call to order uh 9:34 a.m. roll call G Miss Mar is not here yet but I'm gonna she shows up Lindsay wall I'm here William parents and Mr Hector Hector yes that's if I'm not mistaken have a I was it's intimidating at I was so chilling was going to be out a minute read the time one minute on two all right so we're um roll calling some here all right um the fs additions or deletion I think you need to add the continuing of the elections right oh my God we elected you and we still have feel like the vice PE and SEC so we'll add that as old business letter D well you should do that first so I should put that on as just do make a motion to add you can add it to D but just say that that would be the first thing you do okay perfect make a motion to add that is your business second favor [Music] um all right Officer election I make a motion to [Music] reelect secretary and vice chair and the chair yeah and we elected the chair already um and because you guys weren't here so now we're doing this now okay so I make a motion to reelect the parent secretary and vice chair second and third all in favor I done look at that made [Music] a just right yes um perfect public comments we actually do folks I know tell us who you are my name is Jan I work with Baptist Health um I'm a therapist on the community health Team we do a lot of um re-education for the community um not only mental health but nutrition exercise we do a lot of events in the community you guys remember the lady the same how they're going to rotate every so often en join so they're going to be joining us on this session and then they'll rotate I guess you know so it's great that you guys are back B because we're ask a lot of stuff from you guys later on no we're happy to be here um my name is Esther sha I'm actually I work with Jano in community health I'm one of the program coordinators so I'm the one in charge in um activating the programs and getting everything set for all of our partners so welcome thank you guys for being here we appreciate that um anybody else are you uh Alexander agier from cyber security educator so I'm just here to like see how this works and just to learn a little bit more about cyber security all right perfect um moving on to adoption of minutes right motion to Second yeah on the second item May EV Markus sponsor will be found by and it says security form in fense for May 11 public we have chosen May 18th we update well we updated that right on the last one was it still have yeah we still have May 2 May 11 I think we had on right great initially I think was the one I the one I using what page are you on in the next okay page eight yeah okay might I say we stay flexible because it's I'll tell you once we get this to that agenda item I've been trying to reach out multiple times to the farmers market so we did we we had we put date May 11th or 18th just depending on what response we would get from the farmers market um and then we gave one date for the walk okay so let's amend let's amend this um item or minutes motion to amend securing form intent for May 11th or 18th second um also I don't think that that's her name Selen l i n yeah okay do I do a motion to update her name yes okay do motion yeah it's not her name is not Selena it's Lena she came second all in favor motion to upate to her correct name Lina so I got right and I just messed up the easiest part oh you did this miss you thank you very much and um said I don't see anything else anybody else feel that's amended I second that motion all in favor I not a fun stuff old business so because you weren't here I left the spotline for February but I realized we did move forward with that yeah because we weren't sure we were going to go through or change the the month so that was that's done we were there you guys did amazing I'm sorry we have pay for it you know thank you so much you Ros um yeah and know and and we had Fernandez and Ray Garcia there and I mentioned that we wanted to do the wathon sh side thing and that you'll be I guess when you're presenting it in March to the Town Council I'm actually going to speak to you about that because I have to submit it by Friday okay and I'm gonna use your help all right and I got a nice little Talent like that's my I love you that one a sample and this is a sample so we can use it based on what other yeah um have by hopefully by later tomorrow morning I yeah I don't know what we doing you see I love the enthusiasm okay well I will need help from both of you because I want to make sure I do it correctly so that everything gets wor we need to approve it today yeah okay yeah which is we're going to recap on the event because I want to add another event to it as well and you need to go anyway any you go correct July correct I want to do as many as we've planned out for the Year this one so if anything else comes up we still have time for the we're there I'm excited Al we have this template already great we have just tell me what I need to do so I have to submit this so we have to discuss what we're going to submit um today's meeting yeah did you get some bu yes yes the minutes we need the minutes from today by Friday because it has to be like reflecting everything that presented here yeah any help so our our deadline is on Friday that I have to submit what we what we have spoken about and all the events so they get approved so we don't go again until July that's just a schedule that we have um my goal is that we talk about as many things as we want to do at this meeting so can put it in here and we can get it approved because if we don't get it approved um by this by this Friday then we have to wait till July to get those new events approved so we've spoken about two already in the previous meetings and I wanted to add one more and if you guys have anything else that you guys want to add on so that I can submit that with this on Friday by Friday please you know let me know so you can get it in as much because not that we have to wait and it delays everything where is this of the stuff we talked about I'm sorry oh I'm sorry it's fine no well we just have two events that we and I put them in I this is just because just CU you weren't here boss wasn't here so we can all go over everything again and then there's one more that I wanted to add as an event but like I know you guys had a lot of other ideas that maybe we can just put in there as well I think we're going to talk about it at the end of the agenda correct I need to C more so let's just Li through the rest of the stuff shirts we the shirts uh I know that you guys were taking care of that I just want to recap Gary I don't know you were going to send the for the shirts I have perfect clo I'm working on the new quotes um I just follow on Amazon well because of the issue of doing the outlining again and what if we get it done incorrectly and we have to go through the whole process you do yeah so I was I and but want to help me with some of those I send an email and I have to follow up with everybody add me was thank you so I will add you to that so that we can have our table calls by all of these events and so it shouldn't be too difficult um okay so new business wanted to welcome Hector Zuko I wanted to take a couple minutes just to introduce yourself again I know Rosie and I don't know BOS was here hect suo educator for M County public schools for the last eight years I've been mental health author uh hence the worksheet that is attached to the end of your agenda I have found that w therapy has helped me in my life and can help others who utilize writing therapy um I'm excited to go over the worksheet to as some as a something to give who people who are interested and to to number one check in I think it's very important number two explain why they rated their mental health that way and lastly do they have the resources available to help them whatever they need especially when it comes to their mental health so again I'm ex grateful that Manny said reach out to me to be a part of this uh committee and I am looking forward to what we can achieve together we're excited to have you thank you um do we have to get that approved to have put that on our website the the sheet that he made you all need to approve it today do you guys want to add that into our so we can have that as a link and in the new website yes okay and um you can also add that to the committee report correct achievement okay perfect all right so we're going to do that so motion to add the mental health checkin um checklist that Hector created onto our website I'll second all in favor have a question yes so the idea is for the for the people that reach this you have a resource right so to guide them to okay you filled this out and now you realize you have you need help go to the res correct and how would they realize they need help by answering this question that's what I wanted to talk to the committee about um is there more to add is do we put a phone number um if do we do we put a disclaimer look if you put zero to three yes on number one uh please reach out to 99 that we should do because we um putting a phone number we like it would create an additional work for the town and there really isn't like that you know backup support and an email we've spoken about those things before but I think that's perfect like if you do like a little chart that we can also include so people can kind of self see and if they do measure out like contact you know immediately where to go or find a resource or you do seem like you're struggling that would be great if you could we can add that on there okay so but but the first question for someone that needs help it will be very biased like how is your mental health I'm GNA go buying but then I read oh I don't sleep well I'm eating I'm biting my nails like how like my thing is is it's just an idea it's like you know when they ask you those questions and you get points and at the end you had 120 points and you're like wow so I need help not that you will openly decide because if you already know that you need help then you don't need the questionnaire just go get the help but the open-ended questions I mean this describe questions nobody will read them to tell them hey based on what you wrote I there is so because people that are doing this they're curious they no I have an idea maybe instead of like asking like a fill out going to grab it mightbe like have you thought about the following yeah we the following exactly so if you answer yes to three of this or five of this then we recommend because open like describe things like it will need a more thorough evaluation of the answers have to be reviewing those answers on another Ang don't have that so either a numeric system or I know and a number we can the whole thing so the most maybe could be likeability three or more then review these resources below exactly and and we put a disclosure obviously that this is not like any exactly so we have to put a disclosure for the town to make sure cover liability so I like it maybe tweak it a little bit okay and then what I'm going to do is going to yes the the language the language we're going to have to get that approv by legal I'm sure so I don't know um I'm going to put it in on the report but I don't we're not going to have the final one to show them what it is so they might not approve you can just mention exactly that's an initiative and that we're still working on the details and then you can kind of tweak it and then once we have the correct one then we'll vote and then you submit it and we'll do that it be more approved by staff not necessarily by the council exactly perfect yeah so is it a disclosure or disclaimer I'm sorry disclaimer discl okay disclaimer um to add 988 uh for those that need help and then make it a point system like a directed question okay you know do you have problems sleeping you you get one point you know that kind okay and then if they pick no do we provide them a phone number or just say no because it's going to be like a a point system so if they get between one and 50 then you at risk you could still these are finally attached resource but let's say I'm just making this up 50 to 100 you're at high risk we recommend you immediately getting you know what I mean kind of like increase risk I was talking about number four do you feel you have access to adequate Mental Health Resources yeah where where do we direct them isn't that where they could contact you and find out more information on how to get these resources I don't know so that's what you put yes if you're saying no then please check out our website our are there that's what we already put on there we don't have any phone number you know we're not allowed to have any number on they can contact if they have a question like I know like do you have any resources and like it's well still working on the page website title for the link yeah we'll send you the link will send you the link directly because they just updated the website for the town okay okay see it no I've been OB it's so pretty I'm sure we're g to put it up today oh they up did they update the three they did not because I don't have all the resources yet okay got it okay got it I do have okay two question I don't know if we did already before so where would I add those two things if I can add them or do I just ask to add them you just make a make an item was things we've talked about things we've talked about before like the banners what happened to our banners so they will put for a year and then one and then the funding ended and if we want to do it again we would have to do like a whole new project because I was just we cannot use the same motion well no because then human would be right I mean if it's unless we ask them the same the same like organization yeah but they they provided the money to create them yes but the putting up and taking down C money yeah can I get him up we could always ask see if they want spor to rep put him on we can put him on from can I can I leave do a motion remember I'm taking notes are we in the new business are we adding to the agenda I'm gonna addtion to discuss we still on point and we were said that and then we got finish presenting the idea of the questionnaire do we need a motion for that to present it to the town of an we we did we did a motion already you made a motion to add the worksheet to the website yeah so I think we have to do a point pending approval sta it would be I guess yeah point of order is to resend that motion because we really have we need a new um so I have a point of order motion to resend that initial motion of putting the U checklist on the and revamp Robert be Robert I don't know but he has a lot of rules all right go we'll to the event and we get you I it would be E I mean uh F Right comes after e old old business new business she's making a motion to go ahead so please add discussing the old bands that we had okay and the letter that you wrote to Council in regards to nonprofit whatever all that whole thing I don't know where that ended you mention of that follow remember that's so that is my someone would kind okay let me what what all right so what what you take it off don't um yeah so I'll take off the word about theit yeah letter right so not not approved no motion the first motion yet motion they everything else [Music] that's is Fant all right so do you guys you want to see it it's super pretty and then they um you know our little slogan that we had come up with the three words they didn't update that yet but I just asked her well if I sent her Emil when I went on I saw they forgot to do that part but I guess going to do it once we submit all the resources oh okay and I think I'm the one still pending for resources or um I think it was maybe between the two of you sorry have not provided the resourcing there was extra one that came up with and right moving right along so we're going to see the yeah yes she's moving oh I'm sorry I was asking about the I I still feel up oh wow BR and that jaw motion to approve look at that look at that guys oh board members look at that wow got put actor in there you all don't have a mission statement created by the council okay so you all made one I believe it was January of 2023 and it was approved so in the template for the committee report there's two that are underlined the first one is was approved the second one is what's right here under the title on the web page so you would all just need to select one oh God and like edit it if theyve I'm going to go with B I don't about you guys option ibly just put an i we just put break the stigma and encourage open dialogue associated with mental health treatment I I I agree with with Rosie on this one though B it's just a lot people are not going to read all that that treatment and Recovery I don't need that exactly I mean that and that's not the date I mean I'm not saying that we don't have people problems but it's not the day to day like if you correct if you go at someone a I'm fine yeah come on you're not fine nobody's fine everyone need a little bit make a motion to approve dedicated naiga mental health I second second by favor I I what else is the website have so it would be the mental health trans course is dedicated to navigating all that yeah so correct it's the words remember how we had mental health is happy I don't know some weird thing there and then we had chosen the three words which were right resilient I have it here somewhere okay so then this was based off of your flyer the mental health matters that positive mental health yes that will be changing really we were we had we had chosen it was uh resilience what was the other one rpcs resilience perseverance and Compass correct so that's what's going to be there instead of positive mental health that we're going to remove that and then we have the what when who and why and here are the resources which these will be changed so have a direct link so it would have to be me our government committee's boards mental health task force and then I have to enter another line that says resources on the worksheet right um so this is like the entire page they would just have to click they would have to cck resources which this will it should maybe put like another little box that just is our like well check up or something cool like that I can also maybe ask them to um shorten the URL or put a QR code oh for the re yeah to use box drop down menu look like resources doesn't have a the link no okay okay I would have to add click on resour you get to the website then you get to that so those links are not clickable click and will take you directly to the resources you would have to go to the website and then click resources but that's just tentative remember guys we're going to have the little boxes that we created just going to try to see if we can maybe put those on there and then it's going to open up to the PDF that people can print out and then in the PDF will be the direct links to all the organizations maybe we could also instead of I mean we have resources but another one it drops down into your little that's what I'm saying exactly I like that of the resources more like a direct so like you know how it says board members mental health matters and resources then make another little box where goes like here's a check uh like a rental whatever you want to call it checklist check and then you click on there and it's just the link for that and it comes out as a PDF or however we want to do it or how you doing the title for the first one J we say like call or dial 98 because it doesn't directly say you can call this where on the first one resour this one this is going to all disappear we're just once our resources are there they're going to come into like little boxes remember that's going to be like this just technically because we don't have that yet separate little box says hotline 98 just you know you don't have to go down to resources it's just it's just 10 all right and that's it and then it's just to contact me I gu joining or wants to find out about event contact she I think you should put for information only to make sure that nobody's calling you because of mental health issues that's why I you do what is the plan it's just to look at those resources that's crazy this sucks yeah that's right now just the disclosure as well and I'm you know for the town right they have to make know like they're not promoting any sort of know imagine you end up there 3:00 in the morning suicidal inside I mean I know you call suicide but that's what you can emphasize that maybe once you get all put put my number Call okay so so that's a working process s feet but it's moving it's moving it's one um May fact the resource fan all right I've emailed the farmers market folks I've called them twice they have not responded okay I'm trying to see if I can get a direct contact to one of the uh owners um who run I it's a separate company yeah that runs a farm market and so I'm GNA try to reach out I mean I know the guy he helps us before on Veterans issues you know so I don't know know why it's spent so hard to get them nobody else none of our committees have a thing there um that they might know someone well yeah want I'm going to do is I'm going to reach out to Isle I probably knows as a direct contact number I think they've sponsored stuff and if um I was kind of hoping maybe the chamber I think they're part of the chamber maybe they have a the directory yeah I think so can text me nameemail I'll find out I'll call last so where still with those dat right May 11th and May 18th be dependent and you're here okay perfect um what I'm trying to get from them 10 so let's say Farmers Market does not go through What's timeing um what is the process of obtaining a a community center like reals Park marry the veterans part or even Optimist what's application process we you have to submit the information yeah we just have to send request is a request you guys have has to do an event for request for event for uh for the parks for the parks no no any par yeah so with if you would just tell me that you want to I'll place a hold I'll make sure I can probably ACC and see if there's any other event at that time okay um and I'll work with parts and whoever I mean I think Plan B for this one is I know the town has tents I know it be used um so I think what we would do is for Plan B is request the town to give us a tent I know they have tables and I know they have chairs so we could do a requests for one tent two chairs one table and we just set up at FL Market it's not there three why not at the location yeah at the location so you have to we have to contact gr companies they they own the road they're the ones that are they own main I don't think let let me take a step back and just mention the reasoning behind why we chose the the the farmers market is because we so new and for us to get so many other sponsors which I think that we probably could just navigate and do something on a smaller level on our own and maybe get other organizations I think we could possibly do that um we want there and just kind of because we're going to have already all those people coming in on a Saturday to get to know us and then we will probably maybe ask other vendors if they wanted you know to join us on that day um in case we weren't able to do this huge resource fairs on our own but we might be able to do that I mean I'm sure like I'm sure you guys may want to put in um like a little display table we have mental health I'm sure you could bring um you you you'll have your table there talk to Andrea yes for the farm market I mean to use that like like if we were to do something on a maybe smaller scale just pH the reason we were going to do the the market was so we could have thetion we were put do on Saturday I mean last I checked Grand companies don't own the public roads I mean unless the law has seriously changed since I but M on Main Street that intersection on the other side where 100 Volos is so there's usually like two or three cars there parked telling the cars coming this way you can't come this way um can we utilize that road I mean it's I don't know what that road is called I mean I'm not too sure one thing I well about public roads but I would say they already have it closed off what road is they have closed off Mii Lakeway I I don't know Farmers Market they go around the farmers market it's not Main Street oh you're talking about that one that curves from 67 I don't know what that's called but yeah that one cl that CL you do the turn yeah it's closed um where's we can go with our shirts and paper you know thing I'm going to make a motion that the the town secures us a tent two chairs one table for May what what what person fure dat the 18th or 11th which one you want chair Vice chair I I like the number 11 just um new road yeah new newn road and Main Street um so can we can we just check if there's anything else going on on those two dates with any other or anything matter other facilities well I don't know it doesn't really matter we're going to be by ourselves anyway we're going to try we try to continue getting a table right if that doesn't work well getting a table is not necessar yeah no no just the in the place in in being part of the market sorry okay getting doing it through the market if not we can find out if we can do that just blop our table in the chair Plan B I just want to put it in an action yeah in plan C we just walk around hi I love you all right so May 11 okay there's a motion for May 11 any attend at in one of those capacities the farmers market Farmers Market event right right all in favor you need me repeat the second motion to attend Farmers Market I think we're confirming yeah we're just confirming and if that's really make a motion for the town to provide us a tent a table two chairs for May 11 only one0 one table and two chairs I think so how many do you want more than one10 un be right I want to walk around I'll probably bring my own chair bring myot committee members there's six of us I'm gonna be standing four chairs really yeah I'm G doing a lot of us we're gonna be tired I don't know how long we're going to be out there but we're GNA be out there okay I'll find out since if it's within any of our facilities that shouldn't be a problem I don't know about taking yeah I mean I'm pretty sure I mean just can't imagine private being a public Roo but I never know no it couldn't be a problem being about end the farmers yeah because we're not selling any I what what's uh what's what's the gr company's remedy to arrest us for being on a public Road Miami Lakes police they'll show up in like we're arresting Miami Lakes committee me don't part of that list out whole thing walking the whole logic train down but I think that's Plan B so my plan is me trying to reach the problem you you you contact this please [Music] yeah it's been hard reaching all twice at the message last time I tried twice already in that PL in no this the first time and to send the money this the first time I've ever had PR I'll try again all right where are we at now um okay we're at a motion request On's attent she already got and she got that we have vot on that already yeah okay okay mov on C3 sponsorship well yeah we want to get any sponsorship I know that LE had mentioned last time the week to bring stuff or I don't know if to but I don't think we're going to use it for this one so we'll do that more for the walk I have bubbles like that's how you supposed to read too hard it poops too soft it so that's the bub do we want do we need are we getting any sponsorship for anything we might want to provide we're going to have the fli that already made we're going to have our our table cloth we'll have our shirts um anything else that we might wants in general or for some something I don't know do we have a budget you can request one get there no like okay so if we have zero that means that I don't frame this question but in order to huh someone donates money or or we get a sponsor correct we could do that okay what would we use the funds for whatever we questionnaire no are we going to give it out we could print that out are to cost you know hey Gary yeah I'll do and then they approve it so we have we can get money we don't get money from this I say we should we should get a sponsor to help you know those those kind of standup banners that you can put up put two of those with the mental health task force information and then they can have on the bottom um who you guys with right here on the table with your phone number and website just saying would be a Mental Health phone number yeah do you guys have a mental health phone number specific no there's the demands it's kind of like a telet talk right and there are shist on but it's more like a oneoff session right need to talk to some Gabriel can we give them sponsorship uh information no but that's really have to ourselves remember that's we mentioned that in the last sponsorship package so if you have an event um me there's there's a bunch of sponsorship we've had sponsorship packages all the time for the the race 5K for yeah but we have to create it depending on name of organization because sponsor our there's not a template that the city has yeah I think I have one from a different event um I can look at it and let you know um so this is the thing so so far you have guys have received donations that's just an organization donate that's all it is sponsorship is I will be donating money in exchange for you promoting the organization yeah so if it's on a flyer if you have water bottles and you want to put the logo or something like that okay so that's was donating to the task force you scared I did I did the okay so what does the what does the sponsorship agreement look like right now we don't have one for this we don't have any of those exactly that's how we have to create it so why don't we put a pin on it you don't have to it's great that you're starting now right but we don't have all the details yet M right so maybe if you guys could compile ideas or something you can also set up a I know it's depending on everybody's schedule either a subcommittee meeting or a special call not in February because tomorrow's the last day of the month well like an extra meeting special yes special you can vote on subcommittee you can't and you don't need forum for subcommittee you do for special call but that's a good idea for like the sponsorship for that so I mean we I could tell already the one item we're going to need is those banners to pull out that you can't kind of hook up and stuff two of those probably one on the side uh probably pass out water probably pass out stress balls probably pass out whatever other bubbles bubbles um you know thing that we have so so I mean you know we could get you know do we have to list every item we need a sponsor for for the sponsorship agreement well because the sponsor is going to want to know like if Mor is going to sponsor the water bottles I want to know where my money is where my company name is going to be should be on the water bottle right are you going toint you're going to get so so so we can put in like a sponsor and I'm just throwing that out I'm not saying I'm sponsoring but I'm saying but I'm saying like I would want to know where my company's name is so we can create that for the different items so we'll be like we want a sponsorship of three I don't know let's say $1,000 for the two banners right and then that's where moroi logo is going to be um put on and that's where it's always going to be yeah exactly and then we do another one maybe for the water bottles for this for water bottles and then you say hey if you sponsor the water bottles your name is going to be on the stickers on the water bottles so we have toate on the because if you have water bottles and all you have are flyers then it would make more sense to put them on the flyer all right so we then when now we know the items right so we need banners we need water bottles and we need those stress things is there anything else we want for this thing for the Flyers we we had those printed out did we ever use them remember you have printed Sun fers out for one of those events that I didn't go to it was for special needs special needs yeah you made a little bit of a pile right or something like that I didn't print yours because you guys were going to be there okay go okay so if you do want like um the original one that you guys had that was like the who what where when and all that yes that um I mean if you just need let's say like 20 or something that's fine but if we want a higher if you want more so you can have all of your events if you guys go to other committees or anything like that then in order so then we can do a sponsorship W for our Flyers all right so right now we have banners water bottles stress balls stress stuff bubbl flyers fers and bubbles bubbles SP on the bubbles that come out we can put them on the bottle I guess well I think what easiest um guys what easiest is the U making labels right and then those la like those little sakers and we can use those on bubbles or stress not stress balls on or in the water bottles I'm guessing well I mean I I think you know on the stress stuff you can go to there's people like AC graphics and they'll make the stress balls and they'll put the information on there if you pay them you know they could probably get the stickers they can put on the bubbles you know and they can definitely put the stickers on the water they probably do those Services already so it's just a matter of getting the money and then we just we could put it on I mean I'll stick on I'm not going to spend no days I can let's do this let's get the quotes and then based on the quotes that we get we can use EO for that and then we just put the sponsorship together on whatever quote they give us for the items that we want I think well first step is we should do a motion to approve a sponsorship agreement request um de provide us banners um how many bottles of water 500 500 bottles of water water how many stress St bottles of water like reusable or like just the little the plastic right yeah over usable one no no no disos on yeah the ones that come and they just have the kind of I guess like a cuper type of thing yeah they usually when you get them like that they give you the regular like the ones that you get in anywhere in Publix and they just put the sticker here that has your logo like the little instead of saying separa Hills it says they are the company name so it would be actually just that but put it all together yeah but they come together yeah they usually done um about how many stress stuff I say first first Ser yeah so 200 for stress St I would probably just put the 500 500 okay Flyers how many Flyers or 500 500 or thousand and Bubbles we just had however many bubbles bub gonna be a donation right by me the C on the bubbles though you're donating in I guess in all right so I make a motion to have the sponsorship uh contract uh agreement done up uh requesting sponsors for two banners 500 bottles of water 500 stress relief stuff 500 flyers and 200 bubbles either in kind or monetary donation to place stickers on those bubbles okay the bubbles you're just you have them I own have do they have your company sticker on them no I don't even know any okay so you are just doting them and then it'll be ar you can put your logo on it wouldn't be able to put yours this logo the Task Force logo yes committee logo you can not the organization second motion you get all okay but it's a thousand flyers or 500 CU you said a th and the two signs in favor right now we can develop our sponsorship with we we know the items that we need don't forget for the hand yes so the ones like the the ones that were taken down okay so I received something here because I reach out to okay this is for a different committee that request don't go out of order you're going out of order to order you're out of order Gary you're out of order gentlemen card is out of order oh my God guys what time is not eight minutes September event September so we want to do the walk yes September 21st Veterans Park so I'll put that in as well for the council um and then the sponsorship we kind of be we already have those packages already and we can kind of we do the same thing that we're going to do for the for the other one anything else that we want to mention for that yes we need a motion to request to securing a veterans part for September 21st um anyone second motion I thought you were going to continue I yeah SE 21st what time morning is that is that a Saturday Saturday yes morning I have a question for the walk um given our Department we have exercise instructors would you guys be interested in a warmup or AA or awesome yes yes we can provide that and that's not a problem because the thing is with us sponsoring events we don't sponsor it's another department comped it's our government relations department um so we would have to take it back to our manager and see if they can speak to government because we don't have any fundings we do everything for free to the community but with this we can attend we can attend your whatever we can get an exercise instructor we just need to know at what time the location um you know you would want and then I would be able to reach out to an instructor depending on what you want if you want to do like a stretch or a yoga or a Zumba or you let me know and then we'll be able to coordinate and have them be present I love that I love that as soon as we get this approved by Council then we'll goad for and get the details of what the ACT what we're going to include in the event question for Zumba does the instructor bring their own speaker yep they have their speaker also I also want make a motion that we establish a subcommittee for this event yeah going to be a it's a big event this is going to be I'm making a motion to to establish a subit for the event second all in favor four do you have a month that in mind um April when we want have the subcommittee meeting yeah start you might want to have one I if you want for the May event or you don't need one if not you can just dedicate your meeting I don't think we're gonna need one for May I think the next one we should probably dedicate to I think this one's going to be a much bigger event I don't think May is going to take that much because little tabl um and then we should definitely do before July because if we need to do anything else that I need to get approved by Council April April April's a good Perfect Right April 24th spring break anything going on nobody going out of town April April what it'll be 24th right right yeah April 24th would be our meeting I'm you're in town you're not on vacation CU that we're going to have our next meeting April 24th that's our our our scheduled one okay and you want to have the subcommittee right afterwards okay oh can you do it yeah you can do that that works we're already here on so we pass that motion for bring sub um I think it's about uh all in favor in favor the Committees for when uh after our April 24th meeting so you oh wait are you available very important question yes wait are you available so your meeting is on the 24th yeah you would just like to like extend it maybe for like an hour yes if you're all here you can do special call or you can just special call we can't vote you can yeah okay it doesn't matter we don't I don't think we need to vote or anything do it you're to vot you're always going to need to vote okay it's helpful yeah you only have like two people that can only make it then don't do special call and do subcommittee but subcommittee you like plan everything you brainstorm and then at the next regularly scheduled meeting where you do have Quorum then you can bring those ideas and up Pro I know just to vot yeah because then we're going to lose a whole other month and right and then God forbid we run here let's just do a special call a special call motion to change to update whatever the last motion was instead of just meeting instead of being a sub committee to make it into a special Mee second that motion all in favor I it's a motion to amend okay and then I'm sorry for the walk yeah what time I can't see the calendar for do you need Mary Collins or no no right the building we're not going to need the building we're that was that was my initial suggestion for Plan B if we weren't able to secure the farmers market to have a sort of mental health fair at inside of Mary Collins or Ral Oaks or whichever one is available and then we have sponsors there we have other organizations that want to join that could be an additional event I don't think we have time for that yeah we time to do all that's pretty we're going on thing the walk that's what we're looking at yeah we have to go with I just can't I can't do you I got T you know what let's secure let's secure the Mary Collins building you know it doesn't hurt you know just to have it because um in case it does become something bigger or something like that you can have some you can have some sponsors who maybe want to because it's air conditioning it's inside they may be dealing with folks who have disabilities you for September you know you just if you have the ability to have you know place that's a condition inside no forgive me I was still with the market no no I stayed at the market okay for let's let's secure yes and then I can secure the same time I I can't see the park but I put for both 8 a.m. till 12 yeah think so I don't know many miles we to make him walk what a mile how many laps three we having that whole special call meeting come up with all that we'll figure it all that out time for 12 so you wanted to start the walk at 8 so set up 7:30 exactly I was going to ask you 7 or 7 seven yeah we we'll discuss detail in special but secure the place let's do the motion let's have a motion to secure Veterans Park and Mary Collin center for the 21st from0 well actually from 07 until noon I all in favor one to clean up one oh exp anything take down that's part of the mental health part after you walk you help your mental hean about all right I got that done all right um and then the special call will figure out what sponsors we need and stuff like that think you is this e that's e we have to discuss this and you guys we have to approve it so that's what I'm going to put in writing and byting all right so is this our current budget isn't it zero all the way down correct so you have money but you don't so this is where you can request um if you want to you can ask councel for a budget if you want to if you just want to be dealing with sponsorships that's fine too then you don't request one what what kind of what numbers are we working with here what is what is possible tell us so it really depends I mean I I really yeah chair another committee yeah how much we St we have so much money we just stuff in on this is on the record video tap I know we're just actually we get a lot of sponsors that's what happens get a sponsor but we always have a backup budget by the town just in case you don't need but we never use it never use it and also it always revers back to the town's general fund yeah I think it would look really good on the budget line that the C mes you know I mean I think that the town even though we may get sponsorship money that completely covers the cost and so that activity fund ends up going back to the general fund I think it's always good to have a placeholder amount so so that way the town is aware that these events don't are not free how about $1,000 that would let us print a couple things or whatever little basic thing I'm wondering where the money's going to come from so again the water the stress balls the pliers no spor too yeah but we should we should CL that out anyway I mean because um it's great if we get the sponsors but you know we should cost it out but so I would say for the May um event I'm sorry is this a by event am I losing my mind oh I'm sorry by B event I think you know reasonable amount be $2500 for May for May um so I make a motion for the May mental health event um at the farmers market uh we request a budget of $2,500 from the city from the town yeah second all in favor do we want to discuss the September one yeah we're going do right now how much 2500 for the main yeah and um you might want to um include what so that's your event the main mental health event Fair um and then what would be included is that the ban all the things that make sure um it's listed there list list yeah You're Gonna Fill this up I'm just taking notes of the Motions but and so you are requesting this amount only for that event correct and you're requesting it from correct item but we expect we're going to get fully funded by sponsors for these things so we just um we just want to have a placeholder budget just in case in case they do may I mean September 5000 no for September wathon event I will say 12,500 and that's for police because you're GNA need police they cost a lot medic well no they're not going to have medical oning but the police will have to be there um a big um and then you're going to have to have water because this is a mental health thing are you sure we don't want medic on scene just just in case somebody has a mental breakdown I'm always looking at different RADS different possib you can always call 911 Poli the police the police police are training to handle Baker okay okay you no they can always just yeah the police will be I think our police is train I mean let me put it this way the police cost us for the Run $7,000 I know for the run because it's uh what they get think they get get they don't get paid in Donuts I mean they close the streets and stuff but they also provide in Donuts no they don't get paid in donuts and I spoke to something about that and they said that some like going outside like I'm the a park you know we how to put on that cost of course it would take us out from the city but then we wouldn't mean the good news is whenever we're going out a veteran's part however you always want you know one or two police officers present just in case something happens like you know what Hector's talking th% we the city we have to but I'm saying that that's always the option to do something which is nearby but we wouldn't have to put in that amount towards that I mean for not in the town no in a millionaire or something like that SOA I have special needs who is currently trying to decide if they're doing a walk between Miami Lakes and highly you see to split cost M yeah I still don't know if that'll happen Okay I can definitely let you know if you guys would like to be a part of that event yes let us know I think that's they're doing a walk between a walk from Miami Lakes to halia that's an initiative but I don't have all the details and how much the police cost for that will be exactly so it'll be like 20 30,000 are using the 170 Bridge anyway that's not my problem so like you said it's a lot of cost because it's not just closing down Miami Lakes it's closing down streets that extend yeah so anyway so I'm just telling you from the our run where we actually it's in Miami Lakes and it's those areas on the weekend at the business sector that no one's in anyhow that cost a seven Grand just to get the police to do that so so I will say let's keep it a Veterans Park yeah5 as a placeholder so I make a motion hopefully we don't need any of that well we're gonna need police the money we do it on our own with spons well I don't I don't know if the sponsors will cover maybe if if we get if we get a you know someone says I'm going to pay for the police protection I'm sure some okay all right so September EV items on there right do we know how much I'm I'm sorry I'm hammering this in but do we know how much a medic on standby would cost as well no no um I don't I don't know I mean to have like a the thing I do know is you know we're we're less or somebody passes out because of heat exhaustion yeah I mean the thing is we can have a uh what we normally do is we had a u what do we have a first a tent you know oh okay so we had a first a tent and then we had fol there that you know we had ice packs and all that stuff that's one of the things that we'll get sponsorship for and then we'll have volunteers man and we'll talk about that in special what else are we going to put on this because we have to close this out and it's 1040 um so I I recommend I make a motion for September event to approve $12,500 as a working budget for September event second July correct until July we add more later correct okay um I need is it possible for a motion to change the time of the meeting from 9:00 to 11: because of work duties no it but it's G be so it took us over a year to find this time to make it okay okay mean your motion will be defeated though motion no no make a motion to make a motion to have 24th from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. oh so it's just changing one day or the whole well because of it because it's the special call in the future are we going to have special calls for the September event yes yeah but then we we'll vote on that as we get closer if we if we need to yeah well our next April 24th meeting okay let's just take it by meeting can we have it from 9: to 11: um for one date so I would have to check the calendar it might be fine um if it's just one date so subcommittee special call it doesn't have to to be on the same day of the meeting it can be the week after it can be a different day it doesn't matter depending on availability um so you would like to put the actual meeting like this meeting or the special call April 24th from 9: to 10 and the special call meeting from 10: to 11: yes so it would just be extending it basically well we start 30 minutes earlier we started to at 9:30 can I put the motion out yes no anyone want to second that I second sorry all those in favor we have to extend it anyways no yeah it's starting 30 minutes ear come in 30 minutes earlier basically can you come in 9 9 in the morning can you make it I'll I'll yeah anyone [Music] else I mean gu stay my I guess do it right s so from 9 to 10 and then 10 to 11 correct yes only April only we're still having one in March right yeah we're still doing our March month is f f f what's up with the Ben okay so we're not there yet we still presenting Council pres initiative and events so talked about the May event anything else that we want to add this didn't you have something you want to add I did I wanted I I SP to um I Robin and he had mentioned doing something about like an educational thing that they uh what what the police is doing for mental health and all that and um he just threw it out I don't know but now I would say why don't we do it during the wa on they're going to have a a little 10 he was trying to do something I think with elderly but that was going be so early in the morning so a lot of people won't show up oh he wants to do like elderly Affairs correct so he's like what about with the task force because to kind of like educate the community on what the police is doing in terms of like mental health and what and you know they're doing a lot of trainings and so he wanted I was like I was talking to him I like that's amazing because a lot of people don't know what's going on but something how what they do here for the CPR thing something like that something small I don't know or how the hell do you do it with like when come to do their their talks um but Workshop like a workshop something like that we need a specific date I don't know do we right now put there mental health Workshop Ser okay you could select a month if you would like to but you don't need that think we want tell them it's like got it just 21st 7 to1 or something you don't need I mean in this case you have that date so you can let them know but you don't need anything else that you guys would want to add before so we can submit this on Friday thinking this is something you guys can keep in mind we can off keep in mind whatever um I'm on the board for the the M for what is this the chamber we're we are I think it's obviously gonna be for next year because there's no time this year I know we're going to do a golf tournament and maybe a Gala and that those Pro proceeds would go for any like mental health nonprofit something like that so this might be something that we want to go and talk to the board about you not me because I have to not part of it um I mean that's all I have right now over the top but that's something what would you mean that we can do with the Galla the golf ter I don't know what if we got money a golf term it's a fundraiser it's a fundraiser fundraiser and so they can donate money to organizations corre and then the G is going to be a fundraiser potentially and they can donate money to organizations like ours correct that's all I know all right and obviously I cannot be part of it but that's good to know um so you think I need to include that that no I mean basically if if we attend we attend the golf tournament we attend the gala that's on our own right as you know individuals I mean yeah maybe even to attend to you're not we don't to present yeah not really because you're not the one put it together we be one of the people that the chamber donates to no that's different we need to add to our report forever hold our pieces till July that's it holding our piece till July do you have um a cost estimate for the workshop that's great I don't know William is good with money I'm just I'm just doing good to because because we do a lot of 500 okay 500 Workshop how many cookies we don't wonderful 500 all right so anything else favor yes let's make a motion to approve the workshop cost of $500 and our motion to the report to [Music] to approve the report to council for March 2024 as written I second it um just to let you know so this is I'm sorry in the special thing you just um they have a lot of things going on you guys are just stared so this is kind of just like um something written that you can say so we have done all of this and this is what we're planning to do so it's more like the written version of this okay um Angry that and I said that when we did it and they still push SP on so if I if I find a way of getting someone to do it without their name on it we could put it back up if we can't get human a don I mean the name man is already on Onre so to actually put it back on and take them down because they logos already there or we make new ones with somebody else's logo to have them put up correct so I have here um some quotes I think it was like 2000 they said was it okay do you remember how many bage I think 20 30 and so if it's 20 it says here to install 3750 each 37 $37.50 okay for a total of 750 and then to remove them it's 3250 each so it's 650 so th000 in change but the delivery of the banners is 5750 yeah because I guess this company from what I'm seeing here it looks like they maybe made them yeah we have the bannner supposedly who but those the ones that you had up that they removed correct but that's is human but we can pay for being St again the same [Music] bers no no okay you want to put this for next month we're not putting it up you know you just you just just kind of said that all over the place yeah everything is that the one you have too it's well I mean this was 2021 this one's more recent um and there's probably a few differences here but most of okay what what what is's final cost for for putting up taking down and storing about not creating 15 I don't know anything about storing but this is 2,000 the one that you guys had was 2540 all right the one that I see right here as an examp example from another committee is 2747 50 which one's hired a $2,740 about 2, let's add banners to um the town of Miami Lakes report to council cost um banners let's make a motion to include banners and the cost of 2, what was it [Music] $54.50 was that that's the old one okay the old if you want to increase it just okay so 3,000 3,000 okay the old ones were 20 Banners To to be put up in them right 20 20 the last on that we had were 20 it was 3200 $3,300 they were already up is that what that was to make them correct and install how about this installation we have them already it's installation H page eight page n all right so we had a few we had a few quotes back and forth so maybe you guys don't know well right now it's a motion on the table for approving the cost of banners be included in our Council report of $3,000 can I get a second to that motion I'll second Rosie second that motion all those in favor all right it's been added to our our report as a cost um I guess the next issue is can we approach you Mana does anybody have a point of contact you the person and ask them if they wish to pay the sponsor for putting them up Gary if they want them back yeah if they want if they want the same one if we use the same one yeah if we use the same one otherwise we could get another sponsor with who I think we should make it without a sponsor so we don't have to get this that that was my argument we work on more that anybody GNA reach out to I got to meeting meeting motion to adjourn yeah good I all those in favor k