you m thank you guys thank you for coming and thinking about yeah I appreciate no thank you guys you guys are the ones that made this ask very easy I mean I wouldn't to be honest with you it's because of you I gave you guys start yeah start you guys have continued it um next steps that I'll do is follow up with the people in Tallahasse I'm going to give them a quick rundown of what happened here at the meeting um again I'll share the contact UM of Tammy you know and I'll Loop you in on any emails and I'll if they have any question on the communication side just communication I'll send it to you if anything on the facility side I'll continue to work through Victoria is that okay if um I'm happy to just send her an email after the meeting and just let her know that you know they approved it they're happy to support it and then if they have any questions I'll direct them to whoever yeah and I guess the sentiment that I would share is that you know if if any of the Town public spaces don't work out for them that there's that that somebody in the committee can link them to um uh another resource within the town so we keep it in the town we keep they willing to work with us we going to do it anyway yeah remember also the people in Tallahasse don't you're going to be the ground game here so they're going to they're going to definitely rely on you ped so don't don't um don't worry about that they're they're going to definitely come back all right thank you all for the opportunity thank you I will I will thank you guys okay we can go back to request for event number c N9 C just trying to move the meeting guys thank you I have a 10 o' so I'm I'm GNA move meeting I'm sorry Lord no that's is important we need it n c so I I just go first um okay um so as far a Pedro told me this morning that he's waiting on V to come back and tell him for sure about the museum that there shouldn't be a problem with the museum entrance with the frost Museum entrance being covered by um whoever's going Renee Garcia's office or whoever is going to cover it for for the field trip um so he told me that we need to wait probably another week until he contacted him because I think has been out traveling or something so at the same time Iowa approached me a little while ago since we had the thing about the field trips and she has some prices I think get games yeah so she's referring more to the I schedule here so um I had actually given you guys a copy as well a couple agendas ago so the next upcoming ones are Wednesday April 3rd and Wednesday April 17 um I have quotes for you guys we went with a different I know you guys were saying that the last company felt a little expensive I reached out to another one just to get a feel on the prices you're kind of looking at the same thing The Bu you me yeah yeah wanted clarify um maybe like $100 cheaper um um the so this new company actually sources out from different companies so they give you different prices for different companies so you can kind of compare but they're all about the same um so it's looking like between a th000 and 1,100 for the field trips um per bus R and this is specifically to the Marlins from here to the Marlin stadium and then back and I know you guys are very specic I mean in the past you guys have only wanted to attend the ones that were during the day because seniors have to drive here so these are during the day the the Wednesday April 3rd would depart at 11:00 a.m. from town hall Wednesday April 17th would depart at 10:00 a.m. from town hall you have a whole here in so how big is that bus okay so the bus is for 50 I will say I I asked her you know can you also price me on the smaller bus which is 25 and it's really a $25 difference so that's that's on you guys and I was kind of told the same thing by The Old Company I remember her telling me that it's not much of a difference um I will say that I know we've had issues fitting it up in the past however I also get a lot of calls asking me about them so I don't know what what the the Happ medium is there um but I think maybe we just need to open it up to like external you know you have the country club area you have hiia I think that those or maybe do first come you know our seniors and then whatever is open like a week or two before open it up so that's an idea I asking a lot of questions when are we gonna do the ball game when we gonna do the ball game what are the dates again for the ball game the ones I'm proposing because you know they have a bunch um it's April 3rd and April 17th and they leave at what time well April 3rd uh we would depart at 11: a.m. from here and April 17th we would depart at 10:00 a.m. from here okay and the senior tickets will be those are part of so what we do is for those field trips we just the committee usually sponsors the bus feed and then the tickets are free because human has a partnership with the Martin's uh games I guess and they sponsor senior days so we shoose senior days to let the seniors Go for free and I believe it's 65 and and this is the road to the marins correct I I one other things that I think we should do is yes we can open it up but we should have a period that only Miami Lakes residents should be now I know that we have been getting calls let's put it that way that Miami Lakes residents aren't getting into events that we're having and I think Miami Lakes residents as we've said there's event right they need to register but I think what we should do is only have the registration for Miami Lakes residents for let's say two weeks and then open it up so that we can fill the bus for after that so two weeks Miami Lakes residents we only promoted to Miami Lakes residents and that that's my thought to give them an opportunity so that they can't say well when I went to register the bus was full and it was full of people from some other town motion before about that we already agreed that we was want to do that for this year you guys haven't I know we we talked about it briefly a couple ago but we we didn't get into it um so again this is up to you guys this is the quote this is the pricing um if you do if any of you are going to make a motion on this I would suggest that you also think about the pricing part of it um I know historically we've done it for free however I've heard a lot of feedback from you guys that we don't fill it and there's concerned that people for just rsvping and then the cancel they don't care because it's free I know that that's an issue so just keep that in mind as I've mentioned to you guys before we can charge them a very small feet not because you guys need it you obviously have the funding for it but it's more of like the RSVP aspect of it but again that's up to you guys that's just something to consider yeah we talk about Mar penalties right make like if they don't come in and they don't call them in pay $5 or something yeah but that's going to be hard to call that everybody do you have the floor p y so I would say I I think that our town has always liked the baseball games so I would say we would do at least one try it out and try it out and that we open it up the first two weeks that we put it on on Vamp right only and we only promote it to Miami Lakes residents and only Miami Lakes residents can do the first two weeks and then after that we open it up to the general public if they want till we fill capacity there could be a standby list as well if somebody doesn't show up they can be here and if somebody doesn't show up in their space on the bus just like an airline there's a standby list the first person that got here you get on a standby list and you can get on the bus if the bus is in full that's my motion second second what I'm concerned about is not just the B uh the football the baseball trips and the buses and all that this is a common thing that you know we have a problem everybody signs up just in case they don't want to lose a spot on the list and I get that as well Elder people something can come up the day before I get it however there's something we've got to do to control it whether it be a small fee and you get the money back which is a pain in the neck for upstairs and whatever I'm just throwing things out there that there's got to be some kind of control or you sign up for three different events in a year and you don't show up then you can go on a standby I'm just throwing this out there I'm not giving it any thought as far as is it going to work all I know is it's got to be a big pain in the neck when you think you've got a 100 people going to get on two buses we're paying for two buses and only one Bus full people shows some it's I I don't know put something out there how do other committees handle it whatever it gets to be ridiculous that we're paying for buses that we're not filling that's all just you have one bus and once it fills up that's it I I think if we do the the one bus which is our budget as a test we open it up for two weeks everybody in Miami Lakes that wants to register has to register if they want to be guaranteed to seat in those two weeks after that it's going to be open to the public after that there's going to be people that can show up here and just like you know you do a standby for an airplane there's a standby list first come that shows up and you're on the standby list here's the standby list everybody that was on event bright gets on the bus there's still six seats you start from the top of the standby list and go number one you can get on number two you can get on number three get on so and that way the bus should in theory be full but I say it's only one bus we don't do this for two buses expensive I agree and the and the good part about that is Joe Blow signs up comes it doesn't show up this and that later Joe blow's gonna say I'm not standing around waiting for standby so I'm going to register for next time and we've got to have some sort of I don't want to say punishment but some sort of thing that prevents people from doing that to us we can't keep doing that well we're not allowed to do that Nancy you're not allowed to do what to B somebody from coming to an event no no no we're not no no no I'm not well only after three times that they miss that they can't come to an event they're that they're going to realize I I I misspoke what I'm saying is they're going to learn the lesson that you either sign up and show up and if you come and you're on standby you might not get a seaty I'm having same problem and I was gonna bring it yes ma'am that that so let me finish so that's the point is there's no heck I even do it guys let's let's it to one person at a time even I do it I'll sign up for something and if I make it I make it and if I don't I don't and I'm admitting to that because I don't know what I'm going to do and I get it with it with the elderly people all of a sudden they've got a doctor's appointment instead there's no control over it but by the same token we need to know because we're paying for these buses and we need to put the word out there that I love your idea I'm I'm trying to support you here about signing up and giving them two weeks after that you're on standby and you might not get a SE no that's not what I'm saying okay then is heard I'm gonna clarify it's going to be two weeks Miami Lakes residents from let's say May 1st through May 15 Miami Lakes residents can only sign up on May 15th it gets open up to the public at that point we have 50 slots if Miami Lakes residents only took up 10 guess what the other 40 can be from anywhere else in the County actually brow County as well so it could be from anywhere okay and then you have 50 people that have signed up and then there's a signup sheet somebody in Miami Lakes goes well I tried to register while you were given a two- week priority you then had another two weeks to sign up now you have to sit out there and your way that's their punishment fine good if you want to consider I know she is usually our guests don't get I'm sorry no that's all right I have a suggestion um the way that we do it in haia is we have a waiting list so um if they do not participate they they're not able to register we put them on a waiting list and we track how who attends and who doesn't attend if they do not attend automatically they're put on a waiting list for the next event just because they reserved the spot and they did an attempt so then the next event the first come first people that are placed on the list would be the the seniors that are on the waiting list they will be given the opportunity first to join to attend that um trip or that event and then it's open to whoever wants to come now I understand what you're saying about if they don't attend you know the only recommendation I can give for that is if they don't attend they're put on waiting list for the next one but really we don't ban them either from not coming we just tell them well now you have to be put on the waiting list to give someone else a turn for the next event another thing that I wanted to ask is when it gets placed for the public and are the city of haia seniors want to attend do you guys require anything for them to attend no nothing for the bus nothing like that they just have to make it here they just have to get do they have to sign up a registration they have to go it's going to be on event right everything's going to be on event I can share the link uh to our event right because that's just where we normally post all our events anyways not just this yeah thank you I'm sorry no that's okay exactly I'll you mentioned two dates being April 3 and April 17 could you clarify on that and is there a destination already determined is this a FR uh yeah no the first one was the one um Maria was talking about about those are the ones she's working on we don't have we don't have anything on that just yet this is specifically for the Marlins the ones I'm referring to are for the Marlin field trip oh we're not into the events beyond the baseball G no we are um Maria's actually helping us gather some info on that so they're trying to get it as cheap or as you know free if possible so we're waiting on the commissioner who's going to get back to us with some info on that all right thank you on those specific that's far we're just talking baseball yeah for today this one's just the baseball games so we now discussion is over anybody have any more discussion we need a vote then on the motion all in favor any know to be clear I don't know if you mention is it for just one game he said yes okay I think I'll pick the furthest one out if that's okay with you guys just to give enough time April 17th basball the other issue we have on that with the with the um Bingo is that our resident stand is closed out before they get a chance we put it on event right and they can call in they say when they call in the line is busy they put on whole by the time they get to the phone it's closed and um two of them have come up to me and said why don't we go back to signing up and they like you come into this thing sign up for the next thing though we did that for I don't know how long um I think clarel was not in favor that and I can't remember what the reason was she gave us for that um honestly I'm gonna I I have to go through legal um I can tell you just from staff perspective if you open a list that you can only get on if you're physically there then what happens to the senior that's not there that day that senior is never going to get on that list because then you have to physically be there I didn't sign up so then I can't go to the next one so then I can't sign up there for the next one and it's like this Perpetual cycle where they're never going to be able to attend so it doesn't feel Fair the same way it doesn't feel fair to them it doesn't feel fair for the outside people so that's just something for you guys to keep in mind I feel like you're always going to have an issue with somebody I haven't to do good okay so this is this is a compromise hear me out we have it on a v right but again we can have a list since they can't call and they're complaining that they called and they get but they have to come and register here to town and there's a list that that come and they literally have to sign their name that way they're not well I told whoever's at the front desk no there's a signin sheet here's the signin sheet and at the end of the day everybody should whoever type in them in EV vent right and or once a week they type it into the event right and then there's not a question if they go we didn't we go we'll have at the event here's the sign in she you didn't sign in and you didn't do it in Eventbrite talk you had an opportunity to do it in person you can't say that I didn't have a computer that I didn't have a phone that could connect to vbr you were able to come to town you can get a free me to town so they don't even need a car they can get a free me to town and they can register on this log that we can have at the front how does that sound it sounds good I think it's very good it is good um but most of the seniors planning to be don't know don't know how to do event prite maybe we need to have a class on event prite well we can have a class on event and i' and I've suggested that we have in the past done one but do a refresher course on V right or they can make the way to take it and have a question do the people that do the Dirty Work like putting the chairs and putting the the tablecloth and serving the food do we still have to make reservations I think you guys discuss this un like yes no no no we don't no that's why we have the 20 extra meals right we don't have to if you're part of the committee and you're helping you're you don't have to the sponsors we have one of the bses yes we want a trip we all have to ra yes the buses it's a different thing I'll never go again to the B as long as I live last time I was the only person in charge there were only 16 people and I told them stay all together because I'm only one for 16 people all these crazy old people they spread around they sat all over the place and at the time when we were living I couldn't get them all together and I had to count them it was 90 degrees which felt like 100 and we it was a day that all the schools in Miami day County went it was full of kids so our boss couldn't Park what we usually do we had to park really around the stadium it was a nightmare for me never again okay we have to move on we need to do the motion if you you like the idea I would make a motion I make a motion all right do you want to make it go ahead I'll make try to move it for you yes I'm trying to move as I'll make a motion that says that for bingos or our socials that number one we put it on Eventbrite and we leave it on eventbr number two that there will be a manual sheet at the front a desk of town hall that if you cannot do right you get yourself to the town and you physically have to write your name in and that that sheet will be translated into event make sure they're dated second all in favor discussion we discussion no discussion no discussion all in favor I um I won't take too much of your time but I know it was a couple of events that needed you know I needed your feedback so um I had a rep from Human reach out as you guys know human has sponsored some of your events in the last year so they are offering kind of new ideas for new events uh I'm just going to read off a list if anything calls your attention please let me know and I'm happy to set it up for you if that's what you guys want so they SP they can sponsor birthday celebrations holiday celebrations musical therapy Zumba classes ice cream socials therapeutic karaoke picture day for seniors um Medicare 101 presentations arts and crafts tech classes I figured that you guys probably wanted to set up the tech classes given that we're no longer using the old sponsor so again I just need feedback from you guys if you want me to move on this I would say definitely tech classes I would say any of them if they're if they're going to pay them are they going to pay yeah they would sponsor you know it's a branding they come out so yes it would be free of cost uh to you guys we just have to provide the facility maybe we do aren't col is always well when it's presentations it's usually here that's where we do them here and as for the other activities yes um it tends to be booked but that's probably why we we'd have to book it in advance yeah I think the ice cream social is a very thought for sometime during the summer months I think that would it's something we haven't done before I I think she's ready to motion on I make a motion to have no I make back I make a motion to have human sponsor the events uh the ice cream social the tech classes the Zumba the uh all of all of them all of the ones that they mentioned yes okay a second you second discussion discussion all in favor discuss and let me I'm sorry because everybody emails me you know you guys are popular um so officer Amador I know has talked to D there was um somebody from the Department of Agriculture consumers Affairs division that came out to the last bingo yes there's been a lot of scams related to seniors they kind of wanted to come out and have a presentation here in the chambers um just letting the seniors know how to protect themselves from these scans just want to know if you guys make abely okay second second now discussion n do you have a question who's going to do the presentations that Amador is talking about so it's uh the staff from Department of Agriculture consumers Affairs division who was that Al Bingo she already was there before yes she would also at that meeting with the chairs um I was a j I can't all I know is his name is Bill and they want to do a [Music] um it's a something that's coming out for seniors where where they get all your information so if you're at home and say I and I can't or hook myself and I can't nobody's there they have all my information the medicines I take everything the police officers that way they won't be given us something that will hurt us and there's um yeah if I may clear you clear up on that because I think you're mixing two different initiatives they have so one of them is a special needs registry which doesn't doesn't apply to all seniors just if anybody has you know demential Alzheimer's that they need special care if an officer were to arrive that's open we had a forum in case anybody was interested in that um the other thing that uh Dy was mentioning was you guys have a form I don't know if you remember you've been here a couple years back you have a form where you list all your allergies any special information that any medical provider may need to know in case of an emergency that somebody shows up your house it's a a paper that has the elderly Affairs logo on it and really we've asked seniors to put it on their fridge in case anybody goes into the house if you guys need a refresher I'm happy to bring it to the next meeting wait we need to finish the yeah I know they we went off to something else I just want to complete we have to have a vote on the pending consumer affairs division taxes there was no discussion all in favor thank you and so that's just an FY and the last thing I have for you guys FIU um we had reached out they had reached out to do a health lecture which I know you guys gave me a couple of topics Unfortunately they were not able to have their students come out but now they're asking if they can come back and instead do the neighborhood help presentation I don't know if any of you remember that that they have like I want to say staff or volunteers that go out to the senior's like actual homes and help them with anything they may need daytoday medication stuff like that um if you guys want more info on that they've done a presentation before I don't know if you guys are interested in having them back to do another one so this is just me putting it up it was called FIU neighborhood help and they had left some brochures like two years ago when they came I signed up for it years ago when you first brought it to us and I I didn't need it I was interested in following through and finding out more about it and what I found over the past couple of years is that their contact has been very spotty they've set up inhome dates for conversation and it really didn't pan out that was my experience with them some point those students graduate you don't know who's coming if someone assigned I got a lot of questions on that one yeah well I think that's part of what the Forum would be to answer those questions on how the on how the programs following through with the answers to those questions then you're back where Jackie has I just wanted to mention I can't answer those questions for you because I wouldn't know um it's with Jimmy right Jimmy is the Outreach the contract we have is Annette hungler Anette is well see then again too you you've had time are we into discussion I'm sorry no has made ation we need a motion if you guys no this is if you want to move so my thoughts are you have to trust that a certain per let's say Pedro is the contact person right now you have to trust that Pedro's going to be there and he's got all the history and then all of a sudden Pedro moves now you're got to move on to the next person we don't know how stable their contact people are and that's where the whole thing falls apart is nobody follows through and the next thing you know you're making a phone call looking for Pedro well he's not there well he hasn't been there in years so it's too much of a a turnover for us to put our elderly at risk I'm gonna say words we don't how the program so we can't speak to that I don't know if what you're saying is the process of well and and if we had somebody come over here and talk about it for the elderlies and you had a sumar or whatever the heck you want to do the point is they still have no control over the change and uh turnover I mooved to make a motion to have them come and do a forum so we can ask all these questions that we have and then determine at that point if it's something that we want to purs I'll second that motion favor just trying to move along for you you guys said you got get out Sor no discussion no discussion all in favor we have one more thing here our Mr and Mrs Miami Lakes contest we had just so you guys know I've already gone ahead and reached out to shul Lo just because this what we've done in the past it has not been confirmed as of two weeks ago there was they had a couple of days during Saturday actually available in August um and they the only info that they were able to give me is that they can honor the same price as last year so there would not be any um increase in the price last year we paid a total $5,245 and that was obviously for stage system sound and 110 people it included a two course me so I just wanted to get that in front of you guys because before we know it it's August September end of year and then we lose the funds so and if we want to do this you know you guys have a hard time sometimes getting the seniors to compete so just let me know if you guys plan on doing this this year if not again just if you guys could let me know that would be great I know our last um this senior mind makes pass away and her husband's not doing too good right now but um we want you know what I think we've always struggled to get people to register and it's a very large expense and I'd rather take them on a field trip um and have them enjoy the field trip as opposed to us I mean once we get there they've enjoyed it but it's been a struggle it's they don't understand they think it's a beauty contest they don't understand how you know the the things and how what you have to have to compete so that's why we don't get enough people and people I got last year most of them told me no no no at the last minute no no I'm not par yeah so I say we don't do it then I make a motion that we foro Mr and Miss Miami lates in favor of an additional or more field trips the the course of budget of it I'll second motion I just that's guys discussion anybody have any questions any thoughts they want to share on that no okay voting and and to be clear the vote is that we're not going to have it this correct correct all in favor okay um FIU neighborhood help I guess I included it so you're wel skip that if you're down to an announcement I just wanted to remind you guys you have Bingo the 22nd you have a mount sin Health lecture which I brought flyers for that one's going to be on Diabetes March 21st and Barry University has a lecture scheduled for April 5th at 11:00 a.m. I don't know the topic yet but I did send them your request of Health that little you got the 22nd Bingo the 21st you have a health lecture by Mount Si on Diabetes the Flyers here and Barry University lectures April 5th I move to a journ second all in favor sorry supposedly and